The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, September 23, 1853, Image 1
£I)C tUuln <!Ttf nstitu ti on a list. atih lu'imlilic - • 1 J~~ . , W ,;V JAMES GARDNER. gfsfrtl JUmrrtisrrornt‘s. TO COTTON PLANTERS. if irod the services or Mr. G. T. Tj" |V ,r<rV ,is tli>» superintendent, together |l ' ■ ' ~od mechanics, I haveestablish r ,ipxoN' iIN FACTORY, at the »1 8 ! , .. ,'het. Ga., where I aui prepared to .. J- ; ', tae planter with the best article ... V 1 l , : ‘ COTTON GIN now produced in this « "'' tr? tkspy s time, devoted exclusively in the Mr ° to the putting up of every Gin shop-* na ’ ..[ji direction, and attaching all the n nd#r h<' w , jicb bo (Mr. Oglesby,) has got i9f foVl ' a . : ! j: a the hist two years. lam satisfied I ten if | c aliy made heretofore, in quantity, ggfl i lurabiliiT 'l^i 1 Gins, (when sent to the shop,) will be Ail , ar | j . t ii the improvements attached if de *‘ r V 1 ' a ‘ ; i .riil be delivered at the Planters "J* ’ ra f their residence if desired, free 0 f charge- , en t} oTl paid to all communications roai ‘i ..'meat the above office. to m 1I()M Ag j cHRELY . COALS OF OGEECHEE, GA., ) March 5, 1853. j To rnv old Voir oris and Friends. , (,ecn some complaint of my Gins, 11 ’.(,0 lad two years :an explanation to C . 53m to this matter is due Mr. Cheely. y° l ‘ -f'lTe. ri* absent a great portion of thi3 time, 1 “ t ',Vihe North, experimenting and getting ofllVi ,'ir <} : 7 as well as improving, the original *1 1 r l.' tnl'.ftier with suitable machinery for this P a,f , to'its highest perfection, as will be ac ; ; i }>y ail who have used them, both in V s .i;tV and quality of Cotton. _ “" f a , . now devote my individual attention in • 1 and see that every part of each Gin is put tS; . J ” possible manner: in short, I shall u ! : n ,’ c ors: iiial Oglesby Gin, which has been so • hnted for durability and fine Cotton, having CC ° n the pr:aiium in this State as well as that of V'. \ Carolina in every instance except one, and ' r ‘. wl? sa j t i by foreign dealers that my Cotton 1 •, -anorrior quabty. In conclusion, my late * 1 '„j 50 nts added to my foi mcr Gins, cannot fail entire satisfaction. I will alter any old lb ns 'not too much worn,) to do better work than J orer did before. fours, most respectfully, _“hls ly G. T. OGLESBY. PREMIUM FOWLS FDR SALE. _ vgiy The subscriber has for sale the largest - ' Sf and finest collection of. improved and , ymre bred Poultry t'ver offered in the *'>' South. It cmbra ces the following J&T~ ,»T d'_ _***; Ffgaife approved afld val- Ijtj atjM) A POOTRA, or Gray Chittagong Fowls. F>rFF YELLOW and RED SHANGHAI do. BLACK do. do. WHITE do. do. GRAY do. do. COCHIN CHINA do. ao. FANCY BANTAMS. CHINESE PHEASANTS, Ac.. Ac- Th« shore fowls may be seen at Bedford. 3 miles from this city In ail cases where the purehasor is not fully *(<:dA, the fowls may be returned, and I will refund the money, and pry all expenses. Address, D. REDMOND, ungfi d<fcc3n\ Augusta, Georgia. TO THE CITIZENS OF AUGUSTA. WJM HA 1X Es* respectfully in >rms the public W that Le bn? engaged the services of Doctor JOSEPH HA r TON, (Chemist and Apothecary and Graduate sf the Medical College of Georgia,) who nil; take cinrge of his Chemical and Dispensing department, at the City Drug Store. All pre si tiers and Family receipes entrusted to him will receive the strictest attention, both as regards purity o: Medicines and accuracy of preparation. He offers his professional services, and may be (mind constantly, during the dayt at the above es tablishment. om sep 4 NEW BOOKS. lIEfCIVED by McKINNE A HALL, "Wednes it day, Sept. 7th. Philosophy of Sir William Hamilton, Bart., Pro trt-orLogic at.d Metaphysics, Edinburg Universi ty. by 0. W. Wright. Pedestrahi in France and Switzerland, by Geo. Ban el. Jr. Plotter Life of Charles V., by Wm. Stirling, au thor of Annals of Artists of Spain. Mar; HulFstone, or the Two Brothers, by Mrs. Hoodie. Miles Tremenherc, or the Loro Test, by Annette Maria Millard. i'syehomi; -y, or Spirit Ranpings and Table Tippings Eipo.-ed: by Prof. C. G. Page, M. D. Mien Duvere, complete, by author of Harry Ashu'n. Yict'"n's Revenge, by N. M. Curtis. Jim Sant, a tale of Land and Ocean, by Capt. Hadley, 11. S. N. Opt. Hawt. or Life of a Highwayman, by au thor of Paul Clifford. Jack Cade, or Bondman's Struggle. Math tide's Daughter, a tale of Life in the great Metropolis, by N. M. Curtis. Old Put, or the Days of '7fi. Cvrilla, by author of Initials. Comic History of Rome, by Gilbert Abbott Becsett; Illustrated by John Leech. Comic History of England, by same author. Bards of the Bible, by Gilfillan. Mattio Griffith’s Poems. .Downing s Country Houses, by A. J. Downing. L.ngiish Humorists of 18ta Century, by Thack ery. Theory of Politics, by Hildreth. Cranford, by author of Ruth, etc. Stuyvesant, a Franconia Story, by Abbott. Modem Literature and Literary Mon by Gilfil _ * sep 9 PIANO FORTES. ( SUBSCRIBERS would res- j Pectfully call the attention of PHFf 1 . [ ,nends and the public, to their 'i 3 5? V “ < 08cw °od and Mahogany PIANO 1 ,! >s, TOrn the well known and justly celobrat- ' M Manufactories of Bacon 4- Raven, A. H. Gale * °’’ ind Dubois 4. Seabury, New York, which tnwnantfdm every res;- ect, to be at least fully s t w-i to any instruments manufactured in thiscoun try or Europe. 1 Th,'subscribers would also state that the instru- ■ entsuewon hand are of the latest patents and and/ffsA from the manufacturers. For^ -a oat very lv ow prices for cash or city acceptance 11 GEO. A. OATES & CO.’S Piano, n.ook k Music Depot, Broad-st. P l *; SOCTHKH jjT A l. MAN AC FOR 1854,with G.., r lle ourtiJ of North Acd South Carolina, K.r a, i Tennessee and Florida, for for the Horizon and ileridian of '1 > a- or sale, wholesale or retail, by TIIQS. KICHARDSJfc SDN. dental notice. Messrs. CIIASE k HARKER having recently engaged the ser vices of another Assistant for this to 8 „ n . . laboratory, hopes now to be enabled .; „ ~ ’ ncr eaFnd demand for tbeir new style *b4 To!,; . eJ, h- Fair specimens of Block Teeth i,n on— , jth the continuous gum on platina, and jpld plate, may be seen at the office. 15 dAttf Ap." -NEW coo OS.—J ust received, Plain an< * Cashmere, > 1 do do (J? Bilk, ia u Plai " S Uks, f or brocade do. sept y ebeap at CRAY BROTHERS. 