The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, July 06, 1853, Image 3
jßmnrtif CtlfflruM. Reported f or'tii^^ u » to » ali R'prxUic. Charleston, July 5, p. m. Cotton —The sales to-day amounted to 758 hales at from S3to 11 cent*. Price. Ml Baltimore, July 3. storm—Loss of Lift Accident to th. Crystal Palace. \ tremendous hurricane and hail storm occur red on Friday night at New York, by which three women were killed, several injured and a portion of the Crystal Palace blown down. Baltimork, July 3. Removal in the State Department. Mr. Zautzmger, disbursing cierk in the State Department at Washington, has been removed and Mr. Stubbs appointed in his place. The friends of the late Mr. Webster are generally incensed at Mr. Zantzinger’s removal. Baltimore, July 3. Later from New Brunswick. Advices from St. John s, N. B , ot the Ist inst. state that the Temperance Hall had been blown up by gunpowder, in that city, and chat great excitement existed in consequence of «n attempt to enforce the Maine Law. Tne Mackerel Fisheries at the Magdalen Is lands were an utter fai ure. The arming of American fishing vessels is characterized as piracy. Baltimore, July 3. Later from Central America. Advices from Truxilio to the 12th ult., state that the war between Honduras and Guatemala has been concluded. Baltimore, July 2, 8.10 p. m. New York Markets. The sales of Cotton during the week have comprised 13,525 bales, at lli cents for good Middling Uplands and 11* lor good Middling Orleans. Baltimore, July 3, 8.55 p. m. On Saturday in New lork 500 bales ol Cot tor were disposed of at previous rates. New' Orleans, July 2, 7.35 p. m. On Saturday Cotton was quiet and barely 700 bales changed hands at previous rates. The stock on hand amounts to GB,OOO bales. Freights to Liverpool for Cotton are quoted at id. The ~ales of Tobacco this week have amounted to 4500 hhds. —the largest this season—at an ad vance of from a quarter to halt a cent. Baltimore. July 2, 8.10 p. M. Shipping Intelligence. Baltimore, July 2, 8.10 p. m. The U. S. Mail steamships Jas. A-'ger, Capt. John Dickinson, and the Southerner, Capt. Wm. Foster, have arrived at New York from Charles ron,and the steamship Glasgow, Capt. Craig from Glasgow. The ship Jenny Lind has been lost on he voyage from Boston to the East Indies. Sentenced.—The negro girl, Rose, belonging to Col. B H. Brown, was, on Saturday, last, found guilty of the murder of the child of Mr. James Kirkland, noticed in our last, and is sen tenced to lie hung on Friday, 2d September next — Barnwell , S. C., Sentinel , 4th inst. —.Mill I ... in. . CAVE SPRING FEMALE SEMINARY. Z. D. COTTRELL, Principal. Mrs. E. M. J. COTTRELL, Assistant in Literary Department. Mrs. S. L. STEVENS, Instructress in Music, Ac. Tills Institution will ro-opened on the sth of July; ISo3. Studonts chargablo from time of entering at tho following rates for session ot five months: Orthography, Reading and Writing $lO 00 The above with English Grammar, Geography and Arithmetic sls 00 Natural Philosophy, Chomestry Botamy, Astrono my, Geologv and Belles Lettres ; also the Lan guages and<Mafhematics S2O 00 Music on the Piano Forte and use of Instru ments .. 22 50 Drawing and painting $lO 00 Board in best families at from 6 to 8 dollars por month. Cave Spring. June 23, 1853. july 6 c 3 WANT I). AFERSON, who writes a good hand, can keep a plain sett of books, and make himself gene rally useful in a pleasant and respectable store. Apply t irough Pest Office, with real name, to B. W. k Co july 2 ~ D WELLINGS AND STORES TO KENT, ~ SI \ ifliY DW and S roHRS to f * rent. I shall he in this city unii' Friday morning next, and should be p* eased to see any one desi-ingto rent, at my office, corner of Broad and Cumming streets. jul.3* 4. PLEASANT STOTALL. lost. O' THE 29th June a Patent Swing Watch KEY, white cornelian Sett. The finder will be Buitahlv rewarded, by leaving same at this offioe. July S 3 TLRMF SEED— NEW CROP.—-100 lbs. Ruta Buga TURN IPS. 100 lbs White Flat Dutch TURNIPS. <5 lbs. Largo W iteG obo do. "5 lbs Red Top Flat do. lbs Large .Norfolk do. Abo, Hanover A Laing’s Improv d Sweedish Turnip Just received and for sale by july 3 2tnos WM IIVINES, Broad-st. CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. On Wednesday, the 6th of JULY next by order of the Honorab’e the Court of Common Pleas, wil i be sold, at the Store of Laman A. Ford, near the j Augusta Factory : The stock in trade of the sa ; d Laman A. Ford, cons sting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard are, Medicine, Perfumery, Stoneware. Ac ; the sale to commence at 10 o’clock in the morning. Levied on as the property of Laman A Ford, to satisfy sundry attachments returnable to the next Court of Common Pleas of the city of Augusta, in favor of Ramey A Story, and others, vs. Laman A. Ford June 25 td WM. V. KbR oheriff, c. a. NEC HOES WANTED.—Parties having Ne groes for sale, will find it to their interest to call on the Subscriber. HUGH O’NEILL. June 15 3 m TO RENT—From the first of October next, one Store in Foxes’ Range, opposite the Au gusta Hotel. Apply to C. SALM. june 16 WHEAT WANTED. THE highest price paid for prime new WHEAT, for the Qrauite Mills, by GEORGE W. LEWIS, may 19 No. I Warren Block. NOTICE, ““ H 'HAT I hare this day sold out my GIN MA- X KING INTEREST, to ray son, M T.WY’NN, who will carry on the same, at my old stand, at Bel Air, on or near the Georgia Railroad, tam thankful for past favors, and will be pleased for my old friends to patronize my son, who will fulfil all my engagements, and is well qualified to do so. . julj 1 tam 4 THOS. WYNN. SAFETY FUSE. lUS*T1 U5 *T RECEIVED, from the Manufactory of o Messrs. Toy. Bickford A Co., Simsbury, Conn., ‘supply of their celebrat A patent improved Safe • 1 use, suitable fordry blasting or blasting under *ater. Apply to „ ROBERTSON A STOVALL. t&ctf c WANTED,” VVUTE OF GEORGIA GPER CENT BONDS, V; of the first issue of 1840, 1841 and 1842, lor aif, “ ‘premium will be paid. Apply to apr ts RQBT. WALTON. Cashier. CORNS,—The American UF Th' Cta^) e oin Blaster, with directions for its On' V' art,, cl° stands unrivalled, for removing rs° r Bale WM. HAINES, 8 Druggist, Augusta. TITfw».. WEGRO FOR SALE. VV i’ sa^e ’ a likely, intelligent NE ‘td heilp o Al^’ abont 35 years of age, sound ‘nd P9r ® 0 or no fault -a first rate ostler, at thp af mge / o IV o f ' above boy can be seen and Tn P ? Grenv *Be A Co., od Monday .JJuesday. Terms at sale. j une ;jfi J South Carolina Railroad,! T UXf „ . , Hamburg, April 17, 1853. ( me Freight of Cotton to Charleston is reduced to Fifty Cents per Bale. Jprl7 W. J. MAGRATH, Agent. A LBoni HATS.