The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 19, 1873, Image 2

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iSSii Telegraph <fc Messenger. &!£i%X£££&££ TUESDAY MOBNINO, AUGUST 1!>, 1873. ated LdilorUl Correapoadeaec. Dj«N THE GEOftGIl lLlIJiOAD, August 35, 1873. Again on the wing, the writer found himself, at S o’clock i. M., pnugly ensconced on board the cars of the Georgia Kail road boned north, via Portsmouth and the Kay Line. It was a lovely morning, and Atlanta, despite tho pleas* entry at her expense in car loaf, looked every inch a beautiful and tLriving city, with the sun light glancing upon her numerous spires, and the country people pouring in, seated upon tbair non-deacript vohelea, drawn, for tfco most 1 art, by oien, dor.ktes and mules. True, the trade h restricted principally at this timo to water melons, caLbigea, pumpkins, peaches, apples "gtrden si**» generally, and chickens amt <*gga; but as tho oentre of a Isrgo white population, even the vendors of these com modities aro sufficiently numerous to impart an air of cheerful life and activity to tbo streets. ATLANTA ArcHOX MEN, too, potMMui throat* of L>ra>s. and some bow or other th<*y have more to do here than any when- i Ue in Christendom. This may bo accounted for hy the fart that everything is dono in a hurry, and if tba goods don’t sell io their hhelvea in a twirkhng, they are farced off on the block. The knowing ones say this is done oo the principal of a * 'nimble sixpence," Hut ill- natured people charge that want of sub stantial credit is the real csutc. We dor.'; p tend to MMtrf. which is tho tmo explanation. Bat the fheriffn and city marehalu of (Jeorgi capital certainly do as thriving a badness any one else—ride the sixteen closely prf columns of taxfi fa* published by tbo defunct “Sun” a few months Bince. Oar live metro politans are ready, also, with a reason for this abnormal featnro in the picture of their pros perlty, by tho gravo remark that so VAlnsblo * every dollar of capital in this great city, th the vse of tho money pending tbo legal coir tion of tbo tsx, will leavo a margin for profit even after tho co*t* have been added on. old times ibis would be called loose morality and donhtfni financiering. Hot now ‘Vharp practice" flnd ‘‘clever dodgo” aro tho terma applied to It. Bee, tiowover, onr train has moved ont of tho depot, nnd is swiftly cleaving the fresh morning air, and stretching away through green fields, •lulling hamlets and thriving towns, en routo the ooean. Tbo Georgia rAllrosd is in moat odmlrsblo condition, and *eally dors an immense bnai bi'U. But as return ked by an official, r<*ent attentions, or combinations with roads poce r trating to tho far interior, necessitate such large additions to tho rolling stock of tho oompany, that tho increased expense absorbs n heavy percent ago of tbo profits. Indeod, so many new roads lmvo been completed, or aro io pro ofs* of construction, and so fierce is the war- fsre’waged between rival lines, that as peenniary investments they aro daily becoming luoa valua ble. Even now tho contractors and laborers on moat new roads, and tho ownors of real estate in their vicinity, alono derivo any substantial benefit from them. So far from it, they aro frequently sold for debt, and pass into othsr hands at merely nominal valuations. But tbo *'old Georgia" ati 11 continues to pay respecta ble dividends, and is an sound financially any institution In tho country. Conyers, Cov ington, Madison, Greensboro and Crawfordville m11 owe their origin and present prosperity Ibis great artery of commerce, which has added many millions to the wealth and resonrees the commonwealth. AN UXORIOUS LUSBAND. Tho proverb that "it is better to be an old man's darling t ban a young man'sslavo"was strik ingly illustrated in a oonplo who sat just before the writer. The husband was a gray bearded widower who loved his former partner too well to bo oontent, nntii her imago oonld bo repro duced again, at least in a representative pres onoe. lie bad accordingly wooed, and by some in*crr.table legerdemain© the hand of sweat tuaiden of soventeon, who was now united to him 4, t'/i vinculo matrimonii.” It was the honeytnoou wo suppose, and tho old chap was l»erfectly manldin over his pretty young wife, lie hugged her and mumbled her like an urchin h atick of candy, and even pealed peaches and fed t)ie dear littlo duck with fatherly tender ness. Wo looked on boiling over with indigna tion, at tho spectate, And half inclined to throt tle the old charmpt on the spot. Now is not "woman an enigma." Look ont foraoaso of poisoning and a Coroner's inquest in a twelve month. But what aro wo saying? Chacun ton gout. Lot the old fellow enjoy his doll wifo in peaco. Only we don't like matrimonial on dearments in public and it was like a bear lick lug his cub. THE FARMER* AND THE GBANGERS. At Union l’olct an avalancbo of nuddto-aged, woll-fod, good-looking men boarded tho train, fresh from the Athens convention. Albeit fiouo were lawyers, one a live mayor, and others doctors and parsons, overy one talked farming liko mad, and the temple of Ceres claimed them nil ns worshippers. It is astonishing bow these “Patrons of Husbandry" can oonvert peoplo to their way of thinking. Every politician will lake to tho grnbbing-hoo and cultivAto his patch another year, hoping to raise a crop of voters by the operation. A perfect ground swell, too, may be expeotod in favor of ora NEXT STATE FAIR. Woj be to the aspiring oaudidato who does not put in an appearaQoe, and bring at least a turnip to the exposition. .Testing aside, tho in dications aro that thero will be