The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, July 22, 1853, Image 1

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BY JAMES GARDNER, JR. lattstitutiimalmt K ilrjittblir. officlToSTmcintosh-street, THiltn DOOR FSOM TII K NORTH-WEST CORNER OF BKOAD-3TREET. BUSIMvSS CARDS. To Professional and Business Men. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS, notex eed n? six lines, will be inserted under this head at the rate of $lO per annum. Cards exceedingslx lines, will be charged pro rata per line. JOHN C. CARMICHAEL. OOMMISSI ON MERCHANT, Augusta, Geo. Will attend to the sale of Produce of all kinds, consigned to him. c sept 29 STURGES'& H •MPTON” ~~ G G ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS for f Timber and Produce, No. 76 Bay st., Savan nah, Ga. W«. 11. Sturges. Presley Hampton. june 9 ly BERRIEN & JONES, * TTORNEYS AT LAW— Office, Waynesboro’, Burke county—Will practice in the Middle Circuit of Georgia. ly jan 10 Thos. M. Berrien, | Malcom D. Jones P. R. DA MI LL. T. L. COOPER. DANIELL & COOPER, \ TTORNEYS AT LAW, Atlanta, Goorgia, will attenl to the collection of debts and other Professional business in the surrounding counties. Refer to Messrs. J. R.AW.M. Dow, and Buford, Beall A Co , Augusta, apr 29 ly JAMES GARDNER, JR., 4 TTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta, Georgia— J\. Office ©n Mclntosh-st. mar 17 LOUIS DELAIGLE, 4 TTORNEY AT LAAV, Augusta, Ga.—\V I practice in the Middle Circuit of Georgia. Office on Mclntosh street, third door North of the office of tho A Republic. octl9 ly ~ JOHN D. REILLY. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta Ga., will prac tice in tho Courts of the middle District and Common Pleas of Augusta. Office up stairs in Metcalf’s New Building, third door North of the Constitutionalist A Republi office. aug4 ly ANDREW JACKSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Warrenton, Ga. may 3 6m DAViD~s7jOHNSTON 1 “ 4 TTORNEY AT ,AW, Commissioner for N Carolina, and Notar* Public. D 3? 3 ' Office over tho store ol Messrs. B. H. War. ron A Co., Granite Row, Jackson street, Augusta, Ga may ° 'JONES &. STURGES, \ TTORNEYS AT LAW, Waynosboro’, Geoi gia. John J. Jones. J. R. Sturges ap 21 BENNETT &. BEERS,' WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 125 Main street, Richmond, Virginia. Chas. Bennett, | Wm. S. Beers. may 29 d'. H. SAUNDERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Groonsboro, Georgia. jan 5 fly J. C'~& G. A. SNEAD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, (Law Range,) Au gusta, Ga. Practice in the Courts of the Mid dle District, and Common Pleas of the city. John C. Snead, also practices in the Courts of Edgefiod and Barnwell Districts, S. C. John C. Snead. Garland A. Snead. aug 6 ly MILLEDGE & ROGERS' %TTORNEYS AT LAW Augusta, Georgia.- Office on Jackson street. John Milledge. A. M. Rogers aug 7 ly T. W. COBB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Eatonton, Geo., will practice in the several Counties of Putnam, Jasper, Morgan, Jones, and Baldwin. 05 7 ” All business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. sept 15 SHEWMAKE & MONTGOMERY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Waynesboro, Ga., jV will practice Law in Copartnership, in Burke county. John T. Shewmakk. | W. W. Montgomery G. A. SNEAD, COMMISSIONER for taking the acknowledg ment of Deeds, administering Oaths, Ac., for the States of Alabama, Florida, and Texas, jan 28 ]y JOHN T. SHEWMAKE. " \ TTORNEY AT LAW, will practice in Burke, Jefferson, Washington, and other counties of the Middle District. Office, first floor over J. C. Carmichael's Store, V arren Block. Augusta, Ga. ly feb 6 s. t. stiScSlanb A TTORNEY AT LAW, Franklin, Heard coun -fV ty, Ga., will attend promptly to Professional Business entrusted to him in all the counties of the Coweta Circuit. References.— W. T. Gould, Augusta, Ga.; D. L. Grimes, Corinth, Ga.; W. W. Gunter, Frank lin ' Qa. ly a p 9 R. J. & W. T. ATTORNEY’S AT LAW, Jefferson, Jackson -Ti. county, Ga., will practice in the Western Cir cuit of Georgia, and also, in the counties of Madi son and Elbert, ofthe Northern Circuit ROBERT J. MILLICAN, WM. T. MILLICAN an 26 ly M. & R. M. JOHNSTON, \ TTORNEYS AT LAW, SPARTA, GA. Tho -fk undersigned will practice Law in Hancock and tho adjoining counties and the Supreme Court. Mark Johnston. | R. M. Johnston. feb 11 ly WILLIAM A. REID, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Eatonton, Geo. Re- Y fersto Hon. F. H. Cone, Greensboro.’ sept. 8 ts EDWARD R. HARDEN, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Ringgold,Walker coun ty, Geo.,will attend promptly to the oollec t ions of claims in Walker, Murray and Whtfiold lountios, Georgia, and Hamilton county, Tennes- Refferenees.— Graddy A Burfford, Whitman A TV 77 dVo I tOn R J • J • Johnson > Ringgol 1, *~tark & Co -. P A Scranton, Cob .Tn 0 . Milledge^Augusta. ly oct 26 T. ALLANS ~ ' ~ A Ti n!f NEV A n LAW ’ Dawronceville, Gwin IY nett county, Ga. ly ay 6 m JAMES C.'LONGSTREET ATTORNEY AT LAW, Calhoun, Gordon coun ty, Ga., will practice in the several Courts of the Cherokee Circuit. Refers to Hon. J. P King, Robert F. Poe, Augus ta, Qa.; Richard J. Peters, Esq., Atlanta, Ga.; \V. Aiken, Esq., Cassvillc, Ga. ts july 23 NOTICE. " A t L PURSONS in lebted to the Estate of Mar tin Frederick, deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate payment; and those having claims against said Estate, to present thorn, duly attested, and within the time prescribed by law. EDWARD GIRARDEY, ' | , may 21 WM. J. DOUGHERTY. j Adm rs ’ p H vsici AN S' ~ PR ESC RIPXJONS- executed A- with accuracy, neatness, and dispatch, at the Orugg ls t and Apothecary Store of -J 1111 ! 11 WM. HAINES, Broad-st. TTavana SEGA RS.-30,000 La Faihion Se -77 10 ' 00() Holicios do.; a direct importa j!ne 22 r ** ® by DAWSON & SKINNER. 1 ()()() bushels CORN. For sale by july 8 LEWIS. S T p RE 7° R E^T—Tholarge"sTOßEon ** hi p , oad rr St ln Ce f’ South side ofJower market. M just below H. T. Peay’s. Apply to - July 10 W. 11. PRITCHARD. TTAY—IOO bales prime Eastern HAY. For saT j7 by <*eo. w lewis, No. 1 Warren Block. ; , FLOUR, from new wheat For sale by - JU W GEO W. LEWIS. WATER.