The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, October 22, 1853, Image 4

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Iffgu-lknstg, WAREHOUSE & CO>i,tllMlU.\i AUGUSTA, Ga. THE undersigned respectfully inform (greets. their frionds and costumers, that they continue to transact the WAREHOUSE «HgE&I AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, at their Fire proof Stores, Mclntosh street. By strict personal attention to all consignments to their address, they hope to receive a share of public patronage, sep 1 clO BUSTIN & WALKER. DOUGHTY & BEALL, ' WAREHOUSE k COSIMISS’tI MERCHANTS. Augusta, Ga., WILL continue the Warehouse and Commission Business, at their old itani on Jackson street, devoting, as heretofore, their personal attention to the interests »f customers. They are prepared to extend the 1 ksaal cash facilities. Charges in conformity to the established rates of the City. H.W.DouGHTr, | W. Amos Beall. Augusta, August 10th, 1853. aug 10 c4m DISSOLUTION. TELE firm of DYE & HEARD, Warehouse and Commission Merchants, was this day dissolv ed, by mutual consent. The notes and accounts of the late fit as will be liquidated by S. D. Heard. J. M. DYE. Augusta, July 16. 1853. 8. D. HEARD. S~ D. HEAttoj WAREHOUSE Sr COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta, Georgia, RESPECTFULLY announces to the public gen erally, that he will continue the Warehouse business, in all its branches, at the old stand of Dye A Fire proof Warehouse, East side of Mc- Intosh street, whore he hopes, by unremitting ex ertions, to merit a continuance of the patronage so liberally extended to the late firm of Dye A Heard All orders for Family Supplies, Bagging, Rope, Sat, Ac., promptly filled at lowest market prices I Cash advances made on Produce in Store, when de fired. VC7F" Commission for selling Cotton, 25 cents per bale. Augusta, July lfi. 1853. IN withdrawing irorn the Urtn ot Dye A Heard, I avail myself of this opportunity of returning mj thanks for the liberal patronage extended to the late firm, and solicit the same for my late partner and successo., S- D. Heard, july 19. ly J. M. DYE. WHITLOCK, COSKERY & CO~ WAREHOUSE k COMMISS’N MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. THE undersiged have associated with them,A. J. Whitlock, under the na ne and stile of W HITLOOK. COSKE- sSlilsS R; A CO., and will contirue to transact the Ware h •use end Commission Business, at their old g end (Fire Proof Warehouse,) on Campbell street vr ere they will give their personal attention to th salo of COTTON and other PRODUCE con aig led to them. Toeir chargee for selling Cotton will be 25 cent per bale. Uoeral cash advances made on Produce in store wh n desired. orders for BAGGING, ROPE and FAMILY’ SUPPLIES, executed at the lowest market prices. J. W. WHITLOCK, JOHN COSKERY, A. J. WHITLOCK, ausr 7 e.3m NOTICE. TIE public are hereby notified that the firm of Robertson A Crocker is This Day dissolved by nutual consent. All the accounts and notes are left n the hands of E. D. Robertson for collection, Who is duly authorized to receipt for the firm in liquidation. E. D. ROBERTSON, JNO. R. CROCKER. Au rusta, June. 1853. WAREHOUSE fit COMMISSION BUSINESS. ROBERTSON k STOVALL, Augusta, Geo. T IL UNDERSIGNED respectfully announces to the public, that they have formed a Co partnership under the firm of Robertson A Sto vall, for transacting the WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS at the Fire-Proof Warehouse occupied by Robertson A Crocker, commencing the 20th of Juno, 1853. Both having long experience in the business will Sive their undivided attention to the sale of Cotton, 'lour, Grain, Bacon, Ac., consigned to their care. Cash advanced on all consignments made them, when desired. And all orders fer Bagging, Rope, Family Supplies, Ac., filled at the lowest market prices, and forwarded to order. for soiling Cotton 25 cents per hale. E. D. Rehe.tson takes this occasion to return his thanks for the liberal patronage extended to the late firm of Robertson A Crocker, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the same to the present firm. ROBERTSON A STOVALL. B. D. Robertson. Thos. P. Stovall. Augusta, June 20th, 1853. dot june 21 < CROCKER & REES. WAREHOUSE fc COMMISS’N MERCHANTS AUGUSTA, GA. THE undersigned have this day formed a Copart neshipfor the transaction of a general WARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, under the firm of Crocker Rees. Their Warehouse is en the Corner of Reynold and Washington Streets, convenient to the business part of the city. Both having had long experience in the business, will give their undivided attention to the sale of COT TON and PRODUCE. All Orders for Bagging, Rope, Family Supplies, Ac., carefully filled at the lowest market prices. J. R. Crocker returns his sincere thanks to his old patrons and friends for their liberal patronage heretofore, and solicits a continuance of the same for the new firm. Cash Advances made on Con signments when required. Our Commissions for selling Cotton will be 25 cents per bale. JOHN R. CROCKER, JOHN C. REES. Augusta, Ga., Jnly 18th, 1853. ts july 19 PHiNiZ Y & CLAYTON, ‘ WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. CONTINUE the business in all it branches in their extensive Fire-proof Warehouse, on Broad street, and will devote their personal atten tion to the interests of customers. Cash advan ces made on COTTON when required. Office and Sales Room removed to Jackson street, near Globe Hotel. Charges in conformity to the estab lished rates of the city. E. P. Clayton, j Ferdinand Phinizy. ang 31 f Ac4m J. J. PEARCE, WAREHOUSE k COMMISSION MERCHANT, JACKSON STREET, AUGLSTa, GA. WILL continue to transact the Ware- pocxrv house and Commission Business, A in all its various branches, at his same Well knewn Fire Proof Warehouse on Jackson Street, noar the Globe Hotel, and will give his per sonal attent on to the STORAGE AND SALE OF COTTON AND OTHER PRODUCE consigned to his care. OP* CASH ADVANCES; BAGGING, ROPE, and FAMILY SUPPLIES forwarded to order as usual. Your pa'.ronag<s is respectfully solicited. Angus a. July 12th, 1853. aug 6 efim J. J. PEARCE. HLAixjj fit DAVxSuiM, WAREHOUSE k COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Augusta. Ga., WILL continue tho Warehouse and Commis sion Business at their Firt Proof Buildings, oecup ed by them for a number of years past, and will devote as heretofore their por.-onal attention to the interest of customers. They are prepared to extend the usual cash facilities. for soiling Gotton 25 cents per bale. ISAAC T. HEARD, JOHN DAVISON. Augusta, Aug, 17, 1853. dt4wcfim D’ANTIGNAC, EVANS & CO., ' WAREHOUSE k COMMISSION MERCHANTS AUGUSTA, GA., WILL continue the above business in [sV>\' all its branchos, at their old stand, the Fire-Proof Warehouse immediately at the Georgia Railroad Depot, where Cotton and other produce will be received and stored without charge of dray age. Their Office and Sal os Room is at the same place •n Broad street, nearly opposite the Globe Hotel. Cash-advances made on produce, and all reason able facilities afforded customers. Goods purchased for planters at the lowest mar ket prices. decommission for selling Cotton 25 oents per hale. Wm. M. D’Antignac, ) Gno. W. Evans, > W*. E. Evans. * im>s aug 24 LAMBETH HOPKINS, ~ WAREHOUSE k COMMISSION MERCHANT. AUGUSTA, GA. TT7TLL continue the Warehouse and VV General Commission Business, at his old stand on Campbell street. Par- sKsHlrl ticular attention will be given to STORAGE and SALE of COTTON, Domestic Goods, Grain, Flour, Bacon and other PRODUCE, purchase of goods, receiving and forwarding, shipments of Cotton to New York, Charleston and Savannah. Cash advances on produce in Store, and all rea sonable facilities afforded customers. Charges will be made in conformity with the established rates of Commission Merchants in this city, gag $ c9u M. W. WOODRUFF^ FACTOR and Commission Merchant, Mclntosh-strcet, Augusta, Georgia, with Fire-proof Warehouse and close Storage ac commodations, will receive and sell all kinds of Merchandize ana Produce; make liberal cash ad vances on consignments, when required; buy, to order, Supplies for Planters and Merchants; attend strictly to the receiving and forwarding Merchan dize and Produce, either by Railroad, Canal or Private Conveyance; and particularly _ to the for warding of Cotton, Bacon, Flour, Grain, and eve rything reaching Augusta, either by Railroad, Ca nal, or any other conveyance, for re-shipment to any destination. And hope, by unceasing indus try and personal attention to the interests of my friends, with tho advantage of several years expe rienco in all the workings of the above business (under the supervision of Messrs. Jeffers, Cothran k Co., to merit and receive a share of their patron age. My charges for attention will in all cases be regulated by the customary rates of the city. References. (Heard k Davison, Doughty & Beall, D’Antignac, Evars & Co. Romo W. S. Cothran & Co. Cartorsville.. ..J. R. Towns & Co. Chattanooga. ..C. E. Grenville & Co. Savannah Cohen & Hertz. G. W. Garmany. Charleston Chambers, Jeffers & Co. aug 10 3m HAVING discontinued business in Augusta, we take this opportunity to return our thanks for the liberal patronage extended to us, and take pleasure in soliciting a continuance of the same for our friend, M. W. Woodruff. JEFFERS, COTHRAN & CO. Hamburg, S. C., August Bth. 1853. aug 10 PLATT & BROTHER, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS REYNOLDS STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. THE undersigned respectfully announce to the public that they have leased j the new and commodious Fire-proof Warehouse, on Reynolds street, belonging to T. S. Metcalf, Esq. —convenient to the business part of the city—for the purpose of transacting a general WARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. Hav ing every facility requisite, and a disposition to cx tond everv accommodation, they hope by prompt and personal attention to merit and receive a share of tho patronage of the public. Libmal Cash Advances made when required. Ordlfs tor BAGGING, ROPE and FAMILY SU PPLIES, filled with care and at the lowest mar ket prices. Our Commissions for selling Cotton, will be the old established rates of 25 cents per kale. Geo. F. Platt, | Edwin Platt. aig HI t&efim SIMPSON fit GARDINER. WAREHOUSE & COMMISS’N MERCHANTS, MCINTOSH STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. WILL continue tho VV AREHOUSE froocNx AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, in all its branches, at their Old Stand on Mj In tosh streot, ( Fire Proof Building ,) and hope by strict personal attention to the interest of all who place business in their hands, to merit a con tinuance of the patronage, so liberally bestowed tho past season, and for which they ombraco the present occasion to tender their thanks. Their charges will conform to the established rates of the city. Orders for BAGGING, ROPE AND FAMILY SUPPLIES, filled at the lowest market rates. Cash advances made on PRODUCE in Store when required. J. R. SIMPSON. | JAS. T. GARDINER. July 20th 1853. d&c6m july 20 OLIV£R H LEEj WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANT Augusta, Georgia, ROOM on Broad street, under O the Franklin House, opposite the Planter’s Hotel. The undersignod having taken the large and well known FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE, on Broal street, formerly occupiod by Messrs. Buford, Beal & Co., tenders his surviees to his friends and tho public generally for the storage and sale of Cotton, Flour, Bacon and Grain, or any other produce that may be consigned to him. From his favorablo location and long experience in soiling Cotton, and every description of produce brought to this market, he flatters himself that be can please those who may favor him with their business, as ho intends giving his business strict attention and will spare no pains to pleaso. Tho receiving and forwarding Through Goods will receive prompt attention. Orders for goods will bo promptly executed at the lowest market price. CASH ADV ANCES will be made when required. Charges for selling Cotton will be tho old rate of 25 cents per bale. Office will be at Dawson & Skinner’s until the Ist October. OLIVER H. LEE. Augusta, August 1, 1853. Persons who are indebted to LEE, HUBBARD & CO., or O. 11, LEE, will find their notes and ac counts at my office. O. H. Lee. aug 18 6m _ M. p. STOVALL, “ WAREHOUSES;; COMMISSION MERCHANT AUGUSTA, GA. CONTINUES the business, in all its branches, in the extensive Fire Proof Warehouse, on Jackson street, near the fcfeS&iSi Globe Hotel, and formerly occupied by W alker & Bryson. Having ample facilities for business, and the dis position to extend every accommodation to his customers, he pledges his strict personal attention to the interests of all those who may favor him with patronage. Orders for FAMILY SUPPLIES, BAGGING, <fcc., promptly and carefully filled, at the lowest market prices. August, 1853. sets aug 3 WM. H. HOWARD & SON, Grocery & commission merchants. Broad street, Augusta, Ga., have now on hand at their old stand, N orth side Broad street, a large and well selected STOCK, and will be continually receiving from Boston, New Y 7 ork, Philadelphia and Baltimore, all articles usually kept in a Grocery Store, to which they invite the attention of Mer. chants and Planters, and pledge themselves to give their customers good articles at moderate prices. They will also receive and sell all COTTON, CORN, BACON, Ac., by Railroad, River or Wa gon, and pledge themselves to carry out fully the instructions of their patrons. Their charges will bo as heretofore, 25 cents per bale for selling Cettou, and 5 per cent, on other Produce. Cotton Stored in a Firo Proof Warehouse, and Cash Advances made when riquired. Wm. H. Howard, George J. Howard. Augusta, August, 1853. 6mos aug 7 BEALL & STOVALL, WAREHOUSE & GROCERY MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. AU Cotton consigned to us will be Sold Free of Commission. THE firm of BUFORD, BEALL & CO., hav ing been dissolved on the sth Juno last, tho subscribers, members of the la e firm, will continue the WAREHOUSE AND GROCERY 7 BUSINESS at the same well known Stands. (Store on Broad Street, opposite the Planters’Hotel now erecting, and Warehouse on Campbell Street) whore they will be happy to see the friends and acquaintances of the late firm, having always on hand a largo and well selected stock of GROCERIES, suited to Planters’trade, in which they feel confident they can offer inducements equal to any house in the city. Cash advances made on Cotton in store when requirod. WILLIAM M. BEALL, JOHN W. L. STOVALL. July Ist, 1853. d2mcfim iuly J 6 HTJDSON pleming &. COT FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. NO. 94 BAY street, savannah, geo. TENDER their services to Planters. Merchants and dealers in tho sale of Cotton and all other country produce. Being connected in business with Hopkins, Hudson k Co., of Charleston, the establishment of an office in this city will afford our friends choice of markets. Strict attention will be given to business and the usual facilities afforded customers J. R. Hudson, \ ( Lambeth Hopkins, W. K. Fleming, . Augusta. Savannah. ) (j.j. Cohen, Charleston, sep 13 df&c4m fit C 0 COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND SHIPPING AGENTS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. sep 1 ly WASHBURN, WILDER & CO. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Jos. Washburn, 1 Jno. Wilder, > Savannah Georgia. Fras. G. Dana. ) aug l 3 __ „ + Bm _ DR. MUNSON is setting Teeth on an entirely now plan, uniting the Teeth and gum in a continuous rnr and solid mass, and the whole to the plate by a silicious compound. It is truly beautiful, strong and cleanly. To see is to admire. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Publie inspec tion invited. Dr. M. owns the patent for Rich aond county. df&o got 2 ' ' Bl >S XKS.S C VKUS. To Professional and Business Men. PROFESSIONAL A Nit BUSINESS CAUL'S not ex ce Bug six lines, wiilbe inserted under this head at the rate $lO per annum. Cards exceedingaix lines, » i be charged pro rata per line. LOUISDELAIGLE, Attorney at law, Augusta, Ga.-’Wi practice in the Middle Circuit of Georgia. Office on Mclntosh street, third door North of the office of the octl9 ly R. B. DANIELL. [ T. L. COOPER DANIELL fit COOPER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia, will attend to the collection of debts and other Professional business in the surrounding counties. Refer to Messrs. J. R.&W.M. Dow, and Buford, Beall k Co., Augusta, apr 29 ly BENNETT St BEERS, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 125 Main street, Richmond, Virginia. Chas. Bennett, | Wm. S. Beers. mav 29 tTwTcobb~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Eatonton, Geo., will practice in the several Counties of Putnam, Jasper, Morgan, Jones, and Baldwin. All business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. sept 15 SHEWMAKE & MONTGOMERY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Waynesboro, Ga. will practice Law in Copartnership, in Burke county. John T. Shewmakb. | W. W. Montgomery dThT SAUNDERS, AiTOUNEY' AT LAW, Greensb rn, Georgia ian 5 fly JAMES GARDNER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta, Georgia— Office on Mclntosh-st. mar 17 ~ DAVID S. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEY at LAW, Commissioner for Nf Carolina, and Notary Public. Office over tho store ol Messrs. B. 11. War ren & Co., Granite Row, Jackson streot, Augusta, Ga may - WILLIAM A. REID, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Eatenton, Geo. Re fers to Hon. F. H. Cone, Greensboro.’ sept. 8 ts EDWARD R. HARDEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ringgold,Walker coun ty, Geo..will attend promptly to the collec tions of claims in Walker, Murray and Whtfield Georgia, and Hamilton county, Tennes see. References. —Graddy & Burfford, Whitman k Young, F. W.Thornton, J. J. Johnson, Ringgoll W. H Stark A Co., P. A Scranton, Col. Jno. Mtlledgo, Augusta. ly oct 26 T. ALLAN, 4 TTORNEY AT LAW, Lawronceville, Gwiu nett,county, Ga. ly may 6 JAMES C. LONGSTREET, 4 TTORNEY AT LAW, Calhoun, Gordoncoun ty, Ga., will practice in the several Courtso* the Cherokee Circuit. Refers to Hon. J. P King, Robert F. Poe, Augus ta, Ga.; Richard J. Peters, Esq., Atlanta, Ga.; W. Aiken, Esq., Cassville, Ga. ts july 23 JOHN T. SHEWMAKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will practice in Burko, Jefferson, Washington, and other counties ol the Middlo District. Offico at the Masonic Hall, by A. J. AT. W Miller’s. ly fob 6 STURGES - & HAMPTON,^ General commission for Timber and Produce, No. 76 Bay st., Savan nah, Ga. Wm. H. Sturges. Presley Hampton. june 9 ly BERRIEN St JONES, ATTORNEY’S AT LAW—Office, Waynesboro’, Burke county—Will practice in the Middle Circuit of Georgia. ly jan 10 Thos. M. Berrien, ( Malcom D. Jones G. A. SNEAD, COM MISSION ER for taking the acknowledg ment of Deods, administering Oaths, Ac., for the States of Alabama, Florida, and Texas, jan 28 __ _ly __ _ R. J. & W. T. MILLICAN, 4 TTORNEY’S AT LAW, Jefferson, Jackson A county, Ga., will practice in the Western Cir cuit of Georgia, and also, in the counties of Madi son and Elbert , of the Northern Circuit. ROBERT J. MILLICAN, WM. T. MILLICAN an 26 ly M. St R. M. JOHNSTON, Attorneys at law, sparta, ga. The undersigned will practico Law in Hancock and tho adjoining counties and the Supromo Court. Mark Johnston. I R. M. Johnston. feb 11 ly JONES & STURGES, ATTORNEYS at LAW, Waynesboro’, Geoi I gia. John J. Jones. J. R. Sturges ap 21 ~ 7 JOHN C. CARMICHAEL. COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta, Geo. Will attend to the sale of Produce of all kinds, consigned to him. c sept 29 ANDREW JACKSON, ATTORNEY at LAW, Warrenton, Ga. may 3 6m i GEORGIA MARBLE WORKS. J. G. Rankin, Wm. M. Hurlick, Geo. L. Sumney , (SUCCESSORS TO a. ATKINSON Sc CO.) THIS ESTABLISHMENT has been in success full operation for a number of years. The Quarries are well opened, and the marble is supe rior to any in the United States. We have so perfected our facilities for getting out and furnishing work, that we can furnish MONUMENTS, TOMBS, TABLETS, HEAD STONES, and everything in our line of business in better style, and at cheaper rates than any yard in the country. When it is considered that we saw our own marble, pay no jobber’s profits, and no high freight from the North, it will be seen that we do possoss material advantage over all competitors. We cordially solicit our friends and the public to examino our work, and compare our priceg with those of other yards before ordering Northern marble. We have on band at our yard in Marietta a largo assortment of finished work —Monuments, Tombs, Ac..—whero our agent, Mr. G. W. Summers, will sell at our prices. Our principal work is dono at tho Mills. Address J. G. RANKIN & CO. Marble Work P.O. Ga. july 17 dcly notice! t THE advertisement of'Dissolution of Partner ship with C. P. McCalla, published on the | 27th ult., over my signature is hereby fully with j drawn. J W. SPEAR. DISSOLUTION. THE Co-partnershipherotoforo existing between tho undersigned in tho Hotel Bnsiness in this eity, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. JNO. W SPEAR, sep 8 CHAS. P McCALLA. BACON. CORN AND RYE Q/ \ \ LBS. of prime Tennessoo BACON. eC\ 200 bushels “ CORN. 150 “ ■' RYE. Just received and for sale by A. STEVENS, sept 22 d&olm STOCK FOR SAL E . Os j SHARES Clinch RiflosLoan Association. 10 do Oglethorpo Infantry Loan Asso cation. Apply to C.S.McKINNE. aug 9 mackerel and whisky. Opr BBLS. MACKEREL. iCtJ 200 bbls. Rectified WHISKY". 25 11 Rum. 25 “ Gin. For sale by Pt 23 C. A. WILLIAMS. TO DYSPEPTICS. PLANETT’S BITTERS is & sure and pleasant romely. and numbers in this city will testify ; to the f ct. For sale by W. H. TUTT, sept 28 Druggist. _ FALL AND WINTER GOODS. WM. O. PRICE & CO., Merchant Tailors 128 Broad Street, have just commenced re ceiving their FALL and WINTER GOODS; con sisting in part of Cloths, Casimers, and Vestings of fine quality and entirely now stylos. BACON, SUGAR, &C. Q pr IIHDS. prime BACON SIDES. /O 75 “ different grades Sugar. 