The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 15, 1873, Image 3

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tV A. HOPSON & C(l OrfER ROB TEN DAIS LONGE R — Fid> at fo. worlh'lfc. kx of F«. oliOc to f6e. WWrtb Me, Uooo Collin II 10c. worth «c. rt, „• liteo Ccff.»t lOe. worth 25o, fr.',■ Hoi it we. worth (1 SO por d"S, Hmda.rehi.fii *t 10c. worth it pf r dot Jfr,„ jjioim. it lOe. worth t2 par now., bond Oottto it 10c, wonh tto each. r7»„.ud Mi-to' Aprooa at 10c, worth SAe aae! SS, i! 10c, worth 2Sc aaeb u.nt at 27c, ur tOe worth 21 each, Hlk Bow. at 26c, wonh 60s rich, nZatT Cnrati it tfe, worth 7it each, ■Tr.' Ucto Hoiu at 7ta, worth • I 6o *ieh. Ev MwoiUo Haiti at 74o, worth ii each, rViita* BotBid Haiti it 24. worth 27 60 etch, £fccb ambruitertd Han it Kc. wonh2126. )« plena Dron OtoJt it 12c par yd, wonh 35c *uila Dock for t*Bt«' wair at 25e.' worth Me. tpi malar 1 iu articias la the abow cut* from lir iod opwaid# W. mul ataod Ihcaa lores. for a protracted -JuL Wa oar. now to (o to hod nipper.tea on ■Ml of than. mar the MpirtUoo of tha abora tlm* thia do- irtB MOt alii oa e.oaad to mate repair.. - not ha backward in coming forward. W. A UuPHON A CO., jjiyjnf 82 rod tl HfCiod a ract. JUST RECEIVED ff.lBAIS&SOr 1,(00 Tuda Caiioon at 10 to lie. ladMt' Lm*n Collar*. Lacs Collan, Knelling, Cuoida fUSmg, Broadwrj Frilly g. Coronets, Bwk Back Oomha, Hlk, Leather and Linen Bella, laiwitd Mlaiaa' Hon, PadSe La.'n., Nata li Tie Lawoa, Cotton 1 iapar, ala. udin' Bon at 10c. per pair; Genta' Half Hoaa n 10a taoihar Can t l Blaacfaad at 19o, worth 15c. limrktDnn Good, at Coat, illothar Oooda at Bottom Figure*. w. a. barer a root, ti Pernod atmt, Triangolar block, Macon, Gt. J«*2«f_ h!i:i:pi:h'.4 hydrophobia. Remarkable Experience or a Bow York Herald Reporter. Gro. C. Harding in the Indianapolis Herald ] It waa about three o'clook in the morning. The paper bad gone to pron and the clacking of the gnat cjludrr prisi. turning oat intelJi- HOOKING STOVES ON TIE HUMAN & (iKEKN Will tell any of llio excellent stoves u below for tbs LOWEST CASH PRICES! rot good acceptances, doe the 16th of November next, WITHOUT INTEREST, And guarantee the price to be n low, or Lower Than Next Fall Otrold bnsinen frieoda who have (old Stoves form on commiaaion bare the adrantago of this urugimmi. EVERY STOVE GDAR4NTEED! Wa hare in stock tha Btorn aa beluw: IOJTON PLANT—Halo, or with Borerrolr and QomI ICCK'H BBILLIANT—Plain, or with Reservoir isd plots t. QCUN OF THE SOUTH. OUT JACKET. 0000 INI ENT. MkelEBPIEOB. BOSE GEORGIAN. PLANTER. 00N8DL. IRON WITCH—Plain, or with Reservoir. TlVOBlTE—with Reservoir and Olont. FROTEOrOH-with Reservoir and CloaaL tafrUtf, STRICTLY COMMISSION HOUSE I je*. 3vx. WATJEna db co. 5G IS road Kew York, BANKEES —AJ*D — COTTON CQKM1SSI0N MEECBiHTS. .T “*.*.’*.?• m . ,ns * lre ? t -. It waa a I otheri are especially lolicited. inhta3m habit of the form to ait around for an honr * — 1 1 or two. smoking nnd exchanging lies, after the wrrk waa dice, instead of going off to bad like rational crea’nre*. Ko matter bow great the rnab, or how laborious and exhansling the work had been, the bora all teemed to get their " aecond wind” ahoat thia time, and were never more wakefnL Lounging about the de.ka. or sitting with tbeir feet nocked up on the window silla. the a‘iff indulged in a wide range of dis- enaaioD, embracing all the tonal topics, and often degenerating into “chaff.” On the night io question tbe subject happened to be of dog., aod some of tbe ” wboppingeat” dog .torje. I ever listened to were told. Finally the “Hy. dra,” so-called on acoonnt of tbe camber of beads that had at timaa been pnt on him. lead the oonvernation to Iba anbjeot of hydro phobia, and we were all harrowed np in the moat distressing manner by & aetiea of in areat ing reminiscence* of that diatrawting disease. Finally the “ Creeper,” who bad heretofore smoked bis cigar in silence, ones Morally mix Dg a little