The banner of the South. (Augusta, Ga.) 1868-1870, October 01, 1870, Image 1

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_ H *** C / *' t7 “* VOL. 111. Literary Curiosity. Mrs. A. A. Dealing, of San Francisco, is said to have occupied a year in hunt ing up and fitting together the following thirty-eight lines from thirty-eight Eng lish poets. The names of the authors are given below in the order in which the lines occur: Why ail this toil for triumphs of an hour ? Life’s a short summer, man a flower; By turn we catch the vital breath and die; The cradle and the tomb, alas! so nigh. To be is better far than not to be, Though all man’s life may seem a tragedy. But light cares speak when mighty griefs are dumb, The bottom is but shallow whence they come. Your fate is but the common fate of all; l nmingled joys, here to no man befall. Nature to each allots his proper sphere, Fortune makes folly her peculiar care; Custom does not often reason overrule, And thiows a cruel sunshiue on a fool. Live well how long or short permit to Heaven; They who forgive most shall be most forgiven. Sin may be clasped so close we cannot see its face— ile intercourse where virtue has no place. Then keep each passion down, however dear; Thou pendulum, betwixt a smile and tear. His sensual snares let faithless pleasuro lay, \\ ith craft and skill, to ruin and betray. Soar not too high to fall, but stoop to rise, e master grow cf all that we despise. 0, then renounce that impious self-esteem; Kickes have wings and grandeur is a dream. Think not ambition wise because ’tis brave; The paths of glory lead but to the grave. hat is ambition ’tis glorious cheat, Only destructive to the brave aad great. W hat’s all the gaudy glitter of a crown ? ihe way to bliss lies noton beds of down. How long we live, not years, but actions tell; That man lives twice who lives the first, life well. Make, then, while yet we may, your God your friend, Whom Christians worship, yet not com prehend. The trust that’s given guard and to yourself be just, For live wo how we can, yet die we must. YouDg, Johnson, Pope, Prior, Sewell, Spencer, Daniel, Raleigh, Longfellow, Southwell, Congrove, Churchill, Roches ter, Armstrong, Milton, Bailey, Trench, Somerville, Thompson, Byron, Smollett, Crabbe, Massenger, Crowley, Beattie, Cowper, Davenant, Grey, Willis, Addi son, Cryden, Quarles, Watkins, Herrick, Wiu. Mason, Hill, Dana, Shakspeare. wum Hon. Judge Slocks, cf Greene county, has raised lemons in his garden of a large size and fine quality. From the Catholic World. Early Jesuit Missions in Maryland. In the month of March, in the year 1G34, the Catholic cavaliers of England, after a long and perilous voyage, landed and took solemn possession of Maryland, where they were to establish their home and rear an empire. It was the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Vir gin ; Mass was offered, after which a pro cession was formed, led by the Governor and chief officers of the new colony, car rying on their shoulders an immense cross, which they planted on the shore, while the Litany of the Holy Cross was devoutly sung. The colonists were delighted with their choseu home in the wilderness. Although so early in the season, the woods were vocal with the songs of many birds, the air mild and balmy as June, and the earth covered with every variety of rich and brilliant wild flowers. They were grateful to God for the beautiful land which he had given them. The ships which brought these Catho lic pilgrims to Maryland were very ap propriately name * the Dove anl the Ark —tor they came bearing the olive branch rather than the sword—seeking to con ciliate the Indians by kindness, not to ex terminate them by war. Protestant his torians are obliged to acknowledge that the intercourse of the Catholics of Mary land with the natives was far more blame less than that of the Protestants of New England and Virginia. Maryland was the only State which was not stained with the blood of the Indian. These Catholic colonists purchased the land which they required; they did not obtain it by fraud and murder. The Maryland pilgrims were fortunate in having such a leader as Leonard Cal vert, a man who united in a remarkable degree the wisdom, prudence, and dis cretion of age with the enterprise, courage, and daring of youth. The friendship and confidence of the Indians, which he soon won by his kindness,' he retained by a strict fidelity to his contracts, and a faithful adherence to his promises. Wehavea remark able instance ot the early confidence and friendship of the Indians.. A few days after the landing of the colo nists, Governor Calvert gave an enter tainment to several ot the native chiefs. Governor Harvey, of Virginia, was also present. At the feast, the King of the Patuxents, as a specialjhonor, was placed between the Governor of Maryland and the Governor of Virginia. Before this chieftain returned home, he made a speech to the Indians, in which he urged them to be faithful to their engagements with the English; and, in conclusion, used this extraordinary language: “I love the English so well that, if they should go about to kill me, if I had so much breath as to speak, I would com mand the people not to revenge my death; for I know they would do no suck thing, except it were through my own fault.” Os ail that brave band of Cath< lie gentlemen and Catholic yeomen who abandoned their ancient homes in Eng land to establish in America the glorious principles of civil or religious liberty, none are more worthy of our admiration than the two Jesuit Fathers, White and Altham, who accompanied the expedition at the request of Lord Baltimore, “to at tend the Catholic planters and settlers, and convert tne Dative Indians.” The colonists came to rear for themselves and for their children homes