The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, July 13, 1854, Image 1

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BY JAMES GARDNER. ©nifral Ainirrlisnimits. (Telegraphtd for the Charleston Courier ) Montgomery, July 10.— The Bank of St. Mary —The Supreme Couct has just affirmed the decree of the Chancery Court of Mobile, in the case of St. John, Powers & Co., against the Bank oi St. Mary’s, John G Winter, el at., and in affirming it, decided that John G & Joseph Winter are liable individually for the full amount of the notes of the Bank which they issued and put in circulation in Alabama; that the firm ol James S. Winter & Co., is equally habit; and that the extension by the Bank, on the eve of its insolvency, oi the indebtedness of James S. Winter to it was a fraud on its creditors. The decree of the Chancellor in Mobile estab lished the claim of St. John, Powers & Co,, against the Winters and the Bank of St. Mary’s lor $20,000, the amount of a diaft drawn by the Bank in favor ot St. John, Powers it Co, and ordered that John G. Winter, James S. Winter it Co. and the Bank should pay the same. New York, July 9.— The Cholera in New York -There were 98 deaths from cholera in New York last week. New York, J uly 9.— The Latest per the Baltic. —The latest advices from Europe state that the recent reverses had destroyed the confidence of the Russian troops, and broken the pride of the nation. It was shrewdly suspected that the evacuation of the Principalities was designed to further the lormation oi a league between Russia and the German powers. The English press were clamorous tor the bombardment ol Cronstadt, in order to humble Russia before peace should ne declared—an event which is now not cousidered improbable. New York, July 9 —More Failures. —Messrs. Da Launay, iseliu & Clark, one ot the most re spectable bouses iu Wall street, who have con fined themselves to their legitimate business, the sale of Stocks and Bonds and negotiations ol Loans and Foreign Exchange, have suspended payment. Messrs. Willis & Co., of Boston, have failed, as also, have Messrs. Bishop & Co., Railroad Con tractors, in Connecticut Njsvv Orleans, July 10.— Later from San Juan. ihe steamship Daniel Webster has ar rived at iuw Orleans, Irons San Juan de Nica ragua, which port she only left on the 3d inst., having been detained in consequence of having had to wait for the steamer Star of the West, which had ran ashore. The steamship North Star sailed from San Juan ior New York on the 3d inst., with ‘250 passengers and $1,000,000 m gold. Sau Juan was quiet, i'he revolutionists, how ever, Were.oesieging the city ot Grenada, 30 miles N. N. W. oi Nicaragua, on theN. W. shoie ol the lake, which, it was anticipated, would soon ca pitulate. i Trie San Juan river was in good boating order, and the first ol the new steamers had arrived v Nnw York. July 9.—ln New York on Satur- 1 day, Cotton advanced an eighth of a cent, prin- ! cipaliy on the Middling and Fair qualities, and j the demand was active. Flour was worth from j $7,25 a $7.75 per bbl. * . * [Telegraphedfor tut Baltimore Sun ) New York, July 9 —Later from Buenos Ay- j ret. — The bark Oliver J Hayes, arrived here to- ! day from- Buenos Ayies, with dates to the ‘2oth of May, and from Montevideo to the 17th ol May. Governor Obligado Lad returned to Buenos Ayres, alter an absence of fifty days, traversing tbe northern and part of the province, having been received with euthusiasm. B soop Escalada was also traversing the coun try, doing much good to allay spiritual political strife. Piesldent Urquiza has issued a paper currency, but finds muen difficulty in circulating it, al though the merchants and business men are gen erally favorably disposed. It is reported t hat General Uiquiza intends to commence open hostilities against Buenos Ay- | res. The mails lor Chili and Peru had been de tained at Rasaris. province of Santa Fe, and not allowed ;o pass with.n the jurisdiction of the ; confederation. At the meeting of the first constitutional leg- I islature on the 15th of May, Dr. Escalada was ; elected first officer ol the Senate, and D. F. j Lavalol president. The governor, legislature and people en masse took the oath of fidelity to the constitution. Improvements in the city are progressing rap idly. The Indians continue troublesome in the Southern part ot the province. The public at Montevideo are greatly excited relative to a proposition to suppress the liberty of the press. Albany, July' B.— Mortality and Cholera. — There have been two deaths here to day from Asiatic cholera, and there are quite a number ot cases in the city. Philadelphia, J uly 9. —The whole number of deaths in this city during the past week was 368, ot which number 215 were under 10 years ot age. There were also 22 deaths from chole ra. New York, July 9.—The whole number of deaths in this city during the week ending on Saturday was 7GI, about one-half of them being under 10 years of age. There were £8 deaths from Asiatic cholera, being an increase, of com pared with the preceding we,jk, this disease, of twenty. New Haven, Conn., July 7— Another Over Issue. —It is reported that on examination 100 shares ot the Canal Railroad stock are found to have been over issued. The weather is cool and agreeable here to day, in comparison to that we have had fora few days past. New York, July 9.— Naval Movement. —We have dates from Montevideo to the 2d of June. The sloop of was Germantown was there to sail from Rio when relieved by the Bainbridge, which vessel it is supposed was seen going up the river on the 2d inst. New York, July 10.