of tbe old Freoobman’s Frontignan with an eqnal quantity of wbieky in a glass and drinking it, aptkv. Tha Creeper waa a new non to tha force, and came to ns ail seedy sod red-eyed, with indications of a recent wal low io the sloogh of despond. We called him tbe Creeper on aoeonntof his soft, cat-like tread. He waa usually reticent andannobtra- sive, bat the naasnal naimation of tbo conver sation and the inspiration of tha mixed Frontig nan and Bonrbon seemed to have inspired him. “Boys,” said the Creeper, “I have listened to yonr convaraation with painfnl interest. For amitnnrs yon are unusually well posted in by dropbobia. I am glad none of yon have quoted Tonatt, who was the infemaleat liar on earth. Firsl Rational jaulc of Macon. TrauacU abeneral Banking Business. 10. PLANT, D. FLANDEI13. 11. L. JEWETT, W. B DINSHORE, H. B PLANT, D. B. LnTLE, Q. H. HAZLEHUHST. I. O. PLANT, President. W. W. WHIG LEY. Cashier. melO-tilnovl* A O.BON.N. President, 1L F. LAWTON, Cashier fflANGE BANK OF BACON. WiHcf la licit** orw Mulldln*. RECEIVES DEPOSITS. BUYS AND BELLS EXCHANGE, EtlM Advances on Btocka, Bonds, Cotton in Elore. Also on Bhjpmenu of Cotton. DOLLEOTION8 PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Wily 1.0. PLANT & SON, BANKERS AND BROKERS. MAOON, GA. A Nell CxchAntf, Gold, .Silver, Ntoclie nnil Honda. • DEPOSITS RECEIVED. On which Interest will be Allowed, &> aoaxxn cron. 1'AYJVnL.E ON OAXjXj idiurfa Undo on M otion nnd X*rodnco In Moro. I ollrctlonn Promptly Attended to. tifcilf 1W. OCBBIMB. • WK. HjJB4MW». J. W. Locnrr. Cubbcdge. n&slcburst & Co., Bankers and Brokers MAOON. GA. R F.OKIYE DKPOBRB, BUY and BELL EX CHANGE, GOLD, SILVER, STOCKS, BONDS m4 Cneorrant Foods. UllNUoui Bade oa all 4< craalblr Patata. •room open at iH boon of the day. iwt-lyr fubbedge. llazleliurst & Co.'s SAVINGS INSTITUTION. IKIttBEsT PAID ON ALL SCMb FliOM *1 TO *6000. nrPIOK HOUBB, FROM 8 i. if. to 6 F.^». ^ Telegraph & Messenger. FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 15,1873. Yaebtlnr- Here, with the land bebind ns. Here, aster, gleam. Comae nothing to remind ns Of daily ‘sod scheme. We watch th. green waves swaying, Tha little Sabas playing. The passing babbles straying. And sit and smoke and dream. I am tlrad of soda! gabble. /tnd girls who play crrqnet: Of the fut, free, fail-areaud rathie In It. biardtng-hotue array; Of tbe tawdry, night-worn traces Of tbe telle*, and tbe haggard faces Of »ba youths who ccpper tbe toss By night and yawn by day. Give me tbe sea's frosb hrerxts That follow ns fast and far. And DOW, as the swell increases, Bind sail and rope and .par; Give me the swift gale bracing. And the eombtng billow, chasing. And. steward, give me a basin— I'm sick—that strong cigar l—Graphic. bead on the Creeper. “But, to," he said, after squinting a moment at tbe Creeper's forehi through the sights; “yon are too gnat a liar to die. I’ll pnt yoa in charga of the obituary de partment of the paper.” Tax Cooccrd Patriot tall, of a chicken that I came home to rooaL A Concord apothecary was prowented some time ago for selling aloo- lioL The charge was originally baaed npoo the fact that a sale bad been mads of aieohol for nac in a sick chamber; hot tbe difflenlty in procuring wii.icg '.es’.imoDy to this < ffect cin.ed a change in the indictment to “keeping for site.” Now, It happened on Sunday night last that one of the parties who at that time, and frequently sinoe, baa been about the bnaioat peis,n in town in fomenting sach petty prose rations, was t.ken tick and nqnirtd alcohol for bathing purposes, and application was made to Ibis apothecary for a anppiy, Ha had nona to sell—thanks to the meddling of bis wocld-be customer and others; and if hehadhad enongb there would have been none aold by him in that quarter—whence the application could only come accompanied with braaaenongh to make a preserving kettle. ■ nil pi World. a I (A * ulxl li the l»CEt limitn _ lng lalnliucnt In the 