The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, October 06, 1854, Image 4

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[mn-rntm. && *■ . „ P ■ M. W. WOODRUFF, FACTOR ASD COMMISSION MERCHANT, Mclntosh Street , Augusta, Ga. WITH Fire-Proof Warehouse and fCVTV close storage accommodation, will «&£££» continue, at my Old Stand, to receive and sell all kinds of Merchandise and Produce, and make liberal cash advances, when desired, buy to order supplies for Planters a; d Merchants, and attend strictly to the receiving and forward ing of Merchandise and produce, either by Rail road Steamboat, Canal, or private conveyance, and partioular'y to the forwarding of Cotton, Ba con, Flour, Grain, and every thing roaching our city for reshipment to any destination. i avail myself of this opportunity to return my sincere thanks to my friends for their liberal pat ronage extende 1 to me tho last and first year ol my embarkation in the abovo business, and hope, with the pledge of unceasing industry and my per §Hgfc. tonal attention, to roceivo at least as liberal a pat ronage the present year. > My charges for attention will, in all cases, be regulated by the customary rates of the city. Augusta, Sept. 1854. ' scptl2 JOHN W GOSS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, W AUGUSTA. GEORGIA, fTdENJDERS his services to his friends, nervy X and the public, in the General Com mission Business. His personal atten- eHESSs turn will bo given to the sale of Cotton, Flour, Grain, Bacon, and all other Produce Will exe cute orders for Goods for customers, and make the usual cash advances. AH produce consigned ttf him will be stored in the Fire Proot Warohouse of Mr. L. Hopkins, subject to the orders of owners. Charges customary rates of the city. Can at all times bo found at the Counting Room of L. Hopkins. cKm scptls J^“ANSLEy> GENERAL COMMISSION AND PRODUCE MERCHANT, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Office on Broad Street, opposite Union Bank. IT riLL give prompt and personal atten- VV tion to the sale of Bacon, Lard, £££s!&■ Grain. Hour, C dton, and all artiqjcs oi Merohan dize consigned to him.. Also, to the forwarding of Goods for the interior, and to Northern marke s. at the customary rates. Liberal advanocs, either in cash or by accep tances made on articles in store, or when bills of Lading aoei mpany drafts. Refers to Laker, Wilcox <£ Co., M. k B. Winkin | son, and JC. Fargo, Augusta, Ga.; Hand, Wii k liams A Wilcox, and Xhos. Trout A Co., Charles- E ton. 8. C ; Wm. Dut can, Padelford, Fay & Co , and F. T. W illis. Savunnah, Ga.; Sturges, & Co , I Now York.; J. C. Wilson & Co., an i 1). •'tuart k ft Son, Baltimore; Wood & Son, New Orleans ;C. B. Wilson. Dalton, Ga.; W. B Shepard k Co , and i|| Berry & Dcnevilie, Nashville; G r envi!lo & Sample, Chattanooga, Tenn ; Bearden. Son A Co., Knox- K Title, Tenu; S. K. Reeder, Athens, leun B ?P t2 HEARD & DAVISON, WAREHOUSE AND COMMIeSIUN MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA. GA, WIH, continue the Warehouse and rc-ocnn. Commission Business, at their Fire IMF Prooi Buildings on Mclntosh Street, ami / will give their personal attention to the interests ol ' all who confide business to their management » They are prepared to extend the usual cash fa f cHities. ISAAC I. HEARD, JOHN DAVISON Augusta, August 21. dft&c6m aug22 I mTpTstovall, ff AUKIIOU.'K AN 1) COMMISSION MERCHANT. AUGUSTA, GA. /CONTINUES tho business in all its jprrr^. branenos, at liis extensivo Fire-I'rocf Warehouse on Jackson Street, near the Globa Hotel. 9 The usual Cash facilities afforded to customer*. SIMPSON & t ARBINEK, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Mclntosh Street, Augusta, fe’.r , TTTILL continue tho Warehouse and *> Comuiii ion Business in their Tiro - Building on Mclntosh st., in all its branches, and hope by stiict personal attention to tho inter §B ests of all who place business in their hands, to merit publio favor. »- Hr Order* for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies filled at the lowest market { rices. Cash advance* made, when roquired, on Produce In store. J Jl- SIMPSON, auglo Cm J. T. GARDINER. WHITLOCK, COSKERY & CO., WARBHOUSR AND COMMISSION MBRCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA., CONTINUE to transact busincr* at their old stand, on Campbell Streot, where they deyoto their personal atten- EfIHBI tion to the* sale of Cotton and other produce oon j,, eigned to thorn. Libera! cash advances made on preduce, when pw* desired. , Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies parohased at the lowest market ra'.es J. W. WHITLOCK, JOHN COSKERY. augl3 o3m A. J. WHITLOCK. WAREHOUSE fit COMMISSION BUSINESS _ • AUGUSTA, GA. ON the Ist of September next, tho un dersigned will take into copartner- iSifcAptaßi ■hip Mr. John W. Walker. On and ygSii after that date the Warehouse and Commission business will bo conducted, under the firm of Bustin, Walker A Co. They respectfully so ieit for the new film a continuance of the liberal pat ronage heretofore extended to them. paugß ddciui BUSTIN & WALKER. BEALL & STOVALL. GROUCHY MLKCMANTS, AtUI'STA GA. "lirriLL, continue tbe Grocery Busin-ss tn all its ,W branches, at the Old Stand, on Broad Street, opposite the Planter’s Hotel. Stock of Groceries will at all times bo large, the assortment complete, and particularly adapted ”— ~"t\o Planters trade—a liberal share of which we P have ao long enjoyed, snd hope still to receive. * WM. M. BEALL, aug6 6m JNO. W. L. STOVALL. BEALL & STOVALL, WAREHOUSE fc COMMISSI OS MERCHANTS ATGU6TA, GA., WILL continue the Warehouse Buei- KCCCW ness, in all its branches, on Camp ball Street and will give particalnr and \ prompt attention to the Sale of Cotton and other I Produce in store. Our facilities being ample, wc ip; * will make Ca-h Advances when required W All cotton consigned to us will bo sold at the Warehouse, where one ot the firm may at all times be found. „' Commission for selling Cotton will be 25 cents per bale. W M M. BE ALT'. aug6 6m JNO. W. L. STOVALL. sTd heard, - WAREHOUSE Sc M£U< HAST, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. T>ESPI-CTEULLY announces to hit g. VVV. JtV former patrons, and the public ger. •rally, that ho will continue tee above ESOeSfl business at his old stand, Fire-proof Buildings. Bast side of Mclntosh Street, whore his strict % personal attention will be given to the Storage find f ale of Cotton, Grain, and Country Produce B *T*he'Receiving and Forwarding Butiness will also have his prompt attention Liberal advances made on Prodaoe in store, when desired. . , „ , AH orders for Bagging, Rope end Family Sup plies, filled at the lowest market prices. My Commission for soiling Cottoa, will be 25 •ants per bale. Augusta, Aug. 1, 1864. ly " PLATT & GILHAM, * (SUCCKSSPRS TO PLATT * BRO.) WARUHOUSB ASI) commission merchants, Reynold Street, Avgusta, Ga. THE undersigned, having lortned &Co fcw AA) partnership for the transaction of a iggJßSg general Warehouse and Commission busines.