snch a turnout of Georgians on that occasion as the Empire State never witnessed before. Tbo peopl politicians, professional men, grangers, cterp- Unly, aro fast becoming enthused ou tho subject, and Macon will be forced to open wide her gates and doors to oatertain the teaming thousand* who will be there. Among the Athens crowd were some old friends of the writer, and, laying down his paper and pencil, bo gave himself up to the enjoyment of their sooiety until wo sopa* raUnl Cainsk. THE CHOPS OF COTTON were excellent, and corn seemed as good as tho land could produce. The latter only peedod a moiety of guano lavished noon tho growth of the fleecy Maple, to have crowned the land with plenty. But we »ra now drawing near to tho oily of Augusta, and can add no more to theso frag mentary jottings in the cars. H. II. J. of I.KTTKK non KNtiLASD. Tli«* Hnt title® of tho TnvIir-BrliUta IVt'ling Toward tho Month—Tho l)lNpi*te«l lEoiid glNtllon, Correspond coco of the Telegraph and Messenger.! Manchester, England, July 31, 1873. Editor.i Telegraph and Messenger: I regret I have been nnablo to write for yon so ofteu as l intended, but have laoked both time and op portunity, so yon must take the will for the deed. 8o many many matters of interest have oomo under my notice whieh wonld have been new to yonr readers, I have regretted exceed ingly 1 oonld not jot them down for yon and transmit them for publication in yonr colnmns. Bat there aro some facts which have pressed upon me, and whioh concern yon in Georgia, and the South generally, which I feel impelled to write abont, and do what I can through yonr journal to call public attention thereto, that something may be done in the formation of u healthy public opinion thereabout. The main one which concerns ns is tho fiscal policy of Oongrea*, which imposes such heavy duties npon articles of general consumption abroad It has been my lot dnring this visit, to see how this operates to the paralysis of trade. It stops tho wav to anything like free communication with other nations. And what is the effect of this policy ? Seme imppose it is to compel for eigners to eontr.bnte towards tho resources of the govern menu I have met with intelligent men who believed, as in the case of the cotton t»x which dwells so vividly in the memory cf Home of ns, that the tax was paid by the for- eigner who bought our taxed cotton Any school boy of ordinary intelligence onght to know better than this. If the tax had been im posed by l'nghtnd, say on cotton imported, th© oonsntuer wonld certainly have had to pay it, twit any tyro must know that the price of that taxed ootton in the markets of Europe was reg ulate p by its value, as that was decided by comparison with other competing staples. Bo in the case of onr American imports, the extra cost of articles is paid by the oonsntuer* | — the people of the whole States. The foreigner is only affected by the hinderance these duties place m the way of extending his business. If Ihe duties imposed on his goods, added to hi* pnoe, make the cost to the consumer greater tksn the same goods can be procured for &a«e he is shut ont of the market, and the •trade’is done by home manufacturers, and so, aocording to the protectionists’ theory, home industry is fostered. This is tree in one sense —home industry is protected—but at whose •cost r not of the foreigner. He is simply shut oat of the market, and may take his good* else where ; but at the coat of the consumer. And •o in order that Eastern manufacturers may grow rieh, the other sections of tho Bute* are -compelled to pay these extra prices for goods '7h«jr consume. And they only are benefited, because the Government gets no part of the Min price on what is manufactured in the •—it only receives its revenues on what • in from abroad. The home manufacturer i the amount of the dety whioh keqps ont • Ike foreigner, and the consumer has it to pay. This is how it works, and shows why the manu facturers of the Eastern States are such strong advocates for protection. The fact stands in* capable of being dented or got rid of, that whenever e government adopts a policy of pro tection, its own people pey the duties imposed whsther on exports or imports, unless in the wary nnfrequsnt ones of its having some article of oMBBtero* which no other nation possess*?. How, out anybody tell why, either as a matter of policy or jostioe, the Eastern States should b# thus protected at the expense of the South oa the swbject Why tfiould oce man bo compelled to buy of another, and pay a large price for an article which ho can purchase elsewhere at a small priee if left at liberty to carry out the free traders* motto, “buy in the cheapest, and 1 sell in the dearest market ?" And this is what, as a people, Americans are compelled to do. Its being on a Urge scale prevents people from feeling it* working, but we re the same plan pur sued on a small sortie in any city or country public opinion wonld reject it rh an injustice. Its impolicy must also be apparent on careful examination. We hear a great deal about pro tection to native industry, and the national im portance of taatflirtpg cur own manufactures. This is all very well, if the protection and sus- !’ ntstion does not awt too much. It is always possible to pay too dear for one’s whistle; and where ary ir.uoatry or interest requires to be supported at the expense and to the detriment of other interops, true national policy re quires tbit it should be allowed to subside. If our Eastern manufacturer*, or iron masters, or any other industry cannot compete with outsiders in our own markets, with all the advantage of locality and oust of transportation in their fitvor, then by all that is sensible let them go neder, and make way for men who have the energy nnd fcki;! to provide for tho requirements cf trAde, and will offer to the consumer the best terms which an open market always requires. This talk about protection and the action it has led to is the greatest possible injnry to the trades protected, as it prevents the exercise of that energy and skill and inventiveness which is the rc%l life of trade, and coddles and enfee bles that industry which, if left to its own de vices and its own froe exercise, will assuredly provide for the requirements it is calculated to meet. And to expect that the public is to be mnlcted for tbo support of these misdirected, mlsmanigod imbeciles, when their place can be supplied in a healthier and cheaper way, is both impolitic nnd injurious to the interests of any country or people. It behoves every man of intelligence and patriotism in the United States to raiso his voice, and nse his tcflaenco against tho protec tionist policy at present in trade and commerce from these wicked and foolish restricliors. The remark has been made to mo here over and over again s “We cannot understand how it is that Americans, who are usually sharp enough to see their own interest, can posaibly be so blind aa to adopt their present policy of protec tion." Thero aro nnmberlcss itoma in which business can't bo done on this sido which would reduce our oca*. of living in the States and en able ns to conduct business profitably, but pro* foeticn kills it all and wo muM continue to p»y through the no?e, till peoplo learn the folly of doing to for tho benefit of others. I am glad to bo able to say something as to tho state of pnblic feeling in England towards the Booth, whioh will be gratifying to tbo South ern people. There is a very evident pet in the tide of opinion, especially in London, and among financial people towards the Sontb, and I heard many very strong expressions of inter- oat In our affair*, and confidence in onr fntnre from parties of influence. This will donbtless bear fruit in time. Bat along with this thero was an unmistaka ble obstacle to any financial dealings in the state of tho disputed bond questions. As a faithful chronicler of what I see and hear, I am not at liberty to passover this matter, especially as I have been placed in circnmstancea to un derstand bow formidable an obstacle it is to F=?_ FJ_ F?_ CHOLERA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, DIARRHOEA, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, Cured and Prevented by Radway’s Ready Relief! W. A. HUPP, WHOLESALE DEALER IN I F OHOLEBA prevails a* an epidemic, the Pre ventive raeasnrta are the mo«t wise to adopt. I The Liver, Bowel* and Stomach should be kept regular. Bad way’s Pills, in small doses, will secure | this requisite, ltadway's Heady Belief diluted in J watsk, |oae tea*poonfcl to a tumbler of water), tckeri w a drink, three or four times during the | diy, wjl dudnfect the malaria Inhaled in the sys tem, and neutralize all acid or unhealthy element* I caused by the combination of the malaria of the I AtOiG*pbere with the gasen of stomach, (which are I often m these t-;iiemica acid), imparting warmth, i euerpy and health, ihronghout the »y«x<m, and pteventing the separation of the watery from other properties in the blood. If seized with CflOLEHA, the Heady BMief should be given as strong and often as possible. This will secure rest and hold the properties of the blood together, x<<UALizixa its circulation, prevent- ::.g congestion, and prevent t'.e diminishing or I lessening of the paise, and stopping vomiting and purging. The body should be rubbed W:th Beady Belief from head to foot, and along the spine. This will impart new energy and vitality to Ihe nervous system, stop cramps, spasms, and induce free perspiration. As soon as the stomach ie I quieted, six to eight of ltadway's Pills (no danger ELDER HOUSE Indian. Spring, Q-a. T HIS well known house is cow open to those who visit the Spring for health or pleasure. It is situated nearer the Spring than’ any other publio bouse, and iff spacious and comfortable. The tabio is supplied with tho best the market affords. Every attention is given to invalids who resort to the waters of the bpring for health. Kates ol Board, Per day ; $ 2 00 Per week . 30.00 Per month 35 00 Liberal deduction mido for large families. \V\ A. ELDER A bON, Proprietors. J. A. DUO AN. DUGAN & STILZ DEALERS IN I a; EXCLUSIVELY, No. 20 Soeond street, between Maiu and lliver. LOUISVILLE, EY. of diinhccA need to feared) should be given. The Liver, Stomach and Bowels will at ooce to re*tot ed I to their natural duties, and the neutralized ele ments of disease be expelled from the system. This treatment has rescued thousands from death. ] Looseness, Diarrlcoi, Cholera Morbus, Orattp*. bpaems, etc , and all painful discharges from the I bowels are stopped in fifteen or twenty minutes by taking Badway's Beady Belief. No congestion or I ii:!animation, no weakness or lassitude, will follow j tho nee of the B. It- Belief. BACON, FLOUR, <a~ AMBLE 8TOUAGE. - I Will fill orders for Corn from points in Illinois, parties making pnrehaso accepting through Bill of Lading from shipping points apr*5 Cm 1 B. O. Fnoxaaa n W. W. Flannaoxn FLANNAGAN, ABELL & GO.. 1: BADWAY’S READY RELIEF! WILL AFFOltD INSTANT EASE- INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION OfTHEDLADDEB, inflammation of the bowels, CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS, SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING, PALPITATION OF IHE