100 bbls Stuart’s Sugars, A. B. C. crushed, <fec. For sale by C. A. WILLIAMS. ~ DENTAL NOTICE. Messrs. CHASE & IIARKER having recently engaged the sor.. vices of another Assistant for thi u laboratory, hopes now to be enable to supply the increased demand for their new styl of artificial Teeth. Fair specimens of Block Teeth and Teeth with tho continuous gum on platina, and on pure gold plate, may be seen at the office, may 15 d&ttf PERUVIAN GUANO. A SUPPLY of this article, roceived and for sale i by WM. HAINES, jJHf&irul. CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Cure of COUGHS, FOLDS, HOARSENESS. BRONCHITIS.WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. TO CURE A COLD, with Headache and soreness of the Body, Take the Cherry Pectoral on going to bed, and w rap up warm, to sweat during the night. FOR A COLD AND COUGH, take it morning, noon, and evening, according to directions or. the bottle, and the difficulty will soon l>B removed. None will long suffer from this trouble when they find it can be so readily cured. Persons afflicted with a seated cough, which breaks them of their rest at night, will find, by taking the Cherry Pectoral on going to bed, they may be sure of sound, unbroken sleep, and consequently re freshing rest. Great relief from suffering, and an ulti mate cure, is afforded to thousands who are thus af flicted, by this invaluable remedy. From its agreeable effect in these cases, many find themselves unwilling to forego its use when the neces sity for it has ceased. From two eminent Physicians in Fayetteville,Tenn, April 16th, 1851. Sir: —We have given your Cherry Pectoral an exten sive trial in our practice, and find it to surpass every other remedy we have for curing affections of the re spiratory organs. DRS. DIEMER& HAMPTON. TO SINGERS AND PULIC SPEAKERS, this remedy is invaluable, as by its action on the throat and lungs, when taken in small quantities it removes all hoarse ness in a few hours, and wonderfully increases the pow er and flexibility of the voice. ASTHMA, is generally much relieved, and often wholly cured by Cherry Pectoral. But there are some cases so obstinate as to yield entirely to no medicine. Cherry Pectoral will cure them, if they can be cured. BRONCHITIS, or irritation of the throat and upper portion of the lungs, may be cured by takii.g Cherry Pectoral in small and frequent doses. The uncomfort able oppression is soon relieved. Rev. Dr. LANSING, of Brooklyn, New York, states:— “ I have seen the Cherry Pectoral cure such cases of Asthma and Bronchitis as leads me to believe it can rarely fail to cure those diseases.” POlt CROUP. Give an emetic of antimony, to be fol lowed by large and frequent doses of the Cherry Pecto ral, until it subdues the disease. If taken in season, it will not fail to cure. WHOOPING COUGH may be broken up and soon cured by the use of Cherry Pectoral. THE INFLUENZA is speedily removed by this reme dy. Numerous instances have been noticed wheie whole families were protected from any serious conse quences, while their neighbors, without the Cherry Pectoral, were suffering from the disease. Doct. J. C. Ayer:— Salem,Ohio, 11th June,lßsl. I write to inform you of the truly remarkable effect of your Cherry Pectoral in this place, and in my own family. One of my daughters was completely cured in three days of a dreadful W hooping Cough, by taking it. Dr. Means, one of our very best physicians freely states that he considers it the best remedy we have for pulmonary diseases, and that he has cured more cases of Croup with it than any other medicine he ever ad ministered. Our Clergyman of the Baptiste Church says that du ring the run of Influenza here this season, he) has seen cures from your medicine he could scarcely have be lieved without seeing. Yours respectfully, J. D. SINCLAIR, Deputy Postmaster. From the distinguished Professor of Chemistry- and Materia Medica, Bowdoin College. I have found the Cherry Pectoral, as its ingredients show,'a powerful remedy for colds, and coughs, and pul monary diseases. Brunswick, Me.. Feb. 5, 1817. ParkerCi.eyeland, M. D. Dr. Valentine Mott, the widely celebrated Professor of Surgery in the Medical College, New York City, gays:— It gives me much pleasure to certify the value and efficacy of * Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,’ which I consider peculiarly adapted to cure diseases of the Throat and Lungs.” Cures of severe diseases upon the Lungs have been ef fected by Cherry Pectoral in such extreme cases as war rant the belief that a remedy has at length been found that can be depended on to cure the Coughs, Colds and Consumption which carry from our midst thousands every year. It is indeed a medicine to which the af flicted can look with confidence for relief, and they should not fail to avail themselves of it. Prepared and sold by J. C. AYER, Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold by Haviland, Risley & Co,, aud Win. II Tutt. Augusta, Ga.; P. M. Cohen & Co. Charleston. S. 0.; Hill & Smith. Athens, Ga.; J. D. Chase, Washington ; H. Norton, Madison ; A. A. Solomons, Savannah; and by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the South. july 25 3m LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Jandice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from a isordered Liver or Stomach such as Consti pation, inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the Head, ' Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Ileart-burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Diffi cult Breathing. Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying posture, Dim i ness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight. Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side: Back, Chest, Limbs, &c., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of evil, and Great Depression of Spirits, CAS BE EFFECTUALLY CURED BY DR. HOOFLAND’S Celebrated German Bitters, Prepare n by DR. C. M. JACKSON, No. 120 Arch street, Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not excelled, if equalled, by any other preparation in the United States, as the cures attest, in many cases after skilful physicians had failed. These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most searching powers in weakness and affections of the digestiveorgans, they are, withal, safe, certain and pleasant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. The “ Philadelphia Saturday Gazette,” says ofDR. HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS. “ It is seldom that we recommend what are termed Patent Medicines, to the confidence and patronage of our readers; and therefore when we recommend I)r. Iloofland’s German Bitters, we wish it to be distinctly understood that we are not speaking of the nostrums of the day, that are noised about for a brief peviod and then forgotten after they have done their guilty race of mischief, but of a medicine long established, universally prized, and which has met the hearty ap proval of the faculty Itself. “Scott's Weekly” said, Aug. 25 — “Dr. Hoofland’s German Bitters, manufactured by Dr. Jackson, are now recommended by some of the most prominent members of the Faculty as an article of much efficacy in cases of female weakness. Per sons of debilitated constitutions will find these Bitters I, advantageous to their health, as we know from expe rience the salutary effect they have upon weak sys- MORE EVIDENCE. J. G. Moore, Esq., of the Daily News, said, October 31st “ Dr. Hoofland’s German Bitters.