The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, October 20, 1854, Image 3

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©rnmtl SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOT TERY. (lly Authority of the State of Alabama,) romihut- M on the Havana, plan. CLASS F. To b» Drawn on the *jOtu of Ootober, ISo4. Capitals .... f $7,500 “ 5,000 “ *,OOO * r 1,500 In all, 2*B prises, amounting to $50,000 Tickets $5 —Halves andQaarters in proportion. Every prize drawn, at each drawing. Bills on all solvent Banks taken at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, Sign of the Bronze Lyons. Montgomery, Ala., September 21, 1854. HA RPER’* MAGAZINE, OCTOBER So - J nst Received and for sale by THOS. RICHARDS A SON. “STOCKTON &TCARY. " AT the stand long oecupied by Jambs Hulbebt, corner of Mclntosh and Ellis streets, are pre- Eared to build all kinds o! Carriages, Buggies, 4i, i the best workmanlike manner. Repairing done at short notice in the beet maa »sr and on reasonable terms. They solicit a share of public patronage JOHN L. STOCKTON. eeU ts EBENEZER CARY CdO-FISH . HEARING, MAtKEKEIi.- 1000 lbs Cod-fish in fin* order. 50 bores Herring. 100 packages New Mackerel, now landing si for sale by THAYER A BUTT. octT SOAPj CANDLES, STAR! hTaC.— 200 boxoi Can lies, various brands. 100 do Soap. 50 do Starch. Pepper, Spiee, Ginger, Tea. .received this day. ootT THAYER A BUTT. SEGARS, SEGA R 5 .—200,000 Segars of various qualities, some equal to any ever sold in this market, for 9a!e by THAYER A BUTT. octT Brooms, tubs, buckets— malto Basket* Ac., a large supply now landing. oct7 THAYER A BTJTT. NOTICE. —On and after this date the undersign ed may be found at his store, Mclntosh street, next door South of Messrs. Bustin A Walker, every day, from half p tat 10 o’clock, until one o’olock and will bo pleased to servo his friends to the best of his ability. M. W. WOODRUFF. oots Forwarding and Gen’l. Com’sn Mer cht. NOTICE.— Rceeived on consignment and for sale by M W. WOODRUFF, 5000 lbs. very fne Tennessee Bacon Sides, cloar and Ribbed. cets BACON, BACON.— Just received, and for sale by GEORGE W. LEWIS, oots No. 1, Warren Bloek. ON OONSIGNMENT7 ~ From the Atlanta mills— -100 Sacks, 08 lbs., Fresh Superfino Flour. 100 do 49 lbs, “ do and on to morrow, a car load, put up in bbls. Dealers wanting a fine article, will do well to •all. Store opon irom 10 a. m. until 2p. m. T. W. FLEMING. N. B. I am also ro:oiving a fine lot of Baeen. oet!2 T. W. F. NOTICE ALL PERSONS arc hereby forwarned not to trade for either of Four Notes, given by dated, Augusta, Maroh 2Tth, 1854, payable at 3,9, 12 and fifte- n months after date, with interest, to Darius Whithead A Co., or beater, for ten hun dred dollars caoh, as the consideration for whioh Mid Notes were given is interfered with by counter sets of said Whithocd A Co., in giving a deed to thesame rights to oihtr parties . and unless said parties desist, or wo are made safe from interfer ence, the consideration for which said Notes were jivon has failed in part, if not altogothor, and we will not pay aeid Notes, unless compelled bylaw. HENRY J. OSBORNE. FREDRICK A. WHITLOCK. B7 11. J Osborxb, Partner - Oat 12 CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! CLOTHING!!! MR. W. CLA.GETY of the House cf Messrs PI3RSON, JENNINGS A CO., who is at the Charleston House, will fill all orders sent te that House, from North Carolina, South Carolina; Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama oots Sin PIERSON, JENNINGS A CO. A O/ 1 / \| W iAugusta t per wilt City Bonds, Ov f) w v *v/teo jro&rs to maturity, for sale at to A P. ROBHRTSON, Mayo*. or JOHN HILi , Treasurer, oet. sth, lin LA >IP OIL.— A supply of tho best 'Winter Strained Lamp Oil, also a good article of FaH Strained Oil, for sale at low prices. oot4 WM. HAINES, Druggist. CANARY BIRD SEED, MIXED and PLAIN', juit received and far sal® by WM. JIAINES, oot4 Druggist, Augasta. SODA WATER. ~~ A SUPPLY OF THIS ARTICLE, fresh every JTV day—for sale by WM. HAINES. oot4 Druggist, Augusta. Q X REGS fino Tennessee Butter, just reoeived O*J and for sale by sept 30 A. STEPHENS. DRY HEKDs,—Boneset, Catnip, Hoarhound, Ac., for sale in quanties to suit puroha ■ers, by WM. HAINES, sept 29 Druggist and Apothecary. NEW BOOKS —Hermits Dell, from the diary of a Penciller; and Poems and Ballads by Gerald Massey, containing the ballad of Babe Christabels, printed from the third London editor, with several new poems never before published, re vised and corrected by the author, for sale by ootl3 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. DISOLU WON. THE eopartnership hitherto existing under tho name of CorFiv A Bk&ls is this day disolved 'ay mutual consent, all persons having claims will please present them and those indebted will make aaymeut to either of the undersigned. JOSEPH A BEALS. JOHN G. COFFIN. Augusta, Sept. 16th, 1854. ___ JOSEPH A. BEALS, HOUSE, SIGN amd ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, SOLICITS orders in either of the above branch es of Business, and hopes, by strict attention, te merit a share of patronage. Augusta, Sept. 19,1854. lm _ sept2o MRS. H. B. STOWE'S NEW BOOK—Sun ny Memories of Foreign Lands, by Mrs. Har riet Baecher Stowe; Tho Three Colonies of Austra lit, their Pastures, Copper Mines and Gold Fields, by Samuel Sidney. London Editions with numer •ur Engravings, For sale by sept 10 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. CLOTHING. W’E invite the attention of Merchants and Dealers to our Fall and Winter stock of Clothing, which we will sell as cheap as in North ern Market* (except tho freight.) Our stock em braces all the newest and most fashionablo stylos. M ptlS WM. 0. PRICH A CO. HI RAH SMITH’S FLOOR, from new Wheat. Fresh Smoked Beef; New Codfish; Irish Potatooe; Fresh Boston Crackers; Pure Cider Vinegar; White Wine Do., imported. Par sal* by sept 9 DAWSON A SKINNER. FOR SALE. ** A DELIGHTFUL Summer Residence ■*»*» a with an abundance of wood, and a l ß *i=lß fine Spring of Water, 11 miles from Hamburg, i. C. Possswion given immediately. ts septlfi POCKET BOOK of Mechanics and Engineer ing, eonta ning a memorandum of Facts and •omnsetion of Practice and Theory, by Jehn IV. Hystrom, C. E., Part 6 Chambers' Journal; Also, another supply of the Pilgrims of Wairing, ham. bv Agnes Strickland. Just reoeived by auglY THOS. RICHARDS A SON. ' ' ’at HOME AGAIN. * THB highest? cash prices will be paid for NE GROES by the subscriber. Apply at the •lobe Hotel, or at J. P. Fleming’s Stable, on Elii tweet. feh9 JOHN A. CHRISTIAN CHLORIDE OF LI VIE — A supply of ttns neces sary artiole for purifying stores, rooms, sellers, lets, Ac, received and for sale by WM. HAINES, Druggist. . - Broad-st. NOTICE. IV Prmmgsr* % the Augusta, mmd Wcsummhora. URasl Road. •T™; not r tho Ni * ht Train en this Road will leave Augusta at * o’cloek P M and returning, will arrive at Augusta at •’o’clo«k‘ _ GEO. READ, Agent. Augasta, Sept. 21, 1154. eept23 ENNES4EE CLEAR SIDES " 20,000 