The telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1873, August 30, 1873, Image 3

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m FOB TWENTY DATS 1.1. lor Uianaat I«'J D.yj (irfsit Inducements To all who are In search of CHEAP GOODS! An | especially to Cub Cojera. IV. it. iUlKH A SOS9. .1tv* ' iii;i Mltttgi Baal! Of not fr»nvU a ' rnerai Banking Saaloeaa. ■mmi | & PLANT, D. FJ-ANDEBd. h u «wcrr, w. u mna B B. PLANT, D. 8. LITTLE, O. O HAZLEU0R8T. L a PLANT. pTo.M«nt. W, WWQLLY. HhMb m.HHiiuovl* I'twld.uL Jt. F. LAWTON, Cartner EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON. In HuB’i new HaII<llN|, BKOElVJEfo JDEPOSITH BUM AM) HELLd EXCHANGE, f.m lit meet oo Blocks, Bond*. Cotton In Store Alio ou Slopmoau ol Cotton. 30lX*CnON8 FBOMFTLY ATTENDED TO WM* I) L C. PLANT & SON, BANKERS AND BROKERS MACON, O A. 0a; A.Hr 11 Kxchnacr, Gold, Silver, Aloe) huU Honda. deposits received. On which Interest will be Allowed, am aaaun upon. PAYABXjB OW OATili Telegraph & Messenger. Dcclilani of the Hopreaie Conrt of Georgia. SATURDAYMORNING, AUGUST SO, 1873. I dzltvyrid ^ Atlanta, Tuesday, august HCth. THE KtLtTON ( OTTOS CLEANER. | An Important Invention for Cotton riulvn mnd Iplnler,. From the Providence, H. L, Journal, j The " Rope Cotton Companr,” of this citr, I From the Atlanta Oocatitnt^m ] Alfred Proaeott r*. M. G. Bennett et »L Mo tion, from Ciar. ■W.njTOt. o. J —At the Dioember term, I8CC, of Clay Superior Conrt, the plaintiff obulned a jaiomen* aif.inat the defendant, for the sum of t* 0!9 79. principal, and $1,401 15 interest. At are the owner, of.ut. and ncvrl invention in 1Srptem t.e r term of .aid Superior Conrt, in cotton machinery, which may be ooo.idered *k® eoDrtpaaaed thefollowing order, after the m-vet import*”! ar,d T.iia-i,.- t-j the " UI|LK ltl ® n * njR-i ,,f the parties and reciting prr.wer-, letter. .rd ninnnfae!'tr*-r. of oofon ,h ® j aJ <'"ieot obtained at the December term. Ntnce the ioaentioc of the cotton gin. It is a I ! ’ It appearing to the oonrt that the oon- r.ew maehiDe, or aerie* of machine., In Tented "idera'ion npon which the above judgment was by Air. Joe Hal«ton. of Texas, and ia patented *»' a hole given for alavee, ilia order nnder the name of the “Joe Balaton Cotton I ® d tbat tb ® be let aside end forever an- Cleaner.” By the uae of this n»w mi- t0 '' , ’ d *® d m ' d * TJ ' d At the September term chinery cotton ia rained or improved in of Mm * contt - in 1372. the plaintiff made a quality several grades, making oottoo, which I ,n aside and vacate the order and wonld not c'ae* above ordinary nnder J'- d g a > et -t made at the September term, 18C3, any other known proorea ef cleaning, at I ■ e I uc K ““■Ie and annnliing the jndgment ob' least niiddilng or strict middling, giving even I t ®' Dedfct theDecemberterm. lgCC. ontbegronnd and reliable grade*, free from hull*, leave* ,h,t '&« eonrt had no jtrisdictioato renderench land, dirt and decayed or immature ootton’ I Tic » ,1 °lt judgment, and becanae aald jndgment This ia a great advantage, which the practical I "to* a np-in ite face that it wa* rendered on a Ttner will fnlly appreciate, a* he knows the pronnd » hoi! y nnknorn to law as a oan-e for impossibility of freeing the lint ootton from I Taca li°R **Id jndgment, wbieb letter motion the foreign and d-letertona anbatenoee earpeclelly I ®® nr * overruled, and the plaintiff txoepted. The leaf and finely broken hnlla, after it haa be j nd K m ' nt rendered by the court at September come broken np and Incorporated with the lint I* rm - 180, setting aaide and annnliing the as It always doe* in the proceaa of ginning nn- J ad K“®?* of I«CG, on the gronnd that it waa lees It la previously removed, and this, with the I f onDrf , on * h° te given tor eiaves, was a miro present scarcity of hand labor, ia impossible I nsnrpttion of power by the conrt without any exo»pt it la done by machiDerv. There ia no a° t “ or **y °» ** w 1° award snea a judgment for machinerv which will remove thia foreign mat- lh »* “»•'«. »® d may be declared a cn'iity coli.t ter from the lint ootton after it ia ginned: it er *“ T ' n “ dfr **»• pronaiona of tbe Code, with mnat be done before, which work thia machine-1 ont * n * dlrec * proceeding* to rev 1 as it, for the ry waa Invented to do, and does to perfection, f®** 00 * »“*«> ■ U>® ot Tiaon, adminia- The new machinery conalata of a “cleaner." : rltor - TT’ *? * L » pnooiplea of reraovra ail foreign matter. leaving tbe seed J«w »pplieible to tbe jndgment of diamiaaal in only, with tbe fibre attached, and ao distended ,^* “ S . , * re *’'° applicable to the Jadgment of a* to be bandied by the “gin," (which is also | ° ***** *** abnald control it. The of anew and improved construction.) with J ad *”*<» t ot 1*0 “■« °° foundation foritaanp- much greater facility. Rnardirg the fibre en- W “ n Y ■»» ?> “J® '* nd > for ,h « for tirely from the liability of being brokan or 7 blch 1“ ™ rendered, as la apparent on the ent by the teeth of tbe gin, which” has always r, “ ‘hereof, and <»nnot stand any more than been a aeriona defect in the old prooeea of I * honi ® °°. nld :’* ad » lt0ont »oy fonnd.tion for ginning. The msebine* all work automat- I lts ,“ D P porb *‘ "PP ,re nt from the eev- ically together; tbe cleaner delivering the *”J P r ?^*«on» ®f ‘ b ® Codeinerelationito eetUng ootton to the gin. by feeding it upon an end- M, ,‘; a 3 ad F D ® n *» P»«'e® ebonld not be lens apron to tbo “aelf feeding antomallo gin withont a remtdy. elihongh they might cot have feeder," which anppliea the cotton to the gin ®* c *P t * d *° ,be M “® thirty days alter sritb the most perfect regntarity, enabling the I, *?