—Received by last steamer a tllm ,<3autl f u l Alboni Hat, light and pleasant for jun e ;;J' ear - J - TAy HOR, Jr., A CO. MAGAZINE for July has been re ai aE ° - a - ° ATEfc & bros., Broad street. - CONCERT HALL. THE HARMONIC MINSTRELS, OF SAVANNAH, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF J. McBEAN, WOULD respectfully in orm the ladies and gen tlemen of Augusta, that they will give THREE MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENTS, AT THE ABOVE HALL, On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings, July 4th, sth, and 6th, 1853 Tickets fitty cents. Children and Servants half price. Do•'rs open at 7* o’clock. Performances com mences 8* o’clock. For particulars see Programme. jul y 2 J LIVINGSTON, Agent. DUTCH BOLTING CLOTHS. ONOWUEN SHEA ! have received from New O York, a full supply of Dutch BOL ING CLOTHS, Nos. 0 1,2, 3 4,5, 6,7, 8, 9 and 10 warranted to be of the best quality, and to which thev respectfully invite the attention of the public may 17 <*twAw ~ - jjQQrps AND SHOES. THE UNDERSIGNED takes this thod to inform his friends and the P u l -rfij lie generally, that he has enlarged his stock* VttL so as to accommodate whoever may favor him with a call, as He has a fresh stock of all kinds of Ladios’ j York, such as GAITERS, JENNY LIND’S, BUS- I KINS. TIES, and all kinds usually kept in his line of business Thankful for past favors, and hoping or a continuance of tho same. N. B.— Work made to order as usual, and re pairing done at the shortost notice. may 9 fly A. DOUBET. NOTICE.— -All person indebted to tne Estate of Geo. L Twiggs, deceased. late of the county of Richmond, are requested to make immediate pay ment to tho undersigned, and those having de mands against the Estate, will render them within the time proscribed bv law. GEO. W. L. TWIGGS, JOHN D. TWIGGS, juno 30 Executors. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. WILL bo sold at public sale, at the Lower Mar ket, on the first TUESDAY in July next, if not previously sold at private sale, the newly fin ished House on Fenwick street, immediately oppo site the Charleston Railroad Depot. The above house heing in a good location for a-Grocery, has been finished suitable for a store and dwelling^hav ing a storeroom ani two commodious rooms below, and two rooms and a passage above ; all plastered throughout exc ept the storeroom, which is smooth coiled and painted. For particulars, apply to juno 30 DANIEL B. THOMPSON. * TO RENT, AND possession given immediately, a large and commodious WAREHOUSE, back store and offices attached ; all fire-proof. Apply to june 4 JOHN A. BARNES. FOR RENT! SEVERAL very pleasant ROOMS for rent in the Carmichael Range. Apply to JAMES W DAVIES, er may 29 ts CARMICHAEL A BEAN. TO RENT FOR STORAGE—A fine 85 foot in length, and 24 feet in breadth. Also, a Room on tho first floor, suitable for storage, 50 feet long and of same width as tho collar, on Broad street, first door above the Augusta Hotel. Pos session given immediately. E. H. ROGERS, june 5 WAREHOUSE TO RENT" TO RENT, the WAREHOUSE formerly oc cupied by M. P. Stovall, well known for its convenient location to tho centre of business, and noar the Hotels of the city. Apply to THOMAS BARRET, or PLEASANT STOVALL, june 21 2mos MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. TO TUB I AJ.V. THE LAME. THE SORE. AND THE STIFF JOINT ID, “WE BRING YOU GLAD TIDINGS OF GREAT JOY ! ” VOLCANIC OIL FROM MEXICO, HAS long been known to possess within itself, won derful soothing, healing and curative powers, and has been extensively used by the Aztecs for Rheuma tism, stiffness of Joints or Limbs, and for all kinds of Sores, Ulcers, Burns. Wounds, Hard Lumps or Tumors, and for all kinds’ of Pains or Inflamation in Man or Beast. The happy combination of this wonderful pro duction of nature, with other powerful remedies in the Mexican Mustang Liniment, renders it one of the most perfect remedies ever offered to the afflicted. Its action upon the organization is truly wonderful. Its volatile, penetrating, soothing and healing prop rties diffuse themselves to the very bone. It enters into the circulation.of the blood, gives a new impulse to the whole nervous system, to the very extremities of the fingers and toes, stimulates the absorbents and se cretions, and thus assists nature to throw off and rid herself of rheumatism or pains in any part of the body, from a diseased action of any of the strictural portions of the system. rheumatism of thirty years standing. Has been cured with it in four weeks The most loath some Ulcers that have been running for years are healed and perfectly cured ,- n an incredibly short time. Fresh Cuts, Wounds, or Bruises, yield to it like a charm ! Any kind of Swelling, stiffness of Joints, Hard Tumors, or Cancers, are cured as by magic. BURNS. SCALDS, AND SCALD HEADS, Are healed and perfectl cured by the Liniment alone. It has oroved itself the most extraordinary preparation ever offered to the afflicted. It has proved an infallible remedy in CHRONIC AND INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM. It has perfectly cured a lady who was seventy years of age, of confirmed and long standing NUMB PALSY. OR PARALYSIS. A boy fifteen years of age had been under the treat ment of severa! eminent physicians for years without any benefit, was restored and perfectly cured by this Liniment of that awful malady, WHITE SWELLING OH HIP DISEASE. We offer this Liniment as a remedy in the various diseases and complaints for which it is recommended, with full confidence o ' its success : n curing them. The following is a fist of the numerous and extra ordinary cases it has cured during the la-t few months : 6.750 cases of Rheumatism in all its forms; 4,200 Sprains and Bruises; 5.400 “ Burns and Scalds ; 3.450 “ Fresh Cuts and Wounds; 40 “ Cance s; 7,740 “ Scrofulous Sores and Ulcers, that had re sisted all other treatment; 4,240 “ Inflamed and Swelled Joints; 7,500 “ Piles; 400 “ Lumbago, Sciatica, Gout, and hard bony Tumors: 6.250 “ Chapped Hands ; 2,000 “ Caked Breasts; i 4,600 “ Tooth Ache; . 10.000 “ Various Chronic Diseases. This must appear almost incr dibly, hut the numerous cer'ificates and letters from d stineuished physicians, citizens, agents, and others who have used the medicine, enable u to substantiate the above facts. MILLIONS of bottles of it are yearly consumed, and it has always given satisfaction, because is has performed just what we said it would. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Every Store should be supplied with this valuable Liniment, as it navs a good profit and sells rapidly. PRICES OF THE LINIMENT. It is put up in bottles of three sizes, and retails at twenty-five cents, fifty cents, and one dollar per bottle. The fifty cent and one dollar bottles contain fifty and one hundred per cent more Liniment in proportion to their cost, so that money is saved by buying the larger sizes. A. G. BRAGG & CO , Sole proprietors. Office 304 Roadway, N. Y. and St. Louis, Missouri. For sale by Ilaviland, Risley & Co.. Barrett & Car ter, D. B. Plumb A Co., Dr. W. H. Tutt, and all other Druggists in Georgia. jan2l disly&eoc DYSPEPSIA, WITH all its distressing attendants, from a list of diseases, than which no other produces such sad effects upon tho human family. Liver Complaint. Neuralgia Headache, Heartburn, Fla tulence, Loss of Appetite, Languor, General Debi lity. Nervousness, Loss of Spirits. Hippochondria, and even Insanity is not unfrequently the result of Dyspepsia. To cure these diseases, the remedies must be di- | ' rocted to the cause, and for hat no agent has ever yet been discovered, which has’Tiad such happy ef fect, as PLANETT’S BITTERS. They restore tone to tho stomach, impart a fine healthy appetite, strengthen the whole system, and built up tho nervous system. They cannot be too highly recommended, as many who have dispaired of over being relieved of this dreadful disease, have by a lew bottles of these Bitters, boon restored to vigorous, robust health. They are put up in quart bottles, and pleasant to take, being entirely free from all those disgusting ingredients which usually enter into Anti Dyspep tic Medicines. They are sold by . WM. H. TUTT, Who is the sole A gent in Augusta, FOR SALE—.42O acres of first quality && Land, in Cobb Crunty, situated four and lE! a half miles southeast of Marietta, on tho Powers’ Forry-road, formorly the property of the Rev. Isaac W. Waddel, 140 acres of which are cleared or un der cultivation, and the remaining portion well timbered. Each Field can be so cultivated as to have water convenient for stock. There are on tho place, the necessary buildings, consisting of a new frame dwelling house, barn, crib, servants’ rooms, stable, Ac. Also, a fine orchard, abounding in different kinds of fruit. Stock, implements, furniture, and negroes can be purchased with the place if desired. For terms and further information, apply to A. C. N. Srnets, agent, on the premises, or in Savannah, to june 25 dAc2 ALEX. A. SMETS. POTASH. —5 casks Ist sort, iust received and for sale by P. A. MOISE, Druggist. CAMPHENE— Burning Fluid, Spirits Turpen tine. Lamp Oil and Lard Oil. for sale by june 29 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. ALLEN’S VEGET ABLE COMPOUND, for the cure of Dyspepsia. For sale bv june 15 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. MAPLE SI Gaß.—One barrel Ver-riont Maple Sugar, for sale by june 22 THAYER A BUTT. fottrrifs. ~ GREENE AND PULASKI MONUMENT ~ LOT . ERIES. Managed, drawn, and prizes paid by the well known and responsible firm of GREGO K Y fc MAPR Y. drawn numbers. ‘ EXTRA CLASS 47—By Delaware 151, Julv2 36 27 68 18 59 41 10 50 2 65 31 44. ' CLASS 80.—To bo drawn at Savannah, on Wed nesday, July 6. PACKAGE SCHEME. 5,000 DOLLARS. *1,200! $700! *409! Ac., Ac. Tickets sl. Halves 50 cents. Risk on a package of 25—quarters, $3,70. CLASS 81—To he drawn at Savannah, on Friday, July 8. J SMALL SCHEME. $4 600. $1,100! $700! $333! Ac., Ac., Tickets $1 ; H lives 50 cents. Risk on a pack age of 26 quarters $3.50. EXTRA CLASS 48— by Delaware 157-*-to bo drawn at Wilmington, Saturday. July 9. BRILLIANT SCHEME. $51,000. $20,464 ! 5 prizes of $ ,500 ! 6 of $1,500 ! 100 ot $1,000! «£2| Tickets sls. Shares in proportion. CLASS 82—To bo drawn at Savannah, Monday, July 11. A FAVORITE SCHEME. $10,170! $2,500 ! $1,561! sos SI,OOO ! Ac. Ae. Tickets s2j. Shares in proportion. EXTRA CLASS 49—by Delaware 159—t0 be drawn on Tuesday. July 12 SPLENDID SCHEME. S.O 000 $10,000! $5 000! $3 500! $2 388! Tickets $5. Shares in proportion. JOHN A MILLEN, Agent, Jackson street, opposite the Globe Hotel. All orders from the city or country strictly con fidential. june 30 GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY A. D. ELLIS Ac CO., MANAGERS, Successors to F. C. Barber A Co. Drawn Numbers of Georgia State Lottery. EXTRA ULASS 1. 35 37 42 38 60 11 46 1 27 54 76 6 66 13 3. ERTrtA CLASS 2. 15 14 45 5 3i 2 39 30 25 4 70 51 17. REGULAR CI.ASS 28. 12 20 29 21 38 56 75 19 11 54 15 7. CLASS 28 —To be drawn in Savannah, on Mon day, July 4. 4.138 DOLLARS! 5 ol SBOO ! 4 of $500! 75 Numbers—l 2 Drawn Ballots. Tickets sl. Shares in proportion. EXTRA CLASS 3.—Decided by the drawing of Bel Air C ass 7, to be drawn in the city of Balti more, July 5 1853. 20,000 DOLLARS. 78 Numbers—l 4 Drawn Ballots. Tickets $5. Shares in proportion. CLASS 29. lobe drawn in Savannah, Wed nesday July 6. 4.500 DOLLARS. 78 Numbers—l 4 Drawn Ballots. Tickets sl. Shares in proportion. EXTRA CLASS 4—Decided by Carroll coun ty Class 29, drawn at Baltimore. July 7, 1853. $20,000. 1 of $16,000 ! 1 of SB,OOO ! 1 of $5,000 ! 30 of $1 000! 78 Numbers—l 3 Drawn Ballots. Tickets. $5. Shares in proportion. CLASS 30.—T0 bo drawn at Savannah, Friday, July 8. * $4,031. 4 of $1,000! 5 of S2OO ! 75 Numbers.—l 2 drawn Ballots. Tickets sl. Shares in proportion. EXTRA CLASS s—Decided by the drawing of Grand Consolidated Class 18, at Baltimore, on Saturday, July 9. $30,360. 20 prizes of $4,000 ! 75 Numbers—ll Drawn Ballots. Tickets $lO. Shares in proportion. F. C. BARBER. Agent, jaly 3 Washington-st. A. D.Picquet, Lottery Agent, vendor for* all the Georgia Stato Lotteries, has removed his office on Mclntosh street, opposite Constitutional ist A Republic. PARTICULAR NOTICE" STATE AMUSEMENT! ROBINSON & EL REO AGAIN! MENAGERIE AND CIRCUS THIS Popular and well conducted Menagerio and Circus will exhibit at the following places on the foil owing dates : Cartersville, Monday, June 20 Canton, Tuesday, “ 21 Orange, Wednesday, “ 22 Hockenhall’s, Thursday, “ 23 . Auraria, Friday, ~ “ 24 Dahlonega, Saturday, “25 1 Ga nesville, Monday, “ 27 Cumming, Tuesdav, “ 28 Warsaw, Wodnesday, “ 29 Lanrenceville, Thursday, “ 30 Jefferson, Saturday, July 2 Athens, Monday, “ 4 C' vington, Tuesday, “ 5 Grovo Store, Friday, “ 14 ju r o 16 fa BELLVILLE FACTORY AGFNCY, Corner of Mclntosh and R>yno/d Streets. The Georgia stripes and PLAINS, made at this Factory, so long and favorably known to Mer ftrniwijy' chants and Planters, are now on sale at lljSljj the above place, where all orderswill jjjlfll be promptly attended to. GEORGE SCHLEY. jan 13 lyis SEASONED LUMBER. ~~ Flooring, WEATHER BOARDING. CEILING, SHELVING, • j AND 2 INCH PLANK, For sale in quantities to suit purchasers. Sawi„g Matching, Planing Jointing, and Rip ping, done to order at the shortest notice, at the AUGUSTA STEAM PLANING MILLS, june 18 ssw,ts4 WANTED. A GOVERNESS to take charge of a sow chil dren, in a private family—one qualified to teach the higher branches; also music. Ac Satis factory testimonials will be required. Address Dr. JAMES A. BLACK, june 18 ts Spring Place, Ga. rpo RENT.