Newspaper Page Text
i st3 '■ sii'j
i)n . 0 , uN nPUOPKIET011
imrut COMBsrounfeW. . _ ;
Erery Saturday. Morning.
> M rath
T M mfts
[ Payasats Invariably in Advance.
Advertising Rales.
which.-o d-
that oar little arngtv was qtiji pursued,
but not captured, and at the sjune time
cutting us off from all hope, of relief,
from them in our dilemma. We remained
in our position on the mountain until
the ann was getting low, when, having
no tidings of W— and hisjmfty, and
becoming. satisfied that we mnst take
on? fortune into our own Landis, we de
termined to place as great a' distanceas.
possible between ns an<^ ( tlie enemy be
fore darkness shut In niinn ns- y , .
Ton may imagine the ififlicuitjtSif our
de^i^on at" this time, Ju a strange
country, a mountain wilderness, our men
already woru*o»t with a week’s skirm
ishing, and' forty hours’ to¥eed march-
ing'without rest or provisions, over the
very worst ffioaptain arid,-valhy roads
conceivablada^weather theftvost terrible,
and in a climate to wliidh we were tfh Ac
customed, kqpyving nobody, only that we
were in a Union neighborhood, where
10:4 J IK
ill $1
though they were. We attempted to , '~ ,V
build fires, but this luxury was denied 1 ■"«*
ns. No wood could be found except the ! , ’ nt U l ‘ etnrr ' ^W*^**.,
weit and Bobby drift lodged among the ' We prWenrd to take the eWes for
rocks.' Ubr h< nrs.the lidys worked, Escape, arid ^ ttvtfduleno to hop-
blOwed and’cut splinters, but all to fio- to act in concert and -fiutdh*
avail.' ko fires wOiild burn, and one by ! we returned.' ' I knew-- th-T-il [.steady,
one we gave up the hopeless task, and j rapid and continued 'ptltsrtii of cue
resigeed ourselves to sleep, : if the iicourse was iou^'only reahont il« hope,
dreamy- bui‘:Wak. £ul, half-aleeping, ffi OU r sire,.gift,**,if
W<M »V Rtnpor.which fell ppon ns,pou)d bei ^
■ ““P^us- -With th
^ { ^ r Mpi H. ^ |T ^ jl’.ii
ta.iou alone. Yei we took Cure not he could not answer ay. abjectntns.'rTtte R«tB;u»wi 1 Wiin.ufy,
to let hun^kpow, Itat those who' at- Tkw mith is he was lost himself, and j U«fcim <ItaaiM
tended bit^ , tb§u atpL-on every becoming more and more cmfbaed
similar mrmnien ■ eitoe wards, were "ft* 6 v saw the dangers of hm position
dasignedtfor his .guard. ; His recon- He had followed us through -the
noisatice proved unsatisfactory, ex- moontains by a route new to him,
oept tka he believed We were on the bnt had. foupd us on a creek which
*'"}* iljawher ereek, imd Wore very long* he thonght he knew- But jipw he
wsuald reach ai'deadening*-where he hgd beqpme vpij fearful. tlmt hp’ had
said we could rest while he brought made a mistake, and was leading ns
provisions to ns from is ‘mountain , he knew not where, and aB he reflec-
i .would pladef offcis, about two .miles -from ted that- oar fahrishfcg party'
i»er of t uere.
1^ C^’ntnti.
12 30.
70 I
80 |
«4 i
72 |
S9 ;
T w,„V„*i.i ? »rcihcratc!to
, all ,i,ntn>ct« for advertising, or when
leno are banded in without ...true-
Advertisement! will bo cliarg-
Single Urn
jl. s M. 12 M.! we could sxpeet mother sympathy'nor
| assistance; under all these cirenrustanecs,
with the fut'e-oT" three hiuiwlred’ men. in
j the balance, tjiey our friends, Pur liin-
iired, the hetpeof loving /hearts and of
peaceful homes far aw^y'-the pi'iile of
Georgia aniThe^first Regiment, It was no
trifle tb'rtetcrnMne whatj iu the emer
gency, was*Tti'c best to be done. -To
avoid the enemy, however bittef the
thought, aiid to reach thy main 'army, if
i f were not captured, by the least fa
tiguing and .most expeditions route,
were manifest uec''ssiti(is.~ If we opuld
follow the course of Stiver’s, Fork of
Cheat river t oil which' the battle was
fought, we knew it would take ns lo
some poiut on the turnpike leading
from Staunton to Laurel Hill- But that
route the armies were /pursuing, and it
was too evident that to travel upon a
parallel line with the enemy, especially
we being so far behind their advance,
and unacquainted with the country,
Ordinaries, IdmiMistrnloi
(iiiiinliain, &c.