* w ® r ® reodend. If that had been in- gin to iooreaae ita work at least fifty per cent | , _^ d ' d J ". th ,® ? nl _ J remedy for parties to have METROPOLITAN IRON AND BRASS WORKS, Canal Street, from tth to 7th, niOIIMOND, T7-A I rolteetlona Promptly Attended to. at* Ir Cabbedge, Haxlchurst & Co., Bankers and Brokers MACON, GA. BUY and BELL EX- pr.CFIVK DEPOBITB, 1 iV OHAHOE, GOLD, HILVEB, HTUCKS, BOHDS ■ad Oueerrent Fonda. tollectioua Made on tall Aeecoaible 1’oln In. arOOce open al all boon of the day. taat-lyv CubbcGge, HazleliurstA Co.’s SAVINGS INSTITUTION. INTkKEOT paid on all bomb PUOM «1 . TO $6000. 0 Ffiax UOUIld* FROM b i. m. to 6 r. v. PLANTERS’ BANK FORf TALLET, GEORGIA. J ECKITK8 Deposits, dlsoormts Fsper, buys and V sella Ricbsoge; also. Gold and Silver. u« umdo at all aoceeeible points, r AiJ on Deposits when made for a spe- fa. J. Aanutsoa. J’res't. W. E. Bbowv, Uasnier aagtQH: Fa. J. Anderson, OoL Uogb L. Dennord, 3ol L. M. Felton Dr. W. A. Mathews. Dr. Wm. n. noUinsbead, de!7tf 0. A Nmwo, I W. F. Goodal, Fresident. | Cashiei CITY BANK, Macon, Georgia. CAPITAL 200,000 DOLLARS DinacTOH*. WE- B. JOHNSTON, WM. 8. H( JOHN i. OHESHAM, JNG- JS. It Wh" fifty per cent. Tbfa wonderfn! improvement4n preparing cot ton for the mannfactnrer is cot only of great in terest to tbe msnnfaotnrer in giving him a cleaner and more reliable uniformity of mate- got rid of judgments for any of the caoaea specified tberein, tbe provisions of tbe Oode would not have been enacted. I know of no principle of the common law, or of anj munld- WM. E. TANNER & CO. ipuea, Machinists and Founders. ENGINES OF ALL RINDS. Bend for Ofrcnlar. H. B. BROWN, faUfr AGENT. A Splendid Sabbath School Booh EM OF LIFE! Yerily IVER a River of Melody and B»ttiry—Abounding in brifebt, taking, sing able mu-la which tbe Babbatb School children and home boys and giris will not need much drilling to learn and ap preciate. As in onr "neqialled Church Book, the “Axes- / \T? can Tun* Book’ —so in this we have drawn ou many well known writer* of 8abbath tt bool Music, tbe very best in the country, to who*e united ef forts we owe twia new and popular Sabbath School Bor k, edit ed by Meters. Perkins Jc Bent- lej. T JOHNSON & SMITH WHOLESALE GROCERS Produce Dealers aid Commission Mercians, MASO NI TEMPLE, MULBERRY' STREET. FRESH ARRIVALS! 2} GAB LOADS BACON. 250 BIP.RELS COMMON MOLASSES, 21 TIERCES COMMON MOLAsSES, ICO TIERCES LARD, 20 TIERCES LUFFIELD HAMS, I CAB LOAD SEED BARLEY, , 50 BAR IELS SYRUrS, ALL GRADES. 300 BARRELS SUGAR, ALL GRADES, 1 CAR LOAD SEED RTF, 20 TIERCES MARTIN’S HAMS, 5 OARS MIXED CORN, 2 CAR LOADS FRESH WATER GROUSD MEAL, 15 OARS WHITE CORN, 5 CARS LIVERPOOL SALT, 1 CAB VIRGINIA SALT, 800 BOLLS KENTUCKY BAGGING, GO TONS ARROW TIES, 20 COILS HEMP GREEN LEAF ROPE, 20 BALES POTTER'S OSNARURGS, 10 BALES PORTER’S 8MBTING, 10 BALES MACON SHEETING, 20 CASES SARDINES, 100 BOXES CANDLES, 25 HALF BOXES CANDLES, 25 QUARTER BOXES CANDLES, 25 BARBELS VINEGAR, R IVEB 1FE. 100 BOXES BLUE RIVEB STARO H 100 POXES SOAP, ALL GRADES, 125 BOXES CANDY, rial of unbroken fibre, bnt in of equal Import- p *' or ,?' th ® mo ™ 1 1»*. or any other Jaw, anoe to the planter, aho in enabling him to se- 7 h ', ch ? oaldh "®, • c ' ho ! , ?! d th « ~ nr ‘ below cure hi* whole orop, which ho is nnable to do I de P I ) T ® * b ® P'* 0 , 11 J ot . b *® V6stsd r 'R bt to r °- from the great and increaaing scarcity of band | Au m0nnt -- obtained in labor. By the n«e of thia new and improved I ! 8 5 C - a PP* reD ‘ on * b ® d,0 ° od * ba maohinery he ean avail himaelf of good weather I J ad 8“ en ‘°I I**®, “ d 8* T ® } be ?*“? to the and proper time to secure hia orop bnrrlediy as I i!f^ e ^ d * n ,’*’ P 06 ** °’ d Primitive law, it may be picked, bnlla and all if desirable, and ! he f mp , ,e p '* n rc u °° pni2ad W Bob Boy, when he can then «f..y_d.peod upon the cleaner to separate all foreign sabsUnces from the fibre, at bis leisure, and in connection with tbe im- '*That they should taka who have tbe power, I “And they should keep who can.” proved gin he can produce a much higher grade I ^ V r\f lint .v»nn vllh ft nrAif«p tnatlral walne t Ke*i I Versed. Let tbe jaogment of tbe court below be re- STRICTLY CQMHISSIOH HOUSE K. Tvr. WATHnS db CO. SG IlroMd ML, New York, BANKERS —JLSD — COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Bay and eeU contracts for futuro delivery of cot- tee. Deposit accounts of bankers, merchants and o»bsra are esyeeiaUy rotated.JntyCdSm A. O. KAUFMAN. n^iMician, AND DEALER in BOCTCEhN SECURITIES, COARLESTOSr 9 S. O. O OCTOERN OOLLECTIONS rocolvo tho Special O and Persona! attention of this Honeo. Returns made FaITUFULLY and PROMPTLY in New fork Isdnia, wliicli always rules liLLOvV (>ar dtnng the active baaine^s season. Notes. Drafts and Acceptances payable In Booth i ftrollna. North Carolina and Qooigia can be ^enosntratsd at tins point with Profit and Baring of Labor. ^ W All business attsndod to with CJolity and dispatch. Quotations of Southorn Securities Issued weekly feMifim Valuable IMantation 3?On SAT.TI. T HE 44 BLOOM rLACR,’*coctaicing 1721 acres. Situated on Tobseofkeo Creek, oaiy five miles T and all Dtfconisry uen-o fivin Macon, with d good gin-hoi:**« Until October IsL Ti i'U’chase morev. For terms, etc , app T WMm»| nuKT. A. NISBET, Vaeon. Oa. ai.d -i'ri m V ill ifor rate U be given ou part of VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. K IQIirhnndredscrvsofland, lying S*% miles from Fort Valiev. Ga., in a northwest direc- tMS, ooe-thud cleared aLd in cclLvation. the bal- mos wt J uxuUiod land with oak, and hickory, and Pha TbU body of land is all level ard well adapted hi the production of oosxi. cotton, wheat, oats, and Hi farm promote of Middle Georgia. ‘ So situate«i ^»t tt taay be divided jsit'i two farms of 400 aerte •**h, or four farms cf J2C0 acres each, aLd giving ••eh dtvision a pcitioo cf the cleared land. This land is a par: of th« real eetar# drawn by v. Ilsciiy p. f:un the estate of the late Juass A. Everett. This