The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, October 06, 1853, Image 3

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Ur Jackie's office is removed to the room over the Chronicle A Sentinel occupied by Drs. Chase and Marker. IK ( 4 ? —■*——-—. —— . ' _ Bank of Brunswick, Augusta. Octo ber 3, 1853— Dividend No. 20, of share, has been declared by the nTrectors from the profits of the past six Board ot . t 0 the Stockholders on demand. mon> h *> Dividend, No. 3, of Twenty Dol- Als°- a " ‘ a frpm the surplus profits, payable in ,arspC f increased capital stock. scrip o* lD ‘ j(, Jno. Craig, Cashier. ort t ——— —-——— elianles’ Bank. Augusta, Ga. Oct. J853.—N0. 39.—A semi-annual . T FV dollars per share, will bo paid dividend ..older?, on demand, to th® tc jo M. Hatch, Cashier, n/’t *t -- - ■ 1,1 1 ’**■ _— _ Houghton Institute.—The exercises V'-KT* 0 f this Institution will be resumed on 4th October, fuesnaj - ’ L. LaTaste, j If Rector. . ihe Augusta Free School w ill be re. opened on Monday, October 3rd. Trackers. Female Teachers. * Snowdon, Miss Parsons, J h0 * es W. March, Miss Scoggins, Chaßl- e ' b. g Russell, , ts Secretary and Treasurer. C. Mackenzie will re-open her * shool, on Mondtiy, 3d October, at n „ e of her Mother, second door below »' ”P t2s Removal. —We have moved our stock to the corner under the Mansion onsite the Globe Hotel, Formerly oc ®°US 4 lvJ K&W. M. Dow, where we will be C ? P " Ato see our friends and patrons. pi, DAWSON A SKINNER. sept eo 1 2 -~Zjßemova I.—Dr, J. M. Hill has moved ff residence to the South side of Broad above Mr. Pleasant Stovall’s old resi ,iroel’where he can be found day and night, un xwt _.*> j^L. >|,.*iean Mustang Liniment. —The ts -4T~ reputation of this preparat on is in • the circle of its influence and un funded popularity is depening and widening; and L "S of pain, and suffering, and anguish, re r dby its use, are multiplying and increasing bevond all precedent. Itgoeslikean angel, “ with Line on its wings." ; To persons who wish, wo can furnish names and • i e nces of persons all over the country, who f uebeen cured of Rheumatism, Sprains, Bruises, 11 d most loathsome Sores ; as well as Tumors, Can an. s am ( \\-, ri c_and of horses that have been cur «d of Spavins, Ringbones, Splint. Fistulas and Poll evil,- and hard bone Tumors on the feet, legs, ihouiders and back. Almost every farmer through outtbec »untiv can testify to its wonderful healing nowere-and none of them would be a day with fut j; Owners of livery stables and stage compa nies can save hundreds of dollars yearly by using this Liniment on their horses whenever they be come galled, chafed, or crippled from any of tho thousand accidents to which their stock is subject, toe advertisement in another column. sepST Lunch. —The Shades still top of the pile. We cordially invite all who are of the good things of this life, to drop in and help themselves to Beef Mutton Chops, Fish Bails and Soups of all kindWnd a sprinkling of hospitality. Seven days in the week we can be found at our post studdying tho taste and palates of ournumerous customers. Plumb A Panton. aug 14 ts Miss Catonct, grateful for the patron age of the public, for the three years pa;t. returns her thanks to the community ; informs the:u she has taken that eligible situation, corner of Washington and Green-street, where the exer cises of the school will be resumed on the first Monday in October Miss C. has engaged competent teachers to assist her in the various branehos of education, sept 20 ts r* Removal. —The subscribers have re moved, from their late stand, to the spacious store. No. 6, Warren Block, where they of fer for sale, a large and well selected stock of heavy and fancy Groceries, to which they invite the atten tion of Merchants, Planters and Families. sep 17 lm J. R. <fc W. M. Dow. w Never suffer long from a Cough.— ft. J®. At this age of the world, when you can get Ayer s Cherry Pectoral, it is a criminal neg ect, if you do not cure it. aug 5 M ARSH ALL BOOST,. Savannah, Ga Hk G. Fargo, Proprietor, (late of the U 8. Hotel, Augusta.) apr 15 ly I'aid for WOOLLEN, LINEN COTTON and SILK RAGS, by E. CAMPFIELD, fan 20 ts Corner River and Jackson st. Marriage Invitations ana Visiting Cards written by Master Ed. Willis Iced Soda Water.—This delightful drink, together with a great variety of choice Syrups, of the beet quality, may be found at the Druggist and Apothecaries Store of aug 12 Wivi. Haines, Broad street. ’’miiium Daguerrcan Gallery.— : The firm of Tucker & Perkins having beendi«<i!ved by limitation last February. The un dersignod will continue to practice the art of Dag oorruotypirig in all its various branches, and from his Ion? practical experience he feels confident o iis ability to please the most fastidious. The pictures now being taken at this Gallery are pronouucedb* those who are judges, superior in tone and life-like expression, to any ever before produced in Augusta. Isaac Tucker. N B Artists purchasing Stock, will please bear in mind that materials are sold at lower rates than tuny other house this side of New York may 14 Merchants, Study your Interest ! The Edgefield Advertiser, published at Edgefield, C. H., S. C., by W. F. Durjsoe. is re apectfully offered the business public of Augusta, a 'excellent advertising medium. Ihe Adverti *frnn? an extensive circulation in the districts of Edgefield and Abbeville—districts that invariably nude in Augusta and the Warehou e, Comm ission aud other Merchants would doubtless find it to their interest to acquaint the planters and the people generally of their whereabouts. dhs terms of advertising are as moderate as any o*.ier Journal in the State, and we therefore be speak for the Advertiser, a liberal share of public patronage. ] m sep 3 d sure Reliance.—So certain are the effects of Dr. M Lane's Liver Pills in °c d K ordered Liver, that they are regarded >-c specific for that complicated class of dis ■ efkDown , as Hepatic. The patient has a medi tV * a : [ ian< * u F>on which he can always rely. All 18 accessary .is to purchase and use Dr. l**! Liver Pills, to secure a restoration to n «»hh. Read this: J r W,LKISS Township, Allegheny Co Pa. ' —Please let me have two boxes ntt\ , MLaae 's Liver Pills. My wife has vr tl" 0 r xes Doctor’s Pills, and I assure ph ■ iv ~ aave done her more good than my family was il' an aa? or * wo years, daring which time he thiri/ a G- en dance. These two boxes, I vulleffect a cure. James Jones. Tmt V y Uaviland > Risle y * Co., and Win H. ton k , a » usta > Ca-; P. M. Cohen & Co., Charlos llU Smith > Athens. Ga.; E. C. Jones, w'/J’ A- A. Solomons; Savannah; and by all houtfi 6 ' and Realers * n Medicine throughout tho _ 12 Lyon's Kathairon.