HEART, HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIPTHERtA, OATARRH, INFLUENZA, BAG GIN Gr, TIES, COTTON FACTOliS A X D General Commission Merchants, 1S5 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. OA. M ANAGING agents for the English Stonewall Fortitizer, etc. Bagging and Ties furnished, anu liberal cash advanced made ou consignments for salo in Savannah, or on shipments to our cor respondents in Northern, Easter or European markets augl Cm HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILL*. Tho application of the Beady Belief to tho part I or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will af-1 ford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will in I a few moments cure Cramps, Spasms, hour Htoa- I ach, Heartburn, hick Headache, Colic, Wind in the [ Bowels, and all Internal Pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle of Rad way’s Beady Bolief with them. A few drops ini water will prevent sickness or pains from cn&nge | A. M. SIop.i. Arthur N. Holloe. G. W. Wylly, Jr. A. .TUT. SXjO^IM c53 CO COTTON FACTORS of water. It is better than French Brandy or Bit tors as a stimulant. SUGAR, COFFEE, 1-General Commission Merchants, Claghom &; Cunningham’s Range, BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. B AGGING and lies advanced on crops. Liberal ctsh advances made on consignments for sale j in havannah, or on shipments to reliable corres pondents in Liverpool, New York, Philadelphia, | Boston, or Baltimore. angl t»m FEVER AND AGUE W. Duncan. J. H. Johnston. M. Maclean DUNCAN, JOHNSTON & CO., COTTON FACTORS Fever and Agno enrod for fifty cents. There not a remedial agent in tho world that will care I Fever and Ague, »nd a'l other Malarious, Billon*, J General Commission Merchants, onr proaperity. Thore Is tho ngly fact staling j bcarlet. Typhoid, Yellow, and oth6t Fevers (aided ns in tho face, that certain indebtedness his J by Badway’s Pills) so quick as Badway’s Beady boon incurred, no matter how, which certain I Belief. States refuse to recognize, though they cannot Beady Belief 53 cents per bottle, and I ilia 2 deny that there wan nothing on tho face of these | 06018 * to** ^Id by Druggists, bonds to distinguish them from legal ones, and that they wero issued by tbo ostensible execu tives of tho States in question. And there is HEALTH! BEAUTY I HTBONO AND PURE RICH BLOOD _ IN LARD, MEAL, Itual which in financial circles means financial ostracism. I assure yon it was (nr from agree able to mo to have to hear this abont my aJopted Stato of Georgia, and especially pain- fnl was it coming as It did from those who wero interested in onr welfare, and wishfnl to promote onr interests ns a people to the ntmess of their ability. I endeavored to staio tho facts as they appear to ng io Georgia, and assnred onr friends that this idea of repudiation was as obnoxions to CREASE OF FLUSH AND WEIGHT- CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECUR ED TO ALL! DR. RADWAY’S SABSAPARILLM RESOLVENT BULK MEATS, SALT, SYRUP, Etc, L. J. GUI LM Alt TIN. JOHN FLANNKRY. L. J. GUILMARTIN & CO., OOTTOU PACTOUa A X- D General Commission Merchants, BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. QA. A GENTS for Bradley’** 8uper Phosphate of Lime, Jewell's Mills Yarns and Domoetics, etc. Bagging, Bopo ard Iron Ties always on hand. Usual facilities extended to customers, augl dwAaw6m SCHOFIELD'S IKON WORKS Adjoining Passenger Depot, Macon, Ga. CELEBRATED WROUGHT IRON COTTON PRESSES! All acknowledge its superiority to any male anywhere or by anybody STKA3I KX6DES AMI BOILERS, SAW MILLS, SUGAR MILLS A\h KETTLES, IRON RAILING, MILL MACHINERY, < ASTIXGS All) MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. JPivfcent O i n Gr0a,rino* j . P LANTERS aro requested to call aronnd and roe it. It is not necosa&ry that yen buy norothin power to run your gin a lifetime. Many buy homo powers soil nave to buv a gin g«r o«.> ii® 4 This Gin Gear haa an IRON CENTRAL ttUFFOitT to prevent aettling of eiu h use, Ah lltitv l:u l: FOST AND IRON BAND WHEEL SHAFT. Made only by J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON. NOTICE —Having mado arrangements with Messrs. HOBOFIELD A SON for tbo tola niinnf..i of my PATENT GIN GEAR, wita CENTRAL IRON SOPPOK., all others aro wimed not to or sr.Lti tho aamo, aa I ehall prosecute to the >xtont of tho law all persona using or inrnnrr:J ' ni Patont - L. R. Fa OORT Philadelphia. M»y 14,1H73. inlrilSL [rear Sonta Freimi and Passenger Lt VIA CHARLESTON, S C., V TO AND FROM BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON, AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. TUESDAYS. THREE TIMES A WEEK, THURSDAYS. SATURDAYS. w. o. Mcmuta. a. v. it kid. MORRIS Sc RFID, Provision ami Tobacco Brokers, I 1 ELEGANT STATE ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS—SEA VOYAGE 10 to 12 HOURS 880UTU VIA CHARLESTON. Has m&do tho most astonishing cures. Bo quick, Georgians as to Englishmen, bnt saw clearly I B0 rt p^ ^ the changes tho body undergoes, under enough that the impreosion could not bo re- I the influence of this truly wonderful medicine, that moved, and that in tho great centre of tho KVEBY DaY AN INGBEASK IN FLESH AND world’s money transactions, the city of London, I WEIGHT IS SEEN AND FELT, tbo Stato of Georgin stands withn clond on her mvvn jinn 4 in nr nnii DUDfCIVU I credit, nnd her Monteheon tarnished. IllE UlitAI fiUHIll 1 UlilllM. I am M mncli alive to tho rascality of tho J Every drqp of tho SABSAPAUILLIAN BESOL* transaction*! which havo brought this about on I TENT cornmnnicitea through tho blood, sweat, nnvbolv, arid ft:! t!:r t •: t R riif^ which is in-I urine, and other 1111 id a and juices of tho system, volved 10 tho bare thought of having to coako I the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the a Riiprificn to net rid of them * hnt inv delib— I body with now and aonnd material. Scrofula, Byphilie, Consumption, QUndalarDiee.sos, Ulcers orate conviction i» that Ifio future welfareof I toSJi^aouVadMaatb, Turnon, Nodes in the onr people depends npon this qnos.ion being Gi an da and other parts of tho system, Bore Eyes, definitely Bottled ns soon pj?possible. It f-tands I tdrumorons Discharges from tho Ears, and the in tho way of investments of capital to dovel- worst form of Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Fever op our resources. It prevents people coming bores, Scald Head, Bing Worm, bait Rheum, Exy- to mako their homos with us, and interferes I sipelas, Acne, Black Spots, Worms in tho Flesh, with tho formation of business relations whioh Cancers in tba Womb, and all Weakening nrn ecserllnl tn mr nrnsneritr Tho andPHcfal Discharge,. Night Sweats, Loss of aro e-eeual to tmr prMperity. Iho tuect SpMm and „ utea ot ,i 10 ] ifa prkciplc,, are of tho aoltlement of this qnesLon wonld bo I t ] JC cn rativa range of this wouder ol Mod- to placo onr credit on a desirable basis, as it I ern tjhemutxy, aDd a few days* use will prove to wonld enlist tho sympathy of business men, I any person using it for either of iheao forms of who knowing how wo bnve been wronged wonld I disease its potent power to enre them, at oncobo ready to rccogni^s tho sense of rocti- I If tho patient, daily bocoming reduced by tbo tndo which wonld prompt if, and giro full confi- waste and decomposition that is continually pro- .lencc, in tho honor and integrity of onr people. Fwatnt.ioosoda manaatmr then. T . .a.. „„ | repairs tho same with new material made from It wonld also open tho way for ns ,o tranaac. h J altIjJ . blood—and this the SAUSAPaRILLIAN onr business abroad on oetu-r and more favora- I ^ 00i B ocure—a enre is certain; for when bio ternifi than wo can get in Wall street, and J once this remedy commences its work of purifies- rid ns of tho necessity of looking to tbo North for I tion, and succeeds in diminishing tho loss of financial assistanco as we need from timo waetos, its repairs will bo rapid, ana every day the time. I patient will feel himself growing better and stiong- It is not only in London bnt in other parla of tb« food digesting hotter, .appetite improving, tho conntry in ^‘. b "” k “ r8 S? commercial men, that I have heard these opin-1 j. uowa remedial agents in the care of Chronic, ions expressed, as the facts of onr case are well scrofaious, Constitutional and Skin Diseases, hnt kno xn on this sido of tbo water. I seo that the I jt is the only positive cure for atato of Louisiana has advertized under tho Big-1 ___ , *o«is n , . . , nature of Kellogg tho Governor de facto that j KidllCy anil J(I«lUu6r (.OlliplailllS ! onn certain dato all claims against tho State urinary and Womb Diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, will bo considered nnd motj This wai pointed Uropsy. stoppage of Water, Incontinence of nn! tn iua hr n nnrfr in Lir.tlm vhn haa larr»e ITrinn Rriphi’i* iJmenMn. Albuminuria. »nd in all Boom No. 4 College Building, corner Fomth and >Yalnnt streets, THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD 00. C0RNE.R CHERRY AND THIRD STREET?, CmGIKHATI, OHIO. liefer to W. A. Hnff. xnaytl Srr* And Bonds West, in alliance with tho Fleot of Thirteen First-Glass Steamships to thaabort Fcrlj, invUj attention to tho Quick Time and Bcgnlar Dispatch afforded to the business public m tin I Gotton State J ut tho WAKREN A. RANSOM. I DABIU8 W. 0EER. W. A. RANSOM & CO., Manufactareis and Jobbors of r»OI5. r X" Ol 4 ' CflARLiKSTO I>, Offering facilities of Bail and Sea Transportation for Freight and Passengers not excelled iu excellrao* and capacity at any other Port. Tho following splendid Ocean Steamers are regularly on the Law UNDKK KALSTON’S HAIL, I BOOTS AND 133 AND 110 GRAND BT., NEW YORK. MACON, GEORGIA. PATENT ANTI-FRICTION . '■* C3-X3ST out to mo by a party in London who has large Urine, Brighc's Disease, Albuminuria, and in all interests in tho South. It is very much to bo I casoa where there are brick duet deposits, or the desired therefore that onr own Legislature at wator la thick, c:oudy. mixed.with its next meeting in Jannarv should seriously the white o. an egg, or threads like white silk, or n nj i . L .,t ij . - 1lori _. | thetoia a morbid, oark.bilicusappear&nco ana white dm. with this matter, nnd pu- M m a channel bone dl(8t an d when there is a pricking for early settlement, as the first step towards I 60n84 tion, burning sonsation, whan passing water, tho recovery of onr financial position, and tho I and pair in tho small of the back and alou^ me loins, fell development of onr enormous resources. 1 TO NS1W YORK:. oyv-spQ | MANHATTAN M. 8. Woodhui.l, Commander, i Oil \J tiio, | CHAMPION li. W. Lockwood, Commander. CHARLESTON James Berry, Commander. JAMES ADGER T. J. Lockwood, Commander. ! JAMES ADGER & CO., Agents, Charleston, & C. GEORGIA 1. S. Crowell, Commander. ; SOUTH CAROLINA T. J. Beckett, Commands ’ CLYDE J. Kennedy, Commander, j ASHLAND.... Ingram, Commander. WAGNER, HUGER & CO.,) . WM. A. COURTENAY. i A fc ents > Charleston, a , GULF STREAM.. VIRGINIA TO 3PrriXiA.DEIjFIXY A., 'iKOH *THAMSHIP£. Alex. Hunter, Comtnancer .: '. C. lllNCKLEU, Commandiir Sailing Days—Thursdays. WM. A. COURTENAY, Agent, Charleston, a U TOTAL CAPACITY 40,000 BALES MONTHLY I T BUNS TWENTY-FIVE PEN GENT. LIGHTER than any other Goar mad© It is mado v it bout a | ~ wmm IACHBH A RE:ENDORSED AND PBE3CRIEED BY MORE !