The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, December 30, 1853, Image 3

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Sjjffifil Rtiibra. m, — Augusta Division. No. 7, Sons of Tempi ranee.—Members of Augusta pT'jjlon are hereby notified that the Election of Officers will take place on Saturday Evening, the 31st in't Members are requested to be punc tual in attendance. By order. J. G. Coffin. W. P. Beals, R. S. 2 dec 30 Mechanics’ Dank. Augusta, Ga., !g- 27th Deo. IS53—An Election of Nino priors, will be held at the Banking House, on M inday, the 2d day of January, 1854. between the hoursof 10 o’clock, A. M., and 2, P. M. dec 28 6 M. Hatch, Cashier. •’‘ Let those now sing who never sung before. And those that always sing , now sing the more.” Augusta Music School Mr. C. Ir- ~ ving has the pleasure of announcing to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta, that he has fitted up a fine room over Mr. Blalock's Store, on Broad street, next door to the new Bank of Augusta, where ho intends opening a School to give instruction in MUSIC A class for beginners vrill be opened on THL RSPAY, January 5th,1854, at 7 o’clock, P. M., and for advanced scholars on the evening following at tho same hour. A supply of the best Sacred Music, and Glee Books will bo kept at the room, for tho use of all scholars without charge. Those desirous oi receiving private instruction, can see Mr. I. any day between the hours ol 11 anl 1 o'clock, at the Music Store of Geo. Oates & Bro. dafc2B T° the Afflicted,—To those afflicted 3". with that dreadful scourge to America, the Liver Complaint, the proprietors of M'Lanc’s Liver Pills are happy to offer this remedy, as at once complete and safe. It has been tried often in all pares of the country; it has been used in tho practice of the most eminent physicians, and al ways with triumphant success. In offering these Pills to the public, the proprietors are actuated by a desire to alleviate human suffering, and offer a remedy within the reach of all, which is at once a safe and effectual remedy for a most dangerous and difficult class of diseases. Sold by llavilanJ, Ri°!ey A Co., and Wm H. Xutt, Augusta, Ga.; P. M. Cohen & Co., Charles ton, S. C.; Hill A Smith, Athens, Ga.: E. C. Jones, Madison; A. A. Solomons; Savannah; and by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the South- 12 dec 29 •* Uncle Nod had no Hair on the top of his head, In the place where the Hair ought to grow.” Bat he lived previous to the dlscove iK ~ry of Lyon * celebrated Kathairon, which r.ot only preserves and beautifies, but re port's the hair at any period of life. Only those wuo will not try it, aro troubled with Baldness, Dandruff, or harsh, unpleasant hair. From the Home Journal , New York. “No article ever acquired so rapid celebrity and universal appreciation as Lyon's Kathairon. To those who have used it (and who has not) tho rea son is obvious, as its invigorating and beautifying tffects, and agreeable Perfume, 6tamp it an indis pensable article of tho toilet.” Sold at the old price of 25 cents, in large bottles, by ell dealers, everywhere. D. S. Barnes, Proprietor, 161 Broadway, N. Y. 03?* Sold by every Druggist in Augusta. D. B. Plumb & Co., dec 29 lin Wholesale Agents, r -—Wo you want an Over-Coat 7 If so' £Sh^2*T~call at J. M. NEWBY & CO.’S, under the l. S. Hotel, and select one. The quality and price will suit you. dec2o £*• —Winter Clothing. —The Stock of 'WEARING APPAREL now offered to the public by Wm. 0. Price A Co., manufactured by them, and suitable to this market, which they sie competent to, and do recommend to bo the bst and c)seapest offered in Augusta. Our Stock embraces all the outer and under Girments for Gentlemen’s wear, of tho newest style and most fashionable make. WM. 0. PRICE A CO.. doc 7 Drapers and Tailors. JEtaa Fire and Life Insurance.— J* 1 . The promptness and liberality which have marked all the dealings of this Company for thirty years, and the well known character of its Officers and Directors, affoid the surest guaranty that its affairs will bo so managed as to give to the soured that, safety end security, which is of the lirst importance in Ere and Life Insurance. Office first building above Bridge Bank, Broad st. nov 29 6m John Sledge. Agent A Warning.—Delay not; harbor not in your mind that sentence of foo l’s philosophy, that a disease will gat well of itself,or that you can cure it with certain medicines for a few dollars. Beware how you tamper with your general welfare. Ye wild and vicious youths, why will ye persist in dosing with the filthy, nauseating compounds daily proffered, thereby impairing your appetite and digestion, and destroying you mentally as well a? physically, when you can be cured with a few doses of pleasant medicines? Ye rakes of every age and condition, why will yo suffer and repine and drag out a miserable ex istence. unfitted for the enjoyment and even ordi nary pursuit,.- of life? You who are thus annoyed, and wish to bo restored to health and vigor by a treatment at once pleasant and effectual, should consult Dr. Morris, liis success in chronic dis eases has been greater than that of any other phy sician of his day. Many who have been for years afflicted with disease or consequences resulting from excess have been restored to health and vigor under his really scientific treatment. Shouid a personal interview be objectionable, state your d.sense in writing—enclose five dollars —address Dr. W. 11. Morris, through the Post- Office, Nashville, Tenn., and a package of Medi cines, securely put up, wili be sent privately, and with dispatch, full directions therewith, and no questions asked. Persons living at a distance, and afflicted with Scrofula, Old Ulcers, Tetter Cancers, Piles, Fistula Ano, Grave!, Strictures, Gleets, or any disease WQ atever of an aggravated or malignant character, can be cured at home by consulting Dr. Morris by pntter, post paid, enclosing a fee. These Medi cince, pleasant and safe, can be sent per mail to any part of the United States. Particular attention given to the treatment of female complaints. Ladies who rnav be afflicted with irregularities, Flour Albus or W bites, Pro lapsus Uteri or Falling of the Womb, would do well to lay aside all false delicacy, and promptly consult the Doctor. Cures Warranted. Office over Mutual Protection Insurance Office, Cedar Street, near Post Office. Room, No. 14, up stairs. dly dec 25 Daguerreau Gallery.