The Savannah daily advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 186?-1873, May 10, 1872, Image 4

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£aatmafa gaily FRIDAY, May 10, 1814- The returns of sale* of the differed Bowing machines, during th l, jeaf 1871, show the Singer machine to by far the moat jxipular of all in the market, the number sold heir/ 181,200, out of a total of 610,104 °> twenty -five different patterns, ft ap* pears, too, that the Cbteago re' ll " (bmntittee, who undertook to forms# sewing maehinea to person* "needing them, supplied ‘IA~ Singer machines 517 „f »ff other kinds. ie*s preference tor the Singer machine i* due to /te Intrinsic superiority, ind seems likely to he manilained ijgadist all cinijietition. —New York Sun. GRAY, O’BRIEN & CO., |l4? Broughton Street. BARGAINS 2 IN ADDITION TO ODE ALREADY J lane.- took of Drern Qoodi, wo will opto thin week I Over 150 Pieoou of JAPANESE POPLINS, At PriceaJ Hi nging from 15 to BO Cents. BAREGES, at in cent* per yard. Black Iron GRENADINES. at NO emu, tame u wa recently aold at from 78 to 85 cent*. Superior Satin Stripad Black Iron .GKBNA • DINES. 5 caaoi Honeycomb QUILTS, at *l. former price $1 50. PARASOLS and SUN SHADES, of tha newctl I styles—Walking Cane and other Hnndlea A. faU stock of Ladles’ Linen rand.Uwo WALKING SUITS. Black Llama Luca SHAWLS. Black Silk BACQUEB. Black Laco BAOQUEB. Ladles’ Linen HANDKERCHIEFS,InCtLi. andttl 50per dnien. Ladles’ Hemmed stltoliod HANDKEROHI IKS a superior artiole, at ( I par dot on. Full lines of Ladies’ Cotton HOSIER Y,’from $1 fiOperdoten, opwaids. Genllomen’s HALF HOSE. tirnm. Children’s HOSIERY, HM Bummer CA3SIMBRES and fl-4 FLANNELS for (lentlaaian and Boys’ Suits. w be ■■ Lore MOSQUITO NBTITNG.S.I , , . Gauso MOSQIIITO NKTTINOB. 1 SIIIRTINUS, at 1Y 1 * oonts per yard. Regatta Association OK TIIK _ STATE of ueoruia. THRJ*?i>HP annual rkoaxta. un th. auipmat of the "Rtg.itte A« u *h» M*t«of n»or*i»," n,i. hold at thaoflj of Si»aoß»h on MONDAY. TUBS a,id«: d .fM.“' l “ 1 ' Al ' 20tht 21,1 * ,,d FIR6T DAY—M »Y 20m. fujit Raoe- between shell Boati. Entrance feo $lO. Priie- Paweof. NIoO DO Beo .nd Reoe-Hetween Sine), h0a11,., Kn trance lee SS. P.Ko—Puree or.:. ,so Oh Third Rare -Between tour-pared Oa- • noe Boat). Kulranoa fee *MI P,',?.e —Paraa of ~ ioooo HKUOND DAY—Mar 21tr„ Pint Race between Tuaiac boata ot prevtou* ruoen. foa ♦o’. Prtaa-I'nraa of 7 8 oo Second race —Between Winning boats of foor oara or aiora. _ on trance fee slu Priae-Pnf*. •f-.. no oo With Champion Kin*. Third Race—Tab Raoo, for whtoh a suitable Prise Will be offered. THIRD DAT-Mar 220. aatL boat a»r,. llTbe Sail Boat Haoe will be Iron Montgomery j (near tinvennah, on the Vrrnon rivor.) toward ! Ossa haw, seven ana a ha I ml es and return All Boat) intended for entry must be duly enrolled in the Squadron of the Association m acsordanre with the terms of its regulation!. The rare will be saJlrd upon the basis of length, and the sllowanoe to br one minute per toot. Ptll/.