The Savannah daily advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 186?-1873, March 19, 1867, Image 3

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LARGEST ACTUAL~CIRCULATIOy VARIOUS ITEMS. A smart remark attributed to Count Bismarck is said to have greatly irritated the French Emperor. The-results of the late war were being talked about before the Prime Minister. “Prussia." some one remarked, “has had the line of the , Maine : Italy has had Tenetia : Russia ■ has the East at her disposal: but France?" “France." the Prime Minister of King : William replied. “Well, she has hei —; Exhibition/' The Toronto Leader is very much pro- | yoked by the sensitiveness of the people i of the United States with reference to the j proposed “Kingdom.” The editor says : j “Our American neighbors may as well! understand now as later that wo no more consult their feeling, or prejudices, in thege matters than they consult ours in the reconstruction of the States of the Union.” The “Star Spangled Banner” was hiss ed a few nights since in Portland, Maine —probably on account of the bad music. If this had happened in a Southern city there would have been a committee ap pointed forthwith by Congress for investi- ; gation. A New York clergyman recently, in the course of a sermon bewailing the coldness of bis flock in religious matters, said that the kind of conversion most sought after hv church members of late had been the conversion of seven-thirties. The Chaplain of the New York Assem bly perpetrated the following pun in a prayer: “May men of principle be our principal men." The homestead of Sam Houston, in Houston, Texas, which he built himself some twenty-five years ago, has just been demolished. Savannaii Cotton Market. The market yesterday was very irregu lar, with sales of 500 bales, on the basis of 80(5 He. for Middlings. Buyers were entering the market freely, and sales of .probably 1,000 bales additional could have been effected if holders had been disposed to meet theirviews. The close of business shows holders firm with an upward tendency. Receipts yesterday 558 bales Upland. On Saturday 795 bales Upland and 92 Sea Island. Shipping Intelligence. SAVANNAH, MARCH 18, 1887. Arrived. Steamship Herman Livingston, Baker, New York—Wilder & F w 11 arton. Ship Endymion, Williams,New York, in bal- i last —Wilder A- Fuliarton. Schooner C W Newins, New York, asserted i cargo—Starr & Roberts. Schr Brandywine, Wilmington, Del—Erwin k j Hardee. j Schr Annie Arnsden, Barry. Baltimore—Sor rell Bros. „ „ ! Schr Jonas .Smith, Jones New York, assorted cargo—C L Colby & Cos. SchrChas W Holt, Hart, New York, assorted j cargo—C L Colby k Cos. Steamer Swan. Cohen, Augusta—M A Cohen. ! Steamer Baudy Moore, Moody, Augusta— ! M A Cohen. Cleared. Steamer Eliza Hancox, Richardson,Charles ton —Claghorn «fc Cunningham. Receipts of Produce, dec Per schr C M Newins—2,ooo bushels orn, and i assorted merchandize. Per schr Brandywine—lo.ooobushels corn. Per Central Railroad—ssß bales cotton, So ; do