The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, November 09, 1854, Image 1

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BY JAMES GARDNER, ©ritrral Jtbnrrtisnnnits. NEW CASH STORE. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Georgia and South Carolina, that he is now in receipt of his supply of Fall and Winter DRY GOODS, all of which have been pur chased for Cash, in the various Northern Markets; and as regards the prices at which they will be sold, it is unnecessary to say a word, as the reputa tion of GREEN’S Store, for being the cheapest in Augusta, is now firmly established. —ALWAYS ON HAND — Bleached and Brown SHEETINGS and SHIRT INGS, of various manufactories ; French, English and American CALICOES, from 6 j to 25 cents. GINGHAMS; MOUSLIN DeLAINES; CASHMERES: MERINOES; ALPACAS; BOMBAZINES; CANTON CLOTHS, Plain and Plaid White Cambric Jaconet, Nain sook and Mull MUSLIN: Plain, Plaid and Dotted Swiss MUSLINS ; LACES; EMBROIDERIES; EDGINGS; Cambria and Muslin TRIMMINGS ; HOSIERY, of all kinds, Ac. Ac. ALSO Particular attention paid to all kinds of Negro GOODS and BLANKETS, such as white and brown KERSEYS and PLAINS; heavy brown SHIRTINGS, at London Duffil and Macinau BLANKETS; colored do,; SATTINETS; KEN TUCKY JEANS, Ac., all of which will be sold for cash, as 1 ,w as in any Southern market. E. GREEN, Brood Street, Augusta, Ga. Next door below Bones A Browns’ Hardware Store. septß CLOTHING. W r E invito the attention of Merchants and Dealers to our Fall and Winter stock of Clothing, which we will sell as cheap as in North ern Markets (except the freight) Our stock em , braces all the newest and most fashionable styles, sept 13 WM. 0. PRICE A CO. THIRTY NEGRO MEN WANTED. THE undersigned wants to hire 30 able-bodied NEGRO MEN, for the Turpentine Business. The highest wages will be paid for them, and they will be hired for six, twelve, or fourteen months, commencing at any time between the 25th of Oc tober and 31st of December. For further information address the undersigned at Madison, Ga. DAVID S. JOHNSTON. scptl3 d6t3c2 THE AUGUSTA MACHINE WORKS \ It E now prepared to do the following kinds of «i\. work with neatness and despatch : Steam Engines and Boilers, of any style or fin ish; also, Bank Vaults; Iron Fronts; Sills and Lintels, for buildings. Railroad Cars, of all kinds and descriptions, made in the most substantial and beautiful man ner ; Wheels for same warranted for one year. Iron Railings, of various styles for Balconies or Fences. Gold Mine Castings, of all descriptions, made to order. Blacksmith Work done in the best manner. Mill Work—all kinds of Mill and Gin-gearing, Shafting, Pullers, Water Wheels, &c , on hand. Brass Castings will also have our attention. PLANING AND SAWING LUMBER. Flooring—Planed, Tongued and Grooved, at $5 per 1000 feet superficial; Ceilmg—Planed, Tongued and Grooved, at $5 per 1000 feet superficial; Weather Boarding—Planed and Jointed $4 per 1000 feet superficial; Planing—both sides, $3 per 1000 superficial feet. Use of Circular Saw and one man will be 75 cts. per hour. Hoavy Sawing requiring two men, will be $1 per Ikukl All orders must be left in the office, not in the shop. Cash will bo required in all cases, unless otherwise agreed upon with W. M. HIGHT, septlT dJfccly General Superintendent. LAND AND NEGROES FOR SALE. WILL be sold to the highest bidder, on TUES DAY, the 11th day of DECEMBER next, 1.500 acres of LAND, whereon Col F. Hardman formerly resided, lying in aewwßam ties, to be sold in lots to suit purchasers. About half of said land in the woods. This land is free and productive. Those wishing to see the land can do so by calling on the subscriber, near Leeks ville Post Office. Also, at the same time and place, 12 or 15 likely NEGROES. Terms— One-fourth cash ; the balance in three equal annual instalments, with interest from date. Sale to take place on the premises. septi2 2amtt WM. H. THOMPSON, Agent. COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO., SO. CA THIS COMPANY CONTINUES TO INSURE on the most favorable terms, Houses, Furniture . Ac., and Marine risks, on application to J. 11. ANDERSON, Ag't. Mclntosh-st. octlO 7~ GRANITEVTLLE HOTEL TO RENT. THE undersigned will Rent the above Hotel un til Ist January, 1855. and after that time offers it for sale on accommodating terms, to an approved purchaser. This Hotel contains Twenty spacious rooms, well furnished and ready to occupy. Two kitchens with four fire places, a house for servants and a spacious stablo 72 by 56, are attached, and in first rate or der. Apply to B. McBRIDE, sept 23 3 On the premises. Charleston Standard will insert 3 times and for ward account. . Fresh teas.— 2 half chests superior Black Tea; 2 “ “ “ Oolong Tea; 2 “ “ “ Souchong Tea; 3<* “ “ Gunpowder Tea; 2 “ “ “ Imperial Tea; 3 “ “ M Young Hyson Tea. WILLIAM M. DOW, Opposite the Planters’ Hotel, an.’ me door be- O the Franklin House. J el4 AUGUSTA, AUGUST 22, 1854. * JUST RECEIVED, and for sale at CLAYTON A BIGNON’S— „ „ x , 6 cases fashionable Mole Hats, Fall style ; 6 dox. £L C. Black Wool Do.; 3 “ Black , Do., Ravel; 2 “ Pearl Do., Baltimore; 2 “ “ Black Bands, Do., Do.; 3 “ Boys Black Wool Do. Also, a splendid lot of Shirts; Collars; Stock; Cravats: Ties; Bancy Socks, Ac. aug22 WHITE LEAD—WHITE LEAD. 2i\/\d \ K EGS pure White Lead, at Bc. pr. lb ,UUU 2,000 kegs No. 1 do. do., alffjc. liOOO kegs French Premium Zinc, at loc- pr. lb. The above forms a beautiful brilliant white, su •nerior to any now in use. For sale by JOHN CORSIMINS, Sole Agent, 274 King Street, Charicston, S. C. Xf in any case this Lead proves unsatisfac tory it will be taken back, and all expenses paid. sept 22 F 4 FRESH GOODS. rpIHE subscriber has just opened, At his X new Store, third door below the Uni ted States Hotel, a fine lot of Ladies’ G a ito s Gent’s Congress Boots; and a fine lot of Kid Slip Also, 100 pair of Morocco Slips and Ties, 75; 100 pair of Silk Lasting Gaiters, $1.25; Children’s, Misses’, Boy’s and Youth’s Shoes, o all kinds, to be sold cheap for cash. apr2B HENRY DALY. NEW BOOKS.