The banner of the South. (Augusta, Ga.) 1868-1870, September 17, 1870, Page 8, Image 8

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8 THE LIVER. ■wiwxiiwy rnawc THE SYMTOMS OF LITER 1 sIM ()\ S’ RComplaint, are uneasiness and in the aide. Sometimes and is mistaken for Rheu matism. The stomach is affected with loss o ap tuU and sickness, bowels in general costive, aonie > alternate with flux. The head is troubled with pain, id dull, heavy sensation, considerable loss o memory, s oeompanied with painful sensation of ha> ng left undone something which ought to have been Often complaining oi LIVER Hwcakness, debility, and low Sometimes some of the aoove symptoms attend tho disease, and at other times very few of them; but the Liver is generally the organ most involved. Cure the Liver with biui mons’ Regulator and all will be well. Dr. Simmon's Liver L emulator. A REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES CAUSED BY A DERANGED STATE OF THE LIVER. mb—Mlmm*** Lvspepsia, Headache, Jaundice, BReffUlatOr Pcostivenese, Sick Headache, Chron- Diarrhcea, Affections of the Blad de^Carm^ys^mery, Affections of the Kidnej s, 1 ever. Nervousness, Chills, Diseases of the Skin, Impuutv of tlie Blood, Melancholy or Depression of Spirits, Heart Burn, Colic, or Paine in the Bowels, 1 ain in the Head, Fever and Ague, Dropsy, Boils, Pain in Back and Limbs, Asthma. Erysipolas, Female Affections, and Billious Diseases generally. Prepared only by «L H. ZF.ILI*. k CO., Druggist, Macon, Georgia. For sale by all Druggists. Price * l per package. A preparation of roots jmd herbs, warranted to be strictly vegetable, and «toi do no injury to any one. It has been used by hundreds, and known for the last twenty-five years as one of the most reliable, ei ficatious and harmless preparations ever offered to the suffering. If taken regularly aud persistently, it is sure to effect a cure. READ THIS SPECIMEN OF A HUNDRED CER TIFICATES : PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND IT. Lake Providence, La., June 24, 18G9. Messrs. Zeihn <f: Cos. .•—Gentlemen : I notice the ad vertisement of Dr. Simmons’ Liver Regulator, a medicine with which I have fortunately become iami lar. I first became acquainted with its wonderful qualities as a remedy for the ills prevalent in the Mississippi Valley, some three years ago, and believe I have the credit of introducing it into this com munity. I have felt convinced for a long Line that themedicine is a sovereign regulator of the liver, aud li it were better known would supplant blue mass and calomel to a great extent. Respectfully, CHARLES H. GOFF, Editor Carroll Record For sale by W. H. Barrett, Augusta Ga„ also by all Druggists and dealers iu medicine everywhere, api—ly Montvale Springs, 1870. This Favorite Summer Resort, situated in Blount County, East Tennessee, will be open for the recep tifn of visitors on the first of June. The marked beneficial resuits attending the use of these waters in functional derangements of the Liver, Bowels, Kidneys and Skin { and the Cure of Chronic Diseases, Attest their Medicinal Properties. The buildings rt Montvale have been repaired, re fitted, and repainted, and everything put in good order. All the accessories for enjoy ment aud recreation at the best watering places will be iound here. Tho facilities for reaching Montvale this season are incceased by the extension of the Knoxville and Charleston Railroad, and Regular trains are running to Maryville, whence passengers are conveyed in coaches to the Spring, nine miles distant. KATES OF HOARD, Per Day, $2.50; per Week, $ 0 00; per Month, SOO.OO. Address for Pamphlets containing analysis and descriptions of waters, kc,, JOSEPH L. KING, Knoxville, Tefn. jun4—lm The Young Crusader. AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY" MAGAZINE, Edited by a Catholic Clergyman. Thirty-two large pages of interesting aud improving reading in each monthly number. The only Magazine that is at once popular with the young, approved by parents, and read with equal in terest by all. Yearly Subscription, SI,OO. Three copies, one year, $2.50. To Sunday Schools, in quantities, seven cents per cc py. A fine steel engraving given for every two subscrip tions at one dollar each. Address IDWARD BYRNE, Young Crusader Office 12 West Street, Boston, Mass, junel j—3 m ST. JOSEPH’S ACADEMY, (Sumter, S. C.) Under the Care of the Sisters of OuFc Lady of Mercy. The course of instruction comprises Orthography, Reading, Writing, Grammar, Rhetoric, Composition, Ancient and Modern History aud Geography, Botany, Philosophy, Chemistry, Astronomy, and use of Globes, Algebra, etc., etc., etc. TERMS PER QUARTER IN ADVANCE. Board, Washing, aud English Tuition. - - SSO 00 