-, have taken the commodious Fire-Proof Warehouse re eantiy occupied by Platt A Bro . situatod on Reynold Street, convenient to Railroads, Banks and River. We will give our potsonal attention to the sale and storare of Cottoo, and ether produce; abo, to for warding Goods consigned to our care. Liberal •aah advances mads on produce in store. We w.ll air* our persona* attention to filling orders ior Family supplies which will bo furniebed at the lowest rates. Our osinmission for soiling Cotton .ill be 25 cents per bale. A share of patronage is Hiioitli EDWIN PLATT, •oUoiteu. THOMAS A GILHAM. Edwin Platt returns his sincere thanks to hii former patrons for their favors, and solicits a con tinuation of the same for the new firm of Platt & . iß s * LAMBETH* HOPKINS, wiqlHOHlJi COMMISSION MERCHANT, WAREH AUGUSTA. GA., RENEWS the tender of his services to the public, for tbe storage and togßjriJ of (Jetton. Grain. Flour, Bacon, Either Country Produce. Purcheseof Merchan dise 'overy description of produce on orders Will’make cash advances on shipments of Cotton Charleston. Baltimore and New ▼Jk With the usual cash advances on Cotton or I ««r.. Cb.rg«,.C of themty. Wm-§ousts. J. J. PEARCE, WAREHOUSE 4c COMMISSION MERCHANT, AUGUSTA, GA., - WOULD respectfully inform his friends and the public, that he will remove, on the Ist September next, to the new and exten sive Fire-Proof Warehouse of T. S. Metcaf, fcn mediately between Mclntosh and Jackson Streets, next adjoining Messrs. Bustin, Walker A Co., above and near Warren Block, where he will de vote his personal attention to the storage and salo of Cotton, and other Produce consigned to his care. Cash Advances, Bagging, Rope, and Family Supplies forwarded to customers as u sual. Your patronago is respectfully solicited. aug2s dJo6m ,J. J- PEARCE. SYE St BARNES. ~ WAREHOUSE AND MERCHANTS, Augusta, Ga. ThotMifrfta undersigned have this day formed a copartnership, for the transaction of a GENERAL WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, under the firm of Dye A Barnes, and have taken the largo Fire prootWarehouse,on the corner of Washington and Reynold streets, at present occupied by Crockor A Rees. We will give our strict and personal attention to the sale of Cotton and other produce ; also, to the receiving and forwarding of goods consigned to our care. All orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies, filled at the lowest market price. Libe-al cash advances made on consignments when requir ed. Our Commissions for selling Cotton, will be 25 cents per bale. JaMES M DYE, July 18th, 1854. WM. E. BARNES. James M. Dye returns his sincere thanks to his friends and patrons lor the liberal patronage htre toforo extended to him, and solicits a continual oe of the same for the new firm. 6m jy2o CROCKER & REES, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, Jackson Street, below and on the opposite side of Warren's Block THE under.-igned would respectfully inform their friends and firmer pa trons, that they will remove, on t e Ist bHHI September next, to the new and substantial Fire Warehouse on ‘ackson street, below an<l on tho opposite side oi Warren's Blocs. We will give our personal attention to all business entrusted to our care, as heretofore, and hope to weri a coatin ance ol the favor of former patrons We are pr* pared to make, at all times, abera cash advanoes on Produce in store. Orders for Bagging, Rope, and Family Supplies wid be carefully filled, and at the lowest market price. JOHN R CROCKER. jiily2l JOHN C REES. DOUGHTY & BEALL, WAREHOUSE ami Cu.M VI!SSIUN BUSINESS, AUGUSTA, GA. WILE continue the Warehouse and «vcv, Commission Business, at their oid stand on Jackson Street, devoting, as gzHUlfi heretofore, their personal attention to the interest of customers. They are prepared to extend tho usual cash fa cilities. Charges in conformity to the established rates of tho City. E. W. DOUGHTY, WM. AMOS BE Augusta, Aug. 19. 4m augl9 WAREHOUSE &. COMMISSION BUSINESS D’ANTIGNAC, EVANS He CO. oontin- • v ue the above business at Augusta, Geo., and renew the tender of their vioesinthe Storage and Sale of Cotton and other Produce. Their extensive Fire-proof Warehoaso is immediately at tho Depot of the Georgia Rail road, and they continue to receive all consignments of Cotton, by that Road, without any charge for Drayage. Their Office and Sales-room are at the old stand on Broad streot, between the Insurance and State Banks. Orders for Bagging, Rope, 4c-, filled at the lowest market rate?, and liberal advances made when re quired on Produco in store. Commission for selling Cotton, 25 ee&ts per bale WM: M B’ANTIGNAC, GEO. VV. EVANS, aug2s Cm WM. E. EVANS. THOS. P STOVALL & CO. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GEO. HAVING formed a partnership for trana acting a General Commission Businoas in this city, we pledge ourselves to a prompt and faithful attention to any business committed to our care. We will give careful attention to the sale of Cotton, Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Hay, and all kinds of Produce, and to the filling of orders in tho market. Having ample facilities, wo are prepared to make liberal oaab advances on consignments to Q£. Our Office and Sales Room is on the North side of Bread Street, a few doors above the Insuranoe Bark Cotton consigned to ua will be stored in a safe Warehouse. THUS. P. STOVALL, •Migl dAoly JOS. H. STOVALL. Charleston JUmfriisfnicns. CIRCULAR FOR FALL TRADE OF 1854. CHARLESTON, S. C. WE beg to inform our friends and buyers of Dry Goods, generally, that we have made extensive preparations for our Fall Sa es. We shall be prepared to show one of the Largest and best selected Stocks we have yet offered, selected, as usual, by ourselves in all the leading European markets Our Establishment and business is now so well known, as being one of tho most extensive in this country, that it is hardly necessary to repeat what wo have often said before, viz: that we are prepar ed to offer one of the largest and most extensive stocks of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS to bo found in this country, embracing all that is new, rich and dosirable in Dress Goods of every variety; Cloths; Cassimeros; Lhien Goods; Uo giory; Domestic Goods, of all styles; Carpets; Floor Cloths; Rugs; Druggets; Curtain Materials; House Keeping Goods, Ao. WE ALSO OFFER— -800 cases Negro Plains and Korseys, of tho best makes and styles; 250 bales Twilled and Duf&l Blankets. We pay great attention to these Goods and aro prepared to supply the trade on the best terms. It is our determination, as it is our true interest, to make our prices so fully uniform and so low as secure popularity, as well as to make our House, hpth in its organization and extent, worthy the trade of the South and South-west. BANCROFT, BETTS A MARSHALL, je3o 3m Nos. 206 and 211 King st. PAVILION HOTEL. CORNER OF MEETING AND BASEL STS., H. L. BUTTERFIELD, Proprietor. apr 15 ly ~CHARLESTON HOTEL, CORNER OF MEETING AND IIAYNE STS., D. MIXER, Proprietor, apr ls ly & s MI L LAR , 131 MEETING-STREET, 131 Soda, Sugar, Butter, VI atcr and Lemon Crackers. Cy Orders promptly attended to. «£Q J OSEPH W ALKS r, ' BAY-STREET, Bookseller and Stationer, Agent for White’a Type Foundry anti Hoe’s Printing Pres* Manufactory. Printing Ink at New York prices. LEWIS M. HATCH, 120 MEETING-STREET, 120 Agent for the tale of Oils, White Lead, Iron Safes, Leather and Rubber Bands. apr 15 ly DANIEL H ifILCOX. 224 KING-STREET, 224 Furniture and Chair Warehouse, Cabinet Makers Materials, Ac. I T.B~ TRO tTt~; 112 BAY-STREET, 112 COMMISSION MERCHANT. Dealer in Stone Lime, P. Paris. Roscndale Consent, and Building Materials in general, apr 15 ly THOMAS WALLACE, CORNER OF KING AND SOCIETY STREETS Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. apr 15 ly FINE WATCHES AND RICH JEWELK* THE undersigned respectfully request? the public to give him a v,all and examine hie stock of fine WATCHES, CLOCKS, DIAMONDS and other JEWELRY in great varie ty, feeling satisfied that they must be pleased with his goods and pr ices. F. A. BRAHE. N, B.—Ha gives his own personal attention to e repairing of Watahes and Jewelry. dee 13 BUSINESS CARDS. To Professional and Business Men. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS not ex ceding six lines, will be inserted under this head at the rate of annum. Cards exceedingsix lines. »vi 1 be eharg nWpro rata perline. ALEXANDER POPE, JR JOHN B. WEEMS. POPE &. WEEMS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Washington, Geo.. wiil practice in tho counties of the Northern Circuit, and in Columbia of tho Middle Circuit. All business entrusted to them will receive prompt attention. ly jy29 LAW. THE undersigned will attend faithfully to all business that may be entrusted to them, in any of the Counties of tho Flint Cirouit. Office at Zebulon, Pike ceunty. Ga. W. H. F. HALL, aug4 cly FRANCIS M. HARPER. THOMAS CTAUDA3. ~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, SPARTA, GEOR .xY GlA.