— Walker Divorce Case. — The jury in the Walker divorce case was unable to agree, and were discharged iast evening. Eleven ot the jury publish a card vindicating the character ol Mrs. Walker. Philadelphia, July 8 — Fire at Philadelphia. —Vandyke’s building on the corner of Third an 1 Cbesnut streets, was on fire this afternoon in the fifth story, but was finally extinguished without much damage. Boston, July 8 — l'he Health of Boston —There were 137 deaths in Boston during the week ending this noon, ot which 24 were from cholera and li from sunstroke. The weather to-day was quite comfortable, with a light east wind IRON AND BRASS BOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. THE ATHENS STEAM COMPANY are pre pared to fill orders for ail kinds of Iron and Brass Castings, sueh as Mill Irons, of improve pat terns and every description ; steam Engines; Gold Mining. Forcing or Fire Pumps, and ail other kinds of Machinery, cast and finished. They are casting and keep constantly od hand, Gin Gearing andiron Fencing of various patterns, Fire Dogs, Plough Castings, Wagon Boxing, &c. They are also prepared to fill orders for Boilers, Tanks. &e. Repairing of all kinds of Machinery promptly executed. Their portable iron Saw Mills are surpassed by none. Whilst they are grateful to former patrons, their experience and facilit es, with their work furnished in as cheap, substantial and workuaan-like man ner, as can be had any where South, enables them to anticipate a large share of public patronage. ROSS CRANE, Agent. R. NICKERSON, Super’t. N. B. Cash paid for old copper, brass, and heavy iron castings. d&c6in jel7 Received this day— :;1 /~~ 10 bbls. Pickled Beef; 10 half bbls. Pickled Beef; 5 *• “ “ Tongues; 10 bbls. No. 1 Mackerel, large; 2 Smoked Beef; 2 “ Picaled Salmon; 2 “ ' •« Pork. WILLIAM M. DOW, Opposite the Planters’ Hotel, and one door be low the Franklin House _ je!4 £l)c ailp (Jlimstttutioitallst att&KqmliKH (SnuTfll Jtert sfmrnls. GRAY BROTHERS BEG to inform tbe public, that they have just returned from the Northern markets, with a full and complete stock of SPRING DRY GOODS. Having all the facilities in the purchasing of their stock that a cash capital can command, we beg leave to assure the public, that we will al ways keep on hind the va'-y test order of Goods that can be obtained, and sell them on as fair terms as the like quality can be purchased either in this market or Charleston. Among our stock will be found the following beautiful Goods:— Chaste and Elegant Spring Silks; Sewing SilKs and Tissues; Bareges and Barege DeLanos; French Muslins and Lawns; White Silks, of ali styles; Black Brocade and Watered Silks ; Plain Black Silks, all widths; White Embroidered Muslins; Colored Dotted Muslins: Plaid and Striped Muslins; Swiss and Jaconet do,; Book and Mull do ; White and Col’d Tarlton Muslins Crimped Evening Dresses, new styles; Mantillas and Scarfs, entirely new; Crape Shawls, very cheap; White Barege and Sewing-Silk Shawls; French, American, and English Prints; Ginghams, of all kinds; Linen Lustres and Chambrys; Cheap Long Cloths and Homespuns; Irish Linens, (own importation) ; Plain Linen and Linen Drill, for Gent’s wear; Linen Sheeting, exceedingly cheap; All kind 3 of Cotton Sheeting: "Pillow-case Linen; * 40 inch Pillow case Cotton; Hosiery of every description, very cheap ; Embroideries of every description; some very fine ; Sewing Silk Mitts and Gloves ; Kid and Silk Gloves; Raw Silk and Lisle Gloves; Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, all kinds; Swissmnd Jaconet Bands, v ery rich ; Cambric, Swiss and Jaconet Trimmings and Insertion; Ribbon Trimmings, new styles; Rich Bonrwit and Neck Ribbons; Lisle, 1 hread, and Linen Laces; And a great variety of other articles too nume rous to mention, to which we respectfully invite at tention. paarl7 COFFINS AND UNDERTAKING^ THE UNDERSIGNED having connected the Coffin and Undertaking business with his es tablishment, calls the attention of the public to his arrangements for supplying all orders in that line. The. strictest attention will be paid, and ail orders executed with promptness On Sundays, or nights, by leaving orders at Mr J. B. Platt’s residence, in rear of tho Store they will be punctually attended to. apr3o ts C. A. PLATT. WM. O. PRICE & C 0.7 ’ DRAPERS AND TAILORS, invite attention to a very choice selection of READY MADE GARMENTS, of every variety of kind, which they are now every week receiving. The public are assured that every article is mado infashiona ble style, and .n the best manner. A choice assortment of Stocks, Cravat* and Tics, Gloves, Suspenders, Braces, Hosiery, Under- Shirts and Drawers. Travelling Cases, Sao de Voi ges, Gaiters, with many other useful articles. WM. O PRICE & CO., aprilfi ‘l5B Broad Street. NEW SPRING GOODS. LD. LALLEUST DT has just received, at » his old Stand, corner oi Globe Hotel, a new and splendid assortment of SPRING™IOODS, among which are— Super Grenadines and Tissurs, Extra Velviitinos and Bareges, Alamantes and Twisted Silks, Brocade and Plaid Silks, light colored, Elegant French Jaconets, great variety, White Swiss Muslin, plain and dotted, Earlston Ginghams and Prints, To which he invites attention. matlfi Ll>. L.ILLERSTEUT has just received • complete assortment of— Paris Kid Gloves and Hodery, Undersleeves and Chemizettes, Super Needle-worked Collars, Jaconet and Swiss Trimming, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Thread and Lisle Laces. To which he invites attention. mar!6 ~ WEDDING, Visiting and Business Cards, en graved and pr.nted in fashionable style, and with despatch. Also, Notes, Drafts, Bill’ Heads, Ac., by Mr. Henry Hughes. CLARK A CO., mayd Watchmakers and Jewellers. HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. THE subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Augu-ta that they have commenc ed business, in the above line, at their shop, on the South side of Broad Street, three doors above Centre. They are prep ired to execute all styles, in imitation of different woods, marbles, Ac.— They solicit a share ot patronage; and all orders left at their shop, will meet with prompt attention, and executed in a manner, they feol assured, will gire satisfaction. They would refer to Messrs W. H. Goodrich, John Bones, J. W. Davies, Robeit F. Poe, H. H Gumming, Isaac Henry, James Harper, Georgo Young, George 11. Crump, D. B. Plumb, Dr. I P. Garvin, F. Lamback, J. Davison, A Swarp, and Drs. H. A R. Campbell. E. BAKER A CO. may 23 6 m HAIR TONICS.