Music - 12 00 Use of Instrument 2 00 Languages, each 10 00 Crayon Drawing, Painting iu Water Colors, Pastelt and Oils, each 10 Oil Embroidery ------------- It) 00 Vocal Mn°ie at Professor's charges. GENERAL RULES. Each pupil requires a good supply of comfortable clothing—dark skirts for winter—black silk or alpaca aprons ; if convenient, silver cup, spoons and fork, marked; one pair of blankets, two pairs of sheet* and pillowcases; combs and brushes. No undue influence used on the religious principles of the pupils; but to insure regul rity, all must con form to the general rules of the Institution. The correspondence of the pupils is subject to the inspection of the Superioress of the Academy; hot by no means restricted as regards parents or guardians English Tuition for day pupils per quarter—s', $8 sl2, sls. Extras as for Boarders. dec 25—ts CALVERT COLLEGE. This Institution is located at New Windsor, Carroll County, Md., forty-three miles from Baltimore by the Western Maryland Railroad. Tho buildings are com modious, and several important improvements have just ibeeu made- The neighborhood is remarkably healthy. The Course of Study is thorough in Classics, Mathe matics and the Modern Languages. Pupils who con fine themselves tb English are enabled to graduate in such a course as will fit them for any of the various pursuits of business. The discipline of the College has the advantage of a resident Catholic Clergyman. The scholastic year commences on the First Mon day of September, and ends on the last Tuesday of June, being divided into two half Sessions. Terms—For each Half Session, Payable in Advance, For Tuition, Boarding, Washing, and atten tion to Clothes, Stationary, Doctor’s Fees and Medicines $l2O 00 Tor French, German Spanish and Draw ing, each . 10 00 For Instrumental Music 20 00 For Use of Piano 5 00 For Students remaining in vacation, thirty dollars. Books furnished at regular prices. Refers to the Most Rev. Archbishop of Baltimore. A 11. Baker, A. M., President Circulars may be had by application to the Presi dent, or at Kelly, Piet and Co’s, Baltimore. auj!3 —ts DIRS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING , greatly facilitates the process of teething, by soften ing the gvtms. reducing all inflammation will ahay All Pain aud Spasmodic action, and is SIRE TO REGULATE THE ROWELS. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to your selves, and Relief and Health to Your Infants. We have put up end sold this article nearly thirty years, and can say in confidence and truth cf it what we have never been able to say of any other medi cine—Ne'*er has it failed iu a single instance to effect a cure when timely used. Never did we know an in stance of dissatisfaction by any one who used it. _ On the contrary', all are del-ghted with its operations, and speak in terms of commendation 1 t its magical effects and medical virtues, We speak iu this matter ‘•WHAT WE DO KNOW,” after, years of experience aud pledge oar reputation for the fulfillment of what we here declare. In almost every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is administered. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. Be sure to call for is, Winslow's Soothing Syrup, Having the sac-simile of “CURTIS & PERKINS” on outside wrapper. All others are base imitations. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. jun4—6m Purchasers of music will consult their own interests by subscribing to Petf.r’s Musical Monthly. It is issued on the first of each month, and gives all the latest and best music, by such author- as Hays, Kiu kel, Thomas, Bishop, Danka, Beeht, Frey, Keller, Wyman, etc. Every number contains at least Twelve PUT KISS’ Pieces of new and good Music, printed on fine white paper, and front full size music plates, every piece of which is afterward printed in sheet form, from the same plates, and sold at from 30 to 50 cents each, and all we ask for this valuable magazine is 30 cents a copv, $3 a vear, $1.50 for six months; and we guar music AL antee to every yearly subscriber at least 432 pages of choice new music, by the best authors. We do not expect Petek’s Musical Monthly to pay us as a Magazine, because we give too much music for the money. It is issued simply to intro duce our new Music to the musical world. Our sub mONTHLY scribers sing and play the music we give them. Their musical friends hear the music, like it, and buy it in sheet music form, where we make our profit. Re member ! every yearly subscriber gets, during the vear, at least 150 pices of our best music, all of which we afterward print iu sheet form, and sell for ove SGO for $3. S6O. It is published at the Mammoth Music Store of j'. L. Peters, 599 Broadway, New