-36 dozen, freslTfro m . , ® Spring, for sale by J u, y 7 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. Ik ails <lo nstitutlo miltst anti Railroad, Steamboat and Stage Lines. NEW AND UNRIVALLED- RAIL ROAD ROUTE TO THE NORTH. ''' via the" WILMINGTON & MAN. RAILROAD: Through in the same time with the great North ern Mail, and, Avoiding Sea Sickness. TR AVELLERS are respectfully informed that one hundred and thirty miles ofthe Wilming ton and Manchester Railroad are completed and in successful operation, and connections have been formed by first class Four Horse Post Coaches, over the unfinished part of the Road. The following is the schedule. Leave Augusta at 4J A. M. “ Wilmington, at 8 A. M. Arrive at Weldon at 3 P. M. “ at Baltimore at 6 A M. “ “ Philadelphia at 1 P. M. “ “ New Ytrk at 6-30 P. M. Time from Augusta to Wilmington 26 hours. “ Wilmington to New York,. .34-30 “ At Wilmington the connection is made with the u ’clock A. M. Express Train. At Weldon, passengers can have choice of F„outos, either by Seaboard A Roanoke Railroad and Bay Line of Steamers, or by Railroad through Peters burg, Richmond and Washington City, to Balti more. Through Tickets by cither of these Lines can be purchased in Wilmington. Through Tickets from Montgomery to Charles ton will boreceivod on tho South Carolina Railroad, between Augusta and tho Wilmington and Man chester Railroad. Passengers dosirous of going North by this Route, will have their Baggage checked at Augus ta, to the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad. Any other informaeion can be obtained of Dr. J. L. Keen, Agent at Augusta. L. J. FLEMING, Sup. Wil. A Man. R. R. july 14 dActf THROUGH FARE FROM CHARLESTON TO BALTIMORE $17.50, TO PHILADELPHIA sl9, AND TO NEW YORK S2O. CHARLES TON, SO. CA. LEAVING the wharf at tho foot of Laurens street daily, after the arrival of the Southern cars, vb A'ilnington, N. C., from which point two daily Gains aro despatched, at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M.; the 8 o'clock only connecting at Weldon, N. C., with the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad to Nor folk, thence by steamers to Baltimore, and both trains connecting at Weldon with the lines to Pe tersburg. Richmond, Washington. Baltimore. Phila delphia, and New York. The public is respectful ly informed that tho steamers of theso lines are in first rate condition, and aro navigated by well known and experienced commanders : tho Rail Roads are in fine order, (tho Wilmington and Weldon, as well as the Seaboard and Roanoke, having recent ly been relaid with heavy T rail,) thereby securing ; both safety and despatch. By these routes, passen- j gers availing themselves ofthe first train, may reach ! Baltimore in 40 hours, Philadelphia in 45 hours, and New York in 50£ hours; and by the second train, they arrivo in Baltimore in 50 hours,-Phila delphia in 56 hours, and New York in 61 £ hours. Through tickets can alono be had from E. WINSLOW, Ager.tof the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company, at the office of the Company, foot of Laurons-stroot, Charleston, S. C., to whom please apply. march 23 TRANSPORTATION EETWEEN SAVAN NAH AND AUGUSTA. BY TILE FASHION IN offering the services of tho steamer FASHION, (the first boat of this line) to tho merchants of ! Goorgia and Carolina, Alabama and Tennessee, i we would for her that patronage which her ; construction and l'At draught of water merits. The Fashion i 3 aYomo enterprise and owned ex- ; clusively by Capt T. N. Philpot (her commander) and myself, whose entire attention will be given to tho interest of her patrons. This built in this city, and great care has been in her construction to make her worthy <rf the trado for which she is intended Her capacity is about 2060 hales Cotton, her j draught es water only 13 inches, which will enable ; her at all seasons of the year, to deliver her freight promptly. Her entire cargo will be taken between decks, which will not only prevent damage to goods in case of snagging, but will add much to the condi tion of packages discharged from her. Mr. M. A. Cohen is the agent of this line in Savannah, where suitable wharves and warehouse have been provi ded in a central situation for tho reception of Cot ton, Merchandize, Ac. The Fashion will run in connection with the New York and Philadelphia steamship, pelivering goods at this point in five days from either of those cities. JOHN A. MOORE. AUGUSTA, Jl LY 13th, 1853. " THE UNDERSIGNED, Proprietors of Ware houses and Factors, deem it expedient, in view ofthe greatly increased oxponse of conducting their business, to establish the o d rate of FIFTY CENTS per bale commissions for selling Cotton, on and afeer the first day of September next. The rate of Storage remaining the same as here tofore, to wit: TWENTY-FIVE CENTS per bale for the first month, and TWELVE AND A HALF CENTS per bale for each month thereafter. L. HOPKINS, D’ANTIGNAC, EVANS A CO., DOUGHTY A BEALL. BUSTIN A WALKER, HEARD A DAVISON, PHINIZY A CLAYTON, M P. STOVALL, SIMPSON A GARDINER, ROBERTSON A STOVALL, J. d PEARCE, DYE A HEARD, july 13 dGActf portraitsT CHARLES BERUFF,—ARTIST, From the Academy of Munich. Bavaria. GRATEFUL for the encouragement en him the past season, informs theji3Sy*l ladies and gentlemen es Augusta and vici-NBBEgS’ nity, that he has removed to the rooms over office of Dr. Van Vorhce’s, on Mclntosh street, two doors from Constitutionalist A Republic office, and is prepared to furnish PORTRAITS of the finest execution, at tho shorest notice. The Pub lic are respectfully invited to give him a call. few more Pupils in DRAWING can be accommodated. On MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY AFTERNOONS ho will be engaged, giving instruct tions on the Sand Hills. .* f ' References.