Griffin tri-weekly star. (Griffin, Ga.) 1865-1868, November 16, 1867, Image 4

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M\e t t —ctoio — CTon j 3*n>i*-A. M. Moore. aSSStkS'bSS'.I fffli ! **«£ ILWWtofy. Frank Pow and V Dew*, C. P. Martin, H. H. Christian. 10th D»*t-T. 0. Welsh, John Mur phy, Philip Joiner, SUct*. > « V Blount, Thoa <££ ton, 0. W. Cbatten. ' * 13th Dist—Fletcher T. Sneed, H. R McCoy, John R. Hall, Robert Lumpkin tor, Simon Stanley, J. M. Bucban. 15th Disf jTCsmron. w. 17U» Dirt—John A. Madden, J. M»* eon Rice, Robert WhiUhtad, ■ Mukornb Claibom, H. H. Miaaon or James Par. ker. 18th Diet—R. B. Bullock, Benjamin Conley, Footer Blodgett, J. E. Bryant, & IF. Beard, Alt*. Stone, John Neal. 19th Diet—Joe. Adkins. Roll. Crum leu, D. P. Baldwin, J. W.T. Catching, Henry Strickland. 2oth Diet— 0. C. Rlchardeoa, George Wallace, 0. H. Prince, Wm. U. Harri ton, H. C. Supple, Daniel Palmer. 21et Diet—Thomas Gibson, Samuel Gore, Wm. Griffin, Charlee Hooka. 22nd Diat-Geo. W. Wilbur, H. M. TStmer, F. Wooten, Alfred Bowden, W. J. Howe, T. J. Speer, Ml Cooper, A. 4/ Pott*. ' " ** 23rd Diet—Poaey M,addox, W. P. E l* ward*, O. H. Walton, & A. Cobb, Isaac H. Anderson. « <-. ~ re stau Ml 24th Diet—flt W. Ashbnrn, j. G. Maul, Thomaa Gilbert, Fan Jones, J. C. Catty. . - •' 25th Diet —John S. Cotton, E. G. Hig her, W*. Guilford, L. L. Stanford, <S<iia 26thDi‘*t-S.T. W. Minor, w. h. ro tar, Wm. H. Whitehead. 27th Diet —John Harris, J.W. Chria. tian, JXA P. Hotohkl*e,C. D. Davie, James Parton. 28th Di.t—T. P. Safferd, A. G. Foe - 0-“™ Romulus Moore. 3i)th Diet—A. T. Ackerman, James MoWhorter, E. S. Cobb. 31*t Dist—Phillip Martin, Stephen W. Crawford, W. F. Bowers. 34th Diet—B. E. Dally, S. Brown, B. D. Shumate, James K. Bracewell, John son Matthews. 35th Dist-H. V. M. Miller, J. L. Dunning, N. L. Angier, J. H. Flynn, David Irwin, 11. G. Cole, W. 0. Lee. 36th Dist-J. jr. Key. P. W. Cham bers John S. Bigby, W. C. Smith, J. O. Bowden. 87th Diet—J. 11. Caldwell. Robert Robinson, George Harlan, Abel H. Har-, risen, E. B. Martin. 38th Dist—James D. Waddell, T. J. 'aaratu, A. W. Holcombe. 40th Diet—Wm. T. Cram, John Bry son. 41st Djst-O. A. Ellington, % Mo -42d Dist—J.R.' Parrot, W. L.Good, win, W. Shropshire, George P. Burnett, 44th Diet—Presley Yates, James M. Shields. Colored Delegatee in Italic. —i Exchange or Georgia Bonds—Ohr Dear to th» Government Pain—For the information of Southern holders of Geoigia bonds and the pnblio generally, as the Treasurer is not allowed by oar District Commander to insert bis busi nee* notioes in Southern paper* that an No# York Journal of Ootmneroe : The State w Georgia proposes to ex* change for her bonds bearing if or 6 per cent, interest, due 1868,1869 and 1870, 7 per cent, secured by mortgage on the Western and Atlantio Railroad, due in 1868, on the following terms : 2 per eent s those due in 1870 of 3 per cent. The earn total es mortgage bonds after snoh exchange will be $3,600,000, being the full amount authorised. Hold er* desirous to make- the exchaoge will notify John Jones, State Treasurer, at Milledgeville, Georgia. By order of the Governor. Joan Joiiis, Treat. Frdm the same paper we gather the gratifying intelligence that “the State of Georgia has settled with the General °:rr a. tsiSL * d&S rdlrod M„ to orgftim. .od ri stookthe Western and Atlantic Rail road at the Hoe* of the war. A nice littie shock for nearly lqur hundred thousand dollars has Just passed into the Quartermaster's hands for the pur pose of balanoing this aocouut.