yarn, 7 bags dried fruit, 6 do cotton seed, 34 j bales old bagging and rope, 3 bbls crackers, S j cases drugs, (5 kegs butter, 4 bbls wine. 26 empty j bbls, 12 car wheels, Hears iron, Hears lumber, i and merchandise. Consignees. Per steamship Herman Livingston—Geo C R ! R, A & G R R, Adams Express Cos, E C Ander- 1 son, W B Adams. Austin k E, G Apple, J W Anderson k Sons, W 11 Burroughs, Bouse ft’ B, W Barnett, Brigham, II k ('<>, Blun & M, Baum A* E. T Brown. Blair & B, Champion & F, [ 5 M Colding, Caffrey & H, Claghorn & C, J R j Cheves, Crane G. Clark, J k Cos, J Cohen, M A Cohen, 0 Cohen, J Cohen k Bro, M J Doyle ! k Cos. Doyle & L, M Doyle & Cos, DeWitt &M, ; J H Deinund, Davant «fe W, M Duggan, L Dunn,! T J Dunbar &, Cos, Duncan & J. Eclipse Line, ; Erwin A H, J Epstein & Bro. Epstein & E, Ein- j stein & E, Einstein, E & Cos. Al Fcrst, A & L Friedonburg, Mrs C Gradot, H Gowdy, J Gross 6 Bro, Guckenbeimer kS, G Gemenden, L J Guilmartin A Cos, AY B Griffin, C L Gilbert, S Goodall, A Go mm, L Hohenstein, Holcombe & Cos, Hone & G, R M Hunt, J E Hernandez, Hil ton & R. H D Hawley, Hess & G, Houseman, A & Cos, Mrs M B Hassett, A S Hnrtridge, A B Ives, C 0 Jones, Johnston, AY & Cos. J Koox, M Krauss & Cos, J Knox, J Kemp. E H Kerlin, Lillienthal & K, Laßoche, Bell & AV, J Lipp man, G Laurant, Lovell & L, S M Lederer, J Lama, Lathrop & Cos. Levy & B, S S Miller, II C Mehrtens, R Mclnt>re & Cos, A Monro, J McMahon, M S Meyer, Mitchell, A & S. J C Maker, Moinhardt Bros & Cos. F M Myrell, G T Nichols, Neufville, B & Cos, L Ncidlinger, Op penheiuner, M <fcCo. J Oliver, J O’Byrne & Son, E O’Byrne k Son, AY Parker. A Paul. Palmer & D, Mrs H M Pease, J W Perkins, II G Ruwe, Renshaw & Bro, Randall k Cos, C !> othschild, Rothschild &S, A Reacher & Cos, AV G Robinson, P Ileiley, T Reiley, C D Rogers, Rf i, £•> h & Cos, C A Reynolds, A A Solomons l <>, G an, B Strauss, Sloan, S& S, Scott, ll Cos, J C Schreiner A Sons. Southern Ex Cos, C Torney, C AV Thompson. BG Tilden, R H Tatum, Tison & G, Unekles k Son, J L Villalorga, A\ r M AA r alsh, S L AViley. AA r in a diamond, West ft’ D, Weed A C, S AV Wright, EC Wade & Cos, Wilder k F, E Zaoharias, G C AY. Per Central Railroad—o Cohen <0 Cos, J A Stevenson. AV Chaplin, Holcombe & Cos, West & D, A & G R R Agent, R Molina. Lillienthal & K, Laßoclic. A & AV, C TANARUS) Rogers & Bro, Remshart A Bro, A A Solomons, J A Thompson. W M Davidson, F AV Sims & Cos, Claghorn & C. Cen tral 11 R Agent. J AV Lathrop & Cos, G AA' Gar mano, AV B Griffin & Cos, Bradley. 11 k Cos, L J Guilmartin & Cos, AVildcr & F, A Low & Cos, \\ Battersby & Cos, Knoop, M k Cos, Duncan & J, Padelford&C. Tison &G. Bryan, Jl&Co, Clark, J& Cos. P 11 Behn. Per schr CAV Newins—R R Agent, Brigham, H & Cos, AV B Adams Blun AM, M A Cohen, Claghorn & C, .n J Doyle & Cos, A\ r B Griffin A: Cos, A Gonun, S B Harrington. Holcombe & Cos. llono & S, Hilton k R, A S Miller & Cos, Ran dall & Cos, E D Smyth, C Van Horn, Job Printing, of every description, neatly and expeditiously executed