jpmtifirr. Hinr» t!if* war. tin- following atf I
. j.jr noticoM «>f Uruiuaries ^.c—to U£ r.%.iu
thirty I> J»»' X»»ti
inys’ SUi<
Btle.of Tam-Ir. .V.
lUtV N lf< <
nr. «qr. of tt-H liuei
4 00
5 Ot;
5 00
7 00
:o oo
2 00
iittH’ jfciw.—F5r theft «ak*d, for evory iifa,
\|.»rfcru'© Sjies por square, $5.00.
o'.it iirii-s ar*» cUarj»»?d for trio sarao a« oilier
\ For the Argu<
cold winds sighing through the gorge, j 1 ‘ J®
and the Wet rocks upon whiiih we were^*" 5 * 1 7t ^ as '
forced to lie or sit, with the weariness of c ^ 8 > ^ or the last 'twenty-four hours I
body.'the cravings of bnnger, aiid tke ^ lai * ieh niv company, anil take: a place
depression of mind : which our sad con- in the lead, and while ethers b re de-
dition created, altegether rendered this bating, lo the utmost of mi bithy 1
the most uncomfortable might I ever .'wHa hur ing forward ■ »,m f, : ol
spent, ; . — " [ Having left ihp creek, we en nnterc-n
Buriug the day mst past the symp- , , - , ,
, , , . ’ ’. • ,* - the laurel again, and began sw the
toms of approaching starvation, judging . . , , • , °
by my own feelings and what 1 observed ^ rfal t«k of eutiinv h way i .rough.
amon^ the men, became very distressing. P°' n ^..^^ en Itta'ioii
Ttwas now Siuiday; tth'd we had eaten seemed ready, and hud alreac
almost libt'iiiltr . since ,the previous- to ciumble to pieces, . Provider
Thursdnyt and yet-during nil that time posed tor our deliverance.
had been engaged iu a march Which hard at work, deep in a furr<
would have exhausted ns had we been mountain, and buried in the thulisharle
ever so well fed. I felt hunger that day ,,r■
6 J ola lauiel brake, slowly cuttin< out a
tt'©oo: miniJed to --move. on.
pledged;’ and wdidd ’ce:
The his life, if thr - •- -At
11 iuter-
"je wen-
(of the
more keenly than at anv subsequ. lit'
. ■ ' J ■■ * ^ passage,
t-imet. Nature seeyicd to have made its r
when the w.irls “Hai-
TO TSB t ; AITT Ik'd p6*acm«m. "riSvst-
SOUTH. ^ l v " lo
K lifor: —Ti
Hi Ifttor
which I
would rciulcf us
ci instantly liable to fall
itli s -ii l y.>it.
»Viss writ
en liymie
into their
a. The ranges of moni!-
it bust (if grlit-
i-HH Sj.jr
ts wiio, Toi'
hiiis rati fr ® >
r. B. ; to’ .S' W., •nnd the
if limin' an! c
s slcAiuiiq
rutile 'wTiiclf run
hiaiti'ai'uiy d'ere parsn?
S.lMii'l’s ll.iii
u'l'd grave. I;, tvaa
it;.liftin' rituui
ig E ist f'l.r- :i-while; we
II. 11H its il-fct
s:>o:i after
ssiq^josid wiml
1 liCiiu arifitul towards
Vn;s vn'iidi •[.
fO 1
ini <l<mi)t-
'the South and
x'reiitaalLx- towards the
ill !,., o • ■ '
V>f» I L ;i jsnst. .F
ortntwilely, we hart tWu
mr li'ii.liiis.
Xjta i$t
asnf four
pocket COUljlASS
, one of tlioni Miv owii,
•f •lesnlutitij. w
ur v/iritiii
mid a. utiUi with
- ua. Uv tlie ”?iehv --I
most terrible demands for food, and « inU .* uida ^ come.” wee p *>d up
then to have left me in mercy to perish ; ^ le hncib the front. At fli«i we dis
with comparatively little pain. Its . credited the report, but being rssured
fierce kuawing gradually gave place to of iu tru’h by the cheerful r ios in
weakness. I felt it was the weakness ef 'the rear, Major T—and myself passed
.pproacliin:r<! ssolnrion. On Saturday | down Ui© narrow lane wo lid made
one of the men, J. W. H 7had told me tnrough the laurel, Iraif a rniL to the
privately that he had a small piece of: rcr)P> wlicre we fllUHfJ o1( , rtlJID wh „
beef and five or six raw potatoes, c „ ||ed llimsplf p MrsoJlP . aild J U lliin a
and that, before starvation came he . (
would divide them .with me. That even- J* ,un S ° ne w §ff' e iu n-’inq ae ious.
in* when we had arrived at tho ereek, lal “' r had un a ‘“'^ryjeoat and
reminded him of Lis promise, and he | l * W on * a -“'‘''V^-mpHP.v
gave me a fat, tallowvaud very dirty 11 H ' n inat regicim Iks father,
sa d, w;ts a Unioi, man, but lie had
i-d with t)ie South. We took thVin
loi'ikirfg piece of beef, about half the size
of an ordinary biscuit. At two mouth
fuls it was gone: the sweetest mouthfuls
I ever aie.