— Maeom M£- The printer# of the New York Tribune, recently, demanded payment tar standing, which was sefaeed by the foreman. Horace Greeley bearing of it, insisted they should be paid for it, and Tb. Trlbbn. U th./nl,7.P<r'o N.w York that allows payment fur standing iw*.— Cin. Enquirer, UJk., MTKf! nnwa Ml Mil| 11 sh ff 1.1 Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats, Hoots,; V"wf IvVVAI I lr_ I M Alf n Shoes, Crockery, Tin Ware, cte., etc., etc., nextdoor to 808. McWIL- A1 I I 111 HI I f\Y f \ H I I 1 1 LIAMS’, Hill Street, Griffin, Ga. Goods are NEW-no moth- HMK JL •’Wwj* V A JbUJLIIIp eaten or auction trash will be offered at our counters f as Represented. ] jl i figrin offering our Stock of DRY GOODS, etc., to the public, we do so with the determination to sell the best quality of Goods in our line at as Low Prices as we can live at, and equally as Cheap as any house in City* We solicit a call from our old friends and customers, as we intend to permanently secnm their trade if fair and honest dealing has any influence. Capt. J€jj3N GRANT will be pleased to see aR his old friends at this house. S, and K. || rr- : ra". ;• ■ CHEAP FURNITURE! snamrußE V ' ,1- : -v gt Iho VERY LOWEST RATES. My fJrtS^th'aridSu’tfia^S.w «hpnd»;t&ipeetoefof , « OhAlra, Safes, H 1 tbo. ct?o- Also, COFFINS of all grades-Me talio, Mahogany, Rosewood and Imita- FURNITURE BUBZNEBS, and feel confident that I am oompetent to thetask of purchasing Furniture suit. dealer in this section, for CASH. Call and examine my stock, immediately uns Wasted! A No I TANNER, for whloh the high est wages will be paid. LOGAN A FITOB^ 1 Real Estate Agents. nor. 9, 1807-lw GLENN WRIGHT & CARR - . m irrT' |itTan|» «n»ir - ~~~ - SSOSSIA. &0f 101 FACTORS, Js- B T O RAGE ggjK ■ •■-*»» •tr*' COMMISSION MERCHANTS. m m m « upi hub b n ship Free of Drayage ! Our Cotton Warehouse Is Qf targe capacity^thoroughly Fire-proof, and oar facilities for I Handling COTTON unequalled by any in the South. We will Store Sod Soil here, or ship from this or any other point, to Boston Fmiadelpma Savannali Now TOr3& Baltimore Onarloatoxx or Liverpool, ; LIBEMLjCASB ADVANCES, WHEN DESIBED, the Revenue Regulation, COTTON ean be shipped to tbis place under bill of lading, by calling upon the Assessor or Collector at point of shipment, The central portion of offers many advantages, making it an impor . tant Cotton Market. Th# Bank facilities, and diverging Railroads, enable n# to Ship Cotton in any Direction. «r*Wt sell the best IMPROYED COTTON GINS. Alao, Bagging, Rope, andSweefs Patent Iron Tie, the best in nee. Portable GRIST MILLS, for Hand, Horae and Steam Power. Smut Machines, Turbine Water Wheels, Hick's Steam Engines and Boilers. We receive and sell on commissions, all kinds of PRODUCE and PROVISIONS: .V tilt.* » * Liquor* and Tobacco ™ in large supply, of wioot brands and qnsditiu.. MTCOAL supplied to, any quantity ana of any quality. Agents for the sale of PLOWS, and other Farm ing Implements. Georgia and Alabama LIME, Georgia Slate Roofing. We will be pleased to fill ordeee for OOTTON GOODS, or other Merchandise. r . Glenn, Wright & Carr, oct. 22, 1867-3 m , . t Atlanta, Georgia.' VC. H. C. MICKELBERRY, * WITH GEO. B. BEECHER & CO, GROCERS *' iurf Tininif-vi Commission Merchants , HATH I ¥ STORE, AND CONSTANTLY RECEIVING. A CHOICE LOT OF FAMILrAND FANCY GROCERIES,! L Tfiß SALE AT PRICES ADAPTED TO THE of the TI Jtf ES ! rrtHEIR STOCK CONSISTS IN PART OF i-Lsguira, Java aod Rio OOF. 1 FEE; A, E and 0 Sugars ; Porto Riooand‘ Mdscovado SUGARS ; Beehive and other Sugarhouee SYRUPS} Cuba and Muscovado MOLASSES y FLOUR, SALT, »ACOIL