Griffin tri-weekly star. (Griffin, Ga.) 1865-1868, November 09, 1867, Image 4

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JAM-80-RKE.” ft ) ** i<*si*Ar,Y fVsang Jam-Ro-Ree, a boy about IS post, in ths back-room (in a single -I*l awry “haat” bad been abandoned except bis own and that of on* remain i Wktow an Sat him tod fled; Ohekaptkrrw U» tight oahliU* lathhhtiwlhfM.' 1 T* W*uttft,i «ad bright hr Ml \ Arbtra to via <*!<»•. \ With th* «w of tramp. bid sadrrhi* iut, A»d»"buwar"«t«o in hit elatbto. Hm pw want on—b* would not n Without bk father'i word; n»t (hther drank, on the door below. Hie Toien an ion|«r heard. He easni eiawt-*S»r, dedd/. »r~ Hednt I better ‘go It alone f * ' He knew wt th«t the ehlefuln Up Uneonrctone of hb ton. *Spdnk,ftatorl ” oaee erOn he erfe.l - plnplhg mp beet ron eren"— -And '—bat the men on the ether etde “Ordered turn op on the term.” Hie eoonlenenre fell when bte eer cenghtthet. Bet It wneot n time to griere; So be plaped him the nee from under hie bta; And the tight bower out of hit tirrre. And beebonted loud once more et U»t, “Up ather ! hut f *Up f- WMle e'er the table thlek end feet The antterieg -puteboarde” plep. The teßaw-dtp burned AtAillp wild, And dickered up os high. And glenmed in the face of the gallant child, Andneerlp blinded hie epe. It tiotoeed up and flickered down Andnthwt disappeared In the (octet; And the men at the table who bailed from the town, supped all tha . takes in hie pocket And then with a burst of thunder eound He kicked over the table and chain, And elaand tha door with a tingle bound, And alld down the banieter etain. A Hovel and Perhaps Start ling Enterprise. It is reported that a corps of Southern men, picked from the most gallant of the Southern ar my, fortified by their war and and anti-war reputations, have been organized for the purpose of making a true exposition of the conduct of the officers of the Southern army for each quarter of the absentee system, with expo sures of favoritism of a verv de grading nature to certain Gener als ; of the number and some of the names of the officers who held prominent bumb-proof positions, Doth in the field and at other places; of the strength of different regi ments, not much hurt by war, but wofully hurt by absenteeism from the first year to the last month of the war; of the present strength of the braggarts of certain South ern localities, in some instances numbering five hundred to a regi ment, which in the war never av eraged three hundred, and at the close not one hundred, and some times not fiftjr, when comparative ly few were either killed or wound ed, owing to absenteeism. The principal part of the volume will be devoted to an exposition of the frauds in the Quartermasters’ and Commissary Departments, throughout the army, as far as can be ascertained, with the names of defaulting and otherwise cheating officials, without special reference to already known records, the evi dence in all cases not established by Confederate courts martial be ing given in full, in the form of statements of detectives, Becret police, and other officers employed by the government, but whose re ports have never been even inti mated to the parties interested. In this enterprise several gener als have enlisted, feeling the ne cessity of showing up a great deal oi the pretensions of vanity now prevailing among young men, sup posed to have been “gallant con federates,” and who impose upon even their most intimate acquain tances, their