The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, September 03, 1853, Image 3
Spfrin! lottffg. - HOUSE, Savannah, Oa fr^^ 3 (j Fargo, Proprietor, (late of the U *j£“ ——i? ' - —Marriage Invitations ana \ lsiting t S' Card? written by Master Ed. Willis r s j, paid for WOOLLEN, LINEN, and SILK RAGS, by CU E. CAMPFIELD, i) , t{ . Corner River and Jackson st. , j!®- 20 — fire MARINE I \si RAIW'E. 1 .r’bcr as Agent of tho COLUMBIA I The s“-^;' r '/xcK CO . takes Fire and Marine ' C- 1 T *'r.V I,‘t favorable terms. I on tht u j. H. ANDERSON, Agent, * j y Mclntosh street. I ’‘‘"ll: «• rent i"ni Daguerrean Gallery .—The I T —firm of Tucker k Perkins having 1 Br--* i, v limitation last February, the un- I been d-'' 01 ... c( ; nt ; nu e to practice the art of Dag ■ dersi£P ea . a! i it s various branches, and from ■ ueireotypoig ience be f ee j s confident of I bis lon £ pr f?? o ase the most fastidious. ■ h ‘ abUdy i u cow beinf , taken at this Gallery are [ Thep' el “ ‘ those who are judges, superior in B pronouneea •> expression, to any ever before I tone and )‘‘^ u!rusta . Isaac Tucker. I prodaew purchasing Stock, will please bear i N materials are sold at lower rates than I n B other house this side of New York, may 14 lat any T card. The undersigned returns to bis friends and the public sos l , „tronage, and respectfully announces taeir , pa h»KsSted with him Mr. JOSEPH A I that he na. Savannah, and will conduct busi. EEALS d e fthe and stylo of COFFIN A Pf,T U C fn all the branches of PAINTING IBBAL6, in au • orMmental p A INT- Dl f 'r r D \G- GRAINING; GLAZING, Ac. ij : ,G.ulLl>l><*. JOHN G. COFFIN. I offiee in Jackson, cornerof Greene street. rpiju undersigned takes this mode and I ,T to announce to the citizens of Au vicinitv, that having received the best from good masters, they are enabled to I„t tuition lee ua i to that ontained elsc ijrr,lf such as Military. Civic and Society BAN s’- Designing, Ornamental, Fresco, Pannel [ytK'i i, vVALLS; Plain and Ornamental WJT SHADES Ac. JOHN G. COFFIN, r t N t 22 ly JOSEPH A. BEALS. tVliikr Clcitiait. jl,, {ritvds of Col. R. M. Johnston, I of Hancock, announce him as a can | the office of Judge'of the Superior Court I ff the Northern Circuit, at the ensuing October, I "lection. &Ug 31 ■ I _ , fl e are authorized to aunounce I Col. Thos. E. Beali., as a candi- I TVtik *he Senatorial branch of the Legislature, I tr' m Columbia county, at the approaching olec aug 24 I - if, Editor: • Please announce J. I Randolph Whixehaad, as a can- I Brigadier Goncral, 2d Brigade, Ist Di ll ~i, (1 M., at the election in October next, and X: ‘ aug 24 Many Voters. \Zj~- —— Editor] —You will please an- I Bounce E. C. Glisson, Esq., as the ad ■ Ministration candidate to represent the Burke ! Senatorial District in the next General Assembly, and oblige. Many Voters. aug IT 1 EtUlor ;—You will please an. ’/fe nounce B. L. Perkins, of Burke Lountv, as a candidate for the House of Represen tatives to be elected in October noxt, and obligo uU g u Many Voters. We arc authorized to announce Col (1L John 1 Milledge, as a candidate for re election to the RepresentatiYe branch of the next Legislature. A Majority of Voters. aug 11 We are authorized to announce the Pk*3£j Hon. Edmond Palmer, as a candi pate lor the Senate, to represent Burke county, in ■the next Legislature. Numbers Enough. I aug 11 We are authorized to announce Dr. lb G. B. Powell, as a candidate for the Legislature to represent Burks county, in the next Session. “Independent Voters.” aug II To the Voter* oi the Northern J udicial Circuit.—The friends of the Hon. larnett Andrews, respectfully present him as icandidate for Judge of said Circuit. Election srst Monday in October. aug 11 To the Voters oi the Eighth Cougres sional Dis rict —The friends of the ioD. Henry B. Todd, of Jefferson county, re pectfully present him to the Voters of the Eighth - mgressiona! District, as a candidate, to represent hem in the Congress of the United States, aug 11 We are requested to announce W. 11. Whitfield, as a candidate for the ihjus" us Representatives, in Jasper ceunty. augll '/ ; Dr. Editor; —You will please an nounce Major A. R. Wright, of effergon, as a candidate for Brigadier General, sr 2 L Brigade, Ist Division G. m., at the election “ October nest, and oblige Many Voters. _»ag 4 td L ► <* are authorized to announce Robt R. R. Lawson, Esq . as a candidate for ingaaier General. 2nd Brigade, Ist Division, at uon to take place on the Ist Monday in tetober next. julv 22 td '4tr' 5 ' lr * E^itor: —You trill please an noance John F. Lawson, Esq., as a andidate to represent the Burke Senatorial Dis ‘ l .* n o l^e Eex t General Assembly and oblige 2 a 'y -4 A Southern Rights Democrat. ! D. Jones will l»e supported as a candidate for the Bouse of Rep-re sntatives from Burke county in the next Legisla- Ijuly 3] Many Voters. AUGUSTA HOTEL. Ks f CRIB£R T^°-, 9l[m . fr „» m, la , a lease of this FIRST 1M t ' iKa «, bit, will give hig undivided attention "roramodation of his friends and patrons. *1 - fori Wlll be directed to promote the Cmnl ! th&Se who ma y favor him with an ■MnsfevV l °i- seiTß with permanent, or ■ r.< is /® ardlD £> a ? wel ! as such through trav ■ As’one nr I P at F° nize b ‘ s daily ordinaries. ar'-ivii 'ii° V JUrs usually intervene between °f the cars, he offers t-eneer * b ‘ B ar iors and Drawing Rooms to swsanei,i#nf i° - may . desire only a comfortable |» vilf u S , thc l r deten tion in the city, and Eq centra,ii- ' CU ar happy to have this invita- St-,.,it on a< \ ce Pted. The Omnibuses at the iiers Iho ms nV - a i° f the cars - wIU receive pas- K.' and at Wlsbt< ? stop at the Augusta Ho- K&t. to the 1 . * )r ?J )er hour convey them, in due P" Hotel" r ;n r ,^ car3 ' A Portei, attached to fpke chare* n r ln attendance to receive and fa-lge on hi s jag S a ß® she will be known by a l 3n ,f£ MUEL 0. WILSON. _ The vtn, * ’ dAc toctl Inbune will** om , er y Advertiser and Mobile aS j rt th o above weekly, until the I : and send bill to S. C. W. |] ~ n .. RECEIVED, |J ) "“S- extra canvassed HAMS. _ bbls. Pike's Magnolia Whisky. I au» “3 a do. Refined Lard THAYER A BUTT. flh BARRFT l ? T1 ANI) CHEESE. Fi0,,., f ' , \ T ” ira m Smith’s Double Extra j I i| J arre? F r TJ w Wheat. I boxes Chf h Boston Crackers. | a Ug og eese - Just received by | ■- - DAWSON A SKINNER. j S’JLPHER SPRING. a county—6 miles from Gaines* "-'‘pi>b!ic E tb ft ( i BR u E ? OR woul d inform the Js T Say L hl T 11UUSE wi . u be open on!g noodles tn’il NK i J or vlsltors ’ and doom L, ort will be ml'.i ay ; as heretofore every ef “ftofhis ° add t 0 the pleasure and 0111- • lhe os''dire?T E conve y passengers from ! ,Ia -s a week nd aBO ' da Gainesville, three —— moß i 1 Reived, and folate by” September ’ ja9t | «ag 30 Mc.KINNE A HALL, j. p - JBook sellers & Stationers. 