The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 21, 1873, Image 4

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:OITY AFFAIRS. THURSDAY ilOKKIKG. AUGUST 21. 1873. Tnx WxaTnni.—There ni no r»ln yesterday, which is ft fact worthy of note. flaixcy np ywrteri will have i Honor thl on.—Three negro twyi wore gobbled »y, for shooting in tho city. They cbftneo to mako speeches before His A Tro trr.—A couple of boyi bid ft fight on A!tribery straet yeeterdfty, which was tenninftted by one of ibem hitting the other a Jotter on the oheek with a rock. Mioizixh.—Brown A Co. lure oor thinks for Uppincott'u Magazine snd the Oslixy for September. Both arc very handsome and very excellent numbers. Tot Piss Tarsi. —The preliminary trial of L. B. Pike, obliged with the nurder of Cbas. S. Baer, will be commenced to-morrov. If trill take tto rocnael in the eue nntil that time to get ready for the examination. Pxascxax. — Mr. John E. Huberts, political editor it the Opelika Looomolive, wsa at the National Hotel last nlf;ht. its. Wm. 8. Barton, of Um Eastman Times, was at the Brown Home. Mr. Arthur L. Wood, of Guilford, Wood A Co., has returned from Griffin, where he atop- ped to spend a few days on his raturn frem tho White Mountain*. Tub Eurzston Contra.—Tbo case of the Cen trai Railroad and Banking Company rr. The City of Maeon—injonctlon to re lira In the col lection of taxes—was argued before Jndgo Hill again ycaterday morning. Mr. R. W. Jeoisoo, oounael for tho eity, concluded the argument which was cut abort laat week. The Judge re- ■erred his decision. No matter wbat the de cision may be, the cue will go before the Su preme Court, la order to hare the questions in volved Anally Ml at real. A Cruxes roi CoxTaacTosi —By reference to ao adrertiiemeot which appears elaewbero this morning. It will be seen that Alderman Cornell, Chairman of tho Boildiog Committee of the City Conned, calls for bids for tho erec tion of a hippodrome and a warehouse in Cen tra! City Park. Bids wills be received for threo day* only, and contractors will have to do some lively work to get op bida in time. Plans and apooidoaliona for both buildings can be toon at Mayor HofTe effleo. Tnx Old Notuxos.—It is with a regret, nn- •oflened by tbo shade of the shadow of r.n emo tion of pleasure that we announce tbo reap- pearanoa of Alabama slings in tbo hands of the boys. They have begnn tbelr cnatomary diver sion of pigoon ahootlog, snd, when no birds era at hand, tbsy shoot at each other to tbo im minent peril of eyes and even limbs. Parents oogbl to Uke this mattor in band, and abso- lately refuse to allow their boys to nse tbo dsn- geroas plaything*. There is no other way to check tbo evil, ns no one wants to see their lads brought up before tho Mayor's Court. The polleo ought to bo inetruclod to dostroy every sling found in tho bonds of a boy. Tti rough Freight to Liverpool. The following preamble and resolutions adopted by the Oily Council Tuesday night, ars self-explanatory: Whereas, An (Oort is being made by rail road companies and other* to establish a through freight and passenger Ifno between Liverpool, Savannah and tbo Snothem and Western interior. Resolved, That in onr opinion snoh a lino would result in large benefits toerery material Interest in tho Sonlh and West, and will, aa it should, rooelvo tho enronragemont and busi ness support of onr entire commonlty. Resolved, That tho Mavor bo Appointed n committee of one to co operate with sneli com mittees or agencies as may be appointed by railroad companies, or other bodies, to aid In perfecting this important undertaking. A Cal r.tarj. The hardest eat story wo over beard of was related c.pon the street.* yesterday. It is in this wist: There in a gentleman in this city who bos n cat (bat is now about fourteen years old. Kver; spring daring tbe past twelvo years that oat Una taken sick and diod. She died as natu ral deaths aa ever a eat died, and Is banled ont to fnrnish n feast to tbe biida and beasts prey. But the cat will not stay dead. Just often as she has died and been borno out, has sho reanseitsted and eame back again, olive and well. This has been done for twelvo oonseea live years, and still tbe eat is alivo and well. Hail Ibis occurred for nine yotrs only, it might have l<eeu accounted for by tho old theory re spooling tho anmber of IIvch that a cat bis. Ah it is, however, it is probable tbo animal only bos attacks of eat alspsy. Tin: rmn-nara liouicins. Arrest of DeWIt* Uiarrett ns Accessory. After the arrest of Mr. Pike Tuesday oven log, it was ascertained (hat tho parly who was present and board tbo interview between Pike and Baer was Mr. DeWitt Garrett, a young railroad man who is very well known in Macon. It is stated that he accompaniod Pike in bis search far Bu r, and is probably (he only man who actually saw the shot Ared. Judies Spriox doerood it proper to hold Mr. Garrett as a witness €a tbe part of the State, therefore ho required him to give bond for bis appoarnnoo as a witness. This angered Mr. Garrett, who was already under considerable excitement, and he attempted to draw a pistol, Being relieved of that bo next drew a knife upon Bailiff Lauey, but was prevented from using it, and was sent to jail. Yesterday a war' taut was Issued for his arrest as accessory bo rore (he fact of tbo killing of Baer, and is now in jail awaiting examination. Jadgo Woems bts boon retained in hia defense. Public Schools—Klectiou of TV noli em. We learn that the Connty Board of Einca tlon elected the following teachers yesterday Sait Jfaeon SJiooL—Principal, Walter G. Smith. Assistants—First, Mrs. A. A. Davis. Second, Miss Darraugh. Third, Miss Salllo Rogers. 