—For Preserving Restoring and Beautifying the Hair world m ° 3t Rightful and wonderful article the *ithniii' er P roduce( l- Its astonishing success is &ed : M a P. receden f iu the history of the Materia W and luxuriant curls, soft and glossy is thp , I . Bcores °f admirers, (mark this ladies,) and (irr. U1 .j ersa i effect of the Kathairon. Bald Kathai7 u were perfectly astonished. “ The new lu ' Tully restored my hair after a bald street X y ears T J ‘ Court right, 76 Bond forX;v;„1V„„A he , Kathair ? n . is a certain cure Sold bv U n Readac Le. and all Cutaneous Diseases, only 9? a * 'filers, everywhere. Try it. Price y 25 cents . m large bottles. . D. S. Barnes, lC5* Rnu v "roprietor, 161 Broadway, N. Y. by every Druggist in Augusta, sent os , D. B Plumb St Co., jfl ll Wholesale Agents. prfralfnce #f incorrect notions eau ge <,fm-» Upon tbe Bu t>ject of medicine, is a groat ei*n e d v iV 1 ?T' Medical practice should be gov c°otribut.; princi l )les cautiously deduced from the Ta bons it* 8 • lon £ ex P er ience and close obser be t^°b- W impor - tant ’ tben ’ that no medicine from th,' k a j b y invalids, unless it emanates the strict, B ,°* men of talent, judgment, and P f er,arcH u l PT ob *ty- lloofland’s German Bitters, Pfeoarat; y M. Jackson, Philadelphia, is a brawl on e ® a oating from one of the most cele the M., t ractl ti°nerß of modern times, and one of ducfd writers Germany ever pro den ce that 18 article is now in able hands, as evi !bilfui)v •* • ar tide Is prepared carefully and vent or f producing the effect the original in- en<a ed. It is used by many of the leading °t the dp l FS 01 Philadelphia > n cases of debility the eßtlv e organs, and biliary apparatus, and herefrom. We therefore re- his medicine to suffering invalids. ©rnrrul Jlhorrliarmnits. ie ENTS and Ladies Rubber over Shoes and San e l vJ dels, received by r. pet 6 ALDRICH A ROYAL. GENTS Stiched Bottom Boots received by __ ALDRICH & ROYAL. jf JUST LANDED, ® CARPETINGS /jF EUROPEAN and Domestic tabries, of vari ous qualities, styles and prices, are offered foi sale at reasonable prices by the subscriber. To Q gether with a good assortment of BAIZES, DRUG GETS, of various widths, HEARTH RUGS. - BJNDING ’ Ac. oct 5 J.P. SEIZE. L j NOTICE. , rilllE subscriber is authorised by MARKS A FISHER, Assignee of the late firm of CARO & BLASCORE, to collect all the debts due the _ late firm. All debts which remain unpaid after s the first of January next, will bo put in the hands q of a Lawyer for collection. oct 5 tJI B. PHILLIPS. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS. B PHILLIPS has now in store, one door be • low the Bank of Brunswick, a large and well selected stock of FALL and WINTER DRY GOODS and CLOTHING. His style of Goods are well adapted to the wants of Merchants and Planters, at wholesale and retail. He respectfully inv.tes attention to his assortment, as he is deter mined to sell on as reasonable terms as any house • ip tbe ci< y- tJi octs LOST. ON Monday evening, the 3d inst., between Cook s Clothing .->tore and the residence of Mr J. Sibley’s ; a large GOLD FINGER RING. Tho finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at this office. 2 oct 5 EAGLE & PHOENIX“HOTEL. THiSfine andcommodious HOTEL will be re opened on Friday next, 7th inst., under the charge of the subscriber. oct 5 jl J. r. PRESCOTT. STRAYED OR STOLEN. ABOUT three weeks ago, from the sub ■ £\. sjriber, a Light Sorrel HORSE, ofAg , medium size. Left hind foot white. About fifteen years old. A reasonable reward will be paid for his return to the subscriber, on Ellis street. oct 5 3* L. G. LINDE. TO RENT. i fliH'O confcnodious Grocery Stores—also a larce A Blacksmith Shop, which may be divided into two—situated on Broad-street. Apply to Beall A Stovall, in the absence of oct 4 6 PLEASANT STOVALL. * FLOUR AND CORN EXTRA Family and superfine FLOUR, in bar rels and sacks—Etowah Mills— also fine lot of CORN, just received and for sale by oct 4 3 ROBERTSON & STOVALL. RIVER LANDS FOR SALE. WE OFFER for sale 1,000 Acres of LAND, 2$ miles above Lanier, in Macon County, Ga 800 acres oi this Land is Swamp Land, on Flint River, that will make from 1200 to 2000 pounds of Cotton to the acre; and the other two hundred acres of it is first quality Pine Land. Those lands are situated 8 miles from the Columbus Railroad, and 10 from the Western Railroad. Healthy loca tion, with good water and society. Terms to suit purchasers. COOK & MONTFORT, oct 4 ts Oglothorpe, Ga. removal! HAVING rented Mr. T. S. Metcalf's new office, on Reynold-street, with a portion of bis new Fire Proof Warehouse, adjoining Messrs. Platt A Brother, I will continue the GENERAL COMMIS SION BUSINESS. Prompt attention will be given to all orders, for tho sale of Merchandise or purchase of Produce, oct4 ts JOHN CASHIN. LIME, LIME! ' 1 \ BARRELS Fresh Thomaston LIME, ItlU just received. Apply to _ oct 4 JOHN CASHIN. rFpE, _ ROPE.' £7 COlLS'prme % and f in. Kentucky Bale I tJ Rope, just received, and for sale. Apply to [oct 4] JOHN CASHIN. PRIME POTASH—2,OOO pounds No. 1 PO TASH, at a low price for cash, oct 4 WM. HAINES, Druggist. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. WM. O. PRICE At GO. have returned from New York with a complete assortment of FALL and WINTER GOODS —Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings to mako to order, and all useful articles for a gentleman's wordrobe. oct 4 NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBERS would embrace this op portunity of returnnig their thanks to the pub lic for the very liberal patronage which they have received the last year, aud wonld respectfully solict a continuance ot tho same. We are now receiving a large and well sel cted stock of the best BOOTS and SHOES which are manufactured. All of which we will sell on as good terms as any house in the city. oct 4 ALDRICH & ROYAL. LAND PLASTER. 