land will be cflfero*! at private eale until the *•* Mocday in October, when, if uoi disposed cf, h* »oki at pub ic eale, to the highest bidder, m ^ town of Fan Valley. Apply tor iLformaiion to VTm. J. Anderson, ^ A. Everett, or to the undersigned, at Fort I will also #e’.l a well Improved bou^e and lot of of lanj attached. This is oue of the best «prored lota in the town and eligibly situated. I ••M oo very favuralle terms. WM I. OREFNE. LAW CARD. Ipsa WOODWARD a TOOLE, or Dooly cooaty, Ga., having formed a legal copart- rr*pec:fulJy offrr their services to tbe u Vl pneOM in the countiee of Wiioox, . b *r a. Viortb, Macou, Buuiter and Uoue* Special attention given also to cases in the end Federal Courts. Vunna. Oa. of lint cottoD, with a greater market value, than I can be done nnder any other known prooess. If tbe machinery was now in general use in the [ ootton growing distriote of the Booth, the in creased value it would give to tbe ootton crop, by eaving in waste of the raw material and in I the increase in walue of tbe whole amount of that HTOt to market, is efttimated at from fifty to ono hundred millions of dollars annually. The Two Immortal*. Daring tbe summer, bnlla and bears, mil lionaires and paupers, scholars and swell« fsde ont of view, and one catches sight of the in h ii iiii.l the woman, smiling, frowning, coquetting, meeting, turning away, but withal gradually approaching each other. They have been approaching each other and playing tbeir pretty pantomime since ihe days before tbe flood until now; the same two immortal lovers nnder many names. Wnat were history with ont their sweet story going on from age to sge ? Where wca’d Achilles and Hector have found their chance for a career bnt for Helen's coquetries ? Whence could have ariaen the chaos out of which was born tbe later oivihzition of the middle ages bnt for the Crusader going about, lance in rest, to vindi cate the snape of his lady’s nose or tbe eolor of her hair? Hcienoe to those hapoy children of tho old time was nothing bat tho seme old story personified. When the harvest was plentiful it was Jove who bad wooed the earth warmer smile. If tho moonlight slept softly on a hidden forest nook, behold the chaste, cold huntress Duma from the skies wAkening Endymion with a kiss. Nowadays, here are tho two lovers still clad in redingote and suit of linen duck instead of thunders and moonbeams, bat still immorta 1 , still young, still, in their own pecnliar sense, divine. Bummer is tbeir holiday. They play their wonderful enchanted drama in a thousand shapes and nnder a thousand names. Which of ns has not seen them, this week, to-day, at Long Branch, swashed overhead in salt water and j ally.flab, climbing the Kaatskills, floating in a maokerei-boat off Nantucket, jolting side by aide in a city stceet-car? Bar dust, nor mackerels, nor jelly-fish can destroy tbe dreamy glamonr about them, nor tbe signs by whiob they are known. AU mankind and womankind reoognlze them, bide as they will, and have for tfcern a kindly, indulgent smile. Whether Celadon gives Celia a diamond ring in her ball-room bouquet, or bands her a leg of tbe lamb his folks have just killed, in at tho kitchen wiedow—who does not know tbe s ; gu of tbe hot, delioious fever that began in EJen, and has spread its sweet contagion from an cient Asia to the frozen North? All makiud love lovers, it is said, only because they, too, have taken tbe part of tbo immortal pair. Which of ns has not played that world-old. nnohang- ing drama to its conclusion, Well or ill ? Not you, only, blushing little shon-giri, Jean nette with your boneat, shabby Jean not, bnt tbe gray-baired, hook-nosed gambler, with bis racing stables, and tho widow boarding-house- k©oper in her fronzy ‘‘front” and black alpaca, and, oddest of all, tbe fast New Yoik belle on the look out for a good match. Wuioh of ns has not, while that fond fever lasted, risen to bights cf unselfishness and a generosity un known before? How wonderful, as though newborn, waa tbe world to ua then ? How ev ery man waa a brother, who hfd known onr pain and tasted our joy: bow dreadful thing it WM to be Alive; how near was God behind tb At life! Now, perhaps, our thoughts run into hanking or housekeeping channels, and our “brother” is lost behind olerks or grocers, and God .behind the unpaid debt on the new chcrch. So now if Oeladon nnd Celia ooming into view in thia bright August weather engroes too much of its air and sun, let us forgive them their innoeont Pe’.fisbness in the remembranoe of tbe dajs when we too acted their divine drama and po were better men and women than we are, a ml bid them godspeed upon tbeir wav. “tbriading tbe somber bososgs^ of flM* wo.’-.! unto the nu>rmng star.”— A c to Yvr'c Tribune. Jno. T. Clarks, Jno. O. Wells, for plaintiff in error. Tnrnfpseed «& McLandon, Hood & Kiddoo, for defendant*. Ing Liuliucut in (he Worlt 'iLia roeomuifnfiM with rr.bour.drd eseuraneetn allcmaenof Cut*, l<rui*<-a. Barn*. Sprain*. ItLeuxnm- tiani. Hard S*clliu r a, J.itt chilblains. Stiffbefs of the Joint*. Frozen Fret. Jar*. Ac., Ac..among all person*, and for Hprmins. Founders, Ringbone. Poll- Lrll, Scratches. Wind-Galls. lloof-Aie, Spavins. Spring- baU,Saddla, Cedar an<lHarou»4 Gall*; also of the Eye and Ear In Horses, Mules or Cattle. II* Rnceraa Cannot b. Doubted. WBRND URDc.RU i-.a It i.v PBIGE 230 per 100. I Sample copies 30 cents each Bent post-paid. CHAU. H. DIT80N <t OO.. 71! Broad nay. Neir York. OLIVER DITbON * OO.. aagl7d2a*&*tf Boston. 100 BABREL8 WHITE CORN WHISKY, And the largest .lock of fine Whisky to be fonnd in the State. Call and examine. 150 SACKS COFFEE. 60 HALF BOXES "NELLY BLY" TOBACCO, WOODEN VMBE, SHOT, and fall enpplios of everything nanally kept in onr line. <9- WE ABE AGENTS FOB THE MIAMI POWDER CO. »ng21»f a J. GAMBLE. A. BECK. A. W. GIBSON. THE TREEDMAITS SAVINGS & TRUST CO. EXILES AND SKQDLATIONS BSLASm TO Deposits and Depositors BUSINESS HOURS. 