'itmU recommended with unbounded tmnruicein til CUM of Cut*, hruiif*, Bara a. Kpnrixu. Rheums- tUm. Hard KwrlliUp-a. Ultra. Chilbisina, btiffut-M of the Joints, frozen Feet. Fare. Ac., Ac., aoionff all persona, end for hprsina. Founders. Ringbone, Poil- EriJ. ScnUcbes. Wind-Gills. IIooMe, Ppsvins. SpriDff- hslt,Saddle. Collar and lianueJ Galls; t!so dldMM of the Ejo andRsria atamganrtitsatsSr Uokcs, lnlcs or Cattle. tion. Thera la one thing lacking, and in that 1 1 bam the advantage of yon. I'va bad it We all started, and looked to see if the Creeper was qnixzing na. “The d—I jon have.'" said the chief. “Toll ahont it.” “Well, it win several yesra ago when I first came over from England; I had bronght with me a little Sootcb (orrier which I’d raised from pap, and to which I waa very tnuoh attached, got work on the Herald, and denced hard work and poor pay it waa, too, I can tell yon. Didn't understand tbe ways of tbe bla sled country, von know, and couldn't compete with tbe enrsed Yankte reporters, who snapped np everything ahead of me, and rtuhcd'in with 1L Yon mast know a reporter ia a kind of a detached pirate, who ernisea aronnd on his own hook, and only gets paid for what he gets in. Some weeks be may bo in lack, while other while other weeks be starves.. Well, me and Prinoo (that was tba dog) bad a pretty hard time of it, and wars kicked ont of one boardiDg-bonso after another notil finally we took an airy sky light room in tbe sixth story of a Division street lodgiog bonse, and took onr meals wherever we coaid get’em. One day I became discouraged after a three-day's feat, aod began to think of a plur go from Ihe East rivey ferryboat. “Oh God," said I, mnat I steal, or starve, or drown T Prince heard me, and, weak aa be was from want of food, he alerted down. “Where are yon going, air T” Hat for once the dog disobeyed me, and before I cootd arrest him he waa gone. He, too, deserts me, I thought. Even tbe boasted fidel tty of tbe dog ia a myth. Bat I did poor Pniios an injnatioe, aa anbaeqnently ap peared. In abont fifteen or twenty minutes he turned, slowly dragging with him a beefateak weighing about three ponnds, which he laid at my feet, and then fainted frem exhanston. Af ter eating abont a pound of raw beefsteak I threw some water on Prinoe, and revived him, after whieb we disposed of the balance of the beef between oa and felt better. Of ooorse I ynu.Aun Cnee Nennfgta, Rheumatism, Gout, lane Park, Falk Ilhenn^ l'oiaonona Hitt*, l.xterna) Mum and Maori® Affection*, Horn Nipple*, Ac., and xuay bo Justly termed tbe panacea for all EXTERNAL "WOUNDS JS3*Remember, (hi* lainfracnt did not apruif? vaplnadayorn year,producingthb 2t«ut ADiriiD asj> rsNATnuL craca cuumxx> nr avd MwirifOM JAsmnm. Hot we bar® tb®®xperlenceof ov*-r tltlrtv yenrn of trial, with tli® monk r< jolts, and by a multitudo of If th® Liniment is not as r scamminded. th® Money will bo Ecfnntt 1*0 not b® imposed upon by tiring any other Lini ment eiaiming tne lime properties or results. They -tre a cheat and a fraud. Le sure nnd get nothing can 2£uslaiif Jjaknt XT’Sold BTiXiaDarooisrs A3TO OouarTiX Sroars at 25c., 50c. and $1.00 per Bottle. Nona S:z* or Bottlx, Enix, Ac. LYON MEG. CO COOK’S HALL, TERRY. GA I«.et Deiween us ana reu oetter ut oonroo i | rp H E attention of managers of pabllc entertain- knew Prince Md stolen the baef from tbo batch- 1 menu is called to tin. Hall, which l,ie been aronnd the corner, but a starving man baa no lately fitted np in tbe bo.t etjle, with scenery, eto. niounce, and I not only failed to reprove The Hall will seat abont 400 persona and isoonve- consounce, him, hot sbsolnteiy enoonrsged kin, I alao I nier.tly situated in tiis larKe ai'd nrowung town of took him aronnd and introduced him to a baker, I f’ er ’F' t0 which the 8onthwc«tcrn RalTroad baa and after that we bad both bread and meat. We | late, y “ n „ 8 ,^' ied * br “ ch fr ??