The American patriot. (Savannah, Ga.) 1812-1812, June 05, 1812, Image 1

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THE AMERICAN PATRIOT. V0L.......1. THR AMERICAN’ P VTRJOT IS PUB JISIIED OX TUESDAYS AX'D PHI 1” YS, BY MITCHELL AND PRATT, yfSXT noon TO tub custom house, OX THE lI.IY, SAVAX viii, AT SIX DOLLARS PEii AX XUAI. ’’BISTING OF EYE BY DESCRIPTION 1 EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS, AT THE OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN PATRIOT. .um*Mi i" • o_ ill! JLSJL!!. 1 PRO SPECTUS OF THE AMERICAN PATRIOT. THE principles which this PAPER will support, are designated by its name.— lucy are principles founded upon an immutable ba sis, which misrepresentation may tor a while obscure, but cannot permanently affect: prin ciples stamped by eternal experience, approv tu bv the plainest dictates of common sense, aiul recognised and practiced by WASHING TON and HAMILTON. They advocate the honor of our country, not by pitiful parsimo ny, commercial restrictions, apd ridiculous roodomontade; but bv manly, adequate and efficient measures.—They cherish Agricul ture, and ‘ foster Manufactures, not by maim ingand crushing Commerce, but by extending towards it a just and l.bera! protection.—Tlie ©Deration of these principles have rendered our country prosperous; and under their influence every branch of society were successfully cn g-_ ;x’d in their various occupations.—Our > countrymen received an invigorating encour agement from the correct and honorable auras of Government administered by aW \btf- ISGTON—their purity were developed, and by appreciating them, wealth and its conse quent comforts and enjoyments, honor and respect with their attending benefits, recom pensed the justness of thc-ir choice of Nation al Rulers.—The same cause, the exercise of tlie same principles, will produce similar ef fects. To assist the restoration of this cause wiii lie ?. leading object with this Paper—ln promoting this desirable end; moderation, can dir and truth will be rigidly adhered to, and all private character inviolably held sacred. THIS Paper will comment upon with unre served liberality, public men and public mea sures, and will endeavor to place in a clear point of view, the misconduct of die public servants in attempting to cajole, deceive and mislead the people, thereby to maintain the high posts of honor, Which their measures prove them incapacitated to fi!i; and the impropriety and inccrrec .ness of their uiew ., {Vaught with disaster and M in.—To banish political deception and restore tlie clear light (a truth; to expose the ’Kitty bfUSces hfilUr.guihg and designing men, and give to Integrity and Talents their clue weight arid iiifi.lebce in society; and to promote the great ends of public utility and general welfare, by advocating enlightened and enlarged mea sures, will claim the strict attention of the Proprietors. THE purs American sentiments by which this print will unerringly be guided, mil all receive no pollution from any foreign predilections: The aggressions of no nation will be paliateei, nor the injuries or insults of auv power extenuated ; a just, an ingenuous, a candid policy towards ail nations, which disdains as unworthy the dignity of a great republic, and derogatory to the character of an enlightened government, equivocation 01 deeption, will gladly receive our utmost sup poru SKETCHES cf debates in Congress, Marine Memoranda, interesting Foreign and ‘Domestic Intelligence, Public Documents, rad Eiuquent Popular Soeeches, will receive a regular insertion. Original Political and Scientific Essays, will claim our particular attention—and gentlemen of talents, whose observation, discernment and acquirements, render their opinion and remarks interesting, are invited to disseminate the productions of their leisure through this PAPER. JOHN S. MITCHELL. CHARLES M. PRATT. SAVANNAH, April 14, 1815 1 Villainy Detected ! ! ! HAVING observed a publication signed by Philip ,T. Martinangele. re- Eli r charge of Liar, Scoundrel & Cal et r.l ‘■•’fltce it to say, .tha ■ pr;w J ‘ ’ villi’ be; y;’ vi . - lents wi ie fesutf uri : r inartl hi i .