1 AA BARR ELS prime Land Plaster, of large 1 y/\J size, for sale bv wholesale or retail, oct 4 WM. HAINES, Druggist. WINDOW GLASS. BOXES Window Glass, assorted sises, from Bxlo to 36x40, for sale cheap for cash. oct 4 WM. 11AINES, Druggist-. ICE, ICE, ICE. 4 FTER Monday tho 3rd October, the Ice House •A will only be kept open from 9 to 11 o'clock, A. M., each day. A. DEAS, oct 2 dtf Agent. A CARD. CLAYTON A BIG SON return their thanks to their friends and tho public for their past patronage, and take this opportunity of informing them that they have now in store a large and com pete assortment of Ready-Made Clothing, and Elats, suitable for Fall and Winter wear; to which they respectfully invite their attention. oct 2 ____________ - - A PAIR of Steel SPECTACLES, in a Morocco Case. The finder will confer a favor, and re ceive the thanks of the owner, by leaving them at this office. 3 sep 30 SALT, SALT Q/ \/ A SACKS Liverpool SALT, for sale by -cUUU J. B. GUIEU. sep 30 dl2 Agent. ACADEMY OF RICHMOND COUNTYT THE duties will be resumed on Monday the 3d of October. The classes in Drawing will be continued. L. A. DUGAS, M.D. Pres’t., Rev. JOHN NEELY, Rector, sop 30 3 HATS FOR THE MEN AND CAPS FOR THE BOYS. THE undersigned would call the attention of their numerous patrons and friends, to their extensive assortment of HATS and CAPS, amongst which may be found Gents Ravel Hats new stylo, do. Opera do. do. do. do. Spanish do. do. do. do. Panama do. do. do. Together with Boys, Opera and Kossuth Hats, also, Bays Fancy Dress, Army, N ivy and Plush Capg, and are receiving per weekly steamer the ve ry latest styles. J. TAYLOR, jr. & CO. sep ;:o Hah PERS’ MAGAZINE for October. A Visit to Europe in 1851, by Prof. Benj. Silliman, of Yale College. Illustrated in two volumes. Just received and for sale by sep 30 McKINNE & HALL. HARPERS’ MAGAZINE for October, with leaves cut, received by sep 30 GEO. A. OATES ABRO’S. HARPERS’ MAGAZINE for leaves cut, for sale or inspection by sep 30 THOS. RICHARDS & SON. NOTICE. 4 PPLICATION will be made, to the next Leg xV. islature of Georgia, for the organization Qf a new county, from parts of Scriven and Burke coun ties. ts sept 29 F. A. BRAHE, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends go and the public that he has just return- ®yV ad from New York, with a full assortment of k'A Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, which he will sell low. Personal attention paid to the repairing of Watches and Jewelry. sop 15 NO CURE, NO PAY—The Compound Tonic Mixture is warranted to cure Fezer and Ague. In all cases of failure the money will be refunded. It is prepared and sold by WM.H. TUTT, Druggist. Also, Rowands Tonic Mixture and Osgoods India Chologogue, are for sale by sep 21' W. H. T. SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PANY. MW. WOODRUFF having been recently ap* • pointed Agent for the above Company, is now prepared to take Fire and Marine RISKS on as favorable terms as any agency iu the city. Office, Mclntosh street, next door to the Tele graph office. Augusta, August 22d, 1853. »ug 23 lUHwlisfinfirts. t- TO RENT, rinHE DWELLING over the store occupied bv .f Bru „ 8e j » n Broad-street, neany oppo*- - site the Eagle A Phoenix Hotel. Enquire of sept 24 ts W. H. MAHARRY, Adrn’r. TO rent! rrUIREE ROOMS over my store, suitable for -A- offices or lodging rooms. • sept 27. ts GUSTAVUS VOLGER. DWELLINGS TO RENT! A CONVENIENT Dwelling on Ellis street, ft?. now occupied by Mrs. Munger, and near-llii iy opposite to Mr. C. B. Marcin. ALSO j The Dwelling on Broad street, now occupied by \ Mr. Sweetzer, just above the residence of A Pic quet. Apply to W. H. PRITCHARD ' aug2s ts ? TO rent!’ - the Ist ot October next, the Fire- se*i I- proof Brick Store in Hamburg, near Dob- wijii ey’s Horel. Apply to Mr. Josiah Sibley in Ham burg or to Robert Campbell, Jr., in Augusta. | aug 25 dtf TO rent! (Possession given the Ist October.) FOUR Dwelling Houses on Taylor and .r£?, Washington streets, near the Wayneboro Hill Rail Road Depot. For terms apply to A. Poullain, or t 0 T. CLANTON, aug 25 ts STORE TO rent!— The large STORbTon Broad street, South side of lower market, Miiil. just below H. T. Peay’s. Apply to JWy 10 w. H. PRITCHARD. FOR SALE. ~~~ THE LARGE LOT, on corner of Telfair and El _ bert-str«et, containing 200 feet on Telfair and running through to Walker-street, It may be divided to suit purchasers. sept 27 ts JAMES GARDNER. CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SOHOOl! Corner of Broad and Kolloc/c street. WERNENPL'TSCHwiII resume the exerci • sos of his School, on Monday, the third of tf sep 27 notice! ” MA WIFE, Elizabeth Murray, having left me provocation whatever, the pub lic are hereby notified, that I will not hold my self responsible for any debt that she may con tract. THOS. MURRAY, sept' 27 18* FOR SALE. A TRACT of LAND, within four miles of the city, containiug fourteen acres, on which is a good DWELLING and necessary out-houses, and a well of excellent water. For further paticulars enquire ofK. & J. MEY ER, above the Upper Market, on Broad street, sept 9 lm* WAN TED TO HIRE.—A good COOK, WASH ER and IRONER, a married woman prefer red. Enquire at this office. sept 20 WANTED. A FIRST rate Cook, one that understands all sorts of Cooking, for which a tip top price will be paid. Also, two good Boys for waiting. PLUMB A PANTON. _Apply at the Shades. sep 17 BOARD WANTED FROM the first of Occteber, by a, gentleman and lady, in a private family, in the Third Ward, or central part of tho city would be preferred.— For information apply at this office. sep 9 ts WANTED, STATE OF GEORGIA 6 PER CENT BONDS, of the first issue of 1840, 1841 and 1842, for which a premium will be paid. Apply to apr 29 ts ROBT. WALTON, Cashier. PAY YOUR TAXES. f fIHE Tax Digest for the year 1853 has just been 1 placed in my hands for collection. The time is very short, no time to call twice. I sha 1 be at the City Hall on Monday next—a good chance for everybody to pay ; and I shall attend all the Court Grounds in the county in their regular order. Close 20th November next. E. C. TINSLEY, sept 29 4 T. C. R. C. University of Georgia, ) Athens, Sept. 28. 