„ P ° r !, v ^7 rot along nioely for some weeks, bnt one day Prinoe coma home covered with blood, and^H without any steak or bread, and with no tail to CHAS. UOUNSELKAN & (XL apeak of. Tha half inoh that waa loft was hardly _ , _ , , _ , worth wagging. The botcher had caught him a6HCrfil COIUntlSSlOIl MCFCllfllltSi the act, and with hia cleaver had whacked off 1 ■ organ of a pee oh. I abed a eilent tear, and proceeded to do np the gory remnant in Kns aian salve. Poor Prinoe. however, langnished and became petnlant. One day while I was dressing hia tail he bit me in the hand. It was Boom H, Oriental Building, CHICAGO. Befer to W. A. Huff. Maoon. may2 dm A. C. KAUFMAN. BANKER, ^XoTten.lon te te Io^da* ortwo Prtnco ^ DEALEB “ SOUTHERN SECURITIES, di<d, and I took him ont at night and secretly I t’HAKLLSTO V, 8. C. hurtl'd h-m in tha gatbage barrel. SOUTHERN COLLECTIONS recoivo the Special “Abont three weeks had passed ainoe Prinoa’a O and Tersnnsl attention of this House Betnrns death. My affairs bad materially improved. I m *de FAITHFULLY and PROMPTLY in New I had written np a three oolnmn letter from J ork * hich aI,ra 5“ TOle * BELOW par Booth Africa whieh pleased old Bennett very r^f^te" D™fteMd’A^p?anee, payable In ninoh on account of the Incid manner in which I gonth Carolina. North Carollnaand Georgia oan be zpUined the sitiution ia that part of tbe I coucoatrated At thi* point with Profit and diving of ooautry, anJ be bad taken me regularly on tbe I Labor. •taff at a fa:r salary, to write foreiga oorrea-1 All basinesa atteaded to with fidelity and poadenre. I bad left tbe Diviaioa street rook-1 dispatch t«ry, and waa living in a oivilized sort or way. Qunuricns of Southern Secariiies Unned a ? ■ . . . i- I weakly fabllflm PLANTEHS’ BANK bays and lOUr VALLEY, GEORGIA. RECEIVES Depoatta, dtaeonata Paper, V nUi Exchange; aUc, Gold and Stive jUlaettooa made at all accessible points. tatenaTpGd an Deposit, when mads for a ape- ■dadttraa, *1J. Axoxxaos. ITfit. W. E. Baowx, buhler rtMOM: f—• J. Aadanon, OoL Hsgb L. Desnord, "■IiFallon Dr. W. A Hxthew*. Dr. Wat. H. Holllaahead. delTtf Harlow house, AMEBICU3. GA, WILKT JUNES <k CO., Proprietor*. m . I* firak-claae and ia boxicee® center. ^ or xiEgle mealj 50 eta. DIAMOND SPECTACLES. P; -- 8; N-tsc!** ire mannfaotnred from "Min- M.yjkritxl FabhW mcltod together, and are I r -i^Damond on soconnt of their hardness and I. V‘ l ': ~ T It i* well kuown that epectaciae cut 'd',~ ur S-'v,: pcbUea are \iri tujuntma ** *7*. hecaa.e of their polar inn* light, i . -i’ bei-n treiiJ with tee poiariei'jpe, tbe -tip-! Live Uien found tu admit fifteen -cat baited nvi ihin any other pebble, ^-ey are ground with great accuracy, , - . r “rai ci.puaatic aberrauon., and produce ,J5p®aaa and djunctneaa of vtaton not bafore rpectacle*. u -’^»icaj^ b' B ^ anoer OP* 1 * 1 tb« r.* 41 ® ^7 reaponatbla Agerts In every dty a E. J. JOHNSTON, 1.,^*'Optician, la sole Agent for Maoon, Oa. ™***>Soyaa * “- J be obtained. No ped- ilrinand for these Bpartaoiaa baa tn- lod mn^?’ Taf> '^ cnM deelere to palm off an inferior •bon, <? &a ' “bo*® for the Diamond. Great c— — . t— tahao to sea that tha trade- mark ■" Oue morning, while hoisting in an early cock tail preparatory to writing np my Patagonian correspondence, I experienced a very peculiar shndder aa tbo Slid '..inched my lips. There waa really nothing in it, so far aa I canid see, say more than one cf these cold shivers which ocoisionaliy ran down the s *epme of a man’s back' even in hot weather; and yet there seemed to be something more of it, too, if I coaid only have got at it I tbocgbt abont it all the morn ing, and the thing began to grow on me, nntii finally I oonoinded to try another cocktaiL No sooner had tha liqnid touched my lips than the shiver waa repeated with greater force. This time it waa a sort of spasm, or galvanlo shock, that tan through me, and my teeth fastened with click on the rim of the tcmbler, as tbe eook tail went home. I eat the tnmbler down and medi tated. I