— The < i'A*. Undersigned having recently pur chased of Mr. E. S. Dodge his interest in the gal lery so long and favorably known as Dodge’s Da gucrrean Gallery respectfully informs bis friends ■ and the public that he is now prepar-d to produce those superior DAGUERREOTYPES, so much ad mired for their faithfulness and beauty of finish, and solicits their patronage. Having for many years past prosecuted the art 1 successfully, ho flatters himsrlf chat with his large t sky-light, and every other facility desirable, he will t be able to give his patrons likeness rnoro life-like j than those taken at any other establishment in the 1 Southern country. < All are invited to call and examine specimens. Pictures taken at all hours of the day. Gallery at Post Office Corner over Clarko & Co.’s Jewelry Store. dec 25 ts WM. H. CHALMERS. ] y*—Card —Having disposed of my entire fak. y interests in the Daguerre an business, < to Dr. W. H. CHALMERS, and having an oppor tunity, recently, of visiting the principal Galleries in the city of New York, and examining many very beautiful specimens executed by the best operators there, it gives me great pleasure to inform my old ( friends and patrons, that the pictures now taken by Dr. Chalmers are f ully equal to any taken in the North, and far superior to the great majority of fine specimens exhibited at their beautiful Galleries. Dr. C. has recently introduced somo very valua ble improvements, and to all those who desire a Daguerreotype in the highest style oj the art , I would cheerfully recommend to all at the old estab lishment, so favorably known as “Dodge's Sky Light Daguorrean Gallery,” next door to the Post Office, and over Clarke «fc Co.*s Jewelry Store. dec 25 EDYV. S. DODGE. Vests Vests! Vests* !!—J. M. New by & Co., hare received, by late arri vals, a large lot of Black Satin, superfine Bonat teer Silk, Fancy Silk Velvet, Plush, Black Cassi mere and Fancy Cussimere Vests —some double breasted. They will be sold low at their store un der the U. S. Hotel. Also—-Fine frock and dress Coats, Cassimere Pants, Ac- dec 2 Fresh Garden Steeds.—The subscri bers are now receiving their supply o Landreth’s warranted Garden Seeds. Dealers, as usual, supplied on reasonable terms, decli D. B. PLUMB & CO. Mrs. E. O. Collins, would respect fully call the attention of her friends to a handsome and fashionable assortment of Bon nets, Dress Caps, Flowers, Ribbons, Head Dresses, Ac., opposite U. S. Hotel. ts oct 16 »r7 J Uriah may be found at night, at the residence of Mrs. A. Boggs. Office still over Dunham A Bleakley s store. 3mo nov29 Instruction on the Piano Forte, Guitar, and in Vocal Music, by Miss M. E. Keegan. Ptesidence second door above the Store of Hand A Fleming. d3m* dec 20 Homes in New' World, by Miss Bremer. New supply just received by jlee 22 McKINNE A HALL. to JUnicrtisftnfnts. f negroes for sale. THE subscriber will sell at public outcry, in the town of Covington, Newton County, on the Third Tuesday in JANUARY next, Forty-one prime NEGROES, part of the eitate of the late W. Bearing. The Negroes are young and likely, and bear an excellent character. Terms. —A credit until tho 25th December Dext, with approved security upon notes hearing inter est from the day of sale. „ . , , dec 30 ttd A. P. PEAKING- Adar. WANTED TO HIRE. Q/\ NO. 1 NEGRO MEN: 12 BOYS. Also, a /C/\J few good Negro BRICKLAYERS. Apply to dec 30 L. G. BASSFORD. PRINTER’S INK. f|Y HE subscriber has commenced the manufac- A ture of Printer’s Ink in Augusta, and will be grateful for the patronage of all of those who use it. He makes a superior article of News and Book Ink, which will be sold at Charleston prices with the expense of transportation added. It will he put up in kegs of 10 to 100 pounds each. All orders addressed to mo or D. B. Plumb & Co., will meet with prompt attention. WM. H. DeCOIN. The Chronicle & Sentinel, and Constitutionalist & Republic both use my Ink, and I refer to them. dec 30 ts IVJEVV BOOKS.—Hot Corn, or Life Scenes in i v New York, illustrated, including the story of little Katy, Madaline, the rag picker’s daughter, Wild Maggie, Ac , with or ignal designs, engraved by N. Orr, by Solon Robinson; Davis, the Pirate, or Freebooters of the Pacific ; Eva May, or the Secret Dungeon ; Morgan, the Buccaneer, or Freebooters of the Antilles, The Lady at Home, or Happiness in the House hold, by T. S. Arthur; The Old Doctor, or Stray Leaves from my Jour nal. Just published and for sale at dec 30 GEO. A. OATES A CO., Broad-st. TO HIRE. Men, women, boys and girls, for nearly all work. TO RENT—A Blacksmith SHOP, with Lhree Forges, and may be divided into two and one forge by a partition, and so rented, on Broad Street. Also, a small low-priced DWELLING, pleasantly situated on Greene Street. dec 29 4 PLEASANT STOVALL. TIN PLATES, BLOCK TIN &C. &c7 THE subscribers have recently received— -300 boxes Tin Plates assorted. 200 do Roofing do Block Tin and Sheet Copper, which they will sell on the lowest terms for cash, dec 29 10 JOHN ATHOS. A. BONES. TOYS AT COST. rgIHE remainder of our stock of Christmas Toys JL is now offered at cost, dec 29 THO’S RICHARDS & SON. MORE NEW MUSIC. ’ Lately received at GEO. A. oates k BRO.'S Piano, Book and Music Store, Broad Street, between United States and Globe Hotels, viz: SONGS.—Thou wilt meet me no more; My Dark, Blue-oyod Maiden ; The Wind is a Bnche lor; Aunt Harriet Beecher Stowe ; My Heart with Joy is Bounding Light; Tho Inebriate’s Lament; In Childhood I Dallied; Moored is my Boat, by George Linley; I may not Meet Thee ; Oh, Lady, Sing that Gentle Strain; Columbia, the Land of My Home, sung by M’lle. Anna Zerr, at Jullien's Concerts; Keep the Heart Light as Y T ou Can: Dear Land, from Songs and Balads of Ireland ; I had a Dream just now, Mother; Lillie Bell, a new Ethiopian melody; We are Coming, Sister Mary, Ethiopian melody; Calmly the Waves Love, duett; There’s a Land of Bliss; Our Childhood’s Years; My Old Kentucky Home; Good Night, &c. dec 29 TOYS.— -The subscribers, desirous of closing out their stock of TOl'S. will sell them at cost, during the remainder of this week. Call soon at dec 28 GEO. A. OATES BRO.'S, Broad st. NEGROES TO HIRE' “* ON MONDAY and Tuesday next, at tho Lower Market House, in this city, tho undersigned will offer for hiro tho Negroes of Mrs. Augusta A. Goetchius and Miss S. A. Boalle, consisting cf men, women and boys. WM. A. W T ALTON, Trustee, dec2B dlw THOS. W. MILLER, Agent. TO HIRE.—A GIRL, about sixteen years old, accustomed to house business, and the care of children. Apply at this office. Also, a good Cook, and a Washer and Ironer. dec2B McKINNE & HALL have received a large as sortment of Annuals, and other Books, suita ble for Christ uas Presents. Also, Juvenile Books, and a beautiful collection of Work Boxes, to which they invite the attention of the public. dec 22 DISSOLUTION THE firm of J. TAYLOR, JR., <fc CO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The notes and accounts are left in the hands of Wm. N. Nichols, who i 3 authorized to receipt for the same. All per sons indebted to the firm, are requested to make payment on or before the Ist January. J. TAYLOR, Jr., December 20, 3853. N. H. WILDMAN. NOTICE. HAVING purchased the entire stock of Messrs. J. TAYLOH, JR. k CO., will still continue the HAT AND CAP BUSINESS, in ail its branch es, both wholesale and retail, at the r old stand, 236 Broad stieet, where I would bo pleased to see ail who may favor me with a call, and would solicit a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestow ed to them. WM. N. NICHOLS. Augusta, Dec. 20, 1853. HAVING discontinued business in Augusta, we opportunity to return our thanks for the liberal patronage extended to us, and take pleasure in soliciting a continuance of the same for our friend and successor, Wm. N. Nichols. J. TAYLOR, JR & CO. December 20,1853. dec2B LAFARGE HOUSE, NEW YORK, Broadway, between Amity & Rlpecker Streets. f I'iHSS HOUSE combines, in all its appoint ments. every modern convenience and gjiil luxury, and is furnished in a style of unsurpassed elegance. Tho Proprietors will spare no efforts in ministering to the comforts of their- guests, and making it worthy the patronage of their friends and the traveling public* It wili be open for the re ception of guests about the 9th January. WRIGIIT, LANIERS & CO., ‘ S. Lanier fc Son, dec23 6mos formerly of Macon, Ga. TENNESSEE.