Newspaper Page Text
the iCambtulflc Argus t
f Mvftumlai Pam.
- ‘ - IMitir.
BIN. i cum -
A'ssisW fdi/fts
Err. W. 1 BAHLfOX,
- |f". forrtjpouJeiiL
Catimliiy .Sfornlnff.
May nih. lWt.
Important from EngHiud. j
'Uu^VAi.'ft, May C.—t)r. IScliaru P. i Tx>S#bx, May 11.—Iniiinlory steps i
roues, A stent fa* _u French @irci>*, I are being taken for an alliance often-
ommitteil suicide to-day by taking ! 81ve anc l defensive between England, |
j -• France and Spam against, the United j
auuanmn. - .. .. ; States, in view of the rejection of the
A boy in Massachusetts, aged 15 ; Alabama treaty, die tone of Sumner’s
TSic Importance of Harmony.
There seems to be a disposition,'in ? Rhot * nd killed himself last j speech and the filibustering lenden-
ccrUin qnartcis, to gemler discord and;: Monday because his father had requir- j <aes of Grant’s administration and •
antagonistic feeling in regard to our ed him to apologize to his school mas ; the reported couni vane at-expeditions i
new rail load niovemftft. Writ ire cantfStTfcr fnr truancy.
The “Southern Imperialist^ is the ]
131 Broughton St.,- Savannah, Ga.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers
reported i
| against Guba.
lint bWiiAc that tlib gobd sense' and i
A Terrible Fire.
wifi© judgment of the people, of all j nmne of a new paper to be published j
classes, who.3e interest* are involved in ' &% Merapbig m thc uh of Julv .
tlm success of thc enterprise, will pre-
i pi tuc
nt at oi
A largo number of tobacco factories j
maturely reflected upon the subject. The 1 are to be erecte ‘ l in AtlaHta ’ Ga ’ I . Ne " p ^ l2 ;” An I
only event that could possibly occur, in : A new *»*'<** P a P° r 18 80011 to be 4 ° f a kcroscne lalu P to * da ? re8ul ‘ —
■ ... ,, ; a o..r.,i ....rior m.j td in the burning to tuc water s t
To tiim Working Class:—I dm nMf pr<y*r-
ed to furnish all classes with constant employ
ment at their homes, the wbele-of the ti»«. or
for the -pare moments. llusiirSss newt light ana
profitable. Fifty cents to t?5 p~i evening, is
easily earned l*y person' by either sex. and the
boys and girls earn nearly as much S3 men.
Great inducement* are offered those woo will
devote tln-ir whole time to the business:
and. that ererv person u Ini sees this not ec. may
scud Hi.- ihuir address and test the business for
then-selves. T make the following unparalleled
• ffer: To all who arc iwt well satisfied with the
btish.ess. I will send $ I t..«j.ry f- the trouble
of writing mo. Foil partienhjrs, direction*. Ac -
sent free, eatni-le soot by mail for It) cents.
Address ‘ II. C. .1m,KN, .to-rnsta. Mr.
■h&niiple* & Circular, of
Knitting Machine, W
Machine. Address uielosi„ K "'> ft
C. Okn^ Oen. Agent, Goo Clu. ! ’ 1 »p
de)phiifc»l‘a, ' , ' u ' SpJ
our opinion, that would endanger the issued in Philadelphia under the ti
succqss <Jf thtf worts, is the introduction tic of lhe Empire.
of tltc apple of discord into thc counsels
of its friends.
edge the steamers Darling, Mary Er- !
vin, Westm rtland, Melasib, Chev-
James Mndigan, circus rider, was e nnc and Clinton. The loss by die
j instantly killed, at Pane, Ky., while destruction of the Sioauiers and their
1\’c had much rather have seen Wm. j attempting to throw a double sumer- i cargoes amounts to §200,000.
r v T. _ .»/r«_i . n . L o , ...
And at present aro offering a large assortment «>f SPUING AXD SUMMER STYLES.
H, Young, K*kof Columbus, President,j sanlt He feU aml broke his nec k.
and less haste-in the organization; but
Five dock hands, oiv the steamer : and consequently at prices much LOWER TUAN' REGULAR RATES, and the extensive hi
death and ! ness .if (heir house requiring the permanent rcsidcnceuf on£ of ibcir firm in New York, they
this in merely a matter of opiuipn, aud v. e
would be the last man to insist upon our
own views of what would have been best, !
. Ch.-venne were burned to .... „ ,
Ivcv. .James McDonald died at; f OIu r or bvt . j uni j )e< j j u , bc r j ver f rom ! always in t//e MARKET FOR Cf/EAl* GOODSj
die Darling, but one of whom were!
on the
bn si-
Rome, Ga., ou the 2t>th nit-,
The Connecticut Senate adopted i saved. Passengers sleepin
boats were also lost
to the disturbance of an organization lll< - Fifteenth Amendment on the 7th
already effected according tor the pro-; inst by a strict party vote.
visions of the Charter, especially when
harmony and united action arc so indis
pensable to the business in hand. We
did not know, when we made known our |
displeasure at the organization, a few !
weeks since, that it was for so long a ;
From Cuba. '
Havana. May 12.—The Diariu's ac-
Thcro is a heavy rebellion by par
ties supplied with arms and ammuni
tion in various parts of Ireland. Ii
is laid to the Fenians.