— -The Excelsior Hair Tonic Barry’s Tricopherous, Lyon’3 Kathairon Roussell’s Odoiahte; and several other noted arti cles for res;oring, curling andbeautiiyingthe Hair Just received and for sale by je7 WM. HAINES, City Drug Store. KEV. JOHN CUM.VIING’S WORKS Lecture on the Book of Revelation 1 and 2 series. Lectures on the Book of Daniel. The Church before the Flood. Voices of the Day. Voices of the Night. Lectures on the Parables. The Tent and the Altar. Voices of the Dead. Lectures on the Miracles. For sale at GEO. A. OATES A BRO.’S, jy9 Booksellers and Stationers, Broad-st. Lite, by Mrs. Moodie, author of Mark llur dlestone, Roughing it in the Bush, Av. Just pub lished and for sale at GEO. A. OATES A BRO.’S, jy9 Booksellers and Stationers, Broad-st. RUSSIA, translated from the French of the Marquis de Castine. Wensley, astory witnout a moral. The Grinnell Expedition. Downing’s Landscape Gardening and Rural Architecture. The Fiush Times of Alabama and iV ississippi. Hand Book of German Literature. For sale by jy9 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. NEW BOOK. —Russia, translated from the French of Marquis DeCastine. Just received by McKINNE A HALL. jab 9 C OPAUTNERSHIPNOTICE . THE subscribers having associated themselves together in the Boot and Shoemaking business, have purchased the entire stock of A. DOUBET, take this method ot informing the public and the patrons of the late establishment, that they are prepared to execute all orders in the manufacturing, as heretofore; and will also keep on hand a general assortment ot ready made work, Ladies, Misses and Childrens Boots and Shoes of all descriptions. To gether with a general assortment of Gentlemens wear. To which they invite the pbulic to give them a call and examine for themselves. All work purchased of them is warranted, JOHN PARR J. D. SMITH. Augusta Ga., July 7th 1853. july 8 PLANTER J HOTEL. THIS splendid new HOUSE, situate on Broad stroet. immediately in front of IslUll the site of the old Planter’s Hotel, which has been furnished throughout with new Furniture, Bed ding. Sec., will bo open for the reception of cus tomers on Saturday next. It will bo the endeavor of the proprietor, to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. J. M. SIMPSON, Proprietor, oct 11 dfActf AUGUSTA, liA., THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 13, I >54 ©titrrfll JUtorritsfinfirts. TO STKANfIEKS. BEAUTIFUL DRY GOODS, Opposite Masonic Hall. WE respectfully call the attention of strangers visiting the city, and all others wishing to select their supplies from an entirely new and fresh \ stock, to examite ours. Especial attention is di rected to recent arrivals of BEAUTIFUL DiIRSS GOODS AND EMBROI DERIES, bought for, and held in reserve for the Lady Dele gates to the Convention ATTENTION IS SOLICITED TO THE FOLLOWING: Beautiful designs for Dress Goods, in Organdies, Lawns, &c.; ! Striped and Plaid Silks, in colors and for mourn ing. In this department will be found one of tho largest, if not the very largest stocks in the Slate to select from ; i Elegant Brocaded Silks, in White and light colors, for weddings; Plain Glace Silks, Ashes of Roses, Pea Green, Li lac, Modes, <fcc.; Rich Tissue and Zephyr Silks, in brilliant colors Borages in great variety, in plain colors and fig ures ; Brilliant Jaconets, Dobege and Sague Linens, for traveling dresses, a large assortment; Elegant Flounced and Pointed White Embroider ed Robes; Fans, Mantles, Embroideries, and White Crape Shawls; Besides a full assortment of housewife and do mestic gopds. all which will be sold very low. mayj WARD & BURCH ARD. JUST RECEIVED— ~ 10 kegs choice G.oshen Butter ; 5 tubs fresh May Butter; 10 boxes American Cheese; A “ English Dairy Cheese ; 2 bbls. fine Leaf Lard. WILLIAM M. DOW, Opposite the Planters’ Hotol, and one door be low the Franklin Houso. jel4 Fli ESI I TEAS.— ' ‘ 2 half chests superior Black Tea: * 2 “ “ “ Oolong Tea; 2 “ “ “ Souchong Tea; 3 “ “ ‘ - Gunpowder Tea; 2 “ “ “ Imperial Tea; 3 “ " “ Young Hyson Tea. WILLIAMM. DOW, Opposite the Planters’ Hotel, and one door be ow the Franklin House. jel4 JUST ARRIVED THIS DAY— -15 baskets Heidsick Champagne, qts. and pts.; 10 boxes Claret Wine; 2 bales English Walnuts; 2 “ Brazil Nuts; 2 bbls. Pecan Nuts ; 2 bales Flberts ; 2 ‘ Soft-Shell Almonds. WILLIAM M. DOW, Opposite the Planters’ Hotel, and one door be low the Franklin House. jo!4 DRY GOODS FOR THE MILLION. COSGROVE & BitEMNA.V have now the pleasure to inform their friends and the pub lic, that they have received large additions to their stock of fancy and staple Dry Goods. Their stock comprises almost every article in their line. C. & B have been unavoidably late in got’ing their Spring and Summer supply, but they think that their customers will be the gainors, as they have bought their supplies 25 to 50 per cent. les3 than early purchasers. C. & B’s business being almost exclusively a cash business, and having no long credits or bad debts to cover, will sell at prices that will not fail to give satisfaction to all. The following are a few of the articles to which they would invite attention— SlLKS.—Brocade and Glace Silks; black Gro de Rhine do.; Changeable and solid colors do.; small checks and striped do.; fancy plaid do.; Lin ings, all shades and colors. DRESS GOODS.—Plaid, plain and figured Ba rege? and Tissues; Chints patterns, late style; Grenadines, Sewing Silks, Ac ; fine French Jaeo i nets. Lawns and Organdies. MANTlLLAS.—Embroidered and plain Man tillas, every color; Lace and Lisle do.; black. EMBROIDERIES —Lace and Muslin Cherni setts and Collars; Und rsleeves and worked Bands: Hemstitched, Corded, Bordered and Embroidered Linen Cambric Handkerchief; Swiss and Jaconet Inserting? and Edgings. HOSlEßY.—Ladies’ black, white and colored I Hose; Misses’ black, white and slate do.; Ladies’ open-worked do.; Boy’s Half Hose, every color; Gent’s white, brown and mixed do.; striped and fancy do.; Kid Gloves; Pic Nic Mits. Also, Para sols aadFans; Barege?, for veils, every colors; black Silk Velvets, for trimming ; Skirts, every style; Pantaloons, Goods and Veatings ; House keeping and Plantation Goods. MOURNING GOODS—Black Bombazines and Alpacas; Bareges, Tissues, and Grenadines; Se cond Mourning Goods, in every style. may 9 COMBS & CO. T S SOUTHERN EXPRESS, frio Columbia, Charleston, and Northern Cities, I. Atlanta, Macon, Montgomery, Ala, and by Steamboats to Mobile and New Orle ns, Chatta nooga and Nashville, Tenn , Loudon and Knoxville, Tenn., and all intermediate points, for the trans portation, by Mail and Passenger Trains, of all kinds of Merchandize, Boxes, Bales, Packages, Parcels, Ac., valuable and otherwise. We have now extended our line over Western and Atlantic and East Tennesseo »,nd Georgia Roads, and can give immediate despatch to all points on those Hoads. We have Agents at all important points, and on the Roads, whoso prompt attention is given to our business. Shipments from Northern Cities, to be expressed from