The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, July 01, 1853, Image 3

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4Ha inrtu <Lftfgrg,?j>. Reported for the Constitutionalist Sc Republic. LAT.ErI FR tyTEUROPE. ARRIVAL. OF THE STEADIER afric A. Charleston, June 30. The British steamship Africa, has arrived at Xew York. She left Liverpool on the 18th June. She brings 94 passengers. The steamship Franklin arrived at Cowes on the 15th June. The Turkish question exclusively occupied attention. Accounts are extremely conflicting. The Russians seem determined to occupy or have already occupied the Danubian provinces, which Fiance declares she will regard as a violation of the treaty. The English Govern ment has not taken any decided steps in the m itter, so far as has yet transpired. The latest telegraphic accounts say that Russia accepts the mediation of Austria The uncertainty, how ever, had affected all the markets. There was great excitement in Milan, arid another insurrection expected. It was reported that Napo.eon had warned the Italian refugees not to attempt any insurrection at present. A despatch dated Constantinople, June 9, re ports the arrival of the Russian ultimatum which the Porte will doubtless refuse. Greece refuses to reverse the sentence of im prisonment of Mr. King. The reported mediation of Austria is believed to he false. Livetool Cotton Market.— The sales of the week amounted to 65 000 balps. The quo tations are the same as those brought by the Niagara. The deitiar.d was good, but .irregular. Os the sales 20,000 bales were to speculators, and 6.000 to exporters. The trade at Manchester was unchangeJ. Consols had advanced to 95! for account. The trasactions in American securities were small. United Stages Stocks unchanged. Havre Cotton Market.— The market was more active, and had recovered the decline, and prices had slightly advanced. The sales of the * week, ending the 14th. were 8,000 bales. [sFCOND DESPATCH.! Additional per Africa. There wasa partial advance on the 16th, in middling grade Cotton. Flour had declined 3d. to 6d. Consols DB|. The Europa arrived at Livepool,„on the 18th. Sales of Cotton 6n the ISth, 8.000 bales, at fail rates. Russia's finale ultimatum insisting on Mens chikoff’s demand, was received in Constantino ple on the 9th. which would certainly be re * English fleet joined the French in Besika |ti the ISth. The Russian fleet moved \stopel to the Circassian coast. 'ure of Nankin by the rebels is eon ilang Choo and Shanghai deserted. «y was authorized to settle the diffi cult -it ween Aus*rli and Switzerland. New York, June 30, p. m. Cotton. —The market is active, with sales to-day of 4 000 bales The Fisheries Great excitement prevails in the ISorthern fisheries towns, relative to the delay ot the Gov ernment in sending war vessels to the fishing grounds. » Charleston, June 30, p. m. The machinery of the steamship James A.d ger. got otP of order on Sunday, and was towed by the steamship O-prey, to Delaware wa*er. where she airived on Wednesday. The Osprey arrived at Philadelphia at 2 o’clock on Wednesday, with many of the James AJger’s passengers. Charleston, June 30. f. m- Cotton —The sales of the week amount to 2,962 bales, at prices ranging from 8 £*o 11 cts. Good Middling T quoted at 10§ : Middling Fair 10i. Receipts of the week 5 000 bales. Stock 23,600, exclusive of that on shipboard. New Orleans. June 30. Cotton. —Pi ices steady, with sales to-day, of 2,400 bales. The accounts of the Africa came to hand after the closp of business. Receipts to day 200 bales: exports 4,300. Freights firm. Sterling dull at 9to 94. \1 liISHALJi HOISE, .Savannah, Ga G. Fargo, Proprietor, (late of the U < S. Hotel, Augusta.) apr 15 ly »gtr Spring Styles—Mr-. E. 0. Collins nas ife*. now in store a la r go and fashionable t as«or nient of Mil'iuery and fancy Goods, which she offers on very reasonable terms for cash. Among >hern will be so rnd rich Paris Mantillas, -j Lace rfh-iw's, Embroidered Sleeves, j Chemisettes, Capes, Handkerchiefs and Veils; also, a handsome assortment of Straw, Chip, Lace, Crape and Silk Bonnets; Head-Dresses, Caps, - x lowers ; Bonnet, Cap. Sash, and Neck Ribbons, ; 1 Hair Braids, Curs, Toilet Powder, Perfumes, Soaps, li .ir Oils, &&., Ac. Km may 10 A Card.—The undersigned returns thanks to bis Iriends and the public for , their past patronage, and respectfully announces < that he has associated with him Mr. JOSEPHS 1 BEALS, iate of Savannah, and will conduct busi Bess under the name and style of COFFIN A j BEALS, in all the branches of PAINTING ] namelv ; House, Sign and Ornamental PAIN I I : ING, GILDING, GRAINING; GLAZING, Ac. 1 JOHN G. COFFIN. ' Office in Jackson, cornerof Greenestreet. —~~— r The undersigned takes this mode and time to announce to the citizens ol Au gusta and vicinity, that having received the best of tuition from good masters, they are enabled to furnish work in style equal to that obtained else where ; such as Military, Civic and Society BAN NERS; Designing, Ornamental, Fresco, Pannel- Jed and Marble WALLS; Plain and Ornamental SIGNS; SHADES, Ac. JOHN G. COFFIN, sept 22 ly JOSEPH A. BEALS. -—.rnM Soda Water.—This delightful and healthy beverage, with every variety of the best Syrups, will be furnished from this date at the Drug Store under the Augusta Hotel. The fountains are entirely new, ard tbo public may oe pend upon getting good Soda Water of the purest quality PHILIP A. MOISE. may 5 Druggist. jjgir —Black Leghorn Hast!—A fresh £%* supply, latest styl , just received. Jjß Also, new style ManniHer Hats, very light, and handsome. Call and see them, at may 28 Geo. W. Ferry's. Sarsaparilla.—This is the purest and best preparation of Sarsa parilla now offered to the public It is highly rec oimconded by Physician-*, and those who have used it. A bettoi articlo to purify the blood, and regulate the bowels cannot be found. See ad vertisement. apr 6 jepSß Education.