The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 26, 1873, Image 3

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JUST RECEIVED UBlBlSOSS’. a COO Ttrd* Calicoes at 10 to 12c. La* Linen Collar*. Lace Collar*, Racking, CaOu!* Ruffling# Broadwiy Frilling. Coronets, ,. .v pick, t- ilk, Leather and Linen Delta, . . 11 *«• «’ Hose, l’acifi: Lt •*'*.«, N».a- pot VI2- Lawn*, Cotton Liaper, etc. j ,,!,#»• |>oae at lCc. j er pair; OcnU* Half Hoae af 108* jnf4hw Cm* 4*4 Bleached at 12c , worth 15c. A large lot Dram Goode at Coat. * 11 other Oooda at Bottom Figures. W. A. BANKS ± 80KB, 41 fMoad street, Triangular block, Macon, Ga. jttP«2fflf * _ Rrst Kiflfti!. m of Macon munMt* » ' cntrsi Banklnj Batlara*. mwmai 1 0 FtAHT, I>. FLASDEitil. H. I. JEWETT, W. B BSSMMOSM, a. js. I'ulnt, d. s. uttle, O. a. HAZLEnCEST. L C. PLAST, President w. WKIOLEI. CaahUr. malO-ttinoTl* Telegraph & Messenger. TUESDAY M0EKIK3, AUGU8T 26, 1873. , a. BOSS, Prmidc'-U li. 7. LAWTON, Coehicr EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON. >iflee la Uafl*enrtr Ualldiac. hkoeiveh deposith BUJH AMD dIXLU EXCHANGE, ga— Alranoe. on Block*. Bond*. Cotton Is Btcro. Alio on Shipment* of Cotton. AtLLEOTIONB PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO (.tiiir I. a PLANT & SON, BANKERS AND BROKERS. MAOON, G A. U*r »x Hell Cioliantf, Gold, Silver, Nlorbe And HouUm. deposits received. fu whifb Interest will be Allowed, An ony. PATASIZjS OU O^lXjXj idtaaoe. Mrut. on Cotton nml Produrr In mortt. lollrrtlons Promptly Attended to. TiWIt 1V.OBIUMA Wat. liaxunrasr. .• Ix>-iicrr. Cubbcdgc, .•’axleiiurst & Co., Bankers and Brokers MAOON. GA. K EOEIVE DrrCWITB, BUY And BELT. EX CHANGE, GOLD, SILVER, bTOOKH, BONDS mj Cneniraat Fonda. t’ollccflona Hade t>a nil AettMilble Mtalb arose# open At All bourn of tba day. )*My? Cubbcdgc, iiat!churst& Co.’s SAVINGS INSTITUTION. Ibi X Eli EKE I’AID ON ALT, SUMS FROM <1 . TO #6000. fflOK HOURS, FROM 8 A. K. to 8 r. at. I«n4-tf 0 PLANTERS’ BANK rot r VAU.KT. mkokuia. 1E0BITE8 Dopoelte, dlsronnta Paper, bur# And V .nil. ExcIiodro ; also, Gold Mid hilvor. J#|:«tioii« modo At All ooroaolblo points. uirrMt | «IJ on DoponiU wlion mode for » tpo- *iA.J limn. An. J. Artmant. PreaT. W. K. Bnuwn, uoanier ■atomt: Ka. J. Andnrnon, CoL Barb L. Donnord, Ad. L M. Felton Dr. W. A. MUhnwn. Dr. W>ti. H. HoUliuhnAd. de!7tf CITY BANK, Mneon, Goorpin. CAPITAL 200.000 DOLLARS. W*. 8. bolt, JNJ. B. BOSK. wx. a jonsaTON, JOHN J GRESHAM, STRICTLY COMMISSION HOUSE JR. M. WATBHO c*> CO. SO Itroati N( n New York, BANKERS -zap- COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Boy And tell contracts for fomredellrery of rot- loo. Depot!! seronnta of bankers, merehint* end Other! Art rapcoiaHy .oitctied. jolyCdSm A. C. KAUFMAN, LTAIMKBR, AND DEAI.FB IN 80DTHEIIN SECURITIES, ITUIlLI'.STOt. N. S ODTflKKN COLLECTIONS reeelre the Special acd Poreonal Attention of thin Hoa.e Itrtarce Boda tnd l'BOMlTIJT In New York Exchtw;n. which alraya rnlee III-LOW par dannn the tc-.ire bnetnmn eeaoon •W Note., Dratu tnd Acceptance* payabto In Sooth Ctroltni. North CtrolinAAnd Georgia ctn be eonoenlrtted At Hue point with rrotlt tnd Baring of Lthor. W All bottom .Handed to with fidebtj tnd dtnptteh SW QncttUont of Panthers Beeprities Utned wnekte fehltdm COOK’S HALL, PERRY, GA T HE alter: on of misagera of pntitJc aotcrtalo- manta la palled to thla Hall, which baa been latolr fitted np In tbo bo»t etylo, with scenery, eta Tba Hall will eoat about 400 persons and is oonTa- niently situated in the large acd growing town of Parry, to which the 8oothwe«i«rn Kauroad has lately oousmiotMl a branch from Fort Valiev Apply to JOHN H. COOK, fahlOAm" ONLY MANUFACTORY In tbie country where Patent Wire Heddles Are mtde under one mAntgemest. Alto, 8DPPLIES need in COT PUN mod WOOLEN BILLS prcmpDy f.rnl.hed D. a BBOWN, JatrYI Cm Lowell, Maas . D. S. DIAMOND SPECTACLES. T hese Spectacles are mantifaottired from “ilin- bta Crystal Febblas" melted together, and are called Diamond on account of their hardness and hnliiAocy. It well known that spectacles cat from Brazilian or Scotch pebbles are very injurious 10 sye, becsose of thetr polarizing light. Haring been teeted with the poisnecope, the ^amood lenses bare been found to admit fifteen cent, laea heated rays than any other pebble. Ibey are ground with great scientific accuracy, fret from chromauc aberrations, and produce » bnglitnaaa and distinctnees of vision not before attained in spectacles. Manufactured by the Ppcnoer Optical Manofac* fvjcg Oompany. hew York. For sale by responsible Agerts In erery city a we Union. h. J. JOHNSTON, ••weier and Optician, is sols Agent for Macon, Ga. from whom they can only be obtained. No pod- employed. The great demand for these Spectacles has In* Cooed unacropuloue deal*'!* io palm off an infsner and spnnoos articl# tor the Diamond. Great cart tboc.J be taken to see that tbs trade* mark o ^h-ch is protected by Amenoan Letters 1‘atent) is temp** mi *t*r* nsir wUM.Iwlr* LAW CARD. M tholiS. WOODWAKD A TOOLE, of Dooly ooonly, Ol, htrtoR formod A ItgAl copArt- LwMup, rx>mpt>c:taiiy cSez A.rTioo, to the Pxbitc, And »iU ptACti.'a in the oonnue# of Wilcox, God,.. Irwm, Mono, Macoo. Huiwter Aod Hoa^ toa. HmcLI AtleoLoO £‘ yt O AiaJ to CAM. in UlA And 7.Xma1 Coaru. Addrmi Y^bqa Ga. jQ*yl5-iI3n.