&g. For the winning boat ot the first class yachts ,1 HO feet and over. Piise— I’urse o' ..•low Oo For the winni»« of the ate ,t,d class yacht* of lOfeot and lose Ilian do feet. Prise—Purse of. 78 00 ! For the winning boat of the third das. yaohte under 20 feet in length. l’rise-Parse of— 80 oo *n all Row Boat races the crews must be bona fide memben of th ir Hub. Where there is a difference in ihe number ot oars an allowance of Bve sec mils per oar per mile will be greeted. Iwo or more boats to make a race. How boats mu-t be duly entered in writing on orbeioru the ldtb of May, with the uarae ol the Club or party unbaring thesame. its ditnen •ions—length and grußtrst breadth of beatn togother with tho name of the crew, nprld A. MoO. Pi NOAN. Secretary. SI,OOO WORTH -or-i JAPANESE GOODS FOR BALE BY i BOLfcHAW & SILVA. WI UAVB RECEIVED A I’ONMtiS-v MUNI of the above goods (a direct im portation to New York), coiieliting of Work, Lace, Jewel, tegarand Other Boxes, la graat variety Deskt. T** Caddie*. Trays fV*»Y flcb>. Kish lioTeff. Ca*d Cissj, Masks, :>te raoaoopio and Photorra, bis Viowj, Jio. This i»r<Meia.< amo<t favorable opportune y to tbo*e desiring to a*d tn nair stock of curiosi ties from that laterc.-ting country. «* these foods will bo loU a! Iroui t>BO per cont less than usual. W© will also sell lor the time our large stock FANCY GOODS AT COST. A call i» *olet«d. mayi B-ibSMAW X, SILVA. SHINGLES. tI’HE BEST U "ALfTY OF SPLIT AND X Shaved sbiig et, Tor sale a- Mi .t ID A BR.t.’i LUMBER YARD. Alao River hiegles at the I util market price ni.:l tm HOISTING M ACHINEB AND KLI.VATOR-i FjR WASBHOUSES fj-gfry* JAMES BATE'', piientee of JJ I »bese higoly u-el'ul aiid safety nachfno- I *r ira >fcrrins mer -J? '7|raX\r h*ndi o ic« sotxls firm t-ne i. I >ioiT to uc other in vrarcLcu te, JUf ffff factories. stores, dc. MauufiC wXj IXI tarod at my f uadrj, eoruer rdtt an ds. Bal- AJBhlsßWKiPtULure. Md. bend f r circular. apriy-12m JAMK4 BATES. 2g TIERCES LARD. FOR BALE LOW C. i. OUaBkRI A CO. Shipping. rou VOKIi- UUACU. STAB USE. IV*RY ALTERNATE WEtNE-DAY. oasii papaE° b - •• The First-Class Steamship lYuutsTrllle, CROWELL, Commanerd Will sail lor the above port on nett WBD NEdDAV. May Isth, 1872. at o’cloek -a. Thr-ush bills ol l*dinggiven on Cotton oaa tined for Liverpool and Hamburg by first-class iteaman. ... . insurance by tki» Lem* ons-kalf p#r o#wl* kor freightage , m- R. LOWDKN. Esq.. Naw York. a ay 5 FOR MJK W YORK. kmpiiuT k. •blm PasiafV *** JJ Steernjra »• •• The Pinefldc-whcel Steamship HAM JACINTO. lIA/./utO. Commander. WlUsaH