The next morning, finding that the
creek ran in the right direction, and
that, though difficult, we con.d go down
it, wo moved forward. And now began
^Vi‘:ro vnw. ~'T"vr> r rfriiwrr.
imnnitains rorie almost pnlcip
aa£-..U» ift»i xiilhr»r hand having- j-
off and subjected fliemto a rig.l exam
ination. The oi l man sa d that he
lived in night ot-ihe, battle fidd, t< a*
two nights Insfoie. iwp, men btbiiigino io
our pany c ine to his house and told
li m our ■•(Vn.rifit)ii, thAt the U'xt morn
ing he had directed them how to ge;
—-—kaving trui
notILIli massei*my fflni, had
- -f . —,v—r u-~,.;:sr , became ovrnvjHCed'of
g conh-I'Vvay wfis, if possible, more difficult bis tfeuebery, hegrew alarmed, and
ban ever, the stream larger,- the very naturally wished to save
pools deSpfer,’THie 6Rft§ifdk R ?vider. The sell by escaping from us in time.
uiiein 1 'buffered severely, btit conscious; Tb s copyersution caused ’s^good
that it was forward or starvation, and ex citemeni among the men.
many of undepressed with the ft *»* t 9*P ai “ 8
. %-• • ’ up, we held a consul tatiou as to what
mg susp cion that it was star-va, .ion we should do. But what can we do r
behind, or capiiviiy ahead, 'here I is now ireariy night, And if we fead
seemed nothing left for us 10 do but P^ ent . v of day-light, we could Hot
to press on ! And on down tin P^iLly re-ascend this stream, weak,
creek wo struggled for miles and for SS^JSSS^SttSS
hottbs keeping our guide constantly escape. >o it was: decided to pre
plied as to ‘how far now?’and fbvihg. Earc, as.far as practicable^ fpr. any
to stifle in biir minds' the'unwelcome emergency and press forwai'd. u
suspicions which his evident enib.ii- ’ ••' NwvV ^ if became ajipaxent that
,1 . ... ,. we were approaempg the cnsiNofour
rassmeqt produced. We ; could see fate, uncertain aild even threatening
that he was grow ing more and more as it seemed, ah 'indefinable feeli '
restless/.’ When-ore- wontd stop to pfrt‘1 ef came over me. We should
rest ami wait for the Stragglers t 0 ko° w *he eud directly. Before this,
, ,, . L had generally kept towards the
come up, he would s-art on agatn, head of .he liu*e, but as we might
saying that he would reconnoiter, and possibly haw© need of some degree
seemingly to his disappointment,, of prgauiz>tion l.deemed ii my duty
some of the party would invariably U ' collect my . Company and. remain
go with him. -At length he started Witb lt ‘ . Thls . wua no, e, l8 y ^ask,
, , . , . , , owing boih lo the condition of ike
forward again, his volunteer guard m eh, and my own weakness and
with him as usual, and but of sight almost entire' prostraridh.' But 5 !' fell
of the main body he laid down his bapk in the line, to where l found
gun, a musket be had picked up, and ^. e , ^ ar g e ® t number together and
... ,, .. .. tried to collect the rest as best I
said he would, go ■ up ‘by him-
self’and 'look around.’ But one of, A wdite. w.wiw oh. At t!»*. dt*-
the young- men- ‘h*d- : US lief go too as missing OUT fWa tbu tky Would brighUn over
not.’ and after persisting,' did? go. ;“»• bodroriving hop* would make u» almost
Svil iu hit :i t';i.;i-t- or mTTTu
d b> ns all, lull si ill they r.,
••'the reo 'iti-rlioiis of ,tlmt liuiiui l’.i
•!fc'!r«Mt.” It is ".ur li’d Viihl idier-
[ isli 1 as (}i'nr 0 Mi\s lirsf uffei'iug to tiiu:
'• which, with thousands of her
'"•St S..1IS, a 1|H pcrulmb :
M.ixtebut, Hiuhlanu Co. , i
July flOiii, 1R51. f
Beau I wrote'to you iiumcd.y
-telr hi ;uv arrival ut this place, giving,
fJ f,> in cif our experience np tu
time of meeting lue-enemy ut Cheat
[Hive", ami promising to write again and
i continuation ot the ace.ouijt up to
[ ' ll . v arrival lieru. But until the present
j my eaves and duties have been so great
laud my health so feeble, that I have not
Iliad the time uor energy to comply.
