The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 27, 1873, Image 2

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V I Telegraph & Messenger. WEDNESDAY MOKNTNG, AUGUST 27. 1ST.' Tin: (icimcn I’lnus. Vunnon was ■ bid d«y for Slots piper Only Sts reiohsd this cfBoe red two of them wars AlUDta papers. Tnc Monroe Superior Court is in aessfon. Besides tbs lord b-rprosent, ihoAdrertiaerno tices laCgo A. M. Speer and David J. Bailey, of Griffin ; Oolosel Thomas J. Simmons and John Knt^ierford, of Maeon; Colonel 0. Peoples, of Atlanta; Colonel J. A. Bent, of Birnearillr. Tns following Item* aro from tbs Monroe Advertiser cf j-nerday: TV* Udmtand ilut Mr. John A. Hnlehinfon. a very inceeasfnl farmer rending in the lower part of the eonrtr, baa not tued an oar cf corn produced in 1ST?, having on band a plentiful eupply of old corn of I be crop of 1871. Jcsox Dsarzca informs ns that a stranger, apparently of Irish descent, came to Onllodso, on the !*'b and oomplalned of being quite on- ell. Major Pool# gave him quartern, nntil the •JO'b, wbeu be died very suddenly. From a let ter fonad opon bta person they judged to bo Conyers. Bo was abont forty yean old, aod evidently a mannal laborer. The good poo pis of Calloden gevo him a decent aod r<spool- able Interment Fos aeverel days paat we have heard atartlirg reporta of the ravages of the boll worm in the ooncty. Unwilling to believe that mnob dam age bad been done to the cotton, and thinking the reports had been exaggerated and the real daroagta magnified, wo interviewed a number of cotton planters from different portions of Uo county, on last Saturday, and were con vinced that tb* reports were troe Some vsry intelligent and observing farmers declare that one third of the cotton has already been entire ly destroyed from this canto alone. Others plaee tbe damages leas, but all ooneur in the statement that the damage ia very great. 8j.Ti.suan is abont to oommanee the erection of a new oathadral. Cox. RjwrrL Lawixscx. of Atlanta, Paat Grand Matter of Georgia Froe Muons, la en gaged in revising and preparing for the press a volnme of the lectures delivered by btm daring the time that, be was Grand Master. Col. A. W. fitoaa, of Savannah, la gathering moss ont la Drover City. He has ordered hia goods and ehatteis to be tent after him. Sa vannah monraa not, neither does aba lament. Tax prooess of converting Tjbee Island into a place of summer resort is about to be com menced. Tax Ssvarnah New* ia responsible for tbe fol lowing: A country lawyer, who manipulates the •Hcbednle* A and B" once in a wbila for some of tbe nomeronaarmy of bankrupts now march ing to tbe front, exhibited his legal precision last week in a petition fi'ed in the Btokrnp' Oonrt by tbe following description of some of the following personal estate: This is verbatim One red and brindled cow with .14 rings on her horns named “ Hockey " $10 00 One cow and calf, veller »nd black, cow named *' Wild Book,” with a bob tail...1.100 One red ll tid sow with a litter ef eight spotted pigs. Pigs right pert ......10 00 Ooe blind gray mare, 20 years nf age, very old ant onfit for eervioo, Mare name ••Sal ” 10 00 Six petiter spoons (long In nae) ono con siderably bent, worth—Scents per piece. 20 Two pins rrad!r.n, with Ingcr Bobber baby ege cdrht of those taken here if three pounds. Ine piko not so plenty d>wa the river as in the lake, nor mo Ine bl-e* boas. There are more pick-r-i, homeytr. Ooe cm oiicb a boat :u I of ana f b, i-erch and rock bus almost anywhere in the river. They bito rapidly, and .ff rrd great sport to the ladies, who prefer fishing for them to trolling for larger game If any one jonrnejs this way for fishing alone, let him go to one of the small towns on the take and be taken to Galloe, Stoney Grenadier, Dank. or the head of Lung Island The islands are several mile* long, are from five to fit fecit miles from the mtia shore, aud aioucd them aro to be found qnintiiies of large fish. Tbe moat popular is the black ban, because he ia moat numerous and gamy. Oar party aver aged over one hundred each day, and va did not fatly live np to oar privileges either. They arc taken with trolling or aull hooka, aod on artificial flies. Then there an* hosts of immense pike ve'gV Ing from four to twelfn pounds each, that do mr.-t ::ekde tbe palate when oouked. They lie at the beads of the inlands, and an hour before sundo wn they rnn on the shoals to feed. The pike ia a noo: anal fish, aod does not bite readily daring the day, bnt at night, particularly when the moon ia bright, ha la ravanoas. The finest sport I think I ever had has been in trolling for them between snndown and midnight with the moon in the fall, end I have known two trolling hooks to es'eh a barrel foil in that time at tbe bead of Siooy Island. tax* TBcrr. Tbe great lake trout also bitea readily around the islands He must be trolled for in deep water, and when taken often weighs as high as twenty pounds. They are “ ncfioa W A aud Co, Mail dry twil— liar Jt mar.. liuc,Uwpr.« —— Jl&rsoo. J F. cotton treker — — iiolliognworth * T and Co, cctton brokers liajcood, A J, pbotorra;ber —— • H rvi*. Jacob, acent— liar itman aid Spark#, cotton warehouse— J and C j. wholesale grocery Holmes J and Co, retail rrocery.. Harvey. Mary, part been/ Hunt. Rankin and Lamar, wboIe*riedrng~. Hnnt. ivankin and Lamar, retail drug Harris aud Peter, retail drug- nail. C U. phyiician Helfrieb. S. jart liceusc^ lieadrix. Mrs LF. retail uiiinery Hotffki s. D 0 mad 20a. retail gun...... Howard. Isaac, shoemaker L Uall, Matt, i blacksmith s f^rce- II Stewart and T Stubbs, ehoemakei*. Holt, W F physician Head. O W»retail tobacco and tegarj_ Uo lwa. H h. b»r-nx>m Hwk and Perkin#, bar- niggs*. W L. bar-room, half year- _ Hay#. Kmuad, 1 one horse dray Hunt. Sampson, 1 one-horse dray. Rant, Emanuel. 