— 'he STORE on Broad street, rc -1 ccntly oocupied by Snowden A Shear, until the Ist October next. Apply to june 13 WM. SHEAR. WOOL ! WOOL M " I WILL pay the highest cash price for Wool dc livered in Augusta, or at any station on the Railroad or River; or will give a yard of negro cloth, of my manufacture, for a pound of un washed Wool. GEORGE SCHLEY. WOOL WANTED. THE highest cash price paid for all kinds of WOOL. GEORGE W LEWIS, may 19 No. 1 Warren Block. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS - executed with accuracy, noatness, and dispatch, at the Druggist and Apothecary Store of june 11 _ WM HAINES, Broad-st. HAVANA SEGARS—3O,O9O La Fashion •'"•e gars; 10.000 Delicios do.; a direct importa tion. For sale by DAWSON A SKINNER, june 22 TO Purify the Blood, Prevent Fevors, Remove Cutaneous Eruptions, Eradicate the effects of Syphilis and tho injudicious use of Mercury, Curo Rheumatism, impart a clear and healthy appear ance to the skin, and create a healthy and vigorous constitution, use TUTT’S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. It is pre pared with great care, from the best Hondruras Sarsaparilla, and is combined with other roots and barks, all of which tend to remove all impurities from tee system Price 75 cents per bottle, apr 8 dAe WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. WHITE CRYVTALIZED SUGAR 10 bbls White Crystalled Sugar, just received and For sale by s. C. GRENVILLE & CO. june 19 TTAR. MUNSON is setting Teeth X-J on an entirely new plan, uniting W&ssjfllyjgSi tlm leeth and gum in a continuous and solid mass, and tho whole to the plate by a silicious compound. It is truly beautiful,strong and cleanly. Tosee isto admire. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Public inspec tion invited. Dr. M. owns the patent for Rich mond county. at Ac oct 2 WASHiNG SODA.—A prime article"for sale at the low price of 6 cents per pound by WM. HAINES, june Id Druggist, Augusta. stf<wu(|ip onto liailrmift fines. FOR PHILADELPHIA. FARE REDUCED. Q To Sail on Saturday Afternoon, July ‘23d, a* 4 o’clock. THE fine side wheel Steam -p Jpzj* OSPREY, 1,000 tons burthen, J. ». fiffyß Bennett, Commander, will leave Jgjffe as per annexed schedule, every other Saturday: FROM CHARLESTON. FROM PHILADELPHIA. June 11 Sept’r 171 June \ 4 Sept’r....lO June 25 Oct’r .'ll June 18j3ept’r ....24 July 9 Oct’r 15 July 2 Oct’r 8 July 23 Oct’r 29 July In Oct'r 22 Aug’t...., 6 Nov'r 12! July. 30'Novr 5 a Aug’t ... 20 Nov’r. ....26) Aug't 13 Nov r .19 Sept’r.... 3iDec’r 10! Aug't 27'Dee’r 3 Cabin Passage. sls Steerage, $6. ’ Through Tickets to New York, sl7. This ship has been thoroughly overhauled, and furnished with new boilers, and a large and elegant dining saloon on deck, with every arrangement that can add to the comtort of passengers In Philadelphia, this Ship occupies the same wharf as the Liverpool steamships City of Glas gow and City of Manchester, at the foot of Queen 1 street and central wharf, Chaileston. Freight on all perishable articles must be pre paid. For Freight or Passage, apply to H F. BAKER A CO., Accommodation wharf, Charleston, S. C. SAMUEL T. PEARCE, Agent in Philadelphia. june 5 ttf UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Miff YORK STEAMSHIPS. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. days of leaving SAVANNAH FOR NEW YORK Tne Augusta, Capt. Lyon. on Wednesday, June 8 The Florida, Capt Woodhull, “ Saturday, “ 11 The Alabama, Capt. Ludlow, " Saturday, “ 18 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon, “ Saturday, - £ 25 The Florida, Capt. Woodhull, “ Saturday, July 2 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon, “ Saturday, “ 9 The Florida, Capt. Woodhull, “ Saturday, “ 16 The Alabama, Capt Ludlow, “ Wednesday, “ 20 The Augusta, Capt. Lvon, “ Saturday, “ 23 The Florida, Capt Woodhull, “ Saturday. “ 30 The Alabama, Capt Ludlow, “ Wednesday, Aug. 3 The Augusta, Capt, Lyon, “ Saturday 5 “ 6 The Florida, Capt Woodhull, “ Saturday. “ 13 The Alabama, Capt Ludlow, “ Wedne-day, “ 17 The Augusta, Capt Lyon, “ Saturday, “ 20 The Florida, Capt. Woodhull, “Sa urdav, “ 27 The Alabama, Capt. Ludlow, “ AVednesday, “ 31 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon, “ Saturday, Sept. 3 The Florida, Capt. Woodhull, “ Saturday, “ 10 The Alabama, Capt. Ludlow, “Wednesday, “ 14 These ships are the largest on the coast, unsur passed in speed, safety or comfort —making tlyair passages in 50 or 60 hours, and are commanded by skilful, careful, and polite officers They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. On the completion of the Atlanta, in the autumn, this line will be semi-weekly—sailing each Wednesday and Saturday. Cabin passage $25. PADELFORD. FAY A CO., . Agents in Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCHILL, june 12 tS7 Broadway, New York. _ u g. MAIL LINE. THROUGH IN 50 TO 55 HOURS N. Y. Sc CHARLESTON STEAJI PACKETS* Leave Adger’S wharves every SATURDAY" afternoon, and each alternate W EDXESDA Y'«i»fc On SATURDAY", tho new and splendid steam ship’s, JAS. ADGER, J. Dickinson, Commander, 1500 tons. MARION, M. Berry, Commander, 1200 tons. The SOUTHERNER, W. Foster, Command er, will leave each alternate WEDNESDAY, hav ing been newly coppered, and guards raised, is now in completo order. For Freight or Passage, having elegant State Room accommodations, apply at the office of the Agent, HENRY MISSROON, Cor. East Bay and Adger’s South wharves, Charleston, S.C. FOR PHILADELPHIA, U. S. MAIL LINE. PHILADELPHIA and SAVANNAH STEAM NAVIGA TION COMPANY. The new and splendid SIDE WHEEL STEAMSHIP^^^^^! “ STATE OF GEORGIA,” 1200 tons register, Capt. Walter Collins, will leave Savan nah as follows: Wednesday, Feb.’y 23d Wednesday, May 4th “ March 9th “ May 18th “ March 23d “ June Ist “ April 6th “ June 15th “ April 20th “ Juno 29th This Ship has been built with the strictest re gard to the safety and comfort of her passengers, and her accommodations are unsurpassed by any Steamship on tho coast. A new Steamship now building, in every res pect eoual to the “ State of Georgia,” will take her place in the line dur ng the month of Juno next, and will, with the ‘‘State of Georgia,” make a week ly lino, leaving each port on Wednesday. Cabin Passage from Savannah to Philadelphia, $25 “ “ “ “ to New York,.. ..