—Will practice in the Counties of Han cock, Washington, \Y r arron, Taliaferro, Greene, Putnam and Baldwin. Particular attention paid to collecting. Refers by permission to Messrs Miller & Warren, Thomas Richards & Son, McCord, Hart & Co., and Simpson k Gardiner ol Auausta, and to Messrs. Hand, Williams & Wilcox, and Hapkins Hudson k Co., of Charleston. 8. C, 5m jylJ W. J WILCHER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Warrentoß, Ga., will practice in the Counties of the Northern Cir cuit. and Washington and Jefferson of tho Middle Circu t. april7 - „ WYNN^ ATT RNEY AT LAW, Offiee at Warrenton, Ga will practice in the Counties of Warren, Hancock and Taliaferro, of the Northern Circuit, and the County of Greene, of the Ocinulgeo Cir cuit. april7 ~ JAMES H CLANTON, t TTORNEY AT LAW, Montgomery Ala— l\ References —A. Poullain, Gardner, and T. Clanton, Augusta. Ga.; and C. 11. Shooklej, Appling, Ga cly mJr4 ~ ™ ;amls Gardner % IfUfeSLY AT LAW. Augusta Georgia ftl Jflko Melntosh-iu mar 17 1 AW. jprlli. SUBSCRIBER. . e-uming the PRACTICE A OF LAW, will give prompt and faithfe! at tention io ail business entrusted to his professional management. -His office is on Washington street, one door north of Broad jan2s ALPHEUS M. RODGERS. THURMOND fit HUNTER, ATTORNEYS at law, will .practice in the Western Circuit. All business confided to them will meet with prompt attention. Sam’l. P. Thurmond, j .Jamss H. Hunter, * Jefferson, Lawrenceville, Jackson eo., Ga. J Gwinnett co., Ga. THOMAS~W. COBB, ATTORNEY at law, Brunswick, Ga., will practice in the Counties of Glynn, Mclntosh, Liberty, Bryatf, Chatham and Camden, Georgia, and in Nassau, Duval and St. Johns. Florida. References*— T. B. Harwell, Savannah, Ga.; Eav iland. Risiey & Co., Augusta, Ga.; Haviland, Har rali & Co., Charleston, S. C. jaa 10 WM.' G. DELONY, ATTORNEY at LAW, Athens, Ga. Refer ence—Mes-rs. A.J.& T. W. Miller. _ jam? ly* SHEWMAKE fit MONTGOMERY, A TTORNEYS AT LAW, Waynesboro, Ga.“ will praotico Law in Copartnership, in Bnrke county. John T. Shewmake. | W. V/. Montgomery WTLLL&iyi XT REID“ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Eatenton, Geo. Re fers to Hen. F. 11. Cone, Greensboro.’ sept. 8 ts JAMES G. LONGSTREET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Calhoun, Gordon coun ty, Ga., will practice in the several Courts?* the Cherokee Circuit. Refers to lion. J. P King, Robert F. Poe, Augus ta, Ga.; Richard J. Peters, Esq., Atlanta, Ga.; W. Aiken, Esq., Cassville, Ga. ts July 23 JOHN 0. OABJMICHAELT COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta, Geo. Will attend to the sale of Produce of all kinds, consigned to him. n sept 29 B A BBOT & TeYlE,'” 1 ARCHITECTS. IVo. 59 Broad Street, C II ARLBsTON, SO. CA. L. $. BARBOT. I- H- BEVLB. oct 23 . y ~ HEETT & ROBSCNT " PACTORS ANA* COMMISSION V'ERCHA T», Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic IV hare, CHARLESTON, S. C. Liboral advances made on Consignments. Peruvian Guano and Farmers’ Plaster always <>o hand. aug, JO PORTRAITS*. CHARLES BERUFF,-ARTIST, From the Academy of Munich , Bavaria. en him the pastseason, informs thcfcffiffiS ladies and gentlemen of Augusta and nitv, that he has removed to the rooms over office of Dr. Van Vorhee’s, on Mclntosh street, two doors from Constitutionalist 4 Kepublio office, and is prepared to furnish PORTRAITS of the finest execution, at tho shorost notice. The Pub lic are respectfully invited to give him a call. QS?“A few more Pupils in DRAWING can be accommodated. [£y Old OIL PAINTINGS renovated at short notice. References.— Col.Turner Canton, Messrs. The Richards, Gardner, Jr. aug 12 CURED IN FORTY PAYS TH Uncelebrated and invaluable Forty Days Diet Drink, reduced to a palatable Syrup for puri fying tho Blood and eradicating disease. This Sy rup is recommended for all Scrofulous Affections. Liver complaint. Ulcers, Rheumatism, Pimples. Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetito, General Debility, and all diseases arising from an impure state of the Blood. The unequalled modioal qualities of this purify ing Drink has been so well tostod in this City and in the State of Georgia and Texas by the many cures it has performed, and HU ere aro so many liv ing to testify and to recommend it, that it require no further comments from tho Pro rietors, having in all cases given universal satisfaction. Tho now form under which it is now offered to the public, makes it so much the more valuable. The propor tions are exactly the samo, the quantity to be taken much less, and by ar more palatable, though con taining the same medical qualities One course o) 10 bottles of the Syrup is equal in strength to 40 bottles of the Diet Drink. We feel that in offering it to tbe public, it wilf be the moan 3 of alleviating n uch distress ond gut ferieg, and will restore the affliotod to health anc. happiness. A will be made to Druggist aim Physiciau^Bffione genuine without the signatun of tho Proprietors on the labois of eaoh bottle. Prepared in Augusta, Ge by EP. Webster A Co. Sold by Barrett A Carter; Uaviland, Risley & Co, N. J. Fogarty A Co. and W. 11. A J. Turpin. marß EAGLE FOUNDRY, Anjnstn, Ga THE UNDERSIGNED ijfe* having re-oponed the above named establishment, aro now prepared to execute all orders for CAST INGS, Ac., in BRASS and IRON for Saw or Grist Mills, Steam Engines, Maohinery, Water Pipes. Lamp Post, Columns, of any kind that may be required, at short notice. W e will constantly keep on hand and for sale, a supply of different sized GIN GEARING of the most approved patterns. Also. PLOW CASTINGS of all kinds, having tho most oxtonsivo and best assorted lot of Plow Patterns, in tho Southern coun try. Both parties being practical mech&nios and. in tending to devote their undivided atJontion to the business, hope that from promptness 1 a filling or ders, superior workmanship, and at as low pricos as can be affordod, to m> rit a continuation of the liberal support formerly bestowed upon the concern. - R. A A. PHILIP. N. B.—The highest cash prices paid for old BrassoCopper and Cast Iron. march 5 JUST OPENED, NEW FURNITURE WAREROOM. THANKFUL for the liberal pat- ronago we have heretofore .eived from the citizens of Angus- Ifli T 1 ta and its vicinity, the subscribers would respectfully announce that they have taken the large iron front Store, under the Augusta Ho tel, where they Intend carrying on tho above busi ucss exclusively, and will keep on hand the latest ityles of FURITURE, and from tho best manufac tories at the North, we are receiving by arrivals, and shall use our efforts to keep an assortment on hmd and in store, Mahogany and Walnut Sofas, Tufted Chairs. Sideboar.ts, Tables,Bureaus, Wash jtands, Work Tables, Toilet do., Mahogany,Maple. Cane and Rush Seat Chairs, of various qualities; BedstedSjMatrases, W’indow Shades, Ac HENRY A SKINNER. N.B. —Furniture mad* to order and repairing ions with despatch- "fActf iitffiiffli. ARE YOU BICK ? BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. ASK for HAMPTON S VEdETABLJE TINCTURE. The many cures made by this pleasant and safe remedy may induce^ounterfeitiug. A medicine must have merit, and great merit too, to stand the test of public opinion. No art of puffing can galvanize a -worthless article, so as to keep it up ae a good medicine, if it be not really so. A good medicine will live, become popular, and ex tend its sales year after year, in spite of opposition. The people readily its virtues, and the fame of them passes from mouth to mouth with more rapidity i than newspapers can spread it. A living witness testi fying to the cure a medicine has made for him, is of far more service than any newspaper advertising. In proof of what we say above, we refer you to HAMPTON'S VEGETABLE TINCTURE, and its effects. LIVER COMPLAINT, DEBILITY. Extract from James Harris, Esq's Letter, Alexandria, Virginia. After