-A angle lady, oi experience des res a situation as Teacher in a Be miairy *>r se’ect School. Sho can teach all the higher brashes of Eug’ish ard Music, is a fine performer on !ho Piano, and sings well : will also give i<-ssons in French and on the Guitar. The fe st of roiVence g ven by addressing Key Box 117, Augusta Post Office. tActf j U ne 14 sy/r South Carolina Hail Hoad, 1 Augusta, May 20th, 1853. \ The Passenger and Mail I' rains for Charleston, wMI leave this Company’s L >cal Depot, Centre st., at A. M., on and affc-r Wednesday, June Ist. xnay 31 W. J MagraTH, Agent. —Wo have commenced re ceiving Spring and Summer Clothing of all the newest styles and best frabries. which we offer to the public at New Yor» prices. Our stock will be replenished everv week during the season with the latest and best sty ies from foreign mar ket#. [mafifij Wm. 0. Price & Co. Brio Auiifrtisi'iimits. CONCERT HALL. THE CONCO J)IA CONCERT TROUPE, CONSISTING of the best Artists of the Conser vatories of Leipsie, Prague, Paris,, etc., re spectfully invite the citizens ot Augusta to their Third and Last GRAND VOCAL & INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT To bo given at the above Hall, Saturday Eve ning, July 1, 1853. Admission 50 cents Children and Servants, 25 Doors open at 7 o'clock—commence at 8. Tickets can be obtained at Geo. A. Oates A Co.V. Music Store, United States Hotel, and at the Door on the Evening of the performance. THE HALL, WILL BE SUPPLIED WITH ICE WATER. july 1 GEORGE 11. BOSSEL. Agent. MEIiCER UNIVERSITY. COMMENCEMENT WEEK—ISS3. July 24.—Sabbath Morning 10 J o'clock. Com mencement Sermon. by Rev. J. P. Tus tin, of Savannah Ga. Sabbath Even ing, 7£ o’clock. Sermon before the Young Men’s Missionary Society, by Rev. James C. Furman, of Furman University, S. C. July 25.—M >nday Morning, 10-} o’clock,—Prize Dc •lamation by the Sonhomore Class July 26.—Tuesday Morning, 10} o'clock. Junior Exhibition. Tucsdav Evening, 4o’elk Address before the Alumni, by Malcori D Jones, fisq., of Burke Co. Ga. J.tly 27.—Wednesday Morning, 10} o'clock. Com mencemen. Ex sr rises. Wednesdav, Evening, 4 P. M. Address before the Literary Societies, by Hon. Jonn Belten O'Neal, of South Carolina. J. E. WILLET, july I c 3 Spp F ’c. ~MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEURG-tA. THE TWENTY-SECOND COURSE OF LEC TURES in 'his Institution will commence on the FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER NEXT. FACULTY: Anatomy, G. M NWWTON, M. D. Surgery, L. A. DUGAS, M D. Chemistry and Pharmacy,ALEX. MEANS, M. D. Materia Medica, Tncraputies and Medical Juris prudence, I. P GARVIN, M.D. Obstetrics and . iseases of Women and Infants, J. A. EVE, M. D. Physiology and Pathological Anatomy, H. V. M. MILLER, M. D. Institutes and Practice of Medicine, L. D. FORD, M. D. D monstrator of Anatomy, 11. F. CAMPBELL, M. D. Assistant Damonstrator, ROBT. CAMPBELL, M. D. CLINICAL LECTURES will be delivered regu larly at the City Hospital, and ample opportunities will be afforded for the study of Practical Anato my. Fees for theentiro Course $lO5 Matr culation Ticket (to be taken once).. 5 For futher particulars, apply to July l dfc7 G. M. JEW TON, Dean. COPARTNERSHIP. THE UNDERSIGNED having associated with them JOHN T. MILLER a»d SAMUEL A. VERDERY, in the Wholesale Dry Goods business, tho same will be continued from this date, under the name and style of Jacksons. Miller A Verdery. W. E. A G. T. JACKSON. dfc4 july 1 COWING & CO.’S GARDEN AND FIRE ENGINES, WHICH, for power, capacity, and usefulness, cannot bo surpassed; from tho size of tho air chamber, sufficient power is obtained to enable one man to throw a steady stream of water to the height of fifty feet perpendicularly, thereby rendering it a desirable articlo, as a protec ion against fire, for washing windows of 2 and 3 stories of buildings, carriages, Ac. Also, a general assortment of Block Tin Pine, Lead Pipe and Gutta Perchn Hose. For sale by (july 1) ts B. F. CIIEW. NOTICE, rg \HAT I have this diy sold out my GIN MA IL KING INTEREST, to my son, M T. WYNN, who will carry on the same, at my old stand, at Bel Air, on or near the Georgia Railroad, ram thankful for past favors, and wilTbe pleased for my old friends to patronize my son, who will fulfil all my engagements, and is well qualified to do so. july l tam 4 THOS. WYNN. BOOKS BOOKg . ANEW SUPPLY of the following new and in teresting works have been received at GEO. A. OATES & BROS. Piano, Book and Music Store, viz : Cyrilia, by the author of Initials; Modern Flir tations, by Miss C. Sinclair; Fortunes of the Col ville Family : Lafitte or the Pirate es the Gulf; A Man in search of his Wife; Uugly Effic and other tales; Wild Jack, ortho Stolen Child; Lady Leigh ton, or the Bel'c of Manor, by Mrs. Gove ; Yivease Grey; The Soldier’s Wife; Adventures ofTom Sta pleton*; Harry Ashton, or the Will and tho Way; New Or eaas Sketch Book, by Stahl ; Harry Coverd des Courtship,by author ol Frank Fairleigh; Jack and his bride, and a variety of others. EOUGIA, BURKE COUNTY\Viiereas, THOMAS CdSNAIIAM. appliesfor Letters Dismissoy from the estate of MARY GARRET, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish,all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors and all others concern 'd to be and appear before the Court of Ordinary, on the first Monday in December next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters shjLwi 1 not he granted. Given under my "hand, at office i)Y fle? t\ nesboro’, this 29th day of June. 1853. july 1 EDWARD GARTjICK, Ordinary b. O. HAIR. BRUSHES. —An extensive assortment of the best English and French Hair BRUSH ES, just opened and for salo by PHILIP A. MOISE. Druggist, july 1 195 Broad street. LOW ’S BROWN W INDSOR s«»AP.— For sale by PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. N. B.