at this office. . ISTEW SPRING I SUMMER DRY GOODS, JUST RECEIVED, INCLUDING GRENADINES, BROCADES, BAREGES, ORGANDIES, MOZAMBIQUES, JACONETS, PERCALES, BRILLIANTS, ■LAWNS, SWISS MUSLINS, NAINSOOKS, VICTORIA LAWNS, TARLETONS, BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS, FANCY SILKS, PARASOLS, SUN UMBRELLAS, SILK CARMEN IS, BAREGE SHAWLS, CASHMERE SHAWLS. GRENADINE SHAWLS. Als ), a Good Assortment of New York Sprins; ami Summer Styles LADIES’, MISSES’ and CHILDRENS’ HATS, BONNETS. FLOWERS, ' STRAW TRIMMINGS, ORNAMENTS. RIBBONS, BONNET FRAMES, &e. &e. &c. &c,, ALL AT OI K USUAL, LOW PRICES. John C. Maker & Cos., Cor. Broughton and Whitaker sts. fcb2s-tf Bolsliaw & Sill’sa, 68 St. Julian and 101 Bryan Streets, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS Crockery, China, Glassware, KEROSENE LAMPS and OIL, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, &(*.. A*-. A good assortment of the above g.iods in store and constantly arriving. feb27 F. W. CO UNWELL, DEALER IN 3E3L" £& IT c3L X7ST Si. IT & AND Agricultural Implements, 151 Broughton fit., One door west of Barnard, next to Turner’s Drugstore, mar4-lm SAVANNAH, Ga. ■ Wm. J. JilcLaughlin, DEALER IN PAPE R HANGINGS,! AND WINDOW SHADES, Corner Broughton and Bull streets, tobl - - t Us er IIILL>M A>' Drug Store. A. S. CANUET, General Conrn Merchant, 154 B A.Y; STREET, mhl4-tf Savannah, Ga. NOTICE. A BAM SHORT, MASTER AND BUILD ER, of twenty-five years experience in Savannah, offers his services to erect new Build ings and do all kinds of Repairing. Office at the Carpenter Shop in rear of the Pttlaeki House. mhS-lm* New Books THE GENIUS OF SOLITUDE, by W. R, Alprer, MEMOIRS AND CORRESPONDENCE OF MADAME BECAMIER. THE DIAMOND CROSS, A TALE OF AMERICAN SOCIETY. THE KING’S OWN BORDERERS, by James Grant; THE VILLAGE ON THE CLIFF, by Miss READINGS 1 FOR LENT, by Miss Sewell. Just received by STALEY & JONES. marlo-tf MR, PORI OATS, &[. BBLS. EXTRA FLOUR, ** Superfine FLOUR, “ Finc FLorß ’ 1 itm bushe,s SBEI) OATS, 500 " P r ' n >e Md. White CORN, ! On consignment and for sale low, by mhl2-tf A. V. (ISNISGHAM. London and Lancashire ARE IN POSITION TO TAKE FIRE IIIS fll ill DtlliPTiilliriluiif (EXCEPT FRAME RISKS) IN THE CITY OF SAVANNAH, AT LOWEST RATES. J. T. STEWART, TAgent, janlO-iy No. 6 Stoddard’s Upper Range, MRS. SU 3=» :JE2 ;S JEJ, SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY km STRAW ROODS, 100 GoiagTess Street. 160 C'AinpriHing the .Latent Paris Novelties in Straw, Silk and Felt Hats and Bonnets, Bonnet Frames, Sc, SILK GOODS, LACES, NETS, RIBBONS, VEILS, , CURLS, FLOWERS. RUCHES, WATERFALLS, BRIDAL WREATHS, CRAPES, ORNAMENTS. STRAW CORDS and TASSELS, Ac., Ac., Ac. A Large Assortment of MISSES’ and CHILDREN’S HATS, Trimmed and Plain. SHAKER HOODS, by the Case. BAND BOXES, by the Bale. N. B.