—Col. Turner Canton, Messrs. Richards, J. Gardner, Jr. july 15j f ■ GEORGIA MARBLE WORKS. J. G. Rankin, Wm. M. Hurlick, Geo. L. Sumvei/*' (SUCCESSORS TO A. ATKINSON fc CO.) c THIS ESTABLISHMENT has been in succe,^-1 full operation for a number of years. Tdc J Quarries aro woll opened, and tho marble is rior to any in the United States. [■- V e have so perfected our facilities for gettirtej furnishing work, that we can furnish \ , MONUMENTS, TOMBS, TABLETS, HEAD STONES, ! over ything in our line of business in better i courtry ebca P er fates than any yard in the ! ' 8 e° nfl idercd that wo saw our own from ’’Y Jobber’s profits, and no high freight material ovor all '-ompetitors. examine our wort^a^comna* 18 th ‘\P ab,ic . t ° thosCjOf other yards before P ’ordoOngTorthern We have on hand at our virri , assortment of finished worW-M„„,Lms Tombs! Ac . —whore our agent, Mr. G w ■ thoM-n UrP Adr ourP T ft ip p al Wo^k is m done W at tho Mills. Address J. G. RANKIN A CO. . Marble Work P.O. Ga. July 17 dcly COWING & CO.’S GARDEN AND FiRP ENGINES, WHICH, for power, capacity, and usefulness cannot be surpassed; from the size of the air chamber, sufficient power is obtained to enable one man to throw a steady stream of water to the height of fifty feet perpendicularly, thereby rendering it a desirable article, aa a protec:ion against fire, for washing windows of 2 and 3 stories of buildings, carriages, Ac. Also, a general assortment of Block Tin Pipe, Lead Pipe and Gutta Percha Hose. For sale by (july 1) ts B. F. CHEW. FRESH BUTTER.—CaII in.~l have got some more—call in—can’t dwell —it is sure to be sold, and will slick buiscuits ala mode de Goshen, july 10 W. H. PRITCHARD. Ifllttmorr Jltorrtismfttts. GWYN & REID, (LATE GWYN, REID & TAYLOR,) IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, No. 7 Hanover street, Baltimore, Md. aug 20 ly BALTIMORE SILK HOUSE. YEAKLE, COBB & CO., 255 BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE. SILK GOODS, adapted to the wants of the Sou thern States. A stock competing with any found in the Northern cities, to which the atten tion of Southern Merchants is raspectfully invited, on terms liberal as elsewhere. Baltimore, August 1, 1852. dfAcly aug 1 s)|)Uii&flj)j)ia Jttwcrtisfments. REDUCED PRICES..-SQ RIFLES, SHOT GUNS, PISTOLS, &C. EDWARD K. TRYON, 134 No. 2nd St., Philadelphia, MANUFACTURER and Importer of Rifles, Shot Guns, Pistols, Shot Pouches, Rifle Locks, Barrels and materials for Gun Makers’ use. Dealers will find it to their interest to examine qualities and prices of my goods before purchasing elsewhere. dAclm july 19 WOOD’S STEAM ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS, PHILADELPHIA. CAST and Wrought Iron RAILINGS, Window GUARDS, CHAIRS, SETTEES, and every article in the above lino always on handattholow estprices. Thcundcrsigned having the agency of theabove establishment, and a book of the different designs, will be pleased to show them to all in want, and re ceiveorders. GLENDINNING A CO. mar 30 ly Im <fßoobs. DRY GOODS. P. & M. GALLAHER, HAVE just received a splendid assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, among which a o, SATIN Pi AIDS and rich figured BAREGES ; Plain Tissue Silks and Bareges; Plain, figured and Plaid Silks; Rich figured and Plain black Silks ; French Jaconet and Orgonda Muslins ; Second Mourning Tissues and Bareges; Embroidered and dotted Swiss Muslin*; Book, Mull and Nansook Muslins; French’ English and American Prints; Linen Lustres and Barege DeLaines; French, Scotch and American Ginghams : Jaconet, Swiss and Plaid Muslins; Linen Lawn andL. C. Handkerchiefs; Embroidered and Hem-stitchod Handkerchiefs; ; Needle Worked Collars and Bands; i Neck, Bonnet and Cap Ribbons ; ; Alexander’s black and colored Kid Gloves; ; Needle Worked Collars and Laco Capes ; Black Silk Mitts and colored Silk Gloves ; Plain and figured Bob’t Lace; 10-4 and 12-4 Linen Sheeting; 12-4 and 13-4 Lancaster Quilts ; Table Napkins and Towellings. Also, a well selected stock of HOSIERY, which will bo sold at very low prices. apr 1 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. COSGROVE & BRENNAN HAVE now in -toro, and aro constantly receiv ing tho largest assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ever seen in Augusta. Tho Ladies’ Dross Department is fitted witu tneeiioicest fabrics of English, French and Italian manufac | tures, consisting of: I Brocade and Glace SILKS ; j Bmck and figured Matteonido.; S Changeable and solid colors do.; | Lining Silks, all shades and quality ; Strawberry Printed Bareges, Satin Plaid ; Solid colored “ Figured Chintz Patterns, new stylos; Plain and figured Tissue Silks ; Barege DeLaines; Mourning Bareges and Muslins; Fine French Jaconet Muslins, new designs ; Ail kinds of printed Lawns and Muslins ; Summer Silks and Grenadines ; • Crape Shawls, Mantillas, Ac. The assortment of STAPLE AND DOMESTIC GOODS is very large, and the prices will be found, on examination, extremely low. Among the as ortment are : GINGHAMS, CALICOES, SHIRTINGS; Sheetings, Linen Table Damasks ; Towellings, Bird-Eye Diapers ; Irish Linens, Pant Stuffs ; Tickings, Marlboro Stripes, Checks, Ac., Ac. ALSO Linen Cambric HANDKERCHIEFS, new styles ; Needle Worked Collars, Lace Capes ; do. do. Sleeves, Bands; Neck and Bonnet Ribbons ; Fancy Gauze and Cap Ribbons ; Also, a select assortment of IIOSEIRY, from the lowest price to the finest quality made. Alexander's KID GLOVES, Black SILK MITTS; Linen and Lilse Thread Laces, Bobinet do.; Mosquito Netting, Grass Skirts, Ac. The public are respectfully invited to examine the above assortment, and we feel assured that they will bo convinced of the suporior quality and low prices of our goods. COSGROVE A BRENNAN, mar 30 202 and 276 Broad-st. _ J. P. SETZE ' “ HAS just received a full supply of FANCY and STAPLE GOODS, suitable for SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR, to which hoinvitos tho atten tion of the public, to wit: Paris rich PRINTED and BROCHE ORGANDIES; “ “ Lawns and Muslins; Real French Printed Cambrics and Jaconets ; “ Checked and rich figured Bareges; Superior French Plain Bareges; “ Bayadere Muslins; New style Bayadere and Organdie Robos; French Brillantino Jaconets; “ Broehe Lawns and Muslins ; Black Mario Antoinette; Plain black Barege; Second Mourning Bareges and Muslins ; Rich Fancy Silks ; Black Silks, all widths ; New styles Scotch Ginghams; French, English and Domestic Prints; White and colored Borlin Cord, (for Bonnots,) ; Plain, Rivioro, Hem-stitched and Embroidered French Lawn, and Linen Cambric Handkorch’fs; Book and Jaconet Undorslocvcs ; Lace “ Latest style, low piiced, and rich Needle Worked « Collars; YVhito and colored Tarleton Muslins; slain and dotted Swiss “ ansook, Mull, Book, Jaconet and Cross Bar’d *!jyt Muslins ; wadies’ host white and black Silk Hose ; },7 “ and Misses white, black and colored Cotton j- Hose ; 4 low prieod and suporior Marseilles Quilts; MShort and long black Silk Mits; (.