80 i‘rp?o^° lNG AND ROPE -0 „ hb b> un, lee Bagging, a good article, congipTiim. * a , 01 1 8 R°P®) just received on auf 2 T ’ and for sale by _ M. W. WOODRUFF, A «*LFvnm ST RECEIVE I> for p.l, assortment of Grates; suitable cent and 1 amber ’ or Cffice, of the most re ttticleg for .V rab e T )attern s. Persons wishing such Uaall imm«a- a PP roac hing srason, would ’-do well and make their selections at B. F. CHEW’S^ IJ ?. T kICOPHEROCS —S gross just re cent? dby WM.UTUTT, Wholesale k Re tail Druggist. AND AMERICAN LAMPBLACIe b, * bblg. and 5 kegs Lampblack, for sa " PHILIP A. MOISE, ' l r > ? our m °ney if it does not cure. Dr tTirc Venetian Liniment is warranted in ftuV -j, 8111106 - The Agent for this city is s PJJILIP A. MO ISE, Druggist. (ofnrr«l A&ffrtisfmrnts. THROUGH FARE FROM CHARLESTON TO Baltimore $17.50. to Philadelphia sl9, AND TO NEW YORK S2O. THE GREAT MAIL ROUTE from CHARLES TON, SO. CA. LEAVING the wharf at the foot of Laurens streot daily, after the arrival of the Southern cars, via Wilmington, N. C., from which point two daily trains arc despatched, at 8 A. M. arul 2 P. M.; tire 8 o'clock only connecting at Weldon, N. C., with the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad to Nor folk, thence by steamers to Baltimore, and both trains connecting at Weldon with the lines to Pe tersburg, Richmond, Washington, Baltimore. Phil adelphia, and New York. The public is respectful ly informed that the steamers of these lines are in first rate condition, and are navigated by well known and experienced commanders ; the Rail Roads are in fine order, (the Wilmington and Weldon, as well as the Seaboard and Roanoke, having recent ly been relaid with heavy T rail,) thereby securing both safety and despatch. By these routes, passen gers availing themselves of the first train, may reach Baltimore in 40 hours, Philadelphia in 45 hours, and New York in 50$ hours; and by the second train, they arrive in Baltimore in 50 hours, Phila delphia in 56 hours, and New York in hours. Through tickets can alone be bad from E. WINSLOW , Agent of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company, at the office of the Company, foot of Laurons-street, Charleston, S. C., to whom please apply. march 23 NEW AND UNRIVALLED RAIL ROAD ROUTE TO THE NORTH. ®2wr pppaiag-ci ommmmz cjgmmma VIA THE WILMINGTON & MAN. RAIL R@AD: Through i n the same time with the great North er n Mail, and Avoiding Sea Sickness. TRAVELLERS are respectfully informed that one hundred and thirty miles of the Wilming ton and Manchester Railroad are completed and in successful operation, and connections have been formed by first class Four Horse Post Coaches, over the unfinished part of the Road. The following is the schedule. Leave Augusta at 4j A. M. “ Wilmington, at., 8 A. M. Arrive at Weldon at 3 P. M. “ at Baltimore at 6 A. M. “ “ Philadelphia at 1 P. M. “ “ New York at 6-30 P. M. Time from Augusta to Wilmington 26 hours. “ “ Wilmington to New York,. .34-30 “ At Wilmington the connection is made with the 8 ./clock A.M. Express Train. At Weldon, passengers can havo choices of Routes, Either by Seaboard &; Roanoke Railroad and Ray Line of Steamers, or by Railroad through Peters burg, Richmond and Washington City, to Balti more. Through Tickets by eithor of these Lines can bo purchased in Wilmington. Through Tickets from Montgomery to Charles ton will be received on the South Carolina Railroad, botween Augusta and the Wilmington and Man chester Railroad. Passengers desirous of going North by this Route, will have their Baggage checked at Augus ta, to the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad. Any other informaeion can be obtained of Dr. J. L. Keen, Agent at Augusta. L. J. FLEMING, Sup. Wil. A Man. R. R. july 14 dActf TRANSPORTATION BETWEEN SAVAN NAH AND AUGUSTA. BY THE FASHION K LINE. IN offering the services of the steamer FASHION, (the first boat of this line) to the merchants of Georgia and Carolina, Alabama and Tennessee, we would ask for her that patronage which her construction and light draught of water merits. The Fashion is a home enterprise and owned ex clusively by Capt T. N. Pkilpot (her commander) and myself, whose entire attention will be given to the interest of her patrons. This boat was built in this city, and great care has been taken in her construction to make her worthy ot the trade for which sho is intended. Her capacity is about 2600 bales Cotton, her draught of water only 13 inches, which will enable her at all seasons of the year, to deliver her freight promptly. Ilcr entire cargo will be taken between decks, which will not only prevent damage to goods in case of snagging, but will add much to the condi tion of packages discharged from her. Mr. M. A. Cohen is the agent of this line in Savannah, where suitable wharves and warehouse have been provi ded in a central situation for the reception of Cot ton, Merchandize, Ac. The Fashion will run in connection with the New York and Philadelphia steamship, pelivering goods at this point in five days from either of those cities. JOHN A. MOORE. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. THE above Reward will be given for the appre hension and delivery, at the S. C. Railroad of fice, Augusta, of two negro men, BILL and SHELLY, or twenty five dollars for either. The above negroes have been runaways since Ist January last. Billy is about 5 feet 6 inches high, black complexion and good countenance, and is about thirty-two years old. He has a scar on tho right arm below, and one on theleft arm above the elbow. He was raised in Upper Three Runs, Barn well District, S. C., and has a wife at that place. Shelly is about 5 feet 4 inches high, about 31 years old, and has a small scar on his left arm ; forehead high, and inclining back. He was raised in Barnwell District, by Jefferson Boyd. GEO. B. LYTHGOE. may 4 Gen’l Sup’t. S. C. Railroad Office. JUST OPENED, NEW FURNITURE. WAREROOM. THANKFUL fortheliberalpat ronage we have heretofore re ceivcd from tho citizens of Angus taand its vicinity, the subscribers 7 would respectfully announce that they have taken the large iron front Store, under the Augusta Ho tel, where they intend carrying pn the above busi 'icss exclusively, and will keep oh hand the latest styles of FURITURE, and from the best manufac tories at the North, we are receiving by arrivals, and shall use our efforts to keep an assortment on ! hnnd and in store, Mahogany and Walnut Sofas, Tufted Chairs, Sideboar is. Tables,Bureaus, Wash stands, Work Tables, Toilet do., Mahogany,Maple, Cane and Rush Seat Chair 3. of various qualities; Bedstods, Matrascs, Window Shades, Ac. HENRY A SKINNER. N. B.