The Savannah daily advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 186?-1873, January 22, 1870, Image 4

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THE OLD REGIME. O. the timer will never be again A* they were wben we were young : When Scott wu wri'ire Waverley,. And Moore end Hymn ceng; Wben Ilarolde, <Jiamirr and Corsairs came To eharm ns every year, And Lore? of Angela biased Tom'? cup. While Wordaworth sipped email beer; When Campbell drank of Helicon, And didn’t mix his liquor; When Wilson's strong and steady light Had not begun to flicker: When Southey, climbing piles of books, Mouthed Curses of Kehatna, And in his dreams Pecan StrangVwraclea to stammer: When Rogers sent his Memory, Thus hoping to delight us. Before he learned his mission was To give feed and invite us; When James Montgomery's "weak tea" strains Enchanted pious people. Who didn't mind poetic base. If through it loomed a steeple: When first reviewers learned to show Their judgment without mercy: When Blackwood was as young end lithe Aa now ho’s old end pursy ; When tJifford, .Jeffrey and their cbm Could fix an autbar’f doom. And Keats was tauebt how well they knew To kill an amp dr jJwttt. No were rushing then I'n the l'arnession mount, Ana seldom wns u tea cut* dipped dn the Castalian fount: Apollo kept no piirsoivitot To cry out PUvt , Moan 1 lii life's round game fhev held good hnrols. And didn't strive for pntms. O, the world will never be nguiu What it wns when we were young. And ahnttersd arc the idols now To which our boyhood clung ; Gone sire the giants of those days For whom our bavs we twined. And pigmies now kick up a dust To show the "march of mind." HllftLUNKUril ITKHI. Litigant is in Wnaliington. itrigaoli ia on his way eastward. Edwinjdooth weighs 150 pounds, Chicago school hoy* oarry pistols. One of Ilia candidates for city phya!-. sian in Detroit is Dufy M. Arnohl, M. D. Chicago issued 6,000 marriage licenses last year, and then hurdly kept up with its divorces. A Fort Scott pnper prints the adver kiaement of a young lady in want of a beau for a masipterade Imll. _ Highwaymen in the streets of San Francisco now lasso their victims. Their object is to confine bia arms while they “go through him." The mirrors ordered hy the I,eland Brothers for their new Union Hotel at Saratoga cost jUo.oon. Chicago statistics show that tho di• vorce fever is nt its height among tho wives in July and among the husbands in November. The Veteran Observer predicts that the next census of the I'm ted States will show a population of 42,1.13,021 —ex- clusive of Sau Domingo. Why should a spider ho n good norms petulant? Her,tun, he drops a lino hy •very post. Haynrd Taylor snya ho has traveled 140,000 miles in Europe without a single accident or missing a single connection. A Minnesota hotel keeper advertises a ball at his bouse, and says: “The danuing will ombruce every known stylo and wiU continue twelve hoars. 1 ’ One bnutcbpf the Calilornia Legisla tu*», In sfftson »«7 consl*- , lastly rapea'M the law prohibiting Sun day theatricals. * A little girl unending Sunday achool for the first time, was atkeil who went in Iba lion’s dene. “Oh, I know," she said, "Dan.Hice.” A Western paper, in recommending a candidate fur olli u, auid that during the rebellion lie received “wound* enough to kill a mule." Behind the scene stage manager t “John, gu and see if the ballet are all dressed, lor it ia timo In ring up the cur tain." Hoy soon returns. “About ready, sir -got most of their clothes off," A New Jersey girl