The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, October 17, 1854, Image 3

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ißrncnil JUuifrtisrntrnUs. STOCKTON St CARY. VT the stand long occupied by James llulbert, corner of Mclntosh and Ellis streets, are pre pared to build all kinds oi Carriages, Buggies, A#., •In the best workmanlike manner. Repairing done at short notice in the best man ner and on reasonable terms. They solicit a share of public patronage. JOHN L. STOCKTON. octA ts EBENEZER CARY. COD-FISH ,HEKKI>Q, MACKEREL. — 1000 lbs Cod-fish in fine order. 60 boxes Herring 100 packages New Mackerel, now landing and for sale by THAYER A BUTT. oet7 DOAPf CASULES, STARCH, fcC— O 200 boxes Can ilea, various brands. * 100 do Soap. 50 do Starch. Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Tea, received this day. ooiT THAYER A BUTT. SUGARS, SUGARS. —200,000 Segars of various qualities, some equal to any ever sold in this market, for sale bv THAYER A BUTT. oct7 BROOMS, XUIIS, BUCKETS— Malto~BaskeU Ac., a large supply now landing. oot7 THAYER A BUTT. N OTICE. —On and after this date the undersign ed may bo found at bis store, Mclntosh street, next door South of Mossrs. Burtin A Walker, every day, from half past 10 o’clock, until one o’clock and will be pleased to serve his friends to the best of his ability. M- W. WOODRUFF. octs Forwarding and Gen’l- chi. NO? ICE.—Received on consignment and for sale by M W. WOODRUFF, 5000 lbs. very fine Tennessee Bacon Sides, clear and Ribbed. oots Bacon, SACON. — Just received, and for sale by GEORGE W. LEWIS, oots No. 1, Warren Block. CLOTHING! CLOTHING !! CLOTHING!!! MR. W. CLAGHTT of the House cf Messrs. PIERSON. JENNINGS A CO., who is at the Charleston House, will fill all orders sent to that House, from North Carolina, South Carolina; Goorgia, Tennessee and Alabama. octs 3m PIERSON, JENNINGS A CO. »_)/ \ / \/ i/ iAugusta T per cent City Bonds, iJpOY/jWU/Y/ten years to maturity, for sale at par. Apply to A. P. ROBERTSON, Mayor, or JOHN HILL, Treasurer, oct- sth, lm LAMP Oil,. —A supply of the host Strained Lamp Oil, also a good artiolo of Fall Strainod Oil, for sale at low prices. oct4 WM HAINES, Druggist. CAWARy BI aD SEED, MIXED AND PLAIN, just received and for sale by WM. HAINES, oc'4 Druggist, Augasta. s —~ k SUPPLY OF THIS ARTICLE, fresh eveefr jT\ day—for sale by WM. HAINES, octA ” Druggist, Augusts. OpT KEGS fine Tennessee Butter, just received O*J and for sale by sort 30 A. STEPHENS. DRY HERBS. —Boneset, Catnip, Hoarhound, Sage, Ac, for sale in quanties to suit purcha WM. HAINES, sept 29 Druggist and Apotheoary. 7VJEW BOOKS —Hermits Deil, from the diary it of a Penoiller; aDd Poems and Ballads by Gerald Massey, containing the ballad of Babe Christabels, printed from the third London editor, with several new pooms never before published, re vised and corrected by the author, for sale by ootl3 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. BISOLU WON. THE sopartner-hip hitherto existing under the nxms of Ooffi - A Beal* is this day disolved by mutual consent, all persons having olairas will please present thorn and those indebted will make paytnont to either of tho undersigned. JOSEPH A BEALS. JOHN G. COFFIN. Augusta, Sept. I6tb, 1854. JOSEPH A. BEALS, HO USB, SIGN and ORNAMLNTAL PAINTER, OOLICITS orders in either of the above braneh- O e* of Business, and hope*, by strict attention, merit a share of patronage. Augusta, Sept. 19, 1854. lm sopt2o Mas. 11. B. STOWE'S NEW BOOK.—Sun ny Memorioa of Foroign Lands, by Mrs. Har riet BeeohorStowe; The Three Colonies of Auatra lia, their Pastures, Copper Mines and Gold Fields, by Samuel Sidney. London Editions with nuraer ®ur Engravings, For sale by sept 10 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. CLOTHING. W"E invite tha attention of Merohants and Dealers to our Fall and Winter stock of Clothing, which wo will sell as cheap as in North ern Marmots (except the freight.) Our stoek em braces all the newest and most fashionable styles. sept!3 WM. O. PRICE A CO. /''l HAIRS.—WiII bo sold to close consignment, 10 dozen Grecian Cane Seat Chairs; 8 do. Windsor Chairs, manufactured in Columbia, South Carolina. sept 2 . C. GRENVILLE A CO. MONEY AND NOTES STOLEN. QTOLEN trom the subscriber, on the night of the 14th inst., at the Eaxle A Phoenix Hotel, a small Black Morocco POCKET BOOK, contain ing about One Hundred and Eighty Dollars. Also, a Note on Geo. Boswell, for Two Hundred Dollars, due January, 1855; one Note on Jesse Moody, •mount not reoolleeted; one Note on W. II Camp bell, amount not recollected. All parsons are forewarned against trading tor said notes. A liber al reward will be paid tor the recovery ol the Money and Notes, with proof sufficient to convict the thief. septl6 6 A. A. CLARK. AUGUSTA HIGH SCHOOL. Rev. JOHN NEELY, PatNciraL. MR. NEELY proposes to opon, on Monday, the 2d of OCTOBER, in the tuildings of the Riohmond County Academy, a High School for Boys, in which they can be prepared either for business or for admission into any class in College. The Course of Instruction will comprisj all the Departments of an English Education, with Mathe matics, Latin, Greek, French, German and Draw ing. Teems — $15 per quarter. For French or Ger man. $5 per quarter additional. One Dollar will be charged for fuel for each of the Winter quarters. Stenography will be taught at $lO for the Course. septl6 dtOl Chronicle & Sentinel will copy. IKA>I SMITH’S Fresh Smoked Beef; New Codfish; Irish Potatoes; Fresh Boston Crackers; Pure Cider Vinegar; White Wine Do., imported. For sale by septW DAWS#N A SKINNER. | FOR SALE. & 'L 1 A DELIGHTFUL Summer Residence, jjaian with an abundance of wood, and a l*?Pul ! fine Spring of Water, 1J miles from Hamburg, t. C. Possession given immediately ts septlfi POCKET BOOK of Mechanics and Engineer ing. containing a memorandum of Facts and connection of Practice and Theory, by John W T . Nystrau-, C. E.; Part fl Chambers’ Journal; Also, another supply of the Pilgrims of Walsing katn, bv Agnes Strickland. Just received bv •nglT THO 3. RICHARDS A S’ON. AT HOME AGAIN. f JIHE highest cash prices will be paid for NE JL GIIOES by the subscriber. Apply at the Glebe Hotel, oret J. P. Fleming's Stable, on Elli sroet. feb» JOHN A. CHRISTIAN. PUTMAM S MAGAZINE FOR SEPT BERj HAS been Received. Subscribers will please aa I for their oopies. Also, PROGRESS AND PREJUDICE, by Mrs. Gore, author of the “Banker’s Daughter,” “Moth er’* and Daughter’s Preferment,” Ac. The BEAUTIFUL CIGAR GIRL; or the Mys teries of Broadway, by J. H Ingraham. The HIGHWAYMAN’S BTRATEGEM; cr, Olaude at the Scaffold. Being a full account of tbe rescue of Diok Turpin, by the author of Dare- Defll-Dick. For Sale at GEO. A. OATHS A BRQ’3. Broad St. j CHLORIDE OF LI ME- A neces sary article for purifying stores, rooms, cellars lots, Ao , received and for sale by WM. HA IN ES, Druggist. ! Broad-et. NOTICE. Te Pas»tngsrt htJ the Augusta mttd Watmatbora. Radi Road. UNTIL further notioe, the Night Train on this Road will loare Augusta at 0 o’clock, P. M., •ad returning, will arrive at Augusta at 6 o’clock, A. M. GEO. READ, Agent. Augusta, Sept. 21, 1854 sept 22 Tennessee clear sides.