—The above Goods have been selected in person, from the Largest importing and Knnut.irtHrinir House-- in the North, EXPRESSLY FOR THE CITY AND COUNTRY TRADE, and will be SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH, Post Office Box 366. mhS-tf BALTIMORE AGEN GY~ IFOIR, SALE OIF 1 HERMETISILLY SEALEO SO2DS! OYSTERS, FRUITS, Meats, Jelies, Pickles, <fec., AT MANUFACTURER’S PRICES. «EO. 13. ARLEDGE, MANUFACTURER’S AGENT. t®* Office—Southeast corner Bay and Abe-corn streets, Savannah, Ga. ian2s-tf FOR SALE, t OQ O Bushels YELLOW CORN, 1,000 '■ WIIITECORN ’ 200 ba,es NORTHER ® ray. & O lbs. Dry Salted BACON. McCarthy's Improved COTTON GINS, by Hand or Power. WHITCOMB k GORDON, feb2o-tf 173 Bay street. BORDEN’S Condensed Milk Agency. ‘ TOO CASES MONUMENTAL BRAND, Just received and for sale. HARNEY & CO., mhß-tf S. E. cor. Bay and Aben orn sts. 500,000 CIGARS AT FACTORY PRICES TO TRADE. HARNEY & CO., Southeajit eor. Bay and Abercorn streets. feb!s-tf Choice Goshen Butter ON CONSIGNMENT. JJECEIVKD by each Steamer, • CHOICE GOSHEN BUTTER, On consignment. For sale by mhls-tf WARD & McINTIRE. Fancy Crackers. Farina Crackers, Water Crackers, Ginger Snaps, Graham Bread, Soda Crackers, Milk Crackers. Lemon Crackers, Walnut Crackers, Hand Butter Crackers, Hand Sugar Crackers, Boston Crackers, Pilot Bread, For sale by mhl2*tf 55. <G. firtDE^. Corn and Oats Landing. f® 000 BUSIIELS rRIME CORN. 000 BUSUELS PRIME CATS, Landing from brig Virginia Dan and schooner Sidney 0. Tyler. Forsalelov 1 e wharf by mh7-6 GUERARD,F i i . LL a CO. FOR SALE, 200 Barrels CEMENT, NOW LANDING. CIIAS. L. COLBY & CO., inn2s-tf Cor. Bay and Abercorn streets. Bacoi) and Corn. eggj hhds. C R and RIB SIDES, hbds. PRIME SHOULDERS, 2,000 bush. White andYelWw CORN, Landing, and for sale by SCRANTON, SMITH CO., icbiN-,:' Head ofßgy, footof Jgffereoi MEATS. jjologna;sausagi-:s, smoked beef, PIG HAMS, BREAKFAST BACON. DRY SALTED BACON. For sale by mMfl2-tf It. TII,I>IiX. FLOTJU. FLOUR, in bbls. and half bbls. IIECKER’S S. R. FLOUR, in bbls, Landing, and for sale by mar!2-tf B. C, TILDES^ Sunclr-ies. JJAISINS. ALMONDS. CURRANTS, CITRON, SARDINES, SWEET ufL. VERJIICELLA, MACCARONI. <ie. Landing, and for sale by mar!2-tf B. G. TILBEK. Stills ! Stills ! FOR SALE FOUR NEW COPPER STILLS, g Complete, . JOHN J. MAURICE, jtnf-tl Market Sgnare. BALUSTERS, “ NEWEL PO.BTS, MOSFLD4NGS, &c. feb2s-tf BLAIR 1c BICKFORD. FOR SALE, PLANTING AND EATING POTATOES. By CIIAS. L. COLBY & CO.. fcb27-tl Cor. Bay and Abercorn streets. MOLASSES. HHDS. CHOICE NEW CROP, tierces MUSCOVADO MOLASSES, Ex “Silver Bell,” now landing and for sale by T. L. KINSEY A CO., jan3l-tf Jones* Block. Paper Bap! hw Bis! p OR SALE by WARREN BROTHERS, novl3-tf - 21013ayst., foot of Jefferson. A. J. MILLER & CO. FURNITURE R IREHOISF 138 Broughton Street. n u ” ij WRIGHT'S PATENT SECTIONAL SPRING BED BOTTOMS The Best and Cheapest SPRING BED in the world —Warranted for TEX YEARS. NEW WORK made- to order, Repairing, Bell Hanging, Mattress Making, and Upbol- at she rinotice. saay!2-tt S. S. ZMIILdLIEIR,., NO. 157 BROUGHTON ST.. Dealer ir. g. Mahogany and Walnut 'fi., •CSllE' -xr n i % n xr o, 1 * ' And FRENCH COTTAGE CHAMBER SET' 5-ts Matresges made to Order. Gli,GrocWßlasswffl ♦ * J. P. COLLINS & CO., 130 Broughton Street.. Dealers in china, ck-tkery. GLASSWARE. aUiHEXWARE. UN WARE. WILLOW and WooDEN WARE. J. P. C<,s having rvaned busines.