The banner of the South. (Augusta, Ga.) 1868-1870, October 24, 1868, Page 8, Image 8

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8 fontlfss geparttwttt ENIGMA No. 71. GEOGRAPHICAL. I am composed of 16 letters : My 2, 11, 8. 4,3, 10, 12, 5,2, is an Island in the Pacific Ocean. My 1,2, 13, 3, 10, 8, is a town in India. . My 4,2, 3,6, is a river m Europe. My 9, 10, 12, 4, 11, 12, is a town in an island in the Mediterranean. My 8,2, 15, 9,10, 11, 12, is a town in South America. My 4, 11, 2,1, is a town in Ireland. My 12,14, 8,8, 10, is a town in Eu rope. My whole is one of the most cele brated Catholic Clergymen in America. Fannie. Answer next week. Columbus, Ga., 1808.' ENIGMA—No. 72. I am composed of 22 letters : My 1,17, 15, 8, 22, is what .he was. My 3, 21, 22, 6,9, is the name of a female. My 8, 10, 1,8, 18, 5,8, is the name of a city. My 16, 12, 8, is a Chinese plant. My 1,2, 21,15, is a flower. My 10, 14, 17, 4,5, is the name ot a fish: My 13, 20, 7,12, is a number. My 11, 17,19, is au implement used by farmers. My 3,8, 14, 21, is a degree of nobility. My 2,7, 13, is a temporary lodging. My whole was the name of one of dear old Georgia’s adopted sons, and in whose defence he willingly laid dowm his life. Lela. Answer next week. Sharon, Ga ., 1868. ENIGMA —No. 73. I am composed of 17 letters. My 10, 11, 1,14, 8, 17, is the name given to a club to which Addison and Steele belonged. My 2,5, 4,7, 16, 15, 12, is a town m Virginia and surname of a Southern General. My 3, is a vowel. My 4,8, 9, 13, is one of the Heathen Deities. My 7,5, 9, 11, 6, is a city iu Europe. My whole was known as the “Roman” of Fort Warren in the winter of 1861 and 1862. Rebel ' Answer next week. Baltimore, 1868. VERBAL CURIOSITY. Dear Banner : I send you, below, a icurosity, which, perhaps, you have not, .seen. Take the names of Lincoln and Hamlin thus : 4 5 6 | 4 5j,G 7 LIN| C O L N roii * 3 H A M I L IN Cut off the three first letters and the names repeat themselves. Yours, truly, H Answers by Correspondents. -N. E. 8., Augusta, Ga., to Nos. 66, 07,aud 68; U. A. P., Augusta, Ga., to Nos. 65, 66, 67, and 68 ; U. A. P. also sends us the following very pretty answer to oui Poetical Charade in No. 30 : Answer to Charade. Away from mortal keu, Deep in the forest glen, Far from the haunts of men — Dwells Silence. The slightest noise that’s heard, The lowest note of a bird, The softest whisper or word. Dispels Silence, The Ladies —how dare I tell V Tradition proves so well— They seldom, if ever, excel In Silence. And when we break Lifes’ bond, And leave the loved and fond, We pass from earth—but all beyond Is Silence. U. A. P. Augusta, Ga., Oct. 13th, ISGB. u. A. P. is one of our most valued con tributors to this Department, and has al ways a welcome to a place in the Banner. Jack A. Napes, Charleston, S. C., to Nos. 65, 66,67, and 68; to the last the fol lowing poetical answer: Oh ! degenerate age ! Must our great hero Be associated with the tyrant Nero! Must thou, too, share our bitter wrongs, And class thy sword with a Negro’s Tongs. Pity the benefit of some Ash and Ginger, Could not be given this devil singer, And ho be taught his War to bring on Other than the name of good old Washington. Jack A. Napes. D. C., Mobile, Ala., to Enigma No. 68. Answers to Last Week’s Enigmas, Etc.— To Poetical Charade —Mus.ic. To Enigma No. 68—Cardinal Woolsey —Carlow—Do wen —Clare —Nile—Red —W ren—London—Decay—Y ard. To Enigma No. 69—Gen. John 11. Morgan—Gong—Hammer—Jane—Or gan—Horn. To Enigma No. 70. — “A Cornelia, who might well be proud of her jewels”— Acorn—Eli—A—Who—-Might—Well Be Proud—Of—Her—Jewels. [Prepared for the Banner of the South by Uncle Buddy.] FAMILIAR SCIENCE. MECHANICAL ACTION. Condensation, or Compression. —By compression, is meant the act of bringing parts nearer together, as a sponge is compressed by being squeezed in the hand. The reduction of matter into a smaller compass by an external or me chanical force, is called compression. The reduction of matter into a smaller compass, by some internal action, (as by the escape of caloric, is called condensa tion. Heat can be evolved from common air merely by compression. If a piece of tinder be placed at the bottom of a glass tube, and the air in the tube compressed by a piston, the