1853. j ON the 2d Monday in November next, at their meeting in Miliedgeville, the Trustees of this University, will elect two Tutors, whose services will begin in January next. Applicants for these offices may address the President of the College, to whom any testimonials may be sent. A. HULL, Soc’y. sept 28 -f Aclm TO MERCHANTS—NETT CASH JOBBING HOUSE. W. G . BANCROFT & CO., 253 St 255 king street. WE have enlarged our Wholesale Rooms, and solicit a call from Merchants. We have adopted the same system in our Whole sale Department, as in our Retail, viz ; one price AND NETT CASH. Our Stock will be found very extensivo at all seasons of the year, and we feel confident in saying, our prices are as low as the largest and cheapest Nett Cash Houses in any of our Northern cities. One of our firm devotes his whole time to the purchase of Goods, and we receive by every Steamer throughout the year the latest sty esof all kinds of Dress Goods, Ribbons, Embroideries, Prints, & c, Ac. We have constantly on hand by the piece or package, the host styles of all kinds of Prints and Domestics at New York cost. Charleston, Sept. Bth, 1853. f2m sept 9 THE AUGUSTA FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL. WILL be re-opened in Augusta, Geo., on the first Monday in October, under the Supe rintendance of competent Teachers, at the resi dence of Mrs. Sabal, opposite the United States Hotel, No. 142 Young Ladies and Misses will receive instruction in the Primary and higher branches of an English, French and Latin Education, at very moderate rates. There being no extra charge for Latin and French, the pupil may cultivate, thoroughly and uninterruptedly, the above languages during the whole course of education The very best of teachers will be employed in Vocal and .Instrumental Music. JVlonsier Beruff, will take charge of the Drawing and Painting De partments. Board for Young Ladies and Misses can bo ob tained by applying at the Institution. C. A. SABAL, sep 21 6m Principal. JUST RECEIVED, 75 Boxes Pearl STARCH. 3 Ceroons Sp. INDIGO. 100 Gro. Matches. 50 Jars Snufi. 100 Doz. Mustard. 80 “ Yeast Powders. 25 Boxes No. 1 Palo Soap. 1 Case Nutmegs. For sale low by W. 11. TUTT, Wholesale and Retail Druggist. B AN, BRAN! 1 WHEAT BRAN— also Grits, I t)Uv/ Seoonds, Graham Flour. Ac., for sal* by GEO. W. LEWIS, go 27 No. 1 Warren Block. WANTED TO HIRE, by the month, ten or twelve BOYS, from fifteen to twenty years old, for the Augusta Hotel, oct 2 2 SAMUEL C. WILSON. CANDLES, PEPPER, SPICE, &C. Qt BOXES Ground MUSTARD. 20 “ “ Pepper. 20 “ “ Spice. 30 “ “ Pepper Sauce. 40 gross Matches. Just received and for sale by oct 2 S. C. GRENVILLE A CO. FLOUR, WRAPPING PAPER, &C. I /\Q BAGS Extra Family FLOUR. I v/O 700 reams Wrapping Paper. 15 bbls. Crushed Sugar. 15 “ Powdered do. 10 “ Monongahola Whisky. 1 pipe Holland Hin, Just received and for sale by oct 2 % S. C. GRENVILLE A CO. MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP. Corner of Twiggs and Watkins St. Augusta, Ga. THE SUBSCRIBERS, having re cently fitted up t leir establish ment for the purpose of TURNING, FINISHING, and BLACKSMITH-nßußMfli ING IN GENERAL, are now prepared to execute all orders at the shortest notice, such as Spindles, Cranks, and Iron of all kinds for Mills. Also, Steam Boilers Repaired with neatness and dispatch. Jobbing promptly attended to. N. B. \\ e have on hand a new Twelve Horse Engine which we offer cheap for cash* octl 6m LORD A SLATER. gunnttcloth. O Qf \ BALES heavy Gunny Cloth, for sale on accommodating terms, by t _ MORDECAIACO. Charleston, Oct. 1. f 5 110 East Bay. I horsesT JEST arrived and for sale, a lot ot 100 grv- HORSES, consisting pairs and fine sin . gle Horses, Call and see them before -you buv at WM. A. McCONNEDL’S sep 30 lm Stable, Guidrons old stand. Bad iJjorh GUTTA PERCH A VS. INDIA RUBBER. SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW. THE North America Gutta Percha Company of New York, are offering at Wholesale a great variety of CLOTHING, Ac, made from Rider s Pa tent Vulcanized GUTTA PERCHA, of new styles and beautiful finish. These Goods are Water-proof, free from unpleasant smell, pliable and elastic like India Rubber, not injured by fatty substances, and will not Decompose and become Sticky, they are very different in character from any other goods heretofore made of Gutta Percha, either in this country or Europe, and are warranted to all climates. Among the variety may be found Coats, Cloaks, Capes, Ponchos, Reefing Jackets. Overalls, Leggins, Sou-westcrs, Caps, Camp Blankets, Horse Covers. Shower Matts. Syringes, Breast Pumps, Balls, Pencil and Ink Eracers, Gas Bags, Sports men’s BrinkiDg Cups, Steam Packing. Machine Belting, Carriage Cloths, Ac., with a very cheap and Effective Life Preserver, made expressly to meet the new passenger law of Congress. All of a finish and quality superior to any other water proofs goods now before the public. For sale at the Warehouse 80, Cedar street, New York. Dealers in water-proof goods are invited to ex amine these goods, believing they will find them cheaper and far superior to anything they have ever seen before. Orders to any extent extended at short notice. WILLIAM RIDER, E. R. Billings, Pres’t N. A. P. Co. Treasurer and Sec'ry. New York, August 12, 1853. dAe6m aug 19 p ApER WAREHOUSE. CYRUS W . FIELD Sc CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 11, CLIFF STREET, NEW YORK. ARE SOLE AGENTS IN THE UNITED STATES FOR MUSPRATT'S superior Bleaching POWDER. Victoria Mills Celebrated Writing Paper. Russell “ Superior “ “ Genesee “ “ Printing “ Rawlins A Sons’ English Tissue “ First quality Ultramarine Blue “ They are also Agents for the principal Paper Manufacturers in this country, and offer for sale by far the most extensive and desirable stock of Paper and Paper Manufacturers’ MATEKIALS that can be found in this or any other country. They occupy the largo and commodious Ware houses, No. 11 Cliff street, No. 58 Cliff street, No. 184 Christopher street, and the Lefts over the larg' Iron Stores, 7 and 9 Cliff street. Their business is striciy wholesale, and Writing Papers are sold by the case only. Their extraordinary facilities enable them to of fer all Goods, both Foreign and Domestic, at the lowest possible prices. Paper made to order, any size or weight. Liberal advances made on consignments of Paper, Paker Makers’ stock and other merchandize. The highest market price paid in cash for all kind of Rags. ly july 24 GREAT AGRICULTURAL FAIR. The eighth annual fair of the “ Southern Central Agri cultural Society,” willl be held in AUGUSTA, GA., during the week commencing Oetoberl 7, 18511. The Secretary’s offico will be opened at Augus ta, on the Ist of October, for the purpose of receiv ing entries. Entries of Livo Stock, or any other articles, may be forwarded to “ Secretary of Southeru Central Agricultural Society, Augusta, Georgia.” per mail, any time after first of October. All articles thus forwarded, should be carefully labelled the with ow ner’s name and residence., Miscellaneous Articles should be on the Fair Grounds as early as Saturday, Oct. 15 ; but ani mals may be brought forward at any time previous