We learn from the Macon Tele-
time as a year, not having wadThc dmr- j 8 ra P h of theGUl thafc a Mr ' Thrasber > j colored captain ami six men killed ;
ter attentively; but since wc have learn- i from Lake Cjt y» Fla > was thrown j anti thirty wounded. The Rebels
cd the true nature of the case, we readi- ■ from his horse, the day before, iu
Jy see the impolicy, at so early a stage front of the Brown House, and had
in the operations of the company, of his right leg badly fractured by the I
festering opposition to what cannot be I fall. The bones were reset, and the j
patient was thought to be doing well, j
and thus avoiding bad debts, can afford to sell for -final profit.
' They adhere strictly to thc
, , ,, Xvver charge one vuel-mer mure ihan another fur the s-upe g 00 '!*, uliiI warrant all Goods to
' count savs ihat at Allagraaia the Re. j , )C as ketkesented. or the money paid wtw. lie returned!
A full cargo of cotton had jusi
been discharged from i lie Darling.
Savannah Ga-, May 15ih, 1S69
bels fought more determinedly than
, heretofore. The Spaniards lost a i
The Homb Monthly.—The South j
have burned Sora Miguel near Xeu i Georgia Conference, at its late ses-:
Thc Plumb has arrived.
remedied, and that may, in the end,
pttfV* to have beeu a judicious proceed
ing. ■ r ■
We are fob the ho ad!—not for men,
localities or lines—but for the koad—its
best interests, and the best interests of
the whole .people who a: e to be benefited
by it. Let the citizens of Columbus, as
well as thc people of Bainbridge and
all oUicrs interested in the project, de-
ferininii upon unity aud harmony, and
eoue'ert of fiction, and the result will not j pfl ] election.
be doubtful. We endorse the declaration; ' The cot ton-eaten, illar has made
of Col. James L. Seward, iu If is speech .. . .-
. . . . ’ .... | its appearance m portions of Florida.
fit the lute session of our Superior Court, 1 1 L 1
sion iu Albany, passed the following i
resolution : |
“itesolveil, That we conlially re- J
[Correspondence of the /fciinbridge Argos.f
Mr. Editor :-Do excuse the iuiru- : commeud the Home Moutnly, pub-J
The President visited Mt. Vernon j s!on of 11,18 ' piftle upon your time and lished at our Publishing House,-
! patience, hut we wish to tell you of our 1 Nashville, Ten ., and edited by Prof. |
! great <lis ippoiiiinmnt, in not atteiuliii
the Pic. Nic ;
“Alas ! wc have uot’words to tell onr rritf ;
To vent our sorrow would be some relief.”
James Sims, a notorious character,
and a negro, has been appointed by
Cresswell, Postmaster of the city of
Savannah, Ga., but the President re
fused him a commission.
The city of Madison, Ind., went for has filled our thoughts by day, and our j
A. B. Stark, as a periodical wor'hy of!
j the patronage of oiir preachers and!
I people, and especially as it is design-j
: cd to fill, for the presen 1 , in our'
■ • • - | . . | . - LLl LU ifllj 1 ilv j/X l.-oi II . Ill t'UI
We had fondly hoped to ijimgle with j rliurcU liter;ltllre al l ul fil „ lllic . s , the i DO YOU
the crowd ot S. S. pupils ihat -throng! lilc0 . fonuer3y OCC!1 p ic d by the
your sire.ts this gala day ; al.. yc , u I « H” .
thc Democrats at the recent Munici-
A fire in Wilmington, N. C., on the
.tjiat if tlic people of thissection of Geor- • _
gia fail to. build this road, under the I destroyed thc Cane Fibre Com-
cireumstances, they should all be sent pany. Loss $20,000.
to tlic Lunatic Asylum!” or words to
that effect.
Every-man should resolve to know no
Thc Commercial Convention will l.yin"-
1 reams by night, anxiously awaiuug
the seventh, the ‘‘day of ail days,” and
if it had been in our power, we assure
you, wc would have given the wheels i rea ,| ers
of time several turns to make ilie day-
approach more rapidly. Thursday even
ing came ai. last, and after all prepara
tions being made, at an ea'ly hour, we
rented to our rooms, and were soon
The Magazine in sent to ministers
at §2.50 per year ; §3.00 is its regu
lar price.
heartily commend it to onr
tf .
Corrected Weekly by
meet at Memphis on the 181 li inst. j joys
The Episcopal Convention met at;
such word ns fail in his efforts to pro-: st. Paul’s Church, Augusta, on the!
mote this great undertaking.
in dreamland, the anticipated
ihat were not to be realized —
“Disappointed joys are woes as divp
4s any nunV ciav mixture uudeig h-s.”
It should bp remembered tint these arc Detail
hucjts. Large orders will be filled at X,owEB Kates.
