Newspaper Page Text
effort, the cause of God and His Holy
Church, confided unto us by toe i jot a
Christ, to uphold the rights ot this Apos
tolic See, and of justice and truth, and to
unmask the insidious devices of its ene
mies, to condemn errors and false doc
trines, to proscribe impious sects, and to
wiitch over and provide for the salvation
of all the Lord’s flock. And, following
the practice of our illustrious predecessors,
we have deemed it opportune to assem
ble a General Council, which we have
already long desired, of all our venerable
brethren, the Bishops of the whole Catho
lic world, who are now called to take part
in our solicitude. These, our venerable
brethren, prompted by the warmest love
for the Catholic Church, and remarkable
for eminent piety and for reverence to
wards us and this Apostolic See, anxious,
also, for the salvation of souls, and excel
lent in wisdom, in doctrine, and erudition,
and greatly lamenting with us the grievous
condition of sacred and profane things,
they will hold nothing more precious than
to communicate to us their judgment, and
confer with us in order to provide salutary
remedies for so many calamities.
All these things have to be most care
fully examined and regulated in this
Ecumenical Council, more particularly
with regard to all that, in these evil times,
concerns the greater glory of God, the
integrity of the faith, the respect for
Divine worship, and the eternal salvation
of men, the discipline of the Orders ot the
Clergy, and their solid and salutary
training, the observance of ecclesiastical
laws, the amelioration of manners, the
education of Christian youth, and the
peace and concord of all. And, further,
the Council must seek, by anxious study,
that, by the help of God, all ills may be
removed from civil society, that erring
wanderers may be led back into the right
way of truth, and that vice and error may
be eliminated, our august religion, and
her salutary doctrine, may everywhere
be quickened by fresh life, and may still
further extend their influence, and thus
piety, honesty, probity, justice, charity,
and all the Christian virtues, may gather
strength and flourish, to the great benefit
of human society. None can ever deny
that the strength of the Catholic Church
and her doctrine does not alone regard
the eternal salvation of men, but is essen
tial also to the temporal welfare ot peoples
and to their real prosperity, order, and
tranquility, and even to the progress and
solidity of human science, as the annals
of sacred and profane history clearly
prove, by a series of splendid facts, and
still constantly demonstrate.
And since Christ the Lord so greatly
consoles and comforts us with these
words: “For where two or three are
gathered together in my name, there I
am in the midst of them,” (St. Mat
thew, chap. 18, verse 20), we cannot
doubt that, in the abundance of His
Divine mercy, He would vouchsafe to be
present at this Council, in which we shall
be able to establish those things that in
any way regard the welfare of His Holy
Therefore, after a most fervent prayer,
offered up day and night, in the humility
of our heart, to God, the Father of Light,
we have judged it to be expedient that
this Council should be assembled.
For this cause, strong in the authority
of God, the Father Almighty, the Son,
and the Holy Ghost, and of the
holy Apostles, Peter and Paul, which
authority we represent on earth,
we, with the counsel and consent of our
venerable brethren, the Cardinals of the
Holy Roman Church, by these present
letters announce, convoke, and ordain the
Sacred Ecumenical and General Council,
to be hoi den in this, our City of Rome,
1869, in the Vatican Basilica, com
mencing upon the Bth day of December,
sacred to the Immaculate Conception of
the Virgin Mary, and to be prosecuted
and conducted to its termination, by the
help of God, to His glory, and to the sal
vation of all Christian peoples.
We, therefore, desire and command
that our venerable brethren, the Patri
archs, Archbishops, Bishops, as also our
beloved sons, the Abbots, and all others
who, by right or privilege, are entitled
to sit in General Councils and to manifest
their opinions to the same, should, from
all parts, repair to this Ecumenical Coun
cil convoked by us; and to this effect, we
invite, exhort and admonish them, both
in virtue of the oath they have taken to
us and this Holy See, and of holy obedi
ence, and under the penalties by the law
or custom decreed against those who fail
to appear at the Council. We rigorously
ordain and prescribe that they shall be
bound to attend this sacred Council un
less withheld by some just impediment,
which, however, must in all cases be proved
to the Synod by the intermediary of le
gitimate proxies.