1 one hone dray. Hay* Kmaonel 1 oce-horse dray. Hill, J A. 1 one-horse dray, Hill, j A. 1 cne-hor#e dray, Henry. Nathan. 1 one-horse dray. HaC WA.1 two-borse dray-. Hoff. W A.l two horse dray... II - - n, A two MW*-’' • Hill. J A. 1 two-horredrax. Ilitl. J A. 1 two-hnrsodrar Hunt, n H. 1 two he- at dray. Hudr’ens J K, part license. Haven-. W F. pan licenie, fnxalla. John, retail drur. Jrlaoer. M. retail tobaeeoand reran.-, 1 II well and V\ Warle , ahoemakera. ice cream. J uan, ho'a hnaon. W «. retail j not quite as plenty I donee an J iCdward*. retail rrocery. In Lake" Ontario «, in Mackinaw Strait to. | ThJtnpscc, R H. retail grocery ... 25 Tiiffoi.AJ to Director aw 10^ Thomas,H'tchmond.shoemsker.throe-iourthy’r 300 I'ssery. J G, .1 two-bor«e drar..„ Vlttnan. A. bar-room yoI*er : Ct and Co. retail cigar and tobacco.... Si CO \alentinoand Freeman. 2bl*ak*mith forgw.... 20no Vannncki. \ . reUil rrocery ; 25 00 Valentino - ohn.resunrant^.^^ 75 00 Vannncki. \ ..-125rfi Valentino. Jobn. bar-room , . 125 00 Vannnek*.Louis, bar-room oo Wrirbt P H. retail drvgt ---- £0 CO W*rw»ck. K A. retail rrocery 2S oo Wheeler, 7. B. rcstanrant . 7501 Wneeler. Z B, bar room.- l»no ‘Wo’ff - and Bro. junk shop.. Wolff and Bro. cotton rrees.. .50 00 — fOOO - 25 00 1*5 00 50 CO WaMon. R P. cotton brr ker Wilder, R Card Son, sash and blind factory.^....100 00 Wilder. B «i and Fon. 1 two horse waron 40 0) warwiok, E A. 1 one hone wator 25 00 Winship and Cajlaway. retail elothior 5010 Wkeeler and Willinrhim, retail |reeerj..;.«- 50 00 Wneeler and Wi _ fresh naat...^., ._l f 0 00 Wood, T. retail fnnmare — - 5n 00 Witkowski. E. retail cry ro^de , 95nn Walker. S T and B P. 1 one-horse wicoa 25 OB Walker. S T and B M . iresh neit T 100 CO Walker. 8 T and B P. retail rrretry 50 00 Ward and N*l«on. re'ail procerr 25 CO Weeelerand WiUon. aewmr machines 25 00 Wheeler and Wilson. 1 one-borse wigivn —25 00 Waehtel. Charles, retail clcthinj.... fOOO Wyche, A H. cotton broker 5000 Wileox. E A, cotton broker. Ware. J W. contractor Windham and Co c-ntrac*ors Win* and Polomon. retail jewe’i “ woolen 10 CO . L 5000 Waxelbanm. 8 and Bro. wholesale dry koous^.I^i) 00 Waxelbanm, 8 and Bro, retail dry good* , - fo 00 Wnodliff, E. barber shop — 25 CO Wills, G B, wayrn — 2500 Wriyley. B H, insurance 60CO Wriiley. B H and Co. produce -^..10000 W*rd. Kllen A. re*ail millinery. Whittle. L N, lawyer. XT- • _ i , wv o J . •— — _ .— , — ... _ * i j atiues anu -i oan-on, waoie-a c inner < they are the seme fish, end $ ft ird the fiine rojal I j 0 J #f Baxter, wholef ale trocery 00 I Wise pnorL The minnow i« hie farorite flab; hence Jones and Baxter, wholesaleliquor— —I root IBs hot bait. Tare, and fonr hundred feet of | J«l«on. Bgej. l ona-korje w.ioa »001 Mb*,, Jenrson. Ber j. 1 one K W. lawy rood# — 1000 1000 1M00 m «om B A and Co. wholse3al« house furnishing ten o. lawyer .... a and Dcbbs. wholesale erockery.. ..15000 line most be nsed to troll for them, wuh beevy i j twe ttajai P.cse-s. insurance ayents.. Jnmkeni attached, serenty feet apart, lonr hook I Johnson. E J. retail jewelry^....-~-| "le frenaeatir r hundred feet below the harfaoe I Johnson and Dunlap, retail hardware. . «r£*Lr u John-onand Smith, wholesile liquor^ | whep ooe bwea. I j 0 h D a 0 n atd Smith, wholesale grocery. Jones. J A. phjsici n B A and Co. retail houie farnishiDg mm. 1000 I xoods— ... 5000 . 5000 I Wacffenitein. Robert, retail conlectionery V500 . 50 0} I Wamke F. tsi'or .... 10CO .. SJCOl Walker. B A Meiehtn,butcher’s wacon.... 25 00 «15dOCi I Walker. B k Meishan. fresh meat— — .100 fO ^150001 Woodrufl Mrs DB. sew’irm’chine and mil'nery 25 00 City License List. . lo00 I White. Abner. 1 blacksmith forgo_ . 50 00 I Woodruff. 1» B architect...—. 1000 I Woodruff. W W. csrriiges Jf.nesand Baxter, retail grocery Jooe v H«rrifon, one blacksm'tb forge _ — - . Jones. William, cen’ract r. three-lonrth yoAr-- 7 50 ^flra,WC.contra-tor Jackson. Be*rj. contractor -— —. 10 00 j WesternLn*nnTelegraph Company, telegraph 50000 Ir~ 9 nr a Jhtir Mahor-Sn,—In oom-1 Johnson, O. w.phyglclaa—10 tu We#.-ott, HP, re*ail harness JJon. »r. -1 JJVJT Mayor, ox* xu wwu i Johfi| w W dye houft v. oo Wallace. W 8, barroom W5 00 plianoe with % reeolotioo of the City Council, 11 j 0 j, n , on< b l. physician —pWO 1 Ward ± Nelson, barroom .15500 hay# prepared a liet for publication of persons I Jackson. Neednam. contractor—.— - 5001 White. Tb-maa. l one horne dray SO00 A/kvtva hnainsRi m the c, tv who have takea out I Johnson, W U, bar-room —™. -.12500 Wooifolk. Goin, lone horse dray... ^ 30t0 dOIDR businflll in toe city WDO XJ.TO Johnson Deoils, bar-ruom J»00 Woolff. Wit 1 one h ora e dray!- 30 0.J Iloenae, and tne amount paid by each. Jcbnston* F. bar-r om 12500 Yearer. CO A C-,retail grecery year 1375 Bsepeetfully submitted. I Johnson, e A, bar-room, part—......— .. 0250 I Yeager. C 0 k Co, barroom % year 93 75 J A McILlxTS. Clerk C C. I Jaok»on. Isaac, lone-hone dray— 30 (W 1 Zeilin. J R A To. retail drug ..........—....^. 50 00 I Jones. Emanupl, 1 one hor«e d*ay 30 00 I Zeiiin. J H A Co. wholesale aru; WMMm .,,.. ,.150 CO $ 25001 Johnson, William. 1 one horse dray.............— 30(0 | Zoon, John, 1 one horse dray 30 0J l*O00 Jr.hcsoB, Tbomaa.! one h^rse dray - SO00 Adsms-n. A Y. retail grocery ^bel. William fr^sh me.t....—. a eel. F T, ratail grocery....