— 20,000 lbs. Tonneseee Clear Sides ; 15,009 lbs. Baltimore Ribbed Side#, juet rw #4ved and for sale by rm* « /.a. a wwmmm (Sfitfral jUntrrtjrmrnta. AUGUSTA FEMALE ACADEMY. OPPOSITE D. S. HOTEL. To commence »n the first Monday in Oetobt r newt THE undersigned, sustained by a reputation, earned by more than twenty-five years’ profes sional labor, in the business of Female Education, once more tenders his services to his friends as In structor for their Daughters. Touching his success in his profession, he has the satisfaction of remarking, that among his nu moroua Graduates, are, the wife cf a Missionary to China, whoso letters, published in a Southern journal, are fine specimens of scholarship; a young lady, of Alabama, now a popular Teaeher in a Fe male College; two othors, Teachers and popular writers for a Southern Magazine. Other references are omitted, in order to avoid a long advertise ment. For examples of his fuccessful labors in th : s part of Georgia, he takes the liberty of reterring such as are not familiar with his method of Instruction, to Dr. and Mrs. I P. Garvin. Mr. and Mrs. W r m H. Maharrey, Mr. and Mrs. Lambeth Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Doughty, Mrs. Philip Crump, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Dugas, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Phillips, Mr. affU Mrs. F. blodget, Sr., Ac.; Mrs. Perrin, Co lumbia county: Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Gresham, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Per ry; Mr. W. H. C. Perry, Ac., Burke county ; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Heard. His prices, per quarter of 12 weeks, will be sl2, sls and $lB, according to grade of advancement! payable half quarterly, in advance. A small tax of 50 cents will be oharged each pupil, for fuel during the season. TTie expenses for instruction in the Modern Lan guages, Music, Drawing and other branches of Or namental Education, will be moderate, and made known on application at the Academy. His design being to receive as many pupils only as he can personally instruct, applications are in vited to be left at any of the Book Stores, prior to the Ist Monday in October next. The Academy will, at all times, be open to the visits of friends. HU Library, Apparatus, and other appliances, for sound and thorough instruction, will bo unsur passed by any othors in the State. augl7 lawdfActf L. LaTASTE, Principal. FALL AND WINTER READY-MADE CLOTHING AND HATS. CLAYTON & BIGNON, under the Augusta Hotel, have now in Store, (and are receiving weekly supplies) a large and splendid stock of Ready-made CLOTING and HATS, fine and com mon. Also, Boy’s and Children’s Clothing. Also, a good lot of Furnishing Goods, to which they respectfully call the attention of citizens and stran gers. N. B. Country Merchants visiting our city, will find, at our establishment, a large and varied stock to select from, at low prices. eeptl3 SCHOOL FOR IMBECILE AND BACKWARD CHILDREN. THE undersigned, late Principal Teacher in the Massachusetts State School for Idiotic Chil dren, h is opened a private School, in the vicinity of Boston, for a select number of children. He refers to Dr. S. G Howe, and the Tiustoes of the State School. Address ALEXANDER MCDONALD. Boston, Mnss. Care of Dr. S. G. Howe. f 6 septld GEORGIA EPISCOPAL INSTITUTE, MONTPELIER, MONROE COUNTY. THE Twenty-sixth Term of this Insritution will commenos on the 12th of OCTOBER, 1854, and close the 12th of July, 18d5, under theSuper intendanco of Miss Martha M. Buell, assisted by superior and competent Teachers in every De partment. The Course of Study will embrace all such Eng lish branches as are usually taught in the highest Female Seminaries of tho United States, together with French, German, Italian and Latin, Music— vocal and instrumental, Drawing, Painting in wa ter oolors and oil, and Embroidery. It will be advisable l'or those who wish to enter their daughters at the institute the comine term, to apply early, as tho number islimitod to eighty pupils. Applications for admission, and all letters on business, must be addressed to ** W. S. WILLIFORD, Sec, septl4 flm Macon, Ga. TH2 AUGUSTA MACHINE WORKS \KE now prepared to do the following kinds of .work with neatness and despatch : Steam Engines and Boilers, of any style or fin ish ; also, Bank Vaults; Iron Fronts; Sills and Linteia, for buildings. Railroad Cars, of all kinds and descriptions, made in the moat substantial and beautiful man ner ; Wheels for same warranted for cue year. Iron RailiDgs, of various stylos for Balconies or Fenooa. Gold Mine Casting’, of als descriptions, made to order. Blacksmith Work done in tho beat manner. Mill Work—all kinds of Mill and Gin-gearisg, Shafting, Pullo' a, Water Wheels, 4co , on hand. Brass Castings will also have our attention. PLANING AND SAWING LUMBER. Flooring—Planed, Tongued amj Grooved, at $5 per 1000 feet superficial; Ceiling—Planed, Tonguod and Grooved, at $5 per 1000 feet superficial; Weather Boarding—Planed and Jointed $4 per 1000 feet superficial; Planing—both sides, $8 per 1000 supeifioal feet. Use of Circular Saw and one man will be 75 ots. per hour. Heavy Sawing requiring two men, will be $1 per hour. All orders must be left in tho office, not in tho shop. Cash will be required in all cases, unless otherwise agreed upon with W. M. HIGHT, eeptlT dJkcly General Superintendent. TO WATCH REPAIRERS AND JEWEL LHRS THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES. I TAKE this occasion to notify all Watch Re pairers, and the public generally, to be on the look out for a certain Single-cased Gold Detached Lever WATCH, made by Davis, Arnold, & Co., No. 5,201, with gold fob chain, and small round seal with a red set in the end of it, as said Watch and Chain was taken from my residence, in Meri wether county, on the 15th day of last May, by a man calling himself E. F. Warren. A liberal reward will be paid for the delivery of the Watch and Chain to me at Warnerville, Meri wether county, Ga. Any information of it will be thankfully received. HERBERT BOYD. septls tJanl LEFEBVRE’S SCHOOL, RICHMOND, VA (SUCCESSOR TO MRS. MEAD.) rjAHE Scholastic year of this Institution begins A on the first day of October, and ends on the last day of June. Terms —For Board and Tuition in all the Eng lish branches, for the Scholastic year, $240. Mod ern and Ancient languages, each S2O. Drawing, S2O. Painting in oil, S3O. Music on Piano, Harp or Guitar, each SBO. W'ashing, S2O. No extra charge*. There is one department in the School in which everything is taught in French, and where that language is spoken exclusively, as well as in the family of the Principal. For the accommodation of Southerners, pupils will be received during the holidays (July. August and September.) and charged for board at the same ratio as in the Session. They will be exclusively engaged in the study of French and Music, for which they