■Plain and Carved Tuck Combs; Roger's best Scissors; ) 2-4 Irish, Scotch and Barnsley Shoeting; 44 Irish and French Linens; 5 4 Pillow Case Linens ; 8-4, 9-4, 10 4 Bloached and unbleached Damaak Table Diapors; Damask Napkins and Doylies ; Bleached and unbleached Huckabaok bordered Towels and Toweling; Linen Lustres. FOR GENTLEMEN'S AND BOY’S WEAR. 4-4 Slate and Drab LINENS ; 7-8 Grass do; 6 4 Froncli black Drap d’Eti; 34, 6-4 English do. do.; 3-4 Faney Cashmeret; Cottonados, Caspians; Fine and superior white Linen Drilling; Low priced and suporior Faney do.; Farmers and Planters Drillings; Barnsley do.; Linen Coateo Checks and other kinds ; Extra fine black Satin Vestings ; 32, 34, 36 in. black Italian Cravats ; Gents and Boys Linen and Cotton Half Hose; “ Gloves of various kinds, Ac., Ac. jnar 22 HOSIERY AND GLOVES. ~ A HANDSOME assortment of Colored Silk, Lisle and Cotton half HOSE, and Lislo Til bury Driainy Gloves. Also, Ladies White, Drab, and Wash Norway Doe Gauntletts. Just received by J uly 20 W. 0. PRICE A CO. T ext RACT—39 varieties —for sale PHILIP A. MOISE, •> ul y 2l Druggist. AUGUSTA, GA., RKIDAY MORNING, JULY 22, 1853 ©mcral JUfiifrtisrmrnts. NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated January. 1849. Central Oefice, Raleigh, N. C. HAVING established an Agency in this city, are prepared to take LIFE RISKS on the mo*st favorable terms. The table of Rates are those made by Joshua Millar, and known as “ The Carlisle Table,” uni versally conceded to be the most correct in use. The advantages offered by this Company, are such as merit the attention of the public, and will be pointed out and explained at any time by the Agent. Insurances are taken on single lives, for ona year, seven years, or for life. On joint lives, for life. On slaves at 2-3 value, one or five years. The undersigned can, at all times, be found at the Law office of G. J. & W. Schley, Esqs. Letters, post-paid, directed to the Agent here, will be promptly attended to Apr 11 S. H. OLIVER, Ag’t., Augusta, Ga. THE AUGUSTA BILLIARD ROOMS, In the Rear of Hay wood's Shaving Saloon, Under the Augusta Hotel. JAI. HAYWOOD, respectfully informs his • friends and the citizens Os Augusta, generally, that he has opened a new and elegant BILLIARD ROOM, furnished with very superior Tables, from the Manufactory of Strong A Moore, New York, and hopes, by having it conducted with propriety and decorum, to be favored with the patronage of thegentlcmon of Augusta. janl9 ! P. BRENNER, PIANO MANUFACTURER, Quality Range, Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., IS ready to execute all orders for PI ANOS of all descriptions, which warrants to bo equal in tone, quality ff §* | f I and durability to any that are brought from the North. The following is one of various testimonials, which have been kindly given to P. B. by gentle men in this city. Having bought a Piano of Mr. P. Brenner last year, which was of his own make, I take groat pleasure in testifying my perfect approbation of it in every respect. It is very rich in tone, easy of touch, elegantly made and keeps in tune most ad mirablv- From what I have soen of Mr. Bren ner’s Pianos, I have no hesitation in recommend ing them for their superior quality, to all who may bo in want of a lino and durable instrument. J. B. Hart. Augusta, September 15, 1852. Further references : Rev. Mr. Ford, Mr. J. Seize, Mr. H. B. Frazier, B. Bignon, Mr. Win. R Schir mor and others. Pianos, Organs and other musical instruments tuned and skillfully repaired, at tho shortest no tice. P. BRENNER, _sept 17 ly Broad-st., above McKinne-st. HATS, CAPS^AND BONNETS7 AT CHARLESTON PRICES, COUNTRY Merchants visiting Augusta will find at our House the largest best solected s*:ock of HATS, CAPS BONNETS, in tho Southern country. and we pledge ourselves to sell as cheap as any Charleston House Those who wish to save their freight between here and Charleston, can do so by calling at J. TAYLOR A CO.’S, march 6 Opposite Wrigbt, Nichols A Co. Rheumatism cured,—Read the Evf. df.nce.—l have boon afflicted for tho last three years with Rheumatism in both legs, and have tried many inedicinqs without success, until I was advised to use Dr. Hoxie's Remedy for Rheumatism, Ac., and after using throe and a half bottles, I am entirely well, and have beon well over since, and this is nearly four months a^o. SAMUEL T. MADDOX. This Medicino is for sale at the Drug Store under tho Augusta Hotel. Price 50 cents per bottle, mar 25 SU M MER CASS IME RES andLINEN 3, Ibr Pantaloons, ol new styles of fabric, suited for a warm climate. _juno 4 WM.O PRICE A_CO. SUPERIOR KERSEYS.—GRAY BROTHERS have just received 25,000 yds. of very superior Kerseys, manufactured exnr.: lb of be best mate rial for our (••'•-n-trade, v .Cch we offer :?* . -lanfers wishing to make up their winter surplios in sum mor, at decided inducements. d|Aw june 18 NEW SPRING GOODS. LD. LALLEHSTEDT has opened at his old • Stand, corner Globe Hotel, a new and complete assortment of SPRING GOODS, the styles and prices of which, ho warrants to please, to which he invites attention. march 17 BIRD CAuES.