^ Abe . Henry, retai 1 grocery — Aver*. Asher, re a I ^e ler.. ♦dams and B z s.‘m ire. cotton warehouse..... Aoio n. Mrs Sar-b. retail milliner* Artop* and Sor, contractor.—..........— Anderam, Cl.fford, invycr...— Anel. F r, bar room Abe*. Hen*7, bar-room.... Atkm*on. M's s.lone horse dray.... A-latcs.Abr .hara 1 one horse dray..—— Abraham. M. 9 * wo hone drays Bryant. Cb»mp, tailor... Bone, Charles, re* 11 grocery^ Ku-kcand hpps.shoe makers—.... t - B lints Adrim- and Lewis Johnson, (hoe pakert - 151® I Johaaon and.**mitb. 1 one-horse dray, one-half. 1500 I n w w - iWWloi _ .. 2500 I Johnson and Smitb.l two h isadray—.—.— C0«0 I g* ffl*f? AaA2f W. W. Fi.%xwaoam . S^OO I joanson andbmi b, 1 tw> hose dray....—..—~~ 6*Oj| A. P Asill....................R. B. Monas*. .200(OI Kelley,M O andsister, retail miilimry^MM.— K0 I — — . wr*? a • w « tsxst t » /tn - Keith. C A.sewing machine..— ^00 FL&KIiAGAB) ABEIiIi & CO*j 100i» I kerwin. P, retail grocery — 250) I ,125? | Kernev._l*. .euU •roeerj -.3959 I COTTON FACTORS isn — General Commission Merchants, JUi>CO I Ka£niY«adBTO.T«ttndrr —_—; »»| 1S5 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. GA. 51'. I Kioa. Jacob. rttaU tnetrj g“ I Tl fiNAGING agents for the Htoneaall JjX Fertilizer. eto‘~ 1C0W 31 fO | R reutr,A. 1 baker w*ron» • I Keel. J C. eontraetor >!S Xt too Mri.MwT. «t»il grocerj 5W Kreuti A. retail confectionery..™. Kina, Jo- n. 1 blackimith forge 51 cf a year. . 2510 . 25 00 . 10 00 . toco . 1500 ' 5' i','1 I *>1 Fe-iuirer, eto Bjgging end'ties farni-hed, ’ *7 00 I *a i liberal cash adranoea made on connignmenta Brook*. James, rhee maker •*wh, O Ojiboe D«kir Bark", J W and Co, whol#«a!e books and ^^1 Lon.M. barrer shop.... — tioniry — -..,...l»|00 I Lawtun and Bites, wholesale grocery Burke. J W and Co, retail books and itationery 5000 Loydt j j). retail grocery.. JJ kcomb and Wnluce, *re cream —.... 500 I Lumsdm, B D.ccttoxi prer Hr.ok#. Harper, shoe m«ker joo I Lewis B B ootton broker... Boon, J R. physicran— Bone. Mary bar-room.... llarnbarr, Robert, bar r< 500 I ~ ,- ~~ , - ifSiO I for eale ia 8ar*mi&b. or on ehipmente to our oor- Kenney. P*. bar room. parL . 87 50 respondents in Northern, Eseter or European 500 j Kennedy. J L. bar room — — 1*5$3 j markets augi 6m 2500 2! I A- M. fc’loan. Arthur N. Bollee. G. W. WyllJ, Jr. . 3VX. SLOATJ eft) OO.. COTTON FACTORS . — SO 00 1000 Lawton and Wililogham,retail grocery 50 00 125001 •• •• cotton warehouse .200 00 !5£J I r-epuat. w w.hatratk.™ ^ General Commission Merchants. r. 25 10 -AXD- - Ludwig. William. retaU grocery.. Lawrence. GD. retail grocery— gouging rlnpa, worth (all toM) 2 30 Beam,"a! retail dry go ds.........— JOJO I McKenna! AVl one-horse wagon. Oor silver Dull'd eyo watch, badly worn... 5 00 BeddingUald v Allea. eotton hrok«^ -,50 JO | McKenna. A. iwUiljgroeery— On. old strawberry speckled, slithered hor-n rnnla. innln Damn “ Oresi-cyeil Dies." bad for kicking—worth SO Tint Thomkavllli. Times baa the following crop Item: Oar reports from varions parts of tbo county, are ra'bsr d'RonnraRtnff on tbe whole. Tbe cat- ferptllar and rust, are both damaging tbe crop badly to many section-. These trouble*, how ever, urn only In spots, and by no mean* gen eral. Wo understand, fartbermore, that wbrre cotton baa been kept clear of grate, that the damage 1* very ellght, or none at all. GatNianiiE is an improving place. If ono may credit a correspondent of tbo Atlanta Conatitn- tlon, wbo writes: Two year* ago there were not five hundred in habitant., and not aalrgle bonse bad been bnil> in twelve yeara; now there nre at least 2 MO inbab'innts, end since then net leas than 200 bonnes have b.en bnilt. In 1870tboro were less I ban $.'10,000 worth of tnerebaodiae, all told, sold In tbo plaoe. Last year the sale* nf mer ebandise footed np tbe grand snra of $t!0 000— nearly * t*.!f i»IIHm» In 1870 tho an-cased value of all tbe properly In the town, troth real and rersonat. was $80 000; in 1872 It was $478,900. (The corporation baa not been en larged.) In 1870 there were eight bates of on'. Brown, ilarriaon, 1 ena bon. dray- ttrown. Arch. 1 one-hone dray — — ' " ,1 on. horse dray ' one horse dray...—.. 1 two hone drijr- two-horje dray two-horto dny — Burr and Flanders, 1 two-homo wacon.. B'Mwanffor, Mrs A. retail millinery.. "3*2 JSI bamer, J. sh« ihoemaSer h 30l® I bowentbal, Loai*. tailor...— I Lofton. W A. lawyer..! i.anitr. ItS, lawyer. Clagborn A Onnnlngham’a Range, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. B AGGING and Ties advanced on crops. Liberal ctsh advances mide on consignments fok sale rfiilv! I h» Savannah, or on shipments to reliable corroe- 10*10 pendents in Liverpool, Now York, Fhiladelpuia, 131 »I M anal 6m 5M 500 . 1000 . 1000 mm I Lawton, VV aod J and Co, mili. . I jjuuuuuu, m oogipu :.r.SSl ^;^?uP™^”^r=r.=zr:^» ^top.orB.itimo^ SSI LIffhtfooLRjfe 1 one horto^dmy t* gJgI w. Dancan. J. H. Johnston. *. 2500 «00 I Lawton! W~J, I two-horse dray. 2SI McKenna, A, lone horse wavon.. Burdick Brother#, wholesale grocery^ Bur lea Brother#, wholrfate liquor^ Burdick Brother#, retail procerr...—. Barfield, J F and Co. re ail grocery Burney, J«aao P, 1 blacksmith forgo- Ri nnrr. J U. rcaUnrant- 4L?SSk I Moore. Prirou#, contractor- —Mit^heil. II N, 1 two-horae wagon... 500) I m ck Brother?, reUil fancy *odd*- JJCJ McCr*ry. J G. Phyric an...... —— JO zr Mara#. J-hn, retail dry gW# nr I Morgan. W T. retail grocery.. .2500 I . V'.co C looo . fOOJ M. Maclean DUNCAN. JOHNSTON & CO, Barnett and Caatlen, retail sun#, ctc^.- 2500 Ma-hew?. Kicg.r# nil Rrocery....