will be charged $7 a month for French, and $1 per lesson for Music. The following references will be considered euffi j oient: Right Rev. Bishop Meade, Right Rcv.Bish ; °P Johns, Hon. Will'*m 11. Macfarland, Hon. John j L. Patton. • All letters to be directed to | HUBERT P. LEFEBTRE, A.M, ! je2o TuFtNov Principal. Silks and embroideries rouvri this day, by Express— ] 2 piece* Black. Silk ; -- 12 do. Cel’d Brocade Silk; 5 doson Jaconet Collars, very rich; 10 do. do. Bands, low price; • do. do. and Swiss Sleeves, very line; • do. Chim&setts, extra rieh; together with Other now goods, which will be sold cheap. •ept* GRAT BROTHERS. JL'ST Ol’fiXED by the subscriber, and offered at the lowest market prices, a very fine lot of Imported and Domestic CARPETINGS, whioh are well assorted in prioes, styles and coal i ties. _ Jeep 10 J. P. SETZH. MOTHER SUPPLY —The Lamplighter ; ~The 1 Master's House, a tale of Southern Life, by ! Logan; Fern Leaves, from Fanny's Port Folio; ! Struggles for Life, an autobiography. Just received and for sale by septa McKINNE A HALL. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, AT WHOLESALE. WM. N. NICHOLS, Successor to J- Taylor, Jr, A Co , opposite the Bank of Augusta, has the pleasure of announcing to Merchants visiting Augusta, that his stock of HATS, CAPS and BON vETS, for the Fall Trade, is now complete. And all those desiring Goods in his line, are in vited to call and examine them, as they will be sold at pricos that oannot fail to please. septl4 ts 'ryj'OTiCE—All persons indepted to James M. X v bimpson, are requested to made immediate to the undersigned; and all persons hav ing claims against him will please present the JOSEPH S. CLARK, ALMBT HATCH, (Smrol Jl&nfrtisrraftits TO RENT. A GOOD COMFORTABLE HOUSE with five rooms, a stable and other necessary Mi | outbuildings. The house is situated on Fenwick street, in the rear of Mr. Pass- Possession given on | the Ist November next. Apply at this office. oot7 1m Dwelt. ing iiouse to itektTh7t desirable and pleasant residence, on Broad MIL street lately oocupied by Dr. W. F.Holliman, Den tist, is to rent for the ensuing year. Addl\ to B. BIGNON or WM. HAINES, ootll ts TO RENT. THE brick Dwelling on Green street, next above John Phinisy Sr. For terms, ap-Mii. ply to oct7 d2w JOHN J. CLAYTON. FTO RENT, ROM the first of October next, a Store and Dwelling on Broad Street, above the fefe Lpper Market, occupied at present by B. Henry. Apply to aogl7 ts THOS. DUNEGAN. TO RENT. FROM the first of October next, the Brick Store under the subscriber’s dwelling, fetilli noar the Lower Market House, now oocupied by Drs. Felder A Turner, they declining to keep it. aug9 td JOHN H. MANN TO RENT, TWO two-story HOUSES on Calhoun-st., containing 7 rooms. I&;ii Two double tenement, on the same stroet, single story. One double tenement on Taylor street. Two two-story Houses, 7 rooms, on Fenwick st. Four 1J story, on Fenwiok-st., fronting So. Ga. Depot. Apply to -JAS. L. COLEMAN. jy2B _____ TO RENT. FROM the first of Ootober next, the long Room in the rear of my store at present oc-iaii/i oupied by the Oglethorpe Infantry as a drill room. jy!B E. H. ROGERS. TO rent! THE STORE, at present occupied by Mr. H. T. Peay, at the Lower Market. Apply to WM. H. PRITCHARD. septs " CITIZENS’ MILL. FOR the information of tho community who arc suffering for the want of Meal, I suggest that all old Corn ooming to this market, the consignees should give the refusal of it to those grinding Meal for this community, as now Corn is too green to be ground, and it can be fed to horses, and thus save all the old corn for grinding into meal ■ept2l ts JAMES COLEMAN. GEORGIA RAIL ROAD. Augusta, August 10,1854. AS protection against escape of Negroes under fraudulent Passes, Tickets for Negroes will be sold only to owners, or other responsible par ties, who will further be required to furnish a du plicate pass to the Agent, who sells the Ticket, to be filed at his office. Tne above rule to take effect on and after the 15th inst. GEORGE YONGE, General Superintendent. AUGUSTA SADDLE AND'HARNESS MANUFACTORY, 193 Broad Street, under the Augusta Hotel, AT the above Establishment can bo spa found a largo and well selected as sortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, Ac., which will be sold on accommodating terms. Work of all kinds made to order, with neatness and despatch. HATCH A BEGBIE. Augusta, Aug 28 1854 aug3o rpliE >IA IS KI AGE OF THE LAMB; aTvoice a. from Sion’s Heights; the Mystery Finished; She same Jesus revealed from Heaven in his Fa ther’s glory, with his holy angels, namely: Tho Hundred and Forty four Thousand, consisting of the Journey, the Marriage, the Holy City, the River of tho Water of Life, with an exposition of the Seven Thunders spoken of in Rev. 10th, 4th v. Jusfc received and for sale bv septß McKINNE & HALL.. SADDLERY. &0,, FALL TRADE, 18547“ SHERMAN, JESSUP Sc CO., (LATE WRIGHT, NICHOLS b CO ,) HAVING increased their facilities, and perfect ed their arrangements for manufacturing and importing, are now prepared to exhibit an unusu ally varied and extensive assortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Whips, Trunks, Valices, Carpet Bags, in every description of Goods in that line. Also, a heavy stock of Saddlery Hardware, Coa'h Trimmings, Springs, Axles, Castings, Ac, whioh are offered to dealers and manufacturers at low prices, and upon their usual liberal terms, for approved credit. d&|3ra sept7 MACHINE BELT! N G—Patent Riveted, Stretched and Cemented, single and double, all widths, from Ito 24 inches. These Belts are made from whole hides of best quality of leather, long used and approved by the most extensive man ufacturers and machinists in Georgia and adjoining States. A large stock always on hand at the Sad dlery Warehouse of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO, Late Wright, Nichols & Co., No. 239 Broad st, second door above the Bank of Augusta. d&t3m septT NEW WORKS. —Fashion and Famine, by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens; _ Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Heroes of ’76, with a sketch of the early History of Vermont: Easy Nat, or the Three Apprentices, a tale of life in New York and Boston, but adapted to any meridian, by A L. Stinson, editor of the Express Messenger; The Master's House, a tale of Southern Life, by Logan; Fertha and Lilia, or the Parsonage of Beach Glea, a romance, by Elizabeth Oakes Smith; Tiaonderoga, or the Black Eagle, a romance of days not far distant, by G. P. R. James; Hermit’s Dell, from tbe Diary of a Penciller- Also, a supply of Dodd Family Abroad; Sir Jasper Carew; Clara Mooreland, Ac. Also received, Graham’s Magazine and Peter son’s Magazine, for September, at GEO. A. OATES & BRO.’S, septl2 Booksellers and Stationers, Broad-st. CIUMMING’sTmINOR WORKS.