$25 Steerage $ 9 C A L LAMYII, Agent in Savannah. HERON A MARTIN, Agents in Philadelphia, feb 19 AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH STAGE AND RAIL ROAD . INE. SHORTEST and' CHEAPEST R DTK TO Columbus, Oglethorpe, Macon, Milledgeville and Savannah. \UGUSTA to Waynesboro’, via four Horso Post Coaches, 30 miles Waynesboro’ to Millen, via Augusta A Waynes boro’ Rail Road, 21 miles. Millen to Savannah, via Central Rail Road, 79 miles. Millen to Macon, via Central Rail Road. 112 miles. Macon to Oglethorpe, via South Western Rail Road, 50 miles. From Augusta to Oglethorpe, 213 miles. PARE FrD.ii Augusta to Coluu bus sl4 00 ‘ ‘ u v, -lcthorpe 8 25 “ •* t M • 6 50 “ “ to Millcdenvilin 6 75 “ “ to Savannah 5 50 The Proprietor has made arrangements with the different Companies to run Through Tickets to the above-named points, and is now prepared to furnish the same at the Stage Office, at the U. S. Hotel. JAS. P. FLEMING, Proprietor. G. Fargo. Agent. ts july 2 GEORGIA RAILROAD. LEAVE AUGUSTA daily at 4.30, P. M., and (Sundays o .copted) 6, A. M. Arrive at Augusta daily at 4.30, A. M., and (Sundays excepted) 4.25, P. M. Leave Atlanta daily at 5.30, P. M., and (Sundays excepted) 5.30, A. M. Arrive at Atlanta daily at 4.00, A. M., and (Sundays excepted) 5.20, P. M. Connecting with Athens Branch Trains, Loaving Union Pointdaily (Sundaysexcepted) at 12.15 P. M. Arriving at Union Point daily (Sundays except ed) at 11, A. M. With South Carolina Railroad Trains, Leaving Hamburg daily at 5.45, A. M., and 6, P. M. Arriving at Hamburg daily at 2.30 P. M., and 5, A. M. With Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad Trains, Leaving Atlanta daily at 4.30 A M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 4.15, P. M. With Western and Atlantic Railroad Trains, Leaving Atlanta daily at 6, A. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 5, P. M. And with Macon and Western Railroad Trains, L # aving Atlanta daily at 6.45, P. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 1.30, A. M. And leaving Atlanta on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 7.30, A. M. And arriving at Atlanta on Mondays, Wednes days. and Fridays at 3.00, P. M. july 20 F. C. ARMS, Sup’t. STT.Com us, Augusta. | F.T. Pentecost, Charleston. COMBS & CO.’S OUTHERN AN WESTERN EXPRESS FORWARDERS. From CHARLESTON to AUGUSTA. CO LUMBIA. ATHENS, ATLANTA, ROME, CHATTANOOGA. NEWNAN. LA GRANGE. MACON, COLUMBUS, WEST POINT, ard MONTGOMERY —tho Tnwrre on the Georgia. W. & A. M. A Western, Atlanta A La Grange Rail roads, and points connecting with Montgomery by Stage and Steamboat, D wit: WETUMKA.TAL LADEGa.SELMA, GREENSBORO, TUSCALOO SA. MOBILE, Ac. Ac. Wegive the most SPEEDY" TRANSPORTA TION to all kinds of Freights to all the above places. Merchants who wish their Goods from tho North forwarded by Express from Charleston, will please have them marked plainly “Per Combs 4- Co.’s Express. Charleston .” and Bills Lading ren dered our address Charleston. Freights from any of the above points to which our line extends for Northern cities, will bo forwarded with despatch. Augusta Office, corner Jackson and Ellis streets. Charleston, No. 9 Hayne street .. feb 1 COMBS A CO. TO HIRE.—2O Abl “-bodied Negro fellows to hire by the month, on reasonable terms. Ap ply to JOHN B. GUIEU, Agent, june 24 f S A R GAINS llf DR, Y GOODS* tie BEG to inform the public that they are selling the following beautilul Goods at the very low prices attached: 50 pieces fine French Printed BAREGES, - - *■ 182 to 25 cts. 5000 yards Printed LAWN, - - - - - - 61 “10 10 cases Furniture and Dress CALICOES, - - - 6 “ 10 .2 cases Fine Ginghams Assorted, ----- 12£ “25 500 dozen Linen Towels, from 8 “12^ 12-4 Linen Sheeting, ------- 65 “8o 10 cases Fine Long Cloth, 6 “ 10 5 cases Marseilles Quilts, 150 “250 2 cases Extra Fine French do., 450 “600 500 pcs. Musquito Netting, 87“ 100 100 “ 12-4 Lace Netting 35 “37 1000 “F ne White Fringe, - - - - - - 62 “ 200 50 “ Fine Brown Linen, - . , - - - 20 “25 25 “ Linen Drilling. - 25 “37 500 dozen Fine Hose, - - . ... . . 12j “25 10 ' Extra Fine Silk Hose, 150 “200 50 “ very best Kid Gloves. ----- 75 50 “ do Dark Colours, 100 “ do. Twisted S. S. Mitts, ----- 50 to 100 Together with a variety of other cheap and excellent articles for Family and Plantation use— to whic we respectfully inv te th attention of the public. 2m n m f GEORGIA SARSAPARILLA, A PURE AND UNADULTERATED ARTICLE, PREPARED BY J. DENNIS, M. D., AUGUSTA, GA. FOR DISEASES OF THE LIVER, AND TO FURIFY THE BLOOD. IT has been found useful in Jaundice, Sick Head-ache, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite. General Debility, Constipation of tho Bowels, Piles. caused by Costivoness. Pain in the Bones, or Rheumatism caused by the use of Mercury, Cutan ous Eruptions, Pimples, Biles, Ulcers, various Female Complaints, and all i other diseases arising from an inactive state of the Liver, or impure stat of the Blood. Those who have used the various preparations of the kind, will find that this article producos the best effect upon the system, and has the natural rfarsaparilla taste. With most of persons, it act-> upon the < Bowels as a mild purgative or laxative It* healthy action on the Liver and Blood, renders it a great safe-guard against disease. Tho Diplo mas of the South Carolina Institute, and the State Fairs of Georgia, have been awarded this preparation. Being a great preventive of disease, families would do well, during tho Soring and Summer season, to give it to their children. Planters, coo, will often find it to their interest to give it to their servants Price $1 00 per bottle, 6 bottles for $5 00. Sold in Augusta hy W. H. He J. Turpin, Barrett A Carter W m K Kitchen Ilaviland, R sley A Co.. D. B. Plumb A Co., W. H. Tutt, P. A. Moise, and Wm. Haines. In Hamburg, S. C , A. J. Creighton. Those ordering it. should express in thoir orders, DENNIS’ GEORGIA SARSAPARILLA, march 23 Railroad, Steamboat and Stage __ Li es. __ THROUGH FARE FROM CHARLESTON TO Baltimore $17.50, to philadeli hia sl9, AND TO NEW YORK S2O. T H GIA KLES TON, SO. CA. LEAVING the wharf at the foot of Laurens street daily, after the arrival of the Southern cars, via Wilmington, N C., from which point two daily trains are despatched, at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M.; the 8 o'clock only connecting at Weldon, N. C., with the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad to Nor folk, thence by steamers to Baltimore, and both trains connecting at W eldon with the lines to Pe tersburg. Richmond, Washington, Baltimore. Phil adelphia, and New York. The public is respectful ly informed that the steamers of these lines are in first rate condition, and are navigated by well known and experienced commanders : the Rail Roads are in fine order, (the Wilmington and Weldon, as well as tho Seaboard and Roanoke, having recent ly been relaid with heavy T