lbs. Tennessee Clear Sides : 15,000 lbs. Baltimore Ribbed Sides, just re* eeired and for aale by 1 J- Sr M&maoa. ©fncrul JUwfrtisrarnta. AUGUSTA FEMALE ACADEMY. ~~ OPPOSITE V. 8. HOTEL. To commence on the first Monday in Oetobtr vrtet THE undersigned, sustained by a reputation, earned by more than twenty-five years’ profes sional labor, in the business of Female Education, once more tenders his services to bis friends as In structor for their Daughters. Touching his success in his profession, ho ha* the satis.action of remarking, that among his nu merous Graduates, are, tho wife cf a Missionary to China, whoso letters, published in a Southern journal, are fine specimens of scholarship; a young lauj, of Alabama, now a popular Teaeher in a Fe male College; two others, Teachers and popular writers for a Southern Magazine. Other references are omitted, in order to avoid a long advertise ment. For oxamples of his fut&essfnl labors in tb s part of Georgia, he takes the liborty of referring sueh as are not familiar with his method of Instruction, to Dr. and Mrs. I P. Garvin, Mr. and Mrs. Wm H. Maharrey, Mr. and Mrs. Lambeth Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Doughty, Mrs. Philip Crump, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Dugas, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hodget, Sr.. Ac.; Mrs. Perrin, Co lumbia county; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Gresham, Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Per ry; Mr. W. H. C. Perry, Ac., Burke county; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Heard. His prices, per qsartor of 12 weeks, will be sl2, sls and $lB, acoording to grade of advancement, payable half quarterly, in advance. A small tax of 50 cents will be charged each pupil, for fuel, during tho season. Tho expenses for instruction in the Modern Lan guages, Music, Drawing and other br inches of Or namental Education, will be moderate, and made known on application at the Academy. His design being to receive as many pupils cnly as he can personally instruct, applications are in vited to be left at any of the Book Stores, prior to the Ist Monday in October next. The Aoademy will, at all times, be open to tho visits of friends. His Library, Apparatus, and other appliances, for sound and thorough instruction, will be unsur passed by any others in the State. augl7 lawdfActf L. LaTASTE, Principal. FALL AND WINTER READY-MADE CLOTHING AND HATS. CLAYTON Sc BIGNON, under the Augusta Hotel, have now in Store, (and are receiving weekly supplies) a large and splendid stock ol Ready made CLOTING and HATS, fineandoom mon. Also, Boy’s and Children’s Clothing. Also, a good lot of Furnishing Goods, to whioh they renpectfully call the attention of oitisens and stran gers. N. B. Country Merchants visiting our city, will find, at our establishment, a large and varied stook to select from, at low prices. septlS ~~ MADE TO ORDER at the shortest notice, by J. ROWE A CO., corner of Telfair A Jackson streets. Orders left at this offioe will be promptly attended to. O ots IC®-*~A supply of Ice received daily at my s t ore during the continuance of the Epidemic, whioh will be iurnished at a reasonable price for the siak oaly WM. HAINES, Druggist. ootlJ ts THIRTY seven hhds Bacon, just received and for sale by cetl3 ' DAVIS KOLB & FANNING. TENNESSEE BACON —2S,OOO lbs Tenneseoe Bacon, chiefly Clear Sides, reeeiving this day, and for sale by A. STEVENS'. octl3 lm FAIRBANKS’ PLATFORM SCALES, LONG KNOWN —severely tost ed—•always right— * hHt? THE A CKNO WL EDGED /i]* » STANDARD! /IS General Southern Agonts, / Spkar, Weston A Co., lAI Pratt Street, Baltimore. o<tT Agent-, Augusta, JOHN NELSON. MOLASSES NOTICE.—4O bis prime- New Or leaas on consignment and for sale by octlO M. W. WOODRUFF. TO WATCH REPAIRER 3 AND JEWEL mas throughout thk united states. I TAKE this occasion to notify all Watch Re pairers, and the public generally, to be on the look out for a certain Smglc-cased Gold Detaohed Lever WATCH, made by Davis, Arnold, A Co., No. 5,201, with gold fob chain, and small round seal with a red set in the end of it, as said Watoh and Chain was taken from my residence, in Meri wether county, on the 15th nay of last May, by a man calling himself E. F. Warren. A liberal reward will bo paid for the delirory of the Watoh and Chain to me at Warnerville, Mori wether oounty, G*. Any information of it will be thankfully received. HERBERT BOYD. septlS tJanl LEFEBVRE’S SCHOOL, RICHMOND, VA (SUCCESSOR TO MRS. MEAD.) Scholastic year of this Institution begins A on thß first day of October, and ends on the last day of June. Terms —For Board and Tuition in all tho Eng lish branches, for the Sohoiastio year, $240. Mod ern and Anoiont languages, each S2O. Drawing, S2O. Painting in oil, S3O. Music on Piano, Harp or Guitar, each SBO. V- ashing, S2O. No extra chargee. There is one department in the School in which everything is ta ight in French, and where that language is spoken exclusively, as well as in the family of the Principal. For the accommodation of Southerners, pupils will be received during tho holidays (July, August and September) and charged for board at the same ratio as in tho Session. They will be exclusively engaged in the study of French and Music, for which they will be charged $7 a month for French, and $1 per lesson for Music. # The following references will be cons'derod suffi cient: Right Rev. Bishop Meade, P.ight Rov. Bish op Johns, Hon. William H. Macfarland, Hon. John L. Patton. All letters to be directed to HUBERT P. LEFEBVRE, A.M , j p 20 TuFtNov Principal. THE AUGUSTA MACHINE WORKB A RE now prepared to do the following kinds ol jHL work with neatness and despatoh: Steam Engines and Boilers, of any style or fin ish; also, Bank Vault!; Iron Fronts; Sills and Lintels, for buildings. Kaiircad Cars, of all kinds and descriptions, mado in the most substantial and bountiful man ner ; Wheels for same warranted for one year. Iron Railings, of various styles for Baloonioa or Fences. Gold Mine Castings, of all descriptions, made to order. Blacksmith Work done in tho best mannor. Mill Work—all kinds of Mill and Gin-goariag, Shafting, Pulle- s, Wat or Wheels, & o , on hand. Brass Casting- will also have our attention. PLANING AND SAWING LUMBER. Flooring—Planed, Tongued and Grooved, at $5 per 1000 feet superficial; Ceiling—Planed, Tongued and Grooved, at $5 per 1000 feet superficial; Weather Boarding—Planed and Jointed $4 per 1000 feet saperfioial; Planing—both sides, $8 per 1000 superfio'al feet. Use of Circular Saw and one man will be 75 ots. per hour. Heavy Sawing requiring two men, will be $1 per hour. All orders mast be left in the office, w at in the shop. Cash will bo required in all oases, unless otherwise agreed upon with W. M. HIGHT, saptlT dAely Genoral Superintendent. SILKS AND EMBROIDERIES received this day, by Bxpress*- 12 piece# Black Silk; 12 do. Cel'd Brocade Silk; 5 do«on Jasonet Collars, very rich; 10 do. do. Bands, low price; h do. do. and Swiss Sloeves, very fine; § do. Chim&setts, extra rish ; together with •thor new goods, whieh will be sold cheap. *ept# GRAT BROTHERS. JL'ST OPENED by the subscriber, and offered at the lowest market prices, a very fine lot of Imported and Domestic CARPETINGS, whieh aro well assorted in prices, strles bdJ coal NP 10 J. P. SETE3. V BOTHER SUPPLY—The Lamplighter; The x\. Master’s House, a tale of Southern Life, by Logan; Fern Leaves, from Fanny's Port Folio; Struggles for Life, an autobiography. % Just received and for sale by scpt3 McKINNE A HALL. HATS, CAM AND BONNETS, AT WHOLESALE. WM. N. NICHOLS. Successor to J'Taylor, Jr, A Co , opposite the Bank of Augusta, has the pleasuro of announcing to Merchants visiting Augusta, that his stock of EATS, CAPS and BONNETS, for the Fall Trade, is now complete. And all those desiring Goods in his lino, are in vited to call and examine them, as they will Vo said at prices that oannot fail to please. septlA ts "VTOTICE.—AII persons Indepted to James M. x\ Simpson, are requested to made immediate payment to the undersigned ; and all persons hav ing claims against him will please present the same. JOSEPH S. CLAKK, ALMUT HATCH, j Ml-H. ©rnfrol Jt&Bfrtiscmcnts TO RENT " A GOOD COMFORTABLE HOUSE with five rooms a stable and other necessary >* outbuildings. The house is situatod on Fenwick street, in tho rear of Mr. Pass- Possession given on tho Ist November next. Apply at this olrlce. oct7 lm Dwelling house to desirable and pleasant residence, on Broad BN street lately oecupied by Dr. W. F.Holliman, Den tist, it to r»nt for the ensuing year. AddU to B. BIGNON or WM. HAiNE3 oefcji t s ~M- ~ - - rm , - TO RENT. ————— r F I af n » nC T k n >,r i>! i ? g 03 Qreen street, next A above John Phimzy Sr. For terms, ap-&£ ply to oot7 d2w JOHN J. CLAYTON. F„ TO RENT,~ ROM tho first of October next, a Store and DweUing on Broad Street, above the IS upper Market, occupied at present by B. Henry. Apply to aug!7 ts THOS. DUNEGAN. Fto rent. RO>l the first of October next, the Brick apt, Store under the subscriber 1 * dwelling, BSjjjl near the Lower Market House, now occupied by Drs. Felder A Turner, they declining to keep it. td JOHN H. MANN TO RENT, - TWO two-story HOUSES on Calhoun-st., containing 7 rooms. * jap; 1 wo double tenement, on the sam« street, single story. * One double tenement on Taylor street. Two two-story Houses, 7 rooms, on Fenwiok-st. Four 1| story, on Fenwick st., fronting So. Ca. Depot. Apply to JAS. L. COLEMAN. jy2B TORENT. ROM the first of Ootober next, the long s>t Room in the rear of my store at present oo- Mlil oupied by the Oglethorpe Infantry as a drill room. TO RENT. THE STORE, at present occupied by Mr. H. T. Peav, at the Lower Market. Apply to WM. H. PRITCHARD. Sept 5 CITIZENS’ MILL. FOR the information of the community who are suffering for the want of Meal, I suggest that all old Corn ooming to this market, the consignees should give the refusal of it to those grinding Meal for this community, as new Corn is too green to be ground, and it can be fed to horses, and thus save all the old corn for grinding into meal ■ept2l ts JAMES COLEMAN. Georgia rail road" Augusta, August 10, 1854. AS protection against escape of Negroes under fraudulent Passes, Tickets for Negroes will be sold only to owners, or other responsible par ties, who will further be required to furnish a du plicate pass to the Agent, who sells the Ticket, to be filed at his office. The above rule to take effect on and after the 15th inst. GEORGE YONGE, augll 3m General Superintendent. AUGUSTA SADDLE AND HARNESS* - ” MANUFACTORY, 193 Broad Street, under the. Augusta Hotel, AT the above Establishment can be found a large and well selected as sortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, •Ipvßjjg Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, Ac., which will bo sold on accommodating terms. Work of all kinds made to order, with neatness and despatch. HATCH A BEGBIE. Augusta, Aug. 29 1854 aug3o npHE MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB; a voice A from Sion’s Heights; the Mystory Finished; the same Jesus revealed from Heaven in hia Fa ther’s glory, with his holy angels, namely: fflho Hundred and Forty four Thousand, consisting of the Journey, the Marriage, the Holy City, the Rivor of the Water of Life, with an exposition of the Seven Thunders spoken of in Rev. 10th, 4th v. Just received and for sale by _ septS McKINNE A HALL. SADDLERY. &0,, FALL TRADE, 18647" SHERMAN, JESSUP & CO., (LATH WRIGHT, NICHOLS fc CO ,) HAVING increased their facilities, and perfect ed their arrangements for manufacturing and importing, are now prepared to exhibit an unusu ally varied and extensive assortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Whips, Trunks, Valices, Carpet Bags, in every description of Goods in that lino. Also, a heavy stock of Saddlery Hardware, Coach Trimmings, Springs, Axles, Castings, Ac, whioh are offered to dealers and manufacturers at low prices, and upon their usual liberal terms, for approved oredit. dAf3m *eptT \,f AC HI N E BELTIN G —Patent Riveted, ■ t Stretched and Cemented, single and double, all widths, from Ito 24 inches. These Belts are made from whole hides of beat quality of leather, long used and approved by the most extensive man ufacturers and machinists in Georgia and adjoining States. A large stock always on hand at the Sad dlery Warehouse of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO; Late Wright, Nichols A Co., Ns. 239 Broad at., second door above the Bank of Augusta. dAfSm sept! NEW WORKS. —Fashion and Famine, by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens; Ethan Allen and the Groen Mountain Heroes of '76, with a sketch of the early History of Vermont; Easy Nat, or the Three Apprentices, a tale of Kfe in New York and Boston, but adapted to any meridian, by A L. Stinson, editor of tho Express Messenger; Tho Master’s House, a tale of Southern Life, by Logan; Fertha and Lilia, or tho Parsonage of Beach Glea, a romanoe. by Elizabeth Oakes Smith; Ticonderoga, or the Black Eagle, a romanoe of days not far distant, by G. P. R. James; Hermit’s Dell, from the Diary of a Penciller. Also, a supply of Dodd Family Abroad; Sir Jasper Carew; Clara Mooreland, Ac. Also reoeived, Graham’s Magazine and Peter son’s Magazine, for September, at GEO. A. OATES A BRO.’S, sept!2 Booksellers and Stationers, Broad-st. CUM WING'S MINOR WORKS.