—Ail the [nog; approved English and French SOAPS, for tide as above. july I 1 k U.ESM \(> CASES, fine Razors, Combs, Brush -1 ' es, Perfumery. Soaps. &0., for sale by july l PHILIP A. MOISE. Druggist. SPIRITS OF TURPENTINE. — Now landing, 10 bbls. Spirits of Turpent no. For sale by july 1 PHILIP A MOISE. COLLIER’S REMEDY FOR HORSE*— For sale by PHILIP A. MOISE, july 1 Druggist. HARD GUM TOLU—For sale by july 1 PHILIP A. MOISE Druggist. . Mexican mustang liniment— ln 25 cent bottle?. Ju3t received, and for sale at tho Drug Store under tho Augusta Horel. julv I FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. \ THE above Reward will be given for the appre hension and delivery, at the S. C Radroad of fice, Augusta, of two negro men, BILL and SHELLY, or twenty five dollars for either. The above negroes have been runaways since Ist < January last. Billy is about 5 feet 6 inches high, i black complexion and good countenance, and is i about thirty-two years old. He has a scar on tba 1 right arm below, and one on theleft arm above tbo elbow. He was raised in Upper Three Runs, Bam well District, S. C., and has a wife at that place. Shrlly is about 5 feet 4 inches high, about 31 years old, and bus a small scar on bis left arm ; forehead high, inclining back. He was raised in Barnwell District, by Jefferson Boyd. GEO. B LYTHGOE. may 4 GenT Sup't. S. C. Railroad Office. TO Purify the Blood. Prevent Fevers, Remove Cutaneous Eruptions, Eradicate the effects of Syphilis and the injudicious use of Mercury, Cure Rheumatism, impart a clear and healthy appear- I ance to tbo skin, and create a healthy and vigorous constitution, use TUTT’S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. It is pre pared with great care, from the best Hondruras Sarsaparilla, and is combined with other roots and barks, all of which tend to removo all impurities from tne system. OS 5 ” Price 75 cents per bottle. apr 8 dAe WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. TO RENT, ANI> possession given immellately, a large andeommolious WAREHOUSE, back store an! offices attached ; all fire-proof. Aeply to june 4 JOHN A. BARNES. FOR RENT. SEVERAL very pleasant ROOMS for rent In the Carmichael liange. Apply to JAMES W. DAVIES, or may 29 ts CARMICHAEL A BBAN._ WANTED. A GOVERNESS to take charge of a few chil dren. in a private family—one qualified to teach the higher branches; also music, Ac. Satis fictcrv testimonials will be required. Address J . Dr. JAMES A. BLACK, june 18 ts Spring Place, Ga. rpi) RENT FOR STORAGE. —A fine Cellar, L 85 feet in length, and 24 feet in breadth. Also, a Room on the first floor, suitable for storage, 50 feet long and ot same width as the cellar, on Broad street first door above tbo Augusta Hotel Pos session given immediately. E. H. ROGERS, june 5 rno RENT. The STORE on Broad street, re- JL ccntly occupied by Snowden A Shear, until ■ the Ist October next. Apply to ■ june 13 WM. SHEAR. WHITE CRY-TALIZED SUGAR.—IO bbls White Crvstalized Sugar, just received and -for sale by * S. C. GRENYILLE & CO. I june 19. Retteries. ' _ G F, O R G I AST A T E LOTTERY A. D. ELLIS & CO., MANAGERS, Successors to F. C. Barber A Co. CLASS 27.—T0 be drawn at Savannah, Friday, July 1. $4,500. 78 Numbers—l 3 drawn Ballots. Tickets sl. Shares in proportion. TRY IN THIS. EXTRA CLASS two —Decided by drawing of Grand Consolidated Class 17, at Baltimore, on Saturday, July 2. $50,000. 78 Numbers—l 3 Drawn Ballots. Tickets sl2. Shares in proportion. F. C. BARBER. Agent, june 28 Washington-st. A. D. Picquet, Lottery Agent, vendor for all the Georgia State Lotteries, has removed his office omMclntosh street, opposite Constitutional ist A Republic. GREENL AND PULASKI MONUMENT LOTTERIES. Managed, drawn, and prizes paid by the well known and responsible firm of GREGORY & MAURY. DRAWN numbers. EXTRA CLASS 46.—8 y Delaware 147, June 28. 34 20 3 36 48 2 30 9 67 56 77 10. CLASS 78—To he drawn at Sa\annah, on Friday, July 1. SMALL SCHEME. $4,000. 4of $750 ! 5 of $l5O ! Ac , Ac., Tickets $L ; Halves 50 cents. Risk on a pack age of 26 quarters $3.75. EXTRA CLASS 47—by Delaware 151—to be drawn at Wilmington, Saturday. July 2. BRILLIANT SCHEME. $36,000. $20,000! $10,000! $6,000! $3,327! 100 of sl,ooo' Tickets $lO. Shares in proportion. CLASS 79—To be drawn at Savannah, Tuesday, July 5. EINE SHEME. $6,315 ! $2,000! 3 of $1,000! Ac. Ae. Tickets s2}. Shares in proportion. CLASS 80.—To be drawn at Savannah, on Wed nesday, July 6. PACKAGE SCHEME. 5,600 DOLLARS. $1,200! $700! $409! & c., &e. Tickets sl. Halves 50 cents. Risk on a package of 25—quarters, $3,70. JOHN A. MILLEN, Agent, Jackson street, opposite tho Globe Hotel. All orders from the city or country strictly con fidential. june 30 Steamer John €. Calhoun, BY CHEWS & DRAKE. IN CHARLESTON. S. C. On THURSDAY, 7th July, at 11 o’clock, will be sold, north of Custom House, without reserve: The steamer JO IN C. CALHOUN, of 200 tons measurement, 123 feet long, 23 feet beam, 7 feet hold. She was thoroughlv overhauled and repaired; with two Engines ot 70 horse power, new flue Boilers and chimneys. Her repairs for Carpenter, Joiner’s and Engineer work, cost about $9 000. >ho is now in comp ete order,and well found in every respect, and is ready for business She carries about 1000 bales Cotton, is quite fast, and a handy river, and good safe sea boat, Conditions—one-third cash ; balance in six and twelve months, with interest, for approved en dorsed notes. 2 june 30 4TH OF J ULY EXCURSION TQ CHARLES- ] TON. * i FARE REDUCED ONE-HALF, So. Ca. Railroad Company, ) Augusta, June 28 1853. j TICKETS can bo procured on the 2d. 3d and 4th July, at the Augusta, Columbia and Camden Ag neies, and for the way travel from the Con ductors upon tho payment of tho present full fare to Charleston, entitling the holder to return free I on or beiore the 9th July. june 29 J. It. EMORY, Sec’y< t PAVILION HOUSE, CORNER SOUTH DROAD AND BULL STREETS, Savannah, Georgia. r WILLIAM P. CLARK, Proprietor. r A LARGE proportion of the Rooms of this es ' tablishment will hereafter be appropriated to the accommodation ot the travelling public. F.rst class Carriages with careful drivers, will bo in at tendance at the Steamboat and Railroad landings, to convey passengers to the Pavilion, where every attention and tho best accommodation will await £ thorn. 