Charleston to the interior, must be plainly marked, “ JPejr Combs Co.'s Express, Charles ton,” and Bills Lading rendered us at that place. This will enable us to give immediate and prompt attention to consignments, and will bo less expen sive than by Express from New York to Charles ton, inasmuch as we only charge Ship Freights. Charleston Office, 9 llayne Street. Augusta Office, corner Jackson and EL is Streets. may 26 COMBS A CO. ELEGANT EMBROIDERIES NO IV in storo, and all of which have b een re ceived within the last six days. Rich Embroideries, of all kinds, the best and largest assortment lhat we have yet had at any time of these Goods r Habits, Sleeves and Collars, in full sots of Mal tese and Honiton Laces; French, Swiss and Jaco net Needle Work, many very . handsome. Also, each of the kinds, detached and separate; Collars, Sleeves and Habits; Frilled Collars, new styles and vory pretty 7 ; our stock of Swiss, Jaconet and Lace Collars is very extensive and completo. Mourning Collars, Sleeves and Habits, various styles; Lace, Swiss and Jaconet Bands; also, Flouncing, a largo variety ; Needle-worked Dresses, from low to very ele gant. Skirts, and Swiss Mantillas, lino work; Also, Lace Berthas, &c. All of which we are selling at very reasonable prices. apr23 WARD A BUROHARD. OSBORNE & WHITLOCK, JEWELERS AND OPTIC IA NS , 256 JBroad-st., under U. S. Hotel, Augusta, Qa., HAVE constantly on hand a fine assort- ment of Watches; Clocks; Jewelry; Silver and Plated Ware; Fancy Goods and Perfumery. Just received, some very fine Watch es, manufactured to order, and some of T. F. Coop er’s superior time keepers in Magic Cases. Fine Diamond Pins of beautiftil designs; Fob and Vest Chains, of new patterns, and a general assortment of the finest and most fashionable Pins ; Ear-rings; Bracelets, Ac., which wo offer at the lowest prices possible, wholesale or retail. In the Optical line, we are well supplied with whatever kind of Glass the defects of vision may require, and we are pre pared to fit the eye with as much accuracy as any mechanical art can bo executed. Come and test the fact. Watch and Jewelry Repairing. —We still have the services of two superior Workmen—a Watch maker and Jeweler —all of whose work we war rant. fcbl4 Homeopathic medicines.— a general assortment of Homeopathic Medicines, T:nc tures. Dilutions and Pellets, kept alwavs on hand, and for sale, together with books giving general directions, Ac , Ac, by WM. HAINES, jo-7 City Drug Store. ]\7EW WORK. —Harper’s Gazetteer of the *- World, to be complete in 10 numbers—No. 1 Just received by jv7 McKINNE A HALL. NEW BOOKS.— School for Husbands, by Lady Bulwer; Garnelle or the Rovers Oath, by Charles Powell Bickly ; Gideon Wiles. orThe Snig gles of Lite, by Thomas Miller, Esq - , author of Godlrey Malvern, Rayston Gower, Ac. Just re ceived and for sale by jj9 McKINNE A HALL. ©fnrrot JPuaTtisrmrnts. AUGUSTA HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEO. W. P- STARB, Proprietor. riYHIS HOTEL is now opened for ihe re- X ception of Travellers, and it will be the llii' aim of the Proprietor to give satisfaction to all who may saver him with their patronage. It is centrllay situated on Broad street, an 1 convenient ;to the different railroad Depots. Passengers by the Georgia Railroad, will be furnished with breakfast before they leave; those by the South Carolina Railroad, with dinner, and those by the day train on the Waynesboro’ road with supper. The Furniture. Bedding, Ac., in this Hotel is all new, and it will be the endeavor of the Proprietor to render all who may patronize him, comfortable during their stay. mar2l , ts The Chronicle &, Spntincl, Charleston Courier, Savannah Nows, Edgefield Advertiser, Chattanooga Gazette, Dalton Times and Montgom ery Advertiser, will insert tho above to the amount of five Dollars, and forward bills to W. P. S., with a eopy of paper containing first insertion. DENNIS’ ANTI-SPASMODIC TINCTURE. all sudden and dangerous attacks of Dis . ease, such as Fits or Convulsions: Apoplexy Lock-Jaw; Cramp Colic; Cholera; Pneumonia; Hydrophobia; Bite of Snakes, and other danger ous cases of Poisons, and all other diseases in which immediate action is necessary. This Tiiaeture produces its effect by equalizing tho circulation of the Blood, and by relieving in flammation. Its efiuct in relieving inflammation, either internal or external, makes it useful in a great variety of diseases. For Fever and Ague, or Chills, it is almost an infallible remedy. Diluted with syrup or honey, it is useful for Colds and all affections of tho Lungs, arising frotn colds, such as Cough, Croup, Asthma, Difficulty idi Breathing, Ac. As an external remedy, in fresh Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Scales, Bite of Snakes, Sting of Bees, or Bite of poisonous Insects, it prevents in flammation, and greatly relieves the soreness. I sed as a wash in eruptive diseases, such as Scald Head, Ringworm, or diseases which cause an itching sensation upon the skin, it soon produces a healthy action. When thus used, the Georgia Sar saparilla should be taken to purify the blood. For Horses, and other animals, this article will be found invaluable for Bruises, Cuts, Galls, Fistu la, Ac. For Colic, ai d various other dangerous attacks, It rarely fails to cure even the worst cases. This is the most acrivo medicine in use, yet it may be riven without danger of injury. Jt seldom fails, in dangerous cases, to cause an immediate re action in the system. After i; has caused a reac tion, it may bo followed by such other medicines as the situation of the patient may indicate. Prepared by J, DENNIS, M. D., Augusta, Ga. OCr* Price $1 per bottle—Six bottles for $5. jau4 , LINEN GOODS. JUST received, at P. and M. GALLAHER’S, Irish Linens, all qualities and prices; Pillow case Linens; Farmer’s Drills; Check Coatings, Blay Linens,' and Brown Hollands; Russia Dia pers; Brown and Bleached Damask ; English, Ger man and American Cloths. mar 23 I. P. GIRARDEY & CO., WHOLESALE and Retail Confectioners, and Dealers in French and German Fancy Goods, Augusta, Geo., respuctfuully call the attention ol the public generally to their large and selected stock of Confectionaries, Fancy Goods, Toys, ol every descripton, Fire Works, Cordials, Syrups, Segars, Havana and Malaga Fruits. Pickles and Preserves —all of which can bo found at tiieir es tablishment, at