Newspaper Page Text
®he§amlmdfje j^tgusi
iatartajr Naralag, July 31, 1W9-
book a very great sale, but whCH - we
add that (General Lee is personally
intareafced in J9b publication, sueh >
sale is njade-ieeiUiu.
Ao-we'leaija that the^boofcis to l^e
solft by canvassing agents omy, those
Ctrmfwitnl who desire loeflgkge in sale should
make early application to the pub
• Editor.
Asssis’t Editor.
Georgia and
A correspondent of the Savannah
Morning News, writing from BainbiiJge,
over the signn'hre Of “Josfitia,*’ in at
tempt! ngUo make his Utter iolerestiug,
has given an unintended blow at our
city, as foliowe :
“On the matter of TUiltondsi ' tbe
building'of the Sooth Georgia, M fear,
will make our c»ko all dough. We
really think it, very unkind of Thomas
The Dawson Journal informs us that
John G. Lee, the man charged, with ilie
murder of Capt. R. H. Fletcher, has
been killed, in jail, by a disgnished
mob. Such disgraceful occurrences cau
only be stopped by replacing the pres
ent with a responsible and just adminis
tration of the State government.
Alexander H. Oaepneua i* mud to bo
pleased with the result of the election in
Virginia. ■ >L ■
A new tight house and keeper’s dwell-
to knock our pegs from under us in so to* are soon he erected at Brunswick,
Go,* on St. Simon’s Island. ‘ The tower
unceremonious a. manner. People are
anxiousIy.eDtjumug, "\Vbat shall we do
to be savipd I”,, Some answer, “gentle
men. we are gwine up a spout.’’ “Others
say, “it"is truly lamentable that otK
solid buSlheks men should now be
asleep.’’ should form a jqnqion
sV ... Jas
j. RutledUs Fcs-Boa*.
B. Parbamobs:, £ fe.
Flights from' SaTnnlrah ~t ftenrfTmSSS, .. 36®
CHAiywstpocHjEE, July 26th, 1869. Life Insurance Component Savannah, j anifeuuced, will e ofrtnp e e J .
Editor Argks:—We notice an editoyi- was aficideutall^Mlrowned in theSt. | ]_7th of ^^jvcj^bcr pext,
al. in your issue of the 24th instariLj Mnry^aver a ahort tin»MndS£*>/i^ecand oj?j imbortai^e, » f
^ ^ ^ .iflsomnffcrce, m'<4W
l#4 i 11 f &
WM . t _ _ qi® tStial egts tlatjugh |tlie
stater ft mart be the fault of the riv$jf Coqfoi^if 8an%agofb G^Nlr is afl^Bnnc-: & lano* • tvbicH edihnecis'
carriage. We differ with you, and give ed asJmving occurred on the 6th inst, j Af ,.j ca> w Li c h measures
the following a3 our reasons: We had ; Tliffnegro Turner has been adjudged ^ . sovou t y two English miles, in
goods shipped from Savaftnah July 8th, j by the Commission at Macon, «*i»no- j and ig b ouu dg(lon the south
tf . i H . S" A..mis’ll J. JL. UuCXA.
day, stating that the goods were sent on f vrilt insure his removal from the post- j by the Mediterranean,
the 8th. Thiais.not the firstiitiny.-and -office. ‘ 'This is d.nibtteM A r < j;* I • \ : h‘ l"
some goods we have never received. Yon
sriH oblige uo^^wiwgrtimmwnaertioiu
iu your colww^r, / if :
Arnold, Scott & Ca
is to be built of stone, bwck aud iron;
its height abont ninety-four feet; focal
plane ono hundred feist above the level
af ; tbe giotted at the baSe b‘f the tower,
aqd the light ‘third order:’ The keeper’s
dwelling v ill also 'be of"brick, and will
communicate with the tower through
at once at Newton by,building a branch
from hero ( of we nre 'indeed gone ap.”
“No more .fooling about, or gophers,
salamander* arid wlu>ng-a-doodfes will
be roosting in the streets oi Bain bridge.
Such, Mr. Editor, are the expressions
we hear, going to show the dew oral iaa
tion of dog days.’
We were 1 not aware before that there
existed in the mind of any one here
serious apprehensions of damage to this
city from the building of the S. G. and
F. Railroad. Bainbridgc, nor Savannah,
nor New York, nor any other city, oan
hope to absorb all the business of adja
cent sections cf’the country; and be
cause they fall to do so—because they
fail to be ltie only centres of commerce,
we can see no reason why they should:
dispair of being ciiibs at all ! We have
always, and continue to be, sanguine of
the future importance of Bainbridge as
a commercial eeotre, -but we never pre
suraed it possiblo that aIl the railroads,
and all the cotton, of this section of
the State couid le controlled to this
The truth is, the building of the S.