— —— B m J BrrKi. retail aad’lery — 50 00 I Mcrrett k W It fro»hmeat r Brunner. V. contractor— 1000 M:Kervey JtMalo ey, retail boot and ahoe- ^ f '\ Merkel. L, reUil confectionary COTTOM FADfORS it'iu! I General Commission Merchants, sfol 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. OA. 25 CO I 6m 2500 DIUuucr, » . nuuirwiiwiMm Bro* well, Willis, barber shop. Bu'kley Mrs A. retail millin ry. — mm I Mcrkei! L,’breadwafon.. Bertaon R A Iniuracee agent—— 5000 1 Mix k Kirkland, retai* boot and f hoe Blake. Tbo mi*, reuil grocery 2500 Mix k Kirkland, retail bortand shoe Bacon. A Q t lvwy«y... — — ... lopo 1 Macho id, C. ratail grocery.. —— —~ ?5 001 Myer. M and 8 A Co, retail beet and ?hoe 50 00 M M 00 I Myer. M andS A Co. wh lefaleboor andshoe^.15000 ' J00OO I W. Q. MOkBie. !. 25 00 ... 2500 .. 25 00 Bac. n, A O. lawyer—— — Brantley, M V, retail grocery...— Burke and Cobb.lDturatceafenU.... 60 00 5000 2500 MORRIS & REID, Provision and Tobacco Brokers, Boom No. 4 College Bunding, corner Fourth and B trratia. V, ret ill grocery-. Biackahrnr, J Emme t, physician...... Backus HL, insurance agent —.... F.r »wn. E M. retail grocery — r.**rg. B retail tobacco and eegar#—.. Bar hart. S*rab, retail grocery—« Burge##, W R, piusKiari.................... B hr U M. retail grocery. • 2500 I m astersonfcVl bla^kimith forge ’ KS2 I Malloy, Mary, retail grocery- 10 Oj 25(0 10 00 I 200 00 93751 Walnut e tree to, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Refsr to W. A. Hntf. majll 3m 6000 McClaaVh.YVm7rhy.icuS'™ —... 2i00 I Motaal Loan Association, brokerj...—... g “ McB -rn.T. J C. anc ioneer % year- 1000 M.arnder, A LC physician 1000 1000 McCallle, A, produce .100ft) . m — a 00 I McCtliis. a] reuil grocery *0 001 gjul from Pier 20, North Biver, New York. »nt, Ar i stead, t two-hors. wajon — 30 001 UeDona d. D. contractor 1000 ' t’.and Roes. 1 two horse wacon — 40001 M.ron Bank and Trust Co. brokers year _.150 0 ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS. <wn and Co, bill poaure. b.iore, O E. auctioneer llarnett and Son. reuil dry xooda.... «■—JSSI McKennm. A. bat ——1*5!! I Maxwell. W. barn lla.ley.JU, pliotocT.pber___ Ualkcomband W'eluca. r.UII j roc cry.. Hears, (leorc, 1 on. hone waion Ilrga-, Ucorrc retail rrocery lla-k.r, O K, retail encery Barkar. It It. I on. horse ..con— Ba.r, D J. ret. 1 dry rood, Brown, W T. rbn n,raphn_ "an. on. W 0. retail rrocery— Bur*. ChrUtnnber.contractor - * M. insn "■BBHUWwnon -—.. • JJSSI Machold, C, barroom — .8000 Molti Mr<e, 1 ona-horso dray. - £529 I .Morrisa. Jackson. 1 ono-houodrayl • 25 001 MoKoma. A. 1 one-horse dny......* • 50 00 I Mathews. Charlrs. 1 ono-horso dray. WOO MoWhorrcr.Ned,lone horso dray 3000 25 00 | Morris. Richard. 1 two-horse dr«y 6000 arsfi.'O, \V li. 8 two-hrr c drays -ISOCO carat h. N A. wholesale arocery— ....To 00 EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, The passenger accom modations on .teamen of this lino are nntmrpasaed for eleganoe and comfort. _ Cabin eute rooms are all Mfigy 7 on upper deck, ibns ae- c nring good light and ven tilation. — 559“ I Maaratb' N A, rciai' arocery. •" 12!? I Norton. R, reuil reran, RATES OF PASSAGE TO 50 00 I GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL. OB LONDONDERRY. Sat. Steamers. Wed. Steamers ..10000 1 Gold. Currency. $7j and $65. torTVold by hibijljwW- I SSI I oorbw $75 and $65. there were over 2 300 bole* nold by the planle-n I H vrd. C U. retail cloth ns 23001 Nelson. J A and Son. retail grocery 50 011 Cabin return tickeU Block, J. retail tobacoo and aeaar»_... •” 52 221 Neol,*ib contractor — „„ 1000| secnraigbeetao- I Nottingham,CB. pny»ician............_ •• 322!I commoiation* .-JI30 $130 imiS Nusibanm A IHnnenbura. wholesale dry goodaPO tu Steerage, currency, 930. lt S. 0 2|Nu-sbaum..t Dauncubuig, reuil dry goods™. jO jo j Certificate! fortun Vigo fromVny aeapwt ot rail to tbe merohanta hare, and from 300 to 400 1 whipped by planters akthiapoint—making aom- Bakf ■ Andrew. mbMjw— 2,700 Onion In all shipped from Gainosville tncK laat year. Two yenrn ago there waa not n I Iio i. Stcphrn.eontracior, ofayear- «I22 I Ni-bet, K A. lawyer bnildmg nnywhoro in tho vloinity of whero the I <>rIemanaud 1 one-horse wagon I Odinr*boll anJ Lngliih. who!e«xle li*iuor~~..-~^ln0 00 I n t O0 d, Mr# Ann. bar room 25 00 I Napier. Mike, barber chop- railroad depot now aland*. Now there la a £“£7 jury/liwo ionsiwa flue, large fonr story brick hotel, end Rcveral ample two-*Iory lirlok stores, besides rov oral framo building* for stores and rcsidencee. Tnx Atlanta Uorald of yesterday baa tbe fol lowing t idicuor auaiJi • two tiui rc w aguu— Coleman and Newiom. wholc#ala grocery M Coleman and New#om. retail #roc«rj^—. Crawtord. W, J on«-hrr*e wacon Cornell. John J Cornell, contractor....^... Collins #nd Little, retail carriage#. (lark. W B. barber $hop mm I Nixon, Kent. 1 one-herse dray *50 00 I xtixon, Daniel, 1 one-hor#o dray.... M 50 I Nixon George, 1 one*hor#e dray....« I Nixon. Davi j. 1 one bor#6 dray.. D U with ploannro that wo nnnonnoo to our reaurre nnu the friends of this f^roni entorpnae I c tron Staten Life In uranco to- r„ JSi I -Mxon. Jiavxj. i ooe nors» ara: —— Nixon. W A 1 ene bor#e dray. w*v Mw I Mxon, Wo, 1 one-hcr#e dray. —• 25 00 I Nickerson, biia*. 1 one horse dray. —— ‘£?’| O’Connril, E retail grocery. —— S9JS) Otto J II. retail jewelry 25 00 I **T station in Great nntain Ireland or the Conti- 12500 I nent, at 30 0) I BATES AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER FIU8T-CLA88 LINE. 20 0) | For paseage apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Or to . 