The Savannah daily advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 186?-1873, March 19, 1867, Image 2

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MmmmU gaily SPwrtte LARGEST ACTUAL CIRCULATION. By E, 0. WITHJNGTOI& CO, E. 0. Withington. M. J, Divine. G.S, Gray. TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 19, IBP 1. ST. PATRICK’S DAY. The annual recurrence of the natal day of the Patron Saint of Ireland, so dear to every son of the Green Isle, was last week looked forward to with much interest, and yet some apprehension, lest the un favorable weather might prevent a due observance of it. However, after three days of storm and rain, on Saturday even ing it cleared off, and the morning of Sunday, the 17th, turned as clear and bright as could have been desired. The day was perfect, with the exception of a rather stiff breeze from the West, which was, after all, a decidedly pleasant change from the northeast storm with which we have been afflicted. irisii ci'io.v society. This Society celebrated the day by meeting at their hall at 10 o : clock in the morning, and marching to St. Patrick’s church, where Mass was celebrated, after which Rev. Father C. C. Prendergast de livered an appropriate discourse. The Society then returned to their hall, and were dismissed. We are not aware whether this Society had any further demonstrations yesterday, in the way of dinner or supper, but pre sume nothing of the kind was done. At the meeting on Saturday night, the following gentlemen were elected to serve .for the ensuing year: D- A. O'Byrne, President; Andrew Hatley, Vice-President; John McHugh, Treasurer; Thos. D. Downing, Secretary; M. Fitzgerald, Standard Bearer. HIBERNIAN SOCIETY. The fifty-fifth anniversary meeting of this Society was held at 10 o’clock yester day morning, when their former officers were re-elected, as follows : John J. Kelley, President; John Mc- Mahon, Vice-President: L. J. Guilmar tin, Treasuer ; John R. Dillon, Secretary ; P. K. Shiels, Standard Bearer. John McMahon, John Foley, P. Iv. Shields, and Rev. J. F. O’Neill, Com mittee on Charity. Some time during the late war the old flag of the Society was lost, but they have procured anew one, which was used for the first time ot the meeting yesterday morning. „ We arc pleased to report this old So ciety in a. more flourishing condition than ever. Sixteen new member-s were elected yesterday. At night, the members of the Society, with some invited guests, sat down to it supper at the Marshall House, prepared in the style for which that house is fa mous. The bill of fare comprised all the substantiate and luxuries of the season, to which the company did full justice. We had intended to publish this bill, but our limited space this morning precludes. The following are the regular toasts : 1. The Day we celebrate—the birth day of Ireland’s Patron Saint —a glori ous emerald in the diadem of the year. 2. The President of the United States —the staunch and firm friend of constitu tional liberty. 8. His Excellency the Governor of Georgia. 4. Our adopted country—may she yet rise, despite the Angry storm of sectional ism, and redeem with dignity and honor her character and her history. 5. The Press —the great bulwark of liberty. May it, by the wisdom of its counsels and the purity of its teachings, incite mankind to noble and worthy deeds. Responded to by the only representa tive of the Press present, with the follow ing sentiment: As the gloom of the three closing days of last week was followed by the bright and cheering sunlight of St. Patrick’s morn ; so may the present gloomy condi tion of Ireland, aptly typified thereby, soon be displaced by the rising of the glorious sun of liberty. G. Our Invited Guests —The Hibernian Society bids you -welcome, thrice wel come. Responded to by Mayor Anderson,, who said he had often experienced Irish hospitality, not only here among adopted citizens, hut in their own native isle. He gave— “ The hospitality of the Irish people, a3 experienced by all who mingle with them, whether on their own soil cr elsewhere, but especially here in Savannah.” Judge O’Byrne was then called up. After saying that he was deeply sensible of the honor conferred upon him as the President of another Society, though they were all brothers in feeling, he closed by offering the following sentiment: • “To the health and prosperity of the Hibernian Society and each member of it ; may the Society grow and prosper till Ireland shall be free.” Capt. Bulkley was next called on, and responded briefly, as becomes a sailor. 