G. and F; Railroad to Albany will bene
fit Bainbridgc far more than it can pos
sibly injupo her. It will open up to her
a communication with the interior of
the State equally as valuable to ber as
it will be to Tliomasville. The veiy
few bsleaLof cotton in Mhcbell and
Baker counties that may be drawn
from hero, will more than fifty times
over bo compensated for, in the trans
portation fm-.ilities this road will afford
our business men, enabling them to
procure their western goods direct',
without fbshipm^bt and breaking bulk,
and with ranch less cost than now, and
in one half the time. , s
Should tbn S. G. and F. KailToad-
build a branch to Cothhertvia Newton,
it will only have "the effect to di vide the
trade between Thomusvillc and Gain-
bridge which neither p'ace baa ever
commanded heretofore while the laifgvr
portion of it will doiihtlcss be brought
to this city by the B„ C. and C. Rail
road, which will be built,,a long time
before the branchfrom Camilla to
Cothbert is constrtnolcd.
Wo have ourself po objection to the
S. G. &F. R. R. . On , the
the ‘oil rootri.* The whole Work to be
of a njpst permanent character,' aud will
be completed, we are inforified, early
next spring.
A negro riot has again occurred, in
Charleston which the. Mayor said he had.
no power to quell. Ifo lives were lost.
The Clinroh .Disestablishment hill,
which, for months, baa created intense
excitement in Great Britain, has passed,
and obtained the Rbyal assent.
Ex-President Johnson wad successful:,
ly operated on at Fayetteville, Terra., on
the 15th instant, for n cancer on the:
temple. iu-n r ,. ■ ■■•A
It is stated that tW ; question of ftp- :
plying the test oatlrto the members • of'
the Virginia. Legislature will be submit
ted to the Attorney General. 1
. Wo are .pleased to learn that our .vigi
lant contemporary of the Savannah Re
publican has found one faithful minis:
tor, who does not ‘prostitute his calling'
—Bishop 'Beckwith, of . the Episcopal.
Church. He commends, in the highest
terms, his zeal, labors, talents and char
acter as a ‘soldier of the Cross,?
Death of Col. Jasies R. Bcits.—Tire
Macon Telegraph, of the 27th instant,
chronicles the death, in that city, of
Col. James R. Butts, a noted citizen of
the .State, whose name has been familiar
to dll' Geor^trrns for the last twenty-five
years,' bdTug once, the Surveyor Geueral
of Georgia, and the author of a valuable
map z>f the State, published some'years
ago, 'Se vros a steadfast friend of the
Bainbridge Aiigos, and aided us materi
ally in its establishment in 1S56, We
monrahis decree as,a great loss to Ma-
oon hnd to £be entire State.
J. H Foster, Esq., of Cuthbert, in
advertising his business in the Appeal,
styles himself ‘tke O/d Reb.' We. have
no personal acquaintance with Mr, F.,
biif tbo signs, are rjgjif. Byrqu never
coined a more poetic expression perhaps
than ‘the Old Reb;’ nor canAhe English.
language furnish a moro honomblo title
to a Southern patriot.
«*»., «**» r- ^
Rev, Charles A.' Fulw'ood, Faster nf
the Methodist Church at Brunswick,
.-Ga., has become one of the editors of
the Appeal, published in that town. He
is a forcil >e writer, and cspablo OI doing
inuch good Vvitb his pen; hut lie will
d«d it hard work to fill rlio paeriion of
pastor of a city and regular editor of so
large a paper as the Appeal and ilo his
he rostv Lki successful.
contrary. v ' ,
• - i .i . ■ i l i. "whole duty to both interests. We wish
we are rejoiced that it »s being built, 1 •vow. e
and we intend patronizing it just, as
freely as if it^made n turn by Tbpmag-
ville. Had we,.hare had the location
of it, its location would have l)3en differ
ent; but we are very wall-satisfied with
it as it is, aud *ouM be belter satisfied
if President Hardaway would push ii
along more expeditions!}', so os to fulfil
his promise of having it finished to Al-
An exchange says that iu 1805,.Adju-
| tftut General i’ownsepddcppsiteii jn iho
Treasury a gold bar w orth one thousand
one hundred and .eighty-nine .dollars,
«apinned at tlie Dahlonega Branch Mint,
Georgia, with the Confedei-hte Govern
ment stamp upon it. Treasurer Spinner
will now send the bar to the Philadel-
bany by Urn firsrhf "Ntti'PmTOir ^fofr^ mint to he coined.
[Correspondenca of the Bainbridgc Jrgn?.]
