The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 26, 1873, Image 4

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riTY AFFAIRS. TU23DA* MORNING. AVOVSt sc. IKS. Srv Foi-stmi, —A splendid new fountain bu b»«n rce«iTt d for Cen'.ral City Park, acd will be put ac place at ocre Bus On*.—A alreet cur r»n over * hof> on Fcnrtb meet ytalerdiy afternoon. The cer w*» thrown c fl mo track and the hog w»a not hurt. CTni StTUtloB Cccbt.—Judge Hill heard a few motions yesterday morning, wound np the bosioew of Li, ronrt and adjourned for the Tna WasTRitn.—Sunday arid jwatepday Were both bright and hot days, potting people gen erally in a '•melting mocd.” They were fine days oa oo! ion. ^ ^ > *ti s Amamcif.—At tho junction of tbs ocrner of New find Walnut streets, in the cen tre of the street tbe culvert bm caved in, ex* poking a very dangerous hole, which m*y coat the elf/ damages if not attended to. Trains Dilate).—-The Albany fnij.Lt train ran cff tho track at Harshsllrille jesterd*y. b:x cara were thrown cff. The np Enfanla passenger train was delated an boar, aid the down train four honra. Ko damage was done. Ooiikctioi.—In the Council proceeding*, at publiahed Scnday morning, the Firat Kational Bank was put down a* having paid $10, when it should l ate been $200, and Messrs. Oliver, Dongtaa A Co. wero pat down as having paid $20 for xetail]icen a c, when it ahonld have been •so. t Naw Cctncxcrr.—The new fractional enrren cy bu« made its appearance in Macoa, Jn the at.ape of the new half dollar shin-platters, is very d.fferent from the old, and we fancy will be Larder to ooenterfeit. On its face is a liko- neaa of Sizxmel Dexter, who was United States Treatnr<*r in 1801. On the left bund s.d tho back, in largo letters, are the word*, “Fifty cent*.” __ Oiifor Stbext Bcnoon.—Prof. Polhill gives notice this morning tbntlhe Fall session of his aohool will begin on the first of September, lie will be osaUtcd by Miss AVingfield. Only forty pupils will be admitted. Uo a inn to make his school first-clam in every ptrticolar, and in order to do bo limits the number of pa pits that he will receive in order that due atten tion may be given to oaob one. See his adver tisement. ActldriilMifj Sliol. Mr. Asa W. Chapman, saloMuan with W. W. Woodruff, was wounded yesterday morning by the accidental discharge of a Derringer pistol in bla pants pocket. Tho ball passed tbrongh his olothing, plowing a farrow hcross his body, bnt fortunately did not go deep enough to cause anything more than ft painful injury. It is not probable that ho will be oonfined to his room very long. ^ __ rxKtorui.?—Mr. N. 8. Johnson, of Jjqacs A Johnson, has retnrncd to the city. He and his lady, for the Inst month and a half]! have boon roaming among the hills and fertile valleys of the old Dominion, in Bcarth of health and pleasure. They found both. Mr. Fillmore Brown has rcturned from his first vUit to New York. He was much impres sed with the general oppcaranco of tho metrop olis. „ Mr. Pat Oronan was quito ill last night. We Old not learn the natnro of his ailment. IUBEAN ('OBITS. l>«WItt o. Garret£ Released fiom Prison. Oar readera will remember that tho day after the killing of Baer by Pike, DsWitt O Garro’t was arrested, on a warrant issued by Justice Hprinz, charging him with being an scoe«Bory before the fact of tho killing. Sinco tnen he has been in jail, nntil yreterday, when his coun sel, Judge Woemv and Mesar* Poe A Hall, had him brought before Judge Hill, on a writ of habeas oorpus. The case was beard and Garre* was released from custody. No prosecutor ap peered and it was nnderstood that the prosecn* lion would be abandoned. Fair >«»!«**. Messrs. Develin .fc Oo., the great c’o'hiers New York, hive signified their Intention make a fine display of military uniforms at the State Fair in October. Messrs. H»k r A lvennody, also of New York will exhibit a large display of caps, plnmes and other military goods which they manufacture. Mr. January, who is a prominent member of the Marfreeaooro, Tenn., Fair Association, was here yesterday. He say* k special train will come from Murfreest>oro to the State Fair laden with stock for exhibition, acd peoplo to witness the exhibition. Toe contract for building tbe warehouse was •warded ycsteidiy to Messrs. Ellis A Cotter, who* bid was $1 200. Tho contract for tbe hippodrome has sot been awarded, bnt will probably be to-day. Dooly 4 onatjr Taut Report, A friend at Vienna sends ns the following re port from the books of tbe Tar Receiver Doo’y connty for the present year: Poll*, white $98 Polls, colored __ 753 Aggregate value of property $1,475 9*7 Ooiiou, number of sores.. 28,046 Wheat,number of acres.,... 245 Nye, number of aore*. O*t0, number of sore* 4 JSC Corn, number of aores.... 34,287 Sweet potatoes, number f acres... Huger oene, number of acres 269 Oreberls. number of sores... Grout d peso, number of sores 643 Number of t-heep. 10.847 Number of dogs............ 1 996 Number of hojLS 10 96 Number of homes and mule*.. Number of oattle.... 2 OS 10,082 The Conniy Court. Judge Weems had a pretty busy day of it yattorriay, and disposed of several cases. Ptaba Jones, charged with two assaults, was acquitted. Millie Bailey, charged with assault, was so- quitted. Edmund Kidlej was found guilty of inter insive conduct and was sentenced to pay a fine of fifty dollars and coats, in default of whioh he will go to the chain gang for six months. Lanra Womack, the accomplice of Ridley, having heard of his arrest, Tery discreetly fled tbe eity. Woodson Matthews and Melinda Genters were charged with interlasiveness, hut the charge was not sustained, and the parties were dis mi wed. Henry Haoter was sent to jail for contempt of court, bnt his employer paid the required amount to release him acd Henry is cow a freed man still. ^ •*A False Halamcc la an Abomlnatloi The annual inspection of weights and meat- ares has jast been completed. AU ipcorrect mesa- ares have been destroyed and all false weights corrected, so that our citizens oan feel assured that they get the quantity of merahadize they pay for, unless the weights are dishonestly tam pered with. We are informed that in not a few instance! the weights of merchants were fonnd inoorreot, and it was a little remarkable that in no oaee was the fault such as to give the par- nhatr r too mnoh weight. Several bars of lead were used in bringing short weights np to the proper standard, and all have been that restored. The taw requires that the names cf all mer chants fonnd nting incorrect weights and mfOium shall bo conspicuously published for the information of the pnbiic, for the reason that nothing shonidexcuse a tradesman for thus defrauding his cadomera. As some very just men may have offended against the law on wit tingly, ibe city authorities will givealJ the bene fit