7. Woman-- 11 A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Responded to by Robert Fidligant, Esq., in an eloquent speech, of which we regret we cannot even give a synopsis. He paid a beautiful tribute to woman, branching off to speak of Robert Emmet, the hero martyr, but returning to his subject, he made an affecting mention of Sarah Cur ran, his betrothed. Emmet died for his country, but she died for him. He closed by giving the following sentiment: “The Virtue, Purity aud Truth of the Irish female character. After the regular toasts were closed, many volunteer toasts were offered, and at a late hour the company adjourned, closing the festivities in the time-honored style, by joining in a parting glass of hot whisky punch, and singing “Auld Lang Syne.” New Advertisements, SAVANNAH VARIETIES, Cor. St. Julian St. and Market Square. The undersigned would respectfully an nounce to the public that they have leased the above popular place of amusement, and will open on Saturday Evening, MarcSi 23, With a NEW, LARGE and POWERFUL COMPANY. MOLONEY Sc RICE, mhl9-4 :; ' ! Proprietors. FOR LIVERPOOL. The first-class Shin |§k EYDYMIOM, SUSSsT WILLIAMS, Master, Having a portion of her freight engaged, will have immediate dispatch. For balance of freight, apply to mhl9-10 WILDER & FULLARToN. FORBOBTON. The A1 Schooner J. G. BABCOCK, GRACE, Master, Having throe-fourths of cargo engaged, will have dispatch. For freight apply to CIIAS. L. COLBY & CO., mhlO-tf cor. Bay and Abercorn streets. XEW BOOKS. GOULDBURN’S THOUGHTS ox PERSONAL RELIGION. BISHOP HOBART’S FESTIVALS AND FASTS. THE VESPERS BOOK. XEW GAMES, CLARK’S PARLOR TE LEO HA Pit, POETICAL DOMINOES. HEART AND RING PUZZLE. DISSECTED PICTURE ALPHABETS. NEW PAPER DOLLS. Ac., <t-c. A PIANO FOR SALE, NEARLY NEW. Malion & Frierson, mhl9-l cor. Congress and Whitaker sts. Dissolution of Copartnership, THE COPARTNERSHIP of LINVILLE & GLEASON has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Gleason purchased the entire interest of Mr. Linvillo, and assumed the payment of all the debts of the firm. Persons indebted to the late firm will make payment to Mr. Gleason, and creditors will present their bills to him for payment. The business will hereafter be conducted by S. XV. GLEASON, who solicits the patronage of the customers of the late firm. 11. H. LINVILLE. 8. W. GLEASON. Savannah, March 18,1867. mhl9-law4w NOTICE. dHONSIGNEKS per Bark MARATHON from Baltimore arc hereby notified that her cargo will be discharged at the Upper Cotton Press THIS DAY • All goods left on the wharf after sunset will be stored at expense and risk of Consignees. CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., mb 19-1 Agents. _ House for Rent and Fur niture for Sale. APPLY ON JONES STREET, North side, 4th door from Abercorn. mhl9-2 Bacon, Fish, &c. 10 Boxes Prime Breakfast BACON, 10 kits Superior Mess MACKEREL, SJ half bbis. Potomac HERRING, SJ quarter bbis. " EMPTY BARRELS, In store and for sale by M. S. COHEN, mhl9-S 140 Bay st. JJJALTIMOItE SUGAR CURED HAMS, “ SHOULDERS, “ BREASTS, LEAF LARD, in bbis. and kegs, Landing, ar.d for sale by mar!9 i _ B. G. TILDEN, gty CASES BORDEN’S CONDENSED MILK, Eagle brand, landing from Steamer Herman Livingston, and for sale by mhl9 C. L. GILBERT, LEMONS AND ONIONS. Lauding and for sale by mh!9 . B. G. TILDEN. * Auction Sales. By G. LATTRANT. THIS DAY. 19th inst., at 10 o’clock A. M. in front of store, will be sold to close consignment— -5 firkins Goshen BUTTER, 