tho lowest possible market, nov 22 ' OATS FOR SALE. A FEW hundred bushels. A parcel f«to th« same was sown tr prove the quality, and they areupfinely. AIso,CORN,IIOMINY r and MEAL PEA MEAL and Crushed CORN, for Milch Cows, tobe found at the Store below tho Eagle A Phumix Hotel. dec 13-ts JAMES L. COLEMAN ZERMAN’S CELEB RATED TOOTH WASH. f 1 4H IS delicious article combines so many meri- X torious qualities, that it has now become a standard favorite with the citizens of New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. Dentists prescribe it in their practice most successfully, and from every source the most flattering laudations are awarded it. Inflamed and bleeding gams are immediately ben -fitted by its use : its action upon them is mild, ; soothing and effective. It cleanses the teeth so thoroughly that they are made to rival pearl in whiteness, and diffuses through tho mouth such a delightful freshness, that the breath is rendered ex quisitely sweet. It disinfects all those impurities which tend to produce decay, and, as a consequence, when these are removed, the teeth must always re main sound. Prepared only by Francis Zerman, Chemist, Ninth and Catharine streets, Philadelphia; and sold wholesale or retail, by W. H. TUTT, Augusta, and by all Druggists, at 25 cents a bottle, mar 11 dfimo SPRING GOODS. P . A M . GAL L A IIE R HAVE just opened a splendid Stock of Spring and Summer DRY GOODS, first Store below the Post Office corner, which they will sell at very low prices, as their motto is quick sales and ligh profits. THEIR STOCK CONSISTS OF Spring and Summer Silks, Barege DeLaines and Barege*, French and Scotch Ginghams, Linen Lustres and Cambrics, Printed Jaconets and Printed Lawns, Foulard Silks, 50 cents per yard, Printed Batesto and Printed Muslin Rohes, Polka Muslins and Dotted Swiss, 40 inch Ginghams, at 20 cents, Jaconet Robes, very low priced, Colored Dotted Swiss, new styles, Plain and Embroidered Crape Shawls, Mourning Organdies and Ginghams, Plaid Silks, as low as 50 cents A full assortment of Embroideries at very re duced prices; Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; Bleach Sheeting and Shirting, at various prices; fino York Mills at 12f cents ; Table Linens, Doylas and Napkins, very low. dAo mar 16 SPRING GOODS, NEW STYLES. THE subscriber has just opened a large and ele gant stock ot Spring and Summer GOODS, roceived dire ct from the Importers in New York, to which he respectfully solicits attention. ladies’ dress goods. Rich Organdie Muslins; Rich Printed Jaconets; French Gingham#-; Rich Figured Bareges; Piain Do; Plain Crape de Paris; Rich Plaid India Silks; Printed and Plaid Tissues; Mourning Bareges; Plaid and Printed Mourning and 2d Mourn ing Bareges; —also — Glove-; Silk and--Cotton Hosiery; Lac© and Twisted Silk Mitts, Ac., Ac. mar 23 JOHN P. SETZE. EMBROIDERIES. THE subscriber ha? just roceived a large lot of Rich and Low-Priced Embroideries,consisting of— Lace, Book and Swiss Musliu Collars; “ “ “ “ Chemezetts; “ “ “ ‘‘ Uundersleeves; Mourning and 2d Mourning Collars and Sleeves; “ “ Etnbr’d. L. C. H’dk'fs; Embroidered White Crape Shawls; Muslin Sleeves and Chemezetts, in setts, Ac. mai-23 J. P. SETZE. S HEETING-S JUST received, at P. A M. GALLAHER’S, 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 Bleached Sheeting, to beseld at the lowest possible prices. —also— A select stock Hosiery and Gloves, which cannot # ail to suit, in styles and prices; together with a large variety of Gent’s and Boy's Wear. Osnaburgsand Shirtings, at Factory prices, mar 23 THE TURKS VICTORIOUS. DOC T. HI LL’S Compound Extract Sarsaparilla, Indian Hemp, lodide Potassum and Seheidam Schnapps,has'inade more permanent cares o, secret diseases than any other medicine ever before used for that object. For Eruptions, Pimples, Scrofula, Sypilis, Stric tures, Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Constipation, Chronic Rheumatism, and Mercurial Affections, it stands without an equal in the range of the mate ria medica. For sale by the proprietor, at store on Broad-st, Augusta, Ga, Price $1 per bottle, may 25 flm 0^ DEALERS IN *V m&m mam (mw®, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, &c , &c. ” BOYS’ AND CHILDREN’S CLOTHING, SHIRTS, COLLARS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, STOCKS, &c., &c., &c. Which will be sold on reasonable terms. NO 197 BROAD STREET, UNDER THE AUGUSTA HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA. J. J. CLAYTON. . [mayl9] A , p. BIGNON. J. A. VAN WINKLE, Next door to Georgia Railroad Bank, and one door below the U. States Hotel, Augusta, Ga. HAS ALAY. Cloths; Cassimeres ; Vestings; Linens; Drap d’Etes, &c., AVhieh will be made to order in tho very best style, and as good as can bo obtained in any establishment in the Southern Country. All Goods sold at the above Establishment are of the best qualities, and will be sold cheap. apr!B J. A . VAN AVINKLE. MARINE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY. CHARTER Oak Life Insurance Company, Hart ford, Conn. Capital $300,000. Endorsed by the State. Will insure lives of white persons; also, Negroes, Fire and Marino. Granite Insurance Company, New York. Capi tal, $300,000. Columbia Insurance Company, Columbia, S. C. Capital, $150,000. Farmers’lnsurance Company, Utica, N. Y"ork. Capital, $200,000. The undersigned, Agent for the above Compa nies, is prepared to take Marine and River Risks, and insure Dwellings, other buildings, household Furniture, Merchandise, and other personal pro perty, against loss or damage by fire, on the most favorable terms. J. H. ANDERSON, Ag’t., fob26' Mclntosh-st., Augusta, Ga. PISTOLS, &C< Broad steet, just above the August Hotel fS'kliE subscriber has just received a large addi- J. tion to his'fortner stock of GUNS ami GUN NING APPARATUS, which makes his assort ment decidedly the best in the city—consisting of: Double and Single Barreled GUNS, all sizes and prices. Colt’s, Allen’s, and other REVOLVERS; also, the Single Barreled Self-cocking and RIFLE PIS TOL, steel barrels. A great variety of Powder Flasks and Shot- Bags, and Game Bags, of the finest patterns. Also, Percussion Caps, all varieties, from the common G.D. to the finest Westley Richard’s wa ter proof. Cleaning Rods, Drinking Flasks, Dog Collars, Hunting Horns, Nipple Wrenches, Ac. Ac. Packet and Pen Knives, Razors, Bowie Knives, Dirks. Powder, by kegor in oamsters, all varieties Shot, by tho bag or retail. RIFLES and Double GUNS, of my own make, one barrel Rifle and the other Shot, a splendid shooting article. N. B.