* NOTICE T WILL hold a JoaUc Ooart for the 716th Die- -A nw, Q. a.. At toe oBc. of Coition A Benili, "•RJjlnoood Atreet in me c.ty of klAoon, on the ■■OOMD &ATUBDAV of A Terr month 7. U BEATS. EotAry Pntllc ado ex. off. J. 7., 718th Dtntrist, O M KDITOBUL C0KBE8PO6DBSCE. Giaxu Ccrrui Horn, Nrw You. Aagatt 20th, 1873. The writer hod j ait Undbd to the botin form, el Ly the Piiipnco rwer At BilUmorA, after tnrendnR tba whole length of the mngntWwnt Cheonpenie Bay when be cloned hie leat min- ■ire. A dnli, leaden «ky >penned the arch of the heereni, end the falling rain wan lnnhed in to Rpray or drir.n to and fro hr the impetnonn Hint. The little nl!e which flow at all time, through the gotten, of the city end form A p!en*;cg fentnre in ita itreete, were now nwollen into angry nrnieta, and went roaring on tbair wiy, bearing open their tnrbid banom nntold filth and garbage, all of which in deposited in the feveral ill pa. TBEEUSfc where bandreda of ateameia, oloopa, achooners and bargee he pell-mell together, In oonoe. qhenoe, preeenti the Appeeranou of a tlnggiih, Atygien pool, block aod otTenolre to the eye, ind reeking with Ail (he liqnifled abomlnetloni of a great city. To nhow tba effect# of n<i« filth, a prominent merohent doing bnaineen on bmilb’e Wharf, told an that a newly painted roaeel will, in a few weeka, In tbooe watera, torn black end dingy, and even the adjacent hotuea ere all mottled and otained by the fool odorj arieing from the benin. Bo great la the accumulation of the dthrii from the newera, that nombera of dredging boate are kept oon- Atantly at work to keep thin olnggiah rirer from filling np. WATmUCZLOSI BT HI KXIXI0X. We connted in one single .lip not lees than thirty teboonera and aloop, whole deck, were piled with thi* cholera.prcdacing frnit. Then .And, of rind, fi rated upon the water too, and the Mreeti adjoining the w bar res were noar and offenaiTC from the garbage. Indeed, the stench were well nigh Intolerable. Under a tropical <nn there Is eanro enough here to prodnoe A«iat:e cholera, yellow ferer, or any other known plague. Bpeaking of tbia lo A citizen, he sold yon soon got need lo IL Bat to nnblan- ted conntry olfactories, the nmmnce is well nigh insnfferable. thb late rax. It is uid, ii wept away a perfect neat of brothels and other sink# of iniquity, whose presence had actually kept down the prloe of real estate in tt&t portion of the city. The achievement of xuhdcing the flamoR in the teeth of almost A temped of wind, reflects infinite credit npon tl oee Mho directed operation*, and the whole tiro organization of Baltimore. Able and timely ARMBtALce war Itleo rendered from abroad. It wab Indeed fortnnato that the conflagration oc curred In day light In some inatanoea tall ool- nioon of fltmtti Ascended to the height of l*n0 feet, »nd CAUght tiy the fnrionR gale threatened premises hundreds of yards dictant Bat acres of house lops were occupied by the earnest pop- nlation, who covered every inch of exposed snr- f«eo with woolen blankets, kept constantly sat urated with water. The work of removing the brick and rubbish hm brgan, and doubtless the fire will in tbo end prove a real blessing to the inhabitants. IT BACTXS AND BT03MZD incessantly, so that lbs writer was glad to seek shelter and repose In his ohamber after days of oontinnons travel. That night (Sabbath) at 10) o’clock we resumed onr journey, taking po*l session of a sleeping chair on tba Philadelphia train. Tboso appliances, however, arc little better than the stocks to the occupant. Fist on yonr back, and nnsble to turn right or left, are yon forced to recline, with a painful restriction of liberty, which, lo the deponent at least, begets nervousness and unrest. It was a miserable nlgbt, which we were glad to ece dispelled by another stormy morn, which broke npon the smiling villages and cultivated farms of New Jersey. The visitor from the Month is struck with the intense gnennut of vegetation in this latitude. Whether owing to the shortness of the seasons, cool nights, or su perior fertility and cultivation we cannot ssy, bat all nstnre seenta clad in a vivid emerald mantle. The crops of oorn, or rather patc\ct, in the lillipnllsn farms into which (he country la di vided and subdivided, were luxuriant, and so thi;k as to resemble so nndistiDguishable mass of gtoen as the cars flitted by. Bows from three to fonr feet wide, and hills two and a half feet apart, and containing from three to five stalks in eaob, give an aggregate of plants to the acre many times greater than at the Month. Henoo the prodnot ranges from CO to 130 bnshela per acre, according to oirenmstanoes. Bat in Georgia this thick planting wonld re sult in niter failnre, as the oorn mnst have air nml distance iu that climate. IVe believe, how .ever, where manure ]a iberally used, even there it would be fonnd profitable to plant closer. CBCSSINO THE FISSV over North river, the wind blev icy oolJ, and happy was he who oonld don an J button np a heavy winter overcoat. The HitdaoD, and ex- pansivo bay towards Mfafen Island, were liter ally alive with swift moving steamers, river crafts, Inga, pilot boats, and ships carrying the flags of all nations. Men-of-war. too, were at anchor; their crowded decks and frowning ports threatening destruction from the throats of tho iron bull dogs who lay in ambush behind them. It is oonoednd that the world does not present a spectacle more animating and beantifal than New York harbor. And the eye never tires of that moving panorama, with ita magnificent set ting on all aid**, embracing huge perpendicular cliffs, gently retiring hills studded with pilatiil villas, busy towns and villages in (he diatanoe, llte mighty ocean on the right, nnd the thou sand spires and minarets rising from the vast uiRRR of brick and mortar wbioh covere Man hattan Island, and from which reaonnda tho dnli rotr of rnshing multitudes. But the soene has often been described, and we hasten to thread onr way through the masses of the oity, to this pleasant and popular home of tho traveler. SDHINXSS B1CEWASD. Very few meiobanta and business men from the Sooth have yet arrived, and trade is ttn- usnally dull for thla stage of the season. Fa. vorable crop reports, however, and private ad vices indicate that even more than the average amonnt of goods will be sold this fall. Dry goods rule low, and groocriea at about tho naoal flgnrea THE DUCMMXU3 are returning to cover in ahoals after their summer campaign, and no one arriving at the hotels eaoapen rtoir clutches. We have peen some rather bard rtflsotions in the prints rgainst this class of tho community, bnt re gard them to bo as nx jnat as they are Bevere. It rtqnireR something more than an ordinary man to fill the bill as canvasser for a loading mercantile honss. Ho must beaottve, intelli gent, persevering and possessed