eangbt sight of my feature* in the large iter glaae behind the bar.endit seemed to me that i looking wild. I c mldn't understand it at Wails I waa thinking another man came in end took a drink, and 1 felt tbe same shiver hen the fluid touched hia lips. By and by, aa I stood there, tbe bar-knepei pot red ont a glass of water for a customer to dilate his whisky with, and the gargling sound of tbe water affected me unpleasantly. All at once it daabed on me. I remembered Prince, and the bite on my band. I knew Jhen tbo poor dog was mad, and had bitten me. It wontd make moat any dog mad to have a batcher cot off nine incurs of hia tail with a clearer. I ccnld scarcely refrain from shrieking with apprehen sion at tbe though*, bnt I was determined to know tbe wont. I went straight to my room, poured cat a glass ct water, and attempted to drink it I never did like water much, anyhow. No sooner did tbe Said touch my lips than a vi olent spasm oonvetsa] me. There's no use in attempting to desenbe thesgony, because the language is insdequate. It wt-n't physical pain, nor mental agony, bnt something between tbe two. I'd rather throat one arm in molten lead, and let it stay there until it bnrnt off, than endure one of those bydrophobio spasms. “I sent for a doctor. For some reason his presence was the horrible tortnre. Oa inqnity I learned his name waa Waters, ardl dischargee him and sent for another, who bronght a whole medical school to stndy the case. Gentlemen, if yoa have ever teen a case of hydrophobia need not detail the phenomena. The oonvnl sions grew more violent, and I felt myself tick ing f.oiL There is one error, however, which I wish to correct. Most people think that ia a oonvnls'.on the patient is unconscious. Not so. Ho is ont of his human mind, it is trne, bnt for the time being be thinks, reasons and acts like a dog. To all intents and purposes he is a dog. He barks like a dog, bitea like a dog, and whines like s dog. When he oomes back to his human HAGAN’S GEORGIA MILLS! COLLINS & LITTLE, WILEY’S XXXX, AMBER, PEARL DUST 1 , CORAL. Magnolia Balm h . A FEW APPLICATIONS MAKE A * Pure Blooming Complexion. F Itlx Fnrrly Vegetable, and it* operation ia awn aad felt al one®. It dots away xrith tha flnab®d An*aranco caused by Heat. Fatigue and Excitement. Htslsaud remove* all Blotcne® and FisipVs, dispellisg dark and unsightly spots. Drive® away Tan. Freckles aad Sun- bum. aad by its gentle but powerful lnflueoo* ie laded check with rrartflft* the t SOUTHFCIi BI.00K AND BEAUTY. Sold by aC Druggist® an J'Fancy Stores. So* •pot, S3 Park Place. Hew York. _ i mcb5 eodakwly IT. FABEL MASTTACTTBEB OF STAR AND TALLOW i CANDLES, SOAPS, LABD OIL. 02c*, Ne. 14 Weet Kaia Street, between First and Second. between Ohio acd Adame Streets. shell be has a ragne remerabe^aaoe of the dog x ~o 7 » „ , Rf w life, and tbe suffering* he endured. By and by, I ***** >os * 75 ’ 77 ’ ‘ 9 81 MftWen as tbe disease progresses, bis two natures get mixed. :\nd ia the qaiesoent interval■» between spasms he finds it bird to tell whether he is a 1 t QUXSVIULEj T\ V, dog or man. His mind wanders on bones and 1 rau. and be feels a disposition to smell things. “I had heard of an old Dntch waman at Flash ing who had a mad stone. I didn't have much faith in tbe thing, bnt cue of my friends had sent for it. It arrived j oat as I was at my last gasp. A moment more acd it would have been too late. Tbe stone was applied. It adhered like a leech, and “Yon were saved ! ,# shouted the excited chief, who had listened with painful interest to the atory. “No, said tbe Creeper, lighting afresh cigar with imperturbable nonobiilance; “I gave a low, sad whine, as the stone took hold, bat my sys* tem was too much debilitated to stand the re- I For sale by Cash paid for Tallow, Lard and Grease. apr25 6 m CYPRESS SM6LES! J UFT received, a coniigninent of CYPRESS SHINGLES, rived and drawn. A SUPERIOR ARTICLE! “THESE ARE OUR JEWELS” We hive Jut completed many improvements and tdliUona to onr Mills, and are turning ont dally 250 BARRELS OF FLOUR ! We vonld call the eepecUl attention of merchants to onr popular brands, as wo can offer SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. Always on hand a choice selection of STOCK. FOOD. ALSO BRAN IN’ QUANTITIES TO SUIT PUROASERS. BURR & FLANDERS, GEORGIA MILLB. 