- t the b’” r . i, of mi. s incased. ,V. Asa further proof to the public of the baseness of the fellow, 1 have in serted a copy of the document which he has signed, and witnessed by hi r. Daniel I. Cook and Mr. Charles E. Flinn, viz: ‘‘ This is to certify that I, Philip I. Martinangele, never did, directly or in direetly traduce, or try to traduce, in jure, gt try to injure, in no wav or form whatever, cither in word, deed or aetiot!. the character of 1- i>d know nothing of ——than mat which comport with the dignity af a— . This lam willing to at* fost.” He being brought before a ma gistrate to attest, refused so doing, and declared that if the document which •’s had signed would be return’ hiat be would acknowledge 1 liar. C. J • t'lV A copy of trie above < is now in my possession. Savannah, June 1, 1813. At Private Sale, 35 Hhds, Muscovado Sugar, 15 BbiS. ditto. do, 10 Chests Hyson Tea, 25 Bags Coffee, 12 Bags Black Pepper. 15 Boxes Chocolate. 16 Hhds. and 25 bids. Whiskey, 6 Hds. N. E. Hum, 2 Pip es Holland Gin, 2 Pipes Madeira Wine, 1 Pipe Spanish Brandy, SO Kegs Cordial, 20 Kegs old Hve Whiskey, 200 Bags Cow Pease, 30 Pieces Cotton Bagging, 50 Pieces Tow Cloth, 50 Hearns Writing and Wrapping Paper, 150 dozen Handkerchiefs assorted. 1). WILLIFORD. June 2. st 15 At Private Sale, 4 Pipes Cognac Brandy 16 Hhds. 4th proof Rum excellent flavor 15 do N. E. ditto 20 Pipes Gin 3 Pipes India Point do 50 Bbls. do. 20 Bbls. Whiskey 10 Hhds. Muscovado Sugar 20 Bbls. ditto 50 Bags Green Coffee 5 Chests Hyson Tea 8 Ditto Hyson Skin ditto 14 Bbls. Pepper, 20 Bags do. 300 Boxes Soap and Candles, 15 Boxes Sperm Caudles, 200 Reams Writing Paper, 2000 Yards Tow Cloth, 3000 Pair Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Shoes and Slippers, 100 Dozen Suwarrow Iloois, 30 Boxes Straw Bonnets, 10 Dozen Spanish Cigars, 150 Do. Spelling Bocks, 80 Pieces Homespun, 40 Do. C'Ctto'rt Sagging, 2<)o Groce Cr.rks 2 Patent Time Pieces Humhums, Flag Hankerchiefs, See. &e. By HOWE & DiMON. May 23 14 Jonathan Meigs, Has for sale for Cash or approved Paper. 18 Hhds brown Sugar, 16 do. high Ith proof rum, equal to Jamaica, 30 Boxes Soap, [Doolittle’*] 40 do. Mould Candles, 10 Bags Coffee, 20 Kegs Tobacco, 5 heads to the lb. of B. J. Harris’ mannfaetury 5 do. Cavendish do. 3 Boxes Rhode-lsland manufac tured Goods, 500 Gunny Bags, GOO lbs. Tobacco Georgia, 10 Tons Waggon tire Iron, 12 do. Axe Bar, do. 3 do. American do. 2 do. square do. 1000 lbs. Crawley steel. 500 do. American do. 1 Pipe Madeira Wine, 20 Pieces Prussian Bagging, 40 Coils Cordage, 2 Chests hyson tea, Pauputs cargo, 20 Kegs FF. rag Powder, warran ted equal to Dupon s. May 12 6t 9 Now Landing From BRIG AMERICA. 