of a tboroegb knowledge of bnmaa nature. Moreover the strictest integrity is indispensable, coupled with popular manners and a winning address. Combining all these qualifications, be is waith a mine of gold to his employer. His visits to i be conntry merchants, too, and sales by sample, enable the latter to replenish tbeir stocks without tho cost and trcnble of going to market at all tlmesof the year. Mom* of onr very beat and most reapeetaldo young gentlemen ply this vocation for a living, and are the tinned and confidential agents of tbeir employers. THI GZOEOIA STATE TAIlt is attracting much attention, even at this remote point. The recent visit and liberal propoailions of Mayor Huff have given quite An Impetus to tbe affair. New York will bo nobly represented on that occasion, and many of her most prominent merchants will display their gorgeous ware* at tbe exposition. Among these, we wonld men tion Messrs. Hurd, Miller & Co., aaddlera; Hal* lett, Beaver A Bntbank. dealer* in drags and cbemioals; Henry Beadle, Jr., hardware; Wood ruff. Morris & Oo , hats and caps; Devlin A 0o., dippiay cf uniforms; Baker A Kenny, military goods, and others MporLmen and owners aDd raisers of flue slock also will be there in num- bei s, and contend for the prizes and honors of the exhibition. Thie petoefnl gathering of thoee who will represent every branoh of industry in the land, without regard to Mtate lines, will do more for the healing of the nation and to wipe oat every veetige of bitteaneas and hostility between form- er opponents, than long years of ordinary inter* oonrse. Let onr people prepare to reoeive with warm greetings and unbounded hospitality, oil who come np to this exhibition of the enterprise and resources of Georgia. If we do our whole duty, thousands will return their homes favorably im pressed with our fair city of Ma.-on, and she will make a new departure in prosperity hereafter. TUX WKATHXB continues stormy and inclement. Flood* of rain have fallen within the past few day*, and still tbe heaven* look blaek and threatening, and not a ray of sunshine ha* straggled forth for nearly a week. The atreet* are sloppy, giving ample employment to the little eweepera at tho crossing*, many of whom are mere child ren, and dad in rags. StUl the same tide of hnmanity net# in opposite direction*, and whole regiments, battalions and army oorp# of men are on foot, and may be oonnted every day.— v.rh indiTidnal seems to be In breathless haste, and aU are in fall pareait of the almighty dollar. XCAOONTTXS. Onr city is largely represented here at pres ent, and new arrival* are constantly swelling the camber. Captain Bacon and party rode ont tbe itorm in safety last Satnrday night, and got into port with a few bonri' detention only. To-day we had a glimpse in a passing omaibos of the rubionnd and jolly visage of onr ex- Chief Justice, O. A. laichrane, Eaq. The Jnoge was bom under a lucky star and makes his Jock which aver way the cot lumps. It matters not whether before the people os tbe Democratic candidate for Oongima, or di. ning and jacketing with Bollock and Mead, or holding with the inns and onta by turns, ha in always “right side np with eare," and main tains one perpendicular. No jurist gets more cases and fatter fees from both aides of the hoove, and few are smarter and mate popular. The true secret of tbia sneoeas may be oaBribed to the three words, uit, blamty aod rim. It is impossible to qBarrel with so good nolnred a man, while his winning ways, glib tongue, and unquestioned legal ability, make him a general favorite evsa though come are 111 matured enough to doss him with the Dagwld Dalgwtty school Bat do more at present. H. E. J. CHOLERA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, DIABBH(EA, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, Cured and Prevented by Rad way’s Ready Relief! I F CHOLERA prinCi u an epidemic, tbe Pre ventive measure* are tbe most vise to adopt. Tbe Liver, Hovels and Stomach mhould be kept regular. Kadvaj'a Pule, in small doses, vill secure ibis requisite, badvay’s Ready Relief diluted in water, (oce teaspoonful to a tumbler of water), taken ae a drink, three or fonr times during tbe day viii disinfect tbe malaria inhaled io tbe sys tem , and neutralize ail add or unhealthy elements oaueed by tho combination of tbe malaria of tbe atmosphere with the geese cf stomach, (which are often In these epidemics acid), imparting warmth, energy end health, throughout the system, and preventing the separation of tbe watery from other properties in tbe blood. If seized With CHOLERA, tbe Seedy Relief should be given as strong and often as possible. This will secure rest and bold tbe properties of tbe blood together, xgCAUZise its circulation, prevent* tng congestion, and prevent tie diminishing or lessening of the pulse, and stopptng vomiting and purging Tbe body should be rubbed with Ready Relief from bead to foot, and alonjt tbe spine. This will impart new energy and vitality to tbe nervous system, stop cramps, spasms, and induce free perspiration. As soon as the stomach is q Tie ted, sis to eight of Eadway's Pills (no danger of diarrhea need te feared) should be given. The Liver, Stomach anil Bowels will at once be restored to tbeir natural da ties, and tbe neutralized ele ments of disease be expelled from the system. This treatment has rescued thousands from death. Looseness, Iharritea, Cholera Morbus. Oraupe, Bpasms, etc , and ah painful discharges from the bowels are stopped in fifteen or twenty minutes by taking Rad way's Read; Relief. No congestion or inflammation, no weakness or lassitude, will follow the use of the B. R. Relief. BAD WAY’S BEADY BELIEF WILL AFFOKD INSTANT EASE- INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION Or THE BLADDEB, INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWBLB, CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS, SOBETHHOAT. DIFFICULT BREATHING, PALPITATIUN OF THE HEART, HYSTERICS, OBOUP. DIPTHEBIA. OATABBH, INFLUENZA, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE. NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, GOLD