—The Finger / of God; Christ our Pasover; The Comforter. Also, all the above in ono volume; The Dyer's Instructor, for Dying Silk, Cotton, Wool and Worstod und W oollen Goods, etc., con taining nearly eight hundred recipes, by David Smith, pattern dyer ; Tables for finding the mean height of cross, sec tions and cubic contents of Excavations and Em bankments, by Patrick Lyon; The Practical Surveyor’s Guide; Rural Chemistry, by Edward Solly; Struggles for Life, or the Autobiography of a Dissenting Minister; Also, Sequel to the Neighbor’s Children, from the German, by Mrs Sarah A. Myers. For sale by scpt!2 IHOS. RICHARDS & SON. JACKSON STREET HOSPITAL, AND SURGICAL INFIRMARY FOR NEGROES npilE UNDERSIGNED have doomed it advis able to add the term “Hospital” to their Sur gical Infirmary, for though the institution is intend ed principally for cases requiring Surgical Opera tions and Surgical Treatment, its accommodation is not entirely restricted to these; —we receive cases of any nature occurring in tbo Negro, provided thav arc not of an infections character. H F. CAMPBELL, M. D. Operating Surgeon. ROBERT CAMPBELL M D. jy2B ts Attending Physician. EI>ILOCK SOLE LEATHER, Tn"every va riety of weight and quality. Also, Harness, Skirting, Bridle, Band, Picker, Lacing and Roller Leather, and ovary description of Patent Leather, always on hand and for sale at the Saddlery Ware houso of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO., Late Wright, Nichols A Co., No. 239 Broftd-st., second door above the Bank of Augusta. d&t3m sept7 ROCK AWAY'.—For sale a Rookaway, with har ness, but little used—as good as new. septl4 S. C. GRENVLLE A CO, _ C. A. L. LAMARR General commission merchant, Sa vannah, Ga., will give strict attention to the forwarding of Goods for the interior of Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee. Iy maylfi N CONSIGNMENT —2,OOO pounds Prince Feathers. J. A. ANSLEY. sept!s lm Opposite Union Bank. T / \ DOZ. Frenoh Calf Skins, now arriving, l of favorite brands and assorted weights, warranted tresh. For sale at tbe Saddlery Ware house of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO., Late Wright, Nichols A Co., No. 239 Broad-st., second door above the Bank of Augusta. d&f3m sept7 | NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED having concluded to re main in the city during the continuance of the present epidemic, offers his Professional Services to i the public. He may at all times be found at his residence, corner Greene and Centre street, or at the offloe of Dr. Biqnon, Bread street. sept2o lm W. B. CHEESBOROUGH, M. D DAMANTINE candles!— loo boxes Gross A Dietrich brand; 100 .do--David Thain A Co* do.; 75 do. J. G. Davis A Co., do. Just received aad for sale low by mp 4 * L mmthkm (Statral NEW FALL GOODS. WILLIAM SHEAR HAS received from New York a part of hie Fall Supplies, embracing a great variety of new and beautiful articles suitable for tho present sea son, among which are— Rich Satin Plaid, Brocade, and plain Fanoy j Silks, of the latest Paris styles; Vlain Black Taffeta Silks, of saperior quality ■ and rich lustre; Rich all-wool, Paris printed PeLaines, of new ; and elegant styles; Fancy all -wool, Paris printed DeLaines, of small figures, for Misses and Children ; French all-wool Fanoy Plaids, of beautiful style, : for Ladies' Dress; s; English Print# and Fancy Ginghams, warranted fast colors. Superior English Mourning Prints and Qing* ! hams; Lupin’s plain white, black .and fancy CDlored | Merinos, of superior quality ; Lupins’ black and fanoy colored DeLaines, and plain black Challys; Superior black Bombazine, black Alpaoas, and black Canton Cloths; * Superior English black Crapes, for trimming and Mourning V eils; Ladies Embroidered French Collars, Under sleeves and Collarette, of beautiful styles; Ladies’ Mourning Collars and Undersleeves; Worked Muslin Edgings and Insertings, and nar row Thread Edgings; Rich Thread, Valenciennes, Maltese and Honi ton Laces; Ladies’ Embroidered, Scolloped, wide Hem stitched and Mourning Frenoh Lawn Handker chiefs, of beautiful styles; Fancy Neck and Bonnet Ribbons; Ladies’ Kid and Gauntlet Gloves, and long and short hand black Laoe Mitts; Ladies’ black Spun Silk and Fleecy Lined Hose, (some of extra sizo and weight} of the best make and quality; Real Welch and heavy Shaker Flannels, of the best make; Superior Welch, Gauae, Saxony and Silx Warp Flannels; Heavy all-wool c»l’d Flannels for Ladies’ Sacks, in all desirable colors ; English and Amerioan Canton Flannels, of supe rior style and quality; With a great variety of other new and beautiful artic cs of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, many of which have just been purchased at auction far be low the cost of importation, and all of which will he sold at very low prices. Families wishing to purchase their Fall supplies early, are respectfully invited to call and examine tho assortment, sopto dt&c LADIES' GAITERS AT $1 FER.PAIR. JUST RECEIVED, per steamer James Adger from New York — 500 pair Ladies’ Silk Lasting Patent Tipped Gai ters, at sl, worth $1.25. 300 pair Ladies’ Fine Silk Last Gaiters, at $1.25, worth $1.50. 300 pair Ladies’ Fine English Lasting Gaiters, at $1.50, worth $2. 300 pair Ladies' Velvet Slippers, at sl, worth $125. 300 pair Ladies’ Velvet Ties, at 87j0., worth sl, 100 pair Fine Fronoh made Gaiters,.at $2.50, 1,00 pair Children’s ADcleTies. Together with a largo assortment of Gentlemen’s Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Boots and Shoes, of tho latest styles. Call and examine, as goods will be freely shown, and one price asked. ROBERT CAKROLL, Opposite the United States Hotel, and between Mrs. Hall’s and Collin’s Millinery Store. Broad-st. N. B. Gentlomen’s and Ladies’ Travelling Trunks, Hat Cases, Valices and Carpet Bags, just received, and will be sold at a low figure, jyld R. C. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Chief Engineer’s Offce, 1 Columbus, Ga , Sc»nt. 16. f SEALED proposals will be received by the under signed at this office until the first day of Decem ber, for the clearing, graduation, track laying, to gether with the building of all bridges and culverts of tho western division of tho Mobile and Girard Railroad, extending from Mobile to Greenville, cov ering a distance of 130 miles: The work will be generally divided into one mile sections, and bids maybe made for one or mere ot those sections; separate proposals are desired for tho track laying, building ol tho trestle work, 5$ miles in length across tho Tensas and Mobiie rivers, with the intervening swamps; the trestle will be 12 feet high, built upon black Cypress piles abundant and adjacent to the line: the three rivers will be oroseed with the common pile bridging, with trussed pivot draws in the centre of each. Specifications with the form of the oontract and proposal, may be had of the undersigned upon ap plication ; plans, profiles and estimates of that por tion of tho line are now ready lor examination, and parties proposing will please designate it as suoß upon tho envelope. The country is healthy, with no swamps after leaving Tensas river. From Mobile to the river, 184 miles the grading is light and country very healthy at all seasons of the year. After leaving the Tensas the line passes