1 The B\nk shall be opened dai’y for the trans action of borinOS, except on Bu^daya and holi day*. from i) a M. to — r. ai. aud on Monday and Saturday nights, from 6 to 8 o’clock. FUNDS RECEIVED. Deposits cf five cents or any larger *ums may be received, bat such monevs ouly as are received on deposit by National Banks ehall be taken. Tho Company will pay in liso bankable funds. De posits Of gold and eilver will bo paid in kind. DEPOSITOR’S RECORD. 3. On making the first deooait. the depositor shall enbecjiba hi- or her name, occupation, resi dence and post efii:® address, in a look containing the rules and regulations of tho Company relating to deposits and depositors, thoroty signifying his other assent thereto, but no c mission or^ failure to sign such book shall relieve the depositor re ceiving a pass bonk cents ining three rules and regulations from their binding force. VOUCHERS GIVEN. 4. AU deposits sbaU bo eatored upon tho books of tho Company, and a pass book or certificate of deposit shall be given tho depositor, upon which shill bo entered tho sum so deposited, and winch shall be his or Lor ovidence of property in tho Company. DBAFT3. Drafts shall ba mad a personally or by tho order of the depositor m writing properly authen ticated, but no person shall be paid any part cf RAILROADS. GAMBLE, BECK & CO. WILL ALSO Cnro Neuralgia, rheumatism, Or-nt. Lar-e Eaeli, Fait Rheum, Polaoeous Ritea, External Rose and aiuarle Affortinn*. Sa.rft Nipple*, Ac., and xuay ho justly termed the panacea for ail EXTERNAL "WOUNDS JK7*Remember, this Liniment did not spring up in n tiny urn yonr. producing THB Moot absurd axd i-nnatural rear* claivxd bt Nkw-Borb and Mcsmboom Lunacm I :u two have the experience of ovrr fill rtv yew ra of trial, with If the Liniment 1* not as recommended, tho Money will to Eefnnded. Po notbeIrapoe**d upon by nrlng any otherlini- pifnt cialmlng the magpe pfoyx^tic.i or rewuiu. They are a cheat aud a fraud. Lo aura mud get nothing but , Merinn jWSold bt all Dncooisza AXD Coujttst Sroxucs AT 25c., QOc. and $1.00 per Sottlo Noticx Six* or Bottije. Smx. Ac. LYON MEG. 'CO Convention of Ex-t’atlels GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. The ex-Caddts and ex-Profoesore of tho A Savage sfanli at Oladafone. From Vanity F*ir, (tx?ndon,^ August 5 1 The fact which lies At tho bottom of all this hard work, and which is sending great and lit tle Britons to hjdropathio catablifhmen's in fl jeks, is that droves of bnman donkeys persist __ in forcing th« mselvca into places ar>d portions j (i K0K(«‘ IA MILITARY INSTITUTE for which they are unfit Mr. Gladstone, for instance, won <1 make fin average schoolmaster. I Axq invited to nii’it in Convention, at Atlanta, on He has some knowledge of Greek roots, and I oould plant them in tbo memories of dooile I first day of September next. boys by the help of much scolding. He has I Mich nn acquaintance with arithmetic that be Tho Central, Macon and Brunswick, Macon and oould make ont the half-yearly accounts of his I Western, Atlantic and Western, Wsat Point and pupils in an earne«t and profitable manner, I errors excepted. He knows, too, something of Atlanta, and Goorgia Railroads wnl pass member* ot «- on «* » d ««- ^® kept a shop in Wardour street respectably. Bat I Convention, what on eanh tempted a gentleman of bis dis- position to go in for politics? He has merely L§t every ex-Cadet who loves the memories t h M aneewdad in lowerinR th. whoiaton# of politi- dBltw wnnJ ^ ud who ealvarfare to the level cf a pedagogne a do-1 ’ a hope of eoting her reenrreriei frnn th. ashro 1 a. l. uminu KETCH UM k HABTHIDGE, inkers and Commission Merchants *»«ka»l» BmlUDi StFratscaa. Mcvaoa Taylor. Olty Bank w.v ■ f. 0. Oaihoon, PrMideot Fourth National s. Y.; JvLu J. Ciaoo A Son, Banker*. S. Y.i Katoham, Ranker, N. T.j J. N. Norm Fuat .N.uonal Rack. aDUrooro ; M. MeMt- Qaru W ^ <M r>n> ! '» UouiJ Back. Ptolvlalphto •iUq “aair. w. aaaa. aoaaax a. aoxn. w - A. BJLKSOM Ac CO^ Manafaftnra** aod Jobhan of l^OOTS AND. SHOES, IM DO 140 GRAND BT., HBW YOBX. minion. It is not an improving sight to behold a prime minister knocking about the laws of his coun try and stumbling ever them by turns becanee | yen lion, he can neither eee, feel, nor comprehend them. It is not sweet to hear a man in authority scold ing like a washerwoman, and then sitting down to cry hysterically over a cup of tea and his troubles, while he sends for the Lord Chamber lain to forbid tbe playing of a pantomice which pokes fnn at his whiakers. Fancy William Pitt or Charles James Fcx, who were heaven-born ministers, doing such a thing as this ! Why, Fox once sat down with a personal friend over a bottle and compared caricatures with him, and when he found that he could show the largest number (and, mercy on ns, what hard hitters the caricaturist* wore in his day), he laughed like a boy. Nor was the bottle too much. Fox took bis politics naturally, and them for relaxation after a hard day at New. market, for he was a fst man, and had to stir his clumsy lege briskly when be wanted to see a boree-race. A great-sonled, jolly fellow he was, with wide human sympathies, an im mense knowledge of mackind, and language full of force and truth welled up like the water* of a fountain to hia prodigal lips. Who Imagine Mr. Gladstone and a bottle together, unlee* the bottle contained an infusion of oamotmle ? So ic comes to pass that we bear Mr. Gladstone is sick and weary, and that he most hide himself with a commercial friend in Seotlacd now and then without leaving bis ad dress in Downing street, that he may n cover from the effects of overwork. Lord Brougham was never overwoiked, nor Lord Grenville, nor Lord Melbourne, nor Robert Peel; but theee men were all physician* by nature. Mr. Glad stone would not be overworked as propriet r of a commercial academy, or as bead clerk in a counting-bouse at Liverpool. But he is abso lutely ignorant of the find principles of states- manmhip, and ita practice is wearing him to fid- dto strings. Thera never waa such an expression apon the fees of a natural ruler of a people as that which haa beoome fixed upon the ooonte- MDce of Mr. Gladstone. It is a look of peer* lahneso, discontent, weakness and hopeWe be wilderment. No wonder that he Kimw hys terical three times a week after tea. A cart- horse would become hysterical if he was eel to wock a sewing-machine with hia fore-feet. in which Shcnnm biriod her, oome to this Con- J0HN MILLEDGF, President of the ex-Cadet Association. July20-tilsepl FOR DEALERS. 