as follows! SaN JACIN’IO. Saturday. May 11, at 12 a SAN JACINTO, Baturd y. May 25 at 12 a Insurance eteam* re of this line one-nalj Tiitiv./, no erifßfOC berths secured after viTsP’iday.prerious to the Railing day, anleu bills of lading given on Cotton for Liverpool by flrst-ciass steamers. For freight or passage, having superior ac- A c 0 Asents. gw W.R.GARRISON. Agent No. 5 Bow ins (ireen. New /ork. •P r '~L. FOR BOSTON. BOSTON AND SAVANNAH STEAM* SHIP LINK. OABIN PASSAGE, - $22 00 Sailing on tha 10th, 20th and ,30th |of Every Month.) Tbs Finn Steamship Orlontali SNOW. Master. Will sail from Savannah on THURSDAY. May It. at So’olook *. *. . „ Through Bills Lading given to Providanna. Fall River. Great Falls. Portland, Lewiston, Lawrence, Lowell, Ao. ' ,or mayl Agant*. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and After Tiiosiliiy, April J), THE STEAMER Xjizzib baker Will rnako but ONE TRIP PER WEEK. Leaving SAVANNAH every TUESDAY MORNING, at 10o’clock, for DOIIOY. BRUNSWICK, ST. MAKYB, GA., KERNAtiDINA, * J At KSONV ILLK. and PaLATKA, FLA. Arriving at JACKSONVILLE and ?„A LATKA every WEi'NKSDAY. RETURNING, Will leave PALaIK A evory THURSDAY at ■J o'clock *. u . and JACK soN V11,1.K every KKIDAY. at 3 o’clock a. u.. arriving in SA VANNAH SATURDAY MoRN l nklng olnso connection with the first-class side-wheel steainsh p. San Solvador and San Jaointe for New York. Touching at all \y \y l>*n<llniri Knth wavM. a|>r9 ts JNO F R0»$Hl8Q«, Agent. _ CHARLESTON AND FLORIDA. The tret dart Steamer* DIOTATO R, Captain COXKTTKR. _ CITY 3r*Ollsr r i’, Captain MoMILLAN. Will leave Savannah as follow*l DICTATOK, CITY POINT, Every WEDNESDAY Every SATURDAY, at 3 r n., at Sr.a., For FRHN AN itINA, For FERSANDINA JACKSONVILLE JACRS&SVILLE and FaLATKA, Fla. and PALATKA. Fla EVERY SATURDAY Every WEDNESDAY lit 8 » g„ at Ba, For CHARLESTON. For CHARLESTON. Tho s.earner Starlight connects with the above boats at Jacksonville tor Mellonville, Kntonuise. and all landings on the upper St. John'* river. Through bills of lading given to ail points. W. GUMMING A CO., Nov9-tf lAaent*. SAVANNAH AND FLORIDA. The Steamer NICK KING, Captain N. KING, Will leave Hunter .k G.-iuunell’a Steamship Wharf every FRIDAY, at 10 o’clonk a. m., for Doboy, Darien. Brunswick bt. Mary’s, rer nandina, Jacksonville, Mandarin, llibernis. Green Coy© >prin«B. Magnolia. Picolata, looi, and r.ilatka. touching at all inter mediate landings Returning, will leave Palatka ©very SUN DAY, at S o’clock a. M., touching at the same points. HUNTER at GAMMKLL. Febll A cents. For Liverpool. THE FIRST CLASS AMBRI CAN ship WESTERN EMPIRE Captain Gr tibr, having a por- of her freight engaged, will dispatch. For balance of freigh* apply to „ « SUMMER GOODS 1 WATER COOLERS! MACt. 3 CELEBRATED ICE CHESTS. KED/.IES CELEBRATED WATER FILTERS. Acknowledged to be the beet. made. Cronm Froo*or •, ALL SIZES. FdR SALK ht COKMACE IIOPKINS. _arrl7 FRESH SEEDS. 