—RIFLES made to order, and all kinds of RESTOCKING and REPAIRING done in the best manner, aa4 warranted. Also, Keys fitted and Door Lock* repaired, short notice. E. H. ROGERS, june 16 SPRING STYLES, 1854. HATS, CAPS, BONNETS. STRAW GOODS, AND UMBRELLAS. Gl EO. W. FERRY, thankful for past favors, T begs leave to call the attention of all wanting articles in his line, to hia carefully selected and ex tensive assortment of Spring Goods. Among which may be found, latest styles of— Moleskin, Black and Drab Beaver, Brush and Cass Hats ; Brush, Beaver, and Cass soft fancy Hats, various colors; Saxony and Water-proof Wool Hats; Leghorn, Campeachy, Mandarin and Panama Hats; Swiss Senate, Canton, Pedal, Florence and French Hats ; Double and Singlo trim Palm leaf and Canada Hats; Silk, Florence, Rutland, and Lace Bonnets; Straw, Florence, and Lace Bloomers; Ladies’ Riding Hats and Caps, various styles ; Silk, Gingham and Cotton Umbrellas; Assortment kept full and fresh by weekly sup plies from Manufactories, and is offered at lowest prices. Call at GEO. AY. FERRY’S Fashionable Hat, Cap and Bonnet Store, Ma imic Hall, Broad-st. feb2l NEW FAMILY GROCERY. THE undersigned having taken possession of the stand lately occupied byA.Sabal, will continue the Famiiy Grocery Business in all its branches. Ho has now on hand a choice and well selected stock, consisting of Teas ; Coffee; Molasses; Spi ces; Flour; Crackers, of all kinds ; Fish; Fruit; Sugar; Candles, &c ; Wine, and Liquors of all kinds, Foreign and Domestic; Segars, of every brand, Foreign and Domestic In addition to tho above, ho has just received a few dozen boxes Lobsters; Fresh Salmon; Her rings; Pickled Oysters, in jars; Beef Tongues; AVhite Beans, Ac. Also, a few baskets best lloid sick Champagne. In announcing himself to tho public, as a soli citor for their patronage, he begs to state that his arrangements are such as to enable him to replen ish his stock wee ily, so that the articles offered by him will, in every instance, be warranted fresh and genuine. axwlß GEO. E. BOULINEAU. DRY GOODS. HAVING lately examined our stock, wo have altered our prices on the following Goods, on some of which we have made considerable reduc tion : Barege Scarfs, Cashmere and Barege Shawls; Barege Delaines, 7-8 and 4-4 American. French and English prints: 10, 11, 12 and 13-4 Marseilles Toilet and Lancas ter Quilts, Do. Light anil Medium (Summer) Quilts; AVorsted and Linen Table Covers, Cloth, Table and Piano Covers; Always on hand a large stock of Irish Linen 3, Table Cloths, Doylies, Napkins, Sheetings, Pillow Case and Shirting Linens, dix-ect from the Manu facturers. Our increasing trade fully convince us that by light profits and a strict adherence to one price, we study best, both our own and the public inter est. From long practical experience in the European markets, and having all the advantages which cash purchases can afford, it is not our wish that an ad vertisement should influence any person beyond that which on examination their ewn judgment may dictate. In addition to our large stock of Plantation and general Domestic Goods, we shall endeavor to keep the latest arrivals and newest style in Fancy Goo .s that can be had, and take leave respectfully to as sure those who in pur hasing are pleased to favor us either personally, or by order, that to dispose of Goods on the most reasonable terms, shall, at all times, bo our particular study. Gray brothers, may 7 290 Broad sireet. ARCHITECTURE. CHARLES DE RANG )W. Architect, respect fully informs the citizens of Augusta, and ad joining counties, that he has taken rooms in Jones Stret, opposite the Planters’ Hotel, and is now pre pared to furnish Designs and Dofcails for all kinds of Buildings, Machinery and Patents, at the shortest notice, and with accuracy and neatness. He is permitted to refer to the following gentle men: AY. H. Goodrich, Builder; Quein & Rigby, do.; Coffin & Beals, Designers and Painters. C. de Rangow is now opening a Night School for mechanics, where a thorough knowledge in Ar chitecture will bo taught. Terms—sl2 for S 6 les sons. C. de R. will take also a limited number of Day Pupils., Apply as above, dtf jaa4 AYS ON HAND A CHOICE SELEi READY-MADE CLOTHING, I comprising, in part, Black Dress and Frock Coats; Blue, Brown, Olive, Green and Dahlia Frocks and Sacks; Black and Fancy Cass Pants; Black and Fig’d. Drap d’Ete do.; Plain and fancy linen do.: a large assortment of Linen, Frock and Sack Coats; and a large stock of Vests. GEORGIA RAILROAD. I^^ Leave AUGUSTA daily at 6, P. M., and (Sun days excopted) at 6, A. M. Arrive at Augusta daily at 4.15, A. M., and (Sundays excepted) at 4.40, P. M. Leave Atlanta daily at 5.45, P. M., and (Sundays excepted) at 6, A. M. Arrive at Atlanta daily at 4.00, A. M., and (Sundays excepted) at 4.45, P. M. Connecting with Athens Branch Trains, Union Pointdaily (Sundaysexcepted) at Arriving at Union Point daily (Sundaysexcept ed) at 10.30, A. M. AYith South Carolina Railroad Trains, Loaving Hamburg daily at 6 30, A. M-, and 5, P. M. Arriving at Hamburg daily at 4, P. M., and 5, A. M. With Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad Trains, Leaving Atlanta daily at 4.30 A. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 4.15, P. M. With Western and Atlantic Railroad Trains, Leaving Atlanta daily at 6, A. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 4.10, P. M. And with Macon and Western Railroad Trains, L aving Atlanta daily at 5, P. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 1.30, A. M. And leaving Atlanta on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 7.30, A. M. And arriving at Atlanta on Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays at 3.00, P. M. marl Signed GEO. YONGE, Sup’t. ROGER S LIVERWORT AND TAR. FOR the complete cure of Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis. Spitting of Blood, and all oth er I,ung Complaints tending to Consumption. This preparation is ge ting into use all over our coun try. The numerous letters we receive from our vari ous agents, informing us of cures effected in their im mediate neighborhoods, warrant u ; in saying it is one of the best, if not the very best, Cough Medicine now before the public. It almost invariably relieves, aud not unfrequently cures the very worso cases When all other Cough preparations have failed, this has relieved the patient, as Druggists, dealers in Medicines, and Physicians can testify. Ask the Agent in your nearest town, what has Veen his experience of the effects of this medicine. If he has been selling it for any length Os time Ue%rill tell you IT IS THE BEST MEDICINE EXTANT. Below we give a few extracts from letters we havs received lately, regarding the virtues of this medicine. Dr. S. S. Oslin. of Knoxville, Ga., says: “I have been using your Liverwort and Tar very extensively in my practice for three years past, and it is with pleasure I state my belief in its superiority over all other articles with which I am acquainted, for which it is recom mended.” Messrs Pitzgerald & Benners, writing f, om Wajnes ville, N. C., says : “ The Liverwort and Tar is becoming daily more popular in this Country, and we think just ly so. All who have trie* it speak in commendable terms of it, and say it is very beneficial in alleviating the complaints for which it is recommended.” Our Agent in Pickens District, S. C., Mr. S. R. McFall, assures us “ that he uses it with great benefit in his own family, and recommends it to his neighbors.” He gives an instance of a Nogro woman, in his vicinity, who had been suffering with disease of the Lungs for years, at tended with severe Cough, who was relieved by the Liverwort and Tar. " n* Such are the good reports we hear of this Medicine from ill parts of the .-outh. For a report of the sur prising cures it has performed in the Western and Northern and Eastern States, we would invite the suf ering patient to read the pamphlet which accompanies each bottle. To all, we say, have hope, have hope ! TRY THE MEDICINE ! '—Be Warned in Season ! ! And neglect not that Cough which is daily weakening your constitution, irritating your Throat and Lungs, and inviting on that dread disease. Consumption, when so soothing and healing a Remedy can be obtained as Dr. Rogers’ Syrup of Liverwort and Tar. Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations ! —The genuine article is signed Andrew Rogers, on the en graved wrapper around each bottle. Price, $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. Sold whole sale and retail by SCOVIL & MEAD, 111 Chartres-st., between Conti and St. Louis. N. O. Sole Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders and applications for Agencies must be addressed. Sold also by HAVILAND RISLEY Sc CO., Augusta Georgia. BARRETT, CARTER & CO.. D. B. N PLUMB & CO., “ “ CLARK & WELLS, “ “ WM. 11. TUTT, “ “ N. J. FOGARTY & CO., “ “ A. J. CREIGHTON, Hamburg, S. C. And by one agent in every town in the South, april 11 Cm WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, WM. K KITCHEN isassociated with us as a partner in all our concerns from this date. HAVILAND, HARRAL & RISLEY, New York. HAVILAND, HARRAL & CO., Charleston, S. C. HAVILAND, RISLEY & CO., January 1, 1854. Augusta, Ga. HAVILAND7 RISLEY A CO., are my duly au thorized Agents to transact any business in which I am interested during my absence from the State. My notes and accounts will bo lound at their store. WM. K. KITCHEN. Augusta, Feb. 12,1854. ts NEW DRUG STORE. DR. J. M. HILL & CO., are offering, at their Store, the froshost and purest Stock of MED ICINES bow in Augusta, and at as low prices as the same articles ean be purchased for in any es tablishment in the South. Physicians, Merchants and Families have a pledge that no article shall leave the store less pure than it came from the package of the Importer, as every articlo was in spected and purchased by the Senior partner of the concern, an experienced practicing Physician. Paints, Oils, and Dyestuffs of every kind, to gether with a full assortment of fancy articles, con sisting in part of fino extracts of every description soap 1 f every variety and style, brushes for tho teeth "nails, body and clothes, with many other articles too tedious to mention, Prescriptions put up with care and dispatch, everyday and night in the week. Give us a call, one and all, B.'oad street, Augusta, upper part of the city. dec 15 NOTICE. THE Copartnership of Charles Catlin, of this city, and Reoben O Skinner, of New York, under the name and style of Charles Cat lin Co , expired by limitation on the 31st ult. CHARLES CATLIN will continue the same busi ness at the Old Stand, two doors below the United States Hotel, where can always be found a well selected Stock of PIANO FORTES; MUSIC; VIOLINS; GUITARS, and other Musical Instru ments, which will be sold on tho most favorable terms. CHARLES CATLIN- Augusta, Nov. 1, 1853. nov 2 JUST RECEIVED— -25 doz. Underwood’s Pickles, 1, } and j gallons, 20 “ superfine Mustard, £ and $ bbls.; 10 “ Walnut and Tomato Ketchup; 5 “ superior French Olives; n 5 “ Capers; 5 “ Tuscan Family Oil; 5 “ Pepper Sauce; John Bull Sauce. WILLIAM M. DOW, Opposite the Planters’ Hotel, and one door be ow tha Franklin House. jel4 VOL. 33—NEW SERIES—VOL. 9.—NO. ICTION OF FURNISHING GOODS. White and Colored Shirts; Silk, Merino and Cotton Under Garments ; Cravats; all kinds of Gloves ; Half Hose; Stocks; Collars; Suspendors; and everything useful for a Gentleman's Outfit. Vim IJorfe gbwtwmtj, J tee hazard powder company, Manufacturers Os Gun Powder, continue to furnish Gun Powder of all their welt known brands, viz: ‘‘Kentucky Rifle;” “Sta Shooting;” “American Sporting,” “Indian Ri fle; ‘‘Electric;” “Duck Shooting,” in kegs, bait*-, and quarter kegs, and canisters of one pound each. !' Also, a full assortment of Powder for Blasting and Aiming purposes, and for Export. The repalitfwTl o; their Gun Powder is too well known to require comment. For sale by the principal dealers in * this place, and at the ofbee of the Company. Wall Street, New York City- ‘ t A. G. HAZARD, Preside... A. E. Douglass, Secretary. 3m aprilS JOHN P. KELLOGG Sc Co., importers of BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, dot 44 Water Street, * John P. Kellogg, ) New York. \ Henhy L. Kellogg, J- Ififflßfip John N Squires. J aprils |l PAPER WAREHOUSE, ‘tSTM CYRUS W. FIELD A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 11, C K I STREET, NEW YORK. t2i4 ARE SOLE AGENTS IN THE UNITEP STATES FOR MUSPRATT’S superior BJeaohing POWDER. Victoria Mills Celebrated Writing Paper, Russell “ Superior “ “ Gonesco “ “ Printing “ Rawlins A Sons’ English Tissuo “ . ajfr First quality Ultramarine Blue “ .