asked all her frientls to help her make a rag carpet, ami when, at the end of the busy day, the carpet was completed, she sent every body oil without supper, because “the hired girl had a lame hack." The New York Democrat is inclined to carp at this generous proceeding, and says : “If such a thing had occurred in the United Slates, how the Jersey papers would have blowed about ill” " Dr. Mary Walker’s husband has sent a poem to the Independence (Mn.) Senti nel, of which the following is a "stanzer; ” Tbs bird sails from its gilded cage Its mats far in tho wildwcod: And *• lay soul still wails for thee. Bright angel of tnr childhood. But if our fats, a oruel lot. Hath cut our hearts asssvsr. Why, Mary, bring my trowsers back I Aud then go vote forever 1 Down late the Ueplhs—The Old, Old Star). l From tho Naw York Post. ] Although, for ao far this winter, the skies have been unusually compassionate in not aggravating with continuous, in tense cold the hunger and rags of poverty, yet an occasional bleak shaft from the north transfixes a houseless wanderer at Iho cruel corner of tome of our streets. Early on Friday morning a poor young wuif, apparently of tho past night, witii her delicate figure sculptured relentlessly through cotton dress, was found, almost famished, leaning against a lamp post in n street lending into one of our principal thoroughfares. Her condition having been recognized by u kindly hense-maid who was dusting mats at a neighboring door, the wretched sufferer was humanely led into the basement, where, after some timo, she wne restored to life and summation. Take her up tenderly. Subsequent inquiries revealed the fact that she was the daughter of once re spectable and wealthy parents, who had lost everything pride, virtue and for tune in the wine cup, and who recently dying paupers, had W*it her on that bit ter Friday morning without a home, a hope, or a crjijt in the world. When dis covered, she was blindly groping her wav towards the river, to end her mise ries, rather than enter upon a career of shame- Her touching and simple story reach- , ingtbe ear of the lady of the house, she was eummoned to her presence, wben. strange to tell, it was ascertained beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was the only child of a once dear friend, who had been lost sight of for years, but who. through a singular interposition of Provi deuce, waanow rsitored in the parton of her daughter, CAROLINA FERTILIZER! U « ARE NOW RECEIVING A SUPPLY OF THIS RELIABLE FERTILIZER, which 1 lh “ LOWEST PRICKS THAT CAN HE A FKOKDEU FOR A FIRST CLASS M ANUKK. Phosphates of South Carolina, and in pronourced fly various Chemists ONE OF IHK BKST MAM RES KNuWN, not Inferior to Peruvian Guano in its fertilizing properties. These phosphate* arc the remains of extinct land ai.d *ei animals, and poetess quali ties of the greatest value to the agriculturalist. We annex the analysis of Protestor SHEPHARD : LABORATORY OF THE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF 80UTI1 CAROLINA. Analysis of a Sample CAROLINA FERTILIZER, Personally Selected. Moisture expelled nt 212 deg. P 16.(7 Organic Matter, with some water of combination expelled at a low red heat 16.15 Fixed Ingredionts 66.08 Ammonia - .. &U 6 Phosphoric Acid —Soluble .. 6 96 Equivalent to 11.27 Soluble Phosphate of Lime. 1n501ub1e...... ..—.....£.17 Equivalent to 13 48 In£oiuole(bone). 13.13 24.75 Phosphate of Lime. Sulphuric Acid 11.01 Equivalent to 25.65 Sulphate of Litne. Sulphate of Potash .. .. 