— Noetes Ambrosiane, by late John Wilson, Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Edinburg, Editor of Black wood's Magazine, author of the Isle ot Palms, etc., with memoirs and notes by R. Sheldon Mac kenzie, D. C. L.. editor Sheil’s Irish Bar; The Youth of Jefferson, or a Chronicle of Col lege Scrapes at Williamsburg, Va., A. D., 1764; Apheila, and other Poems, by Two Cousins of the South, Miss Julia Pleasants and Thomas Bibb Bradlev. Just received and for sale l v B *ptl2 -M aINNE A hallo Havana segars — 19,300 T. M. Segars ; 22,750 O. K. Do.; Just imported by sept 9 DAWSON & SKINNER. NO TICE— Y am ready to contract for Brick or Wood buildings and repairs of all sorts. I 1 derpinning, Chimneys, Cellar doors, Gates, Fences Ac. Ac. augl3 JAS L. COLEMAN. C 4 AMIS ED PL ASTER OF PARKS, Hydraulic J Cement, Land Plaster and Peruvian Guano, for sale in quantities to suit purchasers by sept.s WM. HAINES, Druggist. BRICK WORK WANTED. rjTHE subscriber is prepared to do all kind of .1 Brick Work at short notice oct 26 L. G. BASSFORD. Adamantine candles—loo boxes Grow A Dietrich brand; 100 do. David Thain A Co* do.; 75 do. J. G. Davis A Co., do. received and for sale low W >eptß C. A. WILLIAMS, £1) t 'll atl|) (L'tmstitiitiimalist atifr {lmtbtir ©rnrral JUnifrtiscmcnts. IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY AND . MACHINE SHOP. THE ATHENS STEAM COMPANY are pre pared to fill orders for ail kinds of Iron and Brass Castings, such as Mill Irons, of improve pat terns aDd every description ; steam Engines; Gold Mining, Forcing or Fire Pumps, and all other kinds of Machinery, cast and finished. They are casting and keep constantly on band, Gin Gearing aud Iren Fencing of various patterns, Fire Dogs, Plough Castings, Wagon Boxing, Ac. They are also prepared t© fill orders for Boilers, Tanks. Ac. Repairing of all kinds of Machinery promptly executed. Their portable iron Saw Mills arc surpassed by none. Whilst they are grateful to former patrons, their experience and facilities, with their work furnished in as cheap, substantial and workman-like man ner, as can be had any where South, enables them to anticipate a large share of public patronage. ROSS CRANE, Agent. , R- NICKERSON, Super’t. N. B. Cash paid for old copper, brass, and heavy iron castings. dAc6m je!7 NEW FIRM. HATCH A BEGBIE. THE undersigned having associated with him in business Mr. John T. Begbie, of this city for the purpose of more thoroughly carrying on the SADDLE, HARNESS and TRUNK Manu facturing in all its branches, takes this opportuni ty of returning his sincere thanks to his former customers for the liberal patronage extended to him, and would respectfully solicit a continuance of their custom to the new firm. They hope to extend their business, and will en deavor, by their united efforts, to offer induce ments unsurpassed by any establishment of the kind North or South. A. HATCH. Fras. G. Dana. | Hv. K. Washburn. DANA & WASHBURN, (SUCCESSORS TO WASHBURN, WILDER & CO.) FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. liriLL continue the above business at 114 Bay VY street, East of the Exchange. Orders for Bagging and Rope, and other supplies, filled promptly at lowest cash priees. Refer to Maj. W. Sanford and Gen. S. P. Myrick, Baldwin county; M. Dennis, S. B. Marshall, and Messrs, Carter & Harvey, Putnam co.; A. McAllum and Ira Peck, Twiggs co.; Maj. John S. Rowland, Cass co.; Black A Cobb and Sloan A Hawkins, Rome. 6m aug4 J. I. SNIDER, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. WOULD respectfully offer his services in the above capacity to his friends, and the pub lic generally. All goods directed to his care will be forwarded promptly. Consignments of Bacon, Flour, Lard, Corn, Oats, and all kinds ol Country Produce solicited, and will receive strict attention. Charges reasonable. Liberal advances made on consignments. 3m aug2 J. C. RUPERT. MARTIN S. CASSETTY. J. T. HARDIE JOHN T. HARDIE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 85 Gravier-st., New Orleans. References— Hon J. 11. Lumpkin, Gen. W. L. C. GerJine, Athens, Ga.; Col. John Banks, Samuel Rutherford, Columbus. Ga.; John A James Mann, Madison, Ga.; James A.Nesbit, Macon, Ga.; L. J. Deupree, Dr. W. Willingham, Lexington, Ga. James Gardner and Judge Starnes, Augusta, Ga. jy2B ' ly FREE TRADE AND NO MONOPOLY. Opposition to High Freight Tariffs ! Office of the Fashion Line, ) Augusta, April 15,1854. j THE subscriber would respectfully call the at tention of the Merchants throughout Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and South Carolina, to the Savannah River, as a safe, expeditious and cheap route for the transportation of their Merchandise. By comparing the freight tariffs of this fine with JGarQlmsu and Centra], anil vor of this route of from 30 to 50 per cent., gener ally, and in some instances a greater per eentage. By this route a merchant receives each shipment of his Goods together; they are not retailed to him as they generally are by Railroads connecting with the seaboaid, with a list of charges attached to each package. In addition to the present force of this line, an other new Boat, of light draught of water, will be added during the coming summer. These boats will leave Savannah after the discharge of the New York and Philadelphia Steamships, twice or throe times a week, delivering those Goods at this point in FIVE DAYS. From the present low tariff of this line a deduc tion of 12J per cent, will be allowed on all bills from this date. Give the river more business, and a cheaper freight yet awaits you. All goods from the sea board should be directed to M. A. Cohen, Savannah, and produce from the interior to Jno. A. Moore, Augusta. To the manulacturing portion of Georgia, as well as to tho Cotton Merchants, and dealers gene rally, on the line of Railroads through Georgia and Tennessee, who ship to Savannah and Northern markets, this route offers very favorable induce ments. To facilitate shipments, as well as to prevent er rors, bills of lading should be forwarded to M. A. Cohen, at Savannah, for all goods from seaboard. JNO. A. MOORE. In case of low river, all goous consigned to this line, will be forwarded by