in anew and most delightful land. They came, like the children of promise, to a land flow ing with milk and honey. Nature sur rounded their path with fruits and flow ers. The Indians received them as bernecs us a superior order, and invited them to share their homes and their lands. The present was bright, and the future pro mising. AUGUSTA, GA., OCTOBER 1, 1870. Those good Fathers came, induced by no such considerations. They neither sought nor desired an earthly reward. Burning with a divine enthusiaam, they left their .sweet and quiet cloisters, to labor, and suffer, and die, it might be, for the salvation of poor ignorant and unknown savages, liviug in another hemisphere, thousands of miles away. Chateaubriand, with a magnificent burst of admiration, thu9 speaks of the Cathc -1 c mission: “Here is another of those grand and original ideas which belong exclusively to the Christian religion. The ancient philosophers never quitted the enchant ing walks ot Acadamies and the pleasures of Athens to go, under the guidance of a sublime impulse, to civilize the savage, to instruct the ignorant, to cure the sick, to clothe the poor, to sow the seeds of peace and harmony among hostile na tions; but this is what Christians have done and are doing every day. Neither oceans nor tempests, neither the ices of the pole nor the heat of the tropics, can damp their zeal. They live with the Es quimaux in his seal-skin cabin: they sub sist on train-oil with the Greenlander; they traverse the solitude with the Tar tar or the Iroquois; they mouut the dromedary of the Arab, or accompany the wandering Kaffre in his burning deserts; the Chinese, the Japanese, the Indians, have become their converts. Not an island, not a rock in the ocean, has escaped their zeal; and a3, of old, the kingdoms of the earth were inade quate to the ambition of Alexander, so the globe itself is too contracted for their charity.” Father Andrew White was born in London, about the year 1579. The odious laws ot Elizabeth, which denied the ad vantage ot education to Catholics, were then in force in England, and young White was obliged to seek on the Conti nent the education which was denied him at home. He entered the English College at Douay, in Flankers ; and, being called to the ecclaiastical state, was or dained in 1604—5. He soon afterwards repaired to England to assume the glo rious but dangerous functions of a mis sionary Priest. In 1606, his name ap pears in a list of forty-seven Priests “who were, in different prisons, sent iotoper petual banishment.” In the following year, he entered the Society of Jesus, and after a novitiate of two years at Louvain, returned to Eng land, where he labored as a missionary tor several years. As the penalty was doath to a Driest who returned to Eng land after banishment, his life was in constant danger while he remained in that country. He was, therefore, recalled to the Continent, and sent to Spain to assist in educating English Catholic students who were qualifying for the sacred min istry m England. While in Spain, he tilled the chairs ot Scripture, Scholastic ikeology, and Hebrew, with distinguish ed success. lie afterwards taught divini ty at Louvain and Liege. In Rev. Dr. Oliver’s Biography of English, Irish, and Scotch Jesuits, Father White is de scribed as “a man of transcendent talents.” This accomplished Priest, at the first call of duty, left his books and the pro fessor’s chair, turned away from those intellectual pursuits which were so con genial which he had been so loDg and so successfully engaged, to bury kimseli in the wilderness among rude savages and illiterate peasants, to meet, perhaps, a martyr’s death. More truly grand and heroic is such a career than that of an Alexander, a Caesar, or a Napo leon, who sacrificed the lives of millions that men might call them great. < Father White wrote to the General of his order in Home an interesting narra tive of the voyage and landing of the Maryland pilgrims, with a description of the country and its native inhabitants. This rare historical document, together with the various annual letters written by the Jesuit missionaries in Maryland, is preserved in the archives of the Socie ty of Jesas. They were originally writ ten in Latin, but have recently been translated into English, and form a most valuable contribution to the early history of Catholic Maryland. Father White’s Journal furnishes a very interesting account of the Indians of Maryland. They are described as a simple, affectionate, frank, and confiding race; of a tall, erect, and handsome stature; living in rude huts, but full of native dignity; ignoraut of the vices as well as of the refinements of civilization; liberal in disposition, grateful, and pos sessed of a wonderful desire for the cul ture and arts of the Europeans. They were neither warlike nor nu merous, and, with the exception of the Pascatoes and Susqueliannocks, neither powerful nor enterprising, only occupying a very limited extent of ter ritory. Father White thus speaks of them: “When.rulers and Kings are spoken of, let no one form an august idea of men such as are the different Princes of Eu rope. For these Indian Kings, though they have the most absolute power of life and death over their people, and in cer tain prerogatives of honors and wealth excel others, nevertheless in their per sonal appearance are scarcely in anything removed from the multitude. The only peculiarity by which you can distinguish a chief from the common people is some badge, either a collar made of a rude jewel, or a belt, or a cloak ornamented with circles of shells. The kingdoms of these chiefs are generally confined to the narrow boundaries of a single village and the adjacent country.” The Jesuit missionaries began their pious labors among the Indians soon after the