The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, November 10, 1854, Image 3

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jUwrtiannfnts. WANTED, A YOUTH about 16 years of age to attend in a Gentleman e Furnishing Store. One who re side* with nis parents preferred. Apply next door North of Mechanics'Bank. d 6 novlO ff SALT. ~~ 3/ W \ SACKS Capo do Verdes Salt, in 2 j v/v/V/ bushel saiks, a prime article for Plan ters’ use, for sale on consignment. —*—A LSO— -2,000 Gunny Bags. J. B. GUIEU, novjlO ftf General Commission Merchant- H. A. BROOKS, historical asd portrait painter, Constitutionalist Range, Mclntosh Street, nevlO AUGUSTA, GA. TIN PLATER JOHN U THOS. A BONES, hare just received 1000 boxes Tin Plates of (imported direct) Also heavy stock Iron wire, Block Tin, Pig Lead, Spit tes, Sheet Iron, Lead, Copper and Zinc, which they offer at lowest price. novlO d 3 LEsHCn MAGAZINE, lor November, has been received. Also the Knickerbocker for the same month. For sale by, novlO GEO. A. OATES A BRO., Broad st. Postponed CITY SHERIFF'S SALE. ON the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, will be sold, at the Lower Market House in the city of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, by virtue of an order from the Honorable the Court of Com mon Pleas of said city, all that lot, or parcel of land, with the improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the city of. Augusta, near the Augusta , Factory, on the east corner of Marbury and Fen wick streets, and bounded South by said Fenwick street, North a lot of R. D. Carmichael, East by a lot of— ■ Sharron, and West by Marbury street, sa d property having been heretofore levied on as the property of Laman A. Ford, by virtue of sundry attachments returnable to find carried to judgement in the Court of Common- Pleas of said city, in favor of Hand A Fleming and others, vs. Laman A. Ford. WM. V. KER, fch’ff. C. A. novlO HIDES FOR SALE—I,OOO Cow Hides J for sale. Apply to novlO * W RITC HARD. ADMIN ISTRATOB’H SAT.P ” WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANU ARY next, oefore the Court House door in Waynesboro, Burke county, between the usual hours of sale, under and by virtue of an order of the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of said coun ty. the following Negro Slaves, belonging to the Estate ot Stephen Mills, deceased, viz: SAM, a man about 45 years old; HANDY, a man a<»e<i 23; RANDOM, & boy ageji 15; LIMERICK, a bey aged 14 ; KELSEY, a woman aged 42 ; EAS TER, a girl aged 21 ; NANCY, a girl aged 16. Terms on the day. Purchasers to pay for titles. novlO WILLIAM H. MILLS, Adm’r. NO TICE. —AII persons indebted to the Estate of George W. Meritt, late of Burke county, de ceased, are requested to make immediate payment; and those having demands against said Estate are required to render them in, duly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law. RILEY W. REEVES, novlO Qualified Executor. NEW AND FASHIONABLE GOODS. WM. O. PRICE & CO-, Drapers and Tailors, arc now prepared to execute any and all or ders in their lilo of business, having this Fall re ceived an unusual and choice selection of Cloths, Cassimores and Vestings, which they will make up to order in the mo t modern and approved style. Clothing. —Our stock embiaces all the.model-n styles as Garmonts, got up by tho most experienced mechanics, and at prices that must please all that can appreciate. We have also all other articles in our line of business, such as Hosiery, embracing all the latest manufacture ; Gloves, do.; Neck Dressing do., and all the articles useful for the Gentlemen’s Ward robe. 258 Broad st. novlO NEW FALL GOODS.