— Th7lTnger of God; Christ our Pasover; The Comforter. Also, all the above in one volume; The Dyer’3 Instructor, for Dying Silk, Cotton, Wool and Worsted and Woollen Goods, etc., con taining nearly eight hundred recipes, by David Smith, pattern dyer; Tables for finding tho mean height of oross, sec tions and oubio contents of Excavations and Em bankments, by Patrick Lyon; Tho Practical Surveyor’s Guide; Rural Chemistry, by Edward Solly; Struggles for Life, or the Autobiography of a Dissenting Minister; Also, Sequel to the Noighhor’s Children, from tho German, by Mrs Sarah A. Myers. For sale by sept!2 IHOS. RICHARDS A SON. JAOKSON STREET HOSPITAL. AND SURGICAL INFIRMARY FOR NEGROES THE UNDERSIGNED have deemed it advis able to add the term “Hospital” to their Sur gical Infirmary, for though the institution is intend ed principally for eases requiring Surgical Opera tions and Surgical Treatment, its accommodation is not entirely restricted to these; —we receive oases of any nature occurring in tho Negro, provided they are not of an infections charaoter. H F. CAMPBELL, M. D. Operating Surgeon. ROBERT CAMPBELL M. D. Jj26 ts Attending Physician. EMLOUK SOLE* LEATHER, irT every va riety of weight and quality. Also. Harness, Skirting, Bridle, Band, Picker, Lacing and Roller Leather, and every description of Patent Leather, always on hand and for sale at the Saddlery Ware house of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO., Late Wright, Nichols A Co., No. 239 Broad«et., second door above the Bank of Augusta. dAf3m ge pt7 ROCKAWAY.— Yor sale a Rookaway, with hat no3s, but little used—as good as new. sept 14 S. C. GRENVLLE A CO, C. a7l. LAMAR"; General commission merchant, Sa vannah, Ga., will give striot attention to the forwarding of Goods for the interior of Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee. ly maylfi OS CONSIGNMENT— -2,000 pounds Prince Feathers. J. A. ANSLEY. soptlo lm Opposite Union Bank. 1 / B j DOZ. French Calf Skins, now arriving, L VJyJ of favorite brands and assorted weights, warranted fresh. For gale at tho Saddlorv Ware house of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO., Late Wright, Nichols A Co., No. 239 Broad-st, second door above the Bank •f Augusta. dAf3m sept7 NOTICE - THE UNDERSIGNED having oonoluded to re main in the city during the continuance of the present epidemic, offers his Professional Services to the public. He may at all times be found at his residence, corner Greene and Centre street, or at the office of Dr. Bios on, Bread street. sept 2» lm W. B. CHKESBORQUQH. M. D Adamantine candles — loo boxesGrosa A Dietrich brand; 100 do. David Thain A Co* do.; 75 do. J. G. Davis A Co., do. Just received and Inr sale low bgr f A- ©mrrd jUwriigrmctits. NEW FALL GOODS. WILLIAM SHEAR 1 TT AS received from New York a part of his Fall XI Supplies, embracing a great variety of new and beautiful articles suitable for the present sea son, among which are— Rich Satin Plaid, Broeade, and plain Fancy ! Silks, of the latest Paris styles; Plain Black Taffeta Silks, of superior quality j and rich lustre; Rich all-wool, Paris printed DeLaiuee, of new j and elegant styles; Fancy all-wool, Paris printed DeLaines, of small j figures, for Misses and Children ; French a'i-wool Fancy Plaids, of beautiful style, j for Ladies’ Dress s; English Prints and Fancy Ginghams, warranted I fast colors. | Superior English Mourning Prints and Oing ; hams; j Lupin’s plain white, black .And fancy colorsd Merinos, of superior quality; Lupins' black and fancy colored DeLainea, and | plain black Challys , j Superior black Bombasine, black Alpacas, and i black Canton Cloths; | Superior English black for trimming and | Mourning V eils; f ! Ladies Embroidered French Collars, Under sleeves and Collaretts, of beautiful styles; Ladies’ Mourning Collars and Undersleeves; Worked Muslin Edgings and Insertings, and nar row Thread Edgings; Rich Thread, Valenoiennes, Maltese and Honi ton Laces; Ladies’ Embroidered, Scolloped, wide Hem | stitched and Mourning French Lawn Handker chiefs, of beautiful styles; Fancy Neck and Bonnet Ribbons; Ladies’ Kid and Gauntlet Gloves, and long and short hand black Laoe Mitts ; Ladies’ black tpun Silk and Fleecy Lined Hose, (some of extra sise and weight) of the best make and quality; Real Welch and heavy Shaker Flannels, of the best make; Superior Welch, Game, Saxony and Silx Warp Flannels; Heavy all-wool oel’d Flannels foi Ladies’ Sacks, in all desirable oolors; Engli-h and American Canton Flannels, of supe rior style and quality; W ith a great variety of other new and beautiful articles of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, many of which have just been purchased at auction far be low the cost of importation, and all of which will bo sold at very low prices. Families wishing to purchase their Fall supp'ies early, are respectfully invited to call and examine the assortment. _ »epts - dtdc LADIES’ GAITERS AT $1 PER.PAIR JUST RECEIVED, per steamer James Adger from New York— -500 pair Ladies’ Silk Lasting Patent Tipped Gai ters, at sl, worth $1.25. 300 pair Ladies’ Fine Silk Last Gaiters, at $1.25, worth $1.50. 300 pair Ladies’ Fino English Lasting Gaiters, at $1.50, worth $2. 300 pair Ladies’ Velvet Slippers, at sl, worth $1.25. 300 pair Ladies’ Velvet Ties, at 87Je., worth sl. 100 pair Fine French made Gaiters, at $2 50, 1,00 pair Children’s AnoleTies. Together with a largo assortment of Gentlemen’s Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Boots and Shoes, of the latest stylos. Call and examine, as goods will be freely shown, and one price asked. ROBERT CARROLL, Opposite the United States Hotel, and between Mrs. Hall’s and Collin’s Millinery Store. Broad-st- N. B. Gontlemcn’s and Ladies’ Travelling Trunks, Hat Cases, Valices and Carpet Bags, just received, and will be sold at a low figure. jyl4 R. C. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Chief Engineer's Offce, 1 Columbus, Ga, Sept. 16. t SEALED proposals will be received by the under signed at this office until the first day of Decem ber, for the clearing, graduation, track laying, to gether with the building of all bridges and oulverts of the western division of the Mobile and Girard Railroad, extending from Mobile to Greenville, cov ering a distance of 130 miles : The work will be generally divided into sme mile seotions, and bids maybe made for one or mere ot these sections; separate proposal* are desired for the track laying, building ol the trestle work, 54 miles in length aorossthe Tensas and Mobil* rivers, with the intervening swamps; the trestle will be 12 feet high, built upon black Cypress piles abundant and adjacent to the line: the three rivers will be orossed with the common pile bridging, with trussed pivot draws in the centre of each. Specifications with the form of the contract and proposal, may be had of tho undersigned upon ap plication; pitvns, profiles and estimates of that por tion of the lino are now ready lor'examination, and parties proposing will please designate it ns such upon the envelope. The country is healthy, with no swamps after leavingTenaas river. From Mobile to the river, 18| miles the grading is light and country very healthy at aP seasons of the year. After leaving tae Tensas the line passes through the ridge that divides the Alabama and Conecuoh waters, easy of access by the Alabama river and through a Beotion well stocked with provisions. Payments will be made one third in *urrent funds, one third (|) in the (08) eight per oen.t, capi tal stock of the Company, interest payable i n stock until the road is completed, then to eease And re ly