of the doubt, this time, and withhold the publication. Should any inaccuracy be found hereafter, it will be presumed that the charge has been fraudulently made, and the parties may expect to be exposed to the pnblio m the TBEIlirBVlUE aiRDtF. Arreat of ise Xardercr. *Qa Saturday night about thirty men volun teered to patrol the neighborhood of Bmithville, is search ot the murderer of yonag Johnson. They hoi learneh from the wife of a certain M p 0 (whose name we ooold not lean.] who had previously woiksd os a striker in Mr. - Johnson's shop, that the said negro had come home on lbe night of tfce murder, between eleven and twelve o’clock, very much excited. IIt: fchnt and barred the door and placed an axe near at hand. This was an extraordinary pro ceeding on hia part, acd excited suspicion in the mind of bis wife. Acting upon this information, they proceeded to arrest the negro, which they did abont five miles from tbe village. His case has not yet undergone a legal investigation, but there la litUe doubt that be le the murderer. It is be lieved that he bad two accomplices, though that Las not yet been uacert*ined. There is great indignation among the people of Hmithvillr over this cruel murder, and they are determined to pursue clia guilty party lot oert&iu conviction and to the gallows. Not- witha'andtcg tbe horror that bo awful a crime baa created, there is no diapesiton to deal with lbe murderer otherwise than by due course of law. __ MAILT Liqroxs. 3fc-clins; of Importers and Wholesale Deal- As announced in Tux Teliobaiti and Mes- senolb of Sunday morning, a meeting of tbe wholesale dealers in malt liquors was beld in tbe cilice of Messrs. Jsquea A Johnson. All tbe wholcFAlo dealers in the city were repre sented. Mr. J. F. Greer, of Greer, Lake A Go., was called to tbe chair, and Mr. 8 B. Jaqnes, of Jtques A Johnson, acted as Secre tary. • Tto meeting passed a retoludon directing the Secretary to correspond with similar dealers in ibe different cities cf Georgia, asking their oo-oper&tion in tbe petition to the Comptroller General to suspend the collection of the tax of two hundred and fifty dollars npon imported malt liquors, until the meeting of the next Leg islature, when the repeal, or a proper construc tion of the law will be aiked for. The Macon merchants do not contemplate any action exoept in conjunction with tbe mer chants of other cities, as all are equally inter ested In the matter. They see that tho enforce ment of the collection of tbe tax will virtually prohibit the sale of imported malt liquors In tbe State, and compel retail dealers to seek purchasing maikela In other States. This was not contemplated in the passage of tbe act, acd there is no doubt the Legislature will correct tbe error at tbe earliest opportunity. BE^XEX'i BE4R LOOSE AGAX*. Tie Canaes the Slnjot'« florae fo Kuo Away. Banner's bear entertains a decided aversion to being anchored to the hitching post in the rear of tho saloon, and misses no opportunity to slip bis cable and walk out for an airing npon the ttreel*. Yesterday was one of his promen ado days. He unhitched himself and, coming through the saloon, passed oat at the front door. Mayor Hoff*s buggy was standing in front of Oliver, Douglas A Co.'s store, aod the horse seeing tho ungainly form of tbe bear lumber ing along tho street, became frightened and ran away. Tho negro boy who was in the buggy, instead of bolding fast to tho reins, rolled oat behind, after which tbe horse bad bis own wey. He ran at fell speed along Third to Malberry street, np Malberry to Cotton Avenue, up tbe Avonno to Cherry, and up Cherry sb far ss the Dixio Works, when he came in contact with a pile of Inmbcr, which arrested his flight. Tbe horse hod an ngly gash oat in one of hia shoul ders and was otherwise badly braised, and the buggy and harness were left in an excellent con dition for the wheelwright and harness maker to experiment upon. The horse Is a very fine animal, for which Mayor Huff recently paid $325. It is now vory oertain that that bear has been in tho city long onougb, as this accident dem onstrates tbe fact that bo is a dangerous citizen. He gets loose far too frequently. He was loose on Sunday and made a raid on Casey A Espen- ner's restaurant. Ttio Commodore on Ids Bender. Tho Commodore is atill laboring nnder tbe hallucination that he has the mental and phy sical ability, and thereby is predestined to wage a successful warfare with Macon sure pop. In spite of the few backsets that he has had, ho is still fighting it ont on that line, and evidently means to keep it np all finmmer. Sunday was one of bis high old days. He car ried enough liquor about with him all day to stock an average ten cent bar-room, bnt man aged to keep his feet with a dexterity tb$t was really admirable. The Commodore, when folly half seas-over, is not averao to manipulating a practical juke occasionally He got cff one a little after dark Sunday evening. While pasting in front of a private residence, where a number of ladies and gentlemen wero seated on tho front piszzi, he called for a light, saying that be bad dropped a diamond breastpin, worth $1200, which h:s mother had given him. One of .the ladies went in immediately to get a light for him, bnt abont the timo she returned, the Commodore Announced that be hnd found it, and went on bis way. Those who know tho Commodore best, know how ssd a misfortune to him it would have been to lose a $1200 diamond breantpin. Toe Commodore had another acrentnro ear lier in the afternoon. He was navigating t bucket of water up a long flight of stairs, when, jost a* he was about to reach the last rise, the backet fell with him, and the two rolled over each other to the bottom of tho Btairs and ont on lbe sidewalk. Neither was bnrt, though if the bncket had been perfectly sober it would doubtless have been badly broken. Soda Watix —Roland B. Hall, the druggist of Triangular block, ia running hia beautiful arctic fountain to some purpose these hot days, judging from tbe number of thirsty pedestrians who cool off with a glass of his delioi dus soda. It is the most convenient place in the eity to atop in after shopping, buy yonr street car ticket*, get a glass of soda and take a chair and wait for the cars. 11 Caul and see Haven's to day at 1! o’clock. Tb* First of |S« Seaaea. Frrah Codfish! Oh, what a blessing ! To prove that wa are not digressing. At Oreer. Lake A Oo.’a th*-y are to be found—- Tbe fineet and largeet in the town. Our Mackerel are fresh, new and nreet; Our Fulton Market Beef is tbe fineet of meat; Our Breakfast Bacon is the choicest of stripe ; Dried Beef that will do to grate or chip. We have Beef Tongues that never told a lie; And for all of these things will not chixge very h’gh. Oome and see ns la jour calls, Aid you'll find that we beat a dozen market stalls. aug26 It ftaxzx. Lake A Co Luxch acd whiBky at 25 cents. Turtle soup included, at Havens', to day. an&26 It Eislvo.