The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 20, 1873, Image 4

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J »; n I CITY AFFAIRS. WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 20, 187S. Nwoum Is —Mr. Ii. W. lUod.-l appeared in the Council !a^t nigbt and was sworn in. Flit <sal —II tv. LovickPierc-*, D.D., is now intbc city, (t*c gnpKt of (be Drown Ilonra. Ilia health is itfood *a it ba* Coen in a Ion/; time. Moan New Corr » —Three biles of new coU ton wero received from Albany yesterday, a’.l consigned lo Mo^sta Cimpbell A Jones. Flour.—A. fight occurred yesterday after- day afternoon between a coop!© of young men, ont on Fourth KtreeL One of theca, who wm overmuch in liquor, was prettyievorely beaten. Mona Uaxx.—Esin eomineneed failing about half-paat eight o'clock yesleidiy rooming end oordinced almost without intcrmlsricn unit! noon. The ground bad a good soaking and tba caterpillars bad a goed lift, Pmuo Pcnoor. Homca.—The maiUr of school homes was dtsonsaed before (be Cily Cornell last night, and (be bnilding committee was authorized to agree npon & plan, advertise for bids end proceed with the work w:tbont far ther Action of Council. Rujavm—At the meeting of the City Conceit last night, Alderman Deitz requested to bo relieved from Ihe chairmanship of the Committco on Pnbiic Property, on the ground that he hftd not snffteient time to giro proper Attention to tho Urge amount of bcnincM that comes beforo that committee. Alderman ltas- dal was appointed to tbo position, and Alder man Deitz was znado chairman of tbo Commit* fee on tbo Fjro Department. Ccuxtt Cocar.—Judge Weems bad but one cue before him yesterday morning, and that woe against Lethe Kota and her danghter, Jane Jtoas, charged with malldocs mischief, In tbnt they did ent with a knife and otharwiso mal treated a calf be'osgicg to Ur. John Dayle. Thera ware aome alight doubts retting npon thia oaae, and the ooort gave them the benefit of the doubt, and fined them a nominal tom and ooatx, which they paid. A Warre or Trut—We cannot imagine aDy way in which a man nan more utterly waste time nnd paper than by writing oommnnica- tfon* to newspapers snd failing to food Ids namo along with them. Such commonleationa aro seldom if ever read, and of oonras do not appear In tbo paper. We received aooh an one yesterday signed "G." It will l>e read wbon the writer makes himself known, and not UI1 then. ^ Tits Stats Pam.—In tba Connell moating laat night, the Mayor was authoriz'd to appoint a oommilleo of oilizena lo call npon Ihe pnbllo- iplrited pooploof Macon for snbscriptions, on aooonnt of the State Fair. A oommitteo of fivo was appointed lo act tn ooojncotlon with the Mayor, in deciding fpon tba neeeasity of having a hippodrome at Cen tral City Park, and determine whether it is best to oreot an entirely new one, or to remove the old ono from toe laboratory grounds. 1 Cut asp His Douses.—City, wilb hi* hoists, ha, arrived from New York, where they haTo been having a "high old tlmo" for two and a half months. Clay says his horaes aro looking hotter than ho evor saw them, and be intends to exhibit them at tbo State Fair against any fonr ln hand the world can prodnee. Mr. Clay says he had on interview with the owner of Harry Dassott,thofamoniracehorse, and made arrangements, according to Mayor llnffs injunction, lo bavo Bassett brongbt to tbo Fair. Jle wIT probably bring bis whole staldo with him, ns abont that tlmo he will be on his way to New Orleans. On his way homo Clay met some Carolina gentlemon who own fast stock nnd nro coming to tbo fair with ilieir stock. They say Bassett will have to do better rnnnlngtben bo has done this season at Saratoga in order to carry r IT the honors from the Clocrgia State Fair. ■USAWAT. Almost n Norton* Accident. Mr. .1. 0. Wheeler's horse ran away with him yesteiday punning on Cotton avonoc. The horse waa bltobod to Mr. Wheeler's delivery wagon, and Mr. W. was driving. By some means or other the animal became frigtatene and ran away. Ho tore down the avnnno at a ru.iuu. ..lo, .....i »nt'u ua reacurn ropmr street, at tbo City Hail, tbo wagon struck tho street car traok and Mr. Wheeler was thrown violently to tbo gronnd. na lay insensiblo far somo little time, and tbo bystanders picked him tip to carry him over to his atoro. On the way, how ever. he reoovered snflirfcnUy to walk over to the store assisted by a cither a'.do of htra. He was aeveroly braised by tho fall, but it la believed that he anatalnod no very serious injuries. The last seen of tho horso ho was rnnning on np First street. United Slaters. This ia the mmo of a society of oolored wo men in this city, who celebrsted their fourth anniversary yesterday afternoon. They formed « prooosaion at ono of tho oolored churches, nnd headed by a braes band, marched to tbo Can dal Oity Fark, where the anniversary address was delivered by J. F. Long, after which they partook of a basket oolieotion which had been sent down in advance. Thissocioty is organized far bonovalent pur poses, and a plane.* at its working-* daring tho four years of lie rxislenco shows rather sure pricing result*. The principle objects of tho society is to take care of tho nick and bnry the dead. A sick member is allowed a weekly atlpecd of tiro dollars and a halt and an addi tional dollar for ouch child dependant npon her for anpport. Fifteen dollars is ailowod for the faneral expenses of esoh deceased member. This money la all raised from dnes, which ia twenty-fito cents a month from each member. Daring the fonr years that the society has been in operation it has paid ont $494 for charitable purposes, and now has on deposit in the Freed man's Savings Bank tho snug snm of $698 CP, which amount ia increasing enoh month. The society now nnmbera abont tiro hundred and fifty members. They made a very respectable appearance marching through the streela yesterday. The members were ail dressed in white with black Mahee and ether Maok trimmings on their drosses, and they bore a black banner appro priately inscribed. They passed along in the moat orderly and wel'.-behaved manner. Tna Matos's Ooubt.