The Savannah daily advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 186?-1873, January 22, 1870, Image 3

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itamralt gaily gutet 'm Za£T° The most widely circu lated, and least expensive me dium of advertising in Savannah. AGENTS FOR THE ADVERTISER. NEW YORK—S. M. Pettksoill A Cos., Gxo P. Rowzll A Cos.; Hudson A Mexkt. 41 Park Row; Abbott A Cos.; J. Voss, Herald Building. BOSTON-S. R. Nilks * Cos. PHILADELPHIA—Cos, Wethebill A Cos., Bulletin Building. BALTIMORE, MD.— Qeifpin A Hoffman, 11 Law Buildings. LYNCHBURG. VA.-Robt. P. Button. MADISON, FLA.—A. A. Ellknwood. OGLETHORPE.— A. B. McCasiill. REYNOLDS, GA.-A. Coleman. GAINESVILLE, GA.-A. M. Cocheax. IRWINTON, GA.-J. Hknet Tatloe. OCALA, FLA.— Joshua A. FORSYTH, GA.-E. A. Han on. BLACKSHEAR. GA.-I.KWIL CKI. 49" We hare often taken as our text the pow er of the Press and the advantages of liberal advertising. Our readers will however excuse us if we illustrate the suhject by a little incident, which occurred in our city yesterday. .The firm of J. A. Brown A Cos., the extensive dealers In fruit and produce, on the Bay, received a large cargo of Havana fruit a day or two since, and buts r the dismal and unpropitious weather, would doubtlesa have found a ready sale, for the fruit was unusually fine. As it was, however, the' prospeet of losing heavily upon it was de cidedly threatening. Retail dealers held aloof, and were afraid to invest while the large pile of delicious oranges were already looked upon as doomed to decay. At this juncture, it occurred to the firm to try the virtue of advertising. A liberal offer was made to the public through the daily papers to supply them for one day with fine Havana oranges at S2 per hundred, or forty cents a dozen. Hardly had the store been opened yesterday morning, before a stream of customers commenced pouring in, and the rush during the day was perfectly unprecedented- At six o’clock last evening. 30.000 oranges, be sides other fruit, had been disposed of in small lots. This is certainly most remarkable in the way of retail sales, and the firm extend their hearty thanks to their friends, the public, for responding so unexpectedly to their offer. 4(9-Among the many institutions which indi cate the general prosperity of our city, may be noticed the elegant tonsorial establishment on the corner of Bull and Bryan streets, which has Ol late been undergoing the most extensive al terations and improvements, and has been thoroughly refitted in a manner which reflects the highest credit upon .the enterprise and lib erality.of its proprietor, and deserves the most geoerous patronage of the public. It now com pares favorably with any like institution in the country. Under the Bluff. The steamship Oriental, from Boston, ar rived yesterday to Richardson A Barnard. Her purser has our thanks for iavors. Coroner Harden held an inquest yesterday on the body ofthe man who was found floating In the river at the foot of Gas House Ilill. Some policemen recognized the corpse ca that of l’e ter Witty, a poor old diunkard, who has been before the Mayor time and time again for re peated violations ot the laws. Peter has a wife in town, who missed him about Christmas time only now to find him dead and scarcely recognizable. It is .-apposed that overcome by liquor be tell into the river and remained there, until now the laws < f nature restore him bard j ß * B ' ll t 0 ««h. .Poor E»for. his was a A fearful accident occurred at the Boston wharf yesterday, while the Oriental was un loading, resulting in api obable loss of life. A colored boy, named Abram Lee, employed by il. J. Dickerson to manage the rope attached to the dummy engine, used for the purpose of hauling out freight, attempted to pull the rope while the cylinder on’ which Ik jras being wound up. was iaottpid untien-* His arm was cylinder, and be i'ored stop the machinery through a space S’ a *mm ; > un i the 11 lin- Hu. we Oe.ieve. smashing ■ .?.•/• H 0 seriously injuring dc olil „f his ultimate H incomprehensible to u«, ■fc machinery, how the •.i .