—We are try ing this renowned medicine for a stubborn disease of the bowels, and can with truth testify to its efficacy.— We have taken the contents of tw» bottles, and we have derived more benefit from the experiment than we derived previously from years of allopathic treat ment at the hands of our first physicians.” The Hon.C.D. Uineline, Mayor of the city of Cam den, N. J ~says: “ Hoof land't German Bitters , —We have seen many j flattering notices of this medicine, and the source from | which they came induced us to make inquiry respecting « its merits. From inquiry we were persuaded to use it, and must say we found it specific in its action upon diseases of the Liver and digestive organs, and the pow erful influence it exerts upon nervous prostration is really surprising. It calms and strengthens the nerves, bunging them into a state of repose, making sleep re freshing. “If this medicine was more generally used, we are satisfied there would be less sickness, as from the stomach, liver, and nervous system the great majority of real andimaginary diseases emanate. Have them in a healthy condition, and you can bid defiance to epi demics generally. This extraordinary medicine we would advise our friends who are at all indisposed, to give a trial—it will recommend itself. It should, in fact, be in every family. No other medicine can pro duce such evidences of merit.” For sale, wholesale and retail, at THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth, Philadel phia, and by respectable dealers generally through out the country. Sold by Uaviland, Risley A Co., and Wm. 11. Tutt, Augusta, Ga.; I». M. Cohen & Co., Charleston, S. C.; Ilill A Smith, Athens, Ga.; E. C. Jones, Madison; A. A. Solomons, Savapnah; and by all L >r 'Agists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the South. apr2o dcVcly APERIENT PILLS. DR. A. CUNNINGHAM has, for the last twen ty years used the above PILLS, and found them a safe and useful remedy in costivo habits, and in those sick head aches, arising from a de ranged condition of the digestive organs. When token according to directions, they never fail in as sisting to remedy the many evils arising from the abuse of medicine and improper food. Many of my former patients continue to use them, therefore I can safely recommend them to all who may find it necessary to resort to the use of medicine They may he had at my Office, and at nearly all the wholesale and rotail Drug stores in this April 12 d&cly White lead, for sale very low 0,000 pounds Pure and No. 1 White Lead, i or very low for cash, by jul 12 PHILIP A. MOISL, Sruggiet. JfilfbiraL CARTEL’S SFANISH MIXTURE. Tin: <; hu \ j s-i if 11 :ns <>» tin. hi o; u: NOT A PARTICLE OF MERCURY IN IT. AN infallible remedy for Scrofula, King's Evil, Rheumatism. Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Chronic, Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head. Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stub born Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders. Lumbago, Spina, Complaints, and all Diseases arising from an injudi cious use of Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or impurity of the Blood. This valuable Medicine, which has become celebrated for the number of extraordinary cures effected through its agency, has induced the proprietors, at the urgent request of their friends, to offer it to the public, which they do with the utmosi confidence in its virtues and wonderful curative properties. The following certifi cates, selected from a large number, are. however, stronger testimony than the mere word of the propri etors ; and are all from gentlemen well known in their localities, and of the highest respectability, many of them now residing in the city of Richmoud. Virginia. F. Boyden, Esq., of the Exchange Hotel. Richmond, known everywhere, says he has seen the Medicine cslled Carter's Spanish Mixture administered in over a hundred cases, in nearly all the diseases for which it is recommended, with the most astonishingly good re sults. lie says it is the most extraordinary Medicine he has ever seen. Ague and Fever. — Great Cure. —l hereby certify, that for three years I had Ague and Fever of the most violent description. I had several Physician-, took large quantities of Quinine, Mercury, and 1 believe all the Tonics adveitised. but all without any permanent relief. At la -t I tried Carter's Spanish Mixture, two bottles of which effectually cured me. a> d I am happy to say I have had neither Chills or Fevers since. I con sider it the best Tonic in the world, and the only medi cine that ever reached my case. JOHN LONGDEN. Beaver Dam, near Richmond, Va. C. B. Luck, Esq., now in the city of Richmond, and for many ye rs in the Post Office. Inis such confidence in the astonishing efficacy of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, that he has bought upwards of 50 bottles which lie has given away to the afflicted. Mr. Luck says he has never known it to fail when taken according to direeiions. Dr. Minge, a practising Physician, and formerly of the City Hotel, in the city of Richmond, says he has witnessed in a number of instances the effects of Car ter’s Spanish Mixture, which were most truly surprising, lie says in a case of Consumption, dependent on the Ljver, the good effects were wonderful indeed. Samuel M Drinker, of the firm of Drinker & Mor ris. Richmond, was cured of Liver complaint of eight years standing, by the use of two bottles of Carter s panisli Mixture. Great cure of scrofula. —The Editors of the Richmond Republican had a servant employed in their press room, <■ ed of violent Scrofula, combined with Rhematism, which entirely disabled him from work. Two bottles of Carter's Spanish MixturO made a per fect cure of him, and the Editors, in a public notice, , say they ‘‘ cheerfully recommend it to all who are af flicted with any disease of the blood.” Still another cure of Scrofula —I had a very valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's Spanish Mix ture. 1 consider it a truly valuable medicine. JAMES M TAYLOR, Conductor on the R F. & P. R. R. Co., Richmond, Va. SALT RHEUM OF 20 YEARS STANDING —CURED. Mt. John Thompson, residing in the city of Rich mond, was cured by three botties of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, of Salt Rheum, which he had nearly 20years, and which all the physicians in the city could not cure. ' Mr. Thompson is a well known merchant in the city of Richmond, Va .and his cure is most remarkable. Wm. A. Matthews, of Richmond, Va., had a servant cured of Syphilis, in the worst form, by Carter’s Span ish Mixture. He says he cheerfully recommends it, and considers it an invaluable medicine. Richard E. West,of Richmond, was cured of Scrof ula, and what physicians called confirmed Consump tion, by three bottle's of Carter’s Spanish Mixture. Edwin Burton, Commissioner of the Revenue, says he has seen the good effects of Carter's Spanish Mixture in a number of Syphilitic cases, and says it is a pertect cure for that horrible disease. Wm. G. Harwood, of R chmond, Va., cured of Old Sores and Ulcers, which disabled