The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, September 09, 1854, Image 3

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Sjirnnl llatiffs. Catholic Church.—Collections will bo taken up at three services, at this Church, on next Sunday, viz : at 7 o'clock, and lOi o'clock A. M , and at 4 o’clock P. M., for the relief of the suffering poor of Savannah. The great destitution of widows aad orphans, and other victims of Yellow Fever in that afllicted citv, as well as gratitude to our merciful God for his continued favors, should excite in us all, a truly Christian liberality in behalf of this noblo charity, vi* : assistance in time of need to our suffering fel low-beings. To those who cannot attend, contributions will be thankfully received by the Itev. John Barry, who will immediately transmit them to the scene of distress For the convenience of persons ongagod in busi ness, a list will be found at C. E. Giradey A Co.’s Store, where subscriptions will be received, and handed to the Rev. Mr. Barry. Augusta, Sept. 7, 1854. septS yiasouic Notice. —The Members of Social Lodge are requested to attend a Regular Meeting, This (Friday,) Evening, at 8 o'clock. septß C. Dwelle, Sec. nfg-T^ — it Augusta Female Academy. —To meet he wishes of several friends,-4here will be a Prefatory Defartmext connected with our Institution, the tuition fee in which will be $8 per quarter. L. LaTaste, Principal. sept 6 Worms.—As this is the season of the year when worms are most formidable among children, the proprietors of M’Lane’s Ver mifuge beg leave to call the attention of parents to its virtues for the expelling of these annoying, and often fatal enemies of children. It was invented by a physician of great experience in Virginia, who, after having used it for several years in his own practice, and found its success so universal, was induced at last to offer it to the public as a cheap, but certasn and excellent medicine. It has since become justly popular throughout the United States, as the mo =4 efficient Vermifuge ever known, and the demand has been steadily on the increase since its first introduction to the public. LGr* Purchasers will please be careful to ask for Dr. McLane’s Celebrated Vonnifuge, and take none else. AH other Vermifuges, in comparison, are worthless. Dr. M Lane s genuine Vermifuge, also, his Celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores in the United States and Canada. bold by Haviland, Risley & Co.,Wm H. Tutt, D. B Plumb A Co.,and W. 11. AJ. Turpin, Augus ta, Ga.; P. M. Cohen A Co., Charleston, S. C.; Hill & Smith, Athens, Ga.; E.C. Jones, Madison; A. A. Solomons; Savannah; and by all Drug gists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the South. 12 septs Th- condition of the stomach is of vital importance. No man, woman, or child can be healthy unless the work of digestion is regularly, thoroughly, and vigorously performed. With three-fourths of civilized society, this is not the case. And yet the remedy is within the reach of all. Hoodand’s German Bitters, prepared by I)r. C. M. Ja* kson. Philadelphia, will as surely create a regular and healthy action of the stomach as oil will lessen the friction of machinery. Let the victim of dyspepsia or indigestion in any of its forms, try it, and we guarantee a good appetite, physical vigor, firm nerves, sound sleep by night, and increased cheerfulness by day. 12 septs Female School. —The Misses Sedg wick propo e to open a School for Young Ladies, on tno Ist Monday in October. Their aim will be to combine with a thorough intellectual education such moral and religious culture as will load their pupils to the formation of those traits of character, without which the high est mental endowments are worse than useless. The Course of Instruction will include the Latin and French Languages Terms from $lO to S2O per quarter, according to the ages and requirements of the pupils. School Rooms on Broad Street, over the office of the Augusta Manufacturing Company. Applications may be left with Dr. T. W. Battey. References. —Hon. 11. 11. Cumming, Dr. T. W, Battey, Geo. Schley, Esq , Geo. W. Lamar, Esq. Hon. W. T. Gould, and Edw. Thomas, Esq. sept 2 dim and Fever, of three years stand ing, cured—Mi. John Longden, now living at Beaver Dam, Hanover county, Va., near Richmond, had Ague and Fever for throe years, most of the time he had chilis twice a day, and rarely less than once ; ho was parched with fevers as soon as the chill left him; and after trying phy sicians, quinine, most of the Tonics advertised, and every thing recommended to him, was about to give up in despair, when Carter’s Spanish Mix ture was spoken of. he got two bottles, but before he had use! more than a single one, he was per fectly cured, and has not had a chill or fever since. Mr. Longden is only one out of thousands who have been beuefitteu by this great tonic, alterative and blood purifier. See advertisement. aoptl lm &f g Hoi and Cold Baths.—Those who BU wish to enjoy one of the luxuries of the season, nre invited to call at Johnson's Bar- B3R Shop, oil Broad-street, just below the Eagle A Phcenix Hotel, and take a warm, cold or shower bath. The water used is pure spring water, and in this hot weather will be found in vigorating and refreshing. lm aug!6 f-y. ——n Important—Families and Physicians needing Medicines at night, can find the subscriber at the Augusta Hotel. j y 3o N. J. FOGARTY. gga—Dr. Morse's Invigorating Cordial —The only sure and safe Remedy, yet discovered, for General Debility, Physical Prostra ti >n, Irratability, and all the various train of Ner vous Affections; it wlil also remove Depression, Excitement, Dislike of Society, Incapacity for Study or Business, Loss of Memory, Mental De bility, Ac —jSce Advertisement. Kt ,r Mrs. E. O. Coliins is anxious to dis ffw pose of her entire stock of GOODS be fore puachasing Fall supplies, and will offer them at very reduced prices for cash. All that wish to get bargains, will do well to call. Among them will bo found handsome Hair Lace ; Straw, Silk Lace, Crape and Lawn Bonnets ; Plain and Fancy Dress Caps ; Embroidered Lace and Muslin Caps: Embroidered Silk and Applique Mantillas, some o, them very elegant; Lace Shawls and\eils; Em broidered Handkerchiefs, Collars, Sleeves and Cuffs; silk Fringes; Egyptian Mitts; Ribbons: Flowors; Hair Braids; Curls; Toilet Powder; Powder Boxes and Puffs; Perfumeries; Soaps, Ac. All orders from the co ntry carefully attended to je2B dt&o3m A Warning.