73 Bbls. Philadelphia Superfine Flour, ALSO, From SLOOP SOPHIA. So Boxes brown Soap, 20 Do. Spermaceti Candles, 12 Do. Tallow do. 10 Hhds. N. E. Hum, 150 Bundies Wrapping Paper, 10 Bbls. Glauber Salts, For Sale on Board, Bids. Apples and Potatoes, 15 Bundles Hay, In Store, 35 Quarter and half-quarter Casks P. Madeira Wine, 14 Cases Men’s fine and coarse and Children’s Morocco Hats, 15 Bbls. No. 2 Mackerel: J. BATTELL. April 24 4 J. and G. Charlton, ST RECEIVED, , Butter, Cheese, i ‘ l > kerel, o<, for family use, 9 SAVANNAH, FRIDAY JUNE 5, 1812. w % I ne Subscribers HAVE on hand AND are now OPENING. At their Xcni-Slore, south side of Johnston's oquace. An Extensive Assortment of European , India & Do mestic Goods. Well calculated for the present and approaching season, which will bedis posed oi atJLheir usual low prices for CASH, C©. rON, ,r undoubted town acceptances. ANDREW LOW, tk Cos. April 14. t For NEW-VORK'. *tfsSk Tllc fast *ading Packet Bria OROZIMBO, S. B. master.—For Freight or Passage, an ply to the master on board, or to DUNNING k CLAY. FOR SALE OX BOARD, 30 Keggs Paint Ship Clumps 3 Bbls. Brushes. May 29 u , For NEW-YORK, The ship HANTONIA, Hand, master which has three fourths of her cargo engaged, for the balance or passage apply to the captain on board, or M‘KINNE BARNETT, $ co. n;ay 25 3t 13 FOR PHILADELPHIA, PROVE HENCE or BOSTON. The sloop JOHN & HENRY, rapt. Wing, for freight, or passage to cither of the above ports, apply on board, or to J. BATTELLE. May 26 13 For PIIILADELPAIA. Afr The Packet Brig HETTY, eapt. Skinner, will sail the 3rd of June. For Height or passage apply to JACOB IDLER Sc Cos. may 39 14 For NEW-YORK‘, The fast sailing brig ELSI NORE, Pratt, master, lias two thirds of her cargo ready to go on board. For remainder or passage ap ply to the captain on board, at Messrs. Taylor and Scarborough’s wharf, or DUNNING Sf CLAY, may 26 13 FOR LIVERPOOL. The Ship NEW GOOD IN wtT-rV TENT captain Hidden , ha ving half her cargo engaged, she w ill be loaded before the 4th of July, for freight of 400 Bags of Cotton ap ply to JOHN CARNOCHAN. Slay 22. 19 12 For NEW-YORK, NFAV-PORT, And NEH -BEDFORD, The new fast sailing sloop Ex periinent, captain Turner will sail in four days, for passage bfily ha ving comfortable accommodations, ap ply on board, or to 1 ‘ J. BATTELLE. Who has Landing from said vessel from Boston. New-England Rnm, Candles, Beef, Pork, Glauber Salts, Cod Fish, Hollow \Vare, Smoaking Pipes, Cordial in half Barrels, Writing Wrapping, and Printing Paper, II \T£, asserted, ALSO, 50 Casks Fione Lime, 15 Bundles Hay, FOR SALE OX BOARD, Irish Potatoes in Barrels. IX STORE, Philadelphia superfine Flour, Up country do. Epermaeeti Candles, I allow <>o. Soap, Madeira Wine, &c. &e. Mav 12 9 FOR BOSTON, Brig SALLY BARKER, Joshua Hall, Master will sail in 5 or 6 days, having one hull her freight engaged, for the balance, or passage, apply to the Master, or { “ J- BATTELLE. Hl,o Gjfevs For Sale, 100 Casks Lime, Which will lie sold low if taken immediately from on board. May 6 i Bills on Boston ? For Sale by, „ ‘ Wm. TAYLOR. May 22 5t 12 Bills on Providence, „ ot , CiuiODß-isuixn.) * or ,s a ] e T. BECKWITH. May 15 i0 Bills on Providence, _ CRIIODE-ISLAXD.J At short sight. For sale by Christopher R. Greene. May 15 fit 10 Joseph Carruthers, OFFERS FOR SALE, St. Übe’s SALT and MOLASSES in Hhds. April 14. a N ankeens. tooo Pieces long Yeiiow NAN KEENS, for rale by J. Caig ?k'R. Mitchell, may 13 lo For Sale, Now landing from brig Maryland, 73 hhds. New-Orleans SUGAR 75 coils bale HOPE 2 Hawsers. On liberal terms. DUNNING tk CLAY, April 17 2 For Sale, Forty-five thousand Bricks, Fifty Bundles Hay, Madeira Wine, Candles, and tow- Cloth, Received per brig Gustavus, Capt. Greenough. Apply or, board, or to HAZEN KIMBALL. may 29 3t 14 For Sale, V IAHK House and Lot at present oe & copied by Mr. Henry Tucker, situated in a pleasant and healthy part of the city. For terms apply to REES k DEM ERE May 26 13 For Sale FOR H ALF CASH, HALF GOODS. A LOT IX LOUISVILLE m*7ITH a good dwelling house, 7 v kitchen, stable, and all other necessary out buildings thereon. The above place is