speaking of wonderful cures on himself, he says: “ Mrs 11. has been suffering with the Liver Complaint and with inability, constantly complaining from weak ness through her whole system. She now enjoys bet ter health than for thirty years, being entirely restored by the use of Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture.” DISEASED SIDE, BREAST, EYES. Extract from a letter from J. Grimes, Esq.. Loudon County, Fa. “My wife has been for years afflicted with great weakness, pain in the breast, side and back, paljritation of the heart, feebleness of the nervous system, loss of appetite, complexion sallow, the sight of one eye al most gone, the other ery weak. lam pleased to say, Hampton’s Tincture has restored her to perfect health. Her eyes are as good now as ever they were. RHEtiMATESM, 38 YEARS. Mrs. E. Bagwell, of Virginia, suffered from Rheuma tisrn from her 12th to her 50th year of age ; at times entirely helpless. Being wealthy, she employed th# best medical attention, and tried many melicines, but was cured only by Hampton s Vegetable Tincture. CHRONIC INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM. The wile of Thomas M Yeaklo .70 Pearl street, was great suffeier for eight yeas* Restored to perfect health by Hampton's*Vegetable Tincture. MERCURIAL RHEUMATISM. Mr. Jarrett Plummer, 168 East Baltimore street, suf fered this disease intensely six years, could not sleep, dreadful ulcers formed on his limbs, from which splin ters of bones issued. His physician pronounced him incurable; but Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture cured him. HEREDITARY SCROFULA. A boy in the family of Hon. W. P Thomasson, ones member of Congres. from Kentucky, was a mass of .-oies from head to foot His rye-lids turned insiue out, piotruding the eye-balls so us to produce blind ne-s. He wascuied by Hampton's Vegetable Tincture. DYSPEPSIA. NERVOUS uiSKASES, Ac. Mr. Vr m Oldham, i the Baltimore Custom House, suffered these complaints for eighteen months, with jdy and mind seriously affected. lie was cured by Hampton r s Vegetable Tinct*'s, alter other things COUGH, COSUMPIION, Ac. Mr. Henry C. Winn had a oaugh for five years, great weakness, Ac; had in all five or six Physicians; tried all their remedies, but was cured only by [£7=- HAMPTON’S VEGETABLE TI CTURE, by ife mild action on the Stomach, Liver, and the Kidneys, will cure Dyspepsia. Cough, Asthma, Bronchial and Lung Affection. Pains in the Back, S de and Breast, Consumption. Scrofula. Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia. Fistula, Piles, Bowel Complaints, Worms, Nervous De bility—with all the diseases arising from impure blood, and is the greatest Female Medicine ever known. Call and get a Pamphlet with certificates ot cures, gratis. MORTIMER A MOWBRAY, Proprietors, No. 210, Baltimore street, Balt,more, Md. For sale in Augusta, at wholesal*, by HAVILA. D. RISLEY a CO., And at retail, by WM. H. . UTT. And by Druggists throughout t a « State. mar 23 AFFLICTED RRAD! Philadelphia medical house—Established 20 years ago bv Dr. Kinkelin, corner of Third and Union Streets, between Spruce and l’ine, Philadelphia. Invalids are apprised that Dr. Kinkelin confines his practice to a particular branch of medicine, which en gages his undivided attention. He cautions the unfor tunate against the abuse of mercury ; thousands are annually mercurialized out of life. Recent affections are promptly extinguished. Twenty years of expet ience in the treatment of a class of diseasos hitherto neglected and imperfectly un derstood, d Dr. Kinkelin. (author of a work on Self Preservation.) to prove that nine tenths of the causes of nervous debility, locahand constitutional weakness, mental and physical suffering, are traceable to certain habits, forming ilie most secret yet deadly and fatal springs of domestic misery and premature mortality. Take Particular Notice. —There is an evil habit some times indulged in by boys, in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood, and which, if not roformed in due time, not only begets serious oostacles to matri monial happiness, but gives rise to a series of protract ted, insidious and devastating affections. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences, until they find the nervous system shattered, feel strange and unaccountable feelings, and vague fears in the mind. The unfortunate thus affected becomes feeble, Is una ble to labor with accustomed vigor, or to apply his mind to study ; his step is tardy and weak, bo is dull, irresolute, and engages in his sport with less energy than usual. If he emancipate himself before the practice has done its worst, and enter matrimony, his marriage is unfruitful, and his sense tells him that this is cau.-ed by his early follies. These are considerations which should awaken the attention of those similarly situated, Marriage requires of several condi tions, in order that it may be really the cause of mutu al happiness. Could tne veil which covers the origin of domestic wretchedness be raised, and its true source in every instance disclosed—in how many could it be traced to physical disqualifications and their attendant disappointments! Apply then while it is yet time, in order to hare your unstrung and relaxed organization rebraced, revivified and strengthened. Remember, he who places himself under Dr. Kiuke lin’s treatment may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and iely upon the assurance, that the se crets of Dr, K.’s patients will never be disclosed. Young man—let no false ntodesty deter you from mzking your case known to one who, from education and respectability, can certainly befriend you. Two many think they will conceal the secret in their own hearts, and cure themselves. Alas! how often is this a fatal delusion, and how many a promising young man, who might have been an ornament to society, has laded from the earth. Strictures of the uretnra are rapidly removed by the application of a new therapeutical ageht, used only by Dr. K Weakness and constitutional debility promptly cured, and full vigor restored Country Invalids can have (by stating their case ex plicitly, together with a 1 their symptoms, per letter, enclosing a remittance) Dr. K’s medicine, appropriated accordingly. Forwarded to any part of the United States, an d p ed secure frem damage or curiosity. READ'! Youth and Manhood. A Vigorous Life, or a Premature Death—Eiukelin on Self-Preservation —Only 25 Cents. It is a work eminently required, as a means of re forming the vices of the ago in which w i live. Also, NATURE’S GUIDE, With Rules for the Prolongation of Life, just from the Pre s. A letter with a remittance of 25 cents, or the value in post starnpß, addressed to Dr. KINKELIN, Philadel phia, l’a., will secure a copy of either of the above Books by return of mail; or twelve copies will be sent, free of postage, forsl. Bookioilers, Canvassers, Trav eling Agents. &c., supplied wholesale at the publisher's prices, which admit of a large profit. (C7“ All Letters must be post-paid. may 18 LI"YER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA. Jaudice, Chronic orNervousDebility, Diseastr of the Kidnsys, and all Diseases arising rom a l isordered Liver or Stomach such as Consti pation, inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the Head, tcidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart-burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or the Stdmach, Sour Bructatious. oinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the itemach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Diffi cult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying posture, Dim jess of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever ■nd Dull Pain in the Head. Deficiency of Perspiration, fellowness of the Skin and Kyeß, Pain in *he Side: •Sack. Chest, Limbs, &.C., Sudden Flushes of Heat turning in the Hush, Constant Imaginings of evil ind Great Depression of Spirits, CAN BP