- at the above stand, will be rU t- 'eehi-old friends and tbc j-dblic aenorali; . iug!3-ti TIN ROOFING, GUTTERS. LEADERS Galvanized Iron Cornices! TIN WORK in all its various shapes and styles. All kinds Tin and other Metal Roofing Work, new and old. DONE WITH DISPATCH. Having been engaged in this business in Sa vannah fi> r seventeen years, in which time I have covered one half the houses covered with tin. I guarantee satisfaction or no pay. JOHN J. MAURICE, seplQ-tf Bryan -treet. Market Square. PAVILION HOTEL, D. 0. NOE. Proprietor, Corner< f Bull and Souths Brood Sts., Savannah. j Having taken the above Hotel, which has recently been refitted and refurnished through out, the Proprietor can assure the public that he is as well prepared to cater to their wants as any Hotel in the State. Ilis table will al ways he supplied with the best the market af fords. and no pains will be spared to give en tire satisfaction. Transient Board : —>*> per day. Permanent Board SIS per week. A share of public patronage is solicited. _ lebll-tf Read This! Ye Muddy Victims of Bilious Disease Prod need by Drinking Mixed and Medicated Liquors. \rOU now have a chance to dense your inur -* key blood and restore your health and keep it good, by only drinking the old pure 1 WU KAT and RYE WHISKEYS of E. P. Mid ; dleton, Philadelphia, in wood and glass. Wo are Sole Agents for the State or Territory i of Georgia. ! We have a good general assortment of Pure Imported and Domestic Liquors. And of the latter we have them as poor and unfit to drink i ns any other concern in this city, and at as low | prices. Call and examine the poor Liquors, (as j we do not keep drummers at the Hotels and 1 Railroad depots. The good Liquors will speak for themselves At the head of the Bay, foot of Jefferson st, , Hodgson’s Building. jap-tf SCRANTON, SMITH A CO. HIM HOUSE SHADES [Rear of Post-Office,] BAY LANE. The undersigned, having completed the refit ting >1 his establishment, would announce ; his friends and the public that he is prepared tc | offer them the BEST of Liquors, Ales, Wines, Sega rc Ac.. dc„ do. DAILYLIXCH! From 11 A. M. to 1 P. M. «g> KISSEXGEN and CONGRESS IV ATE IS always on hand. j octl3-tf THOS. GILHOOL7. New York and Thunderbolt OYSTERS I RAW. STEWED, Ft IED. ROASTED, and in any and sired style, served up promptly at the j BULL STREET SALOON, opposite the Pu laski House. ; The best ALES, WINES, LIQUORS anl 1 CIGARS kept constantly on hand. FREE LUNCH every dav trom 11 to? o’clock. TERENCE NUGENT, I novl7-tf Proprietor. The "Old 76” Saloon, Corner Bay Lane and Drayton Street. DUNN & KENNY, Proprietors. Messrs. D. A K. are prepared to supply their j customers and friends with the best of ALES. | WINES, LIQUORS and SEGARS. LUNCH SERVED DAILY. ; from 11 to 1 o’clock, at the “ Old ’76.” i febll-tf | PHILIP