—FULL SUPPLIES. WILLIAM SHEAR HAS roceivod from New York his Full Supplies of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, embracing a large and splendid Assortment, suitable for the Fall and Winter s.ason, among which are — Rich fancy colored Silks of new and beautiful styes; Plain Black Silks,.in great variety of styles, and of superior quality ; Rich Paris printed DeLaines and Fane v, all! Wool Plains; Lupin’s colored white and black Merinoes, and plain colored DeLaines; A very large Supply of small figurod, all-wool printed DeLaines, for children, of new and beautitu! styles, " English and American Fancy Frints, in a great variety ol styles ; Superior Scotch fancy Ginghams, of new and beautiful Winter styles; Elegant French Embroideries, embracing Ladies' Collars. Chemizettes, Undersleeves and Hand kerchiefs, of now and splendid styles ; Ladies Black and Colorod Cloth Cloaks and Tal mas of the latest styles; Ladies’ Rich Embroidered and Plain Paris Silk Velvet Cloaks; A large supply of Ladies,’ Misses' and Children's ■ Ilosiery ol the best make; Ladies and Gentlemen’s Superior Gauntlet Gloves; Ladies’ and Misses’ Merino and Silk Vests; Gentlemen s and Youth’s Silk and Merino Shirts and Drawers ; Superior Welch, Gauze, Saxony and Silx Warp and Heavy Shaker Flannels ; Superior English Colored Flannels, for Ladies’ I Sacks; English and American Canton Flannels, of oxtra ! quality ; very large Supply of Mourning Goods, for Ladies' use, of Superior quality ; Superior 12-4 Linen Sheetings and Pillow Case Linens; Superior 8-4 and 10-4 Table and Damask Diapers, some of extra quality ; Rich Damask Table Cloths and Napkins, some of extra size; Scotch and Bird's Eye Diapers, extra tine, for children's wear; Heavy Scotch Diapers, and Huckabacks, for Toweling; Vaperior Whitney and Merino Blankets of .extra I w size and quality; Superior Crib Blankets. Also, a great variety o f other seasonable articles I suitable for Family and Plantation use. The ! public are respectfully invited to call and examine the assortment. W. S. especially solicits a call from his long continued friends and patrons, and assures them that no exertion on his part will be wanting to : supply them with the latest and most desirable ; styles of Goods, at the lowest prices. novß RICH CARPETS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS. WILLIAM SHEAR HAS just received from New York a Large Supply of— English Brussels Carpets, of the best quality and of new and elegant styles. English Velvet Carpets, of new and splendid styles. Extra Three Ply, Ingrain and Venetian Carpets. Rich Chenille Rues, to match the Carpets. Print a Crumb Cloths, in patterns and by the yard. Rich colored Damasks and DeLaines, for o ur . tains, with Gimps and Tassels to match, i. Rich embroidered Lace and M- tS | in Curtains, and some at very low prices. I Embroidered Muslin, for 0- Window Shades of bear ' b * the Fringes,* 01 Furnitut * *1 Dimities and' Fine Cotton Plated Curtain Band *< and Brass “>* The W R°ds ). -olic are respectfully invited to call and *ne the assortment. nov7 me menu. novi NE >EO EL ANKETS AND CLOTHS. ~ WILL(A>I SHEAR respectfully invites the attention of Planters te his large Supply of Negro Blankets aDd Negro Cloths, which he is preparing to sell at very low prices. nov7 NEW FALL GOODS. " LD. LALLEHSTEAT, has received his com* * plete Stock of Pal' and Winter Dry Goods and offers at his old Stand, corner of Globe Hotel, a very large assortment of— Brooade, Striped and Plain Silks; Canton Cheesed Silks for children; Muslin DeLanes and Gashmeers: English and French Merinos, great variety. Lupine best Bombazines and Alpaccae; Needle Worked Collars and