The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, July 01, 1853, Image 4

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•, mrnW / ■Hr ...«.—... -* i mF ROAD TO HEALTH. L— \ C L HOLLOWAY’S PILL**. B OF A DISORDERED LIVBK AND BAD DIGESTION, from Mr. B W Kirkus. Chemist, 7, Liverpool, dated 6th J ui.e, 1801. ■»iil.s aud Ointment have stoo l the l.ij>h ■PKSft list of Proprietary Medicines for some tc whom 1 can refer for any en to * et r ou kiJ,,w the particulars of boon trout led I •: \ear> with .1 •'; E'gdflru v«r,and bad digestion. On the last occasion, the virulence of the attack was so ala milt.?. §■ inflammation sM In so .m.v :-.y. that doubt ■Hßtertaiued oA.hsi/i,ot being able to hear up un- Vi torttraahJjßßrwas induced to try your l*ilh>. f We * fSL. ■ !•■ : :•• ••- '■:<■ • - i c.; ■ ‘ wF > •>*• . f v• f HP. i attack, and Vie 'j-edy cil.e. 1 -u h'-'r of v- u j; !' - ■r K tv. KIRKUs. HR-.VABT cit.e or R-aft,'.'ATic i ivi. ;n \ o Off DIE MAN A LAND. Letter inserted in tho Hobart Town Cou M’Conaigan. uiueteeu years of age, resi- Hft New town, had been uttering from ario’-r.t fever for upwards of two months, which deprived her of the use of her limbs; ring this period she was under the care of the mot rineut medical men in Hobart Town, and by them r ca-e was consideredhopeless. A friend prevailed on her tojtrvflMHfeocel,-brated Pills, which she v jffl IBr RE t. TV. Cn r ST AND * ST ° i,lA 84 TEARS OF AGE f ro ®. 4t :? m, l‘r jjrie.or.-i ol ua Lynn ho eitn roach for the following statement. s r Ssf^Bplloway: to bear testimony to the good effect ■HollowayVPills. For some years I suffered severe ■from a pain and tightness in the stomach which was so accom lanied by a shortness of breath, that pre mted me from walking about I a:n 84 years of age. id notwithstanding my advanced state of life these 11U have so relieved me. that I am desirous that oth s shoal ibe made acquainted with their virtues. 1 n now rendered, by their means, comparatively ac re. and can take exercise without inconvenience or j iin which l could not do before. (Signed) HENRY COE, North Street. Lynn. Norfolk. These celebrated Pills are wonderfully efficacious in e following complaints : i * Ague, Asthma, Billious complaints. Blotches on the ;iu. Bowel complaints. Colics. Constipation of the awels. Consumption, Debility, Dropsy, Dysentary, rysipelas. Female Irregularities. Fevers of all kind , is, Gout. Head-ache, Indigestion, Inflammation. ,undice. Liver Complai ts. Lumbago, Piles, IHieuma srn. Retention ofthe Urine. Scrofula, or King’s Evil, ire Throats. Stone aud Gravel. Secondary Symptoms, c Douloureux, Tumours, Ulcers Venc al Affections, crins of all kind*, Weakness, from r aatever cause. Mb. Ac. ■old at the Establishment of Professor lIOLLO - 244 Strand, (near Temple Bar, London,) aud A. B. & D. SANDS. New York, P. M. C )., Charleston, S. C-. and \V W. LINCOLN, |HHh. For sale by all the Druggists in Augusta. SMKher# is considerable savi g by taking the ■KH-Directlons for the guidarve of 1 in order are affixed to each box. HilMj:* dtic r B ~~; remedy for Rheumatism. Gout. Pain iu ■sBBB. Back. I J *mbs and Joints. Scrofula, wkjjjF ■ . ■ Elias whatever. BL. .. caw- a . .1 HE t ■ • 1 - m i Hme i.atioi. 9 ” '} 9 B|y<. •,> ' ‘ 'sjft'ft -SHbHi t; a■' ’ '.’9- I ipp s pV" T ; |f' on- ici.a' some ■>", -Nf:,' '%'/<■ u:) 'b -■ a ' fx phhSr vtu JSjpr -’.-r. and Itrciiew i v. ..I . >t :m --\ she kv.-;’- a it on hand ilpplllßTj. o.e fact-you .sre at, liberty to uc as —they are >ui antially true. Hbspectfdilr, yours Ac. ■■■E J. IVELLS. L ■ to .has.'- ZfS&ik i : agism Hr |V'U: ' wB " s i ;aF - ■'. ■ no S HHBB'i.; 1 Sou'll No Pouf - t!i • L'enuh".- will i: - ■ ’ - ' • - - n>: h box . couaterU'it a . a . i Hi'forgery. A scovitTv mi; Hf* ' ‘ , ' for ;):■ : ans applications for agencies must be ad- YELLOW DOCK AND SARSAPA ILLA.for the cure of disease, or as a. Spring yuri- Y of the a general to 1 " r; ' tUttfckh, p v - I HlHlhh9lm9Hhhw : L dßm . SR E K 1 ■ H) jgi' f , ■ - ■ ■ IBt ys.r- •' ‘ ’ Ipfa t . •' r, r ,v |Heorgia. -- - ■ ■wap*". i ; in the South. r; ismWsm*. lkm Pii.:iP ; 9p;9|9: a : ■ A CP VV ; H .*3,5 1 . • §HPy- . "fSt9 ■„?s '! k c't tj o Bon - : 1 ; ri I*.-" - Hkience in Life. Its h '‘ : : P i n.o-t de- P’‘ - d ><y fcfp b m L • HI, for the last twen 1' 9 S L |v j-9 , • ." _ - H P'IPP y ’ Stife B - 9 ,9 [kL. a/ 4 ; , s^;"v i ? ; ri*3P : MH^Hfc iiA '’ n 11 - ■ , r v B i . ‘K> hut.van '... .r’v. i- ■ • _ L Hacli". It- - • . • : I * ! 1 1 ' - . C ' , fella Hk he ic - jpr •> %' ” “ l W t H- ' . . o^l*A ‘ • ' Stf^v. p! • { . v HHT P - ; ‘ ‘ |,Pb fe'i P ' ; ®a feyp:' IPr-t rc ■ ■ siid IdlVf-’ H P. A Mo]s£. Druggist JHfMrol. CHERRY PECTORAL For the rapid Cure of COPfiflS. COLDS, IIOABSEKESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROI'F, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. 1 ‘ And by the river, upon the bank thereof shall grow tlltrus for meat whose leaf shall not fade and the r ruit thereof shall be for meat and the leaf thereof for medicine .” HERE was hope for the sick recorded long ago, and every year adds new proof to the assurance that these promises shall not fail. As medical Science discovers and designates the remedies nature has given, one by one, the diseases .hat afflict our race yield to the control of art. Os all these maladies we suffer from, none has carried more victims to an uutimely grave than Consumption of die Lungs. Subjoined we give some evidence that this too may be cured, and that Pulmonary Com plaints. in all their forms, may be removed by Chkrrt Pectoral. Space will not permit us to publish here any propor tion of the cur s it has affected, but the Agent below named, will furnish our Circular, free, whereon are full particulars and indisputable proof of these facts. Sufferers : read and judge for yourselves. FOR INFLUENZA AND WHOOPING COUGH. Nashville, Tens.. June 26, LSSI. Sir: I have repeatedly used your Cherry Pecto ral