4'•o'M if acta School—Principal, Henry T. Conner. Assistants—First, Miss Gnstin. Second, Miss Bessie Merrill. Third, Miss Mary Kell. Third IFmnf School (contingent)—Principal, J. H. Roberts. Assistants to borriectcd. Fourth Street School—8ister Angela. The contingency in the case of tho Third Ward School, is that tho people of the ward shall provide come reasonable shelter for tbe school; It Is ont of tho power of tho Board to do it. Bnt if they will mako provision, they shall have good schools—if not, they must wait till tome can be made. Tbe Third Ward oom- priies the whole noatheaslern corner of tbe oily—from Washington a Venn s to the river. It l« a wealthy section of the town, and shonld bo able to help the Board and help themselves in this matter. Encounter wllti a “SnrpeBt." When the Llnooln Guards bad their dress parade a few days ago, while they were perform' lng some of their evoiotions in the park, tbe front man, who had his eyes epon the ground a proper distance in front of him, saw a large black snake lifting its head ont of tbe gross. Immediately there vru executed ao evolution that is not laid down anywhere in Upton's tac tics. lie yelled "soaks,’’ loud enough to be beard half way to Forsyth, and leaped about a rod ta the air. Immediately there was a break ing of ranks without any orders from tho cap tain, and without the formality of stacking arms. Had a bomb burst in the midst of the company tbe Maturation oonld not have been greater, or the consternation more complete. At one time there were apprehensions of a regular Bull Run stampede. The captain, however, was equal to any emergaaoy, and, os ascertaining the precise nature of the alarm, sword In hand he made an attack upon tho enemy, and with ono sweep of his shining blade, cleft the head of tbe serpent, and left it to writhe and die in tho grass. After in..: the "martial tread" was very cautions, lest there be other "snakes in the grass." eli.rqnlra of Cbarlee I*. Baer. The foncrsl servicee of Charles F. Baer took plaoo yesterday from bis late boarding-hones, on Mniberry street, and were attended by quite ■ a large number of people—principally Jaws. J The remains were pieced in a very hsniaome casket, whisk was covered with a black pall, and on it wars hit. Odd Fellows' and Knights of Pythias regalias. Tho procession was formed on Mniberry street, with the KnighU of Pythias drat, headed by a band of moaie; next Germania Lodge cf Odd Fellowa, then the hearse, and then a num ber of carriages end buggies containing ladies and gentlemen. There were thirty- four Knights of Pythias out, and they presented a very handsome appesTtnce in their showy uni forms. There was only abont twenty Odd Feb lowa in Iho procession. The pall-bearers were selected from both orders. "hen the procession arrived at the cemetery the services peculiar to the Jewish faith were first performed Urer the remains. The Odd Fellows then went through with lheir beautiful ceremony, after which the Knights of Pythias passed around tbo grave and each Knight cost therein a sprig of evergreen. This ended tbe ceremonies, and the earth wis soon closed over the remains of this unfortunate young man. A Queer Objection. The city editor of the Colnmbns Sun, evi dently of the nnlceky ones of his race, has the foilowing paragraph: Watson, of the Macon Truxoiurn, objeola to Ilia newly elected alderman of that city, L. W. Randal, on tbe ground that be is a bachelor. We know tbe Biblo aays a bishop shall be the husband of one wife, and shall rule well bis o»n household, but we never before heard that this was required of an alderman. President Buchanan was an. old bachelor, and Governor Lewis, of Alabama, ta a young bachelor; to which foot we call tbe attention of onr genial brother local. That is tho poores*. argument in favor of bachelors wo over saw. While there has been one bachelor President, (hero havo been sixteen or seventeen who were not bachelors. While there is one'bachelor Governor in the United States, there are thirty-six who are married, and who govern well became they are well governed at home. For a genuine example of misery commend oa to a bachelor. He is a pig without a trough ; a hone without a bridle; a wagon without a tongue; he is everything whioh lacks something to oomplete it. A man doesn't work well in life's harness nntil he has a bridal of bis own. A man who baa had no honeymoon, is a honeycomb which tho bees have not begnn to fill with sweetness. Ho is an empty vinegar barrel. He knows no more of the pleasures of life than a babe that never sacked in any bnt tho Eoglish laognage knows of Hebrew. Bah! Talk abont old bachelors, all they are fit for is to bo set np sb a warning to young men, to show them bow mnch bettor it is to bo married and happy than unmarried and wretched. There is no more philosophy In being a bachelor (ban there is in Iho carl of a pig's tail. Ttoe «'onnty Court. There w;s bnt ono ease before Judge Weems yestetday. And that was against Robert John son, eolored, charged with stealing. Tho eir- cnmatances in this case were about as fallows. Mr. J. F. Barfield bad been mil sing goods from bis store, and was at some loss to account for iboir disappearance; and it was equally diffi cnlt to account for a cellar being open in tho morning which was invariably closed at night They thought, however, thst tbe beat way to solve Iho mystery would be to watch; and they dir] watch, and not many evenings had elapsed before they saw Ibis boy Robert Johnson slip into a back room of tho store and conceal him self. When the time oame for closing tho store they onstoil him from his hiding