to 9 A. M., on Tuesday, October 18. All articles intended for exhibition only, will be transported to and from the Fair, by the different Railroads, free of charge, and visitors to the Ex hibition will only be required to pay one fare go ing and returning. This arrangement will com mence on the 12tb, and end on the 22d of October —thus allowing ample time for the transfer of all stock and articles of every description to and from the Show Grounds- The rates of board at the dif ferent Hotels, and also Hack and Omnibus hire,are fixed at a certain standard, from which there can be no deviation; and nothing will be left undone fn the part of the Society or Committee of Ar angements, to promote the comfort and enjoyment of visiters and strangers. All persons having business with the Society, or wishing information, not here furnished, will ad dress the Secretary, after the first of October, at Augusta, Ga. D. W. LEWIS, Secretary. CL? - ' Editors, favorable to the cause of Improve ment will please notice the abovo in their respec tive journals. sep 28 df<fcctols TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. """ RAN A WAY from the fsubscriber on the JitS 27th ult., a negro man named DENNIS. He is about 40 years old, five feet eight or ten inches high,stout built, and rather dark eomplec ted. He has a loud strong voice, and an impudent appearance. When laughing or talking his mouth and fa eis drawn slightly on ono side, 110 may be lurking about Washington, Wilkes county, as his father is living in that place. I will give the above reward for his apprehension and delivery tc mo, or lodgment in jail so that I can get him. Raysville, Columbia county. Ga. oct 5 ctf W.H. MURRAY. TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. RANAWAY from the subscriber, about Jt<ff the first week in July last, his negro Mai boy COLONEL. He is about five feet ton inches in height, dark complexion, quick spoken and has lost ono of his front teeth, and is about twenty-five years of ago. I purchased the said boy in July last, from Dr. Chas. West, of Savannah The above reward will be given for his appre hension and safe delivery to me in Waynosboro, Buke county. Ga., or if lodged in any safe jail, and proprnt notice given. Waynesboro, Burseconnty, Ga. oct 5 ts ‘ F. V. BURDELL. BACON. 3/~\/ 4/ 4 LBS. Loose Shoulders and Hams ; perfectly sound, but rough looking— for sale low. The meat is suitable for plantation use, for sale by S. C. GRENVILLE & CO. sep 9 IMPORTED SEGARS. 1 / 4 M Washington Segars. JL \J 20 M Rio Hondo do. 10 M Consilacion do. Just received and for sale low. The attention of dealars is particularly invited, sop 17 S. C. GRENVILLE A CO. STOCK FOR SALE 0/4 SHARES Clinch Rides Loan Association. A'V/ 10 do Oglethorpe Infantry Loan Asso oation. Apply to C.S.McKINNE. aug 9 ICE. THE Public are informed that on and from this date the delivery of Ice will be from the Jack son street Ice House. julyJ6 ts A. DEES. Agent. RHET T &. ROB SO N , FACTORS AND COMMISSION OERCHA TS, Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. C. [GP“ Liberal advances made on Consignments, ruvian Guano and Ear ter alwavson aug, FALL AND WINTER GOODS. WM. O. PRICE A CO., Merchant Tailors 128 Broad Street, have just commenced re ceiving their FALL and WINTER GOODS ; con sisting in part of Cloths, Casimers, and Vestings of fine quality and entirely new styles. BACON, SUGAR, &(L ‘ 0 £ HHDS. prime BACON SIDES. Zt) 75 “ different grades Sugar. 100 bbls Stuart’s Sugars, A. B. C. crushed. Ac. For sale by C. A. WILLIAMS. TOBACCO, TOBACCO^ RECEIVED AT LAST, the well known and long expected TOBACCO called the PAN CAKE, which is only and expressly manufactured by Stultz A Barnard for him. Also. Stultz A Bernard's No. 1 A, and four A TOBACCO, For sale at the Segar and Tobacco Store, Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. sept. 13 GUSTAVUS VOLGER. MACKEREL AND WHISKY Q BBLS. MACKEREL. ZO 200 bbls. Rectified WHISKY. 25 ' Rum. 25 “ Gin. For sale by sept 23 C. A. WILLIAMS. TO dyspeptics7~" ” PLANETT S B1I”1 ERS is a sure and pleasant remely. and numbers in this city will testify to the frnt. For sale by W. H. TUTT, sept 28 Druggist. FEMALE SEMINARY. Corner of Broad and Camming streets, THE exercises of Mrs. Ring’s School will be re sumed, on Monday,October 3d. Thankful for the patronage extended to her the past season, Mrs. R. solicits a continu nee oJ the same. Mr. C. Beruff, so favorably known to the public has charge of the Drawing department. ’ Mr. Sofge, Teacher of Music. Instruction given in French when desired also ; in German, j sep 21 ts “ SEGARS ; »i T \M SEGARS, different qua'ities, some ver I i- OVJ fine. By C. A. WILLIAMS. 1 wpt 33 _ ©fttrrol JUuifriisi'infiihi. NEW FRENCH GOODS! JUST RECEIVED B* JOHN P, SETZE. RICH White and Fancy Brocade SILKS. Rich Plaid Silks. Rich Striped Silks. “ Black do. Small figured Black Silks. Black Gro de Rhine Silk. “ Poult de Sole do. Plain Black Gro de Rhine Silk. 7-8 and 4-4 Plain Black do. Black Levantine do. Low priced and Super. Black Bombazines. Super. Black Canton Cloth and Alpacas. Black Silk Velvet. Fine and Super. Paris printed Cashmeres. “ “ “ “ de Laines. RUh Plaid Raw Silk, (warranted all silk.) 6 4 Silk and Worsted Plaids, (very handsome.) 3-4 Checked and Plaid Merinos, (for children.) 6-4 Plain Merinos, all colors, free from Cotton. 1 Rich and extra rich 4-4 Calicoes. Super 4-4 and 6-4 Plaid and Check’d Gingh'ms Rigoletts, for Head Dresses. Exira fine 4-4 Linen. Heavy White and Black Silk Hose. Linen Cambric. Hemstitched, Reviere. and Eembroidered L. C. Handkerchiefs. Gents. White and Colored L. C. Handkorchiefs. Rich Worked Collars and Chemisetts. Jaconet and Lace Embroidered Under Sleeves. Black Lace V eils. Oil Silks. Ladies Fancy and White Silk Gloves. “ “ Fleece Gloves. Short and Long Black Fillet Mitts. Best Kid Gloves, all colors. Black and Slate Cashmere Shawls, with heavy fringes. White and Colored Working Cotton. Rich Trimmings and Buttons, for ladies dresses. Rich Piano and Table Covers. Extra Quality Satin Vestings. “ “ Cassimere do. Gum Elastic Suspenders. oot 1 RICH FALL DRY GOODS. GRAV BROTHERS BEG to inform the public that their fall pur chase is now complete, comprising one of the largest stocks that they have ever offered to the public, among which will be found Rich plaid SILKS. Small checked Silks. Rich brocade Silks. Plain Silks, all colours. Black Silks, all widths. Black brocade Silks. Striped andjfigured Silks. Black and colored watered Silks. White brocade Silks. Plain white Silks. White Satins. Marceline Silks, all shades. Real Irish Poplins. Super black silk Vcivets. Colored Velvets, all shades. New stiles Paris printed Mouslain DeLains. do. do. do do Cashmeres, do. do. Plaid Wollcn Goods. Plain all wool Mouslain DoLain, all shades. French Cashmeres and Merenos, all shades English Cashmeres and Coburgs, all shades. Figured Alpacas, all shades. Lupin’s best Bombazines. Very super Alpacas, exceedingly cheap. Very large stock printed DeLains, 12c. Very large stock printed Delaines, 25 to 87c. Irish fronting Linens, best quality. Real double Damask, very superior. Brown Damasks, all prices. Toweling, in great variety. 