<s- especially us the eiiui- Hsra.'s reach and must have his haul. One turn, one have reversed the entire part of the week, while the for Boston, a balo of cot the upner ha'chway to the hold, employed in stowing, flat on him out. as every one thought, HFdoctorwas sent for, but by the time man had arrived, Mr. Darkey to consciousness, with a “bress de Lord,” Kid walked off uninjured, to rest after! such a ■heck to his nerves. We aoticed under the Bluff yesterday some enormous turnips landing from Nova Scotia. Three of them wonld about make a bushel, and the duty on a bushel of them would be 25 •ents—profitable investment that. Messrs. W. M. Tunno 4 Cos. yesterday cleared the ship Margaret, Captain Roach, for Liver pool, with a cargo of 3,100 bales of upland cot ton, weighing 1,402,967 pounds and valued at $346,514. 449- Officers Fox and Endres yesterday suc ceeded in capturing Edward Green, the negro who broke into the store of Rogers, Dasher A •Cos. on Thursday night. The thief only suc ceeded, as far as is known, in carrying off one holt of calico, and it was recovered by the above named officers. Justice Wade ccm anitted Green to jail to await trial before the City Coart. 49- In our report yesterday of a case before Justice Oliveira, by some means it was made to appear that Henry Harney was arrested for stealing a gun, whereas Henry was the person from whom it was stolen. As he is a respecta ble colored lad and bears an excellent reputa tion, we would desire to correct the mistake the little typos unwittingly made. 49-The preliminary examination in the case of Edward Bnrkc. charged with the killing of George Knight, was concluded yesterday. Decision of .Tustioe Russell was reserved. Judg ing fiom the general tenor of the evidenco, the defence will be able t» make out a probable case of self defence. Whether sufficient to clear the prisoner, upon a final trial, remains however to be seen. 49* Justice Wade yesterday disposed of sixty two civil suits, besides some criminal business. A pretty good showing for one day’s business. 49“ Collector McGowan issues his last notice -to wholesale and retail liquor dealers, in this morning’s Advertiser, that the office for the collection of taxes for the last quarter of 1869. will close Thursday next, the 27tb inst. 49* A dispatch to J. 11. Graybill annonnees that the Norwegian, hence for Liverpool arrived out January Btb. 49“ J, V. Gilbert, the manager, who managed to go away from Savannah owing us a small bill, is playing the "Marble Heart” in Atlanta. He has a “Marble Heart” for our demands f»r I tamps. Miscellaneous. Kitohen girls now call themselves "ladies of the lower parlor.” Velvet boots the color of the dress are worn with drawingroom costumes. A fellow with anew pair of shoes is rightly termed a whole soled fellow. Fashion has decreed that wedding cards shall be rose colored The woman question—"can you let mo have 120. this morning.” The blackboard is now termed the colored Board of Education. Why is a wax candle like a contented man ? Because it never wants nuffin. There is one old fashioned parlor game that has never been improved upon, and that is courting. The delightful weather yesterday brought out the mud in large numbers. There is a man in this city who never read any of Dicken’s works but knows there is a shirt collar named after him —Fame again! A precocious little maid quite astonished the maternal author of her being yesterday, by the remark, "Ye cannot servo God and Mamma.” Astonishing fashions in spring hats and bon nets are promised. The bonnets to be worn ueder the chin and the bow knot tied on the top of the head. [communicated.] To the Editor, of the Daily Advcrtieer: Please alllow me to squeeze the following in the columns of your most justifiable and valu able journal of intellect, viz: In behalf of the racetub. Champagne Charli ’. and crew, of the first race and tile Duke de Bordeaux, of tho last tub race, I take this method of letting Mr. Diogenes know that if he is obliged to buy a tub, that I will challenge him for a race next season. If he choosos to accept let him answer through your columns. Yours, forever. <lc., ‘ Quid,” Coxswain, Tabs Champagne Charlie, and Duke de Bordeaux. 99- One of the latest designs tor a bar room is a very neatly painted panel which, it is said, will pay for itself in a single day. The promi nent featuro in the panel is some blurred an t indistinct words. A man comes in who has not noticed them; one who has been there calls his attention to the panel, and asks if he can make out the words. Greeny goes to work, and by slow degreti spells aloud. “Como, take a drink!” "Thank you. I don’t care if Ido take a little whiskey,” responds the interlocu tor. Greeny sees tho point, says he'll take whiskey, too, pays for two and then quietly sits down to await his turn to "sell’’ tho next man who comes, to got even, which he gene rally succeeds in doing. We would recoin mend this to tho "Gem,” where so many little devices more natural than nature it-elfhave from time to time been brought out and ex cited so much sport among its patrons. 