We cherish the hope that God, in whose
hand are the hearts of men, showing him
self favorable to our desire, may grant
that, by His ineffable mercy and grace, all
the supreme Princes and Governors, more
especially Catholics of all Nations, grow
ing daily more conscious of the immense
benefits which human society derives
from the Catholic Church, and knowing
that the Church is the most stable foun
dation of Empires and Kingdoms, not
only will not impede our venerable
brethren, the Bishops, and others, from
attending this Council, but will rather
aid and favor this object, and co-operate
zealously as becomes Catholic Princes,
in all that may result to the greater
glory of God and the benefit ot this
To the end that these our letters and
the things therein contained may come
to the knowledge of all whom it may
concern, and that no person may be able
to plead ignorance of the same, and as
possibly they might not securely reach
all those to whom they may be person
ally addressed, we desire and command
that the present letters be read public
ly and audibly by the messengers of our
Curia or some Public Notary, in the
Lateran, Vatican, and Liberian Basilicas.
x\fter having been read, they shall be
affixed to the doors of the said
churches, the gates of the Apostolic
Chancery, in the usual place iu the Cam
po di Flori, and in other places, where
they will remain for sometime for the
information of all. When the originals
shall be removed, they will be replaced
by copies in the same places. In view
of such lecture, publication, and exhibi
tion, we ordain that two months from
the date of publication and posting of our
letters, all and each of those whom they
may concern, will be bound there
by equally as if they had been read
and communicated to them personally.
Wc further order and decree that copies
of these letters, written or signed by a
public Notary, and bearing the seal of
some ecclesiastical dignitary, be accepted
as perfectly authentic.
No man will be at liberty to oppose or
rashly contravene this our indiction, an
nouncement, convocation, statute, decree,
command, precept, and invitation; and
if any shall presume to attempt this, let
him know that he will incur the wrath of
Almighty God and of His blessed Apostles
Peter and Paul.
Given at Rome, at St. Peter’s, in the
year of our Lord 1868, on the 28th of
June, in the twenty-third year of our
L. T . BLOMK & CO.,
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Washington College.— Wc invite es
pecial attention to the advertisement of
Washington College, Lexington, Va.
This is a purely Southern institution, un
der the Presidency of that eminently good
man and true Southern soldier, General
Robert E. Lee. It surely requires no
other inducement—no other argument to
secure for it the most liberal patronage
of the Southern people. They have
learned to know the (qualities of the head
and heart of General Lee, and will not
fear to trust their sons to his educational
care. The College is situated in a healthy
locality, and among an intelligent com*
munity. It is easily accessible. Its
Faculty are all experienced men ; and
the terms of tuition are moderate. See
the card in another column.
The Sovereignty of the States.— The
Republicans would deprive the States of
every vestige of sovereignty. The Demo
crats declare that there are certain Con
stitutional rights reserved to the States
which Congress cannot take away from
them. One of these rights is the right to
regulate suffrage. Elect Grant and Col
fax, and you surrender every State right;
elect Seymour and Blair, and you retain
the right to regulate your State domestic
affairs. Can any patriotic citizen hesi
tate for a moment which of the two to
choose ?
Remember this Fact !— This fact
should be remembered, that the Republi
can party has declared, through its lead
ers, a disregard and even contempt for the
Constitution—and, not only that, but it
has ignored that sacred charter of our
rights ; while the Democratic party has
always, through its leaders, acted within
the limitations of the Constitution, and
ever declared that that instrument must
and shall be respected. This is the great
issue involved in this[contest. On which
side will you array yourself ?
St. Patrick’s School Examination. —
The Annual Examination of St. Patrick’s
Catholic School, toek place on July 28th,
at 2 o’clock, P. M., at the School Room
on Telfair street. Besides the Principal,
Mr. P. Quinn, and his assistant, Mr.
E. F. Samuels, there were present on
the platform, Revs. Father Duggan,
Father Ryan, Father O’Hara, Father Ba
zin, and Messrs. A. C. DeCottes, Jas.
Gargan, Jas. Costello, and Thos. Dwyer.
There was, also, a number of visitors,, re
latives of the pupils and friends of the
School, present.