Central, and connecting Railroads. aprills W. k. GtJION, AGENT. NEW CARPET STORE, SAVANNAH. rjIHE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully n i form his friends and the public generally oi Augusta and Richmond county, that he has leased the Store formerly occupied by Messrs. Snider, La throp A Nevitt, which has been rebuilt and en larged expressly for the Carpet Business, fronting on Congress and St. Julian sts., and is now receiv ing an entire new stock of all the various styles of Carpeting, Oil Cloth, Hearth Rugs, Druggets, Table and Piano Covers, Window Shades, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Curtain Stuffs, Stair Rods, Ac. All of which have been purchased direct from the Manufactures, and will be sold as low, wholesale or retail as in any city in the Union. Those Families about to purchase Carpeting, or any other article in the line, may bo assured that it will be greatly to their interest to call and ex amine for themselves previous to making their pur c-iasos. WM. H. GUION. Agent, No. 140 Congress and 57 St. Julian-sts. N. B.—Families from the country can have their Carpets, Ac., shipped free of expense. Carpets will also bo sent to any part of this City, and cut to rooms free of charge, and when required, will be made by an experienced Upholdstercr. marl 2 ly BATH TUBS. BATH TUBS, of every description, including the Plunge, Hip and Hat Bath, and a new ar ticle, which combines economy with comfort. It is the plunge or long bath tub to which is attached a small suction and force pump—capable of elova ting the water to a height of 8 foet, thereby afford ing the luxury of a Shower Bath, without extra expense cr trouble—it being so arranged that a person standing in the tub can elevate the water by means of the pump in a few seconds; it is so ar ranged as to be easily detached and thrown into the same small compass an ordinary bath tub would occupy, and as easily adjusted again for op eration. For sale by B. F. CHEW. july2s ! HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. THE subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Augusta that they have commenc ed business, in the above line, at their shop, on the South side of Broad Street, three doors above Centre. They are prepared to execute all styles, in imitation of different woods, marbles, Ac.— They solicit a share ot patronage; and all orders left at their shop, will meet with prompt attention, and executed in a manner, they feel assured, will gire satisfaction. They would refer to Messrs W. H. Goodrich, John Bones, J. W. Davies, Robeit F. Pc:, 11. H. Cumming, Isaac Henry, James Harper, George Young, George H. Crump, D. B. Plumb, Dr. I P. Garvin, F. Lainbaek, J. Davison, A Swarp, and Drs. H. A R. Campbell. E. BAKER A CO. may 23 6m AN DING THIS DAY -500 kegs Nails, superior brand. 450 bags Rio Coffee 40 old Java do^ 50 boxes No. 1 Soap. 100 boxes Tobacco. SCRANTON, SEYMOUR A CO. aug 22 No, 2 Warren Block. AUGUSTA, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 9, 1854. (gfitfrul jUrorrtigfmrirta. DRY GOODS FOR THE MILLION. ZiOSGROVE & BRENNAN have now th« pleasure to inform their friends and the pub lie, that they have received large additions to theii stock of fancy and staple Dry Goods. Their stock comprises almost every article in their line. C. & B have been unavoidably late in getting their Spring and Summer supply, but they think that their customers will be the gainers, a3 they have bought their supplies 25 to 50 per cent, less than early purchasers. C. A B.’s business being almost exclusively a cash business, and having no long credits or bad debts to cover, will sell at prices that will not fail to give satisfaction to all. Thi following are a few of the articles to which they rould invite attention— SILKS. —Brocade and Glace Silks; black Gro de Rhine do.; Changeable and solid colors do.; small checks and striped do.; fancy plaid do.; Lin ings, all shades and colors. DRESS GOODS.—Plaid, plain and figured Ba reges and Tissues; Chints patterns, late style; Grenadines, Sewing Silks, Ac ; fine French Jaco nets. Lawns and Organdies. MANTlLLAS.—Embroidered and plain Man tillas, every color; Lace and Lisle do.; black. EMBROIDERIES.—Lace and Muslin Chemi sotts and Collars; TJndirslcevesand worked Bands; Hemstitched, Corded, Bordered and Embroidered Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; Swiss and Jaconet Inserting? and Edgings. HOSlEßY.—Ladies’ black, white and colored Hose; Misses’ black, white and slate do.; Ladies’ open-worked do.; Boy s Half Hose, every color; Gent a white, brown and mixed do.; striped and fancy do.; Kid Gloves; Pic Nic Mits. Also, Para sols and Fans; Bareges, for veils, every colors; black Silk Velvets, for trimmipg; Skirts, every style; Pantaloons, Goods and Vestings; House keeping and Plrstation Goods. MOURNING GOODS.—Black Bombazinos and Alpacas; Bareges, Tissues, and Grenadines; Se cond Mourning Goods, in every style. may 9 IRON STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Freighting business between Savannah § Augusta. THIS Company having recently purchased the Boating interest of the Old Steamboat Company of Georgia, are now prepared with a strong force to transport Pro duce and Merchandize in any quantity. Their Iron Steamers, John Randolph, Lamar and Chatham, with the Amory Sibley, one of the lightest draft boats on the river, and a large number of flats or barges, all in good condition, en able them to offer facilities for promptness and dispatch not before equalled hero, a set of boats leaving each place every other day; and in caso of extreme low river, definite instructions will be giv en their Agent in Savannah,to forward all goods to their caro byway of the Central, Augusta and Waynesboro Raiiroads. The Directors are determined to adhero to their present very low rate of freights which are fully ono-half less than the Railroads from the Seaboard. Goods from the Eastward should be distinctly marked, Iron Steamboat Company, or caro of Thos. R. Mills, Savannah, who will forward them promptly without charge. Produce or Merchandize from the interior con signed this Company, at Augusta, will be forward ed to Savannah, and trom thence to any part ol the United States, free of commission. Address THOS. R. MILLS, Agent at Savannah. FOSTER BLODGET, Sr., Agent at Augusta. i/BSOLUTION. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of PLATT A BROTHER in Lexington and Augusta, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Geo. F. Platt alone will use the name ol the'firm in liquidation of the concern in Lexington, and Platt A Uilham of the concern in Augusta. GEO. F. PLATT. T EDWIN PL A.TT. Lexington, July 1, 1854. jyl.q REV. JOHN CUM MIN G’S WOK KS— Lectures on the Book of Revelation 1 and 2 series. I W, ,Irv ■ ' * Voices of the Day. Voices of the Night. Lectures on the Parables. The Tent and the Altar. Voices of the Dead. Lectures on the Miracles. For sale at GEO. A. OATES A BRO.’S, jy9 Booksellers and Stationers, Broad-st^ JUST RECEIVED— -25 doa. Underwood’s Pickles, 1, J ands gallons, 20 “ superfine Mustard, and j bbls.; 10 “ Walnut and Tomato Ketchup ; 5 “ superior French Olives; 5 “ Capers; 5 “ Tuscan Family Oil; 5 “ Pepper Sauce ; John Bull Sauce. •" WILLIAM M. DOW, Opposite the Planters’ Hotel, and one door be ow the Franklin House. jel4 WHOLESALE DRUG NOTICE. THE Undersigned have associated with them Mr. WM. E. DuBOSE in their business from this date. The name of our firm will remain the same. All orders promptly executed. w p'wl’r t . I CLARK A WELLS, Wm E Dußose. ] Successors to W. K. Kitchen. Augusta, October 17th, 1853. A CARD. HAVING entered into the DRUG BUSINESS with Messrs. CLARK A WELLS, I avail myself of this opportunity to inform my friends and acquaintances, that I Shall be happy to see theca at our store, opposite the Planters’ Hotel, Augus ta, Ga., where wo shall keep constantly on hand, a large and well Selected stock of of DRUGS, ME DICINES, PAINTS, OILS, PERFUMERY,FAN CY ARTICLES, Ac., Ac., which we will sell as low as any other house south of New York, ebll WM. E. DuBOSE. COFFINS AND UNDERTAKING. THE UNDERSIGNED having connected the Coffin and Undertaking business with his es tablishment, calls the attention of the public to his arrangements for supplying all orders in that line. The strictest attention will be paid, and all orders executed with promptness. On Sundays, or nights, by leaving orders at Mr J. B. Platt’s residence, in the rear of the Store they will be punctually attended to. apr3o _tf C. A. PLATT. NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated January , 1849. Central Oefice, Raleigh, N. C. HAVING established an Agency in this city, are prepared to take LIFE RISKS on the most favorable terms. The table of Ratos are those made by Joshua Millar, and known as “.The Carlisle Table,” uni versally conceded to be the most correct in use. The advantages offered by this Company, are such as merit the attention of the public, and will be pointed out and explained at any time by the Agent. Insurances are taken on single lives, for ona year, seven years, or for life. On joint lives, for life. On slaves at 2-3 value, one or five years. The undersigned can, at all times, be found at the Law officefof G. J. A W. Schley, Esqs. Letters, post-paid, directed to the Agent here, will be promptly attended to apr 11 S. 11. OLIVER, Ag’t., Augusta, Ga. HAIR TONIUS. —The Excelsior Hair T Barry’s Tricopherous, Lyon’s Katha Roussell’s Odoiahte, and several other noted cles for restoring, curling and beautifying the H Just received and for salo by je7 WM. HAINES, City Drug Store. NOTICE. THE firm of Spires A Wilson, is dissolved by mutual consent. All the unsettled business will be settled by W. Spires, at the same place, where the business will be continued by W. Spires A Co., Hamburg, S. C. SPIRES A WILSON, fob 16 by W Spires JUST ARRIVED THIS DAY— baskets Heidsick Champagne, qts. and pts.; 10 boxes Claret Wine; 2 bales English Walnuts; 2 “ Brazil Nuts; 2 bbls. Pecan Nuts ; 2 bales Flberts; 2 Soft-Shell Almonds. WILLIAM M. DOW, Opposite the Planters' Hotel, and one door be ew the Franklin House. jel4 FLOUR —RomeXUßs Extra Fine, fbr sale by &ug3l M. W. WOODRUFF. ©rarwl :*bDrrtiarmfnlß. THE TURTI3 VICTORIOUS. » TVOCf. HI EL'S Cow,p«und Extract Sarsaparilla, . FJ Indian Hemp, L d'de Potassum and Scheidam r Schnapps,has’made mot e permanent cures o t secret c diseases than any other medicine ever before used 5 for that object. For Eruptions, Pimples, Scrofula, Sypilis, Stric [ tures, Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Constipation, I Chronic Rheumatism, and Mercurial Affections, it ' stands without an equal in the range of the mate ria medica. For sale by the proprietor, at store ; on Broad-st., Augusta, Ga. Price $1 per bottle. ’ may 25 bin AUGUSTA HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEO. " W. P, STAItR, Proprietor, fpms HOTEL is n“w opened for the re- J. ception of Travellers, and it will be the Mil aim of the Proprietor to give satisfaction to ail who may favsr him with their patronage. It is centrllay situated on Broad street, and convenient to the different railroad Depots. Passengers by the Georgia Railroad, will be furnished with breakfast before they leave; those by the South Carolina Railroad, with dinner, cad those by the day train on the Wayncsboro’ road with supper. The Furniture. Bedding, <fcc., in this Hotel is all new. and it will be the endeavor of the Proprietor to render all who may patronize him, comfortable during their stay. mar2l ts Tho Chronicle & Sentinel, Charleston Courier, Savannah Nc*s, Edgefield Advertiser, Chattanooga Gazette, Dalton Times and Montgom ery Advertiser, will insert the above to the amount of five Dollars, and forward bills to W. P. S., with a copy of paper containing first insertion. DENNIS’ ANTI-SPASMODIC TINCTURE^ FOR all sudden and dangerous attacks of Dis ease, such as Fits or Convulsions; Apoplexy, Lock-Jaw ;. Cramp Colic ; Cholera; Pneumonia; Hydrophobia; Bite o.f .makes, and other danger ous cases of Poisons, and all other diseases in which immediate action is necessary. This Tincture produces its effect by equalizing tho circulation of the B*ood, and by relieving in flammation. Its effect in relieving inflammation, either internal or external, makes it useful in a great variety of diseases. For Fever and Aguo, or Chills, it is almost an infallible remedy. Diluted with syrup or honey, it is useful for Colds and all affections of the Lungs, arising from colds, such as Cough, Croup, Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, &c. As an external remedy, in fresh Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Bite of Snakes, Sting of Bees, or Bite of poisonous Insects, it prevents in flammation, and greatly relieves the soreness. Used as a wash in eruptive diseases, such as Scald Head, Ringworm, or diseases which cause an itching sensation upon -:he skin, it soon produces a healthy action. When bus used, the Georgia Sar saparilla should be taken to purify the blood. For Horses, and otht .