49-’ihe New York Telegram says: "inSa vannnh they use dogs to bear advertising placards about. This is believed to be the origin of the remark that business is going to the dogs in Harannuh- ’’ Wo have seen some thing to this effect going the rounds of the press for sometime, and fearing lest the im putation of the last sentence should work in jury to our unusually go-ahead and prospe rous city, must lake the Telegram to task, or at least correct its statement. But une doy or “dorg” has been seen in our streets ns above described, and no one has ever supposed that the "business was going to the dogs,” but rather that the dog was going into the busi ness, for which he is said to possess unusual talents, being able to dispense (with) drugs as readily as any man, and to put down a pre scription (of beefsteak) as rapidly as any ordi nary drug clerk can pu* ’ --■> n,« owner be **•'*«’**“ - throw physic to the dogs.” *9- The who understand so thorw oughly hoW to inaugurate and successfully' carry through a terpsichorean festival, pro, ose to give a grfndlmasquerqdoball at the Turner s’ Ilall on the evening o({February 7th. As the announcement is made thus early all parties interested will have ample time to prepare, and without doubt[a pleasant .time may he an ticipated. 49* A few days since Officer Kaufman re covered a quantity of jewelry and other arti cles, stolen property, the most of which was at once reclaimed by tho owners. Among the articles was a very valuable ring, a large pearl surrounded by thirty-two diamonds and with heavy gold setting. Seeing the notices in the papers of tho recovery of this property, a lady in the city recognized the ring and proved her title beyond a question of doubt. What is a little remarkable in connection with it is the fact of its having been stolen from hor eleven years ago, and from that day to the present nothing has been known of its whereabouts. The owner's snrprise at seeing it was even greater than her joy in again possessing her valuable souvenir. 49-t;BKRaT Pzctobai. Troches, a4Kr ar tide just out. prepared by Kushton A Cos., of New York city, located for the last thirty years or more under the Astor House, corner of Broadway and Barclay streets, and have A world wide reputation for their many excellent preparations. These Troches will be found su perior to any in market and very pleasant to tho taste; none of thoso imuscating cnbebs in in them; act like a in eureing colds, coughs, sore throat, and all bronchial affec tions. Try them and yon will be convinced. Druggists sell them.— Wilmington Journal. jans-law3m BUSINESS NOTICES. OW'D TO The following is a tribute to “ Miko” from one of his customers; At early To take a horn ' v Os” Mike’s” celestial mixture. Sure as you’ro born. It will not corn. But straighten as a fixture. If at eleven. Yon can replcqin His fancy “ Tillery punches,” You'll fed i» heaven, And at eleven You’ll go in for his lunches. And if at night. In wearied plight. You fancy you’re unwell, " Mike” sets yon right. However tight. With oysters on the shell. jan22-l BIVALVE. A Present for Housekeepers.—ls yon want tho best, purest and most wholesome article in the market use the ROYAI, BAKING POW DER. Tiial packages GIVEN AWAY by C. M. Hillsman A < n., corner Bull and Broughton streets; A. D. Krenson A Cos . 157 Broughton street, and A. A L. Frcidenberg, 14 Hnd 18 Barnard street- janl4-6t Just Out.-CHEKRY PECTORAL TRO CHES. superior to all others for Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat. Bronchitis and Hoarseness. None so pleasant. None cure so quick. Manufactured by RUSII'TON A CO , Astor House, New York, No more of those horrible tasted, nauseating Brown Cubeb things. an 6 3iu 49- MILHAU’S GOLDEN COD LIVER OlL.—Pure and reliable, obtained from fresh and healthy livers, and unsurpassed by any yet produced. Sold by all respectable drugsists. _ „ J. MILIiAU’S SONs. oeZ7-W,8,1y 183 Broadway, New York. COMMERCIAL Savannah Market. OFFICE DATLY + ADVERTISER,) Savannah. Jan. 21—3 P. M. J Cotton —The offering stock being extremely light, buyers could not get on, as the enquiry would have led to the belief that selections were poor, yesterday’s heavy sales having swept desirable lots, and the damp day having pre vented sampling and hauling. We quote— Middling..... 