through the ridge that divides the Alabama and Conecuch waters, easy of aooess by the Alabama river and through a seotion well stocked with provisions. Payments will be mido one third (4) in current funds, one third (J) in tho (08) eight per cent, capi tal stock of the Company, interest payable in stock until the road is oompleted. then to ooase and re ly upon the earnings of the road, the balance (4) in the (08) per cent, convertible bonds of the Com pany: maturing in five or more years at the option of the contractor; coupons payable semi annually, either in Columbus, Ga.. Mobile, Alabama or in New York, at the option of the holder. , To bidders personally unknown to the. a*,ler signod bond and approved security will be required to an amount not exceeding 4 the amount of the contract for the timely and faithful completion of tho same. Twenty-two and one half miles of the road from Girard west will be opon for business the first of November, and 52 miles nine months thereafter. It is tho intention to have the entire line of 245 miles open for business by 1858. aeptltf cdecl GEO. SJRUNEY. FOR THE FALL TRADE. \ WE bave commenced receiving, Cloths, Casa- j meres and Vestings, of the newest and most fashionable order, for tho Fall Trade. Gentlemen maj rely upon having any article of Clothing they order made up in fashionable and oorrect style. Our Stock embraces every article of Dress and and eonvenience for tho Wardrobe. * WM. 0. PRICE A CO., ' scptl Drapers and Tailors. ALTON LOCKE, Tailor and Poet, an autobi ography; Classic and Historic Portraits, by James Bruce; Hypatia, or New Foes with an Old Face, by Charles Kingsley, Jr., Rector of Everly ; Alderbrook, a collection of Fanny Forrester’s < Village Sketches, Poems, Ac., 2 vols, by Emi ly Chubbuck; * Lorenso Benoni, or Passages in the Life of an Italian; Wcaryfoot Common, by Leigh Ritchie. For sale at GEO. A. OATES & BRO.’S, I aug22 Piano, Book and Music Depot, Broad st. FORIiiE'IN’OLYNifcOUNTTr : THE subscriber offers for sale his tract of LAND i in said county, containing 2000 acres of the < finest timbered land to bafound, a portion of which 1 has been finely improved, with every building suitablo for a genteel family, with a new family i residence of a House 52 by 40 feet long, containing eight rooms andapiasia the length of the house; good kitchen, barn, stable, horse lot Ac.. Ac. There is also a well of the finest water to be found. To any person desirous of locating in that section or country, for farming or entering into the lumbef business, the situation presents a valuable invest ment to any one disposed to embark in a profitable lumber and turpen ine trade To an approved purchaser a liberal credit will be given and only a small portion of cash required. For full informa tion as to terms Ac, apply to the subscriber at the residence of Col. J. Byrd, upper end of Broad street, where a platt of the land may be geen. Also, for sale, a fine sooond hand CARRIAGE, made to or der, with a pair of fine horses, three fine mules, waggon, Ac. WM. II OAKMAN, Jr. Wilmington papers will oc py for a week and send the account. o 4 septlfi VERY DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscribers offer for sale the PLANTA TION of the late Hon Geo. MoDuffie, situa ted in Abbeville District, known as the Fla’twood’s Plantation, containing Four Thousand Acres (4000) more or less, and bounded by lands of Haskell, Norwood, James CalOoun and Belser. ihis pro perty is too well known to noed any particular de scription ; it has on it some of the best Cotton and Grain land in the State, about Three Thousand (3000) acres «f which are cleared, the balance well wooded. —also— About two hundred and thirty (230)strictly prime Negroes, belonging to the same estate, together with the Stock, Provisions, Tools, Ao. Tho lands may be treated for separately at tho option oi the purchaser. For terms, whioh will be made very accommoda ting, apply to Mr. Burt, at Willington P. 0., Abbe ville District, or to Col. Singleton, at F at Rook P. 0., Henderson 00., N. C. Mr. Burt will give any further information that may be desired, and will exhibit the promises. ARMISTEAD BURT. J t M R. SINGLETON.. AGENTS —Chloride of Lime, Copperas, and Chloride of Soda, For sale by *s*>l WM UASSm Drug** (ffiriurat Atuu'riisrmfnts FOR NEW YORK OR PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia and Savannah Steamship Line. Carrying the United States Mail. C HA . TH E Atlanta and LaQrange Railroad connects at East Point with tho Macon and Western Rail road. , Through from Montgomery to Savnnnmh *rt SO hours. Leave Montgomery at 8.30 P. M. Arrive at East Point at 8.20 A. M. Leave East Point at 8 45 A. M. Arrive at Macon at 2.30 P. M. Leave Macon at 4.30 P. M. Arrive at Savannah at 2.30 A. M. Fare from Montgomery to West Point,. .$3.50 “ “ West Point to East Point, 3.25 “ “ East Point to Savannah 8.00 This Line consists of the well known first olass Steamships STATE OF GEORGIA, Capt. J. J. Garvin. KEYSTONE STATE, Capt. R. Hardik. In strength, speed, and accommodations, these ships are unsurpassed, if equalled, by any on the coast. River navigation, 100 miles. Two nights at sea. Sailing days, every Wednesday, from eaoh port. AGENTS. In Savannah, C. A. L. Lamar, Corner Drayton and Bryan Streets. In Philadelphia, Heron & Martin, 37j North Wharves. In New York, Scranton A Tallman, 18 Old Slip, near foot of Wall Street. STATE OF GEORGIA. KISTONE STATE. Will leave Savannah, Will leave Savannah, July 12th and 26th, July 18th, August Wth and 23d, Aug. 2d, 16th and 30th, September 6th and 20th, September 13th & 27th, October 4th and 18th, October 11th and 25th, Nov. Ist, 15th and 29th, November Bth and 22d, December 13th and 27th. December 6th and 20th, January 3d, 1855. H. C. SCOTT, July 20,1854. Travelling Agent. TO TRAVELLERS GOING NORTH. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Through in 48 to SO Hours. NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON SEMI-WEEKLY STEAM SHIP L,IN E Leave adger’swharves every SATURDAY and WED NESDAY, after the arrival of the oars from the South and West. ON SATURDAY, NASHVILLE, J M. Berry, 1500 tons. ( Commander. MARION, ) W. J. Foster, 1200 tons, j Commander. ON WEDNESDAY, JAMES ADGER, ) S. C. Turner, 1500 tons. \ Commander. SOUTHERNER. ) Thomas Ewan, 1000 tons. ) Commander. Theso Steamers are unrivalled on tho coast, for safety, speed and comfort, experienced and courte ous Commanders, and Tables supplied with every luxury. Travellers by this line will be ensured every possible comfort and accommodation. Cabin Passage $25 Steerage 8 For Freight or Passage, having elegant State Room aooommodations, apply at the office of the Agent, HENRY MISSROON, Cor. East Bay and Adger's wharf. Charleston. S.C., June 10, 1854. jel3 UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. NEW YORK AND SAVA\N AH. [SEMI-WEEKLY.] ON and after Maroh 18th, the new and splendid side-wheel Steamships— FLORIDA,... .1,300 tons. Capt. M. S. Woodhull, ALABAMA, . .1,300 tons. Capt. C. R. Schenck, AUGUSTA 1,500 tons. Capt. T. Lyon, KNOXVILLE. I.soo tons.Capt C. D Ludlow, Willlcave New York and Savannah every Wednes day and Saturday. Those sh p 3 are among the largest on tho coast, unsurpassed in speed, safety or comfort —making their passages in 50 to 60 hours, and ai e command ed by skillful and polite officers. They offer a most desirable convoyanoe to New York. Cabin passage $25 Steerage passage, 9 PADELFORD, FAY & CO., Agents in Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCHILL, 13 Broadway,New York. FOR PALATKA, EAST FLORIDA. Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Mary's, Jackson ville, Picolata, and Middleburg. THE steamers. WM. GASTON, Captain Thomas E. Shaw, and gmMz ST. JOHN, Capt. Jas. Freeborn, will leave Sa vannah evory Monday and Thursday morning, at 10 o’olock, for the above place. The St. Johns is a new boat, built expressly for the trade, with large and airy State Room accommodation, and taking the inland route, offers superior facilities for inva lids and others. For further particulars enquire of CLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM, Agents. Savannah, Maroh 1, 1854. marl 4 v ISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of PLATT & BROTHER in Lexington and Augusta, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Geo. F. Platt alone will use the name oJ the firm in liquidation of the concern in Lexington, and Platt <fc Gilham of the conoern in Augusta. GEO. F. PLATT. EDWIN PLATT. Lexington, July 1, 1854. jyl3 TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. WE HAVE on hand, and receiving by every steamer from New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia, a large and well selected stock of FALL, AND WINTER DRY GOOD?, which we will sell to Country Merchants, as cheap as they can purchase the same goods in any house in this country. Our stock has been purchased very closely, and in part, expressly for the country trade. Among our stock can be found— -5 cases Irish Muslin DcLaines; 3 do. do. Ginghams,4o inches wide; 5 do. French do., do.; 2 do. Lancaster Ginghams, do.; 5 do. Scotch do., de; * 15 do. Manchester Muslin DoLaines ; 3 do. fine Fronoh Merino ; 2 do. Plain col’d DeLaines, all wool; 2 do. Coburgs; 5 do. Black Alpaca; 20 do. Printed Calico, “ Standard brands 10 do. Brown and Bleached Shirtings; 10 bales Blue Stripes, and a full assortment of Cassimeres; Cassimerotts; Tweeds; Kentucky Janos and Sattinotts; Kerseys; Blankets; Lind seys, Ac., &o, GRAY BROTHERS, sept 3 290 Broad sUeet. THIRTY NEGRO MEN WANTED. ' THE undersigned wants to hire 3(1 able-bodied NEGRO MEN, for the Turpentine Business. The highest wages will be paid for them, and they will bo hired lor six, twelve, or fourteen months, commencing at any time between the 25th of Oc tober and 31st of December. ' For further information address the undersigned at Madison, Ga. DAVID S. JOHNSTON. aeptlS dfit3o2 RAMEY & STORY, GROCERY MERCHANTS, , AUGUSTA, GA. WILL continue the Grocery Business, in all its branches, at the Old Stand, on Broad Street, two doors below Bcnes A Brown. We are daily receiving eur Fall Stock. Our Stock will, at all times, be large, assortment complete, and adapted to planters’ trade, a liberal share of whioh we have so long enjoyed, and hope still to receive. J. D. RAMEY, aug2s dlmofim S. G. STORY. OAK SOLE LEATHER —Extra trimmed, N. York inspected slaughter Hides, a superior ar tielo, just reoeived and worthy the attention of City Boot Makers. Also, a iaige stock of Balti more Spanish Oak Sole, for sale at the Saddlery Warehouse of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO., Lata Whright, Nichols A Co., No. 239 Broad-st., second door above the Bank of Augustiv dAf3ua ge Pt7 BOY'S AND CHILDREN’S READY-MADE CLOTHING. A LARGE and handsome assortin'nt of Cloth Coats; Jackets; Oaasimere Pants; Vests; Dress Suit*. Over Coats; Talmas, and Ciotning suitable for Sohool-boys, sises to fit from 3 years old to 17. Just received this day, and for sale at CLAYTON A BIGNON S, septl7 Under the Augusta Hotel. SHOE FINDINGS. —A large assortment of ov«. ery artiolc in the line, comprisirg, in part, French and American Lining Skins, of all colors; Sheep and Goat Binding Sk ns; Galloons Lacets W ebbs Cords; Copper, Zino and Iron Sparables, Shoe Nails and Tacks, flat and round; every vari ety of Frenoh Kit and Tools; Boot Trees, and Crimps; Lasts; Pegs, Ao., for sale on accommeda ting terms at the Saddlery Warehouse of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO, Late Wright, Niohols A Co., No. 239 Broad-st., second door above the Bank of Augusta. dAf3m sept7 OVV’S BROW N VVI N DSOR SOAP.—A case of t,he above just received and for sale low at ' the AFOIH*CARIIS’ HALL, Avgtute Betel, <ornrral Jlbucettsfmrnte. SPLENDID CARPETS ~ WILLIAM SHEAR' HAS just received from Now York— English Tapestry Velvet Carpets, of rich and splendid styles; English Brussels Carpets, of chaste and elegant patterns; Superior Three Ply and Ingrain Carpets, of new and beautiful styles. Superior Plain and Twilled Venetian Carpets; Rich Chenille Rugs, to match the Carpets. The Tapestry Velvet and English Brussells Car pets aro of the most recent importations, and in richness of color and elegance ot style and pattern surpass any I have ever offered to the public. They aro also offered at groatly reduced prices, and the public aro respectfully imvited to examine the as sortment. dj*fco sept 3 'rich dre s s “silks . 7 AT A GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES. WILLIAM SHEAR HAS just received from New York, Ladies’ Rich Dress SILKS, of new and beautiful styles, whioh were purchased at Auction greatly below the cost of importation, and which are offered at great bargains. The Ladies are respectfully invi ted to oall and examine the assortment. _sept3 dUo _ | FHINIZY & CLAYTON. WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS AUGUSTA, GA. sept 6 6mo A. HAMILTON. COTTON AND TOBACCO FACTOR, forwarding and commission merchant, And Agent for the Si. Lotus, Memphis and New Orleans Packets, Nashville, Tenn. —refer jo— . D. We aver, Esq., Cashier Planters’ Bank, Tonn j § Wosloy Whelees, Esq, Cashier Bank of Nashville; George W. Lew’s, Esq , Augusta, Ga. septs 6m FREE TRADE AND NO MONOPOLY. Who says Gae—or Lead Pipes ? JROWE it CO., Plumbers and Gas Fitters, at • the corner of Jackson and Telfair streets, im mediately in the rear of the Baptist Church, would like to know. We tako pleasure in stating that we aro now prepared to run Gas and Water Pipes into Stores, Dwellings, Churches, Factories, Public Buildings, <fco., at as low a rate, ot as good material and work manship as can be obtained and done in any South ern city. In addition to this, we will keep a constant sup ply and procure at the shortest notice tho following articles, vis: Chandeliers; Pendants; Brackets; Hall Burners; Stiff and Flexible Drop Lights; Gas Pipes of all sizes; Lead and Block Tin Pipes; Water Closets; Wash Basins, of various patterns ; Wood Bathing Tubs, lined with coppor or lead; Copper and Brass Shower Baths; Cook ing Ranges with or without