for Whooping Cough and Influenza and have no hesitation In pronouncing it a complete remedy. Four of my children have been afflicted with these diseases, ind the free use of tho Pectoral has always afforded ilmost instant relief. JAMES GLOVER. We attest the truth of the above statement. M. McGINTY. Editor of the Nashville Whig. J. M. ZIMMERMAN. Druggist. FOR A CONSUMPTIVE COUGH Pittsburg. Pa., Feb. 25.1851. Dear Sir: For three years I have been afflicted with a Cough, so distressing that I frequently dispaired of recovery ; much of the time I was obliged to sit up all light in my chair, as my cough would suffocate me when I laid down. Having nsed many remedies with out much relief. lat last tried the CIIERY PECTO RAL which under Providence has cured me altogether. lam with gratitude yours, JAMES M’CANDLESS. This is one of the numerous Cures of ASTHMA which have been accredited to Cherry Pectoral. Albany, N. Y., April 17,1848. Dr. Ayer. Lowell Dear Sir : I have for years been afflicted with Asthma in the worst form, so that I have been obliged to sleep iu my chair for a larger part of the time, being unable to breathe on my bed. I had tried a great many medicines, to no purpose, until my physician prescribed, as an experiment, your CIIERY PECTORAL. At first it seemed to make me worse; but in less than a week I began to experience the most gratifying re lief from its use ; and no*.\ in four weeks, the disease is entirely removed. I can sleep on my bed with com fort. and enjoy a state of health which I had never expected to enjoy. GEORGE S. FARANT, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. From the PRESIDENT of AMHERST COLLEGE, EDWARD HITCHCOCK, M. D., LL.D .&c. J. C. Ayer. Sir: I have used your OHERY PEC TORAL in my own case of deep-seated bronchitis, and am satisfied, from its chemical constitution, that it is an admirable compound for the relief of laryngial and bronchial difficulties. If my opinion, as to its superior character, can he of any service, you are at liberty to use it as you think proper. EDWARD HITCHCOCK. Amherst, Sept. 12,1549. Among the other distinguished authorities who have lent their names to recoin mend this preparation as the best known to them for affections of the lungs, are : President Perkins, Vermont Med. College, Prof. Sllliman, Yale College, Prof. Valentine Mott, New York. Prof. Cleaveland, Bowdoin Med College. Prof. Butterfield Ohio Med. College. Canadian Journal of Medical Science. Boston Med. & Surg. Journal. Charleston, S. C. Medical Review. New Jersey Medical Reporter. Hoh. Henry Clay, U. 8. Senator. Hon. Geo. P. Marsh. Am. Ambassador to Turkey. Gen. Emanuel Bulnes. President of Chili. Rt. Rev. Ed. Power, Lord Bishop of Toronto. Rev. Doet. Lansing, Brooklyn New York. Archbishop Purcell, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Also, many eminent personages in foreign countries. Not only in the more dangerous and distressing dis eases of the Lungs, but also as a family medicine for occasional use, it is the safest, pleasantest and best in the world. Prepared and Sold by JAMES C AYER, . Druggist aNd Chemist, Lowell, Mass. by Haviland, ltisley & Co., and Win. H. Tutt, ■Krtgusta.Ga.; P. M. Cohen & Co., Charleston. 8. C.; “1! Sc Smith. Athens, Ga.; J. D Chase, Washington; H. Norton, Madison; A. A. Solomons, Savannah; and by all Druggists and Dealers In Medicine through out the South. apr 19 3m LIVES COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA. Jaudice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the Kidneys, and all Diseases arising • rom a isordered Liver or Stomach such as Consti pation, inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart-burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Diffi cult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart. Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying posture, Dim ness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight. Fever and Dull Pain in the Head. Deficiency of Perspiration, 1 Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side: Back, Chest, Limbs, &c., Sudden Flushes of Heat, I Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of evil, and Great Depression of Spirits, CAN BE EFFECTUALLY CURED BT DR. HOOFLANDS Celebrated German Bitters, PREPAREBY r DR. C. M. JACKSON, > No. 129 Arch street. Philadelphia. , f Their power over the above diseases is not excelled £ I If equalled, by any other preparation in the L T niJf§ffi [ as the cures attest, in many cases after ski M\fl| Bjthys<cians had failed. If i'hese Bitters are worthy the attention of invaqthjy’!?: Possessing great virtues in the rectification of of the Liver and lessor glands, exercising the ulpjl'hj searching powers in weakness and affections osslfT& digestive organs, they are, withal, safe, certain \atik , pleasant. \\ % READ AND BE CONVINCED. M,T The “ Philadelphia Saturday Gazette," says of uM. HOOFLAND S GERMAN BITTERS. fi ■■ It is seldom that we recommend what are termed Patent Medicines, to the confidence and patronage of our readers; and therefore when we recommend DrV, Uoofiand’s German Bitters, we wish it to be distinctly-' understood that we are not speaking of the nostrums, of the day, that are noised about for a brief period and then forgotion after they h ive done their guilty race of mischief, but of a medicine long .established, * "universally prized, and which has met the hearty ap proval of the faculty itself. “ Scott's Wee icly” said, Aug. 25 "Dr. Iloofland's German Bitters, manufactured by Dr. Jackson, are now recommended by some of tbo most prominent members of the Faculty as an article of much efficacy in cases of female weakness. Per *onsrof debilitated constitutions will find these Bitters advantageous to their health, as'we know from expe rience the salutary effect they have upon weak sys tems.” MORE EVIDENCE. J. G. Moore, Esq., of the Daily' News, said, October Slst:— ‘•Dr Hoofland’s German Bitters.