«»•' iag Physicians than any other Tonic or Stim- * T ‘ morti.*, tenon, or a key to w.rk loose. Every part bolted to iron. Oyer twenty in uao. Alt have j proven good. W. M. K. $300,000! I Tumor of 12 Years’ Growth Cured by Badway’s Resolvent! MY P ATHSTT Tor Ferer and Agno Intermittents. Biliousness anS all dl«-* orders arising from malarious causes. They are hichlr emmeaded as on ANTI-DYSPEPTIC, and In cases of IN GESTION are ixym.cablb. Aa an APPETIZER and RE- CUPXBANT, and In cases of GENERAL DEBILITY they' hare never In a single instance failed in producing ihe most happy results. They are particularly BENEF1CULTO FE3TALES. 8lrengtnening the body, invigorating .tho mind, and giving tone and elasticity to the whole system. The HOME BIT TERS are compounded with the greatest of care, and i * TO . 13 A.I»TIKS.OIljei. j FALCON Hainie, Commaudrt MARYLAND Johnson, Commanda | SEA GULL Dutton, Commander Sailino Days—Every Fifth Day. PAUL C. TRENHOLM, Agent, ClmrlasLm.RU TO BOOTOHT. | STEAMSHIP MEKEDTl'A, Saiik Every Other Saturdat ,I4S. APGUR & CO., Agents, Charleston, & (J. MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. lAgnlliNt toy Hints AatliorlCjr mid Draw tu Public lu St. JLonla. Beverly, Mass., July 1G, 1837. I Dr. Raeway :—I havo had Ovarian Tumor in the ovaries and bowels. All the Doctors said “thero was no holp for it ” I tried everything that was - recommended, bat nothing helped me. I saw j yonr lteeoivent { and thought I would try it; bnt had no faith m it, because A had suffered for twelve years. I took six bottles of the Resolvent, and j ono box of Badway’s Pills, and two bottles of yonr ] Beady Belief; and there is not a sign of tumor to be seen or felt, and I feel better, smarter, and hap pier than I have for twelve years. The worst tumor la the mode of construction of wheels suspended on Anti-Friction Balls, extended arm to carry the | Pulley and Pinion Shaft. All persona using or miking any part of my Pataat. will ba proseentod to tho extent of the law. Ic stimulant has ever before been offered to tho pnblic so PLEASANT TO THE TASTE and at tho aamo timo combin ing so many remedial agents endorsed by tho medical fraterni ty as tho best known to tbo Pharmacopoeia. It costs bat lit tle to give them a fair trial, and Every Family Should Havo a Bottle. No preparation In th# world can produce so many nnqnall- Ced endorsements hy physicians of lh« very highest standing lUtes gasianteed aa low Aa those of Competing Linos. Marino Insurance oae-h^lf of QRPP« [through bills of lading and through ticketi Can be had at ail the principal ltajlroad Offices in Georgia, Alafoau a, Tonneeeoe aud Mississippi. Stato Rooms may bo soenrod in advanco, without extra charge, Ly addressing Agonts of tte I ships in Charleston, at whose offices, in all cases, the Railroad Tickets should bo oxchongtddUwJWg OUl^O 111 Viuatiuotuu, At niJUDU UI1MTO, 111 ft 11 VH0UB, 4.110 iaillUAU J.1U1UIO OllUlllll — assigned. Tho Tlirougb Tickets by this Route include Transfers, Meals and Stato Boom, while on t~g board. Sndoried alt9 l* tie CUrfff and tit Itaiinj denomina- tijnalpaptn. wu. jl Bitter# wpr# moct grateful In cootriba- tit*anti Sliiffle Unnibcr Scheme* ia th ® loft 8ide of tho b °" rei8 « ° Ter **• g r o»° wimiu olll o lc ' oiuviuw | j ^rite this to you for the benefit of others. Yon can pnblisk it if yon choose. I Build and Repair all kinds of Machinery at my Works, . R. Bascocx. th# oldest Methodist minister In St. Loon, ssys the Home Bitters wprs most grateful In contribu ting in tho restoration of my strength, snd an increaso of rPCli ‘ • Otaoav Mo., Jon# 23,1871. Persons greatly debilitated, as I bars Men, and who require a tojuc or stou-iaxt, need seek tor nothing better than the ” ~ — COP K. l District. Usitzo Statzi Ui>niHoimii Home Bitters. Presiding Elder IT. E. Church, Flattsburg ” Statu MaaiJra Hostital. > St. Loom Mo.. Oct. 8, I8T0. J 50,000 SIHtlBEKS. CLASS II. TO BE DRAWN AUOCST 30.1873. You | HANNAH P. KNAPP- BRASS AND IRO.Y CASTINGS HADE TO ORDER. 5.SS0 PKI7.ES. AMOCXTIXO TO *500,000. l'VMI 7.S00 Law 100 . £00 pri*m of. 9 prises of. 9 prizes nr prizes 9 prizes of S6 prizes 36 prises of.... 130 prizes 5,000 pritos of........... Tickets 110. Half Tickets $5. Quarters 32.50. |Our lotteries are chartered by the State, are O R M ^ - Steam, 'Water, and Gas Pipes, and Jams# A. Jactchw a Co.— 1 hare examined the formula for making tho •• Home Stomach Bitters.” and used them In thlj ■ hospital th# last four months. I consider them th# most valu able tonic and stimulant now In nse. S. H. MELCHE&, a Bssldeot Physician In ebarg# U. 8. Marine Hospital. " Jamks A. Jacxsow A Co.—Gentlemen: As you bar# ccm- ■ ttunlcated to the medical profession the recipe of the '’Heme Bitters." it cannot, therefore be considered as a patent msl- iclne, no patent taring been taken for It. We have examined Tbo only safe and sure remedy for TAPE, PIN and WORMS of all kinds. Bitters,” it cannot, therefore be coa*itterv'd a« a patent I lclne, no patent having been taken for it. We have examL^H tksSonlifbr making the "Has Bitters.” end nmhesta- iy th# rsmihlnsrienIs^mS— used in itsc- ffif, I recommending them to all persons desirous of taking Bitters, I The South Carolina Railroad, Ueorgia linllrond And their connecting Liqos have largely increased tliair facilities for tho rapid movement of ^ rdi ? b h 1 ^ Passengers between tho Northern (Mum and the South and West. Comfortable Night cafSjjrokw I Holmes’ Chair, wihout extra charge, havo been introduced on tbo South Carolina Railroad- lirflt-Ltis* Eating Saloon at JJranchville. Ou tho Georgia Railroad First-Class Sleeping Cara. . Freight promptly transferred from steamer to day and night trains of the South Carolina j Close connection made with other roads, delivering freights at distant points with I The Managers will use every exertion to satisfy thoir patrons that the line VXA CHARLESTON acne surpassed in Dispatch mid the Safe Delivery of Goods. For further information, apply to J. RI. bELEIRE, 8np*t, OticrtMtoa, 6. 