I holieVe. my last closed with uu ac-
|r.>uut of the circumstances which led to
separation of six companies of oio
regiment from the main army, leaving
in the rear of
TTTrr Tnc-iCwe studied
sTtiiiiliwii iA uwl
we eon d; and decided that a Boiiiheast j anot’.wr.
course would lie most likeiy to take n*
oit rif llie inqnntainif at the nearest
point By pursuing an air-line, nnite iu
ibis ibreetiqn Joy twenty or ‘.hirty ufiles,
w*c lyijad, to 'lie able to iuB'regpi onr
friends at a point much further by the
mute they were pnfstring. Having de-
,tumpned (Jti.tiysA'onfea, nep,pre^iauijj to
rinivci Tile D.dilfuie^4 VoliiiiticJ's bring
!iedi|ii'!Uied. if Bioupjaiirp, jyor«| jj^feed
in front, and we started down the nioiiti-
tain. . ,Vfei 'U)iia0ld^.rhrqgjjb the next
vailftv, «qd. qa, across the mountain
spurs, until in a valjey ijight.overtook
us, aud lntngry, tired, and in the rain
without covering or fires, vve laid ns
down upon the grodnd to rest.
The next morning, the 14th, we arose
just after light, aud with aching and
stiffened limbs, and breakfast less, started
l ll.n .I...". 1 .TT ,
but to ciunt) from <vni» sli]
It was distxcssin
-isor~rfi pimsuil ,pr us. ...
1 p. 'ish lioibre e^nld get
i- d: -‘...'ftLi'-“i *...
ry rtolc to
isec those
poor, follows, exhausted by. hardships
and eniaeia.e'-T with hunger, us now and
then they would slip aud falj, bruising
their limbs, oi; suffering afresh .satura
tion, and perhaps dropping their guns
in the crock. But all these difficulties
confbinCd were starely to bo considered
hi comparison with those of an entirely but il ; *n eujissny ot llie enemy, the iast
difTerent character,'which seemed to be. uasiood pledged lo ui.ike him
t 'vii-tirif ot his nca -lierv.
kcifieibeiit iii the (fiie'ctf'TrFwe Wore do
ing, 1>. t i hat tie o'
visions-in, fiitir
niat-ly guide us safely... out of tii
eon. nt rv.
We itlid liitii that all he was saving
might or m'gli't not he' iriic; f
indeed no 'proved a friend he should
tore* vr have the gratitude of our peop -;
Getting off some distance ihu guide J ’> OU! - in «1» • E*rly. preset of NelMt
. ! , . ., And then t '*ga»o > -our-pooE f woiri*d milld« would
took a great fancy to the young M Hgg ,r m^r ike weight ^.ihuk fnr^odin*.,
mail’s, and proppsqd to lopkat Which would rettle down upon ns. if it bad Dot
it. Tno young man was ‘peculiar * ,eoI > f"r that feeling of desperate satiafaefion
about anybody handling', his arms ; that‘fce end waterigb. at audh timea I iftettA
" , , , • , , • j . , - kave give* up to despair.- Strong tseo, that
pvob.i.bly u was odd m .hiin, but it Ja5> ha(1 becvaa
was just so.’ The old guan wns im- I’m mm thrn-n w 11nnrr 'fjiVbwi mn te k»
An A-oiwLs W , r-ma'
igib’e. No’fhing "satisfactory » w-die, “the deadeBtogit found i” a«lhiM>^.