70 and 72 Second Street, MA-CON, GA., RAILKOAD8. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. NO CHANGE OF 0AI48 BETWEEN GUSTA AND OOLUMBUB. AC- Offering CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, AND WAGONS, IMPROVED Anti Friction Horse Power „ u . Irene-mare--'- a* tio0 - 1 died in two mlnntes after the mad | averted by American Latter. Piunt) ia atone took hold.” as avary pair. oatlMfcvli* The chief eeixed hia revolver, and draw jnneStf B. H. WBIGLE1 * CO. AT REDUCED PRICES! BABY CARRIAGES! MARKED DOWN! DOWTsTir THE 0.YLY “CAST STEEL PIJIOY POWER ” IS THE WORLD. W E preeent to the Planter* of the eonth the beat and only anitable HORSE POWER for Ginning ar ,J flfV— TT-'L 1 J Gotten. Grinding Corn, or 1 hre.hing Grain, ever before offered to the pnblio. We, the propne- SH(I MDV V GIIlClGSj 01 9,11 RlHuS 9,110. 81Z6S. 8it rOQUCGCl T3it6S. tors, having h d a nnmoer of yeata’ experience in producing and preparing Cotton for matket, assert, ’ without the fear of contradiction, that in point of Simplicity, Durability, Bpeod and Ligblneea of Draft, tha WRIGHT’S IMPROVED POWER! Far Eftetis am oiler Hit las Ever Beet Used it tie Uoitei Stiles. We claim for it that two good mules will gin three bales of cotton in a day on a forty saw gin, acd that four good mules w.ll gin on a fifty saw gin four and a half to five bales of cotton ; that the gin ning will be oootiunoae. not being liable to interrnptions from sagging of the machine-home, as this Power Is eelf-adjaeting. adapting itself readily to the npward or downward tendency of the floor. The entire fixture* ycjompany tbe machine, except an ordinaiy king-poit and a lever, eo that it can be placed in position for set vice in a few hours after reachiag the plantation. THESE POWERS ARE MANUFACTURED OF THE VERT BEST MATERIAL And will be warranted for twelve month*. Tha only part of a Horaa Power moat liable to wear ia the •mail pinion whioh Riv« (peed to the “Power." Thia we have remedied by having it (at a great coet) made of the very beat Cast bteeL Prict *115, or *150, delivered at porchaaer’a elation WH ASK ONLY A TRIAL. For farther particular!, address MALONE, WILLINGHAM Sc CO., *°»8 tm MAOON. GEORGIA. LAWTON & BATES, WHOIaHSADH DEALERS IN Com, Oils, Hay, Bacon, Lard, Floor, Sore Coffee, Molasses BAGGING, TIES, ETO., r } OURTH STREET, MAOON, GA. GEORGE *W. HEAD, IXCLDflYI- For the next thirty days we will sell about three hundred WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER Ains CIGAR MAJMUZ*AOTimXXl. No,' 4 Blake’s Block.* Poplar Street, Macon; Ga. Our Stock consists of work made hy the best makers, such as the firms of ASA MILLER & SON, ABBOTT, DOWNING & CO., and STUDEBAKER & BROTHERS, embracing 50 Side Spring City and Country Buggies. 25 End or Eliptio SpriDg Buggies. 15 Two-seated Buggies. 10 Top Piano and Coal Box Buggies* 8 Victorias Barouches and Rockaways. 10 Concord Buggies—Abbott, Downing & Co. 10 Asa Miller Buggies. 50 Two-horse Studebaker Wagons. 20 Two and Four-horse Concord Wagons. 6 Six-horse Concord Wagons. 35 Milbum Wagons. 15 Spring Wagons. 15 Jersey or Market Wagons. 10 One-horse Wagons. 20 Rail Road Carts. 20 Plantation Dump Carts. POST OPPICE BOX 497. Bel .OAfflES OLD ST Am COLLINS jnlyll lawtf LITTLE, TO. and 72 i 1ECOND STltEET: MAOON, GA* . GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, 1 GBOBOIA CKSTEAL 1UILB )AD, S Savannah. July 6, 1873. ) O N and after Sunday, the 6tb mat., Paeaenger Traina on the Qecrgia Oontrai Railroad, Ui branohea and oonneetiona, will run as follows i DAI TRAINS Q0I5Q SiUTU liNU WPfiT. L«®ave 8avanntui — 2:00 r X Leave Augusta Arrive at Miliedgeville ..... .............11:C4 p K Arrive at Eatonton Arrive at Maoon.. ..