2 tierces HAMS, 1 tierce Smoked SHOULDERS, 2 boxes White Clear Ribbed SIDES, 2 “ Smoked “ ” Also 100 boxes ADAMANTINE CANDLES, SO bbis. IRISH POTATOES. TEA, SOAP, STARCH and other Groceries, besides the usual assortment of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, 12 K EROSEN E STOVES, Ac. ALSO All invoice of DRESS GOODS. CLOTHING. OASSI MERES. HOSIERY, THREADS. PA PER COLLARS. NECK TIES, SHAWLS, NO TIONS, CUTLERY, TOILET SOAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, Ac., Ac. mhl9 1 WOHKINGMAN’S Mutual Loan Association of Savannah. fTT'Viag—ta The Reguiar Monthly Meeting ot this Association will be held on TUESDAY, the 19th inst., at 8 o'clock p.m. at Fireman’s Hall. marl S-2 J. R. SAUSSY, Secy. READY MADE CLOTHING AT WHOLESALE. MERCHANTS and PLANTERS visiting the (jity are invited to examine our Stock be fore purchasing. We guarantee all of our work, it being done at home. We offer for sale for Planters’ use— 20© suits Georgia Striped OSNABI'RGS, 20© “ Fancy SATINETS, I*o pair Linen Duck PANTS, 50 “ Jeans PANTS. 100 11 Cottonade PANTS. 50 dozen Hickory SHIRTS, •JU “ Calico SHIRTS, LATHROP & CO., IS!) and 14I]l'oiigress St. Wholesale Rooms, up stairs. marl S-3 Gent’s and Boys’ READY MADE CLOTHING. WE INVITE ATTENTION to our Stock oi Gentlemen’s and Boys’ Beady Made Clothing ncAv on hand and making up, viz: Gent’s Fancy Cassimero.SUlTS, “ Blue Flannel SUITS, “ Gray Flannel SUITS, “ all Silk Drab SACKS. “ Black Alpaca SACKS, “ White and Brown Linen SACKS, Boys’ Beady Made Cassini ere SUITS. We are now prepared to make up Gentle men’s and Boys’ Clothing for Soring and Sum mer wear in the best Styles, aijow figures. LATHROP & CO., 139 and 141 Congress st., up stairs. marl 8-3 GROGBRIES Ift LIQUORS 50 bbis. ‘‘ Pride of Wisconsin” Flour. 10© bbis. llecker’s Self-liaising Flour, 75 bbis. Planting and Eating Potatoes, SS© A bbis- Beef and Pork, casks choice Sugar Cured Hams, hhd. choice Sugar Cured Shoulders, 12 bbis. Clarified Sugar, bbis. Crushed Sugar, 1© bbis. Florida Syrup, 1© A chests choiec Oolong Tea, •J Ai chests choice Green Tea, 4© Az bbis. No. 1 and 2 Mackerel, 2© casks Byass Porter and Arrals Ale, SO As casks Brandy (Otard), bbis. Whiskey, Nectar, 1855, 2© bbis. Whiskey, Rum and Gin.- 6J casks pure Port Wine, 00 cases Wolfe’s Brandy, 20 cases Wolfe’s Bourbon Whiskey, 20 eases Wolfe’s Schnapps, And sundry other articles. For sale by M. LAVIN, * mhlG East Broad street, t Wood! ftil BEST OAK, delivered, per cord. $8 00 Y’ELLOW PINE, delivered, 6 00 LIGHT WOOD, “ 8 00 45r* All orders filled with dispatch. M. H. CULLENS & CO. Orders received at yards on wharf next to Dcmund’s Upper Press, at the A. & G. R. R., at W. XV. Lincoln’s and Messrs. Solomons & Co’s Drug Stores, at Mr. Constant’s Segar Empori um, and at the Postoffice. mhls-6* Hominy and Meal ON CONSIGNMENT.' ECEIVED per each steamer, KILN DRIED HOMINY and MEAL. Also—Savannah Mill GRIST and MEAL. For sale on consignment by mhlo-tf -WARD & McINTIRE. SAVANNAH MUSEUM SITUATED ON CHIPPEWAY SQUARE, CONTAINING Animals, Birds, Renliles, MINERALS, SHELLS, AND OTHER CURIOSITIES Open daily (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. j to 9 P. M. Admission 25 cents; Children under S years, 2° cents. Colored persons will be admitted on J Tacridays and rrtmq/*. THEODOR MEVES, | janSl-'im Proprietor, i Dry Goods! Spring iß67i SAMUEL mT LEDERER, No. 140 Congress Street. Gibbons’ Range. r JSHE particular attention of the Ladies of this eitv is invited to our extensive stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS Now in store and receiving by almost every steamer, consisting in part of Choice MUSLINS for DRESSES. _ _ Well selected HneV.f SPRING CALICOES. French JACONETS end ORGANDIES. English BAREGES and PLAID MOZAM- Avery choice line of WHITE GOODS, at moderate prices. _ T „ Brown and Bleached SHLE TIN Us and SHIRTINGS, now offering at a very small ad- Tankee notions, embroideries, HOSIERY and .GLOVES, together with a gen-, eral assortment of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS. mhl4-3m Spring’ Supplies! DAVID BAILEY, DRAPER AND TAILOR, No. 13 WltitaUer Street. IS NOW RECEIVING HIS STOCK OF Cloths, Cassimeres,Vestings, PaHjIiIJiTG-S. rise., AX I) GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, SUITA BLK FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR, Which he will MAKE UP TO ORDER in the *2=- Latest Style! *©B. Terms to correspond with the times. A call from old friends and the public is solicited, and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. inlS-lm ) Estnblisliert »&• 1 Established J J 10-42. #S-J 1842. 