well suited for shop-keeper, or mecanic, it having two front shops thereon. Apply at the American Patriot office. May 29 14 To Rent, A CONVENIEN T HOUSE for a small family, in a pleasant and central part of the City. For parti culars, enquire of JOSEPH KING may 26 13 Cow Pease. ONE Hundred BAGS of twenty Bushels each, for sale by D. WILLIFORD, may 26 3t 13 Porter, Claret, See. 5 Casks London Porter, 1.2 Dozen best iiourdeaux Claret, and a few Boxes fresh Olives and An chovies received per Sloop De light, from Charleston, For Sale Ini “WOODRUFF & BRANT, may 26 7t 13 Female Academy. THERE will be a vacation until Monday 3th of June. Mr. Mc- Neil is obliged to leave town. —7 The report if Use committee of examination will appear siioiLy. may 29 14 NO IG. T. Beckwith, . Iliads wharf. rjus just received by the brig Governor Hopkins, and note offers for sale at unusual low prices. 12 Cases domestic, manufactured Cot ton Goods 1 Ditto lotto superfine Wollen da. 1 Ditto Canton Crapes iOo Reams Wraping Paper 13 Boxes No. 10 Cotton Cards 4 A ranks Dunstable Bonnets 4 Ditto Kid Shoes 2 Blits. Mens lined & bound ditto 70 Bbls. Pilot Bread 1 Ton Cordage 15 Pipes Pawtuxet Gin 2 Hhds 4th proof Rum Coffee Tobacco &c. &e. May 15 st io — .... i Landing, At Rice's Wharf, From cti board the Sloop Ard turns, from Fredericksburgli. Virgina. 1500 bushels Cent, 30 barrels Flour, Cos half barrels do. 10 barrels Pilot Bread, Cl hers Crackers, I\r S:tie l‘!i . CAr.kENTER & GREEN 1 . May t? 5 ja Just Received, AND FOR SALE, 30 Bbb. Philadelphia Sup. FLOUtI, 14 Pipes GIN, 23 Bills. BEER, 5 Bliis. BEEF and BOKK, 3 Bbls. BREAD. JACOB IDLER, & Cos. April 14 i I roposuls for Publishing by s:tbscrip>- lion , A TRAXSLATIOX from the FIiEXCR OF A. LE SAGE’S Historical, Genealogical, Cliro* nological, and Geogruphi real Atlas. By F. F. BLOND IN. . CONDITIONS. r y : 'IiE Historical Atlas, will con l 3 tain thirty-one criginal tables, and five adJitisnul charts, by the translator. These thirty-six charts w ill equal in every respect the Portraiture of Eng 4 lish History, and the Historical Map of the United Kingdom cf Great-Bri tain and Ireland, No. XDI and XIV, which accompany these proposals. These charts have hem selected for a specimen', because (heir tor,tents, being familiar (a the generality of A merican readers, (he public are eta* hied to judge of the undertaking and its execution. The delivery will be made monthly, by two sheets ate. time, as soon ms the subscription will defray the expenses. ‘The price to subscribers will be one dollar and twenty-five cents for every heel to be paid at the time of deliv ery. The subscription list once closed, the price will be enhanced to purchasers. TH E attention of the public is so licited lo this distinguished ami valu able work ; its celebrity in Europe, lias induced its translation into Eng lish, and rcpubliciAson in the United States; and its excellence has alrea dy insure i it a very extensive sub scription. ld‘ ” he two numbers cf the work above referred to, are received, and may be seen at the store cf tlie sub scribers. SEYMOUR & WILLIAMS. May 22 4t 12 m/TRS. RAMSAY., A few conies If I. for sale by HARRAL A CDF 4 PEE, Bolton’s Centre Building, and at this Office. This work comes par 4 ticulariy recommended to the pious, from its interesting materials, adorn 4 ed by the elegant pen of the ecii'.ratcd Dr. Ramsay. April 14* 1 i a THE SUBSCRIBERS, EfTTAYING entered into partnership. i 5 for the practice of Law in the eastern district in the state of Georgia; tender their services to tke public.—• Their is opened on the cf Broughton ard Bull streets, Hi CUD. W. HABERSHAX “WM. HABERSHAM. Mxy H W