, j -. ■ count be seen and they returned do--’l' 8 a * °“ r ! i -“ b *,* orid
j cmi-y/Uf a fo p o-. i • , - cyry us, wo found those ahead haired in m
Of five mi:**, and f to.ti tlle Cteeit. narrow bottom aboilt flft.v jardg wide, tbe trees
The young man ciimo quietly to ' Of whieh had beeo deadened for * quarter ir a
me, and iniormed' me of whst ‘ had “i^alonK the stream. Some of the men Were
occurred, wi.'h several other circuru buiMto * ll "»
, , , . trees aud serapiag tbe aap to Ait. Aftarwehad
stances be baa observed, indicatibg got out mpome the 3eHlemenu..a f«>w ft ft tr
UiTeasiness in the old man and a dc- this, we, met up with a man by tbe bum ef
sire to leave the battalion. I went y ,0r, ian,wh o naidhobad been outyoaearoh. of
up to where he was- sitting, with
imminent. The distresses of our situa
tion were having a very natural, and
the ti
Wi'li this under?!anding. we eon
upon the day's journey,
once to ascend a mountain 'which raised
, lts , r , ■ , il , r OWeJ ' ful 0Uem - v ’ H1,a S ltself in ” nr ^y. Upon ife gloomy sides
fv <1 ■» by a « .Iderne.s« or mountains j we struck this day the mountain laurel,
qUainti^ WC ^ eil "' rel - V « a " c -1'‘/oe to our progress I slmi! never for-
m -. . J S e b . Xt i3 a crooked, dwarfisli bush
ur situation hcciimc apparent, j from two to fifteen feet high, with a
L "T , T nM . t0 was) trunk from the size of a man’s thumb
direction we were going. Tbe whole
battalion seemed to have liecome experi-
We began at J.neuters. In the growing confusion
some clambered up the cliffs to see if a
different course would not be better;
and others, outstripping the main body.
best, under the circumstances, to be | to that of a stout
It was determined, though onr
rase looked desperate, not to encertain I timea ti
tor a moment, the thought ol s „ r -
reuder, but as a further attack upon the
enemy could only result in our anuibi-
‘ a 'ion,.w^iHant. C oatriUnting any aid to
mtr friends, wq decj ’ed to r^iiy np the
^OllUtiiina in o:ir rr«v * • .
hccidetual collision wffti ’ tlic
await for a while thy issue of events.
J ; W; * s Ul, ' v near noop. Tlip rain.was
Wlmg iu toriviitg. tV’e reached the top
ef the ridge and came to a halt ‘ Again
iu council of the officers, it <vas thought
advisable, if volunteers for the purpose
C".ii bo obtained, to scud out a scout
t‘ J learn, if possible,
the fate of the
many, to work their way to it through the
mountain mid inform it. of onr ooudi-
bon. Private R. A. W—first volun-.
‘eered, ami then LienfiF— and privates'
— mid B—, idl of niv company, \yith
«'> affectionate farewell, (hey started
"I'cii their perilous miasiou.
Me next sent two men as scouts down
a ’out the battlefield l+elow us, to asccr-
l-u.i llie numbersjiiud piovcipents y( the
’ 111 m - v **k‘re, and ulso'to find if il wim.u
l'Os«i)le to Woofer' h»r .bfiiuiets,
«"K ile., whicli we had laid aside for
R-ht, ns li e r;l j
man’s arm. They grow
in immense thiekness, covering some
;nn, limes tlie entire sides of the mountains,
and making the way almost impassable
f o animation, so crossed and crooked
and tangled do they grow. For a con
siderable portion of tbe day, onr woy
was forced through-this obstacle. Here
found a use < for the bowie
provided fhetnsedves. "Whea tho thick
est became otherwise impeuetrable, we
had a squad detailed to cut a passage
through. At such times, precious as we
■knew our time tube, we could moke but
iittle progress.
In addition to tbe laarel we met aq
other obstacle in the precipitous sides of
the mountain, which often turned ns
out of onr course. Aud iu inauy places
the way became obstructed by such im
mense piles and fields of rock.., as they
only can conceive o r who have fittempted
to cross the mountains at random, ren-
deriug a passage so difficult and danger
ous that frequently after hours of hard
work we would have to take the back
track aud seek some new route. Thus
struggling, aud toiling, the day slowly
wore away, and iit uigfit, we had only
reached the opposite Imse of the moun
tain which we began to ascend in the
in nf the scouts Returned and rep-irted
1 1 iiTtny in large number* jdtij} march-
fi'.n' tlll ‘ va,,e . T or carnjiiiig on the
' ‘ ,R **thw did uni return, anti
kb' 'o linve been captured or
,f f “r‘V; lmt have siuce, .learned that,
ma, iy hardshijis' adfP’fibfr-VreKdth
J l’cs, he reached aqildte of^sfoty.
tin and cold of that,
“"‘ml .iu nigimi was teitii^g ou ns sadly. ; JWtt&igi. ^s-'d-irbiessidhsed ns.
we. wtfle StmnjbliBg down th'i^liisV prec
ipice to the bed of a small rocky creek.
About half of our party did not get
down before .it became too dark to move
in such a .place, and. they were compell
ed to lie down to rest for tlie eight
wherever they could find a lodgment. It
was well enough, -however,.for soab-
yet a very dangerous effeot upon tho seiited to bti gnided by lirtn. He led
minds of the men; and this morning us back to the creek we had left, and
symptoms of disorganization became down it in ikg^direction we bad be-
more than ever apparent. Man^ 1 began fore heen going. yFithin half a mile
forinihg sqnads to fate their fate into we cftine to a larger stream, into
then-own hands. Some wished to hurry whleb the one we were fo H ow , ng
forward; others were distrustfnl of the
emptied. Near the fork of • these
creeks we found a note from Lieu:.