CHILLS, AGUE OHILLS. Tba Application of tbs Bsadv Billet to tbw part or parts where the pain or difficulty exiata will at- ford eaee and cow fort Twenty drope in half a t ambler of water will in a few monecte enre Crampe. Spaame, Hour 8tom- act Heartburn, Sick Headache, Oohc, Wind In the Bowele, and all Internal Faina. Traveler* abonld always carry A bottle of Bad- way’e Ready Relief with tbrm A few drope in water will prevint Bickness nr pain* from cbsnga of water. It it better than French Brandy or Bit tera aa a atimalant. FEVER AND AGUE Fever and Ague curod for fifty cents. There not a remedial agent in tho world that will core Fevkr and Ague, and a 1 other Malarious, Bilious, bcarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers (aided by Rad way’s Pills) so quick aa Bad way's Ready Relief. Ready Relief 50 cents per bottle, and Pilla 2 cents a box. Sold by Druggists. health: beauty STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD —IN CIIEABE OF FLK8H AND WEIGHT— CLEAR SKIN AND BEAU' IFUL COMPLEXION 8K0UB- ED TO ALL! DB. EADWAY’S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT Has mad* tbe moat oatenirhintr enree. Bo quick, eo rapid aro tnu change, tbo body undorgaee, under tho influence of thie uolv wcnderfal medicine, that EYEllY DAY AN INCREASE IN FLE8H AND WEIGHT 13 SEEN AND FELT. THK GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER! Every drop of the 8ARSAFARILLIAN RESOL VENT communicates through tbe blood, sweat, urine, and other fiaids and juices of the system, the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the body with new and eound material. Bcrofula, Syphilis Consumption, Glandular Risesses, Ulcers in the Throat and Mouth, Tumors. Nodes in the Glands and other parts of the Byatom, bore Ejes, Miumorous L’Bch*rge* from the Kars, and the worst form of bkin Diseases, Eruptions, Fever bores, Roald Head, Ring Worm, bait Rhenm, Eiy- sipe:ae, Acne. Black Hpots, Worms In tbe Flesh Tumors, Cancers ib the Womb, and all Weakening andPaiofui Discharges, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm, and all wastes of the life pricciple, are within tbo curative range of this wouder of Mod em Chemistry, acd a few days’ use will prove to any person lining it for either tf these lorms of disease its potent power to cure them. If iho patient, daily becoming rodaced by the waste and decomposition that is continually pro gressing, euc.'reda in Mrecting these wastes, and repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood—and this the B AB8AP A HI LL1AN will and does secure—a cure is certain; for when once this remedy commence* its work \>f purifica tion, and succeeds id dimiiiishiug the loss of wastes, its repairs will be rapid, and every day the patient will feel himself growing better aod strong er. the food digesting hotter, appetite improving, and fieeh aod weight increasing. Not only does the hABSAPaBILLIAN RESOLVENT excel aU known remedial agents in the care of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional aod Skin Diseases, bnt it is the only positive core for Kidney and Bladder Complaints I Urinary and Womb Diseases, Gravel, Diabetes. Dropsy, btoppage of Water, Incontinence of Unne, Rrighi's Disease Albumtnuna. »nd in all cases where there are brick dost deposits, or the wator is mid;, c oady. mixed wi h substances like the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is " morbid,tiArk.bilious appearance ana white bone' ilust depos.r, and when there is a pricking sensation, burning sensatiou, when passim; water, and pain m the small of tiie back and alon • »*• cine. Tumor of 12 Years’ Growth Cured by Kadway’s Resolve ni! Ektxkly, Mam.. July 1G, 1857. Dr 1UX.WATI havo had Ovari*n ’lemor m the ovaries and bowels All tbe Doctors said "there was no ba>p for it ** 1 tried everything that was recommended, bnt nothing helped xno. X saw your Keeolvent, and thought X would try ft; but bad no fahh m it. becauao 1 had suffered for twelve years I took tix b-*tiles of the Resolvent, and one box of R«dway*s Till*, and two bottles of your llsady Relier; aud tbero is not < sign of tumor to be eeen or fell, and 1 feel better, smarter, and hip pier than I have for twelve years. The wor-t tumor was in the left side of tho bowels, over the groin I write this to you for the benefit cf etho s. Yon can publish it if you choose. . ANNAS P. KNAFP JOHNSON & SMITH WHOLESALE GROCERS Produce Dealers anil Coiiission Merchants, MASONIC TEMPLE. MULBERRY STREET. FRESH ARRIVALS 1 30 CAB LOADS BAGON. ICO TIERCES LARD, 260 BARRELS COMMON MOLASSES, U TIERCES COMMON MOLASSES. 60 BARRELS 8YBCP3, ALL GRADES, 300 BARRELS SUGAR, ALL GRADES, X TIERCES DCFFIELD HAMS, 30 TIERCES MARTIN’S HAMS, 1 CAR LOAD SEED BYE, MONROE FEMALE COLLEGE 1 CAB LOAD SEED BAXLEY, 6 OARS MIKED CORN, 3 CAB LOADS FRESH WATER GROUND MEAL, 15 CABS WHITE CORN, 5 CARS LIVERPOOL SALT, 1 CAB VIRGINIA SALT, 80C ROLLS KZNIUCKY BAGGING, 60 TONS ARROW TIES, 20 COILS HEMP GREEN LEAF ROPE, 20 BALM POTTER’S OSNABUBGS, .10 BALES PORTER’S SHIRTING, 10 RALES MACON SHEETING, 20 CASES SARDINES, 100 BOXES CANDLES 25 HALF BOXES CANDLES, 36 QUARTER BOXES CANDLES, 100 R0XE3 BLUE RIVER BTAB0 H ICO BOXES SOAP, ALL GRADES, 36 BARBELS VINEGAR, 126 BOXES CANDY, ICO BARRELS WHITE CORN WHISKY, Anil tbe iorgeat atoek of fine Wiilaky to ba found in tbe State. Call and examine. 150 BACKS COFFEE, 60 HALF BOXES "NELLY BLY" TOBAOOO, WOODEN WARE, SHOT, and fall a applies of eYerytbing usually kept in onr line. (9-WE ARE AGENTS FOB THE MIAMI POWDER CO. sru21tf C. J. GAMBLE. A. BEOK. A. VT. GIBSON. GAMBLE, BECK & CO. ’ WHOLESALE LOWEST MARKET PRICES GUARANTEED 01 THIBD STR.13JE1T. worm:s i The only safe an J snre remedy for TAPE, PIN and WOttMS of alt kinds. PRICE $100 PER BOTTLE. An Important Letter. From a prominent gentleman and resident of Cin cinnati, O., for tbe paat forty yean wed known to the book publishers throughout tbe United btatee: Nrw Iokc, October 11, lb70. Db . Rzdwat : Dear Sir— I am induced by a sente of duty to toe suffering to make a brief statemset of tbe working of your medicine on myeelf. For eeveral years I bad been affected with some trouble in tbe bladder and urinary organs, which some twelve months ago culminated in a most terribly afflicting disease, which the physicians all said was a epismodic stricture in the uretha, as also inflam mation of the kidneys and biadder, and gave it as tbeir opinion that my age—73 yean—wonld pre vent my ever getting radically cured. I bad tried a number of physicians, and had taken a Urge quamty of medicine, both alopatoie and bemeoe- pathic’ but had got no relief. 