-Ip They are also Agents for the principal Paper Manufacturers in this country, and offer for sale by far the most extensive and desirable stock of Paper and Paper Manufacturers’ MATERIALS that can be found in this or any other country. Thev occupy the large and commodious Ware houses, No. 11 Cliff street, No. 58 Cliff street, No. 184 Christopher street, and the Lefts over the larg» Iron Stores, 7 and 9 Cliff street. Their business is strictly wholesale, and Writing Papers are sold by the case only. W ~ • Their extraordinary facilities enable them to of fer all Goods, both Foreign and Domestic, at the lowest possible prices. Paper made to order, any size or weight. Liberal advances made on consignments of Paper, Paker Makers stock and other merchandize The highest market price paid in cash for all kind of Rags- ly July 24 ; SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE FOR i YOUNG LADIES. 171 Marshall Street, Philadelphia, 1 GILBERT COMBS, A. M., Principal. I AUGUSTUS SIMON, A. M., Prof, of An cient and Modern Languages . i Rev. BERNHARD STIMTHAL, A. M„ ofGer> man Language. -*i GEORGE W. HOLMES, A. M., Teacher of Drawing and Painting. •«. % ! J. E. KOCHERSPERGER, Teacher of Musis w. W FIFE, Teacher of Penmanship. Miss SAlx AH I HERMAN, First Assistant. Miss M. KENNARD, Second Assistant Miss SARAH E.CON VERSE, Third Assistant! Miss ANNA L. MI ICHEL, Fourth Assistant. REFERENCES X-,. , Rev. Albert Barnes, Philadelphia ; Hon. Walter 1 Lowery. Rev. Samuel F. Talmage Oglethorpe University; Rev. A. Church, Athens,’ Ga.; Rev. A.'Means, Oxford, Ga.; Joe! C. Barnett' Esq., Madison, Ga. V,~J A few pupils can be received into the family'of the Principal at the rate of $l5O pet session for board and Tuition, payable i a advance. Q( *t 14 dAcly Philosophical history of free MASONRY and other Scoret Societies—or tbe Seeiet Societies of all ages considered in their re lation* with.and influence on the Moral, Sooial and Intellectual progress of Man. By Rev’fc, A C. L. Arnold. Romance of War ; or Napoleon’s Campaign, fa"' Russia in 1812. By Lewis Rellstab, The Culture of the Grape and W i»e making. By Robert Buchanan, with an aj-*> ftl? dix, containing < directions for the cultivation of the Strawbcm-r" By N Longworth ■- i Lives of the Quoens of Scotland and English Princesses, connected with tLo Regal succession of Great Britain. By Agnes hiokland. The Quiet Heart from Blackwoods’ Magazine. Armenia, a year at Erzerooui, and on the Fron- i tiers of Russia, Turkey and Persia. By the Hon. I Robert Curzou. „ Abo another supply of Matt. Words’ Trial ; thd-% Dodd Family Abroad : the Lost Prince ; tbe Lamur Lighter; Mrs. Mo watt’s ; Autobiography, and the Potiphav Papers. For sale by je2l THOS. RICHARDS A; SON. New and useful invention, suited 10 E\ ERY FAMILY.—WorHey’s Trans parent Soap, in bars, for family use. As a Soap lor Ladies’ use, for washing Lace, Cambrics, Flan nels, Ac., or for taking out grease spots from bilks, Satins, or Woollens, without the least injury to color or texture, it stands unrivalled. The above article has just been received, and is for sale at je23 WM. HAINES, Druggist. PROPHEi IC STUDlES.—Lectures on the Book of Daniel, by the Rov. John Camming, D. D. For sale by j«l7 T. RICHARDS & SON. W. H GUION, AGENT. NEW CARPET STORE, SAVANNAH. fIIHE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully l X form his friends and the public generally oi Augusta and Richmond county, that he has leased the Store formerly occupied by Messrs. Snider, La* throp & Nevitt, which has been rebuilt and en larged expressly for the Carpet Business, fronting on Congress and St. Julian sts., and is now receiv ing an entire new stock of all the various Carpeting, Oil Cloth, Hearth Rugs, L ! /ug, ; . Table and Piano Covers, Window Shades, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Curtain Stuffs, Stair Rods, Ac. All of which have been purchased direct from the Manufactures, and will be sold qs low, wholesale or retail as in any city in the Union. Ihose Families about to purchase Carpeting, or any other article in the line, may be assured that it will be greatly to their interest to call and ex amine for themselves previous to making their pur chases. WM. H. GUION Agent, No. 140 Congress and 57 f t. Julian-sts. N. B.—Fami ics from the country can have their Carpets, Ac., shipped free of expense. Carpets will also be sent to any part of thi3 City, and cut to rooms free of charge, and when require#, will Ije made by an experienced Upholdsterer. '*? raai 7 .2 ly UNITED STATES HOTEL. t rillE UNDERSIGNED have this day •fS-lf X fomed a Copartnership under the firm of CHAFFEE A SPEAR, to conduct the business of the above Hotel, and will unite their exertions to deserve the patronage and good will of the friends of this well known and favorite establish ment. DANIEL CHAFFEE, ?_* JOHN. W. SPEAR. AUGUSTA STEAM CABINET MANUFAC TORY. CHARLES A. PLATT respectfully ca ls tha attention of citizens and others the city, to his largo and handsome assortment of **■+■. FURNITURE, Comprising every article usually found in a Cabi net Warehouse. Being connected withonoof the largest manufactories at the North tcgether with my own Steam Manufactory at this place, I can supply orders equally low as any establishment, is., the country, as all articles are received ironfllraf O hands, and warranted of the best quality. Con fl Bf.-cted with the above, I have also on hand a splsn - did assortment of 9 Viz . English Velvet Tapestry—Cotton ; I English Brussels “ Hemp Si Extra Threo Ply Venctuug|| H RUGS and BO.'R MATS, a beautiful assortment; I CURTAINS ; CORNICES ; CURTAIN LOOPS ; ■ Table and Floor OIL CLOTH, of all pattcffta and B Tho above arc all purchased at the and the legitimate business of this establish!;, has been so well known for the last fifteen ff JH makes further comments unnecessary. _ meS ' CVornT bTicon ”vnd la ri>— ; ; J 1,000 bushels Tennessee Corn ; i .Sfr 20,000 lbs. Bacon On hand and for sale by ■ may 9 A. -STEVBqfc SB notice. ’ ' ■ m THE firm of Spires A Wilson, is R H mutual consent. All the unsettled buw hH will be settled by W. Spirks, at the same p® where the business will be by W■ llj A Co, Hamburg, S. C. 'W’v 4,» 9B SPIRES A WILSON, feblO byW SpirJ M