York, where every thing in the music line can be had. No matter how small your order, it will be promptly attended to. mch26 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUH CELEBRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. Acknowledged bv all who have used them to be the best pen made or sold in this country. No blotting! No soiled fingers! Sixty lines written with one pen of ink! Will outwear any steel pen ever made, Bank ers, merchants, teachers, and all classes, endorse them in the highest terms of praise. Put up iu neat slide boxes. Prices: two boxes, 60 cents; five boxes, si,oo Sent free of postage aud guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. LIBERAL COMMISSION TO AGENTS! "**We are prepared to give any energetic person tak ing the agency of these Pens, a commission which will pav S2OO per iqonth. Three sample Pens wiil be mailed for ten cents. Address, WESTERN PUBLISHING CO., Indianapolis, Ind. apl!6—6m The White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier County, West Virginia. Famous for the Alterative Waters and Fashionable patrons, will be open on May 15th; capable of accom modating in view of the improvements made, from 1,500 to 2,000 persons. The cars of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway now run to the Springs. The location is 2,0i 0 feet above the level of the sea, affording entire relief from Summer prostrating heats. Excellent Bands and extensive livery in attendance, and every arrangement for tho enjoyment of guests. FANCY and MASQUERADE BALi-S during the sea son. , , CHARGES:—S2S per week, and S9O per month of 30 davs. Children under ten years and Colored Ser vants half price; White Servants according to ac commodations, Address PEYTON & CO., jr.ui—lm Proprietors. ON! Established Troy Bell Foundry. TROY. N. Y.—A large assortment of Church, Academv, Fire Alarm, and other Bells, constantly on hand anil made to order. Made of genuine Bell Metal (Copper and Tin.) Hung with Rotary Mountings, the best and most durable ever used. Warranted Satisfactory. Large I.lustrated Catalogue sent free upon applica tion to JONES & CO., Troy, N. Y. ifjuaei—ly farm, school home, academy, factory. and CHURCH BELLS. Send for Circular and Prices. RUMSEY & C’o„ Seneca Falls, N. Y. junell—3m Cancer Can be Cured! A NDso can Scrofula, Tetter, and all kindred diseases. x *- We refer the reader to tlie Rev. Fathers M. and P. Crane, of St. Augustine’s; the Rev. Father McGinn, of St. Francis’; the Rev. Father Sheer an, of Villa Nova, and hundreds »f others. Call or send for Trea tise on Cancer, etc. JAMES McNICIIOL, M. D., No. 1339 Parish street, Philadelphia. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 2 P. M, declß-ly MHIII ©f SBS_S©®fflß. “Bart Blood.” “The Life is the Blood.” From it we derive our strength, beauty, and mental caps bilities. It is the centre of our being, around which revolves all that makes existence happy. When this source is corrupted the painful effects are visible in many shapes, prominent among which is SCROFULA. This is a taint or infection of the human organism, and probably no one is wholly free from it. It ex hibits itself in various shapes—as Ulcers and Sores, Decayed Bones, Diseased Scalp, Sore Eyes, Weak and Diseased Joints, St. Vitus’ Dance, Foul Discharges from the Nostrils, Eruptions, Glandular Swellings, Throat Affections, Rheumatism. Heart Affections, Nervous Disorders, Barrenness, Disorders of the Womb, Dropsy, Syphilitic Affections, Liver Com plaint, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Loss of Manhood and General Debility. It has been the custom to treat these diseases with Mercury and other mineral substances, which, though sometimes producing a cure, often prove in jurious and entails misery in after life. The long known injurious properties of these so-called alter atives and purifiers has led the philantrophical man of science to explore the areana ot Nature, the result of which has been the discovery of vegetable pro ducts which possess the power of eradicating these Taints from the Blood, UK. TUTT’S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF Sarsaparilla and Queen's Delight Is the acknowledged antidote to all Blood Diseases. By its use the afflictions above enumerated can be permanently banished, and the Source—The Centre of Life—The Blood, be maintained in all its purity and vigor. For diseases produced by the use of Mercury, and for Syphilis, with its train of evils, this compound is the only sure antidote. To the poor creature, enfeebled in mind end body, by secret practices, whose nerves arc unstrung, aiid countenance downcast The Sarsaparilla ANT) QUEEN’S DELIGHT is a blessing. Try it iairly, and your nerves will be restored