—TO MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS. I HAVE FOR SALE— SOO,OOO pounds BACON in solt, ready put up; Pickled PORK, in bbls.; LARD, in bbls. The Bacon can be delivered at this place in hhds., or in bulk, according to con tract, and will be sent from here by Railroad, to any point on the Georgia or South Carolina Rail roads that may be agreed on. Apply by letter, or otherwise, to ROBERT MATHEWS, dec 25 dl2c2* Shcibyville, Tenn. PINEVILLE RACES. ~ THE RACES over the Pineville Course, will commence on Wendes*>ay, the 11th January, 1854, and continue the two following days. Wednesday — 2 Mile Heats— Silver Cup worth SIOO. Thursday —3 Mile neats —T :rso $250. Friday— 2 Mile Heats—Purs' $l6O. N B —The above purses will be paid in cash. JAS. GAILLARD, Jr, dec 23 F&TutJanll Secretary and Treasurer. NOTICE. EXECUTORS, Administrators and Guardians, who wish to make their returns for 1853 will find the Ordinary at his office ready tb receive them. Those who have omitted or forgotten to make re turns for 1852, are earnestly requested to do so, be fore the second Monday in January next, (and save cost, as it is not the wish of the Ordinary that such should be incurred,) otherwise process will be issued against all such defaulters indiscriminately, and all not responding to the same will be removed as the law directs. LEON P. DUGAS. Ordinary, R. C. dec2o TuFrAetJanO SPRING G ARDEN INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES. 171 Marshall Street, Philadelphia. GILBERT COMBS, A. M., Principal. AUGUSTUS SIMON, A. M., Prof, of An cient and Modern Language? Rev. BERNHARD STIMTHAL, A. M., of Ger man Language. * GEORGE W. HOLMES, A. M., Teacher of Drawing and Painting. J. E KOCHERSPERGER, Teacher of Mr io W. W. FIFE, Teacher of Penmanship Miss SARAH FREEMAN, First Assistant. Miss ANNA M. KENNARD, Second Assistant. Miss S ARAH E. CONVERSE, Third Assistant. Miss ANNA L. MITCHEL, Fourth Assistant. REFERENCES Rev. Albert Barnes, Philadelphia; Hon. Walter Lowery. New York; Rev. Samuel. K. Talmaga, Oglethorpe University; Rev. A. Church, Athens, Ga.; Rev. A. Means, Oxford, Ga.; Joel C. Barnett, Esq., Madison, Ga. A few pupils can be received into the family oj the Principal at the rate of $l5O per session for Board and Tuition, payable is advance, oct 14 dAcly 2/ W )/ 1 BUSHELS Wheat BRAN, for sale by deo 15 GEO. W. LEWIS. „. ® ?nfrfi L JUwrtfefmfttte. ~OON CKR'rll ALL. THE CAMPBELLS ARE COMING. 'I he Simon Pure Unparalleled Attractions! Commencing on Monday, December 26th. rpHE Manager, Mr. James Norris, has the A pleasure to announce, that in additioon to his former Company, he has made an engagement with the celebrated Ethiopian Comedians, M. E. Horn and W. W. Newcomb. Together with Messrs. Max, Zober, Demorest and Fenton. For further particulars, see bills of the day. Tickets aO Cents. Doors open at 6J —Concert commences at 7i o’clock, dec 21 Dr. F. A. JONES, Agent. COMMERCIAL NIGHT SCHOOL' THE subscriber informs his patrons and the pub lic in general, that the Exercises of his Com mercial School will be continued at the Masonic Hall, where will be taught the science of BOOK KEEPING, by Double or Single Entry, with ail tho varied forms of Accounts; Accounts Curront, Interest Accounts, Ac.: Penmanship; Arithmetic of Federal Money and Foreign Currency, prepara tory to entering into the Mercantile lino or other wise. The importance of such a School, in so large a mercantile population as Augusta must be obvious to every reflecting mind. Science has been well de fined ; knowledge reduced to order, and so classifi ed and arranged as to be easily remembered, readi ly referred to, and advantageously applied. How many young men and youths enter into business without the knowledge of Accounts, and often give their services a year or more for a small compensa tion, to acquire the knowledge that a few weeks or months would accomplish, thus qualifying them selves to obtain an adequate remuneration for their services. For terms, Ac., apply at the Family Grocery Store of Mr. A. Sabal, next door to the Store of Mr. John Bones, Broad-st., or at my residence, upper end Broad-st. JOHN J. BRYD. DZr* To the Young Ladies of Augusta and Ham burg he offers his services, to teach an Ornamental or Fancy hand, suitable for Albums or Valentines. Books Posted, or writing of any description at tended to. Apply as above. ttP 3 * Ladies’ Albums handsomely written in poet ry or prose. tJan!s dec 25 ILLUSTRATED JUVENILES. THE Picture Pleasure Book, 500 illustrations ; Naughty Boys and Girls, with colored plates, A Laughter Book for Little Folk ; Happy nights at Hazel Nook. History of England illustrated. Mamma’s Bilo Stories Otto’s Treasury of Stores. Sayings and Doings of Animals. Celebrated Children of all ages and Nations. Buds and Blossoms for the Young Habits and Instincts of Birds, Reptiles k Fishes. Stories and Legends for Children. Contentment Bettor than Wealth. Story of an Apple. Indestructible Pleasure Books. Girls Own Books. Boys Own Book. Childs Own Book. jEsop’s Fables. Kris KringlesLibr iry. The Loving Ballad of Lord Bateman. Happy Days of Childhood. For «ale by doc 25 THOS. RICHARDS k SON. MOLASSES. PC * Y HKDS, primo W. I. Molasses, will be lan eJKJ ded from Georgia Steamboat Co., boats Apply to [dec 25] JOHN CASHIN. HAY, HAY. 1 OK BALES primo Northern Hay, just rc- JL /w K/ ceived. dec 25 JOHN CASHIN. RICE AND CHEESE. CASKS prime Rice. &\J 50 boxes prime Cheese, just received. Ap ply to, [dec 25] JOHN CASHIN. NAPOLEON at St. Helena, from the Letters and Journals of Sir Hudson Low; Memoirs of Abernethy, by Dr. Macilwain ; Liberia, or Mr. Peyton’s Experiments, by Mrs. Sarah J. Hale. Just raceived by dec 24 TIIOS. RICHARDS k SON. WOL FE’S SCHI ED AM SC H SAPPS Afresh supply of this popular Aromatic, warranted pore, just received and for sale by dee 24 A. STEVENS. f' ASTERN HAY'. —75 bales, a first rato article 4 now landing, for sale by GEORGE W. LEWIS, dec 24 No. 1 Warren Block. CARTER’S SPANISH MIXTURE. - ' » (* .'if- THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD! NOT A PARTICLE OF MERCURY IN IT. AN MJFALi.fBi.E rbmedy for Scrofula, King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Chroniv. Sore Eves, Ring Worm or Tetter. Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stub born Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spina, Complaints, and all Diseases arising from an injudi cious use of Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or impurity of the Blood. This valuable Medicine, which has become celebrated for the number of extraordinary cures effected through its agency, has induced the proprietors, at the urgent request of their friends, to offer it to the public, which they do with the utmost confidence in its virtues and wonderful curative properties. The following certifi cates. selected from a large number, are. however, stronger testimony than the mere word of the propri etors ; and are ail frem gentlemen well known in their localities, and of the highest respectability, many ol them now residing in the city of Riehmoud, Virginia. F. Boydks, Esq., of the Exchange Hotel, Richmond known everywhere, says lie has seen the Medicine called Carter’s Spanish Mixture administered in over a hundred cases, in nearly all the diseases for which it is recommended, with the most astonishingly good re suits. He says it is the most extraordinary Medicint he has everseen. Ague and Fever. — Great Cure. —l hereby certify, that for three years I had Ague and Fever of the most violent description. I had several Physicians, took large quantities of Quinine, Mercury, and I believe ail the Tonics advertised, but all without any permanent relief. At last I tried Carter’s Spanish Mixture, two bottles of which effectually cured me, and I am happy to say I have had neither Chillsor Fevers since. Icon sider it the best Tonic in the world, and the only medi cine that ever reached my case. JOHN LONGDEN Beaver Dam, near Richmond, Va, C. B. Luck, Esq., now in the oity of Richmond, and for many ye.<rs in the Post Office, hap such confidencejin the astonishing efficacy of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, that he has bought upwards of 50 bottles, which he has given away to the afflicted. Mr. Luck says he has never known it to fail when taken according to direciions. Dr. MiNGB.a practising Physician, and formerly of the City Hotel, in the city of Richmond, says he has witnessed in a number of instances the effects of Car ter’s Spanish Mixture, which were most truly surprising. He says in a case of Consumption, dependent on the Liver, the good effects were wonderful indeed. Samuel M. Drinker, of the firm of Drinker & Mor ris, Richmond, was cured of Liver complaint of eight years standing, by the use of two bottles of Carter’s panish Mixture. Gruht r.rj KE 0F scrofula. —The Editors of the Richmond Republican had a servant employed in their press room, cured of violent Scrofula, combined with Rheinatism, which entirely disabled him from work. Two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture made a per fect cure of him, and the Editors, in a public notice, say they “cheerfully recommend it to all who are af flicted with any disease of the blood.” Still another cube of Scrofula.—l had a very valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's Spanish Mix ure. 1 consider it a truly valuable medicine. JAMES M. TAYLOR, Conductor on the R F. & P. R. R. Co., Richmond, Va. SALT RHEUM OF 20 TEARS STANDING CURED. Mr. John Thompson, residing in the city of Rich mond, was cured by three bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, of Salt Rheum, which he had nearly 20 years, and which all the physicians in the city could not cure Mr. Thompson is a well known merchant in the city of Richmond, Ya.,and his cure is most remarkable. Wm. A. Matthews, of Richmond, Va., had a servant cured of Syphilis, in the worst form, by Carter’s Span ish Mixture. He says he cheerfully recommends it, and considers it an invaluable medicine. Richard E. West, of Richmond, was cured of Scrof ula, and what physicians called confirmed Consump tion. by three bottle's of Carter’s Spanish Mixture. Edwin Burton, Commissioner of the Revenue, says he has seen the good effects of Carter s Spanish Mixture in a number of Syphilitic cases, and says it is a pertect cure for that horrible disease. Wm. G. Harwood, of R chmond, Va., cured of Old Sores and Ulcers, which disabled him from walking. Took a few bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, and was enabled to walk without a crutch, in a short time per manently cured. Principal Depots at M. WARD, CLOSE A Co., No. 83 Maiden Lane, New York. T. W. DYOTT & SONS, No. 132 North 2d Street, Phil adephia. BENNETT A BEERS, No. 125 Main Street, Rich mond, Va. And for sale by HAVILAND, HARVALL A CO., Charleston, HAVILAND, RISBY A CO., and WM. H. I’UTT, and W. H. A J. TURPIN, Augusta, and by Druggists and Country Merchants everywhere. Price $1 pe • bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. may 29 NFVV BOOKS. —Napoleon at St. Helena, from Letters and Journals of Sir Hudson Lowe.— Just received by deo22 McKINNE & HALL. ffiftirral JUujcrtismtata. TO HIRE. A MULATTO BOV of twelre years old, Also, a negro girl of sixteen years of age. To be hired from the first of January. Apply at this Office. dec 18 GUAXO. — loon acks No. 1 Peruvian Guano, decll 18 ANTOINE POULLAIN. FOR SALE. 5 SHARES of the STOCK of Georgia Railroad & Banking Company. Apply to dec2o SCRANTON, SEYMOUR & CO. GEORGIA RAILROAD AND BANKING COMPANY 7 PER CENT BONDS. A SMALL amount for sale. Apply at the j\ Branch Bank State of Georgia at Augusta, dec 20 10 TO MERCHANTS^ THE subscriber, desirous of closing his business at Double Wells, on the Georgia Railroad, offers for sale his Stock of DRY GOODS and GRO GERIES. To a young man wishing to engago in the Mercantile business, this is a fine opportuni ty and a nice business can be done at this point, The Wilkes Railroad makes out from this place. For further information address the subscriber at Double Wells, Ga. dec 8 tlm W. M. MOORE. FOR SAXE. A THOROUGH-BRED Saddle Horse for sale, aged eight years ; gentle, though of fine spirit and action, (color chesnut sorrel.) Apply at this office ts oct 26 p OR SALE THE LARGE LOT, on corner of Telfair and El bert-stret, containing 200 feet on Telfair and running through to Walker-street, It maybe divided to suit purchasers. sept 27 ts JAMES GARDNER. B A RBOT & SEYLE,, ARCHITECTS. No. 59 Broad Street, CHARLESTON, CA. L. J. BARBO'r. J. H. SEYLE. oct 23 ly CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. ‘ WE have just received from Paris, a largo and rich assortment -of FANCY BOXES, suita ble for Holyday presents. Also, an immense va rietv of TOi r S. doc 7 tJI I. P. GIRARDEY & CO. CHRISTMAS TO YS AND FIREWORKsT” JUST opened a largo assortment of FANCY TOYS, together with FIREWORRS of evary description—also a great variety of fine imported CONFECTIONARY, FRUIT, Ac., suitable for the coming Hollidays, which the public are respectful ly invited to examine before making their pur chtlSGS dec 11 ftf A. FREDERICK. FIRE WORKS, TOYS, &0. FOR CHRISTMAS 1 BOXES first quality No. 1 FIRE I CRACKERS; 10,000 TORPEDOES, and anv quantity of SNAKES ; ROMAN CANDLES , SKYROCKETS; PIN WHEELS ; and other Fire Works. Also a largo lot of Toys, Fancy Boxes, Plain and Ornamented Pound Cake, and other kinds of Cakes, Confectionaries, and other littlo fixins lor Christmas. Every body is invited to call in, as I am determined to sell VERY CHEAP during tho Christmas Holidays, dec 16 12 JOHN W. ZINN. FOR SALE TO ARRIVE, 50 hhds. old crop Cuba SUGAR, quality “fair.” dec 17 * J. A. ANSLEY. UPHOL S TERY. fgIHE undersigned, thankful