tinder will oatchfire. In a commou syringe, or squirt, the rod (which holds the sucker, as it is forced up and down,) is called the piston. The tinder will catch fire, because the aiv is compressed; and, its latent heat being liberated, sets fire to the tinder at the bottom of the tube. When an air-gun is discharged in the dark, the discharge is accompanied by a slight flash, because the air is very rapidly condensed, and its latent heat developed in a flash of light. If a glass lens be fixed on the copper ball, where the air of the gun is condensed, a flash of light may be distinctly discerned at the stroke of the piston. The hole made by a shot, or cannon ball, in a wall of timber, looks as if it were burnt, because the shot, or cannon ball, was so heated by the discharge, as actually to scorch the material into which it penetrated. Shot and cannon-balls are heated by being discharged from a gun, or cannon, because the air is so rapidly condensed when the discharge is made, that sufficient latent heat is de veloped to make the shot or balls hot. NON-METALLIC ELEM K NTS. By uon-metaliic elements, is meant those elementary bodies which do not belong to the class of metals. Elementa ry bodies tire those which have never been decomposed ; that is, do not appear to be composed of any compound, but are pure substances in themselves. ’ At present, there are reckoned fifteen non metallic elementary substances, and forty seven which belong to the class of metals. Oxygen and Oxides. — The difference between oxygen and oxide is that oxygen is a gas, and an oxide is a compound formed by the union of oxygen with other bodies. Oxygen. —Oxygen is a gaseous body, which is found largely diffused through out all Nature, being an important ele ment of air and water, rocks, earth, and minerals, Ac. The name gas is given to any fluid, capable of existing in an aeri form state, under ordinary atmospheric pressure and temperature. Oxygen was discovered, in 1776, by Scheele, in Sweden, and Dr. Priestly, in England, independent of each other. They de scribed it under different names. The name oxygen was given to it by La voisier, and is derived from two Greek words — oxus, an acid, and gennao, I produce. This name was given to it, because it was then thought to be the sole acidifying principle. Modern discoveries have rectified this error, by proving the existence of acids, in the composition of which there is no oxygen. Oxygen is never found in a liquid or solid state ; when pure, it. is known ouly in the gaseous state ; all efforts to reduce it to a liquid or solid condition, by cold or pressure have completely failed. When pure, it is colorless, tasteless, and inodor ous. Its use in the atmosphere is that it sustains animal life and supports com bustion, Oxygen gas forms one-fifth of the bulk of our atmosphere. \Ye feel braced and light-hearted on a fine Spring or frosty morning. Ist. Be cause there is more oxygen in the air on a fine Spring or frosty morning than there is on a wet day; and, 2d. Because a brisk and frosty air has a tendency to brace the nervous system. Oxygen is necessary to the growth of plants ; for, in the process of germina tion, oxygen is consumed. Ihe larger the quantity of oxygen that surrounds a germinating seed, the quicker will be its growth. By saying that the oxygen of th o a i r “supports combustion,” wc mean that the oxygen of the air makes fuel burn. It does this, by decomposing the heat into hydrogen and carbon; and, these elements, combining with the • lAHliffi ©I ftIS 1010ft®. oxygen of the air, produoe combustion, and sustain animal and vegetable life. By saying that oxygen “sustains life, is meant that, if a person oould. not inhale oxygen, he would die. The good that the inspiration of oxygen does, is this : Ist. It gives vitality to the blood ; and, 2d, it is the cause of animal heat. When ever oxygen combines very rapidly with other elementary bodies, light and heat are evolved. Oxides. —Oxides are the compounds formed by the union of oxygen and other bodies, thus bearing the general name of oxides. Rust is the oxidation of iron in moist air. Iron rusts, because water is decom posed when it comes in contact with the surface of iron ; and the oxygen of the water, combining with iron, produces