„. 'S , iANp i |’soy II»uatuu CesintT"* ‘
write^ on financial subjects writes asj ; [J;i -p ER u V ,:Ga., Jal^'20, ’69;
follows, in a private, letter to a gentle- ■ . , . u
•// , 1 Mr. Editor:—The Qounfy: i»l Hoits-
mafiof Bmitour ‘Therenrebntfewhonds of „ ie ri( . hest In (i ra.State, lit-s
- • r r - bi ^ ft . aVailA&lc ; ,i i ^*Pr mt V X ^mhsnd.CASt of Bd»! V Crawford, and
Delay in the transmission of freights Tlieretoast.iflirtrtMBi'-*e a’lurgoibip-- C( J an ' t j e8j wJt lw ,he Oc.hmnlgee
from Savhnnah is an important mafter, r ment of gold. It is estimated that there i f j v ^ r ’ ^ s easiern and I*«laVgf ‘rfiVd 1 ly
and complaints are becoming vetycOm-1 nl -e one thousand millions of D.; S. .b^ids: igbonti'csi its soul hern boundaries. 1 The
diviiling diie iwu.weeii its fertilo‘y>ibe
dnd rich lime; oak and hickory laiids
crosses it about midway fiom east to
west. Pnrry* the .capital, is situated
blilfa few hiife' uorth of the line, 2.8
ii.iles from Macon; 22 from Hawk?ns-
ii wife, aWl 12-'froto Fo« ValieV. A chart
« Raiiroad -from-.Fort Vntlep.ito
RiyvkinsviJIg.isJiii .existence and initia,
tpey steps, are” 1 now being taken to build,
fbe "Road; (bid when done, will be an
mon, similar to Ihe foregoing. The J in Europe, besides o.llier.stocks. It .will
country iherchanfe, ’ on all our rivei^, ] reqffi're the A jequ.iy4lcat, pf one million j
make their principal' purchases in Sa 1 1 bales pf cotton to, pay our interest
vannah, the year round, aud failures in j abrqad every year. There is nothing in
o— ci-iAni.t KA-iri. ■ histerv parallel to this, *alid fib recorded
fei'uirciht Crashes will compare witlf 4hat
whldl’tqnst ci^e qnrtliis wtintry. " r
A‘-geperaT“WSft^it has prevailed
throughout. Middle Georgia, .’seriously
cutting off the corn crop, and damaging
this cof tori; ’tspe'chdly that which “had
beenrgnimoed. • i '' :
■ i ^ . ‘ “* ifii Sun wm i — 1
Good Cotton.—Arthur P. Wright, of
Thomasville, G:i., sends., the Savannah
Republican a stalk of the' “BiJyd ’Pro
lific'’.cittou, taken from his patch, which
contains three hiradred and one-bolls
and forms; but R.' H. Hardaway, un
willing that Thomas county should Be
thus misrepresented by so meagre a
showing, from hi3 follow-townsmau, for-
warcls ; to the cditoi; a stalkpf the “Dick-
i i ' \ UK .
dred #rid seventy-two boilx and forms.
• ‘
the delivery of their goods should be in
vestigated at once, and the inefficient
agents of the Atlantic and Gulf RaMrdrid
ferreted out and lischaiged",' provided "it
is here tlmt the fault lies, as our corres-
pond^qtSfSeem to believe*' TPiffeeh clays
iu;q ioiig lime to be ponsumed in the|
transportation qf freight only 287 nr.fes,
aud rather. discon raging 'to couutiy.rner-
chants, who oplj order goods, from time
tp time, as they need them.
•• The steamer Japan, which arrived at.
San Erancisco on Tuesday last, brought
onp thousand two bnudred aud eighty-'
foijrpassengers (Chinese) and one thou-'
sand and forty three tons of mei cliandfse.
'' Henrietta Greer,, the- negro uuiW;
sentcnco of death .lor .the ‘murder of
Miss Nancy Wright,-and held ftir execu- son
tion to-day, has been reprieved by Gov.
Bullock until the 20th‘of August. Hhu-
rietta has no vote, it is true; but she
may have friends who. have, and.then
sho is black, tvhich is presumptive proof
of a high ot«dei of merit, aud she oply
murdered a white girl for a few dollars.
—Macon Met. q d'l
. Pine apples ace being cultivated : in
the peninsula of Florida with the greatest
success. They are large as thosegroyn in
the West Indies, andfully equal, to them
iu sweetness and flavor.
Talleyrand once took the conceit out
of a yonug Pnxftomb at Some table in
Paris where be chanced to be dining.
‘‘My mother,’’ said the dahd.v, “was re
nowned for her beauty. She was'cer
tainly the banilsvatc-®! wuPV-P I Aver
saw,’’ “Ah,’.’ taking his measure at
once, “it was your father who. was not.
good loqkingj'’
Good.—In the largest Episcopal 1
Church in Mobile, after v cdr.tribntiini 1
is taken up, it Is ceremoniously handed i
to the pastor, who asks all who have V
7 The removal o r ib« negro appointee
Tro'm llie Macon postoffice is reported,
May it prove true, provided an' «lninest
ap > cj..(:apiib!e white man sneceeds liim.
Dauby's Prophylactic Fluid.—This
is,no Lostnun, coniponuflqd of adoz
en materials, but is a result of ecieh-
l.ifie skill, and cliemical knowledge.