50 CASES OANIZ rOTASH- 50 JABS LOBILLABD-S SNUFF. 100 BOXES OLIYE SOAP. SCO rOUSDS BLACK FJPFZB. CO CASES VINEGAR BITTERS- 50 CASES HOSTETLER'S RITTERS. 50 CASES DRAKE’S EITTEGS. 1.500 OUNCES OF QUININE. 100 OUNCES MORPHINE. tad a large and vail aaaorted atock cl all gooda in onr line of burinesa at tbe lowest rates. HUNT, RANKIN & LAMAR, Wholesale Drug and Chemical Warehouse, aogMtf 81 and 81 Cherry stree t. ~ CHA8. WUNSELMAN & CO., General Commission Merchants, Boom 14. (Mental Bnilding, CHICAGO. Refer to W A Hoff, Mason. maji ta (WITH LATEST 1 UPHOVE VEKT8.) FOB 20 YEARS THB STANDARD OP EXCELLENCE | THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. OVER 750,000 IN TTSE.| If you think of buying a Sowing Hacbine it wil pay you to examiue the records of tboee now in ua* and profit by *xpenencd. THE WHEELER A WlIHuN TAN US ALONE AS THE ONLY LIGHT RUNNING MkCRlNK. U Q ING THE BOPaBY Hi.OK. MAKING A LOCK 8TITOH, alike ou both «idra of tbe fabrio sewed. All shut tle machine* waste power in drawing the shuttle back after lh? a itch ia foimod bunging doable wear aud strain upon both machine and operator, hence while other machine* rapidly wear out, the WBEELER * WI. «ON LAnt'd A LIFETIME, and prove* an economical investment; Do not believe all that is promised by so-called “Cheap” machine*, you should require proor that yeaia of u«jo have tested their value. Money onco thrown away canLOt be recovered. Send for our circulars. Machines sold on easy terms, or monthly payment* taken. Old machines put in order or received in exchange. WHEELER & WILSON MF*G CO.’S OFFICE8 : Savannah, Aucusta, Macon and Colnmbua, Ga. W. B. Ci-LYitS. Gen. AgL, Savannah, Ga. W. A. HICKS, Agent, Maoon. Go. Ian 12-fodly ’ ■MfllTJ GEORGIA. I —THE — 73rd ANNUAL 8ESSI0NI Of this Institution will Commence leiwaiai. OcioLer 1. .1873,1 And continue, without intermission, until An- pu t 5th, 1874. THE STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE And Mechanic Arts, F OUNDED upon tlw United States Land Grant, I ia an integral part of tbe Univerrity, and will hold tbe rame term. Fvery advantage which tbe conntiy allow... ie afforded for procuring a liberal education, both in a g neral comce and in > pedal departments. Legiees granted both in Art. and Science and in Law. Engineering and Medicine the last through »be Georgia Medical College at Angaria, now embodied with the University. Tbe Law School remains ia session throughout the en tire year. Liberal provision is made for beneficia ries and for alndems of limited means. For cata logue.. coutaintne full ii formation, appiy to wit Henry waddell. Secretary rf the Faculty, *ng2idAwiw Athens. Georgia WHOLESALE 6B0CEBS, PB0VIS1I Al LISIOB DEEPS LOWEST MARKET PRICES GUARANTEED OX TBCIR.D STH.EIJE1T. ■WRIGHT^S IMPROVED Anti Friction Horse Power bAH LOW HOUSE,! AMEKTCUS. GA., WIIiKY JOSES A CO., Proprietors. Is firet-ela** and in ba*in6*n center. Boaxd p*®r day t2. Lodging or single meals 60 eta. rav9 5m WAGES. F OR all who are willing to work. Anv person. I old or youi g, of either sex, cin mak» from S10 to f 5 J a week, at home day or evening. Want- el by all. dnicable to either city or conntrv, and any season of the year. This i* a rare opportnuity for thoee who are out of work, and out of money, to make an independent living. No capital l»eing required. Our pamnh'et, “HOW TO MAKE A LIVING,” giving fall butraeboa*, sent on rtce ; pf of 10 cent*. Address A. BURTON «fc CO., Alur- risania. Wcetchc?ter county. N. Y. 8KWUMI MACHINE.on so day*’trial; many 1 advantages overall. Satisfaction guaranteed, or ! $*2U refunded. Sent cimplete, with full direction*. | Beckwith Hewing Macniae Co., 8*52 Broadway, N. Y. T HE NEW ELASTIC THUS*. An important In vention. It retains the Rapture at all times, and under the hardest exercise orwsevereet strain. It ia worn with comfort, end if keptyon night and day, effects a permanent euro in«a lew weeks. Fold I cheap, and sent by mail when requeued. Circulars free, when ordered by letter sent to^tho. Elastic Truss Oo., No. 6S8 Broadway, N. Y. city. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusae* i too painful; the! | slip off too frequently. m*y 22eod&eowly DIAMOND SPECTACLES. tpHEBE Spectacle* are manufactured from "Min- X nte Crystal Pebble.” melted together, and are eaUsd Diamond on account of theirbardneaa and brilliancy. It ia well known that apeotacles cot from Brasilian or Scotch pebble, are very injurious to tbe eye, became of their poianzing light. TBE OILY “CAST STEEL FISIOS POWER” U THE WORLD. W E present to tbo Planters tf the Booth the b^at tud only suitable HORSE POWER for Ginning Cotton, Grinding Corn, or 'IhreBbing Gra n, ever before offered to the public We, the prepne- I tore, having h*d a Dumper of years’ experience ia predacinic and preparing Ootton for market, insert, without the fear of contradiction, that ia point of Simplicity, Durability, Speed and Lightneee of | Draft, the WRIGHTS IMPROVED POWER! Far Exceeds any other that las Ever Been Used in the United States. We claim for it