—Hit Honor, Mayor Half, baa been off the bench a good part of the past fortnight, bat he is back now, and the delinquents are coming np ns nsuaL The oontlnned case against Henry Clowera, was the first taken np. Henry got drank several mights ago and went to the hones of a female oolored woman, where he demeaned himself in • shocking bad manner, using language that was extremely indecorous, especially when spo ken in the pretence of n lady. He will have fire dollars to pay, or serve tec days on tho streets. Uoee Matthews, fat and black and naughty, wan up on a charge of disorderly conduct. She went to the bonce of a sister and gave her a pleoo of her mind, reing snch parts of speech as are not admitted into the Lavers’ Lexicon. Hbe pays two dollars or reposee in Ihe ber rs oks fire days. A member of the Sniilh family, whose Christian name was Jrase, next responded to roll-calL lie had not only been drnnk, bnt had been very drenk. Ha said he d'do't mean • to do it, bnt jnat got so before he knew it. Five dollars wilt sottlo his indebtedness to tho ■oity, in defanlt of which he will bo permitted -to labor ten days on the paik—the city hoard- tog and lodging him meanwhile. The laat r.snie on docket was Back Smith. iBook is a wedge-faced .lones county chimpan zee, abont the color of a very dark night. Back •ays he had a five dollar bill and'eatas orer to ■aeon to bn; another shirt bosom like the ono -he had on, to wear to the i amp-meeting which is to take place at Griswoldville next Sunday. He oame over here and went into a store cn Mulberry street to look at the pood-. While there, be examined same jewelry, snd while ex amining it, he slipped several articles into hia pocket. He wanted it to wear to the camp- meeting. Unfortunately for him he w«s ob. •erred and the jewelry taken from his pockets. Ha then ran, bet the cry of ‘ ‘stop thief” brought a peeler into the ebaao and Back waa arrested. He will have to pay a fins of five dollars or work ten days on the streets. The obaneea are that that camp- mooting will have lo be navi gated without the invaluable aid of Back Smith, and a Jones county citizen is expatriated for the space of ten days. The New Presbyterian Parsonage. The Presbyterian congregation of this eily bavo fitted np a mci.t comfortable home for their pislor. Tho building is on Firat street, immediately in ibs rear of the chnrch and on the same lot. The building, which bos jnat been cemplclcd, is frame, two stories high, and well taut er. 1 r.cst’y finished. There are seven cjir.tuoil.or.., well lighted nod well Tentilaled rooms on the firat floor, and three above. Be sides these Iheifi era dining, ecok, servants* nnd atoro roctr.3 in the basiment; thus afford ing tho pastor all ths room his family needs, ami quite aa respectable as any cze oonldneed. The entire bnilding U Sited np with gar, and to be supplied with water from the hill. Bring ing tba water in, potting np the gas fixtures and fencing tho lot ie all that now remains to be done. Mr. Cliaby has opt occupied the house yet, and will not da ra for a few weeks, giving it ample lime to become tbcrongbly dried. He has, however, moved into the stndy, where he will hereafter speed such portion* of tha day as are not devoted Co the discharge of his more active pastoral dntiex. Tbo bouse is so ar- ranged that the study can be reached without ptssing through Ihe house. The Presbyterians deserve to ba applauded for the very handsome manner in which they are providing their pastor with a home. They have given him a good home, close to bis church, in a moat excellent neighborhood, and provided it with everything necessary to make hla family comfortable. A pastor so situated can work better for his congregation than be coaid nnder leas favorable circcmatanccs. It pnts a great deal of heart in him, and be goes among his people foil of chccrfnlness end energy and happiness, and is able to diffase those qualities wherever ho goes, A psslor who is well oared far by his flack cannot fall to do good preach •off. iiomcim:. Part F. liter Shot and Killed by I- B. Pike. Weems, of the County Court, and CoL Sam Hall. CoL W. A. Lofton still probably appear on the part of the State. The Snlicitcr Gen eral is absent. The Coroner's inquest was held over the re- mains of tha deoeased yesterday afternoon, and the jury, after hearing two witnesses, returned a verdiet that deoeased came to hii death by a gun-shot wound from the hand cf soma un known party. After the Inquest the oorpea was removed to Brown's boarding honor, over Walker A Dobbs store, from which place hia foneral will take place this nlternocn. He will be buned by Germania Lodge of Odd Fellows, aod tho Kuighls of Pythias will tarn oat in s body as aa escort. Tbe deceased was a member of both these Orders. Pike also belonged to the Knights of Pythias, though he wis not in affiliation with tbe Order here. Baer is a German. He was bom in Wiesba den, in Warsaw, when he was very small his parents removed to Frankfort on-the-Main. He has brothers and sisters still living in Ger many. He came to this city in 1867, where he bos niece lived. He has generally oondacted himself very well, snd waa recorded as a good bookkeeper. At the time of his deoesae he was clerk for Ur. G. F. Hanson, ootton buyer. He was abont twenty-eight year* of aga. Pike came thither from New York. In that city be bore * very good character. His mother is still living there and li said to bo in good cir cumstances. He has fonr children. Sinoe his faiinre he hog been drinking a good deal. He has never been regarded as a desperate charao- ler, or one that was likely to do violence to any one. His manner towards others bos always been pleasant and agreeable. Both Baer and Pike were Jews. Abont noon yeiterday, the charp report of a pistol rang ont from Eogolke's saloon on Mal- bery street. At first It was supposed that some one bod accidentally firod a pistol, bnt when tbe doors of tbe saloon wan suddenly closed tbe fearful apprehension was crested that somo sort of a tragedy had bean enacted within. A crowd soon began to collect there, and on goiog thith er we found oar worst apprehensions were more than realized. The first Intelligence that retch ed onr ear w»s thetChu. F. Baer had been shot and killed by L. B. Pike. Wo fonnd the bnilding closed aad fastened front and rear, bnt after some little exertion wo gained admittance to tho bnilding, and there wo foand Baer lying dead npon Ihe floor, with a bnllet hole in hia broast immediately over the region of the heart, a little below tho center of that organ, bnt high enongh to have passed through it. Wo found Dr. Fitzgerald in attend, anco; bnt no mortal man conid have done any good. Within fivo miDntos after tho fatal shot was fired, Boer was a corpse. We fonnd it very difficult yestorday to obtain oorfeot Information enongh npon which to base any opinion in regard to tho tragedy. There were many reports passing from month to month, meat of which were doubtless incorrect, aril we found a nnmber of people who sympa thized with Pike, bnt more, perhaps, whose sympathies were with tho decaased, and not a few who wore open and emphatie In their de nunciation of tho act. Oar opinion Is that tboso who know moat abont tho causes which led to tbo tragedy here not yot told their tale bnt will probably do so beforo tho court to day—or whenever the preliminary examination verse.' takes place. Tho immediate act of killing was witnessed by very few, and there aro few who seem to be advised of the cirenmstances of tho ease. 1 “ :l ‘ From what seems to be the most reliable in. formation to be had, tho following aro substan tially the facts wbieh led to tbe homioido: Pike is