It is certainly a most vaiable eleftn*-
tng agent for all imparities that arise
fi'6m animal decay—and for-nnv cor
roding abrasions of tbe skin or iufla-
niafiiry sores, is perhaps the best
remedy that science has applied: It
is*a.powerful disinfecti:ig agent, ail'd
iu: sLori, an invairabie family mecti-f
vine. Prof. Darby, however, is too
well known at the South, to needour
vccoinendafion.—J< • ur/udS- Messenger
Macon, Ga. Nov. 14, 1808
important link in the chain connecting - v “
ihd veil, w(tli’ounse*i board—Wiilshort-
en the distance to Brunswick ande-bc,
may I notyay, an indit^i. nsii'lc .feeder
Sommi^^ion p*wtumi0,
BAY- S'rniliET, '
Saransiah, • •
^^rresBCL'Jta vaneift uiimrm -■ c«tt«rw>ir-
Uhvlto us.or tp our, Correspondent in New
Tort aid Liverpol. ’ jnly3l-43-ani
■ -oit ZAUN’S IlltfilAI.D to Jan. 1st; 1670. A
J} jn^trciasa Iilustretcd Rtugioue Journal of IS
pares: ‘2t0 Contributors ; 5S Editors. The cheapo
ntner in the land. »2.G0 a year in advance,
SpccUheu copies free. E. D. WINSLOW, PubUelier,
11,LomhiU,,Bostoni .:: U ni
C rwriEUl.ilD UNIVERSITY, Lebao,
Tcun., 758 atndente.
esio push D^y gd arjiantbed
Aijcnts to sell the Home Shctile Skwiso JUchine.
It makes the EWkNtitfh, alike on bJtU sides, has the
uuder-feed, and is equal in every respect to any ȣW-,
in., t,n.~hi:w. ever invented. Price 125. WaiTanted
for 5 years. Ben*, far uirfjjiar. Address JoassqN,
(Jiabee & Co., Boston, Jfass., Pittsburgh, Pa:, or Nt.
Loui»,Mtf. , u; .,i v;‘T ■ >-»<<• ull(
jmj ticuiars Address 6. M. Sponcer & Co.‘, ^rattleboro
$Va!Day for alL Address A. p.pyLLBIAjy, ^..X .
in;»y i not >a;Y, an iiulispi. nsii'ic .i^ener
to the M.-A B R. Road ? (see map.)
Our land®, rich as any iu the Stale, will
be largely enhancctl'in value, Jlnd the
resources of-tffe wnntv fndy developed.
Our p>iptd*ti(|n inliiiijflligeq'cei and en
ergy will compare favorably with any
section. Crops* whUsli- were never bet- J
'ter and more promising, have' been j
damaged by drought, but wc tiu<t not i
10 the extent we have feared.:; Freed 'f
men in the main, are qiijefcvaiid doing; j
well. doubt, Radi cal .
is doing its dirty work here, as well as '
elsewhere, but time, truih and the right
will finally tei! npOn and Crush them.
So mute it be I in Uo far. as Christi
anity is concerned—-we need a pure
chnrc'., a holy Religion, “The faith
once delivered to tlnj Suints,” with, fire
in it to constirtic every thing tliaV* Iiha
been pushed nilO the cBtircli by the
fworh. and pulled into rb.’by . woritl*lov-
ing and time-serving cliiircti members-
■and ihat "ill inakq ,B< .whai we o.uglil
10 he, Christians .indeed,, kr.own and
To shoot close aud cc jtjrds,-. Price, 8Q SO-.
■WANTED.—Army Guns and Revolvers. Sena swmp
far price list Rifles, Shot Guns, Rayylvers, to JqHN-.
STOA"** GUN WORKS, PIttsCurgh, pa. '
Ask yoor Doctor or Druggist for SWSET
Q,UIiVI.YK-=it equals (bitter) Qnintnc. Is made:
only by P. STEARNS, Chemist, Detroit.
Tile Purest; Best and Cheapest
5 Bbfc Light Brown
1, MVGAn,
e HEAP, Wot.-lil nr by the Barrel.
*babbit a warfielb
Bainbridgc. July S 1st. 43--> m
Samples of which can be seen it
July S1-43-4m
read of ail ni:-n.
Geaeini News.
^Memphis, July 2-5:—Wado Bolton,
ho was shot soi.ic days ago bv ’jfypihas
contributed, fo fiso’.’Wirou ’he soloituiH ’ Dickon's, is dead. He bequeathed one
ccicsocrates the CoHccffOn 1 wiflr prayer, i iiuii^rvd thousand dollars to charitable
Every.0pe gives something—Missoih-i ] ph'rposev, including tup tiimrsand do!-
Pfntocrdt. 1 j-iafs to Stonewall Jackson’s widow, arid
j—:—' ^>»» —— T-fifty weros of land, to each of Jackson’s
An IngeniUs Biddle.- -It was dour- foi-mer.Slavifs.
when it wws begun, it W;is done whoa it’
was half done, and'yet it wasn't don (8
.when it was finished. Now what was it ?
Of course ybn can’t grtess. Will this'd >?
Timothy Johnson cotirted 5bsaiiDnnn.
It was Dunn when it vVns begun, it w-ik
Dunn when it was half doire, and wasn’t
Dunn when it was dorio—for it \Viis
A Book Hy GenKruj' Lee will avvuk-:
eu snch special interest, that we are
glad to call attention to it. The Uni
versity Publishing Company of No.
4 Bond StreetrNew York announce
that they have now in press, aud will
issue iu • few weeks, “Memiors of the
war,” by Gen. Hoary Lee, thoroughly
revised and corrected by Gen. R. E.
Lee, who has added, also, as entire
ly new biography oi his father, pre
pared by him from private and per
sonal materials never before used.
It will'be a large and handsome oc
tavo volume, illustrated by new steel
portr^is of Gen. Henry Lee and Gen.