08 Sulphate of Soda 3.05 Sand - 11.06 On the “trength of these results I am triad to certify to the superiority of the CAROLINA FERTILIZER examined. O. U. SHEPARD. Jr. We will soon be prepared to LII orders for tho following : PERUVIAN GUANO. warranted diriert from Peruvian Government Agents. C. 0. COE’S PHOSPHATE. n well known and reliable Fertilizer. PALMETTO SOLUBLE ACID PHOSPHATE, prepared to meet the want of the Planter in using Id* notion need for manuring hia landa. DISSOLVED BONKS arid LAND PLASTER. <•#* Send for Circular. BATES & COMER, COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay Bnvniiiiuli, Gn., Agouti* for Non llt Eastern Alabama, South Western Georgia and Florida. Guano! Guano! No. 1 Peruvian, Sardy* Soluble Phospho-Peruvian. Sardy’a Ammoniated Soluble Pacific. Sardy’s California Guano, similar to Peruvian. Sardy’s Carolina Ground Bone Phosphate. Sardy’s Ground Land Plaster, in barrels. Fish Guano, pure, in barrels. r |MiK UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEASURE IN INFORMING HIS CUSTOMERS AND 1 nil Planters end Dealer* in Fertilizer* that hi* GUANO FACTORY in this city is in active operation for the ecu,on, and coiiHtantly open to tho visits of Dr. A. MEANS, State Inspector. The DEPOT is well supplied with n targe stook of the above GUANOS and FERTILIZERS of the bont quality. Hu rcsporttully invite* a call, and solicit* order* from hi* former cu*tomer*. and from all who do*iro to provide themselves with GENUINE. RELIABLE FERTILIZERS. For particular* and certificate* *oe Circulars and Pamphlet*. Special attention is called to tho SOLUBLE PKIOSPItO-PEKI/VIAN - AND SOM BLi: AMIHOMATKI) iPACIFIC, •ample* of which were pronounced the best on exhibition at the lalo State Fair. JOHN B. SARDY. BRIGHAM, HOLST & CO., No. I dtodilurd’a Upper Itiiilgu, Bay slrrol, dooi-J - GENERAL AGENTS AJ SAVANNAH. GAME GO FERTILIZER] PREPARE!* BT THE FAROES ttnlleiro Company, of Richmond, Va. FOR RAI*C BY A. POINDEXTER, CKnernl Air«>nt. decSO 10T BAY STREET, BAVANNAH, GA. CxLiVSS! GLASS! Window and Show Case OLASS! THE LARGEST ASSORTED STOCK* IN THE CITY I ITOl* BALK I-OAV BY R. H. TATEM, Druggist Comer JellWuon and McDonough Streets, aud East Broad and Broughton Streets. janll ‘ DICKSON S COMPOUND! MANUFACTURED BY THE DICKSON FERTILIZER COMPANY! HOMK MANIPULATIONS. MUTED TO THE SOIL OF ORORIHA, COMPOUNDED from Various Experiments, extending over a series ot year*, producing from 3,000 to 0,000 lbs. per acre for DAVID DICKSOF, Esq. BUY THE BEST I NO HUMBUG I CASH, i * : s #OS OO PER TON. FOU SALE BY CLARK & WILSON, jani«-2m SAVAZNTISLA.H, GrA.. SEA FOWL GUANO ON TIME! WE DESIRE THE FRIENDS OF THIS TRULY VALUABLE AND THOROUGHLY RELIABLE FERTILIZER, to know tliat we «re now pre pared to sell a limited quantity on Time for approved Savannah, August* or Macon Acceptances. We have now lu Store, and on tho wav, THREE THOUSAND TONS. So SEND IN JOIR ORDERS A1 ONCE. B. J. \VILSO\ & CO., General Agents, 100 BAY STKKET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. leplf Patent Medicines. THK SIX 6REAT REMEDIES OF THE AGE. HURLEY'S Stomach Bitters, FOR DEBILITY. LOSS OF APPETITE. WEAK NESS, INDIGESTION OR DYSPEPSIA, WANT OF ACTION OF THE LIVER OR DISORDERED STOMACH. There are no b\t*er» that can compare loith three in removing these distressing complaints. For sale or can be had at any drug store in the United Statee. JAS. RUDDLE * CO.. Proprietors, Louisville. Ky. To Jas. Raddle Sc Cos., Louisville, Ky.