Southern literary gazette. (Athens, Ga.) 1848-1849, April 28, 1849, Page 402, Image 8

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402 PATCH WORK, Duke of Roquelaure was any thing but beautiful. Meeting one day a very ugly country squire who had business at the court, the duke introduced him to the king, saying that he lay under the weightiest obli gations to the gentleman. The king gracious ly accorded to the squire the desired favor, and then asked lloquelaure what was the nature’ of his obligation to the other. “Ah, Sire, without this dog, I should be the ugli est man in your Majesty’s dominions.” A fellow charged in an indictment for stealing a hoe, was discharged upon trial, it being proved that the article taken was an axe. Horn said that the matter was a regu lar*ho-aar. 1 , Some years ago a chap in the town of A—, Me.,having played the “gaygallant” a little too freely to a distiller’s daughter— quite overstepping the modesty of nature —he was called to account by the old gentleman, who demanded sharply “what excuse he had lor such conduct Nothing,” was the reply, “but exuber ance of spirits.” “Is that all, you graceless'?” rejoined the old fellow, as he brought dovvnhiscane upon the floor with terrible emphasis; “ then, let me tell you, sir, the sooner you get them rectified, the better!”— Yankee Blade. Business THE SOUTHERN LITERARY GAZETTE IS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY WILLIAM C. RICHARDS. OFFICE ON COLLEGE AVENUE—OVER THE T.O. Terms : Two Dollars per annum, to be paid strict ly in advance. If payment is not made within the ! first six months of a term of subscription, the price will be Two Dollars and Fifty Cents ; and, if de layed until the end of the year Three Dollars. Advertisements relating to Literature and the Arts, and a few Others of a select nature, will be pub lished on this page of the “Literary Gazette ” at the customary rates. Business Cards, (of five lines and under,) will be inserted one year for Five Dollars. CORRESPONDENTS Furnishing articles by contract, or solicited favors, will please mark their letters with their initials as it will be a general rule not to take unpaid letters from the po3t-ofiice unless they are so marked. Commu nications of whatever nature must be addressed to Wm. C. Richards. Anonymous communications will receive no attention. If a writer desires to pub iish without name or with a nom de plume, he must still furnish the* Editor with his proper name, who will of course observe a proper secresy. Writers will please send fair ms., written on one side of the sheet! only. TRAVELINGS AGENTS. Rev. W. Richards, | Samuel P. Richards. Charles F. White, j Robert H. Richards, J. .1. Richards. THE GREAT BOOK OF THE DAY. I\,TACAULAY’S History of England, Vols. 1 d\_L and 2, just received, in cheap form, and also bound in five different styles. One hundred copies have already been sold in Athens. The cheap edi tion will be sent by mail in reply to post-paid appli cations, covering a remittance. Two setts for One Dollar. Apply at the University Bookstore. WM. N. WHITE. April 22. 49 Just Published. .April sth. THE SCHOOLFELLOW’ FOR APRIL, 1849. CONTAINING a large number of ORIGINAL and SELECTED ARTICLES,-both Poetry and Prose, —and illustrate ! with numerous BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVINGSf Terms—s 1 per annum. Single Numbers, 12 1-2 cents. Specimen copies sent to persons at a distance when applied for, postage free. Address “The Schoolfellow,”Athens,Ga. FfYHE Subscribers have associated themselves in JL the practice of Dental Surgery, in is several departments. B. W. ROSS, W. B. RIVERS. {£> Office at Athens, under the Newton House, and at Oxford, where they may be found, except when absent on professional business. April 15. 48—2 w FELLOWS, WADSWORTH & CO., No. 17 Maiden Lane, New-York, IMPORTERS OF English and French Watches , Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware , Fancy Goods , Sfc. THEY have constantly on hand watches from the manufactories of Robert Roskelt , M. J. Tobias j fy Cos., Johnson, Bold-st , Taylor, Jno., Wm. Martin, M. Tobia, T. F. Cooper aud others, as ■ well as all the varieties of Geneva aud Swiss work. OLD A general assortment of Fancy Goods, suited ] to the sales of Jewelers, Druggists, aud others, Gold Pens, Allen & Thurber’s Revolving Pistols. May 13,1848. 