EFFECTUALLY CUBED BY DR. HOUFLAND’B Oelebrated German Bitters PREPARE* BY lilt. C. M. JACKSON, No. 120 Arch street, Philadelphia Their power over the above diseases is not excelled if equalled, by any other preparation in the Uuited ■States, as thip cures attest, in many cases after skilful physicians had failed. These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver and lessor glands, exercising the most searching powers in weakness and afflictions of the ligestiveorgans, they are, withal, safe, certain and pleasant. READ AND Bfl CONVINCED. More testimony from theßouth in favor of Hoofland’s celebrated German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C, M. Jack on. Philadelphia. They stand alone and Unapproach scd byany other remedy now before the public, for tbe cure of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Nervous Debility, Disease of the Kidneys, See. 11. W. Chaney, Millersburg, Ky.. October 16, 1562 said : “ Having sold your Bitters some time, I find it has given satisfaction in every instance that has come under my notice.” Nelson & Edwards, Salvisa Ky., Juno 2d. 1852, said : “We rejoice to inform you" that this justly celebrated medicine has fully maintained the exalted reputation which has been given it, aDd having tested its virtues we unhesitatingly say it eminently deserves it." J. T. & J W. Berry, Uniontown, Ky., July 21, 1862, said:. 11 We have heard of many cures performed by the use of Dr. Hoofland’s German Bitters, and believe it to be a valuable medicine.” J. Grant, Irvine, Ky., June 26.1852, said : “ Wo have succeeded in introducing your Uoofland Bitters; phy sicians and others purchase them by the halfdoaen and dozen. ” Lr. P. Fatio & Bro., Knoxville, Tenn., April 9,1551, said : “ Your Bitters are now selling very fast, and eve ry person that has used it, so far as we have been able to learn,hasbeen benefitted.” These Bitters are entirely vegetable; they invigorate and strengthen the system, never prostrates it, and can be used for Infants as well as adults. For sale, wholesale and retail, at THE GERMAN MEDICINE 810 RB, No. 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth, Philadel phia, and by respectable dealers generally through out the country. ' * Sold by Havilsnd, Risley A Co., and Wm. 11. Trut, Augusta, Ga.; P. M. CCben & Co., Charleston, 8. C.; Hill & Smith, Athens, Ga.; X..C. Jones, Madison; A. A. Solomons, Savannah, and by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the South. apr2o Vy NIO 5 BANK. CHECK BOOKS, al! sixes, for ■a THOS. RICHARDS A LON. (itlrblffll. VEGETABLE EXTRACT. DR. MORSE’S INVIGORATING CORDIAL A PHENOMENON IN MEDICINE Health Restart'd and Life Lengthened —BY — Er. Morse's Invigorating Elixir or Cordial. AT FIRST the properties attributed, to Professor Morse’s Invigorating Elixir or Cordial were deem ed fabulous. The public often deceived could not be lieve the simple and Bublime truths announced by the discoverer. But facts, undeniable facts, attested by witnesses of the highest class and character, are now triumphing overall doubts InereJUliiy is overthrown by a mass of testimony which is perfectly irresistible, The Elixir remedies, in all cases, the deplorable evils arising from a misuse or abuse of the various organs which make up the wonderful machine called man. It restores fit full vigor every delicate functioh connected with that mysterious compound agency of nutter and mind, necessary to the re-production of humai life.— To persons of feeble muscular frame, or deficient in v» tal power, it is recommended as the on y me?ns of communicating that energy which is necessary o the proper employment of all the natural appetites, e well as the higher mental attributes. Its benefic al ffeets are not confined to either sex or to any age. The fee ble girl, the ailing wite, the listless, enervated youth, the overworn man of business, the victim of ner v ous depression, the individualsuffering from genera) debili ty. or from the weakness of a single organ, will fo<i iros mediateand permanent relief from the use of this ip com arable renovator. To those who have predi.-pc»i tion to paralysis, it will prove a complete and urfail rg safeguard against, that terrible malady. There are many, perhaps, who have so trifled with their constitc tions, that they think thems Ives beyond the reach o> medicine. Let not even these despair. The KUx'r deals with disease as it exists, without reference » e ruses, aid will not only remove the disorder itsei. RE BUILD THE BROKEN CONSTITU I’ION The derangement of tue system, leading to nervous diseases, and this forms ot nervous disease itself, are so numerous that it would require a column to enumerate the maladies for which this preparation is a specific. > tew, however, may be enumerated, viz:—neuralgia, c dolereaux. headache, incipient paralysis, hysteria, pal pitation of the heart, spinal affections, muscular debill ty, tremors, flatulency, a pricking sensation in the flesh numbness,mental depression, weakness of the will, in disposition to move, faintness after exercise, broken -ieep and terrifying dreams, inability to remain in one place or position, weakness of the procreative organs, -exuat incompetency, melancholy: monomania, fluor a)bus, sinking at the stomach, female irregularities, a chronic tendency to miscarriage, emaciation, and all complaints growing out of a free indulgence of the pas sions,and all barreness that does not proceed from or ganic causes beyond the reach of medicine. Whenever the organs to be acted upon are free fro no mailormation or strictural diseases, it is averred that MORSE’S INVIGORATING ELIXIR will re-place w akness,with strength, incapacity with efficiency, irregularity with uniform and natural ac tivity, nud this not only without hazard or re-action, but with a happy effect on the general organization.— Bear in mind that all maladies, wherever they begin, finish with the uervous system, and that the paraliza tion of the nerve.of motion and sensation is physical death. Bear iu mind, also, ihat for every kind of ner vous disease the Elixir Cordial is the only reliable pre paration know n. CUKE OF NERVOUS DISEASES. ' No language can convey an adequate idea of the im mediate, and almost miraculous change which it occa sions in the diseased, debilitated and shattered nervous system, whether broken down by excess, weak by na ture, or impaired by sickness—the unstrung or relaxed organization is at once braced, re-vivified and built up. The mental and physical symptoms of nervous disease vanish together under its influence. Nor is the effect temporary, on the contrary the relief is permanent— forthe Cordial properties' of the medicine reach the constitution itself, and restores it to its normal condi tion. .LOSS OF MEMORY, Confusion, giddiness.rush of blood to the head, me!"' ancholv, debility, Listeria, wretchedness, thoughts o self-destruction, fear of insanity, dyspepsia, genera, prostration, irritability, nervousness, inability to sleep diseases incident to females, decay of the propagating’ functions, hysteria, monomania, vague terrors, palpita tion of the heart, impotency, constipation, Ac., from whatever cause arising, it is, if there any reliance to be placed on human tesrimeuv. is absolutely infallible A GREAT MEDICINE FUR FEMALES. Tho unparalleled effects of this groat restorative, iu all complaints incident to females, mark a new era .a the annals of medicine. Thousands of stimulants have been invented—thousands of iuvigorants concocted— all purporti g to be specified in tho various diseases and derangements, to which the delicate formation of wo man render her liable. EVERY WOMAN OF SENSE who suffers from weakness, derangement, nervousness, tremors, pains in the back, or any other disorder, whe ther peculiar to her sex, or common in both sexes, to give the Invigorating Cordial a trial. MARRIED PERSONS or others, will find this Cordial, after they have used a bottle or two, a thorough regenerator of the system In all directions are to be found tlie happy parents ot healthy offspring, who would not have been so but for this extraordinary preparation. And it is equally po tent for the many diseases for which it is recommeudod. Thousands of young men have been restored by using it, and not in a single instance has it failed to benefit them. PERSONS OF PALE COMPLEXION, of consumptive habits, are restored by the use of a bottle or two to bloom and vigor, changing the skin from a pe'.e, yellow, sickly color, to a beautiful florid complexion. TO THE MISGUIDED. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, vi*: weakness of the back and limbs, pains in tho head, dimness of the sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the hoart, dyspepsia, nervous irritability., derangement of tho di gestive functions, general debility, symptoms of con sumption, Ac. Mentally, the fearfnl effects on the mind are much to be dreaded. Loss of memory, confusion of ideas, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to so ciety, self distrust, love of solitude, timidity, Ac., ear someo? the evilsproduced. All thus afflicted, BEFORE CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE, should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness, indeed, without those, the journey through life be comes a weary pilgrimage—the prospect hourly dark ens the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with melancholy reflection that the happi ness of anuothorbecomes blighted wilh your own. CAUTION. Dr. Morse’slnvigorating Cordial has been counterfeit ed by some unprincipled persons. In future all the genuine Cordial will have the pro prietor’s sac-simile pasted over the cork of each bottle and the following words blown on t:,e glass: L>H. MORSE’S INVIGORATING CORDIAL, O. 11. RING. Proprietor, New York. The Oordial Is put up, highly concentrated, in pint bottles—price $3 per bottle, two for $5 six for sl2. C. H. RING, Proprietor, I&2 Broadway, New York AGENTS: Augusta—Haviland, Risley & Co.; Macon—Geo. Payne; Savaimah—A A. Solomons & Co. mar2s ROGER S LIVERWORT AND TAR. IVOR the comple'e cure of Coughs. Colds, Influenza, Asthma. Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, and alt oth er Lung Complaints tending to Consumption. This preparation is getting into use all overour coun try. The numerous letters we receive from our vari ous agents, informing us of cures effected in the ! r im mediate neighborhoods, warrant u-, in saying it is one of the best, if not the very best. Cough Medicine now before the public. It almost invariably relieves, and nov infrequently cures ihe very worsecases When all other Cough preparations have failed, this has relieved the patient, as Druggists, dcalors in Medicines, and Physicians can testify. Ask the Agent in your nearest town, what has teen his experience of the effects of this medicine. If he has been selling it for any length of time he will tell you IT IS THE BEST MEDICINE EXTANT. Below We give a few extracts fiom letters we have received lately, regarding the virtues of this medicine. Dr. 8. S. Oslin. of Knoxville, Ga., says: ‘‘ I have been using your Liverwort and Tar very extensively in my practice for three years past, and it is with pleasure I state my belief in its superiority over all other articles with which I am acquainted, for which it is recom mended.” Messrs Fitzgerald & Bonners, writing f omWaynes ville, N. C , says: ‘ The Liverwort and Tar is becoming daily more popular in this Country, and we think just ly so. All who havo tried it speak in commendable terms-Of it, and say it is ver)- beneficial in alleviating the complaints for which it is recommended.” Our Agent in Pickens District, 8. C., Mr. 8. R. McFall, assures us ‘‘that he uses it with great benefit in his own family, and recommends it to his neighbors.” He gives an instance of a Nogrq woman, in hi* vicinity, who had been suffering with disease oi the Lungs for years, at tended with severe Cough, who was relieved hf the Liverwort and Tar. ’ Such are the good reports we hear of this Modicine from sll parts of the .’outh. For a report of the sur prising cures it has performed in the Western and Northern and Eastern states, we would invite the suf ering patient to read the pamphlet which, acoompame* each bottle. To all, we iay. have hope, have hope! TRY THE MEDICINE*! !—Be Warred in Seaton .'a And neglect not that Cough which is daily weakeni/g your constitution, irritating your Throat and Lungs, and inviting on that dread disease. Consumption, when so soothing and h aliag a Remedy can be obtained as Dr. Rogers' Syrup o‘ Liverwort and Tar. Beware of Counterfeits awl Base Imitations !— l he genuine article is signed Andrew Uoqsrs, on the »n --gva' ed wrapper around each bottle. Price. $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. Sold whole sale and retail by SCOVIL &■ MEAD, 111 Chartres-st., between Conti and St. Louis. N.O. Solo Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders and applications for Agencies must be addressed. Sold also by IIAViLAND RIBLEY * CO., Augusta Georgia. BARRETT, CARTER & 00., u *’ D. B. PLUMB & CO,, . “ “ CLARK Se WELLS, “ “ - WM. H. TUTT, “ N. J. FOGARTY & 00., ** A J. CREIGHTON, Hamburg, S O. And by one agent in every town in the South april 11 6m pRENCH Boo xs. ~~ MR. J. FORK, Boot Maker of Napoleon 111, in Paris, No. 249 Rue St. Honore, respectfully informs his friends and customers, that he has removed hia Establishment on a more ex tensive line, to No. 72 rue de Richo’ieu. Foreign ers, Gentlemen visiting Mr. J. Forr’s Warehouse, wiil always find a great variety of the most elegant and fine sort of BOOTS and SHOES. Commission, exportation English spoken and ordors received by Mr. Guetin, 15 Beaver-st., New York.-; ms:r24 cflm, Fresh Swedish leech e*.—2oolleoche’s, beet quality, just received at the Apothec>eiks ? Hall. N. B. We can orward Lecchos to any part of tho State, put up in packages to suit purchasers N J FOGARTY & 00, aoglSj e Under Augusta Hotel. iilcbtcol. AYER'S FILLS, Anew and singularly successful remedy for tht cure of all Bilious diseases Costiyeness, Indi gestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, I'evers, Gout, Humors, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflamma tions, Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side, Back, and Limbs, Female complaints, &c., &c. Indeed, very few are the diseases in which a Purgative Medi cine is not more or less required, and much sick ness and suffering might be prevented, if a harm less but effectual Cathartic were more freely used. No person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevails ; besides it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which mignt have been avoided bv the timely and judicious use of a good purgative This is alike true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and Bilious derangements. They all tend to become 01 produce the ieep seated and formidable distempers which load the hearses all over the land. Hence a reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health, and this Pill has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Proses sors. and Patients, has shown results surpassing anything hitherto known of any medicine. Cures have been effected beyond belief, were they not sub atantiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Among the eminent gentlemen to whom we art allowed to refer for these facts, are Prof. Valentine Mott, the distinguished Sur geon of New York City. Doct. A. A. Hayes, Practical Chemist of the Port of Boston, and Geologist for the State of Mas sachusetts. Ira L. Moore, M. D., an eminent Surgeon and Physician, of the City of Lowell, who has long used them in his extensive practice. H. C. Southwick, Esq., one of the first mer chants in New York City. C. A. Davis, M. D., Sup’t and Surgeon of tht United States Marine Hospital, at Chelsea, Mass. Did space permit, we could give raanv hundred such