plseo and cap tured him, and ho confess jd to the whole thing. He had been in the habit of concealing himself in that way, and when everybody had gone he wonld help himself to what he wanted and escape by the oellar door. Whon bronght to (rial yosterday ho plead gnilly, and was aentenoed to pay $30 and costs or go to. tbe chain gang for six months. In pronoanoing judgment Jadge Weems told him that, in view of his plea or guilty, bo bad im posed the very lightest penalty that ho felt au thorized to impose. There was no nocessity for able-bodied men like he is to go to stealing, as there is plenty of work for everybody who wants lo make a living. Hereafter, in all simi lar coses, be shonld impose the fnll ponalty of the law—twelve months in the chain-gang. Mr. Cordell, the road contractor, was in tho conrt-room at tho timo tho trial ended, and took the priioner with him directly to tbe chain- gang, (has avoiding the necessity of retnrning him to jail. Til© Kayor's Conrt. His Honor, the Mayor, had fonr cases before him yesterday morning, a majority of whioh were up with tbo old ailment—whisky, and that of a very mean character. Tbe first name called was that of Gob Jon- loois, and In responso thereto, an anborn face, attached to a pair of shambling legs and a very norvons body, shied np to tho bar to answer to the charge of being drunk. The Colonel bad not a word to say, nor wps it neoefsary that he ahould have. His red oyes, pinky face nnd un steady carriage, nil told more plainly than any wards of his oonld utter, that he had been on a drunk for about a week, and was likely to re main so unless some means wore adopted to to shut off, at leaat temporarily, his Bupply of whisky. Tho Colonel is regarded aa a gone ease, bnt the Mayor determined to give him one more chanco to reform, hence be pat him down for fire dollars, orjthiriy days in the park. Five dollar bills are about as scares with the Colonel os Jane bngr are in December, there fore it is probable that be will perform same manual labor pro bono pnblioo, and his own good also. The next name was that of a not less distin guished mariner. Commodore T. J. Murphy, who loves tbe sea so well that ho is never so happy oa when he is •'half-seas-over," with two sails in the wind and the other o-fl opping. Tbo Commodore enjoys getling drank aa much as any man in Macon, and be enjoys himself while drunk to a most nnlimited extent. Notwith standing, be is an old salt, he can give John Barleycorn aa stout a tussle as anymsy who ever tried it; but, as it the usual result in such combats, the Commodore gets doored finally and ha< to sneenmb. This last struggle has been going an for a fortnight, and it has been ‘heated contest,” as candidates say, and i hough Commodore Mnrpby had to yield final ly, it can be said of him that he made a good fight and had a jovial time while ho was at it, and he was, in the end, not conquered, but subdued by numbers—of drinks. When his name was called yesterday morning, he marched np to the desk and plead not guilty and called for the proof. This was readily at hand, for it is reasonable to suppose that every man in Mtcon can bear testimony to the fact that the Commodore has been drunk recently, though there is aearcely one who wonld be willing to roach for the fact that be bss been sober. The Commodore's plea of not guilty, though made with all the air of injured innocence and offended dignity, did not avail him anything, since his Honor imposed upon him a penalty of five dollars fine, or thirty day's in the Park. When the judgment was announced, the Com modore folded hia arms across his breast and sanniered back to bis seat with tho air of one who was in a great hurry to go somewhere and had arrived just in time to aea the train turn ing the first enrre preparatory to going out of sight. The Commodore and his friend the Colonel will make a superb pair of laborera upon tho Perk, though to them. It will proba bly be an or j jyuient of nature under uninter esting, not to say disadvantageous, ciroum- atanees. '* V 11 ’ “ Jl * | T. Miss Luay Qrick attempted to drink all the whisky in Eut Macon Tuesday evening, and having done ao ta a great extent, she beana-e hilarious. In faot aba was tho happiest woman in East Maoon, and her happiness became eo boundless as to attxaet tho attention of officer Fennel, who approached and warbled in her off IT— “Oboome, love, come, tho stars are beaming, bnt Miss Lucy didn't coma worth a cent. Tbe most eodcclive smiles of Feoccl oonld not win the consent cf the coy malien. He then at tempted to take her by force; bnt a fall grown cel was no comparison to her as a wriggler. She oonld squirm berseif ont of his grasp as easily as water can ran ihrongh a sieve. .Fennel was finally compelled to nail a dray, and, with the assistance cf the drayman, managed to load Miss Lucy. Fennel then mounted the dray, and stood, a foot on either side of Miss Lucy, like a perfect colossus of lthcdes, and as they went to tho barracks he gently hummed that Id familiar air ‘Ob, take your time, Miss Lucy." Mias Lucy snoextd away vary Otsufuiiably during the ride, and then finished her asp in the bazTacks. Whon she eame into court yes terday morning she was a perfect picture of the “maiden all forlorn." Her hair am frowzy, and her face was soiled aad bloated, and her eyes red. Her dress ehowed more of mud than calico, while her bare feet pattered along the floor us ecftly os though laat yean’toil were not upon them still, She begged to be let off, and tried lo pump a few tears into her eyes, bnt her effort to cry ended in a most disastrous failure. She goes to work thirty days in the Miss Quick was originally intended for a white wo man, bat art has wcfoiiy thwarted the original design of nature. I. -onard Carter, a amall-eized negro, went in on Lis muscle to a considerable extent, and he will have to pay a fine of flvo dollars, or go to work in tho Park thirty days. Whose Honsx n it?—On Saturday laat a oheeinnt sorrel mare was impounded at the City Hall, and has not yet been claimed. She was found in tbo lower part of the city, near tbe twamp, and had apparently broken away while hitched, as she htd on s saddle and a broken bridle. Parties interested cm learn foil particulars at the police barracks. MoTxr.aa, Mor hem, MoTHaas —Don 1 fail to procure Mas. Wixslows Sootkiso Etbcf for all diseseos incident to tbe period of teething in chil dren. It relieves tho child from pain, cures wind colic, regulates tha bowels, and by giving relief and health to the child, gives rest to the mother. Be sure, to call fer “Alas. Wcratox’s Soothixo Brace." For sale by all druggists. jnno 2S-ood6m T:cults to New York and Philadelphia, via Pennsylvania Ail Line, at Brown & Go’s. Julj20snnthur If Nxavors Debilitt—A depressed, irritable state of mind; a weak, nervons exhausted feeling; no energy or animation; confused head, weak memo ry, often with debilitating, involuntary dischargee. The conaequenoe cf excesses, mental overwork or indiscretions. This xxavous dibiutx finds a sov ereign core in HcacrsKxxe' Homeopathic Specific, No 21. It tones up tho system, arrests discharges, dispels the mental gloom and despondency, and re juvenates tho entire system. It is perfectly harm less and always efficient. Price S3 for a package of five boxea and a large 42 vial of powder, which important in old, seriona cues; or SI per single box. Bold by alt druggists, or sent by mail on re ceipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS' SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE CO.. No. £62 Broad way. N. Y. For sale by John Ingai a and Hunt, Rankin A Lamar. Macon, Ga. prifi eoddsw tf Exccesiox tickxis to Now York, via Charles ton steamers, for round trip $43. Tickets for solo at Brown A Co.’s book store. Informa tion sb to time, etc., given. MU&lhnitf Mxmcixil Poisons ox the Wasi.— 1 Thopatriarcha took no mercury, no biemntb, no iodine, no brom- ida of potassium, no atryeboria, no qainine. Happy old gostlemen! they did not even know of tbo existence of thoeo “epecifles,” and yet they iirad nntil it seemed as if Death had forgotten them. Their medicines were herbs and roots. They have left this fact on record, and the world eoema to be now taking note of it and retaining to tho first principles of medication- Hostotter’e Stomach Bittora, tho pnrest and moat efficacious voidable restorative cf tbo day. is also tbe moat popular. Thousands of persons who only a few yoara ago believed implicitly in all the poieona which figure in the pbarmaccDpIa, now prononneo this palatable tonic and alterative an all-snfficient remedy for dyspepsia, nervons debility, constipa tion, bilions complaints, headache, intermittent fevers, and all the ordinary distnrbancoe cf the stomach, the liver, the discharging organs and tho brain. The time is not far distant when most of the powerful and venomous drags now to reck lessly administered by practitioners of tbe “heroic" school, in oases that might easily ho controlled by milder treatment, will bo ntterly discirded by all philosophical physicians. As it It, tho thinking nubile, who are generally ahead of the profession als, have already pnt the dangerous preparations aside and adopted Hoatettei's Bitters in their stead as a safe and cxoellont household medicine, adapted to almost every ailment except tho organic and doadiy contagions diseases. For more than twenty years this famous restorativo and preven tive hu been annually strengthening its hold epon tho pnblio confidence, and it now takes the lead of overy advertised medicine mannfactnred in this country. Trrz popular ronto to New York is the Atlanlio Coast Line. jnly20sunlhur tf IitrriToos xxd tsxis Bcbexxb come to grief at last. Only original discoveries, like that of Dr. Holmbold, stand the teat cf timo. Helmbold'a Da cha, which is tho only extract of that wondorfnl shrub that realizes its foil virtnos, is atill relied npon to euro kidney compl. int, f cmalo die orders, impotence, gravel, the effc Is of dissipation, and all troubles of tho urinary , organs in either sex This steadily snocesafnl medicine is recommended by physicians. Deware cf counterfeits. John F. Henry, New York, solo age iL Tickets to New York, Ihiiadelphia and Balti more by tbs most desirable rentes, at Brown & Go.'a. juljSOsnnthnr tf l’r.r.H )NAi. —John W. Holds, Montoznms, Tenn., May 18, 1310.—"I have bsen using A. Q. Sim mons' Liver Regulator and it bu proved to be tbe beat medicino In my out that I ever raw. We be lieve it (o be one of tbe beat medicines in tho uni FACIAL AND COMMERCIAL Latest Market Reports by Telegraph FINANCIAL. Haw Yosr—Noon—Gold 15Jf- Exchange, long 8K; short 8%. Money easy at 4{j25. Uovvere- menti dolL state bonds quiet. Evening—Money easier at 5@6. Sterling 8K- Go d Government* dull. State bonds quiet and steady. Midnight—Governments. 81s 19&; 62e 17; 64s 17.Y; 65s 185f: now I7X: 67a 19.