1 non PAPERS FRESH FLOWER SREDb ; also, a fresh assortment of Garden beaus. Just received and for salt b> MwS-tr • Pr4J. A. MATE* Age&tl Shipping. FOR NEW VOBK. THE WHEAT 80UTHEBS STEAM. SHIP COMPiIT. huuranct by I he* Limt ;«» 6e £ff*ct*d Opy* PoUcy al OSt- HALF per an*. OABIN PASSAGE f»<*} STEERAGE * loo ° Swond-Clee. Ticket* from New York to Que b«, Cenada. *lO. Sold only by this Line. No detention in New York. Thefint oleii iteemer Ckeueral MALLORY. Commander. Will tail on SATURDAY, May 13. at 3 r. m. ullli es Lading given hare on Cotton end Who»tthron*h to Lwtrvooi end Bamburv,nn New York, by fint elm Steamer*. F.r enr 27 No. 0 Btodderd’e Upper Range "for BALTIMORE. Baltimore and Savannah Steam ship Company. CABIN PASSAGE 4» 05 The firet-e.' vw Sbmuuahip SARAGOSSA, X.*A. HOOPEB. Comm tnd-r, Will lall for Beitßooreon THURSDAY, Mar 16, at 2 e’elook r. u. , ~ Through «Uned for Cotton d«n fcinod for Livarpool an and Bremen by fir»t claw ctaamshipa tailing from Baltimore. For freight or patoage, having superior* ac ““d“WBI .* ,CO.. Agent*, may 4 138 Bar street. phh.ahki.fhia routhekm Mill. STEAMSHIP line. For PHILA DKLI’IHA. Th* B*W Steamship W.vuiiiiiur, TEAL, Commander. Sill ,all for the above oori on hHIUAk. «y 10th. 1*72. at 10 o’olook t. u. Imunmet on Cotton by Blearier* ot lA»* Lee* , Y.7‘te?^P M ..g. apply te „ T HUNTER 4 UAMMBLL. may! _ *4* Bav Itr—t. FOR JNfJHJW YORK. MURRAY’S LINE—EVERY TUESDAY. insurance ky steamship or this LlaM HALF PbH CBM. OABIN PASSAGE - 930 00 DECK do 13 00 Th* Fiist-olass Steamship T. RO. DEARBv'SN. Commander, WIU «all for the above port WEDNES DAY, May 22, 1872. at o’clock — ■ “• _ Through Bills Lading furnished on Cotton destined for Liverpool) Hamburg. G.asgow, Antwerp. Christiana, Rotterdam, Ac.. M first-class steamships. ForFret.hto & P«.a if ..PP.ytO Ml|liL may a »* Bay otreet. NATIONAL STEAMSHIP COM PAN Y. WEEKLY BETWEEN NEW YORK, QUEENSTOWN —ANI>— LI it O O*L FORTNIGHTLY TO AND FROM London, Direct 2 TAst* Tour. SPAIN 4850 Tffh «UKEN 4470 KGY FT 51.50 E 4GLa. ' , u . j. l * ITALY 4340 HELVE!.* ft*} FRANCE.. 4 50 ERIN }!’ 1 HOLLAND 3*47 CANADA -T.™ I>U VMAHK 37« t GREE .’E lot •«t»h"«»otts4>»T>r T*. ttitsyiio us.. r . * and the la-geßt in the Atlantic service I living the port of New York They aro built in water tight compartments, ard are-P'»r de.'kad tt us affording every oonvenicnc* for the ct ms r of ot pafsangerf. and securing speed and safety with economy. One of the above magnificent iron steamships will leave from piers 44 and 47, North river, KVKKY BAIUtiI)AY for Liverpool, calling at Queenstown to land passengers. From Liver pool for New York KVFRY WBDNHBDAY. From