upon ttie earnings of tho road, the balanoe (|) in the (08) per cent, convertible bonds of the Coin pany: maturing in five or more years at tho option of the oontraotor; ooupons payable semi an oually, either in Columbus, Ga., Mobile, Alabamm or iu New York, at the option of the holder. To bidders personally unknown to the under signed bond and approved security will be required to an amount not exceeding tbe amount of the oontract lor tho timely and faithful completion of the same. Twenty-two and one half miles of the read from Girard west will be open for business tbe first of November, and 52 miles nine months thereafter. It is tho intention to hare the entire line of 245 miles open for business by 1858. soptlO cdeol . GEO. S/iKUNEY. FOR THE FALL TRADE WE have commenced reoeiving, Cloths, Caai meres and Vestings, of the newest and most fashionable order, for the Fall Trade. Gentlemon may rely upon having any article of Clothing thoy order made up in fashionable and corroot style. Our Stock embraces every article of Drees and and convenience for the Wardrobe. WM. 0. PRICE A CO., scptl Drapers and Tailois. FUTMAM'S MAGAZINE FOR SEPT’BErT HAS been Received. Subscribers will please eall for their oopies. Also, PROGRESS AND PREJUDICE, by Mrs. Gore, author of the “Bankor’s Daughter,” ‘‘Moth er’s and Daughter’s Preferment,” Ac. The BEAUTIFUL CIGAR GIRL; or tho Mys teries of Broadway, by J. H Ingraham. The HIGHWAYMAN’S STRATEGEM; cr, Claude at tho Soaffold. Being a fall acoount es the roscuo of Dick Turpin, by the author of Dare- Devil-Dick. For Salo at GEO. A. OATES A BRO’S, Broad S*. FOR SALE IN GLYNN COUNTY. THE subscriber offers for salt his tract of LAND in said county, containing 2000 aores of the finest timbered land to be found, a portion of which has been fiuoly improved, with every building suitable for a genteel family, with a new family residence of a House 52 by 40 feet long, containing eight rooms'and a piazsa the length of the house; good kitohon, barn, stable, horse lot Ao.» Ac. There is also a well of the finest water to bo found. To any person desirous of locating in that section or •ountry, for farming or entering into the lumbef business, the situation presents a valuable invest ment to any one disposed to embark in a profitable lumber and turpen ine trade. To an approved purchaser a liberal credit will be given and only a small portion ofeash required. For full informa tion as to terms Ac, apply to the subscriber at the rosidonce of Col. J. Byrd, upper end of Broad street, where a platt of the land may be seen. Also, for sale, a fine seeond hand CARRIAGE, made to or der, with a pair of fine horses, throe fine mules, waggon, Ao. WM. H OAKM AN, Jr. Wilmington papers will eepy for a week and send the aeocunt. o 4 septli) VERY DESIRABLE PROPERTY~AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscribers offer for salo the PLANTA TION of the late Hon. Geo. McDuffie, situa ted in Abbevillo District, known as the Flatwood’s Plantation, containing Four Thousand Acres (4000) more or loss, and bounded by lands of Haskell, Norwood, James Calboun and Belser. ihis pro perty is too well known to need any particular de scription ; it has on it some of the best Cotton and Grain land in the Stato, about Three Thousand (3000) aorcs «f whioh are cleared, the balance well wooded. —ALSO—— About twohundredand thirty(23o)strietly prime Negroes, belonging to the same estate, together with the Stock, Provisions, Tools, Ao. The lands may be treated for separately at the option ol the purchaser. For terms, which will be mado very aeeommoda ting, apply to Mr. Burt, at Willington P. 0., Abbe ville District, or to Col. Singleton, at F,at Rook P. 0., Henderson co., N. C. Mr. Burt will give any further information that may be desired, and will exhibit the premises. ARMISTEAD BURT. jyls t M R. SINGLETON. DIaAFFECTING AG EATS—Chloride of Lime, Copperas and Chloride of Soda. For eale by VPtfi WM. SU9KB*, Stags**. JSfltrral JUwertisfincnts FOR NEW YORK OR PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia and Savannah Steamship Line. Carrying the United. States Mail. CHANQS OF SCHEDUI.K. TIIE Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad connects at East Point with the Macon and Wastern Rail road. Through from Montgomery to Sammmsh in 10 hours. Leave Montgomery at 8.30 P. M. Arrive at East Point at 8.20 A. M. Leave East Point at 8 45 A. M. Arrive at Macon at 2 30 P. M. Leave Macon at 4.30 P. M. Arrive at Savannah at 2.30 A. M. Fare from Montgomery to West Point,. .$3.50 “ “ West Point to East Point,.... 3.25 “ " East Point to Savannah 8.00 This Line consists of the well known first class Steamships STATE OF GEORGIA, Capt. J J. Garvin. KEYSTONE STATE, Capt. R. Hardik. In strength, speed, and aeoommodations, these ships are unsurpassed, if equalled, by any on the ooast. River navigation, 100 miles. Two nights at sea. Sailing days, every W sdmsdat, from each port. AOBNTS. In Savannah, C. A. L. Lamar, Corner Drayton and Bryan Streets. In Philadelphia, Heron St Martin, s7jf North Wharves. In New York, Scranton St Tallman, 19 Old Slip, near foot of Wall Street. STATE OF GEORGIA. Will leave Savannah, July 12th and 26th, August 9th and 23d, September 6th and f 9th, October 4tn and 18th, Nov. Ist, 15th and 29th, December 13th and 27th. H. C. SCOTT, July 20,1854. Travelling Agent. TO TRAVELLERS GOING NORTH. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Through in 48 to 50 Hours. NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON SEMI-WEEKLY STEAM SHIP LIN F Leave adger's wharves every SATURDAY and WED NESDAY, after ihe arrival of cars from the South and West. ON SATURDAY, NASHVILLE, ) M. Berry, 1500 tons. ( Commander. MARION, ) W.J. Foster, 1200 tons. ) Commander. ON WEDNESDAY, JAMES ADGER, ) S. C. Turner, 1500 tons. | Commander. SOUTHERNER. 1 Thomas Ewan, 1000 tons. J Commander. Those Steamers are unrivalled ou the coast, for safety, speed and comfort, experienced and courte ous Commanders, and Tables supplied with every luxury. Travellers by this line will bo ensured every possible oomfort and accommodation. Cabin Passage $25 Steerage 8 For Freight or Passage, having elegant State Room aooommodations, apply at the office of the Agent, HENRY MISSROON, Cor. East Bay and Adger’s wharf. Charleston. S.C., June 10, 1854. jc!3 UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. JIEIT YORK AND SAVANNAH. [SEMI-WEEKLY.] ON ar.d after March 18th, the new and splendid side-wheel Steamships— FLORIDA,.. 1,300 tons. Capt. M. S. Woodhui.l, ALABAMA,. .1,300 tons. Capt. C. R. Sohbnck, AuGUSTA 1,500 tons. Capt. T. Lyon, KNOXVILLE. 1,600 tons. Capt C. D Ludlow, Willleave New York and Savannah every Wednes day and Saturday. These sh’ps are among tho largest on the coast, unsurpassed in speed, safety or comfort —making thoir passages in 50 to 60 hours, and ai e command ed by skillful and polite officers. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin passage, $25 Steerage passage, 9 PADELFORD, FAY A CO., Agents is Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCHILL, | 13 Broadway,New York. Tor palatka, east Florida; Yi»» Darien, Brunswick, St. Mary's, Jackson ville, Pieolata, and Middleburg. THE steamers, WM. GASTON, ** Captain Thomas E. Shaw, and asshlifißß ST. JOHN, Capt. Jas. Freeborn, will leave Sa vannah every Monday and Thursday morning, at 10 o’clock, for the above place. The St. Johns is a new boat, built expressly for the trade, with large and airy State Room accommodation, and taking the inland route, offers superior facilities for inva lids and others. For farther particulars enquire of CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, Agents. Savannah, March 1, 1854. marl 4 DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of PLATT A BROTHER iu Lexington and Augusta, is this day dissolved by mutual oonsent. Geo. F. Platt alone will use the name ol tho firm in liquidation of the concern in Lexington, and Platt A Giihatn of the concern in Augusta. GEO. F. PLATT. EDWINPLATT. Lexington, July 1, 1854 jyl3 TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. WE HAVE on hand, and reoeiving by every steamer from New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia, a large and well selected stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, which we will sell to Country Merchants, as cheap as they can purchase the same goods iu any house in this country. Our stock has been purchased very closely, and in part, expressly for the country trade. Among our stock can be found— -5 oases Irish Muslin DcLaines; t do. do. Ginghams,4o inches wide; 5 do. French do, do.; 2 do. Lancaster Ginghams, do.; 5 do. Scotch do., de; 15 do. Manchester Muslin DeLaines ; I do. fine French Merino ; 2 do. Plain col’d DeLaines, all wool ; 2 do. Coburgs; 5 do. Black Alpaca; 20 do. Printed Calico, “ Standard brands ; M 10 do. Brown and Bleached Shirtings; 10 bales Blue Stripes, and a full assortment of Cassimeros; Cassimeretts; Tweeds; Kentucky Janes and Sattinetts; Kerseys; Blankets; Lind seys, Ac., Ac, GRAY BROTHERS, sept 3 290 Broad sUcot. THIRTY NEGRO MEN WANTED. THE undersigned wants to hire 30 able-bodied NEGRO MEN, for the Turpentine Business. The highest wages will bo paid for them, and they will be hired for six. twelve, or fourteen months, oommenoing at any time between the 25th of Oc tober and 31st of December. For further information address the undersigned at Madison, Ga. DAVID S. JOHNSTON. septlJ dttf3c2 RAMEY & STORY, ~ GROCERY MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. WILL continue the Grocery Business, in all its branches, at the Old Stand, on Broad Street, two doors below Bcnes A Brown. Wo are daily receiving ear Fall Stook. Our Stock will, at all times, be large, assortment oomplete, and adaptod to planters’ trade, a liberal share of whiob we have so long enjoyed, and hope still to roceivo. J. D. RAMEY, aag2ft dlmofim S. G. STORY. OAK SOLE LEATHER—Extra trimmed, N. York inspected slaughter Hides, a superior ar ticle, just received and worthy the attention of City Boat Makers. Also, a large stock of Balti more Spanish Oak Pole, for sale at the Saddlery Warehouse of SIIEItMAN. JESSUP A CO., Late Whright, Nichols A Co, No. 239 Broad-st., second door above the Bank of Augusta dAt3m aeptT BOY’ifAND C HILDR EN’S REIID Y-MADE CLOTHING. A LARGE and handsome assortment of Cloth Coats; Jackets; Cassimere Pants; Vests; Dress Suits. Over Coats; Talmas, and Clothing! suitable for Sehool-boys, siies to fit from 3 years old to 17. Juit received this day, and for sale at CLAYTON A BIGNON S. sept!7 Under the Augusta Hotel. SHOE FINDINGS. —A large assortment of ev» ery article in the line, comprisir g, in part, French and Amerioan Lining Skins, of all colors; Sheep and Goat Binding Sk ns ; Galloons Lacets W ebbs Cords; Copper, Zinc and Iron Sparables, Shoe Nails and Tacks, flat and round; every vari ety of French Kit and Tools; Boot Trees, and Crimps; Lasts; Pegs, Ac., for sale on accommoda ting terms at the Saddlery Warehouse of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO, Late Wright, Nichols A Co, No. 239 Broad-st, second door above the Bank of Augusta. dAf3m sept7 LOW’S BROW A WIN DSO KSOAI\—A ease of tho above just received and for eale low at fee APOTHECARIES’ HALL, ***** Ain** WSU. KEYSTONE STATE. Will leave Savannah, July 19th, Aug. 2d, 16th and 30tb, September 13th A 27th, October 11th and 25th, November Bth and 22d, December 6th and 20th, January 3d, 1855. (Central Hisfdisf*rnls. SPLENDID CAKPETSi WILLIAM SHEAR HAS just received from Now York— English Tapestry Velvet Carpet*, of rioh and splendid styles; English .Brussels Carpets, of chaste ami elegant patterns; Superior Three Ply and Ingrain Carpet*, of new and beautiful styles; Superior Plain and Twilled Venetian Carpet*; Rich Chenille Rugs, to match the Carpets. The Tapestry Velvet an* English Brussells Car pet* are of the most recent importations and in richness of color and elegance ot stylo and pattens surpass any I have ever offered to the public. They are also offered at greatly reduoed prices, and the public are reapeotiullj imvited to examine the aa •ortment. ' df<kc sept 3 rich’dress silks! AT A GREAT REDUCTION OF PRIG'S*. WILLIAM SHEAR HAS ju»t received from New York, Ladies' Rich Dress SILKS, of new and beautiful styles, which were purchased at Auction greatly below the cost of importation, and which are offered at great bargains. Tho Ladies are respcotfully invi ted to oall and examine the assortment. »*P t3 dfJko FHINIZY & CLAYTON. WARIHOU&H AND COMMISSION MERCHANT*. AUGUSTA, ga. sept® 6mo A. HAMILTON. COTTON AND TOBACCO FACTOR, Forwarding and commission merchant, And Agent for the St. Louts, Memphis and Nam Orleans Packets , Nashville, Ttnn. REFER TO— ■ D. Weaver, Esq , Cashier Planter*’Bank, Tenn; #W«l*y Whelees, Esq, Cashier Bank of Nashville; George W. Lew s, Esq , Augusta, Ga. septs 6m ~FrEE TR AINID NO MONOP (}LYi~ Who says Gae — or Lead Pipes * JROWE It CO., Plumbers and Gas Fitters, at • the corner of Jaokson and Telfair streets, im mediately in the rear of the Baptist Church, would like to know. Wo take pleasure in stating that we are now prepared to run Gas and Water Pipes into Stores, Dwellings, Churches, Factories, Publio Buildings, &0., at as low a rate, ot as good material and work manship as oanbe obtained and done in any South ern oity. In addition to this, we will keep a constant sup ply and procure at the shortest notice the following articles, viz: Chandeliers; Pendants ; Brackets ; Hall Burners; Stiff and Flexible Drop Lights; Gas Pipes of all sizes; Lead and Block Tin Pipes; Water Closets; Wash Basins, of various patterns; Wood Bathing Tubs, lined with copper or lead; Copper and Brass Shower Baths; Cook ing Ranges with or without water backs ; Copper and galvanized Circulating Boilers; Cast Iron Sinks for Kitchens or Pantries, of all sizes and pat terns ; Brass and Iron Lift and Fc roo Pumps, of various patterns and sizes All orders left at the shop or with the Superin tendent of tho Gas Works, will