* animals, this article will be found invaluable for Bruises, Cuts, Galls, Fistu la, &c. For Colic, and various other dangerous attacks, it rarely fails to cure even the worst cases. This is tho most active medicine in use, yet it may be riven without danger of injury. It seldom fails, in dangerous cases, to cause an immediate re action in the system. After i; has caused a reac tion, it may be followed by such other medicines as the situation of the patient mav indicate. Prepared by J. DENNIS, M. D., Augusta, Ga. Price $1 per bottle—Six bottles for $5. jan4 MARINE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY. Cl HARTER Oak Life Insurance Company, Hart- J ford, Conn. Capital $300,000. Endorsed by tbo State. Will insure lives of white persons; also, Negroes, Fire an i Marine. * Granite Insurance Company, New York. Capi tal, $300,000. i Columbia Insurance Company, Columbia, S. C. 1 Capital, $150,000. Farmers’lnsurance Company, Utica, N. York. Capital, $200,000. The undersigned, Agent for the above Compa- " nio?, is prepared to take Marine and River Risks, ] .AwM ' favorable terms. J. H. ANDERSON, Ag’t., feb26 Mclntosh-st., Augusta, Ga. SSOO CHALLENGE. HOBENSAUK’S WORM SARUP.—An article founded upon Scientific Principles, compound ed with purely Vegetable substances, being per fectly safe when taken, and has never been known to fail in curing the most obstinate case. W orms can never exist when this remedy is once used, from the fact that it not only destroys them but removes all the slime and mucus which may re main. THE TAPE WORM. This worm is the most difficult one to destroy of all that inhabit the human body. It grows to an almost indefinite length, and becoming so coiled and fastened in the intestines and stomach as to produce fits, St. Vitus’ Dance, Ac., which is the cause of many going to the grave, not believing that these complaints have their origin from the Tape Worm; consequently they do not use the proper medicines for their disease. To those who are afflicted with this awful foe to health, I recom mend the use of my Worm Syrup, and Liver,Pills, the Syrup to be taken in doses of two table spoon fuls three times a day, then take from five to eight of my Liver Pills, to dislodge and pass the worm. By strictly following these directions, the most ob stinate cases of Tape Worm can be speedily cured. ROUND OR STOMACH WORM. This worm is usually lound in the small intes tines, and is the worm most common to children, yet it is not entirely confined to them, as adults have frequently been known to suffer with them. 'Fiie Symptoms most prominent while affected with this worm, are hardness and fullness of the belly, slimy stools, looseness of the bowels, picking at the nose, a blueish streak under the eyes, Ac. If you or any of your children have any of the above symptoms, HOBENSACK'S WORM SYRUP can safely be depended upon—by using it you have a certain, safe, and speedy cure; and if after using t according to the directions, the patient is not restored to health, and the worms thoroughly era dicated from the system, you can rest assured there is no remedy beyond the grave, as for fail, there is no such word as fail with those who use my Worm Syrup. ASCARIDES OR SMALL THREAD WORMS These worms, to which the human system is lia ble, aro the most troublesmo of all others. They are generally to be foundin the rectum, and if al lowed to remain, from the irritation they produce, lay the foundation for serious disorders, such as inflammation of the bowels, and other derange ments of the stomach. Tho best and safest medi cine that can be used is HOBENSACK’S WORM SYRUP. Such is the astonishing power of my medicines over Ascaradies, that I defy any one to produce a case where my Worm Syrup and Liver Pills are recommended to bo used they will not cure, All that is necessary is to use tho Syrup in accord ance with directions on each bottle, and in case a gentle purgative is required in order to allay tne irritation they produce, the Liver Pills .by their sympathizing action and healthy operation upon the bowels, is the most pleasant medicine that can \)© taken. For sale by D. B. Plumb A Co., and Wm.H.Tutt, Augusta, Ga.: A. J. Creighton, Hamburg, S. C.; H Norton, Madison, Ga.; Hill A Adams, Athens, Ga.j and, at wholesale, by Haviland, Risley A Co., Au gusta, Ga. dAceolv nov 16 AUGUSTA FRENCH BURR MILL STONE MANUFACTORY. rjp H E^Bubscriber his well known SHORTEST NOTICE. He also ‘ furnishes ESOPUS AND COLOGNE STONES. SMUT MACHINES, of various patents, BOLTING CLOiTHS, of the best brand, CEMENT for Millstones, and every other article necessary in a Mill. All orders promptly attended to. jan 3 ly WM. R. SCHIRMER. O-4 boxes Calhoun, very fine ; 4 “ Bob Toombs, do; 10 “ Stultz’s Twist. On consignment, and for sale by aug24 _ DAVIS KOLB & FANNING. UGAR.—IO boxes White Havana Sugar, just received and for sale by sept 2 S. C. GRENVILLE k CO. dealers in ®naiw hh ©lysraoKotg,,* HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS Ac Ac BOYS’ AND CHILDREN’S CLOTHING SHIRTS, COLLARS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, STOCKS, So. L Ac. Which will be sold on reasonable terms , T STREET ’ VXBER THI AIGraTA “•*«- ac« usta , oa. JL j - CLAYION - A. P. BIGNON. J. A. VAN WINKLE, MEJM-dMAanr TAM Next door to Georgia Railroad Bank, and one door below the U. States Hotel, Augusta, Ga. HAS ALWAYS ON HAND A CHOICE SELECTION OF. Cloths; Cassimeres ; Vestings; Linens ; Drap d’Etes, <fcc., Which will be made .to order in the very best style, and as good as can be obtained in any establishment in the Southern Country. All ttoods sold at the above Establishment are of the best qualities apr lo j* FANCY PERFUMERY ARTICLRS. For the TOILET.