Nathaniei-$reae; beautiful steel en
gravings of “^Sarioa Grossing the Pe-
dee,’* and thn' < *Saar< aider of Gornwai-
Nrf and five orij ^inal plans and
" Otir-wmr.lera neeo “°t be tqld
wwdbtrf great 7 ?.™ M
■ C G. Hammond lias been ap
pointed Superintendent of the Northern
Pacific Railroad. He acccptedAhe prop
osition upon the condition that tho.dif
ferences ivith the Central Pacific Rail
road Be compromised, so us to admit the
good services to the public with fair
rights. The companies agreed to. carry
freights to New York at fivo cents per
pound greenbacks. Also, to arranged or
emigrant trains at fare from New York
of fifty dollars, and from Chicago thirty-
eight dollars. ,'i
Information from Lexington, Va.,
says the State Educational 'Oonvenfrod,
after on exciting debate on the mode of
educating the colored race, in view of
tbe pm*>nt anomalous condition of af
fairs, tabled tho eubjecfTill the next
sanaafsession. An educrifional journal
was established. General Lee £?ok fifty
shares of the stock.
“The Tallwtton Gazette learns- that
Rev^Iloury D. Moore) of Albany, Ga.)
has been elected by the Trustees,' Presi
dent of LcYert College.”
If sudi is the cake, we bo}-#) lie will not
accept. He i6* .too good aiid—efficient’ a
preacher of the'Gospel ter President c.f
a college. J^othingr shoj-t of a week of
prayer aiu) _ fasting, shou'cT satisfy Mr.
Moore tliat God had radicalfy changed’
his purpose in ,his behalf, and interlined
and erased k ‘gp” from his credentials.
It does not require a preacher to be
President or Professor of colleges—fay-'
men can fill fheso positions as well' as
preachers, imil the country everywhere
is sorely iu need of devoted md seff-
sacrificing ministers of the Gospel of the
Son of God.
Albany and Newton Railroad.—The
survey of the Road from Albany to
Newton has been completed, the dis
tance 4 miles longer than an air line,
amounting to miles.
We clip the foregoing from an exchange.
Has the S. W. Railroad Company the
right to extend their road to Ne.wtdn
and if so, from whence do they get it ?
Boston,-jTuiy 24.—The shore end-of
the French cable is landed. Tbe eutiii
calllo 'ijr-reporteti to be iu good con ill
Kingston,fftily 21.—Tlve telegraph to
DixbAy will be completed to-day. It
is thought the land and bceau lines will
he spliced on Monday..
. San Fieancisco, July 24.—The Con
gressional Committee or. Ways arid
Means depart Eastward on Monday.
Senator Hendricks was eatliusiastiefd--
ly received by'the Democrats and was
'Serenaded.. r --’
,i Madrid, July _2&—3:’ivc linn tired
drilled troops, under Savarfego. appear
ed near C'inlfad Real, and a strong party
at Manezariures, interrupting the rail-
iprttj]s d^telographs between- tlie two
cities. ‘ f ■: ’’ . ' ' : ‘ '■<>
■ A .general GLirlist rising is expenteil.
Dou Ciirlos has certainly crossed the
tronfier. r ; _
The fight at. Gin dad Real resulted in
the death of fifteen and the Wouudiug of
many persons. The Carlist troops .ost
three officers' killed.
Four thousand CarTists have arrived
in La Mancha. Til e Go ret n me n t forc-s’
are marching to tbescehe of action.
Havana, July 2o.—The rebels burned
the railroadInidge nearPunta Principe.
As JjiMKxsE.jpEAcnOrchard.—Acor-
respi>ndeut of ihe New Y.o' k. Espreiw,
writing from a yillagH called Ridgeway,
imMwav between Wjhnington ami Wei
don N. 0., giv.-s lira following de.-
Wc WQiild be ghul. to see a road built, j scriptioa of an immense,peach orchar •
not only from Albany to New ton, but all j « U{ll t!)< , great f, atJirH()f pi „, u , e
}tbe way to Bainbridgc, but we arc dls- v „ p . ach (l , c!iar<1 of350>000 trwB> ^
posed to r jgatil this -surveying project: „ . . . ,
merely a feTut, to deceive somebody. |®« PVtog. 2,;.Q0 acres of laqd. An idea
j oHir -magnitude may perhaps, be better
Rev. 1>r Lovick Pickce.—A corre-
spondent of i-he Mncon Telegraph, 'in
-peaking of tll'C cAhffnehoemei.t of ibri
L-** Yeri College, n' Tall often, says :
The CoiViriiein'enn ht Senmm was
! delivered l‘»y that gr> at divine. Dr. Pierc.-,
Kvlio spoke for nearly two hours, with
' unsurpassed briikmey of mirid—rarely,
it ever eqll aled. In llie XXXlCIiapte-'
of Proverbs we find this beautiful text :
•Who <-ah find a virtuous woman ? for
her piii-e it far above. i.ubies.’