to their wonted vigor, and your dejected counteeance be made radiant with the consciousness of RESTORED MANHOOD. Being free from violent minerals, it is adapted to general use. The old and the young may use it; the most delicate female at any time may' take it; the tender infant, who may have inherited disease will be cured by it. FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD USE DK TUTT’S Extract of Sarsaparilla AND QUEEN’S DELIGHT. When used in the Spring it removes all humors which infest the system; and banishes the languor and debility peculiar to that season of the year. It acts promptly on tho LIVER AND KIDNEYS, Producing a healthy action of the important organs by which all the impurities of the system are carried off, and tho result is A Clear Skin, A Good Appe tite and Roiiyant Spirits. DR. TUTT’S VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS. There are scarcely any diseases in which purgative medicines are not more or less required, and much sickness and suffering might be prevented were they more generally used. No person can feel well while a costive tr.bit of body prevails; besides it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which might have been a voided by a timely and judicious use of proper Cathartic Medicines. Pills are invaluable to all who suffer from Bilious aud Liver Complaints, Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite, Drowsiness, Giddiness, and especially in digestion, which prevails to an alarming exlent in this country at the present day. By the judicious use of TUTT’S LIVER PILLS the bowels may be kept, perpetually, in a natural condition of good health. They da not act as a merely teuvporary relief; they keep the human system in a state of sound and vi gorous health, by easily and almost imperceptibly cleansing it of all impurities. It braces and invig orates both the physical and mental organization.. Habitual constipation or costiveness is the fruitful source of innumerable ills; the first of which is im purity of the blood, and as a natural consequence the action of the heart, liver and stomach and kidneys, are disordered, It is unreasonable then expect a return to of health while the cause of these troubles exist, viz.. Constipation or Sluggishness of the Bowels. It is the habit generally adopted to resort to Salts, Castor Oil, Calomel, etc., which only affords temporary relief, leaving the bowels in a far worse condition after the effects of these medicines have passed off. Dn. Tutt’s Liver Pills moves the bowels to a healthy action, not acting as it were mechanically, but they stimulale the secretions, and in a healthful and natural manner expels all impurilies without weak ening the body. !; Attention is especially directed to the £ ct, that the Liver Pills are not i tended solely to operate upon or move the bowels, but if taken properly they are a Certain Cure for Diarrltcca, Colic, Dysentery and bilious attack leading to purging. The puplic are assured that TUTT’S LIVER PILLS are purely vegetable, CONTAINING NOT A PARTI CLE OF MERCURY. PREPARED ;BY Wf¥L H. TUTT & LAND, AUGUSTA, GA. And Sold by Druggists Everywhere. junel—ly BLAND ATENT Blaiulys’ Portable Engines ami Saw-HiIIB, the simplest, most easily managed and most durable in the world. Guaranteed to be able to saw from 5,000 to 15,000 feet a day. Over 2,000 in successful operation and giving perfect satisfaction. Brandy’s Patent Head Blocks, the simplest, most accu rate and most quickly operated Head Blocks in existence. Parill and Plan. tat ion Engines always on hand. Corn ]?lills, Wheat JIiSK. and tiJrist Mill Ilacliinery of all kinds, and Stationary Engine* of all sizes. Send for Circulars and Prices to H & F BLANDY, Zanesville, 0., or Newark, Ohio. jy 30 3m D:E2*XQCATIC AITO FAMIXiTT NEWSPAPER. The Savannah Morning News. Now is the time to Subscribe for it. Y r ou have your choice, and can take either the Daily, Tri-Weekly, or Weekly edition. THE MORNING NEWS Is, in all respects, a Democratic journal, faithful to Democratic principles and earnest in advocacy of Democratic measures. It believes that the success of its party is liecessery to the salvation of the country. Its reputation as a news journal will be maintained as heretofore. In Domestic, Foreign and Commercial Intelligence, Literature, kc., it is not surpassed by any paper in the country. Its whole character is comprehensively stated in saying that it is a great Democratic and Family Newspaper, devoted to the interests of the people of the South. To every busi ness man, its Market Intelligence alone is worth many times its subscription. Col. W. T. Thompson, with able assistants, has control of its Editorial and News columns; while its corps of Reporters