—Furniture made to order and repairing lone with despatch- tActf BATHING TUBS.— A goneral assortment o i Bath Tubs, all sizes. Hip Baths, Hot Baths, j Rotundo do., Shower Baths, and a new article in which is combinodtho bath and shower, a force and , lift pump attached, by which me ms a person can use the same water for bath and bower. It is pc- : culiarly adapted to the emergencies of all, being so constructed, that in five minutes after use, it can i be thrown into the small compass of an ordinary Bath Tub, or when in use, the sboo’er can be ele vated to the hoight of seven feet. For sale by B. F. CHEW, may 10 Rheumatism cured Read she Evi denck. —I have been afflicted for the last three years with Rheumatism in both legs, and : have tried many medicines without success, until Iw as advised to use Dr. Hoxie's Remody for Rheumatism, &c., and after using throe and a half boodles, I am entirely well, and have hoen well ever sine?’ and this is nearly four months age. SAMUEL T. MADDOX. This Medicine is for sate at the Drug Store under the Augusta Hotel. Price 50 cents per bottle, mar 25 Linseed oil turpentine and varn ish. —A supply of these necessary articles for nainters use just received and for gale low for cih, by WM. HAINES, Druggist, j WOOL! WOOL!! I WILL pay the highest cash price for Wool de livered in Augusta, or at any station on the Ralroad or River; or will give a yard of negro clo-h, of my manufacture, for of un washed Wool. GEORGE SCHLEY. SUGAR AND COFFEE. I /\/\ lifills. Porto Rico, N. Orleans Clan ied lUU SUGAR. onvvw 400 bags Rio, Laguira and Java Col<h SCRANTON, SEYMOUR * CO., aug 9 No. 2 Warron Block. Georgia SPECIFIC MIXTURE—An in fallible remedy, for certain diseases, for sale I only by WM. HAINES. » aug 1 Druggist. AUGUSTA, GA., FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1853 ©rnfrnl JUturrtiscmrnts. Jesse Osmond. Hemptul Gray AMERICAN IRON FOUNDRY', AUGUSTA. GEO. OSMOND IV GRAY, Proprietors. THE PROPRIETORS of the above named Establishment, in returning their sincere thanks to their friends and the public in general for the very liberal patronage extonded to them ! since they have been in operation, would respect i fully state that they are now prepared to execute all orders for IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, with despatch at the shortest notice and in the best manner. To Railroad Companies and Car Builders. We are prepared to manufacture to order all kinds and sizes of Railroad Car and Engine WHEELS, equal to any manufactured at the ! North ; Holding Murphy’s Patent right for mak | ing “Murphy’s Patent Solid Hub CAR WHEELS.” we are now maufactaring a Single Plate Railroad CAR WHEEL, equal if not superior to anj other Plate Wheel, and far superior to the Spoke Wheels now in use. Particular attention paid to the manufacture of all other kinds of Railroad Car, and Engine CAS TINGS, including Froggs, Switches, Chairs; also Bridge BOLTS and CASTINGS, for every descrip tion of Bridges. We are aisc prepared to fit up all sizes and kinds of Railroad CAR WHEELS, with AXLES, Boxes, Caps and Brases, complete. To Mill Owners and Millers. Mill and Gin GEARING, CASTINGS, Ac., furnished at the shortest notice, of the best mate rials and workmanship, and at the lowest prices. To Planters. Particular attention paid to the manufacture of Ploughs and Plough CASTINGS, and Cotton Press PLATES and BALLS, etc , ot every size and description, a supply of which will be constant ly kept on hand. We are also prepared to manufacture to order all kinds of Water WHEELS, Water PIPES, COLUMNS, Lamp POSTS, Grate BARS. Furnace FRONTS, Cometerv and other RAILINGS; SHAFTING ; PULLIES ; HANGERS; WARE HOUSE TRUCKS, etc., etc.; also, Iron FRONTS and COLUMNS, for Stores and other Buildings, all of the best materials and workmanship. The Proprietors of the “American Iron Foun dry” being Pratical Mechanics, and having the management ot the Establishment under their own superitendence, and employing none but the best workmen, confidently assort that they can manu acture all description? of CASTINGS and CAR WORK, equal in quality, and at as low prices as can be furnished by any other establishment North or South. They, therefore, hope that by a continued strict attention to business, and with their usual punctu ality ia fulfilling their contracts, to merit a con tinuance of the very liberal patronage and en couragement, which has been extended to tnern so far, by Southern Railroad and all other parties who may require Railroad work, or any other kinds of Castings, done cheaply and expeditiously. OSMOND A GRAY, Augusta, Ga. We arc enabled to refer to the following named gentlemen : lion. John P. King. President of the Georgia Railroad A Banking Company, Augusta. F. C. Arms, Esq., Gen. Sup’t. Georgia Railroad & Banking Company, Augusta. Wm, llardman, Sup't, Motive Power, Georgia Railroad. G. B. Lythcoe. Esq., Gen'l Sup't. South Carolina Railroad, Aiken, S. C. G. Yongc, Esq., Gen'l Sup't. Western A Atlantic Railroad, Atlanta. W.W. Baldwin, Esq., Sup’t. Motive Power, West ern & Atlantic Railroad, Atlanta. L. P. Grant, Esq., Chief Engineer, LaGrange Railroad, Atlanta. Wm. M. Stockton, Esq., Chief Engineer, Char lotte, S. C. Railroad, Columbia, S. C. F. P. Holcombe, Esq., Chief Engineer, Augusta & Waynesboro' Railroad, Savannah. 11. Ingalls, Esq., Sup't. Motive Power, E. Tenn. Georgia Railroad, Loudon, Tenn. Richard Peters, Esq., Atlanta, Ga. Geerge Robinson, Esq., Hamburg, S. C. Dr. B. W. Lawton, Esq., Erwinton, Earnwell Dis trict. S. C. Hon. Wm. E. Dearing, Augusta. Wm. H. Goodrich, Esq., “ Wm. H. Kitchen, Esq, “ Hugh O'Neil, Esq , “ “American Iron Foundry, Augusta, Ga., juneß dfcly June sth, 1853. NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY. Inrorporateit January. 