G , fastened in a.split stick and
stuck in a conspicuous place. The
note informed ns that he had turned
np the creek we had just reached
hurried on down the creek in advance. We also discovered tile . entrails of
This being manifestly imprudent, ns at some animal, perhaps au otter, which
any time it might be deemed prudent to some G f the stragglers had killed,
change our course from the bed of the The stream just mentioned runabout
stream, every effort was made to canse Nortll „ n d’Lieut. G , going np
them to desist or retlirn. Some obeyed, . ' , . - „
but others kept on'; and Lieut. G-, U * ^ 'Aqrefore, still pursumg the
boiling over with Indication at the epurse we had just been induced to
thoughtlessness of an example so apt to abandon. Our guide said that t e
he imitated, and si> certain, if. indulged chapees for him and those with him to
in, to result in tbe loss of many of our pensn in the mountains were almost
m.-n, hurried forward to stop and turn a certainty. But, as dilfi.cult as they
ihep, bark- • found it, they inade their way by
Ai t i' lo lowing inwi-kieniHTi 'iiiii .ii u.., -t tins. ..voantetac,
i w», it.bee.aane nunifesi that its cours» jplned. the main army at Franklin,
was Hill ing toil fill to the north. We There, also, \V——,-wi'li Hie scout decided to take the mountain w'ho left us mar tlie battle field, cam"
Lieut. G — had
the laurel again, following ohr oid out, and ryrixed hero the day before
,.w„.»**. Lieut. G—bad riot returned, we d'd. -
but it would nut do to wait. If he re-' At the-fork of these creeks began
turned he cot Id take our trail where it a singular and very painful part of
left the Week, and folk w in our rear, our^experience." ' Mr. Parsons said
\Ve mini pmV on. Food mnst be we must take down the creek. which
teiulied that day o‘ our fate seemed «*» before remarked, ran North -from
inevitable. We could not hope to hold this point, and in addition, to this
togeihei longer, and then gi-atteied ^Mkpicions t.ircnrnsl.ajjp^,, isiiqn...soinc
11,rough .hat wilderness one by one we cWquestiens were^ pat 4o him to
• ascertain his reasons for lead ng us
must parish. . . - ._ .
The men were already in that fickle bafk toxvards the batte field, it be-
sia:e which, ahvr a little more Miffcrinnr came evident* hat he felt embarrassed
--nd disappointineii', must settle imo and ill at east*. He professed to be
the madness ot thp appathy of despair, uncertain as to our locality ; said be
Tht-v wci« piiaut onemoinerit. and stu>- believed we were further up the
horn ibcLriex'j agree with you now, creek than he had thought, and
and direqtlv he violently opposed? n,,w finally proposed that he should go
work wi$i a Mnwi*WTid * song, and de- forward and reconnoiter. We had
t-rm’ni* to s'niggle'’’•nd hve^ or die io- been in high hopes before, bit win.
geMi-r, and diic tly would s’ragglc off, some of us i t least, very unpleasant
0-. and folloirvd ua through ihe mounUina by
. the bii«b trees we Had skinned. But he was a
few Others rn adv»BCe of the. main day behind ’Mb Parana And did not orert.k.
party, and entered into conversation us. Ii haae mi d«nht-tbit-many would bar.
With hi in : ea$^rely.latiod.and perhaps peri«lred, bad it hg(
•Mr. Parsons, liow far now ?' , «?.soiri,h-»stf
, , i Hearing that Mr. Parsons and some of the
‘Don t know, d 1 •: • * men had .gone fiu- frovisions, and that if would
‘You were saying; same distance hu late in the night before they returned, I fell ' also o'u th
back, that it was not more than a t0 worlt tha rest eatingbireh sap. j britries.
mile or two. De you think it L We submit Arte pmpcoitioqs fts»
mile?’ horsemen. There were the camp fires, the every member of tlie (j/filjiy h rea^ b^vs
l am unable to tell; will not ven • boughs of trees scattered about, and piaeee tha privilege of (ontiibitling tkair aid
tore to guess any more. The landr.,-'^ ,l< ^ e horses ha J been fed; But to pleasure of to ^j, object.