1-ts GOULD, KENDALL & LINCOLN. BOOK-SELLERS & PUBLISHERS, No. 59, Washington St., Boston. ©©isiriaisßifl ib a &r a ® ©& s ie‘stt? &. NEW BOOKS —JUST RECEIVED AT THE — 8 2 2 College Avenue,....... Athens, Georgia. New Works received April 24th. Wilkes’ Western America; My Youth ; Morduunt Hall; Mardi —by the author of Ornoo and Typce; Noel’s Church and State; 1 Simms’ Atlantis; Dead Sea Expedition, [by Montague ; j | Queens of France, [by Mrs. Forbes;] Boyle’s Materia Medica; Meigs’ Obstetrics; Mohr & Redwood’s Pharmacy ; I Broderip’s Zoology; Phillips on Scrofula ; Macaulay’s England, [various styles ;] ; Memoirs of Mrs. Judson ; A [so—FANCY STATIONERY. . S. S. Library. Also—One SUNDAY-SCHOOL LIBRARY of I 100 volumes —No. 2 of the A. .>, S. Union—cash i price, $10,50. Books Received April 21. I Cooper’s Sea Lions; j Mrs. Marsh’s Mordaunt Hall; Sequel to Old Hicks, the Guide ; t Man Made of Money; Valentine Day ; Mrs. Bremer’s Midnight Sun ; Aurifodina, by Cantell A. Bigly (ran tell a bigite.) j Allen’s American Farm Book ; Cole’s American Fruit Book; American Bee Keeper’s Manual; Johnson’s Agricultural Chemistry ; Lcibig’s do do Bridgeman’s Young Gardener ; Women of the American Revolution; Orators do do do (Magoon) ; Here a Little, &e., a Sequel to Peep of Day; Christian” Experience ; Pictorial History of England ; Mary Ilowitt’s Our Cousins in Ohio, new. New 7 Cheap Publications. Bulwer’s Caxtons; Voluptuousness, (Sue) ; Old Judge, by Faiiburton; Guizot’s Democracy; Gold Seekers’ Manual; Emory’s Exploring Expedition; Gore’s Diamond and Pearl; Roland Cashel, (Lever); Richardson on Dogs ; Four Mouths with the Gold Finders; California Guide; Janes’ Forgery. Law Book£. Addison on Contracts; Angell and James on Corporations ; “ “ on Limitations ; Archbold's Criminal Pleadings; Burge on Suretyship ; Chitty’s Blockstone ; “ General Practice; “ oa Contracts; “ on Pleadings; “ on Bills; Daniel’s Chancery Practice; Davis’ Justice; Last’s Reports; Greenleaf on Evidence: “ Testimony of EvangelL ts ; Hilliard on Real Property; Holcombe’s Supreme Court Digest; ‘ “ Law of Debtor and Creditor; “ Leading Ca^es; Hotchkiss’ Laws of Georgia ; Jarrnin on Wills ; Kinne’s Law Compendium; “ Kent ; “ Blacks tone; Lawyer's Commonplace Book; Mitford’s Pleadings ; Modern Probate of Wills ; Rice’s S. C. Equity Reports ; Russel cm Crimes; Roberts on Conveyancing; Smith’s Leading Cases; “ Mercantile Law; Spence's Equity Jurisdiction, Sea. ; Sedgwick on Damages; Starkie on Slander; Stoiw's Equity Pleadings; “ Jurisprudence; “ Commentaries; “ “ abridged; “ Conflict of Laws ; “ Bills of Exchange ; “ Agency; “ Partnerships; “ Promissory Notes; “ Sales; “ Bailment''; Stephens on Pleadings; Tillinghast’s Adams; United States’Digest, with Supplement, and An nuul Continuation ; Warren’s Law Studies; Wheaton’s Law of Nations. Call, before purchasing elsewhere, at the Univer sity Bookstore, No. 2, College Avenue, under the Newton House. ‘ W. N. WHITE. | NE W SPRING GOODS. ~ rowfoi & mj©as§ ARE this day receiving part of their sto.k of Spring Goods, Comprising a great variety of hiadsoine and desira blo Goods, suitable for the preaiijt and approaching . reason. Call and seo them. Remember, the first goods are always the handsomest. March £O, 1819. 46 ‘ PR OSPECTUS OF — RICUVBDS’ HNEKtV GAZETTE : BEING anew and m itch enlarged series of the “Southern Literary iGazette,”—-the only week ly Journal, South of the P otomac, devoted to Lit erature and the Arts in general—and designed for the Family Circle. The Proprietor begs leave to announce that, on Saturday, thesth of May, he will issue the first num ber, for the second year, of this popular and well es tablished paper—the name and form of which he lms changed, to enlarge the scope of its observation, and to otherwise increase its attractions. Less exclusively devoted, than heretofore, to LITERATURE, THE ARTS, AND THE SCIENCES, it