1849. Central Oefice, Raleigh, N. C. HAVING established an Agency in this city, are prepared to take LIFE RISKS on the most favorable terms. The table of Rates are those made by Joshua Millar, and known as “ The Carlisle Table,” uni versally conceded to be the most correct in uso. The advantages offered by this Company, are such as merit the attention of the public, and will be pointed out and explained at any time by the Agent. Insurances are taken on single lives, for on 3 year, seven years, or for life. On joint lives, for life. On slaves at 2-3 value, one or five years. The undersigned can, at all times, be found at the Law office of G. J. & W. Schley, Esqs. Letters, post-paid, directed to the Agent here, will be promptly attended to apr 11 S. H. OLIVER, Ag’t.. Augusta, Ga. NO DEVIATION FROM MARKED PRICES. AUGUSTA FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. WM. 0. PRICE & CO., Tailors, 258 Broad-st., have on hand, and arc constantly manufac turing tho most superb GENTLEMEN’S OVERCOATS, Os every description; Walking Coats, Business Coats, Dress and French Coats, of all the choice mode colors. PANTALOONS, Os Black and Fancy Doeskin, and Cassimeres, oi the latest styles. VESTS, Os rich Cashmores, Cassimeres and Velvets, Em broidered Goods, &c. &c. ROBES DE CHAMBRE, Os various styles and qualities GENTLEMEN'S UNDER GARMENTS, Os every description. The whole embracing the best assortment of well made Clothing to be found in Augusta. Purchasers will be pleased to call and examine our assortment. WM. 0. PRICE & CO., dec 5 258 Broad street, Augusta. ALBONI HATS. —Recoivcd by last steamer, a beautiful Alboni Hat, light and ploasant for summer wear. J. TAYLOR, Jr., & CO. CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT. : readymade ; S HATS, | CLOTHING,(W. 0. FRICE & CO., neweststyle. i at Wholesale Drapers and Tailors , , CAPS, and Retail, are well supplied with the of Plush, Cloth of 'all descrip- best of English & French & other kinds. ; tions.ofthe ve- ; CLOTHS, 'UMBRELLAS, rybestmake. 0 f black and blue, andall of Silk and UNDER SHIRTS, the ne west colors. L. ,*? han i, 3, D SCARF3 8 ’ CASSIMERES, s ßhoul c d " Bra ' CRAVATS, ;°f the newest and most Money Bolts all kinds of fashionable patterns. BRUSHES, HOSIERY. VESliolu-b, for Clothes. GLOVES. of every description. Hair, Nails.&c i of every -de- Uhe public will find u s Porte Monies, ; scription, and prepared to make to Pocket Books, ; all articles use- „ , ORJ ?.^ R . ~ and all useful ful and neces- articles ot Dressinthe articles of sary lor Dress best an,] n,ast approved Dress for andcomfort STYLE. tlemen’suse. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. REMOVAL. THE SUBSCRIBER has removed his GUN ESTABLISHMENT to 205 Broad street, a few doors above tho Augusta Hotel, at the store lately occupied as a Grocery Storo by John A. Millen. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a con tinuance of the same. june 4 E. H. ROGERS. New ORLEANS SUGAR.—HO Ilhds Fine to Choice, for sale bv GEO. W. LEWTS. uug2s No. 1 Warren Block TVVBOXES of Tobacco, assorted qualities. A UU 50 M. Cigars various Brands, just receiv ed by SCRANTON, SEYMOUR & CO. aug 26 _ SUMMER CASSIMERES and LINENS, for Pantaloons, of new styles of fabric, suited for a warm climate. june 4 WM. 0. PRICE & CO. NEW SPRING GOODS. LALLERSTEDT has opened at his old • Stand, corner Globe Hotel, a new and 3 complete assortment of SPRING GOODS, the styles and prices of which, he warrants to please, to which ho invites attention. march 17 (6fnrrfll Jliuirrtisnncßts. UNITED STATES HOTEL! AUGUSTA, GA. rnilE above HOTEL is now open for the MIL A reception ot Permanent and Tran si e-nt BOARDERS. This long established and well-known House has undergone a thorough alteration throughout, and furnished with NEW and FASHIONABLE FL'li- NITURE! The table will always be supplied with the best the market affords; and the Proprietor ruets, by a systematic course, both wish servants and the regulations of the house atenes'alJy, he will be ena bled to give entire sntialoetion to those that may favor him with their patronage jan 4 JNO. W. SPEAR. LADIES RICH DRESS GOODS. SNOWDEN & SHEAR, HAVE this day received from New York by last steamer,Rich Printed DeL.aMes ofnew and ele gant patterns; Small Figured uud Polka spotted DcLaines, very desirable gooeb-rfor Children and M isses wear. Fancy colored and Plaid Silks, of the latest im portations and most splendid Par is styles. Small figured and black Silks of neat and desi rable patterns, and excellent quality. Black Watered and Satin stripped Silks, supe rior goods. black Polka Spotted, And small figured Silks, of new and beautiful style?. The above comprises a choice selection of tho richest Dress Goods of the mo3t recont importations, to which they would respectfully invito the atten tion of the public, aug 22 dfAc COWING & CO.’S GARDEN AND FIRE ENGINES, WHICH, for power, capacity and usefulness, cannot bo surpassed; from ffie size of the air chamber, sufficient power is obtained to enable one man to throw a steady stream of water to the height of fifty feet perpendicularly, thereby rendering it a desirable article, as a protection against fire, for washing windows of 2 and 3 stories of buildings, carriages, Ac. Also, a general assortment of Block Tin Pipe, Lead Pipe and Gutta t .reha Hose. For sale by (july 1) ts B. F. CHEW. HOSIERY, HOSIERY. JUST recoivcd and forsalo, cheiip at GRAY BROTHERS. 800 dozen Ladies White Cotton Hose. 500 “ “ Slate 500 “ “ Black “ “ 200 “ “ Mixed “ “ 500 “ Mens Brown J Hoso. 200 “ “ Mixed “ “ 150 “ “ White “ “ Also, a large arsortrnent of Misses Hose. G. 8., solicits the attention of the Ladies of Au gusta to tho above goods. aug 19 MORE NEW BOOKS. JOHN RANDOLPH of Roanoke, ar.d other sketches of character, including Wm. Wirt, by F. W. Thomas. One Year ; a tale of Wedlock, by O. W. Wright. Philosophy of Sir William Hamilton, Bart., edi ted by 0. W. Wright. Summer Stories of the South, by T. Addison Richards. The British Cabinet in 1853, Poems by Meditatus. The Pro-Slavery Argument, containing the sev eral Essays on the subject of Chancollor Harper, Gov. Hammonds, Dr. Sims, and Prof. Dew. Father Brigthopes, or au Old Clergyman's Vaca tion, by Paul Crcyton. Narrative of a Journey round the World, by F. Gorstaecker. Psycouiancy, Spirit Rapping and Table Tippings Exposed, by Prof Chas. G I’age, M. 1> V 01.7, Coleridge's Works; and No. 17 Bleak House. Also, a fresh supply of the Wigwam and Cabin, by Sims. Helen and Arthur, by Mrs. Ilentz. Miles