7 Bowlicg Green, N. Y« T. H. Hendebeon, Agent, Macon, Ga may 113m 5*ft) I O’Brien, J»mes, cor tr«ctor.. 10 tO .. P _ ^ oOto I ^ Lver, Doug a*a and Co, wholesale house iur- Ihat to day tbe Atlanta and Klohmoml Air Lino | Crutchfield, J P. cotton broker — 50 00 niching goods— -— - r railroad ha* boon entirely completed. All til* C. Il ,n «. .lonalhan cotton broker f0(X) Oliver. LreuglaiJ and Co. retail homo turaich- bridge* aro flni*b*d. every foot of track laid. Oox.Caty W.bllliard table........ 2500 o’jonncrrMiVl Agncr. riuiTmiliirnei^:.Z:.I Soo and every nail arlTen homo. At last a ont in- I Corrui. Felix, ice. fruit and Csh.~~..25(01 O'Connell. E, barroom — 7 — T - .ig-SfO nous link of iron unices Charlotte with Atlanta I w ; p , 0< j! u *? e ,7 1 °’HanIen, T,} one-horse dray..^~.—i)000 — I ClloKFcale# A LO, retail sewing machines..... 2500 p- PP er, Jamef, contractor T - r „, mmT 1000 I Collins and Heath, insurance agenu^.......... Suw i* e *chke. E. re:ai! jewelry, Flfthfnsr nt til© Thousand laics. I Cor nora. Geo. contractor. ,n#vi 1 ■ a %g|T F. FAJBBL mancfactcbeb or | (ampbell aud J one#, cotton warehouse.. . 1000 ^eyser and Glass, retail drygoods..... I Plante I Caud £©n. • rokers. * *521 Fcttit, G B, conrr»ctor^ 25 00 25 00 200(0 I STAR AND TALLOW 2ft >00 yao-. E and oos. retail dry good!- A sun correspond'nt makes an Cwih°“i m. r* grocer man’s month water with tales of fltbiog among utri'b.rd’wVrS!!™ the Thousand Isles in the rivar Bt. Lawrence. herry. JUatd ’o. retail grorery~~- - l a,.« B .uuuwu. tB »v,».v,.w«, Tier* is an illnHlr A ‘io*> • I £ h ?i rl z Ant !K*5 CTOCTT*-.™— Jgg W®* and Sons, retail poetry Here ia au lUtUUIUOSX I Cuhbedge. H*ileknnt and Co. banker# 200on P ono d, a M. livery stable, part The kirc flsh of the St. Lawrence ia tbe mm | JftJCfiP bats^.^.. w.h...w | Pound, A^uur&nL part^....^.^...^^..... 3750 9 jZ I Wey»e-, L and eon, retai xn ^ I Fike, L B, dollar ?tore„..„ to (« | Price and Son#, wholesa e grocery^ 1000 25 * 0 I 25 00 150 00 CANDLES, SOAPS, City Bjnk. binking.. ^—.2(00)1 Puuefaud Jacobs, ret-il grocery, U...U. •» I Ccst'sl Georgia Bank, banking....— ^...JfOOO p ayfje George, rcUil drurgist «(vea np without n terrible ugbt They are no« l Caihatt and <’urd. wholesale hardwMe.....^..^.l50(01 Plant. IC and son. insurance agents. v«*ry plenty, and but two or three aro caught I C^ nln * r w^V , . # • ice crraiu 500 I piftntera’BaokingCompany,banking...... d.,ly Detwean Capo Vicocnt and OgWmrgh. ^uVlsitS. 0 JS^SHlgi^J^= §” gfeii^CBgSfia Here the person wbo catches tbo biggest man- I Carter. Tho»as, watermelons^^ a Le i -— <v»Iongo IK (he II m of thod iy. Tho inhabitant- I Coorer, Kd. bar room «nd goeefB gather on tho wharves at *un«et “ itz aare »h* boat* roinrn after I j* d«\ s fiihing. Every ,- r , aa . Williio. barroom » PotuTriB! pkjsician, body i* tutere<ied. There i* a rivalry heiweeo I Clark, Wm. 1 ona honodray 30nolw|^g^ ■ - ■ tbe oarsmen and tbero aro wager* between the I — gneeta^^Wbonir mrucalongoiae^ghttbeoer^-i'.m, anlhro. wViolMalt «r eery—-mm —15i«» I y°mn. Tbomae.’ b i r*ro o m ° omPhai f V ear 60 00 I 15000 6000 LARD OIL. k? I Faitersoi, A, billiard tables ... H M5U) I Parks and Clark, thoemaking..^ **• * . I P* e, Washington, lawyer..,; ... . ..» hington. lawyer.., -Sfi Poner.SA, livery stable^. I Proud fit. A lawyer. ..-.100 00 5000 ... 500) a 500 . __ . in (O I Office, Ne. 14 West Main Street, betw±en Mret and > horse dray.... . lone bo aed dray, man hold* a little white flag in the bow of hia 1 ' boat, and runs up hia color# at the ntern. A*- ■ 5 . a- — the boat approach™ tbe village tho flag* arc {nSw Fraak. rSLlarootrr.— •een a irile awav with gfa^aca, and the (own be I Doyle. P W. reuil groc ry comea wild. Evcrybcdy rn*h<*R for that par-I J1*t"by, L M, dollar »tore. boat, and tho monster ia carded to tho S“!2S*X2lJ2r l *fX'" ,...100 03 1000 5001 Seoond. !Sflo I Factory, Nos. 73, 75, 77, 79 and 81 Maiden Lane, between Ohio and Adams Streets, W. A. HUFF WHOLESALE DEALER IN BACON, FLOUR B-AGbO-nNTGi-, TIES, SUGAR, COFFEE, LARD, MEAL, BULK MEATS, SALT, SYRUP, Etc. CORNER CHERRY AND THIRD STREETS, UNDER RALSTON’S HALL, MACON, GEORGIA. PATENT ANTI-FRICTION G-IJST GEAR! I T BUNS TWENTY-FIVE PEN GENT. LIGHTER than any other Gear made. It I* made a itlicut a J . mortise, tenon, or a key to work loose. Every part bolted to iron. Over twenty in use. Alt have proven good. M Y P ja. T 33 JKT T themsdoof oonatruction of wheels suspended on Anti-Friction Balls, extended arm to carry tho Pulley and Pinion Shaft. All persona using or making any part of my Patent, will be prosecuted to tbo extent of ilio law. *.~.__J50t*> I Ho##. KA.l••ne-horsowagon.. .....12500 25 00 -..-6250 . 40 00 • JJSI Ros«i J * and ST Coleman, whoiesaledry goads-150o0 T IftVTT ¥ /R ’ SSI Rom. j B andbT Coleman retail dry goods.... 50 00 | V -.'^’1 lWe*>aml U^r.c.wh It?ilegrocery ISuk* Rogers and Bono, wholesale liquor—......—-—.150 Oo KY. , lion tloaUr bo I ob, fe. hotel.. Dillard, Wm. bar room” DUroon. Frank, ba^ room.. Doslor, lu-. 1 one-horse dray-^. Hvorctt, ^ D ro*ail drug#...... . Hli# and Cotter, 1 two-horse wagon. E lis and °u:t«1 two-horae wagon- *• verott, S D. rttail drug#.. . contractors...*- Evans and Magrath. c K kan, M. rouii dry good# -— Elds. W Land Bro.ootton broker#,.. K<1 wards, O D, retail grocery er I Kms I Ell# ,mrr# n t G W. dentist.. an 1 Lanry. retail grocerj.. Kllsand L«^cy, restaurant—...L ................ E giiso. B T, ono black.-mith's forge...— Kisaer, M boot and shoe maker. Klli# and Cutter, contractor# . xehaege Bank, bar king— Fllia and Demon, re ail grocery | - 1 irr. Mote*, one hone hack .