V„ .,11 „„ meferm in ii,™,ir; : ,,u!,n S ^ W,th th f Pr«P9«« ?t having eon,.-’? * ^ ^
thing to eat soon, aud a determination to leok
We h»ve.*ec«i wd leUera from a«»*r-
I’eft #h..»£e pKsjMry ^jyd
membership ot tbe Cbarub, e^r^eifig
* wieli to «id us js ^j»e Ikmidetion of
the ♦emuii» a ng bsbilitie)* ith^gexiet
. Jfs»H»thJ.mtk
onr aim-
Mto give. l^wyu
member of the Ghttr.-li an opportai.ity
to l«*n.l a helping Hand, arid* thus ra
lit-ve the Il iuse bf"tfiS'(Ir»r of July.
ItiW certainly rirsirab.* to sreoiii-
plietf thfs ofiject, and after ft ilWfelr "Una
been already eff eted, to Mr s** beei-
*«*o t» believe that»-united afort. on
tbe part of the Church will, vutirdy »-
Hereue from all embarrassment by-the ,
time specified. . >;• l'
We ha»» mrlr a careful calculation,
Snd submit the following propositions
to the Ghutch, wliivh, if'i-wiipteil be
tween thin drib* aiid the fiief mf /uly,
will entirely relieve tii). We earnestly
ask their acceptance;
100 p*r*»na ,t.o purchttM each Mf
worth cl our pnbhca, ion*.
. 110.0 jieraons to pnrehase each
worth of oar publicatlonn.
150 person* io purchase eaeh $4t
worth of onr publication*.
COO person* to purebaeo each fit#
worth of oiir publicaiions, 1 '
250. persons to purchase each $25
yrorth of qiir Buhfigididne. . , . \ '
3 00. person* to porch see eaclt
worth of our puhlh-otiosa*
600 persons oach. to purebaeo 111
worth of our publicstione.
1,000 psrsonr rack to panksn filfi
worth of our pdbtication*.
6,000 ^ei Rono each’ to pqrckaee M
worttof o»r publiceti^ia,
6.000 persune to. purohaae cask II
wortli of ear pfahlicatiosa. ■-
10.000 pereone ft pttrAa» sasb $1
worth df ouf ptlblierifion*.
’ tihi 1 bretlireri 'wb<( uri/ any ef
; ‘ propoei^ss,;^II>leiea«' ^d
Jere a. OWWfip/iaisd,, with
U aw«i*» issknee*,- aetire Cbarcbes
will aooepf^ffier :of tk» two tot eamed
propuaItiOie,’ by < panrboairgi < ftydia-
b eke ter tbar* cougragatioei aofi li-
brariee for tbatr nrlisiofor; sr3 bj) l ftia
mesne tako 60 or 100 fibaGe id
or $2 proposition. '
Sunday-schools ako. rvpleaisti their
lihranee, or pnrclM3o uew esc^by ao-
cepting any of th* obo73 j propiwitisue,
and at eama time lender nafts liil oi
need. s. ;;.r ’ av.-w o;k'3:«T> i ./a
• MemberedfthoOburftb Mr eibewi atay
tsrojfe procur j prt7ete Ii-
Per*pne who write to us will please
North, and in the direction of thrf ci ‘ ,n, M S n * were calculated -to ex
cite. Kcw that mutters had taken each a eheSr-
r ftil turn wo were all inalinad. to. make ourselves
•Wheredries tliisHtream emjriy?’
‘Into Shaver's Fork.'
‘Don’t kuow exactly.
com ortabl®.
marks aie all so uniform iu. appear-
auce that I canuot tell, on the bright side uf things, helped us to allay state which piopoeitiou they aeeopk **d
•You perceive we are going direcly any di.-agreeapu susp^iows whip h these tuepi- whether they are nuoiAtors to Isywisn,
and with whieh Confsrssee-ftsy firs
identified. - 3 ji ni .,\
Books seal by mctl ts ysy »4diwfi»
We Had scarcely beeome settied and the sWsipd of rstail pii(to
■ straggler? got in, before Majl f.7 , who had Gstalogos* »*nt frtu of ebar jsefi ap-’
been out reconnoitering, cent us -word that our B licaiioB. rr^xiil k:(
■ camp was inaccessible W-'ths horses ef thus# .... - ^ JJ 'RsD1*on9 Al4ati
3SE5- - .. _• _ , who were to’"bring ns provisions, and that we, ... . ,* Jc*.;;i*i
How long have yooTfved in this must move a haif mile furthefien. '.We leftour .. . "* ~ 3i . I> .
nei'rlrborhood ?' fires, and nil but two or three who were unable L*f YoUK .WITSN*0W Yoca.(^****1-
- n „ wk . f or t v .«ye years.’ to go further, struck out through the wet gres* gTANCM.—It is’ a coAtora t»* cstiwmen
* , l *. , iL-A;n aridhSy a muddy, broken and dark^^ronW »»»»“»(,£ t he men of ft* World
How is it that you have lived in gp „ of rjMnj |isa is o-tor ifsorance •(th* alt»-
s neighborhond forty-five yea,s, ’ d f tbegocn who had gouejen wittotheAto*** - . h *4 ,r . ; t ■-•*? ■■■, ; * . ■" • ; ..