24’ 4 Low Middling .. 23% Good Ordinary 2-*% Some sellers asked a little more. Sales 500. S*a liland Upland. Receipts 1049 Exports 3100 Freights—Liverpool by sail, 5-6d. Exchange—New York Sight, 14 prem. Ster ling 130%. Markets by Telegraph. FOBKIGN. Liverpool, January 21—11 A. M.—Cotton quiet; sales 10,000 bales; Uplands, ll%d ; Orleans, ll%d: receipts for the week, 62.000 bales, of which 55,000 bales wore American ; sales 104.000 bales; export and speculation 31,- 000 bates ; st*»ok on hand 841,000 bales, of which 135,000 bales are American. Liverpool. January 21—2 P. M.—Cotton firm; sales 12.000 bales; afloat 242,000 bales of which 141,000 bales are American. Liverpool, January 21—5 P. M.—Cotton steady; sales 12.000 bales; export and specula tion 2,000 bales; prices unchanged. DOMESTIC. New York, January 22—10:30 A. M.—Cotton quiet but steady. Gold 120%. New York, January 21—12 M. Cotton quiet but steady; quotations unchanged. Gold, 1.0%, New York, January 21—3 P. M.—Cotton dull and nominal; middling heavy at 25!4c. Gold. 120%. MARIAK NEWS. Miniature Almanac. Sun Rises 7:02 A. M. I High Water 11:23 " Sets .5:22 P. M. I Moon Rises 11:02 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Saturday. January 22, 1870. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Oriental, Snow, Boston—Richard son 4 Barnard. Bark Alabama. Hartwell, Liverpool. Bark Nonpareil, Flynn, Boston, in ballast— Hunter A Gammell. CLEARED YESTERDAY. British ship Margaret, Rouch, Liverpool— W \1 Tunuo 4 Cos. Schr Gun Rock, Bangs,New York—Richard** ardson A Barnard. Schr Nellie Bell, Stahl, Providence—Rich ardson 4 Barnard. CLEARED AND SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamer Lizzie Baker,, Palatka—M A Cohen. IMPORTS Per ship Screamer, from Idverpool—2.soo sacks salt. EXPORTS Liverpool—Per ship Margarot— 3,100 bales upland cotton. RECEIPTS Per Central Railroad, January 21—1.399 bales cotton- Per Atlantic 4 Gulf Railroad, January 21— 200 bales cotton. CONSIGNEES Per steamship Oriental, from Boston—J N A P Bunekham, Blair A B, F 11 Barnard, C P Barker, Brigham, 11 A Cos. Brown 4 Cos, M A Cohqn, Drummond. M 4 Cos, Dunbar A Cos, J J D*le. Dixon A Cos, A Go mm, S W Gleason. Holcombe, 11 A Cos, M Y Henderson, Geoege M lleidt, Lawton, H A Cos, Lathrnp A Cos, & S Miller, A Minis. Miilen A W. Mein hard Bros A Cos, A J Miller, Richardson A B, Rooney and W, buuythe 4 Cos. Symons A Cos, Wood 4 J. P»«* ilrmr.ral Railroad. January , 21—8 W Gleason, Bothwell A W, Green. dr Cos, E Jones. Lovell 4 L, A Gornrn, Mrs Handley, J Ryan, Miilen A W, Weeds A C, Einstein * E, Guckenheiwer A S, Sims 4 Cos, P M DeLeon. Guilmartin 4 Cos, T Addison, Duncan A J, B J Wilson A Cos, Adams, W A Cos, order, Cohen 4 Cos, ft J Larcorube, J W Lathrnp & Cos, Low 4 Cos, Wilder 4 F, Padelford A C, Brigham, H 4 Cos. Reed A Cos. Per Atlantic 4 Gulf Railroad. January 21— Barnett A Cos, W H Woods, Boit A McK, For Agt, Sloan A Cos, Austin A E, J L Villalonga, Randell A Cos, Ferst A Cos, J B Oliver, Ander son's Sons dr Cos, Stark 4 Cos. M Y Henderson, Finegan dr Cos, Sims A Cos, Holcombe. II A Cos,, lerrill A W, Krauss A Cos. J Bernhard. j LIST OF VESSELS UP. CLEARED AMO SAILED FOR THIS PORT. FOREIGN. LIVERPOOL. Mont Blanc. Herbert, sld Dec 2<> Drafua, Nicoleen, *l<l Dec 22. Calista llaws, (laws, up Dec 2. Southern Bights, Weymouth, aid Deo 25, American, Young, up Dec 15 Island Home, McClellan, up Dec 27. * Universe, Jones, sld Dec 31. SUNDERLAND. Minna. List, ent out Nov 19. LONDON. Ship Vicenza Savayna, Savayna, via New castle, for Savannah, Sept 24- StOlaf, Abraham ?en, old Dec 9. LONDONDERRY. Harvest Home (German), cld Sept 6. OUXHAVKN- Hiawatha, cld Sept 25. HAVRE. Wilson, sld Nov 11. Newcastle, Armstrong, sld Dec 30. SHIELDS. Carlton, Trecartin, sld Uct 20. HELVOET. Jane Banfleld, Jago, sld Nov 24. *aven. Dee 9. 