1 for^f 0r S ?Ptembor, leaves cut, just ready c i or inspection, by SlanW R i . TOS - RICH ARDS A SON. au g 30 ° oa -M anufacturers, Stationers, Ac. 1 j e s s magazine for September, with aug cu b received at Q£ °. A. OATES A BIIO’S. J iozen n^ SPR,^G WATER.-Twenty-four ‘ ,ric gs, for sal 4uarts -j ust received from the Eg so PhI LLIP A. MOISE, Druggcst, * Augusta Hotel. Jim JUttifrtiamfiits. I TO RENT. J A X Office on Mclntosh street, opposite tho Con r -£*■ stitutionalist Range. Apply at this office to ■ Sft P 3 G- E. W. NELSON. * TO RENT, FROM the first of October next, tho residence of the subscriber at Harrisonville, two miles from Augusta, on the Georgia Railroad. On the premises are all necessary out buildings, and a Well of excellent water in the yard. ! ge P 3 3 A. G. LaTASTE. torent riIHREE ROOMS over my Store, suitable for M. offices or Lodging rooms. 1 sep 3 5 GUSTAV US VOLGER. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A GOOD COOK, for a small Family. Apply to sep 3 DAWSON A SKINNER. WANTED, A CONSIGNEE for 26 coil ROPE marked 11. sept 3 1 _JOHN A. MOORE. HORSE STRAYED. STRAYED from the subscribers resi donee on the Sand Hills, near the Rail Road, a chesnut sorrel HORSE, two hind fbet white. Had on when he left, a harness Iridle. A fair remuneration will be paid to the person who will bring him to me. _sep 3 3 GUS. VOLGER. ARRIVAL OF MADAME ADOLPH.” THE original, unsurpassed and justly celebrated MADAME ADOLPH, the univerasally ac knowledged greatest sympathiest in the world, and the same distinguished lady who created, through her marvellous revelations of the past, the present, as well as the correct predictions of the future, such intense excitement in England, France and the principle cities in the United States, that Victoria presented her with a costly Diamond Broach, and Daniel Webster with a Jeweled ring, will be ready to receive visitors, at the GLOBE HOTEL, Au gusta, on Tues»av Morning next. (Private en trance for Ladies) whom she will inform all about the past, present and future; if they are married or not, and when or what lady or husband they will get: or business of every description. Myste rious and almost impossible as her professions ap pears, sho comes recommended by so highly res pectable sources, and with so innumerable certifi fieates of acknowledged power and skill, that it precludes all supposition or probability of decep tion or imposition as many others now practice. Consultation Fee from $1 to $3, according to how far th<_y wish to go or what time they occudv sept 3fi G1 EORGIA, BURKE COUNTY.—Whereas, Dr. MIL^ 1 TON ANTONY, applies for ; Letters »f Administration on the Estate ofTUKBYF. PETERSON, deceased, of said county. These are,therefore,to cite and admonish, all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear before the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in Octo ber next, and to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Waynesboro, this Ist day of September, 1853. _ seP j EDWARD GARLICK, Ordinary B. C. GROCERIES, IRON, NAILS, &c. 1 £) /-x hhds. Porto Rico, New Orleans andMus -L 'W tJ eovado Sugars. 150 pligs. Loaf, Crushed, Powdered and Clari fied Sugars. 850 bags Rio, Java and Cuba Coffee. 100 hhds. Molasses. 100 bales Gunny Bagging. 500 coils Prime Hemp Rope. 2000 pounds Twine. 40 tons Sweeds Bar Iron. 1000 kegs Nails and Brads. 300 boxes Soap and Candles, 500 bags Shot. 5000 lbs. Bar Lead. 100 boxes Tobacco, various brands. 1500 sacks Salt. 100,000 Spanish and American Segars. A large and complete stock of Liquors of all de scriptions. For Sale by sep t djfcclm BAKER & WILCOX. SALT. 2/ \ SACKS SALT on the river, per Old Campanies Boats, and for sale by gopt 2 4 B. 11. WARREN. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. WJI. O. PRICE & CO., Merchant Tailors, 128 Broad Street, have just commenced re ceiving their FALL and WINTER GOODS ; con sisting in part of Cloths, Casimers, and Vestings of fine quality and entirely new styles. sep2 FOUND. OX Broad Street, on the 31st ult., a sum of money, which tho owner can have by proving property and paying for this advertisment. In quire at this office. sepl 3t HAMBURG, S. C. SEPT. Ist, 1853 HAYING associated my son, WM. C. SIBLEY. in business with me," the same will be contin ued at my old stand, under the name and style of J. SIBLEY & SON. JOSIAH SIBLEY, sep 1 5 V ALUAELE PLANTATION FOR SALE, IN BAKER COUNTY, GA. THE SUBSCRI HER, desirous of removing from tfee State of Georgia, offers for sale his PLAN TATION, lying on tho waters of the Coolawhnee, five miles West of Albany, adjoining the lands of Paul Tarver, Dr. Nicholls and others; containing 3,125 acres, more or less. There are about 800 acres of open, cultivated land. The land is suituated so that it can be easi ly divided, and if two purchasers appear, the sub scriber will divide it so as to.suit both. Any one desirous of purchasing, would do well to address “Moore <& Edwards” or myself at this place. JOHN J. RAWLS. Macon, Ga. August 30. 1853. ts sep 1 My Agent, living on tho place, will show the Lands to any person calling for that purpose. J. J. R. LOCKETT, LONG & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND SHIPPING AGENTS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. •op 1 ly WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION BUSINESS, AUGUSTA, GA. THE undersigned respectfully inform ihoir friends and customers, that they continuo to transact tho WAREHOUSE sBWbB AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, at their Fire proof Stores, Mclntosh street. By strict personal attention to all consignments to their address, they hope to receive a share of public patronage, sep 1 clO BUSTIN A WALKER. PLATT & BROTHER, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS REYNOLDS STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. rpilE undersigned respectfully announce A to the public that they have leased the new and commodious Fire-proof Warehouse, on Reynolds street, belonging to T. S. Metcalf, Esq. —convenient to tho business