*; 8d» 18>£; new 5sl4J<; 1 CM0*15;-;. Tennessee <i 82: new 81 J£: Virginia Gs 4SJ{l new 60; consol CSX; deferred llji; Louisiana 6s 43; U6W 42; levee 6s 35; 8a 53; Alabama 8e 70; 5« 43: Georgia 6* 70: 7s 9J; North Carolines 27; new 1C: special ux 12,V: Booth Caroiinu 27X; new 15: April and October 23. Nzw Oaxxixs—Sterling 24Jf. New York sight S premium. Gold 15X- Lor dox—Noon —Consols 93 K'<§ 32X- Fire* 91K- Fans—Noon—Rentes 57162c. JOHNSON <fe SMITH WHOLESALE GROCERS COTTON. Tickets via Atlantio Coast Line, for sale by Brown A Co. First class fare $27. jnlyfiOsunthnr tf. No danger from yellow fever! Take Simmons' Liver Regulator, the great prevontiva. No danger from cholera 1 Take Simmons’ Live: Regulator, tbe groat preventive. Punctual yonr railroad tickets from Brown & Co. for the Fame as at the depot Informa tion as to time and commotions freely given. HorsEnom NxcxssnT.—Editor Wanpun (Wis ) Leader says: “Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder has become with us a household necessity. It mikos light and nioe biscuit, which onr wife, who baa long sufferod with dyspepsia, can indolge in without injury. Don't fail to nee Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, as, also, hia Special Fla vorings, Lemon, Vanilla, etc., as they are prepared by a practical chemist, a* well as physician, with special regard to their strength and parity. Ask grocers for them." Excunsiox Ticxits to New Yoke.—Tickets vis Atlantis Coast Line for sale by Brown <£ Co. For ronnd trip $43. This la tho shortest, quickest and most reliable rente. Meal and berths famished between Portsmouth and New York. Information given on all rentes. augnst3-sunAthnrtf Tnx Cheitzst axn Best.—Hood's Eureka lay er Medicine giver universal satisfaction the treatment of Liver Disease, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Co* riven ess, and all that class of dis eases arising from a disordered stats of the stom ach and brer. novSOIy PaTsoxrzx Uoxz EnraaraisE.—Mr. P. P. Toale, whose advertisement appears in another col umn, has bronght to a high state of perfection the largest and most oomplete manufactory of doom, aaabee and blinds in the Booth era States. Hit warranted wotk, untiring energy, personal appli cation to business and liberal advertising, have placed hie enterprise among the first in the Booth, thus giring to hia many customers work and prices that defy competition. Price list sent free on ap plication. ON THE BREAKFAST, LUNCHEON, DINNER AND SUPPER TABLE, LEA Jk PSRBI.VS' Worccstsnhlre Bancs. 13 INDISPENSABLE. JOHN DUNCAN’S DONS, New York. Agents for the United States. Hcxr, Rauny k Limas.—This well known and reliable firm have reoeived a large lot of Dr. Hood's Eureka liver Medicine. It has the praise of all who have tried it. In bottles at BO eacU and *1.00 OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. HAPPY RELIEF POE YOUNG 311?S' from the effects of Errors apd Abuses in early life. Man hood restored. Impediments to Marriage remov ed. New method of treatment. New and remark- aide remedies. Books and circulars sent free, in staled enveloies. Address HOWARD ASbOCIA TiOS, ho. 2 booth Ninth at., Philadelphia, Ta..— an institution haring a high reputation for honor able conduct and professional skill. j niySdSm New Yobx—Noon—Cotton dull and Lregnlar uplands 19X: Orleans 2QX; sales 345. Futures opened as follows : August 19 ip 32 @19 7-16; September 1715-16; October 17X@ 1711-31. Evening—Cotton doll and irregular; uplands 19X92IX; sales 1877; net receipts 372: gross 1172- Baiea or futures 4.800; market cloned as follows: August 19 5-16@19X ; September 17X@17 15-16; October I7X; November 17 5-16; December 17 3-16. Nxw Okezaxs—cotton, net receipts 175; grots 175; exports to Great Britain 3C87; coastwise —; sates 400; last evening 20J; stock 12,228; ordi nary—®-: good ordinary —O—: low middlings 0—• middlings 18«(; maikst quiet. Hax.TiaioHX—ixtttou, net receipts 52; gross 54; exports to Great Britain—; coastwise 41; tales 345; stock 1413; middlings 19X; market dull. Uostox—Cotton, net receipts —; gross I exports to Great Britain —: sales 253; stock 9 530; middlings 20X; market dal! and nominal. WmusoToa—Oouoo, net receipts 34; exports coastwise 93; isles —; stock 732; middlings 1SX; market dolL Acanera—Cotton, receipts 70; saloe 271: ship ments —; middlings 17,Y; good demand. BavaxxaH — Cotton, net receipts 27: exports coastwise 2C6: sties 43; stock 813; middlings 17X; none offering. CHAULXsroK—Colton, net receipts 297; exports coastwise —; sales 200; stock 3676; middlings 17X: low middlings 17; good ordinary 16; or- dinuy 13>v'(j'lS>(; market qn et. Mobile—Ooitoii, net reoeipts 116; exports ooset wise 143 ; sales 400 ; stock 7181; middlings 18; low middlings —; good ordinary —; mar ket irregular. GaLvESTOX — Cotton, net receipts 77; exports to Great Britain —: coastwise —; sales 200; stock 6840, middlings —; good oidinary 15@15X: mar ket steady. Memphis—Cation, net receipts ISO; shipments 83; stock t*76l; middlings 19 ; market Cull. Nostolz—Uotton, net receipts 621: exports coastwise C6D; sales 40; stock 1730; low middlings is: good ordinary —(,i—; msrtet dull. — Colton, middlings 19*(<320 market dull. Losdox—Evening—Rosin 9s9d' Livebtool—Noon—Cotton heavy. Uotton tales, speculation and expoit 1000. Later—Savannah and Charleston shipments, not below low middlings, deliverable October and No vember, 8J<- Later—navamuh and Charleston, delivery Octo ber and November, not below good ordinary, 8 9-lG. PRODUCE. New Yoek—Noon—Flonr quiet and steady. Wheat qniet, no change; No. 2 Milwaukee 1 53. Com quiet; steam western mixed 67®£9. Pork qniet and ateady; new mees 1812X318 25. Lard nrm; old western steam Torpentino steady at 43.XS44. Rosin qniet at 3 15 for common strained. Freights qniet. Evening—Flonr in moderate reqn6St; common to fair extra 7 85. Wheat inactive demand at 1 lower, new red western 155@1 60. Com dull and lowor. Fo k qniet and steady: new 18 25. Lard qniet at 8X38X-; Whisky steady at 1 00. Freights finnan Baltimoie—Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat active and higher; choioa white 180; fair to prime 1 6D@1 75. Coro qniet and steady. Bye firmer at 95@l 0C. Provisions firm With a good jobbing de mand; no small lots offering. P. ik 16 00; shoul ders 10. Lard 8X<38X- Whisky 90X- Locisttllt—Floor firm; family extra 5 503575. Com, fair demand; sacked 56; delivered at depot 60. Pork firm at 16 50® 17. Bacon in fair demand; shoulders 9X®9X: clear rib sides 10X3U; clear aides 11@11*. packed. land steady; choice leaf in tierce 8J(@9Xi keg 9Ji@lO; steam 8. Whisky firm at 95. CracnixaTi—Floor in fair demand and advanced to 6 6u<g6 75. Com firm at 48347. Provisions qniet and firm. Pork quiet at 16 75. Lard Armor; etoam held at 8X- Bacon qniet and firm; ehonlders 9V; oiear rio aides llKalOX; clear sides 10J(. Wnisiy 94. Bt. Locis—Floor qniet and nnchanfied; superfine winter 3 76®4 25. Com qniet; low mixed 39g39X- Whisky firm at 91@95 Pork qniet at 16 75@17 W>. Baoon dull, with only a limited obbing demand. Lard, snmmer ateam 7X- LonnoH—Evening—Tarpsntine 3Gs@S0sSJ. InvEsrooL—Noon—Bresdstuffs quiet. MARINE NEWS. New Yoek — Arrived, Napoli. Oity of Montreal, Washington, Italy, Algeria. Arrived ont. Palmyra. Satasxah—Arrived. Fepita, Bio, Wyoming, Ban Salvador. Bailed, CocBtitniion, Gntee, Mirror. Chabltstox—Arrived, Bentley, bailed, Georgia. Loxdox—U. B. steamer Congress, of tbs Eu ropean station, has trriyed st Great Grimsby NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MASONIC NOTICE. HIZPAH LODGE NO. 47, F. A 1 M. SPECIAL Communication will be hold THIS (Thursday) EVENING at 8 o’clock, for work on tbe Seoond Degree. Members of Macon Lodge and sojourning brethren fntema'ly in riled to at tend. W. W. CARNES, W. M. H. 3. Petek, Secretary. ang2l It Attention, Floyd Kifles. A TTEND a called meeting TO-NIGHT (Thurs day) at 8X o'clock, for tho trausao.ion of important bnsineas. By command of T. HARDEMAN, Captain. D. B. WooritrEF. O. 8. *ng21 It WANTED. jy£ACON BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIA TION STOCK. Apply to ang2i 3t COLLINS & HEATH, 69 Second street. NOTICE TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. S EALED PB0P03ALS will bn received by the nndemKned daring the next three days for bailding a W&rehoaae end erecting a Hippodrome at Central City Park. Plans and spesificfttiona for tbo Warehouse can bo found at the office of Mayor Huff. Tha city of Maoon will fnrcieh all material for Wareboute. Bid* for that structure will there fore only be put in for the work. Bid* for the Hippodrome will he received in two fomiH—fir*t, for erect ( *rg one fcimilar in all re spects to the one now standing at tho Laboratoiy ground* above Vinoville. The contractor to fnr nish everything, becond, bida will ba received for removing tbe one at Laboratory ground* and re building it at the Park. The contractor to farnish MASONIC TEMPLE. MULBERRY STREET. FRESH ARRIVALS! 23 CAR LOADS BACON. ICO TIERCES LARD, 230 BARRELS COMMON MOLASSES, 21 TIERCES COMMON MOLASSES, 59 BARRELS SYRUPS, ALL GRADES, , SM BARRELS SUGAR, ALL GRADES, 20 TIERCES DUFFIELD HAMS,. 20 TIERCES MARTIN'S HAMg I CAB LOAD SEED RYE, 1 CAR LOAD SEED DABLEY, 5 CARS MIXED CORN, 2 CAR LOADS FRESH WATER GROUND MEAL, 15 CABS WHITE CORN, 809 ROLLS KENTUCKY BAGGING, 1 OAR VIRGINIA SALT, 6 OARS LIVERPOOL SALT 00 TONS ARROW TIES, NT IMS 20 COILS HEMP GREEN LEAF ROPE, 20 BALES POTTER'S OSNABUBGS, 10 BALES PORTER'S SHIRTING, 10 BALES MACON SHEETING, 20 CASES SARDINES, 100 BOXES CANDLES, • 25 HALF BOXES CANDLES, 25 QUARTER BOXES CANDLES, 100 B0XE3 BLUE BITER STARCH, 100 BOXES SOAP, ALL GRABES, 25 BARBELS VINEGAB, . 125 BOXES CANDY, 100 BARRELS WHITE CORN WHISKY, And tho largest stork of fine Whisk; to bs found in the State. Call snd examine. 160 SACKS COFFEE. 50 HALF BOXES “NELLY BLY" TOBACCO. WOODEN WABE, SHOT, and faR supplies cf everything nsnalfy kept in onr line. C9* WE ARE AGENTS FOB THE MIAMI POWDER CO. sngOltf S. WAXELBAUM & BRO, 21, 22, 24, 26 Cotton Avenue -43,45,47 Second Street. B E1 ,^m.Tn P own a »i OU,eiirger St ° r ° E< ”“ 9 ' Wa J “ v » ■‘"sngomen* to oxnpy ,b 0 43, 45 and 47 Second Street—21, 22, 24 and 26 Cotton Avenue, To display the MAMMOTH STOCK of Ono of the most efficient and valuable cf the MINERAL SPRIHSS OF VIRGINIA, Hide portable and easily transmissible, even by mail, in tho form of a miss, which ha* been entitled ALU AND IRON MASS, A product obtained frem the excellent Alnm Wells in Washington connty, Virginia, Dr. Lsncssjer, proprietor, by the process or evaporation, and pos sessing all the wonderful virtues of iho water in a concentrated, cbeap, and convenient form. The Mass is a fine tonic, alterative and absorb ent, and is especially useful to Indies. It has been universally approved and Endorsed by tbe Medical Profession, Wherever introduced, both aBa desideratum in their materia, and as the bast popular remedy ever offered, and has never failed to give sstitfseUon. For eale by JOHN INGALLS, augl7tf Solo Agent. CITY BANK, Macon, Georgia. CAPITAL 200,000 DOLLARS'. DIHH OTORS . WM. B. JOHNSTON, WM. 8. HOLT, JOHN J. GRESHAM, JN3. B. ROSS. jnlyKBm W. A. JOHAN & CO. | MOSQUITO CANOPIES DRY GOODS AT LESS THAN COST ! Glove-Fitting Skeleton Corsets | AT ONE DOLLAR! BESIDES NUMEROUS OTHER A/ttractive Goods AT EQUALLY ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Now being purchased by onr TOR SALE. A Portable Steam Saw Mill, M ADE by Owen, Lane & Dyer, Hamilton, Ohio It is a Ko. ImiU and in good order: has gov ernors to the engine; also wood and lath Terms—half cash; balance 12 months, with good security. Also ono of Fay’s Planing Machines. Faces 22 inches, match 12 inches, with moulding bits