—A general assortment of Bird Cages, Water Coolers of diffei ent patterns, in cluding Burnett's patent, which, with two pounds of Ice to the gallon of water, will keep it eight de grees from the freezing point for 24 hours; a beau tiful ornament for Hotels, Parlors, and Steamboats. For sale by B. F. CHEW, may 11 NO DEVIATION FROM MARKED PRICES. AUGUSTA FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. WM. 0. PRICE A CO., Tailors, 258 Broad st., have on hand, and are constantly manufae. turing the most superb GENTLEMEN’S OVERCOATS, Os evory description; Walking Coats, Business Coats, Dress and French Coats, of all the choice mode colors. PANTALOONS, Os Black and Fancy Doeskin, and Cassimeres, oi the latest styles. VESTS, Os rich Cashmeres, Cassimerc3 and Velvets, Em* broiderod Goods, Ac. Ac. ROBES DE CHAMBRE, Os various styles and qualities. GENTLEMEN’S UNDER GARMENTS, Os every description. Tho whole embracing the host assortment of well made Clothing to be found in Augusta. Purchasers will he pleased to call and examine our assortment WM. O. PRICE A CO., dec 5 258 Broad street, Augusta. ALBONI HATS.—Received by last steamer, a beautiful Alboni Hat, light and pleasant for summer wear. J. TAYLOR, Jr., A CO. REMOVE YOUR CORNS.—The American Vogotable Corn Plaster, with directions for its use. This article stands unrivalled, for removing Corns. For sale by WM. HAINES, june H Druggist, Augusta. CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT. BB 4DY MADE \ ? HATS CLOTHING,jW. O. PRICE & CO.,i neweststyle. at Wholesale Drapers and Tailors, j CAPS, and Retail, are well supplied with the of Plush, Cloth of all descrip-best of English & French & other kinds tions,oftheve-; CLOTHS, iUMBRELLAS^ ry best make. ~{• black and blue, andallj ofSilkand nN « B .^S 1 i> R a TS ’- the newest colors. j Ginghams. D «p aiiirn' CASSIMERES, jShoulder Bra- CRAVATS, Sr/ u ®west and most ( Mone fe elts all kinds of Jashjomdde patterns. BRUSHES, HOSIERY.’ VESTINGS, for Clothes, GLOVES. ° f ever y description. ;Hair,Nails, Ac of every de-The public will find us Porte Monies, seription, and preparedl to maYe to Pocket Books, all articles use-! , OKI "* R . .. and all useful ful and neces- f' 11 articles of Dressm the articles of ■ary for Dress best andl most approved Dress for Gen _ and comfort i STYLE. tlemen’s use. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. REMOVAL. THE SUBSCRIBER has removed his GUN ESTABLISHMENT to 205 Broad street, a few doors above tho Augusta Hotel, at the store lately occupied as a Grocery Store by John A. Miilon. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a con tinuance of the same. june 4 _ JS. H. ROGERS. SPRIN(TtRADE^ WE have commenced receiving CLOTHS, CAS SIMERES and VESTINGS, of the newest style and best fabric, for SPRING WEAR, which wo are prepared to make uptomeasuro, in tho latest style and best manner. Our stock will bo replenished, E\ ERY WEEK, with the cheapest and best to be found in tho Northern market, feb 27 WM. O. PRICE A CO. SAFETY FUSE. JUST RECEIVED, from the Manufactory of Messrs. Toy. Bickford A Co., Simsbury, Conn., a supply of their celobrated patont improved Safe ty Fuse, suitable for dry blasting or blasting under water. Apply to ROBERTSON A STOVALL. TO RENT FOR STORAGE A fine Collar, 85 feot in length, and 24 feet in breadth. Also, a Room on the first floor, suitable for storage, 50 feet long and of same width as the cellar, on Broad street, first door above tho Augusta Hotel. Pos session given immediately. E. H. ROGERS, june 5 <ofnmil Jtawttiimrati. UNITED STATES HOTEL ' AUGUSTA, GA. THE above HOTEL is now open for the Jjnt-A reception of Permanent and Tran- Bklm SIENT BOARDERS. This long established and well-known House has undergone a thorough alteration throughout, and furnished with NEW and FASHIONABLE FUR NITURE! The table will always be supplied with the imcst the market affords; and the Proprietort rusts, by a systematic course, both with servants and the regulations of the house gponoeaUy, he will be ena bled to give entire 9afcislftction to those that may favor him with theirpatronage. „ . JNO. W. SPEAR. Chronicle A Sentinel please copy, jan 4 CABINET MAKING & UNDERTAKING H. CAFFIN, AT HIS STAND, second door below thef?\ Eagle A Phoenix Hotel, respectfully in forms his friends and the public, that he still continues the above business in all its branches. He keeps on hand a large assortment of Maho gany and other Coffins, oi all kinds and sizes. Also Shrouds and Sheets—which he offers on the mos reasonable terms. Also, Wire Safes, an assortment of Fine Cages, and a Chair for Invalids. All orders will meet with prompt attention. ts may 19 GLENDINNING ’fit CO.'S MARBLE WORKS, BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, WHERE wo have on hand, and willcontinue to keep a well selected stock of Italian and American MARBLE, for Monuments, Tombs, Ac., which wo will finish up to order in a manner not to be surpassed by any similar establishment, and as low as they can be laid down from New York or any other place. Call and examine for yourselves, mar 30 ly FASHIONABLE FALL AND WINTER GOODS. JOHN BRIDGES, Merchant Tailor, Clothier, and Gentleman’s Furnishing Store, 250 Broad street, next door bolow the United States Hotel, is now in receipt of a full and complete stock of all that appertains to a Gentleman’s Wardrobe, con sisting of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. VESTINGS, and Trimmings to make up to order, both civic and military. Also a largo and fashionable assort ment of READY MADE CLOTHING, and a full supply of Furnishing Articles, viz : SHIRTS, UN DER SHIRTS. LADIES UNDER VESTS, DRAWERS, Nett and Made; Collars, Cravats, Scarfs, Stocks, Gloves, Ac.&c. MAKING and TRIMMING in tho best man pcr - oct 8 AUGUSTA BARBER SHOP. JM. HAYWOOD, rospectfully announces to • the citizens of Augusta, that h will open To- Morrow, (Wednesday) November 17th, his NEW and COMFORTABLE BARBER SHOP in tho Augusta Hotel, Broad street. Sparing no expense or pains in making his Sa loon ono of tho most Fashionable in tho United States, ho assures his fellow-citizens and friends that every endeavor shall be made to make his patrons comfortable. Ho respectfully solicits their support. My prices will bo as reasonable as in any similar establishment in New York : Hair Cutting iu a fashionable and splendid stylo.. . 