-* EngleVe, A. bar room. - ' K* pin per. W, lager over.. M y. har-r^H Freeman, M R, t usiee, 1 two horse h*ck Freeman. M R, iraste#. 1 two-horse * Pvxgera d, P. retail grocery Kit gera'd.P,lone hr»r#ewagon Fife. William,retail g ocery 2500 I g Fiaadere and fiion. retail grecery S> 00 I - Farmer. A. reuil grocery .... — .. » w Fla-der* and Hueueoin. cotton warehou*e 2wjCO Farmer, Joon A. retail grocery Knead. J. retail dry goods Wm. retail gro*ery. nearest aoale to be weighed. The lucky sports I W^lwySil? *^ 0p man i«i ©onQratala’ed, and the oarnman repeats 1 Davi#. Joe, harber ehop, the story of how it was don** to throngs of other I oarsmen for hours afterward. 1 U ^ - TT9 Mnseelcnge have been caught here that weighed aix y fiv,* pounds Tho average weight, however, ie about thirty pounds They bite readily at the arnflsial or natural minnow and sit tbe #poon trolling hook Tbe baits dra? a hundred or two hundred feet back from the boat, and after the ll-h seizes it the battle to get bis Into (he host is long and fleroo. TUB MU.-CALONOIC A. NOTED DIYZNTt CarOUT. The late lirv Dr. Bethnne, well known to your army of renders, who spent hi* snramer vaoat'cnrt here, wa< a very anoce«ful mn*ca- fnoge Biharmao, and many stones are told of til* bxttles with the monaters. M Yoa #ee, M s*id old Pierre, a veteran oarw- tnan, aa be was peeling potatoes for our dinner, “be oould manage 'em, the doctor eouM. Ho know jaat tbe trick the flth w.n to try next, and wag rva^y for 'em. I see him land the biggest one he ever caught.° “Tell me about it.” said J. “Well, we wah trolling on the other side of Wella* Inland, a half a mile below the saw mil! and «otr*how he hadn’t much lack, and prett.i quick th« doctor he give a kind of a yawn, and ►aid be, Tierre,* said he, T’ll give you $10 if you’ll hock me into a thirty-pound mnsalocge within ten mluutea.* I says not a word, but turned ont to the edge of the channel and pulled «p atreara. In about a minute he hooked a lit- tW baas, and was hauling him in, when I’m *bot of S whopper of a flsh didn’t bite that b»#s right in tno, and tbo dominie reeled in a half a bass. iHia book was right off a little weedy shoal when the big du bit. 'Pierre * aaid he, 'you just cnake a circle around and row past that poin again—mebbe you’ll mike your $10 yet.” WhiL £ was getting around he bound on a big hook with twelve lnohce of steel chain above it, and a let of swivels, and then he picked up a chub that lay in the boaf, (hat would weigh three quarters of a pound, and he warped the hook ihrougl -he chub till it ctme out way down at the chub's tail. Torn ho threw it overboard and that chub spun and whirled in the water |u«t like a big spoon hook. When we was a .little above the shoal his line straightened. . .--• T "Haid on- said to. Tin on lottom-no I ain’t, g?jj^ t*ve either got him or hi** wife—now mind j GrcihamlTB*.lawyer.. your ears, Pierre.* The fish started for deep | GamUe.jB^k and water, towiog the skiff right along. I never sec the beat of ibo way that fl*h did fight. Tbe flr#t thing he did was to tow ns forty rods | Guems.y, ►hot. Toco he conk down to bottom, but the -doctor wouldn’t let him rest and stirred him np Tncn be darted for tho weed#, and we had a •big tnasle to keep him out. Jr wa* besntifnl to *ee how cool the doctor vra«. The fl-*h tried to ^bite the line off in front cf the book, bat no one. Wo w«s too mnen for him, and in twenty ottmtee he w.n all tuckered out. and the doctor -drew hi ai over my gaff book. That mnacalongs weighed fifty-seven pounds. Ho forktnl over the $10 in a hnrrv." THE OTHER flXNT TAIDES Beaidea on ooo/iiuon&i mu<*caiongc there are taken hne quaniitto** of pickerel, black ha*#, Mid pike. Tne pickerel are of the great North era apecieo, and *r'»w to weigh twenty pound# Many ooufoaud this fi-*h with the mnacalonge, but the two are different. They bite greedriy - at Any moving bait, and fight hard. The aver- S I Rosers.G T eons, wholesale grocery...., I Koxcr?, GT Sen*, wholesale liqaor.. .. }JW| Koss. J Rand ST Coleman, bUl posters., —————— JO w I Heady, R J. retail grocery...^...— *J2J| Ha»dal, 1* NS , whoi file liquor ..15i3 W ...15t t-0 .. 25 00 M 5o 00 I ...150 WI Caeh paid for Tallow, Lard and Grease. apr25 6m METROPOLITAN -RWOO I k««#. W U. co:ten broker....„ L i •• VMM mm 1^00 1 Richard*. K R, *td Co. mill_. 100 00 I Ro«. B r. ret#dl fnrniture , 50 00 * J5; I Rowe. Edward, retail gat macainei 2500 —• ^ 9 J I Kankio. Mi seenburg and Co, rttail drug 5000 Roflr - A A broker-..™ — 20000 • 2500 j Richards E R and Co, 1 one-horse wagon..^.^.^ 2000 —• 4000 I Rotevelt. C J, phj«ic an.— 1000 jWW | kHwa • A. ice cream 500 . Hogers, Richard, shoemaker^... 1000 j Richard*. Stephen, well digger., hotexv, M K, soda i’oantain..^., ill IRON AND BRASS WORKS. . oa 135 00 £0 00 6<50 — 6000 , Raedal. L W. bar room-.... • Kespaas. himon. 1 one-hor*e dray-...., • Iny I Ready, R J, bar-ro m. half year-, I Rote's Q T. Son*. 1 two horse dray..., 7000 1 Rogers and Bonn, 1 two horse draj^.. 1000 I SaVJge. William, h«rh»r ehnn 2500 •• I Schmidt, George, retail grocery.—— 2500 ••JOWI Skalowaki. B and Bro. retail dry good#. ... 2500 “ * ' ~ “ 2500 2* W Canal Street, from «th to 7lb, RIOHMON O, XT A. ...20999 | | ’ I Shoneman. F A. retail grocery. ) I ,-chofieid aod ban. foundry and machine shop—luo 00 ...125C0 I Small, Gamble »ad Becfc, wholesale grocery 150 00 mmmm• • •**-59 ll 9 I $mall. Gamble rmd Beck, retail grocery -1-» 10 Smith. Davis retail *addlery ' Schwc j. M (». retail grocery. 