for past favors, begs JL to inform his friends, and the public in gener al, that he continues to execute orders in his line of business, such as Upholstering Sofas, Settees, Ottomans, Chairs etc. Also, Mattresses, in Moss, Cotton and Hair, with and without steel springs. Orders left at Mr. J. P. Setze’s Store, Broad-st., or sent through the Post Office, will have the promptest attention. EDMUND SCHIRMER, Shop rear of W. R. Schirmer’s Mill-stone Fac tory, Broad-st. above the Upper Market, nov 26 dtjanl WOLFE S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS. TO the editor of the Constitutionalist Repub lic, Augusta, Ga., —Sir : It is due to the citi zens of Augusta, and other portions of your State, who favor me with their orders for *he SCHIEDAM AROMATIC SCHNAPPS, that the conclusive ev idence of its purity and medicinal properties, re cently published in this city, should be laid before them. Accordingly I have forwarded for gratui tous distribution, some thousands of copies of a treatise, settihg forth its peculiarities, in which the first medical practioners in America, testify over there own signatures to its purity, and its efficacy as a specific in a great variety of painful disorders. As specimens ot the opinions of physicians, who have analyzed the article, and who prescribe it in all cases where a diuretic stimulant is required, I have given below a few short quotations, from the medical correspondence contained in the pamphlet. At a time, when the U3e of adulterated liquors— the source of a perpetual thirst, which grows by what it feeds on—is killing off its tens of thousands annually, the value of a perfectly inocuous spiritous stimulant, both as a curative and a beverage is inappreciable. Much cheaper than brandy, the Schiedam Schnapps is proved by analysis, to boa purer article than the most costly brands of that liquor ; while the superior oil of Juniper, which forms one ot its components, gives it a medicinal character unknown in any other class of Alcohalie preparations. It is tho only liquor with which I am acquainted, that can be used with the full as surance that it will not create an inordinate ap petite for strong drinks ; and as a means of quali fying impure water, as well as protecting tho sys tem against tho unwholesome almopheric influences in low marshy lands and in new settlements, I know of nothing equal to it. It is also, a most agreeable cordial, and those who use liquor as a beverage, will find that it refreshes and tones the system, instead of creating the headache and nau sea, which too frequently arise from the use of or dinary spiritious stimulants. Like everything in trinsically good, it has boon counterfeited ; but tho exposure which I propose to viset upon all who vend a spurious article, under the name of Wolfe’s Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps, will 1 have littie doubt give the coup dc grace to the imposture. I am respectfully, yours, UDOLPHO WOLFE, 22, Boaver st., Now York. The following firm’s, have the article on sale, and who will furnish pamphlets gratuitous : Haviland, Risley & Co. ; D. B. Plumb & Co.; Davis, Kolb <t Fanning; Lamback & Cooper; A. Frederick: H. F. Russell ; McCord, Hart & Co.; A. Stevens, Augusta. S. E. Bowers, Hamburg, S.C., and all the respectable Druggists and Grocers in the United States. dec 7 lm FOR COUGHS AM) CORDS —William’s Bal sam of Wild Cherry; Ayre’s Cherry Pectoral; Hastings Compound of Iloarhound and Naptha; Lozenges; Gum Dreps, Jujube Paste, Ac. For sale by dec 22 WM. HAINES, Druggist. JUST RECEIVED, a complete assortment of LUBIN’S EXTRACTS; 3glass Brown Wind sor SOAP, (Low’s;)’l do. Glenn’s Millafleur Scent ed BEARS OIL. N. J. FOGARTY A CO., dec23 195 Broad street. FANCY SOAPS. COSMETICS, arc—The very best Toilot Soaps, Shaving Cream, Shaving Compounds, also, the genuine Military Shaving Soap, with many other varieties. For sale low for cash by WM. HAINES, dec 24 Druggist. JUST received and for sale low, to close consign ment— -10 tubs choice Goshen BUTTER, 5 kegs do. Do.; dec 22 5 J. A^ANSLEY. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILD ERS. rpHE undersigned having just concluded an ar- X rangement with one of the most extensive Im porting jirnis in New York, is prepared to receive orders for any quantity of ROOFING TIN, lrom 5 boxes to 2,500, at the lowest New York current prices, at his Store, on Broad Street, second door above Bridge Row. JOHN F. BRENNAN, nov 20 "CORDS AND GALLOONS FOR LADIES’ CLOAKS. RECEIVED THIS DAY a splendid assortment of TRIMMINGS, for Ladies’ Cloaks, Bind ings, Braids, Galloons, Tassels, Ac., Ac. decß WM. 0. PRICE A CO LIQUORS, WINES AND CORDIALS. 1 /\/ \ R BLS. choice Old Monongahela Whisky; lUV/50 “ “Rectified Do.; 25 “ “ “ Rose Gin; 15 “ “ “ N. E. Rum; 10 “ Domestic Brandy; 25 boxes Extra Old Nectar Whisky. Also, a full assortment of Wines, French Bran dies; Holland Gnn; Cigars; Tobacco, Ac. For sale by dec 14 dAclm A. STEVENS. ON CONSIGNMENT. BOXES Adamantine Candles; \J 25 kegs choice Goshen Butter; 10 bbls. prime new Lard; 20 “ Scotch Potatoes •, 20 “ Onions; 5 tierces Rice. Received and for sale low by dec 14 dAclm A. STEVENS. NEW HOOKS. —Roads and Railroads,li al ot Principles and Practice of Road Mak ing ; comprising the Location. Construction and Improvement of Roads, Common. Macadam, Paved, Plank, and Railroads, by W. M. Gillespie, A. M. C. E. Just received by dec 22 McKINNB & HALL. c I t fottmfs. GREENE AND PULASKI MONUMENT LOTTERIES. Managed, drawn, and prizespaid by the well known and responsible firm of GREGORY & MAURY. Sales Close each Day at two o'clock. EXTRA CLASS 88, by Delaware 391, on Satur day, Dec. 31. GRAND SCHEME ! $31,000 !! 2 of $15,000 ; 2 of $7,000 ; 2of $5,000 ; 2 of $3,- 416 ; 40 of SI,OOO ; 30 of S6OO ; 141 of $250, the lowest 3 No. prize. Tickets $lO. Shares in proportion. CLASS 169, at Savannah, on Friday, Dec. 30. FINE SCHEME. SB,OOO ! $2,000; $1,200; $1,046; $1,010; Sprite, of SI,OOO, Ac. Tickets $2. Shares in proportion. Class 170, at Savannah, on Saturday, Dec. 31. LAST CHANCE IN 1853. 4,000 DOLLARS. $1,317; 30 prizes of SIOO, Ac. Tickets $1 —Halves 50 cts. Risk on a package of 25 quarters $3.70. JOHN A. MILLEN, Agent, On Jackson street, next the Globe Hotel. Ail orders from the city or country strictly con fidential. a W e are authorized to announce Wil liam P. Beale a candidate for Sheriff of Richmond county, a the election in January next, and if elected, Willium Doyle, the present Sheriff, will be his Deputy. * We are authorized to announce Thos. T. Brandon, Esq., as a candidate for Sheriff of Richmond county, at the ensuing Janu ary election. We arc authorized to announce Wil liam Glover, Sr., as a candidate for Coroner, at the approaching election. nov 11 Joshua S. Walker respectfully in forms his fellow citizens of Richmond county, that he is a Candidate for re election to the office of Coroner, and would be thankful for their support at the election in January next. nov 10 We are authorized to announce Henry D. Bell, as a candidate fer Coroner, at the approaching election, nov 9 We are authorized to announce Alex ander Philip as a candidate for