The exercises were of a very interest
ing character, and elicited the applause
of all present, reflecting great credit upon
teachers and pupils alike. During the
exercises, Master Graham, a lad of seven
years of age, performed several airs on
the Melodeon, which excited the wonder
and admiration of the audience. At the
conclusion of the examination, Father
Ryan delivered a neat and appropriate
little address to the children. As did,
also, Father Bazin, who had come from
Macon expressly for this occasion. Messrs.
J. D. Kavanagh and P. Quinn also re
sponded to calls made upon them, iu a few
but acceptable remarks.
Altogether, the occasion was very
gratifying to the friends of the School;
and presented additional inducements for
the Catholics of Augusta to sustain this
Wc append here a list of those who
received Premiums and other tokens
of approval:
Premium solo, for exemplary good con
duct John Bessman.
Premium, solo, for evempiary good con
duct Peter Hays.
Premium, for exemplary good conduct..
John Marr.
Premium, for •xemplary good conduct..
William Byrne.
Premium, ex equo, for Catechism, Ist
division K. E. Boulineau.
Premium, ex equo, for Catechism, Ist
Division Win. McCarty.
Premium, ex equo, for Catechism, Ist
Division John Fagan.
Premium, ex equo, for Catechism, Ist
Division John Funk.
Premium, ex equo, for Catechism, Ist Di
vision John Quinn.
Premium, ex equo, for Catechism, Ist
Division Michael McAndrew.
Premiums, ex equo, for Catechism, Ist
Division August Dorr.
Premium, ex equo, for Catechism, Ist
Division Edward Ilammond.
Premium, solo, for Catechism, 2d Divi
vision Patrick Rice.
Premium, ex equo, for Arithmetic, Ist
Division Wm. McCarty.
Premium, ex equo, for Arithmetic, Ist
Division Edward Ilammond.
Premium, ex equo, for Arithmetic, Ist
Division John Funk.
Premium, ex equo, for Arithmetic, Ist
Division N. E. Boulineau.
Premium, ex equo, for Arithmetic, 2d
Division John Quinn.
Premium, ex equo, for Arithmetic, 2d
Division Michael McAndrew.
Premium, ex equo, for Arithmetic, 2d
Division August Dorr.
Premium, ex equo, for Arithmetic, 2d
Division John Fagan.
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Geography, Ist
Division Patrick Rice.
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Geography, Ist
Division Thomas Heffernan.
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Geography, Ist
Division Edward Croak.
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Geography, 2d
Division Michael Rice.
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Geography, 2d
Division Edward Costello.
Premium, iex equo, for Ist Geography, 2d
Division William Alford.
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Geography, 3d
Division William Quinn.
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Geography, 3d
Division Thomas Donolioe.
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Geography, 3d
Division Miles Dunn.
Premium, ex equo, for 2d Geography, Ist
Division. ... . .Edward Hammond.
Premium, ex equo, for 2d Geography, Ist
Division John Funk.
Premium, ex equo, for 2d Geography, Ist
Division Wm. McCarty.
Premium, ex equo, for .2d Geography, Ist
Division Michael McAndrew.
Premium, ex equo, for 2d Geography, 2d
Division N. E. Boulineau.
Premium, ex equo, for 2d Geography, 2d
Division John Quinn.
Premium, ex equo, for 2d Geography, 2d
Division August Dorr.
Premium, ex equo, for 2d Geography, 2d
Division John Fagan.
Premium, ex equo, for 2d Geography, 2d
Division Peter Hays.
Premium, Ist solo, for Writing. John Funk.
Premium, 2d solo, for Writing
Michael McAuliffe.
Premium, 3d solo, for Writing...,
George McCarty.
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Grammar, Ist
Division Patrick Rice.
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Grammar, Ist
Division Michael Rice.
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Grammar, i st
Division Thomas Reynolds!
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Grammar,
Division Edward Costello.
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Grammar, 2d
Division Edward Croak.
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Grammar, 2d
Division William Alford.
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Grammar, 2d
Division Michael McAuliffe.
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Grammar, 3d
Division John Ahern.
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Grammar, 3d
Division Thomas Heffernan.
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Grammar, 3d
Division Miles Dunn.
Premium, ex equo, for 2d Grammar, with
History, Ist Division. John Funk.
Premium, exequo, for 2d Grammar with
History John Quinn.