landing of the colonists. At first, their ministrations were confined to the natives who resided in the immediate neighborhood of the new settlement, Governor Calvert not deeming it safe for them to live among the Indians. But in four or five years the colony had become so large, and was so generally exteuded over the province, that it was considered safe for the missionaries to reside among the Indians. The Patient tribe gave bather White a plantation on the Patux ent river, where he established a mission ary station, built a store-house, and made it the starting point for their various ex peditions into the interior of the country. Those excursions were generally made by water, as the Potomac river and the Chesapeake Bay afforded the most con venient means of transportation from place to place. A father, a servant, and an interpreter embarked iu a puTuace, carrying’ with them two chess; one containing bread, butter, cheese, and other provisions; the other filled with a variety of articles—a bottle of wine for the sacrifice of the Mass; six bottles containing holy water for baptism; a casket with the sacred vessels; a small table, or altar ; another casket full ot beads, bells, combs, fish hooks, and other trifling things which the Indians prized, They were also pro vided with a little tent, which sheltered them when obliged to sleep in the open air, and that was very often. They always endeavored to reach an Indian village or an English house bv night, hailing in this, they landed; and while the father moored the boat to the shore, collected fuel, and made a fire, the the others went hunting. The evening repast over and the evening prayers said, they laid down by the fire and took their rest. tSo early as the year 1639, these de voted soldiers of the cro-s had extended their missionary work all through the country then embraced in the colony of Maryland. Fuur Priests and one lay assistant were the only lab rjrs in this immense vineyard. But their zeal was equal tO the tusk, and they had the hap piness of seeing their zealous labors crowned with success. The piety of the missionaries, their pure lives, their per fect self-devotion, filled the minds of the Indians with respect and wonder. They pointed out the way of salvation, and walked the “steep and thorny way” them selves. They practised the virtues which they taught, and fully exemplified by their own lives the truth, the beauty, and the sanctity of the Gospel which they preached. Many tribes were visited, and many converts made. Four permanent sta tions were established: one at St. Mary’s, the seat of the colony; one atMattapany, one at Kent Island, and one at Kittama quindi, the capital of the Indian King Tayac. From these several stations, they penetrated into the interior ia every di rection, preaching the truths of Chris tianity to the savages, and contributing, by their gentle influence to the peace and security of the settlement. By making the Indians Christians, they made them friends; and thus Maryland was spared the bloody wars which stained the early history of all the other American colo. nies. This year (1639), Father White took up his residence with the Pascatoes, or Patapscoes. Tayac, the King of this powerful tribe, treated the missionary with great cordiality, and insisted upon him residing in his palace. The Queen showed her attachment to the holy guest, by preparing meat and bread for him with her own hands. The Patapscoes occupied about one hundred and thirty miles of territory, lying on both sides of the Patapsco River. Their chief town, or capital, was probably on the very spot where Balti more now stands; if so, the inhabitants ot that beautiful city are daily walking over the seat of ancient Indian power and glory. Shortly after the arrival of Father \\ bite, Tayae was seized with a danger ous sickness. Forty- medicine-men tried their remedies upon him in vain. At length, at the request of the sick chief, Father \\ hite, who added a knowledge of medicine to his other accomplishments, prescribed the necessary remedies, and caused the patient to be bled. He begau to recover immediately, and in a short time was perfectly restored to health. Father White availed himself of this newly acquired influence to instruct the King and his family iu the Christian re ligion. The example and instructions of the pious missionary produced the most happy result. Tayae, at a grand council ot’ his tribe, announced his determina tion, and that of his family, to adjure their superstitions, and to worship the only true God—the God of the Christians. £oon after, he accompanied Father Vv bite to St. Mary’s, where his conduct was most edifying. He desired to be bap tized immediately; but the good father deemed it hotter to postpone the cere mony until the King returned among his own people, when his family and such others as were prepared, might be ad mitted to the sacrameutat the same time. The sth of July, 1640 was appointed for this solemn and interesting ceremony It was made the occasion of a very im posing display, in order to impress the minds of the savages with the beauty and grandeur ot the Christian religion. In the presence ot Governor Calvert, his Secretary, many of the principal inhabi tants ot the province, and a crowd <>f wondering natives, Tayae, his Queen, their cuiid, and several of the chief men ot his council, were solemnly admitted into the Catholic Church by the regener ating waters of Baptism. The King re ceived the name of Charles, in honor of Charles I. of England; his Queen, that of Mary. In the afternoon, the King and Queen were married according to the rites of the Church. Soon after, Tayae sent his daughter to St. Mary’s t > receive a liberal and Christian education. Great ro«nlts were expected to follow from iL of Tayae, but he ISTo. 29.