-— We are try ing this renowned medicine for a stubborn disease of tho bowels, and can with truth testify to its efficacy.— We have taken the conten+s of two bottles, and we have derived more benefit from the experiment than we derived previously from years of allopathic treat mentwt the hands of our first physicians.” fiffie Hon.C.D. Hineiine, Mayor of the city of Cam 4fn. N. J , says: % ‘‘ lloofland's German Bitters ,—We have seen many flattering notices of this medicine, and the source from which they came induced us to make inquiry respecting 'ts merits. From inquiry we were persuaded to use it, and must sav we found it specific in its action upon diseases of the Liver and digestive organs, and the pow erful influence it exerts upon nervous prostrati m is really surprising. It calms and strengthens the nerves, biiuging them into a state of repose, making sleep re freshing. “If this medicine was more generally used, we are satisfied there would be less sickness, as from the stomach, liver, and nervous system the great majority g of real and imaginary diseases emanate. Have them in £ a healthy condition, and you can bid defiance to epi- j demies generally. This extraordinary medicine we f would advise our friends who are at all indisposed, to £ give a trial—it will recommend itself. It should, in t fact, be in every family. No other medicine can pro- | duee such evidences of merit ” K For sale, wholesale and retail, at 1 THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 120 Arch street, oca door below Sixtii, Philadel phia. ana by respectable dealers generally through out the country. Sold by Haviland, Risley & Co., and Wm. 11. Tutt. Nkayusta. Ga ; P. M. Cohen & Co., Charleston. S. C. j Hill & Smith, Athens, Ga.; E. C. Jones. Madison; A. A. Solomons. Savannah; and by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the South. apr2o . . 'V,, d&cly BOOTS AND SHOES. THE UNDERSIGNED takes this me thod to inform his friends and the pui - frill lie generally, that he has enlarged his stock' so a? to accommodate whoever may favor him with a call, as he has a fresh stock of all kinds of Ladies’ York, such as GAITERS, JENNY LIND’S, BUS KINS, TIES, and all kinds usually kept in his line of business. Thankful for past favors, and hoping or a continuance of tho same. N. B—Work made to order as usual, and re pairing done at the shortest notico. may 9 fly A. DQUBET. SUPERIOR MUSTAR D—Warranted Pitre and Fresh. — Stickney <fc Poor s Premium Mustard, superior to all others, for sale by jane 1 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist, JlMitrrfli Jlbiifrtiafmeats. .Jesse Osmosi.d. „ Hemptiil Gray. AMERICAN IRON FOUNDRY, AUGUSTA, GEO. OSMOND A GRAY, Proprietors. THE PROPRIETORS of tho above named Establishment, in returning their sincere thanks to their friends and the public in general, for the very liberal patronage extended to them, since they have been in operation, would respect fullv state that they are now prepared to execute all orders for IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, with despatch at the shortest notice and in the best manner. To Railroad Companies and Car Builders. We are prepared to manufacture to order all kinds and sizes of Railroad Car and Engine WHEELS, equal to any manufactured at the North ; Holding Murphy’s Patent right for mak ing “Murphy’s Patent S did Hub CAR WHEELS,” wo are now maufacturing a Single Plate Railroad CAR WHEEL, equal if not superior to any other Plate Wheel, and far superior to the Spoke Wheels now in use. Particular attention paid to the manufacture of all other lands of Railroad Car, and Engine CAS TINGS, including Froggs, Switches, Chairs; also Bridge BOLTS and CASTINGS, for every descrip tion of Bridges. We are also prepared to fit up all sizes and kinds of Railroad CAR WHEELS, with AXLES, Boxes, Caps and Brases, compl te. To >IiH Owners and Millers. Mill and Gin GEARING, CASTINGS, Ac., furnished at the shortest notice, of the best mate rials and workmansh'p, and at the lowest prices. To Planters. Particular attention p lid to the manufacture of Ploughs and Plough CASTINGS, and Cotton Press PLATES and BALLS, etc, of every size and description, a supply of which will be constant ly kept on hand. We are also prepared to manufacture to order all kinds of Water WHEELS, Water PIPES, COLUMNS, Lamp POSTS, Grate BARS. Furnace FRONTS, Cemetery and other RAILINGS: SHIFTING; PULLIES . HANGERS; WARE HOUSE TRUCKS, ete , etc. also, Iron FRONTS and COLUMNS, for Stores and other Buildings, all ofthe best materials and workmanship. The Proprietors of tho ‘American Iron Foun dry” being Pratical Mechanics, and having the management of the Establishment under their own superitendence, and employing none but the best workmen, confidently assert that they can manu facture all descriptions of CASTINGS and CAR WORK, equal in quality, and at as low prices as can be furnished by any other establishment Norttt or South. They, therefore, hope that by a continued strict attention to business, and with their usual punctu ality in fulfilling their contracts, to merit a con tinuance of the very libera, patronage aud en couragement. which has beon extended to tnetn so far, by Southern Railroad Companies ( and all other parties who may requiro Railroad work, or any'other kinds of Castings, done cheaply and expeditiously. OSMOND & GRAY, Augusta, Ga. IV e are enabled to refer to the fol owing named gentlemen : Hon. John P. King. President of the Georgia Railroad & Banking Company, Augusta F. C Arms, Esq., Gen. Sup’t. Georgia Railroad & Banking Company, Augusta. Win, Hardman, Sup’t, Motive Power, Georgia Railroad. G. B. Lythcoe. Esq., Gen'l Sup't. South Carolina Railroad Aiken, S. C. G. Yonge, Esq., Gen’l Sup’t. Western & Atlantic Railroad, Atlanta. W. W. Baldwin Esq., Sup’t. Motive Power, West ern A Atlantic Railroad. Atlanta. L. P. Grant, Esq., Chief Engineer. LaGrange Railroad, Atlanta. Wm M. Stockton, Esq., Chief Engineer, Char lotte, S. C Railroad, Columbia, S. C. F- P. Holcombe, Esq., Chief Engineer, Augusta A W aynesboro’ Railroad, Savannah. 