The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, July 01, 1854, Image 1

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BY JAMES GARDNER. AUGUSTA, GA. SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 1. [From our Evening Edition of Yesterday.] Poles Up.—The Murfreesboro (Tenn.) Tele graph says: “The telegraph pales are now up from the Depot to the public square. The office will be kept in the front room of A. B. Elliott’s law office. We understand the company will c >mmence putting up the wire in a short time, beginning at Nashville and fitting offices along the line as they proceed. We may expect,there for probably in the course of ten days or two weeks to be vis a vis with Nashville, and a short time therealter with Shelby ville, Wartrace, Win chester, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Augusta, Charles ton and the Eastern cities. Powuek Car on Fire.—The Cumberland Telegraph says; “ Saturday last the powder car ou the Baltimore and Ohio railroad caught fire and before it was discovered some two hundred or three hundred feet of safety-fuse and some loose powder were consumed by fire. It was fortunate that the discovery was made before the kegs had caught, or the result might have been terrible to relate. The train would have been blown into atoms and every soul on beard kill ed. The damps were extinguished by the hands on the train with a few buckets of wa ter. S’lßi'cx by Lightning. —At St. Augustine on Finlay, during a thunder storm, the lightning struck a house in the northern part of the city, occupied by G. Masters. The fluid appears to have entered through the .chimney and atte r knocking off the p!as f er from the ceiling and walls, passed through the open door and win dows without doing further damage. Mrs. Mas ters and children narrowly escaped injury, be ing at the time on the portico. Stock of Cotton.—The Savannah News of 29ih ult., says : We took an account of the stock ol cotion on hand ami on shipboard not cleared yesterday, and found it to consist of 11,000 bales of upland, and 1,771 hales sea island. The gieatei portion of the upland is in the hands of shippers. Joseph Bryan, Purser U. S. N., has and Henry Myers, of Georgia, having been ap pointed in his stead, has been confirmed. Nashville, June 28. Health of t’.e City —There were eight inter ments in the city cemetery yesterday, of which three were cholera subjects. The thermometer stood at 93 degrees at three o’clock yesterday—in mor/ exposed situations higher. Physicians say that the tendency to bowel complaint is less: than it has been. The Board of tlealrh reported three deaths by cholera up to 3 o’clock yesterday—one from Nashville proper, and two in South Nashville. Cflcuttrrriai. SAVANNAH, June 23— Cotton. —Arrived since the 224 inst., 731 bales Upland (620 per Railroad, 111 from Augusta and landings on the river,) and 91 do. Sea Islands. The exports for the same period amount to 1,206 bales Upland, and 73 do. Sea Islands, viz : to New York, 295 bales Upland, and 59 do. Sea Islands; to Philadelphia, 552 hales Upland; and to Charleston, 107 hales Upland, and 14 do. Sea Islands—leaving on hand and on shipboard, not cleared, a stock of 11,041 bales Upland, and 1,771 do. Sea Islands, against 6,932 bales Upland, and 51 do. Sea Islands at the same time last 3'ear. The Canada arrived just after our last weekly report was in type. The sales at Liverpool for the week, end ing June 10th were 72,000 bales, of which speculators took 18,000 and exporters 7,000. The news generally seemed more favorable, an 1 no important branch of trade was reported languishing. The Cotton market was reported to have advanced , but the improve ment was felt principally by the lower grades, fair cot tons being quoted the same, viz : for Orleans, and Oj-4. for Upland. lSy the Atlantic on Monday we receiv ed three days later intelligence, but the commercial news showed about the same state of trade. There was but a moderate demand for Cotton at previous pri ces; sales in three days 20.000 bales, of which specula tors took 3,000, and exporters 2,000. Our market has been quiet all the week, tnere being very little Cotion on sale, and the weather also being most of the time too hot for active business. The £ales on Friday were 151 j on Saturday 395, on Monday 31, and on Tuesday 56 bales. „> o sales were reported on Wednesday or yester day, the news by the Atlantic being considered unfa vorable. We hav taken a careful count of the stock ©n hand, aitd find our previous figures very nearly eorrect for Upland, hut the stock, of Sea Island is about 1,200 bales more than our tables showed. This excess is owing to the receipts by Railroad, which, are usually reported as Upland cotton. The sales of the week amount to 633 bales at the fol lowing particulars, 18at 7; 40 at 7|- 86 at 7f; 4at9; 63 at SJ; 182 at 8J; 156 at 9; and 84 bales at 9£ cents. We repeat our quotations of last week, with the re mark that prices are altogether nominal, very little being now offered. We quote : Ordinary to Good Ordinary, 7 @ 8 Low Middling to Strict Middling, Bs>z) 9 Good Middling,. —9K Middling Fair. —^ Fair nominal Sea Islands — The demand for this quality of Cotton continues limited. We hear of sales 64 bajps, at ex tremes ranging from 17 to 23 cents. Receipts of the week 94 bales. Exports 73 bales. Rice. —The demand is limited. We hear of sales of 120 casks, at extremes ranging from i'3£ a. s3§ per hun dredths. Exports of the week 434 casks. Flour. —The stock continues ample, and the demand limited. We have no change to notice in prices, and continue our quotations for Georgia brands, viz ; $3 <t> $8 50 per bbl- Corn. —This article remains without change. The supply is equal to the demand, which is limited. We quote at per bushel, the latter figure for small lot®. Oats. —The demand continues limited, and the stock light. We quote at65,u,70 cts. per bushel, according to quantity and quality. Molasses. —Cuba is selling from store at 22 a 23c. per gallon. Th‘ re is none afloat. The market is fairly supplied with New Orleans which is selling at 24@26c. per gallon, according to quality. Bacon —There has been some demand during the week, with small sales. Hay. —We continue our quotations of last,week, viz : for Eastern, from wharf, $1.50, and $1.75 from stoi;e, and Northern at $1.25 from wharf, and $1.50 from store. Salt. —One cargo ailoat (white alum) which is held at 35 cents per bushel, in sacks. It is selling from $1.37£ (a $1.50 p> sack. Lime —ls selling from wharf at $1.15 5)51.25 p cask. Lumber— 8. Sawed, refuse P m.ft.. 800 @ 11 00 Merchantable p m ft. .15 00 (uj 20 00 Kiver Lumber, refuse. . p m. ft. . 