—Every day wins hundreds of new converts to the opinion that Wi ley’s XXXX Flour is the best in the market. Call on Havens to-day and try a plate of fine turtle soup. aug2G It The Time to Change.—When you have given Wiley’s XXXX Flour a fair trial, and it does not give satisfaction, it is the proper time to change rour cook. m ^^^,_ 0onon _ not receipta 27 . ejportl Fixe lunch and turtle soup, at Havens', t - day. tug26 It Ail the bread and pastry made of Wiley’s XXXX Flour carried ofl'premi ums at the late Bibb County Fair.' Tikes are dull, but Haven's will serve a flae turtle soup to-day. ang2G It All the brands of flour manufactured by the Georgia Mills are fully up to the standard, and are especially recom mended to the trade everywhere, BrRR & Flanders. Last of the Season.—Fine turtle foup, at Haven's. aug2611 Not simply because it is manufac tured at home, but for its intrinsic quali ties, we commend Wiley’s XXXX Flour to Georgia housewives. The following telogram was reoeived at the Wheeler A Wilson Savannah efiloe, Tuesday, Angafit 19th, at 4 p. m. Wobld’s Exhibition. Vienna, h August 19.h, 1873. > Wheeler A Wilson Manufacturing Company, 625 Broadway, New York, are awarded the Grand Medal of Progress—Grand Medal of Merit, and the only Sewing Machine Com pany recommended by the International Jury for the Grand Diploma of Honor. J. O. Woods. 7o W. D. Cleves, Savannah, Ga. aug22-lw. Two hundred boxes tin plates joat arrived— bought for cash. Inducements offered to cash purchasers. Oliver, Douglass A Co. aug23 Ct ON THE BREAKFAStI^LUNCHEON, DINNER AND 8UPFEB TABLE, JLEA a FEKRINV WoreMterthlre fiance. 13 INDISPENSABLE. JOHN MJNCAN’f! MON0, New York. Agents for the United States. The Mayor** Conrl. Hia Honor had a pretty fair day yesterday, there being seven delinquents to answer to various charges. There were no charges cf drunk, however, which was an unusual occur rence for Monday morning. Jalia Ross, a little negress and a very black one, was detected in fitealing $4 S5 from her employer. She afterwards confessed to having stolen something over thirty dollars in gold and silver from the same source. She was fined ten dollars or thirty days in the barracks. A couple of beys, one white and the other black, were np for fighting. This is the same fight that wA9 mentioned in this paper Sunday morning. It was a matter of some difficulty to fix the blame of this fight where it properly belonged, bnt His Honor compromised the matter by fining the white boy, who was the larger, two dollars and the negro one dollar. Frank Franklin and Zick Oliver are two ool cred merchants of Maoon. Frank has lost both feot, but uses his knees as a substitute aud looo- motes pretty well. Zaek has been a bed-ridden invalid for six years, acd has only of late been able to be out at all. Under such a state of affairs neither of the two coaid be pro perly classed among tbe “active business men" of Macon; but, as Frank said, “Coun cil won't let them steal, acd they don’t want to beg," they have resorted to basinets speculations in a am*ll way, in order to earn an honest living. One portion of their business consists in he pnrehaae of rtgs This they do in a small way whioh yields them a profit of two dollars every font months. In this loora- tive business, however, they were not to con tinue unmolested; for along comes Henderson Dnma«, also colored, and in the rag business, who demands that the abovQ named rag dealers be oompelled to pay a license tax of fifty dol lars. There the matter stands. Dam as has his license and wants to be protected, as the oth ers are interfering with hts trade. The matter ill probably go before Cocuoil to-night. George Lambkin and his wife Jnlia, do not skip and play as becomes gentle Lambkins. George is a bltok sheep and Jolia a merino. They live in Vir.evillo. Sunday morning George chastised Jalia. This be oonld have done without fear of the police, os their author ity does not reach over that pleasant suburban Bat Jalia c*me to the city in search of protection, and George followed her and mal treated her upon the streets, before the eyes of the papal ace This brought him within the scope the city aaihorities, and tbe Mayor fined him twenty five dollars, or thirty days on the streets. OBSTACLE* TO flARRIAGE. HAPPr RELIEF FOR YOUNG MEN from the effects of Errors and Abases in early life. Man hood restored. Impediments to Marriage remov ed. New method of treatment. New and remark able remedies. Books and circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIA TION, No 2 Sonth Ninth st., Philadelphia, Pa .— an institution haviog a high reputation for honor able coadnst and professional skill. j alySdSm ADkeafeWiih aThousikd Stotovb.—Dya- peptia is the most perplexing of ail bnmin ail ments Its symptoms are almost i.(finite in their variety, and the forlorn and deepsndent victim■» cf the diseaee often fancy themselves tbe prey, in turn, of every known malady. This ia dne, in part, to tbe does sympathy which exists between tbe stomaobond the brain, and in part also, to tbe fact that any dieturbance of tbe digestive function necessarily dieorders the liver, tbe bowels and tbe nqrvous system, and affects, to aome extent, tbe quality of the blood. A medicine that, like Hoa- tetter's Bitters, not only tones tbe stomach bnt at tbe aamo time controls tbe liver, prodnees a regular habit of body, bracee the nerves, purifies tbe flaid* and “ministers to a mind diseasrd."is there fore the true and only speciflo for chronic indiges tion. 8uch is tbe operations of this famous vege table rest rarive. It not only cures dyspepsia, but also all concomitants and oona< quences. More over. it is invaluable as a preventive of Indiges tion. No one who chooses to take half a wioe- glastfol of this agreeab e appetizer and stomachic habitually three times a day will ever be troubled with oppression after eating, nausea, sour eructa tions, or any other indications of a want of vigor io the digestive and aeeimilating organ Tbe de bility and languor superinduced by hot weather ore immediately and permanently relieved by tbe Bit ters, and persons who are constitutionally inclined to look upon life “as through a glass, darkly,'' will be apt to take a brighter and more hopeful view of tbe situation aider tbe genial irfluence of this wholesome medicinal etimulant. FINANCIAL AID COMMERCIAL Latest Market Reports by Telegraph FINANCIAL. New You—Noon-Gold 16. Exchange, long 7K; snort 8S Money eaay at 4<©5. Governments duJL State bonds quiet. Evening—Money eaay daring ihe morning at 4 a 5 bat hardened in the evening, and closed at btexiing dull and nominal but steady at 7%. Go d xesa active and a fraction lower at close, for carrying 5. Gov ernment* dull, with a littie batter teeung. bonds quiet and nominal- Midnight—Government*. 