1 had read of aston ishing cures having been made by yonr remedies; and some four months ago read a notice in tbe Philadelphia (Saturday Evening Poet of a core hav ing been effected on a person who bad long been suffering as I had been. I went right off and got some of each—your Sareapamllan Resolvent, Ready Relief, and Regulating Pilla—and com menced taking them. In three days & was greatly relieved, and now feel as well as ever G. W. JAMES, Cincinnati, O. DB. RAD WAY’S Perfect Purgative and Rer ulating Pills. Perfectly tsateleee, elegantly rooted with sweet RQm. porne. regniste, purify, clean... and .irengxhen. Uadway'. Pula, for tbe core of all dis order. of the Stomach. Lirer, Bowel*, Kidney., Bladder, Nerronc Dteeasse, Headache, Constipa tion. Coeurenea. Indigestion. Dy.pepeio, BUcus- ceaa. Ferer, Icflommotaon of the Bowels, Piles and all Derangemaou of tho Internal Viscera. War ranted tc effect a posiur. core. Purely vegetable, rooteminc nc mercury, minerals or deleterona drags. tBF Observe the following symptoms resulting from Disorder, of the Digradre Organa: Oonanpouoo, Inward Plies, Fullness of the Blood in the Head, Acidity of the Stomach. Xanoes, Heartburn, Disgust of Food, Fnllneoe or weight in the Btt""*"* 1 - B° Qr ErnetAimns, Sinking or Flntter- nuc at the Heart, OhoAing er acganngB. nos linn. wSm in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision. Dote or Webs bet on tba Bight, Freer and Doll Pain in the Head Deficiency of Pwapiranon, YoBowinai of Kras. Pain in tba Bids, cht,LrinU. and sadden Ilaahea of Heat. Barning in tha Flash. A few doses of Bedway'. FUi# wiU fres tR» *J»- tem from oil th. ohoe. nomsd disorders. Pnce J6 cents per box. Bold by Druggists- READ »‘T» a t.mwi A BID THUB” flood om littit lo BADWAY A OO., Bo. 2 Varna, ooepar Ohaieb atroot. How York. Infanaattoa worth thousands will ho not you. ■aft) oodftwXy IMPROVED Anti Friction Horeeilower luFOJILT “CAST STEEL PINOS POWER” IS THE WORLD. W E precent to the Planters of tbe South the beet and only suitable HORSE POWEB for Ginning Cotton, Grinding Corn, or Threshing Grain, ever before offered to tha public. We, the propno- tort, having h*d a nnmoer of years’ experience in producing and preparing Cotton for market, assert, without tho fear cf contradiction, that in point of Simplicity, Durability, Speed and Lightness of Draft, tbe WRIGHT’S IMPROVED POWER! Far Eisttis an alter ttat lias Ever Beat H la tie Eallei States. We claim for It that two good mules will gin three bales of cotton in a day on a forty saw gin, and that fonr good mules wul gin on a fifty saw gin fonr and a half to five bales of ootton ; that the gin ning will he continuous, not being liable to interruptions from sagging of the machine-house, as this Power is self-adjusting, adapting itself readily to the npward or downward tendency of the floor. The entire fixtures accompany tbe machine, except an ordinaly king* post and a lever, so that it oan be placed in position for aeivioe in a few hours after reaching the plantation. THESE POWERS ARE MANUFACTURED OF THE YERT BEST MATERIAL And will be warranted far twelve months. The only part of a Hares Power moe! liable to wear is tbe email pinion which gtrea rpetd to the “Power.” This ws bare remedied by baring it (at a great coat) mads of tbe reiy beet Gael Steel. Fries 8115, or 8150, delivered at purchaser's station ASK. ONLY A THIAL. ■W3EI For farther particulars, address aagSlm MALONE, WILLINGHAM A CO., MACON, GEORGIA. LAWTON & BATES, WHOLES AXsXD :rs DEALERS IN- Con, Oats, Hay, Ban, Larfl, Fir, Sap, Coffee, Molasses BAGGING, TIES, ETC., rOgrilTH STREET. MAOON, GA. A fter 30 Tears of trial has proved to be the best healing anti pain xabuu- Ing Liniment In the "World* ' recommended with unbounded asstmmeeia all cases of Cuts. Bruise*. Bums. Sprains. Rhiumi. turn. Hard Swellings. Bites, Chilblains. Stiffness of the Joints, Frozen Feet, Ears, Arc., Ac., among all person*, and for Sprains, Founders, Ringbone, Poll- Evil, Scratches, Wind-Galls, Hoof-ale. Spavins, Spring halt, Saddle, Collar and Alamc&a Calls; also diseases of the Eye and Eir in. Horses, Mules or Cattle. ■WILL ALSO Cure Neuralgia, Rheumatipm, Gout, Tniao Hack, Balt Rhenm, Poisonous Bites, External Bone and Mnacle Affections. Soro Nipples, Ac., and may bo Justly tanned tho panacea for all EXTERNAL 'WOUNDS JK^Remember, this Iainlmcnt did not spring up in n day or n year,producing xhh MOST ABSTED AKD UNNATURAL CULLS CLAIMED BT Few-Borx and Mcshsoom Liniments. But wo hava the experience of over thirty years of trial, with the most auhtUnt.-l results* and by a niultituda ot witnesses. If tho Liniment Is’not as recommended, tho Money will k BAM Do not bo imposed upon by u«ing any other Lini ment el aiming ibu same properties or results. They are a cheat axul a fraud. Lo suro and get nothing bnt , Lml JiySOLD BY ALL DkuqgLira AKD COUKTXT SrOHES A" 25c., 50c. and $1.00 per Bottle Nones Size or Bottle, Stile, &c. LYON MEG. CO HAGAN’S Magnolia Balm jfV* A FEW APPLICATIONS mawt. A Pure Blooming Complexion, P It Is Purely Vegetable, and its operation is keen and felt at once. It does away with tha ‘ Flushed Appearance caused by Heat, Fatigue and Excitement. HeaJaaad removes ail Blotches and Pimples, dispelling dark and unsightly epota. Drives away Tan, Freckles and Sun burn. and by its gentle bnt powerful influence .mantle* the jaded cheek with * ^ MOUTHFUL BLOOM AND BEAUTY. .' Sold by all Druggists and Fancy Stores. Do* jot, 53 Park Placo, New York. w mch5 eod&wly Iron in the Blood TIIR PERUVIAN bYIiUP Vitalizes and Enriches the Blood, Tones up tbo SysU m,llailds up tho Broken-down, Cures Female Complaint 1 ), Dropsy. DebQlty.lIu- mon, Dyspepsia, Ac- Thousand.■) ha vo been changed by tho use of this remedy from weak, sickly, • strong;healthy, and happy men and women; and invalids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. Caution.—Bo sure you get tho right article. Seo that “Peruvian Syrup” Is blown In the plass. ramphletsfreo. Send for one. SETH "W.FOWLE' A SONS, Proprietors, Boston, Mass. For solo by druggists generally. auglSeowly flO-THB MILL POWER ®g ICURESI HUMPHREYS’ HOMEOPARHIC SPECIFICS TTAVE PltOVED, FROM THE MOST li ample experience, an entire success. Simple, Prompt, Efficient and Reliable. They aro the only medicines perfectly adapted to popular use-^so simple that mistakes cannot be made in usimr th»rn; so harmless as to be free from danger; and so efficient as to be always reliable. They hare tho highest commendation from all, and will always render satisfaction. l*r 1c e, La large three-drachiu vials, with directions: ^ No*. Cures. Cents. 2. Fevers, Congestion, Inflammation^ • • SO 2. Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic, , • 50 3. Crying-Colic, orTeethingof Infants, • 50 4. Diarrhoea, of Children or Adults, . • 50 5. Dysentery, Griping, Bilious Cclic, • • 50 C* Cholera-Morbus, Vomiting, . • -• . 50 7. Coughs, Colds, Bronohitis, • 50 8. JVeuralgfa, Toothache, Faceache, . . , 50 9. Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo, . 50 10* Dyspepsia* Bilious Stomach, • * . . 50 Uv&uppressedsor Painful Periods, • • • 50 12. Whites* too Profuse Periods, .... 50 13. Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathinr, . . 50 1-t. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions, . 50 15. Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains, ... 50 16 « Fever and Ague, Chili Fever, .Agues, 50 1". piles, blind or bleeding, . ... . • 50 18. ophthalmy, and Sore or Weak Eyes, . 50 19. Catarrh, Acute or Chronic Influenza, . SO 20. Whooping-Cough, Violent Coughs, . So SI. Asthma, Oppressed Breathinsr, . . . fO 25. l>ropay and Scanty Secretions, - - . - 26. Sen-Sickness, Sickness from Riding, • 50 27. KIdney-Rtsense, Gravel, . • • . . M 23. If ervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, or Involuntary Discharges, • • • • .100 29. Sore Mouth, Canker, ••••,' p * ,* gj 30, Urinary Weakness, Wetting the Bed, 50 It i-alUfJ Period., . . *• §• SKSssisSSs 0 :iro S4. J»i|»lith**rin, ^Teerated Sore Throat,. . 50 35. Chronic Congestions and Eruptions, -jO family CASES. Case .Morocco) with above 35 large viaU and Manual of Direction*, . . • • #» JJ Case (Morocco) of 20 Urge voals and Boo*, 6 « ■3"These remedies are sent by the cose or sincle box to any part of the country, free of charge, on receipt of price. Address Ht JJ”fiorneo'pa?hic*Meilicin0 Co., And by JOHN I&GALLS, and HUNT, BAXKIN <k LAMAR, Macon, Ga. eod&swtf STAR CANDLES! PltOCTOR & G IMCLE’iJ “LIGHT OF BAY’ 1 BBAND STAFi CANDLES. Are of superior quality ami the Stacdard Brand. Bold by fflscou, Atlanta, Augusta and Sa vannah Grocers. augldAwSm Greatest Bargain in Ameriea. A 25 BOOM H0U3E for sale at next to nothing, on six years credit, without interest. Building and Loan Association NO WHERE. That large and commodious HOUSE, Filuated in tbe centre of the citt, near the City Hail and Market place, and known as the FLINT HOUSE, WiU be soil on 72 monthly ioetallmenta of i 100 each; baa been rented for years at $75 and i 100 ir month. Apply at once to Ml g2«od6t Q. 1$. ROBERTS MARKET GARDEN FOR SALE. r Ut Finest Market Garden in tbe vicinity of Macon, adjoining Judge Knott’s place, is of fered for sale or rent It bee an area of twenty- one acres. In high cultivation. On it is a frame bcUding containing five rooms, and near it aU neo seaary outhouses and a fine well of water JTor nos, etc., apply to BDWABD LONG. I can be found at tbe market every day -util nine in tba morning and on tbe promisee tbs ro of thi day. augfilm* RAILROADS. Tho Next Annual Session will orrN- MONDAY, AUGUST 18(11, 1873. BOARD AND TUITION FOB THE TERM WILL BE 893 80. Witu a fall board of instruction and flattering prospect* for fature nsefalneea and anroeae, the inetitntion inrites the patromge of its friends and the pcblic- For further particulars, apply for catalogue to R. T. ASBURT. anglfleodTt PRESIDENT. SELECT PRIVATE SCHOOL 3*3. EC. Z-i X 3ST 351 WILL REOPEN PIS SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Holiday, Meptenber 1st* T HE ual Ancient acd Modern Languages an) the lrgher branches of Mathematics taught without extra charge. Students prepared to enter any college class desired, and those not desiring to take a college coureocan here receive a good business edocatiou. The distinguishing fea- iura of nay method of instruction is, that I teach and strive to develop tho reasoning faculties of my scholars, rather than simply to hear recita- tions. Tuition per scholastic month $5. payable monthly.augl 7 eod3w S. M. F. COLLEGE. T BE FALL TERM of this institution opens 27th met. Tuition $69 per annum. B>ard $200. Every department filled by experienced teachers. Bend for catalogues. J. hi. BRADSHAW, &ug2eodlm President. change of schedule. NO CHANGB OF CABS BETWEEN AU GUSTA AND COLUMBUS. Ut.VEBAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE,) Uxoaqia Central Railroad, O Savannah. July 5,1873. ) X and after Sunday, the 6th inst., Passenger Trains on the Georgia Central Railroad, its branches and connections, will ran as follows : DiT TRAILS ooixo SOUTH AND WEST. Leave Savaunan 1:00 ? ■ Leave Augusta 2:15 p ac Arrive at MiUedgeville 11:04 p ac Arrive at Eatouton 12:f2 a k Arrive at Macon 10:451 ac Arrive at Savannah ‘>.16 i*. u Leave Macon for Atlanta 11:10 ? ac Leave Macon forEnfaula 11.16 r ac Leave Macon for Columbus 1U:65 p ac Arrive at Atlanta*.*-*****— 6:50 a ac Arrive at Eofaula ...12:10 p u Amve atOolnnibna -1:00 A V Making dose connection with trains leaving At- **®ta and Columbus. T HIOHT TRAUTS aOETO NORTH. Leave Clayioo....- 7:2)am Leave Oolumbus.. .*.*.*.! ******** 2:30 p m Leave Atlanta.. **"** >T ;. --- 1:60 pic Arrive at Macon from Clayton.*.*.".* 6:25 p m Amve at Maoon from Columbus 7.80 p ac Arrive at Maoon from Atlanta 7-20 p m Leave Maoon ■..*.._,!!!!! IT!!-, 7:iOPM Leave Savannah .************* $.4q p x Arrive at Milledgevillo 11:04 p ac Arrive at EatonUm 11^7111111,12:62 a m Arrive atAngusta.............Iimill!! 4*00 am Arrive at Savannah V+7l\[ 6:00am Making perfoct oonneotion with trains laavuig Augusta. Paesongers going ovur the MiUedgevfile and Eatouton Branoh will taka night train from Calais- bua, Atlanta and Macon, day trains from Augusta and Savannah, which connect daily at Gordon (Sundays exoopted) with the MilledgevUle and Ka- tonton trains. An elegant sleeping ear on all night trains. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS oan be had nt the Central Railroad Ticket Office at PulAdkl House, corner of Bull and Bryan streets. Office open from 8 a m to 1 r M, and from S to 6pm. T.oi ets can also bo had at Depot Office. WILLIAM ROGERS, july 8 tf General Superintendent, SUMMER ^SCHEDULE. DAILY PASSENGER TRAIN TO AND 12OK O A BE composed of subetances derived from the Vegetable Kingdom, and are particularly de signed to act gon :ly, but thoroughly on the Stom ach, Liver, Boweb* and general circulation. Thoy aot as kindly on the tender infant, tho most doli- oate female and infirm old age, aa npon the mo vigorous system, eradicating every morbifle agen invigorating tho debilitatoil organs, building up the flagging nervous energies, and imparting vigor to body and mind. They increase the powers of digoction, and excit tbe absorbents to action whoreby all impurities 0 tho system are carried off. Tho old stereotypo opinion that calomel must be used “TO CARRY OFF THE BULK” Has given away before the light of science, vogetable kingdom tnrniehoa a remedy free from all doloterioua effects. For Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, pain in tho shoulders, dizziness, sour eructations of the stomach, bad taste in the mouth, bilious attacks, palpitation of the heart, pain in the region of th© kidneys, despondency and gloom, and forebodings of evil, all of which are the offspring of a diseased Liver, Dr. TuU’s Pills Have no Equal. Th6y are spocially rocomrcended for Bilious, Re mittent and Intermittent Fevers, which prevail n miaematio districts dating the summer and autumn, These diseases aro invariably attended by derange* meat of the Liver and Bowels. FOR CHILL AND FEVKR They are a specific. Physicians all admit tha quinine only offecta a temporary suspension of tbe attacks of Fever and Aguo. unless its use is pre ceded by a reliable auti*bilious fflodicine. THE TESTIMONY OF THOUSANDS establishes beyond a doubt that DR. TTTTT’B SLIVER FULLS •K , K3t3&: r>noi j Er4 tibib Oraci Maoon asd .Iscxbwiox lUn-moap, t Maoon. Ga.. Jnl; 22,1873. j N and alter Wednesday, July 23d, passenger train, on this Road will bo ran as follows: sax PAsaxxoEB, sour, euyn.,T3 xtciftxs fob the rnnaxsT. IieaxeMoron.-.—...8:30a.H Arriro at Jeaeup..... 6:46 r. at Arrive at Brunswick ......10.30 r. M Arrive at Bavannah ...10.60 r. x Arrive at Tallahaseee 13:12 a K Arrive at Jacksonville 10 12 a ii Leave Jackaonvilie 2:40 rot Leave Tallahassee 2:40 r u Leave Bavannah 6.20 a. m Leave Brunswick 6:46 a. X Loave Jessup 9.00 a. u Arrive at Maoon 8 00r. x Faaaengera from Savannah will take 1.30 r. u. trait for Rrunewick, and 6.30 a. m. train for Moron, uawxiaaviijjt acootatoDiito!, that*, dao.x, (tor- saxa xxcxrT£S.j IiOave Moron j.60 r. at Arrive at Hawkinevil’.o 7.30 r. h LeaveHawkineviUe 0:30 a. X Arrive ac Maoon 0.66 a. K W. J. JARVIS. JnlySOtf MoBter Tranaportatice. o To tike them is when yon have nausea, loss of ap« ttite, yellow cast of the skin and eyes, rush o ood to the hetd, oold extremities, ringing in the ears, pain in the back, side and shoulders, high colorod urine, vertigo and biliousness. While using them No change ox diet on occupation is nocesea- ry. PRICE 25 CENTS A BOS. Sold by all dreg- gieta. y%p rrrrmrR MPROVEB HAIR DYE. “nila elegant preparation is warranted tba BE3T IN THE WORLD: It*- effect is instantAneous; Imparts no ridiculous tints; will remedy the bad effects of inferior dyee; perfectly harmless; contains no s**g%rof lead; has no nnploasant odor and imparts a natural glossy color Prtrt tin** ivtilar a Box -old b) all Druggist*. Laboratory IS and 20 Platt «t., N. Y. eileCt 1 fliKUt .#« w.v wi v GETTYSBU«.» HATALYSWff ivaTER—The Cheat Medicine op Natcbr. Indor*od by the Highest Medical Anthoric cs KesrorF* Muscular Power to the Paralytic, Youthful Vigor to tho Aged, and De velops the Young at a Criiic*! Period ; Dissolves Calculi anu *‘Chalky" Deposit*; Cures Gout. Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, *>carVgia, Gravel, Di abetis. Disease* ol the Kiduua. Liver and Bkin. Abdomioal Dropsy. Chrome Diarrhoea, Cocstipa- tion. As'bmt. N»rvou e noss. Sleiplessnass. Gene ral DetJii’y, ard nearly every class of Chronic Di-ea-e. Pami hlers enntaioirg History of the Sprngani Testimonials from Me«I : c.iI Journals, Eminent PbysicUn s»d distinguished citizen 0 , sent free by mail br WflltNBf BBtf*.,’ (irn’l Ag«n*8, 2ZI booth Front*L. Philadelphia. For by all drnggl-rs aug3eod3m ATIfiSTlDA ^POtfKMES Nti York {State Suwttm’i Association. EXTBACTJ Fu03I “BEPORT CF CDVMITTEE ON fcTAND- abd fob Bnyr.” A LL manufacturers wil have evontual!y to conform, when *portmen require that their shot shall compare with tbe standard of excellence which your committee has fixed Upon the most critical examination, j our com mittee have determined to adopt as the “Ameri can standard” tbe »c%le presented to us by Mesers. Tbos. Otis Le Roy & Co. New York. B. NEWELL, Chairman, N. M. SMITH. F. G. 8KJNNEB. flportsmen and dealers desirous of having the above feCALE, or any information relative taereto, can promptly obtain the same by applyicg to THOd. OTIS LE BOY * 00, New Ycik. jane28deod3m CHANGE OF SCH£DUX.£ 8UPEIUNTENCENT’S OFFICE, > CUNTlllti lUlLliOAD, ATIJISTS ClVIBlON, J- Atlanta, Ga., July 6,1873.