known in Maoon as the Dollar Store man, Ho came hero from New York some Ihreo years ngo, and most of the time since has been eon doctor of tbo Dollar Store in this city. A short timo ago, howover, bo failed, and since has wua Vi basin— It boa l>oen generally understood that he bad a wifo and children in Now York, bnt they have never been hero with him. On Snnday night his wi'o arrived hero. Piko was in Fort Valley at the time. When Mrs, Pike arrived her first endeavor wan to fiad her husband, nnd she got a colored man to go with her nail assist her in finding him. While they wero on tho streets for this pnrposo thoy met with Baer, and inquired of him if he know where thoy oonld find Piko. He volunteered to show thorn the way, and the woman states that while on this bnsiness, Baer made impro per proposals to her, renewing them two or threo times daring tbo evening. Being nnabie to find Pike, tho woman was taken to J. J. Wal ton's boarding boose, where she spent the night. Piko returned from Fort Valley Monday oven ing, and learning that hia wife was in the cily hnnted her np, nnd aho fold him what had passed between her and Baer. Sho did not know who Baor was, but the negro who was with her did, and from this boy Pike ascertained who it was. He at ocoo announced bis deter- mintlion to kill Baer on sight. Yesterday morning we heard of him as hunt log for Baer. He went to Hanson's office, where Baer was employed as Hark, and also to Hardeman A Sparks' warehouse, bnt failed to find him at either piece. Wo also hear of his enqniring for him cf persons fhot he met upon the street. Finally he fonnd Baor in Engelke'a saloon, where the latter had boen for abont an boar. Pike called Baer aside and in the pres ence of a third party commcnocd a conversation wKh him, in so quiot a manner that it was not noticed by other parties in tho saloon at tbe time who wore standing only a few feet off. In fact the firat intimation that others had that there waa any difficulty on foot was the crack of of the piatuL When we went to tho scons of tho tragedy, the firat man we met was Pika. Not knowing that he had had anything to do with the trag edy, we asked him what was the matter. He said "that man bad tried to toduee my wife, and I shot him," or words to that effect. Somo other party who was by asked who the man was, and he answered Baer. At Ibis time Piko was as cool a man no there was on the grennd. He made no effort to get stray, bat stood abont there for perhaps ten minnles, till cfficer Low- enthal came np and led him off to the barrack*. When Lowenthal asked him for his pistol, he said he had none, and there was, indeed, none npon his person, tnd it was not dir covered what he had done with it. Ur. Engelke was in the eatoon at ths time; but did not see tbe ghot fired. Meaning the re port of the pistol, he looked nnd saw Free with tbe pistol in his band. ( He asked what was the matter. Bear said, “he has shot me.” Pike retorted, “he tried to seduce my wife." Baer, ho bad fallen, raised himself a little and sold, "I never did anything of the kiixl in my life, Engelke," or woidi to that effeot. Pike says when he approached Baer npon tbe •object he denied that bo had manifested soy improper conduct toward tho lady. When he told Baer what hia wife had sa*d, he fBser) an swered, “Your wife totia a lio." He (Pike) then shot him. When tbe the pistol waa fired it must have been held immediately against tha breast of the deceased, ns his vest and shirt were blackened with the powder. Tho last words of Baer was the remark made to Mr. Engelke, quoted above. Bier conid not have livod longer man fire min- ntes after me shot was fired. Dr. Fnrgerald was in Mtatesborg's drug store, when he heard the report, and went over immediately. Boer gasped once cr twice after the Doctor got there. A search of Baer’s clothing, after he was dead, revealed the fact that ho was not armed. Pike, A3 staled above, gave himself np to tbe first cfficer that made his appearance, and waa taken to the city turrseks, where be remained until a bailiff appeared wiih 8 warrant and took him to tho county jail where he still remains. His preliminary examination will probably com- menee before Jnstioe Sprit z at ten o’clock thia morning. He will be defended by Jcdg Wviwwit.roisjss o* the Warn.—Tne patriarchs took no mercury, no biomath, no iodine, no brom ide cf potassium, no etiyeboris, no quinine. Happy old gentlemen I they did not even know of tbo existence of tneee “specifics," and yet they lived until it seemed as if Death had forgotten them. Their medicines were herbs and roots They bavo left this fact on record, and ths world seems to be new taking note of it sod returning to tbe first principles of medication. Hostetler's Stomach Bitters, the purest and most efllsaciotia vetotsble restorative of the day. ii also tbe most popular. Tbousanda of persons who only A few years ago behoved implicitly In all tbe poisons ■which figure In the pharmscatpia, row pronounce mis palatab’e tonic and alterative an All-sufficient remedy for dyspepsia. nervous debility, cons tips tion, bilious complaints, headache, intermittent fevers, and all the ordinary disturbances cf the stomach, tbe liver, the discharging organs and the brxio. Ths thus is not far distant when most of me powerful snd venomous drags now eo reck- lonely administered by practitioners of the “berols'' school, in oases that might easily be controlled by milder treatment, will be utterly disc tried by all pbiloeophlcol physicians. As It is, tho thinking pnbiic, who are generally ahead of the profession als, have already pnt the dangerous preparations aeide and adoptod Hoetetter’s Bitters In their stead as a aafo and cxoellent household medicine, adapted to almoet every ailment except the organio and deadly ccn.'agioui disease*. For more than twenty years thia famous restorative and preven tive has been annually strengthening its bold npon the pnbiic confidence, and it now takes the lesd of every advertised medicine manufactured in this country. IwiTAToits jure mail Schzwxo come to grief at last. Only original discoveries; like thst of Dr. Holmbold, stsnd the test cf timo. Helmbold's Da cha, whfek is the only extract of that wonderful shrub that realizes its fall virtues. Is atilt relied npon to cure kidney complaint, female disorders, lmpotonry, gravel, tho effects of dissipation. And All troubles of the minory organs in either aex, This steadily inecessful medicine it recommended by physicians. Beware cf counterfoils John F. Henry, New York, solo agent Pzbshmi. — John W. Hollis, Montszuma, Topn , May 18, 18,0 “I have been using A. Q Bim- mons’ Liver Begulator and it bos proved to be tbe best medicine in my case that I ever saw. We be- liove It to be ono of tho boet med'einea in tho trai- No danger from yellow fever! Take Eimmoria Liver Begulator, tbo great preventive. No danger from cholera! Toko Eimm ms’ liver Begulator, the groat preventive A HoreznoiD* Nxczasiiy—Editor Wanpun (Win ) Leader Bays: “Dr. Price’s Cream Btkicg Powder haa become with ua A household neeeasity. It makes light and nice blecait, which onr wife, who has long arffered with dyspepsia, can indulgo in without injury. Don't fail to use Dr- Friee's Cream Baking Powder, as, also, his Special Fla vorings, T.rmon. Vanilla, etc., as they Are prepared by a practical rbc-mist, as well aa physician, with special regtrd to their strength and purity. Ask grocers for them.” Tn CaxarzeT Jure Best.