fathers, mothers, and friends with a great many stories of their army loyalty and gallant ry, and who arc believed to be shi ning lights of Southern chivalry. The gotters-up of this book are thorough rebels, but they are go i*g into the business in a most un- | merciful manner, and all flashy of ficers, who bragged more than fought, who won popularity by di plomacy, and laurels by accident, and especially those who won for* tunes by stealing, to say nothing Os the upstarts who neitlmr re* cenred nor exposed themselves to wounds, but who still claim the honor of having been in the South ern army, “in the thickest of the war,” must lookout for a scorch* ing. This will be the first really reliable ‘‘history of the war," per haps, from aSouthern standpoint. —Northern Paper. WASHVILLE COLUMN. TOBACCO AND NTJFFS. J St Zi. Whorley, Importer! end Dealer, In Snu ff , Pipes, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC CIGARS & TOBACCO, *o. 42 Market SC.. NASIIVILLE TENNESSEE HOTELS. STACEY HOUSE, CLAY ROBERTS, Proprietor, Church Street, NASHVILLE TENNESSEE. GROCERS AND PRODUCE. Gilbert, Parke* JP Co s., ins. ini ns. And Commission Merchants, Aleo. Ae»3te for Crenrrnt and Shoal Mllle COT TON VAENB *nd SHECTESfitt, SO A 83 S. Market Street, NASHVILLE TENN ESSEE. Bail!/, Or dir ay 4* Cos., WHOLISAI.It bis. nr ns. ins petum is Bacon, Lard, & all kinds Produce, Not. 6 and 8 Broad St., NASHVILLE TENNESSEE. GROCERS AND LIQUORS. S. B. Spurlock St Go., WHOLESALE GROCERS aud COMMISSION MERCHANTS, UEALEKS IK ron & msm mas. 88 Broad St., NASHVILLE ‘.TENNESSEE. a u. oHitniiu ». r. woom Cheatham, Woods 4* Cos., ms cans Dealers in FINE BRANDIES, WINES, DOMESTIC LIQUORS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, ETC., Corner of Church and College Street?, Nashville Tennessee. Treanor 8t Cos., WtIOteBBAJJI GROCERS, Rectifier a and Diatillers of Pure ROB ERTSON County WniSKEY, AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LI QUORS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, No. TT and T 9 Market Street, NASHVILLE TENNESSEE. PRODUCE. SMITH a PARSES. COMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DBALKBS IN CORN, BACON, FLOUR, BAG GING, ROPE, Etc., NEW NOS. 14 AND 16 MARKET ST RET, NASHVILLE TENNESSEE. Ilhea, Smith 4* Cos., (OMISSION MERCBANTS, DEALER* IN 7 Grain, Flour, Bacon, Lard, &c., And Agent* for th« Ohio River Salt Company No. 32 South Market street, NASHVILLE TENNESSEE. M. A. Parrish & Go., com mobs. paoia COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Dealers in Corn, Hay Oats, &c., FRONTING ON COLLEGE and MARKET STS,, 1 • (south or broad) NASHVILLE TENNESSEE. •Tiassengale 4* Snyder , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AMP WUOUthALK lltlUW IS , CHAIN, FLOCK, HAT, and FRODUCEjEeaerflUj’, Not. lO and 12 8. Market At,, NASHVILLE TENNESSEE. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. j, w. wtiao* h. w. ■PTro«rr 1.1. wiuom J. W. Wilson St Go-, NO. tt COLLEGE ST..NASHVILLE, TENN. Manafacturwi of 7 lie 4* Sheet-iron Ware, Wrought Iron Cooking Storm. Wholes*!. and re mit daalen In Cooking and Heattn? Storm, Horn- FnmWldn* Goode, Coll Oil and Coal 0(1 l.srope, Tin Plate. Sheet Imn, Wire aud Tinners' Flndfnm, ami Tinware of EVERY DESCBH*. TION. ** A , mi 9 ?