12-4 best Barnsly Sheeting. Fine pillow case Linen. 10, 11, and 12 4 Hamilton Sheeting. 10, 11, and 12-4 Auscutncy Sheeting. 10, 11, and 12 4 Alendale Sheeting. Very super English and American Longclothes. Very large and varied stock of Calicoos. French, Scotch and American Ginghams. English and German Hosiery, very cheap. A full assortment ofMisses and Youths Hose and half Hose. Kid, Silk and Lisle Glovos. Trimmings, of all kinds. Kerseys, Osnaburgs and Stripes, cheap. Very large heavy Negro Blankets. Very super Bed Blankets. Marseilles Quilts, in great variety. Curtain Materials, in great variety. Curtain Muslin, embroided withlinon, decidedly rieli. Carpets, Rugs and Oil Cloth, a full assortment. And a great variety of other articles, selected with the utmost care, which we are selling very cheap, and to which we respectfully invite atten tion. sop 30 NEW FALL GOODS. L. D. LALLERSTEDT, HAS just received at his old stand, corner of Globe Hotel, a splendid assortment ot Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, suitable for the season; am ng which arc Rich brocade and plaid coloured SILKS. Super plaid and watered black SILKS. Extra MUSLIN DeLAINES, Parisian stylos. French and English MERINOS. Lupins BOMBAZINE and ALPACCA. Earls ton GINGHAMS and PRINTS. Needle woiked COLLARS and CHEMIRETTS. Jaconet and Swiss TRIMMING. Hosiery and GLOVES, great variety. Irish Linens and Table DAMASK. Furnalurc DIMITY and FRINGES. Bleached SHIRTING and SHEETING. Osnaburg STRIPES and Georgia PLAINS. KERSEYS and BLANKETS, great variety. To which he invites attention sep 21 NEW FALL GOODS. SNOWDEN & SHEAR. HAVE just received from New York, Fancy col ored Silks of rich and splendid styles. Figured black Silks, of new and elegant styles. Rich printed DeLaines, of the latest Paris stylos. Small figured DeLaines, (all wool) of beautiful styles for Children. Saxony Plaids, (.all wool) a beautiful article for Children’s dress. Persian DeLaines, of new and beautiful styles. Lupin's plain French Merinos, of the most desi rable colors and extra quality. Lupin’s high colored Merinos for Children’s wear. Plain white and black French Merinos, of extra quality. Lupin’s plain mode and high colored DeLaines of extra quality. Colore English Flannels for Ladies sacks. Superior white Gauze and Welsh Fannel. Black Alpacas and Canton Cloths for Ladies mourning dresses. Lupin’s plain black DeLaines, black Challys and black Tamise. Mourning Prints and Ginghams, of beautiful styles. Ladies plain Chemizetts and Undersleaves, for mourning Muslin Edgings and Insertings and Worked Bands, some of extra width and rich styles. Heavy Huckaback and very fine Bird’s Eye Diaper. Rich Damask Table Cloths, and 12-4 Linen Shoet ings. Linen Damask Stair Carpeting. With a great variety of other articles suitable for the present season, to all of which they would respectfully invite the attention of the public, sep 17 NEW GOODS. P. & M. 6 ALLAHER HAVE just received the following GOODS, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the public: Rich Bonnet and Neck RIBBONS. Black and Colored Velvet do. Black Gimps and Fringes. Black Lace, all w ; dths. Embroidered Chemisetts and Under Sleeves. Embroidered Cuffs and Collars. Black and Colored Kid Gloves. Jaconets and Swiss Incerting and Edging. E i broidered Linen Cambric Handkerchifos. Linen Lawn and Linen Cambric. Brocade and Pla d Silks. Bombazenes and Alpacas Also a select stock of Ladies and Gents. Hose, which will be sold at very reduced prices. Shirtings, Osnaburgs and Kerseys, at factory prices. ts sept 11 CLAYTON & BIGNON HAVEnowin Store, 1 case Medallion HATS, also, 1 case HATS, Sack Lining. N. B. Persons in want of a Beautiful Dress HAT, will do well to call early at their Clothing and Hat Establishment, under the Augusta Hotel, sep 14 TRIMMINGS! TRIMMINGS!!—Just receir ceived, BLACK AND COLOURED GIMPS, do do GALOONS, do do BRAIDS, do VELVET RIBBONS, For salo cheap by GRAY BROTHERS, sept 9 - PLANTATION GOODS ! rr/\/\ PIECES George Schley Kerseys. OUU 500 “ Georgia Plains. 500 “ Augusta Osnaburgs. 500 “ •* *• * 25 bales | Augusta Shirting. 25 do 4-4 do do 25 do Graniteville do 500 pairs 8-4 white wool Blanket*, 500 do 10-4 white and gray do. For sale at Factory prices, by l sept 38 COSGROVE A BRBNNAfI. fottcrirs. GREENE AND PULASKI MONUMENT LOT iERIES. Managed,drawn, and prizes paid by the well known and responsible firm of G REK DRY &c MAURY. Drawn Numbers Extra Class 69 by Delaware 226, Oct. 1, 58 46 78 30 74 27 76 9 37 72 12 56 55. EXTRA CLASS 71—by Delaware 232—0 n Satur day, Oct. Bth. BRILLIANT SCHEME. 50,000 DOLLARS! $35,000; $20,135; $10.000; $6,000; $4,000; $3,- 000 ; 13 of $2,000 : 100 of SI,OOO ; 100 lowest 3 number prizes SSOO ; Ac.. Ac. Tickets sls. Shares in proportion. Class 121 at Savannah, on Monday, Oct. 10. EXCELLENT SCHEME. 8,206 DOLLARS. $2,000 ; $1,200 s 4 SI,OOO, 2 of $500; 5 of 200, Ac. Tickets $2. Shares in proportion. EXTRA CLASS 72—by Delaware 234—t0 be drawn Tuesday, Oct. 11. SPLENDID SCHEME. $21,000. $10,(f00; $5 000; $3,000; $2,584. of $1,000; 50 of SSOO. Besides numerous others. Tickets $5. Shares in proportion. CLASS 122—T0 be drawn in Savannah, Wed nesday, Oct. 12. PACKAGE SCHEME. $9.030! $1,200; $1,00(1 ; SBOO ; Ac. Tickets $1 ; Halves 50 cents. Risk on Repack age of 25 quarters $3.95. JOHN A.MILLEN, Agent, Office removed for the present to the corner of Jackmn and Ellis streets, up stairs. All orders from the city or country striotly con fidential. CLEAR THE TRACK. THE GOODS ARE COMING. 5000 pair plantation BROGANS, double 1000 pair wax BROGANS. 5000 pair house servant SHOES. 100 cases thick and kip BOOTS. —also— A superior stock of fine LADIES GAITERS, and Gentlemen’s fine French Glove top BUTTON BOOTS, comprising a general assortment of Goods for the season at wholesale, by package or dozen at HENRY DALY’S, sep 22 opposite United States Hotel. GROCERIES, GROCERIES ff PY/THHDS. New Orleans, Poto Rico and Mus / fJ covado SUGARS. 