11. Ingalls, Esq., Sup't. Motive Power, E. Tenn. Georgia Railroad, Loudon, Tenn. Richard Peters, Esq., Atlanta, Ga. Go rge Robinson, Esq., Hamburg, S. C. Di. B. W. Lawton, Esq., Erwinton, Barnwell Dis trict. S. C. Hon. Wm E. Augusta. Wm. 11. Goodrich, Esq., “ Wra 11. Kitchen, Esq, “ Hugh O’Neil, Esq , “ “American Iron Foundry, Augusta, Ga., june 8 dfely June sth, 1853. T (TCO TTON RL AN TE RSh T HAVING secured the services of Mr. G. T. OGLESBY as the superintendent,^together with other experienced mechanics, I have establish ed a large COTTON GIN FACTORY, at the Sh' als of Oiieechco, Ga., where I am prepared to make and furnish tho Planter with the best article in the way of a COTTON GIN now producod in this oountpY. Mr. Oglesby’s time, devoted exclusively in the shop, and seeing to the putting up of every Gin under his special direction, and attaching all tho improvements which ho (Mr. Oglesby,) has got ten up within the last two years, I am satisfied I can supersede any made heretofore, in quantity, quality and durability All old Gins, (when sent to the shop,) will be repaired, and all the improvements attached if de sired, at a reasonable c'aargo. Tho now Gin will be delivered at tho Planter?’ nearest depot, or at their residence if dosirod, free of charge. Prompt attention paid to all communications addressed to me at the above office. THOMAS J. CHEELY. SHOALS OF OGEECHEE, GA., ) March 5, 1853. 1 To my old Fatrons and Friends. As there has been some complaint of my Gins, made during the last two years : an explanation to you in relation to this matter is due Mr. Cheely. I have been absent a great portion of this time, on a visit to the North, experimenting and getting up a new Gin, as well as improving, the original Saw Gin, together with suitable machinery for this to its highest perfection, as wiil bo ac knowledged by all who have used them, both in ilfprability and quality of Cotton. ■ ' >1 shall now devote my individual attention in ijkMpishop, and see that every part of each Gin is pu j in the neatest possible manner : in short, I shall :I ggprethe orginal Oglesby Gin, which has been so iflpbrated for durability and fine Cotton, having ikfmkia the premium in this State as well as that of V*Aith Carolina in every instance excent one, and ’ .P,* Y ;n it was said by foreign dealers that my Cotton of a superrior qua! ty. In conclusion, ray late improvements added to-ray former Gins, cannot fail to o give entire satisfaction. I will alter any old Gins, (not too much worn,) to do hotter work than k it over did before. Yours, most respectfully, march 15 Iv G. T. OGLESBY. NEW GUNS, PISTOLS, &C. On Broad street, just above the Augusta Hotel. THE subscriber has just received a large addi tion to his former stock of GUNS anu GUN NING APPARATUS, which makes bis assort ment decidedly the best in the city —consisting of: Double and Single Barreled GUNS, all sizes and prices. Colt’s, Allen’s, and other REVOLVERS; also, the Single Barreled Self-cocking and RIFLE PIS TOL, steel barrels. A groat variety of Powder Flasks .and Shot Bags, and Game Bags, of the finest patterns. Also, Percussion Caps, all varieties, from the common G.B. to the finest Westloy Richard’s wa ter proof. Cleaning Rods, Drinking Flasks, Dog Collars, Hunting Horns, Nipple Wrenchos, Ac. Ac. Pocket and Pen Knives, Razors, Bowie Knives, Dirks. Powder, by keg or in canisters, all varieties. Shot, by the bag or retail. RIFLES and Doublo GUNS, of my own make, one barrel Rifle and the other Shot, a splendid shooting article. §^ a N. B.—RIFLES made to order, and all kinds of RESTOCKING and REPAIRING done in the ..{inryt manner, and warranted. A Also. Keys fitted and Door Locks repaired, at jdiort notice. E. H. ROGERS. |9jano_lp l/Q DENTAL NOTICE. '_gr , r-, Messrs. CHASE A MARKER having recently engaged the ser vices of another Assistant for this ' J laboratory, hopes now to bo enabled to supply the increased demand for their new style of artificial Teetli. Fair specimens of Block Teeth and Teeth with the continuous gum on platina.and on pure gold plate, may be seen at tho office, m ;y 15 dAftf HITE L E AD, LIXSEED OU , SPIRITS of Turpentine.— lbs. pure extra New White Lead ; 500 gallons Linseed Oil; 250 gallons Spirits of Turpentino; 10 bb’s Tanners' Oil; 10 do. Machinery Oil; 1,000 gallons Lamp Oil; 250 boxes Window Glass; 2,900 lbs. Steam Refined Putty; 12 doz. Paint Brushes. For sale very low by WM. H. TUTT, june 15 dAw Wholesale and Retail Druggist. TUST RECEIVED— IOO doz. Wine Bottles; 10 do Spiced Oysters. Fresh Salmon. Lobster and Mackerel in can 9 ; 5 kits Hallibut Fins; 25 bhls. 11. S Flour; 25 do. extra Genesee do. Eutaw XX. For sal© by THAYER A BUTT. - tun© IS Charleston JUmrrtisrmfnts. PAVILION HOTEL. CORNER OF MEETING: AND BASEL STS.. H. L. BUTTERFIELD, Proprietor. apr 15 ly "IMKLEnToN hOihLT CORNER OF MEETING AND HAYNE STS., D. MIXER, Proprietor. aprls 1 y AMERICAN HOTEL. ■ CARD Messrs, g. f. Kennedy, of Chester, ano J. M. HURST, formerly one of the proprie tors of the Planters’ Hotel, Charleston, have leased the AMERICAN HOTEL, King street, aDd would respectfully solicit from their friends and the travelling jrubiic. a portion of their patronage.— We pledge urselves that the guests of the Hotel will reoei. ,3 accommodation unsurpassed by any in the city. KENNEDY HURST. Charleston, May, 1852. jy 24 CHARLES D. CARR, SO BROAD-STREET, 30 DRAPE it AND TAILOR. apr 15 ly ~ G & H. C A MEKON * 145 MEETING-STREET, 145 Importers of China, Glass and Earthenware. apr 15 ly R 7 S . MILL AR, 131 MEETING-STREET, 131 Soda, Sugar, Butter, Viaterand Lemon Crackers. Orders promptly attended to. .