an oxide, which is generally called rust. Water is composed of oxygen. and hydrogen, in the following proportions : 8 pounds of oxygen and 1 pound of hydro gen =9 pounds of water. Air rusts iron, because the oxygen of the air combines with the surface of the metal, and produces oxide of iron, which is generally called “rust.” An oxide of iron, copper, etc., is oxygen in combination with iron, copper, etc. Iron undergoes no change in dry air. Hot iron will scale and peal off, when struck with a hammer, because the oxygen of the air very readily unites with the surface of the hot iron, and forms a metallic oxide, (or rust,) which scales off when struck with a hammer. Stoves and fire-irons becomes rusty in rooms which are not occupied, because the air is damp ; and moist air oxidizes iron and steel. To oxidize is “to rust.” It is more difficult to keep stoves and fire-irons bright in Autumn and Winter, because, in those seasons, the air contains more moisture : and, because the capacity of the air for holding water is constantly on the decrease, after the Sumrnbr is over ; in consequence of which, vapor is deposited on everything with which the air comes in contact. Greasing iron prevents its becoming rusty, because grease prevents- the humidity of the air from coming in con tact with the surface of the iron. Paint ing iron will also prevent it from rusting, because paint prevents the moist air from coming in contact with the iron. A Quaker’s Letter to His Watch maker. — I herewith send thee my pocket clock, which standeth in need of thy friendly correction. The last time he was at thy friendly school, he was in no way reformed, nor in the least benefitted thereby; for I perceive by the index of his mind that he is a liar, and the truth is not in him; that his pulse is sometimes slow, which betokeneth not an even tem per; at other times, it waxeth sluggish, notwithstanding, 1 frequently urged him; when he should bo on his duty, as thou knoweth his usual hand denoteth, I find him slumbering, or, as the vanity of human reason phrases it, I catch him nap ping. Examine him, therefore, and prove him, I beseech thee, thoroughly, that thou mayest, being well acquainted with his inward frame and disposition, draw him from the error of his way, and show him the path wherein he should go. It grieves me to think, aud when I pon der therein, I am verily of the opinion that his body is foul, and the whole mass is corrupted. Oleanse him, therefore, with thy charming physic, from all pollu tion, that ho may vibrato, and circulate according to the truth. I will place him for a few days under thy care, and pay his board as thou requirest. I entreat thee, friend John, to demean thyself on this occasion with judgment, according to the gift which is in thee, and prove t.hy’sclf a workman; and when thou iay est thy correcting hand upon him, let it be without passion, lest thou shouldst drive him to destruction. Do thou regulate his motion, for a time to come, by the motion of light that ruleth the day; and when thou findeth him converted % from the error of his ways, and more conform able to the above mentioned rules, then do thou send him home with a just bill of charges drawn out in the spirit of moderation, and it shall be sent to thee in the root of all evil. Very Singular Advertisement.— The following singular advertisement ap peared in one of the London papers: A lady of retiring habits, whose husband is dead, wishes to dispose of a small, but muscular female child, six mouths old; a Captain of a Ship, or au elderly gentle man going abroad, would be handsomely negotiated with. The child is fair, and lof an engaging disposition, and has been well christened in a Protestant Church. Satisfactory reasons will be given by the mother, having no further use for it. By letter only. L -—• A little boy two years and a half old, was one day asked: “ Whose child arc you?” ‘ “ I'm God’s child,” said he. Home Duties. —Only let a woman be sure she is precious to her husband not useful, not convenient simply, but lovely and beloved ; let her bo recipient of his polite and hearty attentions; let her feel that her care and love are noticed, are appreciated, and returned; let her opinion be asked, her approval sought, and her judgment respected, in