81s 1S%; 62a 17; 64a 17jf; 65a 1&$£; new 17]^; 67e 19K; 18; new 6e 14>£; 10-40eUK- renneeaee 6a 62; new 82; Virginia Cs 42^1 new 60; consol c2%. deferred 22: Louisiana 6s 44: new 42; levee 6* 63: 8s 52X; Alabama 8s 70; 5e 45. Georgia 6a 70. 7* 90; North Caro lints 27K: new 15K; special ux 12j£; South Carolina* 82; new 14April and October 23. Nrw Osleans—Sterling New York eight % premium. Gold 11?{ ~COTTON. Nzw Yoke—Noon — Cotton quiet; upland* 20; Orleans 20,¥; soles 413 Futures opeueo a* follows; August 19 21-32; Sep tember 18 3 16, October 17 25-32# • 7 27 32; Novem ber 177-16(917^4; December 17 7-i6. Evening Cotton quiet: rales 1043; upland* 20; Orleana 2' %: net receipts 324; groe* 45r9 8 ues of future* 15 900; market closed os follows: August 19 13 32; Septeaber .8 C-16@18 11-31: October 1717 32; November 17 7-16; December 175$ ttALTixooa—notion, net reoeipie 1; gross 233; exports to Great Britain 10; coastwise 101; sole* 56; stock 1433; middlings 19^; market quiet. New UoLEAsib—cotton, net receipt* 270; groee 271; export* to Great Britain 60. coastwise 159; to the continent II; sole* 400; lost evening 47c; stock 12,582; middlings 18%; demand fair. WiLiaMiron—ooiuid, net receipts 13; exports ooaet«i«e —; tale* 12; stock 163; middlings 18; market quiet. AU3D*ta—Cottcn. receipts 155; talcs 62; mid dling* 17fc@17X; market doll. tUVA**AH — cotton, net receipts 109; exporte ooaetwire 467; sxlee 16. etock 693, middlings l7Ki coastwise lSlC; sole* 159: etock 34,132; middlings I7i* low middlings 17J£; good ordmory 17>& market quiet. Mobiuh—Cotton, net receipts 120; exports coset- wise 381; tale* 200: stock t?36; middlings 179i(3 8; low middlings 16,Y; good ordinary U#14}£i hiar- ket quiet. ■1‘qiiif bcwTos — Cotton, net receipts —; gross 130: exports to Great Britain 12; sole* 250; etock 9.50U; middling* 20%; market firm. No&roxjt—wjuol, net receipts 220: exports ooistwiee 180; eale* 130; etock 182; low middling* 18; inirnet stesdy. Memphis—Cotton, net receipts 622; ehipments 833; stock 4792; middlings 19; market inactive. PhidaPEXP.Ha — Cotton, middling* 19%(£20 market quiet Galvkstox — Oottou, net receipts 57; export* to Great Britaincoaetwiee7l8; sale* ICO; etock 6339 middlings —; good ordinary 14%@15; mar ket quiet. •PRODUCE. New York — Noon — Flour quiet and steady. Wheat quiet and fi.m; No 2 Milwaukee 1 t3'a>l 64 Corn quiet and steady; eteam western mixed 57@58. Fork quiet aud steady; new mee* 18 Lard heavy; old steam at 8K(&8 11 16 Tuipentino dull; at 43K* Korin quiet at 3 05(a 3 10. Freights firmer. Evening—Flour in light request; corrmon to fair extra 6 4u@7 8j; good to choioe extra 7 90^10 75. Whi*ky firm at 1U1@103. Wheat firmer and qa et; new red western 1 63@1 64. Corn quiet; steam western mixed 56@58, soil 69^^60; high mixed and yellow western 6l(§C2. Coffee decidedly firm er; Rio 20„Y Sugar firmer; fair io good re fined HJvciMolaeaos firm. Rice firm at S%g 9%. Fo k doll and lower; new mess 18 25 spot. Reef quiet and ateody: mess 9 0U.410 50. Lord easier at 8X^8 9-16 Turpentine unchanged. Rosin quiet at 3 10. lallow stoody. Freight* to Liver pool very firm. Louisville—Flour firm and ia good demand; family ex as 5 75. corn quiet and steady; sacked 62. Fork fiim; at 16 75. Bacon in fair demand shoul der* 9clear rib sides 11; clear sides 11>£ packed Lard, choice leaf in tierce 8%@9>f; keg 9^010; steam 8. Whieky firm at 97. Cwcishati—Flour steady at 6 50(£G 75. Corn firm at 46.a 48 Frovisions very quiet and steady. Fork quiet 16 50 bid; beld 16 75@1? 00. Lord quiet; etoom 8<e&8J£; kettle 8K(&8*^. Bacon stead*; enouldera ctear rib aides lt?£; clear sides 10% @li Whiaky firm at 95. St. Lorn8—Flour quiet; business small. Com quiet and firm; No. 2 mixed 37Jft on track S9; elevator 33, bid at tbe close. Wlucky firm at 95 Fork qui t at 16 75. Bacon doll, with only a limit ed jobbing remand Lard quiet and unchanged. Nsw Oeleiss—Flour in dsmond; treble extra 6 5U(S>8 25; family 9 L0@10 60. Corn quiet; white mixed 65; white 63: yellow 70. Oats fiim at 45@46 Hay, prime 21; choice 23. Fork dull; old 16 75; new 18 00. Dry salted meats, shoulders 9%. Ba con eaay; shoulders 9%; clear rib aides 11%; clear 11%; hams l4%&t5 Lard scarce; tierce 8% a9; keg 1UK#11. Sugar dull. Molasies, nothing do ing Whisky scarce; Evansville 97; Louisiana 1 00; Cincinnati 1 G5. Coffee uncbaigoa and quiet at 21%<§>23. WILMISGT05—Spirits turpentine quiet at 33%. Rosin quiet at 2 45 for extra pale, crude turpen tine steady at 2 02 for bard; yellow and virgin 3 30. Tor dull at 2 28. Livebpool—Noon—Breadituff* quiet. Pork G7a 81. Com 29i4diogd- MARINE NEWS. 8avankah—Arrived, 8 B Franklin. Sailed, Sem inole, Montgomery, Wyoming, Munroe Wiley, Charles Dennis. Raw Yobk—Arrived. Republic, Magnolia. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Macoa B. and L Association. T HB THIRD ANSDIL MBBTING cf tKB stock- holder* will be held TO-BIQHT (26th iaat ), at 8 o’clock, at the room of the asaoriatjon- GEOBGE W. BURR, anjj26 It Secretary and Treasnrer. M1ZPAH LODGE NO. 47, F. A. M. A SPECIAL Communication will be held THIS (Tuesday) NIGHT, for work on the Second Degree. Members of Macon Lodge and sojourn- f iag brethren are fraternally invited to attend. By order of tbe W. M. H. J. PETER aug261 Secretary. S A. JOHAN & GO. Offer their entire etock of IMIJSPITO CANOPIES AT LESS THAN COST! TO RENT. O NE Cottage- House on Eond street, entirely j new Mao, one Dwelling opposite Colonel Fnlaeki Holt' ang*26 if Apply to GEO. 8. OBEAR TO RENT. A GOOD STORE, 100 feet deep; dry cellar; good bneinrsa location on Third street jip- ply to eng20 1. OLIVER, DOUQLES3 * CO. Glove-Fitting Skeleton Corsets AT ONE DOLLAR! BESIDES NUMEROUS OTHER j^uttractive Goods AT EQUALLY ATTRiOTlYE FRIGES. Housekeepers’ Situation Wanted. | ^ p riols Bleaclieti Goods REGElVfiD DAILY! A WIDOW LADY, aged about thirty, with one email child, desires a situation as house keeper iu a family, a hotel or pabiio institution. Is willing to make herself useful, and will bring un doubted testimonials of good character. Apply to the SeniT Editor of the Telegraph aug26 tf NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN T HAT my wife, Mrs. M. A. Richards, of Butler, in Taylor county, is a free trader on hc-r own account, and I am not responsible for any liabili ties she may contract* J. T. RICHARDS. aug26 Si* Notice is Hereby Given T HAT my wife, Mrs. M. A. Mulkey. of Batler, in Taylor county, is a free trader on her own account, and I am not responsible for any liabili ties the may contract. aug26 3i» CHARLES MULKEY. BROKE LOOSE. A MEDIUM sized light Bay Hors a broke loose from Judge Lnndey'a place, in this county, on annday night. The horse is short conpled and in good condition. A liberal reward