100 bbls. Ground, Crushed and Coffee SUGARS, 200 bags Rio, Laguira and Java COFFEE. 50 bales Heavy Gunny CLOTH. 30 pieces Dundee BAGGING. 200 coils Prime Kentucky Pope. 500 lbs. best Bailing Twine. 1000 Four Bushel Gunny Bags. 1000 sacks Salt, in fine order. 25 hhds. Prime Bacon Sides. 5o “ Cuba Molasses. 100 bbls. Choice New Orleans Syrup. 30 boxes best Green and Black Teas. 100 Boxes superior Adamantine and Tallow Candles. 50 Boxes Colgate’s No. 1 and variegated Soaps 75 boxes Tobacco, various qualities. 50 M American and Spanish Segars. 100 bales Prime Eastern Hay. 10 kegs Choice Goshen Butter. 35 boxes New York Steam Candy. Also, Fruits, Nuts, Spices, Pickles, Preserves and all other articles usually sold in Grocery Houses. For sale by J. R. & W. M. DOW, sep 18 No. 6, Warren Block. WARD'S SPECIFIC. — A most valuable pre paration, for certain diseases, to be found only at the Drug store of WM. HAINES, sept 28 ts Broad-street. PRENCH BURR MILLSTON EMANUFAC TORY. Corner Broad and Camming streets. AUGUSTA, GA. THE SUBSCRI BER takes this occasion to in form his numerous friends and the public gen eraliy, that ho has commenced the above business under the most favorable auspices, having engaged the services of an experineed and highly qualified workman, and flatters himself that his work will compare with any other manufacturer in the United States. He also begs to apprise the discriminating public that all orders with which he may bo favored, shall have his personal attenti. n, prompt execu tion and dispatch. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. PATRICK McCUE, Proprietor, sep 11 dAcly FALL AND WINTER STOCK. HATS, CAPS, KONNETTS, UMBRELLAS. COUNTRY Merchants, Planters, and the public generally, are invited to examine my Fall and Winter stock, of Hats, Capts, Bonnetts, Umbellas, Ac., consisting of Fashionable Moleskin, Beaver Brush and Cas simere HATS. Soft Beaver, Brush and Cassimero fancy Hats. Soft Saxony, and Waterproof Wool Hats. Negro Hats and Caps, a large assortment. Bonnets, Silk, Straw, Florence, Belgrade, Ac. Flowers, Tabs and Bonnett linings Umbrellas, Silk, Ginghams ;.nd Com. Cotton. I have a full assortment, to which I am receiving supplies weekly from manufacturers, and am offer ing at prices as low as same qualities of goods can be bought in markets North or South. Call and see at GEORGE W. FERRY’S, Fashionable Hat, Cap and Bonnet Store, Masonic Hall, Broad street Augusta. Geo. sept 23 WINES AND LIQUORS. CT/\ BBLS. old Eagle WHISKY. yJv/ 50 “ “ Rye do. 50 “ “ Roctified do. 10 quarter casks of Cognac Brandy. 2 pipes Holland Gin. 5 quarter casks Jamaica Rum. 5 “ ,l St. Croix do, 5 “ “ Brown Sherry. 3 “ “ Pale do. 3 « “ Port Wine. 3 “ “ Tenneriffedo. 25 bbls. old Nector and Eagle Whisky. 5 “ Extra old Nector do. 1840. Just received and for sa e by sept 22 d&clrno A. STEVENS. GROCERIES, IRON, NAILS. &c. 1 hhds. Porto Rico, New Orloans and Mu s tJ covado Sugars. 150 pkgs. Loaf, Crushed, Powdered and Clari fied Sugars. 850 hags Rio, Java and Cuba Coflbe. 100 hhds. Molasses. 100 bales Gunny Bagging. 500 coils Prime Hemp Rope. 2000 pounds Twino. 40 tons Sweeds Bar Iron. 1000 kegs Nails and Brads. 300 boxes Soap and Candles, 500 bags Shot. 5000 lbs. Bar Lead. ,100 boxes Tobacco, various brands. 1500 sacks Salt. 100,000 Spanish and Amorican Segars. A large and complete stock of Liquors of all dc. scriptions. For Sale by sep t d&clm BAKER & WILCOX. GINGHAMS-' CALICOES. PIECES Ginghams at ,wOv/ 100 do do at 15 100 do do at 18J 100 • do do doubld width 25 500 pieces Calicoes at fit 200 do do at g 4 200 do do at 300 do do at 12t 50 do Turkey Red Prints. For sale at sep 28 COSGROVE & BREN VAN’S. CASTINGS, CASTINGS, CASTINGS^ IRON Fronts for Buildings: Sash Weights, Grat ings, Grate, Racks and Pinions for horse power, Pulleys, Railroad Chain-frogs, Boxe3, Mill Gearing, etc. The undersigned are prepared to furnish the above er any kind of Castings to order at short no tice. Persons wishing Fronts can furnish their designs, or select from our own at the Foundary in Meeting street, near Line. WM. B. HENERY A CO. Orders left at Mr. Wm. Lebby’s work shop in Hasel street will receive prompt attertion. Charleston, Sept 22. tthAsulm CARRIAGES. ' WE have on hand, and are receiving, a good assortment of CARRIAGES, Rockaways, Barouches, Buggies and Light Carryalls. Also, Hack and Read Wagons, together with an assort ment of Harness, Buggy Umbrellas, Whips, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valices, Children’s Cabs and Wagons, Carriage Bolts, by the package or single one—all of which will be sold on reasonable terms, at the store formerly occupied by the late H. S. Hoadley. Repairing done at short notice. I WYMAN A HARROW, Jlnrtion S’olrs. BY S. C. GRENVILLE & CO. Dry Goods . far. THIS DAY, (Thursday,) at 10 o’clock, at the store, formerly occupied by Lewis Levy, Esq., will be sold, the whole contents of said store, consisting of a general assortment of Dry Goods, useful and Fancy Articles, Ac., Ac. oct 6 BY CAMILLE E GIRARDEY. ON FRIDAY the 7th inst., i?> front of Store, at fill o clock, an assortment of Groceries, consis ting in part of t>ugar. Coffee, N. 0. Syrups, Segars, Tobacco, \\ mes, Liquors. Soap, Candles, Matches 1 Bacon, —— Second banded Furniture, consisting of Beds, Bedsteads, Mattrasses, Tables,Bureaus, Wadrobes, Carpets. Terms cash. oct 6 UNIVERSITY OF DEPARTMENT. THE Annual Course of Lectures in this Depart ment will commence on MONDAY, November 14, and will terminate in tho ensuing March. JAMES JONES. M. D., Professor of Practice. J. L. RIDDELL, M. D., Professor of Chemistry WARREN STONE, M. D., Professor of Sur gery. A. H. CENAS, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics. A. J. WEDDERBLRN, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. " GUSTAVUS A. D., Professor ofMa teria Modica. THOMAS HUNT, M. D., Professor of Physiolo gy and Pathology. CORNELIUS C. BEARD, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. SA M UEL P. CIIOPPIN IvT. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. i'he rooms for dissecting will be open from the third Monday in October to the First of April. The Faculty are Visiting Physicians and Sur geons of the Charity Hospital, and attend this insti tution from November to April. The Students ac company tho Professors in their visits, and thus enjoy extraordinary practical advantages, free of expense. I here are about one thousand patients prescribed for daily in this Hospital. The number of patients is nearly twenty thous and, in tho year. THOMAS HUNT, M. D., Dean. July 28 dActNl NOTICE. THE advertisement of Dissolution of Partner ship with C. P. McCalla, published on the 27th ult., over my signature is hereby fully with drawn- J. W. SPEAR. DISSOLUTION. THE Co-partnership heretofore existing bet ween the undersigned in the Hotel Bnsiness in this eity, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. JNO. W SPEAR, se p 8 _ CIIAS. P. McCALLA. BACON, CORN AND RYE. LBS. of prime Tonnossco BACON. 200 bushels “ CORN 150 “ RYE. ’ Just receivod and for sale by A. STEVENS sept 22 dAclm BACON! BACON!! L-BACON, on consignment, for GEORGE W. LEWIS, sept 27 No. 1 Warren Block. njIHE VICTIM OF EXATEMENT—The Bo- J- som Serpent, Ac., Ac., by Caroline Lee Hentz, just received by sept 29 GEO. A. OATES A BROS. NEW BUCKWHEAT. WE HAVE just received per steamer, from New York a few barrels new Buckwheat, sept 29 DAWSON A SKINNER. hats7hats, hats. JUST received an extensive assortment of fine Hats, ofdifl’erent styles, suitable for Fall and Winter wear. For sale at sep 14 CLAYTON A BIGNON’S. SODA BISCUIT, PIPES, FANCY SOAPS, &C Q & BOXES SODA BISCUIT. 40 “ Pipes. 40 “ Fancy Soaps. 5 “ Macaroni. “ Chocolate. For sale by «ept 23 C. A WILLIAMS. AUGUSTA STEAM PLANING MILLS, ~ (Head of Mclntosh street , near the Waynesboro Railroad Depot.) DOORS. BLINDS, SASHES, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. MOULDINGS, PANELINGS, MANTELS ORNAMENTAL SCROLL WORK TURNING, BRACKETS, FENCING, BOXES AC., AC. Os every size and of the newest designs, made to order at short notico. Also—Worked FLOORING, CEILING and WEATHER BOARDING. Orders punctually attended to. _ sep 2 _dkc6m WOOD A SUDDARD. Where verthat greut Medicine called H. G. Farrell’s Celebrated Arabian Liniment, has been introduced, it has performed the most extraordinary cures in the annals ot medi cal history—every body who uses it once becom it warmest friend—they not only keep it alway on hand for the benefit of its timely use in cases ofemergency. but recommend it to all their friends. It has been before the public for nearly ten years, and yet is daily developing new virtues; many dis eases have been cured by it, for which the pro prietor had never recommended it; its magical vir tues spreads through the land with the speed of lightning, and many, very many poor invalids who supposed their days on this earth were fast drawing to a close, have been by a persevering use of this invaluable Liniment, healed, and now rejoice in the blessings of health, and the enjoyment of this beautiful world. Read this to believe, and not to doubt. Inquire of your neighbors whom you know to have used it, and they will tell you that no med icine ever discovered possesses the half of its extra ordinary healing powers. The racking pains of rheumatism and neuralgia yield in a few minutes to its powerfully anodyne properties “ The lame are made to walk.” Old sores, which have rendered the subject a loathsome thing to behold, are heal ed. The weak an trembling, from deranged stato of the nerves, by the use of this Liniment, rejoice in the recovery oftheir former health and strength. Many long standing affections 01 the liver, lungs and kidney have yielded to its use after the various remedies had failed. It is very efficacious in cu ring the diseases of hors*s and cattle, such as swee ny, spraius, bruises, swellings, cramps, lameness, dry shoulder, splint, etc., and if used in the begin ning, never fails to stop the further progress of fis ut oil-evil, ringbone and spavin. Look out for Counterfeits. —The public are cau tioned against another counterfeit, which has late ly made its appearance, called W. B. Farrell’s Ara bian Liniment, the most dangerous of all the coun terfeits, because his having the name of FarreF, many will buy it in good faith, without the knov - ledge that a counterfeit exists, and they will, per haps, only discover their error when the spurious mixture has wrought its evil effects. The genuine article is manufactured only by II G. Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor, and whole sale druggist, No. 17 Main street, Peoria, Illinois* to whom all applications for Agencies must be ad dressed. Be sure you get it with the letters H G before Farrell’s, thus—H. G. FARRELL’S—and hissiguature on the wrapper, and all others are counterfeits. Sold by HAVILAND, RISLEY A CO., , , , , , Augusta, Ga., and by regularly authorized agents throughout the United States. Ipp - Price 25 and 50 cents, and $1 per boUle. Agents Wanted in every town, village and hamlet in the United States, in which one is not already established. Address 11. G. Farrell as above, accompanied with good reference as to character, responsibility, Ac. dAc4 sep 20 MONTPELIER FEMALE INSTITUTE MISS MARTHA M. BUELL, Principal, and Teacher of the higher English Branches. Miss LOUISA S. SPENCER, English Branches German and Italian. * Miss MARY A. PHILIPS, English Branches. Miss ADELINE A. CONKEY, | Vocal and In- Miss ADELINE BUNN. strumcn.MusS. Miss LUCRETIA S. HOOPER, Drawing, Pain ting, Embroidery and Instrumental Music M ile. ADELINE CHAUSY, French. c* rd ‘ ® omest * c Superintendent, Rev. RUFUS M. WHITE, Rector Rev SENECA G. BRAGG, Chaplain, The 25th Term of this Institution, will com mence on the 13th of October, A prospectus and any information may be had, by application to tho Secretary and Treasurer. As the number of pupils is limited, it is impor tant that early application should be made. W. S. WILLIFORD, Sec. A Trea., Macon, Georgia. From Bishop Elliott's Annual Address. “ With the consent of the Board of Trustees, I placed the Institute under the charge of a lady, well tried and well know, MissM. M. BUELL, and invited the Rev. RUFUS M. WHITE, who had just at that moment, resigned the charge of St. Johns Church, to accept the Rectorship of the Institute. These appointments, together with the continuance of the Rev. Mr BRAGG, at the In stitute, should give parents every confidence that - such as tho school has heretofore been, succ will it be hereafter. I commend is most heartily to the Dioceso, assuring it, that the school has never beeu in finer condition, and praying it to use every exer tion, not to permit an Institution to go down, which has been built up at the expense of ao much saerp. flee and auSerisg.” fNI sept 2$