1 HAYWOOD’S Pulaski House Hair Dressing BATHING SALOON. iWfcNry-riVE YEARS ESTABLISHED. “WSa TIIANIiFUIi to ray numerous friends and customers for the large share of patron age they have so kindly extended to me, I would respectfully ask for a continuance, and also take pleasure to inform them that I have now TEN HANDS, seven of whom are good, steady Barbers, a majority of them raised and educated in the art by J. M. Haywood. The Shaving Saloon and .Bath Booms are now in complete order. The price of Bathing tickets has been reduced to 25 cents; 4 tickets for sl, or 50 cents a Bath. Six Shaving tickets, SI; Single Shave, 25 cents; Three Hair Cut ting Tickets, sl. Opposite Use Pulaski House, Corner Bull and Bryan Streets* feb23-tf • Savannah, Ga. “ARCTIC SODA!” npHE LOVERS OF THIS DELIGHTFUL BEVERAGE will find our Fountain supplied this season with CHOICE FRUIT SYRUPS and SODA WATER in the highest perfection. KISSENGEN WATER on draught. Js3r am CONGRESS WATER always on ice. i:. W. MARSH A CO., mh!2-lm Cor. Whitaker and Congress sts. New Books, JUST RECEIVED BY COOPER, OLCOTTS &, FARRELL Y. TWO MARRIAGES, by Miss Muloch. MADAME RECAMIER’S MEMOIRS, by Miss Luyster. INGEMISCO, by a Southern Lady. TIIE TENT ON A BEACH, by Whithir. PLAYED OUT, by Annie Thomas. mar42-tf _ Bacon Sides, Hams, Shoulders, ON CONSIGNMENT. JJRY SALTED SIDES. SMOKED SIDES and SHOULDERS, BREAKFAST BACON and PIG HAMS, Received per each steamer, and for sale on consignment by mh!s-tf WARD & McINTIRE. GUANO.! U TONS NO. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, For sale by marlfi-3 PHILLIPS & MYERS. ! CORN. ®s©o AVhito and Yellow CORN, I Landing, and for sale by marlfi-tf C. L. GILBERT, i NOTICE. CENTRAL RAILROAD OFFICE,) * Savannah, Ga., March 18,1867. / On and after Wednesday, March 20th, the up night Passenger Train will leave Savannah 7-40p.m.. instead of 7-05, as at present; The down night Passenger Train will leave Augusta 9-30 p, m., making close connection with S. C. R. R. through mail train. marl B-3 3. M. SELKIRK, M, T. SA VA.TNTNT AH, Skidaway & Seaboard R. E. HOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION TO THE STOCK OF THIS ROAD will be opened THIS DAY at 10 o'clock, and remain open for thirty days, at the Office of Geo. W. W.vlly, Esq., Treasurer; on which TWENTY PER CENT, must be paid within the thirty days. By order Board Commissioners. E. J. PURSE. feb26-lm Secretary. J. LANGSDORF, B. LANGSDORF, 8, LANGSDORF. | r|tHE ATTENTION OF CITY AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS IS INVITED TO OUR NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF NOTIONS, JEWELRY, WATCHES, AND AU GOODS OF SUCH DESCRIPTION. Our stock of TOBACCO, SEGAR.S, RITES, &c., is its complete ns heretofore, nil of which we offer LOW AT WHOLESALE. J. LAXGSDOKF & CO., mhlU ltn No. 8 Whitaker Street, corner Bay Lane. Boots, LSta, CLOTHING, HATS, fc, FOR SALE AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY EINSTEIN, EOKMAN&CO., 188 Congress Street. HjpilE attention of Country Buyers is in - vited to our large stock of goods in this line now in store and received by every steamer from Boston, New York and Philadelphia. Dealers will find our stock complete, and will do well to examine our goods before pur chasing elsewhere. mhl2-tf %t and Fasßimai Goods JUST OPENED. Ladies’ Black Silk Garments, Lace Points anrl Rotondos, New Styles in Dress Goods, XVhite and colored Piques, Mourning Goods