water backs ; Copper and galvanized Circulating Boilers; Cast Iron Sinks for Kitchens or Pantri.s, of all sizes and pat terns; Brass and Iro :. Lift and F«ce Pumps, of various patterns and sizes AH orders left at the shop or with the Superin tendent of the Gas Works, will be personally and punctually attended to. John Rowe. [sept 5 ly] G. S. Hookey. TEACHER WANTED. A MALE TEACHER, unmarried, with proper references as to competency and character, is wantod to take oharge of a few small boys in a private family. He will be paid S3OO per annum, and his board. Apply at thi: office. ts augll AUGUSTA & JWAYNESBORO’ RAILROAD. -NOTICE TO PASSENGERS. TTN STL, further notice, trains will leave Augusta VJ at 7J, a. in., and 8, p. ra.; returning, will leave Millen at 24,p.m and lis, p. in., connect ing with the day and night Passenger Trains on the Central Railroad, which leave Savannah at 8, a. m and 7, p. m., nd leave Macon at 7}, a. ra., and 4J, p. m. Passengers for Milledgerille, Eatonton, Ogle thorpe, or Columbus, should take tho night Train, to avoid detention. Freight will bo carrier by the Day Train, mak ing it an Accommodation Train, Except on Sun days, when it will run as u Passenger Train, exclu sively, leaving Augusta at » am, and Millen at 24 p. m , arriving at Augusta at 54 p. m. je2 2 ts WM. M. WADLEY, Gen. Sup't GUYSOTT’S YELLOW-DOCK AND SARSAPARILLA, IS now put up In tho largest sized botties, and is ac knowledged to be the best Sarsaparilla made, as is certified by the wonderful cures it has performed, the original copies of which are in the pos-ession of the proprietor. Remember, this is the only true and ori ginal article. Scrofula, Syphilis, Mercurial Complaints, Cancer, Gan grene, Rheumatism, and a vast variety of other dis ables, are speedily and perfectly cured by the use of this medicine. READ THE FOLLOWING CERTIFCATE. Tallapoosa Cocntt, Ala., Jan. 2,1852. Dear Sir: —l send you this to certify to you tiiat your Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla has per formed one of the most wonderful cures on me that has ever been effected on tnan. I have been afflicted for forty years with eruptions on my legs and feet; in 1848 they got so bad that I had to go on crutches, and in 1849 I had one leg amputated above tho knee. In about nine months after my other leg broke out in large eating and running sores from my knee to my foot, and discharged a great deal of of fensive matter. My groin also broke out in large biles, which discharged much offensive matter, and at the same time my left hand broke out in large running sores nearly to my elbow. The misery that I have suffered for the last two years I cannot describe to you. I was in such agony that I never rested day or night. In October last my son brought me one of your bot tle wrappers; I read it, and found record of some won derful cures performed by your “ Extract of Yellow Took and Sarsaparilla.” I sent and got two bottles of it, and commenced taking it. In two weeks, to my great astonishment, my sores all became easy, and I could sleep all night, a thing I had not done for two years. When I had taken six bottles, my sores had enarly all healed. My sores got well as if by enchant ment. I have now used, in all, eight bottles of your Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,” and I now onsider myself well. I entreat all of the afflicted to try this Medicine, for believe it will cure any known disease in the world Lay aside all prejudice and just try it, and proc’aim its real worth to suffering mankind, and entreat them to take it, for it will cure them. Siycase is well known in a large portion of South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, and if any should doubt the above cure, I invite tttSlh to call on me. and I will show them the scars. I can be found in Tallapoosa County, Alabama, one mile from Stoe’s Ferry. RENAJATI HUGHES. The Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla is peculiarly adap ted for females of delicate health, resulting frem ir regularities of menstrual discharges, and other diseases peculiar to their sex. The proprietor has in his posses sion a great number of certificates of cures performed of the above description. Weassure the afflicted, that a bottle or two of Dr. Guysott’s Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla will at once regulate those diffi culties and renew the natural energies. 0“ Put up in quart bottles.—Price $1 per bottl*. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by , SCOVIL k MEAD, 111 Chartres-st., New Orleans, General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders must be addressed. Sold, also, by HAVILAND, RISLEY & 00., Augusta. D. B. PLUMB & CO., BARRETT, CARTER k CO., “ CLARK k WELLS, “ HAVILAND,HAKRALL k CO., 0. A. A. SOLOMANS k CO., Savannah, and by •ns Agent in every town in the South. aprlS DUELLING PISTOLS, fitO. JUST received and lor sale low for cash two pair Duelling Pistols, a fine article, also Saloon Rifles 4 Pistols and a good supply of the Bulleted caps for same als<> a fall supply of Colts and Allens Revolvers. jylß E. H. ROGERS. FOR SALE. A PAIR of handsome HORSES, large, gentle and young. Sold for uo tault. Apply to 10 SCRANTON,* SEYMOUR & CO. OHAS. A. GREINER. SHIPPING Ic COMMUmsION MERCHANT, Savannah, Ga., will give particular attention to receiving, and forwarding Merchandise, to the interior, by River and Railroad. jo‘2 6m SLOAN & CALWELL, Importers and Wholesale Dealers In BRANDIES, WINES, GIN,. SEGARS, &c. Not. 17 and 19 Cheap tide, Baltimore. Cha*. A. Dennis. ly jyl2 “BONN, NEIMYER & CO., ' Wholesale Dealers in LEAF AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC S3GAR* Baltimore. Q3T* All orders promptly filled. B. W. Vice ly jy!2 PArt I SIAN Sights and French Principles, saen through American Spectacles, Illustrated ; Curan and his Contemporaries, by Charles Phil lips, Ess A. B; The Military Life of John, Duke of Marlborough, by Archibald Alison, F. R. S ; Foreign Reminiscences, by Henry Richard Lord Holland, Edited by his son Henry Edward Lord Holland; The Works of Stephen Olin, D. D., L. L. D., 2 ▼olumes; Sir Jasper Carew, Knight, h's life and experien ces, by Charles Lever; Dodd Family abroad, by Charlos Lover. For sale by McKINNE A HALL, sept 15 Booksellers and Stationers. J. 0. Ru«b John H. Datis W. H. Lon* RUSE, DAVIS k. LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Je* lit fecraaOMSH 9m*- jhirlisTiS^ [l^=-The sWadvertised iman, Adm r. Estate of T. W. Freeman, deco Med is BY CAMILLE E. QIRARDEY & CO y, Gold and Stiver Watches, Materials, btore Fixtures, fre., at Auction. VV “ D iof o’Y V 27 M> oTfipTEVBER ■Mm mond county at the store of the late Thomas Sr I W . Freeman, deceased, ,he entire contenUo? said Store, consisting, in part, of— ’ '.jjip- Gold and Silver Watches amen? Hr r • 1 fgHBP " Levers, detached do., single and hi.ns„L of tho best makers. * cases.ana Jewelry—Gold, Fob. Vest and Guard Chain. • Ckasteliaine do ; Modailio; s ; Watch Seals- P ’ Drops and Rings Stud Buttons ; Brooches Pins; Seal; set and plain Rings; Locsets ie Silver and Plated Goods, consisting of hn.«« Table SpooDs; Tea do.; Knives; Castors, Ao 7 A large nt ber of first and second handed 8 an* do day brass blocks, with weights and Sprinmi —slso— -1 Regulator; t Work IJenchcß; 1 chest of Draw ers; 1 upright Desk; 1 Secretary, 1 Iron flr«. ‘ proof Sale; 1 high Glass Case ; 4 handsome Show Cases ; Table ; Sofa, Ac. —ALSO— '? , Stock of Materials, consisting of Watch Glosse* Main Springs: and such articles as aro usually required in the Jewellers’ business. The attention of the public is invited to exam ine these Goods, as they are positively to bo sold to close up the business of the late Thomas W. * Ireeman, deceased. Sale will commence en Wed nesday morning, and continue at night, if not clos ont during the day, until all is sold. Every article will be warranted as represented. Terms—Cash before delivery. JOEL N. FREEMAN, Executor. auglfi Estate of Thos. W. Freeman, deo’d. NOTICE. ALL persons havipg business with me during ' J my absence from the city, can apply to Col A E'llll P. Bignon, at the storo ot Clayton A Bignon aug2!2 lm LOUIS DELAIGLH. • " NOTICE. T A persons, (except those who have purchased Rights,) are hereby prohibited Irom manufac turing Stoddard's Patent Shii.glo Machine in this county. These desirous of purchasing any of said Rights, can apply to the undersigned, or his atent. - . aug22 lm LOUIS DELAIGLB. FOR SALE. wBI THE Dwelling House and Lot, South side rff, and uhieeinuely fr uting Parade lireufcd. for 4 1 ' !r t deprh i-75 foot, mure or ». t~~’ and m dimple < or-.* 1 ossess on riven vlfrY her next Ap r iy io a. P. BIGNON aug26 kJgft, < lea, NEW CA H STORE. THE subscriber Would r«.apecituHy inX.ruß.the inhabitants of Georgia and South Carolina, that ho is now in receipt ot his supply of Fill and W inter DRY GOODS, all oi vvni 'h nave been pur chased for Cash, in the various Northern Market*; and as regards the prices at which they will be sold, it is unnecessary to say a word, as the reputa tion of GREEN S Store, (or ! erg the cheapest in Augusta, isnow firmly established —always on hand— Bh.achod and brown SHEETIN GS and SHIRT INGS, of various manufactories; French, English and American CALICOES, from $4 to 25 cents. GINGHAMS; MOUSLIN DkLAINKS: CASHMERES; MEitINOES: ALPACAS BOMBAZINES CANTON CLOTHS® Plain and Plaid White Oa nine Jaconet, Nain sook and Muli MUSLIN; Plain. Plaid ami Dm; d .-wi-g MUSLINS ® LACES; EMBROIDERIES; EDGINgS; X «fl Cami ris and Muslin TRIMMINGS ; 3 M HOSIERY, of all kinds, &c Ac. - —ALSO— l Particular aftenti ,n paid to all kinds ot Neirro GOODS and BLANKETS, such as white and H brown KERSEYS and PLAINS; hoavy brown SHIRTINGS, at 64c ; London Dutfil and Macinau BLANKETS; colored do,; SATTINETS: KEN TUCKY JEANS, &0., ail of which will be sold for X|4*| cash, as low as in any Southern market. e Green v ,: „ Brood Street, Augusta. Ga. Next door below Bones A Browns* LUrdwa* K Store. sep:B\ PLAN lATION FOR SALE, \ I *ii IN BAKER COUNTY, UEORGIA | . JhH THE well-known oak and hickory Cotton Plantation, called Gracnwood, situated l ix jfll on tha Coolawaheo Swamp, s x miles west ot Albany, Baker oour.ty, (now Dougherty.) Sa» I M Plantation contains 1,600 acres of the very best 'JffiHjjM land, in said county, most of which is cleared, with extensive improvements on it, in perfect or- Hj der. My usual crop is about 2UO bales, of tOOB W fl pounds, with 27 bands. , t the j H t Twenty young mule?, about eight thousand bush els corn and tho stock of hogs and cattle, will hox / j sold with the place. Said plantation has prove/ be- \ very healthy. I will reserve one lot of 250 mm J I if the purchaser does not object. f Irp jftce. f fl The lertility and never failing qualities of ;t hished J county landd, togeiher with tho exemption! in tba ■ great measure, from the Boil Worm and tholfv? J pillar, being so well known, renders it ugol' dtb the 1 enumerate the many advantages they posse!,’ I any cotton lands in this State or elsewhord J only reason for selling is to concentrate my plant- t mg intorests, and to bring bit negroes nearer to *% Jfl my place of residence and business. fIH one desiring to purchase the place, had ter go and see tho growing crop now on it, then they can judge what tho land will produce, and see with certainty for themselves. aHHffi Terms easy to the purchaser Apply to -188 N. CRUDER, 84'Bay- at.. aug24 _ Im Savannah, Ga. N.l MOTU, or Reef-rovings In the South Seas, j9||Hra a narrative of Adventures at tho Hawaiian, p ft Georgian and Society Islands, with maps and il- $ lustrations, by Edward T. Perkins. For sale by V aept!s THOS. RICHARDS A SON. OX CONSIGNMENT TO ARRIVE 20, 7 pounds choice Ribbed and Clear Sides; a fl do. do. Shouldors. J. A. ANSLEY.J| septls 1m FOR SAt-E—One pair second-hand Platform Scales, “Fairbanks.” J. A. ANSLEY. vj septlo lm ON CONSIGNMENT.—S,OOO lbs. Hams, which* ■ will bo sold low to close out. sept 15 Ira J. A. ANSLEY. ON CONSIGNMENT—SOO bus. Dried Poaches will be sold low. sept 15 lm J. A. ANSLEY. O' N CONSIGNMENT—IO boxes ohoice New Cheese. J. A. ANSLEY. septl6 lm GEORGRAPHY AND STATISTICS A new and complete Statistical Gaietteer of the Uni- j ted States, by K. S. Fisher. The Progress of the United States from the ear liest periods, by R S. Fisher. American Statistical Annual, for 1854. Colton’s Guide Book through the United States. Pocket Maps of Georgis, Alabama, Miaaisaippi, Arkanaaa, Florida, etc For sa'e by sept 15 THO 3. RICHARDS & SON. NOTICE To Lictnfd Rttmilsr* and Chant rt of Drayt. TroC are bf.reby notified, that all “Retail and Jl l>r \ Licenses” expire on tUe first of October next, and you are hereby notified to reuovr the Biuie, on or before that date, in accordance with the provisions ot the Forty fifth and Forty-sixth Sections of tiio general Ordinan. e L. L. ANTONY, Clerk Council. Augusta, Sept. 15, 1854 dtOl septl4 BASH~BLINDS AND DOORS. THE subscriber has just received a !a%e supply of Sash, (glazed,'Blinds and Doors, of the first quality, made of Northern pine. All orders for odd sizes filled at short notice. may 14 6m J DANFORTH. MATTHIES3EN fit O’HARA, * CLOTHING WAREHOUSE. | 141 Rtet Bay , corner of Qutenst, Char ft#**,, S. C WE would respectfully call the attention of the 'Merchants of Georgia, dealing in Ready made Clothing, to our extensive and varied stock of Clothing, comprising ail qualities. All Good* from our establishment are warranted, both f«r style and workmanship. * 1 Particular attention given to orders. WM. MATTHIESSEN.&j geptfi WASatOl WM. P O’HARA. FOR SALE. . Z | rfIHE ESTABLISHMENT known as the AU- I GUSTA STEAM PLANING MILL AND SASH FACTORY, having ail the latest improve ments in Machinery for facilitating work, loan approved purchaser, the terms made ac commodating. — — - 3000 lights sash, glased; 300 pair Blinds. Seasoned weather boards, inch b ards, scantling, mouldings, Ac., at very reduced prees , apr7 ts WO DA SUPDARDS. THE ELEMENTS OF AG kICCUTUK E—A Book fur joung Farmers, by George S. War tag. Jr .Ceaswishig Agrismltarist. Per sate Jg ***** W» IfC***** r