0.;B. D. HASSELL, uro Agont, P. O. Box 4979, Ofiloe S17 Broadway, N. Y.; 8. B. PICKENS. Genera! p ftrt HODger and Tickw South Carolina Railroad AbFBBD L TV1 EH wlln vir* unt flam line Railroad. IlharlMin*- w PRICE $100 PER BOTTLE, j An Important letter. From k prominent gentleman and reaiden* ol Cm- 1 AU their Fittings for Sale. Having used ti recommending them to all persons deslrt si being the best Tonic and Stimulant n Obstitrlcs and Diseases of X always drawn at tho timo named, and all drawing! I ^DEkti, O-i to the PMt forty yoars well known to I aro under tho superrisioa of sworn commissioncra. J the book publishers throughout the United htatas : I war Tho cScial dravizur will b<* publishod in th* } New Yore, October 11,1670. I St. Louis paporc. and a copy of drawing sent to par- j Dr. Badway : Dear air—I am induced by a sense I chaser* of i . of duty to tne Buffering to make a brief statement I ,Vo U ' tJl7C ' of the^rorkinK or yonr medicine on myeelL For | Remit»: carrier br PottoSee Moc'erOrden Cell and aee at my Work., Foartb etreat, near the Brown Houee, Macon, Qa. Send for Oironlaia. E. CROCKETT. Pref.Sm July30 tf j several years 1 had been affected with some trouble Registered Letter Draft or Kxnrss*. bend lor a eir- J in lli e bladder and urinary organs, which some I .f-.lrov. . ka»\ MILLER A CO.. I urelve months ago calminated in a most terribly I Pestoflee Bex 3140. Re, Louis. Ms. j ajjjxting disease, which the physicians said was 1 WANTED AT ONCE, O NE OR TWO first-c’.3, prart : c»l Gin Maker.., (Brouter), to whom the higheat wiser will be paid, bv tho day or uirce. Jolyll tf P. O.SAWYER. IMPERISHABLE FKAGRAXCE! MURRAY Sc LAWMAN'S epismodic stricture in the oretha, as also irfimn- matinn of the Jadneys and bladder, and gave it as their opinion that my age—73 years—wonld pre vent my ever getting radically cured. I had tried a number of physicians, and had taken a large qnauity of medicine, both alopattue and hemeoe- pathic, but Lad got no relie/. 1 bad read of aston ishing cures having been mads by yoor remedies; and some four months ago read a notice iu the Philadelphia Saturday Evening Poet of a cure hay ing been effected on a ®prson who had long been suffering as I had been. I went right off and got come of each—your Sarsapariihan Resolvent, Ready Relief, and Regulating Pills—and com menced taking them. In three days t was greatly relieved, and now feel as well aa ever C. W. JAMES, Cincinnati, O. IT OEMS -OP THE— 1S0MCE CO CELEBRATED FLORIDA WATER. DR. SADWAY S | Perlect IPargativo ayid Heir ill at in g JPills. ESLTABLISHEP A. X>. 1805. Specially Beinsnred with the FACTORS’ k TRADERS’ INSURANCE COMPANY | —AND THE— Louisiana Mutual Insurance Coinpany, ALL OF NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA SSt used in its composition aro the best of the' class ■which they belong, befog highly Toole. Stlauleot, Stomschlc, nlnltiv*. eml slightly Laxative. Th# mode of prepxrins a Is strictly tn accordance with the rules of phsrmscy. 1 them In onr pri vote practice, we take pleasure in o ell persons desirous ot Uklog Bitters, mt new offered to the pub- e, pobtu.; Trof. Obstetric* end Diseases of Women, College of Physt- • cisns; and late member Boerd of Health. L. C. BOISLINIERF. Pref. ot t Women. St. LouUHed. CoJlegs. DRAKE McDOWKLL; it. !>., LztePm’L. Mo. Medicxl Colleja. E. X. CLARK, it. !>., • Burgerr, Mo. Uedlezl College and Ute Resident Phyit- i cUa City Uospltel, St. Louis Missouri. J HEKBERT PP.IMV. Prof. Prectleul Phurmecy. St. Louis Collere of Phxrmxcy. J. C. WH1TEBILL, KJ. Hcdicsl Archives. Alt. Hcacock, M. D. Dr. C. V. F. Lcnwto, C. Gxkicks, M. D. * 8. Guatz Mosxs. M. D. C. A. Wax*, K. D. W. A. Wilcox, M. D. XL C. FRANKLIN, M. D., Profc Surgery, Homteopathie Medieul CoBegs. T.J.VASTINE.M.dT, T.O. COMSTOCK, M. D.. Prof, of Midwifery end Di«e»se« of Women, CoUege of Houmbo- r t - n > JS T m * B " l jiaHXT. TEMPLE, V. D.. 1 Prof. Vsterle Mcdlee end Thersapcutics. Homawpsthic Msdt- ‘ cel CoUege 6f Missouri. • • : JSO. COJTZLEMAN, M. D.. Lecturer On Discuses of Children, Hrmcropathfo College of Hlisoori. • CHARLES VASTLNE. M.D., Prof, of Physiology, Homcsopsthie Medical College ef Ms. JOHN HARTMAN, it. D., Prof. Clinical Medicine, CeL Honceopethic PhysicUcs uni Snrg’s. They are tuperibr to all other fitomxeh Bitters. EXNO SANDERS. Analytical Chemist. No Bitters In the world can eicel theta SIMON HIRSCH, Analytical Chemist. Eminent PtiyMician.* of Chicago. The formula for the Some Bitters has Utn submitted to us, and we better# them to be the heft teolo and stimuli-;-for general use now offered to the public. . * •, H. Woopsrxr, M. D„ 1 G. A. Masxxxx, Analytical Jae: V: Z. Blansv, 3C I>. ROGERS Sc BONK, IWIOLHSALE GEOeEBS!! -OFFER F()R SALK CbsMi £T. Woopirxr, M. 1 ; v: Z. Biasur, M Prof. Chemistry, Bush Mafias! CeBr J. B. Warns, k 120,000 iipunils Bacon Sides aud Shoulders. 1,000 barrels Choice Family Flour. 