40 CO I Southern Express Co. express— Smith. A J. retail g-ocery Strong, K P, retail boot and »hoe tarr and Ruan, cotton brokers Smith. Grigg. contractor....— "later ard Jackson, barbershop—.. Shea. J L, retail clothing—.. 5000 50 03 25 00 500 00 .25 00 £0 00 50 00 1009 WM. E. TANNER & CO., insiueers, MacMiiists and Founflers. I Build and Repair all kinds of Machinery at my Works. BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS MADE TO ORDKB. Steam, Water, and Gas IPipes, and ECLIPSES ALL OTHERS. He Great “Eclipse ” Screw Moi Fuss. (PATENTED FEBRUARY 21,1871] MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY R. FINDLAY'S SONS, FINDLAY IRON WORKS, 31ACON, CtLAm. FASTER. MORE DURABLE, LIGHTER DRAFF AND CHEAPER, THAN OLD HOOD SCREW. EVEN. PACKS T rr E BALE IN TWELVE ROUNDS. Two to three Hands or One Light slide Packs a Bale in 2 llinutrs Halos of Cotton packed by this Pr jss rango from 500 to 300 pauaJa. WE GUARANTEE TO MAKE GOOD. FREE OF COST, fanj pay oxpenao of transportation] ANY PORTION OF THE IRON WORK THAT MAY PROVE DEFECTIVE WITSIN FOUR YF.ABs AFTER PURCHASE. AND WARRANT AGAINST BREAKAGE WITHOUT LIMIT AS TO TIME. The “ECLIPSE” oan be foroishad all complete, or simply the Irons, aa par.iea may d.are. p rMa , arranged for steam or water power when required. We have TESTIMONIALS from many of the Largest and Beat Planters in Georgia (and all tho otter cotton Htates) using this Press, whose nameg are as ‘ familiar as lion, eh old words ” Planters visitica Maeon are earnestly advised not to pnrohsse a Ootton Press until they EXAMINE CIOSFLY ANP THOROUGHLY the “EOLIPtU’,.” and JUDGE FOR THEMSELVES Send for Descriptive Pamplden containing testimonial? and prices. R. I^ir'i'iDXMiA.Y’S SOIVS. FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MAOON, Qt. CRAIG PATENT HOEBE POWER FOR DRIVING- COTTON GINS. RECENTLY STRENGTHENED AND IMPROVED, NOW PERFECT. MANUFACTURED SOLELY 1IY R. PIiVDLirS SONS, FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MAOON, (L The superiority of tbia machine over all other* intended for eamo purpose (including both the old and 'new f&rhiun" Gin Gear) we GUARANTEE. OR ASK NO MONEY. This power is shipped in one piece &s it were: requires no mechanic to put ir up ; site on ground: ia att«*eh»*d in no wav to any portion of house; and ie independent of floor 1 sagging” ©to ; can be need in ANY KINO OP HOUSE (one or two etory): or both thB Power and Gin can be run on ground WITOOUP ANY HOUBF*: drives a gin from 275 to 3J0 revolutions per minuto. FOXLY WASSANXED IN EVZRY RESPECT. Send for Descriptive Circular, Testimonials ami Price List. N. B. Parti aa preferring the "old fashion" Gin Gear or "now fashion'* ditto, with centre support, can be accommodated at very reasonablo figures. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, Findlay Iren Woile, Macon, Ga MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW AND GRIST MILLS, WATER WHEELS And all kinds of machinery and oastinga, etc , etc. jnly27eodIy S. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLAY IRON WOKER, MACON, GA SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS, Adjoining Passenger Depot, Macon, Ga. CELEBRATED WROUGHT IRON COTTON PRESSES! All acknowledge its oupericrity to any made anywhere or by anybody STEAM ERG1XES AM) BOILERS, SAW MILLS, Sl’GAR MILLS A.M) KETTLES IRON RAILING, MILL MACHINERY, HASTINGS AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. Faugh, t’s Patent Gin Gr pm ring! All their Fittings for Sale. Cell end see at my Works, Fourth street, near the Brown House, Mason, Ga. W Bend for Circulars. JulySO tf E. GROOKETT. 25 00 I 25001 — — , Seymour. Tin#ley and Co, wholesale grocery..-J50 00 I Fofter, J A. ratail grocery^, 5000 Stein. H, retail dry goods 2500 I Flanders, D ana bon. warehouse ^...^.....,10000 I atern, Samuel, retail dry mod* 2500 I blander*. D. cotton broker ——- 5000 I stein. G J. retail grocery 2500 I Fort, J P. lawyer * — W0C | Schmidt, A, bsrtwrtil 2500 I EHOINE8 OF ALL KINDS. Bend for Circular. Jan14 ly H. B. BROWN, AGENT. :IS8S rUTOvi, **; .v aiivuy ». ■ —, ,J y v I MIinTd. I18!lTy, 7C.1.1 gl Fir-t Nat: nal i «r.k. b nkioc ^JOOU) I Sussdorff. G K. phyiician Freeman. Mr* T W, retail cullinery 2500 I Schall. Jacob, retail boot and*hoe_. Foughser, Jobn. rarsul grocery 1000 I Stewart, J S. livery stable. Fitxerald, F, physician* Isaslsbury. iter-pass and Co. cotton warehonje...2u)00 j Slanghter.Mrs Georg*, retail confectionery^^- 2500 I Shoceman. P A, insurance ageD* 50 oo I Santord. Henry, retail grocery, % of a year 1S75! fl ' io oo I . 5.1. .j .1 V CO I j. a. proisr. DUGAN & STILZ. M601 Singleton. Hunt and Go, wholesale boot imi - WWI aaoe DCALXBS nc . 150 CO I _ - . --— 1 -5091 Singleton. Hunt and Co, retail boot and shoe_ 50091 Hnalay s bens, f nndry and machine shop lfr* i J i Mcall. A B. retail grocery, Y* of a year 37 501 a 19091 ; A. bar-to—.. Fambro, Samuel. 1 one-hor*e dray. (?reer. Lake and Co, 1 one her re wi Greer. Lake and Co. ratab graesry. Hi] Strobcig.C J.contractor . J® I Smith, usorra 1 Man smith forge.— (tree . L.xe ar.i Co. whe le.-ale gr*:ery- ci. itTm, J K ar.J Co, one rr*ol uble Griffin. J K ani Co. *wo til iard tablej.. Good. I) and 6cr.. whole**'e grocery. i«rasnU, K(\ iruuracee agent Gunhonse, I Land Co. retail boot andihi Goldsmi.h and Ncssbaam, retail d.y goods fO00 *551 H- repairing witch 50DO I Blatter, Clark, 1 tlaekriEit ir. Clark, 1 blacksmith forge. . Stevenson, Levi, icecream- WW I Stewart T N, physician . 30 Co . 