The American patriot. (Savannah, Ga.) 1812-1812, April 24, 1812, Image 3

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ilnslußg assertion of info .nous false- i (l;an the “ National Intelligen , ergun cf government. It says ,’gpbargo will preserve our proper jjv such an outrageous libel, n t n every seaport in tb<> Union, GB the mere rumor of t!:is French rsur*. of this t erra P in :ut * over y ~f i es of industry was immediately requisition, to hurry the property . our citizens beyond its reach r flat circumstance alone proves it iiioK*. and if at its expiration vve are have Avar vvitn England, which cun be believed, it is highly impolitic it! truly disgraceful, to deprive cur roptrty of the only markets which it tn safely enter, viz. Spam, Portugal ~j England, in compliance with the [ishes, and in subserviency to the ievm of Napoleon. Is our commerce i (barer to these nations, a commerce }’ thirty-eight millions, except from ‘reirh pirates? The Orders of En kwl only affect a degraded, colonial iernced, and unprofitable trade of less ban a million: yet (lie National atcßigr veer complains of the opera ion of the Orders, and adduces it as a ause for the suicidal Embargo, when ]\cy have iittie or n operation. How nany vessels are captured by Friiish rraizers, out of the hundreds which ly from their own ports? Scarcely one, while proof of (he rigorous oper ation of the Decrees is multiplied so thick, as to dispel (he wilful blindness of corruption or stupidity itself. Yet this national paper ims the hardihood to assert, “ not a single case has occur red, since F.-cnce revoked her Decrees, ft tinting’ their operation, and many r radical examples hare been adduced to.prove their repeal; and (his too in open of all the certificates of ‘sufferers, end the numerous, undoubted ;ad undisputed evidence of burning seizing and robbing our vessels under the sanction of these same Decrees!!! When such false, such disgraceful as sertions are resorted to, in order to support a ruinous policy built upon faiseheod avid supported by a false proclamation, how lest to seif respect, tioV, tiTvunsfblc to -i,n>i 1 gator; to (hrdty is sucli unworthy and infatneng deception!!! It thus 1 appears that government still adhere ,to the ir old are.! erroneous ground, o 1 1 tac actual repeal of the French De cree*, a ground repeatedly and un amvv erablv proved both by fact and argument, false, in every particular; arc now acting upon it, aud finding Napoleon not content merely with the non-importation act, have adopted the ■‘longer measure of an Embargo. The “ National Intelligencer'’ also beasts “ of retorting on its authors the injurious effects of belligerent warfare on our neutral rigths , by severe commer tid restrictions .” What an infamous assertion ! What an outrageous insult! What pompous and contemptible boasting! When the revenue is des troyed, the treasury drained, the fi tances deraageu, a necessity for loans, internal ami direct taxes, commerce 1: hroyed, produce ratting in store, universal and general distress; when British earr.Mt- • c is left without a ri val, aad the resources of the whole vro: and [excepting a part of tire conti nent! is thrown into her lap ; when the Embargo and other measures made her independent of as, and diverted ‘bo tide cfour prosperity into the eur revt which nourishes her greatness;— ‘•’ ben France was so displeased and in feed at the withdrawal of ihtt un constitutional act, than she immediate ly retaliated, r-s she calls it, by her plundering Rambouillet Decree; when ui fine the whole world, despis 'd and scorned our pusillanimous poli- J> which encouraged even the con temptible and piratical nation of Deu ma-k, to plunder end insult us; when •Feb are the deplorable effects of a rase and cowardlypolicy, the M Nation- N Intelligencer,” speaking the senti raests, if not the language of adminis tration, dares to announce the degrad es insuit to an enlightened nation, of us severe effects on other nations!!! Biota himself, were he to abandon his §flra horrid throne