— Toilet Water; Double and Single Cologne; French, German and American Amber Lavender; Bell Lavender, Ac. For the Skin.—Magnolia Toilet; Cold Cream Lip Balm ; Amandane and Toilet Powder. For the Hair. —Amber Lustra 1; Bay Leaf Water; Philocome Beef Marrow; Bears’ Oil; Rose Hair Oil; a large assortment of the most ap proved Hair Dyes; Hair Depilitory, Hair Restor ers, Ac. For the Hands. —Forty different varieties of select-Toilet and Familv Washing Soaps. For the Teeth.— Pearl Tooth Powder; Den tal Soaps; Rose, 'Chinese and Charcoal Tooth Paste; Strawberry Tooth Wash; English and French Toeth Brushes, Ac. Extracts for the Handkerchief.— The Up per Ten; West End; Poppinack; and thirty other celobrated varieties, French and American. All of which are offered for sale at the lowest cash prices, by WM. HAINES, Druggist and Apothecary, City Drug Store. aug24 JACKSON STREET HOSPITAL, AND SURGICAL INFIRMARY FOR NEGROES r jVHE UNDERSIGNED have deemed it advis- J. able to add the term “Hospital” to their Sur gical Infirmary, for though the institution is intend ed principally for cases requiring Surgical Opera tions and Surgical Treatment, its accommodation is not entirely restricted to these; —we receive cases of any nature occurring in the Negro, provided they are not of an infections character. H F. CAMPBELL, M. D. Operating Surgeon. ROBERT CAMPBELL M. D. jy ts Attending Physician. DUTCH BOLTING CLOTHS. ~ WILLIAM SHEAR has received, from New York, No. 0,1, 2,3, 4,5, 6,7, 8, 9 and 10, Dutch Bolting Cloths of the best quality, to which he respectfully invites the attention of the public jell OATS FOR SALE. A FEW hundred bushels. A parcel from the same was sown to prove the quality, and they aroupfinely. Also, CORN,HOMINY ancl MEAL PEA MEAL and Crushed CORN, for Milch Cows, LADIES’ GAITERS Ax’ i’J- .x'Xiu. JUST RECEIVED, per steamer James Adger from New York— -500 pair Ladies’ Silk Lasting Patent Tipped Gai ters, at sl, worth $1.25. 300 pair Ladies’ Fine Silk Last Gaiters, at $1.25, worth $1.50. 300 pair Ladies’ Fine English Lasting Gaiters, at $1.50, worth $2. 300 pair Ladies’ Velvet Slippers, at sl, worth $1.25. 300 pair Ladies’ Velvet Ties, at worth sl. 100 pair Fine French made Gaiters, at $2.50, 1,00 pair Children’s Ancle Ties. Togotherwith a large assortment of Gentlemen’s Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Boots and Shoes, of the latest styles. Call and examine, as goods will be freely shown, and one price asked. ROBERT CAKROLL, Opposite the United States Hotel, and between Mrs. Hall’s and Collin’s Millinery Store. Broad-st. N. B. Gentlemen’s and Ladies’ Travelling Trunks, Hat Cases, Velices and Carpet Bags, just received, and will be sold at a low figure. jyl4 H- 0- AUGUSTA STEAM CABINET MANUFAC TORY. CHARLES A. PLATT respectfully calls the attention of citizens and others vGiting the city, to his large and handsome assortment of FURNITURE, Comprising every article usually found in a Cabi net Warehouse. Being connected with one of the largest manufactories at the North together with my own Steam Manufactory at this place, I can supply orders equally low as any establishment in the country, as all articles are received trom first hands, and warranted of the best quality. Con nected with the above, I have also on hand asplen | did assortment of CARPETS, Viz : English Velvet Tapestry—Cotton; English Brussels “ Hemp , Extra Three Ply Venetian. Extra Ingrain. RUGS and DOOR MATS, a beautiful assortment; CURTAINS; CORNICES ; CURTAIN LOOPS; PINS, Ac. Table and Floor OIL CLOTH, of all patterns and widths. The above are all purchased at the lowest price, and the legitimate business of this establishment has been so well known for the last fifteen years, makes further comments unnecessary. jan!2 ly EW BOOK.— The Orator’s Touchstone, or E oquenco Simplified, embracing a comprchen sive system of instruction for tho improvement o the voice, and for advancement in the general art o nublic speaking, by Hugh McQueen. Just receiv ed b y y2l McKINNIE * HALL. NEW MUSIC.— SONGS. —I touch the Harp and dream again; Tell me not in mournful numbers; The charming wife; There’s rest for thee in Heaven; a pilgrim and stranger; God bless our Yankee girls; Song of the Hunter; Rest, Spirit, rest; Mary at the Tomb ; Dust to dust, and clay to clay; Ever onward speeds the Angel; Wake thee, dearest, serenade; Bovs and Girls come out to play; Come o’er the Lea ; Bonny Dundee, Scotch ballad; Once again thy sweet smile caressing ; Come this way, my Father; Not a d rum was heard ; Hear, oh, hear me, from Lu > erezia Borgia ; Bonnie Bessie Gray ; Exile’s home; ’ We’ll bid farewell; Oh, wer’t thou mine; Off for Baltimore; Fannie Wraye; Alice Lee; Spirit Bride. , , POLKAS, Ac—Nahant Polka; La Viola do.; Wide Awake do.; Flora’s Festival do ; Sultan do.; Bridal Gift do.; Fair Sex do.; Evalina do.; Mis chief do.; Madame Grisi’s Schottisch; Caricature do.; Happy Return do.; Know Nothing Grand March; Brother Jonathan’s March ; Anderson’s Quickstep; Fashion do.; Etude de Concert; Fleur de Maria ; Then you will remember me, Ac. Just received at CLARK A SON’S, aU g5 Piano Forte and Music Store. FISK S METALLIC BURIAL CASES? - WE have now on hand a full supply of the above Cases, and can fill all orders promptly and upon the most reasonable terms. We have also an assortment of the Metallic Cases, covered with cloth and finished in the most, costly manner. je7 3m C. A. PLATT A CO. ““ WANTED. AT the Augusta Cotton Mills, 50 Power Loom Weavers, and 6 or 8 good Families, or 4 or it more Operatives each. Enquire at the Factory, o» the Superintendent, or at the office on Broad-st. jams READY-MADE CLOTHING, comprising, in part. Black Dress and Frock Coats ; Blue, Brown, Olive, Green and Dahlia Frocks and Sacks; Black