him from walking. . Took a few bottlesof Carter’s Spanish Mixture, and was ’ enabled to walk without a crutch, in a short time per manently cured. Principal Depots at M. WARD, CLOSE & Co,, No. 83 Maiden Lane, New York. T. W. DYOTT & SONS, No. 132 North 2d Street, Phil adephia. BENNETT Sc BEERS, No. 125 Main Street, Rich mond, Va. And for sale by HAVILAND, HARVALL Sc CO., Charleston, HAVILAND, RISBY & CO., and WM. 11. TUTT, Augusta, and by Druggists aDd Country Mer chants everywhere. Price $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. may 29 MEDICATED ERASIVE SOAP, l for the cure of cutaneous diseases. ’ SOAP is highly efficacious in curing Ul- X cers, Scrofula, and sores generally. Is a supe ( rior article in cleansing the teetn, and will also r extract tar, paint or grease, from clothing of all * kinds. RHEUMATIC OINTMENT, OR RELIEVER OF PAINS IN GENERAL. ' Equal if not superior to any of the pain killers or eradicators of the day. Ring, Tetter Worm or Pile Ointment. This article has been but recently invented, and ! has al ready cured hundreds of tho above complaints. In cases of long standing, a cake of the above soap should bo used alternately with this ointment. All Healing Salve. Prepared from the extract of elder and wild plantain. It is both soothing and healing in sores generally. The celebrated RAT DESTROYER, or Exterm inator of Rats, Mice, Bugs, Roaches, &a. Prepared by C. Pemble. And for sale by W. H. TUTT, july 13 Sole Agent. DYSPEPSIA^ WITH all its distressing attendants, from a list of diseases, than which no other produces such sad effects upon.the human family. Liver Complaint Nouralgia Headache, Heartburn, Fla tulonce, I-css of Appetite, Languor. General Debi lity. Nervousness, Loss of Spirits, Hippochondria, and even Insanity is not unfrequently tho result of Dyspepsia. To cure thesediseases, the remedies must he di rected to tho cause, and for ’hat no agent has ever yet been discovered, which has had such happy ef fect, as PLANETT'S BITTERS. They restore tone to the stomach, impart a fine healthy appetite, strengthen the whole system, and built up tho nervous system. They cannot be too highly recommended, as many who have dispaired of ever being relieved of this dreadful disease, have by a few bottles of these Bitters, been restored to vigorous, robust health. They are put up in quart bottles, and pleasant to take, being entirely free from all those disgusting ingredients which usually enter into Anti-Dyspep tic Medicines. They are sold by WM. H. TUTT, Who is the sole Agont. in Augusta, TO COTTON PLANTERS. HAVING secured tho services of Mr. G. T. OGLESBY as tho superintendent, together with other experienced mechanics, I have establish ed a large COTTON GIN FACTORY, at the Sh( als of Ogoochee, Ga., where I am prepared to make and furnish tho Planter with the best article * in the way of a COTTON GIN now produced in this country. Mr. Oglesby’s time, devoted exclusively in the shop, and seeing to the putting up of every Gin under his spocial direction, and attaching all the improvements which ho (Mr. Oglesby,) has got ten up within tho last two years, I am satisfied I can supersede any made heretofore, in quantity, , quality and durability All old Gins, (whon sent to the shop,) will be repaired, and all tho improvements attached if de sired, at a reasonable charge. The now Gin will be delivered at the Planters’ nearost depot, cr at their residonco if desired, free of charge. ;(Prompt attention paid to all communications addressed to moat the above office. THOMAS J. CHEELY. SHOALS OF OGEECIIEE, GA., ) March 5, 1853. ] To my old Patrons and Friends. As thero has been some complaint of my Gins, made during the last two years : an explanation to you in relation to this matter is duo Mr. Cheely. I have been absent a great portion of this time, on a visit to the North, experimenting and getting up a new Gin, as well as improving, the original Saw Gin, together with suitable machinery for this business, to its highest perfection, as will be ac knowledged by all who have used them, both in durability and quality of Cotton. I shall now devote my individual attention in the shop, and see that every part of each Gin is put up in the neatest possible manner : in short, I shall make the ordinal Oglesby Gin, which has been so celebrated for durability and fine Cotton, having taken the premium in this State as well as that of South Carolina in every instance except one, and then'it was said by foreign dealers that my Cotton was of a superrior quality. In conclusion, my late improvements added to my former Gins, cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. I will alter any old Gins, (not too much worn,) to do better work than it ever did before. Yours, most respectfully, i tflteMeal. HERE 18 YOUR REMEDY A MOST MIRACULOUS CURB OF BAD LECS, AFTER 43 year's SUFFERING. Extract of a Letter from Mr. William Galpin, of 70, St. Mary's street, Weymouth, dated May 15th, 1851. To Professor Holloway: Sir— At the age of 18 my wife (who is now 61) caught a violent cold, which settled in her legs, and ever siuce that time they have been more or less sore, and greatly inflamed. Her agonies were distracting, and for months together she was deprived entirely of rest and sleep.— Every remedy that medical men advised was tried, but without effect; her health suffered severely, and the state of her legs was terrible. I had often read your Advertisements, and advised her to try your Fills and Ointment; and, as a last resource, after every other remedy had proved useless, she consented to do so.— She commenced six weeks ago, and strange to relate, is jtow in good health. Her legs are painless, without seam or scar, and her sleep sound and undisturbed. — Could you have witnessed the sufferings of my wife during the last 43 years, and contrast them with her present enjoyment of health, you would indeed feel delighted in having been the means of so greatly alle viating the sufferings of a fellow creature. (Signed) WILLIAM GALPIN. A PERSON 70 YEARS OF AGE CUIfED OF A BAD LEG, OF THIRTY YEARS’ STANDING. Copy of a Letter from Mr. William Abbs, Builder of Gas Ovens, of Rushcliffe, near HuddersSeldj dated May 315t,1851. To Professor Holloway: Sir —l suffered for a period of thirty years from a bad leg. the result of two or three different accidents at Gas Works; accompanied by scarbutic symptoms. I had recourse to a variety of medical advice, without deriving any benefit, and was even told that the leg must be amputated, yet, in opposition to that opinion yotir Pills and Ointment have effected a complete cure in so short atime, that few who had not witnessed it would credit the fact. (Signed) WILLIAM ABBS. The truth of this statement can be verified by Mr. W. P. England, Chemist, 13 Market street, Hudders field. A DREADFUL BAD BREAST CURED IN ONE MONTH. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Frederick Turner, of Penshurst, Kent, dated December 13th, 1850. To Professor Holloway : DearSir —My wife had suffered from Bad Breastsfor more than six monttis, and during the whole period had the best medical attendance, but all to no use Having before healed an awful wound in my own leg by your unrivalled medicine, I determined again to use your Fills and Ointment, and therefore gave them a trial in her ease, and fortunate it was I did so. for in less than a month a perfect cure was effected, and the benefit that various other branches of my family have derived from their use is really astonishing. I now strongly recommend them to all my friends. (Signed) FREDERICK TURNER. The Fills should be used conjointly with the Oint ment in most of the following cases: B i t heg3, Had Breasts, Burns, Bunions. Bite of Mos chetoes and Sand Flies, Coco bay, Chiego-foot, Chil blains, Chapped hands, Coma (Soft,) Cancers, Con tracted and Stiff Joints, Elephantiasis, Fistulas, Gout, Glandular Swellings, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Scalds,Sore Nipples, Sore-throats, Skin-diseases, Scur vy, Sore-heads, Tumours, Ulcers, Wounds, Yaws. Sold at the Establishment of Professor HOLLO WAY. 244 Strand, (near Temple Bar, London,) and bv Messrs. A. B. & D. SANDS. New York, P. M. CO HEN & CO., Charleston, S. C.,' and W. W. LINCOLN, Savannah. For sale by all the Druggists in Augusta. CP* There is a considerabio saving by taxing the larger sizes. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each Pot. mar 13 dt&cly F BROWN’S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GI1V • GER. —This ESSENCE is a preparation of unusual excellence. In ordinary diarrhoea, inci pient cholera, in short, in all cases of prostration of the digestive functions, so common, it i 3 of ines timable value. During the prevalence of epidemic cholera and summer complaints of children, it is peculiarly efficacious ; no family, individual or tra veller should be without it, as it enables the system to resist the influence of incipient diseaso, which lurk in a changing climate. Caution. —Bo sure to get the genuine Essence, which is prepared only by F. Brown, at his Drug and Chomical Store, N. E. Corner ot Fifth and Chesnut streets, Philadelphia, and for sale by all the respectable Apothecaries in the United States, and in Augusta by D. B. PLUMB & CO., HAVILAND, RISLEY & CO., feb 10 d&cly PHILIP A. MOISE. EMOLLIENT AMBROSIAL ELIXIR. THIS is the name of a delicious article which the undersigned has the pleasure to recommend for its Magical effect, in shaving, and its peculiar virtues in improving the skin. No matter how thick or stiff the beard may be, it is softened in a moment, .and is removed by a razor in a good con dition, without the least trouble or pain. A single trial will satisfy any one of its wonderful virtues. A tew drops upon the brush, with ordinary soap and water, makes the process of shaving a positive pleasure. A single bottle will answer for a whole year, for one who shaves every day. The Emollient Ambrosial Elixir, is an elegant article for a Lady’s Toilet. Nothing can equal it in imparting a delicate whiteness and smoothness to the skin. It is perfectly harmless. Prepared and sold by J.'DENNIS, Augusta, Ga Price 50 cents per bottle. Directions for use ac companying each bottle. apr 27 BUY MO OTHER. —Doctor Hunter’s Celebrated SPECIFIC for the cure of certain diseases, can be relied upon as superior to all the nostrums extant. It never fails. Being approved and re commended by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, London, it deserves the confidence of the public. For sale in this city by PHILIP A. MOISE, W. 11. A J. TURPIN, D. B. PLUMB A CO., BAIIRET A CARTER, Druggists. Orders from the country promptly attended to. Agricultural implemmest a gen eral assortment Agricultural Implements, just received and for sale at manufacturer’spriees, with expenses added ; viz: Straw Cutters, of different patterns Corn Shellers, Southern patterns Corn Mills, “ “ Emery A Co.’s Patent Reap and Mowing Ma chines Hoes, Ploughs, Trucks, Weil Wheels, Shovels Spades, Manure Forks, Horse Shoes, Ac., Ac. For sale by B. F. CHEW. Bacon AND CANDLES—2O hhda. prime BA CON SIDES. 50 boxes Adamantine Candles. Just received and for salo b’* iune 21 CAMILLE E. GIRARDEY. SEE HERE ! SEE HERE !! THE undersigned would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he has just opened his beautiful Rotunda, where he will sparo no pains or expense in serving up the choicest Ice Creams, Soda Water, Lomonades, Cakes, Con fectioneries, Ac., Ac No. 155, north side Broad street, just belftw the Eagle and Phoenix Hotel. JOHN W ZINN. P. S. Families, Balls, Parties, and Pic Nies. sup plied on roasonble terms. J. W. Z. PUMPS. —Every varioty of Pumps, including Downs A Co.’B improved Revolving Spout,; Force and Lift; Douglass’ Pumps; 0. Snow’s dou ble rod do.; Chain Pump Frames ; Beer Pumps ; Soda Fount Heads, and Garden Engines. For salo by B.F. CHEW, may 11 rpliE LADIES’ WORKBOOK —Published by X Alex. Montgomery. *• On the word of a lady, wo unhesitatingly com mend this as a highly valuable and important pub lication, containing full and explicit instructions in all the mysteries of knitting, netting, crochet, embroidery and laco-making, with designs, beau tifully engraved, lor innumerable edgings, collars, handkerchiefs, caps,tidies, counterpanes, bags.pur sos, slippers, pincushions, hand-sereons. lamp-mats, and more things besides, “ than were ever c'reatn ed of in our philosophy.” Wo commend it to the attention of any one of the present day, who “seeketh wool and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands,” with a passing thought at t'ho wonderment of “ the excellent woman” of the olden time, could sho havo seen such a guide to industry as this.” For sale or inspection by sept 7 THOS, RICHARDS A SON. FLOUR. —Extra Family, Extra and Superfine, j fresh ground from new Wheat from the Gran ite Mills, in barrels and bags. For sale by aug2s GEORGE W. LEWIS. LAND FOR SALE. THE lot of LAND, back of the Arsenal, situa ted near Fox’s Garden, and where Mrs. Crawford now resides. The tract contains twenty and half acres Offered for sale by Henry B. Hol combe Apply to WM. H. PRITCHARD. sept BACON. 3f\/ \ LBS. Loose Shoulders and Hams ; perfectly sound, but rough looking— for sale low. The meat is suitable for plantation use, for sale by S. C. GRENVILLE & CO. sep 9 Tmportedsegars 7~~ 1 M Washington Segars. JL * J 20 M Rio Hondo do. 10 M Consilacion do. < Just received and for sale low. The attention of dcalars is particularly invited. J sep 17 S. C, GRENVILLE £ 00. JSfbirfll. Bilious Complaints, Chills and Frr er lh(; <■"’l ness, Liver Complaint, Jaundice, S,rk f Salt Rheum, Fevers of all kinds, I.ossefo iatk *» ■W'* cd and painful Menstruation, and. ah /,» As a Female Medicine they act like taken according to the directions, they the worst cases of Piles, alter all tu?/® to * They purify the blood, dilation, restore the Liver i-ff ’he other Secretory Organs to ’a and action 5 and as an Anti Bilious h * to they have no equal. Price 25 cents per 3i /t£ A remedy for Coughs, Colds, Catarrh Whooping Cough, Asthma , eases, loyspepsia, Costiveness, !>,, "’-Taa, f the Heart, Inflammation and Side, and all diseases arising from a dr fl «d * Stomach, and to relieve the distress eating too hearty food, in weak and dvsJaif&thl WARRANTED TO BE PURELY These Pills act as an Expectorant, Tonic One 2o cent box possesses three times ml/ " A W*s diseases than a one dollar bottle of' Balsams, or Sarsaparillas that was ever ht! Svrni. pie trial of only one box will prove this im//' 18 % They promote Expectoration MaiUlf Wl Phlegm, and Clear the Lul’ th, Secretory Organs of all mSrtWrt* 1 01 V. and there is not another remedy in u/ ' , Mediea capable of imparting such the Lungs and Vital Organs ns those Cure Costiveness, produce a unol Appetite, and Strengthen theVysu/ Price 25 cents per box, containing 25 doses , t u . Call on the Agents who sell the p|? Planter's Almanac gratis, giving full narti/l" * tificates of cures. u " particulars,^ Both kinds or the above named Pills aro f,„ . Augusta by Haviland & Risky, Bw 1 D. B. Plumb, Wm. Haines, W.kXA. Tutt and P. A. Moke, and on inquiry' in almost every town in the Southern Stall W july 26 df&eocfim MEXICAN MUSTANG LlNlMentt" TO THE HALT, THE LAME. THE SORE. AND TH JOINTED, “WE BRING YOU GLAB TlDl/, OF GREAT JOY.'” 3 VOLCANIC OIL FROM MEXICO HAS long been known to possess within it^ ffcl derful soothing, healing and curative Dowi™ has been extensively used by the \ztecsfor 111*1 tism, stiffness of Joints or Limbs, and for .11/r Sores Ulcers Burns Wounds. Hard LuL° s* & and for all kinds ot Pains or Intiamation \if Beast. The happy combination of this nouJerfn! duction of nature, with other powerful rea/f! the Mexican Mustang Liniment,rendersHolZt.J most perfect remedies ever offered to the afflict/? action upon the organization is truly wonderful . volatile, penetrating, soothing and healing nrouV diffuse themselves to the very bone P enter the circulation of the blood, gives a new imnui/ the whole nervous system, to the very extreS' the fingers and tees, stimulates the absorbent* " cretions, and thus assists nature to throw off and" herself of rheumatism or pains in any p: i rt „/ body, from a diseased action of any of the strata! portions of the system. RHEUMATISM OF THIRTY YEARS BTASDIXG Has been cured with it in four wee i. ThemVstV some Ulcers that have been running for rears,' healed and perfectly cured >n an incredibly shorn/ Fresh Cuts, Wounds, or Bruises, vieid to it lib, charm ! Any kind of Swelling, stiffness of Joint* ifi- Tumors, or Cancers, are Mired as by magic, BURNS, SCALDS, AND SCALD HEADS, Are healed and perfectly cured by the Liniment ate It has proved itself the most extraordinary prepa/ ever offered to theafflicted. It hasprovwtanisfallii) remedy in CHRONIC AND INFLAMMATORY RHEntATISIt, It has perfectly cured a lady who was seventy jeand age, of coutirmed and long standing NUMB PALSY. OR PARALYSIS. A hoy fifteen years of age had been underthe h® ment of several eminent physician*for yearswithor, any benefit, was restored and perfectly cured br tk Liniment of that awful malady, WHITE SWELLING OR HIP DISEASE. We offer this Liniment as a remedy in the vsrioii diseases and complaints for which it is recommendt! with fullconfidence of its success in curing them. The following is a list of the numerous and ev\r> ordinary cases it has cured during the last few mouth 6.750 cases of Rheumatism in all its forms, 5J4.200 “ Sprains and Bruises; 5,400 “ Burns and Scalds; 3,450 “ Fresh Cuts and Wounds; 40 “ Cance s; 7,740 “ Scrofulous Sores and Ulcers, that hud n slated all other treatment; 4,240 “ Inflamed and Swelled Joints; 7,600 “ Piles; 400 “ Lumbago, Sciatica, (lout, and knite; Tumors; 6,25 Q “ Chapped Hands; 2,000 “ Caked Breasts; 4,600 11 Tooth Ache ; 10.000 “ Various Chronic Diseases. This must appear almost incr rlibly. but thennraeroß certificates and letters from distihguislied phyieia citizens, agents, and others who have used the media enable us to substantiate the above facts. JIILIB of bottles of it are yearly consumed, and it haaalnn giyen satisfaction, because is has performed just ill we said it would. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Every Store should be supplied with this nW Liniment, as it pavs a good profit and sells rapidly PRICES OF THE LINIMENT ' It is put up in bottles of three sizes, and retold twenty-five cents, fifty cents, and one dollar per tala The fifty cent and one dollar bottles contain Sftvis one hundred per cent more Liniment in proportion their cost, so that money is saved by buying the top sizes. A. G. BRAGG & CO. Sole proprietor* Office 304 Boadw&y, N■ L® St. Louis. Miss® For sale by Haviland, Risley A Co.. Barrett li> ter, D. B. Plumb & Co., Dr. W.H. Tutt,andaM Druggists in Georgia. sly&eo I*^ JEW DAVID’S HEBREW PLASTE THE great remedy for Rhyumati.-m, - the Side, Hip, Back, Limbs and Joint-, King’s Evil, White Swelling. Hard Tumufi - Joints and all fixed pains whatever. ■, Where this Plaster is applied, Pain cumo - It has been beneficial in cases of weakness,. Pain and Weakness in the Stomach, Lameness, Affection of the Lungs in tnwp*: ■ stages. It destroys inflammation by n H M 5 Ij The following commendation is from an a, - siding at Trenton, Tennessee : . • u Trenton, Gibson Co.. Tennessee. N° • ' j, Messrs Scovil A Mead— Gentlemen brew Plaster is becoming popular in this J ' , is a lady in this county who says s h e v 0“ without this Plaster for five hundred del, _ ■ She was afflicted for some time with an enti j, the spleen, which gave her a great deal o p* s# swelling and pain had extended up near.) pit, and occasionally she could scarcely ui was confined for a considerable tune. * she was attended bv some oi our ce - h w but they gave her no relief. She Pr * of the Hebrew Plaster, and it relieved her a mediately, and now she keeps a supply &s \ constantly. These facts you are at hl-‘ ) you think proper—they are substantial.. Respectfully, yours j. Wll^ Beware of counterfeits and base ers and purchasers generally are ca . nt j. erT a**' buying of any but our regular agents, ar^c ; 4 . a will be imposed upon with a or ‘ are ; 9 eiA many base counterfeits of this Plus ence. cuuo. . I REMEMBER! The genuine it sold only by us > *p ,1.. Agents throughout the South. >? the to sellgit. In future the genuine „i t te ture of E. TAYLOR on the new Bteei-p label on the top of each box ; to cou I be prosecuted as forgery. orn rTL k MEAD ■ T - * New 111 Chartres street, , * Sole General Agents for the Southern _ mas j -B all orders and applications for * v « dressed. aVD SAF^ 1 ■ DR GUYSOTT’S YELLOW DOCK SprtH RILLA, for the cure of disease, or ** f , kl ■ tier of the blood and as a general tom B is unrivaled. . , ar e tr*£’ B The curative powers of this L me ai»t« c * ■ derful, and all invalids should m.i the “ Yellow Dock a.vd ™ injure the most delicate THEN FLY FROM MINERAL ML hope, life and vigor from this A, he»“ c B remedy. Therefore, however ■» »*■ o»W^ # B spirits, however loathsome to J' 1 ! 1 ’ Valient •’no .M no one despair of recovery ; let ■. j es tor»'i li " derstand that his hope °/ n<jck in “Guysott’s Extract of *el!owj^ a rilla.” and persuade him tor his his -P I it, and we have no hesitation in 1 -* .sfIUH restoration to health. gARSAP-t 11 ..#■ GUYSOTTS YELLOW DOCK AVU of the e B as a purifier of the Wood, a ren and a supporter and preserver o - d j C:1 tiou has no equal. Take it. on the fi«t md I ease is upon you.and you v tu a months of sickness and suflering- , o j es4 ie > E I The above Medicines are w B h’HAYILAND RISLEY A CO., I BARRETT. CARTER & CO., « I D. B. PLUMB A CO., a , L ’. B W. K. KITCHEN, Charle^ 8 '- f And by one agent in eVe april 10 e< - —" I NEW BOOKS. thtfr'iMi A LL’S not Gold that Oii« er^’ sfl ci * ■ jfl. Californian, by the auth ' ,y ea jtfc etf as Fail. Contentment better than aD d J The Mud Cabin, or tho in I of British Institutions, as i - t j nV . upon human Character and D Mi?c egl| Chambers’ Home Book, or P , n ;tr Mi choice selection of in B reading for the Old an The Illustrated London B W Illustrated London - ' I oot