in the Tarta rean region. , nui uak i a momentary appearance on earth, could not speak more congenial sentiments. The paragraphs in the.governntent paper, in announcing their views and justifying their measures, admit, what has been uniformly asserted and sup ported by fact; the systematic hosti lity of administrat ion to commerce, by refusing it protection and converting it into a means of warfare; why else boast of the severe effects on the belli gerents, of our commercial restric tions? Why else sacrifice thirty-eight millions of trade, to a colonial fra He a licensed and degraded intercourse, of one million ? There is now no doubt on this subject. We shall forbear further comment, on this paper for the present, for if teems with false statements, erroneous and grovelling views; it i a fountain strongly impregnated with deleterious and noxious particles, sickening the mind, deadening the sensibility and corrupting the principles of the unsus pecting and ungarded. A resolution has been adopted by the House of Representatives for an adjournment. IT is reported that poor Madison has disavowed the Amelia business. When vve consider, that Mathews and others were ac tually employed to foment dissentions in that colony—w hen iir. Foster last summer accu sed administration of encouraging and bri bing traitors, to wrest from Spain that pro- I virtce, which was i.ot denied but justified on the principle of plunder. When the inva sion of Amelia by American citizens was di rectly patronised, by a total silence, when the intention vvts long’ known to make the invasion, thereby giving an implied and ex press approbation to such .n unjust and in- 1 famous act—when this invasion was made with the immetl ate co* operation of the land I and naval forces of the United States, the commanders of w liieh could not have dared to have involved the national flag and honor in such a disgraceful transaction, w ithout some orders to that effect—when the affair was thought so congenial to the principles, and policy, and views, and spirit of administra tion, that it was generally applauded and ap proved by democrats—when in fine, there is not a shadow of doubt, but that the infamous ison, was superintended by him thro’ an t ,_, grades, and having failed from had manage ment after several months preparation, was abandoned—What opinion can be formed of administration ? to speak most favorably, they are without spirit or principle. To coward ly forsake those engaged in a dishonorable transaction, when encouraged to its commis sion, and throw upon the deluded all its odi um, is an act w hich a man of spirit would scorn and despise. Old ,’libss acktisetes forever. —Returns from 204 towns gives the following : STRONG - - 32,361 GERRY - - 28,733 Federal Majority - 3,628 Net Federal gain, 4,371 siev>-Ifnmpthirr. Election. —The “ Dartmouth gazette” received this morning gives the fi nal returns for Governor in New-Hampshire. For GM.M VN (Fed.) 13,971 PLUMMER (Demo.) 13,428 Federal Majority 543 HEtYR V. We have waited with impatience far a long time to see Ihe Report of the Committee to whom Henry’s papers were referred in ike Beuate. \\ e now understand that body mean to evince their displeasure at the conduct of the executive, by treating the message with indignity end silent contempt, ir Mr. Ronsaevilfi- was one of Henry’s kidney aud had half his talent of swindling, we should suppose lie could get at least £50,000 for answering the interrogatories propounded to him by the wonderfully great Air. Speaker Clay. But as so much sensibility is discovered en the present occasion, how happened it that Ler,.eel riar.yc-r was not hauled over the coals for di vulging secrets through hi- “ Secre tary, pro. fete.” Mr. Sajvver was a democrat, and every party as well as individual, certainly has a right oteii their own secrets. As to the Erabarao law, v.e believe it was infentiotinily delayed and made known for the very purpose of defeating its object, by which means Bonaparte and Serrarier were cheated, ar.d at least Bt< bar rels of Hour were shipped to .Spain and Portugal. Balt, Fed. Dan. Livekpoot., March 14. The last Anholt mail has brought letters and paper- containing intelli gence which has excited considerable utt. ution. Report, or.