that two good mules will gin three bales of ootton in a day on a forty saw gin, and that four good mules will gin on a fifty saw gin four and a half to five bales of cotton ; that tne gin- Havinw h**n with th* | mat xour gooa muies wiu gm on a nrty saw gin lour ana a nair to five bales or cotton ; that tne gin- diamood lenses have been found 1 1,111 ^ °o n <lnnoas, not being liable to interruptions from sagging of tbe machine-home, a* thia Power ia aelf-adjoating. adapOng itself readily to the upward or downward tendency or th- flier. The ^2,«a^ arp * W *’ «ntireflitnreeaiom P rnyth; miffline, except an ordinaiy king-port and a lever, so that it can he I p ** c ® d “i Position foree^ic. in a few hoora after reaching the plantation. a brigbtnees and distinctness of vision nos before attained in spectacles. Manufactured by the Spencer Optical Manufao* hiring Company, l^ew York. For sale by responsible Agerta in ere: the Union. E. J. JOHNS! Jeweler aud Optidan. Is sols Agent for Maoon, Ga. from whom they can only be obtained. No ped- (Lers employed- The great demand for these Spectacles has in duced unscrupulous dealers to palm off an inferior and spurious article for the Diamond. Great ears should be token to see that tbe trade-mark o which is protected by American Letters Patent) is tamped on ovary pair. oetl5d£wlv* THESE POWERS ARE MANUFACTURED OF THE VERY BEST MATERIAL . . And will be warranted for twelve months. Tbe only part of a Horae Power mnat liable to wear ie tbe p j innv!S5(u^ £ I pinion which gives speed to the ••Power.” Thia we have remedied by having it (*t a g^at cost) i ViSiwlS.?' n. I mftdo of the Ter > cast Steel. Pried $ 145, or $150, delivered at purchaser’* utatiou. ASK OX2UT A THIAZj. TSl For further particulars, address sng8 lm MAI-ONE, WILLINGHAM Ac CO., MACON, GEORGIA. MATT'S ASTRAL OIL A BSOLUTELY safe. Perfectly odorless. Always I uniform Illuminating qualities eupsrior togas. Bums in any lamp without danger of exploding or taking fire. Manufactured expressly to diapiace tbe use of volatile and dangerous oils. Its safety under every possible test, and its perfect burning qual ties, are proved by ite continued use in over bCO.OOO families. Millions cf gallons have been eo!d and no accident—directly or indirectly ba* I ever occurred from burning, storing or handling it- The inmsnic yearly Iocs to life and property, re- au’tirg from the use of cheap and daegerons oils in tbe Coiled states, i* app-Ulicg. Tne inanranoe companies and fire oommita oocr* throegbont the country recommend the AS'rRAL ae tbe best safe guard when lamps are used. Send for circular. For eale at retail by the trade generally, and at 1 wholesale by the proprietors, CHAS. PRATT A I OO., 108 Fulton street, New York. aug24 d e o d&wtf LAWTON & BATES, ’CTrTTOT.-FlHAT.T7 -DEALERS IX- x. x. wuiinji. ion. wans. WARFIELD & WAYNE, | COTTON BROKERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I savannah, ga. P ABTICULAB attection gives to pnrefaaM aod 1 aal. of “Fntona” in th. Bavaanah and Ntw I lo k market*, oa Uw BW* MtomMa term*. buI5 Sa Cora, Oats, lay, Bacon. Lard, Hoar, Snar, Gale, Molasses B AGOEVG, ties, etc?., FOURTH !STR MACON, GA. any deposit or interest due without producing tho pa** book or certificate issued to him or her, and having the amount eo paid thereon. Provided, That thi* rule shall not prohibit Caekiersunder tho direction cf the Actaary, from makirg special arrangemonts for deposits which may be withdrawn by check in accordance with tho usual rules of banks, subject however to the restrictions of Rules 6 and 7 of this code. 1<E PAYMENTS. 6. The Company will ae a ra’e pay all deposits on demand, yet »t roaerves the right to require rixty days’ notice of intention to with;lraw depoeita. The intent of th a rule being solely to protect ihe Bank and its depocitora in times of pubiio cxdio- ment and danger. INTEREST. 7- Snrh interest no* to exceed eeven per cent per annum &a the profits of the O- rnoany will allow will be declared to depssiters ia the months of Janaary at d Ju’y of each year, and will be payable twenty’daja after the first business day cf these months. Interest due aud not withdrawn will be added to tha depositor’s account, and will, itself, draw interest as a deposit Interest will begin on the first day of etch month upon deposits of ono dollar or more, made cn that day or during the preceding month, but each interest will not bo duo until tho interest dars fixed above. No interest will bo paid on any enm less than ooe dollar, nor npon any eum withdrawn before tho first day of Jonniry- or Jnly for the period that may liavo elapsed since the last interest, day except that de posits in the sum of not leas than fifty dollars may bo received, which ehall draw interest from tho date of deposit to date of withdrawal at the rate of fonr per rent, per annum; on o mdition that the sun s po d?porited aboil remain on deposit not less than thirty days DECEASED DEPOSITORS. 8. In ca*e of the doath of any depositor, the amount standing to the credit of the deceased will be paid to hi* or her legal representative. BOOKS LOST OR STOLEN. 9. In case of lost or stolen bock*, the Company will be responsible for payments made thereon only whpu daly notified in writing of such los* or theit. While the Comoany will, by all posbible means, endeavor to prevent losses arising from such books, payment* made thereon before notice received as above required shall bo valid paym mts to discharge the Company. In case of books re ported lost or destroyed the Oompany will require such indemnity as the local committee mxy deem just and proper. MAhlHED WOMEN AND MINORS. 10. Deposits made by married women aDd by minors are entirely free from the control of the husband or guardian, and will be so held. TRUSTB. 11. All deposits will be held ao trusts strictly confidential and private. AMENDMENTS. 