matters of which she is cognizant; in short, let her only be loved, honored, and cherished in fulfill ment of the marriage vow—and she will be to her husband, children, and society, a well-spring of pleasure. She will bear pain, and toil, and anxiety ; for her hus band’s love is to her a tower and a for tress. Shielded and sheltered therein, adversity will have lost its sting. She may suffer, but sympathy will dull the edge of sorrow. A house w r ith love in it —and by love, I mean love expressed in words, and looks, and deeds (for I have not one spark of faith in love that never crops out —is to a house without love as a person to a machine ; one is life, and the other is mechanism. The unloved woman may have bread just as light, a house just as tidy, as the other; but the latter has a spring of beauty about her, a joy ousness, au aggressive, penetrating, per vading brightness, to which the former is a stranger. The deep happiness in her heart shines out in her face. She gleams over it. It is fair, and graceful, and warm, and welcoming with her presence ; she is full of devices, and plots, and sweet surprises, for her husband and family. She has never done with the romance and poetry of life. She herself is a lyric poem, setting herself to all pure and gracious melodies. Humble household ways and duties have for her el golden significance The prize makes her calling high, and the end sanctifies the means. “ Love is Heaven, and Heaven is love.”— The Mother's Journal. Queer Fish. —The Tribune's Alaska correspondent gives an account of a fish, that is put to queer uses : “ I must not omit the existence, and peculiarities of another fish—one not mentioned in the “books”—which is found in great numbers in the coast rivers, from the Nass to the Stickeen. It appears annually about the first week in May, and Mr. Ausley, the pilot of the John L. Stephens, says that on some days he has known it difficult to row a boat across the mouth of the Nass River, on account of the dense mass of these fish in the water. Sometimes an adverse tide or heavy wind lodges tons of them upon tin? shore. The Indians know of their arrival the flight of the birds north ward. They seldom continue over fifteen days, and during this time, the natives from Fort Simpson, and all the adjacent regions hasten to “the. feast of fat tilings.” This fish is si?c to eight inches long, in form resembles the smelt, has a shining, and almost transparent appearance, and of all the finny tribes is the most fat. Its fat has not the oily, rancid taste of other fish, but has the sweet taste of fresh lard. The Indians store great quantities of it, and if well cared for, it remains sweet for months. When they are dried, the Indians often turn them to a novel and practical ac count —burn them in place of candles. They give a clear, brilliant light, and are not liable to be blown out by the wind. Mr. Mansou, the Superintendent at Fort Simpson, says that the tail should be lighted instead of the head, and that each fish will last about fifteen minutes. In a dark night, the men who took natives for their guides, used to reckon a mile of travel for every five fish burned.” — “ What noise is that ? ” said Mrs Part ington to Ike, as that hopeful was looking through the window at a crowd collected one evening, in front of hismother’e hum ble dwelling “They are giving three cheers to the new married folks across the way,” was the answer. “Only three cheers! ” said the widpw, as her mind darted back to the opening of her own married life; “only three cheers! It seetns to me they make a great fuss about such a little thing. Why, sake’s alive, I had half a dozen when I was married to your father, Isaac, and he bought six more at auction, when we went to house-keeping: I don’t see how they can get along with only three; but it is always well to begin in a small way.” Ike gave a most unfilial snicker, but the widow was too deeply absorbed in the memory of other days, to heed the un gracious act of her only son. Fred. Douglas said at the Equal Rights Convention, that the only luxury he en joyed was a whole seat in a car. Even that he did not have now. The other night he was riding, muffled up in his blanket, when somebody asked him for half his seat. He stuck out his hand, and