re election to the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Richmond county, at tho approaching election, uov 6 * We are authorized to announce John A. Bohler as a Candidate for Receiv er of Tax Returns, at the approaching election, nov 6 * We are authorized to announce E C. TinslkY as a Candidate for ro election to the office of Tax Collector, at the ap proaching election. * nov 3 W'e are authorized to announce James Lovell, as a Candidate for Tax Collector for Richmond county, at the ensu ing election in January next. * nev 2 We are authorised to announce l’eter McMahon, as a candidate for Coroner' of Richmond county, at the ensuing election in January next, by [oct 28] Many Voters. jg*—We are authorized to announce Os well E. Cashin, as a candidate for re-election, to the office of clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts of Richmond county, at the eleo tion in January next, oct 23 W e are authorized to announce David L. Roath as a candidate for Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts of Richmond County, at the ensuing January electien. and if elected, Anderson W. Walton will bo his Deputy. * Waynesboro’, Burke County, Ga., Nov. 21, 1853.— Mr. Editor: Please announce through your paper, that our former and efficient Receiver of Tax Returns, Capt. Robert H. Gray, has again consented to be a Candidate for re-eloction at tho ensuing January election, any reports to the contrary, notwithstanding, and oblige nov 24 Many Voters. We are authorized to announce William U. Sturgis as a candidate for the offices of Clerk Superior and Inferior Courts of Burke county, at the election in January next. If elected, Edward Garliok will act as Deputy Cletk. f&ctd dec7 To the Voters of Warren County.— I now announce myself as a Candidate for Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts at tho ensuing election in January next, and respect fully solicit your suffrages. ret 25 Marcus Williams. Mr. Editor: —You will please an nounce Joseph W. H. Bell, as a Candidate for Sheriff of Burke county, at tho en suing January election, and oblige sep 15 ctJl The Burke Voters. Tax Collector. —We are authorized to saV 4 —talza announce Elisha Hayman, as a Can didate for Tax Collector for Burke county, at the approaching election. sop 15 -Mr. Editor :—You will please an nounce Mr. Wm. H. C. Perry, as a candidate for Sheriff of Burke county, at the ensu ing election, and oblige sep 8 Many Burke Boys. FEMALE SEMINARY. Corner of Broad and Camming streets . THE exercises of Mrs. Ring’s School will be re sumed, on Monday,October 3d. Thankful for tho patronage extended to her the past season, Mrs. R. solicits a continur.nco of the same. Mr. C. Beruff, so favorably known to the public, has charge of tho Drawing department. Mr. Sofge, Teacher of Music. Instruction given in French when desired, also German. sep 21 COLLECTOR & TREASURER’S NOTICE. MY fellow-citizens who are in arroars for City Taxes, are reminded, that interest has been running against them since tho first of May last, and unless speedy payment bo made, costs will bo added. The Tax Ordinance makes it their duty to call on me. JOHN HILL, C. & T. C. A. dec 13 tjanl FINE WATCHES AND RICH JEWELRY. THE undersigned respectfully requests the gQ public to give him a call and examine Tlt'Y ' his stock of fine WATCHES, CLOCKS, rich&iliS DIAMONDS and other JEWELRY in great varie ty, feeling satisfied that they must be pleased with his goods and prices. F. A. BRAHE. N, B.—He gives his own personal attention to the repairing of Watchos and Jewelry. dec 13 I. P. GIHAIIDEY & CO., * WHOLESALE and Retail Confectioners, and Dealers in French and German Fancy Goods, Augusta, Geo., rospoctfuully call the attention of the public generally to their largo and selected stock of Confectionaries, Fancy Goods, Toys, of every dcscripton, Fire Works, Cordials, Syrups, Scgars, Havana and Malaga Fruits, Pickles and Preserves —all of which can bo found at their es tablishment, at tho lowest possible market, nov 22 COACHEES, BRITTYS AND PHJETONS. LUTHER. ROLL, Under and in the rear of the Augusta Hotel , AUGUSTA GA., HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF COACHEES, ROCKAWAYS, BRITTYS, _ Top BUGGIES, CHARIOTEES, No Top do. PHAETONS, CARTS, Road WAGONS, Pedlar’s WAGONS, Ac. Os hi 3 own selection at the North this summer.— Also, an assortment of Harness, which he will sell as low as they can be bought in any Southern mar ket. ALSO A full assortment of COACH HARNESS, and SADDLE MATERIALS, such as Axles, Springs, Bands, Lamps, Bolts, Laces, Harness, Leather, of all kinds and descriptions. Patent and Enamelled Cloths, Saddle Trees, Hogskins, Ac. tAo dec 8 URE EXTRACT OF CELERY, for flavoring Soups, Sallads, Ac., for sale by dec 22 WM. HAINES, Druggist. VALUABLE RIVER’ LANDS FOR SALE MY planting interest being too large, I offer for sale a portion of my Savannah River Planta tion. This place is too well known to require de* ecription ; and persons wishing to purchase would do well to look at it, as I know it would satisfy any one who is iudge of good lands. oct 26 dtActJanl WM. J. EVE. “ NOTICE TO PHYSICIANS! AVERY desirable location for a practicing Physician for sale, situate about thirty miles from Augusta, and within one and a half miles of a Rail Road Depot. A practice of between three and four thousand dollars may be done in the neighborhood. The social, educational and reli gious advantages of the situation are excellent. Apply at this office. dfActf oct 26 FALKIRK ALE.—2S casks of this celebrated Ale, just received. Apply to dcc2s JOHN CASHIN. HAIR BRUSHES and as ( sortment of the best Hair Brushes, large and t small. Also, Ivory Fine and other Dressing Combs, i For sale by dec 24 WM. HAINES. Jlnrlion Sulra. BY R ‘ &• A. P. CALDWELL. Spanish Segars—Positive and Unrcserved Sale, on account of the Underwriters and all concerned. On THURSDAY, the sth January, will be sold, at 11 o'clock,in our store (upstairs,) 300,000 Spanish SEGARS, Comprising the various favorite brands usually im ported into this city by Messrs. Hall & Co., slight ly injured at the late fire, and now sold by order and for account of the Underwriters. Charleston, Dec. 29. 