0 00 (oj 10 00 Merchantable to prime.p m. ft. .14 00 (a) 16 00 Ranging do, for export, p m.ft.. 900 18 00 Mill Ranging P m.ft. .10 00 (ey 13 00 White Pin®, clear p m.ft. .30 00 (oj 40 00 Merchantable ......... p m.ft.. 18 00 (a, 25 00 Cypress Shingles pm. .. 400 ® 450 Sawed Cypress Shinglesp m. .. 16 00 (a; Red Oak Staves p n:. .. 12 00 (g> 16 00 White do. pipe....p m. ..35 00 (g> 60 00 do. do. hhd....p m. ..25 00 (a) 35 00 do. do. bbl p in. ..20 00 (a) 25 00 Exchange. —We quote Sterling at p ct. prem. Domestic. —The Ranks are selling Sight Checks on all Northern Cities at $ p ct. prem., and purchasing Sight Bills at par; 30 day Bills at P ct. discount; 60 day Bills l£a;lj p ct. discount; 90 day Bills p ct. discount. Freights. —The rate to Liveipool Jd-P lb- for Cotton. Coastwise. We quote to New York £c. for Cotton, by sailing vessels, and 7-16 c. for square, and fc. for round cotton, by steamers. To Boston, 7-16 c. p ftjfor Cot ton. To Philadelphia, jjc. for round, and 5-16 c. for square, by the steamers. Lumber—We quote to St. Johns, N. 8., S2O p thousand for Timber; to Portland, Bath, Me., Portsmouth, N. II . and Boston, sl6 for Tim ber and sls for Lumber: to New York sl4 for Timber and sl3 for Lumber. There is a large quantity of Tim ber and Lumber offering for Northern ports. , CHARLESTON, June3o. — Cotton —A moderately fair business was done in this article during the previous week, at gradually strengthening prices, and when we closed our enquiries, the market was decidedly in favor of sellers, Good Middling having advanced to 9jc. The article was in some request at the opening of the pre sent week, but the stringent terms demanded by sellers checked opeiations, and the transactions during the first three days, barely reached 1,000 bales. Purchasers, however, yielding to circumstances they could not coutrol, came forward on Tuesday and bought to the extent of 1000 bales, at prices indicating an improve ment on the middling qualities; but the market relaps ed into a quiet state on Wednesday, as the sales were limited to fbme 220 bales, and prices had lost a good deal of that had characterized theopera tions of the preceding day. Yc-sterday upwards of 09 bales changed hands, and the week closed at about th price current when we made up our former report; w 0 The Daily Constitutionalist and Republic. therefore renew the quotations given at that time, and would with confidence refer to them as indicating the state of the market at the close of business yesterday. The receipts since our last comprise 3383 bales, and the sales in the same time foot up 3034 bales at the follow ing particulars, viz : 10 bales at 6£; 10 at 7; 50 at 7£; 141 at 7£; 50at7§; 280 at 7X; 397 at 8; 245 at 8$; sat 8£; 325 at 9; 23 at 9s; 145 arff: 25 at 9§; 724 at 9s; 30 at 9£ 80 at 9£; 78 at 9|; and 263 bales at 10c. We quote Inferior 6£gj7y; Ordi nary to Good Ordinary 8@8£; Middling 9@9£; Good Middling 9f; and Middling Fair 10(8: —. There has been a good demand for Long Cotton, when the limited amount on sale is considered. The transactions com prise several hundred bales, mostly of ordinary and low qualities at prices ranging from 17@27 cents. Corn. —The supply on sale is very light, and as an evidence of its scatcity, one of our dealers purchased from another in the early part of the week Rome 4000 bushels prime North Carolina at 95c. per bushel. This house yesterday, however, received 10,000 bushels. Flour. —We have nothing of interest to communi cate, so far as this article is concerned. The transac tions, which have been limited, have been confined principally to barrels at prices ranging from s7| to sß| per barrel. Bagging. —Gunny Cloth continues to command our quotations, viz : 13J@14c. Salt. —The demand which has been very limited, has been supplied, principally at sl.lO per sack. Groceries. —Some 150 hhds. Louisiana Sugars have been worked off during the week at prices ranging from 4f@4|c. lb. Nothing has been done in either Molasses or Coffee. •- Freights. —The cu. rent rate to Liverpool during the week, was |d. for Cotton in square bags, at which rate the market closed. A vessel was put up for Havre, but was subsequently withdrawn for the want of freight. The rate for Cotton to New York has fluctuated between 20 a.‘25 c. p 100 lbs Rice may be quoted nominally at $1 p tierce. Nothing up for Boston. SAVANNAH EXPORTS—JUNE 29. Per schr. Jonas Smith, for New York—6l9 bales Cot ton, 231 boxes Copper Ore, 155 Hides, 2 bales Skin. S'ljffiping Jiitcllijiciicf. CP FOR CHARLESTON. Ship Geo Byron, Clapp. Boston. * CLEARED FOR CHARLESTON. Schr B N Hawkins, Griffin. New York. CHARLESTON, June 30.—Arrived, schr*. Emily Kerr, Linden, Baltimore ; Yorktown, Phillips, do. Cleared, ship Gondar, Michaels, Liverpool. Went to Sea. Sp. brig Joven Emilia, Mitjans. Barcelo na; brigs Moses, Jarvis, New York; Commerce,Larsen, Providence. SAVANNAH, June 29.—Arrived, steamers Oregon. Fraser, Augusta ; Fashion, Powell, do. Cleared, schr. Jonas Smith, Smith, New York. ©fncrflt Jl&Dfrtisnnrnts. GEORGIA HYDRAULIC CEMENT. THE following are among the many testimoni als received in favor of the above Cement. A fresh lot just received and for sale by GEO. W. LE WiS, No. 1 Warren Block. Sdi'erintendant’s Office C. R. R., Savannah, May 3, 1853. Dear Sir : I have recently made a trial of your Cement, and am happy to say that it proved Very satisfactory. W. M. WADLEY. Charleston, April 19, 1854. We, the undersigned, bricklayers and plasterers of this city, having used the Georgia Hydraulic Cement, prepared at Kingston, Georgia, are satis fied that the same is a good article, and recom mend it as such. SEPTIMUS SANDERS, J. B. LUCAS, W. H. GRUVED. New Custom House, Charleston, S. 0., April 12, 1864. Dear Sir: At your request I have to state that a bag of Hydraulic Cement, sent to mo by Messrs. Matheson A