=£H aprls ly L E WIS i-1 . HA T C H , 120 MEETING-STREET, 120 Agent for the, sale of Oils, White Lead, iron Safes, Leather and Rubber Bands, aprls ly D A NI EL H. SILC OX. 224 KING-STREET, 224 Furniture and Ch lir Warehouse, Cabinet Makers Materials, &c. • aprl6 ly ~ THOMAS WALLA 7c" ~ CORNER OF KING AND SOCIETY STREETS, Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. apr 15 ly . _— rpil w A L Kfa' BAY-STREET, Bookseller and Stationer, Agent for White’s Type Foundry and Hoe’s Printing Press Manufactory. Printing Ink at New York prices, apr 15 • ly CHAFEE, ST. AMEND &, CROFT .7 ~ 170 BAY-STREET, 170 * Dealers in Wines, Liquors, Segars, Syrups, &e. apr 15 ly JOSnSTON, CREWS & RRAWLEY, 181 BAY-STREET, 181 Importers and Dealers in DRY tJOOiki. aprls ly -—— - t7r o ut, 112 BAY STREET. 112 COMMISSION MERCHANT. Dealer in Stone Lime, F. Fans. Mosendale Cement, and Building Materials in general, apr 15 ly __________ - IN CHARLESTON, SO. CA. BROWNING & LEMAN, No. 209 and 211 King, Corner of Market-at. WILL offer to FAMILIES and PLANTERS vjsiting Charleston this Spring, the choice: t Stock of FANCY and STAPLE DRY GOODS, that has over been offered for inspection in this city. They invito an examination, and assure their friends, and purchasers generally, that their prices imll compare favorably with any market in the United Slates. Terms cash or city acceptances. BROWNING & LEMAN, Successors to C. A E. L. Klrrtson & Co. may I d<%c.6 L’mvlßEil for sale.' TT7HITE PINE, Oak, Ash, Hickory, Poplar, VV Mahogany, Cherry, Juniper, Black Walnut, and every variety ol Northern Lumber. —also— GRIND STONE and ICE, for sale in lots and quantities to suit purchasers. Address: JOHN B. MARTIN, Agent, Charleston Neck Ice House, S. C. oct 24 dr<fcc ly 1853. FALL IMPORTATIONS. 1853. BANCROFT, BETT.s & MARSHALL, Charleston, S. C. WE again invito the attention of purchasers of Dry Goods in the South and South west to our stock of Goods for fall trade. To Merchants who have visited our market the past season, ex amined our stocks, and become acquainted with our facilities fq r doing business, it is unnecessary to say that we offer inducements second to no house in this country. Our fall stock has been selected by two of our house from all the principal European Mark»ts. Our styles and fabrics will be found better adapted to Southern taste and sales than any goods imported into the country. % We wish it distinctly understood by Intvers that wo IMPORT ALL OUR FOREIGN GOODS, and are able and deternrned to sell them as low as the same qualities are sold in any market in the Uni ted States. We offer in our LADIES DP ESS GOO DS DE PARTMENT, a fn’l and complete assortment of a 1 ! the newest gty'e® and tabrics. such as. Silks Satins. Marcel tines, De Chines, Cashmeres, Robes, Mous de Laines. Barege do Laines Brao-ido, Plain Alpaca®. French and German Merinios. Bomb-tzins, Satin de Laines, Silk Velvets. Crapes Loises, French, Scotch and Eng’ish Ginghams and Prints —a — Long and Square SHAWLS. Crape Shawls, Man tillas. Mantles, Cloth. Velvet and silk plain and Emhro'd Vessetts, and Clonks. Swiss and French Embro : deries m great variety; White Goods, Rib bons. PreFS Trimmings, Laces, Ac. Ac. . A full and complete assortment of Goods for Millinery purposes. HOSIERY. In thi® department we offer every possiblo varie ty of Silk, Cotton and W-rsted Tloso and £ Hose, Silk, Merino and Cotton under Garments, Kid. Reaver, Buek, Silk, Wollen and Cotton G'oves, <fce Ac Wo pty particular attention to this depart ment and embrace all the leading articles wanted. LINENS \ !VD LINEN GOODS. Wo offer in this department a ful ; and complete of 0. 7, ft and 9 and 10-4 B'ea hod and Brown Damaskß, Table Covers, all styles: Diapers, Tow els, Damask Napkins, Damask Doles, Dowlas. Crash. Grass Linens, 8, 10 and 12-4 Linen Sheet ings, Pillow Linens, 7-8 a d 4-4 Irish Linens Mar seilles and Lancaster Quilts, Ac.. Ac. BROADCLOTHS, CA SSI MERES. VESTINGS, AND TAILORS GOODS. In this department we embrace all the best makes of French, English. American, and German Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, Black and eo’d Silk and s&tin Vestings, Velvet do , 3-4 and 6-4 Engli®h and American Tweeds, Kent Jeans, Sati nets. Linseys. plain and plaid Cloaks, Linings, Can vass, Padding, S'lks, '"'wist Buttons, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, KERSEYS, DOMES TICS. &C. We offer in this department of our business a most full and complete stock of English and Amer ican Blankets, Negro Goods, of all qualities; White, Red, and Blue Flannels; Bleached and Brown Do mesties Linen and Cotton Osnaburgs, eol’d Cottons all styles. , CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, CURTAIN STUFFS, &C. W e pay particular attention to this branch of our business and can supply every article in the House furnishing line, such as, English, Scotch and American Velvets, Tapes trv, Venetian. 3-ply ard ingrain Carpets, all qual ities, Floor Cloths, from ono to six yards in width Rugs, Matts, Canton Matting, Stair Rods, Bindings, rich Silk Damasks Brocatels, Worsted and Cotton Damasks. Lace and Muslin Curtains, Loops, Gimps, Fringes, Tassels, Cornices, &c., <fce. We are prepared in this department to furnish any Goods wanted for Hotels Steamboats, and private Houses, and fit them up in the best style and manner. BANCROFT. BETTS & MARSHALL, No. 2' 9 and 211 King St., corner Market, june3o Charleston S C. SUMMER HATS— Just received, a fre«h and handsome a®s'nrtment of Gent’s and You’h’s Summer Hats; Leghorn, Florence, and Canton Braids Also, fancy Fur Hats, Chrystal Palace Metropolitan, Magyar, &c., very desirable for this war n weather. GEO. W FERRY, june 26 Masonic Hall Building, Broad st. LINSEED OIL. —2000 gallons, for sale low by PHJLIP A MOISE, Druggist, june 29 I i sri) ©oo&s. J. P. SETZE HAS just received a full supply of FANCY and STAPLE G(K DS, suitable for SPRING AND SUMMER, WEAR, to which he invites the atten tion of the public, to wit: Paris rich PRIN TED and BROCHE ORGANDIES; “ “ Lawns and Muslins; Real French Printed -ambries and Jaconets ; “ Checked and rich figured Bareges; Superior French Plain Bareges; “ Bayadere Muslins: New stylo Bayadere and Organdie Robes; French Brillantine Jaconets; Broehe Lawns and Muslins; Black Marie Antoinette; Plain black Barege; Second Mourning Bareges and Muslins; Rich Fancy Silks; Black Silks, all widths ; New styles Scotch Ginghams; French. English and Domestic Prints ; White and colored Berlin Cord, (for Bonnets.); Plain, Riviere, llem-stitched and Embroidered French Lawn, and Linen Cambric Handkerch fs; Book and Jaconet Undersleeves ; * Lace “ Latest style, low pticed, and rich Needle Worked Collars; * White and colored Tarleton Muslins; Plain and dotted Swiss “ Nansook, Mull, Book, Jaconet and Cross Bar’d Muslins f Ladies’ best white and black Silk Hose ; “ an d Misses white, black and colored Cotton Hose; 13 4 low priced and superior Marseilles Quilts; Short and long black Silk Mits ; Plain and Carved Tuck Combs; Roger’s best Scissors ; 12-4 Irish, Scotch and Barnsley Sheeting; 4 4 Irish and Fronch Linens; 5 4 Pillow Case Linens; 8-f 9 4, 10 4 Bleached and unbleached Damask Table Diapers ; Damask Napkins and Doylies; Bleached and unbleached Huckaback bordered Towels and Toweling; Linen Lustres. FOR GENTLEMEN’S AND BOY’S WEAR. 4-4 Slate and Drab LINENS; 7-8 Grass do; 6 4 French black Drap d’Et’i; 34 ; 6-4 English do. do.; 3-4 Fancy Cashmeret; Cottonades, Caspians; Fine and superior wt.ite Linen Drilling ; Low priced and superior Fancy do.; Farmers and Planters Drillings; Barnsley _ do.; Linen Coatee Cheeks and other kinds ; Extra fine black Satin Vestings ; 32, 34, 36 in. black Italian Cravats ; Gents and Eoys Linen and Cotton Half Hose; “ Gloves of various kinds, &c., &c. mar 22 DRY GOODS. P. & M. GALLAHER, HAVE just received a splendid assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, among which are, SATIN PLAIDS and rich figured BAREGES ; Plain Tissue Silks and Bareges; Plain, figured and Plaid Silks; Rich figured and Plain black Silks ; Irench Jaconet and Org :nda Muslins ; Second Mourning Tissues and Bareges; Embroidered and dotted Swiss Muslins ; Book, Mull and Nansook Muslins; French’ English and American Prints; Linen Lustres and Barege DeLaines; French, Scotch and American Ginghams; Jaconet, Swiss and Plaid Muslins; Linen Lawn and LC. Handkerchiefs; . Embroidered and Hem-stitched Handkerchiefs; Needle Worked Collars and Bands; Neck, Bonnot and Cap Ribbons; Alexander’s black and colored Kid Gloves; Needle Worked Collars and Lace Capos ; Black Silk Mitts and colored Silk Gloves ; Plain and figured Bob’t Lace; 10-4 and 12-4 Linen Sheeting; 12-4 and 13-4 Lancaster Quilts; Table Napkins and Towellings. Also, a well self ctod stock of HOSIERY, which will be sold at very low prices. . apr 1 SPKINgT AW D SUMMER'GOODS. COSGROVE & BRENNAN HAVE now in tore, and are constantly receiv ing the largest assortment of SPRING AND SU MMER GOODS ever seen in Augusta. The Ladies’ Dress Department is fitted with the choicest fabrics of English, French and Italian manufac tures, consisting of: Brocade and Glace SILKS ; Biack and figured Matteoni do.; Changeable and solid colors do.; Lining Si ks, all shades and quality; Strawberry Printed Bareges, Satin Plaid ; Solid colored Figured Chintz Patterns, ne',v styles ; Plain and figured Tissue Silks ; Barege DeLaines; Mourning Bareges and Muslins; Fme French Jaconet Muslins, new dosigns ; Ail kinds ot printed Lawns and Muslins ; Summer Silks arid Grenadines ; « Crape Shawls, Mantillas, &c. The assortment of STAPLE AND DOMESTIC GOODS is very large, and the prices will be found, on examination, extromoiy low. Among the as or tment are: GINGHAMS, CALICOES, SHIRTINGS; Sheetings, Linen Table Damasks ; . . Towellings, Bird-Eye Diapors ; " Irish Linens, Pant Stuffs; Tickings, Marlboro Stripes, Checks, &c., &<s. —also— Linen Cambric HANDKERCHIEFS, new styles; Needle Worked Collars, Lace Capes; do. do. Sleeves, Bands ; Neck and Bonnet Ribbons; Fancy Gauze and Cap Ribbons; Also, a select assortment of HOSEIRY, from the lowest pri-e to the finest quality made Alexander's KID GLOVES, Black SILK MITTS; Linen and Lilse Thread Laces. Bobinot do.; Mosquito Netting, Grass Skirts, &c. Iho public are respectfully invited to examine the above assortment, and we foel assured that they will be convinced of the superior quality and low prices of our goods. COSGROVE & BRENNAN, mar :i0 202 and 276 Broad-st. FASHIONABLE SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. JOHN BRIDGET, Merchant Tailor. o.\/\ BROAD STREET, next door below the L/v/ United States Hotel, i< now opening a full and complete assortment of CLOTHS, Cassiineres, Drillings, Vestings and Furni-hirg Articles, com prising all that is latest in style to make up to order and for Gentlemen’s Toilet. Combined with the above isa superior assortment of READY MADE GARMENI'S of latest style and cut, Ma king and Triming, and Military Work of all de scriptions. mar 26 DRY GOODS—SU MMER SUPPLIES. SNOWDEN & SHEAR HAVE received from New York, a very lavge t supply of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOO'-S. suitable for the Summer season, among which are: A ful supply of Plain and Printed BAREGES; TISSUES; GRENADINES; and French MUS LINS, in a great variety of styles : Rich French EMBROIDERIES, comprising Ladies’ Chimizettes ; Collars ; Undersleeves and Embroidered Linen Cambric HANDKERCHIEFS, of b autiful styles ; Superior French and English PRINTS, and Fancy GINGHAMS ; A large supply of Merimaek and Cocbeeo PRINTS, of new and beautiful styles, warranted fart colors; A large supply of very low priced PRINTS and GINGHAMS, for Sorvauts; Ladies’ PARAS JLS and UMBRELLAS, of the best style ; A very largo supply of Ladies, Misses, Chil drens’, Youths’, and Gentlemens’ HOSIERY, of the elastic and bes- make, (particular attention is given to this article) 12-4 Cotton and Linen SHEETINGS, of the best make. 7-8 and 4-4 Bleached and Brown SHIRTINGS, of the most