will be the aim of its Proprietor to make it, in 1 every respect, A CHOICE FAMILY NEWSPAPER ; “ as cheap as the cheapest, and as good as the best.” Utterly discarding the notion that a Southern Jour nal cannot compete with the Northern Weeklies, in cheapness and interest, RICHARDS’ WEEKLY GAZETTE shall be equal, in mechanical execution, to any of them, and, in the variety, freshness and value of its ! contents, second to none. Its field will b© the world, and it will contain, in its ample folds, EVERY SPECIES OF POPULAR INFORMATION. Especial attention will be paid to the subject of SCHOLASTIC AND DOMESTIC EDUCATION. Numerous articles, original and selected, from the best sources, Avill be published weekly, on AGRICULTURE ATVD HORTICULTURE, and these departments, as, indeed, all others, will be frequently ILLUSTRATED BY FINE WOOD-CUTS. Every number will contain careful aud copious sum maries of the latest FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC NEWS, in Commercial, Civil, Political, and Ecclesiastical Affairs. At the same time, thero shall be nothing in its columns that can be considered either Partizan or Sectarian. A CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS will contribute —some regular, and others occasion al —Letters from the Northern Cities, aud from va- : rious parts of Europe. In the first number will be commenced the publi cation of MRS. CAROLINE LEE HENTz’s PRIZE TALE, entitled “Percy, or the Banished Son;” and, at j the same time, will appear, entire, A'BEAUTIFUL SOUTHERN POEM, entitled “ Wachullah,” for which the Prize oi ; Twenty Dollars was awarded to Mrs. C. W. Du- I Bose, of Sparta—the Leila Cameron of the Gazette, i Subsequently, the second Prize Tale and Poem will appear, with many choice articles offered in compe tition for the prizes, and commended by the Com mittee of Award. The following distinguished writers will oontrfb-- 1 ute to the Journal: Wm. Gilmore Simms, LL. 1)., Hon. •Robert AT. Charlton, J. .M. Legarc, T. Addison Richards, Esq., Charles Lanman, Esq., Hon. B. F. Porter, Airs. Caroline Lee llentz, .Mrs. Joseph C. Neal, Airs. E. F. Ellett, .■Miss Afary E. Lee, Caroline Howard, Airs. C. W. Dußose, Miss C. W. Barber, besides many others, whose names are highly es- j teemed in the “ World of Letters.” TERMS: Single copies, per annum, $2 00, strictly in a Ivanee. i CLUBS: Os three supplied for $5 00 Os five for 8 00 Os ten for 15 00 Os fifteen for * - 20 00 Os twenty for 25 00 Os fifty for - Gi) 00 ss= All ordors must be accompanied with the cash, and should be addressed, post-paid, to WM. C. RICHARDS, Athens, Ga. Qcj-Individuals, or Clubs, forwarding their sub scriptions at once, shall receive the Southern Liter ary Gazette to the end of the first volume, in addi tion to a full year of “ Richards’ Weekly Gazette,” so that they can secure a weekly paper during four teen months for two dollars! N. B. —Editors who will copy, or notice full, , this Prospectus, shall receive the Gazette regularly, and also a beautiful Juvenile Magazifie, entitled “The Schoolfellow.” March 3d, 1849. llOTATOWfMiml©’ DAGUERREOTYPES. Mrs. E. 11. BLANCHARD would respectfully announce to the citizens of Athens that she has t ‘ken rooms at the Planters 5 Hotel, where she will be happy to wait upon them in the line of her profession. Mrs. B. and Son are also prepared to take DAGUERREOTYPES in a superior style, at pri ces which shad defy competition. A large assortment of CASES, GOLD and PLATED LOCKETS, TINS and BRACELETS, on hand. lusti uction in DRAWING & PAINTING. Pri vate lessons, if desired. Athens, March 10, 1819. 43—3 t jmca iAxe XAi\rT3eDaSr!~ FOP. saje, at tho University Bookstore, a good MAGIC LANTERN, with appropriato Lamp and Sliders, which will be sold cheap. • ’ WM. N, WHITE. ( April 22. 49 HOUSE AND LAND EOlt SALE. SUBSCRIBER, intending to move fron ! 4 the State, otters for sale his House and Land in the Town of Athens. The Land comprises two hu , dred and mnety-six acres, of which about a hundred 1 } wel! wooded, and the rest in good arable condition i J he property is situated in the upper portion of the down. The Dwelling is handsome and convenient the ont-houses all new, and the whole in perfect re pair. There is an excellent Spring near the Dwell” in", and also a fine well of water. For terms of sale, apply to C. F. McCay or tn Ath.