25c. Single Shavo loc Shampooing.. 250. Shaving every day, by the month $2 00 Do. five times per week 150 Do. three and four timos per week.... 100 Tickots for Children Hair Cutting, 6 for... 100 Parents aro rospectfully informed that every pains will bo taken with their children, whon sent to the Saloon to bo waited upon. J- M. H. will keep for sale, a variety of FANCY GOODS, such as Gentlemen’s Cravats, Stocks, all kinds of Gloves, Dress Shirts, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Merino and Cotton Under-Shirts, Drawers, Socks, Collars, and other articles ofGen tlemen’s wear; Hair, Tooth, Nail, Hat, Cloth and Shoo Brushes; Soaps, Colonges, Oils, and a great variety of other articles. BALM OF SAVANNxYH.—This beautiful Pre paration is manufactured by himself, for cleansing and darkening tho Hair,, used by thousands throughout the State of Georgia. He respectfully recommends it to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta. (nov lfi) J. M. HAYWOOD. BOOTS, SHOES AND BROGANS. THE SUBSCRIBER, thankful for past favors, would inform his friends customers, that he is now receiving his usual sup ply of BOOTS, SHOES and BROGANS, compri sing every article and quality, which he will sell cheap. Call and see for yourselves. 2000 Pair No 1 PLANTATION BROGANS, cheap. (oct 7) HENRl r DALEY. GRANITE MILLS: THE undersigned having purchased the GRAN ITE FLOUR MILLS, located upon the Au gusta Canal, gives notice that the FLOUR AND GRAIN business will hereaftor be conducted and carried on by George W. Lewis. B. H. WARREN. And will keep for sale superfine FLOUR, fresh ground CORN MEAL, Wheat. Bran, Seconds, Ac. GEORGE W. LEWIS, feb 9 No. 1 Warren Block. BARGAINS"*!"' BARGAINS !! THE UNDERSIGNED, desirous of closing up their business, are selling off their stock of CLOTHING and DRY GOODS, at cost. All those who are indebted to the undersigned, either by note or account, are requested to make immtyliate payment, or their notes and accounts will bto put in a train for collection. MAYER, BROTHER A CO., jan 13 ts 3 doors above ha GUNS, PISTOLS, &C. DOUBLE BARREL SHOT GUNS, Shot and Powder Flasks, Gun Capy, of best makers ; Patent Wadding, Ac.; Allen’s and Colt’s Revolving Pistols, and others; English Belt and Pocket Pis tols. —also — A fine Self-Cocking and Revolving Pistol, with fivochambored cylinder, patent rifled, firing wad ded ball with great execution, splendidly made, by Deane, Adams A Deane, London Bridge—a beau tiful article for any one wishing a fine instrument in case, with caps, balls, wadding, wrench, driver, cleaning rod, oil cup, extra cones, Ac., complete For sale low, by CLARK A CO., Dealers in fine Watches, Silver Wares, oct 29 Jewelry, Guns. Ac fIaNO FORTES. THE SUBSCRIBERS would ros pcctfully call the attention of their friends and the public, to their \J • w \J v assortment of Rosewood and Mahogany PIANO FORTES, from tho well known and justly celebrat ed Manufactories of Bacon if Raven, A. H. Gale if Co., and Dubois if Seabury, New York, which aro warranted in evory rear oct, to be at least fully equal to any instruments manufactured in this coun try or Europe. The subscribers would aDo state that the instru ments now on hand are of tho latest paterns and fashion, and fresh from the manufacturers. For sale at very low prices for cash or city acceptance at GEO. A. OATES A CO.’S Piano, Book A Music Depot. Broad-st. GUITAR LESSONS. MR. F. KIRCHNER, Teacher of tho Guitar, begs leave to inform tho La-^jPw l dies and Gentlemen of Augusta and tho oinity, that ho has located kimsdf in this * city, and will be happy to give instruction on this beautiful Instrument. lie promises full satisfaction to all who may place themselves under his tuition. Applications made at the Store of Goo. A. Oates A Co., or C. Catlin A Co., or at the rosidenco of Mr. Kirchnor, nearly opposite tho Catholic Church, as to terms and references, will meet attention, Mr. K. will, with pleasure, wait on familios who may desire to confer with him the subject, nov 24 ts ALLEN’S COMPOUND IS THE remedy for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility, Ac. Sold at $1 00 a bottle by IIAVILAND, RISLEY A CO., may 3 3m Agents, Augusta. I UST RECEIVED, a fine lot of Travelling and f Packing TRUNKS, Ladies’ HAT CASES, Ac., to be sold cheap, at HENRY DALY T ’S, Opposite the U. S. Hotel. Also, 500 pair of Ladies’ Silk Lasting Top GAI TERS, at SI.OO and $1.25. apr 22 BENNETT’S MIXTURE FOR BOWEL COMPLAINT, HAS been in uso in Charleston for many years, and is regarded as a specific in the early stages of Bowel Complaint. Sold at 25 and 50 cents a bottle by HAVILAND, RISLEY A CO., may 3 3m Agents Augusta. VOL. 33 —NEW SERIES—VOL. 9 -NO. 17 JHrrriianirisr. SCOTCH WHISKY AND JAMAICA RUM - 1 puncheon Scotch Whisky, J. Ramsay; 1 do. Jamaica Rum. For sale by june 2 C. A. WILLIAMS. SUGAR AND COFFEE.— ISO bags prime Rio Coffee ; 40 hhds. Muscovado and N. O. Sugar. For sale by C A. WILLIAMS, june 2 JPst LANDED.— 2,OOO Bi Carb Soda : 2,000 lbs. Epsom Salts; 10 doz. Sand’s Sarsaparilla ; 350 ounces Sulph. Quinino; 1 case Wedgewood Mortars; 100 gross Matches ; 5 bbls. Cold Pressed Castor Oil, which arp ottered at low prices by WM. H. TUTT. june 15 dAw Wholesale and Retail Druggist FLOulTwKrbhls. N. °. Whisky"; 40 bbls. Flour, to close consignments. For sal . e fe y„ C. A. WILLIAMS. june 2 Yeast powders, sardines.— ioo dozen Yeast Baking Powders; 10 cases Sardine* For sale by C. A. WILLIAMS. SUGARS, COFFEeT&c' O HHDS. P. Rico Sugars. 15 do. N. Orleans granulated do* 150 bags prime Rio Coffee. 50 do Java, Laguira and Mocha do. 30 boxes choice Green and Black Teas. 50 boxes Tallow, Star and Sperm Candles. 50 boxes Steam Refined Candy. <5 boxes Tobacco, various qualities. 