—-Gen tlemen : This is to certifv that I have been for year* a sufferer and tried all the tonics I have heard of or seen advertised, with little or no reliof from any of them. I heard Hurley’s Bitter* highly spoken of. and tried a bottle, with little faith iu it before I commenced, and to my surprise and joy, before 1 finished one bottle, I felt a great deal better, and firmly be lieve that on one or two occasion* it was the means of naving and prolonging my lite. 1 conscientiously recommend them ie all sufferer* a* the bent Bitters known, and advise thorn always to ask for Dr. T. A. Hurley'*, and have no other. You can use this as you think pro per, if it will benefit other*. Your* truly, ete. _ . JOHN W. DIXSON. Louiivillo. Ky.. December 10. 1868. NOTICE TO MOTHERS. DR. SEA BROOK’S INFANT SOOTHING SYRUP! PUKE 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. Use in the future only SEA BROOK’S, a com bination quite up with the advancement ot the age. Pleasant to take, handle** in it* action, efficient and reliable in all case*. Invaluable in the following diHta*e*: SUMMER COMPLAINT. IRREGULARI TIES OF THE BOWELS. RESTIVE NESS. TEETHING. Ac. Gives Health to the Child and Rest to the Mother. Naskvilli, Tkw!f.. Feb. 12,1868. Joe. Ruddle <C 6b., Louiiville, Ky : When living in your city I used several bottle* of DK. SKABKOOK’S INFANT SOOTHING hYRLP; found it to do my child more good, and it would rest better atter u*ing it, than any other remedy I ever tried. I can say with confidence, it is the best medicine for children at present known. 1 wish you would get the Druggist* here to keep it. If uny one does, pleuso let me know ; if not, send me one doxen by express, and I will pay for it at the office here. Write me when you send it, aud oblige MRS. SARAH A. RANDOLPH. Hurley’s Ague Tonic. No Arsenln~No Memory. PERFECTLY RELIABLE. The only remedy for Chills and Fever, or Ague and Fever, that i* or c<nbe depended upon is HURLEY’S AGUE TONIC. There have been thousand* cured hy using it, who have tried tho usual remedies without benefit. The following certificate from u reliable eitl xen of Mississippi speaks for itself: MRHinuN, M ism., Oct. 16,1868. Mr. R. r. R. Chad trick . Dias Sir: This is to oertify that I bought from you. by your recommendation, a bottle of Hurley's Ague Toole, and it cured two cases of fever and rwcue of fit teen month*’ standing. I cheerfaUv recommend Afeudgg’i to the PURIFY YOUR BLOOD! R! / '(ff mfc Hurley's ! f WITH ISpiNE POT ANIL Thi, i- lh» i»iM£4 tenuiae extract of thJ root, anil will. nViHal. he round to elfeot • eortiitn amt in-rfe* cure of the following ooie plaint, anil nisnad*: Afircfiont rtf Iht lionet, Habdual Onttitmen. Itebilitv, Ditto a of ikt Kidntpt, Die ptntia, liryei tlit.f rm.ilt J.-rtgulari t"j, /i«f*/i . ,aU JSltinl 'lAiroett. Tu Dr. Tho::mi A, Burin .- ‘ * Si a: 4 itoem I an set of iustiee to you to elate that In the n >oth nf February taat I bed a revere attaek f ingaiaatory rheumatiam, which completely ror-rated me. At the earn* time my lunge wee much dieted .1 waem rwlucc.i that it w, with im .• . teivSifficulty that I could walk I prochr- ".