Simons, made by Rev. W. Howard, from his Quarry in Georgia, has been by me sub jected to my ordinary test. I have found it to set sapidly under water, and make an excellent Hy draulic mortar. The bag of Cement sent me by Mr. Simons has been made into moit jr and laid up into brick masonry a few days ago. It is now quite hard, and shows all the indications of a good Cement. Vory respectfully, your obedient servant, EDW. B WHITE, Superintendant and Architect. Messrs. Maclean & Cc. —Gentlemen : I have examined a d tested the Hydraulic Cement you have in store, f.oia Mr. Howard, Cass county, i>a, and find it compa-es best New York Cement. The lightness of color is, 1 think, rather an advantage than otherwise. I cheerfully recommend this Cement to Engineer?; builders and others, as admirably adapted to building purposes in damp and wet locations, and all localities in which Ilyraulic Cement is to be used. Very respectfully, JOHH PHILIPS, jel * Civil and Mechanical Engineer. OSBORNE & WHITLOCK, JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS, 256 Broad-st, under TJ. S. Hotel , Augusta, Ga., HAVE constantly on hand a fine assort- gQ ment of Watches: Clocks; Jewelry; Silver and Plated Ware ; Fancy Goods and Perfumery. Just received, some very fine Watch es, manufactured to order, and some of T. F. Coop er’s superior time keepers in Magic Cases. Fine Diamond Pins of beautiful designs; Fob and Vest Chains, of new patterns, and a general assortment of the finest and most fashionable Pins ; Ear-rings; Bracelets, Ac. which we offer at the lowest prices possible, wholesale or retail. In the Optical lino, we are well supplied with whatever kind of Glass the defects of vision may require, and we are pre pared to fit the eye with as much accuracy as any mechanical art can be executed. Como and test the fact. Watch and Jewelry Repairing. —We still have the services of two superior Workmen—a Watch maker and Jeweler —all of whose work we war rant. feb!4 NEW MUSIC just received at QEO. A.JOATES A BliO.’S, Piano, Book and Music Store, Broad Street, between the United Sta'es and Globe Hotel?: SONGS.—Oh, where’s the Chain I treasured so ; Fare the well, all ties arc broken: Pretty little Warbler; The Sad Wild Strain, by L Gordigiani; Something love me, by Dempster; The magic of homo, by Blewitt; Wnat’s the matter with your Mather ! 1 Why droop? my heart ? Tho happiest time when we were young; My dear old home, by T. H. Howe; Little Gerty and Uncle True, from the Lamplighter; The vale of waters, by Stephen j Glover; JBefa Figlia, from the Opera of Rieoletta, by Verdi; Fire, Fire, a descriptive ballad; Ellen Bayne, by Stephen Foster. POLKAS. Ac.—Clara Waltz, greeting to Rogcrs villo Va'se Brilliante; Hattor Polka; Fuller’s Da guerreotype do ; Wiliowvale; Three Bells Polka; Magic Bell; Invisible Harlequin Polka; Moon beam Schottisch ; Lilac do.; Love Letter ao ; Rose bud do ; Charmed Ring do.: Adelaide, by Butho ven, arranged by Thulbcrg; Dew-drops, for the Piano. Jas. Beliak, containing Ellen and Annie Schottisch; Musket; Shells of Ocean Waltz; Jew el Schottisch; Fra Diavlo Quick Step; Linda Galop; Martha Quick Step; Marco Spada Scbot tisch ; and a variety of others. jeS ELEGANT EMBROIDERIES NO W in store, and all of which have been re ceived within the last six days. Rich Embroideries, of all kinds, the best and largest assortment that we have yet had at any time of these Goods; Habits, Sleeves and Collars, in full sets of Mal tose and Honiton Lacos; French, Swiss and Jaco net Needle Work, many very handsome. Also, each of the kinds, detached and separate; Collars, | Sleeves and Habits; Frilled Collars, new styles and very pretty; our I sto k of Swiss, Jaconet and Lace Collars is very ; extensive and complete. Mourning Collars, Sleeves and Habits, various stylos; Lace, Swiss and Jaconet Bands; also, Flouncing, a large variety ; Needle-worked Dresses, from low to very ele- ! gant. Skirts, and Swiss Mantillas, fine work; Also, Lace Berthas, Ac. All of which wo are selling at very reasonable prices. apr2i WARD A BUItCHARD. PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, Ac — A se lect assortment of fresh Portumery received this day, direct from the manufacturers, among which are 30 or 40 varieties of French and Ameri can Handkerchief Cologne Waters; Crystal Pal ace Premium, Prize Medal, and other fine varie ties of Toilet, Washing or Shaving Soaps; Hair Oils; Hair Dyes, Ac., for sale at Northern prices, for cash. WM. HAINES, jc7 Druggist and Apotheoary, Broad st. PLANTERS' HOTEL! THIS splendid new HOUSE, situate on gp* Broad street, immediately in front of &liii the site of the old Planter’s Hotel, which has been furnished throughout with now Furniture, Bed ding, Ac., will ho open for the reception of cus tomers on Saturday next. It will be the endeavor of the proprietor, to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. J. M. SIMPSON, Proprietor, oct 11 dfAetf ©ritcral Jttwcrtiscmfnts. TO STRANGERS. BEAUTIFUL DRY GOODS, Opposite Masonic Hall. W E respectfully call the attention of strangers visiting the city, and all others wishing to select their supplies from an entirely new and fresh stoc/c, to examite ours. Especial attention is di rected to recent arrivals of BEAUTIFUL DRRSS GOODS AND EMBROI DERIES, bought for, and held in reserve for the Lady Dele gates to the Convention I ATTENTION IS SOLICITED TO THE FOLLOWING: | Beautiful designs for Dress Goods, in Organdies, Lawns, &c.: 1 Striped and Plaid Silks, in colors and for mourn ing. In this department will be found one of the largest, if not the very largest stocks in the State to select from ; Elegant Brocaded Silks, in White and light colors, for weddings ; Plain Glace Silks, Ashes of Roses, Pea Green, Li lac, Modes, &e.; Rich Tissue and Zephyr Silks, in brilliant colors Beragcs in great variety, in plain colors and fig ures ; Brilliant Jaconets, Debege and Sague Linens, for traveling dresses, a large assortment; Elegant Flounced and Pointed White Embroider ed Robes; Fans, Mantles, Embroideries, and White Crape Shawls; Besides a full assortment of housewife and do mestic goods, all which will be sold very low. may 7 WARD & BURCH ARP. GRAY BROTHERS BEG to inform the public, that they hafre just returned from the