|if &OTTOI FACTORS, S T O R. A. G- E COMMISSION MERCHANTS. SITUATED AUK SI 1 BAD. SIMS 'IS T 9 SHF Free of Drayage! Our Cotton Warehouse Is of large capacity, thoroughly Fire-proof, and nur facilities for handling COTTON unequalled by any ip the South. We will Store and Sell here, or ship from this or any other point, to Boston PHiladLolpliia Savannah Now YOrlt. B altlmore Olaarleston or Liverpool, MAKING LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES, WEEN DESIRED. Under the Revenue Regulation, COTTON can lo shipped to tbie place under bill of lading, by calling upon the Assessor or Collector at point of shipment, without prepaying Revenue Tax. The central position of Atlanta offers many advantages, making it an impor tant Cotton Market. The Hank facilities, and diverging Railroads, enable us to Ship Cotton in any Direction. CSF~We sell the best IMPROVED COTTON GINS. Also, Bagging, Rope, and Sweet’s Patent Iron Tie, the best in use. Portable GRIST MILLS, for Hand, Ilorse and Steam Power. Smut Machines, Turbine Water Wheels, Hick’s Steam Engines and Boilers. We receive and sell on commissions, all kinds of PRODUCE and PROVISIONS : Ell. OATS. TOT. Ml Mi. LAID. SILT. M. Our facilities for storing and soiling lIAY, are unsurpassed. l iquors and Tobacco in large supply, of various brands and qualities. BQpCOAL supplied in any quantity and of any quality. Agcntoibr the sale of PLOWS, and other Farm ing Implements. Georgia and Alabama LIME, Georgia Slate Roofing. We will be pleased to fill orders for COTTON GOODS, or other Merchandise. Glenn, Wright St Carr. oct. 22, 1867-3 m Atlanta, Georgia. W. 11. C. MICKELBERRY, with GEO. B. BEECHER & CO., GROCERS AND Commission Merchants , HAVE IN STORE, AND CONSTANTLY RECEIVING. A CHOICE LOT OF FAMILY AND FANCY GROCERIES, FOR SALE AT PRICES ADAPTED TO THE NECESSITIES of the TIMES ! THEIR STOCK CONSISTS IN PART OF Laguira, Java and Rio COF. FEE; A, B and C Sugars ; Porto ltiooand Muscovado SUGARS; Beehive and other Sugarhouse SYRUPS; Cuba and Muscovado MOLASSES ; FLOUR, SALT, BACON. LARD; Nos. 1, 2and3 MACKEREL—in wholes, halves, quar ters and kits ; Young America, English Dairy and New York State CHEESE. A Large and Cheap Lot of Crockery ! nAB.BWAB.I3 Ames’long and D handle SHOVELS ; Ames’ SPADES ; Collins’ AXES ; OV ENS, POTS, SPIDERS, SKILLETS and extra OVEN LIDS ; NAILS, TRACE CHAINS, SMOOTHS IRONS, NEEDLES, PINS, &o , &c. A superior assort ment of TABLE and POCKET CUTLERY, fine RAZORS, PISTOLS, PERCUS SION CAPS, Pistol CARTRIDGES, &o. OOOKINOSTOVBS Expressly gotten up and well adapted for Southern use, at. extremely low prices. They are also Agents for the sale of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, “Still well’s Patent CHURNS, Hall’# Universal WASHING MACHINE and Clothes WRINGER. * Wooden Ware of Every Description ! OOTJBTTBY PBOBUOB ! They will also purchase for CASH, at the highest market rates , WHEAT, CORN RYE, BARLEY, OATS, PEAS, Dried Peaches, and all kinds of COUNo TRY PRODUCE. October 17,1867 -3m HmDREWS | HEAD, GROCERS GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SOLOMON 5T83333T, * OPPOSITE BRICK 'WARE HOUSE, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, T| AVING just returned from Baltimore and New York, where we purchased A*. with great care, a choice stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, We are prepared to offer superior inducements to the trade. We invite special attention to our large and choice selected stock of SUGAR &Z, COFFEE, SYRUPB, TEAS. SPICES. CLOVES, SODA. RAISINS, SARDINES, SOAPS, CANDLES, TOBACCO, WOKLEB, ORAOKERS, SNUFF, Wooden and. Willow-ware. &o. ( Which we will sell on accommodating terms. ANDREWS It HEAD, oct. 19, 