Undersleeves; Do. Bands and Chrmyetts; Bwiss a r 'd Jaconet Trimmings; Gimps Fringes, and Buttons; Cloths and Cassimeres; Ladies and Gent’s Silk and Merino Vests; Furnature Dimity and Fringes, Table Linens and Towellings; Superior I-ish Linen and Diaper: Rod and Whtte Flannel; Negro Blankets, great variety; Osnaburgs and Stripes; Kerseys and Ga. Plains. To which he invites att ntion. cov7 d6&c3 FHINIZY & CLAYTON. WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. atigusta, ga. IXTCJKE-* OF A HOUSE —To Rent untifthe Ist of Oot rber next, that pleasant dwelling on the River Bank, just below the bridge; recently oc* ouoied by Mr Decottes. Apply to uovi S. C GRENVILLE A CO. JUtorrtisfmritla. T NOTICE. “ HL subscriber, thankful for past favors, would 1 “ for “ nis friends and the travelling public, that his House is again opened for the reception ot private and transient Boaraers, on the comer of Broad and Jackson streets, over Messrs. Miller A Warren’s wholesale and retail Dry Goods Store. "O Pains will be spared to make those comforta ble that give him their custom. Charges moder ate. Those who may want to stop with him dur ing the Fair, will please notify him as early as dos siblc. nov9d2A4 D. B. RAMSEY, Proprietor NOTICE.— ON and after this date the Office oi the Wash ington and New Orleans Telegraph Company will continue open in tha evening until all business is transacted. THOS. D. RICE, - nov " __ _ Chief Operator. ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL, W CORNER OF BROAD AND KOLLOCK STREETS. ERNENPUTSCH will resume tho exer • cises of his School on Monday, November J3th. Tuition for Term of 12 weeks sl6 00 Payment required in advance. novK FODDER AND HAY just received on consign ment For sale by DYE A BARNES. nov9 ]\]EW RoyKS.—Apaja, a Norwegian and Lap -- land Tale ; or, Life and Love in Norway.— Translated from tho German of Theodore Mugga, by Edw. Joy Morris. The Young Housekeeper, or Thoughts oh Food and Cookery. By Wm. A, Alcott. The Young Mother, or Management of Children in regard to Health. Bv Wm A. Alcott The Yeung W r ife, or duties of Woman in the Marriage Relation. By Wm. A. Alcott, author of tho Home I Livo m,^c. Swell Life at Sea; or. Fun, Frigates and latching A collectiou of N. utical Yarns, from a Log Book of a Youngster of the Mess. Na Motii; or Reef Rovings in the South Seas —- A narrative of Adventures at the Hawahan, Georgian and Society Islands; with original illus trations. By Edw. T. Perkins. The Cabin Boy’s Story, a semi-nautical Ro mance. Founded on Fact, By the author of the Lawyer s Story. The Wide-Awake Gift, a Know-Nothing Token for 1855. Edited by “ One of ’Em.” "* none bnt Americans on Guard to-night,” Kansas and Nebraska : the history, geographical and physical characteristics, and political position of those Territories ; an accouct of the Em grant Aid Company, k and Directions to Emigrants. By Edward E Hale. With an original map from the latest authorities The Inebriate’s Hut; or, the First Fruits of the Maine Law. By Mrs. S. A. Southworth. “ Oh thou invisible Spirit of Wine, if thou hadst no name to be kuonL by, let us ca*)!.”—Siiak peare. Just received and for sale at GEO. A. OATES A BRO.’S, • Booksellers A Stationers, _ Broad Street. RICH DRY GOODS "Cheaper than the very Cheapest .” GRA v BROTHER’S —Beg to inform the public, that their Fall purchases this sea-on have been unusually large, having been in the Northern markets over three months this Summer, where so many large auction sales took place, offering de cided advantage to close purchases. Wecan*con tidently say that our stock is much cheaper than the like quality of Goods could be obtained a few weeks later, when the great body of Merchants went tomasket, our desire, owing to the very short | season that we will now necessarily have, is to dis pose of this large stock independent of promts, and we may venture to say that wa can offer as strong inducements as any of our neighbors, if not strongor. . In our Drosa Goods Room, will be found the richest varieties of the Season, such as— Elegant Moriant’guo Silks: Rich Satin, Striped do. Very Elegant Black Plaid do Small Stripe Pla’ds and figured. Rich Brocade Plain Striped and Plaid, 50 cents per yard, worth 75 cents; Plain Black Silks all widths, very cheap; Black Plaid Watered and Brocade, new styles; White Silks and Satins; Figured, all Wool, French muslin Delaine, 12 J cts. worth 50. French Merinos, very cheap; Lupins best Bombazine exceedingly low; » Black Jamisse, a new and very desirable, all Wool Goods, for mourning; Black Alapacas all qualities, somo very fine and low priced; Mantillas, Cloaks and Talmas of the very latest French styles, exceedingly cheap; Crape, Cashmere and Woollen Shawls; Embroideries of all kinds of the most elegant description; Ribbons lor the Million, fine bonnet and neck, 6> cents a yard,-worth 20 cents. Calicoes and Ginehams, best styles cheap, Domestic Goods - f ell kinds; Blankets and Kersey’s unusually low, and a great variety of other articles to which we would res pectfully invite the attention of the public. oov‘2 GRAY BROTHER’S. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE7 " THE Undersigned has this day associ>ted with THOMAS J. JENNINGS and ISAIAH PURSE in the Grocery and Commission liusiness under the name and style of Poullain, Jennings & Co. Nov. 6. 1854. ANTOINE POULLAIN. [a CARD I POULLAIN, JENNINGS & CO, AUGUSTA, GA. Grocers & Commission Merchants Antoine Poullain, | Thomas J. Jennings, Isaiah Purse. novS FRANKLIN HOUSE. THE subscriber takes this method of informing his friends, and the travelling pub»; iC general ly, that his house is again open for t**, reception of private and transcient boarders ; \io ping by strict attention to the wants and comforts of those around him to receive a liberal share of the public patronage. Changes moderate. novß 3tn WM. H. HOWARD, Proprietor. KUMBELS PATENT MAC HINE BELTING PERSONS IN’ W ANT OV BELTING for Ma chine purposos, would do well to call and examine our stock, as ttd have on hand and are constantly receiving an ar;icl© superior to any over brought to this market. This belting is made of Oak Tanned Leather, and stretched by powerful machinery, and is said to be much more durable than the Hemlock belting for machinery \V e have also on hand a large assortment of Hemlock Bel ting equal to uny of the kind ever sold. Can be found also at the old stand of A. Hatch, now Hatch & Begbie, a large assortment of Saddles, Bridles, CanvassTrar ks and everything elsejboUmgiug to the business, .a genuine article of Neat’s Foot Oil, always on hand at tho above named pla.ce. Work of all kinds made to order with neatness and des patch. HATCH & BEGBIE n °v2 difcclm PL ANT AT 'lon. NEGROES, ST OCK AND* PROVISIONS FOR Al E. TIIHE ua dersigned, desirous of leaving the coun try 4 'offers tor sale his entire negroes, horses, Vjulcs, cattle, hogs, provisions, Ac. First, hi 3 fag'm at No. 10|, C. R. Road, Jefferson county, five hundred acres, about two-thirds fiue hammock land.-, the remainder pine. This is a 'good station for wood and water, and a good | Llace for a boarding house. With this plaoe will 1 toe sold, if desired, five negroes : two likely fallows, a negro woman with two children, the woman & good cook, washer and ironer; also, 1000 bushels corn, with 7 head horses and mules, 40 hce.d cattle and 200 head hogs, or thereabouts; also, five hun dred (500) acres of pi*o lands, heavily timbered, one and a half miles from the railroad. »Dd two miles trom the Ogechco river; also, one tract of land of two hundred two and a half (2025) rcres in Ne one, (1) twelfth (12) district, Montgomery county. Persons desirous of purchasing are requested to oorne and look for themselves, and as sooo as pos sible, as lam determined to sell. Terms liberal. Apply to the undersigne i, in person, at Station No. 10$, or by letter, addressed to Holcombe, Burke oountv, Ga. MICHAEL CRONEN. 00t26 d&o2m. HATS, CAPS ANITBONNE'rsr" AT WHOLESALE. N. NICHOLS, Successor to J-Taylor, Jr., A Co , opposite the Bank of Augusta, has the pleasure of announcing to Merchants visiting Augusta, that his stock of EATS, CAPS and BON v ETS, for the Fall Trade, is now oompieto. And all those desiring Goods in his lino, are in vited to call and examine them, as they will He sold at prices that cannot fail to please. septl4 ts FOR THE FALL TRADE. ~ WE have commenced receiving, Cloths, Casd meres and Vestings, of the newest and most fashionable order, for the Fall Trade. Gentlemen may rely upon having any article of Clothing they order made up in fashionable and correct style. Our Stock embraces every article of Dress and and convenience for the Wardrobe. WAI. 0. PRICE A CO., 1 septl Drapers and Tailots. CHAS. A. GREINER. SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANT. Savannah. Ga., will give particular attention to receiving, and forwarding Merchandise, to the s interior, by River and Railroad. jc2 6m i ■ - ‘C'IFTY H tills BACON SIDES, in store and to -a arrive. For sale low, for cash by • oeto DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING. ©fttfrol JUmndisements Tto rent~ HE commodious dwelling recently occupi ed by J. S. Wilcox, two doors below tho Mai Union Bank. For particulars apply to Baker, W ilcox A Co., or to D. H. Wilcox. oct27 TO RENT, FROM the first of October next, a Store and Dwelling on Broad Street, above the Upper Market, occupied at present by B. Henry. Apply to aug!7 ts THOS. DUNEGAN. " TO RENT, ‘ TWO two-storj HOUSES on Calhoun-st., gr*. containing 7 rooms. t, Two double tenement, on the same street single story. „ ° One double tenement on Taylor street. Iwo two-story Houses, i rooms, on Fonwick-st Four li story, on Fenwick-st., fronting So Ca’ Depot. Apply to JAS. L. COLEMAN jy2B TO RENT. jC'ROM the first of Ootober next, the long l ?u tll n r ? ar of “y £tore at present oc-lliiii. copied by the Oglethorpe Infantry as a drill room. Tto rent. ~ HE STORE, at present occupied by Mr. H. T. Peay, at the Lower Market. Apply to WM. H. PRITCHARD. septs FOR SALE. a_ ~a A DELIGHTFUL Summer Residence, *• with an abundance of wood, and a.JjjiJljylgL. fine Spriqg of Water, 1J miles from Hamburg, O- Possession given immediately. ts septl6 WANTED, A SITUATION by a young man, in some res pectable Grocery, Drug or Dry Goods Store, as employment is his object, the amount of Salary will not be a matter of much moment. He will be willing to make himself useful to his employer. A line directed to C. B. N., through the Post Offica will meet with his attention. nov4 ts WAGONS FOR SALE.' Four large road wagons. —Apply to my Ware House on Broad street, no 1 o. H. LEE. AUGUSTA SADDLE AND HARNESS MANUFACTORY. 