7 22. ONA. 15th. f MATANZAS. brig Annie. Saunders, sld Nov 13. PLYMOUTH. Piper, sld Nov 29. W CARDIFF. Potcr C Campbell, sld Dec 22. m Nlord, duel, sld Dec 22. # FALMOUTH. Jane Banfleld, Jago, sld Dec 1 . . BT. THOMAB. Schr Roswell, Copp, cld Dec 16. Schr Nellie Howe, Merry man, cld Dec 16. “ ANTWERP. Almira. Grose, sld Dec 30. COASTWISE. NEW YORK. Ship R S Maby, Phillips, cld Dec 4. M A Johnston. Leder.cld Dec 18. nSchr Ella Maithews. McEloree. cld Jan 11. Schr K S Gildersleeve, clfl Jan 12. Schr I E Meservey, Wall, up Dec 24. Brig Woodland, Mankin, cld Jan 14. Schr M M Knowles, Small, cld Jan 14. Schr Minnehaha, Kennedy, c;d Jan 14. Sol r Four Sisters, Starr, up Jan 8. Schr Joseph Fish, up Jan 14. Schr Sabac, Lamsen, up Jan 14. NEW BEDFORD, Schr J S Mallory,sld Jan 5. BOSTON. Schr Chas E Paige, Doughty, via Wood** Hole, cld Dec 24. Schr J S Gilmore, Lord, up Dec 25. Ship John Harvey, Lathrop, old Dec 30, Schr Fannie M Bucklin, Bucklin, cld Jan 4. S Godfrey, Godfrey, cld Dec 28. B?hr A J Fabeus, Bragg, np Jan 6. Schr Dorigo, Snow, up Jan 12. SAN FRANCISCO VIA M’KKaN'S ISLAND. Ship Rival, sld July 1. Ship War Hank, sld July 14. bath. Ship Jamestown. Call, sld Deo 1. BALTIMORE. Schr Josiah Whitehousc, Farnham, cld Dec 20 Schr J Simonson, Crawford, up Jan 1. Schr John Shane, Fisher, cld Jan 12. Schr A C Page, Haley, cld Jan 9. Schr Fred Walton, up Jan 7. Schr J S Lee, Carr, up Jan 12. Schr J B Marshall, Seaving, up Jan 12. Schr J H Stickney, Fooks, up Jan 17, PHILADEDPHIA. Schr Tennessee, Creed, cld Dec 19. Brig Isabel Brennan, Kennard, cld Dec 23. Schr Watauga, Morrell, cld Jan 14- Schr E B Wheaton, Atkins, cld Jan 12. F LL RIVER. Schr Belle Winslow, sld Jan 1. PORTLAND- Schr Rising Sun, Jones, cld Jan 8, LETTER HEADS, on fine Paper, ruled to pattern, and printed in good style by •epl GKO. Jl. NICHOLS, PROF. SEMON’S Fashionable Dancing Academy! REMOVED TO ARMORY HALL. PROF. SEMON is about to enter on his Second Quarter for the instruction of his Mazourka, Polacca and Polka Quadrilles, and all the new and popular dances taught. Particular attention given to Children. Class days: Misses and Masters—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Afternoons, from three until five o’clock. Ladies—Monday, Wednes day and Saturday Afternoons, from three until five o’clock. Gentlemen—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings Terms: sls per Quarter, payable in advance. For Circulars or information, apply a the Academy. dec3o 2m MUSEUM OF LIVING WONDERS! AT ST. ANDREW’S HALL, FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, commencing MONDAY January 24. MISS ANNA SWAN, the Nova Scotia Giantess. 8 feet 1 inch high. MISS ZOREDE LUTI, the Lndv of Beauty. MONS. JOSEPH, the Great French Giant, overß feet high. And the Wonderful WILD AUSTRALIAN CHILDREN. Receptions held from 2 to 5. and 7 to 9V4 o’clock. Afternoon receptions for the express accommodation of Ladies and IChildren. Admission 50 cents A. J. BATES, jap2o-5 Business Agent. OLD SMOKISTS, FOND OF A GOOD AR TICLE l)F SMOKING TOBACCO, must not fail to call on VERDERY A BARIE, janlO _ 75 Whitaker streot. HASGIxii BASKETS, JAPONICAS in bloom, and a variety of othei Plants, also t ne best Early Peach Trees Figs, Grapes, etc., for sale by land-if ,TNO. A. MAYER. Agent. COTTON ON STORAGE! THE NEW FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE OF THK Savannah Rank and Trust Cos., lirougliton and West Broad Sts., IS NOW READY TO RECEIVE COTTON 1 ON STORAGE, upon reasonable terms. R. F. HARMON, Agent. scp.'2-tf PURE PERUVIAN GUANO! FOR SALK BY R. HABERSHAM & CO. jan9 HOARD. MBS. M. A. REYNOLDS, FROM BURKE County, has just elegantly furnished her House on Perry street, two doors east of Bar nard, and can acoommodato Boarders with first-class Board, at very reasonable terms. Rooms all vacant but one. janlfi 5 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. I HAVE THIS DAY SOLD MY ENTIRE STOCK of SADDLERY' to Mr. E. 11. COIIEN, Jr., who will continue the business. I cheerfully recommend him to the pntronage of the Public. The business of the old firm will he settled by the subscriber. W. F. MAY. Savannah, Jan. lS:h, 1870. Having purchased the entire STOCK of SADDLERY of Mr. W. F. MAY, I propose to continue the business attho 01.D STAND, corner of Whitaker and Bryan street.. Every article to he found in a well ap pointed Saddlery House will lm kept for sale LOW. A continuanoe of the patronage be stowed on my predecessor is rosneotfiilly so licited. E. U. COHEN, Jr. Sav iNNAH, Jan. 18th, 1870. J mii) NOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP. IMIE UNEERSIGNEIJHJIVE* THIS DAY formed a CopnrtnAMH®, to carry on the JEWELRY BUSINESS in all its branches under the Firm Name of F. GROSCLAUDES SON * CO. MARTHAiGROSCLAUDE. jan!2 ts FREDD.QBOSCLAUOK. Private Boarding. AFW GENTLEMEN can be accommo dated with HOARD *t moderate rates bv application at I®* LIBKRfV STREET, north ride, too doors west of Jbfferson street. Loca tion pleasant and central!