are reliable in every respect. Terms—lycar, $lO 0o; 6 months, $5 0 ; 3 months, $2 50. The Tri- Wee Si I y i% T e w s Is published every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, and is made from the daily editions. Terms—l year, $6 00; 6 months, $3 00: 3 months, $1 50, The M eek Sv Ae ws Is issued every Friday; is designed for country read- ; ers, and contains a careful summary of the news of ! the week, with the principal editorials, the current j news, the latest despatches, and full market reports. ! Terms—l year $2 00; $1 CO for C months. No attention paid to orders, unless accompanied by the money. I Postmasters everywhere are authorized to act as Agents. Money can be sent by Post Office order or Express, at our risk. Address. J. 11. ESTILL, 111 Bay Street, Savannah. augl4—t ■ ■- ■- Reed Organ Companion. A New Collection of Popular. In- TRUMENTAL AND VOCAL MUSIC. MARCHES, WALTZES, POLKAS, OPERATIC GEMS, SONGS, BALLADS, kc., arranged expressly for CABINET ORGANS, and MELODEONS, Preceded by a Fresh and Easy Course of Instruction. By W. 11. CLARKE, Author of “New Method for Reed Organs.” ~j,Frice, $2 00. Sent post-paid on receipt of retail price. OLIVER DITSON k CO., Boston. CIIAS. H. DITSON & Cos., New York. july2— f Prompt. Honorable. Reliable. Agents wanted in every city, town, and village, for the largest and most successful DOLL All HOUSE in the country—only one endorsed by the leading Pa pers and Express Go’s of the United States. Our goods give universal satisfaction, our premiums to Agents cannot be excelled, and our checks are free. Having two houses—Boston and Chicago —our facilities are Unequalled, and our business exceeds in amount all other concerns in this trade combined. ft &- Send for Circulars and Free Club to S. C. THOMPSON & Cos., 13G Federal Street, Boston, or 158 State Street, Chicago. August 27—4 t Jim W. O‘C OVAOK, WHOLESALE DEALER IN PURE WIIISKEYN, BRANDIES, GINS, RUMS, WINES . ALE, PORTER, —AND— FANCY GROCERIES, No. 00 Cherry Street, MACON, GA mcli2fl—tf ACH. MONTGOMERY. O. P. EVANS MONTGOMERY & EVANS, A TTURNEYS A T LA W, NO GOG WASHINGTON STREET, Rooms 20 and 21, 2d Floor, corner Washington and Montgomery streets, SAN FRANCISCO,'CAL. jylO TTiirz KiEi777xk Wholesale Dealers in Medicines, Paint*, Dyes, Brushes Patent Medicines, Instruments, Perfumery, Seeds, etc. MACON, GA. p3—t f /CHURCH anq PARLOR/ 'UY -V *VV . OT 4> $/' M elodeonsT^S# THE OLDEST AND LARGEST. and most perfect mauuiactory in the United States. 45,000 * OWINUSE! GEO. A. PRINCE & CO S Organs and Melodeons Will be delivered hi any part of the United States reached by Express (where they have no agent], free of charge, on receipt of list price. Send for price list and circulars. Address. GEO. A. PRINCE & CO., Buffalo, N. Y. GEO. A. PRINCE & CO., Chicago, 111. junel B—ts ■ > mfl ■ ... :ii/ ri./ 1 <9 11 ww DR. SKALLENBE3CER3 Fever and Ague .V Ns" T T T3 o TI-: AS way* Stops t’.ie Chill-*, This MeJicino been V-ofor ? t. ■■ I'*'.: 1 lie fifteen ’ Cat’s, mid is still mieTn of■/ v.l -• known. remcLes. It docs nd r»u.v:>. tl>:s not sicken the stomach, is porfeetir - 7 in nny and under ail eirvuni-u.Ki • .v, an I is the only YTediciiu tha; vr’ii ,cij r c i TJi •/:e and i a 7::7 and permanenf.y every firm ; : / m.l Ague, because it is a perfect Ami-’.. >to ITilu.jsu.ri a. Sold by* n.ll Druggists. novQT ly Why is it that so many children die under the of five years ? That a large proportion oi children die under that age. has long been a subject of remark, and without a satisfactory cause ascertained, u « certain. Also, it is known that worms exist in the human system from its earliest infancy; therefore parents, especially mothers, who a~e more constantly their children, cannot be too observing of the nrst symptoms of worms ; for so surely as they exist, can they be SAFELY AND CERTAINLY removed from the most DELICATE IN FA A - oj l '-'- timely use of B. A. Fahnestock’s Vermifuge. It is perfectly harmless, contains no Mercury, bemg A PURELY VEGETABLE COMPOSITION, And may he administered with the UTMOST 3AFLT-i TO CHILDREN OF ALL AGES. f Worm Confections, made more for the purpose oi pleasing the palate than of overcoming toe diseas > have been manufactured ail over the country, their short lease cf life is nearly exhausted, ami ■ Fahnestock’s Vermifuge continues to grow m .avo. daily. CAUTION . Should occasion require you to I. A> Fahnestock’s Vermifuge, be particularly caret.. ’ the initials are B. -4. This is the article m 1 been so Favorably Known since 18 2 ? And purchasers must insist on having it, if ti, 7 Oo not wish to have an imitation forced upon unm. SCHWARTZ & HAZLETT formerly t; a r iHXESTOCK’ri SON & CO., * Sole Projirielors. PITTSBURG, PA. declS :y