will be paid for any information concerning the same, which will result in the recovery to the owner. aug26 It*W P. STUBB3. A FULL SUPPLY OF STRIFES, CHECKS, JEANS, —AND- CASSIMERES! FOR EARLY FALL WEAR, OK HAKD, WHIOH WILL BE SOLD CHEAP, TO KEEP THINGS MOYINO. Call on W. A. JUHAN& CO. aug20tf F ORANGE STHEET SCHOOL, OB GIRLS AND BOYS. The Fall Session of this School will commence on Monday, Sep- THE BEGINNING OF SICKNESS. Never trifle with what are called small ailments. A disorder, easy of control at first, if neglected for a few weeks may become a mortal disease. If you HUNT, RANKIN & LAJIAIi, Wholesale Drug and Chemical Warehouse, ang24tf 8 * and 81 Oherry street. timber 1st. It will b* conducted by the tinder- I feel inert, with a bitter or bad taste in the month, signed, assisted by Miss Antoinette Wingfield, and I joaa ot appetite, bowels alternately costive and lax, tlie number of pupils will be limited to 40. Tm- I resort at once to Simmons’ l iver Regulator. That tion per mouth, $10 00. ( * great vegetable medicine will reach the seat of. the aug26 6i* BE1JJ. M POLHILL I disorder, and by its wonderful and peculiar power 4 i . ftA ., ZZ .. -• . - I in purifying the stomach and stimulating the livrr y?er 1,«0D UllllulOff LOIS land torpid bowels, imparts new life and vigor to . I the whole system; while its mild cathartic prop- O N and in front of the heights south of Maeon, I erties relieve the bowels from obstructions, and its can now be sold on easy term* to early appli-1 alterative operation beneficially affecta all the se cants. Extending as these lots do from opposite I cretive organs; by its tonic ootioa the stomach is the Mercer University to tho old Race Track, and I so inv'gorated that digestion becomes regular, being mostly higher than any others ia Maoon'* I easy and perfect For the miseries of dyspepsia— vicinity, many cf them present epiendid views of ( end they include almost every unpleasant feeling the city and surrounding country for many miles, I that belongs to physical disease and mental wretch- and being high aoove the common region of xnios- I edness—this potent medicine ia a certain and mv ma*t be comparatively healthy. I speedy care. Internpersed is already a fine industrial popuH- I Some parsons are prone to fevers, others to tion of faeveral hundred families, and new build- I bilious attacks. In all oaees where a peculiar sns- l will sell Coal daring the month of August irgi ore constantly being erected. Choice lots con | ceptibUity to any variety of disease exists tho yy at reduoe j ratP8 . Send in your order* now now be secured cheap for cash or on long time, and toning, regulating and purifying operations of and avpM lR8t winter’s trouble Terms cash. where parties desire it, and can furnish the means Simmons Liver Regulator will be found the surest 1 * - — - to purchase materials, lots may bo improved as safeguard against an attack. agreed on, and the imlanoo paid by eaay instal- | It is no lees potent as a preventive than as & ments. Now is tho time for bokooins. Who would remedy. What famiiy can afford to be without wont to pay rent when house* can be so easily had? I such b resource in sickness ? D. F. FLEMING. JAMES M. WIL80N 3,000 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES for fall trade. We are now receiving from the Manufacturers a very large and well selected stock of BOOTS LND T UNKS of every description, which will be sold as low as in any other Market. * 1 aura Merchants visiting Charleston are invited to examine our stock. D. F. FLEMING *e CO , 2 HAYNE STREET, CORNER OF CH0RCH STREET, i »ug2G eod2m] JAMES QILEILLIN. SAMUEL A. NELSON. NATION AL HOTEL, (FORMERLY SPOTSWOOD), NEARLY OPPOSITE PASSENGER DEPOT, THIS HOUSK HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY RENOVATED FROM BASEMENT TO ATTIC. BOARD 83 OO PER DAY. P» WHEL4N, Proprietor. FOR DEALERS. 53 OASES HANTS POTASH 53 JARS LOUILLAUU-d BNUFF. 100 BOXES OLIVE SOAP. 500 POUNDS BLACK PEPPER. GO CASES VINEGAR BITTERS. 60 OASES HOSTETTER’S BITTERS. 50 OASES DRAKE’S BITTERS. 1,500 OUNCES OF QUININE. 100 OUXCE3 MORPHINE. and a largo and well aasoitod etock of all goode in oar line cf Laelaoes at tli« lowest rates. COAL. ORE533B1 ANTHRACITE GOAL AND WOOD. PUTTS & ROSS SHIRTS! SHIRTS! THOMAS IT. CONNER Has joat received a new lot of beautiful Full Besoms anfl l-.'atted Boeoms, from IS to iq it.ehcft in the neck. The Fnu Bosom* are tho coolest Shirts DRAWERS! DRAWERS! THOMAS U. CONNER Has a eplondid fitting £ mmer Drawer, from 2s t 0 f 0 in die. waist, and all lengths ot in.esa, AECK-WEAR*! SECK-WE4R! THOMAS U. CONNER Received yesterday a new etock of 8ummer Neck-wear in Ah coiota. Lavooder acd white for . ■ .0 . evening wear. Linen Collars of JulylStf all atyles and eizes Qj Titles indidputable. Apply to aug2G ood2w fit. 8. THOMSON. WHOLESALE DEALERS LAW CARP. E. W. J6 S. IL JEMIS0V, Attorneys and Conoscllors at Law, (EAST TENNESSEE) GOLD DUST XXXV EL0UR, To Dr. HxLKB3LD*a Patixsts.—The celebrated Ext Bucba, cf whichPr. He! mb old was the origin ator, is still performing wondexfal cares of obscure diseases of the urinary organs, restoring shattered constitutions, and overcoming debility and diteases ari*ing from imprudence and excess. This great diuretic never fails. Patients should be particular to get the gen nine, which bears the Doctor’* signature. All druggists sell it, John F. Henry, New York, Sole Agent • Hirjilt DisirpotXTiD.—Editor Journal of Agri culture, St. Louis, ssys: “A box cf Pr. Price's Cream Baking Powder was sent to ns a few weeks ago. It has been thoroughly tested, and contrary to oar preconceived opt a ions, it hss proved entirely satisfactory. Itia the only Baking Powder that we would buy The grooers in this city hive it. Steele A Price, Manufacturers, Chic&go and Bt Louis. Chclxba —No danger from Cbolers If the liver is in proper order, and ordinary prndenoe in diet obeer*ed. The occasional taking of Simmons’ liver Regulator, to keep the system healthy, will surely prevent attacks cf Cholera, —At Creation's Piww the medicinal springs of the earth sparkled and babbled a* the/ do now, but it required the light of chemical discovery to enable man to repiodu a them f<om their el* ments, os the Seltzer Water bos been reproduced in Tarrant’* XfferTUcent Seltzer iperlent. The most effective combination cf a pore tonic, e wholesome laxative, a refreshing febnfaire, and a powerful anti bilious agent at present known. The immediate and permanent relief that it afford* in cases of chronic constipation, biliousness, stom ach complaints, nervous depression, fever, rheu matism, dropsy, pills, headache, heartbarn and flitulenoy, ha** become a proverb in every civil ized portion of tbe American continent, sold by ail druggists ang!6d2awAw2w Personal—GarpxxkL Davis —“I had suffered fora long time with Liver Disease, and found Sim mons' Regulator to entirely restore me. My wife and daughter wero cured by the same remeny from Chills and Fever." _ Tux Chzatxst and Best.