Premium, ex equo, for 2d Grammar, Ist
Division William McCarty.
Premium, ex equo, for 2d Grammar, Ist
Division Michael McAndrew.
Premium, ex equo, for 2d Grammar, 2d
Division N. E. Boulineau.
Premium, ex equo, for 2d Grammar, 2d
Division August Dorr.
Premium, ex equo, for 2d Grammar, 2d
Division John Fagan.
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Carp. Spelling,
Ist Division J. F. Maher
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Carp. Spelling,
Ist Division John Sheahan.
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Carp. Spelling.
2d Division Thomas Donahoe.
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Carp. Spelling,
2d Division W. E. Maher.
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Carp. Spelling,
2d Division John Heffernan.
Premium, ex equo, for Ist Carp. Spelling,
2d Division....lsadore Hansberger.
Premium, ex-equo, for 2d Carp. Spelling,
Ist Division Patrick Rice
Premium, ex-equo, for 2d Carp. Spelling,
Ist Division T. Heffernan
Premium, ex-equo, for 2d Carp. Spelling,
Ist Division T. Reynolds
Premium, ex-equo, for 2d Carp. Spelling.
2d Division N. E. Boulineau
Premium, ex-equo, for 2d Carp. Spelling,
2d Division J. Ahern
Premium, ex-equo, for 2d Carp. Spelling,
2d Division M. Rice
Premium, ex-equo, for 2d Carp. Spelling.
2d Division E. Croak
Premium, ex-equo, for 2d Carp. Spelling,
2d Division Miles Duim
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Carp Spelling,
Ist Division E. Hammond
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Carp. Spelling,
Ist Division W. McCarty
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Carp. Spelling,
Ist Division John Funk
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Carp. Spelling,
Ist Division John Quinn
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Car]). Spelling,
2d Division M. McAndrew
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Carp. Spelling,
2d Division John Fagan
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Carp. Spelling,
2d Division Wm. Sutherland
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Carp. Spelling,
2d Division August Dorr
Premium, ex-equo, for Elementary Spell
ing, Ist Division,—John Mahony
Premium, ex-equo, for Elementary Spell
ing, Ist Division Wm. O'Dowd
Premium, ex-equo, for Elementary Spell
ing, Ist Division John Kelly
Premium, ex-equo, for Elementary Spell
ing, Ist Division Victor Dorr
Premium, ex-equo, for Elementary Spell
ing, 2d Division T. Vaughn
Premium, ex-equo, for Elementary Spell
ing, 2d Division J. Heitzman
Premium, ex-equo, for 2d Spelling and
Reading, Ist Division J. Vaughn
Premium, ex-equo, for 2d Spelling and
Reading, Ist Div E. Hansberger
Premium, ex-equo, for 2d Spelling and
Reading, 2d Di vision.... T. Donlon
Premium, ex-equo, for 2d Spelling and
Reading, 2d Div Jno. McDonald
Premium, ex-equo, for 2d Spelling and
Reading, 2d Division. Grattan Allen
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Spelling, Ist
Division Daniel Sheahan
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Spelling, Ist
Division Edward McCarty
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Spelling, Ist
Division John Gleason
Premium, ex-equo, lor 3d Spelling, Ist
Division Joseph Breshin
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Spelling, Ist
Division Wm. Gleas<>n
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Spelling, 2d
Division Isadore Hansberger
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Spelling, 2d
Division T. Walsh
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Spelling; 2d
> Division B. Peuffier
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Spelling, 2d
Division Frank Gray
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Spelling, 2d
Division Frank Don-
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Spelling, 3d
Division Charles Purcell
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Spelling, 3d
Division Alonzo Stone
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Spelling, 3d
Division Daniel Quinn
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Spelling, 3d
Division Tim Heffernan
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Spelling, 3d
Division John Heffernan
Premium, ex equo, for 3d Spelling, 4th
Division Ben Alford
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Spelling, 4th
Division P. Ward
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Spelling, 4th
Division Wm. Cashen
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Spelling, 4th
Division M. Vaughn
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Spelling, sth
Division Wm. Rose
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Spelling. sth
Division R. Flynn
Premium, ex-equo, for 3d Spelling, sth
Division P. Ahern