be personally and punctually attended te. John Rowe. [sept Sly] G. S. Hooset. TEACHER WANTED. A MALE TEACHER, unmarried, with proper references as to competency and character, is wanted to take charge of a few small boys in a privato family. He will be paid S3OO per annum, and his board. Apply at thit offioe. ts augll AUGUSTA & WAYNESBORO’ RAILROAD. ■ Hi TO UNTIL farther notice, trains will leave Augusta at 7 i, a. m., and 8, p. in.; returning, will leave Millen at 2f, p. m and 11J, p. in., connect ing with the day and night Passenger Trains on the Contra! Railroad, wkioh leave Savannah at 8, a. m. and 7, p. m., nd leave Macon at 7£,a. m., and 4}, p. m. Passengers for Milledgeville, Eatonton, Ogle thorpe, or Columbus, should take the night Train, to avoid detention. Freight will bo carrie i by the l>ay Train, mak ing it aft Accommodation Truin, except on Sun days, when it will run as a Passenger Train, ex lu sively, leaving Augusta at 8 am, and Millen at 2J p. in , arriving at Augusta at 5| p. m. je2 2 ts WM. M WADLEY, Gen. Sup’t GUYSOTT’S YELLOW-DOCK AND SARSAPARILLA, IS d»w put up in the largest sited bottles, and is ac knowledged to be the best Sarsaparilla made, as is certified by the wonderful cures it lias performed, tile original copies of which are in the pos ossion of the proprietor. Remember, this is the only true and ori ginal article. Scrofula*.Syphilis, Mercurial Complaints, Cancer, Gan grene, Rheumatism, and a vast variety of other dis eases, are speedily and perfectly cured by the use ors this medicine. READ THE FOLLOWING CESTIFCATE. Tallapoosa Coohtt, Ala., Jan. 2, 1853. DtarSir: —l send you this to certify to you tiiat your Bxtract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla has per formed one . f the most wonderful cures on me that has ever been effected on man. I have been afflicted for forty years with eruptions on my legs and feet; in 1848 they got so bad that I had to go on crutches, and in 1849 I had one leg amputated above the knee. In about nine months after my other leg broke out in large eating and running sores from my knee to my foot, and discharged a great deal of of fensive matter. My groin also broke out in large biles, which discharged much offensive matter, and at the same time my left nand bruke out iu large running sores nearly to my elbow. The misery that I have suffered for the last two years I cannot describe to you. I was in such agony that 1 never rested day or night. In October last my son brought me one of your bot tle wrappers; I read it, and found record of some won derful cures performed by your “ Extract of Yellow Lock and Sarsaparilla.” 1 sent and got two bottles of it, and commenced taking it. In two weeks, to my great astonishment, my sores all became easy, and I couid sleep all night, a thing 1 had not done for two years. When I had taken six bottles, my sores had enarly all healed. My sores got well as if by enchant ment. I have now used, in all, eight bottles of your Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,” and I now onsider myself well. I entreat all of the afflicted to try this Medicine, fo\ believe it will cure any known disease in the worlcf' Lay aside all prejudice and just try it. and proc aim its real worth to suffering mankind, and entreat them to take it, for it will cure them. Mjcase is well known in a large portion of South Carolina,Georgia and Alabama, and if any should doubt the above cure, I invite them to call on me, and 1 will show them the scars. I can be found in Tallapoosa County, Alabama, one mile from Stoe’s Ferry. RENAJATI HOGUES. The Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla is peculiarly adap ted for females of delicate health, resulting from ir regularities of menstrual discharges,and other diseases peculiar to their sex. The proprietor has in his posses sion a great number of certificates of cares performed of the above description. We assure the afflicted, that a bottle or two of Dr. Guysott’s Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla will at once regulate those diffi culties and renew the natural energies. O*" Futup in quart bottles.—Price $1 per bottle, Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by SCOYIL k MEAD, 111 Cbartres-st., New Orleans, General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders must be addressed. Sold, also, by lIAVILAN’D, RISLEY & CO., Augusta. D. B. PLUMB & CO., “ BARRETT, CARTER & CO., “ CLARK k WELLS, « HAVILAND.IIARRALL k CO.,Charleston,S. C. A. A. SOLOMANS k CO., Savannah, and by one Agent in everv town in the South. aprlS DUELLING PISTOLS, &0. JUST received and lor sale low for cash two pair Duelling Pistols, a fine article, also Saloon Rifles St Pistols and a good supply of the Bulleted caps for same al3n a fall supply of Colts and Allens Revolvers. jylS E. H. ROGERS. FOR SALE. A PAIRof handsome HORSES, large, gentle and young. Sold for no fault. Apply to 19 SCRANTON. SEYMOUR & 00. OHAS. A. GREINER. SKIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANT, Savannah. Ga., will give particular attention to receiving, and forwarding Mercbendise, to the interior, by River and Railroad. jo‘2 6m SLOAN & CALWELL, Importers and Wholesale Dealers In BRANDIES, WINES, GIN, SEGARS, Ac. JYot. 17 and 19 Cheaptide, Baltimore. C»a». A. Dennis. ly jyl2 BONN, NEIMYER &~CO. P Wholesale Dealers In LEAP ANI) MANUFACTURED TOR ICCO, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC SBQAR3. Baltimore. QST' All orders promptly filled. B. W. Vick. ly jyl 2 PARISIAN Sights and French Principles, seen through American Specticle3, Illustrated : Curan and his Contemporaries, by Charles Phil lips, Esq. A. B; The Milirary Life of John, Duko ol Marlborough, by Archibald Alison, F R. S ; Foreign Reminiscences, by Honry Richard Lord Holland, Edited by his son Henry Edward L*rd Holland; The Works of Stephen Olin. D. D., L. L. D., 2 volumes; Sir Jasper Carew, Knight, his life and swperiae by Charles Laver; Dodd Family abroad, by Charles Lever. For sa’e by McKINNE,* HALL, sept 15 Booksellers and Stationers. J. C. Ruse John 11. Davis W. il. Lon fcfif RUSE, DAVIS & LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS >1 fgft fsvAwrM ***•s£, w _jtorlton S'n!f.C * epidemic!' 