attchod for all the late styles of mouldings. Will ho sold with the mill, or eepir&te. A. K. FISHER* amrlGlm* Montezuma, Maoon Go., Ga. Eclectic Institute, F IR YOUNG LADIES, Baltimore. Maryland. Number of Papils limited to forty. For cir culars apply to tho Principal. MRS. LETITIA TYLER SEMPLE, angl dim Of Virginia. MB. SOL WAXELBAUM, Whose known taste and discretion h&s for years selected the moet sal sable styles of Fabrics New Prints and Bleached Goods RECEIVED DAILY I A FULL 8UPPLY OF Adapted to the Southern Trade. STRIPES, CHECKS, JEANS, We *h*ll hav* onr C^SSIMdillElEIS! exclusive wholesale ousiivess FOB EARLY FALL WEAR, ON HAND, WHICH WILL BE SOLD CHEAP, | TO KEEP THINGS MOVING. tU on W. A. JUHAN& CO.I sngTOtf EDWARD SPRINZ. N otary publio and ex-offioio justice OF THE PEACE. I can bo found for the proeont at all honr* of tho day at my office, adjoin- ng the law office of A. Prondflfc, over the atoie of J*qne8 & Johneon* Third street,M*oon, Ga., to at- end to *11 Mug in ten a I hnnlnemi. *mr ■■■ ac. KKTcnuaf. A. I*. HABTRXDGX KETCH DM & HABTHIDGE, Bankers and Commission Merchants Kxchange Bullring, Bavarian!], ds, Bzrzaxxozs: Moses Taylor, President Oity Bank N. Y.; F. O. Calhoun, President Fourth National Bank, N. Y.: John J. Cisco & Son, Bankers, N. Y.; Morris Ketcham, Banker, N. Y.; J. N. Norris, Cashier First National Bank, Baltimore; M. McMi- ohael. Cashier First National Bank, Phibulelphia. marlfi DOMINO BALL. rpHERE will be a Domino Ball at the McIntosh JL Bouse, Indian Spring, on TUE8DAY, Au gust 26th, I8t3. Ail are invited to attend. B. W. COLLIER, Agent, ang!9td Proprietor. SUPREME COURT ROOM. atlahta, January IS, lb7I. Met are. J. H. ZEILIN AGO.: On my arrival in this city last night I received yonr letter of tbe 10th of November last, accompanied by a bottle of yonr Fimmona’ Liver Regulator Medicino. for which I beg yon to accept my sincere thanks. ■ havo occasionally ueed this medicine for constipa tion of my bowel*, caused by a temporary derange ment of the liver for the last three or fonr years, and always, when used according to the directions, with decided benefit. 1 think it is a good medi cine for the derangement of the livor, at least inch has been my personal experience in tbe use of it when prepared by myself according to tho di rections on each package thereof. When absent from home I have in two or three instances had the medicine prepared at a drag store, which did najls only. The city to famish tbe brick for foan- w 0 dations and have the same laid. City also to re- no ^ prove to be of any value whatever, owing to place any rotten timber which^may be found in the J a* I believe, in not being properly pre- | a.*-. iared tccording to the directions. Binoerehr thank- building if removed. Also, all thiDgles which may necessarily be split or ruined bv icaricg up. All this work to be done in the very beat work manlike manner, and all to bo completed and turned over to the city by the 15th day of next October, under a forfeit of £1,000 Committee re- server the right to reject any or all bids. l JOHN J. CORNELL, angfit St Chairman Bailding Committee. DIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. 73rd ANNUAL SESSION Of this Institution will Commence Wednesflay. OcteEer 1, 1873, And continue, without intermission, nntil Au gust 5th, X87i. THE STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE And Mechanic Arts, T7*OUNDED npon the United Btatee Land Grant, jU is an integral pert of the University, and will hold the eame term. Every advantage which the country allows, is afforded for procuring a liberal education, both in a general coarse and in special departments. Degrees granted both in Arts and Science and in Law. Engineering and Medicine— the laat through the Georgia Medical College at Augusta, now embodied with the University. The Law School remains in seaeion throughout the en tire year. Liberal provision is made for beneiicia- nes and for students of limited means. Fcr cata logues, containing fall information, apply to WM. HENRY WADDELL. Secretary of the Faculty, angfildsl-wlw Athene. Georgia, pa: ing you for the bottle which you havo kind as to foityard to me, I remain, Most respectfully, your obedient servant, BIRAM WARNER, Chief Jnatice of Georgia. J. IL ZEILIN & CO., Maoon, Ga., ang!7tf Proprietors. FOR RENT. T WO DWELLING HOUSES, eS(n>ly located. Apply to B. F. LAWTON, At Exchange Bank, or to ja!yt7 tf HOST. A. N18BET, -A-ttorney at Law Corner MULBERRY BT. and COTTON AYE. (Over Payne's Drag 8tor%) Janel4d3m MAOON, GA. NEWSPAPER FOE SALE. A GREAT BARGAIN. qi THE• SOUTHERN TIMfS AND PLANTER. Fnbliefced at Sparta, Ga. H AYINQ a good circulation, and in a prosper- one condition, is offered for aaIt. TERMS REASONABLE. For portioalara, addreu ocgU In LITTLE JORDAN t OO. SHIRTS! SHIRTS! THOMAS U. CONNER Has just received a now lot of beantifnl Fnll Bosoms and Fiaited Bosoms, from 13 to 19 inches in the neck. Tho Fnll Bosoms are tho coolest Shirts worn. DRAWERS! DRAWERS! THOMAS U. CONNER Hoe a splendid fitting Snmmifl: Drawer, from 26 to 50 inch** waist, and all lengths of inseom. NECK WEAR! NECK-WE4R! THOMAS U. CONNER Received yesterday a new stock of Snmmer Neck-wear, in all colors. Lavender and white for uvecing wear. Linen Collars of JuIylSta*all styles and sizes. WANTED. A WHITE WOMAN to Cook for a small family. I One well qualified will find a good situation 1 by applying to THIS OFFICE.ang2Qwfs E NGLISH, French and German Boarding and Day Bchool, for Young Ladies and Little Qirls, 94 Cathedral street, Baltimore, Md. Mina Ch&ffee and Miss HamesBley, Principals, assisted by able Professors. Next Session opens Septem ber 