names, from all parts where the Pills havt ceen used, but evidence even more convincing thar the certificates of these eminent public men it shown in their effects upon trial. • These Pills, the result of long investigation anc study, are offered to the public as the best anc most complete which the present state of medica science can afford. They are compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtue? only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process, in a state of purity and combined togethei in such a manner a# to insure the best results. Thi? system of composition for medicines has been found m the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce s more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob tained bv any process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. While by the old mode of composition, ev jry medicine is burdened with more or less of aeri nonious and injurious qualities; by this, each indi vidual virtue only that is desired for the eurativi jffect is present. All the inert and obnoxious q uni ties of each substance employed are left behind, the jurative virtues only being retained. Hence it is lelf-evident the effect should prove as they have moved more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any othei medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine ihould be taken under the counsel of an attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a •cmedy without knowing its composition, I havt mppUed the accurate Formula by which both mj Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body of ctitioners in the United States ;and British Amcr- Provinces. If however there should be any who has not received them, they will be omptiy forwarded by mail to his address. Os all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how few would be taken if their composition was known 1 Their life consists in their mystery. I have ni mysteries. The composition of my preparations is laid open to ail men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject, freely acknowledge their conviction? of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before its effects were known. Many eta inent Physicians have declared the same thing of my Pills, “and even more confidently, and are will ing to certify that their anticipations were more than realized by their effects upon trial. They operate" by their powerful influence on thf internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate ii into healthy action—remove the obstruction; of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of thi body, restoring their irregular action to health, anc by correcting wherever they exist such derange ments as are the first origin of disease. Being sugar wrapped they are pleasant to take and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise fror their use in any quantity. For minute directions, see the wrapper on tht Box. Prepared by Jams* C. Ayer, Practical and An alyticul Chemist, Lowell, Mass. For sale by f. Eckstein. Jr., Wholesale Dniggist, Cin cinnati,Ohio ; H&vl&nd, Uisley & Co., W. H. Tutt, and •D. B. Plumb i Co , Augusta ; Smith & Hill, Athens; J. D. ( haso, Washington ; 11. Norton, Madison; Hen drick & Pringle. Covington ; P. G Rhome, Crawford vilie ; and by Dealers everywhere. april 26 HO3EK SACK'S LIVER PtLLS. ]VTo part of the system is more liable to disease 1\ than the Liver, iGbeing supplied with numer ous blood vessels and nerves, arid if diseased, the blood of course flowing through all parts of the ody produces Liver Complaints, Jaundice, Bilious A flee lie ns, Dyspepsia, Ac. LIVER COMPLAINT Is attended with chills, succeeded by fever, severe pains in tho region of the Liver, vomiting, bitter taste, yellow furred tongue, pulse full and bound ing, tho pain in tho side increased by pressure, should the left lobe be affected, the pain is general ly in the left shoulder, with a short dry cough, the a Ain becoming ol a sallow appearance, and the stools clay colored. Thisdiseato can be cured by the use of Ilobensack’s Liver Pills, as they act di rectly upon tho scat of the disease, and then ope rating upon tho bowels they expel all tho corrupt and vitiated matter from the system. DYSPEPSIA. Tho symptoms of Dy spepsia, and ita various dis oases are dizziness in the head, heartburn, oppres sion alter eating mo Is, sourness arising from the stomach, -to., and sometimes general languor of the whole body, from this it will bo seen that the disease owes its origin to a disorganized state of tho Liver and Stomach. Ilobensack’s Liver Pills is the very medicine to offect a permanent and last ing oure. as they act by changing the certain mor bid actions of tho system into a healthy action, and rendering the blood pure and healthy. TO FEMALES. You will find these Pills an invaluable medicine in many complaints to which you are subject. In obstructions, either total or partial, they have been found of inestimable benofit in restoriug and puri fying tho blood and other fluids so as to cure ail complaints which may arise from female irregular ties, ax headache, dimnes3 of sight, pain in the side, back, &e. Those Pill-: are the only safo and effectual remedy to euro tho following complain ts Gout, Nervousness, Melancholy, Sick lleadacho Giddiness, Rheumatism, distressing Dreams, Dim ness of Sight, or in fact any of tho diseases that ariso from affections of the Liver, impurity of the Blood; or constipation of the Bowels. MEDICAL EVIDENCE. We, the undersigned Physicians, having had the receipt of their manufacture submitted to us for inspection, say, that tho ingredients of which they arc composed makrx them the best Pill in use for ail diseases of ths Liver, Impurities of the Blood, do Gborgk Wood, m. d. F. Cbowery, at. D. L. Bowen, m. d. Qy* Purchase none but those having the signa ture “J. N. HOBENSACK,” as all others are worthless imitations. Agents wishing new supplies, Rr.d all others wish vng to fcocoma agents, must address the Proprietor. J.N. llobensaok, at his Laboratory, No. 120 North Second Street,.afcoro Ruco, Philadelphia. For sale by D. B. Plumb, & Co., and Win. 11. Tutt, Augusta, Ga.; A. J. Creighton, Hamburg, S. C.: 11. Norton, Madison, Ga.; liill & Adams, Athens, Ga.; and at wholesale by llaviland, Ria ley A Co., Augusta, Ga. d.tcc-oly nov22 SHEETINGS. JUST received, at P. & M. GALLAHER’S, 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 Bleached Sheeting, to be said at the lowest possible prices. —also— A select stock Hosiery and Gloves, which cannot fail to suit, in stylos and prices ; together with a large variety of Gent’s and Boy's Wear. Osnaburgsand Shirtings, at Factory prices. UNITED STATEB~ HOTEL. THE UNDERSIGNED have this day -"T'- fomed a Copartnership under the firm Shi of CHAFFEE & SPEAR, to conduct the business of the above Hotel, and will unite their exertions to deserve the patronage and good will °f the friends of this well known and favorite establish ment DANIEL CHAFFEE, . JOHN. W. SPEAR- SOHOOL£OF ARCHITECTURE PBIHE rubsoribor will Open on Monday evening, J. the 21st. a school for instruction in Architec tural and Industrial Drawing, in a course of les sons on Geometrical and Architectural Designs. - For terms, apply at office over Mr. store, next door to the Bank of Augusta, up stairs. Plans, specifications and designs for buildings of erery description urnished. nor TO ts R. W. BROWS, Axe hi toot. jHf&iral. PACTS CANNOT BE DOUBTED "hET IHlOlftlWlift II III; I Till I’ONDER' MOKE than 500 persons in the city of Richmond, Va., alone testify to the remarkable cures per formed by CARTER’S SPANISH MIXTURE. The great Spri g Medicine and Purifier of the Blood is now used by hundreds of grateful patients, who tea tifv daily to the remarkable cures performed by the greatest of all medicines. Carter's Spanish Mixture. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions on the Skin. Liver Disease, Fevers, Ulcers. Old Sores. Affections of the Kidneys, Diseases of the Throat, Female Com plaints, Pains and Aching of the Bones and Joints, are speedily put to flight by using this great and inestima ble remedy. For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet been found to compare with it, It cleanses the system of all impurities, acts gently and efficiently on the Liver and Kidneys, strengthens the Digestion, gives tone to the Stomach, makes the Skin clesr and healthy, and restores the Constitution, enfeebled- by disease or bro ben down by the excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor and strength. For the Ladies, it is incomparably better than all the cosmos-tics ever used. A few doses of Carter’s Spanish Mixture will remove all sallowness of complexion, bring the roses mantling to the cheek, give elasticity to the step, and impr»ve the general health in a remarka ble degree, beyond ail the medicines ever heard of. A large number of certificates of remarkable cures performed on persons residing in ti e city of Richmond, Va.. by the use of Carter s Spanish Mixture, is the best | evidence that there is no humbug about it. The press, hotel keepers, magi.-trates, physicians, and public men, well kuown to the community, all'add their testimony to the effects of this Orest Blood Purifier. Call and see a few hundreds of the certificates around the bottle. None genuine unless signed BENNETT k BEERS, Druggists. « Principal Depots at M. WARD, CLOSE & CCL, No. 8S Maiden Lace. New York. T VV. DYOTT & SONS, and JENKINS k HARTS IIOItNE, Philadelphia BENNETT & BEERS, No. 125 Main Street, Rich mond, Va. And for sale by HAVILAND, HARRALL k CO., Charleston; HAVILAND. RiSLEY k CO., WM. H. TUTT, and W. li. & J. TURPIN, ; and by Druggists and Country Merchants everywhere. Price $1 bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. junel rpo THE’ PUBLIC.—RADWAY A (V. Inren 'im X tors. Manufacturers ?nd Proprietor" of the justly ■ celebrated R R. E. Remedies, were first to discover a Remedy possessing the Marvelous power of stoppin ths most Excruciating Pains in an instant, allayin the worst Cramps and Spasms, either internal or exter nal, in a few minutes, and soothing the most severe Parotysmsof Rhematism.Keuralgia, and Tic Doloreux, as soon as applied. The R. It. R Remedies consist or ,1 three Remedies, each possessing quick and wonderful powersover certain complaints and diseases and will instantly— . RELIEVE the Human System from pain. REGULATE each Organ to a Healthy Action. RESOLVE away all Diseased Pepoaita. ' RENOVATE the body from all Corrupt Humors. REBUILD the Weak and Broken Down Constitution RESTORE to Health,Strength and rigor all unsound and worn cut parts. K. It. R No 1. BADWAUS KEADV RELIEF, For the Acute Complaint*, Internal and External. The moment it is applied externally, or taken Into the system, it will stop the most excruciating pain and quickly remove its cause. Rheumatism. Mr. Granger, a mason well known in Brookiy, was a cripple for nine years. Rad way’s Ready Relief relieved him from pain in fifteen minutes, enabled him to walk two miles without the aid of stick or crtitch in three days and cured him entirely in one week. Thousands of other cases equally as wonderful as the 8 above, have been cured by R. R. Relief. x Cholera f.Xorbus. Hxdvr ay’s Heady Relief will relieve the sufferer from If all pain in fifteen or twenty minutes. It will cure the most desperate cases in a few hours. * Neuralgia. —. The moment R. U. Relief is applied it allay* the most k painful aroxvsms. It will always cure. Sick Headache. >. It will relieve the most distressing paiqp in fifteen ■ minutes. It will likewise prevent renewed attack*. Ague In ten minutes a toaspoonfm of R. R Relief will step the Chills and beark the Fever. Aches of all kinds, Pains of all kinds. Bruises, Burns E. Scalds. Strains, Sprains, Stiff Joints, Lameness. Ons application of Rahway's Ready Relief wilt in a few mo ments entirely Btop the pain. > It reduces swelling, heals.sores, cuts and wounds, re moves bruises, allays the most violent irritations.— For all pains use R. R. Relief. Look for the signature of Radway Ac Go. on each bottle. R. R. R—No. 2. RAHWAY'S RENOVAS IN <4 RESOLVENT Resolves, Renovates, Rebuilds, U Cures. Scrofula, Tumors, ' Bleeding of the Luugs Syphilis, Consumption, St. Vitus’Dance, Sores, Rickets, l alt Rhein, Asthma, Nodes, Canker, Bronchitis', 1 ever Sores, Rash, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Tetters. The above eighteen complaints R. R. Resolvent will positively cure. It renovates the-ystem completely, Resolving away from the Solidß all impure Poisonous and Diseased De posits, freeing the Blood and Fluids of Life from al corrupt humors, restoring Energy and Vigor, Health Strength to every Organ and Member of the body. Wholesale Dcoet for the State of Georgia, Messrs. Barrett & Carter. Also, for sale by W. H. Tutt, Havi- Innd, Risley & Co., D. 1!. Plumb A Co .W. 11. & J. Tur pin, and by Druggists generally. dt&eoc oct 16 COMBI & CO.’S SOUTHERN EXPRESS. Columbia, Charleston, and Northern Cities, . Atlanta, Macon, Montgomery, Ala, and by Steamboats to Mobile and New Orlo ts, Chatta noogaaud Nashville, Term , Loudon and Knoxville, Tenn , and all intermediate points, for tho trans portation, by Mail and Passenger Trains, of all kinds of Merchandize, Boxes, Balos, Paokages, Parcels, Ac., valuable and otherwise We have now extended our line over Western and Atlantio and East Tennessee »,nd Georgia Roads, and can give immediate despatch to all po nts on those Roads. We have Agents at all important points, and on tho Roads, whose prompt attention is given to our business Shipments from Northern Cities, to be expressed from Charleston to the interior must be plainly marked, “ P/r Combs \ Co.'s Express, Charles’ ton 7” and Bills Lading rendered us at that place. This will enable us to givo immedinto and prompt attention to consignments, and will be less expen sive than by Express from New York to Charles ton, inasmuch as wo only charge Ship Freights. Charleston Office, 9 Bayne Street. Augusta Office, coiner Jaekson and Eliis Streets, may 26 COMBS & CO. FRENCH BURR MILL STONE MANUPAO TORY. Corner Brood and Camming streets. AUGUSTA, GA. • THE SUBSCRIBER takes this occasion to in form his numerous friends and the public gen erally, that he has commenced the above business under tho most favorable auspices, having engaged tbo service! of an experinced and highly qualified woikmsv- and flatters himself that his work will oompaie with any ether manufacturer in the United States. Iloalsc begste apprise tho discriminating publio that all craers with which ho may be favored, shall have hfa personal attouti. n, prompt execu tion and dispatch. A share of publio patronage is respeatfully solicited. PATRICK UcCUK, Proprietor, sopll d&oly OSBORNE & WHITLOCK, JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS, 2515 Broad-st., under Z7. S. Hotel, Augusta, Ga., HAVE constantly on hand a flno assort- go ment of Watches; Clocks; Jewelry; Silver and Plated Ware; Fancy Goods and Perfumery. Just received, some very fine Watch es, manufactured to order, and some of T. F. Coop er’s superior time keepers in Magic Cases. Fine Diamond Pins of beautiful designs; Fob and Vest Chains, of new patterns, and a general assortment of the finest and most fashionable Pins; Ear-rings; Bracelets, Ac., which we offer at the lowest prices possible, wholesale or retail. In tho Optioal line, we are well supplied with whatever kind of Glass the defects of vision may require, and we are pre pared to fit the eye with as much acouraey as anv mechanical art can bo executed. Come and teat the fact. Watch and Jtwelry Repairing. —Wo still have tho services of two superior Workmen— a Watch maker arid Joweler—all of whose work w© war- * rant - __ febU NEGRO CLOTHS. . WILLIAM SHEAR has received a full sup ply of Negro Cloths, of the Augusta Man* ulkoUring Company, to which he reepeotfulW in vitas of* attentum Plantera.