2 doe 30 BY C. E. GIRARDEY & CO. THIS DAY, at 10J o’clock, A. M., will be sold, A beautiful assortment of new and second hand ed FURNITURE, consisting in part of— -1 fine Mahogany Hair bottom Sofa; 1 do. do. Bureau, extra size; 1 do. do. Secretary and Book Case; 6 do. do. Chairs; 4 do. Cherry Tables; 1 do. Papier Maehe Centro Table. — — Mahogany Rocking Chairs; Cherry and Maple Bed-steads; Beds and Mattresses; Fenders; And Irons; Shovels; Tongs, do. Terms cash. dec3o BY C. E. GIRARDEY & CO. THIS NIGHT, at 7 o clock, P. M., in store, wo will seli, A general assortment of GOODS, consisting in part of Seasonable Dry Goods, Ready-made Clo thing, Hosiery, Stationery, Guns, Pistols, Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, Fancy Articles, Jfco., Ac. Terms cash. dec3o BY CAMILLE E. GIRARDEY & CO. On FRIDAY, in front of Store, at 11 o’clock, we will sell, an assortment of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, consisting of— Sugars, Coffee, N. O. Syrup, Bacon, Hams, ShouL ders, Candles, Soap, Starch, Potatoes, Onions, But ter, Cheese, Lard, Crackers, Wines, Brandy, Whis key, Segars, Tobacco, Matches. Ac. —also— New and Second-hand Furniture, with some fan cy Household articles. Terms cash. dec 29 BY C. E. GIRARDEY & CO. On the first TUESDAY in JANUARY next, wo will sell, nt the Lower Market Houso, within the usual hours of sale— -10 SHARES Iron Steamboat Company’s Stock. Terms Cash. dec 29 BY CAMILLE E. GIBB APE Y &.CO. On the first TUESDAY in January next, will ho sold, within the usual hours of sale, House and Lot, situated on the north side of Tel fair street, east of the new Episcopal Church, bounded cast by Mr. Tobey’s residence, and west by W. Nelson's, with a good Dwelling, and necessary out buildings—now renting at sls per month—building not yet completed. Lot fronting 40 feet on Telfair street, and running back ISO feet; desirable location. For particulars, enquire of above. Terms at sale, td decl6 BY C. E. GIR ARDE Y &.CQ. Postponed Sale. On the first TUESDAY, 3d January, at the Lowor Market House, within the usual hours of sale, will positively be sold, The desirable property, known as Kyall’s Stove, and Dwelling and Lot, each 40 feet front, running back 150 feet; fronts on Pine and Brick Range, south east of the Augusta Factory,—is a very de sirable location for a Family Grocery. The prop erty can be rented for $22 per month. Sale is peremptory. Purchasers to pay for pa pers. Titles indisputable. Terms made known on the day of sale. decl6 td BY CAMILLE E GIRARDEY & CO. On the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, at the Lower Market House, within the usual hours of sale, will be sold, at public outcry— The HOUSE and Lot of Ground, situated on the North-west corner of Broad and Houston Streets, formerly belonging to James Leverich, deceased. The said Lot having a front on Broad Street of Forty-seven feet, and running back on Houston Street, One Hundred and Ninety six feet Six inches deep. The said lot is capable of great improve ment. Ti.lcs indisputable. Conditions cash. dec 16 td STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND CO. ALL PERSONS having demands against NICH OLAS DELAIGLE, late of said county, de ceased, are horoby notified to present them, pro perly attested, to me, or to my son Louis, whom I have specially empowered to transact all my busi ness, within the time prescribed by law, or they will not be settled; and all persons indebted to said doceased, are hereby required to make imme diate payment. CHARLES DELAIGLE, Adrn’r. December 7tb, 1853. The undersigned can be found,at his office, Con stitutionalist Range, on Mclntosh street. dec7 LOUIS DELAIGLE. NKCK DRYING.—A splendid assortment o fine SCARFS, CRAVATS, TIES, Napoleon’s Washington’s, and a variety of other kinds. dec2o WM. 0. PRICE & CO. MORE Sc GALLAGHER, Ridge Road and Coates Street. Philadelphia , IRON FOUNDERS, and MANUFACTURERS of Wrought and Cast Iron RAILINGS, and all kinds of Ornamental and Architectural IRON WORKS; IRON RAILINGS, for public and pri vate Grounds ; VERANDAHS ; CHAIRS ; SET TEES; TABLES, Ac. Particular attention paid to the enclosure of Burial Lots. More & Gallagher’s Book of Original Designs, and a list of prices sent to persons wuhing to make a selection. 6m dec 4 RAZORS. —Those in want of a good Ra zor, can find one by calling at the Drug Store of dec 16 WM. 11. TUTT. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS. B PHILLIPS has now in store, one door be • low the Bank of Brunswick, a large and well selected stock of FALL and WINTER DRY GOODS and CLOTHING. His style of Goods are well adapted to the wants of Merchants and Planters, at wholesale and retail. He respectfully invites attention to his assortment, as he is deter mined to sell on as reasonable terms as any house in the city. tJI oct 5 GIFT BOOKS FOR YOUNG PERSONS. LITTLE FERNS, for Funny Little Friends, by the author of Fern Leaves, with original de signs. by Fred. M. Coffin ; A Week’s Delight, or Games and Stories ; German Popular Tales and Household Stories, by the Brothers Grunni, newly translated ; Happy Days of Childhood, by Amy Meadows; Merry Tales for littlefolks, wuh numorous plates, Arabian Nights. 3 vols.; Shakspeare’s Tales; Buds and Blossoms for the Young, by Mrs. Hughes; Story of Stories, or Little Fun for Little Folks ; The Neighbors’ Children; Sequel to Mamma’s Bible Stories ; American Family Robinson; Mrs Gilman’s Gift Book ; Deal of Love; The Man of Snow ; Cobwebs to Catch Flies ; Sandford and Merton; The Desert Home, by J. Mayne Reid; Leila at Home and in England ; Leila, or the Island ; Stories, by a Mother ; Mamma’s Sunday Book ; Sunrise and Sunset, a true talc ; Tanglewood Tales, by Hawthorne ; India and its Inhabitants ; A New Home, Who’ll Follow ? Sister Mary’s Stories; Six Pleasant Companions for Spare Hour*; Picture Pleasure Books; ' Mrs. S - C. flail’s Domestic Tates; Hofland s Domestic Tales: Edgeworth's Popular Tales; Mary Howitt’r Story Book; Swiss Family Robinson; Girl’s Story Book . Child's Own Book : Boy’s Own Book, extended : Nursery Gift; Thrilling. Stories of the Ocean ; Gulliver Joe ; Clara Stanley ; Cousin Alice’s Stories; Christmas Tales; Robinson Crusoe; Fairy Gift; Besides hundreds of similar works, and Fancy Articles . Toys, of various kinds; Games, and nu merous articles of Papier Mache, are all to be found at GEO. A. OATES & BRO.’S, dec 23 Broad S„treet. Guano and lanu plaster.—a supply of the genuine Peruvian Guano, in bags, and Ground I and Plaster, in barrels of 500 lbs. Just received and for sale. Apply to _ dec 23 JOHN CASHIN MEAtOIRS of Abernethey, by Dr. Macilnam ; Liberia, or Mr Payton’s Experiments, by Mrs. Hale; Physiology of Taste, or Transcendental Gastron omy, by Brittal Savarin ; The Invalid’s Own Book, a collection of Receipts from various books and various countries, by the Hon. Lady Cost; Littell on the Eye, by S. Littell, M. D.; Heart Drops from Memory’s Urn, by S. J. C. Whittlesey; Sea and Sailor, by Cotton ; Ship and Shore, by Cotton; Land and Sea, by Cotton ; Life in Sandwich Islands, by Rev. Henry T Choever. Jast received and for sale by dec 23 McKINNE & HALL. KOH-I-N'OOR TOBACCO The finest Chew ing Tobacco in the world. A small quantity just received and for sale by SCRANTON, SEYMOUR & CO., tftartigg Sales. BY S. C. GRENVILLE Ik CO. i, Will be sold, on TUESDAY the 3d January at the Lower Market House— A likely Mulatto GIRL, 20 years old, A No 1 t washer and irener. and first rate house servant. Sold for no fault, only to change investment. Pur. chaser*to pay us for papers Terms cash, dec 30 BY S. C. GRENVILLE & CO. EXECUTOR’S SALE? IW ILL OFFER FOR SALE, at public outcry, at the Market House in Augusta, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, Nine hundred and eighty eight acres of PINE LAND, belonging to the estate of Gen. Val. Wal ker, deceased, divided into various sized tracts of from 75 to 158 acres, on the north side of Butler’s Creek, in Richmond county, adjoining lands of Wolfe, John Gibhs, George Schley, and others. Terms on the day of sale, with plat ot the rrom lses - GEORGE SCHLEY, dec2 ° td Executor of Val. Walker. BY 8 c - GRENVILLE & CO * Postponed. W ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Il ** BE 011 the first Tuesday in JAN UARY next, by order of the Court of Or dinary, at the lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property, belonging to the Estate of John Maharrey, deceased: . Lot, with the improvements thereon, situated in the city of Augusta, on the north side of Greene street, having a front of sixty-five feet, more or less, on said street, and running back half through to Ellis street, bounded on the north by B. F. Chew’s lot, on the east by J. J Clayton’s lot, south by Greene street, and east by W. H. Maharrey, said lot opposite the City Hall. Also, a Lot, with the improvements thereon, sit uated in the city of Augusta, on the south side of Broad street, having a front of— feet on said street, running through and fronting on Ellis street, bound ed on the north by Broad street, on the east by Estate of Abraham’s lot, south by Ellis street, anil west by a lot formerly belonging to Mrs. Sera. On said lot there is a dwelling on Broad and Ellis streets. Terms on the day of sale. W H. MAHARREY, sept 29 Administrator, de bonis non. BY S.C. GRENVILLE & CO. Postponed. EXECUTOR’S SALE. WILL BE SOLD on the first Tuesday in JAN UARY next, by order of the Court of Or dinary, at the lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, within tho legal hours of sale, the follow ing property, belonging to tho Estate of Charity Maharrey, deceased. A Lot, and the improvements thereon, situated in the city, on tbo north side of Greene street, hav ing a front on said street of eighty-two feet, more or less, running back half through to Ellis street, bounded north by A Frederick’s lot, east by B. H. Warren’s lot, south by Greene street, and west by Presbyterian Parsonago lot. —also— A negro woman named Daphny. about 35 years of age, and Rebecca, aged 65. Terms on the day of sale. sept 29 WM.IL MAHARREY. Ex’r. BY S. C. GRENVILLE & CO. EXECUTORS 7 SALE.' WILL BE SOLD, on tho first Tuesday in JAN UARY next, at tho Lower Market Houso, in the City of Augusta, by permission of the Infe rior Court of Richmond county, while setting for ordinary purposes, the following property belong ing to the Estate of Jesse Kent, deceased: A HOUSE and LOT on the South side of Greene street, below Houston street, in said city, contain ing a front of twenty-five feet, more or less, on said street, and running back one hundred and seventy three f< et, three inches, more or less, bounded on the east by P. Cavendor’s lot, and on tho west by E. H. Rogers’ lot. Also, a tract of LAND in Richmond county, containing one hundred and fifty acres, more or less, known as tlie Holcombe place. And also, the fol lowing Negro SLAVES ; Billy, a Butcher, about fifty years of age; John, about forty five; Sam, a Carpenter, and Mary his wife, each about forty-five years of age, and their chil dren : David fifteen, Sabra thirteen, Betsey eleven, and Violet nine years of age. Terms cash. I. P. GARVIN, ) „ , nov22-d&ctds* JOHN H. MANN, ( *' xo ° r3> BY S C. GRENVILLE & CO. notice' WILL be hired on Monday, 2d day of January next, at the Lower Market Home, in the City of Augusta, for the ensuing year, the follow ing Negroes, belonging to tho estate of Jesse Kent, deceased: 808, a bricklayer; 808, a valuable Carriage Driver; JOHN ; DAVY and SABRA. JOHN H. MANN, ) - dec 14 dtd I. P. GARVIN, J** BY S. C. GRENVILLE & CO. EXECUTOR'S SALE. WSLL BE SOLD, at the Market House of tho City of Augusta, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, between tho usual hours of sale, the following property to wit; All that tract or parcel of LAND, situated upon the Georgia Railroad about 31 miles from tho City of Augusta, together with the improvements there on. Said tract cent; ining Sixty-four acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of Phinizy, Me Laws and others, and known as tho residence of Char lotte Bugg, deceased. Also, a Negro Man named JOE, about 28 years of age. a Painter by trade. Said property sold for division amongst tho Legatees. Terms cash, dee 16 THOMAS WYLDS, Qual. Ex’r. BY S. C. GRENVILLE & CO. executor’s Tale . WILL BE SOLD on the first Tuesday in Jan uary next, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, within tho legal hours of sale, tho following property, belonging to tho estate of Naney Barrett, deceased: A mulatto man, Bill, a good Blacksmith, about 22 years old; Jim, a good Bricklayer, about 24 years old. Also —Ten Shares of the Stock of tbo Bank of the State of Goorgia. Terms cash, dec 8 THOMAS BARRETT, Executor. BY S. C. GRENVILLE & CO. Will be sold, at tho Lower Market House, on TUESDAY, the 3d of January— A grst rate four-horse WAGON. Torm3 Cash, dec 24 BY S. C. GRENVILLE &CO. ' Will be sold, on TUESDAY, the 3d of January, at the Lower Market House, between tho usual hours of sale— A Negro Woman named SARAH, about fifty years of age. Purchaser to pay for papers. Terms Cash. dec 24 BY s. C.~ GRENVILLE & CO. Valuable Servant. Will be sold, on TUESDAY, 3d of January, at the Lower Market House, between tbe usual hours of sale— A likely and intelligent brown GIRL, 17 years of age, a good bouse servant and nurse. Warranted sound, and sold for no fault, the owner wishing to change investment. Purchaser to pay us for pa pers. dec 20 BY S. C. GRENVILLE & C(L Farm near Augusta. On the Ist TUESDAY in January nixt, will be sold, at the Lower Market House in this city, A neat FARM, known as the “ Rees place, or Lilly \ ale,” situated 3 miles from Augusta, con taining 100 acres, with a good Dwelling and out houses. Terms—one third cash, the balarce in one md two years, with interest from date, and secured by mortgage. Purchasers to pay for papers. dec 14 BY S. C. GBENVILLE &~CO~ Desirable Sand Hill Residence. On tho Ist TUESDAY in January next, at the Lower Market House, in this city, will be sold. The property of the Trustees of the Academy of Richmond county, known as the Summerville Academy, including the new and spacious Dwell ing erected for the Teacher. Terms made known on the day of sale decl4 SCHOOL-OP ARCHITECTURE” THE subscriber will open on Monday evening, the 21st, a school for instruction in Architec tural and Industrial Drawing, in a course of les sons on Geometrical and Architectural Designs. For terms, apply at office over Mr. Blalock s store, next door to tho Bank of Augusta, up stairs. Plans, specifications and designs for buildings of every description furnished, nov 20 ts E. W. BROWN, Architect. BRICK WORK WANTED. THE subscriber is prepared to do all kind of Brick W ork at short notice. oct 26 L. G. BASSFORD. NOTICE to EUILDI RS, —We have received, 25 doz. Peoples Leeks and Knobs complete. 25 “ Empire State Looks and Knobs. 12 “ Rural Locks. 20 “ Cottage Locks. White Plated Min eral Knobs, Mortice Locks and everything requir ed to finish off a house in the most splendid style, tEF* Hardware much reduced, by dec 11 MULLARKEY A OAK^AN. CANDLES —50 boxes Mould i„ store, and for sale by , DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING, deo 15f0.4 Warren Block- sept 29