It would be d'hieiiif to employ lan
guage that would convey an idea of
this memorable discourse ; so broad and
exr-ar.sivc was bis view of this subject
I’rN'-i t!i<> oioatioti of man to the preset.t
day, woman, hi ad her i clatiolis to
. iefv and man, was discussed. Her in
al-and ir.tcilei t'nql .ciiTlrire woman
i lie equal of iiian - as ii social reiorriier
—a? bis iv'ft- or sister, passei) under the
review of his inesb .Us’.ihie min'd
Dr. Pierce is thy most remarkable
man of tb“ present day, ; lived to
the great age of eighty six year’s, with
almost unimpaired vigor of intellect.
M;rv God bless this man id hi^
Metier ttiua our regainAJ09 f »r tlieFc
reasons: First—It cutsuecjier. £t>e»md—It don't
stiek in the wood. Third—It d< cs not jar the
hand. Fourlb—No time is wasted in taking the
a^e out of the cut. Fifth.—With the sau-«j labor
♦An will d(Y one-third more woik thfin with the
regular.axes. Hod paint has nothing to d<* with
the good qualities or this axe. for till our axes
are painted-rc»l. If vjmr hardwire store dneat
uot kjcep our ds, ws will gladly answer in
quiries or fill your orders, or give you the nitne
of the nea ost dca’.er^rh^jhjb'psmir A x>?g;- j_ ..
^hll’PINCOT m n.\
- -■ Piltteiinltr'Ki.
Sole^oirucrs of C lhara s srrid Kcd Jacket
;; , Savannah, Georgia.
l._ OF LEOTUliKS in this Institute.!)
crimrirenee nn tlie FIR^T MONDAY IN' Ko.
VEUBER NEXT, and coil tin tie four months.
Prelimi XeAWrCa. wliieb Will be l> tti
•will commence ca the 18th of October uexij
« V Faeoltyi
. R. D. ARNOLD, M. D.. Professor of Tic
ory and Practiceof Medicine, anil Clinical
Nedieine. ,
! g P. M. KOLLOCK.. M, D., Tro/essor of OV
stttries, Diseases of \\ onieu and children,
aiid Clinical Surgery.
Professor Adjuact— THOMAS SMITH
Mb D. .,
W. G. BULLOCH, M. D.. Professor of
PFrnciples and Practice of Surgery and Clin-
Professi-r Adjunct—THOS. J. CHARL.
TON. Jl. D
- J. B. READ. M. D., Professor of Materia
ile’dicq and Therapeutics.
-Professor A- jimct—U. J. NUNN, 31. D.
;JURIAH HARRIS, 1L D„ Professor of
Professor Adjunct—J. G. TIfOMAS.M.I).
Lect-ur-er on Pathology.
r . % R. WAIUJSO-, M. ©i.,.Professor of An--
ntoriiv. :. ,
.' CHARTERS. .11. D., Professor of
Chemist ry.
- Professor—W. II. ELLIOTf,
11 1».
Horn SOLOMON COHEN will lecture on
-SlediVaf Jnrisjirmlsnce.
• • R, P. MYERS, Sf. D.; Eteoiorrstnitor.
, li T. ROGERS, M. D., Assistant Demon-
strato'r and Curator.
Citifies at the Ilospitnl. Also,' provision
made for attendance on Midwifery cases.
Req.iisi tes ter grfl'WfSioft The same a* in
all regularly cliartered Colieg-.s ui g>v«\
For further par iculars address W. G.
BULLOCH. 31. I>- I>«m. or
iTulv 31-fnovl
DwGlIirgs, Barn.*,
ami ior all clininfe? ;
*U2?p rc> *V
i km riii
Suhahlc if««r all
Churchf 4 -’, Fsjctuiiea.
nqikoT.Y ada|»tcd to fldt or »
i»c iipplied by iiny a^dium
Is dqrahi.e than tin. Hn«I dow ^X43«o !
oiro-hff’f *> iniivh. Tj «ch«nj‘(’J'than ^liiugU*,
« «•: coof. 11 i> f
fjthc Klui^ic R ixqwrtor. (G.
r monthly u:
h\r/nile at iuiliiu«;V3
plus; st-nt by mail 6ti
Uogrrs, Mari-tta. fir
Oooi*gia, Florida, All
ltd tHhcyy goodat JSura-
itioipt of'OiVo dollar. In*. 3. Tt.
sf.lo acont for S.^utli { arolina,
ain:i, ^Jissirii>lp|»i. and La.
rpHIRTY YKARS’ Exprxicaz
V. I 1 Treatment of Chronie
. Kaytou’S'Oil ffPLrfe enf^s all pains
and aches, andistliu Great Rheumatism
K!ay ton’s Oil of Life cures all pains
rind aclies, ^tnd is the great rbeumat-
ci t’emedv. if.
CorrcUoa Weekly by
Pc E I I) & 1^0 N ,
It should be remembered tied these are Retail
I-hiCls. Isirge orders will be filled at Loweb Kates.
UaCos—Cleat sides
. Bfabed sides.
Canvassed Hams
STEAL.. J.._^
It ICE...
Java .........
Sogab—L4zht Brown
wheat Bur_
,Vesd Oats. .......