Northern markets, with a full and complete stock of SPRING DRY GOODS. Having all the facilities in the purchasing of their stock that a cash capital can command, we beg leave to assure the public, that we will al ways keep on hand the very best order of Goods that can be obtained, and sell them on as fair terms as the like quality can be purchased either in this market or Charleston. Among our stock will be found the following beautiful Goods:— Chaste and Elegant Spring Silks ; Sewing Silks and Tissues; Barege3 and Barege DeLanes ; French Muslins and Lawns ; White Silks, of all styles; Black Brocade and Watered Silks ; Plain Black Silks, all widths; White Embroidered Muslins; Colorod Dotted Muslins: Plaid and Striped Muslins; Swiss and Jaconet do.; Book and Mull do. ; White and Col’d Tarlton Muslins Crimped Evening Dresses, new styles; Mantillas and Scarfs, entirely new ; Crape Shawls, very cheap; White Barege and Sewing Silk Shawls; French, American, and English Prints; Ginghams, of all kinds; Linen Lustres and Chambrys ; Cheap Long Cloths and Homespuns; Irish Linens, (own importation) ; Plain Linen and Linen Drill, for Gent’s wear; Linen Shooting, exceedingly cheap ; All kinds of Cotton Sheeting; Pillow case Linen; 40 inch Pillow case Cotton ; Hosiery of every description, very cheap ; Embroideries of every description ; some very fine; Sewing Silk Mitts and Gloves ; Kid and Silk Gloves; Raw Silk and Lisle Gloves; Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, all kind:; Swiss and Jaconet Bands, very rich ; Cambric, Swiss and Jaconet Trimmings and Insertion; Ribbon Trimmings, new styles; Rich Bonnet and Neck Ribbons ; Lisle, Thread, and Linen Laces; . And a great variety of other articles too nume rous to mention, to which we respectfully invite at tention. marl 7 WM. 0. PRICE & CO., TTYRAPEUS AND TAILORS, invito attention 1J to a very choice selection of READY MADE GARMENTS, of every variety of kind, which they are now every week receiving. The public ’ arc assured that every article is made in fashiona ■ ble style, and in the best manner. , A choice assortment of Stocks, Cravat? and Ties, Gloves, Suspenders, Braces, Hosiery, Under -1 Shirts and Drawers, Travelling Cases, Sac d„ Voi ges, Gaiters, with many other useful articles. WM. O. PRICE & CO., aprit6 25S Broad Street. NEW SPRING GOODS. LD. LALLERSTEDT has just received, at * his old Stand, corner of Globe Hotel, anew and splendid assortment of SPRING GOODS, among which are— Super Grenadines and Tissues, Extra Velvetincs and Bareges, , Alamantes and Twisted Silks, Broeade and Plaid Silks, light colored, 1 Elegant French Jaconets, great variety, J . White Swiss Muslin, plain and dotted, l Earlston Ginghams and Prints, To which he invites attention. marlfi 5 T D. LALLERSTEDT has just received JLi* complete assortment of— Paris Kid Gloves and Hosiery, t Undersleeves and Chemizettes, Super Neodks-worked Collars, ! Jaconet and Swiss Trimming, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Thread and Lisle Laces. To which he invites attention. marlfi i COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE^ , rpHE subscribers having associated themselves i A together in the Boot and Shoemaking business, have purchased the entire stock of A. DOUBET, ; take this method of informing the public and the j patrons of the late establishment, that thoy are : prepared to execute all orders hf the manufacturing, f as heretofore; and will also keep on hand a general • assortment of ready made work, Ladies, Misses and t Childrens Boots and Shoes of all descriptions. To r gether with a general assortment of Gentlemens l wear. To which they invito the pbulic to give i I them a call and examine for themselves. All , work purchased of them is warranted, i JOHN PARR J.D. SMITH. Augusta Ga., July 7th 1853. july 8 ‘ SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PANY. MW. WOODRUFF having been recently ap* • pointed Agent for the above Company, is , now prepared to take Firo and Merino RISKS on g as favorabe terms as any agency iu the city. _ Office, streot, next door to the Tele , graph office. _ 1 Augusta, August 22d, 1853. N~” EW works— A Year after Marriage, by T. S. Arthur; The Quiet Heart, from Black wood’s Magazine; The Dodd Family Abroad, by Chas. Lever, author of Charles o’Mally. Ac.; The I Jesuit’s Daughter, by Ned Buntline; Fern Leaves, „ from Fanny’s Port Folio, second series, with ori ginal designs, by Fred. M. Coffin. Al-o, another supply of tho Lamplighter; Matt Ward’s Trial; My School and Schoolmaster, by Hugh Miller; Farmingdale, by Caroline Thomas ; Struggles for ,* ’ Life ; Life and its Aims; Life in Abyssinia, 2 vols ; I Minnie Hcrmon ; This, That and the Other; Our r i Parish; The Parish Side; Alono; Hive ot the v Bee Hunter; Count Montß Cristo; Myrtle Wreath, • by Maurice Myrtle ; Calavar, or the Knights of the - Conquests; The Frontiersman. For sale at _ GEO. A OATES A BRO.’S, ;, "jV|EVV r MEDICAL ROOKS. —The Science and ; lx Art of Surgery, being a Treatise on Surgical - 1 Injuries, Disoases and Operations, by John Eiick- I sen, illustrated by three hundred and eleven en c gravings on wood. A Treatise on Operative Sur : gery; comprising a description of the various pro j cesses ol tho Art, including all the o; orations, ex bibiting the stato of Surgical Science in the pre- sent advanced condition, with eighty plates, con „ taining four hundred and eighty-six separate illus f trations, by Joseph Pancoast, M. D. For sale by [* jo2o THOS. RICHARDS A SON. ' TVfEW MEDICAL BOOKS.