-—.........10:46 p m Arrive at bavannali U.15 p. m Leave Macon for AtlanU ....^..11:10 p M Leave Maoon forEufanla .11:16 p m Leave Macon for Columbus. ..10:65 p k Arnve at Atlanta........— —— 6:60 ax Arrive at Eufauia 12:10 P M Arrive at Columbus *:00 A lr Making close ocunoctiou with trains leaving At lanta and Columbus. NIGRT TRUSS GOING NORTH. Leave Clayton....- 7:23 A M Leave Ooiumbus WWW U:3d p m Leave Atlanta.. 1:50 P K Arrive at Macon from Clayton**""**.’.* 6:25rv Arrive at Macon from Ooiuxabua.*.".*.*,*..... 7.30 P K Arrive at Maoon from Atlanta...’*.* ******* 7;2u p m Leave Maoon *.-!!! 7:40 pm Leave Savannah „***’* g*40 P M Arrive at Milledgeville -.**.*11:04 p m Arrive at Eatonton — —.12:62 A X Arrive at Augusta .* 4 ; ‘oo A v Arrive at ti&vannah $ qO A M Making perfect connection with trains leaving Augusta. Passengers going over the Milledgeville and Eatonton Branch will take night train from Colum bus, Atlanta and Macon, day trains from Auguat a and Savannah, which connoct daily at Gordon (Sundays eioepted) with tho Millodgeriile and Ea tonton trains. An elegant sleeping car on all night trains. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS can be had at tho Contral Railroad Ticket Office at Pulaski House, corner of Bull and Bryan streets. Office open from 8 a m to 1 p m, and froniS to fir*. Tick* out can also bo had at Depot Office. WILLIAM ROGERS, July 8 tf General Superintendent. SUMMER ^SCHEDULE. DAILY PASSENGER TRAIN TO AND FRO* 1 Office Maoon and Brunswick Railroad,) Macon, Oa., July 22,1878. J O R and aftor Wednesday, July k3d, passenger train® on this Koaa will do run as lonowfe; DAY PASSENGER, DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED FOR THE PRESENT. Leave Macon 8:80 a. * Arrive at Josaup 0.45 v. m Arrive at Bruns.viok.... ....XU.jD p. * Arrive at b&vannah 10.6G P. * Arnve at Tallahassee loui a * Arrive at Jacksonville 10 12 a * Leave Jacksonville 2:40 P * lieavo Tailanaesbe R.4U P m Leave fcavannah 6.:U a. x Leave Brunswick 6:1*0 a. * Leave Jessup UOOaM Arrive at Macon 8 CO i a Passengcis trom Savannah will taae. 4 3*j p. m. train for BruuswiCE, and a. r tiam lor Macon. HAWKIKSVILLX ACOC**ODATION TRAIN, UAIRI, i®CA LAIS iAJil Leavo Macon 8 6J p. * Arrive At Hawkins vilJo 7 60 P. m Leave Hawkmovdlo 6:$o a. m Arrive at Maoon 'J-Od a. m W. J. JAItYia, July33tf Mastor TransportaticA. CHAMGii OF SttHEDUUh; SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, 1 OentrjL Railroad, atlas*ta Divis.un, > Atlanta, Oa., July 6, 1&73.) O N and after Sunday, July 6th, Paeaenger Trams oa this ioaa will rua as follow® : DAY PAiStNOEB TRAIN. Leave Macon ..11.00 A. X Arnve At Atlunm .................. .. 6.30 F. X Leave Atlanta ........... .. 1 50 p. at Arnve at Macon .. 7.20 r. at MOnr PA8CENC2R TRAIN. Leavo Macon Arrive at Atlanta ..11 10 P. M .. trou a. X Leave Atlanta .. lAU A. X Arrive at Macon .. 7 0'J A. M Making close connection at Macon with Central Railroad for {savannah and Augusta, and With Southwestern Railroad for Columbus and puiuu* in Southwestern Georgia. At Atlanta, with West ern and Atlantic Rai.way for points West, joljlitf Q. I. PuRLACRK, Sup’t. cHAtiejs or bv&£i)VL&. iNY, > 3. i BUPERINTENDENTB OFFICE, Southwestern Railroad Coup any, Macon, Oa., July 4,1373. O N and after Sunday, the Cth inat.. Pasaei &®r Trains on this Roaa will run as follows: DAY EUFaULA PASBZKGZR TRAIN. Loave Macon 8:00 a. x Arrive at Euf&ula.... 4:10p. x Arrive at Clayton G:2U p. x Arrive at Albany 2:*5 P. X Arrive at Arliogtuu 6.ou r. u Arrive at Fort Uaines 4:4u r. a Leave Clayton — 7 :M a. x Leave EorauU 8: jJ a. x Loave Fort Qainco...—................. 8.36 a. m Leave Albany.......—....