50,000 American and Spanish Segars. For sale by J.R. A W. M. DOW. jan 23 GROCERIES ! GROCERIES7T ~~ rriHE SUBSCRIBERS aro constantly supplied nn'u' as ? or tment of heavy and fancy GROCERIES, to which they respectfully invite the attention of Merchants, Planters and Families We continue the Old Practice of delivering Goods to our. City Customers, free of expense. Orders from the country will receive prompt attention and will bo filled at the lowest Market P ri ces. J. R. A W. M. DOW r . jan 23 Q/\ BBLS. Stuart's A. Sugar; 20 do. do. Yel low C. do.; 15 casks Campbell’s Ale; 25 boxes Soda Biscuit; 20 half bbl(s. Butter Crackers; 50 bbls. Extra Country Flour. Just received by DAWSON A SKINNER, juno 14 Chattanooga whisky,—2o bbls. choice, just received and for sale from the Chattanoo ga Distillery by jur.el4 S. C. GRENVTLLE A CO. POTATOES. —A few bbls. of choice Northern POTATOES, just received and for salo bv june 14 S. C. GRENVILLE A CO. WHITE WINE AND CIDErTineGarTH 75 bbls. just received and for sale by june 14 S. C. GRENVILLE A CO. OLD RAGS WANTED— The highoTTeash prices paid for clean Cotton, Linen, Silk or Woollen RAGS. June 14 _ W\JI. PRITCHARD, M ACKER el,—s(Tbbls. No. 3 MACKEREL. " 40 half bbls No. 1 and 2 do. 30 kits Mess do. 30 “ Largo No. 1 do. 15 “ No. 1 Salmon. 3 half drums Codfish. june 14 DAWSON A SKINNER. AG RICULTURAL I>l PLEM.NEST A gen cral assortment Agricultural Implements, just received and for sale at manufacturcr’sprices, with expenses added ; viz : Straw Cutters, of different patterns Corn Sheilers, Southern patterns Corn Mills, “ “ Emery A Co. s Patent Reap and Mowing Ma chines Hoes, Ploughs, Trucks, Well Wheels, Shovels Spades, Manure Forks, Horse Shoes, Ac.. Ac. For sale by B. F. CHEW, may 11 WR APPI N G PAPER. —3SO reams Single Crown ; 7 5 do. Double do.; 150 do. Medium, a superior article, just received and for sale lower than it can be bought for elsewhere, june 7 _S. C. GRENVILLE A CO. FRESH MAY BUTTER. A FEW kegs received yesterday of fresh May BUTTER. W. H. PRITCHARD, june 5 1 / \ CASKS prime Savannah Rice just received I \J and for sale by C. E. GIRARDEY BACON, CORN, SUGAR. A BBLS. Tennessee BACON ; / 75 hhds. MOLASSES ; ino hhds. N. 0. SUGAR; 75 hbls. Extra WHISKY ; 200 bbls. prime HAY ; 3000 bushels CORN; 500 bbls. Extra and Superfine Flour from the Granite Mills. For sale by GEORGE W. LEWIS, june 21 No. 1, Warren Block. BACOnT laRD, AND CORN 40,000 lbsTof prime Tennessee Bacon, Hog Round ; 50 bbls. and half bbls. of Leaf Lard ; 250 sacks of prime Bread Corn. Just received and for sale by juno 10 d&wlm A. STEVENS. UTTER AND CHEESE.— A fresh supply of new Goshen Butter, and English Dairy Cheese. Received by THAYER & BUTT, juno 9 ACON AND CANDLES—2O hhds'. prime BA CON SIDES. 50 boxes Adamantine Candles. Just received and for sale by junc 21 CAMILLE E. GIRARDEY. RUM AND GIN.—2S bbls. New York Rose Gin 25 do. N. E. Rum ; 2 hhds. do. do. By June 3 C.A. WILLIAMS. 11 HALF pipes cf superior Old Imported _L BRANDIES. I have just received and have in storo for sale : i pipe Pale Otard Dupuy, vintage 47. \ *• “ James Hennesey Cognac vit’ge4B. 5 “ “ J. J. Dupuy, •< “ 48. 4 “ “ and DarkSazoroe vit’ge 46, 49and 50. Tho above are a superior lot of Old BRANDIES and thoso in want of a fine and pure article will do well to give me a call before purchasing else where. __ (june_24J C. E. GIRABDEY. WHITE LEAD, LINSEED Oil, SPIRITS of Turpentine.—lo,ooo lbs. pure extra New White Load; 500 gallons Linseed Oil'; 250 gallons Spirits of Turpentine; 10 bbls Tanners’ Oil; 10 do. Machinery Oil; 1,000 gallons Lamp Oil; 250 boxes Window Glass; 2,900 lbs. Steam Refined Putty ; 12 doz. Paint Brushes. For sale very low by WM. H. TUTT, juno 15 d<fcw Wholesale and Rotail Druggist. PUMPS. —Every variety of Pumps, including Downs «fc Co.’s improved Revolving Spout; Force and Lift; Douglass’Pumps; 0 Snow’s dou ble rod do.; Chain Pump Frames; Beer Pumps; Soda Fount Heads, and Garden Engines. For sale by B.F. CHEW. may 11 GENT'S FINE BOOTSL ’ JUST RECEIVED— Roger’s, Bonkort’s, Miles, and Brook’s fine DRESS BOOTS. —At SO- Stichcd bottom and other fine Water Prooi BOOTS. ALSO- — Patent Loathor DRESS BOOTS, of the latest (jan 29) ALDRICH St ROYAL. BRUSHES, BRUSHES.—Whitewash, Scrub bing, and Scouring Brushes. Also, Dusting, Swooping, Hat and Shoe Brushes, of all sizes, for sale cheap by WM. HAINES, juno 11 Druggist, Augusta. CLEVELAND’S DENTRIFICE FOR cleansing, Boautifying, and Preserving the Teothand Gums, is one of the btst TOOTH POWDERS in uso, and too well known to require puffing—for sale in Augusta by HAVILAND, RISLEY & CO., may 3 3m Agents, Augusta. TOB ACCO—3OO boxes various brands arc! qual ities- for sale ow to close up a consignment, and to pay advances For sale by juno 2 C. A WILLIAMS. WHITE LEAD, FOR SALE VERY LOW.— 10,000 pounds Pure and No. 1 White Lead, for sale very low for cash, by july 7 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. llftt) pflohs. ANOTHER supply of Fern Leaves from Fan ny’s Portfolio. Home Life in Germany, by Chas. L. Braco. Smith s Poems. Edgar Clifton, or right and wrong, by C. Adams. Memory and Hope. J The Old Forest Hanger; or wild sports of India, by Major Walter Campbell. Vivian Grey, by B. D'lsraeli. M. P. Reveries of an Old Maid, embracing important hints to 1 oung Men. H The Monk, by M. G. Lewis, Esq., M. P j ast received and for sale by JOS. A. CARRIE A CO., .) u] y Booksellers and Stationers. OS. A. CARRIE I'O., have just received the following NEW BOOKS: Helen and Arthur, or Miss Thusa's Spinning wheel ; by Caroline Lee Hentz. Isaac Laguedom ; by Alex. Dumas. Passion and Principle, a Domestic Novel; bv Mrs. Grey. Father Gavazzi's Lectures in New York. Red King, The Corsair Cheiftain, a Romance of the Ocean ; by Henry Hazel. Paul, The Smuggler ; by Capt. Hoadly, U. S. N. A Man in Search of a Wife, or the Adventures of Bachelor in New York ; by Walter Seaton. July 16 __ HOME PICTURES, by Mrs. Mary A. Denison The Boyhood of Great Men. Second Book in Latin ; containing Syntax, and reading lessons in prose, by John M.