Queenstown BVEttY TBURBDA Y. Cabin Passage to Liverpool or Qusenstown. $65 and $75 currency Steerage Passage to Liverpool or Queenstown, S2B, currency. Prepaid steerage tickets, to bringjpafsengers from Liverpool. Queenstown, PAidoLdorry* Glasgow or London, SB2. currencv. For freight, cabin or steerago fhssage. apply at the company's office. No 6i> Uroadw. y. New Yokk. F. W. J. 11ULIST, Manager. Agents in Savannah. OOTAYUB COHEN k CO., apr!B if 08 Bay street. FOR AGGI'riTA AND WAT IjANDINUS. THE STEAMER Olj YDB, Captain J. L. DAY, Will leave Pada’ford’s Wharf every THURS DAY' at 5 o’clock p. m. Returtlir!; will arrive in 6avaLnah on WKDNhSDAi aFXc-R < NOONS. a , Freight and Passage as .ow as by any other line. JOHN F. ROBERTSON. uny2-eodtf Agent. FOR AUGUSTA AND WAY LANDINGS. STEAMER STEAMER ROSA. KATIE Will laave every Will leave every Taeaday Afternoon Frflct'y Afternoon at 4 o’clock. at 4 o’clock. Freights revived at all tiuus at Dillon's Wharl* fuot ot Gas House Hill Way Frei*ht payable by shippers. LaWTuN. HART & CO.. AfTilLli— LADIES’ RESTAURANT, 134 Stat« Street. Toe cream, CHOCOLATE. .OYSTERS, ETC. j *a- Open from 8 M till 11 P. u. mar3l J. W. TYN AN, ENGINEER AND MACHINIST, CANAL STREET, Near CUarlpoton Wlmrt, REPAIRS ALL KINDS OFMACBINKRY, j BOILERS,‘As- Black'mithlWerk in nil its ; krenohen maroh4ly- Dry Goods Dealers should Adver i tise ia Uifi ADVERTISER. , GRIIAT SALE OF BA R G Al NS! Still Continues, -AT FRANK: <fc ECKSTEIN’S [LATE LEDERER’3.I IMMENSE REDUCTION IN PRICES -AT— 'ZZZ FRANK & ECKSTEIN’S. . DRY GOODS AND NOVELTIES JUST OPENED AT FRANK & ECKSTEIN’S. LLAMA LACE iSHAWLS, NEW LINE. FRANK & ECKSTEIN. Llama Lao© Sacques, -AT FRANK ,& ECKSTEIN’S. LADIES’ BUFF TRAVELLING SUITS ! IAT OOST.I _L • v FRANK &, ECKSTEIN. Richardson Linens, Thick Towels, ; AT GREATLY RBDuled rKICRS. | FRAiVK & ECKSTEIN. Jaconets, 'Nainsooks, JtSoft-Finish tOambric. \ : FIMVk !& : ECKBTEI\.| WA ivW; , X Dress Goods and MarseiHes ! Tarletans ! E ENDLESS VARIETY. IFRAM & IECKSTEIN4H _ CALICOES.! yt f• - A BEST QUALITY NSW CALICOES AT 12J CENTS PER YARD* FRANK ’& ;ECKSVEIN. Bleached Shirtings at'Reduced Prices.] FRANK & ECKSTEIN. Cloths and Capsimeres at Co&t, -AT -ISI BROUGHTON STREET. 1 MOSQUITO NETTING AND BOBINfiT LACE NETTING -at-; 131 BROUGHTON STREET. BARGAINS I >* In Every Description of Dry Goods, at FRANK iAfc ECKSTEIN’S. sL *pr». l . 1 . Railroads. CHANGE of_ SCHEDULE Through to NewYork in 54 Hours picker Time than by Ar.j other Reate ONI0 N l^ D lh t NOviiSh Savannah daily at p u Amve a t Chari titan at.— f* S* .Tv-rith?r°th. Bv’ Savannah to New York, by th*. u^ m °*,°" connection* SLKBPIHQ CARS WHEREVER NEEDED DS l if: mwi “ and ch«iMKd. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUTL SUPERINTEHDEHT’S office.) Awagtio ard Gene Railbo .a, l BAVAgyg, May 4. UT2 J OH AND AFTER SUNDAY. MAY 5Tg. _ Tr ““ #n ‘*>U road wUI rvn EXPRESS PABBENQER. 