—Delay not; harbor not in your mind that sentence of fool’s philosophy, that a disease will get woll of itself,or that you can cure it with certain medieines fora few dollars. Beware how you tamper with your general welfare. Ye wild and vicious youths, why will ye persist in dosing with the filthy, nauseating compounds daily proffered, thereby impairing your appetite and digostion, and destroying you mentally as well as physically, when yon can be cured with a few doses of pleasant medicines? Ye rakes of every age and condition, why will ye suffer and ropine and drag out a miserable ex istence, unfitted for the enjoyment and even ordi nary pursuits of life ? You who are thus annoyed, and wish to be restored to health and vigor by a treatment at once pleasant and effectual, should consult Dr. Morris. His success in chronic dis- j eases has been greater than that of any other phy- j sioian of his day. Many who have been for years afflicted with al.<ease or consequences resulting from excess have been restored to health and vigor under his really scientific treatment. Should a personal interview be objeationable, state your disease in writing—enclose five dollars —address Dr. W. H. Morris, through the Posts Office, Nashville, Tenn., and a package of Medi- securely put up, will be sent privately, and with dispatch, full directions therewith, and no questions asked. Persons living at a distance, and afflicted with Scrofula, Old Ulcers, Tetter Cancers, Piles, Fistula tn Ano, Gravel, Strictures, Gleets, or any disease 1 whatever of an aggravated or malignant character, can be cared at home by consulting Dr. Morris, by letter, post paid, enclosing a fee. These Medi cines. pleasant and safe, can be sent per mail to any part of the United States. Particular attention given to the treatment of female complaints. Ladies who may bo afflicted with irregularities, Flour Albus or Whites, Pro lapsus Uteri or Falling of the Womb, would do well to lay aside all false delicacy, and promptly consult the Doctor. Cures Warranted. Office over Mutual Protection Insurance Office, Cedar Street, near Post Office. Room, No. 14, up airs. dly dec 25 Premium DaguprreauGallery.—The W-' firm °f Tucker A Perkins having been dissolved by limitation last February. The un dersigned will continue to practice the art of Dag uerreotyping in all its various branches, and from his long practical experience he feels confident ol his ability to please the most fastidious. The pictures now being taken at this Gallery are pronounced by those who are judges, superior in tone and life-like expression, to any ever before produced in Augusta. Isaac Tucker. 1 N.B. Artistspurchasing Stock, will please bear in mind that materials are sold at lower rates than at any other house this side of New York. may We have commenced drawing Soda at our Counter. D. B. PLUMB A CO. vjfaiih Paid lor WOOLLEN, LINEN, COTTONS SILKRA^, SId ts fomer River and Ja#k*©B it * r ; Urn) NOTICE. RAN AWAY from the subscriber, on the 26th of August last, a Negro Girl about IPgiS seventeen or eighteen years of age, named M JULIA. Said negro is about five feet one inch high, copper color, round face, and is four to five months gone in the family way. I will give Ten Dollars for apprehension and delivery to Thomas J. Jennings, of Hamburg, S. C. HUGH R. WILLIAMS, sepW c 4 Edgefield, S. C. TO HIRE. 1 i NEGRO MEN, until the Ist day of Janu- Xyj ary. Also, 3 Negro Women, among which are house servants, and a fine nurse. Enquire of W. H. OAKMAN, Jr., At J. J. Byrd’s, upper end Broad st., on and af ter the 18th Sept, ts septfi FOR SALE. A LOT of fine well-broke Young Mules; two fine Horses; one largo Wagon, iron axle-tree, with harness; one secondhand Carriage. En quire of WM. H. OAKMAN, Jr., At J. J. Byrd’s, upper end of Broad-st., on and after the 18th Sept. ts sept 9 TVTOTICE. — All persons indebted to the Estate of IN Thomas Neal, Sr., late of Warren county, de ceased, are requested to make payment to ts e sub scriber; and those having demands against said estate, will present them, and they will be prompt ly paid. sept 9 GEORGE V. NEAL, Ex’r. HIRAM SMITH'S FLOUR, from new Wheat Fresh Smoked Beef; New Codfish; Irish Potatoes; Fresh Boston Crackers; Pure Cider Vinegar; White W ine Do., imported. For sale by sept 9 DAWSON A SKINNER. Havana segars — 19,300 T. M. Segars ; 22,750 0. K. Do.; Just imported by sept 9 DAWSON A SKINNER. HOUSEHOLD WORDS, for September; Knickerbocker, for September; Illustrated Magazine of Art, for September, Also, Frank Lester’s Ladies’ Gazette, for Sep tember ; and, Rye House Plot, Vol. 2, by G. Reynolds. Just received at GEO. A. OATES A BRO ’S, B|sept9 BooKsellers and Stationers, Broad-st. WILLIS’ LATE WORK. —Famous Persons and Places, by N. Parker W’illis, in one vol-* Also. Chestnut Wood, a talo, by Liele Linden, For sale by sept 9 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. NEW CASH STORE. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Georgia and South Carolina, that he is now in receipt of his supply of Fall and Winter DRY GOODS, all of which have been pur chased for Cash, in the various Northern Markets; and as regards the prices at which they will be sold, it is unnecessary to say a word, as the reputa tion of GREEN’S Store, for being the cheapest in Augusta, is now firmly established. —ALWAYS ON HAND — Bleached and Brown SHEETINGS and SHIRT INGS, of various manufactories; French, English and American CALICOES, from 6 j to 25 cents. GINGHAMS; MOUSLIN DicLAINES: CASHMERES; MERINOES; ALPACAS; BOMBAZINES; CANTON CLOTHS; Plain and Plaid White Cambric Jaconet, Nain sook and Mull MUSLIN: Plain, Plaid and Dotted Swiss MUSLINS ; LACES; EMBROIDERIES; EDGINGS; Cambric and Muslin TRIMMINGS ; HOSIERY, of all kinds, Ac. Ac. —ALSO — Particular attention paid to all kinds of Negro GOODS and BLANKETS, such as white and brown KERSEYS and PLAINS: heavy brown SHIRTINGS, at 6|c.; London Duffil and Macinau BLANKETS ; colored do,: SATTINETS ; KEN TUCKY JEANS, Ac., all of which will be sold for cash, as low as in any Southern market. E. GREEN, Brood Street, Augusta, Ga. Next door below Bones A Browns’ Hardware Store. septß A WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, OF good character, both in profession and mor als, wishes a situation either in the city or country. Application at this office. 2 septß JUST AKHIVKI). a fine lot of Indiana and Ohio HORSES, fbr sale at the Palace Stables low, for cash or on shortest time. 6 sept 8 4 DAMA.VrI \ E CANDLES. —IOO boxes Gross L\. A Dietrich brand; 100 do. David Thain A Co’ do.; 75 do. J. G. Davis & Co., do. Just received and for sale low by septs c. a. Williams. JUST RECEIVED— -500 lbs Wharton A Son Magnolia Hams; 500 lbs. best Tennessee Hams ; 6 bbls. extra Family Flour A few bbls Baltimore Lard, for sale by G.E. BULLINEAU, septS 12 2 Doors below J, P. Set*e. ANOTHER SUPPLY —The Lamplighter; The Master’s House, a tale of Southern Life, by Logan; Fern Leaves, from Fanny's Port Folio; Struggles for Life, an autobiography. Just received and for sale by septß McKINNE A HALL. HE .VIARRIAGE OF THE LAMB : a voice from Sion’s Heights; the Mystery Finished; the same Jesug revealed from Heaven in his Fa ther’s glory, with his holy angels, namely: The Hundred and Forty four Thousand, consisting of the Journey, the Marriage, the Holy City, the River of the Water of Life, with an exposition of the Seven Thunders spoken of in Rev. 10th, 4th v. Just received and for sale by septß McKINNE A HALL. SADDLERY, &C., FALL TRADE, 1854. SHERMAN, JESSUP & CO., (LATE WRIGHT, NICHOLS & CO ,) HAVING. increased their facilities, and perfect ed their arrangements for manufacturing and importing, are now prepared to exhibit an unusu ally varied and extensive assortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Whips, Trunks, Valices, Carpet Bags, in every description of Goods in that line. Also, a heavy stock of Saddlery Hardware, Coach Trimmings, SpriDgs, Axles, Castings, Ac , which are offered to dealers and manufacturers at low prices, and upon their usual liberal terms, for approved credit. dAfSin sept7 1 /\/ \ DOZ. French Calf Skins, now arriving, L of favorite brands and assorted weights, warranted tresh. For sale at the Saddlery Ware house of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO.. Late Wright, Nichols A Co., No. 239 Broad-st., second door above the Bank of Augusta. d&f3m septT OAK SOLE LEATHER —Extra trimmed, N. York inspected slaughter Hides, a superior ar ticlo, just received and worthy the attention of City Boot Makers. Also, a largo stock of Balti more Spanish Oak Solo, for sate at the Saddlery Warehouse of SIIERMAN, JESSUP A CO., Late Whright, Nichols A Co., No. 239 Broad-st., second door above the Bank of Augusta. dAf3m sept7 HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER, in every va riety of weight and quality. Also, Harness, Skirting, Bridle, Band, Picker, Lacing and Roller Leather, and every description of Patent Leather, always on hand and for sale at the Saddlery Ware house of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO., Late Wright, Nichols A Co., No. 239 Broad-st., second door above the Bank j of Augusta. dAf3m sept7 SHOE FINDINGS. — A largo assortment of ev- j ery article in the line, comprisit g, in part, French and American Lining Skins, of all colors; j Sheep and Goat Binding Stuns ; Galloons Lacets j Webbs Cords; Copper, Zinc and Iron Spnrablos , Shoe Nails and Tacks, fiat and round ; every vari ety of French Kit and Tools; Boot Trees, and Crimps; Lasts ; Pegs, Ac., for sale on accommoda ting terms at the Saddlery Warehouse of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO , Late Wright, Nichols A Co.. No. 239 Broad-st., second door above the Bank of Augusta. dA+3m sept7 A | AC HI N E UELTIN G —Patent Riveted, Stretched and Cemented, single and double, all widths, from 1 to 24 inches. These Belts are made from whole hides of best quality of leather, long used and approved by the most extensive man ufacturers and machinists in Georgia and adjoining States. A large stock always on hand at the Sad dlerv Warehouse of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO., Late Wright, Nichols A Co., No. 239 Broad at., second door above the Bank of Augusta. dAf3m septT JUST OPENED by the subscriber, and offered at the lowest market prices, a very fine lot of Imported and Domestic carpetings, which arc well assorted in prices, styles and quali ties. sept7 J. P. SEIZE R. CUMMINGS’ WORKS, new series, con sisting of Lectures on the Apocalypse; Lec tures on Daniel; Lectures on Miracles; Lectures on Finger of God; Lectures on Christ our Pasover; Lectures on Christ our Comforter. Just received and for sale by sept7 McKINNE _A_H A LL^_ ON THE RIVER.— 93 boxes Stultz A Ber nard’s” Tobacco, 4A, 3 A, i A, and I A., for sale on consignment, upon arrival, by septT DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING^ SUGAR. —20 hhds. N. 0. Sugar, old and dry, quality fair. For sale low by I sept 7 DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING. ©fittrol JUiofrtisnnents TO RENT, 8 BACK STORES, on the corner of Wash ington aad Bay streets Possession givenMilL. immediately. DYE A BARNES, septfi tl' TO RENT. FROM the first of October next, a plesant .-3-Aj dwelling on the corner of Broad and Hous-Jsiii. ton street, with 6 large rooms and othor out bilding. Apply to HENRY I)ALY. aug2s Under the U. S. Hotel. TO RENT. TWO Houses opposite the Catholic Church for the ensuing year. For terms, apply willi on the premises to aug23 R. F. BOUYER. TO RENT, "" ; FROM the first of October next, a Store and Dwelling on Broad Street, above the Jail Upper Market, occupied at present by B. Henry. Apply to aug!7 ts THOS. DUNKGAN. TO RENT* FROM the first of October next, the Brick Store under the subscriber’s dwelling, MUi. near the Lower Market House, now occupied by Drs. Felder A Turner, they declining to keep it. _aug9 td JOHN H. MANN. TO RENT. FROM tbo first of October, a double tenement DWELLING on Mclntosh-street, near the Waynesboro depot. Apply to P. Coßniff at jy29 ts W. A J. NELSON’S. TO RENT. FROM the Ist October next, the brick DWELLING and vacant lot adjoining, Isiil l on north side of Broad-street a few doors below Kollock. Also the store under the dwelling and sa't store in the rear. Also a stable and carriage house in the rear of vacant lot. Enquire of J. CRAIG, augl2 SAWtd at Bank of Brunswick. TO RENT, TWO two-story HOUSES on Calhoun-st., gsa containing 7 rooms. JBiiil Two double tenement, on the same street, single story. One double tenement on Taylor street. Two two-story Houses, 7 rooms, on Fenwick-st. Four 1J story, on Fenwick-st., fronting So. Ca. Depot. Apply to JAS. L. COLEMAN. jy2B __ TO RENT. FROM the first of Octobor next, the long /#* Room in the roar of my store at present oc-Miiil cupied by the Oglethorpe Infantry as a drill room. jylß E. H. ROGERS. TO RENT. THE STORE, at present occupied by Mr. H. T. Peay, at tho Lower Market. —ALSO — Tho DWELLING, at present occupied by Mr. A. Sturgis. Apply to WM. H. PRITCHARD. septs THE CAMPBELLS ARE COMING WEST & PEEL’S ORIGINAL CAMPBELL MINSTRELS WILL GIVE THREE GRAND CONCERTS at Concert Hall, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September 7, 8 and 9. ' This Troupe, as ever, comprizes Twelve Talented Performers, who are unequalled for talent and ver satility, under the direction of Matt Peel. New Songs, Choruses, Dances and Burlesques. Tickets 50 cents. Doors open at 7. Concert commence at 8. G. G. MINOR, Agent. septs 5 RAMEY & STORY, GROCERY MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. WILL continue the Grocery Business, in all its branches, at the Old Stand, on Broad Street, two doors below Bcnes A Brown. We are daily receiving our Fall Stock. Our Stock will, at all times, be large, assortment complete, and adapted to planters’ trade, a liberal share of which we have so long enjoved, and hope still to receive. J. D. RAMEY, aug2s dlmc6ra S. G. STORY. DENNIS’ ANTI SPASMODIC TINCTURE, FOR Chills, Severe Colds, Cramp Co'ic, Spas modic Cholera, Ac. RECOMMENDATIONS. This is to certify, that on the 18th of June, 1854, Dr. Dennis made a perfect euro of the Chills and Fever, in almost ten minutes time, or bj r the ad ministration of two dosos of his celebrated Anti- Spasmodic Tincture. Ido recommend all those afflicted with the Chills, to give this preparation a trial. F. Offkrman, Surgeon Dentist, One door below the Mechanics’ Bank, Augusta, Georgia. Says R. C. Pratt, Engineer on the South Caro lina llailroad, in a communication to the Proprie tor, “I have known the Anti Spasmodic Tinc ture to cure a case of Chills and Fevers of three months standing, in the short space of as many days.” It affords me pleasure to recommend it t-> the public. Orangeburg C. H., S. C., July .30, 1853. Dr. Dennis —Dear Sir: You will please send us immediately some more of your Anti-Spasmodic Tincture, Anti-Billions Pills and Georgia Sarsapa rilla. The Tincturo has cured several cases com pletely of the Fever and Ague. Price $1 per bottle. Prepared by J. DENNIS, M. D., Augusta, Ga. For sale by dealers in Medicines generally. sopt6 d6cl FOR THE FALL TRADE. WE have commenced receiving, Cloths, Casti meres and Vestings, of the newest and most fashionable order, for the Fall Trade. Gentlemen may rely upon having any article of Clothing thoy order made up in fashionable and correct style. Our Stock embraces every article of Dress and and convenience for the Wardrobe. WM. 0. PRICE & CO., septl Drapers and Tailors. HARPERS’ MAGAZINE for September, leave cut, just received and for sale by McKINNE A HALL, sept 1 Booksellers and Stationers. GEORGIA RAIL ROAD Augusta, August 10,1854. 4 S protection against escape of Negroes under x\. fraudulent Passes, Tickets for Negroes will be sold only to owners, or other responsible par ties, who will further be required to furnish a du plicate pass to the Agent, who sells the Ticket, to bo filed at hi 3 office. The above rule to take effect on and after the 15th inst. GEORGE YONGE, augll 3m General Superintendent. AUGUSTA SADDLE AND HARNESS MANUFACTORY, 193 Broad Street, under the Augusta Hotel, ■ AT the above Establishment can be aa < found a and well selocted as- iffitmeß. i. sortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, Ac., which will be sold on accommodating terms. Work of all kinds made to ordor, with neatness and despatch. HATCH A BEGBIE. Augusta, Aug. 29. 1854. aug.3o * J. A ANSLEY, J GENERAL COMMISSION AND PRODUCE MERCHANT, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. j Office on Broad Street, opposite Union Bank. WILL give prompt and personal att.on- r tiou to the sale of Bacon, Lard, saSBIaB { Grain. Flour, Cotton, and all articles of Merchan dize consigned to him. Also, to the forwarding of j Goods for the interior, and to Northern markets, } at the customary rates. j Liberal advances, either in cash or by accep- < tances, made on articles in store, or when bills of ] Lading aecoinpany drafts. ] Refers to Baker, Wilcox A Co., M. AB.Winkin- ( son, and J. C. Fargo, Augusta, Ga ; Hand, Wil- j liams A Wilcox, and Thos. Trout A Co., Charles- , ton, S. C.; Wm. Duican, Padelford, Fay A Co , and F.T. Willis, Savannah, Ga.; Sturges, Rennet ACo , 1 New York; J. C. "Wilson A Co., and D. Stuart A Son, Baltimore; Wood A Son, New Orleans ; C. B. Wilson, Dalton, Ga.; W. B. Shepard A Co., and Berry A Deneville, Nashville; Grenville & Sample, Chattanooga, Tenn ; Bearden, Son A Co., Knox ville, Tenn.; S. K. Reeder, Athens, Tenn. sept 2 BOOKS, KOOKS. BOOKS.—Now-a-day. Fashion and Famine, by Mrs. Ann S. Ste i phens. Chesnut Wood: A Tale, by Lisle Linden. TimeandTide; or'Twenty Years ef~an African I Slaver; being an account of his career and adven tures on the coast, Ac., by Brantz Mayer. English Items; or Microscopic Views of England I and Englishmen, by Matt. F. Ward. Notes of a Theological Student, by Jus. M. Hop j pin. » j Cavendish; or The Patrician at Sea, by W. ! Johnson Neale, Esq. The Orator’s Tonehstone: or Eloquence simpli | fied, embracing a comprehensive system of instruc tion, for the improvement of the voice, by Hugh McQueen. Just received and for sale by McKINNE A HALL, septT Booksellers and Stationers. EW BOOKS. —Sandwich Island Notes, by A. Haole; History of Pyirhus, by Jacob Abbott; Ticonderoga, or the Black Eagle, a Romance of days not far distant, by G. P. R. James ; Harpers’ Gazetteer of the World, parts 2 and 3. Just re aivedby augl THOS. RICHARDS A SON. ©cnrral Sbufrtisfmnita. RICH DRESS SILKS. AT A GREAT REDUCTION OF FRIGES. i WILLIAM SHEAR HAS just received from Now York, Ladies’ Rich Dress SILKS, of new and beautiful styles, i which wore purchased at Auction greatly below the cost of importations, and which are offered at great bargains. The Ladies are respectfully invi ted to call and examine the assortment. sept 3 dt<kc SPLENDID CARPETS. WILLIAM SHE A R HAS just received from New York— English Tapestry Velvet Carpets, of rich and ! splendid styles; English 'Brussels Carpets, of chaste and elegant patterns; Superior Three Ply and Ingrain Carpets, of new and beautiful styles; Superior Plain and Twilled Venetian Carpets; Rich Chenille Rugs, to match the Carpets. The Tapestry Velvet and English Brussells Car pets are of the most recent importations, and in richness of color and elegance of style and pattern surpass any I have ever offered to the public. They are also offered at great!} - reduced prices, and the public are respectfully imvited to examine the as sortment. df&c sept 3 A. HAMILTON. COTTON A Nil TOBACCO FACTOR, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, And Agent for the St. Lotus, Memphis and New Orleans Packets, Nashville, Tenn. —REFER TO — D. Weaver, Esq., Cashier Planters’ Bank, Tenn ; Wesley Wheless, Esq., Cashier Bank of Nashville; George W. Lewis, Esq., Augusta, Ga. septs 6m ORANGES.— 5 bbls. sweet Oranges, just or ceived and for sale by sept 2 S. C. GRENVILLE A CO. CHAIRS. —Will be sold to close consignment, 10 dozen Grecian Cane Seat Chairs; 8 do. Windsor Chairs, manufactured in Columbia, South Carolina, sopt 2 s. C. GRENVILLE &, CO. FHINIZY & CLAYTON7 | WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AUGUSTA, GA. sept 6 6mo MATTHIESSjEN & OHARA ‘ CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, 143 East Bay, corner of Queen-st, Charleston, S. C. WE would respectfully call the attention of the Merchants of Georgia, dealing in Ready made Clothing, to our extensive and varied stock of Clothing, comprising all qualities. All Goods from our establishment are warranted, both for style and workmanship. Particular attention given to orders. WM. MATTHIESSEN, septfi WASatOl WM. P. O’HARA. NEW FALL GOODS. WILLIAM SHEAR HAS received from New York apartot his Fall Supplies, embracing a great variety of new and beautiful articles suitable for the present sea son, among which are— Rich Satin Plaid, Brocade, and