approved stylos ; 8-4 and 10 4 Damask DIAPERS, a large supply; Superior Damask Table CLOTHS and NAP KINS ; Extra Huckabacks and Scotch DIAPERS, , for Towels; A large supply of Furniture DIMITIES, and Cotton FRINGES; Musquito NETTINGS, and Pavillion BOBI NETTS, ot extra width ; Superior White Plaid and Striped MUSLINS, of beautiful styles for Ladies’ Summer Dresses; Plain CAMBRICS; JACONETS; Nansook and Mull MUSLINS, of the best styles ; Plain Tarlaton, and Plain and Figured Swiss MUSLINS; Corded CAMBRICS, and Cambric DIMITIES, of superior quality; Swiss and Jaconet Muslin EDGINGS and IN SERTINGS; Ladies’ MANTILLAS, of new and boautiful styles; Lace and Muslin CURTAINS, a large supply; Fancy LACE, for Curtains by the yard at low prices: CORDS and TASSELS, for Curtains and Cur tain Bands, a full supply ; CORNICES, for Windows, of now and beautiful patterns; With a great variety of other articles, suitable for Family and Plantation use, and to all of which they respectfully invite the attention of the public. Special and prompt attention is given to orders from the oountry, may 17-dtw&w J. M. NEWBY & CO. % \ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN READY-MADE CLOTHING, TRUNKS, CARPETBAGS, &C„ &C„ EMBER the UNITED STATES HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. T A CO. would respectfully call the attention of persons in want of any stHe ° * Clothing, to the Stock they now have on hand. Having paid strict attention to the selection and manufacture of their Goods, they think they can suit persons of every taste. Country Merchants will find it to their interest to examine our Stock. We would alwov* be market S °° W t ° em onr Goods » believing we ears sell them as low as they can buy in any "other —ALSO, ON HAND— A GOOD STOCK OF YOUTHS' AND BOYS’ CLOTHING, FINE AND COMMON SHIRTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, DRAWERS, GLOVES, SUSPEND ERS, HANDKERCHIEFS, STOCKS, &c., &c. TOGETHER WITH EVERY OTHER ARTICLE OV GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. 03?“ Strangers are requested to call on us. and take a loos. .7,V TO N & I! i , DEALERS IN ' , & , HEADY MADE • CLOTHING, HITS, CAPS, TRUNKS, C.IBPET BASS, AC. &C. BOY’S AND CHILDREN’S CLOTHING, SHIRTS, COLLARS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, STOCKS, &C. Which will be sold on very Reasonable tern.-s. NO. 197 BROAD STREET., UNDER THE AUGUSTA HOTEL, Augusta, G&, J. J. CLAYTON, (march 8) A. P. SIGNOR BOOTS A?\ W 'SHOES. AT METCALF’S NEW IRON FRONT STORE, OPPOSITE THE MASONIC HALL ALDRICH & ROYAL, dealers in BOOTS and SHOES, are receiving, per weekly steamers fr< m New York and Philadelphia, large’ additional supp He- of LADIES’, GLNT.’S MISSES’, BOY’S and CHILDREN’S BOOTS and SHOES, of the latest siyies and finest qualities. • They respectfully iy ! vite the attention of persons visiting our city. Call and sec us, in our Now Store, and examine our st< r ~ bofore purchasing. ‘ March 26 J. A. VA N WIN KbW ’ MERCHANT TAILOR NEXT DOOR TO THE GEORGIA RAIL ROAD BANK, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. SPRING " AND SUMMER GGODS~ I HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND.! —also— FURNISHING ARTICLES. A fine stock of A fine assortment of A FULL AND FEI'SH SUPPLY Op QTttT CTHI« : irD CD A-rc- BLACK AND PASCY COLO KE D RE CLOTHING, GLOV pc L CLOTHS, CASHMERT2TS, | JBlaelc, DRAP D’ETES, LINENS, SILKI fesck and CRESS SIIIRTS, and MARSEILLES VESTINGS, \ BOATS; ‘j DRAWERS. For Spriu" and Summe* Use • BS iot L r - ap Silk and Cotton w, • I? T 1' ; D Et °’ Slik ’rn Linfcrv , UNI)ER- GAIi M E NTS. VN hich will be made to order , LUAIb; , UMBRELLAS, In the most Fashionable Manner}-. Black and Fancy Cassimere walking canks, ALL ORDERS FROM THE C PANTS; \ j 4 ad a f TIQ stock of COUNTRY FILLED CORRECT. AND A LARGE BTOCK 1 —and— ' v LY AND WITH DESPATCH. > PLAIS 3TS PERFUMERY. N. B.—All Goods so d at this establishment are of the best quality. Augusta, April 21st, 1863. apr 21 " “ j. A. VAN WSMXLE. THE ATLANTIC SAILING WOLES MANUFACTURETHE “COMPOSITE IRON HAILING,” UNEQUALLED in beauty, strength and cheap ness. Ornamented Cast Iron l ies are melted onto Rods, and Framework of Wrought Iron, making it either light and graceful, like * WIRE HAILING, or heavy and solid, lik# Cast Iron, each pannol being thus made ono solid piece, having no cre vices for the rain or moisture of the atmosphere to affect. There is no rusting of the work. De signs will be sent to any address, postage free. Prices range from 50 cents to $5 CO per lineal foot. Railings for Public or Private Grounds, Cemeteries, Veranda os. Balconies, &0.. &c., for sale by GEORGE FOSTER. Agent. 398 Broadway, New York. N. B.—G. F. and his Agents are tho only per sons authorized to sell this newly patented Railing for the Atlantic States, apr 19 3n» FAIRBANKS PATEN?” PLATFORM and Counter SCALES, warranted— Adapted to every required cp- £T~f eration of weighing—as Rail road Seales, for Trains or sin gle Cars: Warehouses Scales, _— t Dormant and Portable ; Heavy>j^. Portable Scales on Wheels for Foundries, Rolling Mills, Ac.— V*— Store scales of all sizes ; Counter Scales, Ac., Ac for sale by W. & J. NELSON, Agents, aug 26 At A cl\ “JUST OPENED, NEW FURNITURE WARDROOM. niHANKFUL for the liberal pat- _____ A ronage we have heretofore re»tf eeived from the citizens of Angus- ff ta and its vicinitv, the subscribers ■ ~s * would respectfully announce that they have taken the largo iron front Store, under the Augusta Ho tel, where they intend carrying on the above busi ness exclusively and wiil keep on band the latest styles of FURITUR.E, and from the best manufac tories at the North, we are receiving by arrivals, and shall uso our efforts to keep an assortment on h nd and in store, Mahogany and Walnut Sofas, Tufted Chairs. Sideboar s. Tables. Bureaus. Wash stands, Work Tables, Toilet do., Mahogany,Maple, Cane and Rush Seat Chairs, of various qualities; Bedstods, Matrases, Window Shades, Ac lIENRY & SKINNER. N. B.