-"B.Tif your Compound Extra* jrf Sarsaparilla, and eum niencod tnkip* it. I found that i beean to Im prove—my oouih became tela severe—the sore ness of my luuneiuid breast cradualty snb- Sideil-iny rheums uo pains leas acute. I attri bute this Ihainly t your Sarsaparilla. X have now been takinxl for over two month*; have taken in all five Si dies. Its effects have been most satisfsctorv Ii me, ead I advise others similarly afflictod I > *ive you a trial. T • JOS. CLEMENT The gentleman whoee name i* appended te the above certifies .has tang resided here, and at the present tune i* one of the imagistrmte* of tho city of Loui.iriwo. ' y HIT^EY’S Popular Wojm^Candy. A* this is anRR tor Worms, and tho best and most , |k«|atAbU form to giro to children, it h not wirt>gMmkihatut is fast taking tho place of *ll othg/t for worms— T kc'd* pertcCt,y any will Gkmtlrmrn: It g m ltreSt .p-tvilSiUre to sav, after U'inf »Wtimer worm reme4»w» known to u,e, with t>U\ p«Hfal success tn wjr children, ! whs mltHUnjfti Dr. T. A. Hur ley’s, aud since usiflltwgi/Wildren have b**- come well and The children wonfcl cat it all the time, i|.iM<V*l<iiennt. if wo woubt lot them. I believe it iA tile of tho best min! safest remedies and as such, recom mend it to one and aU. a . , ,IJAS.W. TRAVIS. Lev rs v YLLR.JaIy 3,18 M f DR. SKABROOK’S ELIXER OFb fYMPHOSPHATE OF IRON AND CAUSAYA. Thi* elegant cnntbinsiioa r»«sc«c* the Tonic piopertics of Terutian Hnfk and Iron, withoat the disagreeable u - te and bad effects of either, separately or ia of these valuable medicines Hlpould be taken in all cases when a gentle wbic impression is re quired attar eonmieaceaNi from fevers or de bilitating disease.-, at An those distressing irregularities peculiar te females No female should be withoat -t, if Sable to *uch diseases, for nothing can w*ll place. JASfs aufilLE & CO. PHMPBI^TORS. KY. •*- All the -ale SOLOMONSU.VC.'LX. «»d JACOB redly Shipping. Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Line. For Philadelphia. CABIN PASSAGE- —*2o of DECK PASSAGE, with inb.utence.4lo TOE NEW STEAMSHIP TONAWANDA, JENNINGS, Commander. Will sail for the above port on SATURDAY. Janaary 22 at 12 o’clock M. Insurance on Cotton by Steamere of thie Line one-half per cent For Freight or P"'»«?»r.ply to HUNTKH A GAMMELL. ®4 Bay street. FOR FERNANDINA, FLORIDA, VIA BRUNSWICK, GA„ &C, THE FINE STEAMER PILOT BOY, Captain F. PECK, Will leave Savannah. Oa., EVERY MONDAY MORNINO at V o’clock for Brunswick. Ga., and all Landings to Fernandina, Fla. Ueturnin^, Will leave Fernandina KVKUY TUESDAY EVENING after arrival of Train from Cedar Keys, Gainesville, Ac. Will touch at Bruns wick. An. Freight and Passage are as low as by any other route. L. J. GUILM AKTIN * CO., Agents. dec3l Ha? Street and Florida Wharf^ FOR PALATKA, FLA^ Every Tuns day Morning at 10 o'clock INLAND ROUTE! TOUCHING AT DARIEN. BRUNSWICK, ST. MARVB. FERNANDINA,.JACKSON VILLE, PICOLATA, AND ALL INTER MEDIATE LANDINGB, BOTH WAYS. Th. Now and Ma rnifioent Low Pressure, Doa ble Erudne. Iron Steamer hicjk king, Commanded by NICK KINO. Will leave Savannah EVERY TUESDAY MORNING,at 10 o’clock, arriving at P.latka next day. RETURNING will leave Palatka EVERY THURSDAY MORNTNO, arriving at Savan nah SATURDAY MORNING, in time to con nect with Steamen for New York, Philadel phia and Baltimore. Freight receive! on the wharf at all hoar*. FREIGHT and PASSAGE AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER LINE, having unsurpassed ac commodation*. „ t Jy W. Ah PERSON’S flONS^gjfo— FOR CHARl4|p»i S. C~ VIA UKAI FOlltJ THE PINE STEAMER PILPT boy; Captain F. PECK, Will leave Savannah. Ga., forCbarleston, S.C., on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, at throo o’clock, (Ipiumlriff, Hill leave Charleston, 8. C-, on SUNDAY njRNINGS aPAo’olock. Will touch at Beau- way. MVPreight or Pasaag. engagements apply to L. J. GUU.MARTIN A ft).. Agent., d*o*l Bay street and Florida wharf. 1869. WINTIR SCHEDULE. 