— The Science and r In Art of Surgery, being a treatise on Surgical 3, Injuries, Diseases and Operations, byJohnErich sen, Prof. Surgery in University College; Hand Book of Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical and ~ Technical, by F. A. Abel, First Asst. Royal College l Chemistry. Just received and for sale by I je23 McKINNE A HA_LL. n 'jVJ E W BOOKS. —The History of Oliver Cromwell 1- lx and the English Commonwealth, from the s- execution of Charles the First to the death of Crom er well, by M. Guizot; The Turkish Empire—itsHis io torical. Statistical and Religious condition, also, its Manners, Customs, etc., by Alfr* d Doßesse. Just received and fur sale by * l je23 McKINNE A HALL. AUGUSTA, GA., SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 1, 1854. ©fitrrol jLiwrtisi'mcnts. AUGUSTA HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEO. W. P, STARR, Proprietor. FTllirs HOTEL is now opened for the re .s ception of Travellers, and it will be the Mil aim of the Proprietor to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. It is centrllay situated on Broad street, and convenient to the different railroad Depots. Passengers by the Georgia Railroad, will be furnished with breakfast before they leave; those by the South Carolina Railroad, with dinner, and those by the day train on the Waynesboro’road with supper. The Furniture, Bedding, Ac., in this Hotel is all new. and it will be the endeavor of the Proprietor to render all who may patronize him, comfortable during their stay. mar2l ts The Chronicle & Sentinel, Charleston Courier, Savannah News, Edgefield Advertiser, Chattanooga Gazette, Dalton Times and Montgom ery Advertiser, will insert the above to the amount of five Dollars, and forward bills to W. P. S., with a copy of paper containing first insertion. DENNIS’ ANTI-SPASMODIC TINCTURE. FOR all sudden and dangerous attacks of Dis ease, such as Fits or Convulsions; Apoplexy, Lock-Jaw; Cramp Colic; Cholera; Pneumonia; Hydrophobia ; Bite of Snakes, and other danger ous cases of Poisons, and all other diseases in which immediate action is necessary. This Tittcture produces its effect by equalizing the circulation of the Blood, and by relieving in flammation. Its effect in relieving inflammation, either internal or external, makes it useful in a great variety of diseases. For Fever and Ague, or Chills, it is almost an infallible remedy. Diluted with syrup or honey, it is useful for Colds and all affections of the Lungs, arising from colds, such as Cough, Croup, Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Ac. As an external romedy, in fresh Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Bite of Snakes, Sting of Bees, or Bite of poisonous Insects, it provents in flammation, and greatly relieves the soreness. I sed as a wash in eruptive diseases, such as Scald Hoad, Ringworm, or diseases which cause an itching sensation upon the skin, it soon produces a healthy action. When thus used, the Goorgia Sar saparilla should be taken to purify the blood. For Horses, and other animals, this article will be found invaluable for Bruisos, Cuts, Galls, Fistu la, Ac. For Colic, and various other dangorous attacks, it rarely fails to cure even the worst cases. This is the most active medicine in use, yet it may be given without danger of injury. It seldom fails, in dangerous cases, to cause an immediate re action in the system. After i; has caused a reac tion, it may be followed by such other medicines as the situation of the patient may indicate. Prepared by J. DENNIS, M. D., Augusta, Ga. Price $1 per bottle—Six bottles for $5. jan4 LINEN GOODS. JUST received, at P. and M. GALLAIIER’S, Irish Linens, all qualities and prices; Pillow case Linens; Farmer's Drills: Check Coatings, Blay Linens, and Brown Hollands; Russia Dia pers ; Brown and Bleached Damask ; English, Ger man and. American Cloths. inar23 I. P. GIRARD EY &. CO., WHOLESALE and Retail Confectioners, and Dealers in French and German Fancy Goods, Augusta, Geo., respcctfaully call the attention ol the public generally to their largo and selected stock of Confectionaries, Fancy Goods, Toys, of every descripton, Fire Works, Cordials, Syrups, Segars, Havana and Malaga Fruits, Pickles and Preserves—all of which can bo found at their es tablishment, at the lowest possible market, nov 22 OATS FOR SALE. A FEW hundred bushels. A parcel from the same was sown to prove the quality, and they aroupfinely. Also, CORN, HOMINY and MEAL PEA MEAL and Crushed CORN, for Milch Cows, tobo found at the Store below the Eagle & Phoenix Hotel. doc 13-ts JAMES L. COLEMAN ZEEMAN’S CELEBRATED TOOTH WASH, r i Mils delicious articlo combines so many meri il torious qualities, that it has now become a standard favorite with the citizens of New York, Philadelphia end Baltinaßenti.its prescribe it in their practice most successfully, and from every source the most flattering laudations are awarded it. Inflamed and bleeding gums arc immediately bon.'fitted by its use ; its action upon them is mild, 1 soothing and effective. It cleanses the teeth so j thoroughly that they are in ado to rival pearl in | whitearss, and diffuses through the mouth such a | deligntful freshness, that the oreath is rendered ex- [ quisitely sweet. It disinfects all those impurities I which tend to produce decay, and, as a consequence, i when these are romoved, the teeth must always re- ! main sound. Prepared only by Francis Zerinan, Chemist, ! Ninth and Catharine streets, Philadelphia; and! sold wholesale or retail, by W. H. TUTT, Augusta, an 1 by all Druggists, at 25 cents a bottle, mar 11 dGmo CHEAP CLOTHING. (THE BEST THE CHEAPEST.) THE public are informed that we are receiving every week, from our manufactory in New York, tho best and cheapest Clothing offered in Augusta. Our stock embraces all the latest styles of and the most modern make, to bo sold as cheap, or cheaper, than any house in Augusta. mar2l WM. O. PRICE & CO. SPRING GOODS. P. & M. GALLAIIER HAVE just opened a splendid Stock of Spring and Summer DRY GOODS, first Store below the Post Office corner, which they will sell at very low prices, as their motto is quick ssles and ligh profits. THEIR STOCK CONSISTS OF Spring and Summer Silks, Barege DoLaines and Bareges, French and Scotch Ginghams, Linen Lustres and Cambrics, Printed Jaconets and Printed Lawns, Foulard Silks, 50 cents per yard, Printed Bateste and Printed Muslin Robes, Polka Muslins and Dotted Swiss, 40 inch Ginghams, at 20 cents, Jaconet Robes, very low priced, Colored Dotted Swiss, now styles, Plain and Embroidered Crape Shawls, Mourning Organdies and Ginghams, Plaid Silks, as low as 50 cents A full assortment of Embroideries at very re duced prices; Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; Bleach Sheeting and Shirting, at various prices; fine York Mills at 12? cents ; Table Linens, Doylas and Napkins, very low. die rnarlfi SFRING GOODS, NEW STYLES. THE subscriber has just opened a large and ele gant stock