CALLAXAX. JAMES KERRIGAN. P. CALLANAN & CO., ; Comer ITaberaham and Pre.ule.ti Street!, D' BALERS IN FAMILY GROCERIES, ALES. VINES. I.HJUOES. SEGARS, | FOREIGN and DOMESTIC FRUITS, i *»• Ships’ and Steamers' Cabin Stores tarn > .shod at the shortest notice. novW-tf E. L. GCERARD. B. B. FERRELL. A. B. VesSOLOWSKY. Guerard, Ferrill & Cos,, general COMMISSION MERCHANTS FACTORS AND BROKERS. no,-14 Bay street, g n vannan. Ga. WILLIAM STARR. JOS. A.'ROBE' ~S. A. NEUMAYER. STARa A UOBSIRTS, Shipping and Commission uerdiants. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Liberal advances on Consignments of Cotton or other Produce. Particular attention given to purchase of bupphes. for Manufacturer.-. Arc. decs A. RICHARDSOV, SHIP BROKER AND— Commission Merchant. 194 BAY STREET. JfebLtf SAVANNAH Holden, Heed & Cos. Ge.ykkai. Commission MEieCHANTS. Libera! A dranees made on Consignments of Cotton to Northern ports. Cay. comer Abercorn Street, novld SAVANNAH, GA. 11, O. 11l WE, Wholesale Liquor Dealer and Commission Merchant. Coiner Bryan and St. Julian Streets an-i I -u --ument Squn re, SAY ANN A ii. HA.. #tr Agent for Birdi zer*,- celebrated WINES and LIQUORS. .nzA-rf Chas L. Colby & Cos., COMMISSIONand FORWARD INO MERCHANTS, Jones’ b*F-c« me of Bay and Abercorn Street: Savannah. 525 A, J. J. BLOIS. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MBRCHAITT, Corner of Bay and Abercorn sts., ap2-tf SAVANNAH, GA. ALBERT WILCOX. J. BONNELL SMITH. A. WILCOX & CO., FACTORS, COM’SION MERCH’TS F o r w aiders. BAY STREET. - - SAVANNAH, GA. Refer to —Edw. Padelford, Octavus Cohen, A S. Hartridge, Henry Brigham, jy2l-tf G. LAURA\T, AUCTIOX£E H Forwarding and Commission IML B IExL, o H A 17 T. SAVANNAH, GA Strict attention will bo given t< business entrusted to my care. _ oco-tf COSMO B. RICHARDSONE. Attorney at Law, Office over Holcombe A Co’s, dec6-tf SAVANNAH, GA._ GRADY & TILLi. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL Pljji.STBR.EiiS, Bay Street, near Jefferson, Savannah, Ga. Dealers in LIME, LATHS, PLASTER, HAIR and CEMENT. ian29-tf SYIIOYS A CO., WHOLESALE AND P.HTaIL BOOT and SHOE Corner St. Julian and Whitaker Stress, v id stand of W. R. Symons.) ian29-tf SAVANNAH, GA. W. S. DILLON, PAINTER 69 Bay Street. Plain and Fancy Signs, Glazing, &c., done at the shortest notice. jan2S-tf JO HIV OLIVER, House & Sign Painter, And Dealer in Paints, Oils, Mass, Sashes, Blinds, Dears, k: NO, 11 WHITAKER STREET. M. P. BEAUFORT, Sail Malxer EXCHANGE WHARF, Dealer in duck, canvas, Russia and VANILLA ROPE. BAGGING, BUNTING, JLOCKS.ic., An. Manufactures SAILS. TENTS. GRAIN and FLOUR SACKS, AWNINGS. FLAGS,.Vc. 0c27-tf JNO. D. CHARLTON. W. A. PARDEE CHARLTON & PARDEE, Valdosta, G-00. DEALSas IX Dry Goods, Hardware, GROCERIES, AND CONFECTION A RIES. ALSO - Agents for Insurance. seu3-tf LEE AND HIS GENERALS, With oven teen full page Steel Portraits. Southern History I War, ° 7 With twenty full page Steel Portraits, For sale by Subscription only. STALEY A JONES. feb-o-tf Sole Agents.