- again reite rated, and symptoms in greater number than ever are detailed, of approaching I quarrels and disturbances in the North of Europe. ‘Fhe foreign journal* have been so long filled with these rumors, that they have almost ceased to excite either attention or interest; but it must be t'Ki'V .ed that the conduct es many of the European Potentate[ the only language, as Hr, Johnson said, that rarely lies] indicates great probability of a war, either impending or appro* I headed. The accumulation oiTunch troops oil the different Herman, Prus sian, Danish, and Polish frontiers,has increased to such a degree, that they are now estimated at 3o<y;oo men ! a ea.leul.ition which though undoubtedly exaggerated,shows that the march of troops and the activity of preparation have hern most extraordinary. French troops, it is positively affirmed,are ad vancing in great force to take possesion of the seaports of Prussia, in conform ity to a convention recently concluded between the two monarch*. Another treaty has been concluded between France and Denmark, by which it is stipulated that Bonapcite is to have permission to raise OOOU cavalry in Holstein, where the horse*are, we be lieve, superior to any on <b* continent of Europe. He is afsotto be permitted to march any number of troops through the Danish territories, provided they do not exceed 0000 at a time. These circumstances give us assurances much stronger that the speculation:. of Ga zettes, or even the opinion of a states man, that a storm is rising which threat ens once, more to involve the greatest of Europe in carnage and desolation. The treaties of Princes, when they con tain warlike provisions, are usually the first distant precursors of an approach ing contest. When the movement of armies follow s at no great distance, we may lie sure that the aspect of affairs will soon become serious. This critical state of affairs in the north sufficiently explains the reason why the French Emperor has not sent an overw helming force to put an end to the war in the Peninsula. Delias so many quarrSßon his hands at a time, that even the immense resources of the great nation are not sufficient to enable him to act desively in every quarter. He is obliged to take them in turn and be stow bis chief attention on the strongest enemy. Even in Spain, however, we are again told of an unexpected accu mulation of French troops. It is now greatly doubted whether the meditated siege of Bauujos can he undertaken with any prospect of success, as con trary to all the ■cjinvi.jmtations wliioi. hav e hitherto been made, trie French have a very powerful army at Seville, under Soult which is said, will lie com petent to oblige the assaillauts to re cross the Guadiana. AY hen the siege of lladajoz was first thought of it was 03 rite supposition that the enemy would not be able to act on the Guadalquiver in any considerable force. We observe with much satisfaction, that a genera! meeting of Ibe mer chants and principal inhabitants of the town is convened for Tuesday next to take into consideration the proprie ty of some application to the Legisla ture on the approaching expiration of the Easl-lndia Company charter— Meetings of this kind have already been held in some of the principal trading towns of the kingdom; and they cannot fail to hav e a proper effect on the great discussion which is soon to take place in parliament on this great national question. Ministers, indeed, seem disposed, without much solicitation, to listen to the voice of the public on this important subject, but not perhaps to (lie extent, which a li beral and enlightened policy, as well as the exigencies of the times more forcibly recommended. A meeting of the merchants, ship owners and inhabitants of Plymouth, was held on Monday se’nnight, at which it was resolved—“ That a peti