6 june 26 * NEGRO FOR SALE. “ WE HAVE for sale, a likely, intelligent NE , GRO MAN, abont 35 years of age, sound j and healthy, sold for no fault -a first rate ostler, , and carriage Iriver. The above boy can be seen | at the store of S. C. Grenville Sr. Co, on Monday ( and Tuesday. Terms at sale. june 26 South Carolina Railroad, t 1 Hamburg, April 17, 1853. j THE Freight of Cotton to Charleston is reduced to Fifty Cents per Bale, apr 17 W. J. MAGRATH, Agent. ALBONI HATS. —Received by last steamer a beautiful Alboni Hat, light and pleasant for summer wear. J. TAYLOR, Jr., & CO. june 30 < EMORY COLLEGE, OXFORD, GA. ( THE Exercises of the Annual commencement of this Institution will be as follows : Commencement —Sermon and dedication of the now College Chapel, by Rev. Bishop Capers, on Sunday, 17th July. j Sophomore prize declamation on Mondav night. Junior Exhibition on Tuesday, at 9, A. M. An Address by tho President, Rev. G. F Pierce, at 4 P. M., of tho same day, and by Henry L. Har ris before the Alumni, at night. Wednesday will bo Commencement dav. A ter j the usual exercises, tho prizes will be awarded, ac companied with an address. At 4 P.M., tho Literary Societies will bead- j dressed by Hon. Robert Toombs, juno 19 d + &ctJlyl7 GJ. ORB, Secy. COURT OF ORDINARY. Til E Court of Ordinary will sit on Monday next. from 9 to 10 o’clock, A M and then (Monday being tho 4th July,) will for tho convenience of < persons having business in that Court, be adjourn i ed over to Wednesday, the 6th July. I june 30 4 LEON P. DUG AS, Ordinary. * NOTICE. —All person indebted to too Estate of Geo. L. Twiggs, late of tho county of Richmond, are requested to make immediate pay ment to tho undersigned, and those having de mands against the Estate, will render them within the time prescribed bv law. GEO. W. L. TWIGGS, JOHN D. TWIGGS, june 30 Executors. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. WILL be sold at public sale, at tho Lower Mar- ; kot, on the first TUESDAY in July next, if not previously sold at privato sale, the newly fin ished House on Fenwick street, immediately oppo site the Charleston Railroad Depot. The above bouse being in a good location for a Grocery, has been finished suitable-for a store and dwelling, hav -1 ing a storeroom and two commodious rooms below, | and two rooms and a passage above ; all plastered , throughout except the storeroom, which is smooth ceiled aud painted. For parti ulars, apply to juno 30 DANIEL B THOMPSON. NEGROES WANTED — Parties having Ne groes for sale, will find it to their interest to call on tho Subscriber. HUGH O’NEILL, juno 15 3 m TO RENT.—From the first ol October next, one Store in Foxes’ Range, opposite tho Au gusta Hotel. Apply to C l . SALM. junel6 ~ WHEAT WANTED. THE highest price paid for prime new WHEAT, for the Granite Mills, by GEORGE W. LEWIS, may 19 No. I Warren Block. HARPERS’ MAGAZINE for July, leaves cut, for sale or inspection by juno 30 THOS. RICHARDS & SON. Booksellers. Stationers and Book Binders. HARPERS’ MAGAZINE for July, has been received by JOS. A. CARRIE & CO. juno 30 HARPER'S MAGAZINE for July, has been received at GEO. A. OATES & BROS., jane 30 Broad street. PU FNAM’S Magazine for duly has been re ceived at GEO. A. OATEs <& BROS.. I june 30 Broad street. Ij'DGAR CLIFTON, or Right and Wrong—a j Story of School Life.- by C. Adams, a now book for boys. Just published and for sale by june 30 GSO. A. OATES A BROS.,Broad-st. 1 WAREHOUSE TO RENT. TO RENT, the WAREHOUSE formerly oc cunied by M. P -tovail, well known for its convenient location to the cen’re of business, and s near the Hotels of the city. Apply to 3 THOMAS BARRET, or PLEASANT STOVALL, june 21 2mos Sifflmsljip ani liailroois |Tinra. FOH PHILADELPHIA. FAKE REDUCED. To Sail ou Saturday Afternoon, July 9th,. a 4 o'clock. THE fine side wheel Steam OSPREY, 1,000 tons burthen, J. Bennett, Commander. will leave as per annexed schedule,every other Saturday : FROM CHARLESTON FROM Fill LAD E LPBIA. June..... llu'ept'r 1" June 4 Septr ... .10 June 25'0ct ! r 1 June..... .IS.S. pt’r ... .24 July 9jOet’r 15 J ly 2,0 t'r 8 July 23jOct’r 2s) July. . 22 Aug’t 6!Nov’r 12: 'July SOlNovr 6 Aug ? t ...20 Nov’r 26! 1 Aug't 13 Nov r 19 Sept'r.... 3|Dec’r 101 lAug't 27 Dec’r ... 3 Cabin Passage. sls. Steerage, SG. Through Tickets to New York, sl7. This ship has been thoroughly overhauled, and furnished with new boilers, and a large and elegant dining saloon on deck, with every arrangement that can add to the comtort of passengers In Philadelphia, this Ship occupies the same wharf as the Liverpool steamships City of Glas gow and City of Manchester, at the foot of Queen street and central wharf, Chailestoc. Freight on all perishable articles must bo pre paid. For Freight or Passage, apply to H. F. BARER & CO., Accommodation wharf, Charleston. S. C. SAMUEL T. PEARCE, Agent in Philadelphia, june 5 ttf UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. lviiW YORK steamships! SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. DAYS OF LEAVING SAVANNAH FOH NEW YORK The Augusta, Capt. Lyon. on Wednesday, June 8 The Florida, Capt. Woodhull, " Saturday, u 11 The Alabama, Capt. Ludlow, Saturday, “ 18 The Augusta, • Capt. Lyon, “ Saturday, " 25 The Florida, Capt. Woodhull, “ Saturday, July 2 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon, Saturday, “ 9 The Florida, Capt. Woodhull. “ Saturday, “ 16 The Alabama. Capt Ludlow, “ Wednesday, “ 20 The Augusta, Capt. Lvon, “ Saturday, “ 23 The Florida, Capt Woodhull, " Saturday. “ 30 The Alabama, Capt Ludlow, “ Wednesday, Aug. 3 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon, “ Saturday, “ 6 The Florida, Capt. Woo Ihull. “ Saturday, “ 13 The Alabama, Capt. Ludlow, “ Wedne-day, “ -17 The Augusta, Capt Lyon, “ Saturday, “ 20 The Florida, Capt. Woodhull, “ Saurdav, “ 27 The Alabama, Capt. Ludlow, “ Wednesdajq “ 31 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon, ,! Saturday, Sept. 3 The Florida, Capt. Woodhull, “ Saturday, “ 10 The Alabama, Capt. Ludlow, “ Wednesday, “ 14 These ships are the largest on