1869. CHARLESTON -AND- _ *■', FLORIDA. dUCTATOII Captain W.T.Mc^^^ ♦CITY POINT Captain McMILLENg Will leave CHARLESTON for SAVANNAH .on TUKBDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS "att o’clock, and SAVANNAH for FBRNAN &INA, JACKSONVILLE, and ALL LAND INGS oa ST JOHN’S RIVER to PALATKA on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTER NOONS, at 3 o’clock, , Retnntlnsr: JAOKtKHmLLB on WnDAY aad WKSN «8 DAY A MORN? INGS at 9 o’clock, arriving in CHARLES TON same afternoons at 5 o'clock. Connecting with Railroads at JACKSON VILLE for points in the interior sad on the Gulf Coast: with steamer Barden at JACK- Stages at PICOLATA for ST. AUGUSTINE, and with steamers at PALAT KA for points on UPPER ST. JOHN’S and OCLAWAHA HTVERS.Ao. CLOSE CONNECTION each trip with the Steamer STARLIGHT, going to and returning from Enterprise. THROUGH TICKETS for NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE. Ac., to go by Rail or Steamer from Charleston, or by Steamer from Savannah, can be purchased on board. NO WIIARFAGE CHARQE3 at Bavannah on Goods for Florida. FREIGHT AND PASSAGE AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER LINE. Shipper• fall pleaee have their freight on the wharf at ieaet one hour before th* appointed time of departure . STEAMERS ARRIVE and DEPART from FLORIDA WIIARF, foot of GAS HOUSE ,L* J. GTTILM ARTIN ft CO.. Agents. No. 148 Ray street. Savannah. J. D. AIKEN ft CO.. Agents <lec2o Charleston, S. C. POTATOES AND ONIONS. 500 BBLS SEED POTATOES. BBLS ONIONS, Landing and for sale by JAMES F. BROWN, janl6 ST Bay Street. I ,*TTIR HEADS, on line Papar, rnlad wi° p ‘ t,wn '“ and pr wrwSßo ti Shipping. FOR BOSTON. Boston & Savannah Steamship Line. THE FINE STEAMSHIPS ORIENTAL (»*0 Tone., ALHAMBRA, (764 Tons,) Will leave Boeton and Savannah every Sat urday of each month. ORIENTAL Captain SNOW, will leave for Boston on SATURDAY, January 22d, at o’clock m. Through Bills Lading given for Providence, Lowell. Portland, Ac. Fer freight or passage, having superior ac commodation §. apply to RICHARDSON k BARNARD. _ _ Agents at Savannah. F. NICKERSON k CO.. Agent* at Boston. FOR HEW YORK. BLACK STAR IiYDEPKWEUT LI VE! THE FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP HUIsTTSVILLE ISAAC CROWELL Commander. Will sail for the above port on SATURDAY, Jiinuarv 22,1870. a l 2«»Va a. ui. Through bill* of lading given on Cotton des tined tor Liverpool hy ftrßt-cla>s steamers. Insurance by thie Line one-half per cent. For freight or passage apply to OiTAVUR COHEN A CO. R. LOWDEN. Esq., New York. FOR YEW YORK. Atlantic Coast Mail Steamship Company, Kv«*ry Tliundiiy. CABIN PASSAGE *2O 10 STEERAGE (with !üb-iitence)...*l<) to inturance by thie Line can be Effected under our Open Policy at ONE-HALF per cent. Bills of Lading given here on Cotton and Wheat through to Liverpool and Hamburg, via New York, by first class Steamers. The fino sidewheel steamships GKNKIIAL HAKINKH, F. O. MALLORY, Commander H. LIVINGSTON, CHEESMAN, Commander, Will tail ss follows— H. LIVINGSTON Jan. 13. at 3 P.M. GENERAL BARNES Jan. 20. at 11 A.M. H. LIVINGSTON Jan. *7, at 4 P.M. For Freight or Passage apply to WILDER A FULLARTON. No. 8 Stoddard’s Upper Range. FOR NEW YORK, Murray’s Line. Y. IBSVRANCt BY STKAMSBIPS OF THIS Line balf pkr c^rr. ss -WiK VIRGO, OwWk L'. B. BCLKLEY Will tail for tb* abnve port on TUESDAY, January 25,1870. Through Bill. Lading given bore on Cotton dootinod for Liverpool and Hamburg by Br»t -class steamships. ~ ,v For Freight or Passage, having superior H oommod.tlooo, innlyto . „ HUNTER A Oa-MELL, JanH HO Bay stroot. FOK iVTAV VOKK. Empire Line. THE FINE BIDE WHEEL STEAMSHIPS SAN SALVADOR, K. qjMCKERSON Commando SAN JACINTO, i ATKINS Commander. Wiii «all a. follow, ’ SAN SALVADOR...