tion lie prepared and presented to the honorable House of Commons, praying that the charter granted to the East? India Company ir ay not be renewed ; but that, if parliament shall in its wis dom think fit to renew the charter, that I the liberty of trading to the East-In dies may be extended to the port of Plymouth.” ro’ A DECK FREIGHT, for the Ship AMERICA, for Nc.v- York, wanted, apply to Capt. Hall. or R. RICHARDSON, & Cos. April 24 3t 4< yep A SCHOOL wi!i he open ed, on i he first Monday in May, in the house where i. reside, next door to Mr. \V. Moore’s. The terms of Tuition, will be the same tSiat are common in this city; that is, for Heading, AY ril ing ami common Arithmetic £l*) the (.il liter ; ior English Grammar and Geogrephy, £l2 ‘0 cts. for the Latin r.nd Greek languages, SIS. Should the room in ray residedc prove wi se'tabic for the purpose,-another in the same neivlibonrhcod w> i> be procured. L. D. PACKS. V U! \ L A LYVS, ‘ fUI! T OF s Wv~U\\Y.i H. High I! HiVo T/lif Diltf, 7/f. ,OM. Jiiiir nu i. ~ p (’yiitlni, iJiwrt, Charleston, toil. F R : li.riboli & Cos. Abt>; -Ano, Bingly do 14b. Dr ilit, Rcei'ii. r, do. 12h De.iyht, Coojwr, do. Mb. CIEMEI), Itr j; E'i.-.n, Clifford, AViscassot. \Vin. Richmond: Gib; N. York. I’o.Mi’ * • ielir. Ari'jo, Asnclin. Amelia. ” * be, lei R'.mfort, R.o;>|) tveolda, it ul ; Ro-iton. \v .11, in, r.bas, I‘ii.viuknce, Coavl 1 ,t at, Allen, N. ve-Y ,ik. ’ of Charleston, .itn-il 18V,.—Arrived, sl ’ p< !i irlottc, ('lnrli, Allie! :. 4 days.— Scb’r. Maria, l.iibimi, Nevv-Ymk, 72 hours. Sch’r. Two Brotb.-rs, Guthrie, N-vebein, 3 and .vs.— srh'r ftising-Eilli, Sykes, Nf vv-Riv er, 8 (lavs. Schooner V i>, Hmsei , liei.ufort t day. Slot p Elian, Mattocks,,m, (n r) 8 dev s. .‘tpril I'd. — \rt ved. Seb’r. Rehevca, lion, Norfolk 12 days, s. hY. Nassau, Ifo|> kins, Nassau, . davy Sc b’r. William D: n, Ganlu, \v asliington (>-. c.) Sclir.TwoFrieuds Rv tlicvveod, I*oe. t.jligo, 1 day. Seb'r. Frank lin, V, e. vor, Jetienon, (Geo.) 2 da s. Sloop C> ntli e, Rrovvn Savannah, 20 hours—Speke 28 miles k. of Tybe, brig Yv'licc i* r, !! -van Id dav s from Itoston for Savan ;r,h—same tiav saw a large ship standing In for the bar, sup posed to lie the .\i:, ti*pm l.’Vetpoob Sloan Delight, Uccrlver, Sav a'liab l.lav. (’ ■ iw\, Ship (tviterion, \v dker, New-York, s p. Pennsylvania, Rollins.m, i’iiilad ‘iphia Sloop Aurora, Locke, Nrw-Yerir, RE FER FINDERS WORKS. Just received by Seymour & William The Works oiTHTEIIFINDER, Esq. to v. Inch is prefixed a copious Index, with some account of his life; Boston edition in I vols. miniture, with plates. tCF Snliscribers arc requested to call for their copies. Also. LIBER FACETIARUM, being a collection of curiauis and interesting Anecdotes. THAI,ABA HIE DESTROYER, a Rhythmical Romance by Robert Southey, 2 vols. SOUTHEY’S METRICAL TALES and other Poems. Lonn CHATHAM’S LETTERS to bis Nephew Thomas Pitt. SENT! M ENTAL A NEC DOTES by Madame Do Montolieu, author of Caroline of Litchfield; translate! from the French—l voh PHAC t H AL PIETY by Mi- -: J.Kn- Fhk DOMINICAN a Romance !iy Capt. S. AV illiamsim—2vois. CtELEBS in Search of a Wife —2 voh,. The SCEPTICS MANUEL or Chris tianity A'erifi. and. ROLLIN’S ANCIENT HISTORY 8 vols. 8 vo. and 4 to Atlas. JERUSALEM HE Lit K R El) an hi. roic Poem,front the Italian o! Tasso by John 1 Joule, n 2 vols. Bvo u new edition with plates price & dollars. BURNS’ POPULAR DIRECTION:-; for the treatment of the Diseases cf Women and children—l.3 mo. April 21 3t 4 Not ice. C1 11EDITOR8 of the lute Air. Wil- J uam Phinck, Sehooliraster, are requested to present their demands to the undersigned, without delay. Those ixdecthd Kr Tuition ac-j counts, will be called on for payment as soon ns they cart be adjusted—ln the meantime, they would c.infer a fa vor, by rendering in statements of the same, the Books of *1 he deceased, not having been kept regularly, nor af fording sufficient information for go vernment in settlements. H. RICHARDSON, April 24 3 1 4 Just Received, A Fresh Importation of .MUSCOVADO SCO Jins ill hhd.c. and bills, and COFFEE in In’.ls. and bags, Far Side by H. RIfcHARDSON, & Cos. Anri! ?A St , 4 Bills On NFAV-VORK. PHILADEL PHIA and LONDON, For Sale by li. RICHARDSON, & Cos. April 21 3t 4 Cotton Cards. 