of Spring and Summer GOODS, received direct from the Importers in Now York, to which he respectfully solicits attention. ladies’ dress woods. Rich Organdie Muslins; Rich Printed J aconets; French Ginghams; Rich Figured Bareges Plain Crape de Paris ; "tbF' Rich Plaid India Silks; y Printed and Plaid Tissues;.A Mourning Bareges; Plaid and Printed Mourninyfend 2d Mourn ing Bareges; —ALSO— ’! Glove- ; Silk and Cotton Hofeicry; Lace and Twisted Silk Mitts, Ac., .Ac. mar 23 1 JOHN P. SETZE. NEW GOODS, FOR GENTLEMEN AND BOY’S WEAR. A' LARGE and well assorted stock of the above GOODS, just received by \ mar 23 _ JOHN P. S*TZE. EMBROIDERIES. THE subscriber has just reeeivod a largo lot of Rich and Low-Priced Embroideries, consisting of— Lace, Book and Swiss Muslin Cellars; “ “ ‘ 4 “ Chcinezetts; “ “ “ “ Uundorsleeves; Mourning and 2d Mourning Collars and Sleeves ; “ •* Embr’d. L. C. H’db’fs; Embroidered White Crape Shawis; Muslin Sleeves and Chomczetts, in setts, Ac. mar 23 • J- P* SETZE. SHEETINGS. TUST received, at P. A M. GALLAIIER’S, 10-4, J 11-4 and 12-4 Bleached Sheeting, to beseld at the lowest possible prices. —also — A sclent stock Hosiery and Gloves, which cannot fail to suit, in styles and prices; together with a targe variety of Gent’s and Boy 's Wear. Osnaburgs and Shirtings, at Factory prices, mar 2 3 DEALERS IN V. mti\M nail ©LiTTGOOM, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, Stc , Btc. BOYS’ AND CHILDREN’S CLOTHING, SHIRTS, COLLARS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, STOCKS, Ac., &c., &c. Which will be sold on reasonable terms. NO. 197 BROAD STREET, UNDER THE AUGUSTA HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA. J. J. CLAYTON. [mayl9] A. P. BIGNON. LA. VAN WINKLE, Next dooi: to Georgia Railroad Bank, and one door below the U. States Hotel, Augusta, Ga., HAS ALWAYS ON HAND A CHOICE SELECTION OF Cloths; Cassimeres ; • Vestings ; Linens ; Drap d’Etes, Ac., Which-will be made to order in tha-very begt style, and - ■ as good as can be • * obtained in any establishment in the Southern Country. IGr* All Goods sold at the above Establishment are of the best qualities, and will be sold gheap. aprlß J. A. VAN'WINfihE. Sfr .. MARINE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY. CHARTER Oak Life Insurance Company, Hart ford, Conn. Capital $300,000. Endorsed by the State. Will insure lives of white persons; also, Negroes, Fire ani Marine. Granite Insurance Company, New York. Capi tal, $300,000. Columbia Insurance Company, Columbia, S. C. Capital, $150,000. Farmers’lnsurance Compa: y, Utica, N. York. Capital, $200,000. The undersigned, Agent fur the a ! -ove Compa nies, is prepared to take Marine ai-.-i ..iver Risks, and insuie Dwellings, other buildings, ’'household FurniturdS. Merchandise, and other personal pro perty, against loss or damage by fire, on the most favorable terms. J. H. ANDERSON, Ag’t., feb26 Mclntosh-st., Augusta, Ga. NEW GUNS, PISTOLS, &C a Broad stent, ju-st above the August Hotel THE subscriber has just received a large addi tion to his former stock of G-UNS and GUN NING APPARATUS, which makes his' assort ment decidedly the best iii the city — consisting of: Double and Single Barreled GUNS, all sizes and prices. Colt’s. Allen’s, and other REVOLVERS; also, the Singlo Barreled Self-cocking and RIFLE PIS TOL, steel barrels. A great variety of Powder Flasks and Shot Bags, and Game Bags, of the finest patterns. Also, Percussion Caps, all varieties, from the common G.D. to the fiuest Westley Richard’s wa ter proof. Cleaning Rods, Drinking Flasks, Dog Collars, Hunting llorns, Nipple Wrenches, Ac. Ac. Pocket and Pen Knives, Razors, Bowie Knives, Dirks. Powder, by keg or in canisters, all varieties Shot, by the bag or retail. RIFLES and Double GUNS, of my own make, ono barrel Rifle and the other Shot, a splendid shooting article. N. B.—RIFLES made to order, and all kinds of RESTOCKING and REPAIRING done in-the best manner, an i v. arrant eu. * Also, Keys fitted and Door Locks repaired, shortnotico. E. H. R.OGERS. junol6 SPRING STYLES, 1864, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, STRAW GOODS, AND UMBRELLAS. GEO. W. FERRY, thankful for past favors, begs leave to call the attention of all wanting articles in his line, to his carefully selected and ex tensive assortment of Spring Goods. Among which may be found, latest styles of— Moleskin, Black and Drab Beaver, Brush and Cass Hats; Brush, Beaver, and Cass soft fancy Hats, various colors; Saxony and Water-proof Wool Hats; Leghorn, Campeachy, Mandarin and Panama Hats; Swiss Senate, Canton, Pedal, Florence and French Hats; Double and Single trim Palm leaf and Canada Hats; Silk, Florence, Rutland, and Lace Bonnets: Straw, Florence, and Lace Bloomers; Ladies’ Riding Hats and Caps, various styles; Silk, Gingham and Cotton Umbrellas; Assortment kept full and fresh by weekly sup plies from Manufactories, and is offered at lowest prices. Call at GEO. W. FERRY’S Fashionable Hat, Cap and Bonnet Store, Ma mie Broad-st. feb2l NEW FAMILY GROCERY. THE undersigned having taken possession ot the stand iately occupied byA.Sabal, will continue the Family Grocery Business in all its branches. He bas now o:i hand a choice and well selected stock, consisting of TeaS^Coffee; Molasses; Spi ces; Flour; Crackers, of all kinds; Fish; Fruit; Sugar; Candles, &c ; Wine, and Liquors of alt kinds, Foreign and Domestic; Segars, of every brand, Foreign and Domestic In addition to the above, he has just received a few dozon boxes Lobsters; Fresh Salmon; Her rings ; Pickled Oysters, in jars; Beef Tongues ; White Beats, Ac. Also, a baskets best Heid sick Champagne. In announcing himself to the public, as a soli citor for their patronage, ho begs to state that his arrangements are such as to enable him to replen ish hi 3 stock wee .ly, so that the articles offered by him will, in every instance, bo warranted fresh and genuine. aprlS GEO. E. BOULINEAU. DRY GOODS. HAVING lately examined our stock, we have altered our prices on the following Goods, on some of which wo have made considerable reduc tion : Barege Scarfs, Cashmere and Barege Shawls; Barege Delaines, 7-8 and 4-4 American. Fronch and English prints; 10, 11, 12 and 13-4 Marseilles Toilet and Lancas ter Quilts, . Do. Light