rail,) thereby securing both safety and despatch. By these routes, passen gers availing themselves of the first train, may reach Baltimore in 40 hours, Philadelphia in 45 hours, and New York in 50£ hours; and by the second train, they arrive in Baltimore in 50 hours, Phila delphia in 56 hours, and New York in 61£ hours. Through tickets can alono bo had from E. WINSLOW, Agent of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company, at the office of the Company, foot of Laurons-strect, Charleston, S. C., to whom please apply. march 23 TRANSPORTATION BETWEEN SAVAN NAH AND AUGUSTA. BY ™line I SHION IN offering the services of thesteamer FASHION, (the first boat of this line) to the merchants of Georgia and Carolina, Alabama and Tennessee, we would ask for hor that patronage which her construction and light draught of water merits. Tho Fashion is a homo enterprise and owned ex clusively by Capt T. N. Philpot (her commander) and myself, whose entire attention will be given to the interest of her patrons. This boat was built in this city, and great care has been taken in her construction to make her worthy of the trade for which she is intended Her capacity is about 2000 bales Cotton, her draught es water only 13 inches, which will enable her at all seasons of tho year, to deliver her freight promptly. Her entire cargo will he taken between decks, which will not only prevent damage to goods in case of snagging, but will add much to the condi tion of packages discharged from her. Mr M. A. Cohen is the agent of this line in Savannah, where suitable wharves and warehouse have i>een provi ded in a central for the reception of Cot ton. Merchandize, Ac. The Fashion will run in connection with the New York and Philadelphia steamship, pelivering goods at this pcintin five days from either of those cities. JOHN A MOORE SPLENHID FOUR HORSE COACHES Ai!E now ku NIN G DAI, y BETWEEN MADISON AND EATONTON, LEAVE Madi-on every day, (Sunday excepted.) at half past six o'clock, A. M, — arrive at Eaton- tsoSfrTlc'' ton *am * day at half pas eleven o’clock, A. M. Leave Eatonton every day, (Sunday excepted.) at 1 oclock, P M , —arrive t Madison .«■ me day hy 6P. M Thus connecting with tbo Georgia Railroad at Madison and with the Milledgcville and Eatonton Railroad at Eatonton, giving passen gers a good night s rest at Madison, and only 21 miles staging. The Coaches. Horses, and Drivers are as good as a yin Georgia. Pe sons going from Savannah to Athens, or above Athen , will find this route the most expeditious and comfortable, avd the cheapest way they can go Extra Horses and Hacks will be kept at each end so as to insure promp. conveyance to all passergors. in case of a crowd, or on Sunday if re iuired Persons going to MilKdg ville or below from the up-country, will find this the best route for thim als -. There i- a Stage lino just started between Eaton ton and Monticello. Leave Eatonton every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 1 P. M , and arrive at Monticello same days at 7 P. Vt. Leave Monticello every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday a 6£ o’clock, A M , and arrive at Eaton ton same days by ll£ AM.—thus connecting with iho Eatonton and Milledgeville Railroad and the Stage line f rom Madison. Stage 'fficers are k pt at the Post Office, Monti cello A. Utid rwood’s Hotel, Eatonton; Mrs. Campbell’s, Madison. J. A. CLARK, Contractor. I would also inform the public hat I havo charge of the SOCIAL CIRCLE EATING - v * HOUSE, on tho Georgia R tilroad, which has been enlarged so as to accommodate those who wish the best of Rooms, and as good eating and attention as can be given. The table will be sprea with the best the country affords, on tho arrival of every train of cars that passes on the Georgia Railroad. Call and see. J. A. CLARK, june 19 dAclm Proprietor. NEW STAGE LINE. THERE is now in successlul one-"',V" ration a Tri-Weekly Line splendid FOUR HORSE COACHE.-, ’ between DOUBLE WELLS, on the Georgia Railroad, and ABBEVILLE, South Carolina, which will he run in the day-time, and in the fol lowing schedule, t« wit: Leave Double Wells every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 14, p. in., spending the night at Washington and arriving at Abbeville, S. C., next evening. Leaves Abbeville every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7, a m.. spending the night at Wash ington, arriving at Double Wells in time for the Day Trains on the Georgia Railroad. , The Wilkes Railroad to Washington, and the Abbeville Railroad to Abbeville, will soon be completed. The work is progressing rapidly, and when completed will leave a link of 40 miles sta ging, after which time the Line will be run daily. The public will find this the cheapest and most comfortable route going to that portion of South Carolina and North Carlina abo\ Abbeville, and going out West from that portion of North and South Carlina. W. M. A J. W. MOORE, . Contractors on the Abbeville Line. Double Wells, Ga., Nov 1, 1852. fob 22 ‘ jAc6in LAND FOR SALE. THE plantations up<n which Wm. Stokes and Mrs Sarah Morrisnow reside There are twelve hundred acres belonging to the former [lace, aDd six hundred to the latter Per son wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine for themselves. Application may be made either to the subscriber or to Wm. R. Moss W. H. STOKES. Hancock county, May 10,1853. eowfiw ml BEESWAX WANTED.—-In any quantity, for whioh tho highest cash price will be paid by may 19 0. A. WILLIAMS. Mttu Ijorh jUwrrtiscmfnta. NEW YORK, MAY 31, 1853~ THE DIKECTottS of the Association for tho Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations, give notice that the Exhibition will bo opened on th 15th day of July. In making this announcement, the Directors avail themselves of the opportunity to stat- that the building which they havo erected, and the Ex hibition which they have prepared, will, they be lieve, fully meet the just expectations of the public. It is proper that it should be known that, in or der to afford ample scope for the inventive talent and skill of our countrymen in machinery and ag ricultural implemo ts, we have increased tho size of the building hy adding nearly one fourth to its area bevond what was originally cot templated. so that we have now for the purposes ot exhibition, two hundred thousand square feet, or nearly five acres. Not limiting their plans to a display merely cu rious and attractive, the Directors have organized a department of mineralogy and geology, in which some of the best scientific talent of the country has been employed; and the foundation is thus laid of a most valuable national collection of tho mineral resources of the country. The D rectors bad hoped to open the Exhibition at an earlier period, but the novelty and intricacy of tho style of construction and the high standard of architectural beauty which it has boon the ob ject ot the Association to attain, have produced delay, and it has been impracticable for the Direc tors, notwithstanding their utmost vigilance and their most earnest desire, to announce tho opening ,at an earlier day. In regard to the general character of the exhi bition, the result promises to bo most gratifying, and not unworthy of the confidence manifested to wards it by the government of the United States, a confidence which has elicited a cordial response from the governments of foreign countries, It-will, the most attr and inter esting collection of the works of art the esults of science and the productio s of industry, that has ever yet been made in this country, and will tend to increa-e the active emulations of the age in every branch of intellectual development The sole charge of tho interior of the huilding, its division, arrangement, classification, and police, has been confided to two officers ot the Navy of the United States, Captain S F. Dupont, and C. H. Davis: and the sanction of the government given to the appointment of these ger tlemen. who have so much distinguished themselves in the special services in which they have been employed affords proof of the confidence reposeii and the interest felt, hy t* e highest authorities o the country, in the general objects of the enterprise. These gentlemen have organized their depart ment as follows: J. M. Batchelder—Secretary of the uperinten dent; Samuel Webber—Arrangement of Space and Classification : Prof. B. Silliman, Jr.—Mineralogy and Chem istry ; B. P. Johnson—Agricultural Implements; Joseph E. Holmes—Machinery ; Edward Vincent—l • xtile Fabrics; Felix Pia ti—Sculpture. The offi ini Catalogues and the illustrated Week ly Record of the -'xhibition are to be published in the building, by Messrs G P Putnam & Co., under the sup rvision of the Association The Directors have sensibly felt the.confidonce reposed in them by *beir fellow citizens, in a’l parts of the country ; and they will ernti ue to make every effort to satisfy the ; r just expectations. DIRECTOR'S. Mortimer Livingston, Phlip Burrows, Alfred Pell. Johnston Livingston, August Belmont, Charles W Foster. Alex Hamilton. Jr, Theodore Seugwlck, George L. Schuyler, Wißiam ff, Elbert J. And- rson, William Whetten, Henry R. Dunham, John Dunham, W.C. H. Waddell, Will am Kent. Jac bA. Westervolt, Wat s R errnan, James A Hamilton, F W Edmonds, Samuel Nicho son. THEODORE SED'dWIOK, President. Wm. Whetten, Vice President, Treasurer, and So retary. a L. C. Stuart, Assistant Secretary, june 21 lmdAc REMOVAL. A. BIKING EH & CO., Formerly 141 Broadway, have Removed to tho White Marble ui'dings. Circular Corner, Nos 92 and 94 Liberty st.. Corner of Temple, Thi-d Door Westvd' Boadway, NEW YORK. Where they conti> ue to import Cl H. MUVI vi & CO.’S CHAMPAGNE 1 T. WINES. MADEIRA, SHERRY, PORT, FRENCH and GERMAN WINES, CUGNAC BRANDY, in bond direct from Otard. Dupuy & j Co. Hennessy, Maret, Cbasselas, D’or. &c Ac. Vintages, of 1790, 1815. 1825. to 1852 Choice ' Havana Segars Crosse k B ackwell’s PICKLES, SAUCES. Ac. As well as every other in their lino of business. is3tn june 7 B LANKETS AND C ARPE T S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FOR SALE BY GREENWAY, BROTHER & CO., 19 Barclay street, and 24 Park New Y"ork a P r m—mm• COWING & CO.’S GARDEN AND FIRE ENGINES, WHICH, for power, capacity, and usefulness, cannot he surpassed; from the size of the air chamber, sufficient power is obtained toerahle one man to throw a steady stream of water to the height of fifty feet perpendicularly, thereby rendering it a desirable article, as a protection against fire, for washing windows of 2 and 3 stories of buildings, carriages, Ac. Also, a general assortment of Block Tin Pipe, Lead Pipe and Gutta Percha Hose. For sale by B. F. CHEW. I HALF pipes <f superior Old Imported 11 BRANDIES. I have just received and havo in store for sale : £ pipe Pale Otard Dupuy, vintage 47. i “ “ James Hennesey Cognac vit’ge4B. 5 “ « J. J Dupuy, •* • 48 4 V “ and Dark Sazeroe vit’gc 46,49 and 50. The above are a superior lot of Old BRANDIES and those in want ot a fine and pure article will do well to give me a call before purchasing else where. (june 24] C. E. GIRABDEY. GENTS’ FRENCH CALF PEGGED BOOTS. A n«.w article of Gents’ French Calf Pegged Boots made to order. Received bv June 3 ALDRICH A ROYAL. Rich Embroideries. SNOWDEN & SHEAR. HAVE received, this day, from New York, by the last steamer. Lad ; e Worked Muslin Undersleeves of new and beautiful styles; Ladies Worked Muslin Chima settes with Collars, o the latest styles; Plain 5-4 Black Silk Lace ior Ladies Mantillas FOR SALE. A VERY fine blooded Saddle HORSE, Ix\ 7 years old. Enquire at this Office, s ' july 2 s <3lnrtioit Salts. BY C. E. GIRARDEY. s WEDNESDAY, 6th instant, at the Brick Store of Mr. Keener, corner ot Broad and Centre streets, will bo sold, at 10£ o'clock, A. M. . The entire Stock remaining on hand, consisting *n parr of imgar, N 0 Syrup, Coffee, Rice, Bacon, Lard Butter, Flour. Soap, Candles Star, h. Brandy a'lu Um ’ M° nor, gahe'a Whi«ky, Port, Malaga Horse Cell™, To,,acoo ' ,rs ’ Br °° ms Clothing, Boots, W ‘ iah ' S - X-""*. Show Cases, AFTER WHICH unHi i firt e^ Dt(, ?, t VK t ‘ bightßt b ‘dder, the store, until first dav ot ( ctober next Terms at S ite. ' july 2 BY S, C. GRENVILLE? ' TO-MORR#W, (Thursday ) at loj o'clock. i n f ron t of St ire, wi'l be so' , our u u >1 assortment of GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Liquors, Furniture Ac , c>«n isting of ’ | Sugar. Bhco> . F'oti-, Soap. Tobacco, Mustard, [ Pepper, Tea, Candßs, Crackers Matches. B andy Whiskey, Bum, Gin. Cilico. Muslin D’Laine,’ Home pun. Domes’ics. Fancy Articles Ac Also, a go. d assortment of second hard Furni turo. Terms cash j.,ly 6 §mttl)frit lUnttring pluns. WATER CURE INSTITUTE, Ml' LEDIitVII I.JE,- GA. E. Cl. 1)0\ LE t kes pleasure i announc ing to Invalids and the public generally that ■ the above popular and superiorly npp >in<ed Est -b --lishmem, formerly conducted by T Carleton Coyle, jM. D. is now ready for the recept’on f'patients j peeking a restoration to health All Chronic af fec'ionsot the human organism succ<-«<fully treated at this Institute. Dyspepsia, Gout. Rheumatism, Constipation, Hemorrhoid or Pi'es, Ilemorrh* j es, A morotrhcea, Dysmenorrbcea Floor Albus Geni»a Di.