7 BOXES No. 10. 1 lie. Nos. 8, 9 Ik If) assorted, just received from Ikslott, For Sale In/ li. illC IT A RBSONj & Cos. April 24 it -i- For BOSTON, the BLOOD MWIM, ’ Captai;; iv,HI Sail ii i-vWX At Days. Fur {'roi-ght : Passage > apply to * j LATTFIXE. Aprii.2lr 4 J acob Idler, & Co< Offers for Sale, 73 Pieces Scotch and Philadelphia Cotton Bagging, J Bales Turkey red Y arn; It Do. Oznabtirg*, J Cases German Rolls. 2 Cases Rowans, 1 Buie India Handkerchiefs, ;i Casks Twine. :) Caves Paper Hangings, i Package Watch Chains, 12 Cases containing Saddles. Bndlei) Saddle Isag.s,giurslngles Haimei Halters and Collars; 73 Bids Philadelphia Superfine Flout* 11 Chests Hyson Tea, 6 Patent Ploughs, 9 Copper Stills, 15 Kcg-i .Manufactured Tobacco, 230 Coils White Rope, Northern Gin in Pipes & ! lids. Whisky in Pipes hlnis. ami bb’si 20 Bids. Philadelphia Beer. A few bids. Beel'Pork and Bread* April 24 : t 4 For LIVERPOOL, [when permitted j £.“£ I HE very Superior and fasti * Sailing SHIP QUINCY'. R, Gi.oveh, Cvinunnuder. !?reight will be taken for t!iis Ship on application to the Master or to S. & C. HOWARD. Jr ‘■* Gentle ui'n v. ’ diing for elegant Yecor.nuodation, who intend to go t xt Europe, on the expiration of the Em b:.s go, w iil find the Q I;bCY well cal culated for their comfort and conve nience. April 24 1 aw, 2 vv 4 The Strang Copper-fastened SHIP INDIA, Captain Fabnam, is daily ex psct.'d here, anil will take a Ftoigbt to Nkv, our.—either to be delivered there, or to wait the event of tlic Eiidiargo, and then proceed to Liv ehpool, apply to JOHN CAUNOCIIAN. April 24 4 Now Landing From IS BIG AMERICA. 73 I3b!s. Philadelphia Superfine Flour, ALSU, From SLOOP SOPHIA. 53 Boxes brown Soap, 30 Do. Spermaceti Candles, 12 Do. ‘I allow do. 10 Hh'd*. N. E. C'.er, iso Bundles YYrapping Paper, 10 Bbls. Glauber Salts, Fur Sale on Board, Bbls. Apples and Potatoes, 43 Bundles Hay, In St or', 30 Quarter and half-quarter Cask? L. Madeira Wine, I t Cases Men’s line at.d coarse aud Children’s Muroeeo Hats, 11 Bbls. No. 2 Mackerel - J. BATTELLE. April 24 4 Cl;ut’r.; ;n Supcnr-r Court April Terra 1812. OECEf'IA, E. Nichols iu e.f.r ‘l K i-iVi the pati-’ Assignees re. j-tlanof Ebene/.; - ,- Owkn Hlghks. J Ni-.hols junior, praying the foreclosure cf the equity of redemption cf tee following pre mises, mortgaged by the s.tid Owen Hughes to the said Ebenezrr Nic’t ol: junior, oil the -eventh day of June one thousand eighthuudrtd antFcleven ; to st cure the payment of a bond, bearing even date therewith conditioned, far the payment of tin -urn of five hun dred and eighty eight tlcllars ttiiu seven ty five cents, with interest from the ieveutli day of June one ibousaftl ri-.hl hundred an.l eleven, xir. uil that lot of land in the city of Savannah, Oglethorpe ward, known in the plan ;>! said city by live letter j Y] bounded on the west by Fahm.-drcet, east by a ian; - .: north by Peter Me Farlane tit 1 south bv Boltons, entraining one hundred and t welve feet and a half from Fafifil Street, back to tiie laac and sixty seypu feet and a bait in breadth front north I') south. On motion of Thom:.::, F.i Lloj and attorney for the Petitioner Ills ordered that the principal inter est oi-d costs due nr.c.n said moriy, aired premises be paid loio court witi.ia twelve months from (his date. o. les • thd same be so paid, the enditr of redemp tion shaft theneeioriJi he feveebsetj and dli. r proceedings take ■/.: oe. pursnaid; to the act of a semidv -in ‘■ •# mane and provided. And it is fttf : ordered, that this role paUl'shed i'. one of the public tiuy.etUm of • ids slide, our? a mouth iter tvieh r mtr.iol, r. ‘reeved on the ram •tgriivev c,r id'-: -r: eh! • agent at leaf! eit eu. jtr< vionji >a t-fcd time said moi.yis cAyjii to ; : jo -A ima court its afarisr.kL L. ‘ ra {■ n;i di 15 T. mjhim.. (.. April 21 i