plain Fancy Silks, of the latest Paris styles; Plain Black Taffeta Silks, of superior quality and rich lustre; Rich all-wool, Paris printed DeLaines, of new and elegant styles; Fancy all-wool, Paris printed DeLaines, of small figures, for Misses and Children ; Fronch all-wool Fancy Plaids, of beautiful style, for Ladies’ Dresses; English Prints and Fancy Ginghams, warranted fast colors. Superior English Mourning Prints and Ging hams ; Lupin's plain white, black and fancy colored Merinos, of superior quality ; Lupins' black and fancy colored DeLaines, and plain black Challys; Superior black Bombazine, black Alpacas, and black Canton Cloths; Superior English black Crapes, for trimming and Mourning Veils; Ladies Embroidered French Collars, Under sleeves and Collaretts, of beautiful styles; Ladies’ Mourning Collars and Undersleeves; Worked Muslin Edgings and Insertings, and nar row Thread Edgings; Rich Thread, Valenciennes, Maltese and Iloni ton Laces ; Ladies’ Embroidered, Scolloped, wide Hem stitched and Mourning French Lawn Handker chiefs, of beautiful styles; Fancy Neck and Bonnet Ribbons; Ladies’ Kid and Gauntlet Gloves, and long and short hand black Lace Mitts; Ladies’ black Spun Silk and Fleecy Lined Hose, (some of extra size and weight) of the best make and quality ; Real Weleli and heavy Shaker Flannels, es the best make ; Superior Welch, Gauze. Saxony <ind Silx Warp Flannels; Heavy all-wool cel’d Flannels foi Ladies’ Saoks, in all desirable colors; English and American Canton Flannels, of supe rior style and quality ; With a great variety of other new and beautiful artic es of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, many of which have just been purchased at auction far be low the cost of importation, and all of which will be sold at very losv prices. Families wishing to purchase their Fall supp’ies early, are respectfully invited to call and examine the assortment. septs dtAc iVj EW ROOKS. —The Master’s House, a tale of 1 ’ Southern Life, by Logan; Fifty Years in Both Hemispheres, or Reminis ces of Life of a Former Merchant, by Vincent N otto, late of New Orleans; Sunny Memoirs of Foreign Lands, by Harriet Beecher Stowe ; Easy Nat, or Three Apprentices, a tale of Now York and Boston, but adapted to any meridian, by A. L. Stunson, of Express Messenger; Uncle Sams’ Farm Fence, by A. D. Milne. Just received and for sale by sept 7 McKINNE & IIALL._ MO KENE vA ROOKS —The Comforter, fcor Thoughts on the Influence of the Holy Spirit, by Rev. John Cumming, M. D.; Christ our Passover, or Thoughts on tho Atone ment, by Rev. John Cumming, M. D.; Cumming’s Minor Works, containing the Finger of God, Ac.; Sequel to the Neighbors’ Children, from the Ger man, by Mrs. Sarah A. Myers; Struggles for Life, an Autobiography. Just published and for sale .t GEO. A. OAIES & BRO.’S, septT Piano, Book and Music Store, Broad st., CALcTnEU PL ASTER OF PARIS, Hydraulic Cement, Land Plaster and Peruvian Guano, for sale in quantities to suit purchasers by septs W M. HAINES, Druggist. HAMS — 500 lbs. Tennessee, just received and for sale by gsept 2 S.C. GRENVILLE & CO. OUGAR,—IO boxes White Havana Sugar, just t O receive! and for sale by sopt 2 S. C. GRENVILLE A CO. £ ■ r ( FREE TRADE AND NO MONOPOLY. Who says Gae—or head Pipes ? ( JROWE Ic CO., Plumbers and Gas Fitters, at i • the corner of Jackson and Telfair streets, im mediately in the rear of the Baptist Church, would < like to know. We tako pleasure in stating that we are now prepared to run Gas and Water Pipes into Stores, Dwellings, Churches, Factories, Public Buildings, &c., at as low a rate, ol as good material and work manship as can be obtained and done in any South ern oity. In addition to this, wo will keep a constant sup ply and procure at the shortest notice the following < articles, viz. Chandeliers; Pendants; Brackets; ! Hall Burners; Stiff and Flexible Drop Lights; Ga 3 Pipes of all sizes; Lead and Block Tin Pipes; Water Closets; Wash Basins, of various patterns ; Wood Bathing Tubs, lined with copper or lead; Copper and Brass Shower Baths; Cook ing Ranges with or without water backs ; Copper and galvanized Circulating Boilers; Cast Iron Sinks for Kitchens or Pantries, of all sizes and pat terns ; Brass and Iron Lift and Force P uinps, of various patterns and sizes. All orders left at the shop or with the Superin tendent of the Gas Works, will be personally and punctually attended to. John Rowe. [septOly] G. 8. Hookey. BARGAINS, BARGAINS. IN DRESS SILKS, TISSUES, BAREGES, Ac. WE are disposed to offer great inducements in the above Goods. Also, in Lawns, Organ dies, and plain Bareges, all of fashionable styles and shades. Now is the time to buy really beau tiful and good Goods at a low figure, auglfi WARD & BURCHARD. , AUGUSTA, AUGUST 22, 1854.1 JUST RECEIVED, and for sale at CLAYTON A BIGNfrN’S— -6 cases fashionable Mole Hats, Fall style ; 6 dox. S C. Black Wool Do.; 3 “ Black Do., Ravel; 2 “ Pearl Do., Baltimore; 2 “ “ Black Bands, Do., Do.; 3 “ Boys Black Wool Do. Also, a splendid lot of Shirts; Collars; Stock; Cravats; Ties; Fancy Socks, Ac. aug22 MON BANK CHECK BOOKS, all sizes, for sale by THOS. RICHARDS A I ON. ; SCpt 1 f iITHITE READ —Pure extraand No. 1, forsale | VV in 25, 50 and 100 pounds kegs. - septfi WM. HAINES, Bruggitt, Bread street. ©rnrral Jliiunlisrmntts FOR NEW YORK OR PHILADELFHIA. Philadelphia and Savannah Steamship Line. Carrying the United Stales Mail. ' CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. THE Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad connects at East Point with the Macon and Western Rail road. Through from Montgomery to Savannah in 30 hours. Leave Montgomery at 8.30 P. M. i Arrive at East Point at 8.20 A. M. Leave East Point at 8 45 A. M. Arrive at Macon at 2.30 P. M. Leave Macon at 4.30 P. M. r Arrive at Savannah at 2.30 A. M. Fare from Montgomery to West Point,. .$3.50 “ “ West Point to East Point 3.25 “ “ East Point to Savannah, 8.00 This Line consists of the well known first class Steamships STATE OF GEORGIA, Capt. J. J. Garvin. KEYSTONE STATE, Capt. R. Hardie. In strength, speed, and accommodations, these ships are unsurpassed, if equalled, by any on the coast. River navigation, 100 miles. Two nights at sea. Sailing days, every Wednesday, from each port. agents. In Savannah, C. A. L. Lamar, Corner Drayton and Bryan Streets. In Philadelphia, Heron A Martin, 37$ North Wharves. In New York, Scranton & Tallman, 19 Old Slip, near foot of Wall Street. STATE OF GEORGIA. KEYSTONE STATE. Will leave Savannah, Will leave Savannah, July 12th and 26th. July 19th, August 9th and 23d, Aug. 2d, 16th and 30th, September 6th and 20th, September 13th & 27th, October 4tn and 18th, October llth and 25th, Nov. Ist, 15th and 29th, November Bth and 22d, December 13th and 27th. December 6th and 20th, January 3d, 1855. H. C. SCOTT, July 20,1854. Travelling Agent. TO TRAVELLERS GOING NORTH. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Through in 48 to 50 Hours. NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON SEMI-WEEKLY STEAM SHIP LIN E Leave adger’s wharves every SATURDAY and WED NESDAY, after the arrival of cars from the South and West. ON SATURDAY, NASHVILLE, A M. Berry, 1500 tons, j Commander. MARION, A W. J. Foster, 1200 tons, j Commander. ON WEDNESDAY, JAMES ADGER, A S. C. Turner, 1500 tons, i Commander. SOUTHERNER. ) Thomas Ewan, 1000 tons, j Commander. These Steamers are unrivalled on the coast, for safety, speed and comfort, experienced and courte ous Commanders, and Tables supplied with every luxury. Travellers by this line will bo ensured every possible comfort and accommodation. Cabin Passage. $25 Steerage 8 For Freight or Passage, having elegant State Room accommodations, aDply at the office of the Agent, HENRY MISSROON, Cor. East Bay and Adger’s wharf. Charleston. S.C., June 10, 1854. jel3 UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH. [semi-weekly.J ON and after March 18th, the new and splendid side-wheel Steamships— FLORIDA,... .1,300 tons. Capt. M. S. Woodhui.l, ALABAMA,. .1,300 tons. Capt. C. R. Schenck, AUGUSTA,.. ..l,sootons.Capt. T. Lyon, KNOXVILLE. 1,500 tons. Capt C. D. Ludlow, Willleave New York and Savannah every Wednes day and Saturday. These ships are among the largest on the coast, unsurpassed in speed, safety or comfort —making their passages in 50 to 60 hours, and aie command ed by skillful and polite officers. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin passage $25 Steerage passage, 9 PADELFORD, FAY & CO., Agents ia Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCHILL, 13 Broadway, New York. FOR FALATKA, EAST FLORIDA. Via Darien, Jlrwnswick, St. Mary's, Jackson ville, Picolata, and Middlemirg. THE steamers, WM. GASTON, Captain Thomas E. Shaw, and ST.JOHN, Capt. Jas. Freeborn, will leave Sa vannah every Monday and Thursday morning, at 10 o’clock, for the above place. The St. Johns is a now boat, built expressly for the trade, with large and airy State Room accommodation, and taking the inland route, offers superior facilities for inva lids and others. For further particulars enquire of CLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM, Agents. Savannah, March 1, 1854. marl 4 l ISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of PLATT & BROTHER in Lexington and Augusta, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Geo. F. Platt alone will use the name of the firm in liquidation of the concern in Lexington, and Platt <fc Gilhain of the concern in Augusta. GEO. F. PLATT. EDWIN PLATT. ! Lexington, July 1, 1854. jy!3 SAVE YOUR ICE. THE use of Ice has,of late years, become very general, and is now considered indispensable to the health and comfort of families, at the same time the increased demand for it, and the uncer tainty of always procuring a supply, have added materially to its costs. The consequence hasbeen, that various ways and moans have been devised so to reduce the expense of the article, as to briDg it within the reach of every family. Among these none have been found to answer the purpose as well as METALIC WATERCOOLERS, which are offered in great variety, by july2s _ B. F. CHEW. MORE HATS, GENTLEMEN. JUST RECEIVED, Beebe & Co.’s Fall style fashionable Moleskin HATS. Also, several cases of our own manufacture. They are handsome, and no mistake. Call and see them at G. W. FERRY’S Fashionable Hat Store, Masonic Hall Building, Augusta, Ga. aug!2 NEW BOOKS. — Our Honey-moon, and other * Comicalities, from Punch, with original illus- ' trations, by J. M’Clonan. The American Cottage Buildor, a series of De signs, Plans, and Specifications, from S2OO to $20,- 000, tor Homes for the people, by John Bullock, Architect, Civil Engineer, Meohanican, and editor of the History and Rudiments of the Art of Build ing, Ac. The Knickerbocker for August, has also been re ceived at GEO. A. OATES A BRO.’S, augll Booksellers and Stationers, Broad st. J. C. Ruse. John H. Davis. W. H. Long. RUSE, DAVIS & LONG, COMMISSION ME R C HANTS, je3 sepl Savannah. Geo. BOOK of Mechanics and Engineer- JL ing, containing a memorandum of Facts and connection of Practice and Theory, by John W. Nystrom, C. E.; Part 6 Chambers’ Journal; Also, another supply of the Pilgrims of Walsing ham, by Agnes Strickland. Just received by aug!7 _ THOS. RICHARDS A SON. THE Iron Cousin, or Mutual Influence, by Ma ry Cowden Clark; Lectures on the True, the Beautiful and the Good, byM. V Cousin, increased by an appendix on French Art; and Tegg’s Dictionary of Chronology, or Historical and Statistical Register, from the Birth of Christ to the present time, new edition. Also, another supgly of the Two Records, the Lamplighter, and Fern Leaves, second series. Ke ceivelby aug4 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. N CONSIGNMENT— -5 bbls. Spirits Turpentine ; 3 “ No. 1 Rosin; 3 “ No. 2 “ Just received and for sale at manufacturer s pa-i --ces, by N. J. FOGARTY A CO., aug24 Under the Augusta Hotel. AT HOME AGAIN. THE highest cash prices will be paid for NE GROES by the subscriber. Apply at the Globe Hotel, or at J. P. Fleming’s Stable, on Ellis street. feb9 JOHN A. CHRISTIAN. ~ FORSALE-^ THE ESTABLISHMENT known as the AU GUSTA STEAM PLANING MILL AND SASH FACTORY, Kaving all the latest improve ments in Machinery for facilitating work. To an : approved purchaser, the terms would be made ac commodating. —also— -3000 lights sash, glazed; 6 300 pair Blinds. Seasoned weather boards, inch brards, scantling mouldings, Ac., at very reduced prices. aprT ts Vf&op A iPDDARD*. fottfrifs. GREENE AND PULASKI MONUMENT LOTI EIUES. Managed .drawn, and prizespaid by the well known and responsible firm of G REG ° R Y & MA IRY. Sales Close each Day at two o'clock. Drawn Numbers of Class 213, at Savannah, Sept. 7. 1 50 6 53 38 51 34 71 62 20 47 21 43 EXTRA CLASS 55, by Delaware 207, on Saturday, September 9. BRILIANT SCHEME. $50,000. $25,000; $18,000; $10,589; 6 Jprizes of $5,000; Besides numerous others. Tickets sls. Shares in proportion. CLASS 216, at Savannah on Monday, Sept. 11. A BEAUTIFUL SCHEME. SIO,OOO. $5,000; $2,500; $2,000; $1,500; $1,362, Ac-, Ac Tickets $2.50 —Shares in proportion. Risk a package o£2G quarters $8.82, Extra Class 56, by Delaware 205*,' on Tuesday, September 12. SPLENDID SCHEME. $25,000. $10,000; $1,000; $2,366; $1,000; &e., &c. Tick* $5. Shares in proportion. CLASS 218, at Savannah, on Wednesdav.Sept 13 EXCELLENT SCHEME. ‘ * $7,300. $1,322; $1,000; Ac. Tickets $2. Shares in pro portion. Risk on a package of 26 quarters, $7.48. CLASS 219, at Savannah, on Thursday, Sept. 14. PACKAGE SCHEME. $4,000. $1,488; 2 prizes of SI,OOO, Ac, Ac. Tickets $1. — Halves 50 cents. Risk on a package of 25 quar ters, $3,70. CLASS 220, at Savannah, on Friday, September 15. A BEAUTIFUL SCHEME. $7,500 I $2,500; $1,198: $1,100; 2 prizes of $800; 2of SSOO, Ac. Tickets $2 Shares in proportion.