• ••••lb 22>^@ 23
21 @23
....:1b @48
lb 25 @
...bhl 8(10@ 1000;
...bhl II 00 (| 12 00
bn 1 60 @
tb 12K@
lb 25 @
lb 15 @
..'.ft U @
:.gS 2 loo.
sack % 60 @ 3 76
....ft 75 @ I 00
-• :i ft-2 @ 2%
..-. .bu 1 35 @ 1 50 ©
Press' Convention.—This important
Cfcinvention of the Press of the State of
Georgia;wxll meet in Macon, the First
Wednesday in Skpteiibee, at the iu-; t\eii selves were in a row, would extend
shown by thestbH.-m-i»! jth«t it the acres
iri're ;ri a r ■-. they would ex end to the
f|'si“Ji<:i- of 100 iniiosi and if the trees
ie *rol at r o .
' v-f -o history d*. of the University. Railroad vs.
the Sontli do.
• at
mxf war. aHti j.fMi
4 ‘S evwy reading
Niitb iB^erest
'v increased
er wL
stimcri’of the LaGrauge_Reporter. Let
r. —tv .. A'vejcv Drees iu.the State be represented.
-The Opiuion of j the day ami tho place, and
?me Court of North CdSblton in bf ^ e tbere will benodissenting voice to
#be suggestion of pur contemporary.
the Goven»J r an< * Troaiurei- has
Tt decides this and the
bthe^ railroad approptT 4 ^ 1 ®^ made by
the present Legislature to iV.‘ "nheonsti-
tutional. Tlie Rnliegh Seatiuei say's
this will be p turtteuof grert rejoicing to
tfie tax-payers tel *he State.
We see if slated that the Maoim and
to tho distance of 1,000 -inHes-.-
“In the tensrin for gathering* »t only
one basket- per free per day, there most
Ire on ibe-»rr«nd every day 3 supply of
250,00b baskets. As the peaches pulled
IT"'Ci, -Monr,- while engaged in plav— ; lu-day •“ e k* be in New York to-nibrroV
ing a game of bflfitmds. in Chicago, ai (ter ihi-: can be) it is easy to conceive
taw dura ago. J 'felUowe suddenly and jibe ai my of gatherers-necessary to fid
expired- ■" : the baskets and place-them nponthe
cfas. Aa enterprise su»-li a? tuts require*
Horace Greeley made a narrow escape no small capital anT eh^f.»lt is-fti
Brunswick Bailrtiad will be completed i of losing his life, at Long Brauch,'a capable hands, find wiH probably be a
in about one month, and the cars Tph [week since, byh»- hlwsasrenningayraj. sl cwa 1 he parties have aacured, I am
•ucnlarty through from Macori-toBrfDls- fSiiaismafStrife ttA»«tttia*i3 in.- wfcc^;l^|i^i»c<f»@irtJntiuot 5^,tra^ponsUoa
\v \ pn sohednlo time- ~ ’rode.' He whslffiiDjtn / ed. <- for twenty years.’ -r
“A. A.”
AGENCY for Georgia, Florida aud
Alabama for tbe above
Standard Manures,
Manufactured and Imparted by Messrs. B.
M. Rhode* dr Co., of .Baltimore, and h-ve
made ya-eparationg for ample supplies for
thy next planting season.
We urge upon the Plantere,the necessity
of an ea ly order.
Faetors and PbriileirS aoplv to ' .
’ —“ I *■' "S3 Bat Stbext.
" • - C ' i d;. .;Savabn*h, 0a. r
July 31—lo-lm.
in tlie
Discuse*—A Physiological View of Marriage.. —The
cheapest b»>trk ever-pabiisticd— coctai;iing:ncar!^'
.°.H0 pages, and ISO tfoo plates andCDgKibviMgsof
the aiiutomy <»f* the huiuan orgaDS in a state of
health anil disease, wi‘b a treaitiso on early
errors, its deployable consecjueuccs upou
mind and body, with the aiiiFLr’i plan of tr
ifaent—tiie ouly rational an:l successful tuode of
curo r as shown by a report of cases treated. .A.
'rutblul adviser to tho married and those boh-
t^mplatinjr marriage who entertain doubts of
their physical condition. Sent free of postage to
any address bti receipt of 25 cents, ?n stamps or'
postal currency, by addre^ing Pr. I*A CROIX
No. .31 Maiden Cane, Albany, New Y«.rk. The
author may be consulted upon any of the difc-
eascs-up n which his book- treat, either person
ally or by mail, and medicines sent to any baft
of the world.
WTrrf?*ev'Jr used for th
1 Vo IN Tcn-y for shijuieui ‘o ary
parTofteic. wor.ld. k Se?id fey. Circular and fc?aU»-
pic-/(. eiit
A\'e also Mam:fadur‘c
For rupaii iiig^hll kinds of leaky i«of> e!ii:n-
i)e\.s, sky lights, Ac. This llvofmg I’cuicut
foi D^s a peruunent adhesive , coaling over tho
whole surfaecr df nil rr'f-fs, whether tin. shingle,
<ir. eouipositimi, e<;inpleley.V r’osiug up Icakis&e.*,
and being composed largely of ground (>i:»Rifr' v
which*sets and hardens, hiid soon becomes an
artificial iSlutc or Jtone cohering.