—Hood's Eureka Liv er Medicine gives universal satisfaction In the treatment of Liver Disease, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Co* tivenees, and all that class of dis eases arising from a disordered state of the stom ach and liver. _ novSOIy Hunt, Raxed* A Lamar.—This well known and reliable firm have reoeived a large lot of Dr. Hood's Eareka Liver Medicine. It baa the praise of all bo have tried it- In bottles at GO eenta and §1.00 IMPERISHABLE FRAGRANCE MURRAY Sc LANMAI'S CELEBRATED FLORIDA WATER. The richest, most lasting, yet' most delicate of all purfamss, for use on the HANDKERCHIEF. At the TOILET. And in the BATH. la there are imitations and counterfeits, alway* ask for the Florida Water, which has on tbe bottle, on the label, and on the pamphlet, the names of MURRAY A LAN MAN, without which none is genuine. For sale by all perfumers, druggists, and dealers in fancy goods. jalySeod6m WAREHOUSEMEN OP MAOON A BE hereby informed that thiir business will | be placed before EVERY TAX PAYER In B&ndolph, Qaitman and Olay counties, by send- | ing their card* to tho OUTHBERT APPEAL. Tho Preprielor has a ccmplote list of Tax Payers I of tnose counties, and will send the Appoal to them j —by counties, alternating monthly—daring tho ap proaching bu*ine?8 season, commencing on Sep tember let BUSINESS MEM Will readily appreciate this opportunity of tbor-1 oughly advertising their bneinesa in this section. J. O. Irvine, onr Associate, and General Agent, will bain Macon on Wednesday and call upon her msrehants for their favors. Advertising rate* mod erate. J. It. SAWTKLL, aug263t Editor and Proprietor. Pickles and Sauces. I A LLSPICE. White Muataid Seed, Ginger, Celery Seed, Cloves, Anise Seed, Pepper, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Tcmsric, Mace, utuetard. As tbe eeasou for putting up Pickles and Sauces is at hand, buyer* vrdl find a full Lno of fco above artie’ea at my store. I have a largo number of ompty Bottles suitable for putting up Catsup, etc., which I will sell at 25 of one gallon Ja g4 , at I 73rd -ANNUAL SESSION 5 cent* per gallon. ICE COLD SODA WATER! Sold by all druggi-ts. J. H. ZEILIV A CO., Proprietors, aug23tf Philadelphia and Maoon, Ga. Office 52 Second st., Macon. Georgia. cwpiiT WATIfK MU IS I Oil IjL 1 VV/lXiJii I'Ll. iJaJkj I Federal Coarts of Georgia. Special attention given to matters iu Bankruptcy, Having associated with me my son, Sam'l H. Jem- I iaon, I beg leave to direct attention to the above I card. Additionalfacilities warrant me in assuring prompt and caieful attention to all bus ness en- | trusted to Tie. aug72 3m B. W. BHK» MILCH COWS FOR SALE. I HAVE four mllcli cows for sale at very reason able prises 'lhav can be found in Vineviile, MOSS ROSE XXX FLOUR, I •**£,&$ aD, ^%ERnY m ' VALLEY GREEN XX FLOUR, In 21 and 49 Pound Sacks; For Bale by SEYMOUR, TIXSLEY & CO. angl5tf rnmmi of gebm. | FRENCH’S NEW HOTEL, C OR. CORTIjANDT and NEW CHURCH RTS , NEXV YORK. On tbe European Plan IlIOH- I AUD P. FilF-NOH, son of tho late Colonel Richard French, of French'* Hotel, ha* taken this Hotel, newly fitted up and entirely renovated the tame* [ Centrally located in ihe Business Part of the City. Ladies’and Gentlemen’s Dining Booms attached jane!9tf I JANES H. BLOUNT I3A10 UAUBENAN. JOHN L. HIBDEICAN. BLOUNT, HARDSMAX A UARDKXAX, [ATTORNEYS AT IA.W, IlkCON, GA. Oflios, Chor>y street, over 8. T. Wulket’u. aogioif AND APPARATUS, To tlioM 1-euiiing to parchite * good *nd reli». ble Fj-e Hrgme, will find it io the it ieterett to el- &tniue this one It ia & SKC0N0-CL4SS SITE SNSffi In pcifect order and wa;ranted to give entire eit- iofao.ioa Sold for no f.nit, bnt to make room (ora ateamar For further p.rtienlaie, apply to Secretary Ocmuigoe Fire Jo. bio. 2 nr committee. <! MAUHOLD, Foreman, it. f. WKsroorr, • F. A SSONKMAN, V KAHN. JNO. VALENTINO. ane film With delieiona Frait Syrnpe, ia d.'apeneej daily from Tnft’e Aictic Fountain ROLAND B. HALL, Comer Cherry Btieot and (Jotton Avenue. aug2G tf LIE LOGAI FERTILIZER. Of tlia Institution will Commence Wednesday. October 1.1873, And continue, without intermission, nntil Au gust 5th, 1874. THE STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTDRE And Mechanic Arts, F OUNDED upon the United btates Land Grant, is an integral pare of the University, and will hold the tamo term. Fvery advantage which the country allows, is afforded for procuring a liberal education, both in a general course and in ipecial ■ departments. Degrees granted both in Arts and I rcieace and in Law Engineering and Medicine— the lact through ihe Georgia Medical College at E. B. POTTER M. D. HTomoeop atliist. O FFICE Weed’* Block, Second street, third door below Johnston’s jewelry establishment. July 15 tf Residence L&ni-r Houso. FOR RENT CHEAP. T HK two commodious STORES on Cherry street, ac present occupied by Coleman A Newsom, are for rent from first day of October BARNUM’S HOTEL, Corner Broadway and Twentieth street, New York. On Both Americas! and Enropenn Flans, C OMPLETE with all modern improvements; rooms on suite and einglejprivato parlors, baths, elevatore, etc. Location unsurpassed, being in tho very contre of fashion and brilliant New York life. In proximity to churches and places of amuse ment, and Lord A Taylor’s, Arnold A Gonstab'os’ and J. A C. Johnston’* drv goods palace-. The hotel i* under the management of A. S. Bainum, formerly cf Barnnm's Hotel, Baltimore; L N. Green, of Dayton. Ohio, and recently of Now York; >nl Freeman Barnum, cf B&rnuru’s Hotel, Bt. Louis aug24 d2wsw4wA wS county, will be sold for distribution, belore the Court- houso conr, in Clinton, between the legal hounof sale, on the first Tuesday in September next: 0n« house and lot, in tho town ot Clinton, moderately well improved, and contains about three acras- known as the Wiley B. Popo late residence. Terms Casa. P. L. CLUWtiK, F. 8 JOHNSON. Jb, \Y. MA!siN, W. A. JUlIAN, K. J. TURN EH, iulyft) dfc-wlm OommUrioners. SPECIAL. NOTICE juneSn ipply l J. VALENTINO. 