—Hood's Eureka Liv er Med'cioe gives universal satisfaction in tbo treatment of Liver Disease, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Co* tivenoss, and all th*J class of dis eases arising from a disordered state of the stom ach and livor novSOry Jot to the Wound Wo wait is Fsee!—Among tho many modern discoveries looking to the happi ness and amelioration of the human race, none is entitled to higher consideration than the renowned c-meJy —Dr. J. Braddold'a Female Begulator, Woman's Best Friend. By it woman is emanci pated from numberless ills peculiar to her sex. Before its mtgio power all irregularities of the womb vanish. It cures whites. It cures suppression of the menses. It removes uterine obstructions. It cares constipation sod strengthens the system. It braces tbe nerves and purifies tbe blood. It never fails, as thousands of women will testify. This valuable medicine is prepared and sold by L. H. Brodfield, Druggist* Atlanta, Ga. Price f L.&0 per bottlo. All respectable drag men keep it. Ttrsxrazx, Ann, 1868. Mb. L. H. BstDFiEUi—Sir: Please forward us, immediately, another anpplv of Bsomteld's Fx- mai.e Itron.aTOR. We find it to be all that la laimed for it, and we have witnessed tbe most de- elded and happy effects produced by it. Very respectfully, HrsTEB .t Auxiron. We, tbe nndorsigned Druggists, take pleasure in commending to tba trade Do. J. BaaDt isLo’s Fu- sialt. Bioui.aToa—believing it to be a good and re> liable remedy for tbe diseases for which be recom- monds it. W. A Lawsmu, Atlanta, Ga. Pzubehtok, Wresell, Toti-or A Co , Atlanta, Ga. Bed wise A Fox, Atlanta, Ga. . W. O. Lawsur, Atlanta, Ga. W. Boot A Box, Marietta, Ga. STATE OF GEORGIA—Trout Oouictt • Tliie is to oertify that I have examined tbe recipe of Dr. J. flRanriELD. of this county, and as a medi cal man pronounce it to be a combination of medi cines of great merit in the treatment of all the die- eases of females for which he recommends it. This December 81, 1S63. Wsc. P. BxasLKT, H. V. Hunt. Kan tin A Lamar, Wholesale Agents. mavlOddawAwly Maoon, Ga- Pxritoimi H ive Extebisise.—Mr. P.P, Toole, whose advert, icment appears in another col* bbic, bu brought to a high state of perfection the largest end meet complete manufactory of doors, sashoa and blinds in the Southern States. His warranted wotk, untiring energy, personal appli- cation to business and liberal advertising, have placed his enterprise among the first in tha South, thus giving to his many ctwtomers work and prices that defy competition. Price list spnt free on ap plication. ON THE BREAKFAST, LUNCHEON, DINNER AND SUPPER TABLE, LEA an PUKUS’ Worcestershire Nance. IS INDISPENSABLE. JOHN DOSfCASrs SQIS > Hew York. Agonti for tbs Uni tad Stats*. FISA5CI1L AUD COMMERCIAL Latest Market Reports by Telegraph FINANCIAL. New Yonx-Kooa—Gold 15X- Fxehonge, long 83f; abort 9. Money euy at 4. tiOTrerncxenu dolL State bonda quiet. Imports for week ending date fire and a quarter millions. Evening—Money active and advanced to 4S5. Sterling 8X Go d Governments dull. State bonds qniet and steady. Midnight—Governments, 81s 62» I<; 61s 17J*: 65s 18X: new 1"«<: G7a i9Jf; «3a 1SK; new fisUJf; 10-40*liH- _ ... , Tern ekeee 6s «: new 81J<: Virginia Cs new 60; consol (IK: »retrod J1K: Louisiana 6a 45- new 42; lave* 61 65: Ss 63; Alabama 8a 70; 5a 46: Georgia 6) 7d. 7i 9). North Carolines 27; new 16. special ux 12K: bculh Carolina. 27K: new 15: April and October 23- . .... New Oexeass—Sterling 15 hew York eight K premium. Gold 35.Y 1.0,do*—Noon—'ten forties SKVi'rr—Noon—Benda 9"K Pann—Noon—Rentes 57f07<a COTTON. New Yobe—Noon—Cotton weekend ii regular; uplands 19J{: Cileans SOX: *»!«• H50. Futures opened as follows: August 19 3-16; September 17 15-16; October 17K- Evening-Cotton weak and irregular; uplands 19K@S0X: sales 3319; net receipra 662. gras* 2920 B Jea or future. 7.600. market etoaed as follow*: August 19 1S-32@19 7-15: Septan bar 17 19 87; Oc tober 17X; November 1711-32»17K; Dtcember 17 9 32. New Obleass—Cotton, net receipte 84; gross 467; exports to Orest Britain —: coaalwiae —; ..... job; last evening 4SO; stock 18,400; ordi- tary 69—; good ordinary —@—; low middlings middling. 1SX; market dull. haLTmokic—cotton, nst receipts —; gross 43; exports to Great Britain —: coastwise 61; sales 350; stock 1425; middlings 19,Y: market dull. UotJTon—Gotten, net receipts —; gross 261; exports to Great Britain —: sales 200; stock 9.590; middlings 20X; market dull and nominal. Wilmejotok—Gotten, net reoeipul8; exports coastwise 58; sales —; stock 8100; middlings iSX; market quiet. Acotora—Cotton, receipts ItS. falce 1C8. ship ments —; middlings 17,Y: muktt dull. gavareas — Cotton, net receipts 181: exports co oat wife —: sales 8: stock 992; middlings 17X; none offering. Csaelestoe—Cotton, net receipts 243; exports coastwise —; aides 150; stock 4379; middlings I7X@17X: low middlings 17: good ordinary 16; ordinalv'i3X@1SX; market qa et, Fiiet bale new cotton received from Bssufort cenmy to-day, ciaaaed aa ordinary. Mobile—go turn, net xeoeiptc 37; exports coist- wiae 864; sales 176: stock 7211; middlings 18 <5 18Y: low middlings —; gcod ordinary —©—; market irregular. Oalyestox—Cotton, net receipt* 67: export* to Great Britain—: cooetwise—; tales 100; stock 6763; middliogd —; good ordinary 15@15Y: mar ket good. Memphis—Cotton, net receipts 240; shipments 213; stock 1070; middlings 13; market oulL Kobtolx—Gallon, net receipts 308; exports cooetwise 442: sales 60; stock 1772; low middlings 18: good ordinary — @—; market dull. PureAnELF.Tia — Colton, middlings 19XS20 market dull. Loxmx—Noon—Weather wet and unfavorable to crops. Loxdox—Evening— 1 Turpentine Sts. Liveepool—Noon—Ootton tending down; np- lands 8XS8X: Orleans 9@9X- Cotton sales 8,000; speculation and export 1000. PRODUCE. Ntw Tons—Noon—Flour quiet and eteady. Wheat scarce and firm; No. 2 Milwaukee 1 66. Corn scarce and fiim; steam western mixed 69. Pork qaiet and steady; new mess 18 26. Lard firm: old western steam 8 IS 16. Tarpentino eisy*t43@43X- Bosin quiet at 3 16@S 17 for cjmmOD etrained. Freights dull. Evening—Flour in moderate request; common to fair extra 7 85. Wheat in active demand at 1 better, new red western 16791 61. Corn dall and heavy. Pork quiet and steady: new 18 00. Lard 83L Tarpentino firmer. Boeln eteady. Whisky eteady at 1 00. Coffee qaiet and very firm; Bto2C @21X. Sugar firm with X advanoe. Rice firm; Carolina 8>ft39X. Freights active. Baltmosb—Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat active and higher; cboioe white 1 80; fair to prime 1 G0@175. Oom quiet and steady. Hie firmer at 95@t 00. Provisions firm with a good jobbiug de mand; no small lots offering Puik 16 00; snout- derslO. L*xd8Y@8X- Whisky SOX- Louisville—Flour firm; family extra 6 539675. Cora, fair demand; sacked 56. delivered at depot 60. Pork firm at 16 50@l7. Bacon in fair demand; shoulder* 9Y®9K: rib eidea 10Y@U: dear sides 11SUY. pocked. Lord Bteady; choice leaf In tierce 8X@!