300 barrels Refined Sugars- ALL ARTICLES IN GROCERS/ LINE AT LOWEST MARKET BATES. H. S. Hauir, M. D., ^ H. Me Vi cau, M. D., Noe's. S. Babmks. M. D., It. Lvolam, it. D.. is. A. Collins, M. D.. Nearly all of whom are^rufossors ln one or the other ot the Codecs. BULB* T- 8. Horn, it. D.. Tvos. T. Ellis. M. D., J. A. Hass, M. D. Eminent Physician* in Cincinnati, Medical Colleges, J. L. VarrixB, M. D„ Tbo richest, most 1 astirg, jot most delicato c: all pdtfamse, for use on the HANDKERCHIEF. At tho TOILET. And in tho BATH. As are im lattons ac-I cccuterfoits. a!w*y< ask for tho Florid* Water, which has an the bottie. on the label, and on the pamphlet, tlie names cf MUKHAY A LAN MAN, witLOUl which none genuine. For salo ly all perfumers, druggists, aud dea’erg in fancy goods. ) And West and of tbooe even in the East who are SALE OF UNCLAIMED FREIGHT. 1ST,( Cpxtjal Biilboad and Banking Covi Macon, Ga., August 12,1873, r|*MIE following articles of unclaimed freight will X be aoli a: ihe depot of this company, TUEo- DaY, 16th Septombor, at 10 o’clock A. M.. Pendleton Guano OompaDy—1 sack guano. J. H. Dougherty—1 box hardware. W. H- Haygood—7 bundles agncuJtural imple ments. • B. H. Kingman—1 hxx men’handise. Macon and Brunswick Bailroad—18 birrele oil GroMom A Go — 1 case merchandise. Mary Mime—1 Bedstead (three packages). Mary Mima—1 bundle beddirg. \V. F. 8HELLMAN, angl'd ‘Jlawtds Agent Central llailroa 1. Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gnm. paige. legulate, purify, cleanse, and trei.gthen. Badway’s X*u]s. for the curecf ail dis order s of the Stomach, Liver. Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipa tion, Costiveness. Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Bilona- nees. Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles and all Derangements of the Internal Viscera. War ranted to effect a positive cure. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals or deieteroue drugs. C3T Observe the following symptom® resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Oigaas: r^ndtinatir.n Inward PIIm VtallnA# Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood in the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust of Fool, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructaiions, Staking or Flutter ing a: the Heart, Choking or suffering Sensation* wnen in a Lying Posture, Dimness or Vision, Dou or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Doll Pain in tne Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin :iud Eyes. Pain in tne Side, Chest, Limbs, and sudden Flashes of Heat. Barmng in the Flesh- A few doses of Badway's Fills wiil free tbs sys tem from all the above named disorders. Price 25 cents per box. bold by Druggists. .COMBINED CASH ASSETS* - - - - 03,773*672 63. C. T. 81JOWO*, M. D.. C. 8. Moscmarr. it. D., W. T. TaLLtarxxBO. M. D., J. H. Bcckbbb. it. D., G. A. Dobxbtt. M. D. f C. WOODWABD, M. D., p. W. McCaKTHT. M, D., J- A. Jambs, it. D.. 8. P. Bobvxb. M. D.. ti. W. Bio lib. it, D„ J. J. Qcibb. M. D., W. R. w oodwabd, it. J)., K. 8. Watbb, Chealst. • G. K. Tavlob. M. D.. P. F. Malxt, . D., Tbe Home Bitters are an invajaaMe rented/ tor utligrecloa ^SJJBES AGAINST FIRE. and diseases arisfox Troa malarial causes, C.B. Tmobbto*. M. D., _ Alxx. Easxnrx, M. D , ia ekarRS sf City Hospital, M. B. Hodges, m. n.. J. M. Roookbs, it. Pact Onr, M. JL W. PcBJrrLL,M. D.. && it. a. Edmunds. M. D., Losses Adjusted Wit]i LiberaMty and Paid Promptly. W. B. Chrm, M. D., D. H. Willabd. M. ft. la all p • of tlie Nor JAMES H. LOW? (Formally cf Wood & Low, std late President La Equitable Life Iasufanco Go of N. O.) *i Manager Southern Department. Office No. 10 Whitehall street, James’ Bank Block. 1*. O. Box 106, ATLANTA, GA. I .. jacxsovs Co.- read ■FjSLIaBSI JLN2D TRUE” S. M. FAjIlKAK & If. L. JJACKUS, Besident Agents. Office, Planters’ Banking Company. i. Mareb TT. 1S71. kkitL? esamlaeJ foe foracla of fo “ iioate siomicH ■lucre,*'! have prescribed then* 1lot tze some time, asd pronounce tr “ ■ *■ * ’** fo use. ssteby a- — , . A. Jackaon Ar Co.* I’roprletors. ljLinmj w. R x. ho^id s--, si. Ltsd* JOHN INGALLa,^^ , L. W. BASDAL, j ^ BOBT. WAYVX. MAQON BOABjP Of HjPFflEtENCE. (By Parmieeion.) B. if.. JUzeqtore. ot Aduu Sc Bazsmore. Johii O. Cord, at Oubut&Gim!. - B. L Willingham, c 'Con d? Willinghfc?::. S. Wtialhcam, ot W*tefb*nm’a jgto: tyen.l one lettci «‘junp to HAD ft'AY & CO., Ho. J2 Warren, corner Ulinrcli atreet, New York. Information worth thousand* will be eent too. | Thom*. Hardeman, of Hardamao A Bparka. marlS wuHtirly I augl lm C. A Nutting. Freaigent Cfity Bank. J. K. Jootw, Frtaideot Cantnl Bank L C. Flint, Frwairiaat Hnt Rank. W. J. Lawton. Preeidwt Planter,’ Banking Oo. 8. G. Boon, Pramdant Exchange W. 8. Holt, Praaidant Boothwwtam Railroad Oo. B. W. Onbbadgw. of Oobbads*. Hazlabont A Oo. B. H. Plant, of L OL Plant A Son J. V. Barks, of J. W. Burk* $ 06. J. B. Bom, ot Boaa t Oolaman. Joaepb Dannenborg, of Hnaabaom A Dannenbnrg. Aaber Ajrea. Tbomae O. Dempaey. L. M. v.'Anr; r i.D. WARFIELD A WAYNE, COTTON BROKERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ‘ " CAV'ANNAH, GA. ABTIOULiB attention gijen to pnroha! o and ERNEST PESCHKE S Macon Standard Mean "X* i Tff', ‘ . ml i H AVING perfected my arrangement® to correct the slighter error in the time-keW^E JSflfr j llogulator, by the erection of an observatory and one of tho iuoat approved THAN 1 * 1 - 1 %g kc ef i “—*— d sUrs, I will be kw 1 MF.NTH, for tho purpose of obeorving the meridian paM^atre of the iho exact Macon mean time to within a fraction of a second. Especial Attention paid to the Bopalrlap and roilsr klaSs JAt work'ns .enlev* York markets, on the most reasonable terms, marl 5 6m IVATJQKTAXj (FORMERLY SPOTSWOOp.;, NEARLY OPPOSITE PASSENGER DEP oT THIS HOUSE HAS BH1EN THOROUGHLY RENOVATED FROM BASEMENT T3 AMI 1 - BOARD 83 OO PER DAY. P. WHELAN* Proprlefof* augl tf.