^*.....—Jamlrt.’ at M. SAN JACINTO*. laa, StatU a. m. nSAN SALVADOR l P. M. JACINTO.. ~J»a. »and, at —M. SAN BALNADOR J.a. MU. at— M. c£Tat Unran ~ * ,eom * r *V<*« Mneono-kaf P Poeitively no' jfagaged bote, secured after Wednesday, previous to th. Sing day. unlew ‘'Through bills of lading Cotlala'for Liverpool by -Bio* w?Yn*3bßson’s sons a <jC' . RB- W. R. GARRISON, Agent, No. IT Bow ling Green. Now York. FOR HAVRE. I'HE A1 BARK “ CHILI,” BYRNE Master, having a large portion of herccgo engaved. wilNflflßHßP have dispatch. For troight apply to janlfra r E. A. SOULLARD. ' FOR BREMEN. THE FIRST-CLASS NORTH GERMAN “ CHARLOTTE,” Captain bTKINGRAFT. having a portion of her cargo now ready, will have early dispatch. For balance of freight apply to jan 12-6 WILDER A FULLARTON. For Liverpool. rjIHE FIRST-CLASS BRITISH SHIP. “ADELAIDE.” BAKER .’Master, of ; 29K) bnlesftaHeSSP capacity, having a portion of her cargo en gaged, will have quick dispatch as above. Apply to BRIGHAM, IIOLFT A CO. dec2lMf A LAEGE STOCK of PAPERS. CARDS. AtAGS. and alw^h^d. Shipping. REGULAR LINE FOR Darien and all Points on the Satilla River. . THE STEAMER WATER LILY, Captain L. H. DuMONTMOLLIN. Will leare a? above, from Market Deck, every THUHSDAY MOHNJNG at 8 o’clock, calling at St. Catherines. Sapelo, Doboy and St. himons. The rates by this Line are greatly reduced. Freights received on Wednesday and Thurs day. up to the hour of leaving. Freights for Satilla payable by shippers. For freight or P *“*ALB&RT L. RICHARDSON. Agent. dcc3o ts 9 Stoddard'. Upper Range. For Liverpool. rjMIK NEW. A1 AMERICAN SHIP C. B. HAZELTINE, £2“^. Captain GILKEY, having a larye portion of her cargo engaged, will4SPEc2sbw nave quick dispatch for the above For balance of freight apply to dec!B-tf T b. MARSHALL k BRO. FOR LIVERPOOL. With Immediate Dispatch. JJ'HB FINE AIK BRITISH SHIP “ LADY RUSSELL,” CRAWFORD. Master, requiring about l.uiK) balrato complete her w/BCESEOtP cargo, will be di-patched as above. Anply to Jan2l _ CHARLKS GRKBN. BON * 00. FOR LIVERPOOL. THE At BRITrSH SHIP ~ , “ HADGE WILDFIRE,” BARCLAY. Mailer. (2 Do Bale. JhiMA. capacity) with two thirdgof coiwn en.ayed and itoln. on board, will ■HP have dwpatoh u above. For freight engage ment! apply to j»n2l-S WM. BATTERSBY k CO. FOR HAVRE. IJIHE NORTH GERMAN BABK “ IN DUSTRIE,” FIILCKEN, Mailer, having the largest portion of ber oa go en-JHHHP taged. w ill have «iuick dispatch as above. Apply t« jm-Jl-if KNOOP, HANBMANN k CO. f7 FT to ale, < 11111-l«‘Mtoil, C., MANUFACTURER OF DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS. Having the largest and most COMPLETE FACTORY in the Southern State*, and keeping alway, on hand a BLINDri, mCfti’ Doorj, ‘Brore Doom, ShnttEß. Moulding,. At.. Ao., lam enabled to nifMk and at manufhctor.ih’ prioo*. * iv * N. B.—Striot ntt.Dtion paid to .hipping nb. good order. ialylT-eodly SUGAB ROASTED PJPA NUT CANDY ! a o.l^HHyjjjygjgj N. E. sM; WII-G.V 1.-I-M l ’ * m r-1 - r-. ,«| r t the ■'■.•'./’U \ \ ■'* i M 11 1 '(ii 11 3JEST SLY COOT) «V « WARRANTED SPOOL COTTOJi SOU XABDS. BEST SIX-CORD. £: • % w H- • JOMOTQ|ArcmNCLOSS SoiflJt^ika^^Jajawacrs, «olSCtt£^m NARGIL’S Ciuar Holders! BRIAR WOOD PIPES, PATENT DRY SMOKERS l GENUINE WEICHSEL STEMS Direct from Vienna. Aurtria. Every article warranted as re?>re«cnted. Sold at .Manufacturer’s Prices at , o , , SCHBEINER’S. dec3l-tf A StrLSpDA Watkr FOUNTAN and Armatures.