replied : “ I’m a Nigger.” “I don’t care who you are. I want a seat,” was the reply. TO and gtimot. It is said that as the twig is bent, tin tree’s inclined. Some of the youn ladies about town will grow queerly, if the Grecian style prevails very long. Women have the advantage of men each moves in her own circle. To ascer tain the point, consult the hoop skirt manufacturer. An enterprising quack has contrived to extract from sausages, a powerful tonic which he soys contains the whole strength of the original bark. He calls it “Sul phate of canine.” When you see a young man and wo man walking down the street, leaning against each other like a pair of badly matched oxen, it is a pretty good sign that they are bent on consolidation. “lam Ifraid you have settled melan choly,” said a Landlady to a cadaverous lodger. “No, madam,” he replied, ‘tuv melancholy won’t settle; like your coffee, it has too much grounds.” It is said that a man who had accus tomed himself to seize a pen whenever his wife was putting on her shawl and bonnet for a walk, found, before he sus pected such a result, that he had written a tolerable book. I once knew a little girl, not quite so old, who, if any one asked what she was would reply: “ I’m papa’s ’ittle daughter— mamma’s ’ittle daughter, too—Dod’s ’ittle dirl— aud Desus’s ’ittle lain’.” Slender party (who is not very com fortable:) “ These ’busses ought to charge by weight. Stout party (sharply:) “Ah, if they did, they would never stop to pick you up.’’ A witness in Court who had been cau tioned to give a precise answer to ever; question, and not to talk about what he might think the question meant, was in terrogated as follows: “You drive a wagon ? ” “ No, sir, I do not.” “ Why,, man, did you not tell my learn ed friend so this moment ? ” “ No, sir.” “ I put it to you, sir, on your oath, do you not drive a wagon ? ” “ No, sir.” “What is your occupation, then?” “ I drive a horse, sir! ” “ I have come for my umbrella,” sa; a lender of one of these articles, on rainy day, to his friend. “Can’t h!j that,” exclaimed the borrower. Don : you see that I am going out with it ?' “Well, yes,” replied the lender, aston ished at such outrageous impudence, “yes but—but—but, what am I to do : “Do,” replied the other, as he threw . the top, and walked off, “do as I did— borrow one.” Among the most popular songs in Lon don, and according to advertisements in the Time they arc “rapturously en cored,” “vociferously applauded,” an “re-demanded three times nightly,” a; compositions with the following title? “Colee Eelee-Oh; - ’ “Pip-Pipsy-Wips We;” “Muffin, Tea, and Crumpet. “She gives me Lumbago;” “The bells „ a ringing for Sarah;” “Couldn’t he!; Screaming;” and “The Beautiful Pin ner Bell.” During the war of 1814, between Gn • Britain, and the United States, a reside’.: of Philadelphia, who took great inten:- in its progress, was in the habit of visitin the stage office every day, in search * news. One day he was at hand when the mail from New York arrived, nn. called out to the driver : “Whereabout Gen. Wilkinson now ? ” “He is in sic qvo, v answered one of the passeng putting his head out of the windov. “How far is that from Quebec 1 " v. the next question. A FAULT. She did not smoke, she did not driuk Beer, porter, ale, or ram; But, oh! she had ouo serious fault— That lovely girl chewed gum ! Her mouth was busy all the time, And never did she come To Church, or any public place, Without her chewing gum! The force of habit’s strong in death; And. when her time shall come, Her epitaph expect to see— “ She died of ehwwiug gum.” At Dieppe, in France, the fl>lk\ notice has been issued by the p< “The bathing police are requested, v a lady is in danger of drowning, to - her by the dress, and not by the which, oftentimes remains in the g' l ' Newfoundland dogs will govern ti. selves accordingly.” THE PAID BILL. Oh, fling not that receipt away, Given by one who trusted thee. Mistakes will happen every day, However honest folks may b< , And sad it is, love, twice to po • So cast not that receipt away. Ali, yes; if e’er in future hour.-’ When we, this bill have ah *■ ’ ■■■' " They send it in again—ye P°' Vl ' : ; ; , And swear that we have pan - How sweet to know, on such a <-y. We’ve never cast receipts awaj •