12. Tho Trustees reaorve the right to alter amend these rales and regnlatioDS, aud such alter ations or amendments shall bo binding upon tbo depositors, after having been published twice a week for thieo successive weeks in » no or more of the public newspapers of those towns and citios where the agencies of the Oompany are located. Approved Jane 12,1873. an*14d2aw3w CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. HO OHANdE OF CABS BETWEEN AO- OCSTA AND OCLCMBC8. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE,» UxoaoiA Cextral IUilboad, '» Savannah. July 5,1873. ) O N and aftor Sunday, the 6th met., PareeLge; Trains on the Georgia Central Railroad, ita tranche* and connection*, wil) ran as follows : day trains going * jUIH ajid went. Leave Sayouiian 1:00 p X Leave Augusta 2:15 p M Arrive at MiUodgeville 11:04 r ■ Arrive at Eatonton 12:52 a X Arrive at Macon 10:45 P X Arrive at Savannah 9.15 p. x Leave Maoon for Atlanta 11:10 r x Leave Macon forEufaula 11. i5 p x Leave M*con for Colambu* 1U:55 p x Arrive at Atlanta 6:50 a x Arrive at Enfauia >...12:10 p m Arcive at Co nimbus 4 00 a w Making close counrction with trains leaving At lanta and Colnmbua. RIGHT TKAXH8 6011*3 NORTH. Leave Clayton....- 7:2^ a m Leave Columbus.....*.*.*’***\\\\\\I*.*.*/.*.". 2.3u r « Leave Atlanta **********21111111 1:50 r k Arrive &t Macou from C lay ton .* f * * .*.* * /:25 pm Arrive at Macon from Ooiumbua.*.*,*. ... 7. SO p k Arrive at Macon from Atlanta....V.\f.*.Y. 7:2o r x Leave Macon fqjpx Leave Savannah .'....Ti'. 8^40 p Arrive at Milledgeville .*.*.**.*.**11:04 p x Arrive at Eatonton TIT ***12 52 A x Arrive at Augusta ,**T 4-00 a x Arrive at Savannah ..** oJ a m Making porfoot oonnoction with train* luaviug Augusta. Passengers going over tho Milledgeville and Eatonton Branch will take night tram from Colum bus, Atlanta and Maoon, day train* from Anguata and Savannah, which counoet daily at Gordon (Sunday* excepted) with the Millodgoviilo and Ea tonton train*. An elegant uloeping car on all night trains. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS can be had at the Central Railroad Tickot Office at Pulaski House, corner of Buil and Bryan utreetc Office open from 8 a x to 1 p m,and from 8 to 6pm. Tick* OU can also bo had at Depot Ofiioo. TOLU1 ROGERS, july 8 tf Geuerai S-’rwintPr inn*. O r Uti ItOBT. A. NISBET, .A-ttorney at Law Corner MULBERRY ST- nnd COTTON AYE. (Over Payno'a Drug Store,j JnnoW3m MACON, GA. im. psxeE’s SPECIAL FLAVORINGS. VAXILLA, LE3IC.V, ETC., For Flavoring Ico Cream, Calcs and Taslry. "With -groat care, by a new process, we extract from the true, select Fruita and Aromatics, each charaf-ristic fla- rar, and producr Flavorings of rare excellence. Of great strength and perfect purity. No poisonous oils. Every flavor as represented. Nodeeeit—each bottle full measure, holding one-half more than others purpoiiing to hold same qurrdity. Use them once, trill use no other. The most delicate, delicious flavors ever made. So superior to the cheap extracts. Ask for D^. Price’s Special Flavorings. Manu factured only by STEELE & PBIGS, Depots, CHICAGO aod ST. LOUIS. Manufacturers of Dr. Price’s Cream Faking Powder. $300,000! MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. Legalised by Ntate Authority and Draw in public in St. Looifc. Grand Slagle Somber Scheme. 50,000 NPnitKIM. CLASS n, TO BE DRA.WJ AUGUST 30. 1873. 5J&U PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO 1300,000. 4 prixea ofil 4 prise* of 90 prise* of. 20 prise* of. Id prizes ot y prises of... y prises of... 9 prize* ot . 9 prizes of - ! 36 prizos of..._~~. ! 36 prizes of....—— ] 1 PM prizes of. j |5,0U0 prize* of.....— M ■ Ticket* 810. Half tickets S5. Quarters 12.50. Our lotterie# are onartored By the titate, a. . always drawn at the time named, aud all drawing! 'under the supervision of sworn eommifji oners.™ The oScia! drawing will be publisned in t St. Louis paperr. and a copy of drawing sent to pur chasers of tickets. in49* We will iraw a similar scheme the last day ol every muntk durini the yew 1873. 4Sr* Remit at our risk by Postoflce Money Orders Re?i«ere<l Letter r-r >-y;.‘•?nu for & cir cular. Address, MURRAY. MILLER k CO- PoJtofflr* Box iWL *t. f.rtui* M' STAR CANDLES! PB0CT0B & G IMBLE’S “LIGHT OF DAI" 1A1 STAR CANDLES. Are of euporior quality and tho Standard Brand. Sold by Macon, Atlanta, Augusta and Sa vannah Grocers. annld&w3m DO. WOOD BRIDGE’S PAIN LINIMENT. R 1 EMOVES in from five to twenty minutes the most violent pain-* of NEURALGIA and CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, curing very eevero forms of these diseases in from one to five days; alto tho STIFFNESS OF THE JOINTS which sometimes accompanies the la*t. It also cures 8PRAINS OF THE JOINTS in twelve hours; GUM-BOILS. NERVOUS HEADACHES, including those which follow Intermittent x overs and Tooth Aches, in from one to five minute*; ol-o Colic, ling-werm, aud ilanb>giti»- Ihe tb was cared in Bruns k, relit vie g in the lant a few trinate*. tho pain in the head and nock, and the rigidity of the muscle* of the neck. See circular*, containing certificatosOk its virtue* from those who have used it, at the Dnxg Store* of B. B. HALL, Macon, and B. F. ULMER, Savan nah. who have it for sale. Address orders to 4 ’ DR. D. O. WOODBHIDGE, mohfi awJrwtf Rrunswick, C4. SUMMER SCHEDULE. DAILY PASSINGS!! THAIN TO AND V^lOU Hscoa, Brnaswici, Samitaii Gd Figrida. Oma Macon aitd Bnunswt.'hi PAnN0AD,> Maoon. Go.. July 22, IWl3. j ( N and after Wednesday, July 23U, pa*sons«r train* on this Road will be run a* fob oh b : day PAssKsann, dvu.y, Sundays xxckpti.d fob ’1 UK ILF.alNT. Leave Macon £:S0a.x Arrive at Jeseup 6.45 i. u Arrive at Brunswick.... ,...K 3j **. x Amvo at Savannah IO.oO P. X Arrive at Tallahassoo 10:12 a X Arrive at Jacksonville 10 12 a k. Leave Jacksonville 2;4u P X Leave Tallahassto 14.40 P X Leave gavannah 6.20 a. m Leave Brunswick 6:45 a. m Leave Jessup 9uua ai Arrive at Muoon 8 00 v. as Passengers from S-VMuah will tal e 4 30 r. ac. train for, and 6.2U a. m. tt&in for Macon. HAWKINSVILLS AOOCMNODATION TRAIN, DAILY, (oUN- LAIS kXUKPYOK/ Leavo Macon .......J 8 5*) v. x Arrive at H&wkinsvilio 7 bo p. m Leavo HawkinsviUo 6:80 a. m Anivoat M&oon 0 65 a, x W. J. iABYJB, JnlySDtf Master TransportaucN CHANGE OF SCHSDULk! SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, 1 CkNTU L BAILkOAD, ATLANTA DlVIS.ON, > Atlouta, La.. July 6, 1873.