and Fancy Gass. Pants; Blac k and Fig’d. Drap d’Eto do.; Plain and fanejr linen do.; a large assortment of T inen, Frock and Sack Coats; and a large stock of Vests. NEW GUNS, PISTOLS, &CJ Broad steet, just above the August Hotel g THE subscriber has just received a large addi tion to his former stock of GUNS and GUN NING APPARATUS, which makes his assort* ment decidedly the best in the city—consisting of - Double and Single Barreled GUNS, all sizes and prices. Colt’s, Allen’s, and other REVOLVERS; also th* Single Barreled Self-cocking and RIFLE PIS TOL, steel barrels. A great variety of Powder Flasks and Shot Bags, and Game Bags, of the finest patterns. Also, Percussion Caps, all varieties, from the common G.D. to the finest Westloy Richard’s wa ter proof. Cleaning Rods, Drinking Flasks, Dog Collars, Hunting Horns, Nipple Wrenches, Ac. Ac. Pocket and Pen Knives, Razors, Bowie Knives Dirks. Powder, by keg or in canisters, all varieties. Shot, by the bag or retail. RIFLES and Double GUNS, of my own make, one barrel Rifle and the other Shot, a splendid shooting article. madelo ord * r - and all kinds of RESTOCKING and REPAIRING done in the best manner, and warranted. Also, Keys fitted and Door Locks repaired, short notice. E. H. ROGERS, juno 16 GEORGIA RAILROAD. L PASSENGER TRAINS SAVE AUGUSTA daily at 6, A. M., and at 6, P. M. atn r o V *p at Augusta dai,y at 5 ' 30 ’ A ‘ M > and Leave Atlanta daily at 9.10, A. M., and at 7.10, P. M. Arrive at Atlanta daily at 4.00, A. M., and at 4.50, P. M. Connecting with Athens Branch Trains, I * t • - . TW , , m • * ■* *,'.■»» • «uj ”fu.‘ , With South Carolina Railroad Trains, Leaving Hamburg daily at 6.30, A. M. Arriving at Hamburg daily at 4, P. M. With Washington Branch. Leaving Cumming daily (Sundays excepted) at 10, A. M., and 4, P.M. Arriving at Cumming daily, (Sundays excepted) at 9.30, A. M., and 3.30, P. M. With Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad Trains, Leaving Atlanta daily at 4.30 A. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 8.50, A. M. With Western and Atlantic Railroad Trains, Leaving Atlanta daily at 5, A. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 4, P. M. And with Macon and Western Railroad Trains, Leaving Atlanta daily at 5, P. M. IgArriving at Atlanta dailyat 2.10, A. M. And leaving Atlanta on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 7.30, A. M. And arriving at Atlanta on Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays at 3.00, P. M. jy22 GEO. YONGE, Sup’t. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, WM. K KITCHEN isassociated with us as a partner in all our concerns from this date. HAVILAND, HARRAL A RISLEY, New York. HAVILAND HARRAL & CO., Charleston, S. C. HAVILAND RISLEY & CO., January 1, 1854. Augusta, Ga. HAVILAND, RISLEY A CO., are my duly au thorized Agents to transact any business in which I am interested during my absence from the State. My notes and accounts will be lound at their store. WM. K. KITCHEN. Augusta, Feb. 12,1854. ts NEW DRUG STORE. 1 DR. J. M. HILL & CO., ai#offering, at their Store, the freshest and purest Stock of MED- i ICINES now in Augusta, and at as low prices as the same articles ean be purchased for in any es tablishment in the South. Physicians, Merchants and Families have a pledge that no article shall leave the store less pure than it came from the package of the Importer, as every article was in spected and purchased by the Senior partner of the concern, an experienced practicing Physician. Paints, Oils, and Dyestuffs of every kind, to gether with a full assortment of fancy articles, con sisting in part of fine extracts of every description soapsjof every variety and style, brushes for the teeth, nails, body and clothes, with many other articles too tedious to mention, Prescriptions put up with ciire and dispatch, everyday and night in the week. Giveusacall, one and all, Broad street, Augusta, upper part of the city. dec 15 SPRING GOODS, NEW STYLES. THE subscriber has just opened a large and ele gant stock of Spring and Summer GOODS, received direct from the Importers in New York, to which he respectfully solicits attention. ladies’ dress goods. Rich Organdie Muslins; Rich Printed Jaconets; French Ginghams; Rich Figured Bareges; Piain Do; Plain Crape de Paris; Rich Plaid India Silks; Printed and Plaid Tissues Mourning Bareges; Plaid and Printed Mourning and 2d Mourn ing Bareges; —also— Glove*; Silk and Cotton Hosiery; Lace and Twisted Silk Mitts, Ac., Ac. mar 23 JOHN P SETZE. EMBROIDERIES. THE subscriber has just received a large lot of Rich and Low-Priced Embroideries, consisting of — Lace, Book and Swis3 Muslin Cellars; “ “ “ “ Chemezetts; “ “ “ “ Uundorsleeves : Mourning and 2d Mourning Collars and Sleeves; “ “ Embr’d.L. C. H’dk’fs; Embroidered White Crape Shawls; Muslin Sleeves and Chemezetts, in setts, Ac. mar 23 % - J. P. SETZE. SHIRTS AND COLLARS —Just received, a fine assortment of French’Cuff Shirts, new ar ticle, and fashionable Collars. aug4 _ WM. 0. PRICE A CO. LINEN GOODS. JUST received, at P. and M. GALLAHER’S, Irish Linens, all qualities and prices; Pillow case Linens; Farmer’s Drills; Check Coatings, Blay Linens, and Brown Hollands; Russia, Dia pers; Brown and Bleached Damask; English, Ger man and American Cloths. mar 23 VOL. 33—NEW SERIES—VOL. 9 -NO. 274 FURNISHING GOODS. White and Colored Shirts; Silk, Merino and Cotton Under Garments; Cravats; i all kinds ot Gloves ; l Halt Hose; Stocks; l Collars ; Suspenders; t and everything useful for a Gentleman’s I Outfit. i, and will be sold cheap, f. A. VAN WINKLE. Htj JUwrtisnnfpU. SINGER’S SEWING MACHINES = WHICH arc the only Sewing Mu of mV" i:■ ; i; v which can be used without uiakinA the Minor liable to a suit for infringement of i al» tent<->i privileges are still soid*t mMHMMtMatMI >’ ,)i(- stioned rigftfr' : A^K^Kjf Having terminated' onr Uni controversy whHH Klias Howe. .1 r, and procured his full license to hi# invention, there is not the slightest claim, our machines infringe any other patent. wßf The right to use the which we hsr^B sold, and shall hereafter sell, is anquestionabl*. We own ten distinct patents