-, 0* 12. ANUREW B ™ f I INSdLWfE COMIM.W. WM. M. MORTON, AGENT AT ATHENS. This Company is now firmly established, and dol ing an extensive business. K isks will be taken j not only in towns, but in the country, on Dwelling j Gin- ‘ uses,,Mllli and Factories. * ° ’ The following parties are among the Stockhold ers of the Company at this Agency : j , Asbury Hull, T. Bradford, Wm W. Clayton I j ?• Linton, A l bon Chase, I)r. H. Hull, Henry Ilui] Jr., E. L. Newton, Dr. E. R. Ware, F. Lucas S j J. Mays, Y. L G. Harris, C.B. Lyle, A. J. Brady George Pringle* M. E. McWhorter, D. Holmes’ Rev. Dr. HoyL L. J Lampkin, Rev. S. Landrum’ J. J. jluggins, W. Baynon, T. R. 1L Cobh, Dr. C.’ M. Reese. Green B. llaygood, W. 0. Richards & I Cos., arid Wm. M. Morton. Parties, desiring to effect insurant e on their pro j perty in this vicinity, will make application to tho I subscriber. WM. M. MOK TON Athens, Nov. 25th, 1848. 29 Jno. If. Buslmeli IS nowin receipt of a Superior German Camera, and w ill soon return to Athens, pref ared to ex ; ecute Daguereotypes in a style superior to any hith erto executed in Upper Georgia. He will also bo I prepared to work much below his former prices. Athens, Feb. IG, 1849. 41—3 w THE undersigned begs leave to inform the pat rons and correspondents of the late firm of V\ r . ! C. Richards, anti Cos , that he will continue the busi ; ness on his own account at the store . NO 2 ON COLLEGE AVENUE, immediately under Hie Newton House, and hopes by unremitting attention to secure a continuance of tlLlr confidence and suj port. Those indebted to the fifin', are urgently requested to kettle their accounts with him immediately. that the hooks of the concern 1 i ,ay be closed. ‘ WM. N. WHITE. Athens, Feb. 1, 1819. Books, Stationery and Music. JAMES McPHERSON & CO., beg leave to in form their friends and the public that they have greatly increased their supplies of school and miscellaneous cooks, and are daily receiving, direct from New \ork and Philadelphia, choice works in every department of Literature and the Arts, together with PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY, of every description, both American and Foreign- They have also a fine supply of centre, side and suspension solar lamps, made by Cornelius & Cos., tho best iuorld. Atlanta, Ga., February 10, 1848. thew To Teachers ami Merchants l THE undersigned beg leave to inform Teach ers and merchants in the Cherokee region of La, that they aro prepared to furnish SCHOOL-BOOKS OF EVERY KIND at the lowest market rates —at wholesale or retail. They pledge themselves to sell at the Macon or Au gusta prices, and to keep on hand a good assortment of the latest e.:‘lions. They wall also procure—at the shortest notice —any new text book at the re quest of ?! customers. . QCf'Ali* ..'V. by mail executed as promptly anu cheaply, as it mao.- in person. JAMES McI’HEKSON & CO. Atlanta, Feb. 10, 1849. Mr. O B. Bice Will be in Athfens, by or before too • tJ&Sg 'lti, £” j|i middle of June next, for the PIL r f7m rff of Tuning and Repairing Piano Fortes 1 1 and OrgW. hajrecom men da tum Km J Chickcriug. Nunns & Clark, ki > IL.ll & Pond; and oth< re North; and Judge 0 £ st out, Mr. Ivers.m, of Augusta, Mr. vv eir, o o lutnbm, and others griufh. * , _ Pianos that have w-cR made, can >e c. to their original tono, however much they m „ or.Lofoiri” ~ . -ii a„ Mr.- R. wiil work as cheap as abj that their work as well. lie resides in Cokesbary, - bevilh**District, S. C., and will visit Athon. , ott.or places in Georg a, onco a year at leas • April, J 349. — — TXJR YOUNG. MEN!—IO or 15 agents are now wanted to canvass the Southern^and 8. g p-. tern States for subscribers to the r r ipir\VS, BLADE;” Address, (post-paid;)^MAL h STEVENS & CO., Boston, or Bl ; .A-^ Good agent for Upper Coorgia, at Athens, Gu. rcfcVonco if required. - NEW music. .A now supply of Popular Music ’ M’ been receded April 14.