3 liRTU L’MlUtf iHPI Utiici pKiciv omi a 1^310^ fi; e for tar companj. Hero, ft*-.- tbe UOD OI IMir bn.Nn^S. To^. 'fM
. pl «,Trar=as„« ii™. ' *- *•• -
imd yet do ikh kn^w » stream so j ay mw ikfc »nt»r^teYen v«ioek, waiting nz i ..-;*!•
nearby?’ ; fcr «tmMi »«>m U m o»r 0x90 nbo it }f lob# f eo^pi«d ky
>1 cannot tell. This must be »n- with_tbe guides. .Atom that time a eauupryman dreds or thousand*. ,yrk.^ eas s J*o-
came in and reported that the night vuj h (DhTI kept in inch i| f _ a
dark and the wiiv So bad. -
reaefc-' us until iUoroiltg.
pi ner stream I Xinm of called —
reek, which empties into the -one
j. Here, fpr? the tloo oi t«oir onnine^a. **% ’* *
inn,wp iaj down knows nothing—hue not avou so idea
»U usfeep, but I -j ^ » llloa „t of'hur huebc* I’# f>r.Sl’»,
-,’etoek, waitinw*'a: ft.-J Vi 'i-
... ujiiuusrii-i t —„ lgPOrfiBe* WE f
, that they oodtd not j^| ie 8J ^„d< us U 'fosftK 8f eSsWi,’ Blbfi
uk this to be, clcse to Johnny ltacp . B pt, stout three .- pieek, 1 *upr>M. (Lnrcthnt wiieu thut la^Miu, *ft aby
I*ns : father’s.’ Corp —-,ofwy Company, who bad r*B« nft^for U, b« willjjvs her nm^:
‘Does it rnri in the same direction forward with the guides earns rate K aa unmarried woman works, ribs
. . «. . / camp and reporlWJ'all nght,’’and ptovlrionu:, 1 «l.t. 1 af.G.v*to^ tod
as ibis ?*
ieariui wi H»-.uiia » wm »v*v -
p , state of their, finance*. T» fill Wrong.
* Husband* and wife have a mstuul
hot-V. , /;i ^ »■_ jir*
camp anu reponea -«u right,” and ptovlrionw ^wffjl i 1 tft^ Sud
j *? *‘ me iD tfie f 1 -***?# 1 demand Khr’iiskfti but * 4ifc-
went to sleep and rleptmtil ran tira.~ 1 © iK»«s» hM rUira ii for kart n®-
‘Tell me how fill this can be. These a« sboutvigbro-cUiek. Toesday murntag July *• . ,-„ l i** irn „ nr hiii men bs that
creeks run North, you say, and 16th,<-W m« P^.-.u., sndfiiur or fivucountry- '’™STfte^l&nit. too
*»r*r ** f*. s&juz-sm s *.i» k~.a. .*~
Saturday; before the fight, tve crossed :^ hal oor nj e n eodid do; was done iri the
Shaver’s Fork, have been on that of «e joyous- Hiurrah sr We, ut onoe, ehotv. MKopu jawo
side of it ever since and going pretty dewu.tlweuuf ftu-fiaevu*.. to butcher which.
—kv-sjm. «. no*
you have led us do«n a stream nm- wimn g to hetp eook. As soon ks fire eould do possible, drift-bef eonneeU; wad ftuw
uiiig directly from Sharer’s Fork, at: eooUud, sod h quick u fsadshing these terrible e*t*stroplaiji®E»s*t *
right angles into it ?’ i men could eat it, a large portion was eaten.
The old gentleman* countenance j .* • i... e ,.*q f. , r . *-,\i *
chanced, and he Baid he did not! Tha ? eWer "•?«“•*•* farAer hardehipu
6 Id getting ont of the monntsin*. One by one ikfi
know. men gave out, until 8utnrdey, th« fOth, the
At that time-his assertions seemed, -writer ef tbe fvteg.iiug let ur with seme-sixty or
Id knew
often happen.
plnngiwpiAsfii. __ .
dq- R r intq
if tpe. knew hit emhsrrxssmeiits DS
or sit down and give up to <!e=pair. suspicions were mixed now witbf onr MM , _ _ ...
-Manv bad advised- dnee the preerd-. holies, and we did not think it nru- to me aljsurd. Bab he was rjgbi;and^m, huftr# errivsfi si
tw* is. W| *Lii-w!«•.«*• W S -