10 00 . lutO Coni, flats, Wieat aii lay, 4 SO I 1250 m ,, 6250 - I Stewart. Richard, well digger 500 I 50 fO I £eiseL B M. and Bro, whucsale dry goods and -tv -cries CO I EXCLUSIVELY, 1250 Seisel, SM, and Co. retail dry goods and gro- 50001 caries .... 50 00 10 00 | Skinner, F^cotton broker — ..5009 No. 20 Second street, between Main and River, Gray, > r» H A M. reuil milliner J—. ...53 Guernsey, B and H, a isb and bli:.d tiawaiCT. H and 11. retail furniahinggooda.. f ond H. floatract rs J and H, 1 two-horse wagon— Guernsey. B and **. 1 one hor*o wagon Uibson. Ruben, ihoemaker Gilbert. Rabun, shoemaker Groce. Fummer. wtl! digger^....— Green. J Mercer. phy#icun^... (iriff n J H and Co. bar-room.. F, cotton l Jobn. Ur-: m, F A, ba I otiiMi, Jc- —150 (O j Snoneman, P A. bxr- room^...^..^,^. m 10001 Schmidt. Heerge, bar-room -lOOi • >::;uh, A J, bar-room. oo I —12500 I LOUISVHXE. KY. 1 Stein. G J. bar-roam (O I Sac-tord. Henry, lone-horse dray...... *“tt> I rand ford. Ilenry. 1 cne-horse dray w | Singleton, Henry, 1 one-horse dray^. - n ar.. Troaj . i . rf-h^r.-e dr^y Stewart Sterhen, 1 one hrr.-edray r . Smith,-S K, 1 two-horse dr&y^....., •0 U) | Smith. 5R,1 two-horse dray :Vo, 500 I -125 W I -30 00 | . SoOi) « : -j oo * AMPLE STOBAGg. Goode, Valentine. 1 oae-hor*e dray. oooda Hurry, Tone-horse dray. ood, W M. 1 one-horae dray | Gan ry 1 one horse dray— .ribbons, W A. part licenio. Hudson. H B. retail gro< •Ififil Thomas, hi S. physiL. ■ | Traymick, I J. retail grocery. . 3O05K 30 0) r.i ou 6000 30 , 50 00 4000 Will fill orders for Corn from poiata in UlinolA partiea making purchase aooepting through Bill of lading from shipping poinU. apr25 6m Hogo and Stephen*, retail grocery,. Hirnn#, W L. retail grocery Trary, D X), 1 two herse wngnn —. T . Trt&^n . ad Green, wholesale house furnishing Trumien ---d'rieen.'ctailhousefurnuhinggoods SO00 a>.<-'on.T K. retail groct”.... 5u (0 Turpin and O.uen, rea eitate agents ■-....„ 3Ck)DO ONLY MANUFACTORY In this country where iff. W A. wholesale grocery- jn. VT a. ret ril grocery — M ilirth aud Bro retail dry rod'- ry W L and Co, retail saddlery~ Henry .ind Claik. contr». - Hertr Virgin and C s agents. 5 >00 . ail clothing. I Holme#, Mfilham, f'esa meat MoiSS: | Holme#* C B, 1 butcher’s wagon....— Turner. Harriet. Loardi Turner. Lewi#, ice cream can~. Tracy, X) 1), retail grocery...^.. Truman and reea. contracicn Turner. Mephen. waiermeionj. Tracy, B D, bar-room T aurman. Wash, 1 one-hone dray„ 3 00 5 ft* -. 25 00 LooiReeds, Harnesses — AMD — Patent Wire Meddles AG-EJV O nr 0BLE1HS MOTDAL DUI CO ESTABLISHED A. D. 1805. Specially Beineured with the FACTORS’ & TRADERS’ INSURANCE COMPANY —ANDTHE— Louisiana Mutual Insurance Company, ALL OF NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. COMBINED CASH ASSETS. - - - - S2.V73.673 63. INSURES AGAINST FIRE. Losses Adjusted With Liberality and Paid Promptly. ,, JAMES H. LOW. C-^raitt.y of Wood a I-ow, an J late President La. Eqniuble Life Inenrance Co of N. O.) ,n m-i.i.„ 1 Manager Uonthero Department. OffiaaO Ko. 10 Whitehall street, J&mee Bank Blcck. X*. O. Box 106, ATLaNI’a, GA 8. M. FARRAK & II. L. BACKUS* Beaident Agente. Office, Planters’ Banking Company. MACON BOARD OP REFERENCE. (By Permission.) 10 00 500 125 00 .*»oo .... 30 00 .... »00 Are made under cne luanagemaat. A'ac, 8UPPLUW uaed in OOTTON and WOOLEN MILLS promptly foraiahed. D. O. SHOWN, JuItH 6m Lovell, M«^ | 0. g. C. A Nutting, President City Bank. J. E. Jones, Preside-1 Central Bank. I C. Plant, Preaident First National Bank. W. J. Lawton, President Planters’ c 0 B. G. Bonn. Praeident Exefaange W.a Holt President BoatH»e.torn BaUroad Oj. B. W. Oobbedge. of Cnbbedge. Hazleboret A Oa. B. H. Pleat, of L CL Plant & Bon. Tbomaa Hardeman, of Hardeman & Sparks iug41m; R. M. Bazamore, of Adams Sc Bazemore. John O. Card, of Garh&rt k Curd. B Li. Willingham, of Lawton k Willingham. ) 8. Waxelbanm. of Waxelbanm k Bro. I J W Borae, of J. W. Burke k Co. I J. B. Bow, of Bow k Coleman. I Joeeph Dannenburg, o; * litunbanm k Datmenburg. ▲aher Ayrea. TbomaagC. Dempsey. P LANTERS are requested to call around and ^ee it. It ie not necessary that you buy more thaa o- power to run your gin & lifetime Many buy horfce powera and tave to buy a gin gear This Gin Gear has an IRON CENTRAL 8UPPO1IT to prevent settling of gin li nso, AW IRON Pn.-iT aHn TROUT KIVU vem.*l?r. MHuPP M.rla nnln l.o P06T AND IRON BAND WHEEL {SHAFT. Made only by J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON. NOTICE—HeviDg irade arrangements with Messrs- HCHOFIELD & BON for tho sole maonfactaw of my PATENT GIN GEAB, with OENTB VLIBON 8UPPO It »•, all others are warned not to MIKE, or 8ELZ, the same, ss I shall prosecute to the ixtont of the law all persons using or Infring'ng on w. Patent. L. 11. FAOGBT. Philadelph'a, May 514. 1873. ROGERS & BONN, WHOLESALE GROCERS! -OFFEB FOB BALE 20,000 pounds Bacon Sides and Shoulders. 1,000 barrels Choice Family Flour. 300 barrels Refined Sugars. Alt ARTICLES IN GROCERS' LINE AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. janelfitf ERNEST PESCHIE'S Macon Standard M ean 'AVING perfacted my arrangement* io ee« tho «UgMo-i -r'- 1 1 MENTB. "for the purpose of obuerring the meridian pa«s»pe of th • - — 1 »o : - tbe exact Macon mean time to within a fraotiOD of a second. id reams as *—• We« mveelal AlteaUn peM t. ut« Kepalrter klaea of eew warfelaaa | s >ru.r- I 1 n a A I _ froi cabi nmi pnn E tion ar.c< pine totl ail I that eacl; each fir at willl the l 4 ao imp] sell DI call t brill fron to U H dian T3 are ] » br atta M turii Ft the' Jewi fron filen Ti duo< and ■hot waic t»n M ne<« pnb! Dod ton. Bap: Ba; N. Y Bt '