* 1 decß-tf BRICK POMEROY fFHINKS IT MUST B! HURTFUL TO A the Looal Press to luvo the Dogs run around with Business Carrs upon them, as they do in Savannah- The original l" DORG” can be seen at janlfi VERDERY * BARTE’S. CALICO SOIREE. A CALICO DRESS 60IRER WILL BE given at Armory Hal* Wednesday Eve ning, 26th inst., for the benefit of the Widows' Society. Dancing to onmmeice at. 8 o’clock. “•Tickets can be procured f«m eithor the Lady or Gentleman Managers. * , LADY MANAOFRB. Mrs. V. W, Lathrop, Mrs.O. Cohen, Mrs. G. L. Cope, Mrs. M. Dillon, Miss b. C. Tufts. GENTLEMEN MANAGERS, SENIOR. < . JUNIOR. Wr M. Mills, Jos. MSolomons. Jamss W. Lathrop, Jr. John TFDillofi; H. W. Butlor, B. B. Ferrill. F. Rip Sweat, W. D. Waples, W. R. Colquitt, James Miller, R. S. Claghorn. Professor Semon has kindly offered to act as Floor Manager for the occasion. NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. 11HE SCHOONER WAPELLA WILL COM MENCE discharging her cargo THIS DAY, at Kelly’s Wharf, foot of Draylon-street. All goods left on wharf at sunset will be stored at risk and expense of consignees. JOHN U. GARDNER A Cos, Savannah, Jan. 21, 1870. Agents. MUSICAL NOTICE. Having applica tion to teacinWhdc, I take this oppor tunity of informing the resident, of Savannah that I have doMdedLjd<\vr 4 *n i„y time and at tention exclusflflßMW-JlnSk' Teaching, and will be hgppy pupils who may desire J. W.UALLAM, * twPWst of fit. John's Church. jan2l-6 „ “ DK. HltfuAl .S GOLDEN REMEDIES 4sk for no other, take no other, . and you will save time, health and money. 1,000 REWARD for any case of disease in any stage which they fail to cure. Dr. KICUAU’S GOLDEN BALSAM No. 1 cares Ulcers, Ulcerated Sore Throat and Mouth, Bore K.vos, Cutaneous or Skin Eruptions, Cop per Colored Blotches, Soreness of tho Scalp, Scrofula, Ac.; is the greatest Renovator, Alter ative and Blood Purifier known, removes all disease from the system, and leaves tho blood pnro and healthy. Dr. RICHAU’S GOLDEN BALSAM No. 2 cares Mercurial Afioctions, Rheumatism in all its forms, whether from mercury or other causes; gives immediate relief is ail oases. No dieting necessary. I havo thousands of Cer tificates proving the miraculous cures effected by these Remedies. Price of either No. 1 or No. 2, $5.00 por bottle, or two bottles for $9.00. Dr. RICUAU’S GOLDEN ANTIDOTE, a safe, speedy, pleasant and radical enre for all Urinary Derangements, accompanied with full directions. Price, $3 00 per bottle. Dr. RICHAU’S GOLDEN ELIXIR D’AMOUR. a radical euro for Nervous or Gen oral Debility, in old of voung; imparting ener gy with wonderful effect. Price, $5,00 per bottle, or two bottles for $9.00. On receipt of price, these Remedies will ha shippod to any place. Prompt attention paid to all correspondents. None genuine without thename of "Dr. RlflU AU’oIJpLDBN RE MEDIES, D. B. RICHARDS, sqYe proprietor,” blown in glass of hottles-MfiMlhoorr from 9 A. M. to 9P. M. i Address A RDS, 1y N. Y. After a needs n TOOTH to 50 cents. Dry Goods, Etc. rrauim (LATE OF VIRGINIA), JJAVING LEFT A FEW CHOICE STYLES OF INGRAIN CARPETS, OFFER THEM AT COST PRICE: ELEGANT MEDALLION PATTERNS, DARK AND LIGHT, FK © M il TO $125! BLANKETS, BY THE PAIR, At Less Than They Have Been Sold Since the War I EXTRA HE AW ALE WOOL TWILLED, WATER-PRUOF WHITE BLANKETS. FITL li 10-4, ONLY $7 PER PAIR. BEAUTIFUL STILES Dress Goods ! AT AND BELOW IMPORTERS’ PRICES. WE HAVE A SUPERB LINE OF Empress Cloths, Satin (le Chines, Figured Irish Poplins, Black Silks, &c. Which we offer at COST, in order to reduce our LAROE STOCK lor the approaching SPRING TRADE. WE OFFER UNPRECEDENTED INDUCE MENTS IN OUR LINE OF SHAWLS AND CLOAKS ! W. M. POOLE & CO., CORNER Broughton and Jefferson streets, DRY GOODS! DEALERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. jan!2 J I GREAT INDUCEMENTS - 10- h ous;ekeepers, IIN WANT OF CROCKERY, I CHINA, GLASSWARE, - AND - FURNISHING GOODS. WITH A VIEW OF CLOSING OUT OUR LAROE OPEN STOCK of the above GOODS, before the opening of our regular SPRING WHOLESALE TRAD’S, we offer our ENTIRE STOCK at a SMALL ADVANCE ON COST. E. D. SMYTHE & CO., CONGRESS and ST. JULIAN STS. janl9-tf " DR. HUNTER CONTINUES TO TREAT ALE PRIVATE diseases, Syphilis in all its forms. Gonor rhoea, Gleet, Stricture, Orchitis, and all urinary diseases, and the effects of mercury are com pletely eradicated; Spermatorrhoea or Semin&l