Tremenhere, or the Love l ost. Cyrolla. Freedley on Business. Alexander Smith’s Poems, and Trautwine on Railroad; also, a large assortment of Novels, in cheap form among them Percy Effingham, by Cock ton- Passion and Principle, by Mrs'. Grey. Flirtations in America, or High Lite in New York. A Man in Search of a Wife. Tho Count of Morion, or a Woman's Revenge. Paul the Smuggler; Isaac Laguedem, by Dumas Red Wing or the Corsair Chieftain. The Yankee Middy, or the Two Frigates. Ravensdale, or the Fatal Duel. Clarence Bolton, or Life in New York. Silver and l’ewter, or the Contrasts of Now York Life, and many others. For sale or inspection by THOS. RICHARDS A SON. FASHIONABLE FALL AND WINTER GOODS. JOHN BRIDGES, Merchant Tailor, Clothier, and Gentleman’s Furnishing Store, 250 Broad street, next door below the United States Hotel, is now in receipt of a full and complete stock of all that appertains to a Gentleman's Wardrobe, con sisting of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. VESTINGS, and Trimmings to make up to order, both civic and military. Also a large and fashionable assort ment of READY MADE CLOTHING, and a full supply of Furnishing Articles, viz; SIIIRTS, UN DER SHIRTS, LADIES UNDER VESTS, DRAWERS, Nett and Made; Collars, Cravats, Scarfs, Stocks, Gloves, Ac.&c. MAKING and TRIMMING in the best man ner. octß GRANITE MILLS. THE undersigned having purchased tho GRAN ITE FLOUR MILLS, located upon the Au gusta Canal, gives notice that tho FLOUR AND GRAIN business will hereafter bo conducted and carried on by George W. Lewis. B. H. WARREN. And will keep for sale superfine FLOUR, fresh ground CORN MEAL, Wheat, Bran, Seconds, Ac. GEORGE W. LEWIS, BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! THE UNDERSIGNED, desirous of closing up their business, are selling off their stock of CLOTHING and DRY GOODS, at cost. All those who aro indebted to tho undorsigned, either by note or account, are requo-ted to mako immediate payment, or their notes and accounts will bb put iu a train for collection. MAYER, BROTHER A CO., jan 13 ts 3 doors above ha GUNS, PISTOLS, &C. DOUBLE BARREL SHOT GUNS, Shot and Powder Flasks, Gun Caps, of best makers ; Patent Wadding, Ac.; Allen’s and Colt’s Revolving Pistols, and others ; English Belt and Pocket Pis tols. —ALSO— A fine Self-Cocking and Revolving Pistol, with five chambered cylinder, patent rified, firing ivnd dod ball with great execution, splendidly made, by Deane, Adams A Deane, London Rridgo—a beau tiful article for any one wishing a fine instrument in caso, with caps, balls, wadding, wrench, driver, cleaning rod, oil cup, extra cones, Ac., complete For sale low, by CLARK A CO., Dealers in fine Watches, Silver Wares, oct 29 Jewelry, Guns. Ac fIUST RECEIVED, a fine lot of Travelling and J Packing TRUNKS, Ladies’ HAT CASES, Ac., to bo sold cheap, at HENRY DALY’S, Opposite the U. S. Hotel. Also, 500 pair of Ladies' Silk Lasting Top GAI TERS, at SI.OO and $1.25. apr 22 HATS. CAPS AND BONNETS, AT CHARLESTON PRICES. COUNTRY Merchants visiting will find at our House the largost andfeqgS best selected stock of HATS, CAPS ANDwL BONNETS, in tho Southern country, and wo pledge oursolves to sell as cheap as any Charleston House Those who wish to save their freight between hero and Charleston, can do so by calling at J. TAYLOR A CO.’S, march 6 Opposite Wright. Nichols A Co. 1 \ SACKS Salt in Store. 1 OU SCRANTON, SEYMOUR A CO. aug 26 LLEN’S VEGETABLE CO VIP OU ND ,for tho cure of Dyspepsia—For sale by aug 12 PIIILIP A. MOISE. Druggist. CONGRESS WATER. — A fresh supply, jus received and for sale low, by aug 2fl W. 11. TUTT. FARM FOR SALE. FOR SALE, a small FARM, about fifty acres, more or less, of which YE. 25 acres aro opened, situated about one half mile rom Bel Air, on the Millcdgeville Road,having on tho premises a new and comfortable Dwelling and Store House, and being a first rate stand fcr'husi ness. Terms made easy. Apply te aug 2L ts CAMILLE E. GIRARDEY. Wm-Mmts. OLIVER H. LEE, WAREHOUSE <te COMMISSION MERCHANT Augusta, Georgia, SALES ROOM on Broad street, under the Franklin House, opposite tho I Planter's Hotel. The undersigned having taken tho largo and well I known FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE, on Broad I street, formerly occupied by Messrs. Buford Beal i Co., tenders his surviees to his friends and the : public generally for the storage and sale of Cotton, ! Flour, Bacon and Grain, or any other produce that | may be consigned to him. From his favorable location and long experience in selling Cotton, and every description of produce brought to this market, he flatters himself that he can please those who may tavor him with their business, as he intends giving his business strict attention and will spare no pains to please. The receiving and forwarding Through Goods wilt receive prompt attention. Orders for goods will be promptly executed at the lowest market price. CASH AD\ ANCES will be made when required. Charges for selling Cotton will be tho old rate of 25 cents per bale. Office will bo at Dawson & Skinner’s until the Ist October. OLIVER H. LEE. Augusta, August 1, 1853. Persons who are indebted to LEE, HUBBARD & CO., or 0. 11, LEE, will find their notes and ac counts at my office* 0. 11. Lee. aug 18 6m M. W. WOODRUFF, FACTOR and Commission Merchant, Mclntosh-street, Augusta, Georgia, with Fire-proof Warehouse and close Storage ac commodations, will receive and sell all kinds of Merchandize and Produce; make liberal cash ad vances on consignments, when required; buy, to order, Supplies for Planters and Merchants; attend strictly to the receiving and forwarding Merchan dize and Produce, either by Railroad, Canal or Private Conveyance; and particularly to the for warding of Cotton, Bacon, Flour, Grain, and eve rything reaching Augusta, eithor by Railroad, Ca nal, or any other conveyance, for ro-shipment to any destination. And hope, by unceasing indus try and personal attention to the interests of my friends, with the advantage of several years expo ricnco in all the workings of tho above business (under the supervision of Messrs. Jeffers, Cothran & Co., to merit and receive a share of their patron age. My charges for attention will in all cases be regulated by the customary rates of the city. References. 