7 P ° StpoDed U * ,B «3*equJnce ftS BY CAMILLE E. GIRARDEY & CO. Executor's Sale of an eatmnve lStock of Jem , dry, Gold and Stiver Watches, Materials Store Fixtures, be,, at Auction. WEDNESDAY, the 27th ofSAPTEMBER next at 10* o’clock, A. M , will be gold, agreeably ml an order from the Court of Ordirary ol Rich- Uiond county, at tho store of the laie Ti cubj. W. Freeman, deceased, the entire contents of Store, consisting, in part, of— Gold and Silver Watches—among them being JW* Lovers, detached do.,single and hunting eases, and M ’ Jewelry—Gold, Fob, Vest and Guard Chains; Lhas’ellaine do. Medallion; Watch Seal*; Ear 1 1 Tops and Kings; Stud Buttons; Brooches; Cuff §■§? l ius . heal; set and plain Rings; Loeaets, io. Jjf Silver and Plated Goods, consisting of heavy am labia Spoon*; Tea do.; Knives; Castors, &q. mg A large ni her of first and second banded 8 an# t-j day brass . locks, with weights and Springs.' W 1 Regulator; 3 Work Benches; lohort of Draw- WL, era; 1 upright Dot*; I Secretary, 1 Iron fire proof S«fo; 1 high Glass Ca-o; 4 handsejeo bhow Cast's : Table ; Sofa, Ac. —ALSO— W *>tock of Materials, comisting of Watch Glassea* Main Springs; and such articles as are usually “ required in the Jewellers' business. | Ihe attention of the publio is invited to exam- 4 n.o these Goods, as they are positivelv to be sold to close up tho business of th 6 late Thomas W, treeman. deceased. Sale will commence on Wed nesuay morning, and continue at night, if not clot out during tho day, until all is sold. Every article will be warranted as represented. Terms—Cash before delivery. JOELN. FREEMAN, Executor, angle Estate of Thos. W. Freeman, deo’d. j NOTICE. ALL persons having business with me during my absence from the city, can apply to Col. A. P Bigxon, at tho store of Clayton A Bignou. i aug22 Jtn LOlilS DELAiGLß.tJ^^^^®. NOTICE. A I persons, («<■«.pt those who have j-SL Rights.) are hereby prohibited from manu.'. jßg turing Stoddard'* Patent Shingle Machine, in thHgi county. Wtim Those desirous of purchasing any rs sftid BigbtH can apply to tho undersigned, or hi* hn L«iU ITS DKLA iGLB/ 1 FOR SALE. TIIL Dwelling House and Lot, £outh side of, I and iin mediately fronting Parade Ground, fl frontage 40 loot, depth 175 feet, more or loss,new 1 <u;d in complete erser. Possession riven lstOeto- I btr next. Apply to A. P. BIG NON. dim I NEW CASH STORE. M T TIIE subscriber would respectfully inform the \ inhabitants of Georgia and South Carolina, ■vdA that ho is now in receipt of his supply of Fall and W inter DRY GOODB, all of wbi h have boot: pur chased for Cash, in the various Northern Marknis; and as regards the prices at which they sold, it is unnecessary to say a word, &£*ihe reputa tion cf uREEN’S Store, lor be rg tho cheapest in Augusta, is now firmly established. —always on hand— Bleached and Drown SH ..LTINGS and SHIRT- w ING3, of various manufactories; cyfpyy, jH French, English and American to GINGHAMS; MOUSLIN IK.LAIVE® fig CASH MERES ; MEKINoEs ; Ai PaOAS • BOMBAZINES : CAN fON ( I.oTHdfc ’ jHB Flam and Plaid While C* .Jib) JaeoiM sook and Mail MffSLIN , Plain, i’lai i ai : <eft.-d • v i,« .MUsLINf j I. A CBS; EMBROIDERIES . KI >G i N Cambrii and Muslin i KIM v INGS : HOSIERY, of ul! kinds, dfco ko. ‘ ALSO— t Particular aAonti -n p*<id to all kind* of Negroll GOODS^ and BLANKETS, such as wh.'e brown RERc-E\3 urd FLAINS; heavy brown f SHIRTINGS. at 6|o ; London buffil and Maoinaa ® BLANKETS; Colored do,; SATTINETS: KEN- / TUCfcY JB INS, Ac , a 1 of which will be sold for JP cash, %t low aaia any Southern market. % E GREEN *m 1 J! Brood Strei t, Augusta, Ga. a Next door b®?ow b > Hardware I Stira s« pi 8 Foil SALi“ “ IN BAKER COUNTY, GEORGIA THE well-known oak at d hickory Cotton Plantation, called Green* ood, situated on the Coolawahee Swamp. * s. unles v/tst or Albanyy Baker county, (now Dougherty.j Said / Plantation contains 1.50 b acres of the Very bent Jk land,- in said county, men ot which is cl. ared, wßk with extensive improve cuts on it. iu perfect or d&r. My usual orop is about 200 Laie% of 000 pounds, with 27 hands. H Twenty young mules., about eight thousand Im.-h --els oorn and the stock ot hogs and cattle will be sold with the place. Said plant ition ha? povvn jH very healthy f will restive one lot of 250 uert.Xj®| it the purchaser docs not object. Ibe fertility and never fiilitfg oualities of Biker county lands, together with the exemi tioh, in a great measure, irorn the Be.l Worm and tho Cat* r pilisr, being so well known, rtnd< rs it usole.-a to .I|H .‘numerate the many advantages they ary cotton lauds m thi- State or elsewhere. MyßHi only reason lor selling is to concent,rato ing interests, and to bring xny negroes ne/tror to m_v place ot residence and business. f Any one desiring to purchase the place, had bet ter go and see tho growing crop now on it, then B they can judge what tho land wiil produce*, t&jß see with certainty for tbemsoives. MH Terms easy to the purchaser App.-y to N. CRUGER, 84 Bay-et., vjj^^Ußi a ' J g*4 Im Sevannah, V A MOTH, or Reef-rovings in the South h J. a narrative ot A j ventures at the .Georgian and Society Islands, wish maps and, lustrations, by Edward T. Korkins. For rale BBI at ptls TIIOS. Rlt id AH PS & SON. ON CONSIGNMENT TO ARiUVE^2o^~2^^B pounds choico Ribbed and Clear Sides; 5 do. dig Shouiders. J. A. ANbLEY For SA^E.— One pair second-hand Scales, “Fairbanks.” J. A. ANSLEY.. - acptls 1m ON CONSIGNMENT — S,OOO lbs Hams, wfcfl will bo sold low to o'.oso out. sept 15 Itn J. A. ANSLEY. ON (O^SIbX.VItST.-500 bus. Dried Peach*# B will be sold low. bR sept >5 1m J. A. ANSLE7. ON CO.NM(ia >i t \ l—'l 0 boxes cnoioe New i Cheese. J. A. ANSLEY. 1 sept 15 Ira 1 GKOKGRAPUY AND STATISTICS Anew I and complete Statistical Gaiettocr ol thVUxn. "*V ■ ted States, by R. S. Fisher. ■ The Progress ot the United State* from the ear. liest periods, by R S. Fisher. V I American Statistical Annual, for 3854. § |g Colton’# Guide Book through the United-State*. B fi Pocket Maps of Georgia, Alabama, B fl Arkansas, Florida, etc. Forsa’e by m ■ sept 15 THOS. RICHARDS <t SON. fl) J NOTICE * B To Literuod Rot a tiers and Ownert of Drmyt. YOU are hereby notified, that ail “ Retail and Dray Licenses” expire on the first of October next; and you are hereby notified to renew the ~BBR a im*. on or bciore that date, in aeoordanee with the provision* of the Forty-fifth and Forty-sixth Sections the General Ordinance. Sn L. L. ANTONY, Clerk Connell. Augusta, Sent. 13, 1354. dtOl septii IH SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS. ■ THE subscriber has just received a large rupply H of Sash, (glaze 1, vßJinds and Doors, of the first Jrl quality, made of Northern pina. All order* for odd sizes filled at short notice. mav 14 6m J DANFORTH. j MATTHIESSEN & O'HARA. ** ljJ eiOTHiNG warehouse, 144 East Bay, corner «f Qucrn-st. (Jhar/estom .5. C7* WE would respectfully call the attention of the : Merchant* of Georgia, dealing in Reedy .| J made Clothing to our extensive and varied stock 1 cf Clothing, comprising all qualities All Good# from our establishment are warranted, both far ityi* and workmanship. Particular attention giver, to orders. WM. MATTHIFgSIir, ( geptfi WASatOl tv • ?> mmi a »-• a. FOR SALEi THE ESTABLisii.u, . Known as the AU« fcSI GUSTA STEAM PLANING MILL AND 4B SASII FACTORY, having ail the latest improve- B ment* in Machinery for facilitating work. £e am 1 appro '<* i purchaser, the t urns would be made |#»H oommodftUaf, •—AX^O—* 3000 lights s«sn, giaeed; 300 pair Blind*. Seasoned weather boards,inch b ards, icant'iag mouldings, Ac . at very re uced j-r e»>s * apr7 ts >VQ D A SUP PAR PS. fe... - THE CUE.* Jit Vl* ill- Atihll (. i.TUh E- A Book for young Fainter* by George 3. War tag. Jr-.‘Oi.iul»i*g Ag- aeirnrist. For mlq by «*». ujG?iA3»ii tml i