Weakness, resulting from self-abuse or other causes, and which produces some of the follow ing effects, as blotches, bodily weakness, indi gestion, constipation, aversion to society, un manliness, dread of futuro events, loss of mem ory, indolence, nocturnal emissions, and finally prostration of the vital can be fully re stored to health. Persons afflicted with this or any other delicate, intricate, or longstanding constitutional complaint, should give the Doc tor a trial. He never fails. The Doctor publishes a medical circular that gives a full exposition of venereal and private disease*, that can be had free at office or by mail for one stamp. It gives a clear delinea tion of all the diseasos and conditions resulting from the infringement of the moral laws, ex cesses, indulgences, exposures, and impru dences in married or single life. Every sen tence conta it instruction to the afflicted and enablingth mto determine tho precise nature of their c njdaints. Tho establishment, comprising ten ample rooms, is central. When it is not convenient to visit the city, tho Doctor’* opinion can be obtained oy giving a written statement of.the case, and medicines can be forwarded by«mail In some instances, however, a per soflHPQfaiination is absolutely necessary, wbiifnn others daily personal attention is re quired, and for the Hccommodation of such pa tients there are apartments connected with the office that are provided with every requisite that i's calculated to promote recovery, includ ing medicated vapor baths All prescriptions are prepared in the Doctor's own Laboratory under his personal supervision. Medical pamphlet at office free, or by mai for two stamps. No matter who have failed read what ho says. Office—]%•. 183 Third Street* Between Green and Walnut streets, near the Post Office, LOUISVILLE, KY. Offico hours—6 A. M. to 7P. M Bund ays, A. M. to 12 M. iulv2-lv TO THE GREAT READING PUBLIC. rpnE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO in- L form his numerous patrons and the public that he receives, by every mail and steamer, all tho leading NEWSPAPERS. PERIODICALS MAGAZINES, Ac.; also, a variety of HOOKS and STATIONERY, and articles of Catholic devotion. Particu'ar attention paid to the School trade. PICTURES,CHARTS and MAPS constantly on band. All orders left at the cor ner of York and Montgomery streets, or at my stand in front of Postofficc, will bo promptly attended to. E. M. CONNOR. augl COAL. I’HK BEST FRANKLYN RED ABn, the unc<t burning Hard Coal mined, and war ranted to give satisfaction to all. Landing from Schooner E. A. Harper, by E. B. CHIPMAN, janl4 Corner Whitaktr and Bay. FERTILIZERS! SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. John S. Reese & Cos., Baltimore, Md.,J General -Argents. The reputation of this Guano is well established in the Southern Stales. Jl is well known that its use has realized large profits to Planters. I have numerous cer tificates on file in my office as to results derived from its use during the past season, which I deem it useless to publish, but which can be seen at any time. • . Pacific Guano Company’s Compound Acid Phosphate of Lime, For Composting with Cotton Seed. This article is manufactured at the Company’s newly erected works at Charles ton, S. C., under the especial superintendence of Dr. St. Julian Havenrl, whose well-known reputation in the South affords a sufficient guarantee of its purity nnd excellence. It contains the same elements of fertility ns the SOLUBLE I’ACIEIG GUANO, except that it is not supplied with Ammonia. COT ION SEED affords the cheapest possible source of AMMONIA, hence when composted in e<|ual part* with this article the equivalent of Soluble Pacific Guano in fertilizing properties is obtained at a material saving of cost to the Planter. The compost can be easily made with but little trouble and labor, which will be more than compensated by its economy. Particular printed directions for making the above compost will he fur nished by me on application. PACIFIC GUAM COMPAOT S DISSOLVED BOMS This article is manufactured at the Pacific Guano Company’s works at Charles ton, S. C., under the direction of Dr. St. Julian Ravenel and is WARRANTED to be made EXCLUSIVELY from UN BURNT BONE, hence contains all its animal matter and ammonia , and is therefore far superior to Dissolved Bone made from Burnt bone or Bone black, as is commonly the case . It possesses all the elements ot fertility in their very bust form nnd proportion, hence will not disappoint Plant ers whether used alone or mixed with Guano. John 8. Ilcese & Co’s Flour of flaw Bone. This article is warranted pure unsteamed bone, reduced to the fineness of four. The best results have been obtained by using it in combination with Soluble Pa cific Guano, Peruvian Guano. It is a complete fertilizer in itself, as it possesses am ple ammonia and organic matter, and when used alone gives the fullest satisfaction. FOR TERMS APPLY TO WM. HENRY WOODS, Colton Factor and General Conissioi Mercian! 