^ O N and after Erhd v, Jnly Cth, pAsuengo Tram* on thi* i oad will ran a* follow* : DiY l AeBlNGcJl TRAIN. Leavo Macon 11.00 A x Arrive at Atlanta. 6 30 i\ M Leave Atlanta 1 50 p. u Arnvo at Macon 7.20 p. x Maur PAsazscga ihiii Loavo Macon... ...1110 r. m Arnvo at Atlanta 5*60 a. m Leave Atlanta 1.10 a. m Arrive at Macon 7 00 a. m Making doeo connection at Macou with Central Railroad for Savannah and Augusta, and wnli Southwestern Railroad for Columuu* and point* in South woo torn Georgia. At Atiauta, with IN cet era and Atlantio Rahway for point* WmL julytitf . G. 1. FckEaCRE, S’ip'i . CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, T tiOUTHWESTZUN RaJL&OAD COMPART, L Macou, Ga., July 4, 1873. > O N and after Sunday, the 6th inot., Trains on thia Road wdi run on fellow*: DAY XU7AULA PABKENQEB THUN. Leave Macon 8;00 a. k Arrive at Eu/aola 4:40 p. x Amvo at Clayton 6:20 P. X Arrive at Albany 2.i5 p. tc Anivo at Arlington G.00 p. m Arrive at Fori Uainoa 4:40 r. ja Loavo Clayton. 7:20 a. x Loavo Enranla 8:60 a. x Leave Fort Gainco 8.30 a. x Leavo Albany. .....10:33 a. m Arriveat Macon • . .. 6:jop. k Ocnnocta with tho Albany Train at 8m:thville, and the Fort Game* Train at Cntlibcri dany except Sunday. Albany Train connects daily with Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Train* at Albany, and will run to Arlington on Blakely Lit<-i,Mon Monday, vYednoj- -av and Frnlay, reluming following da}*. COLUMBUS DAY PASoANGJCB TBAIN. Lean Macon I0:'* r l*. Axrivo atOolambufl.. a Co a. Loavo Columbus 2.3o ». x Arrive at M*ocn 7:10 P. X XU7A7LA KIC2TT WBMfBBt LL a*)CDXUDDaX2MI XIAZS. Loavo Macon..... ...... 11:15 p. x Arrive atEaf&nla *....12:10 p. x Arrive at Albany 7:67 a. u Loavo Enfauia 10 p. m Leave Albany v ..^. 8 3iP. K Arriveat Macon 10 31a. x Trams will leave Macou and Enfanla oa tbip schedule Sunday, Tuesday ahd Thursday night*,, and connect at Smithville with Albany irarn*. . VIRGIL I'OJVLRH, JrlyC Iy Engineer and SuperiLti-ut. Clsaiasrc ol ON UAUON JlND AUQCSTA NAIDDUAD. Fortj-0«o Mlle3 Kaye<i ia DisUtaoe. OFFICE KACON AliD AUGUSTA RAILROAD,* Macon, Kay 18, 1872. j* O N and after Sunday, May 10, 1872, and until farther notice, *he trains on this read will run as follows • DAY TB AIN—DAILY (SUNDAYS IldUTU). Loavo Macon......... , f 6:30 A. m. Arri7o at Augusta............ 1:15 p. x. Leavo Augusta... I:i0 p- m. Arrive at Macon -. 8.15 p. m. PasscngerB leaving Maccn at 0.80 a. m. make clone connections at Carnak with day paMtengsr trams on Georgia Railroad for Atlanta and ail oints West; also, for Augusta, with trains going orth, and with trains for Charleston; al*o. for Athens, Washington, and all elation* on the Uc&r gia Railroad. OT Tickets sold and baggage checked to all point* North, both by rail and by *toani*lap« Run Ch&rloston. aag7tf B. K. JOHNBOR, Bop * CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ■RESTERN AND ATLANTIO RAILROAD OO.) OFries Gej.ksal Pab:kaokb Agent. > Atlanta, Ga., July iu, 2k73. >. On and after this date— Lionr?i3G zxniESfl, For New York, jSasUm an a Virginia Cities. Leaves Macon, by Macon A Western Rail road —- AnivoB at Atlanta j 3U p.m Leaves Atlanta. ... .6 eo r.M Arrive* Dalton. lu:30 p.x Arrives Chattanooga. ,... 1T0 a-x Pullman P&lace Drawing-Room and hleeting- Cats by this train from Atlanta to Lynchburg and 1 intermediate points wtthcut ohangk. Passenger* leaving by thi* tram arnvo in Ntw York tho second arternoon, at 4:44 p. k., over thirteen hours earlier than passenger* by any other route can with safety reach Ntw kork, leav ing tho B&mo evening. DAY WESTSUN EXIBESS. Loaves Maoon at 11:10 r x oaves Atlanta at a bi Arrives at Chattanooga 4:8j P.x Clobscoxmectim at Chattanooga for all point* Wei-t. Pullman Palace Cars on all night tram*. For farther particulars address B W. WRENN, july 1 1 tf General Passenger Agent. PORT KGYAIRAILKOAIJ. OrKCE or ESOINEZB AND SUPEEIffTZNDEfT, 1 AUoLSta, Ga., Jane 28, 1873. J O N anl after Monday, Juno 3J, trains on this Read will ran oa follow*: DOWN DAY PASSENGER TRAIN Will leave Augusta at JJ 4 * Arrive at Port Royal at a i- Z' M * Arrive at Charleston at...--- rvrj p * M * Arrive at tiavancah at. 3Wr ‘ M * UP DAY PASSENGER TRAIN Will leave Port Royal at * A - J* Leave thorlertou A M - Leave Savinnah at J' J A ’ Amvo at Augusta at a 38 p. i . DOWN NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN Will leave Augusta ac 2 10 p. V. Amvo at Port Rcyai at 11.36 p. m. Arrive at Clmleston at 5.'/0 a. x. Arrive at gavatm&h at.. 72.30 p. M. UP NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN !]leave Port Royal at ...10.SO p.x. Leave Charleston at...... 6.00P. XL Leave Havornah aL 9.50 r. m. Arrive at Augusta at 8.00 a. ». Assenger* leavi: g Macon by the 6.30 a. m» c on Macon and Augusta Railroad, amve »t Angus:* in time »o make close connection with *h« down night passe ’ger tram on ibis road for Port Royal and K&vannah. JAMES O. MOCRE, Jolyltf Engineer nnd ynperiotemlent ^ EDWARD SFRXNZ. X T CTiRYPUBLIO»n<! EX-OFFICIO JUHTICR ll OF THE PHtrK I ean l). fonnd tar tie present at ail hoora ot the day at mj office, adjoin- ng the law office of A. Proudflt, over the store of Jaunea A Johnson* Third *t F *®t. Maoon, Ga., to and to all Magisterial buaineaa. asg