the coast, unsur passed in speed, safety or comfort —making their passages in 5(1 or 60 hours, and are commanded by skilful, careful, and polite They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. On the completion of the Atlanta, in the autumn, this line will be semi-weekly—sailing each Wednesday and Saturday. Cabin passage $25. PADELFORD, FAY & CO., Agents in Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCHILL, june 12 tS7 No. >3 Broadway, New York. U. S. MAIL LINE. THROUGH IN »0 TO 55 HOURS. N. Y. & CHARLESTON STEAM PACKETS, Leave adger’s wharves ovory SATURDAY afternoon, and each alternate WEDNESDAY. On SATURDAY, the new and splendid steam ship's, JAS. ADGER, J. Dickinson, Commander, 1500 tons. MARION, M. Berry, Commander, 1200 tons. The SOUTHERNER, W. Foster, Command er, wi'l leave each alternate WEDNESDAY:, hav ing been newly coppered, and guards raised, is now in complete order. For Freight or Passage, having elegant State Room accommodations, apply at the office of the Agent, HENRY MISSROON, Cor. East Bay and Adger’s South wharves, Charleston, S. C. The steamship SOUTHERNER will leave on Weduesday Afternoon , the 29th June, jane 25 FOR PHILADELPHIA. U. S. MAIL LINE. PHILADELPHIA and SAVANNAH STEAM NAVIGA TION COMPANY. The new and splendid SIDE WHEEL ST.E “STATE OF GEORGIA.” 1200 tons register, Capt. Walter Collins, will leave Savan nah as follows: Wednesday, Feb.’y 23d Wednesday, May 4th “ March 9th “ May 18th “ March 23d “ - June Ist “ April Oth “ June 15th “ April 20th “ Juno 29tl> This Ship has been built with the strictest re gard to the safety and comfort of her passengers, and her accommodations are unsurpassed by ang Steamship on the coast. A new Steamship now building, in every res pect eaual to the “ State of Georgia,” will take hot place in the line dur ng the month of June next, and will, with the “State of Georgia,” make a week ly line, leaving oach port on Wednesday. Cabin Passage from Savannah to Philadelphia, $25 “ “ “ “ to Now York, .. $25 Steerage » $ 9 C A. L. LAMAR, Agent in Savannah. HERON & MARTIN, Agents in Philadelphia, feb 19 AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH STAGE ANU RAIL ROAD LINE. SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST R DTE TO Columbus, Oglethorpe, Macon , Milledgeville and Savannah. AUGUSTA to Waynesboro’, via four Iforso Post Caaches, 30 miles. Waynesboro’ to Millen, via Augusta A Waynes boro 1 Rail Road, 21 miles. Millen to Savannah, via Central Rail Road, 79 miles. Millen to Macon, via Central Rail Road, 112 miles. Macon to Oglothorpe, via South Western Rail Road, 50 miles. From Augusta to Oglethorpe, 213 miles. FARE From Augusta to Colua bus sl4 00 ‘ ‘ u 0 icthorpe 8 25 “ t' M o'-* 6 50 “ “ to Millcdgevil lo 675 “ “ to Savannah 5 50 The Proprietor has made arrangements with the different Companies to run Through Tickets to the above-named points, and is now prepared to furnish thosamo at the Stage Office, at the U. S. Hotel. * JAS. P. FLEMING, Proprietor. G. Fargo, Agent. • ts july 2 GEORGIA RAILROAD. LEAVE AUGUSTA daily at 4.30, P. M., and (Sundays o <ceptod) 6, A. M. Arrive at Augusta daily at 4.30, A. M., and (Sundays excepted) 4.25, P. M. Leavo Atlanta daily at 5.3 q, P. M., and (Sundays excepted) 5.30, A. M. Arrive at Atlanta daily at 4.00, A. M., and (Sundays oxceptod) 5.20, P. M. Connecting with Athens Branch Trains, Leaving Union Pointdaily (Sundaysexcepted) at 12.15 P. M. Arriving at Union Point daily (Sundays except ed) at 11, A. M. t With South Carolina Railroad Trains, Leaving Hamburg daily at 5.45, A. M., and 6, P. M. Arriving at Hamburgdaily at 2.30 P. M., and 5, A. M. With Atlanta and LaGrango Railroad Trains, Loaving Atlanta daily at 4.30 A M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 4.15, P. M. With Western and Atlantic Railroad Trains, Leaving Atlanta dailv at 6. A. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 5, P. M. And with Macon and Western Railroad Trains, L'aving Atlanta daily at 6.45, P. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 1.30, A. M. And loaving Atlanta on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 7.30, A. M, And arriving at Atlanta on Mondays. Wednes days, and Fridays at 3.00, P. M. july 20 F. C. ARMS, Sup’t. S. T.Combs, Augusta. | F. T. Pentecost, Charleston. COMBS & CO.’S WESTERN EXPRESS FORWARDERS. FROM CHARLESTON to AUGUSTA. CO LUMBIA. ATHENS, ATLANTA. ROME, CHATTANOOGA. NEWNAN. LA GRANGE. MACON, COLUMBUS, WEST POINT, a* d MONTGOMERY —the Towns on the Georgia. W. & A M. A Western, Atlanta & La Grange Rail roads, and points connecting with Montgomery Hy Stage and Steamboat, t wit: WETUMK A . TAL LADEGA.RELMA, GREENSBORO, TUSCALOO SA. MOBILE, Ac. Ac We give the most SPEEDY TRANSPORTA TION to all kinds of Freights to all tho above places. Merchants who wish their Goods from the - North forwarded by Express from Charleston. will please have them marked plainly "Per Combs & * Co.'s Express, I'harl**ton.” and Bills Lading ren s sored our address Charleston. Freigh s from any d of the above points to which our line extends for Northern cities, will he forwarded with despatch. Augusta Office, corner Jackson and Ellis streets. Charleston, No. 9 Hayne street febl COMBS A CO. MM & fit A; IMS I m 9lf MU*lB. BEG to inform the public that they are selling the following beautilul Goods at the very low prices attached: 50 pieces fine French Printed BAREGES, * 18J to 25 cts. 5000 yards Printed LA VVN, fii “ 10 10 cases Furniture and Dress CALICOES, - - - 6 “ 10 2 cases Fine Ginghams A-sorted, - 12£ 25 500 dozen Linen towe.9, from - - - * - 8 “ 12$ 12-4 Lioen Sheeiing, - * - - - - - 65 “85 10 cases Fine Long Cloth, - - - - - - 6 “10 5 cases Marseilles Qt its, - 150 “ 250 2 cases Extra Fine French do., - 450 “ 600 500 pcs. Musquito Netting, - * - - - - 87 “ 100 100 “ 12-4 Laee Netting, 35 “37 1000 “F ne White Fringo, - 62 “ 200 50 “ Fine Brown Linen, - - - - - - 20 “25 25 *‘ Linen Drilling. - - - - - - - 25 “37 500 dozen Fine Hose, 12$ “ 25 10 •* Extra Fme Silk Hose, ------ 150 “ 200 50 “ very best Kid Gloves. ----- 75 50 “ do Dark Colours, 50 100 “ do. Twfsted S. S. Mitts, ----- 50 to 100 Together with a variety of other cheap and excellent articles for Family and Plantation use—to which we respectfully inv'te th attention of the public. 