1 Heard & Davison, Doughty & Beall, D’Antignac, Rome W. S. Cothran & Co. Cartersville J. R. Towns & Co. ’Chattanooga. ~C. E. Grenville & Co. Savannah Cohen & Hertz. G. W. Garmany. Charleston... .Chambers, Jeffers & Co. aug 10 3m HAVING discontinued business in Augusta, we take this opportunity to return our thanks for the liberal patronage extended to us, and take pleasure in soliciting a continuance of the same for our friend, M. W. Woodruff. JEFFERS, COTHRAN A CO. Hamburg, S. C., August Bth, 1853. aug 10 SIMPSON &. GARDINER, WAREHOUSE & COMMISS’N MERCHANTS, MCINTOSH STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. IT7ILL continue the WAREHOUSE VY AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, in all its branches, at their Old Stand on Mclntosh street, (Fire Proof Building ,) and hope by strict personal attention to the interest of all who place business in their hands, to merit a con tinuance of tho patronage, so liberally bestowed the past season, and for which they embrace the present occasion to tender their thanks. Their charges will conform to the established rates of the city. Orders for BAGGING, ROPE AND FAMILY SUPPLIES, filled at tho lowest market rates. Cash advances uunlo. on PRODUCE in Store when required. J. R. SIMVSON. | JAS. T. GARDINER. July 20th 1853. d&cfim july 20 D’ANTIGNAC, EVANS & CO., WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS AUGUSTA, GA., WILL continue tho above business in all its branches, at their old stand. the Fire-Proof Warehouse immediately at the Georgia Railroad Depot, where Cotton and ether produce will be received and stored without charge of drayage. Their Office and Sales Room is at the same place on Broad street* nearly opposite the Globe Hotel Cash advances made on produce, and all reason able facilities afforded customers. Goods purchased for planters at the lowest mar ket prices. for selling Cotton 25 cents por bale. Wm. M. D’Antignac,! Geo. W. Evans, > Wm. E. Evans, ) fimos aug 21 CROCKER & REES. WAREHOUSE & COMMISS’N MERCHANTS AUGUSTA, GA. fIIHE undersigned have this day formed a Copart- L neship for tho transaction of a general WARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, under the firm of Crocker \ Rees. Their Warehouse is on the Corner of Reynold and Washington Streets, convenient to tho business part of tho city. Both having had long experience in the business, will give their undivided attention to the salo of COT TON and PRODUCE. All Orders for Bagging, Rope, Family Supp'ies, &c., carefully filled at the lowest market prices. J. R. Crocker returns his sincere thanks to hi 3 old patrons and friends for thoir liberal patronage heretofore, and solicits a continuance of tho samo for the new firm. Cash Advances made on Con signments when required. Our Commissions for selling Cotton will be 25 cents per hale. JOHN R. CROCKER, JOHN C. REES. Augusta, Ga., July 18th, 1853. ts july 19 HEARD & DAVISON, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Augusta, Ga., WILL continue the Warehouse and Commis sion Business at their Firt Proof Buildings, occupied by them for a number of years past, and will devoto as heretofore their personal attention to tho interest of customers. They are prepared to extend the usual cash facilities. for selling Gotton 25 cents per hale. ISAAC T. HEARD, JOHN DAVISON. Augusta, Aug, 17, 1853. dt4wc6m WM. H. HOWARD & SON, Grocery & commission merchants, Broad street, Augusta, Ga., have now on hand at their old stand, North side Broad street, a large and well selected STOCK, and will ho continually receiving from Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, all articles usually keptin a Grocery Store, to which they invite the attention of Mer. chants and Planters, and pledgo tliomsolvcs to give tlieir customers good articles at moderate They will also receive and sell all COTTON, CORN, BACON, &c., by Railroad, River or Wa gon, and pledge themselves to carry out fully the instructions of their patrons. Their charges will be as heretofore, 25 cents per balo for selling Cotton, and 5 per cent, on other Produce. Cotton Stored in a Firo Proof Warehouse, and Cash Advances inado whon required. Wm. H. Howard, George J. Howard. Augusta, August, 1853. Grnos aug 7 BEALL & STOVALL~ WAREHOUSE & GROCERY MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. All Cotton consigned to us will be Sold Free of Com m ission. THE firm of BUFORD, BEALL & CO., hav ing been dissolved on the sth June last, tho subscribers, members of the la e firm, will continue the WAREHOUSE AND GROCERY BUSINESS at tho same well known Stands, (Stoic on Broad Street, opposite the Planters’ Hotel now erecting, and Warehouse on Campbell Street) where they will bo happy to see the friends and acquaintances of the late firm, having always on hand a large and well selocted stock of GROCERIES, suited to Planters’ trade, in which they feel confident they can offer inducements equal to any house in the city. Cash advances made on Cotton in store when required. WILLIAM M. BEALL, JOHN W. L. STOVALL. July Ist, 1853. d2mo6m iuly 16 VOL. 33—NEW SI'.IvIF.S- VOJ . 8. - NO. 72 Wm-fbmm. M. P. STOVALL, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANT AUGUSTA, GA. /CONTINUES the business, in all its k-cc^ I branches, in the extensive Fire Proof ; Warehouse, on Jackson street, near the MHH i Globe Hotel, and formerly occupied by Walker A 1 Bryson. Having ample facilities for business, and tho dis position to extend every accommodation to his customers, ho pledges bur strict personal attention to the interests of ali th jso who may favor him with patronage. f Orders for FAMILY SUPPLIES, BAGGING, Ac., promptly and carefully filled, at the lowest market prices. August, 1853. sets aug 3 PHINIZY & CLAYTON WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. CONTINUE the business in all it branches in their extensive Fire-proof Warehouse, on Broad street, and will devote their personal atten tion to the- interests of customers. Cash advan ces made on COTTON when required. Office and Safos Room removed to Jackson street, near Globe Hotel. Charges in conformity to the estab lished rates of the city, E. P. Clayton, j Ferdinand Phinizy. _angjH fAc4m DISSOLUTION. THE firm of D\ E A HEARD, Warehouse and Commission Merchants, was this day dissolv ed, by mutual consent. The notes and accounts of the late firm will be liquidated by S. D. Heard. J. M. DYE. Augusta, July 16. 