*-«ce rnents Affections o the Eves and Ears. Tetter, Erysipelas, and all Chronic diseases t the skin and j scalp. Scrofula Dropsy. Syphilis, and the lli moral diseases generally, Neuralgia. Seiatii a. Tic Don- I louroux. Hystina Epilepsy or the falling s'ckness, | v irtigo, Para'ys’s Apoplectic 'endercy. Asthma, | Bronchitis, Chronic Inflammation of th> Stomach | and Bowe's, Atrophy, and ind ed every possible ! habit o ! , or Chronic disf-ased action that is cnrahlo, i and till diseases are curable, it no organic lesion ! be present. The Ladies Department i r under the immediate supervision of that accomplished lady Mrs Jane Matthews, so well known to the o'd patrons of the Establishment- The facilities which this Institution offers for the prosecution of a stictlv Hydropathic and Hygienic course of treatment together with its ea-ii ess of access from all points in Georgia and tbe adjoining?# States, renders it peculiarly adapted to th. wants of Invalids desirous of availing themselves of thft efficacy of the Water Cure. . The purity of the Water, and the aecommo iations tor Guest are too well known to need comment. In fitting up the Establishment, no expense has been spared at could conduce to make it one of the most desirable place-of resort for Invalids in tbe United States. Patients will be required to furnish their own out fits; these will consist of Friction Sheets, and Towels. Compresses, and Blankets tor Sudorific purposes, all of which can bo purchased here on the most reasonable terms Terms—Professional attention, use of baths, Ac., $lO per week ; board $5 per » eek—payable month ly. Servants treated and boarded for $lO per week. AH letters of inquiry prompUy answered, june 8 2m LADIES’ WATER-CURE ESTABLISH-“ MINT, AT COLUMBIA, S. C., KEPT by DR. EDWARD RILEY and LADY. For the Cure and Relief of Amenorrhoea, Dys menerrhcea. Prolapsus Uteri, Fluor Albus. Bar renness from early marriage, and Nervous Prostra tion. Ac.; Diseases of the Eyes, I ars and Nose; Throat and Chest Complaints—Asthma, Bronchi tis, Ac. Diseases oftbe Liv. r. Spleen. Stomach and Bowels; Dyspepsia. Constipation, Piles; Rheuma tism, Gout, Paralysis. Neuralgia and Nervous Com plaints yenerallv ; Cant erous Complaints and Old Ulcers, all Diseases of the SkiD, Erysipelas Scald Head of Children Tetter. Scrofula, St. Vitus Dance; Dropsies, Sick Headache This Establishment is now open for the reception of Ladies, where all thei r diseases, chrbn corucuto will receive devoted attention. Gentlemen can only be admitted for treatment in cases where their wives are patients No small children can be accommodated, save those brought for the cure. Those who prefer bringing their servants can do so free of charge provided ihey attend to tbe baths and chambers of their respective owners, and ob serve strictly the regulations of tbe bouse. Each Lady will have a separate room, with the comforts of home. For an entire outfit, with board and treatment per month, from $75 to SIOO will be required, al ways in advance. No patient can be received for the cure of chronic affections for less than two months. GENTLEMEN (with th eir servants) from a dis tance will be accommodated with board and lodg ing in tbe vicinity ot the establishment, convenient to their bath bouse, and will be charged $75 in ad vance tor 2 months’ treatment, exc'usive of their outfit. All communications from Ladies to be di rected to Mrs. R. H. Riley; those from Gentle ment to Dr. Edward Riley, Co'umhia, S. C. aptil6 tAc4m*s CHEROKEE SPRINGS \T~ILL open the 17th June, under the snperin- VV tendance of Col. Woo Murray and Lady. These Springs are pure, 'impid, and co *l, consist ing of Chalybeate, w h te Sulphur Limestone and Freestone. Tbe medicinal p'opertie- wills made public, as Prof Meats of Emory ol ego, is now preparing an Ana rsis. They aro B eat d 5£ miles beyond the Tunne . on tbe c -tate Road, three quarters of a mile from C<>l. Ramsey's plats. im, (u ed for Catoosa also) visitors will find Hacks a ways ready. Terms of board Bw. may 2(1 lav4dA4o J. G. PENISTON. WHITE SULPHER SPRING. Situated i:i Hall county—6 miles from Gaines ville. THF PROPRIETOR would inform the public that his HOUSE will be open onlX? the Ist day of June for visitors, and deem it almost needless to say. that as heretofore every ef fort will be made to add to the pleasure and com fort of bis guests. STAGE LINES convey passing* rs from Athens direct, and also via Gainesville, three times a week. E. PACE, Proprietor. may 5 dAc4mos “SULPHUR springs, n. c. THE undersigned respectfully informs tbe travelling pub ic, in seat eh of bealtJ or pleasure, that they have taken charge of the Hotel at the SULPHUR SPRINGS, Near Asheviße N. C . and are ha v? g it fitted up with entire New Furniture, and will open it on thd Ist day of July next for the entertainment of visi tors. There is attached to the Hotel a l>r»e danc ; ng Saloon, which will be furnished with a splendid Band of Music. Their charges will be reasonable They hope by diligence, and the r exertions to please, to be able to urntsh as gvod, if not better, accommoda tions than have ever been found in the above es tablishment heretofore. R HENRY A SONS. Sulpher Springs, N. C., June 2, 1853. june 10 c 4 HOE’S. CAST STEEL CIRCULAR AND LONG SAWS THE subscribers manufacture from the best Cast Steel, Sircular Saws, from two inches to five feet in diameter. Tin se Saws are caretully har dened and temper d. and are ground and finished by machinery designed expres.-ly for the purpose, and are therefore much superior in truth at d uni formity of su face to those ground- in the usual manner. They require less set, less power to drive them, and are not so liable to become heated, and produce a saving in timber. They also manufacture Mill Pitt and Cross Cut Saws and Billet Webs, or superior qual’ty. all of which they have for sale at their Ware Rooms, 20 and 31 Gold street, or they may be obtair ed of tbe principal Hardware Houses in the United St&tcs* R HOE A CO.. Printir g Press, Machine and Saw makers, 29 and 31 Gold-st. The tollowing extract is trom a report made by a committee of scientific and practical gentlemen, appointed by the American Institute: “Your committee are of unanimous opinion, that in toe appara'us invented by Mr. R M. Hoe, for grinding Saws, be has displa' ed great ingenuity and tact in the adaptation of machinery to the pro duction of results in tbe machinery to ihe produc tiod of results in the manufacture of Saws, which may with propriety bo denominated the nephis ul tra of the art.’’ july 2 dc3 >» LADIES DRESS GOODS AT COST! GRAY BKOTHEn* RE selling all their colored Muslins, Bareges, .1 Tissues and Granedines, Summer Silks. Ac., ard all such goods as are liable to change styles be tween now and n£xt season, at Now Yor oost, those goodshaving been ttuchased closely for oas' Great bargains may be anticipated on the -<■ eras. dtAw