>K; keg 9Xfi£10; Rteam 8. Whisky firm at 95. Cixcixxati—Flour in fair demand and advanced to 6 4u@G75. Com firm at 45rS47. Provisions qaiet and firm, l’otk quiet at 16 75. Lard firmer; etoam hold at 8. Bacon quiet and film; shout ters 9Y'°9%: Clear rio aide* lf,Y@10X:- 0 ear eidea lofi. Whisky firm at 95. at. Louie—Flour quiet and unclianfied; pnperfino winter 3 75/4)4 25 Corn quiet; low mixed 39 4S9X- Whitky firm at 91(505 Purk qni tit 10 75<@17 00. Bacon dall. with only » hunted obbiug cemand Lard, summer steam IS- WreuiMiios—bptiita turpentine quiet at 33 Rosin nominal at 2 5u for Htrair.e 1 Grade Ter pentine, 2 01 for hud; yellow aud virgin 3 35. Ton higher at 3 25. New O&LEtys— Flour firat; treble extra 7 00© 775; family 8 5 i(S9 50. G>ru quiet; yellow mixed 67(4)68; yellow and white 70 Oats 45@10. Bran 65H67X. Hay, prime 2t: choice 23. Pork firm and scarce; old 17; new IS 0(1. Dry salted meats, shoulders 9,Y- Bacon ecatca; shoulders clair rib sidos llf/; clear 12; hams 153155$ Lard scarce at 9 for tierce; keg 1 OX(411. bugar firm and scarce; good to fair 9X- Molasses, nothing doing. Whisky scarce; Ltraiaiana 99; Cincinnati t 02X- fVlffee Ba*Ii—n*J .,3 qnle »* MpMJf. Loxnox—Evening—Tarpsmiee S0s@c0s8d. Livebpool—Soon—Bre.d.tnffa buoyant. Corn 28i63(S>29ii. Bed winter 12e6i. Lard 39.63, Poik, new 66s. Evening—Yarns and fabrics, tendency down- ward. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS GERINAIA LODGE NO. 59,1.O.O.F O FFICERS zod Members of Oerxnzms Lodge Vo. t9. L O. O. F., are ordered to assemble at tbe Lodge Room at balf-paat 2 o'clock p. k., to attend tbe faneral of oqr late brother, Chxrlxs KiES. By order of F. A. SHONEMAN, N. Q. H. Bpahb. Secret try. ang?0 It KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS* V OU are hereby ordered to appear at yoar “Caat e Hall, ’THIS DAY, August 1A», iS73, at naif-past 2 p. to pay tbe last tribat 3 of re- eptet to oar deceaecd number, O. F. Bair Mem ber* who are nxLfojnixl will sppear in fal dreos. £r order M. B- ROGERS, O. O. p B Wo-Dicrr, K. of R. and 8. au$:‘20 It WANTED. A WHITE WOMAN to Cook for ft small fftmily. One wall qaaltfled wiU Had ft good situation by applying to THIS OFFICE. ang20wfa E NGLISH, French and German Boarding and Day Bcbool, for Toong Ladies and Little Girls, 94'Cathedral street, Baltimore, Md. Mips Cbalfee a'-d Miss Hameeeley, Principals, assisted by able Professors. Next Sefcaion opens Septem ber 13th. Coarse of studies exteative, comprising aU branches of a polite education. French Is the languige of the School. Claes honors awarded at tbe close of the year. Circulars on application. ang'AO-lm ROSS & COLEMAN, JOBBERS OF Boots, Sloes, Hats, dotting aad Fancy Hoods FOR SALE. C ENTRAL RAILROAD A BANKING COM PANY STUCK. Southwestern Railroad Stock. Macon Fire Insurance A Trust Association Stock. Mutual Loan Association Meek. City of Kafaula Bond*. City of Macon Bonds. Apply to aug2C-2t CCBBEDGE. HAZELHCR3T A CO. notice. Macox, ISth August, 1873. A T a meotirg of the Gorporatota of the Fhtrain IfOD and Goal Company, held THI3 DAY, it was resolved that books for subscriptions to the Capital Slock of thia Company be opened at tbe office of Dr. E. L Strohecker, on SATURDAY, the 23d day of this month. O G. RPARK3. W. R. JOHNS rON, ED. L. 8TROHEOKER, angSO It Corporators and Commiasionere, MARINE NEWS. New Yoik — Arrived, Buntevi’Ie. O tario, 8sn Jacinto, Adger. Oceanic. Minnesota. Wilmiogtoa. Atrived out. Ohio, city of Fails, Columbia, Itebo, Moravian, St. Patrick. Chabiebtox—Atrived, Ashland, Flagon rnrinir * r~~—TT—. Tbe friends and acquaintances cf tho late Cam. Baxbalb respectfallylavited to sttendhia funeral, from tbe residence of E. M. Brown, Mulberry street, between Second and Tfiird streets. TO MORROW, at 3 r. x. ' WAGES. F OR ftll who are willing to work. Any person, old or young, of either sex, can make from ?10 to a week, at home day or evening. Want- ei by all. timtablo to either city or oonntry, and any aeaeou of tbe year. Tnia Is ft rmre opportunity for those who are ont of work, and ont of money, to make an independent living. No capital being required. Our pamphlet, “HOW TO MAKE A LIVING,** giving full in*traction*, Beat on receipt of 10 oonts. Address A. BURTON ah CO., Mor< rieacia, Wertcbeater oonnty, Jf. Y- T HE BECKWITH $20 PORTABLE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, on 80 diys* trial; many advantages overall. Satisfaction guaranteed, or $20 refundod. Bent osmplete, with full directions. Beckwith Bwwjcg Machine Go., 862 Broadway, N. Y. Hcut, Ihxny A Lucan.—Thia well known and’ reliahie 3rm have received a large lot of Dr. Hood'i Eureka Liver Medicine. It has tbe praise of all who have tried it. In bottles at 50 oenti and $1.00 OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. HAPPY BELIEF FOR YOUNG MEN from the effect* of Error* and Abuse* in early life. Man hood restored. Impediment*.to Carriage remov ed. New method of treatment. New and remark able remedies. Boots aai circulars text free, in aealei envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIA TION, No. 2 South Ninth at., Philadelphia, Pa.,— aa institution having a high reputation for honor able conduct and prjfeesional skill. JalySdSm WANTED. O NE FISE SHOE ASD BOOT MAKER, and one good Teg Workman. Addra... jultfiO din W. H. TILLERY. Dublin, Laurens County. Qa New Boarding House. O N TEE FIRST 07 AUGU8T I will open the Hou*e on Mulberry street, opposite the La nier House, (Granite Hall) formertr kept by N. Binawanger. Board $2$ per month, and the table •applied with the beet tbe market afford*. Boom* can be had either With or without furniture. aug6 1m E M. BROWN, Agent KOBT. A. KISBET, attorney at Law Corner MULBERRY ST. and OOTTON ATE. lOrer Fayne's Drag Store,) jcneUdfim ’ MAOON, QA. T HE NEW ELASTIC TBUS4. An important In vention. It retain* the Buptnre .at aU times, and trader the hardest exercise orasevereet strain. It is worn with comfort, and if keptwon night and day, effects a permanent cure itwsHfewwreeks. Bold cheap, and Bent by mail when reqaetted. Circnlars free, when ordered by letter sent .loathe Elastic Truss Co., No. 683 Broadway, N. Y. city. Ncbody uses Metal Spring Trusses: too painful; ’the! slip off too frequently. may 22eodAeowly LAND FOR SALE. r | HE most dceirabla farm in Hacon county, X owned formerly by Hiram B. Trout m w. and now by u>, ijing on the west bank of Flint river, ju«i five miles below tbe beautiful and U vuriahing town of Reynold*, (S. W. B. B ) and containing One Thousand (l.OuO) acres, ia now foh saijb The improvements are unequalled, con&Lticg of a good dwelling, with every neoeaiury out improve ment*. There are seventeen cabins for laborers, all with ?ood brick chimneys. A great deal cf the cleared land fresh. Any one desiring snch a farm, and on the most enticing term*, bad beet apply at once to HENRY T. JORDAN, T. MARION BRYAN. aug!9 2m Reynolds, Qa DISSOLUTION; T HE partnership heretofore existing nnder the firm nanrn off* Barfield A Go. is this day diasolved by mutual concent. The business wiU be continued by J. F. Barfield, at the oJd stand, who alone is author*/.sd to eeUlo fho business of the late firm* J. F. BkRFIELD, V. ti. GREEN. August 18, 1873. Tbe undersigned having retired from tha firm of •. p. Barfield A Co., takes this method of inform ing hie did friends and patrons that he will remain with /. F. BacLelfh where be wiU be pleased to see his old friends and easterners ss heretofore vog\9.t T. 8. GREEN. MONET SAVED. W HISENANTS COTTON CATERPILLAR DE8TBOYEB is tbe only caterpillar de strove rlpateuted. All parties are warned against any infringement upon my rights. Arsenic, Pari* Green, Lime aad Flour are used in the compound patented by me. Any party or parties using or selling any compound containing spy two of the shove ingredients, or containing substantial what fa relied npon by me in my compound for de- stroyieg tbe ootton caterpillar, is infrir Ring upon my rights, and will be prosecuted in tha United States Court for so doing. GREEN F. WR IRE BANT, Patentee, acgli lw>Chapel gin, Texas. mmu UNIYMSfTY. L OCATED at Ashland, the home of Henry Olay and Old Transylvania. Bit colleges in oper ation, with 90 professors, and 600 frfkj-n 28 Bute*. Entire fees for oollege ysar, $20, e^« oept in the Law, Medical and Commercial Col leges. Boarding from $2 to $5 per week. For Catalogue, address J. B. BOWMAN, Regent, Lex- ington, Ky.angUdlswl m PLANTATION FOR SALE. I OFFER for sale a Plantation situated in the fork of Towaltz* River. Monroe county. Ga., 7 miles from Forsyth and 10 miles from Indian Spring. Said plantation contains 850 acres; 350 cleared and in good state of cultivation; 500 aorea of woodland, well timbered, while tho land ia very productive It is remarkable for healthfalneaa and forthe ealnbrity of the atmosphere, the place hiving been settled 40 years, and there never hav ing been a case of fever thereon. Tho place ib in a good neighborhood, convenient to schools and churches. For furtherpsrtiralara, apply to the undersigned JOHN T. OltOWDKB, Forsyth, Ga. aug20 2w Greatest Bargain in Americai A 25 BOOM HOU3E for sale at next to nothing, on eix years credit, without interest. Building and Loan Association NO WHERE. That large snd commodious HOUSE, situated in the centre of the citf, near the City HaU and Market place, and known as the FLINT HOUSE, Will be eollon 72 monthly installments of 8100 etch; hss been rented for years at $75 and 8100 per month. Apply at once to MVg20 eod6t O. B. ROBERTS W. A. JOHAN & GO Offer their entiro etock of HUS QUITO r _ AT LESS THAN COST ! Glove-Fitting Skeleton Corsets AT ONE DOLL VK ! BESIDES NJURRJD4 OTHER A-ttractive Good AT EQUALLY ATTBAOTlViS FRIGES New Prints and Bleached Goods RECEIVED DAILY ! A FULL SUPPLY OF STRIPES, CHECKS, JEAN? -AND- OASSIMERES FOB EARLY FALL WEAR, ON HAND, WHICH WILL BE SOLD CHEAP, TO KEEP THINGS MOVING. d! on W.A. JUHAN& CO angSOtf Sale of Unclaimed freight. Maoox asp Rbuxswice RirenoiD, ) Macox, Au.ttat 2Utb, 1873. f T HE following articles of UNCLAIMED FREIGHT, if not called for before date of sole, will be aold to the highest bidder at tbe depot of tbe Maoon and 15 unstuck Railroad, on 24th DAY SEPTEMBER, 1873, sale to begin at Id o’olock A. at. 8 Waielbanm A Hra, 1 bet fans P A G, 1 box glass traro 8 Moreland. 2 bales boddiog Jno Fa’.e A Co, 1 pckg, 2 bares mdse H Oo.-utbers, I sack pot ware W J Hodges, I seek empty bags D W Lewis, I sack cotton seed T J Daree. I box hardware Ordinary Telfair County, 2 boxes books W P Eastman, I box (2) cans oil Jim Baltmareb, I box md.o F F Reed, I box mlee L M Gardner, I trunk A 8 Gcodbread, I trank H Fowe", I box Ordinary Pnlaeki County, I box V, I box pickles B. 4 boxes brandy peaches M Keaton, 1 box books B J Egerton, 38 water bucko'a ** “ 4 bdla barrel covora Geo F Stevens, I box fireworks No mark, 7 sacks guano *■ •• Ilemotysacke “ “ I grain oradlo “ “ I sack cotton “ " I old pot “ “ I sack harness ■ “ “I box sundries " “ I box circular aawa “ “ I roli bagging “ “ I spinning wheel " •* I tin bolter “ “ I pkg, (2) glazed Baeh ** “ I axle, yoke and bows ’■ " IS pieoea bedstead •* “ x mill hopper •* “ I table " 2 aaoks seed cotton “ “ I wagon wheel ,• “ I carriage pole •* •• I bundle scythes •f " 4 pieces bar iron J. F. KIBIiE, tngSOdtawtd .GeneralFreight Agent. ■PLANT’S EXTRA.” N OT eurp&ssad by any Flour mido In the United titstes. For sale by 14 St* JONES A BAXTER, Agents. Homes for the People! T hree cf the most ELIGIBLE LOTS for pri vate residences, for n&v» at low down figures. Neighborhood the beat in the city. Term3 aa rea sonable and accommodating aa oan fce expected. Apply to JOHN D. HcK El, LAR, No. 62 Second at, next S* W. Broke A Co.’a. auglltf- B. piL. Jf. K. ni£EIS. HILL & HAJJRIS, ATTORNEYS AT LA)tf No. 80 Cherry ttreet, (ap stain) MAOON, GA. WiU praj tics in aU the courts of the Macon Cir cuit. npecial attention given to Collections. Oou- yevancea, etc. July27tf MA.COISI, a A Having made the change contemplated in onr business, by disposing cf onr Retail Department, we aro pleased to announce that our arrangements aro as perfect, ia a business point, aa we could desire, and we are now ready for future operations. Feeling permanently located In this country, whore our friends live, ana to which early association attach ns, wo do not cxpoct or desire to make & fortune in a hurry, but will content curselroa with the slow prooees cf building np tbo most extensive business of its kind by miking large ea ] es od tmill com missions To this end weuhall strain every nervo and devote all onr energy, and any benefit that ra*y result shall be uratnally aharod by onr patrons. Witlout enumerating in detail, wo will briefly state that our stock is large and comprehensive in every department, and we extend a cordial Invitation to merchants to oall and s?o what wo can do, compared with other markots whore they have bought heretofore. DE. WRIGHT, DENTIST JJAS removed to Boarilman’a Biook, over Pen riteton A Roe.’, comer Mulberry and Basons ... Maoon. Ga. gnrjV WHITE BOOK: POTASH! BY THE POUND. TURNIP. CABBAGE, BEAN, Ar J other seeds euitabio to tne season. fine lTquors FOR MEDICINAL USE. Imparted and Domestic Sfgars AT BOTTOM FIGUEI8. Fresaiptiona compounded with cate and promnt ness by competent persons. ROLAND B. HALL, O.rner Cheny sheet and Cotlon Ateme argl2 *f TAX NOTICE. * T HE TAX BOOKS of Bibb oonnty are new In my hand?, and I am reaay for the people to call np and pay tboir taxse. My instructions Iet Ta mo bnt a ehort timo ia which to collect all the taxes. My cilico is on Cherry street, at my 0 ltl place of business. I am &iso required to roceivo, under oath, re ports of farm crops raieed in the county, together with othor information reUtivo to the farming in. tereeta. W. T. NELSON, ancO toovl5 Tax Collector. ROSS & COLEMAN. 