68 Gharry street. HILL. 9. E. HilUtlS. HI LI/ & HARRIS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW No. 91 Cherry street, (up stairs) MACON, GA. M i _ iliuj w Will practice in all the court* of the Macon Cir* Augusta, now embodied with the University. ** The J Special attention given to Collections. Con- Rogers & Leman, general agents for Law School remains in session throughout the eu- j veyapcea, ote f julj2'tf .tire year. Liberal provision ia made for Deneficia- the above now justly celebrated fertlliz- I ries and for students of limited means For cata- 1 lognes, containing full information, apply to WASTED. WESLEYA1 FEMALE COLLEGE, MACON, GA. fJMIE THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL SESSION will begin October 6,1873. For catalogues, containing full information, ad dress B£V. E. id. MYERS, D. D., President. C. XV. Surra, Secretary. ang7 2m AVENUE STOKE TO BENT. T HE STOBE cn Cotton Avecue, now occupied pied, bv lira Bendnx. Also, the FLINT HOUSE, containing twenty-five room*, with garden and outbuildings. Dne of ibe beet elands for a boarding-bouse in the city. App!y to au*2tf G. B. ROBERTS. Homes for the People! T HREE of the most ELIGIBLE LOTS for pri vate roeiJenctti. for sa e at low down figure*. Neighborhood the best in the city Terms a* rea sonable and accommodating os con be expected. Apply to JOHN D McKEolAR, So 61 Second it, next J. W. Bmke Ado’s angl4tf E NGLISH, French and German Boarding and Day School, tor Young Ladies and Little St. Leris Laoeil—Messrs. Elis A L&ney ere now making a specialty of St. Louis Lager beer, manufactured by E. Anhcu^er A Co. It comes bottles and almost equals porter. It has • very excellent flavor, and is • very tine drink.. Dojxd PkacHXS. —Messrs. £. Price A Sana are the market os purchasers of dried peaches. Their advertisement will be found elsewhere. Girls, 94 Cathedral street, Baltimore, Md Chaffee a’d Miss Harness!ey, Principals, assisted by able Professors. Next Session opens Septem ber 13th. Coarse of studies ex tenure, comprising all branches of a polite education. French is the language of the School. Claes honors awarded at the close of the year. Circulars on application. ang20-lm FOR SALE. O NE of tbe meet desirable places in Vmsville, containing 45 acres, good wells of wa ter. comfortable improvement*, with wood enough to last a famiiy for four or five years. Good or- chatd of vortoai kind* frail. The place will be so d or traded lor city proo&rty tn Mmon Apply to a.J. ORB, oag6 eodtf At Oliver, Douglass A Co’s. FOR SALE. A Portable Steam Saw Mill, ■jl TADE by Owen, Lane A Dyer, Hamilton, Ohio ilL It is a So. 1 mill and in good order: has gov ernors to the engine; also wjoQ and lath e*ws. Terms—half cash; balance 12 months, with good security Also one of Fay’s Planing Machines. Fices 22 iechea. milch 12 inehM, with moulding bite ittched for ill tha lit. style, of moulding,. Will be .old with the milt, or eepante. A. K. FISHER, ingielm*ilonUztuni. Mioon Co., Ge. CYPRESS SHINGLES! J UST reoeived, a oonaigument of CYPRESS SHINGLES, rived and drawn. A SUPERIOR ARTICLE! For sole by B. H. WBIGLEY & CO. JoaeStf ing compound, would respectfully inform the public that they have a supply now ready for immediate delivery. It is just the article needed for Wheat and Tur- ps. ♦/'***■' fV*. A It is no longer an experiment. In no one instance ha3 it failed to give satis faction. Price $15 for quantity to com post a ton of 2,000 pounds. E0OEK8 & LEMAN, Gen’l Agents Hollingsworth Block, Macon, Georgia. ing26tf aogSlfiitwlw W*. HENRY WADDELL, Secretary of the Faculty, Atlieos, Georgia O NE FINE SHOE AND BOOT MAKER, and ono good Peg Workmin. Address W. H. TILLERY. Dublin, Laurena County, Ga TO RENT. A NEW FOUR ROOM HOUSE on Pino etreet. Apply to »ug23 St- RUST PROOF OATS. 4 A A BUSHELS rust p-oof oxta for ealo. t are the genuine yellow rust proof cats. I LAND FOR SALE. • j HE moat deair&bla farm in Macon county, X owned formerly by Hiram B. Troutman, and now by us, lying on the west hank of Flint river, Jna» five milos below tb« beautiful and flourishing town of Reynolds, (8. XV. B. B.) and containing One Thousand (1.000) acres, ia now FOR BAXiE Tho improvements are uaeqaalled, consisting of have planted tuem for a’number of 'yews and re-1 11 «°? d d " e j lio »- with every necessary out improve- gard them as certain a crop as com. Price *l 60 ““'A, Tb-re are seventeen cabma for laborers, Ser bushel ' J. B. PRICE. | all with good bnek chimneys. A great deal cf llie cleared laud fresh. Any one desiring such a farm, and on the meat enticinsr term*, had beat apply at once to HBNhY T. JORDAN, T. MARION Eli*AN. qug!9 2m Reynolds, Qa CITY TREASURER’S OFFICE, { , Maoon, Ga., Auguat 22, 1873 > A IL persons ae.lin* goods of any kind in the city on comaiaaioa are required to mako monthly returns of their sales at this offico and piy the tax. Insurance Agents muet return their pre mium* monthly and pay tax on them. Any one failing to comply with too Ordinan^, must not ex po -t any indigence after September loth, aa de faulters will bo dealt with a* the Ordinance di- CHARLES J. WILLIAMSON, aog22taopll Treasurer. per bushel aug23 tf* HATS FOR FALL TRADE. O UR STOCK of hits for fall trado is very fall J aud complete embracing all of tho latestyies Call and get oue before we Rot too busy to wait on I you. SINGLETON, H0NT A 00. aue23 St WANTED AT ONCE, O NE OR TWO firat-ctasa practical Gin Maker?, (Breaater) to whom the highest wages will j and J&ne Powell, deceased, represents to the court in his petition only filed and entered on record, that he ha* fully discharged ad hi* duties of guardianship, and fully accounted for and paid over to hi* ward* _ «dMhe funds in his hand*, ' , , I be paid, by the day or piece. Therefore this is to. cite and admonish, all and I . JL r v singular tbe next of kin and creditors of said wards I « to be and appear at my office within the time pre- scribed by law, then and there to show cause, if any they can, why said dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand rfficially aug2G 4w J. R. HOLMES, Ordinary. P. O SAWYER EORGIA, DOOLY C0UNTY,--Whereas James I inuu follnwincr a vX S. Raley applies to the undersigned for letteis I I vRmanT if of administration upon the estate of Sarah Baley, I A smso.uux, u Sale of Unclaimed Freight. UiCOX A5D BbCSSWICK RlII-UOiT), ^ Macos,; 2uth, lb73. ) • HY NAME IS JOHN VALENTINO 1 am at my same old et&nd, 6S CHERRY STREET. I keep ae good LIQUORS And famish a* GOOD MEALS Aa anybody, and at REDUCED BATES. Give me auglSif articles cf UNCLAIMED, „ „ _ . not celled for before date of | a call and I will give you eatiafaction. late of said county.’deceaaed^ ' " I Bale, will be eold’to the highest bidder at the depot All persons interested are required, to be andap- of the Macon and Brunswick Railroad, on 24th pear at the Court ol Ordinary of said coanty, on tne I uaY SEPTEMBER, 1873, sale to begin at 10 first Monday in September next, to show cause, if any 1 o'clock A. V ilS 1 be sraI1 " d - B Wuelbuum * Bro, 1 box fins Given under my hand officially. | dlu i aug26td J. R HOLMES, Ordinary. I p * G ». 1 box glaaaware t$ Moreland, 2 bales bedding EORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY —Four weeks after I Jqo Foie A Co, l pckg, 2 boxes m-l*o o application will be made to the H noraDlo H oorratbere, 1 sack pot ware Court of r rdiuary of Dooly county for leave to sell w j TT^crfla I sack emDtv bacw all the lands belonging to the crate of A. Y. Peavy. I ™-- 1 8 * C£ Da n s late of »aid county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dee-aMcd. aug264w Y. PEAVY, Administrator. FOR SAXE AND RENT. A DWELLING HOUSE on College etreet for I rent, containing eight rooms A carriage I bouse, stable, servants’ rooms and a flue well of | water on tbe lot Two vacant lota on tbe hill—half acre each—for sale. Apply to LANIER A aNDEBoON. *ao«24 St Harrison, Bradford & Co’s STEEL PENS. Special attention called to the well known numbers 505-75-28-20 <3c 22. , Factor/, ALXcruub; office 75 Joint at. S.Y. angx4 3m 1 L K. YAinOA WARFIELD xojrr. wajxx. & WAYNE, COTTON BROKERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. P ARTICULAR i» ten tion given to puiebata ind llie of "Futuree” in the Sivuuuh end New One of the moet efficient ind viluibla of the MINERAL SPBINGS OF VIR&INIA,, Slide portible ind eiaily trinimieeible, even h, mul, iu the form of e mua, which bu been entitled Alum and Iron Mass, A product obtained frem the excellent Alum Welle I in Washington coanty, Virginia, Dr. Lancaejer, proprietor, by the process or evaporation and pos- eeesirg all the wjnderful virtues of the water m a ccncentrattd, cheap, and convenient form. 'Ihe Mas* is a fine tonic, alterative and absorb- I ent, and is especially uaofni to lodiee. It ha* been universally approved and Jtndoned by the Medical Profession, Wherever introduced, both mi deeideritum in their mi ten i, led m the bret populir remedy ever _ . offered, ind t« never Atiled to give aiuiliction. oolire ipply to the Principil ” Mas. LETITIA TYLER SEMPLE. JOHN INGALLS, I M«1 dim Of Yirjrinil. Sole Agent. D W Lewis, I sack cotton seed T J Davis. 1 bex hardware Ordinary Telfair County, 2 boxes book* W P Eastman, J box. (2) cans oil Jim Salunorah, I box mdte F F Reed, I box mdse L M Gardner, I trunk A S Gcodbread, I trunk H Powell, 1 box Ordinary Paloaki County, I box V, 1 box picklee B. 4 boxes brandy peaches M Keaton, 1 box books B J Egerton, S3 water buckets “ •• 4 bdls barrel covers Geo F Btevens, I box firework* No mark, 7 eac&s guano • “ “ II emoty Back* ss ss I g ain cradle ss ss j cotton “ “ I old pot *• “ I sock harness “ “ I box sundries “ “I box circular saw* “ “ I roll bagging *• “ I spinning wheel 11 “ I tin boiler “ *• I pkg. (2) glazed aash 41 11 I axle, yoke and bow* •* 44 15 pieces bedstead .“ 44 I mill hopper “ “ I table •• “ 2 Backs seed cotton 4 * “ I wagon wheel ,• “ I carriage pole “ '• I handle scythes 44 “ 4 pieces bar iron TAX NOTICE. T HE TAX BOOKS of Bibb county are now in my hand?, and I am ready for the people to call up and pay their taxes. My instructions leave me but a short time in which to collect ail the taxes. My office is on Cherry street, %& zny old place of bnsines*. I am Si so required to rec9ive, under oath, re ports of farm crops raised in the coanty, together with othor information relative to the farming in terests. W. T. NELSON, ang9tnov!5 Tax Collector. PLANTATION FOR SALE. T OFFER for sale a Plantation situated in the fork of Tow&hga River. Monroe county, Gx, 7 mi’o* from Foreyth and 10 miles from Indian Spring Said plantation coutaiuB 850 acres; S50 cleared and in good sta e of cultivation; 500 acres of woidland, well timbered, wfiilo ihe land is very prodac*ive Ic i* remarkable for fie tit hf nines* and forthe e&labrity of the atmosphere, tho place having been settled 40 years, and there never har ing beoa a case of fever theieon. Tho place is in a good neighborhood, convenient to schools and churches For further particular*, apply to the undersigned. JOHN 1\ OttOWDElS. Forsyth, Ga. aogflOMw ELDER HOUSE, Indian Spring, Qa. well known honse is new open to those JL who vh*it tbe Spring for health or p!eaaare. It is situated nearer the Spring than any other pabiio house, and is*sp&ctoas and comfortable. The table is supplied with the beat tho martet affords. Every attention is given to invaltfa who reeort to the waters of the bpring for health Ratty of Board, • M Per day i 2 I-er weeli 10 J® Per month 85 00 Liberal deduction made for largo families. W. A. ELDER * FON, Proprietory CHA8. COUN8ELMAN & CO., ! General Commission Merchants, Room 14, Orient*! Bui'ding, CHICAGO. Refer to W. A. Huff, Mucu.6n I M. KETOHUM. A. X. BARTUKOB KETCH UM & HAETBIDGE, I Bankers and Commission Merchants Kxeluuige Bnlldlofi SanaMb, 4* I Jtmnuicxa: Moeei Taylor, President City Bank N. Y.; P. C. Oilhoun, President Fourth Nitiouil Bank.’N. Y.; John J. Ciaoo & Son, Binkere, N. Y.j Morris Ketcbum, Banker, N. Y.; J. N. Nome, I Ciehier First National Bank, Baltimore; M. McMi- | chael, Ciehier Feat National Bank, Philadelphia. m*rl5 A GREAT BARGAIN. THE SOUTHERN TIMES AND PLANTER. Published at Sparta, Ga. H AYING a good circulation, and in a prosper one condition, is offered for sale. TERMS REASONABLE- For particulars, address aug2l 1m ang20dtawtd J. F. KIBBE, General Freight Agent. Eclectic Institute, HATBOffl im! HE HATHOBN SPRING ha* lately acquired a _ reputation that places it at the head of all the springs at Saratoga. An eminent physician, recently returned from Saratoga eays that it is twice as good (melicinal For sale by auglTif nATHonpr TO RENT. T WO TENEMENT HOCsFfl or one eight-room House for rent. Apply to 5n)j25tf OUTER, DOUGLASS A CO. FOR RENT. T WO DWELUNa HOU8ES, eligibly located. I Apply to B. F. LaWTi >N, At Exchange Beck, or to DR. A. P. COLLINS. julyl7 tf At Oollina A Heath'a. BT TBZ Bottle, Dozim or Case! RANKIN, MA88ENBIJRG & CO. angUtf LITTLE JORDAN A 00- . VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. E IGHT hundred acres of land, lying 3% from Fort Valley, Ga., in a northwaet <hr«£ tion, one-third cleared atd in caltivatiop. the® 1 , anca well timbered land with oak, and hickory,» ^ This body of land is all Ityel aid well to the production of c^rn, cotton, wheat, oata. all farm pro ucts of Middle Georgia. So tfiat it may be divided into iwo farma of 4UU - each, or four farms cf 200 acre* each, ard *”3 each division a portion rf the cleared land. This land is a part of the real estate drawn Mr. Henry P Eveiott from tho ©state of the James A. Everett. . , . the This land will be offered at private sal® un first Monday m October, when, if not diapos will be sold at pub ic sale, to the bighect biaaw, the town of Fort Valley. i...tMaiin /•rply for iLformation to ^ m -. J - . An A'port Jamsa A. Everett, or to the nnder,iRoea, 11 * V *1 wui also sell a woil improved honae aodj 0 *^ 4 acre* of land att^hed. 1 h;« t. one of tbe^o ( improved lota in the town and eligibly aitnaiw aelt on very favorable terms. bEKW- auzlCtcs war, x- » Civil and Mechanical etjo-iktefiii A T tue Bensaelaor Polytechnic New York. Iuatructioa very prac^can f vantages nnserpaesed in this country. ;?r,s.rr=r«,KSis: ass. a»jS8S-'a®fc. augl dim lu lal tee tO( w tor oa gre br c bo