— Risk on a package of 26 quarters, $7.05. JOHN A. MILLEN, Agent, On Jackson street, next the Globe Hotel. All orders from the city or country strictly con fidential. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOT- TERY. (By Authority of the State of Alabama ,) conduct ed on the Havana plan. ~ CLASS E. To be Drawn on the tlOtli of September, 1854. 10,000 Amu tie is—‘23B Prizes. Capitals $7,500 “ 5,000 “ 3,000 In all, 238 prizes, amounting to $30,000 Tickets $5 —Halves and Quarters in proportion. Every prize drawn at each drawing. Bills on all solvent Banks taken at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, Sign of the Bronze Lyons. Montgomery, Ala., August 22, 1854. TEACHER WANTED. AMALIE TEACHER, unmarried, with proper references as to competency and character, is wanted to take charge of a few small boys in a private family. He will bo paid S3OO per annum, and his board. Apply at this office, ts augll AUGUSTA & WAYNESBORO RAILROAD. TICE*'AsfEN^IU UNTIL further notice, trains will leave Augusta at 7J, a. iu., and 8, p. m.; returning, will leave Millen at 2j, p. in and 11£, p. m., connect ing with the day and night Passenger Trains on the Central Railroad, which leave Savannah at 8, a. m.and 7, p. in., leave Macon at 7£,a. m., and 42, p.m. Passengers for Milledgeville, Eatonton, Ogle thorpe, or Columbus, should take the night Train, to avoid detention. Freight will becarriei by the Day Train, mak ing it an Accommodation Train, except on Sun days, when it will run as a Passenger Train, exclu sively, leaving Augusta at 9 a. m, and Millen at 2j p. m.. arriving at Augusta at 5f p. m. je22 ts WM. M. WALLEY, Gen. Sup’t DUELING PISTOLS, &.C. JUST received and for sale low for cash two pair Duelling Pistols, a fine article, also Saloon Rifles Sc Pistols and a good supply of the Bulleted caps for same also a fall supplv of Colts and Allens Revolvers. jy!B E. H. ROGERS. JUST RECEIVED— -20 boxes Pearl Starch. 5 doz Pine Apple Syrup. 5 do Ginger do 5 do Strawberry do 5 do Raspberry §., do 10 boxes superfine Capers. 25 do Extra No. 1 Soap. 45 do No. 1 do 5 boxes ground C ;coa, extra quality. au*3 THAYER & BUTT. FOR SALE. A PAIR of handsome HORSES, large,gentle and young. Sold for no fault. Apply to 16 SCRANTON, SEYMOUR & CO. CHAS. A. GREINER. SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANT, Savannah. Ga., will give particular attention to receiving, and forwarding Merchcndise, to the interior, by River and Railroad. jc2 6m SLOAN & CALWELL, Importers and Wholesale Healers in BRANDIES, WINES, GIN, SEGARS, &c. Nos. 17 and 19 Cheapside, Baltimore. Chas. A. Dennis. ly jyl2 BONN, NEIMYER & CO., Wholesale Dealers in LEAF AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC SEGARS. Baltimore. 02P' All orders promptly filled. B. W. Vick. ly iy!2 SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS. THE subscriber has just received a large supply of Sash, (glazed,ißlind3 and Doors, of the first quality, made of Northern pine. All orders for odd sizes filled at short notice. may 14 6m J DAN FORTH. NEGROES FOR SALE. A NEGRO WOMAN, about 38 years of age and her daughter, aged 7 years, the former being a good cook, washer and ironer, are offered for sale by jy 19 C.E.GIRARDEY & CO. TVTEW BOOKS. —Katharine Ashton, by the au. I.x thor of Amy Herbert, Earl’s Daughter, etc. Chemistry of Common Life, No. 3. Types of Mankind, by Knott & Gliddon. Letters from Three Continents, by Matt. F. W ard. Just received and for sale by auglO McKINNE <fc HALL. SCHOOL,^ICHMONd7^VA^ (SUCCESSOR TO MRS. MEAD.) THE Scholastic year of this Institution Logins on the first day of October, and ends on the last day of June. Terms —For Board and Tuition in all the Eng lish branches, for the Scholastic year, $240. Mod ern and Ancient languages, each S2O. Drawing, S2O. Painting in oil, S3O. Music on Piano, Harp or Guitar, each SBO. V,'ashing, S2O. No extra charges. There is one department in the School in which everything is taught in French, and where that language is spoken exclusively, as well as in the family of the Principal. For the accommodation of Southerners, pupils will be received during the holidays (July, August and September) and charged for board at the same ratio as in the Session. They will be exclusively engaged in the study of French and Music, for which they will be charged $7 a month for French, and $1 per lesson for Music. The following references will be considered suffi cient: Right Rev. Bishop Meade, Right Rev. Bish op Johns, Hon. William II MacfarlanJ, Hon. John L. Patton. All letters to be directed to HUBERT P. LEFEBVRE, A. M , je2o TuFtNov Principal. SHIRTS AND COLLARS —Just received, a fine assortment of French Cuff Shirts, new ar ticle, and fashionable Collars. aug4 WM. 0. PRICE & CO. POI'ASH —Another supply of that white Potash, just landed and for sale at the APOTHECARIES’ HALL, auglb Under Augusta Hotel. SILKS AND KMURt lOEiWLS, — Received this day, by Express— -12 pieces Black Silk; 12 do. Cel'd Brocade Silk; 5 dozen Jaconet Collars, very rich ; 10 do. do. Bands, low price; 5 do. do. and Swiss Sleeves, very fine; 5 do. Chimazetts, extra rich; together with other new goods, which will be sold cheap. septa GRAY BROTHERS BUGGY AND HARNESSFOR SALET” I HAVE an excellent Buggy and Harness tor sale, s»pt7 WM. H. PRITCHARD BY CAMILLE~e7gIKARIJB3£ fit CO. ■hxecutor s Sale of' an e.rtt /isive Stor'hvf ,Tev<- dry, Gold and Silver Watches, Materidh, Store Fixtures, <Jr., at Auction. WEDNESDAY, tho 27th nf SEPTEMBER next, at 10£ o’clock, A. M., will be sold, agreeably to an order from the Court of Ordinary of Rich mond county, at the store of the late Thomas , Fr eeman, deceased, the entire contents oi Store, consisting, in part, of— r “ and Silver Watches—among them being snwssas-’ sin * ic and huntfn « ® ChaSlainfd?’ MedalUmViV Drons ami , U Ol s : " ateh Seals; Ear Pins; Seal; setand Jin r£“* Silver and Goods im L ° CJfes ; ‘* e - Tablespoons; Tea do,' A large nt her of first and second handed 8 and 30 day brass Clocks, with weights and Spring * A LSO— -1 Regulator; 3 Work Benches; ' ers; 1 upright Desk; 1 Secretary l \ t in «Z proof Sate; 1 high Glass Case ; 4 handsome Show Cases; Table; Sofa, Ac. “ ow —a— Stock of Materials, consisting of Watch Glasses. Main Springs; and such articles as are usuall* required in the Jewellers’ business. Tho attention of the public is invited to exam ine these Goods, as they are positively to be sold to ciose up the business of the late Thomas W. r reeman, deceased. Sale will commence en Wed nesday morning, and continue at night, if notolos out durmg the day, until all is sold.' Every artiole will be warranted as represented, berms—Cash before delivery. ... JOELN-FREEMAN, Executor. Estate of Thos. W. Freeman, dee d. NOTICE. ALL persons having business with me durinx my absence from tho city, can apply to Col \ F. Jmgnon, at the store of Clayton Kgnon au 8 22 lm LOUIS DELAIGLE. Person?, (exoopt those who havo purchased Rights,) are hereby prohibited from manuf&o turing Stoddard’s Patent Shingle Machine, in this county. These desirous of purchasing any of said Rights can apply to the undersigned, or his agent ’ . _au g 22 1m LOUIS DELAIGLE. FOR SALE. ~ M THE Dwelling House and Lot, South side of, and immediately fronting Parade Ground Sffi frontage 40 feet, depth 175 feet, more or lees, new and in complete order. Possession given Ist Octo- H her next. Apply to A. P. BIGNON. aug26 dim TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. WE HAVE on hand, and receiving by eveiy steamer from New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia, a large and well selected stock of j FALL AM) WINTER DRV ROODS, which we will sell to Country Merchants, as chettK as they can purchase the same goods in any hoteM in this country. Our stock Has been purchased very closely, and in part, expressly for the counter trade. Among our stock can be found— -5 cases Irish Muslin DcLaines; 3 do. do. Ginghams,4o inches wide; 5 do. French do., do.; 2 do. Lancaster Ginghams, do.; 5 do. Scotch do., da.; 15 do. Manchester Muslin DeLaines ; 3 do. fine French Merino ; 2 do. Plain col d DeLaines, all wool ; 2 do. Coburgs; 5 do. Black Alpaca ; 20 do. Printed Calico, “ Standard brand* 10 do. Brown and Bleached Shirtings; M 10 bales Blue Stripes, and a full assortment of Cassimeres; Cassimeretts; Tweeds; Kentucky Janes and Sattinetts ; Kerseys; Blankets; Lind seys, Ac., Ac, GRAY BROTH KRSL sept 3 290 Broad stueet. PLANTATION FOR SALE, M; IN BAKER COUNTY, GEORGIiH THE well-known oak and hickory Cotton . r| .^. Plantation, called Greenwood, on the Coolawaheo Swamp, six miles west of**” 1 ' Albany, Baker county, (now DoujffiertyJ Said Plantation contains 1,500 acres of the very land, in said county, most of which is cleared, with extensive improvements on it, in perfect or der. My usual crop is about 200 bales, of 500 pounds, with 27 hands. Twenty young mules, about eight thousand bush els corn and the stock of hogs and cattle, will be sold with the place. Said plantation has proved very healthy. I will reserve one lot of 250 acres, if the purchaser does not object. The fertility and never failing qualities of Baker county lands, together with the exemption, ia «t great measure, from the 801 l Worm and th» pillar, being so well known, renders it useless to enumerate the many advantages they possess over any cotton lands in this State or elsewhere. My only reason for selling is to concentrate my plant ing interests, and to bring my negroes nearer so my place of residence and business. fJAny one desiring to purchase the place, had bet ter go and see the growing crop now on it, ‘then they can judge what the land will produce, and see with certainty for themselves. Terms easy to the purchaser. Apply to N. CRUGER, 84 Bay-st, aug24 lm Savannah, Ga. ICE, ICE, ICE. THE Reynold Street Ice Company having com pleted their new Ice House, now guarantees to the public an ample supply for the whole year. By retail, they wise 1 at. 3 cents per pound. By a deposite of Five Dollars at a time, at 2i cents, at which price net less than two ’pounds will be delivered at a time. At wholesale to Hotels, Bar Rooms, Soda Fountains, and other large consum ers, by the Twenty Dollars worth, at 2 cents, for which not less than fifty pounds will be delivered at a time. Terms cash on delivery. All orders from the country, directed to J. W. Wigutman, Agent, will receive prompt attention. Packages and blankets furnished at the usual pri ces, and the Ice carefully packed and fo.rwarded >• by Railroad as desired. Augusta, March 18,1854. dActT mar 19 VALUABLE PbANTATI OW k\jsx - ft ■ MY PLANTATION in Floyd county, con-jßfc -' taining (1164) eleven hundred and six-21, ty four acres of land, is offered for sale. It is sit uated on the South of Etowah river, and about half way between Kingston and Rome, and has about seven hundred and seventy-five or eight hundred acres in a high state of cultivation, and ia capable of producing as much Cotton and Grainaa any lands in Georgia. On the place is a comforta ble Dwelling House containing seven rooms; good framed Overseer’s Housoand Negro Kitchens; a large framed Gin-house and Screw; an extensive Ba-n, Stables and Corn Cribs, ail in excellent or der, and situated on a beautiful eminence over looking the farm, and in full view of the cars, aa - they pass the Railroad on the North side of the river, just by my ferry-landing. Persons desiring to purchase one of the best Farms in Georgia, would do well to apply soon. N. BASS. N. B.—My Overseer on the place will show the laud to any one desiring to examine it. Any eom municatiou addressed to me at Macon, on *he sub eot, will receive prompt attention. ftf jy9 VERY DESIRABLE PROPERTY AtT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscribers offer for sale the PLANTA TION of the late Hon. Geo. McDuffie, situa ted in Abbevi'lo District, known as the Flatwood’a Plantation, containing Four Thousand Acres (4000) more or less, and bounded by lands of Haskell, Norwood, James Calhoun and Belser. This pro perty is too well known to need any (articular de scription ; it has on it some of the best Cotton and Grain land in the State, about Three Thousand (3000) acres of which are cleared, the balance well wooded. AI.SO About two hundred and thirty(23o)strictly prime Negroes, belonging to the same estate, together with the Stock, Provisions, Tools, 4c. The lands may be treated for separately at the option ol the purchaser. For terms, which will be made very aocommodß' ting, apply to Mr. liurt, at. Willington P. O , Abbe ville District, or to Col. Singleton, at Fat k P. 0.. Henderson eo.. N. C. Mr. Burt will give any further information that may be desived, and will exhibit the premises. ARMISTEAD BURT. i> 15 -t__ .\1 it. SINGLETON. (4 HUH El 5 M ON. J 10,000 lbs. Bacon Sides, small and nice; 3,00 very superior Virginia cured Hams. Just received by DAWSON 4.SKINNKR augIO _____ JUST RECEIVED.— „ 6 doz. boxes fresh Lobsters; JS • 12“ “ Cove Oysters; 1 J 10 “ whole, half and qr. boxes Sardines: f hv aug3o G E. BOULINEAU. 4 - PAUL T. VILLEPIGUE, i -px VUTOR AND COMMISSION AND FOR x* WARDING MERCHANT, Accommodation Wharf, Charleston, S.C., sells Cotton, Grain, Flour, Bacon, and all other articles of Produce. Strict and prompt attention given to the For« warding of Goods and Produce. ‘Reference—Messrs. D’Antignac, Evans A Co; ii Augusta, Geo. 3m je9 C. A. L. LAMAR, ~ General commission merchant, S» vannah, Ga., will give strict attention to the >r forwarding of Goods for the interior of Georgia* Alabama and Tennessee, ly majlf