Great Distribution
Bytlic fllelropolltan Gift Ce.
OF $500,000. ... -j
Every Ticket Draws a Prize.
6 ca 8 h gifts, each $20.fl0Cf'
ID casa gifta r each. in non
20 cash gifts, each ...- "X'" o'.iZ
<r-,-40,cashgifts, each..... ,
200 cash gifts, each ’r, ;n
3D0 cash gifte. ea ok.,, ! ..J ” iou
60 elegant roscv.-ood pianos, - eacli $300to $700
7o • •- - melodeoD* “ 75 to 100
3o0 8ewiug machines - 17-.
500 gold watchea . - - 75 fa 300
Cash prizes, silverware, &c„ valued at $1,000,000
A chance to draw ofiiie above prizes far 25c
Tickets describing prizes are sealed iu envelopes and
weUmixed. Oureceiptof25c.aitaleilTickdfsdrawn
without choice aud sent b. mail to any address The
prize named upon it will be delivered to the ticket
holder on payment of Hue Dollar, frizes are Imme
diately sent to any address by express or return mail
You will know What your Prize is before you par
for it. Ang Prize exchanged fm another of the fame
wadw^No blanks. Our patrons can depend on fair
t-We-setectfthe following from maAy
whohi^re lately drawn Valuable prizes and kindly
permitted us to publish them : Andrew J. Burns,
Chicago $.0,000 ; hiss Clara S. Walker, fialUni
piano. »e00 ; James M. JTatthews, Derioit, $53
Andrews Savannah, 5,000 ; »Uss vgnes
S® 00 - We publish
names without permission.
UfiEss: “The firm is reliable,
wad deserve their ijoccens.-i-Weeklr-TriiMine \fav «
WekQ ’w them to be a fair dealing firm *’ "T
"A friendof ours
trad lor circular. Liberal inducements to asent.
i£2&c^£ D .* eed ' Every P* 0 ' 1 ^ 6
be addressed to HARPER, WILSON & CO
173 Bboapwat; New Yob*.
Plantation for Sale.
' f T , TIE subscriber hereby offers for sale ti e
plsntalion where lie Dow resides, lying
imrueulately west of Spring Creek, in e c ' a -
ur county, tbe land line crossing said creek
at Clodd’s bridge; the Belvne road runs
through it Tbe place contains 500‘ acres
•iOO Cleared and tinder good substantial fanow*
new Gin House and. Screw on the place, be*.
»i<hsvdwelling house and cabins; good'Tweli
of vyater; peach and apple orchards, ie. It
rs an ex-el lent sUnd for a coumry su, r «
blacksmith shop. Ac. Place healthy '
w * hi *R te purebase. by enlL
log at Once, may obtain a bargain The
Present er-.p will ptore the j-teduc-trveriess
of the land. . E. 1. DENNARD. 1
phinpndge P. O., July gj-8m . ..
ou 1 or sale, at vwy Jttr figure. )-!■
: {Applyilo WILLIE ; M. EJJSiELL.
July 31, 18W-tf
jFor ccating tin and all kinds of irelal »tid
Composition' roofs. It will not rnr., crack.»-r
pcol ofiV but form a permaucufc »»ii perfect |*ro
teejioH wherever placed. It is furi'ished ;it baif
thfecosf, and possesses twice the diirai»iiity of
the eomuioD oil pyjiit#; used for guch purpose*«
. County r-iglitsior Bale. t; : .
For Circulars a rwj. pur ticuiars, Addrc/s
81, Maiden Lane, 3i. Y.
JnTy 3l-l:;-fiw
University of.Nashville-Med-
; ical Department.
1 TCRICS wiil commence on tbe
bAlf OF NOY EM BEK neit. Tlie prelinnna^
^ouife commences ou the FIRST AIONRAY*
'Theory and Practice—WILLIAM If. P>0V-
LiSfc, M D.
Institutes—THOMAS L. MADDIN. Ml>.
Clinical Medicine—WILLIAM L. Nll’H-
OL, M.D.
, Materia Mcdica—JOHN H. CALLENDE1!,
M.D. ‘
Srirgical Anatomy—VAN S. LISDSLEY,
Demonstrator—HENRY M. COiTTON,
PEES :—Tbe Amercan Medical Association
at the. meeting iu May lost at New Oneans
passed a ro.-'iilu'ion that no school ohargio? Lit
tbkr $l20, (while it favored,by a large majority
#140.) should bo represented in that body, nor
ihotfld graduates of such schools be recognized
r—therefore the ticket for the full course of
lectures is $140; Matriculating $5; Dissecting,
$18: tJrariuaiing $$0.
ForsdditiuB&r information apply tp
■ July 31-43 I tn] Dean-of tbe Faculty.
A. A. Aoams, H. K. Wssiibcbs.
Us. Americas, Os. Savannah, Gs.
Savannah, fit).
tSL. References : Hon. A. A. Allen, W. T. Cox, Ufa-
401*34,1859. 43—ly
Ofttpher’s Lightning Fly-Killer!
Death to the Living l Long live the
- ri., . • - Killers !
; Sold by Dealers Everywhere !
. I* win. ■ -
oVmBd, .