1853. S. D. HEARD. S. D. HEARD, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta, Georgia, RESPECTFULLY announces to the public gen erally, that he will continue the Warchouso business, in all its branches, at the old stand of Dye A Heard, Fire-proof Warehouse, East side of Mc- Intosh street, where ho hopes, by unremitting ex ertions, to merit a continuance of the patronage so liberally extended to the late firm of Dyo A Heard. All orders fer Family Supplies, Bagging, Rope, Salt, Ac., promptly filled at lowest market prices- Cash advances made on Produce in Store, when desired. KF* Commission for selling Cotton, 25 cents per balo. Augusta, July 16, 1853. IN Withdrawing from the firm of Dyo A Heard, I avail myself of this opportunity of returning my thanks for tho liberal patronage extonded to the late firm, and solicit the same for my late partner and successo., S- D. Heard, july 19._ ly J. M. DYE. PLATT & BROTHER, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS REYNOLDS STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. THE undersigned respectfully announce to the public that they have leased the new and commodious Fire-proof Warehouse, on Reynolds street, belonging to T. S. Metcalf, Esq. —convenient to tho business part of tho city—for the purpose of transacting a goneral WARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. Hav ing every fao.lity requisite, and a disposition to ex tend every accommodation, they hope by prompt and personal attention to merit and receive a share of the patronage of the public. Liberal Cash Advances made when required. Orders lor BAGGING, ROPE and FAMILY SUPPLIES, filled with care and at tho lowest mar ket prices. Our Commissions for selling Cotton, will be the old established rates of 25 cents per bale. Geo. F. Platt, | Edwin Platt. aug 31 fAc6m NOTICE. THE public aro hereby notified that tho firm of Robertson A Crocker is This Day dissolved | by mutual consent. All the accounts and notes are leitin the hands ofE. I). Robertson for collection, who is duly authorized to receipt for the firm in liquidation. E. I). ROBERTSON, JNO. 11. CIU'CRLH. Augusta, June, 1853. WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION BUSINESS, j ROBERTSON Sc STOVALL, Augusta, Geo. THE UNDERSIGNED respectfully announces to the public, that the}' have formed a Co partnership under the firm of Robertson A Sto vall, for transacting the WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS at the Fire-Proof j Warehouse occupied by Robertson A Crocker, ! commencing the 20th of June, 1853. Both having long experience in the business will ! give their undivided attention tothesalo of Cotton, j Flour, Grain, Bacon, Ac., consigned to their care. Cash advanced on all consignments made them, when desired. And all orders for Jagging, Rope, Family Supplies, Ac., filled at the lowest market prices, and forwarded to order. for soiling .Cotton 25 cents por bale. E. D. Robertson takes this occasion to return his thanks for the liberal patronage extended to the late firm of Robertson A Crocker, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the same to the present firm. ROBERTSON A STOVALL. E. D. Robertson. Thos. P. Stovall. Augusta, June 20th, 1853. det june 21 WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION BUSINESS, AUGUSTA, GA. THE undersigned respectfully inform their friends and customers, that they continue to transact the WAREHOUSE ifflPPgi AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, at their Fire proof Stores, Mclntosh street. By striet personal attention to all consignments to their address, they hope to reeeivo a share of public patronage, sep 1 clO BUSTIN A WALKER. LAMBETH HOPKINS, WAREHOUSE Sc COMMISSION MERCHANT. AUGUSTA. GA. WILL continue tho Warehouse and General Commission Business, at his old stand on Campboll street. Par ticular attention will be given to STORAGE and SALE of COTTON, Domestic Goods, Grain, Flour, Bacon and other PRODUCE, purchase of goods, receiving and forwarding, shipments of Cotton to New York, Charleston and Savannah. Cash advances on produce in Store, and all rea sonable facilities afforded customers. Charges will be made in conformity with the established rates of Commission Merchants in this city, aug 6 c9m J. J. PEARCE, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANT, JACKSON STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. WILL continue to transact the Ware house and Commission Business, in all its various branches, at his same DeUSSS woll knawn Fire Proof Warehouse on Jackson Street, near tho Globe Hotel, and will give bis per sonal attent on to the STORAGE AND SALE OF COTTON AND OTHER PRODUCE consigned to his caro. CASH ADVANCES; BAGGING, ROPE, and FAMILY SUPPLIES forwarded to order as usual. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. Augusta, July 12th, 1853. aug 6 efim J. J. PEARCE. WHITLOCK, COSKERY 8t Cd.,~~. WAREHOUSE & COMMISS’N MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. The undersiged have associated with them,A. J. Whitlock, under the liXAA-S. name and stile of WHITLOCK, COSIvE RY & CO., and will continue to transact the Ware house and Commission Business, at their old stand (Fire Proof Warehouse,) on Campbell street, where they will give their personal attention to the sale of COTTON and other PRODUCE con signed to therh. Their charges for selling Cotton will bo 25 cents per bale. Liberal cash advances made on Produce in store when desired. Orders for BAGGING, ROPE and FAMILY SUPPLIES, executed at the lowest market prices. J. W. WHITLOCK, JOHN COSKERY, A. J. WHITLOCK. aug 7 c3m DOUGHTY &~BEALL~ * WAREHOUSE & COMMISS’N MERCHANTS. Augusta, Ga., WILL continue the Warehouse and Rrorx\ Commission Business, at their stand on Jackson street, devoting, as iUsSU heretofore, their personal attention to the interests of customers. They are prepared to extend the usual cash facilities. Charges in conformity to the established rates of the City. E. W. Doughty, | yy. Amos Beall. Augusta, August 10th, 1853. aug 10 c4m BUSINESS CARDS. To Professional and Business Men. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS not ex celling six lines, will be inserted UDder this head at the rate ol $lO par annum. Cards exceedingsix lines, wi oc charged pro rata per line. LOUIS delaigleT ‘ ATTORNEY' AT LAW, Augusta, Ga.—Wl practice in the Middlo Circuit of Georgia. Office on Mclntosh street, third door North of the office of the Constitutionalist & Republic, octl9 ly R. B. DANIKLL. | T-T. COOPER DANIELL & COOPER, ATTORNEYS at LAW, Atlanta, Georgia, will attend to the collection of debts and other Professional business in tho surrounding counties. Refer to Messrs. J. R.JkW. M. Dow, and Buford, Beall A Co , Augusta, apr 29 ly BENNETT & BEERS, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 125 Main street, Richmond, Virginia. Chas. Bennett, | Wm. S. Beers. may 29 JAMES GARDNER. ATTORNEY at LAW, Augusta, Georgia— Office on Mclntosh-st. mar 17 T. W. COBB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Eatonton, Geo., will practice in the several Couuties of Putnam, Jasper, Morgan, Jones, and Baldwin. AU business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. ao pt 15 SHEWMAKE & MONTGOMERY, ATTORNEYS AT LAYY’, Waynesboro, Ga.’ will practice Law in Copartnership, in Burke county. John'T. Sheyvmakb. | W.W.Montgomery D. H. SAUNDERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Greensboro, Georgie jan 5 fly J. C‘ & G. A. SNEAD, ATTORNEYS AT LAYV, (Law Range,) Au gusta, Ga. Practice in the Courts of tho Mid dle District, and Common Pleas of the city. John C. Snead, also practices in the Courts of Edgefied and Barnwell Districts, S. C. John C. Snead. Garland A. Snead. aug 6 ly JOHN T. SHEWMAKE, ~~ \ TTORNEY AT LAYY', will practice in Burke, -TV. Jefferson, Washington, and other oounties ot the Middle District. Office at the Masonic Hall, by A. J. & T. W Miller’s. l y feb 6 JOHN D. REILLY^ ATTORNEY' AT LAYY', Augusta Ga., will prac tice in the Courts of the middle District and Common Pleas of Augusta. Office up stairs in Metcalf s New Building, third door North of the Constitutionalist & Ilepubli office. aug4 ly DAVID S. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAYY', Commissioner for N? Carolina, and Notan Public. 03**" Office ovor tho store ol Messrs. B. H. War ren & Co., Granite Row, Jackson street, Augusta, may 9 WILLIAM A. REID, ATTORNEY AT LAYY', Eatenton, Goo. Re fers to Hon. F. H. Cone, Greensboro.’ sept. 8 ts EDWARD R. HARDEN, 4 TTORNEY AT LAYY’, Ringgold,Walker coun -TL ty, Goodwill attend promptly to the collec tions of claims in YValker, Murray and YVhtfield counties, Georgia, and Hamilton county, Tennes see. References. —Graddy Burfford, "Whitman k Young. F. W.Thornton, J. J. Johnson, Ringgold W. 11. Stark A Co., P. A Scranton, Col. Jno. Millodge, Augusta. ly oct26 T. ALLAN, ~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lawrenceville, Gwin nett county, Ga. ly may 6 JAMES C. LONGSTREET, ATTORNEY' AT LAW', Calhoun, Gordon coun ty, Ga., will practice in the several Courts of the Cherokee Circuit. Refers to Hon. J. P King, Robert F. Poe, Augus ta, Ga.: Richard J. Peters, Esq., Atlanta, Ga.; W. Aiken, Esq., Cassville, Ga. ts july 23 STURGES & "HAMPTON, General commission merchants for Timber and Produce, No. 76 Bay st., Savan nah, Ga. Wm. H. Sturges. Presley Hampton. june 9 ly BERRIEN & JONES, ATTORNEYS AT LAW—Office, Waynesboro’, Burke county—Will practice in the Middle Circuit of Georgia. ly jan 10 Thos. M. Berrien, | Malcom D. Jonhs S. T. STRICKLAND, ATTORNEY at LAYV, Franklin, Heard coun ty, Ga., will attend promptly to Professional Business entrusted to him in all the counties of the Coweta Circuit. References.— W. T. Gould, Augusta, Ga.; D. L. Grimes, Corinth, Ga.; W. W. Guntef, Frank in, Ga. ly ap 9 g."a.snead7 COMM ISSIONER for taking the acknowledg ment of Deeds, administering Oaths, Ac., sot the States of Alabama, Florida, and Texas. jan 28 ly R. J. & W. T. MILLICAN, ATTORNEYS at LAW, Jefferson, Jackson county, Ga., will practice in the Western Cir cuit of Georgia, and also, in the counties of Madi son and Elbert, ofthe Northern Circuit. ROBERT J. MILLICAN, WM. T. MILLICAN an 26 ly M. & R7 M. JOHNSTON, 4 TTORNEYS AT LAW', SPARTA, GA. The lx. undersigned will practice Law in Hancock and tho adjoining counties and the Supreme Court. Mark Johnston. I R. M. Johnston. feb 11 ly * JONES & STURGES. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Waynesboro’, Geoi gia. John J. Jones. J. R. Sturges ap 21 JOHN C. CARMICHAEL. ~ COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta, Geo. YVill attend to the sale of Produce of all kinds, consigned to him. c sept 29 ANDREW JACKSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Warrenton, Ga. may 3 6m DK. MUNSON is setting Teeth on an entirely new plan, uniting tho Teeth and gum in a and solid mass, and the whole to ta - L - Lr tho plate by a silicious compound. It is truly boautiful, strong and cleanly. To see is to admire. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Public inspec tion invited. Dr. M. owns the patent for Rich mond county. dfAc oct 2 EAGLE FOUNDRY, Augusta, Ga, The unde r s i g n e d having re-opened the above named establishment, are now prepared to execute all orders for CAST INGS, Ac., in BRASS and IRON for Saw or Grist Mills, Steam Engines, Machinery, YVater Pipes. Lamp Post, Columns, of any kind that may be required, at short notice. We will constantly keep on hand and for sale, a supply of different sized GIN GEARING of the most approved patterns. Also, PLOW CASTINGS of all kinds, having the most extonsive and best assorted lot of Plow Patterns, in the Southern coun try. Both parties being practical mechanics and in tending to devote their undivided attention to the business, hope that from promptness in filling or ders, superior workmanshir, and at as low prices as can bo afforded, to merit a continuation of the liboral support formerly bestowed upon the concern. R. A A. PHILIP. N. B.—The highest cash prices paid for old Brass, Copper and Cast Iron. march 5 COW PEAS AND BEANS. COW' PEAS daily receiving. Mixed Beans, an excellent article of foodfoi Cows, as well as for the superior ordor of creation july 26 WM. H. PRITCHARD. Granite mills flour.-The trade can now bo supplied with this article, put up ia new handsome barrels and the usual size bags, also with fresh ground Corn Meal. For sale by GEORGE W. LEWIS, SUMMER HATS.—Just received another lot of Swiss, Sennet and Leghorn HATS, aug 13 J, TAYLOR Jr. & CO,