for Spring and Summer, Sjpring Shawls, Lace Collars and Linen Sleeves, English, French and German Hosiery, Bleached Long Cloths, Irish Linens and Table Damasks, Towels and Toweling?, Ac. &c. » i'c. For sale at Lowest Prices by DeWitt & Morgan. ir.arlS-bf Private Boarding. AFEX\ r GENTLEMEN can be accommo dated with Board in a private family. For information, apply to CHARLES E. O’SULLIVAN, majr!B-tf 163 Bay st. Private Boarding. FOUR Single Gentlemen can be comfortably accommodated with BOARD, in a private family, in a convenient locality. A few Day Boarders will also be taken. Apply on Brough ton street, 2dUoorwest of Habersham, or at this office. febl4-tf For Sale Low, EXCELLENT SEINE, nearly new, 100 yards long, 15 feet deep in the middle, ends one inch mesh, centre three-fourths of an inch; will catch prawn. u-m J.C. ROWLAND, mhl4-o XX lJliamson’s Range. REWARD. ON Ti ESI)A V MORNING a lady Jost her PORT MONNAIE, containing a small amount of money, some valuable paoers, and a visiting card. The finder will be suitably re warded on leaving it at this office. Rooms to Rent, TWO small size rooms together with a pan try, furnished or unfurnished, can be had by applying at No. 20, corner of St* Julian and Price street-. marl 2-3 House for Sale. A TWO STORY FRAME DWELLING situated on Coiifg-tss Street, three doors west of Price street. Enquire on premises. FIRKINS CHOICE ** GOSHEN RUTTER I or sale by .ian3o :c. L. GILBERT. MURRAY’S LINE FOR NEW YORK. The first-class new Steamship \ UC4O c, BULKLEY. Commander. XVill sail for the above port on her regular day. TUESDAY. March 19. «t. 4:30 p. m. For freight or passage, having superior ac commodations, apply to HUNTER & GAMMELL, mh!4 84 Bay street. For Philadelphia. . v;®*****' The first class steamship TOXAWAXDA, JENNINGS. Commander. Will sail for the above port on SATURDAY, March 23d, at o’clock. For freight or passage, having superior ac commodations. apply to HUNTER & GAMMELL. mhl4 84 Bay street. em pi »e Tin* * iittfeSr FOR USHEDW YORK. SIDE-WHEEL SHIP. Cabin Passage-§25, Steerage SLL The new and fast side-wheel Steamship SAN SALVADOR, Capt. K. S. NICKERSON, Will sail ns above, on SATURDAY, March 23d, at 10 o’clock A. M. For freight or passage, haring very superior accommodations, apply to B. H. HARDER. Vo. 12 Stoddard’s Range. , GARRISON & ALLEN, Agents, No 5. Bovrling Green, N. Y. 43 >7 Shippe-s sending cotton to the Pressmust see that the bales arc marked plainly on the edge. mhlß For Palatka, Fla., | Via FERNANDIN A, JACKSONVILLE and ALL INTERMEDIATE LAND- I INGS ON ST. JOHN'S RIVER. The New Steamer mCTATOR. , (1,000 tons,) Capt. L. M. COXETTEF., i Having undergone thorough repair* will -e --sanie her regular route as a bore, lea ring Sn van »»‘> a VERY SATURDAY at 3 o’clock P lor Freight or Passage, having splendid ae , commodations, apply an board or to ,o L ' J - UUII. MARTIN & CO., ' 248 Bay street. For CHARLESTOSTsTc 'j •' j '• Ij • L ■■, The New Steamer I DICTATOR. (1,060 tons.) Capt. L. M COXETTER, Vv ill resume her regular trips as above, com | mencmg WEDNESDAY, the 24th instant, at 9 odock A. M. For Freight or Passage, apply on board, or to _ „ L. J. GUILMARTIN & CO., i oc22~tf 148 Bay street. i Erwin & Hardee’s Line For AUGUSTA j And Intermediate Landing’s. The new fast IRON STEAMER BOYS Capt. J. G. GARNETT. Willlcave asnboveon FRIDAY AFTERNOON at a o’oloek, and will continue to ply REGULARLY BETWEEN SAVANNAH and AuGLsiA, leaving Savannah as stated, and Augusta even - TUESDAY MORNING at 6 o clock. For Freight engagements, apply 10 ERWIN & HARDEE. or to WM, B. STURTEVANT, Agt. das COASTERS. JpLANTERS and others wishing to Ship Merchandise to or from the Coast, will find \ essels suitable for that purpose by applying to A. RICHARDSON, febl-tf _ 194 Bay street. LADIES’ HATS AT WHOLESALE, LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL LOT of Ladies’ and Misses’ Hats AT VERY LOW PRICES. For sale by S. ill. COLDI.Xi, mhS-tf _ JSo. 153 Congress FOR RENT, NICE DWELLING. Apply to mar!6-6 DOYLE & LYONS.