part of the city—for tho purpose of transacting a general WARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. Hav ing every facility requisite, and a disposition to ex tend every accommodation, they hope by prompt and personal attention to merit and receive a share of the patronage of tho public. Liberal Cash Advances made when required. Orders lor BAGGING, ROPE and FAMILY SUPPLIES, filled with care and at the lowest mar ket prices. Our Commissions for selling Cotton, will be the old established rates of 25 cents per bale. Geo. F. Platt, | Edwin Platt. aug 31 tAcfim PHINIZY & CLAYTON, WAREHOUSEfc COMMISSION MERCHANTS AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. CONTINUE the business in all it branches in their extensive Fire-proof Warehouse, on Broad street, and will devote their personal atten tion to the interests of customers. Cash advan ces made on COTTON when required. Office and Sales Room removed to Jackson street, near Globe Hotel. Charges in conformity to the estab lished rates of the city. E. P. Clayton, | Ferdinand Phinizy. ang 31 t Ac4m A WORD TO THE WISE, &c.—That cough, reader, is indicative of an irritation ofthe mu cous membrane, and, unless it is checked, may lead to a concretion of the lungs and consumption. Be wise to day, and procure a package ol Bliss’ Compound Cod Liver Oil Candy, and persevere in its use till the cough and irritation are subdued and perfect health is restored. For sale by aug 31 P. A. MOISE, Druggist. E NGLISII \ N DAM ERICANII AM PB LACK. —IOO bbls. and 5 kegs Lampblack, for sale by PHILIP A. MOISE, aug 31 Dealer in Drugs, Paints, Oils, Ac. English to th BRUSHES —For sale by aug 31 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. DR. HUNTER’S CELEBRATED specific. —lt never fails For sale by aug 31 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. JAYNE’S VERMIFUGE, Expectorant, Carmi native Balsam, Alternative, and Hair Tonic. For sale by P. A. MOISE, Druggist, aug 31 j 1 HILDS. ofextraljaltimore BACON SIDES, AyJ just received by C. E. GIRARIEY. aug 31 1 ( M) asiortTAdamantine CANDLES. 1 A '-fY\. , It Crushed and Powdered Sugar. 5 bbls. fresh Boston Butter Crackers. I THAYER* BUTT, ©fttmilAiuifftisfinnits. TO RENT, ~ FROM tjie Ist of October next, the HOUSE and LOT belonging to Henry and Thos , Tutt , minors, on the Eastern side of Centre street nearly opposite Mr. Tuttle’s Garden, now occupied , by John E. Navy The Houso has two tenements s and will bo rented singly or together. 5 sept 2 toot I JOHN H. MANN, Guardian. TO RENT, C'ROM the Ist of October next, one STORE, £e*A ■ ri u°P < L en , trc str eet, (Bridge Row) opposite fpf| Hahn’s Bakery. i mo aug 30 DWELLINGS TO RENT A CONVENIENT Dwelling on Ellis street, 4* now occupied by Mrs. Munger, and near-Ml ly opposite to Mr. C. B. Martin. 1 —ALSO— The Dwelling on Broad street, now occupied by Mr. Sweetzer, just above the residence of A Pic quet. Apply to W. H. PRITCHARD aug 25 ts TO RENT. ~~ FROM the Ist ot October next,'the Fire proof Brick Store in Hamburg, near Dob- Milli ey’s Hotel. Apply to Mr. Josiah Sibley in Ham burg or to Robert Campbell, Jr., in Augusta _ aug 25 dtf TO RENT. (Possession given the Is/ October.) F°*; R Dwelling Houses on Taylor and V, ashington streets, near the Wayneboro Ball Rail Road Depot. For terms apply to A. Poullain or t 0 T. CLANTON. ’ aug 25 ts TO RENT, 3 ROOMS over my Store. Possession to be had Ist October, next. _July 22 J. A.VANWINKLE. r P° RR^l "l'* Ibe STORE on Broad street, re * ce uUy occupied by Snowden A Shear, until the Ist October next. Apply to J une 13 WM. SHEAR. STORETO RUNT .—The lame STORE on IST Broad street. South side ofTower market, just below H. T. Feay’s. Apply to J u| y 10 W. H. PRITCHARD. WANTED? ~ A SITUATION as a Book Keeper or Salesman. j-he best city references can be given. Ad dress Post Office, Box 314. lm aug 10 SITUATION WANTED. ' BY a \ oung Man who has a knowledge of busi ness, as general Clerk in a Dry Goods or Gro cery Store. Geod references can be given if re quired. Address 0. B. 0., Halcyondale, Scrivcn county, Georgia. dt&ctSl aug 9 WANTED. 4 GOOD COOK, for which a liberal salary will xx be paid. One that can Wash and Iron well, would be preferred. Apply at this office. aug 2 ts wanted!! O FL HANDS, for which liberal wages will be paid by the month. aug 23 dl2 JNO. A. MOORE. WANTED, ' ’ STATE OF GEORGIA 6 PER CENT BONDS, of the first issue of 1840, 1841 and 1842, for which a promium will be paid. Apply to apr 29 ts ROBT. WALTON, Cashier. NEGROES YVANTED—Parties having' Nee groes for sale, will find it to their interest to call on the Subscriber. HUGH O’NEILL june 15 3m NEGROES WANTED. ~ THE highest cash prices will be paid for Negroos by tho undersigned. Persons having "such property for sale will do well to call upon him at the Globe Hotel, or at Fleming's Stable* JOHN A. CHRISTIAN, juiy 8 3m FARM FOP. SALE. SALE, a small FARM, containing jagg,} about fifty acres, more or less, of which 25 acres are opened, situated about one half mile rom Bel Air, on the Milledgeville Road,having on the premises a new and comfortable Dwelling and Store House, and being a first rate stand for'busi ness. Terms made easy. Apply to aug 21 ts CAMILLE E. GIRARDEY. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALIL THE 3 Story Brick DWELLING HOUSE, on the corner of Washington and Reynolds blit l streets, lately occupied by Thomas Barret, Esq Terms easy. If not sold previous to Ist of September, it wil be rented for the next year. For further particulars, apply to B. CONLEY, Chairman Committee on Accounts, aug 10 _ td STOCK FOR SALE. Os \ SHARES Clinch Rifles Loan Association. 10 do Oglethorpo Infantry Loan Asso c ation. Apply to C. S. McKINNE. aug 9 NOTICE. I HAVE some 5 or 6 Second Hand Carriages, and several Buggies, which I will sell low. They are all in good order, and can be seen at my Stable, aug 28 d12f12 J. M. SIMPSON. HATS—FALL STYLE FOR 1853. WE received by last steamer BEEBE & CO.’S Fall Syle of Gontlcmen's HATS.'O' made expressly for us, which wo are now opening, and invite tho attention of those wishing some thing neat. Call and see at aug 10 J. TAYLOR, Jr & CO. FINE HATS. CAN be procured at any hour and perfect IW conformateur, fit warranted. 'O' Beebe's Fall Style just arrived, open and ready for public inspection. Headache, so often caused by a hard and badly fitted hat, is at once remedied by the conformateur. augJT _ ts G. W. FERRY. ICE. THE Public are informed that on and from this date the delivery of Ice will be from the Jack son street Ice House. _julyl6 ts A. DEES, Agent. WASHBURN, WILDER & CO. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Jos. Washburn, I Jno. Wilder, J- Savannah Georgia. Eras. G. Dana. J aug 23 fSm LADIES RICH DRESS GOODS SNOWDEN SHEAR. HAVE this day received from New York by last steamer, Rich Printed DoLaines of new and ele gant patterns; Small Figured and Polka spotted DeLaines, very desirable goods for Children and Misses wear. Fancy colored and Plaid Silks, of the latest im portations and most splendid Paris styles. Small figured and black Silks of neat and desi rable patterns, and excellent quality. Black Watered and Satin stripped Silks, supe rior goods, black Polka Spotted, and small figured Silks, of new and beautiful styles. The above comprises a choice selection of tho richest Dress Goods of the most recent importations, to which they would respectfully invite the atten tion of the public. aug 22 d j&c SHOULDER BRACES. —4 dozen Shoulder Bra ces, of different kinds, and of all sizes. For sale by PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist, aug 12 Magazines for septembeil—Godey^s Ladies Book and Athur’s piorne Magazine. Just received by GEO. A. OATES & BRO’S. aug 26 IVj’EW GOODS. —Just received two cases low lv Priced Muslin DoLains, to which wo invite the attention of the Ladies. g 28 GRAY BROTHERS. FISH, CROP 1353. 6 pi PACKAGES Mackerel Nos. 1, 2 and 3, in *) whole and half Barrels. 20 kits Mess Mackerel. 500 lbs Codfish. 25 boxes Smoked Herring. 2 barrels extra Pickled Roe Herring. Landing to-morrow for DAWSON & SKINNER, aug 28 BUTTOR ! LARD! cTfEESE! FLOUR—3O barrols No. 1, Lard. 13 kegs Prime Goshen Butter. 25 boxes Cheese. 175 bags Extra Family Flour, (Chattanooga Mills,) in Store and for sale on consignment by aug 27 S.C. GRENVILLE & CO. BACON! SALT!—lßhhds. Bacon Sides, small and bright. 7 hhds. Shoulders. 200 sack 3 Salt, now receiving and tor sale bv aug 27 S. C. GRENVILLE & CO. ■yi K.noiKS «F ELIZABETH, second Queen Regent of England and Ireland, complete in 1 volume, for sale at GEO. A. OATES & BRO'S. Piano, Book and Music Store. CO, J£J and i iuch Kentucky ItOPE. UV7VJ SCRANTON, SEYMOUR &CO , au S " No. 2 Warren Block. AJOUJUN’ EYIVIAIV SHOEMAKER can have steady employment by applying to NICHOLAS McEVOY, july 26 Abbeville, C. H., S. C. CALL for your money if it does not cure. Dr. Tobias’ Venetian Liniment is warranted in every instance. The Agent for this city is aug 31 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. Itojjiirk GUTTA PERCHA VS. INDIA RUBBER* SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW. THE North America Gutta Percha Company, are offering at Wholesale a great variety of CLOTHING, Ac , made from Rider s Patent Vul canized GUTTA PERCHA, ot new and beautiful finish. These Goods are Water-proof, free from unpleasant smell, pliable and elastic like India Rubber, not injured by fatty substances, and will not Decompose and become Sticky, they are very different in character from any other goods heretofore made of Gutta Percha, either in this country or Europe, and are warranted to st*.nd all climates. Among tho variety may be found Coats, Cloaks, Capes, Ponchos, Reefing Jackets. Overalls, Leggins, Sou-westers, Caps, Camp Blankets, Horse Covers. Shower Matts, Syringes, Breast Pumps, Balls, Pencil and Ink Eracers, Gas Bags, Sports men’s Drinking Cups, Steam Packing, Machine Belting, Carriage Cloths, Ac-, with a very cheap and Effective Life Preserver, made expressly to meet the new passenger law of Congress. All of a finish and quality superior to any other water proofs goods now before the public. For sale at the Warehouse 80, Cedar street. Dealers in water-proof goods are invited to ex. amine these goods, believing they will find them cheaper and far superior to anything they have ever seen before. Orders to any extont extended at short notice. WILLIAM RIDER, E. R. Billings, Pres’t N. A. P. Co. Treasurer and Sec’ry. New York, August 12, 1853. dAc6m aug 19 PAPER WAREHOUSE. CYRUS W. FIELD & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 11, CLIFF STREET, NEW YORK. ARK SOLK AGENTS IN THE UNITED STATES FOR MUSPRATT'S superior Bleaching POWDER. Victoria Mills Celebrated Writing Paper. Russell “ Superior “ Genesee “ “ Printing “ Rawlins A Sons’ English Tissue “ First quality Ultramarine Blue “ "They are also Agents for tho principal Paper Manufacturers in this country, and offer for sale by far the most extensive and desirable stock of Paper and Paper Manufacturers’ MATERIALS that can be found in this or any other country. They occupy the large and commodious Ware houses, No. 11 Cliff street, No. 58 Cliff street, No. 184 Christopher street, and the Lefts over the large Iron Stores, 7 and 9 Cliff street. Their business is strictly wholesale, and Writing Papers are sold by the ease only. Their extraordinary facilities enable them to of fer all Goods, both Foreign and Domestic, at the lowest possible prices. Paper made to order, any size or weight. Liberal advances made on consignments of Paper, Pakor Makers’ stock and other merchandize. The highest market price paid in cash for ali kind of Rags. ly jnly 24 REMOVAL. A. BIMXGER & CO., Formerly 141 Broadway, have Removed to the White Marble Buildings, Circular Corner, Nos. 92 and 94 Liberty st.. Corner of Temple, Third Door West of Boadway, NEW YORK, Where they continue to import GH. MU M M & CO.’S CHAMPAGNE . WINES, MADEIRA, SHERRY, PORT, FRENCH and GERMAN WINES, COGNAC BRANDY, in bond direct from Otard, Dupuy A Co. Hennessy, Maret, Chasselas, D’or, Ac. Ac. Vintages, of 1790, 1815, 1825, to 1852. Choice Havana Segars. Crosse A Blackwell's PICKLES, ' SAUCES,Ac. As well as overy other article in their line of business. is3m juno 7 Cajwrtttftajrip lottos. DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership heretofore existing betweon the subscribers, under the style and firm c i Jos. A. Carrie & Co., was this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Carrje, will use the name of the firm in settling up the business. CII AS. E. GRENVILLE, JOS. A. CARRIE, C. S. McKINNE. August Ist, 1853. aug 13 * NOTICE. THE subscribers have this day associated them selves together for the purpose of carrying on the Book and Stationery Business, and will con duct the samo at the old stand of Jos. A. Carrie & Co., under the style and firm of McKinne A