3*v«inah dally at 5.00 P M 4 J»* Bt J<wwp dally at-... * m P jS aJJiJI J*efv and" 1 * “• - 1.40 A S Arrive at Albany daily at _ y JAM gv T 2 daily at 4 2D A ■ Se^°h , :&&Vd A,b ‘" wUh tr '*“ •» Sleeping Car on this Train. r □ macon passenger: Savannah for Macon (Sundays Moaptedb at Z- 5.50 A M it Savannah from Macon U'Undaya exoapted) at- «.l r >PM Clo»« connection at Macon with trains on AUanta* " re * t€ni ®*Broad to and from Freight accommodation will leave Savannah eMondayp. Wediiaadgv*. a n.l Frdavt at 7.35 A. M. Arrive eame day at*) 15 P. M. , am m. s. iiaines, _ gmb-tf Qaneral Superintendent- CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, NO CHANGE OF CABS BETWEEN AUGUSTA AND COLUMBUS. GENT. SUPT’S OFFICE C. R. R„ I Savamrah, December 15, lfrL f Ti duMiri n-firlf —cmr i 1 r n iwwflui '"1 111 ini iiaEsggfie f)N AND AFTER SUNDAY, 17v* INST, £ Pißienger Train, on the Georgia Central Railroad, Iti branches and connection*, will run ai fallow,: , „ UP DAY TRAIN.’ Leave Savannah 7:15 A M Leave Aagjuta - 8:13 Afi Arrive at Augusta „.A4O P M Arrive at Milledgeville...... 4,45 p M Arrive at E-tvatoe.... P e* Arrive at Mteoa L... p m Leave Macon for Atlanta p M Leay. Macon for Col«n.b«* 8-13 p M Arrive at Atlanta 10:50 P M Arrive at Cotuinbn* 5] Making olo*e connection with train* leav ing Aagnata. Atlanta and doluinbu*. DOWN DAY TRAIN Arrive at Maeon 7 : :» A M Leevo Macon A M Leave Anaufta *;ls A M Jrrive at Augurti-..- 5:40 P M Arrive at Savannah ~...6:16P M . This train connecU at Maoon with 8. W. «. < iJ'i?‘S o d* ,,on train*, leaving Oolumhu# at •Via l" *pd arriving at Macon 4:10 A. M., SSt ■S7aT^5“ m * oonn# « tion » Aug«»U a* Laav. l^? lll TfeAINS GOING SOUTH. Aaguata ~7. 7.:* P M LSv7tfSrA«,n^—::i^:%^i for Oolumbnr .5:25 A M Arrive at Columbtu i] : O0 A M Atlanta d'cTT* t n ron * 1 ' ccnncctiom at both n Arrive at Macon from Colombo* 5:00 p M Arrive at Macon from Atlanta Atli P M Leave Macon _a ; a) p C Leave Bavannah —7:00 P M Arriveat Millcdgevill* - *.45 p M Arrive at Eatonton 10:45 P M Arrive at Angtuta 145 A M Ariiveat Savannah 5-J0 A M . Making perfect connection with train* leav- Angn*ta. Ptwenger, going over th* MU :* n< L E»t«S to » Branch will uke Night Train from Colombo*. Atlanta and Macon. Day Train from Angu*ta and Sa vannah, which connect daily at Gordoo (Sun day* excepted) with the MiiledgevUle end Eatonton train*. train * l<,B “t SLEEPING CAR on all night Through Tioke'a to all point* can be bad at Central Railroad Ticket Office, at Pnlaaki Hou*e, corner ofßull and Bryan street*, office Os" >» from »a.M.tol P. M„ and from 3to « * • If. Ticket* can algo be bad at Depot offioe. n m 4# WM. RIMJJCKb, Peit9 ts General Superintendent. BR*BS3STA.ISr’S HOTEL AND EEBTAUEANT, I6«, I** AND !•*• BRUAN STREET. JOUE BKKMAI, • . Proprietor rllS ESTABLISHMENT, SO LONG A favorite place of retort, has been greatly •niarged and newly re fitted daring th# Sum mer. and is now open and ready for tha FALL AND WINTER SEASON'S. The traveling public, and any other* whe demre first-class accommodation, are invited to visit the House. The Restaurant and Saloes are unsurpassed. Lunch every day at 11 o’clock. The quality of BRKSNAN’S LIQUORS too well known to require commendation* JOHN BRESNAN, !£• bryan Street, n*arth* > Mwk*i. _Oetober22-tf BOARDING AND ROOMS TO BENT- Fifteen first-class, well-fur nished SLEEPING ROOMS to Rent, ranging from (15 to (35 par month. TABLE BOARD (7 per week. ROOMS, WITH BOARD *2 per day. Apply to and. McConnell. Jqpll-12m Proprietor European Hou»*_ FUTURE DELIVERIES, NOW PREPARED TO EXE CUTE rder* for the *ale and tarchoM o Cotton o fhlare -.' verieiin the city of New York through Memrs. IALcOTT k KETCHUM. at the mo-tiitenl ra'ee. jana-tf KEXCBI M g CARTRIDGE Oils. BARHEO ILf Kerc eoe Oil; 2t • csf*- Pratt'* Astral Oil; I baire'g Lari Oil: ! bar" f 'Perm. Wba’e ar i Signal OH; Raw aJ>d 3 died Liofeed Oil* K' r sale by ar.rl--tf CLlfibUrtW ACUyaftyQHAM, b££D RICE. TkEST QUALITY SEED RICE. 11 For tale uy ,’ii2W UZCfiVMJk MAAZttUK*& i GKALt WAREHOUSE, AMO FOREST CITY mßY ,^f77 3 rr.*.,F ol ‘* Montpcmery, Market l?<inare. T TORY* B * r FAMILY FDUR. WB GUARANTEE IT TO PROVE SeTitFAC * Q» HAYNEB Ah BRO., Proprietor*. BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS! “ PEPPER’S, ufiA»knr». Congress Street. * * W Fin.Sf.ok SILKs’Ud ALPACAS. FAN ° Y STRIPi;D AND PLAIN Plain end Faney DRESS GOODS, Prenoh ORGANDIES ard BRILLIANTS, , Jk Figured Linen* and Linen SUITINGS, Ladiee LIN UN nnd LAWN SUITS, from J 5 00 We call im.l i „ LLAMA LACE POINTS, from 15 00 to $75 Üb, T we call special attention to our stockgf * Linen*, l.imn T«blo Dmmisks, Towelings and Mteetiugp hich eannut he euaalled. both u to eherpuess and quality, iu Savannah. ’ Genu fIALF-HOSK. from6c. to MSO per pair, . Ladiee' and Miue*’ HOSE, from 10c. to $2 09 per pair, WK HAVE TUK Rpal Ralliripsan Hose and Half-lloso, . v. , M 1 , Imported direct from SMYTH .1 CO„ Ba'br.ggac, fre’and. U Lndim, Mine*’ and Uents’ HANDKERCHIEF.-', from 10c. upward*, IHE LATEST STYLES IN LALB COLLARS. LACECNDERSLEEVES. UNI N COLLARS. Ac. Cuff*. Embroidered Linen S»U, Linen Undereleeve*, RnDling*. Fancy Fan*. Ladies' Dolly Varden Bows and Scarfs, * Embroidered Cambric Band*, Idgingi aad inaertingv, - CORSETS and KID OLOYBe. To tUt G BNTLBMKN, wn call attention to our LISLE THREAD and SUMMER MKRINO UNDERSHIRTS, Gent's i’nntaluoa Fitting DRAWERS, i Camimerer, Cloth* and Doetklo*. 'y, Bargains, Bargains, Bargains! at Pepper’s, 131 Congress Street- 4 DO NOT FAIL ORE IC#tf TONS’, IIKFOKK I’L'KUHAhf'(« U.SKWHKRK, 9 G*SSs l >A l^^g|¥*/g, )SiS5g. c klfe ß si2?lV^7. A a». ,>R “ 0001)s ’ wu * rK WUITK PIQUKB from lAegnti |»rr yard ui>; DHKSS GOODS from 10 ceoti per yard up ; _ Oreat variety of DKEcSKH at 15 and 20 cent*. nw WE ARhOFIKRINO GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVER BEFORE. .M-m CREIGHTON, 149 Congress‘Street, • I J CARPENTERS, BUILDERS U ' AND ALL OTHERS* IN OF DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS JgBWMaaSflJ mout.diynjgb, balusters, blind trimmings, ac, In , WILL DO WELL TO CALL ON DLAIII At BIOKFOHD, I'J'J Bay Street, wr CONSTANT*./:KBCEiVINO FRESH SUPPLIES IN THIS LINE * FOR COTTON AND CORN I’SE HOItNErt’S MARYLAND SUPER PHOSPHATE. JOS,HXJA HOHNEE, JR.. 54 S. flay Street. Kaltimore, Olaryliiiul. R. B. REPPARD, PLANING MILL AND LUMBERYARD, AUDlmiqrinoS^'roß,*^uTwoolimml y, G«Su Bu!Srii.l' < S^iJr*B“lkß2** nd B “ U »«k n Br7»o etr«t. op at*)!*. WALLPAPERING. M: a. T T I N Gr B. r 20 PIECES BOUGHT AS DAMAGED. ONLY A LITTLE STAINED, 'A. Very Good Arliolo, Xt-ry Clie»«]y, CUR OWN DESIGNS AND IMPORTATION. ENGLISH OILCLOTHS. A >i W.IITE BED BOOM CURTAINS. MUSLIN, AT » CENTS LATHROP & CO. ICE! ICJEC ! ICE! |Mulll’s Patent Ice Machine. TO THE CITIZENS C-F SAVANNAH :- 1 ar-pwn'/d *-1* are;• end mgAgfec-orer of rhe Mobl fee M,chine Tam gyasSfeMw* ihis *• ih « to, *” Amaenln Pelet* » »a-h(se »• *. u h nx,.«o *»e »rd Th*c* rraSW c ;ce mnr her. *•*,» » ww-wer- tb».«wk. w«k-<, w>>b »ey power Tt. n1,,, Ma - line work* tmd*r a i '«-«ie of Z"»ti 2V>;.om4. to the -iiv- i»-h: this X »-hir. from 40 to fri ee,o«*>.»* n»«-.e* *l *ad f, ab-esce of deager, wort* wi-o Htihji-c Etber-cwTiGr* • eg-rsp ' hMi »-►<*. g.i from a v»*e con'vinisg e*ber call.d thefmtfe* hot. -.benrnmo. tin*- * v«I w -ro pfneti In a v,.j«t of »*t*r. where>t Donl fi-e. ard U -em<v*4 tr. be e-.b-r r-«#» from wo.scc . itr,all »:,»» of Hqaid ether if al lowed teereeo* tv t-t ree, hor ' iediJerist *v.p>r»ti*ns m* prod, rig alter- I w if patop *»4 Pt*4jKi Is* With «*vy M*«h!** 1 oeL, H tit ", i entity g<s*r-ot**4 in the price lit. Partin waning egte-Eetturae „t If ,-btt-s will plsw* edwee* too nt Cola '.baa. G*. Any pvf*eo es vtd'UkW intei'igvn-:* -.js m Ikb ExVt* aft.* tv. : ..(to -fi , , Thi* M* hfc« will nui'i vriar* D«nt»«b*| of J'-J !5 ees*, per sislred pontds, and at .bout ■,ne-ha! by wtur power. Ho money is retired ml the Mae son m.healee. HegM-rfuily room, CAPTAIN JOB S C. BE A I.v, 1 ■ -k B/.» r-.-i.mtne, Georgia. m» T I3 ts C. G.&W. M. BAUGH, tommisfrlon Kerch infs, FOB THE PURCHASE AND (lALrjOF Flmnr. Grain an# Will Frrel. ONE SET TINKER'S TOOLS, FOR -ALE BYJ H. A 3 WEED. Choice New Butter iFEKsT BAMSIIIP LEO, fOSSAhA BY A mo’j C. It. GILBERT A CO. FLOIIR MILLS WALL PAPESING.