-Cintock, D. D. For salo by JOS. A. CARRIE A CO., ■* u ■ 1 Booksellers and Stationers. Books, rooks, rooks —The Evening Book, or Fireside Talk : by Mrs. Kirkland. Tho Toung Lady s Guide: by Harvey New comb. The Old and the Now, or Changes of thirty years in the Ea>t: by William Goodoll. Our Village; sketchos of rural character and scenery: by Mary Russell Mitford. American Gamo in its seasons : by Henry Wil liam Herbert, author of “Frank Foresters Field Sports,” Ac., Ac. Elements of Mechanism: by T. Baker, C. E. The History of the Devil; containing a descrip tion ol tho Devil's Dwelling, called Hell: by Defoe. Sam Slick’s Wise Saws and Modern Instances, or What he Said, Did, or Invented. Cyrilla; a Tale: by tho author of “Tho Ini tials. ’ Spiritual Vampirism : by C. W. Webber. Mild Jack, or tho Stolen Child j a sketch from lifo: by Caroline Leo Hentz. Tho New Orleans Sketch Book : by Stahl. German Lyricks : by Charles T. Brooks. Just received and for salo by JOS. A. CARRIE & CO. June JO Booksellers A Stationers. MORE NEW B^’OKS.—Harry Coverdalo’s Courtship, and What Came of it: by tho au thor of “Frank Fairlcgh,” etc., etc. Lady Leighton, or the 80110 of the Manor bv Mrs. Gore. Tho Soldier s W ifo, or Scenes in Canteen and on the Battle Field: by G. W. M. Reynolds. Sylvia Soabury, or Yankees in Japan ; the Ro mantic Adventures of a Sailor Boy: by Harry Hazel. J Just received and for salo by j |ln « 18 JOS. A. CARRIE & CO. LVELL’S GEOLOUY,—A Manual of elemon tary Geology, or tho Ancient Changes of tho Earth and its inhabitants, as illustrated by Geolo gical monuments; by Sir Chas. Lyell. F R. S., il lustrated with SUO wood cuts. Just published and for sale at GEO. A. OATES A BROS’ j»iy 9 Piano, Book and Music Store. NEW NOVELS,—Lafitte, the Pirate of the Gulf: by J. H. Ingraham, author of Cupt. Kyd, Ac. A man in search of a Wife, or tho Adventuros of a Bachelor in New York : by Walter Sonton. Jao - and his Bride, or the Highwayman’s Flight, being further adventures of Claude and his friends, by the author of Gentleman Jack. Biography of Father Gavazzi, with corrections by himself, has just been receive J at. GEO. A. OATES & BROS, June II Book Storo. NEW MUSIC.—The following Music has been received at GEO. A. OATES A BROS’. Piano Book and Music Depot, besides a largo quantity of standard popular pieces, viz: Long Ella Koe, a new Ethiopian melody ; Look on tho Bright Side; Yes, tis true thy Ivaty is now Sleeping; Song ot the Katy Did; My Mother's Grave ; Blind Boy’s Dream; Grave of Ben Bolt; Humility; The Co quetto; I love the early Morn; Annie Lowe; I think of thee at early Morn; We miss thee at Home; She was false as she was Fair; May morn ing Duett, by W. V. Wallace; Tho Adieu. Polkas.—Golden Light; Grace Greenwood; Bet sie; Orion; LaCoquetine; Southern Nightingalo; Mysterious Rapping; Rienzi March; Passiflora Waltz; La Delcessa do.: Repertorio De l'Opcra pour les Jennes Pcanistea, by the Oesten, viz: Vielka. Von Meyerher; Maria Padilla, Donizetti; Siege de la Rochelle, Balfe; Mousquetaires, Von Holevy ; Eloya Dos Larmes, Jr. Schubert; Varia tions Sueun Theresa Orig in A. bv W. A. Mozart; Magic Veil Gallop. may 20 NEW VVOKKS—Modern Flirtation; a Novell by Miss Catharine Sinclair, author of Bea trice, Modern Accomplishments, Ac. Wild Jack, or tho Stolen Child: by Mrs. Ilentz. Passion and Principle; a Domestic Novel: by Mrs. Grey. The Soldier’s Wife, or Scenes in Canteen and on the Battle Field: by Reynolds. Harry Ashton, or tho Will and the Way; tho only complete and unmutilated edition. Just received and for sale at GEO. A. OATES A BRO’S. Piano, Book and Music Store, Broad-street june 24 Home life in Germany, by Charles Loring Brace. The Old Forest Ranger, or Wild Sports of India, by Major Walter Campbell, edited by Frank Forrester. Cobwebs to Catch Flics, or Dialogues in short sentences, adapted to children from three to eight years old. For sale or inspection by THOS. RICHARDS A SON, Blank Book Manufacturers, Stationers, Ac. THE BOYHOODOF GREAT MEN, intended as an example to youth, with illustrations. Homo Pictures, by Mrs. Mary Audrews Denison. A second nook in Latin ; forming a sufficient Lat in Reader, by John McLintock, D. D. No 16, Bleak House. Also, another supply of “Fern Leaves” and all Mrs. Hentz’s Works. For sale or inspection bv THOS. RICH ARDS & SON july 9 Book Binders, Stationers, Ac. Stahl AND SAM SLICK—I he New OrlearTs Sketch Book, by Stahl, author of Tho Portfo lio of a Southern Medical Student, and Editor of tho New Orleans Delta. Sam Slick’s Wise Saws and Modern Instances; or what he Said, Did, or Invented, and Anecdotes for the Steamboat and .j 1 m oad ' Selected from the host authord, by an old Traveler. For sale by june 12 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. NEW. BOOKS, novels, ice.—Trantwine on Railroad Curves. Spirit Rapping; unveiled with pictures to match : by Rov. H. Mattison, A. M. Cyriila: a tale by tho author of “ The Initials.” Ami-fanaticism: a tale of the South: by Miss Martha Haines Butt, inscribed to Mrs Hentz. Parts 4 and 5 Memoirs of Thomas Moore. First and True Love : by George Sand. Xenaphon’s Memorabilia; by R. D. C. Robbins Second Latin Book ; by Albert Harkness, A M ’ Lady Leighton, or the Belle of the Manor: by Mrs. Goro. Harry Coverdalo’s Courtship, and What Came ox it: by author of Frank Fairleigh. Minnie Lawson, or the Outlaw’s League: by Chailes R. Swan, Esq. Paul Clifford, or Hurrah for the Road. Ihe hite W olf, or the Secret Brotherhood: by Paul Foval. Eveleen Wilson, or the Trials of an Orphan Girl. Harry Ashton, or tho Will and the Way: by the author of tho “ Minnie Grey,” Ao. Sylvia Seabury, or Yankees in Jar an; the Ro mantic Adventures of a Sailor Boy; by Harry Hazel. Tho Soldier’s Wife, or Scenes in Canteen and on the Battle Field: by G. W. M. Reynolds. For sale by THOS. RICHARDS A SON, Booksellers, Stationers, and Blank Book Manu- june 19 NEW FLOUR.— SO bbls., fresh ground, in quar ter and half sacks. For salo by GEORGE W. LEWIS, june 18 _N°. 1, Warren Block- GALLONS ENGLISH LINSEED OIL—For sale by july 7 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist,