The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, November 08, 1853, Image 3

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gjifrinl liUtiCi's. The triumphant success of the great ra bian remedy for man and beast, H. celebrated Arabian Liniment, is fi. i. ,trr l )U ntcrfeitß to spring up all over the coun ' line their baneful influence o er the trj. '• ? ) .; n( y fe the pockets of the honost and un -1.1 id r '.’ ■' l v imposing upon them worthless and for the genuine U. G Farrell's r^ iso P OUS T miment. Fellow Citizens! Look well iritis 11 Y, „ ai id see that the label of the bot h’f° w y h» letters H. G. before Farrell's, for if it tie -f i' counterfeit. The label around each genuine Liniment reads thus: “11. little 01 ." e brated Arabian Liniment;” and tf.Ff rre l ‘' rc 0 f proprietor is written upon the the sigj 18 ’ aaj j these words are blown in the glass label (j Farrell s Arabian Liniment, Peoria.” * 1 : ; boldness of the recreant who would the people by imposing upon them worth d»N irC ; £ a rea iiy genuine and good medicine, -which is far dearer—their health—ought ciij “ ~ u p ; n scorn, and receive the contempt tohf Y e . I rd'.' spirit merits. Let every one ther his d^ hiß ovvn health, and wishes truth anc ) triumph over deception and rascality ■'•T , fe i on all base impositions . and uphold f* 1 b ’ f . his just and right. The genuine H. G Arabian Liniment has proved itself to b( F**** 1 Y remarkable medicine known for tho cure thsP' - .-juj, neuralgia, pains, wherever located, ts far o ises, hardened lumps burns, wounds, ic sore and weak eyes, lame back, etc.; C effectual remedy lor horses and cattle in sSI * L< *of -weeny, distemper, lameness, dry shoul thecure » woun( j 9( c t Ci and will always stop the riroeress of poll-evil, fistula, ringbone and 3 - iviu, if used in the beginning. it out for Counterfeits.— The public are cau lUoinst another counterfeit, which has late appearance, called W. B. Farrell’s Ara r nimont, the most dangerous of all the coun because his having the name of Farrel-, KnUl . will buy it in good faith, without the kno? - a counterfeit exists, and they will, per . nlr discover their error when the spurious V* 18 ’ “ c ba- wrought its evil effects. 81 Ye eenuineartielo is manufactured only by H - r rre’l. sole inventor and proprietor, and whole ' No. Main street, Peoria, Illinois 4 ,in all applications for Agencies must be ad ! J > Be sure vou get it with the letters 11. G. vl'ie Farrdl’s, thus—H. G. FARRELL’S—and f ‘ - uattre on the wrapper, and all others are (Oißtcneds- b ] J ANI)) RI£LEY & CO.. Augusta, Ga., i-d by regularly authorized agents throughout the I'jjjd States. I price 25 and 50 cents, and $1 per bottle. knTS Wanted in every town, village and , ia the United States, in which one is not “-eaJv established. Address 11. G. Farrell as ; V accompanied with good reference as to (■aracter, responsibility, Ac. dAc4 oct 26 Y, s Vocal Music.—Mr. Shrivai, would respectfully inform the citizens of Au- P Y>Taad his former pupils, that he will form an Y ’-class, in this city, on Wednesday next, No ls, n jj er 2d. for tho purpose of giving instructions Vocal Music- For terms, apply at the Book ,si Music Store of Messrs. Geo. A. Oates A Bro., or at the Music Store of Messrs. C. Catlin A Co. oct 25 im Hr-. If. O. Collius, woald respect ft. fully call the attention ofher friends to & handsome and fashionable assortment of Bon , Dress Caps, Flowers, Ribbons, Head Dresses, f opposite U. S. Hotel. ts oot 16 ash Paid for WOOLLEN, LINES COTTON and SILK RAGS, by E. CAMPFIELD, ; an 26 ts Corner River and Jackson st. Kathnirou.—For Preserving, S/4T Restoring and Beautifying tho Hair, olicviating Nervous Headache, and curing Eruptive diseases of tbe Skin. Its reputation, co extensive with the civilization of the globe, makes all praise soj'orfluous, all exaggeration impossible; and since ii/feovery has found no substitute to compete its irsntested —its ineontestiblo superiority. Physi .n; and Chemists—houorable citizens from all :• teions ot life —the leading journals of Europe ini America—Ladies who havo used it upon their jrasing-tables, and Mothers in their Nurseries—in iits million patrons, everywhere, from Plebeians ; kings, pronounce it the most pleasing and effec ts article eklier as a Medicinal or a Toilet prepa tr on ever produced. Do not fail to give it a trial. Mae but 25 cents. D. S. Barnes, Proprietor, 161 Broadway, N. Y. *7* Sold by every Druggist in Augusta. I). B Plumb A Co., oct2B lm Wholesale Agents. p'YYYs Resolutions by the People.—“ Re solved Unanimously.” That for the *t two years we have been in the constant habit (lasingthe Mustang Liniment, for Rheumatism uiforal; Sores, Bruises, Sprains and Burns, and Shas never failed to give immediate relief. Resolved,” That we have also used the Mus- S?Liniment for the Piles, Erysipelas,Salt Rheum k;Chapped Hands, and that it has always cured. "Resolved,’’ “Bythe Ladies,” That wo hrve »dthe Mustang Liniment for Sore Nipples, Sore Leasts, Chafes and Sores on Children, and for liorFrckles on the face and neck ; and it has i f ijsproved effectual—leaving the skin smooth, lit and white 1 Resolved," “By all Ages and Sexes,” That shall ever continue the use of the Mustang because we have tried and proved its eflfi- See advertisement in another column. luvaluable Discovery.—Theinvent or of M’Lane’s Vermifuge having dis :#dufhw right to his great remedy, the proprie- Messrs Kidd & Co., beg leave to offer it to tho ~«ip,m puldic as the best remedy for Worms offered. It has been tried in r'l parts of the Ysirv. and in cases which bad defied the exer - sos the best physicians, and never without the 1 "icoaslete succ: s. W o caution parents against • If your ch’k’ *cn exhibit symptoms of be troubled with worms, lose not a moment, but Repurchase a bottle of McLane’s Vermifuge, riihussave them pain and perhaps their lives. >o.dby Haviland, Risloy A Co., and Wm H. • “ Augusta, Ga.; P. M. Cohen A Co., Charles- RC-i Hill A Smith, Athens, Ga.; E. C. Jones, Ron: A. A. Solomons: Savannah; and by all ■ and Dealers in Medicine throughout the wm. MBOSTA STEAM PLANING MILLS, a °f Mclntosh street, near the Waynesboro Railroad Depot.) „ DOORS, blinds, sashes, boor and window frames, Gildings, panelings, mantels, . ORNAMENTAL scroll work, u KMXG, BRACKETS, FENCING, BOXES, ~ . AC., AC. rv ?ize and of the newest designs, made to ' r W short notice. orked FLOORING, CEILING and fHER BOARDING. punctually attended to. “ Rfcc6m WOOD <& SUDDARD. Road Notice.—On and auer . Wednesday, the26th inst., the Pas jJL the Augusta and Waynesboro 4 leave the Augusta Depot at 6 o’clock, 1 oe t 25 J. N. Reeves, Agent. Over toats.—soo Over COATS, suita- Vw “* bio for the season, for sale low by J- M. Newby & Co. ioimari) (Election. " e are authorized to announce Alex ander Philip as a candidate for re 'M i+ l . J *^ e °® ce of Receiver of Tax Returns county, at the approaching election. We are authorized to announce John A. JBohler as a Candidate for Recciv ax Returns, at the approaching election. We arc authorized to announce E Vlt Kinsley as a Candidate for re • .v 10 l^e office of Tax Collector, at the ap . * nov 3 We are authorized to announce Lovell, ao a Candidate for • ect ®. r lor Richmond county, at the ensu ‘°n in J anuary next. * nov 2 Mr. * i ‘ litor —You will please an jounce John H. Spencer, Esq, as a teaetn r _ or the offleeof Coroner, at the ap wng election, and oblige v , y _ ' ! * Many Voters. & <5, l ' e ure authorised to announce Peter McMahon, as a candidate for Coronor Richmond county, at the ensuing election in next, by [oct 28] Many Voters "e are authorized to announce Thomas J. Ingram, as a Candidate Jarn er,ff oi Richmond county, at the election in * arynext. oct 28 Many Voters. We are authorized to announce WlL liam P. Beale a candidate for J,.,, °» Richmond county, a the election in " :Jar ? r 'ext. * oct 25 f are authorized to announce Os- WELL ®* Cashin, as a candidate for l',! eri ' to the office of clerk of the Superior and tonin r ourtß Eiehmond county, at the eleo ° January next, oct 23 e are authorized to announce Davii ‘At glTr . ftoATH as a candidate for Clerk o 'foamy *’ »t tag ensuing January election. * licta Aimfrtisfinmts. t WANTED. A GOOD COOK, Washer and Ironer, for a small Apply at this office. * nov 8 ' TO HIRE, A SMART, active, and intelligent NEGRO I ■*-*■ BOY, about 12 years old. Apply at this of , See. ji nov 8 NERVE, NERVE, NERVE. NOW is the time to try your nerves, at the PISTOL GALLERY, which is now open in the rear of the United States Hotel, with Pistols of the first quality, and an instructor who will give his whole attention to all who wish to learn, with out fee or reward. All gentlemen fond of the sport, will do well to look in and see tho arrangement of the Pistol Gal lery, which the subscriber feels certain will give satisfaction to all who may feel inclined to patron ize him, either for practice or instruction. AUGUSTUS WENZ, Agent. N. B. Only Twenty-five Cents for eight shots, any time from 9, a. m , to 10, p. m. • OX CONSIGNMENT. —40 Boxes TOBACCO, medium quality, nov 8 J. A. ANSLEY. WAR OK NO WAR —The Czar and the Sul tan, or Nicholas and Abdul Medjid, their Private Lives and Public Actions, by Adrian Gib son, to which is added The Turks in Europe, their Rise and Decadence, by Francis Bouvet. Histery of the Insurrection in China, with no tices of the Christianity, Creod, and Proclamations of the Insurgents, by M. M. Callery and Yvan. Just received by nov 8 THOS. RICHARDS k SON. LOU lx XVII—His Life, b'Y Suffering, his Death, the Captivity of tho Royal Family in the Temple, by A. Deßcauchesne, embellished with Vignettes, Autographs and plans. Just received by nov 8 THOS. RICHARDS k SON. LOUls* XVII — His Life, Suffering and Death* the Captivity of the Royal Family in tho Tem ple, by A. De Beauchesne, translated and edited by W. Hazlitt, Esq. History of tho Insurrection in China, by Wm. Callery and Yvan. The Zzar and The Sultan, or Nicholas and Ab dul Medjid, their Private Lives and Public Action's, by Adrian Gibson, to which is added The Turks in Euaope, their Rise and Decadence, by Francis Bouvet. Also; another supply of The Homes of tho New Word, by Fredrika Bremer. Just received and for sale-by novß McKINNE k HALL. PATENT GAS CONGREVE LIGHT—A few dozen boxes of the above celebrated Matches have been received at GEO. A. OATES k BRO., nov 8 Broad street. Rye. —A few sacks of very superior RYE. for sale by nov 8 WM. H.PRITCHARD. FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORING. FIIHE UNDERSIGNED having purchased the x entire interost of Mr. JOHN BRIDGES, in the well known stand, 250 Broad slreet, next door below the United States Hotel, respectfully informs the public that he will keep on band a full assort ment of all that comprises a fashionable stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMfiRES, VESTINGS and TRIMMINGS to make to order, including MILI TARY WORK, in all its branches. Also, a full assortment of FURNISHING ARTICLES for Gentlemens’ wear, viz: SHIRTS, COLLARS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, Ac. Ladies UNDER VESTS. READY-MADE CLOTHING. In this department may always be found, in point of style and make, “the article MAKING and TRIMMING Garments in the best manner. novG J. A. VAN WINKLE. CARD. HAVING disposed of my entire interest to Mr. J. A- VAN WINKLE, in my late business of MERCHANT TAILORING, I respectfully so licit for him a continuation of patronage so loug extended to me. I shall continue, in behalf of him and those who may fool disposed to patronize Mr. Van Winkle, to give my best individual exer tions to p'ease. JOHN BRIDGES. Augusta, Oct. 3, 1853. novß Mackerel — 1 20 half bbls. Moss Mackerel ; 20 quar. “ 44 Do.; 50 kits 44 “ Do.; , 30 44 No. 1 Do.; j 20 half bbls. No. 1 Do.; 20 4 4 44 No. 2 Do; 1 1 0 44 44 No. 3 De; 10 kits Halebut Fins ; 3 half drums Codfish ; 10 quarter bbls. Mess Shad; > 10 half 4 4 4 4 Do.; i 75 boxes Smoked Herring; Just received by DAWSON k SKINNER, nov C HAVA NA SEGARS.—2O,OOO La Fashion Segars; 25,000 Dolicioso do. Just received direct from Havana per stoa,mer Isabel. For sale by nov6 DAWSON A SKINNER. Havana segars— -10,000 Dos Hemispheres. 15.000 Iberia. 20,000 La India. 25,000 Webster. 10,000 Fortuna. 15,000 Mina do Oro. 12,000 Produota Cubano Regalios. 10,000 Grandina Londres. 8,000 Ambrosea Do. 10,000 Martuna Do. In Store and receiving, together with a large lot of German and American Segars, by nov 6 DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING. CT/\ BIJLS. New Orleans Molasses, for sale <JU cheap. DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING. nov 0 BRANDY. —20 half, quarter and eighth pipes Otard, Dupuy A Co.’s importation of 1850 and 1851. 20 eighth pipes Lafayette. C half and quarter pipes Lafayette. 2 half “ Rasteau. 45 qr.tand eighth pipes American, Ist A 4th proof. 25 barrels “ “ “ These French Brandies were bought in New York, previous to the advance, and will be sold for less prices than the same Branches can now be bought in New York, or any other market. Tho trade are invited to examine them. DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING, nov 6 No. 4 Warren Block. VINEGAR. — 50 bbls. Cider Vinegar; 10 bbls. very superior White Wine Vinegar. For sale cheap by DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING, nov 6 WINES. — 10 quarter casks pale Sheriy. 20 quarter casks Sic. Madeira. 20 “ “ Malaga. 15 “ “ Burgundy Port. 5 “ “ Old Port, pure juice. 12 eighth “ Old Madeira. Now receiving and for sale low by nov 6 DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING^ UGAR aind coffee— -50 hhds N. O. and Cuba Sugars. 309 barrels A. B A C. Coffee do. 450 bags prime Rio Coffee. lor sale by nov 6 DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING. CONGRESS WATER —A supply just received by WM, H. TUTT, Druggist, nov f» MUSTARD— Just received a very superior ar tilo. WM. H. T nov 6 ARTIST’S CuLOUttO —Palettes, Canvass, and Brushes, Varnish Ac. Ac., for sale by nov 6 WM. H. TUTT. Druggist. OLI V ty, for sale by nov6 WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. Foreign and domestic perfumery, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Toilet Soapß, Chemicals Ac Ac., for sale by. WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. PILGRIMAGES to English Shrines, by Mrs. S. C. Hall, wtth notes and illustrations, by F. W. j Fairholt, F. S. A. The Book of Nature, an elementary introduc tion to the Sciences of Physics, Astronomy, Chem istry, Mineralogy, Geology, Botony, Zoology, and Physiology, by Friedrich Schoedler, Ph. D. The Life of Wslliain Pinkney, by his Nephew, the Rev. W. Pinkney. D. D. Just received and for sale by nov 6 McKINNE A HALL. SH.OATS A.VD PlGS.—Several hundred Shoats and Pigs, of tho Irish Grazier, Berkshire, Sus folk, and other breeds. Call at tho Wagon Yard, I and obtain Pigs or Stock for tho next Fair. nov 6 WM. H. PRITCHARD. TDuggy and HARNESS FOR SALE.—It is -13 a second-hand affair, excollent for loaning to a friend, and desirable for its inherent good-for nothingness. It is hardly worth offering, but as a matter of business, it is for sale. , nov 6__ WM. U. PRITCHARD. O.L.UE For SALE. —I have an article of Glue . suitable for white-washers, and will sell it low, at lower tenement Bridge Bank, i nov6 WM. 11. PRITCHARD. MATCHES, tapers &c—loo Gross Matches, and Wax Wood Tapers, for sale low for cash o b y doy6 WM. HAINES, Druggist. ' 1 POTASH, for making Soap.—A supply ® ’of the best quality, on hand and for sale by DOV ® WM. HAINES. ©rnrral <Ai>i)rrtisfrafiits. QUAKER SPRINGS TO RENT. THE undersigned offers for Rent, from the first of January next, for one or two iflii J**™^* 1 ' v T °' 1 i known and healthy location, the QUAKER. SPRINGS, at the forks of the Colum bia, Washington, and Furry’s Ferry Roads * seven miles above Augusta. There are about 325 acres of Land, of which 100 acres are cleared. There are on the premises a goof Dwelling, suitable fora public house, and all neeciful out-buildings; a good well, and also a spring convenient to the house, of most excellent water. There is also a fine Orchard of young trees all bearing, and of well selected fruit. On the place are a Blacksmith Shop and Tools which will be rented at tho same time. Apply on the premises to pov j 18 S. F. TOMPKINS, Adm’r. NOTICE. THE undersigned, having formed a Copartner ship, havo purchased the Drug Store of Mr. Philip A. Moise, No. 195 Broad street, under the Augus a Hotel, where they are prepared to carry on the business in all its branches. favorably known as that of the late Doctor Thomas I. Wray. 03” They will keep constantly on hand an ex tensive assortment of Pure DRUGS and MEDI CINES; CHEMICALS; PAINTS; OILS; DYE STUFFS; BRUSHES; PERFUMERY; Window GLASS; Patent MEDICINES, Ac. The supply of tho pest Sweedish LEECH ES, which have always been found at this estab lishment, will continue to be kept by us. EG?” The Compounding Department will be con ducted by N. J. Fogarty, a graduate of the Apothecary’s Hall, Dublin, by whom Physician’s Prescriptions, Family Recipes, Ac., will be prepared at all hours, with accuracy and despatch. N. J. FOGARTY A CO. N. J. Fogarty. | Rich’d. A Hawthorn. In retiring from the Drug Business the under signed respectfully solicits for his successors, Messrs. N. J Fogarty A Co., a continuance of the liberal patronage he has so long received. nor 3 dl2Ac4 PHILLIP A. MOISE. CO PARTNERSHIP. CLARK & W ELLS, DRUGGISTS, (Succes sors to Wm, K. Kitchen , ) —i ho undersigned having purchased the stock of Drugs, Modicines Paints, Oils, Ac., of Mr. W. K. Kitchen, will con tinue tho business at tho old stand, opposite tho new Planters Hotel, Augusta, where they will be happy to see tho friends and customers of tho old as woll as tho new concern. V e will at all times keep a large and well select ed stock of Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Fancy Arti cles, Perfumery, Ac., which will be sold upon the most reasonable terms. M. CLARK, W. B. WELLS. A CARD. HAVING disposed of my interest in tho Drug business, in this city, to Messrs. Clark A Wells, I avail inysolf of this opportunity to return my grateful acknowledgments for tho many favors extended to me by my numerous friends in this and the adjoining States, and to recommend these gen tlemen, (who have been in my employ for many years.) to their patronage and support, as well qual ified to maintain the reputation I havo enjoyed of vending pure and reliable medicines. nov6 lmdtc W. K. KITCHEN. J. P. SETZE HAS just received a new supply of Imported and Domestic CARPETINGS, of rich and new designs, amongst which are the following de scriptions : Union Carpetings at 37| 14 44 50 44 44 62i All wool “ 75 Ingrain 44 87£ Scotch Ingrain Carpeting,. 1 00 44 double Ingrain Carpeting, 112 J Threo Ply, all wool 44 1 25 “ “ “ 44 1 37* 44 44 extra five and very heavy,.. .1 50 Brussels, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ...l^tolj Rich Tapestry Carpeting, 2 50 Extra rich 44 44 ......3 00 Plain Baizes and printed Druggets, for Crum and Floor Carpets from 75 to 2| 4-4, 5 4, and 6.4 Checked and plain Straw Mat ting, 6-4 Oil Cloth, (lined.) Hearth Rugs from 4 to $9. Door Mats and Carpet Bindings. Together with an extensive stock of Fancy and Staple Goods, which he offers at the lowest market prices. nov 5 NEW BOOKS. —Pilgrimages to English Shrines, by Mrs. S. C. Hall. Poetry of tho Year; Passages from the Poets, descriptive of tho season, with twenty-two colored illustrations. Parley’s Present for all seasons, by Goodrich. Life ot William Pinckney, by his Nephew, Rev. William Pinckney, D. D. Memoir of the late Rev. William Croswell, D. D., Rector of the Church of tho Advent, Boston, by his Father. Appleton’s Modern Atlas, containing 34 Maps, with an Alphabetical Indel of 31,000 places. Just received and for sale by nov 5 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. THE BOOK OF NATURE—An Elementary Introduction to the Sciences of Physics, As tronomy, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Geology, Bota ny, Zoology, and Physiology. Also, *• The Times,” a Satire, by Peter Pickle. For sale by THOS. RICHARDS A SON. nov 5 A DICTIONARY of Arts, Manufactures and Minos, containing a clear exposition of their principles and practice, by Andrew Ure, M. D., in 2 Volumes. Parley’s Present for all Seasons, by S. G. Good rich, author of “ Parley’s Tales,” Ac. Appleton's Modern Atlas of tho Earth, with an Alphabetical Index of the Latitudos and Longi tudes of 31,000 places. Tho Industry of all Nations, for 1853. Just roceivod and for sale by nov 5 McKINNE A HALL. HORSES AND MULES. JUST ARRIVED, and for sale, pairs and single Horses and Mules, at WM. A. McCONNELL’S, nov 3 6 Sale and Exchange Stable. HHDS. prime N. O. Sugar, now landing. SCRANTON, SBTMOUR A CO., nov 5 No. 2 Warren Block. O/ l BU»H . Sood Oats for sale by X>\ SCRANTON SEYMOUR A CO nov 5 No. 2 Warron Bio k. try BOXES Adamantine Candles. I OiUO “ Sperm “ 75 “ Soap. For sale bv SCRANTON SEYMOUR A CO., nov 5 No 2 Warren Block. RICH EMBROIDERIES. SNOWDEN &■ SHEAR have received this day from New York, by the last Steamer, Ladies’ Embroidered Muslin Collars, of rich and elegant styles. Ladies’ Worked Cambric Collars, of beautiful styles. Ladies’ Embroidered Muslin Undersleeves, a large supply. Ladies’ Worked Cambric Undersleeves. Black Silk Galloons, for trimming Ladies’ Cloaks and Dresses, of beautiful styles. —a?.so — Ladies’ Black Cloth Cloaks, Talmas and Fillo bertes. Ladies' Colored C oth Fillebertes, of the latest styles. £ With a variety of other articles suitable for tho present season, and to all of which thoy respectful ly invite the attention of the Ladies. nov 4 OR THE HAlß —Roussols Eau Lustrale do. Philocome, do. Beef Marrow, Barry’s Tricopheras. Phalon's Hair Invigorator, Ac., Ac. Just received and for sale by oct 15 WM. HAINES. NOTICE. HAVING our Stock fully comple* od. we offer for sale low the following New GOODS : Corn Shelters ; Hay Cutters; Corn Mills; Cast ings ; Kettles; Pans; Scales; Balances; Adzes; Hatchets; Axea; Half Axes; Sp’.ondid Withers by’s Drawing Knives, end others; Braces and Bitts; the largest assortment of A ugers and Auger Bitta to bo found. —ALSO— Locks; Hinges; Screws; Hand, Pannel, Cross cut, Mill, Tenent. Compass and Webb Saws, a fine assortment; Andirons, and Tongs and Shovel, to gether with a list of articles in our line too numer ous to mention. W e sell goo 1 Goods very cheap. The public are respectfully invited to give us a trial. MULLARKEY A OAKMAN. Screw Wrenches, 21 inches long, a fine article nov 2 RECEIVING AND ON HAND. COFFEE, Java, Rio. Rice Flour, 50 bags Extra FamHy. Soap. Candles, Teas. Peppers. Spices. Coffee Sugars, all qualities and cruhed. * Brooms. Brass Bound Bucket*, Iron do. Mackerel No. 1, 2 and 3, whole, half and eighth bbls. Segars of the best, No. 1 brands of finest Tobasco. A few choice Hams and the oldest Port Wine to be found in the oity, Nails. Pickles, Soda Biscuit, Ac. FLEMING A MILLER, oct 13 dAclmo ROPE. —40 coils i inoh Kentucky Rope. Ap ly to oot 30 JOHN CASHIN. ©fitfrnl JUHWliarmrnts. FOR SALE. ATIIOROUG 11-BRED Saddle Horse for sale, aged eight years ; gentle, though of fino spirit 5 and action, (color chesnut sorrel.) Lie may be ■ seen at Simpson’s Upper tf oct 26 1 TO RENT. , (Possession given the Ist October.) FOUR Dwelling Houses on Taylor and Washington streets, near the M ayneboro liili. Rail Road Depot. For terms apply to A. Poullain. or to T. CLANTON. aug 25 ts ’ ~~ FOR SALE. THE LARGE LOT. on corner of Telfair and El bert-str et, containing 200 feet on Telfair and running through to Walker-street, It maybe divided to suit purchasers. sept 27 ts JAMES GARDNER, WANTED, STATE OF GEORGIA G PER CENT BONDS, of the first issue ol 1840, 1841 and 1842, for which a premium will be paid. Apply to apr 29 ts R.OBT. WALTON, Cashier. WANTED. A FIRST RATE House GIRL, not under 20 years of age, for which a fair price will be given. Apply at this office. oct 21 COOK AND WANTED. HIGH wages, and a permanent place, will be given for a good Cook, Washer and Ironer. Apply at this office. nov 1 BARBOT & SEYLE, ARCHITECTS. No. 59 Broad St rest, CHARLESTON, SO. CA. L. J. BARBOT. J. H. SEYLE. oct 23 ly FOR SALE, ONE HUNDRED SHARES of Georgia Rail Road STOCK, if applied for immediately. Apply to oct 28 ts H. AJ. MOORE. RHET T & ROBSON, FACTORS AND COM3IISSIQN .VIERCHA TS, Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. C. [EP“ Liberal advances made on Consignments. Peruvian Guano and Farmers’ Plaster always on hand. aug, 10 NEGROES WANTED. PERSONS having NEGROES for sale, will find a purchaser by applying to Spires A Wilson, Hamburg, S. C., who will pay the highest cash prices. Porsons residing in tho up country of'Geor gia or South Carolina, having such property to dis pose of by addressing us at Hamburg, describing their Negroes and prices, wo will go and look at them without delay. oct 7 ts NOTICE. THE Copartnership of Charles Catlin, of this city, and Reuben O. Skinner, of New York, under the name and style of Charles Cat lin A Co., expired by limitation on tho 31st ult. CHARLES CATLIN witl continue the same busi ness at tho Old Stand, two doors below the United States Hotel, where can always be found a well selected Stock of PIANO FORTES; MUSIC; VIOLINS ; GUITARS, and other Musical Instru ments, which will be sold on the most favorable torms. CHARLES CATLIN- Augusta, Nov. 1, 1853. nov 2 THE EXCHANGE. * HITZFELD & BORCHEKS take pleasure in acquainting their friends and the public gen erally, that they have leased tho well and favorably known NATIONAL COFFEE HOUSE, from Messrs. I. P. Girardey A Co., and opened the same under tho name of “The Exchange” and in a reno vated style, whore they will keep constantly on hand the best of Liquors and seasonable refresh ments to gratify the tastes of the most fastidious. By constant attention to business and with every effort to please. They hope to merit a share of their patronage. nov 2 ts NEW BOOKS.—The Life of William Pinckney, of Maryland, by his Nephew, the Rev. Win. Pinckney. A Memoir of the late Rev. Wm. Croswell, D. D., Rector of tho Church of the Advents, Boston, Mass., by his Father. Appleton’s Modern Atlas of the Earth, with an alphabetical index of tho Latitudes and Longitudes of 31,000 places ; thirty-four beautifully engraved and colored Maps, with comparative scales. Tho Gold Seekers, or the Cruise of the Lively Sally, by Capt. Merry—2s cts. Tho Illustrated Record of the Industry of all Nations : New York Exhibition, 1853, Nos. lto 12, inclusive. A supply of Mrs. Ellis’ Guide to Social Happi ness; Fern Leaves from Fanny’s Portfolio, Ac, For sale at GEO. A. OATES A BRO.’S nov 4 Piano, Book and Music Store, Broad st. AIU HITEI TS. BUILDKRS. ETtL—-Mo der n Builder’s Guido, by Lafevre. Lafevre’s Beauties of Architecture. Ranlett’s Architect and Builders’ Guide. American Architect, by Ritch. Elementary Principles ot Carpentry, by Tred gold. Introduction to Gothic Architecture. Rudimentary Architecture. Moulder and Founders’ Guido. Builders’ Companion. Cabinet Maker and Upholsterers’ Companion. Dyer and Color Makers’ Companion. Hand-book of Useful Arts. For sale by nov 4 THOS. RICHARDS. CAPS. —Just recoived, a fine assortment of Gen tlemen’s Caps, suitable for the season. Also, a large let of Boy’s and Youth’s Fancy Dress Caps, to which wc invite the attention of those wishing a good article. J. TAYLOR, Jr., & CO., nov 1 opposite New Augusta Bank. HAY. —300 bales prime Northern Hay, in store, will be sold low. Apply to oct 30 JOHN CASIIIN. TIGER and Leopard Blankots, for traveling, new and good. nov 5 WM. 0. PRICE & 00. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS.— A. full assorT ment of all kinds, comprising Amputating, Dentol, Extracting, Dissecting, Hydrocele, Pocket, Eye Instruments, Scarificators, Syringes, Male and Female Trusses, Cupping Instruments, Breast Glasses, Medicino Chests, &c., for sale low for cash by WM. HAINES, nov 6 Druggist, Augusta. Cii\i \ BOXES prime Cheese instore and for ZVJKJ sale by SCRANTON SEYMOUR & CO., nov 5 No 2 Warren Block. TcTthe students ok vikim vu col- LEGE.—I have a lot of superior dissecting In struments, selected for the Students of the Medical College of this city. For sale low, for cash, by nov 5 WM. HAINES, Druggist. MORGAN S PREMIUM COTTAGE CHAIRS. WE KEEP on hand a constant supply of Mor gan’s handsomo and justly celebrated Cot tage Rocking CHAIRS, which, for comfort and du rability, cannot be surpassed. Those in want of Chairs, we respectfully invite their attention to our assortment befo-e purchasing elsewhere. N. B. All Chcirs from Messrs. Morgan’s Factory, are ticketed on the back, bearing their stamp, nov 3 C. E. GIRARDEY & CO.. Agents. SALT. 1 / SACKS Liverpool Salt, for sale by 1 VJU’U J. B. GUIEU, Agent, oct 29 fit CRYING BABIES. —A new supply of pretty Crying Babies and choice Doll Heads, with bodies to match, suitable presents for little girls and children. Also, Dressed Dolls; Pop Guns, a new French toy for little boys. Just received by nov 1 12 DUNHAM & BLEAKLEY. PAIR Window Shades, some~now and V/Lr beautiful designs, just received by nov 1 12 DUNHAM & BLEAKLEY. 3/ 1 PIECES of Wall Papering, some AJKS very handsome and cheap, for sale bv nov 1 12 DUNHAM A BLEAKLEY. CHEAP DRY GOOD S~ WILLIAM H. CRANE WOULD respectfully inform his friends, and the public general'y, that he is now offering his large Stock of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS at exceedingly low prices. And it will be to the interest of those who wish to purchase to givo him a call. His Stock of Dry and Fancy Goods is very large, embracing the latest and most fashion able articles in that line. lie has also on hand a good stock of Domestic Goods, such as Flannels, Homespuns, Plains, Prints, Blankets, ic., which he will sell as low as can be bought in the city. Give him a call, and test the truth of the above His Store is a few doors below the United States Hotel. f 3&c2 nov 2 PRENCH BURR MILL STONE MANUFAC TORY. Corn-er Broad and Cumming^st reefs. AUGUSTA, GA. niHE SUBSCRIBER takes this occasion to in- X form his numerous friends and the public gen eraliy, that ho has commenced the above business under the most favorable auspices, having engaged the services ol an experinced and highly qualified workman, and flatters himselt that his work will compare with any other manufacturer in the United States. He also begs te apprise tho discriminating public that all orders with which he may be favored, shall have his personal attention, prompt execu tion and dispatch. A share of public patronage is respeetfully solicited. F PATRICK McCUE, Proprietor, sepll d&cly <Btneral JUnirrfiscmrnts. EXECUTOR’S SALE. WILL BE SOLD on the first Tuesday in DU. CEMBER, at tho lower Market House, in i ' the city of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, 1 the following property, belonging to the Estato of Charity Maharrey, deceased. A Lot, and the improvements thereon, situated in the city, on the north side of Greene street, hav ing a front on said street of eighty-two feet, more or less, running back half through to Ellis street, bounded north by A Frederick’s lot, east by B. H. Warren’s lot, south by Greene street, and west by Presbyterian Parsonage lot. —also — A negro woman named Daphny, about 35 years of ago, and Rebecca, aged 65. Terms on the day of sale. sept 29 WM. H. MAHARREY. Ex’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. WIT L RESOLD, on the first Tuesday in DE CEMBER next, at the lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, belonging to the Es tate of John Maharrey, deceased: A Lot, with the improvements thereon, situated in the city of Augusta, on the north side of Greene street, having a front of sixty-fivo feet, more or less, on said street, and running back half through to Ellis street, bounded on the north by B. F. Chew’s lot, on the east by J. J. Clayton's lot, south by Greene street, and east by W.H. Maharrey, said lot opposite the City Hall. Also, a Lot, with tho improvements thereen, sit uated in the city of Augusta, on the south side of Broad street, having a front of— feet on said street, running through and fronting on Ellis street, bound ed on the north by Broad street, on the east by Estato of Abraham’s lot, south by Ellis street, and west by a lot formorly belonging to Mrs. Sera. On said lot there is a dwelling on Broad and Ellis streets. Torms on the day of sale. W H. MAHARREY, sept 29 Administrator, do bonis non. PLANTATION GOODS! \ PIECES George Schley Kerseys. eJvAVA 500 “ Georgia Plains. 600 “ Augusta Osnaburgs. 500 “ “ “ 25 bales J Augusta Shirting. 25 do 4-4 do do 25 do Graniteville do 500 pairs S-4 white wool Blankets. 500 do 10-4 white and gray do. For sale at Factory prices, by sept 28 COSGROVE A BRENNAN GINGHAM S,”C AIJC OE S. OCU \ PIECES Ginghams at 12* eC\J U 100 do do at 15 100 do do at 18^ 100 do do doubld width 25 500jpieces Calicoes at 61 200 do do at 8 200 do do at 10 300 do at 121 50 do Turkey Red Prints. For sale at sep 28 COSGROVE & BRENNAN'S. FEMALE SEMINARY. Corner of Broad and Camming streets . THE exercises of Mrs. Ring's School will bo re sumed, on Monday,October 3d. Thankful for the patronage extended to her tho past season, Mrs. R. solicits a continurince ol the samo. Mr. C. Beruffi so favorably known to tho public, has charge of the Drawing department. Mr. Sofge, Teacher of Music. Instruction given in French when desired, also German. sop 21 _ JOHN cashing GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, oct 16 Augusta, Ga. OCTOBER 17, 1853. CLARK A CO., Watchmakers and Jewelers, have now in store a complete stock of new and desirable Goods. Particular attention has been given to fino WATCHES, SILVER WARE and Diamonds. On hand T. F. Cooper’s fine London Duplex WATCHES. 1 T. F. Cooper’s fine London Duplex Repeating do. T. F. Cooper”s fine London Independent Second WATCHES. Jurgenson’g (of Copenhagen) Duplex and Re peating WATCHES. Watches of the Manufacture of Chas. Taylor & Son, in Magic and other Cases. Also, of the Man ufacture of Tobias, Beesley, Johnson. and others, SILVER WARE.—Tea Sets, Pitchers, Wino Goblets, Cups, Knives, Porks, Spoons, Ac., Ac. JEWELRY.—In Pins, Ear Rings, and Bracelets, 1 of the latest styles. CUTLERY.—P'ino Table and Pocket Cutlery. GUNS—Double Guns of all description, and bo largest and best assortment of gunning apparatus. PISTOLS—CoIt’s, Derringer’s, Deane’s (London Bridge) Revolvers and every style in use. < CANES —Os all kinds—Gold, Silver, Stone and Ivory mounted, and a variety of fancy imported Sticks. Diamond and other Stones mounted to order— Engraving on metal, at a moment’s notice, oct 18 RAILROAD AND STAGE LINE NOTICE. Till-: Proprietors ot tho AUGUSTA AND WAYNESBORO’ LINE OF STAGES having made arrangements with Messrs. FINN A OS MOND to run a Train of Cars fourteen miles,there by making the route more desirable, and the tims shortened from Green’s Cut from six to three hour and a half. The following will bo the schedule time until further notice : Leave Augusta quarter before 7 A. M. Arrive at Groon’s Cut quarter after 10 A.M. Return’g, leaves Green’s Cut 4 P. M. Arrive at Augusta half-past 7 P. M. Office at the U. S. Hotel. Tickets can be pro cured of J. N. REEVES, Agent, oct 9 dActf W\ BARRELS fresh Thomaston Lime, will eAv/v/ be landod from Geo. Steam Boat Com. boats, apply to oct 16 JOHN CASHIN. E DIAMONDS —Rings, Pins and Crosses, for sale low, also a large assortment of Gold < Pens. oct2o OSBORNE A WHITLOCK. HAY —150 bales prime Northern Hay, will be landod from Geo. Steam Boat Com., apply to oct 16 JOHN CASHIN. JAPANNED WARES—A beautllul assortment of Waiters in setts and separate, plate Warm- 1 ers, Ladies’ and Gentleman’s Dressing Cases, Dust ' Pans, Nursery Lamps, Chamber Buckets, foot Tubs, and Goldsmith’s pp tent Chamber Sets, Ac, Ac. Just received and for sale by B. F. CHEW, oct 22 ——.—— . , ——. r WORTHY OF NOTICE. THE Southern Iron Witch Cook STOVE is un- ' surpassed as a Cook Stove for Southern use. ' For culinary conveniences it is complete, but nev- ’ erthelcss so simple iu its arrangement that the most 1 inoxperioncod cook can, with it, produce tho best ’ boiled, broiled, baked, roasted and fried victuals. 1 Warranted to give entire satisfaction. For sale by 1 JAS. SULLIVAN, No. 145 Broughton street, Savannah. 1 B. F. CHEW, oct 22 Augusta. Ga. THE SHADES. STILL TOP OF THE PILE, is now open for : tho Season.—Wearo now prepared, to serve ( up to our numorous customers, all the deleacies of , the season, from six o’clock in the morning, Jill about same hour next morning. SUCH AS Roast Beef, 1 Corned Beef, Beef Steaks, Pork Steaks, Mutton Chops, I Fish Balls, Fried Liver, | Fried Sausages, Ham and Eggs, I Pickled Tongues, Turkey, Ac., | Chickens, Ac. GAME OF ALT. KINDS IN ITS SEASON. Fresh Oysters from this day forth, served up in every style—Buckwheat Cakes without number. We invito one and all to give us a call. N. B. —Lunch served up seven days in tho week. Beef Staks, I Mutton Chops, Fish Balls, | Baked Beans, Soupss of all kinds. Who would starve in this land of plenty, oct 7 ly PLUMB A PANTCN. FINE WATCHES AND JEWELRY, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. OSBORNE A WHITLOCK, under the United States Hotel, sign of the Mammoth Watch, offer for sale some ot the finest and cheapst Goods ever brought to this market, having just returned from the North with a large assortmentrof every thing in their line of the most fashionable kind. Fine Watches, put'up expressly to our order, and warranted first rate timekeepers. Every Watch with our namo on it warranted for twice the usual tlmo, viz, two ycajft. We have a first rate workman exclusively for ; our Watch work, and a first rate workman exclu sively for our Jewelry work, and all work done by ( us will be done promptly and properly. Wo arc sole Agents for an instrument which ren ders Spectacles useless. The most aged may throw away their Spectacles. _ _ oct 14 See another advertisement in this paper. ]\ ! AGAZINES FOR NOVEMBER.—Go4ey’s | .'M Lady’s Book; Graham’s and Ladies’ Nation | al Magazines, have been received for the above ! month, and aro for sale by GEO. A. OATES A BROS., j oot 28 Broad-street. UST RECEIVED —A large andjassorted stock of Planished Ware, comprising Dish Covers, Buckwheat and other Dish Covers, English Chafing i Dishes, Imperial Covers, Dishes, Water Pans, 1 Hash Heaters, Kettles, Soup Tureens, Ac., Ac. i For sale at wholesale and retail by l oct 22 B. F CHEW. fottcrifs. GREENE AM) p(JLAdKI MUTUAL , LOTiERIES. Managed, drawn, and prizcspaid by the well known and responsible firm of - G R E GORY & MAUR Y. SALES CLOSE EACH DA / AX 2d O’CLOCK. Drawn Numbers—CLASS 132 at Savannah Nov. 4. 21 42 14 69j14 65 2829_3G 59 48 1 S. EATRA CLASS 79, by Delaware 257, on Tuesday, Nov. 8. SPLENDID SCHEME. 22,000 DOLLARS. $11,000; $5,000; $3,000; $2,568; 10 prices of SI,OOO, Ac- Tickets ss—Shares in proportion. CLSS 134,"at Savannab?on Wednesday, Nov. 9. LITTLE BUT LOUD. $5,000 ! $1,200; $700; $409 ; 2of S3OO. Bnsidcanumer ous others. Tickets sl. Halves 50 cts. Risk on a package of 25 quarters $3 70. Class 135 at Savannah, on Friday, Nov. 11. PACKAGE SCHEME. 4,150 DOLLARS. 1,250; $750; $353, Ac., Ac. Tickets sl. Shares in proportion. Risk on a packago of 26 quarters, $3 75. EXTRA CLASS 80 by Delaware 261, on Saturday, November 12. GRAND SCHEME. $50,000. $30,000; 5 prizes of 10,000: $3,353; 5 prizes of $3,- 000; 100 of $600; Ac., Ac. JOHN A. MILLEN, Agent, On Jackson street, next the Globe Hotel. All orders from theicitv or country strictly con fidential. FALL AND WINTER STOCK. HATS, CAPS, BONNETTS, UMBRELLAS. COUNTRY Merchants, Planters, and the public generally, are invited to examine my Fall and W inter stock, of Hats, Capts, Bonnetts, Umbellas, Ac ~ consisting of Fashionablo Moleskin, Beaver Brush and Cas sirnero HATS. Soft Beaver, Brush and Cassimere fancy Hats. Soft Saxony, and Water proof Wool Hats. Negro Hats and Caps, a large assortment. Bonnots, Silk, Straw, Florence, Belgrade, Ac. Flower*, Tabs and Bonnett linings. Umbrellas, Silk, Ginghams and Com. Cotton. I have a full assortment, to which I am receiving supplies woeklyfrom manufacturers, and am offer ing at prices as low as same qualities of goods can bo bought in markets North or South. Call and see at GEORGE W. FERRY'S, Fashionable Ilat, Cap and Bonne tStorc, Masonic Hall. Broad street Augusta. Geo. sept 23 THE TEETH.—Dental Soap, several v . rieties, Rose Tooth Paste, Pearl Tooth Pow der, English and French Tooth Brushes, a largo assortment just received by WM. HAINES, oct 15 Druggist, Augusta. HAIR BRAIDING.—Hair Braiding in various beautiful styles; Bracelets, Chains, Ear Rings, Charms, Pins, Ac. Samples can be seen at tho store of CLARK A CO. Jewellers. Oct. 26. BRICK WORK WANTED. rTIHE subscriber is prepared to do all kind of Jl Brick W ork at short notice, oct 26 L. G. BASSFORD. Burning fluid, lamps and wicks— An assortment of each, just received and for sale by WM. HAINES, oct 25 Druggist. LABORERS WANTED. ffIHE Augusta A Waynesboro Railroad Co., will J. employ 100 laborers on tho line of the road, at Green's cut. Apply to T. P. Humphries on the work. Wages one dollar per day. octl3 |9 NOTICE. A PPLICATION will be made, to tho next Leg- JrV islature of Georgia, for tho organization of a new county, from parts of Scriven and Eurke coun ties. ts sept 29 MUSQUIT GRASS.—2O bushels of this cele brated Grass Seed, raised by R. Peters, Esq,, ot Georgia, for sale by WM. HAINES, oct. 20. * Broad Street. NEW GOODS. P. & M. GALLAHER HAVE just received the following GOODS, to ' which they respectfully invito tho attention ( of the public: Rich Bonnet and Neck RIBBONS. Black and Colored Velvet do. Black Gimps and Fringes. Black Laco, all widths. Embroidered Chemisotts and Under Sleeves. Embroidered Cuffs and Collars. Black and Colored Kid Gloves. Jaconets and Swiss Incerting and Edging. E i.broidered Linen Cambric Handkorchifes. Linen Lawn and Linen Cambric. Brocade and Pla d Silks. Bombazenes and Alpacas. Also a select stock of Ladies and Gents. Hose, which will be sold at very reduced prices. Shirtings, Osnaburgs and Kerseys, at factory prices. ts “ sept 11 NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS. B PHILLIPS has now in store, one door be • low the Bank of Brunswick, a largo and well selected stock of FALL and WINTER DRY' GOODS and CLOTHING. His stylo of Goods arc i well adapted to the wants of Merchants and Planters, at wholesale and retail. He respectfully invites attention to his assortment, as he is deter- ' mined to sell on as reasonable terms as any house in the city. tJI oct 5 ~ ABLE BOD ED NEGROES WANTED. TWENTY able bodied Negroes wanted to work on the Augusta South-western Plank Road for whom liberal wages will be paid. Apply to S. H. OLIVER, Treasurer, oct29 f 6 Cor. Mclntosh A Reynolds sts. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. AEW YORK STEAMSHIPS. * I DAYS OF LEANING SAVANNAH FOR NEW YORK. The Florida, Capt. Woodhull, Nov. 5 Tho Alabama, Capt. Schenck, “ 9 , The Augusta, Capt. Lyon “12 , The Florida, Capt. Woodhull, “ 19 1 The Alabama, Capt. Schonck, “23 The Augusta. Capt. Lyon, “ 26 The Florida, Capt Woodhull Dec. 3 The Alabama, Capt. Schenck “ 7 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon “10 Tho Florida, Capt Woodhull, “ 17 The Alabama, Capt. Schenck, “ 21 < Tho Augusta, Capt. Lyon, “ 24 The Florida, Capt. Woodhull “ 31 , These ships are the largest on the coast, unsur passed in speed, safety or comfort—making their passages in 50 to 69 hours, and are commanded by skillful, careful and polite officers. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. On the completion of the Knoxville, in January next, this line will bo semi-weekly. Cabin passage, $25. PADDLEFORD, FAY A CO., Agents in Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCHILL, pov 1 13 Broadway, New York. Fancy per fumery,toilet articles, Ac.—A select assortment of German, French and American Cologne and Lavender Waters, Hair Oils, Pomades, Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Lubin's, Rousell's and other fancy Extracts for the Handkerchief; Hair Brushes of all sizes, Ac. Ac. Just received and for sale low for cash. oct 15 WM. HAINES. BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, &.C. HAVING made an arrangement to be constant ly supplied with Mr. J, S. Silcox’s manufac ture of Bedsteads, double and single, new cotton Mattresses and other articles of Furniture, wc are ready to fill orders for them. Persens in want of such Furniture, can always be supplied with them at 10 per cent, less than at any other estab ment, our prices being low, but for cash, nov. 3 C- E. GIRARDY A CO. THE AUGUSTA FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL. WILL be re-opened in Augusta, Goo., on the first Monday in October, under the Supe rintendanco of competent Teachers, at the resi dence of Mrs. Sabal, opposite the United States Hotel, No. 142 \ oung Ladies and Misses will receive instruction in the Primary and higher branches of an English, French and Latin Education, at very moderate rates. 1 here being no extra charge for Latin and ►French, the pupil may cultivate, thoroughly and uninterruptedly, the above languages during the whole course of education. very best of teachers will he employed in Vocal and Instrumental Music. Monsier Beru will take charge of the Drawing and Painting De partments. Board for Young Ladies and Misses can be ob tained by applying at the Institution. C. A. SABAL, sep_2l 6 m Principal. VIOLINS AND GUITARS—The "subscribers have on hand a splendid assortment of fine VIOLINS and GI lIARS, of their own importa tion, from the best manufacturers in Franco and Italy, which they offer for sale at reasonable prices. Also, a supply of the best yiolin and Guitar Strings. GEO. A. OATES A BRO.’S, noy 4 Broad Street. Jlurtion Saks. BY C. E. GIRARDEY & C O ~" == * : THIS DAY, (Tuesday,) in front of Store at lOi o clock, a. in., will be sold— ’ at One good Harness and Saddle Horse, sound nn ,i perfectly gentle. Terms Cash. “ovft * T jt T "i C \. E - GIRARDEY &CO 7~ 1 -u „ Y ’ (Tuesday,) aftes sale of Sugar* wa 7‘5 mo l } tO - closu out a consignment, *’ ° Se«ara — ' noy 8 BY S. C. GRENVILLE & CO Sugar on Account tfhdl Concerned. ' T( ly M will I beYold We^ at 11 °’ clock Precise and all concede J. aCCO,mt 01 ,h « Underwrite ""™s J o “h i pb e „r r a orl< ’“ M s “«" a ' da, " o^S„“ d 0 0 ’ “*4 aver SIOO, 6(1 Jared r/,S; t0 9 ; ? WO. 4 monib., BY CAMILLE E GIEARBEy&CO * cihu all Concerned. ° D n oVlo th ° Bth of Store at 11 o clock, a. m., we will nositirt.i„ v ’ ac der of the underwriters— ye ’ or ' 50 hhds. prime N. 0. and Muscovado SUGARS slightly damaged m its transit from New Orleans and Baltimoro to Savannah. rieans Conditions—Sums over SIOO and under S2OO %***> °Y er $ 200 and under S3OO, 60 days; over S3OO and under S4OO, 90 days; over $400,4 months for approved endorsed notes. By order of the Underwriters. no 4 6 i _ _ CHOICE FAMILY MEDICINES^ PREPARED by DENKIS ’ Augusta, Ga. SARSAPARILLA-For Diseases th0 4 Llv< f, and t 0 Purify the Blood This oSr?Ti d b 7 St P rc paratiou of Sarsaparilla now m u*o. The Diplomas of tho South Carolina Institute and the State Fair of Georgia have been SizfbotUesfor*s5 Parati ° n ANTI-BILLIOUS PILLS—A mild «afe and eßcctim! Purgative, without dangerous (i^ wing thcir US0 ‘ Pri ce 25 cents ner Box ASTRINGENT TONIC.-For Bowel Complaints such as Diarrhoea, Pain in the Stomach, Griping of tho Bowels, Ac. Price $1 per Bottle. 1 ° Cn?? IMU A ATIi 7 G . BITTERS.—For Dyspepsia, Colds, and Femalo Complaints arising from Colds Price $1 per Bottle. dinWo* 1 SIRUP.—For Coughs arising imme diately -rom a diseased condition of the Lungs or Bronchial Tubes. Price 50 and 25 cents per bot- SALVE.—A usoful and invaluable ®P--a° aU oc Fresh W °uuds and other Sores to heal. Price 25 cents per Box ie S U t L « ATINQ LINIMENT— For Rheumat ic ibuns, Inflammatory Sprains, Swelled Bieasis, Sore Throat, Tooth-Ache, Head-Ache,. &c. I rice 25 cents per Bottle. ANTI-SPASMODIC TINCTURE -For all sud den and dangerous attacks of disease, in which im mediate action is necessary, such as Fits of Convul sions, Apoplexy, Lock Jaw, Cramp Colic, Pneu monia, Ac. lor external use, in Fresh Cuts, Brui ses, Bi te of Snakes. Sting of Bees or Bite of Pois ?L° d £ Ces i tS Cf f e , ctfi by equalizing tho circulation oi the blood, and by relieving Inflammation. lor HORSES, this Tincture is a suro remedy in Colic, as well as a valuable article to cause Fresh wounds and other sores to heal. Price $1 per bot- tf oct 15. RF, A. BRAHE, ESPECTFULLY informs his friends e-o and tho public thathe has just return- (gy\> od from New York, with a full assortment of M atches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, which lie will sell low. ™r Fer , son£d attention paid to the repairing of \Y atehes and Jewelry. sepls COUNTRY STORE FOrTrENT ' THE SUBSCRIBER has just erected a new STORE at C E. Clarke’s old stand £?'•'( in Ncylandsville, (the five mile post on the Augusta and M aynesbero’ Railroad,) which he offers to rent to a good tenant on favorablo terms. The ouilding stands in close proximity to the railroad track, is commodious, and in all reLpects admira bly adapted to the puiposes for which it is design ed. The stand has long been known as one of tho best for a general country trade to be found in tbo interior of Georgia. further particulars apply to, or address the ;ho subscriber, at Millen Post Office; or if more convenient, apply personally to Messrs. Nevitt, Lathrop A Stebbins, Savannah ; or to Messrs, liaker A Wilcox, Augusta. W. B. SMITH. dim PATRONISE SOUTHERN ENTERPRISE. N COMBS & CO.'S SOUTHERN EXPRESS. F ;)Y Office 38 Broadway, Parisen King A Co., Agents. Charleston, Office 9 Havne Street, F. T. Pen tecost Agent. Augusta, Corner Jackson and Ellis Streets, S T. Combs, Agent. We now tprward by Express to and from New lork, Charleston, Columbia, Augusta, Atlanta, LaGrango, West Pcmt, and Montgomery, Ala' Merchants and others shipping from New York and other northern Cities, to points on our line will please order their Packages sent to our Office, New York, as this will be the cheapest and most expedi tious means of Transportation to them. Our Ex press i 3 the only Express from Charlesten to the in terior of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee, and Merchandise of anv description to be forwarded by Express from the northorn Cities, osfrem Charleston to any of the above places or for other points on our lines, will be forwarded promptly and at the lowest rates, if sent to our Office in eithor of the above places. Packages to bo expressed from Charleston for the northern Cities, if marked “Per Combs A Co.’s Express,’’ Charleston fnd Bill Lading rendered us, will receive prompt attention and be forwarded by first Express after their reception. Our facilities from Charleston to the above places and points on the Western and Atlantic Railroad are good, and we feel confident of giving satisfaction. S. T. COMBS, oct LI F. T. PENTECOST. TOBACCO, TOBACCO, Received at last, tho well known and long expected TOBACCO caried the PAN CAKE, which is only and expressly manufactured by Stultz A Barnard for him. Also, Stultz A Bernard's No. 1 A, and four A TOBACCO, For sale at tho Segar and Tobacco Store, Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. sept. 13 GUSTAVUSJVQLGER. PLANTERS' HOTEL? THIS splendid new HOUSE, situate on Broad street, immediately in front of If 4 the sito of tho old Planter’s Hotel, which has beon furnished throughout with new Furniture, Bed ding, die., will be open for the reception of cus tomers on Saturday next. It will be the endeavor of the proprietor, to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. J. M. SIMPSON, Proprietor, oct 11 dfActf VALUABLE RIVER LANDS FOR SALE? MY planting interest being too large, I offer for sale a portion of my Savannah River Planta tion. This place is too well known to require de scription ; and persons wishing to purchase would do well to lock at it, as I know it would satisfy any one who is a judge of good lands. J oct 26 dfActJanl WM. J. EVE. A CARD. 1 1YHE subscriber, thanktul for the patronage A heretofore bestowed upon him, takes this op portunity of informing the public, that he has secured the services of a gentleman from tho Philadelphia College of Pharmacy (where ho has been the past seven years) who will take charge of the Compounding Department of his business. Physicians and Families are assured that all Pre scriptions, Family Medicines, Analyses, Ac., will receive the most careful attention. Merchants are invited to examine our Stock, our prices being the same as those of Charleston. WM. H. TUTT. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, nov 4 dAclm NEW GROCERY" STORE. TIIE undersigned have formed a copartnership taking, effect from the first day of October (instant; under tho firm of FLEMING A MIL LER, lor the transaction of a geneial Wholesale and Retail business in all its branches. Their ob ject will bo to keep constantly on hand the very best of articles for family use, and sell at the low est market prices. Beir.g generally known both in City and Country, they hope by close and strict at tention to business, to share the liberal support of their friends. They may be found second door above Planters’ Hotel, nearly opposite Franklin House. J. L. FLEMING, oct 18 4md&c E. T. MILLER. :ji . CHILDREN’S FANCY HATS. MISSES "White Brush Bloomer Hats with Plumes. Misses Black and Pearl Bloomer Hats with Plumes. Boys fancy Hats various styles and colors with Plumes. Inlants fancy Hats various styles and colors with Plumes. Just received by GEO. W. FERRY, Masonic Hall Building, POTATOES —100 bbls Potatoes, just received and for sale by nov 3 C. E. GIRARDEY 4 CQ<