and Medium Rummer) Quilts; Worsted and Linen Table Covers, Cloth, Table and Piano Covers; Always on band a largo stock of Irish Linens, Table Cloths, Doylies, Napkins, Sheetings, Pillow Case and Shirting Linens, direct from the Manu facturers. Our increasing trade fully convince us that by light profits and a strict adherence to one price, we study best, both our own and the public inter est. From long practical experience in the European markets, and having all the advantages which cash purchases can afford, it is not our wish that an ad vertisement should influence any person beyond that which on examination their own judgment may dictate. In addition to our largo stock of Plantation and general Domestic Goods, we shall endeavor to keep the latest arrivals and newest style in Fancy Goo, s that can be had, and take leave respectfully to as sure those who in purchasing arc pleased to favor us either personally, or by order,That to dispose of Goods on the most reasonable terms, shall, at all times, be our particular study. GRAY BROTHERS, may 7 2DO Broad street. ARCHITECTURE. CHARLES WE RANG3W. Architect, respect fully informs the citizens of Augusta, and ad joining counties, that he has taken rooms in Jones Stret, opposite the Planters' Hotel, and is now pre pared to furnish Designs and Details for all kinds of Buildings, Machinery and Patents, at the shortest notice, and with accuracy and neatness. He is permitted to refer to the following gentle men : W. 11. Goodrich, Builder; Quein A Rigby, do.; Coffin & Beals, Designers and Painters. C. de Rangow is now opening a Night School for mechanics, where a thorough knowledge in Ar chitecture will be taught. Terms—sl2 for 36 les sons. C. de R. will take also a limited number of Day Pupils. Apply as above. dtl jan4 READY-MADE CLOTHING, comprising, in part, Black Dress and Frock Coats ; Blue, Brown, Olive, Green and Dahlia Frdcks and Sacks; Black and Fancy Cass. Pants; Black and Fig’d. Drap d’Ete do.; Plain and fancy linen do.; a large assortment of Linen, Frock and Sack Coats ; and a large stock of Yosts. GEORGIA RAILROAD. \J ® ii aSs LEAVE AUGUSTA daily atfi,P.M., and (Sun days excepted) at 6, A. Ml Arrive at Augusta daily at 4 15, A. M., and (Sundays excepted) at 4.40, P. M. Leave Atlanta daily at 5.45, P. M., and (Sundays excepted) at 6, A. M. -• ... Arrive at Atlanta daily acH-.00, A. M., and (Sundays excepted) at 4.45, P. M. Connecting with Athens Branch Trains, Leaving Union Pointdaily (Sundays excepted) at 12.15 P. M. A .df IftStZT Point d * f With South Carolina Railroad Trains, Leaving Hamburg daily at 6 30, A. M , and 5, P. M. . Arriving at Hamburg daily at 4, F. M., and 5, A. M. With Atlanta and LaGrangc Railroad Trains, Leaving Atlanta daily at 4.30 A. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 4.15, P. M. With Western and Atlantic Rai 'oad Trains, Leaving Atlanta daily at 6, A. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 4.10, P.M. C(;s , And with Macon and Western Railroad L-aving Atlanta daily at 5, P. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 1.30, A. And leaving Atlanta on Tuesdays, rbtffiifew-' and Saturdays at 7.30, A. M. And arriving at Atlanta on Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays at 3.00, P. M. marl Signed, GEO. 1 ONGE,_Sup-4. ? " GUYSOTT* Wf. ~ie YELLOW-DOCK AND SARSAFARILL Q IS now put up in the largest sized bottles! and is. cus knosvledged to be the best Sarsaparilla maf"*-, certified by the wonderful cures it has perforiAu- . c original copies of which are in the possesinpcr proprietor. Remember, this is the ginal article. Scrofula,Syphilis, Mercurial Complaints, grene. Rheumatism, and a vast variety oitw-S*' dis eases, are speedily and perfectly cured by the use of this medicine. READ THE FOLLOWING CERTIFCATE. | Tallapoosa County, Ala., Jan. 2,1852. 1 Dear Sir :— I send you thiz to certify to you your Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla has per, formed one i f the most wonderful cures on me' tbf 1 has ever bgen effected on man. Iliavo'Wn ■> iinVfea for forty years with eruptions on my legs and feet: in 1848 they'got so bad that I had to go on crutches, and in 1849 I had one leg amputated:, above the knee. In about nine months after my other leg broke out in large eating and running sores from my knee to my foot, and discharged a great deal of o'f -“‘.it*— hr-olce out in large biles, which dischatged much otfensive matter, an same time my left hand broke out in large sores nearly to my elbow. ” The misery that I have suffered for the last two years I cannot describe to j'ou. I was in such agony that I never rested day or night. In October last my son brought me one of your bot tle wrappers; I read it, and found record of some won derful cures performed by your “ Extract of Yellow 1 ock and Sarsaparilla.” I sent and got two bottles of it, and commenced taking it. In two weeks, to my great astonishment, my sores all became eaPL and I could sleep all night, a thing I had not done "for two years. When I had taken six bottles, myt sores had euarly all healed. My sores got well as if by enchant ment. I have now used, in all, eight bottles of your ‘ Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,” and I now consider rnyself well. I entreat all of the afflicted to try (his Medicine, for believe it will cure any known disease in the world. Lay aside all prejudice and just try it, and proc aim its great worth to suffering mankind, and entreat them to take it, for it will curethem. My case is well known in a large portion of Soutl? Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, and if any should doubt the above cure, I invite them to call on me, and I will show them the scars. I can be found in Tallapoosa County, Alabama, one mile from Stoe’s Ferry. RENAJATI HUGHES. The Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla is peculiarly adap ted for females of del-cate health, resulting from Ir regularities of menstrual discharges, and other diseases. peculiar to their sex. The proprietor has in his posses-|> sion a great number 6f certificates of cures performed'' of the above description. We assure the afflicted, that a bottle or two of Dr. GuysotUs Extract of Yellow •Dock and Sarsaparilla will at once regulate those diffi culties and renew the natural energies. Put up in quart bottles. —Price $1 per bottle. Sold. Wholesale and Retail, by SCOYIL & MEAD, 111 Chartrcs-st., New Orleans, General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders must be addressed. Sold, also, by HAVILAND, CO., Augusta. D. B. PLUMB & CO., “ BARRETT, CARTER & CO., “ CLARK & WELLS, “ HAVILAND,IIARRALL A CO.,Charleston, S. C. A. A. SOLOMANS & CO., Savannah, and by one Agent in every town in the South. aprlß WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, WM. K KITCHEN isasoociated with us as a partner in all our concerns from this date. HAVILAND, HARRAL & RISLEY, New York. HAVILAND, Charleston, S. C. HAVILAND, RISLEY & CO., January 1, 1854. , Augusta, Ga. HAVILAND, RISLEY A CO., are my duly au thorized Agents to transact any business in which I am interested during my absence from the State. My notes and accounts will be found at their store. WM. K. KITCHEN. Augusta, Feb. 12,1854. ts NEW DRUG STORE. ~ DR. J- M. HILL Sc CO., are offering, at their Store, the freshest and purest Stock of MED ICINES now in Augusta, and at as low prices as the same articles ean be purchased for in any es tablishment in the South. Physicians, Merchants and Families have a pledge that no article shall leave the store less pure than it came from the package of the Importer, as every article was in spected and purchased by the Senior partner of the concern, an experienced practicing Physician. Paints, Oils, and DyestufFs of every kind, to gether with a full assortment of fancy articles, dbn-. sisting in part of fine extracts of every description soaps of every variety and style, brushes for the teeth, nails, body and clothes, with many other I articles too tedious to mention, Prescriptions put up with care and dispatch, overy day and night in i the week. Give us a call, one and all, B.'oad street, Augusta, upper part of the city. dec 15 NOTICE. THU Copartnership of Charlks Oatlin, of this city, and Reuben O. Skinner, of New York, under the name apd style of Charles Gat lin & Co., expired by limitation on the 31st ult. CHARLES CATLIN will continue the same busi ness at the Old Stand, two doors belo w the United States Hotel, where can always bo found a well seloetod Stock of PIANO FORTES: MUSIC; VIOLINS : GUITARS, and othor Musical Instru ments, which will bo sold on the most favorable terms. CHARLES CATLIN- Augusta, Nov. 1, 1353. nov 2 BRICK WORK WANTED. ~Wk riIHE subscriber is prepared to do all kindlM JL Brick Wonk at short notice oct 26 L. G. BASSFORD.o I Magnolia whisky. —too bbl* ofthe above celebrated Whisky to arrive, and for sale low by je22 DAVIS, KOLB & FANNING. ■ VOL. Cl] FURNISHING GOODS. White and Colored Shirts* Silk, Merino and Cotton Under Garments ; Cravats; - fall kinds of Gloves ) Half Hose; Stocks; Collars; Suspenders ; ’and everything useful for a Gentleman’s Outfit. iwiD Ijora JLoggrttfrMp THE HAZARD POWDER of Gun v*l. to furnish Gun Powder of known brands. vG : “ KentuckyJ|jiSffa3| Shooting:” •• American Snort.r JMjgSSßSsfegPs tie : ■• Kite:no -inpk Shor « \lhSKu| and juarier rm.Srtn:!® AI mi, a full aa e oij|u:i:nt. <>*' Powde^^M of their Gun Powder is too well hnow3|HH| comment. For sale by the principal Bfia this place, and,at the of the Wall Street, New York City- mmsm A. Q. HAZARD, A. E. Doug mss, Secretary. 3m BBH JOHN P. KELLOGG & IMPORTERS OP BRANI)I Es ~ G INS, Wlflpl au-r Mri jA -Tot; :< P. Kk».i-o«bL^ Hkshv L. K v«BL v £ l j John N Satires. I AUE, r PAPER V&ONJUgM OtOrMISSION SSh YORK^^B s.RK A/fUS PRATT’S superior Bleaching IWI lfl. Victoria Mills Celebrated Writing%Pß Russell “ Superior IB Genesee “ . Printing 9 Rawlins A Sons' Engli.-dupJlissue First quality Ultramarirre Blue They are also Agents for theVgrineipSß Manufacturers in this country, and offer for til far the most extensive and desirable stock of P;i and Paper Manufacturers’ M ATPRN- fc Sy*"' rXa be (bund in this or any other siting Boot*, Thev occupy the large an*® N u BHHI houses. No. 11 Cliff street, NTrf™pnr 184Christopherstroet, and (CARROLL, Iron Storos, 7 and 9 Cliff's^ c ’ ac « ( V Their business is strictly bto ™ s papers are sold by the casfJJ ent em j'V? an< /Their extraordinary facifcf 08 and Carpetß ay viftt ■ ■ B B B . mH TVliV.u-ACEJB. I: ' ~ t!'!* v^> k^B fi! .. ■ r mJH HUM 1 • i. <jfl \YjS„',4 Mmm -I *ihrt, .jAwd ■ b m Vfaj » v; ’9D \ jg *' t , ! I In.sinß |9Bj lio 1 HH JSH sadB||^HHH^BhBPBB^^H urin^^B f retuHx k . k kofll^^M M yA‘-‘: tU -|£§gi ■ cal m-yi r ,B HB roy oj net, P. ' .yfM " : V :k,rn ,i B 4£Bm ..k S, a;>, in l v . JF -G'C-. • <•! In- k ’ B c taking .kfODJkIB k'Ai>'..., or \Ycoileus, wii ct.S./r or texture, itYtam.Vu.'/ t:|l .JilCB Mi'/k ' -,■ ,' . ’ *i jo_23 _ WM. JL Book of Danlc-1, by tlf. V u e jß| D. D. For sale by jcL7 1. i k ,‘'Hjß . ’ K 'SSm| w. H. CuJCN, a«ntß 'ffiwai NEW CARPET GT ktn.^B ' ,r:: - : ••'■ ■■■ |B gH form his friend? and the iXI jftjtM A.i gu-: a and Richmond ounts,*!.*® k M»- 1MrI’ foi trcrly r .-upic-.! ’ f \-v ibi-i.-p A Xe\i : iii-.-b h :; l okoo; ; 0 .jODi4. MB n '/.■ngfc.v ;:id -d. Jul ns * BH inj in entire now swoV Ca'leting, Oil Cluhecting, of cxß itftSS Taloo and Piano C and Musi in « urtiii::r.s and L. r:;r Ac. Ail of whiol superior style Stamask Diapers, i,l bedß '■vholosa'ruality; *M|| Tho?#, 12-4, 14-4, and <'o k k. ■ and extra nIH '? damask borders; ’BH avy ITuckabacks, for BaH . B.>rcat variety of other artio]B| Carpets, i which pu!di*^B also bxuasfjtvited. J 7^B^ rooms free o> H BOLTING CLOTHS. JJjfBH maoe by an O-sHEAR has received, v^ri m ■} r 1 - Yjk -1, 2. 3. 4. 5, d, 7, bJHBHB UNITED ' ST* thc best SB Mi the attentn mm .1 fomed a CopartnyrtJfri so of CIIaFFEE A SPEAK, tu*. of the above* Hotel, and will ujfeived a fußH| to the patro the frionis ofythi- he respectfullßH mont f " Janters. , V -'ivof T>m ■ —Tiio Excelsior llhir I „ , , Lyon’s Kath^HH £ tc fahte, and several other notcdMß| We I he Miller and hi.sV * i*?L phjßt kiJH II .hernia, by the aiF) N£S ’ a! Favorite, or the '^3 aut! or ol B GEOBfcbesi _ fl|B M miy 5 Book ao<Btf®® 1 ' c a 7,-JGUSTA' STEAIJK^jL^^Hk' ’B vv K .- mJm b 4(\i \ !' l{s * - fix ?v > . Jflß "Jk > :•; k,.tM Sa*! 3 eh ffi ' 4i . iS m •- m A j ■M 10M ■ ■ ; B k" ] I ' - t o;3 "j Ak B / 'Mr ; k-k-k 'trk' 'iJ- p 1