13th. Course of studies extensive, comprising all branches of a polite education. French is the language of the bchool. Class honors awarded at [ tho clou© of tho year. Circulars on application. ang20-lm FOR SALE. C ENTBAL IUILKOAD & BANKING COM PANY STOCK. Soutliwi atom ltaUroad Stock. Macon Firo Insnranca *£ Trust Association Stock. | Mutual Loan Association Stock. City of Kafsola Bonds. City of Maoon Bonds. Apply to ang-20.2t CCBBEDGE. HAZELHUBST A CO. PLANTATION POR SALE. I OFFER for eale a Plantation situated in the fork of Towaliga River, Monroe county. Ga., 7 miles from Forsyth and 10 miles from Indian tipring. Said plantation contains 850 acres ; 350 I cleared and in good state of cultivation; 500 aorea of woodland, well timbered, whilo the land is very productive It is remarkable for be&ltbfolness and for the salubrity of the atmosphere, the plaoe having been settled 40 years, and there never hav- j ing bC6n a case of fever thereon. Tho plsce is in a good neighborhood, convenient to schools and churches. For farther particulars, apply to the undersigned. JOHN T. CROWDER, ‘ Forsyth, Ga. ang20 2w Sii Separate aafl Distinct Floors Divided into S3 many Departments, and ono independent of tho other, displaying iho moat SEASONABLE GOODS FOR THIS MARKET As an instance of tbe magnitude of onr atock, W3 b:g leave to call the attention of bnyorj to cur Clothing Denartment, which la now rapidly filling with tho largest variety of BEADY-MADE GARMENTS ZAKS FOR SAX.R. ' | HE most desirable farm in Macon connty, JL owned formerly by Hiram B Troulmin, and I now by us, lying on iho west bank of Flint river, I jnsc five miles below th« beantifnl and il mrishing I town of Reynolds, (S. W. B. R ) and containing One Thousand (l.OoU) acres, is now POH. SA.X1IS The improvements are nneqoalltd, consisting of I a good dwelling, with every necessary out improve-I Snited to ail demands, upon a first class establishment, from thl Ohaapeut Shit to the fineit Toilet manta. There are seventeen cabins for laborers, I Qqh ail with good brick chimneys. A groat deal cf the cleared land fresh. Any one desiring such a farm, and on the most enticing tonus, had best apply at oace to nENhY T. JORDAN, T. MARION BfttAJI. anglQ 2m Reynolds, Ga r 91 ' ■ 1 GW” P' Wo intend hav'ng oar stock completed by tbe FIRST OF SEPTEMBER, DISSOLUTION. rpm: partnership heretofore existing under the j -L firm name of J. F. Barfield & Co. is this day I dissolved by mutual consent. Tho business wifi I be continued by J. F. Barfield, at tho old stand, I who alone is authorised to settle tho business of | tho late firm. J. F. BARFIELD, T. S. GREEN. August 18, 1873. Tho undersigned having retired from Iho firm of I Aad if tho Largest Assortment and Lowest Prices can indneo buyers to this market, then we are KT* J. F. Barfield & Co., takes this method of inform- j of the ing his old friends and patrons that he will remain I with J. F. Barfield, where he will be pleased to see | his old friends and customers as heretofore. anglD.f T. 8. GREEN. BARGAINS IS MILLINERY! H AYING determined to close np my business, I am offering from this date and until the en tire lot is disposed of, zny stock of JtJUlinery and Fancy Goods At pileea tbat cannot foil to p’.eoao all. My stock consist, in part of Lubes’ Hats and Bonnets. EJowerr, UibLons, Lace Goode, Hair Goode, dollars, Cuffs, Zephyr Worsted, And >n fact everything usually kepi in my line. Call and examine my goods and bay them at yonr own price. • 0066 d2w ' MB3. L. g. HENDRIX. NOTICE. • I WILL hold a Justice Conrt for the 716th Dis trict, Q. M-, at the office of CoUins A Heath No. 69 Seoond street, in the city of Maoon. on the BKOOND SATURDAY of every month. „ P. M. HEATH, Notary Public and ex. off. J. p., 716th District, G.M MONEY SAVED. W HISENANT’S COTTON CATEBPILL4B | DESTROYER is the only caterpillar de strover'p&tented. All parties are warned against j any infringement npon my rights. Arsenic, Paris j Green, Lime and Flour are used in the compound patented by me. Any party or pirties using or selling any compound containing any two of the above ingredients, or containing substantially what is r*lied npon by me in zny compound for de stroying the cotton c&terpillar, is infrirging npon znj lights, and will be prosecuted in the United States Conrt for so doing. GREEN F. WHISESANT, Patentee, ang!9 Iw*Chapel Hill, Texas. Homes for the People! T HREE of tho most ELIGIBLE LOTS for pri- I vate residences, for sale at low down figures. I Neighborhood the beat m tbe eity. Terms aa roa- | sonable and accommodating aa can be expected. . Apply to JOHN D. McKElLAR, No. G2 Second et, next J. VT. Brnlie A Co.’s. ang!4tf W. B. HILL. 2f. 2. RABBIS. | HILL & HARRIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW No. 90 Cherty street, (up Btairs) * MAOON, GA. Will practice in all tho courts of tbe Macon Cir cuit. Bpeciol attention given to Collections. Con-1 veyancee, etc. Jniy27tf COAL OHEBK ANTHRACITE COAL AND WOOD.! W Z will sell Coal daring tbe fnonth of Angait ] at reduced rates. Send in your orders db w 1 and avoid last winter’s trouble. Terms cash- ’ * angl J3m BUTTS A BOSS. WHOLESALE TRADE Of Middle and tioathirostern Georgia. A1! we ask is a CALL, and we will convince the trade that we are selling at NEW YORK JOBBERS’ RATES Prom a stock equalling New York Jobbing Houses. On completion ol our stock, '»1U b« p'®** ^ ^ meet oar friends ef the past seasons and aa many new ones aa can make it to their interee to gi call before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the sign of the NEW YORK STORE, . * • ?. S. WAXELBAUM & BRO, COTTON AVENOU tND SECOND ST*« Macon, auglTtf