8 2 IBay Street 9 r rui •• oJ h.. rv \ . d'juovf otf * deeJ 3m _ !«!!»** fa Ag. _ - SASH, WOORS, BLINDS, &c. BLAIR & BICKFORD, 169 Bay Street, Savannah, Georgia. 171 KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE. LARGEST STOCK OF SASH, DOORS, BLINIOS, MOULDINGS, BALUSTERS, NEWEL POSTS, And Stair Rail; also Sash Material, ready for putting together, T0 auv3l o -?f and th “ ,ide 0f NeW Tork • and Wil !^v?uth ß * ood tern "' " any other Establishment In Something New ! IN SCIENCE AND_ MEDICINE! Paralysis Carßa Carai! 4ITEFULLY AND FREELY INVITE ALL tl Pbysieiana and Students of Medii-ine of all schools, and also everybody else, to come and examine our invention. THE EQUALIZER, —* FOR Treating Diseases by Vacuum, We have derronstrated the fact that in Paralysis Nervous Debility, Dyspepsia, Neu fjlgia. Weak Chests. Narrow Chests, Asthma, Weak ‘Lungs, W r eak Backs, Weak, Stiff and ShrunVen Limbs, Curvatures "ttbe Spine, and other Spinal Affections, Sciatica, Rheumatism of yea*s’ standing, Spasms. Epilepsy, Palsy. St. Vitus’ Dance, Derangements of the Mind, Pro la* sits Uteri, Obstructed Menstration, with all their concomitant diseases, linpot.enoy, and all kinds of weaknesses of the generative organs, Bladder and Kidneys, Torpid Liver, Cor.siina tion, Ac., can be cured. This invention con sists of air-tight receivers, in which the whole or any part of the b >dy can be enveloped, and a partial vacuum is produced over the parts, thus bringing an increased flow of blond and nervous fluid whore there is a deficiency, anu giving life and tone to all weak parts. We have a full supply of instruments for sale, and are prepared to treat patients successfully, and WILLUIVE SATISFACTION 10 ALL. We have rooms at 178 and 17* BituUGH TON, between Barnard and Jefferson streets. Savannah, Ga. Give us a call, aud get large circular. jan2o JOHN G. HADPIELD, M. D. PICKLES. HALF BBLS CUCUMBER PICKLES 5Q Cases BOTTLED PICKLES. For sale by C. L. GILBERT. jan2o COTTON SEED. David Hickson’s, of Hancock co., For sale by decS-2m P, H. BEHN. COFFEeT COFFEE! Q \ .* ft BAGS PER BRIG "BERTHA.’’ O » direct from Rio de Janeiro, for lale by decV-2m WEEDS * CORNWELL. GUANO. -A.MKRIC ATST STRAWBERRY BASKETS, Quarts, Pints and Three to Quart. WEA KgTA KING OKDKRS FO KT H ESE bUPERioa J.A.-KLTS to bo deliyi-red at Savannah at the followup prices h»r quarts : 100 4 o SCO at $4 00 per hundred. 500 to 1,000 «l $;» 50 r»*-r hundred 1,000 to 1,5 U) at $3 00 per hundrod. Also Crates for shippir.g Berrio*. bidding from *A to bO begets Amy are compact, light and durable, and Berries ttiipped iu ihem will go iivsh and uuinjured. FRUIT JAHS, o( the mo*t approved kind, always on hand. Send in j our order* e;.r!y. BOLSHAW A: 811. VA. jan2o BASIS. 10 Casks Now Magnolia Hams. 10 Casks Ouflicid Hams. For ba'c by jan2l 6 CL * ,<HoflN7 * CUNNLNGILAM. STORA. <& JES-J AT THE “FOREST CITY MILL,” OF LARGE OAPACIIY AT LOW KATE-'. Apply to jan 21 b g. G. HAYNES A BRO. TOILET SOAPS, IN ENDLESS VARIETY, TIIK POOREST as well aa THE BESI IN rnE MARKET. All at the lowest pTfe j ■ „„„ G. M. HElliT, J a n‘~o 3 )JiUKX<rit. a ' Sheriff’s Sale. UNDER and by virtue of a fi. fa., issued out of ihe Hon the City Court of Savannah, in favor of Richard K Hines vh. The Ogt*- thorpo Insurance Companv I have levied upon the following property, to wit: One fine largo Office Desk, iu three sections, and one fine Office Table. And will sell the same to satisfy said fi. fa., on the first Tuesday in February next, before the Court House door, in the city of Savannaht County of Chatham and State of Georgia, be tween tho legal hours of sale, for cash, purchas ers paying for titles. The property above specified can be inspect ed at the office of J. TANARUS, Thom a*, Esq., lately oc cupied by the defendants, on Bay street, be tween the Central Railroad and Merchants’Na tional Bank* CHARLES J. WHITE, jan* td Sheriff C- 8,