> N and after Sunday, July Gtlt, Foaaenger Trains on this toad wilt run os follow. : DAV FASaKyOEU teaix. Leave Maoon 71.00 a. X Arrive at Atlanta 6.30 r.u Leave Atlanta 1.60 r. x Arrive at Macon 7.20 r. X siaur fABsanczB trii.v. LeavoMaeon..... 11.10p.m Arrive at Atlanta 6-60 a. m Loave Atlanta 1.10 A. u Arrive sc Maoon 7.00 a. At Making eloee connection at Macon with Central Railroad for Bavannah and Angasta, and Willi Bouthwestem Railroad for Columbus and pcint« in Bcnthwestern Georgia. At Atlanta, with West ern and Ationtio Railway for points West. _jnlyBtf G. I. FoKEAORE, Bnp’t. CHANGE OF SCHESUL*. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, ) 80CTHWRSTSRN RaXLBOAD OOMPANF, V Maoon, Ga., July 4,1878. i O N and after Bunday, the Pth inst., Fasaan^tr Ti ains on this Road will n.n aa follows: DAT KUFAULA PASSING KB T3AIN. Loave M&oon.... 8:00 a. m Arrivoat Eufaula......* 4:40p. n Axrive at Clayton 6:20 p. a Arrive at Albany 2:45 P. m Arrivo at Arliogtou 0:00 p. -m Arrive at Fort Gaines 1:40 P. a Leave Clayton 7:20 a. * LeaVd Eufaula 8:60 a. h Leave Fort Gaiuoo.. 8.85 i. #. Leave Albany.......^, i*.....10:SS a. as Arrive at Macou ...... 6:26 p Connects with tho Albany Train at Bmithville. and the Fort Gamoa Tiaiu at Cuthbert d&ny excepi Bunday. Albany Train connocts daily with Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Trains at Albany, and will ran to Arlington on Blakely Extension Monday, Wednes cayAud Friday, icturnlDg following days. COLUMBUS DAT PASdBNGtti TRAIN. Leave Maoon ........10:55 F. Arrive at Columbus 4:00 a Leave Columbus 2:80 r. wf Arrive at Maoon 7:80 v » KCIA7LA mi-JUI Ue.. UZHnOKCDA-1’ tracj. Leave Maoon............. ...11:15 fr.** Arrive at Eufaula 12:10 r Arrivo at Albany 7:67 a. m Leavo Eufaula 10 20 i*.• n Leave Albany 8.8; i*. * Arrive at Macon 10 3J* Trains will leave Macon and Eufaula on thir- schedulo Bunday, Tuesday and Thursday nighti.. and connect at bmithvillo rith Albany trains. V1RUIL POWKUX July 3 l> Enginoer and Buporintondvn» Cliasisi-e or gche&u' •- ON MAOON AND AOUt Sl A tiAIUJir . Forty-Ube'Biles' &WN! it OFF10B MACON AND AL’aUbTA’EAII.Ii ■ Macon, May 18,187v > O N and after SLndaj. May 10, 1672, anc « farther notice, 'he* trains - it this row' - * run as follows * DAY TRAIN—DAiLt IbUMDAVS MOXFIID). Leave Macon....,, C.8*j a •• Arrivo at Augusta.. 1:15 r Leave Augusta J:l0 r, *» Arrive at Macou 8 16 .• i Passengeri! leaving itlacun at t> 3b a *. i >*** % close connecuous at Lamal miiii da} j»asct.,». r trains on Georgia Railroad for Atlanta hmj points Weet; alec, tor Augusta, with tra:ut . *■ „ North, and witR-traina foz.UbariaatOii: w. Athens, Waslun«b>». aD ririku • c • i gia Railroad. Tickets toll and ti*ML*** cbdc*«,*4 n. -•» points North, both by rail and Ly ^tcamonipk r* -** Oharleateu. augStl .ri. JL JOUNlsG.N, e., mii I»RIOWB SPECIAL FLAVORINGS.. VAXILLl, LENOX, ETC., For Flaiorins Its Crcaa, Tales and Fasirj. TUith great care, by a new process, we extract from the true, select Fruits anil Aromatics, each charae'-ristic fla- rar, and produc" Flatoringt of rare excellence. Of great ttrengtli and perfect purity. So poisonous oils. Erery flavor as reprcserttal. So deceit—each bottle full measure, holding one-half more than others purporting to hold tame fzanlito. Lie them once, will use no other. The most delicate, delirious flavors ever made. So superior to the cheap extracts. Ask for Dr. Price’s Special Flavorings. Manu factured only by STEELE & PEXGE, Depots, CHICAGO and ST. LOUIS. Manufacturers of Dr. Dnees Cream, Bakina Powder. CHANGE OT SCHEDUJ WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD Oo ) Ornoz GranaiL 1\ih:zsoib Aossr. - Arman, Ga., July Jo, Jr73 I On and after this date— LIGlJTMNti KLIM**, For New York, Eastern and Virginia Cities. Leave* Moron, bj Macon A Western Rail- road.* .11.00 a m Arrives at Atlanta 5 30 p.m Leaves Atlanta — 6:00 r.» Arrives Dalton lb:30 r v. Arrives Chattanooga. - LIO ak Pullman Palace Drawing-Boom and Bleeping Oais by this train from Atlanta to Lynchburg and all intermediate points witscct change. Passengers leaving by this train arrivo in New York the second afternoon, at 4:44 r. n., over thirteen hours earlier iban paesengero by any other route can with safety reach New kork, leav ing the same evening. DAT WZSTEBK XXtBESS. Leaves Maoon at 11:10 p.m Leaves Atlanta at 8:80 a.m Arrives at Chattanooga 4:3J p.m Close oonneotion at Chattanocga for all points West. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains. For roitber particulars address B W. WBENN, julyll tf General Pasaenger Agent DWELLING TO R£»T. A COMFORTABLE dwelling in Yinevilie oon- txining eight rooms, with good garden, well of water, etc. Terms very moderate. Apply to mgSStf L. W. RABDAL FORT ROYAL, RAILROAD Office of Efginezb asd Cupebirtindznt, [ Ai utMTA, Ga., Jane 28,1873. ) O N and after Monday, June 3U, trains on this Road will run as foliowp: DOWN DAY PASSENGER TRAIN Will leave Augusta at a. t: Arrive at Port Royal at ? K * Arrive at Charleston at *J*J® *• bi ~ Arrive at Bavannah at J 80 i. UP DAY PASSENGER TRAIN Will loave Pert Royal at 2 A ' x Leave Charleston at 1^ A w - Leave Bavannah at.... ^.80 a. m. Arrive at Augusta at 38 p. » . DOWN NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN WiL. leave Augusta a' 2 10 p. » Amve at Port Royal at 11.33 r m - Arrive at Charleston at... a. m. Arrive at bavannah at 12.30 r. sj. UP NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN Will leave Port Royal at Id.30 p. r. Leave Charleston at G.OOp. x. Leave Savannah at. 9.50 p. v. Arrive at Angusta at,,.. 8 00z. i. Passengers leaving Macou by tbe 6.30 a. m- train on Macon and Augusta Railroad, amve at Augasfa in time io make close connection with ib«t down night passenger train on ibis road for Port Royal and bavannah. JAMES O. MOCRE, jolyltf Engineer and Hup^riptcndeot EDWARD SPRTNZ. XTOTABY PUBLIC and KX-OFFIOIO JUSTlOf Xl OP THE PEACE. X out b. fonnd for tie protect at all toura of th. dor at my offiro, adjom- ns the law office of A. Prondfit, orer the atore of