LARD; Noe. 1, 2and 3 MACKEREL-io wholes, halves, quar ter* and kite ; Young America, English Dairy and New York Stato CIIEESE. Ifcarge and^Ch^gotj^Crockery! Ames’ Toner end D hamile Colljpg’ AXES ; OV ENS, POTO, SPIDERS, SKILLETB and extra OVEN LIDS j NAILS, TRACK GUAINB. SMOOTUEIRONR NEEDLES, PINS, Ac , &o. A superior assort ment of TABLE and POCKET CUTLERY, fine RAZORS, PISTOLS, PERCUS SION CAPS, PietoT CARTRIDGES, Ac. OOOK.IITGMBTOVEIB Expressly gotten np and well adapted for Southern use, nt extremely low price*. They are also Agent* for the sale of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, “Sti£- jNdjjeJktodi Han’s WARRING MACHINE andClothes Wooden Ware of Every Description ! oouNTinripßOßiraHi s They will, aleo purchase for Q ASH, at the highest market roto/WHEAT, CORN. TRY PRODUCE ATS ' PKA3 ’ Dr,ed ANDREWS 4- HEAD , GROCERS GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 'll AVIJJG just returned frop Baltimore and.New York, where we purohased Staple and Fancy fireeeries, W irr m =' ” '^ ,l Wooden kMidl Willow-ware, dlco., mil™ ■ "SW* * HEiD ' Oil Varnishes, Glaw and Fatty. Crock ed, China and Glass Ware, &c., Ac. u 'bdb raau IT pain ism ray mi .aitfUartigaaa sasi wsrks tar.tien tn enr large stoek of NORTH CAROLINA KERSEYS, JEANS add l . CASSIMERES—the best and cheapest good* for men’s wear in tbs masked 'Thankful for the long and liberal patronage extended to us, we pledge our selves to do ottr best t> merit it in foture, and say to our enstomera and toe pob lio. that we wilt not be undersold by anybody, and think we can offer greater indneamanto in ajtoofc api prise* than any boaa* in Griffin. Oct. 26, 1867-3 m AT LANTA, E. D. Smythe & Cos., r " ’ v ' '• *•'*’' ufyomits *n»wuol*Bai.b putume w CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASS-WARE, 109 Broagitton 140 Congress St. and 67 St. Julian Jk. f WIU Duplicate the JOBBING PRICES and BILLS of any Market in the United States, for the same quantity and quality of WARE, at the % -J same period of time. Printed Lists of Assorted Crates, with Prices of Each Article, will be Um'i-* "i,m "t ait Furnished, > oisr Ai»yr,ia-A.Txo3sr. jsy Many of these lasts havo been carried to New York and other Markets, by Merchants from Georgia and Florida, who have come back to -Savannah and bought their Goods of us. iSeptember 23, 1867. 3m mmw ' AT LOW PRICES! Slmlzn sk.n. JJ AS JUBT reoeived a very large stock of Goods, comprising a great variety ot Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, IffMAWLiS andL OBOAHLS, And all Articles in OenemO. Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, -‘*i£ •• TRUNKS. &>C. A. SHULMAN. October 5,1867-3 m ,-. ■/ ~y-& ' b-h J. G. RHEA, J. O. KING, J. P. LOVETT. Rhea, King & Lovett, Grocers and Commission Merchants, RECEIVING A SPLENDID STOCK OF WELL ASSORTED Fury and Fanrily Groceries, SochaeSUGAR, SYRUP, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, CANDIES, FRUITS, NUTS, SPICES, CHEESE. M r-- CRACKERS, FIBH, SALT, BACON, LARD, FLOUR,,* , MEAL. HARDWARE. GLASSWARE, CROCKERFWARE, Wooden and Willow Wew, .TINWARE, • Heavy Gunny BAGGING, Beat Gresnleaf ROPE, IRON TIES, BALING TWINE, And everything to mcet tha actual necessities of the Planter. JWCall end examine our stock for yourselves b#f oL P o/°^ B i^rtr* devote his ENTIRE ATTENTION, thro * - the FaU Season lo th Eurchaseand Ssieof COTTON. - * ; KSipl ofeo make Liberal CASH ADVANCES on all Consignments of COTTON made to our Correspondents in New York, Savannah and, Liverpool October 5, 1967. 6tn THE STORE ! H'S.tod. !?h .K“ “* w “"«