2m may 6 GEORGIA SAR SA P A RTII IT, A PURE AND UNADULTERATED ARTICLE, PREPARED BY J. DENNIS, M. D„ AUGUSTA, GA. FOR DISEASES OF THE LIVER, AND TO FDRIFY THE BLOOD. IT has been found useful in Jaundice, Sick Hcad-acho, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, General Debility, Constipation of the Bowels, Piles, caused by Castivenoss. Pain in the Bones, or Rheumatism, caused by the use of Mercury. Cutan ous Eruptions, Pimples, Biles, Ulcers, various Female Complaints, and all other diseases arising from an inactive state of the Liver, or impure stat<* of the Blood. Those who have used the various preparations of the kind, will find that this article produces the best effect upon the sjstom, and has the natural Sarsaparilla taste. With most of persons, it act* upon the Bowels as a mild purgative or laxative ItJ healthy action on the Liver and Blood, renders it a great safe-guard against disease. The Diplo mas of the South Carolina Institute, and the State Fairs of Georgia, have been awarded this preparation. Being a great preventive of disease, families would do well, during the Spring and Summer season, to give it to their childr- n. Planters, coo, will often find it to their interest to give it to their servants. Price $1 00 per bottle, 6 bottles for $5 00. Sold in Augusta by W. H. &J. Turpin, Barrett & Carter, ffm.K Kitchen, Haviland, R sley & Co., D. B. Plumb & Co., W. 11. Tutt, P. A. Moise, and Wm. Haines, [n Hamburg, S. C , A. J. Creighton. Those ordering it, should express in their orders, DENNIS’ GEORGIA SARSAPARILLA, march 23 llailroad, Steamboat and Stage Lues. THROUGH FARE FROM CHARLESTON TO Baltimore $17.50, to piiiladeli hia sl9, AND TO NEW YORK S2O. THE^GRK^T^^AH^K^EUT^^from CHARLES- | TON, SO. CA. LEAVING the wharf at the foot of Laurens street daily, after the arrival of the Southern cars, via Wilmington, N. C., from which point two daily trains are despatched, at 8 A. M. and 2 R. M.; the 8 o'clock only connecting at Weldon, N.C., with the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad to Nor folk, thence by steamers to Baltimore, and both trains connecting at Weldon with the lines to Pe tersburg. Richmond, Washington. Baltimore. Phila delphia, and New York. The public is respectful ly informed that the steamers of these lines are in first rate condition, and are navigated by well known and experienced commanders : the Rail Roads are in fine order, (the Wilmington and Weldon, as well as the Seaboard and Roanoko, having recent ly been relaid with heavy T rail,) thereby securing both safety and despatch. By these routes, passen gers availing themselves of the first train, may reach Baltimore in 40 hours, Philadelphia in 45 hours, and New York in 50J hours; and by the second train, they arrive in Baltimore in 50 hours, Phila delphia in 56 hours, and N w York in 61 4 hours. I'hrcugh tickets can alone be had from.E. WINSLO W . Ager.t of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company, at the office of the Company, foot of Laurens-sweet, Charleston, S. C., to whom please apply. “ march 23 TRANSPORTATION BETWEEN SAVAN NAH AND AUGUSTA. r _*ir> By THE FASHION LINE. 1 offering the services of the steamer FASHION, (the first boat of this line) to the merchants of Georgia and Carolina, Alabama and Tennessee, 1 we would ask for her that patronage which her 1 construction and light draught of water merits. The Fashion is a home enterprise and owned ex- i clusively by Capt T. N. Philpot (.her commander) and myself, whose entire attention will be given to the interest of hor patrons. This boat was huiit in this city, and great Care has been tak‘-n in her construction to make her worthy of the trade for which she is inten led Her cap scitv is ah ut 2000 hales Cotton, hor draught es water only 13 inches, which will enable her at all seasons of the year, to deliver her freight promptly. Her entire cargo will he taken between decks, which will not only prevent damage to goods in case of snagging, but will add much to the condi- ' tiou packages discharged from her. Mr M. A. ; Cohen is the agent oftbis lino in -Savannah, where suitable wharves and warehouse have been provi ded in a central situation for the reception of Cot ton. Merchandise, &e. The Fashion' will run in connection with the New York and Philadelphia steamship, pelivering goods at this p int in five days from either <>f those cities. JOHN A MOORE SPLENDID FOUR HORSEOOACHES ARE NOW UU NING DAI Y BETWEEN MADISON AND EATUNTON, LEAVE Madi-on every day, (Sunday excepted.) at half past six o'clock, A. M , arrive at Eaton- ton sa u j day at half pas. eleven o’clock, A. M. Leave Eutonton every day, (Simday excepted.) at 1 oolock, P M , —arrive t Madison s me day by 6P. M Thus connecting with the Georgia Railroad at Madison and with the Milledgeville and Eatonfon Railroad at Eatonton, giving passen gers a good night s rest at Madison, and o< ly 21 miles staging. The Coaches. Il"rses, and Drivers are as good as a yin Georgia. Po sons going from Savannah to Athens, or above Athen , will find this route the most expeditious and cnnfortanle, ar.d the cheapest way they can go Extra Horses and Hacks will bo kept at oach end so as to insure promp;. conveyance to all p »s.-er gors, in case of a crowd, or on Sunday if re mired Persons going to Milledg -ville or below from the up-country, will find this the best route for Hum als-*. There i- a Stage line just started between Eaton ton and Monticello. Leave Eatonton every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 1 P. M , and arrive at Mouticollo same days at 7 P. M. Leave Monticello every Tuesday, Thursdiv, and Saturday a' 6$ o'clock. A M , and* arrive at Eaton ton same days by 114 A. M .