1867-Sn» Pgg,sit E. D. Smythe & Cos., Mvoinrsas ak» wholsjaul dxalius ijc “** CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASS-WARE, 100 Broughton St., 140 Congress St. and 57 St. Julian St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Win Duplicate the JOBBING PRICES and BILLS of any Market in the United States, for the same quantity and quality of WARE, at the same period of time. Printed Lists of Assorted Crates, with Prices of Each Article, will be Furnished, OSS’ -A.FF3L.XOuA.TXO IST _ 99” Many of these Lists have been carried to New York and other Markets, by Merchants from Georgia and Florida, who have come back to (Savannah and bought their Goods of us. (September 23, 1867. siw issisri AT LOW PRICES! : Sim 3. m AS JUST received a very large stock of Goods, comprising a great variety ot Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, SHAWLS and OX.OAHLB, And all HADISS’ Articles in General. ALSO, Clothing, ilats, Boots and Shoes, TPtUIXrKS, <3&c. October 5,1867-3 m S^^ A3>T. J. G. RHEA, J. C. KING, j. p. LOVETT. Rhea, King & Lovett, Grocers and Commission Merchants, R E RECEIVING A SPLENDID STOCK OF WELL ASSORTED Fancy and Family Groceries, Such as SUGAR, SYRUP, MOLASSES COFFEE, TEA, CANDIES, FRUITS, NUTS, SPICES, CHEESE, CRACKERS, FISH, SALT, BACON, LARD, ' , FLOUR, MEAL. HARDWARE, GLASSWARE, CROCKERVWARE, Wooden and Willow Ware, TIN Ware, Heavy Gunny BAGGING, Best Greenleaf ROPE IRON TIES, BALING TWINE, And everything to meet the actual necessities of the Planter. |®“Call and examine our stock for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. One of the FirmioiU devote his ENTIRE ATTENTION\ thro' the Fall Season to the Purchase and Sale of COTTON. * Will also make Liberal CASH ADVANCES on all Consignments of COTTON made to our Correspondents in New York, Savannah and Liverpool. October 5, 1867. 5m THE DRUG STORE ! N. B. Drewry, M. D , 22 av ING found it necessary to CREDIT many through the SUMMER “ ™J > J5 th *’ , now finds ’* NECESSARY to offer his’stock for CASH—and not on CREDIT under any circumstances, as the Cotton is now on the market and there is no excuse for credit. My stock consists in part of Drugs, Ohomloals, Dyo stuffs, and. Family Medioinos, WniTE LEAD, PAINTS of all colors, LINSEED, MACHINE, TANNER’S « nd sy^ n 7;A?PAT o Te r K i R 9- s^? OIL - LAft l ps aod fix tures, varnish es, FINE LiqUORS for Mediemal purposos, French and American WINDOW GLASS. PMOt BRUSHES ol all kinds, FINE SOAP, imported and American 1 ERFUMERY. gjjrHaving superior facilities for buying Irom the first hands, and for CASH, I flatter myself that I can sell goods at the very low est prioes, for pure and genuine articles. Call and see for yourselves. JSrPar ticular attentiou to PRESCRIPTIONS at ail hours, by thorough druggist or him self. *a-PIIYSICIANS, MERCHANTS and the public generally, are earnest ly invited to examine my extensive etock. October 5 1867 3m CHM&E OF Mi. Consolidated Stocks of Goods! TWO HOUSES IN ONE! At Peter Farrar’s Old Stand, Corner Hill and Solomon Sts. FLEMISTER & BROOKS, Having purchased the entire Stock of CLOUD & SHEPHERD, have now oa 'hand a fine assortment of Groceries & Provisions, Dry Goods, Motions, Crockery, Wooden & Willow Ware, &c., &c. B©“ All of onr SHELF GOODB will be sold AT COST, ae we intend to deal exclusively in heavy STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, which we will furnish as low as can be sold in this market. August 10,1867. FLEMISTER & BROOKS.