on Sewing covering ail the niee points of the invention, atitß all the Machines of other manufacturers inftiiige ■ one or more of them. Our patent scourfnpt ihe f spring whereby the clpHiu.Ae., is held to ing appiraWß t > a yielding pressure, is infrififet^P are hereby distinctly apprised that wo shall corn; pel them to pay us for the privilege of using them, ( will henceforth be rigidly enforced - Machines has been f-rttipi&teiy established. They doing all and perfectly 6 a I hey arc not only superior in contrivance, but un equalled in mechanical finish. They perform alpsemN Ivor, re quirt'd, and continue to do it without gett tmg out of order. We desire to call attention to-marly to our new Machines to sew with a :inglHß| thread, ivhii b, by ample trials, have been nroveiMslll superior to aft others foe stiohiiig linen and thm iabries also for sewing leather, Cither with 9|| waxed thread or silk—and for quilting linings. are also prepared to exhibit and sell Kmbroiderin®H| Machines, producing an entirely new and beautiful result. Machines of extra s.anUo and single thread, may be bad for a fSHHH uitlcrenec in priee. These are found to be I pular. Machines for hat binding. •=*;:, : ,g bandies, and any other peculiar wojiHHHH he supplied at short notice. Machine Needles, Silk Twist on spool&rfflßHH Cord Linen Thread, and all other articles usa^jHi w. th Sewing Machines always on hand and for saHSII at all our otliccs. “ JB9BH a nncipa! Oflice, No. .123 Broadway, New ISRANCH OFFICES. No. 57 South Fourth Street. Philadeli hia. ’|V I “ 4 i Hanover Street, Boston. t-fr * “ St. Charles Street. New Orleans. “ 159 Baltimore Street, Baltimore. > “ 247 River Street, Troy, New “ 223 "Walnut Street, Cincinnati, j 1 aug9 2m I. M. SINGER k CO SIN I H WCUTTA PEROHAjg,' y 3\ COMPANY jo, I EW-YORK Aj I n JW I GUTTA PERCHA WAT: R-PROOF GOODS. H 5 °f Wurld’s Fair, and Gold Medal of American Institute, awarded so„ these Goods. \\ arohouse of Companv, 102 Broadwaj r , and 1 Pine Street, where may be found GUTTA PERCIIA GOODS, In great variety, far superior to any other Water- Proof Goods in the market, comprising many de- ets, i ravelling Lags, Surgical Articles, SteaMK §*jr Packing and hundreds of other articles. Wf These Goods are free from unpleasant odoiif [ f very tenacious, pliable and elastic; cot injured b# -iHPj fatty substances; and unlike India Rubber, wiu rl i not decompose and become sticky. Are cheaper! J different from any other Gutta Porcha mado in this 4 £ country or Europe, and warranted to stand all cßgl ■ mates. Certificates from persons who have tested th«r < Goods, may be seen at the Store of the Company* ' Terms liberal. Dealers are invited to examine these Goods be fore purchasing elsewhere. S Orders executed to any amount at short notice. I Caution. —Base imitations, made of varnished B Ind : a Rubber, art* already being offered in the ■ market. Therefore, purchasers should bear in 'J ~ind that all genuine Goods are stamped with tb# trade mark of the Company. £ 1 "WILLI A M RIDER, Pres’t. N. A. auff l «|j Dlt. EDWARD ELEECKER’B BM STAMPEDE MIXTURE, For the F. trr anil Ague an.l Chngrts Avriji Thu PROPRIETOR of this Medicine will state, H without hesitation or fear ot contradiction, that the Stampede Mixture has cured more per- Hra sons, where it has been introduced, than any medicine in use for the above diseases. This meu- HB icine has neither Arsenic or quinine in its compo. 9H sition, all of the ingredients are of a ptrfectlt/* healthy character and highly stimulating and vigorating in their tendency. Persons while using this medicine will not be affected by exposore t« water or a damp atmosphere no more than when in their usual health. Planters in sections of the , - country where tho Ague prevails, will do well to IIM adopt this medicine, as the patient is not obliged « to lay by while under treatment, and they may be assured of a speedy ire. The Proprietor could introduce thousands of certificates trom thosfc?*!#' the highest respectability, but pr* ers Sick buy one bcttle and you w have the infalli- H blc proof in yourself. Full <' rcctions lor its use flßjj accompany each bottle. BH For sale at the principal ruggists every where ; wholesale orders must be a udressed IHI MEAD & BLECKER, ' WM Sole Proprietors, 98 Broadway, New York. Agents —Haviland, Risley A 00., Augusta; S. fl| S. Solomon A Co., Savannah ; It. C. Carter, Colum bus; Simons, Ruff A Co., Charleston, ly jy 12 REMOVED TO NO. 13, JOHN STREET. Established 1799. MOTT BROTHERS, |BHH Formerly at No. 2, Nassau Street, SUCCESSORS TO THEIR FATHER, SMHBHfIiI JORDAN MOTT, IMH IMPORTERS AND DEALERS} FjINE WATCHES, JEW EL R YbE|l Os all kinds, and of the latest Patters. * BB9H —ALSO- " 'j, -f 1 ’ - Diamonds in Rings, Pins, Silver Ware, Ac., &<-. HBB All of which will be warranted. « BHMHj P. S.—The best workmen only employed in HaMl nairs. dtAcly mayli SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE FOR MB YOUNG LADIES. Wjm 171 Marshall Street, Ph ladelphla. . WBSBSm GILBERT COMBS, A. M., Principal. AUGUSTUS SIMON, A M., Pr of. 0 f. 0 f A ~ H cient and Modern Languages Rev. BERNHARDSTIMTIi AL, A. M.,88i man Language. GEORGE W. HOLMES, A M., Teacher a Mil Drawing and Painting. gflH| J. E. KOCIIERSPERGER, Tern her of JUosi« W. W.FIFE, Teacher of Penmanship. ShI Miss SARAII FREEMAN, First Assistant. MS Miss ANNA M. KF.NNARD, Second Assistant. ’ Miss SARAH E. CON VERSE, Third Assistant. I§S Miss ANNA E. MITCIIEL, Fourth Assistant. ? B| REFERENCES. ..:«k Rev. Albert Barnes, Philadelphia ; Hon. Walter H Lowery, New York; Rev. Samuel. K. Talmage. B Oglethorpe University; Rev. A. Church, Athena, ■ Ga.; Rev. A. Means, Oxford, Ga.; Joel C. Barsmtt, ■ Esq., Madison, Ga. -JTJgKg'v- « A few pupils can be received into the family of the Principal at the rate of $l5O per session jpr board and Tuition, payable ia advance.^ JOHN P. KELLOGG 8c Co., jit y IMPORTERS OF jf BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, 44 Water Street, John P. Kellogg, 1 New Yerta. Rf.nuy L. Kellogg, > John N Squires. ) aprilS^B^Hl FUI>II HOPS, A supply, for sale by 111111 l sept2l WM. HAINES, Druggist,