—Furniture mado to order and repairing done with despatch. fActf apr 3 L. H. JORDAN & J. E. WED DON, DRAPERS AND TAILORS, EATON TON, GA., ARE prepared to execute all orders in their line of bus'ne.-s, in a neat and su- ra’jj perior style of workmanship. From their ex —ifliL. peri-nco. and tho assistance of the best workmen that can be procured, they will not be surpassed. L. H JORDON. | J. E. WEDDON. mar 2fi ly NTRINGENT TONIC FOR UOVVEL Td'T PL AINTS.— This pleasant remedy will not dis appoint those who may use it. It is composed of Vegetable Tonics, incorporated in the purest Port Wine, and possesses, in addition to its remedial properties, a very pleasant ta3to, and grateful sto machic virtues, which give an appetite and tono to tho system, which renders it peculiarly adapted to the summer season. In Diarrhoea among children, as well as adults, its effects are certain ; for tho former, especially, it is recommended, as they in variably acquire a taste for it, which renders its administration easy, and accompanied with no trouble, ‘ WM. H. TUTT, M. D, june l dAclra Wholesale and Retail Druggist BATHING TUBS.— A general assortment o Bath Tubs, all sizes Hip Baths. Hot Baths, Rotundo do.. Shower Baths, and a new article in which is combined the bath and shower, a force and lift pump attached, by which means a person can use the same water for bath and shower. It is pe culiarly adapted to the emergencies of all, being so constructed, that in five minutes after use, it can be thrown into the small compass of an ordinary Bath Tub, or when in use, the shower can be ele vatod to the height cf seven feet. For sale by B. F. CHEW, may 10 PUMPS. —Every variety of Pum,.s. including Downs A Co.*B improved Revolving Spout ; Force and Lif-; Douglass’ Pumps; 0. Snow’s dou ble rod do.; Chain Pump Frances ; Beer Pumps ; Soda Fount Heads, and Garden Engines. For sale by B.F. CHEW, may II EAGLE FOUNDRY, ' , Augusta Ga* fJIHE UNDE R SIGNED .1 above named establishment, . are now prepared to execute all orders for CAST INGS, Ac., in BRASS and IRON for Saw or Grist | Mills. Stoain Engines, Machinery, Water Pipes, 1 , Lamp Post, Columns of any kind that may b» - ' required, at short notice. 3 | We will constantly^eep on hand and for sale, a* - | supply of different sized GIN GEARING of that ; most approved patterns. Also. PLOW CASTINGS 1 : of all kinds, having tho most extensive and best* , j assorted lot of Plow Patterns, in the Southern eoun; a : try. Both parties being practical tnochar-ies'and in : tending to devote their undivided at ention to the - business, hope that from promptness in filling or g ders, superior workmanship, and at ns low prices as can bo afforded, to merit a continuation of the liberal support formerly bestowed upon tbeeoncern. R. & A. PHILIP. N. B.—The highest cash prices paid for cld Brass, Copper and Cast Ivon. march 5 j EMOLLIENT AMBROSIAL” ELIXIR, TU IS is the name of a deli, ious article which the undersigned has the pl> asureto recommend for its Magical effect, in shaving, and its peculiar virtues in improving the skin. No matter how thick or stiff the beard may be, it is softened in a ' moment, and is removed by a razor in a good con dition, without the least trouble or pain. A single trial will satisfy any one of its wonderful virtues A few drops upon the brush, with ordinary soap and water, makes the process of shaving a positive pleasure. A single bottle will answer for a whoie year, for one who shavi severy day. The Emollient Ambrosial E ixir, is an elegant article for a Lady’s Toile . Nothing can equal it in imparting a delicate whiteness and smoothness ito the skin. It is perfectly hurrn'e-s. 1 | Prepared and sold by J. DENNIS, Augusta, On j Price 50 cents per bottle. Directions for use ae * ' ! eompanying each bottle. apr 27 !| TA BROWN’S ESSENUE OF JAMAICA GIN- - , j 1 . GER.—This ESSENCE is a preparation of’ ! unusual excellence. In ordinary diarrhoea, inci pient cholera, in short, in all cases of prostration of the digestive functions, so common, it is of ines timable value. During tho prevalence of epidemic cholera and summer complaints of children, it is peculiarly efficacious ; no family, individual or tra veller should bo without it, as if enables the system . to resist tho influence of incipient disease, which lurk in a changing climate. Caution.—Bo sure to get the genuine Essence, which i 3 prepared only by F- Brown, at bis Drug and Chemical Store, N. E Corner ot Fifth and Chesnut streets, Philadelphia, and for sale by all tho respectablo Apothecaries in the United States,, and in Augusta by D. B. PLUMB k CO., HAVILAND. RIPLEY & CO., fob 10 d&cly PHILIP A. MOISE. BUY NO OTHER.—Doctor Hunter’s Celebrated SPECIFIC for the cure of certain '/i senses, can be relied upon as superior to ail tho nostrums, extant. It never fails Being approved a* d re commended by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, London, it deserves tho confidence of the public. For sale in r lrs city by PHILIP A. \ OISE, W. 11. & j TURPIN, D. B PLUMB k CO., BARRET & CARTER, Druggists. Orders ’’om the country promptly attained to. march 9 dictf WATCHES AIJD JEWELRY. THE subscriber has on hand, a large as sortment of fine GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, Chains,Seals, Rings, Pins,Pen-aLJ& cils &c. &c. — SILVER and PLATED WARE, all of whioh he will sell low for cash. Watches. Clocks and Jewelry repaired, and war anted. F. A. BRAHE. ~ SEE HERE! SEE HERE !! THE undersigned would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he haST qust opened bis beautiful Rotunda, where he will sparo no pains or expense in serving up the choicest Ico Creams, Soda Water, Lemonades, Cakes, Con fectioneries, Ac.. Ac No 155. north side Broad street, just below the Eagle and Phoenix Hotel. JOHN W ZINN. P. S. Families, Balls, Parties, and Pio Nics. sup* i plied on roasonble terms. J, W. G,