—thus connecting with iho Eatonton and Milledgeville Railroad and the Stage line f rom Madison. Stage iffioors are k pt at the Post Office, Monti cello. A. Und rwood’s Hoto!, Eatonton: Mrs. Campbell’s, Madison. J. A. CLARK, Contractor. I would also inform the public bat I have charge of tho SOCIAL CIRCLE EATING "*i ! HOUSE, on tho Georgia Railroad, which has been enlarged so as to accommodate those who wish the best of Rooms, and as good eating and attention as can bo given. The tablo will bo spi ea with the best the country affords on tho arrival of ev»ry of cars that passes on the Geo'gia Railroad. Call and sec. J. A. CLARK, juno 19 d&clm Proprietor. NEWSTAGE LINE. THERE is now in successful one- ration a Tri Weekly Lino splendid FOUR HORSE COACHE •, between DOUBLE AY ELLS, on the Georgia Railroad, and ABBEVILLE, South Carolina, which will be run in the day-time, and in the fol lowing schedule, to wit: Leave Double Wells every Monday, Wednesday and Fridav, at !£, p. m., spending the night at Washington and arriving at Abbeville, S. C., next evening. Leaves Abbeville every Monday. "Wednesday and Friday. at7, am., spending the night at Wash ington, arriving at Doublo Wells in time for the Dnv Trains on the Georgia Rai'road- The Wilkes Railroad to Washington, and the Abbeville Railroad to Abbeville, will soon be completed. The work is progressing rapidly, and when completed will leave a link of 40 miles sta ging, after which time the Lino will he run daily. The public will find tbis the cheapest and most comfortable route goi g to that portion of South Carolina and North Carlirra abo\ Abbeville, and going cut West from tnat portiun of North and South Carlina W. M. & J. W. MOORE, Contractors on the Abbeville Line. Double Wells, Ga., Nov 1, 1852. feb 22 tAcfim LAND FOR SALE. rTAHE PLANTATIONS, up n which Wm. jpjfe j Stokes and Mrs Sarah Morris now reside | There are twelve hundred acres bel ngingtothe former tlsce, and six hundred to the latter Per snn wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine for themselves Application mav be made either to the subscriber or to Wra R. Moss W H. STOKES. Hancock county. May 10, 1853. eowfiw ml BEESWAX WANTED.—In any quantity, for which the highest cash price will be paid hy may 19 Q. A. WILLIAMS. Sentient lUnlcring |)liirfs. WATER CURE INSTITUTE, MILLEDCVtVILLE. GA. DU. E. G. DOVJL.E takes pleasure in announc ing to Invalids and the public generally, that the above popular and superiorly appointed Estab lishment, formerly conducted by T Carieton Coyle, M. D., is now ready for the roception of patients seeking a restoration to health. All Chronic af fections of the human organism successfully treated at this Institute. Dyspepsia, Gout, Constipation, Hemorrhoid-'or Piles, Hemorrhages, Amenorrhoea, Dysmenorrboea, Floor Albus, Genital DijjrAtieo ments Affections o ’the Eyes and Ears, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all Chronic diseases f the skin and scalp. Scrofula. Dropsy, Syphilis, and the Humoral diseases generally, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Tic Don louroux. llystina Epilepsy or the falling sickness, '’irtigo. Paralysis, Apoplectic tendency, Asthma, Bronchitis, Chronic Inflammation of the Stomach and Bowels, Atrophy, and indeed every possiblo hahit of, or Chronic disoased action that is curable, and all diseases are curablo, if no organic lesion be present. The Ladies Department is under the immediate supervision of that accomplished lady Mrs Jane Matthews, so well known to the old patrons of the Establishment. The facilities which this Institution offers for the p-osccution of a stictlv Hydropathic and Ilygienie course of treatment, together with its easiness of access from all points in Georgia and the adjoining States, renders it peculiarly adapted to the wants cf Invalids desirous of availing themselves of the efficacy of the. Water Cure. The purity of the Water, and the aceommo lations ior Guest- are too well known to need comment. In fitting up the Establishment no expense has been spared rat could conduce to make it one of the most desirable places of resort for Invalids in ihe United States. Patients wil 1 be required to furnish their own out fits ; these will consist of Friction Sheets, and Towels. Compresses, and Blankets for Sudorific purposes, all of which can be purchajsd here on the most reasonable terms. terns—Professional attention, useof baths, Ac., $lO per week ; board $5 per week—payable month .y. Servants treated and hoarde l for $lO per week. All letters of inquiry promptly answered, juno 8 2m WHITE SULPHER SPRING. Situated in Hall county—6 miles from Gaines ville. THE PROPRIETOR would inform the public that hia HOUSE will be open on !3l the Ist day of June for visitors, and deem it a'raost needless to say, that as heretofore every ef fort will he made to add to the pleasure and com fort of his yuests. LINES convey passengers from Athens direct, and also via Gainesville, three times a week. E. PACE, Proprietor, may 5 dAc4mos LABIES’ WATER-CURE” ESTABLISH- " MEKT, AT COLUMBIA, S. C., KEPT by DR. EDWARD RILEY and LADY* For the Cure and Relief of Amenorrhoea, DysS monerrhoea. Prolapsus Uteri, Fluor Albus, Barfl renness from early marriage, and Nervous ProstrajJ tion. <fec.: Diseases of the Eyes, I ars and Nose; I Throat and Chest Complaints—Asthma, Bronchi tis, Ac. Diseases of the Liver, Spleen, Stomach and j Bowels; Dyspepsia. Constipation, Piles; Rheuma tism, Gout, Paralysis. Neuralgia and Nervous Com- j plaints generally ; Cancerous Complaints andSfittfl Ulcers all Diseases of the Skin, Erysipelas, He id of Children Tetter, Scrofula, St. Vitus ImM Dropsies, Sick Headache. This Establishment is now open for the receptioiW of Ladies, where all their diseases, chronic or acute will receive devoted attention. Gentlomencan only be admitted for treatment < in cases where their wives are patients. No small children can bo accommodated, save those brought for the cure. Those who prefer bringing their servants can do so free of charge, provided they attend to the baths and chambers of their respective owners, and ob serve