3XTATIOKAIj HOTEL. (FORMERLY S]?OTSWOOD), NEARLY OPPOSITE.PASSENGER DEPOT THIS HOUSE IIA8 BEEN THOROUGHLY RENOVATED FROM EASEMENT Tj A1310 BOARD S3 OO PER DAY P. WIIELAIV, Proprietor. THE D. PRATT GIN! BUSINESS ESTABLISHED IN 1833. effot to plsnters.thcae roll-incwn Olus, which are acid whoroever ootton is plsntod. OVER SEVENTEEN THOUSAND einco 1853 ' Wu P»riios wishing to buy to come and ox,mine litem, e*pnciallv the IatPltOk c.D GIV, hsvraq a Hntor attatbed. It will pay them for eo doing. They aro warranted to gtvo satisfaction, and time given to tost them before payment is required ]a!yI0d2tawtf JOHNSON & BUNLAP. No. 72 THIRD STREET. WHISENANT’S Caterpillar Destroyer Can now be bought for 71-2 cents per pound — 15 lo 20 pounds is sufficient for an acre and It doe*s not injure lhc plant. Those who suffer from Caterpillars arc invited to try it. HUNT, RANKIN & LAJIAK, Wholesale Deng and Chemical Warohosso, *agl7tf Stand 81 Ohorry etreot. SMUTS! SHIRTS! THOMAS U. CONNER Has Ja*t received a new lot of be&ucifal Fall Bossma and Plaited Bosoms, frjm If to 29 inches in the nock. Tho Full itosoma aro tho coolest Shirts worn DRAWERS! DRAWERS! THOMAS U. COKNES Has a splendid fitting hammer Drawer, from 26 to SO inches waiet, and all lengths of inaeazq. SECK-WKAR! NECK-WEAR! THOMAS U. CONNER Received yea’erday a now stock of Hummer Neck-wear, in all colors. Lavonder and white for evening wear. Linen Collars of all stylo, and sizes. JolylStf One of the most efficient and valuable of tho MINERAL SPRINGS OF VIRGINIA, Mtde portable and easily tranamieeiblo. even by moil, in the form of a mass, which ba, been entitled ALUM AND IRON MASS, A product obtained from the excellent Alnm Wells in Washington county, Virginia, Dr. Lancaster, proprietor, by the process of evaporation, and poa- ueesing all the wonderful virtue* of the water in a concentrated, cheap, and convenient form. Tbe Mass is a fine tonic, alterative snd abeorb- ent, and is especially useful to ladies. It has been universally approved and Kndoned by tbe Xedlcal Profession, Wherever introduced, both ss a desideratum ia their materia, and as the beet popular remedy ever offered, and has never failed to give satiaf&ction. For sale by r JOHN INGALLS, augl7tf Sole Agent. . WE8LEYAT FEMALE COLLEGE, MACON, GA. rjlHE THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL SESSION will begin October 6, 1873. For catalogues, cootaioiag fall information, ad- uresc BEV. JS. rf. MVE33, D. D., l*i evident. O. W. PMrrg, Secretary. _ang7 2m BARGAINS IN MIL1ISSRY! H AVI SO datermiued to closo up my business, I am offering from this date and until the en tire lot is disposed of, my stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods At prices that cinnot fail to please all. My stock consists ia part of Lidies* Hats and Bonnets, Flowers, Kibbons Laca Goods, nair Goods, Collars, Cuffs, Zephyr Worsted, And in fxct everything usually kept in my line. Call and examine my goods and buy them your own price. aagC d2w MB3 L. F. HEHDBIX. FOR RENT. npWO DWELLING HOUSES, eligibly loc-taj A Apply to It F. LAWTON, . At Exchange Bank, or to DR A P. COLLIN8. jalyP tf At Collies & Heath's. JO RENT. T WO TENEMENT HOUSE3 or one eight-mom Honee for rent. App'y to jalvTUr OLIYElt. DOUGLASS A 00 SUPREME COURT ROOM. Avie&STa. Januaiy IS, lb7i. Meters. J. H. ZEILIN & OO.: On my arrival ia ibis city last night I received yonr letter of the iOth of November lust, aceompaniod by a bottle of your Simmons* Liver Regulator Medicine for wbieh I beg you to accept my eiccere thanks, i h&vo occasionally ueed this modicine for constipa tion of my bowole, caroed by a temporary derange ment of the liver for tho iaet threo or four ye&ra and always, when need according to tie directions with decided benefit. I think it is a good medi cine for tho derangement of the liver, at least such hia been my personal experience in the nee of it when prepared by myself ac2ording to the di rections on each package thereof. Wnen ubaent from homo I bavo in two or throe inutatce* had tho modicine prepared at a drog etore, which did not prove to ha of any value whatever, owing to tho fac:. aa I believe, in not being properly pre pared according to tho directions. Sincerely thank ing you for tho bottlo which yon have been ao kind ao to forward to mo. I remain, Meat respectfully, your obedient servant. biram Warner, Chief Justice of Georgia. J. H ZEILI.V & CO., Macon, Ga, auglTtf Proprietor!. Civil and Mechanical 3H3JSrO-I3Xr337RXl.I3Nra. A T the Renese^aer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, Now York. Iustruotiou very practical. Ad vantages unsurpassed in tins country. Graduates obtain (xcelltnt positions. Reopens September 17th. For tho Aunoal liegihlor. containing im proved Connso of Study. Mid fall particular!, addrege PROF. CHARLES DRoWNE, angl dim Director. VAIUABLB LAND FOR SALF. E IGHT hundred acres of land, lying 3}* milea from Fort Valley. Ox . in a northwest direc tion, ouo third cleared atd in cultivation, the bal ance well timbered land with oak, and hickory, and pine This body of land is all le vel ard well adapted to the production of corn, cot*on, wheat, oats, and all farm products of Middle Georgia. So situated that it may bo divided into two farms of 400 aerta each, or to nr fatni* cf ffi'O aces oacli, ai d giving each division a portion rf tho cleared land. lii'n laiiii is a pirt of tli« iesit estat • drawn by Mr Ur r* I* K»e o v t from tho ert*tt» * 1 ibe late James A • ’»•« «tt h land w 1< l»e » ff a *e.! »r, private *-*l« until tbe \J > »i4v >;i Winn, if j o itisnosedof, h m»I | « pu’» *e *.*!►-, t«» tbe liigheet bidder, in I lie tow.l pair V *.1» V v h i* mu t.» Wm V Anderson, JomtM A ••• in i»m undenigoed, si Fort Valley* I will aU*o sell a wail imp o ed bon«e and lot of 40 acrt.8 of land atiracbed. • hie ia ouo of tbe beet improved lofn m the fuwu and iligibiy ait. ated. 1 sell on very favorable terms. nncl^t_H WU T. GRBFNK. Rankrupi S:uc of Real Estate. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. In tbo matter of Jamaa W. Knott—Bankrupt. B Y VIRTUE OF AN ORDER from a G. Murray, Bogus ter iu Bankruptcy, I will sell, at public outcry, beforo tne Court-house door, in Daweon. Terrell county, Georgia, on Friday, tho 6th day of September. A. D. 1873, at 11 o’clock a. m., the real estate of Jsmea W. Knott, Bankrupt—consisting of 700 acres of land, moro cr leas, eitn&ted in Terrell oonnty, Georgia, and better known aa the Roberts & Peters plrce aud the Kolb place, of which places I will sell a one-half intereet, the them laving been surrendered in Bankruptcy by tLo eaid Bank rupt as bis aesota. Tbe samo cold nnder a decree n Dankrnptcy for tlio bonc iit of bis creditors. SAMUEL O. WEEMd, Atsigneo. Griffin. Georgia, August IS. 1873. anglStda Notice in Bankruptcy. T HI8 is to give notice that cn tbe Slat day of Jaly. A. U., 1873, a warrant in Bankruptcy waa issued againet the estate of Goorgo W Brown, of PreBton, county of Webster, and btate cf Geor gia, who has been adjndged a Bankrupt on hia own petition, and that the payment of &Dy debts, and delivery of any property belonging to said Bank rupt, to him, or for hia use, and the transfer of any property by him. are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of hie oatate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be bo.'den at Americas, Goorgia, at tha office of Allen Fort, Esq., beforo Isaac Beck ett, E?q , Register, on the 27iii day of Angnst, A. D , 1873, at 10 o’olock a m. VV. II. SMYTH. aug!9 2t U. a Marshal, as Alois^^er. Notice in Bankruptcy. T HI3 ia to give notice that on tbo 21th day of July, A. x>., 18<3, a warrant in Bankruptcy waa issued against the ostate of George Crappa. Sr., of Cnthbert, county of Randolph, and Stated Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on hia own petition, and that the payment or any debts, and delivery of any property bolonging to raid Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, ano the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law; that a xx)60ting of the creditors cf the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or mare as signees of hia estato, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to bo holden at Cmhbert, Georgia, at the office of A. Hood, Etq , before Isaac Bec&ett, Eeq , Register, on tbe 27in day of August, A. D., 1873, at 3 o’clock p. m. W. H. SMYTH, ang!9 2t U. B. Marshal, as Messenger. O. A. Nutxino, Procidoi.t. W. P. GOO DAL, Cashier. LAW CARD. \rE68B3. WOODWARD * TOOLE, of Dooly JI oonnty, Ga., having formed a legal copart nership, respectfully offer their services to the mbhc, and will practice in the counties of Wilcox, [lodge, Irwin, Worth, Maoon, Bucuter aad Hous ton. Special attention given also to cases in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Address, Vienna, Ga. Julyl&dSib" MEDICAL CARD. F ROM this date DR. WM. B BURGESS may bp fhgnd, dfv aod night, at his office over Rankin, Meesenbcrg k Cq.'p Drag r'tore, corner Mulberry and Third streets. Maoon, April 28. lo73. r?d«pr?8ea FBEXOH'S new hotel. C OB. COBTLANDT and NEW CHUBOH HT8., NEW YOBE. On tha European Plan. BIOH- a np p. FBKN'CH, son of the iate Colonel Bichard COAL GREEK. ANTHRACITE COAL ANB WOOD. W E will sell Coj.1 during the q^onth of Anguat at reduced rates. Sena in your orders now and avqid laet winter's trouble. Terms cash, angl dSm BUTTS & RQB^. ; CITY BANK, Macon, Georgia. CAPITAL 200,000 DOLLARS, DIHEIOTOHB, WM. B. JOHNSTON, WM. S. HI JOHN J. GtlESHAM, JN J. B. B july226m FOR SALE. A Portable Steam Saw Mill, M ADE by Owen. Line & Dyer, Hamilton, Ohio It is a f<o. 1 mill and in good order: hoe gov ernors to tho evgino; also wood and lath s« w.*. Terms—half c*Bb; balance 12 mouths, with good security t Aiso.opo of Fay's Planing Machines. Fanes 22 inches, match 12 inches, with moulding bits attched for all tbe late styles of mpoldiLgs. Will be sold with the mill, or separate. A. K. FISHER. amrlGlm? Montezuma, Macon Co., Ga. SADDLE AND HARNEY HORSES. \\TJt will reciys at Faaein A Bro.'a stable, on- W poaite the Psaaenger Depot, on MONDAY, Eclectic Institute, T70B TOUNO LADIES, Baltimore. Maryland. Number of Pcpile limited to forty. For cir culars apply to the Principal. MBsTlETITIA TYLBB SEMPLE, ansi dim OfVirpini*. EDWARD SPRINZ. I the 18th inst., EIGHTEEN FINE HOUSES, for XTOTABYPUBLIOand EX-OFFICIO JU8TIOE aaddisandharneaa pnrpoasa. j it OF THE PEACE. loan he fonnd for the Parties wishing to purchase will fiod it to their I present at all hours of the dav at my office, adjoin- advantage to call before baying elsewhere, a* these I ng tbe law offioe of A. Proodfit, over the store of horeea are well broke and wiU be sold low. Joqnes A Johnson* Third street, Maoon. Os., to at- augld dlw W. F- ANDEBBON A C end to all Magisterial business. sag Notice in .Bankruptcy, T HIS ia to give notice that on the 32et day of Jaly, A. D., 1873, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of William H. Phil lips, Of the county of Randolph, arid Htate of Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bankruptonbis own petitmo, and that the payment of any debts, anddeliveiy cf any property belonging to said Bankrupt, to turn, or tor bis nse, and the transfer of any property by him. are foib:ddon by law; that a meeting of the creditors of tbo said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more ae- eigneea of bin estate, will be held at a Court of Banarnptcy, to bs holden at Cuthbert, Georgia, at the officoof A Hood, Etq., before iuaac Beckett, Esq., ltegister, on tho 27tu day of Augnst, A. D., 1873, at 3 o’clock p. ai W. H. 8MTTH, angl9 'at U. B. Marshal. a< Meeeonger. Notice in Bankruptcy. T HIS is to give notioe that on the 31st day of July, A. D., 1873, a warrant ia Bankruptcy was taaued agaicet the estate of Edward J- Mixon, oonnty of Dooly, and State of Georgia, who has been adjuJgod a Bankxupt on hia own petition, and that tho payment of any dobts, and deaveryof any pioperty belonging to uaid Bankrrpt, to him. or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose ono or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Hawkinsyille, Georgia, at the tfiicaof O. C Eibbee, Erq, before Laac Beckett, » Register, on the 2bth day of August, A. D . 1SW, at 12 o’c ock m. W. H. SMYTH. au?12 2t U. 8. Marshal, as Messenger. NOTICE. I WILL hold a Justice Court for the 71€th Dis trict, G M. f at the cffica of Coiiins A Heath, No. 60 yocond street, in the c.ty of Macon, on ths SEQOND SATURDAY of every month. F, M. HKATri. Notary Public and e?. off. J!?., . ** 716tli I>istriot. P- M tEfl H. DLOU>'T I8AOO HlBTEIfjiS. JOES L. IIIBDENAX. * k B10UXT, HAKDKMiN A HA1IDKBA-V, ATTOftNEYS AT LAW, 3^IACQN, QA. Office, Cherry sireet, ove? 8* T. WalkerSt- auglltf MARKET GARDEN FOR SALE. PHE FiD0.-t JIariet Garden ir. the vklnitjrof L Macon, adjoiniog Judge Knott s place, m ef- fared for sale or rent It baa an are* of twen.y- one sores, in btRh cnJtivatran On tt is a frame building containing fire rooms, si.,1 near it ah nec- pnsarr onthoasee and a fins well of water For e,c , apply to EDWARD LONG. I can be found at tbo market every dav nntu nine in tie morning rail on tbe premises tfc« re mainder of tbe day. lm