—..le 33 a. x Arrive at Maoou ——- 6:aop x Connects wita tho Albany Train at Smith villa, and the Fort Game® Train at Outhbert dany except tiunday. Albany Train connects daily with Atlantic and Onlf Railroad Train® at AibaLy, and win iua to- Arlington on Blakely Extension Monday, Wednes day and Friday, returning following da\a. OOLUMRUfl DAY PASSENGER TRAIN* Leavo Macon lU.o5r Arrive at Columbus..—. Leave Columbus 2:8 j f. k Arrive at Maoon 7.tU F. X SUFA7LA MIGHT FREIGHT M jtiDXXoDaZICM Tint. Leave Maoon....... ™.. 11:16 p. x Arrive atFufaula........^ P. X Arrive at Albany 7:67 a. x Leave Eufaula — 10 20 p. x Leave Albany..........—^....jb......... o Vj p. X Arrive at Macon 30 3J a. x Trams will leave Macon and Enfaula on this schodule Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday nights, and connoct at hmithviile with Albany trains. VlRGLL a'OWivRS, JiJyfi ly Enginoer and tiupermtenoont. Change ol ScheJuk. ON MAOON AND ACOCbiA ItAlLUUaii. Forty-Oao Hiiea Sayed in Dlsttmoe. OFFICE MAOON AND ACQUSTA EAII.UOAA.,' ftlicox, May lb, Mi. f O N anil after Etmday. May 12, lb72, ana anili fartfior notice, Ota traina on thia mad t; 11 ran SB follow. - Dir tbiik—dailt (»mtDiT3 ntmnj. Leave Macou 6:tM a. k. Arrive at AniftlBta 1:16 r n. Leave Angtiiita I:t 0 t. a. Arrive at Macon 8.16 r. u. ffirl’atseiJKera itavi^g ilatcat — 2: _ti c cloeo connecuons at Oamak with day fiaiicogur trains on Oeorgia Kaitroid tor Atlanta ana ail points West; also, for Augusta, with trains aoiug North, and with trains tor Ciiirleetcn ; aiau, tor Athens, Wasiuuifteu, ana all stations on ttu (Hot gia JEUiiroad. tF rickets roll and baggage chocted u, ail points North, bothhy rail ana hy steamship, tnm Obarleston. attgltf B. K. JOHKBOh, cep t CHANGE OF SCHEDUEi: ftEhTERN AND ATLANXIO BMLBOAD <JO.) Office Oe>xaal Pas enocs aoe>t, . > Atlanta, U*, July *o, .t78.) On and after this date— uonrMtto azraias, For New Yora, r-astern ana Virgiaia Cities. Leavee Micuti, tiv Macon A Western ihol- road Arzivea at Atlanta ° iU *•* Lsave® 4 M Arrives Da:ton MfJJJ *■* Arrives Chattanooga. ••••*• 10 . A * 11 Pullman Palaoe A>rawing-Itoom and bieepmg- Cais by this tram fiom Atlanta to Ljnchburg and all intermediate points without cha>oe Paaeengera leaving by this tram Arrive in New York the second aiternoon, at 4:44 p. *., over thirteen hones earlier ihan paroenger® by *ny .other route can with tafety reach New Xoik, leav ing the same evening. • DAY WESTERN ZXiBESS. Leavns Macon at 11:10 r.x LeaV’ts Atlanta at Arrives at Chattanooga ............ 4;3j p.x Close connection at Chattanocga for all poinW We®t. Follmin Fstaco Csrs cn all night trains. For fotthor pirttcoisrs address D. W. WBKNN, jjiyll tf Oeanntl Passongar Agent. FORT ROYAL RAILROAD. Omcr or ffawaaaa ajid ScrEctsTisnrsT, i Aujceta, Qa., done2», ibid- ) O N and after Monday, June SJ, trains on thia Hoad will tua as follows: DOWN DAY PASSENGER TRAIN Will leave Angcsti at Amve at Pott Royal at Arrive at Charleston at *• —• Arrive at Savannah at 3 i>u r< “• UP DAY PASSENGER TRAIN Will leave Port Royal at 3.15 A. w. Leave charleiton ah ° *“ t !!' Leave Savtnnah at m. Arrive at Augoata at 35 p. DOWN NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN Will leave Augueta at.. 2 10 P. *. Arrive at Fort Royal at 11.3d p. x. Arrive at charleston at 5.00 a. m. Arnve at Savannah at .12.30 p. x. UF NIGHT PA86ENGER TRAIN ‘ Will leave Fort Royal at 10.SO P. K. Leave Charleston at G.UOr. *. Leave bavacnah at —* 9.50p.*. Arrive at Augusta at 8.00 a. *. Passengers leaving Macon by the 6.3o a. h- train on Macon and Augusta Railroad, arrive at Augusta in time to make close connection with the down night passenger tram on Una ro*d fur Fort Royal and savannah. JAMES O. MOCRE, Jnlyltf Engineer and Sup-rintondeut^ G eorgia, bibb county - given that < Notice is hereby ^ month after this dale I ehill commence doing business in b tying and selling good® on my own account, a® a public or frea trader, by the concent of my husband. June 18, 1873. CATHERINE BABATTA. • I concent that try wife engage in butineea aa * ft 5|Sjg| r “ ‘ b0T ° Pr ° VINCENZO BABATTA,