strictly the regulations of the house. Each Lady will have a separate room, with the comforts of home. For an entire outfit, with board and treatment por month, from $75 to SIOO will be required, al-~ * wuysin advance. No patient can be received for the cure of chronic affections for less than two months. GENTLEMEN (with their servants) from a dis tance will bo accommodated with board and lodg ing in the vicinity ot the establishment, convenient to their bath house, and will be charged $75 in ad vance tor 2 months’ treatment, exclusive of thoir outfit. All communications from Ladies to be di rooted to Mrs. R. H. Riley; those from Gentle ment to Dr. Edward Riley, Columbia, S. C. aptil 6 t«fcc4mos CHEROKEE SPRINGS WILL open tho 17tb June, under the superin tendance of Col. Win. Murray and Lady. These Springs are pure, limpid, and cool, consist ing of Chalybeate, White Sulphur. Limestone and Freestone. Tho medicinal properties will soon be made public, as Prof Means, of Emory College, is now preparing an Anal ysis. They are located miles beyond the Tunnel, on the State Road, three quarters of a mile from Col. Ramsey 's platform, (used for Catoosa also) whore visitors will find Hacks always ready. Terms of board low. may 20 law4d&4c J. G. PENISTON. ~STONE MOUNTAIN HOTEiTOPEN. THE undersigned have now taken charge of tho MOUNTAIN HOUSE, formerly oc eupied by tho late Col. A. Johnson, which has un dergone thorough repair, with the addition of thirty large rooms An Omnibus will be in attendance at tho arrival and departure of the cars. A share of patronage is respectfully solicited THOS.& WM JOHNSON, J. L. HAMILTON, Stone Mountain, Ga., June 28th, 1853. juno 30 elm 1-j, HALF pipes cf superior Old Imported J. BRANDIES. I have just received and have in store for sale: S „ J pipe Pale Otard Dupuy, vintage 47. $ “ . “ James Hennesoy Cognac vit'ge4B. 5 “ “ J. J Dupuy, ■' 48 4 “ “ and Dark Sazeroe vit’ge46,49and 50. The above are a superior lot of Old and those in want ot a fine and pure art ; clo wilf do well to give me a call before purchasing else where. (june 24] C.E GIRABDEY. GENTS’ FRENCH « ALF PEGGED 800T5.,, A nov article of Gents’ French Calf Pegged Boots made to or Jer. Received bv june 3 ALDRICH & ROYAL. SAFETY FUSE? JUST RECEIVED, from the Manufactory of Messrs. Toy. Bickford & Co., Simsbury, Conn., a supply of their celebrated patent improved Safe ty Fuse, suitable for dry blasting or blasting under water. Apply to ROBERTSON & STOVALL, nov 24 t&ctf CWIPHENE— Burnin? Fluid, Spirits Turpen tine. Lamp Oil a- d T aid Oil o sa’e Sy june 29 ‘ PHILIP A, MOISE, Druggist. 1 portion S'fltfs. 8 fu c : u^ Er<VILLE & CO TI)E, DAY, the oih July, at tbo Lower within he usual hours of pale wifi ha account ot former purchaser • jfl the lea»e of Land on which said Houses arl ihe lease expires Ist January. 1855. * j, w .„ . BY , s C. GRENVILLE&COa ill be sold at tbo Lower Market HnnJ first TUESDAY in July next, if not® disposed of: lhat valuable tract of SwnoßHHflßß th- Bacon Land, 1* miles beloß]bKs >avar nah Ri\«-r, and within^BßlSEl •bi.Ji-u and V, .iviiinin'.. 1 u:uiHBSBB| Well timbered wfth oak, a.-h, cypress On the place is Steam Saw Mill, which could bo reprtß'k tle expense, and from the eonver ienceßß ation to the Savannah raaikets, wonldßEl itable investment for cagkne wishiraH t e Lumber business. _june 22 V alliable Heal I^HjBHHBH by s. C GRENV^B&^jfM ill t>e soid. on the first TI" at the Lower Market House;^Hßraj#d precisely: The House and Lot on the ton and Reynold sts . known as tho pIB I ' Terms —(. ne fourth cash. The ballß equal annua instalments, with ofsalo. Posse,sion given immediately. g __LJ_L —— .■L.J'iH!!—“Vi™ I —™_J ' i<j| CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. On Wednesday, the 6th of JULY next, by the Honorable theJHMrtfthammon Pit tin' ' ; Um-foryßlH The stock in trade consisting of Dry Groclpea. ttn Medicine, Perfumery, commence at ID o'clock in^hcißfelf^* on as the property ot sundry attachments returnable te tne ™ of Common Pleas of the city of* Augusta, of Ramey & Story, and others, vs Lamar _ june2s fcd WM.V.K R Sheritl CARTER’S SPAIN)ISH MIXTUR. jS M 'w'. joja .fKSt THU (iIIKAT PURIIIEK OF TtiH NOT A PARTICLE OF MERG^M® AN INFALLIBLE REMEDY for Rheumatism. Obstinate Pimples; or Pustules on the Face. I'lirome. Sore lives, King Worm or Knlavvemeut and Pain of the Lores ai-«flHEg born Vleers. Fyphilitb Disorders. ' alfMJiseases arising f^HHj rio"- use of Mercury,loui>ru:]tf^ijfcLi^R&'j <)f the Blood. * i MmSS^S§SSSi S ** ■; fl JfgSi f'§ ? hf jjfi , ‘h V !■ 'P~\ - V.‘ '* * "(j IB aEj £• ,\y~ |e S ■ fj of l ■ %, « £*f- $8 <•** it mmm o f A'. ii . ri: wBH V a ’? : iniinine. V-U-i , ■ i t.o relief. At la-t 1 tided < bottles of vhh'i, .-.'.i t i say I have ha 1 n* Bher Chills or t'jHßßEnl sider it the best Tonic in the world.s cine t .at ever ret "lied my car >. if efvver > I a. e;. m ■ ' B T,|, f ■ ioa,.y 1 astonl JR unehak M e n aW%|| Jm . , -n 1 1 to* Tx a . TSm^Sm'TxMuii I>: \ftjf!7W‘. •••U-iriK- pti t'oe Ci'#fToL>!. in t!o• cii i - •/ r -'t-i t .Dx■ >• ,■■(■'■. i v ,.;v d^HMBBB lie say's in a cas ..! (JonsumptionflßßßßS In cnt. the good ••'!• ids were w ll p -'jjßt- ’ 1 jSKji cl Sa; As ! 'i: rho 'si, ."A: i: ■ ■ tile use HBBBBBBI parish Mixture. Great ci ue op scrofula ~?fhe Ijßßi Ri ‘hmond Republican had a servant press room, cured of violent Scrofula, combil which entirely disabled him frol xtnre maJ ithr&M 1 A I tS ■ rI JBnKBHeZ^ ■ tB W 'I ■yi y/'"'.‘yUVV r?,?;*’: f^e'Vy' l« ’ isl iA’l,"/' -Pr. r' ■ »«'■'*«”f m JH '' I; ' o.d WMBm 9 ,e- ■■*?-». -T ■ V ( ’j - 4 r“'^,cy m.nei. Vu "nHI c. I i v >W 1 y- s> y r.’''vf; l '*■'*,"t Charleston, IIAVILANVI xHB^MHp ,h, "ySf ■. >j ,j "* ; y | e Viyj', ■; ? uB m.iy 17 >^B S' a: ; >: ’j y % -*\\ * * tj ; r ts 188 R. ditf ,ji t - i ''V ' IKL' : use. This arl'^| fi r l'y\ J ' ,\vf '*; i ur.i- 11 M Wl v ' ' - ,: ,V aUxV EEll T‘!y| :i- : tuve'^Bl •• ■ •. -a ; j/- if ', l 7- ‘ J jmk SB »■ V W i{*J .: muEf p'^BMI ■ i june 7-wiw BHO I’u S U JON A 4ihJu!y, has I t>e ; ’ j jffano, Bpok/^u