Halt,. C. S. McKINNE, B.F. HALL. August Ist, 1853. ts aug 13 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE subscribers having associated themselves together in the Boot and Skoomaking business, havo purchased the entiro stock of A. DOUBET, take this method of informing the public and tho patrons of the late establishment, that they are prepared to execute all orders in the manufacturing, as heretofore; and will also keep on hand a general assortment of ready made work, Ladies, Misses and Childrens Boots and Shoes of all descriptions. To gether with a general assortment of Gentlemens wear. To which they invite tho pbulic to give them a call and examine for themselves. All work purchased of them is warranted. JOHN PARR, J. D. SMITH. _Augusta Ga., July 7th 1853. july 8 DISSOLUTION. THE firm heretofore existing under the name and style of J. & P. MULLARKEY, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. JOHN MULLARKEY, P. MULLARKEY, The business ot the late firm will be settled by JOHN MULLARKEY. July 6th, 1353. july 7 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. JOHN MULLARKEY has this day assoecinted with him. in the Hardware and Cutlery busi ness, WELLINGTON 0 AKMAN, under the name and firm of MULLARKEY A OAKMAN. John Mullarkey, | Wellington Oakman. Augusta July 7th, 1853. july 7 NEW PARTNERSHIP ' THE undersigned have entered into partnership for the transaction of the Watch and Jewel ry businoss. in the city of Augusta, under the name and style of OSBORNE & WHITLOCK, Henry J. Osborne. Frederick A. Whitlock. Augusta, July 1, 1853. WE contemplate keeping constantly on hand an extensive assortment of the latest and new est styles of goods in our line ; and hope, by punc tuality and promptness in business, to merit a share of public patronage. Having recently em ployed two workme .-—an experienced Jeweller, and also an experienced Watch-Maker, these two different branches of the trade will be carried on separ itely, and therefore more thoroughly.— Call and try us. Wo will be constantly receiving new goods direct from the Manufacturers. OSBORNE & WHITLOCK, Under the United States Hotel- Augusta, July, 1, 1853. july 20 ~~ COPARTNERSHIP. THE Subscribers have formed a Copartnership under the name and firm of BEALL & STO VALL, and will continue tho Warehouse and Gro cery business, where the Books of the late firm will be kept. W. M. BEALL, J. W. L. STOVALL. Augusta, June 6, 1853. juno 7 DISSOLUTION. THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between tho undersigned, under the firm, name, and style of SEYMOUR, ANSLEY & CO., has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. The name of the firm will be used by oither part ner in settling up the old business. 11. C. SEYMOUR, J. A. ANSLEY, JOHN G. MciIENRY. copartnershipT" The SUBSCRIBERS havo this day formed a Copartnership for tho transaction of a whole sale GROCERY BUSINESS in this city, under the firm and name of SCRANTON, SEYMOUR & CO., and have removed to tho store No. 2, Warren Block. Thankful for the patronage so liberally extended to our late firms, P. A. SCRANTON and SEY MOUR, ANSLEY & CO., we hope to merit a con tinuance of tho same to tho new firm. P. A. SCRANTON, H. C. SEYMOUR, JOHN G. McHENRY. N. B.—We shall receive and sell PRODUCE on Commission as formerly. The books and papers ot our old firms will be found at the office of the sub scribers. S. S. & Co. Augusta, Ga., June 13, 1853. detf june 18 bOmTtKJ— ™-and * ’ SCRANTON, SEYMOUR & CO., aug 9 No. 2 Warren Block Q/ \ DOZ. Wire and Shaker BROOMS. 30 doz. Painted Buckots. 5 doz. Biass Bound do. For sale bv a«g 18 THAYER & BUTT. Q/\ CASES sup. Champagne CIDER. 30 baskets “Bollinger” Champagne, qts and pints. 25 gross Chewing Tobacco in tin foil. augJß THAYER & BUTT. BAGGING AND ROPE~ Q Q PIECES Dundee Bagging, a good article, OO and a few Coils Rope, just receivod on consignment, and for sale by aug 23 M. W. WOODRUFF, fottfrics. GREENE AND PULASKI MONUMENT LOTTERIES. Managed, drawn, and priz es paid by the well kn own and responsible firm of GREGORY & MAURY. Drawn Numbers of Extra Class 61. 26 12 8 61 63 59 60 68 31 34 69 67. Cl ASS 104. 16 25 60 69 48 40 20 49 1 59 38 22 28. EXTRA CLASS 62—by Delaware 203—t0 be drawn Saturday, Sept. 3d. GRAND SCHEME. $40,000. $20,000 ; $10,000; SB,OOO ; $6,000.; $5,000 ; $4,500: $3,500; $3,400 ; 50 of $1,000; 50 of $500; Ac, Tickets S2O. Shares in proportion. CLASS 106.—i’o be drawn in Savannah, Mon day, Sept. 5. THE PEOPLE’S FAVORITE. 8,975 DOLLARS. $2,600; $1,340; 2 of SI,OOO, Ac., Ac Tickets $2; Shares in proportion. EXTRA CLASS 63—by Delaware 205, on Tues day, Sept. 6. SPLENDID SCHEME. 23,000 DOLLARS! $7,500; *4,000 ; $3,200; sos $1,400; sos $700; Ac. Tickets $5. Shares in proportion. CLASS 107—to be drawn at Savannah on Wednes day, Sept. 7th. PACKAGE SCHEME. $4,000! $1,260; $750; $353; Ac., Ac. Tickets $1 ; Halves 50 cents. Risk on a pack age of 26 quarters $3.75. CLASS 108.—To be drawn at Savannah, Friday, Sept. 0. THE LITTLE ONE. 5,529 DOLLARS! $1,200; $l,lOO ; $1,000; Ac., Ac., Tickets sl. Shares in proportion. Risk on a package of 25 quarters $3,82. JOHN A. MILLEN, Agent, Jackson street, opposite the Globe Hotel. Ali orders from the city or country strictly con fidential. GEO RGI A STATE LOTTERY A. D. ELLIS & CO., MANAGERS, Successors to F. C. Barber A Co. Drawn Numbers ot Georgia State Lottery. Cl 51 Hl3 23 62 64 50 16 24 41 20 68 15 4 46 40. Extra Class 17 33 57 51 75 52 30 31 8 4 3 58 74 32 4 41. Class 52 20 65 50 61 69 56 55 25 12 45 9 57. Regular Class 53.—t0 be drawn in Savannah, on Wednesday, Aug. 31. 5,000 DOLLARS. lof $1250 ; 1 of $1000: 4 of $300; 4 of $200; 4 of SIOO. Tickets sl. Shares in proportion. CLASS 51—To be drawn at Savannah, Friday, Septembor 2d. $3,400. 75 Numbers—ls Drawn Ballots. Tickets sl. Shares in proportion. EXTRA CLASS 18—Decided by Grand Con solidated Class 23, to be drawn in Baltimore, on Saturday, Sept. 3d. rrs4o,ooo..£s 1 of $12,497 ; 1 of 6000; 1 of S4OOO ; 100 of SIOOO : 100 of SSOO. 78 Numbers—l 2 Drawn Ballots. Tickets. $lO. Shares in proportion. 03*“ For tickets or sharos in the above lotteries, call on, or address, F. C. BARBER, Agent, aug 28 Washington-st. UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA.—MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. THE Annual Course of Lectures in this Depart ment will commence on MONDAY, Novomber 14, and will terminate in the ensuing March. JAMES JONES, M. D., Professor of Practice. J. L. RIDDELL, M. D., Professor of Chemistry. WAItREN STONE, M. D., Professor of Sur gcry. A. H. CENAS, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics. A. J. WEDDERBURN, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. GUSTAVUS A. NOTT, M. D., Professor of Ma teria Medica. THOMAS HUNT, M. D., Professor of Physiolo gy and Pathology. CORNELIUS C. BEARD, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. SAMUEL P. CHOPPIN M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. The rooms for dissecting will be open from the third Monday in October to the First of April. The Faculty are Visiting Physicians and Sur geons of the Charity Hospital, and attend this insti tution from November to April. The Students ac company the Professors in their visits, and thus enjoy extraordinary practical advantages, free of expense. There are about one thousand patients prescribed for daily in this Hospital. The number of patients is nearlj' twenty thous and, in the venr. THOMAS HUNT, M. D., Dean, july 28 d&etNl UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE." MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. THE Third Annual Course of Lectures in this Department will cemmence on Tuesday the first of November next, and continue till the first of tho ensuing March. PAUL F. EVE, M. D., Principles and Practice of Surgery. JOHN M. WATSON, M. D., Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women and Children. A. H. BUCHANAN. M. D., Surgical and Path ological Anatomy Physiology. W. K. BOWLING, M. D., Institutes and Prac tice of Medicine. C. K. WINSTON, M. D., Metaria Medica and Medical Jurisprudence. ROBERT M. PORTER, M. D., General and Special Anatomy. J. BERRIEN LINDSLEY, M. D., Chemistry and Pharmacy. WILLIAM T. BRIGGS, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. The Anatomical rooms will be opened for stu dents, on the first Monday of October. A full Preliminary course of Lectures will be given by the Professors, commencing also on the first Monday of October. The Students will have free access to the State Hospital. Feo of each Professor sls. Matriculation ticket $5, Dissecting ticket $lO, Graduation fee $25. Good board, can be obtained in the city at from $2 50 to $3 per week. Further information may be obtained by addressing the Dean. J. B. LINDSLEY, M. D., Dean. Nashville, Tenn. August 1853. aug 20 df&clm* PREMIUM FOWLS Foil SALE. ]i fi AIIMA POOTRA, or Gray ChitturD,,o'wla. BUFF. YELLOW and RED SHANGHAI do. BLACK do. do. WHITE do. do. GRAY do. do. COCHIN CHINA do. do. FANCY BANTAMS. CHINESE PHEASANTS, &c., Ac. The above fowls may be seen at Bedford, 3 miles roin this city. In allcasos where the purchaser is ot fully satisfied, tho fowls may be returned, and will refund the money, and pay all expenses, ddress, D. REDMOND, aug 6 dAc3m Augusta, Georgia. BELLVILLE FACTORY AGENCY, Corner of JVlclntosh and Reynold Streets. THE GEORGIA STRIPES AND PLAINS, made at this Factory, so long and favorably known to Mer- I'fuTgmh chants and Planters, are now on sale at aSS Si the above place, where all orders will 1 jpgl be promptly attended to. GEORGE SCHLEY. jan 13 lyis SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE-COM PANY. MW. WOODRUFF having been recently ap • pointed Agent for the above Company, is now prepared to take Fire and Marine RISKS on as favorable terms as any agency iu the city. Office, Mclntosh street, next door to tho Tele graph office. Augusta , August 22d, 1853. aug 23 TT'XTRA FINE FRESH BUTTER —My sup- J-J plying source has again responded, and I now have an article of BUTTER, worthy of a place in the next Fair. It is jam up. ang 26 W. H. PRITCHARD. 1 A/\ DOZEN Painted Buckets, for sale bv~ 1 UU SCRANTON, SEYMOUR A CO aug 26 £\i \ BBLS, H. Smith FLOUR, from new wheat. 5 packages fine Mocha COFFEE. 40 boxes French Patent CANDLES. I aug 23 THAYER & BUTT. . S ttmsl) p nab Hailroaif fim. V. 8. MAIL LINE. ' Through in 48 to 50 Hours. SEMI-WEEKLY STEAM SHIP LINE. Leave adger’s wharves every SATURDAY and WED-ffepSl NE3DAY, after the arrival of the cars from thhe South and West. ON SATURDAYS, The new and splendid Ocean Steamers, l JAMES ADGER, 1 John Dickinson,, 1500 tons. ) Commander. MARION, ( Wm. Foster, 1200 tons. J Commander. ON WEDNESDAYS, : UNION, ) Richard Adams, > 1500 tons. J Commander. SOUTHERNER, ) Thomas Ewan, 1000 tons. ) Commandor. These Steamers are unrivalled on the coast, for Safety. Speec and Comfort. Experienced and courteous Commanders; Tables supplied with every luxury, will ensure travellers, by this line every possible comfort and accommo dation. Cabin Passage $25 Steerage 8 For Freight or Passage, having elegant State Room accommodations, apply at the office of the Agent, HENRY MISSROON, Cor. East Bay and Adger’s South wharves, aug3o Charleston. S.C. FOR PHILADELPHIA. U. S. MAIL LINE. PHILADELPHIA and SAVANNAH STEAM NAVIGA TION COMPANY. FARE REDUCED / THE NEW AND SPLENDID SIDE WHEEL STEAMSHlP^g|p3f* ! ?i® “ STATE OF GEORGIA,” 1200 register, Capt. Walter Collins, will leave Savan nah as follows: Wednesday, June 15th Wednesday, August 10th June 29th “ August 24th July 13th “ Sept’r 7th “ July 27th “ Sept’r 21st This Ship has been built with the strictest re gard to the safety and comfort of her passengers, and her accommodations are unsurpassed by any Steamship on the coast. A new Steamship now building, in every re speet equal to the “State of Georgia,” will take her place in the line during the month of June next, and will, with the “State of Georgia,” make a week ly line, leaving each port on Wednesday. Cabin Passage from Savannah to Philadelphia, .S2O Steerage § g C. A. L. LAMAR, Agent in Savannah. HERON & MARTIN, Agents in Philadelphia, july 22 F FOR PHILADELPHIA. FARE REDUCED. To Sail on Saturday Afternoon, Aug. 6, a* 4 o’clock. THE fine side wheel Steam OSPREY, 1,000 tons burthen, J. Bennett, Commander, will loave as per annexed schedule, every other Saturday: FROM CHARLESTON. FROM PHILADELPHIA. June 11 Sept'r 17 June 4jSept'r ... .10 June 25 Oct'r 1 June 18iSept’r ... .24 July 9 Oct'r 15 July 2|Oct'r 8 July 23 Oct’r 29 July 16 Oct'r 22 Aug’t 6 Nov : r 12 July 30lNov'r 5 Aug’t 20 Nov'r 26 Aug’t 13 Nov’r 19 Sept’r.... 3 Dec'r 10 Aug’t 27lDec’r 3 Cabin Passage, sls. Steerage, $6. Through Tickets to New York, sl7. This ship has been thoroughly overhauled, and furnished with new boilers, and a large and elegant dining saloon on deck, with every arrangement that can add to the comfort of passengers. In Philadelphia, this Ship occupies the same wharf as the Liverpool steamships City of Glas gow and City of Manchester, at the foot of Queen street, and Central wharf, Chaileston. Freight on all perishable articles must be pre paid. For Freight or Passage, apply to H. F. BAKER A CO., Accommodation wharf, Charleston, S. C. SAMUEL T. PEARCE, Agent in Philadelphia. june 5 ftf UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. ~ NEW YORK STEAMSHIPS. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. DAYS OF LEAVING SAVANNAH FOR NEW YORK The Augusta, Capt. Lyon, on Wednesday, June 8 The Florida, Capt. Woodhull, “ Saturday, u 11 The Alabama, Capt. Ludlow, •* Saturday, “ 18 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon, “ Saturday, “ 25 The Florida, Capt. Woodhull, “ Saturday, July 2 Tho Augusta, Capt. Lyon, “ Saturday, “ 9 The Florida, Capt. Woodhull, ‘‘ Saturday, “ 16 The Alabama, Capt. Ludlow, “ Wednesday, “ 20 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon, “ Saturday, “ 23 The Florida, Capt. Woodhull, “ Saturday, “ 30 The Alabama, Capt. Ludlow, Wednesday, Aug. 3 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon, “ Saturday, ' 6 The Florida, Capt. Woodhull, “ Saturday, “ 13 The Alabama, Capt. Ludlow, “ Wednesday, “ 17 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon, ’ •“ Saturday, ' 20 The Florida, Capt. Woodhull, “ Saturday, “ 27 The Alabama, Capt. Ludlow, “ Wednesday, “ 31 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon, “ Saturday, Sept. 3 The Florida, Capt. Woodhull, Saturday, “ 10 The Alabama, Capt. Ludlow, “ Wednesday, “ 14 These ships are the largest on the coast, unsur passed in speed, safety or comfort—making their passages in 50 or 60 hours, and aro commanded by skilful, careful, and polite officers. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. On the completion of the Atlanta, in the autumn, this line will be semi-weekly—sailing each Wednesday and Saturdav- Cabin passage $25. PADELFORD, FAY A CO., Agents in Savannah. SAMUELL. MITCHILL, juno 12 tS7 No. 13 Broadway, New York. GEORGIA RAILROAD. “ * PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE AUGUSTA daily at 4.30, P. M., and (Sundays excepted) 6, A. M. Arrive at Augusta daily at 4.30, A. M., and (Sundays excepted) 4.25, P. M. Leave Atlanta daily at 5.30, P. M., and (Sundays excepted) 5.30, A. M. Arrive at Atlanta daily at 4.00, A. M., and (Sundays excepted) 5.20, P. M. Connecting with Athens Branch Trains, Leaving Union Point daily (Sundays excepted) at 12.15, P.M. Arriving at Union Point daily (Sundays except ed) at 11, A. M. With South Carolina Railroad Trains, Hamburg daily at 5.45, A. M., and 6, P. Arrivingat Hamburgdaily at 2.30 P. M., and 5, A. M. With Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad Trains, Leaving Atlanta daily at 4.30 A. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 4.15, P. M. With Western and Atlantic Railroad Trains, Leaving Atlanta daily at 6, A. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 5, P. M. And with Macon and Western Railroad Trains, Leaving Atlanta daily at 6.45, P. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 1.30, A. M. And leaving Atlanta on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 7.30, A. M. And arriving at Atlanta on Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays at 3.00, P. M. July2o F. C. ARMS, Sapt. S. T.Combs, Augusta. | F.T. Pentecost, Charleston. COMBS & CO.’S OtTHERIV AN pSIST iwi WESTERN EXPRESS FORWARDERS. FROM CHARLESTON to AUGUSTA. CO LUMBIA, ATHENS, ATLANTA, ROME, CHATTANOOGA, NEWNAN, LA GRANGE. MACON, COLUMBUS, WEST POINT, and MONTGOMERY—tho Towns on the Georgia, W. 4 A.M. & Western, Atlanta A La Grange Rail roads, and points connecting with Montgomery by Stage and Steamboat, to wit: WETUMKA, TAL LADEGA,SELMA, GREENSBORO, TUSCALOO SA, MOBILE, Ac. Ac. We give the most SPEEDY TRANSPORTA TION to all kinds of Freights to all the above places. Merchants who wish their Goods from the North forwarded by Express from Charleston, will please have them marked plainly “Per Combs \ Co.'s Express , Charleston,'" and Bills Lading ren dered our address. Charleston. Freights from any of the above points to which our line extends for Northern cities, will be forwarded with despatch. Augusta Office, corner Jackson and Ellis streets. Charleston, No. 9 Hayne street feb 1 COMBS A CO. FLOUR. Extra Family, Extra and Superfine, fresh ground from new Wheat from the Gran ite Mills, in barrels and bags. For sale by au 5 25 GEORGE W. LEWIS. POTASH, a first rate article always on hand, and for sale cheap for cash, by __ WM. HAINES, Druggist^ BOOKS JUST RECEIVED BY JVIcKINNE Sc HALL. FIRST part of Ellen Do Vere, or, the way and the will, a sequel to Harry Ashton, or, the will and the way, by the author of Stanfield Hall, Min n© Gray, Ac. The Star of the Fallen, by Newton M. Curtis. Percy Effingham, a Novel, by Harry Cookton. Wild Oats Sown Abroad, or, Ongand ?Off Soun dings, being leaves from a private Journal, by a Gentleman of Leasure. Ravensdalo, or, the Fatal Duel, by the author of Rese Somerville, First False Step, Ac., Ac. Eugenie, or, tho Soldiers Bride, by Miss Sarah M. Howe. The Sea Lion, or the Privateer of the Penobscot, by A. C. Burdick, &ug 20 JiurtiiM §ai f3 BY C. E. GIRARDEY. Underwriter's Sale. THIS DAY, (Saturday,) at!o£ o’clock, will i, e sold in fr#nt of store, for and on account of all conceraed, BY ST C. GRENVILLE & CO. TUESDAY next, sixth inst. at the Lower Market, tlie u ? ual hours of sale, will be sold, To ““ res Clinch Rifles Loan Association Stock, tion stock let^or P e Infantry Loan Associa — I*!' sept 2. BY S - c - GRENVILLE & CO. sixth of September at the Lower Market, will be sold, in the usual hours SALLY, about |thirty-fi ve or forty yearsof age. A good Cook, Washer and IroneraS a first rate Cake Baker, warrented suond. Ttitles uu disputable. Terms cash. 11 es un Purchaser to pay us for papers. SPTIt A S- C. GRENVILLE & CO. TUESDAY, sixth °f September, at the Lower Market, within the uuual hour of sale Will be sold a NEGRO WOMAN, about twenty five years of age. Sold at the risk of Joel Fain of Gordon county, Georgia. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay us for papers. sept 1 BY CAMILLE E. GIRARDEY. A young and likely fcllotv—Field-Hand. On the Ist Tuesday in SEPTEMBER next, at the Lower Market House, within tho usual hours of sale, will be sold : A dark Mulatto BOY, Alfred, about 23years old, a good field hand and first rate hostler. "The boy’ is warranted sound. Titles indisputable. Purchaser to pay me for bill oi sale. Terms cash _ aug 23 ttd CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in SEPTEMBER next, will be sold at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, All that lot or parcel of LAND, with the im provements thereon, situate, lying and being in the City o Augusta, frontieg on Broad street, and bounded north by said Broad-street, south by Ellis streejt. east by a lot of Barny Henry, and west by a lot of Mark Alleoud, and occupied at this time by 1 atrick Dunlap. Levied on as the property of Anne M. Dunn, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from th Court of Common Pleas of said city, in favor o Baker & Hart vs. Anne M. Dunn. july 2!) WILLIAM V. KERR, Sheriff c. a. GEORGIA MARBLE WORKS. J. G. Rankin, Wm. JM. Durliek, Geo. L. Sitmney, (SUCCESSORS TO A. ATKINSON & CO.) rpms ESTABLISHMENT has been in success ■L full operation for a number of years. The Quarries are well opened, and the marble is supe rior to any in the United States. We have so perfected our facilities for getting work, that we can furnish " MONUMENTS, TOMBS, TABLETS, HEAD STONES, and everything in our line of business in better style, and at cheaper rates than any yard in the country. M hen it is considered that we saw our own marble, pay no jobber’s profits, and no high freight from the North, it will bo seen that wo do possess material advantage over all competitors. Wc cordially solicit our friends and the public to examine our work, and compare our prices with those of other yards before ordering Northern marble. We have on hand at our yard in Marietta a large assortment of finished work—Monuments, Tombs, Ac ,—where our agent, Mr. G. W. Summers, wili sell at our prices. Our principal work is done at tho Mills. Address J. G. RANKIN & CO. . , Marble Work P.O. Ga. J«ly 17 dcly HOSIERY, HOSIERY. JUST received and for sale, cheap at GRAY BROTHERS. 800 dozen Ladies White Cotton Hose. 500 “ “ Slato 500 “ “ Black “ “ 200 “ “ Mixed “ “ 500 “ Mens Brown i Hose. 200 “ “ Mixed 150 “ “ White “ “ Also, a large arsortment of Misses Hose. G. 8., solicits the attention of the Ladies of Au gusta to the above goods. aU g 19 PRINTS — 400 pieces Merimac Prints, just re ccived and for sale cheap. aug l 9 GRAY BROTHERS. CONGRESS WATER.— A fresh supply rjurt received and for sale low, by aug 20 11. TUTT. POTATOES.— 10 Bids. New Crop IRISH Pol TATOES. Just landed. aug DAWSON A SKINNER. RHETT & ROBSO N~ ACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. C. Liberal advances made on Consignments. Peruvian Guano and Farmers Plaster always on han 6mos aug, 4 GENTS’ FRENCH CALF PEGGED BOOTS. A new article of Gents’ French Calf Pegged Boots made to order. Received by juae 3 ALDRICH A ROYAL. PERU! IAN GUANO. — A few Tons, of the Gen uine Article, just in time for Turnip Crops, Ae., received and for sale by au g 18 WM. HAINES, Druggist. SMOKED TONGUES. 2 BARRELS, Extra large Smoked Tongues. Just received by Steamer, and for sale by july 16 __ THAYER A BUTT. 1 BOXES No. 1, Soap, now landing cJv/.july2s SCRANTON, SEY3IQUR A CO. I Cf \ SACKS Salt in Store. ± eJV/ SCRANTON, SEYMOUR A CO. aug 26 ALLEN’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, for the cure of Dyspepsia—For sale by aug 12 PHILIP A. MOISE. Druggist. RAILROAD HOTEL—STONE MOUNTAIN CLARK & HITCHCOCK, Proprietors. THIS PLEASANT SUMMER RETREAT /fa, has recently been fitted up in a style, MPf that for comfort it is now second to no Public House in the interior of Georgia. Every ROOM in the House has been newly re lathcd, plastered and painted, and furnished from the lower floor to garrett, with new and splendid Furniture, Bedding, Ac. There are about fifty sleeping rooms, all plastered, in tho house, and the Proprietors feel safe in saying, they can comforta bly accommodate over one hundred persons. •No pains nor expense will be spared to render those who may prtronisc their House comfortable, and their Table and Bar will be supplied with tho best to be had. The Stages to Lawrcnceville, Clarksville, Ac., start from this House,and ample arrangements have been made to accommodate all who wish to taka thi3 route. Hacks and Horses, to other sections, will be kept in readiness. This Hotel will be the Broak.'ast House for the down train, and an up and down train for passen gers pass and re-pass it every twelve hours, so that those wishing to visit the Mountain have the priv ilege of taking the morning or evening train. OS 55 * Arrangements have been made with the Rail Road Company for the conveyance of Mil itary or Fire Companies and Pleasure Parties de sirous of visiting the Mountain, and they ean be accommodated by giving short notice. The Charleston Courier and Savannah News, will copy tho above weekly to the amount of live dollars, and forward bills to C A H., with a copy containing advertisement, july 26 fl3c6 JUST RECEIVED, O BBI.S. Hiram Smith FLOUR, ground from new wheat. Just reoeived by steamer and for sale by THAYER A BUTT. ALLEN'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, forth© cure of Dyspepsia. For sale by aug 31 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. GREAT TRUTHS by Great Authors. a Dietion - aryofaidsto reflection, quotations of Max ms, Mataphors, Counsels,Cautions.Aphorisms Pro verbs, Ac., from writers of all ages and both hemis pheres. Letters from a German Countess, written during her travels in Turkey, Egypt, the Holy Land, Sv ria,. Nubia, Ac., in 1843-4, by Ida, Countess of Hann-Hahn. t of Biblical Literature, edited by John Hitts, D. D. F. S. A., and Vol. 5 D’Aubignes Reformation. Also, another supply of Fern Leaves and tho Sword and the Distaff, Fair, Fat and Forty, "a Sto ry of the South by W. Gilmore Simons. Also, the following Novels. Country Hospitalities, by Catherine Sinclair. Old Put or the Days of 76 a tale of the Revolu tion. The Corsican Brothers, by Alexander Dumas. Ruth, a novel, by the author of Mary Bartow, and a large lot of others, for sale or Inspection bv THOS. RICHARDS A SON, Blank Book Manufacturers, Stations, Ac. aug 31 JUST RECEIAED. 4 SPLENDID asssortment of Grates ; suitable for Parlor, Chamber, or Office, of the most re cent and desirable patterns. Persons wishing such articles for the approaching srason, would do well to call immediately and make their selections at aug3l B. F, CHEW §