Reed lias called an extraordinary
By the fust peep of the s'un, ninny
5th inst., and continued its sessions we e found wending their way t> No.
session of the Florida Legislature to i j. gj p an j
convene at the Capitol on the 8th of
June, for the purpose of increasing
thc taxes, assisting thc new railroad
company to nmko their purchase
profitable, and to vote on the XYth
Amendment to the defunct Constitu- j
tion. Poor Florida ; God alone can
save her from anarchy, bankruptcy
and ruin.
during the \veek, Bishop Beckwith j G, to take tlic train for your beuiiitu
presiding. A sermon was preached ^' 1 'Y < ,9' 1, kcat high
s every evening.
The p„st of Postmaster of Savan
nah is worth between four and five
thousand dollars. Some eight clai
mants are in pursuit of it, includin'
two w.dows.
The Columbus Sun savs the cotton
li anticipate ! j >y, an
rv as a marriage bell.’
rjjii viee »f expeclaj.
al! wen-, “ni'er
All w-re on
listening and
watching fur me atiW'Usly looked for
train. At la-t, some on.- ca l-'d out—
“The cars are coiling !” Oh! how .uu
° | hearts beat, and what hurry ami i-on‘ii-
sion, ruiu.iiig liii her and tl ithei, g.’tting
baskets, trunks. &c., & of provisions ;,
| plant, on the sandy and gray lands | (for we bad taken spem
j />acon—• .'Ictei sick s.
I'ibbt.-tl silica
C .in vans i'il Hums...
Flotti— SniH*iiii»c v
j c<
SutiAH—LiM:t urowii
ell itifiM
... . bbl s tM) (-v
....Mil 11 DO ta
bn l su o\
lb 32‘r 1 "-
lb Oi-
lb 15 ./ii
2*i 4il
... lb 25
...p«l 7 A
sack 3
! in that vincinity r , is dying in consider
j ablo quantities. Much of it will
probably be plowed up and corn
- - * a ctowd bad ...
Ihk I itiNTER. this valuable pub- | planted in its stead on account of the j G>oovervii'c. Hi.-koiy Head, Idixie
liciuion to the craft was suspended in I scarcity of seed. This might be a
j good move.
i The price of gold has advanced
heed to the
alter part of the notice we saw in the
A no us.)
We i-ollfcte.l on die platform, and quilc j
assemhled at No. 17, from 1
mid '
other places of importance around here.
Bill, altls! alas ! yvlutl a fall ofyuutnfut j
hopes; the whistle djd riot sound, and
from the increased bhekmss of ti e
Hfir ^dvfvtiscmfntjs.
18G6, at the conclusion of the 6 li
vol., very abruptly. AVe aro pleased
to see that its issues have at last been
resumed, the 1st number of the 7th
vol., having been sent to ns. Its size i bung herself 'in h r father’s smoke | as tk*v neared as. It appioaclmd r >p- j
has been increased and its typo- house, a few days since, near Bristol,
j Tcun. It is not known why she did
75 Gold St., s0>
j Large portions of the best cotton
i lands in Mississippi have beeu flood-
fed by the recent heavy rains, destroy
; about three cents since the 1st inst. j smoke, that the iron horse puffed o<
Miss Mary J- Webb, aged 39years. • we saw that tln-ir speed- was in- easiug
as tb*y neared us. It
idly ; "■<- hoped we wot l-l gel on, bu
graphy improved.
Publication Oflice
Netif York. Teisns- §2 per year, or
20 cts for single number.
1 WOl I I iTCI On, Dlls : * RE con<(antly receiving addition!
vain hope! The engineer hurried past, fr»m .v.-wFork.n<-«- urtam. a
, 1 , , , f . . 1 liets. which *rc bumg soUl »t the lows
and from the broad grin upon bis lac ,' r>r cash.
ami tlie many buzz <s, jeers and waving
of handkerchiefs, from those more!
lucky than we, we imagined it wis
preconcerted plan, and they were re
additions to tlioir stock
ami other ihur-
lowest mark-t y-icc
A constant supply*of all tlic ptmdard bruiuls r
i brown aud bleached ahirtin^g and sheetings. Al
I widths for saie low by T. 15. HCNNEWELL & CO.
i cu ».»y iuu ictcui liv'd» v id'no, uc.suuv- ... , .. • . • • ( j ui;i i o.
‘•Boody ’ Clift'lws been appointed | j n „ t b' e co tt on planted, and making a ! tar , 'e-nves" nCI ' * e *" C I a vc5Fd«gant»*«)rtincntofaiithe b<
Postmaster of .Savannah. A white man, j . , - 1 j-d on otu upturned t »cc>. ail ti;c bc»t make of Pnuts and ehortmi;
, . 1 , j -• 1 11 1 * if | leplanting necessary. j “ilur hearts withered at the pitilcsn sight.’' . .-alo lu-.v by l.B. HUNNEWi
who would thus saddle himself upon an
intelligent community whoso unani
mous voice, if permitted to be heard,
would be given agafiist him, is only
white ill the skin which nature has
drawn over the deformity and blackness
within. Such a man is beneath'the con
tempt of a respectable nigger.
Helena, Arkansas, claims 4,300 pop
Oil! Mr. Editor, could vou have seen i
that forlorn set; the sudden change th*t |
Came over lht faces of children, young.
What Enebgy Can Do.—The present ! ladies and gentlemen, surely your lu-art |
proprietors of Dabby’s Prophylactic "“"Id have been touched, with pity lor |
Fluid, commenced pushing that famous ‘ disappoint
best make of
Prints, for
black lace shawls.
A few black Lace Shawls ; also white crape barege,
or moret, for making shawls, just received and for
::al* by* T. Ii. HL'N.VEWELL & C’O.
Ate You Aimsvctl
-enne of OUR BEST CITIZENS can f e
shown to prove its efficacy in all eases
is needed.
Every household should be provided
article into the market about four
mouths ago. Two weeks ago an agent left
l New York with a supply of it for the far
_ idles who had :is-n during tiir- '
sm ill hours of the night, so they ould |
not be Compelled to m kc hasty toilets,
anil have time to put on their prettiest
v i _ ,rr . , , j 11 J an<! nave tune to put on tlieir prettiest
™ v™ ™ N T:7,5_ e „* r L.f , “ S ! d .,- 0 | ° ff sboreS 0f Cb i na ’ L:,st . week we Silw : looks, with the a.lditii.n ct’ a few more
uris, beau-eatclicrs, etc., w.ti
A trinall assortment cf the best colors in Gibbons,
IThTh «-. »#• i‘Etlfiiugs. Trimmings, Embroidered Cellars, Crape]
Collars, Barege for Veils, icc.. f«*r sale by ;
10.000 lbs. Bacon—sides and shoulders—just re-
! vt-ivtd and fur salu by T. II. HCNNEWELL & CO.
learn from our exchanges east, that tlie 1 another large shipment- of it, accoiupa- crowd visiting B -inbridge on j nied by a special agent, on board the
the i tli, met with no accident on their | California steamer at New York, bound
return trip, and that all v. ere highly : for the Pacific coast. We saw iu their
ope of captivating some hand-on e
I swain of your charming city. And souk-
I of the st- r: cr sex were-up before t e
pleased with their excursion to our “City | office iu New York a few days ago, the peep of day, ihat iheir curling inons-'
of Oaks. : sou of the King of Agamon, from thei i8l 'h*\ an '^ glossy locks might receive!
uue attention, so vie wilt- li e g'-ms of
il:n City of 0 «ks. But disappointment
j , e ; 1 , nc ,i siipieine, and
Missionaries from ,
Onr hopes have departs forever,
Our vision of Zfoiubridgc is o’er.
Hone the r.ext lime arrangi-mente are
j West coast of Africa, getting a quantity
The Marianna Courier, which sus- of u to take home wiUl him, and on the
pended in December last, was revived l ocxt Jay two uative
°u the 6th uist, by the same proprietor | Sierre Leone for the same . Tbi8
ftud Editor, Finuk Baltzell, Esq., who j ^ B gentleJnan left with samples to
has demonstrated his ability to fill with • ..
• , introduce to the attention of the sacans n a.le to vis i lLiuhrii>«rp I) vie will not
credit the post he fills. May he succeed , T - , T i T , ■ . , i made to vis i u«, w.x.e w.u not
, , : ! of Liverpool, Loudon, Pans aud Ant-, (,e victimized
far bevond his most sanguine expecta- i _ r . . , , . Tr _ ■ “ . .
werp. It is already m Havaua. Cor
respondence has been opened with Bra
zil. The leading hospitals iu New York
are using it. Those iu charge of ceme-
50 bbls. Flour—assorted b.ands—just received and ;
lor sale by T-B. HCNNiTWLLL i CO.
200 bnshcls white torn—in sacks—suitable for
family use, for sale by T. B. HUNXENELL 4c CO.
. 13 bbls. crashed, ground, loaf sugar granulated,
aud extra coffee sugar, for sale by
A Swindle.—The Cntbbert Appeal
says some of the fanners of Rnndolpl
In Bankruptcy. .
In the District Court of the United states for the
j * Southern District of Georgia.
1 In the matter of 1
. J. T. WIMBERLY. J In Bankruptcy
Bankrupt, )
At Bainbridge, on the 8th day of May A D. 1863.
To all whom it ma w concern :
! "J'*HIS is to give you notice that I have filed my
! 1. final accounts as Assignee of the estate of
n 0 ... . . , i T v I Bankrnpt in said Court, and that on the 28th day of
1 vS. £}l!U*6 writing t-n.G Jlbovp, I May,inst.*, shall apply to said Court for the settle-
heard I llfit some of the committee ll'-ne iucLt of my said a t vou'nC«snd for » discharge from
. . all liability as Assignee of said estate, in accordance
HO apology 1««]■ with the provisions of the twenty-eighth section of
passing n* by. or rather poincj on with- j Actof ^ h c 4IwF 0 BD. Assignee,
mend the, —
A Disappoistkd S. S. Scholar.
Brooks County, May 7lh, 1869.
. . t;vies are finding it indispensible. Steps |
county have been greatly imposed upon j h;ive been taken to put forth the claims , MSsill ’„ n [ br> or rath „ y „.„ y ...
by the purchase of spurious cotton sexl, for Professor John Dnrby for the tliscor- I out S „Wbut it doc* not mew
tw-o years old, purporting to be of the i „. v Q f tb e disinfecting qualities of per- mutter iu tlie least, for our disap_
Dickson variety. The same failed to manganic acid, a question now agitatiug mem is felt as much as ever ; and as the i
germinate, aud no little indignation is i tlm of the world—and so it goes. a ,, 0 i„„ v j s lat h ef a weak, one-tebd at- !
*•—Pluck, energy anil merit will tell. . i
the result.
Captain John T. Wimberley, of this
county, complains of being swindled in
the same way.—Ed. Argus.
For Sale at the Post Office.
fair, we Blink it (the apology) pravisj
* | that said committee ifid uoi undersiand : WEBSTER'S SPELLING BOOK,
The canse of the their business verv well, or they would ,, orppn’ic T» G
niuiug , . X .....I K McGLFFIK’S Readers,
The Spring Term of Leon (Fla.,) 1 “«“heriugseveral thousand, with
‘ ° . 1 , ordnance, amnuition, and munitions of
C'remt Court convened in Tallahas- war of every description, were said to
Cuban Affairs.-
strength. 18 Fililmsters from°Ne\^York^ j”*,' 6 b * d , a r “ P ‘] *^ n " wlwl ,"" h lhe i tUYIKS’ uudr^UTH'ft Ariihuietic,
“ ' " | CORN KLL and SillTH’S Geography,
: »it* IXION’.^nml SMITH’S Knglisli Grammar,
•j DAY IKS’ Ai^tflirn.
! FAK.Ml irs ALMANAC for 1867.
direuiiiu. i inuiisirrb irum ixev xorK. . , • , ,
Cluxrleston, New Orleans, and other ^ e * AU ^ the coif A they wore in. ^
see on last Monday. We learn from ^making their way for Cuba to join j ^ Maj. ‘ Barrick as SemoKASDUmK^
the Floridjan that the Grand Jury is ** msurgen s. ^ ^ ^ i editor of the Atlanta Coustituiion. j FENCiLS, CAP and NtfTE P
T (|T 4 Tl 1*1 . rAlk.lH.h • /iLxMCi'AV IP! loot.
I. W. Avery, Esq., an accomplish-. ,. ))PY niH , KS wHBsTEUSlH.-tmnary,
4 “ “ SLATES,
unde op equally of white and negro. 1
A negro man, mined John Brooks !
shot a woman through the head in
The early appearance of .the caterpil- Knoxville, Ga., on the 1st inst., kill- be settling in Tenuessee, who are '
lar this season is interpreted by knowing mg her instantly, to prevent her represented as exceedingly indusui-
ohes as a good sign. ; marrying his rival. 1 ons.
Large na nib ere of Swiss are said to bill ARP.
Nov. 1806
Savannafi, Ga.
llaj-15, 18G9 ’ 32-ly.
To sell tho only Unabridcpd Complotc People'* Edi-
With »n able and eloquent dissertation bv Prof. Leos-
-U:i> Bacon, cf Yale College. Commended by tbe
moet eminent divines and ablest scholars in all jiarts
of our country. An Exact IIepbint of tbe latest En-
giish "PEOPLE’S EDITION,” and differ, from all
othr-r,. by the substitution, by tbe authors, of trans
lations and note* iu English, in place of numerous
quotations and notes in foreign languages.
I km m of no work that can rival this ; its clear and
fas. mating discussion* art tlie verv thing we need.
Rev. W. H. McDonald. I>. D., LL’. I).’. Lelwh.m. Tenn.
It sh<ndd Is: in the library of every t.niily where
thc English is spoken. R. Vlibigan. Pres. Kv. Univ.
Dr. bacon’* name in connection with this edi!
tion is a t .wprof strength. Rev. .Jus. F. Tuttle, D. D.
/Tes. Wabash eoiiege.
It is one of the mist instructive and delightful
boufcsin existence. Rev. John A. Broaden D. D
GreSvillc, S. C.
It is a work of sterling merit, and is calculated to
do great good. Rev. W. W. Gardner, Prof, iu Bethel
College. Ky.
It is an inexhansitble stsrehonse of thought and
information. Rev. C. Os be m, P. D., St Louis, Mo.
No work in the language approximates it. Rev.
Mark Hopkins. D D., President Williams College.
I Would reemnmend thi* uusuiyassed literarv aud
historical werk to all. Rev. E. L. Drake, Jonesboro,
The most interesting and instinctive work that has
ever fallen under my notice. Pres. Casswell, D. D.,
LL. D., Brown University. *
We consider it an invaluable work. B. Franklin,
Ed? Amer. Chr. Review. Cincinnati, Ohio.
The travel* of the great Ai>ostIe. as i: lustrated in it,
are of -ur leasing interest liev. T. O. Summers, D.
D., Nashville. Tenn.
A most valuable work ; learned, accurate, and
written in a style peculiarly attractive and ehxiucnt.
Rev. F. Jferriek. D. D., IX. D., l*res. Ohio WesL
iwnd for onr lfi page descriptive circular, Isnui
and tcstRaouials. Address -
ITS Elm Street, Cincinnati, Obio.
Wanted AGENTS,
evervwliere, malt* ami female. t«» iiitrotlm c th»
uin/rMi>ror*l Common Smse Fttmil* &r,ng .1fart,**.
This machine will witch, hcui. tell. tuck, quilt ciutI.
bind, braid, and embroider in Hie most ^npenor
manner. Price only $18. Fully warrant for five
vears. Wc will pay for any maijiine that will
sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic^
than oura. It makes the “.clastic L<H-k L\-
crv second stitch can be cut. anil still the c.otli <irn-
not be n lUrd apart without tearing it. We jmv agents
from ^T.'s to S'jnOpcr inonth and expenses, ora com
mission from which twice that amount can I*; made.
Address .VECOJ/B »v CO., * Pittaburjr, Pa.: Boston
Mass.: or St. Louis. -Vo. ,
C tut ion.—Do not lx? imjxised upon by o«ner
parties palming off worthless cast iron machines,
under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the
only ifcnuine aud really practical cheap machine
manufactured. _
MatchIne. Price $23. Tlie impTest, cheapest and
best knitting maehiuo ever invented. Will knit 20,.
0( 0 stitches per minute. Liberal inducements ti
CO., Boston. Mass., or St. Louis. Mo.
$2000$ S ALARY. Address IT. S. Piano Co.. N. Y.
Indelible Pent
Per Marking Clolhi„„ .
Singly, 50c.; :i for-$l : i*. r q,, 7 ...
Scut, frtitjUl paid, o.i r/f; ‘
.ifore vimvcniout tlian ink __ . 7 "h'o.
Invaluable to tlic lii.nsck,. ( ’ 11r ’ r ";.- , » rt «i(a
A very usefularth le._.|,„ 1'Jaf‘U',
Address Indelible
b b '■>- stationers and d1*h^ , «. ;
$7r, to j-JOO Yon c-Hinot afford to pay thtoioir
jK-rmoitill, ticlcs of liorcsmrv nan. urii*..,
ticks of necessary nse, when Tiy Jl}*'***
any tliiug in their iiuzueiisc
Of dry goods, linens, parasols, all,*,. .
v.T plated war.-, jewelry, vntlcrv k
fiUfvy goods, of every dcscripaim r™ “ !:!
—tLAck’tor ^i
Ask yn 111* Dik-Ioi* ox Druggist Toe Sit EET
CIUIXINK— it equals (bitter) fjuinine. Is made
only by F. STEARNS. Chemist. Detroit. •
“Tent, Y r i«li, Yici.”
The forthcoming number of the Illustrated
Western World, printed in oil colors* will be the
most beautiful [taper ever issued from the press
since the art of printing was discovered, lie-
member, it is the only paper in thc world whose
illustrations arc printed in from one to seven
distinct colors at a single impression. Aside
froth the beautiful illustrations which aeeoui|.ai»v
it weekly, every number i-' glowing wirli Ro
mances, Love and llisiVionie Tales. It is a lit
companion of every fireside—the magazine- of
every branch of literature—the companion of all
noble industries—the support of the farmer,
-merchant, artisan, and the education of the
musses. Rend for specimen copies. R*dd by all
rows dealers. Subscription. per annum.
Park Place and (Adlege Place..
r OT Box 4.921). New York.
The cheapest, neatest and most reliable of
New’York journals. Everybody likes it. Three
edPimis. Daily, Skmi, and Weekly,
at $fi. $2 and $1 ; year. Full reports of markets,
a rieulltirc. ariuers aml-Fiuif (»rowers’ Clubs,
and a coniplete story in every Weekly and Scuii-
Wco ly number. A valuable present to every
subscriber. Rend for specimen, with premium
4i*t. L w. ENG LAN D, Publisher Sn», N. V.
the Fanners and Meehan es Manual, edited
by Guo. K. Waring. Jr., anther of ••Draining
for Profit,” •Elements of A^riculnire,” Ac. A
book of great value to every one. Rend for lb
page circular. Agents wauled. TREAT d' CO..'
Publisher.*. 6.54 Broa»lwav. N. V.
ver\ J large
principal cities of this country unj ,n i
purchase for cash direct from the mannf ^
goods used by us, thus sa\iug tlie 1 "
profit* made, by the Importer St
i-liant; tin- WBiiluSiilcaiid Bet.iil -'U|
ill-maud a largi-r profit than tiiat tak
can give More Goods for On,, i,'; l !i
Retail mi-rcliaut forWii-e ur thn, , ' ar I
Onr goods .ire di-si-riis d on prinwT 'H
will be sent ill clubs for Tell cents A , ■'
tage. printing. Sc. - ' !*}
If the urticle named on the I'htTc,
von can exi-hange fur a list eompriavi?' V J
<lretl an«l Fifty useful artlHu
Indies’ Silk r.nusoLs, Ij-.di,. s j- h I
Skirts. Silver Plated Five Bcttlcd easton^H
variety of useful articles, nut mu-
bought in any oilier way for llc-orlv dor.wU?
Beference will be given, ifrequ’itnt tr &
r regular shaped Axes f *r these
t— It cuts deeper. Second—D donT
stick in the wond. 'Miini—It does not jar the
hand. Fourth—Xo Iiumi is winded in taking tin
axe *»ut of the cut. Fifth—With thc same labor
y#»n will do one-third more woik than with the
regular axes. Red paint hue nothing to do with
tlie good qualities oi this axe. for all onr axe*
are painted red. If your hardwire #t**re does
not keep our goods, we will gladly answer in
quiries or tiil your orders, or give yon the name
.tf the m-arest dealer who keeps our Axes.
Pittsburgh. Pa.
Role owners of C.dburn'i and Red Jacket
A*f A IndIs^usable to erejry Household ! Perf«H*tly
5iv* v,, ndcrlul! Everybody buys at first sight!
Agents making fortunes ! Illustrated circulars free l
Address APEX S. M. CO., 2U8Broadway. N. Y.
The newly invented pocket
time piece, s it i t a h 1 c for
•dither gentleman or lady,
in handsome metal ca e.
white dial, gilt lettered.
-»ra?s movemefits, sound
jrtitl serviceable with key
complete. A true,permanent
1 iime; post-paid to any part of thc
United States on receipt of One Dollar, or three
for $2 50. If satisfaction is not given, money
refunded. Address W. RCOTT & PAUL, 43
Uhatham street. New York. I^e Oroide Watch
P. 0. orders aud registered letters only
D EaFNERS, catarrh, scrofula.—a
lady who hail suffer red for years from
Deal ness, Catarrh and Scrofula, was cured by a
simple remedy. Her sympathy and gratitude
prompt her to send the receipts free of charge t*»
any one similarly afflicted. Address Mrs. M. C
Lfo.oktt. Hoboken, N. J.
E kring rut Soule.—Svif-he^> ^or
Young Afcn, who having irred, desire a
beuer manhojd. Sent in scaled letter envelopes,
frae of charge. If h mefitted return the postage.
Address P1IILAXTI1R0S, Cox P, Philadelphia,
U RaTEI) on STOLEN from tlie
kJ the Subsc-rilicr. ou May l-t, fr n -;"
i host.nut.-Soi rel Mare, weak eyed. tl!i ,
of eaeli enr has been etit, ninkiiii! ’ **_
the irsii’e of lhe ear; 5 years ohl -ha 1 •
bed off one shoulder by a traee-cliai"- •
one taking up said Mure, or notify 11 U 1
her whereabout^ or delivering ker'»
will he hheruily rewarded.
Address W.T.IVOrJ
Baitihn’Jjv r. -
T HIRTY YEARS’ ExperiencTTi’The — fty8 - 3 —--
Treatment of Clironic ami Sexual „ „,«i|[|
of 3
Diseases—.1 fkysioingical Vm< of Marriage.—The
cbeajiesl book ever iiuldishe.!—containing nearly
•*no pages, and lZti fine plates and engravings of
the anatomy nf the human organs in a state of
health and disease, wi'h a treatise on earlv
errors, its deplorable consequences upon the
mind and l*niy. with thc autli .r’s plan of treat
ment—the only rational an! successful mode of
cure, as shown by a report of eases treated. A
•rnthful adviser to thc married and (hose con-
t-mplating marriage who entertain doubts of
their physical eo-dition. Sent free of postage to
any address un receipt of 25 cents, in stamps or
postal currency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX.
No. 31 Maiden Lane. Albany, New York. The
author may lie consulted upon ary of the dis
eases up n which his hook- treat.either person
ally or-by mail, and medicines gent to anv Dart
of thc world.
T his I-* NO HUMBUG.—By sending jjc. with
age. height, color of eyes, and hair, you will re
ceive bv rel urn mail, a correct picture ef your
future husband or wife, with name and date of
marriage. Address \\. FOX, P. 0. Drawer No.
8. Ftiltonville, N. Y.
The Best Sporti ng Gun in
the World!
R OPER’S Auirrlenif 13 & u> Gann
:*»«-««» Loading Repeating shot
’ ■ Improved by G. M. Npesckh, Inventor of the
tam.ius Spencer Rifle. Firing four shots in two
seconds, using ordinary simnuni’ion. Mai ufin-
.Amherst Mass. Send for descriptive erTi
gi'-ing price H-1 and testimonia
p 1 T t -v-r" g , AMKHICAN nml EUROPEAN
Opinion no charge. A pamphlet,
108 pages of law and information fi.. a,i.
reliable Wholesale merchants ,if ,
as to onr standing and the strictiv tUU'■
acter of our business. * ’.
ti -, We want Agents in ,-vety t„ sl , ,.
following Commissions will he paid — “
For a Club of 30 nml Thric'n»ll, J
yards-Brown or Bleached hhedi:...
wool Pants anil Vest pattern. .VarA, A
yards good Beil Ticking. 7 yards
nei. 15 yards Cotton Flannel. I dua u E ,.‘.
Handkerehii-fs. Fine white (b-rmaii
fringed. Handsome Bidmoral skirt U ” t . ’
•lasp 1IMI pieture Wiotograpli Albuiu. v” |
i-ugraVeil five-bottle i-astur. Kkg;ud ,uli 9
ir sanilai-wiMsl frame lieantih.lly qwii : S
some beaded anil lined jiarasuL gti ■,,!] ' v s
,-olors. Fine Damask Tilde Iiivir." l i
Biuen.iir Damask Towels. Ladies’ n,| Tl .V'; fjf
roeeo Traveling Bag. Delaine Drew i’sli,^ J ,fl|
unt engraved Napkin ffing*. 1 det.n foe’ 'i
r Cotton Stockings. Violin and ln,w in h-
plete. Set Jewelry, with long pendant .
lies’ fasliionable fapuire .Shawl, (bud iiU-' i
I’ipein <-ase. 1-2 dozen Bugers’.bi-st i
Forks. Or one article fnuu Flub of goa: J .
Exchange r.lst.
For a Club of 50, nntl Fin- 11*.
arils goisl quality brown or ldi aetiiil slg-
wide. Fasliioliable aijiaer-a dress ]sf’r
1 set iaee i-nrtains. l jiair wool blauleb. to
l-plated six-bottled castor. 31-i.nnL<\c
all wool cassinn-re for pants aud «>t. M
ivory-handled tea Knives, with s\\vi-V».\oF.
Handsome sa'rfn or silk parasol, he*'.vs \,
lim’d. :u> yiirds good prints, fast color, ig,
gents’ large real in on. so traveling bag.i'mqy
Ifandsonii* poplin dress pattern. Jjidii-s’rtd
pattern. Ladies’ fashionable rti.-iwl. l fi!,.e..
qiiiiit. 2 Honeycomb Quilts. .Vilvcr-plrtnl ^
kef. phih'd on tbie white metal. Bnaiiup
seiiaiiin /'ipe. I pair gents’ enlf hoots, e*
i-iefi’eni i-Jiib of inland one from club if:
from Kxciiange list.
Clisb of inn, a ml Teii Dolla rs-n;
following articles : 1 ri.-ji merino e r 'Mj-,-
.pattern. 1 pair fine table elolhs ;11 .d pi
tnateb. 1 jiair gents’ Fri-neli i-aif 1„. p. i.-
iiil wool cloth for ladie.s’ cloak. i..~
or bleached sheeting, yard will
colored all-wool plaid popiri in
press i-leth dress pattern. 7 1-2 vaj
fir suit. 1 sit ivory lia.limn d-ijamlhil Kim-
Forks. 1 l::di. s’ or gents' silver UtiMitrsw I
1 Bartlett iiatul l«irta!.’e s.-wirg tnaelrins. S:
Faniiiy Bible, stei l eugraiiiigs. v.,tU ai-'i.
photograph-pages. 2.7 yards 1 H,dap or.
good colors. 1 paii | ],. s ,, n j| t . ,
six-barrel revolvi r. 1 good fur and rap
gli -burre] slmt gun. 1 Hilvv-oisicd .i-u
LoltV revoix'ii-g erstor. i-i.t-glass »...itli s."l i
violin and bow in case, l very fine ail w:
shawi. 2 1-2 yards double v,idtl, Uxvi-r td
oven oat. .Or eight artii-1. I-.x, irang.- ii.-i.
ti V- For i more etleuded list iif Ceialaiois!
Fircular. Wc also’give Agents adiliii .ca! ot
sioiis. in j ropoitio:. to the amount ut in'Mi r
**‘i lorg-sids. Tids extra commission is ini’;
by any lit! er bouse. Wean-'tin- only nasi!"
tln-ir-agents for sum im; f,. r g.«ds ail.rll ■
nht.ii ..,1 sub .-riis-rs to tin i- e’-.b-.
l '-. II.* vine to send all iiioni-y lid:
send for iRri’uiii.
Si-nd your address ii, fiul. Town. Foiuitv aiw
' *** • :n»fl lOO iSuinnif r Sf..
nh-j : tic:; , i
s-ltlaiiticaud Oull* Iliiiln^i
Sara n na A, Apr it :«>. I';
O N ami after J/.»n<lay May :id. l*assu
thin road will run r.s follow.s :
Leave Savannah (Sunday* excrj»t<Tl) at,...
Arrive at Baliihridgc../. I V
Arrive at Live <) »k
A rrive at Jite kwniVillc ’ .......... •'
Arrive at Tallahassee- : ' v
zVrrivc at Quincy .*,* WO \
Leave Quim-y at
r .ea ve 'i'alhthaaae at .
L'uve Jacksimville at ^ ^\ ■
Leave Live <)ak at * *
Leave jiainbridyr at |
Arrive atSavuimah (Mumlay’sexccpteJi 3 * • ,J<
H. S.\ G’-” 1
Mayfi 31-lm
Nearly Six Hundred Pages
Choicest Reading for 50 c -
In oriler to give t lie people an
nity to become better ai-qu.-iiidf 1 ' ’
beautiful magazine, “ONCE A . _
the publisher, will semi the ®. tU! F
fiEr.s of this year for 50 tents. W‘ ,
of ’Otic- n Month” contains 9<» J °, ulr ru
umn pages of the best s- ories “j 11 - ® |||ni |
ii.g and instructive reading to ’ e u |sr
any magazine in tlie country.
tion price is $2 a year. Its OI" 5
beauty is not exuelled.
Send 50 cent-, mid you will 2 ^ tk
tiful magazine from January I®' • t!t r
year, .containing
iiig. Address
re pag^s
of cbui 1
809 «t 811 Cl eslnutstreat
T.s.An T,, i-B*^
(Late Editor and Proprietor Tails' 1
, I" - -
drc--i as above.
Consignments of Cotton 1 -°(. n '..fp
Hides, Tobacco. Rice, etc., ' ull l V„ ru ,
aod iu formation fiec. Ad- attention given to tbe sale of
’ Jafln, 1869
’all Pf^lf