193 Broad Street u nder t e Augusta Hotel, AT the above Establishment can be ... found a largo aad well selected as- ||§|k sortment of Saddles, Bridlea, Harness, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, Ac., which will be sold on accommodating terms. Work of all kinds made to order, with neatness and despatch. HATCH A BEGbIE. Augusta, Aug. 29 1854 aug3o SADDLERY, &c., FALL TRADE, 18£'4. SHERMAN, JESSUP & CO., (LATE WRIGHT, NICHOLS Sc CO ,) HAVING increased their facilities, and perfect ed their arrangements for manufacturing and importing, are now prepared to exhibit an unusu ally varied and extensive assortment of Saddlos, Bridles, Harness, Whips, Trunks, Valicea, Carpet Bags, in every description of Goods in that line Also, a heavy stock of Saddlery Hardware, Coach Trimmings, Springs, Axles, Castings, Ac, which are offered to dealers and manufacturers at low prices, and upon their usual liberal terms, for approved credit. dAf3m sept7 Q r~\i BAGS Rio Coffee, just received by O SCRANTON, SEYMOUR A CO. No- 2 Warren Block. 1 / \ BBLS ohoico New Orleans S>rur>, * A 10 bbls Golden Syrup, novl SCRANTON, SEYMOUR A CO. SUGARS, SEGAKS.-—200,000 Segarsof variou s qualities, some equal to any ever sold in this market, for sale by * THAYER A BUTT.. aSO£t7 Brooms, tubs, buckets— malto BiTkq ts Ac., a large supply now landing. octT THAYER A BUTT, Sugar coffee &c 7 ’ 200 bags Coffee. 100 barrels refined Sugar, various qualities-, landing this day. THAYER A BUTT. oot7 \ ■ ACHIME aiSLTI N G —Patent Riveted., Stretohed and Cemented, single and double, all _widths, from Ito 24 inches. Thoso Belts are made from whole hides of be3t quality of leather, long u?od and approved by the most extensive man ufacturers and machinists in Goorgia and adjoining States. A large stock always on hand at the Sad dlery Warehouse of SHERMAN, JESSUP & CO., Late Wright, Niohols & Co., No. 239 Broad st., second door above tho Bank of Augusta. d&f3m sept? BLUE STONE. — 2000 bis. just received by novl WM. H TUTT, Druggist. Me DICING CHESTS. —A fine assortment for Family and Plantation use. for sale by novl WM. H. TUTT. Druggist P oli PURIFYING SICK CHAMBERS, &C 1 Solutions of Chloride of Zinc.—This is a most powerful agent for pur iiyir jg the air of sick cham bers, houses that have b'aen long shut up, cellars &c., forsa!«*>y W, M. H. TUTT Druggist, notl FRENCH Z1.YC.. —5000 pounds, just reotived by novl WM. H. TUTT Druggist. " P ,SH BRUSHES, of all sizes for V V sale by WM. H TUTT Drugg st. CLOTFLPYG ! CLOTHING!! CLOTHING! ! 11/*" R. w. CLAGETT of the House of Messrs L#l PIERSON, JENNINGS & CO., who is at the Charleston House, will fill all orders sent to that House, from North Carolina, South Carolina; Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama. octs 3m PIERSON, JENNINGS_&JIO. BACON —20,000 pounds Sides, for sale by DAVIS, KOLB & FANNING. OCt2B ; N CONSIGNMENT and lor sale by DAVIS, KOLB & FANNING. 12 bb!s 'nions, in prime order. 12 kegs Tennessee Butter. 12 bags Feather?. oct2B Qpr KEGS fine Tennessee Butter, just received Ot) and for sale by sept 30 A. STEPHENS. C. A. L. LAMAR, General commission merchant, Sa vannah, Ga., will give strict attention to the forwarding of Goods for the interior of Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee. ly may 16 1 j W V UOZ. French Calf Skine, now arriving, LUU of favorite brands and assorted weights, warranted tresh. For sale at the Saddlery Ware house of SHERMAN, JESSUP & CO., Late Wright, Nichols <Ss Co., No. 239 Broad-st., second door above the Bank of Augusta. d&f3m scpt7 MEAL —A fine art-cle—fresh ground, and just received into store from the Granite Mill, for sale by GEO. W. LEWIS. nov2 No. 1 Warren Block. “PLANTERS’ hTtEL~aUGU3Ta7 ga. ~ THE undersigned, n taking tho management of the above House, pledge themselves that the former reputation which it has acquired, will i 1 no manner bo diminished, but hope by attention to increase tho favor of its patrons. The House will bo open on tho first of November. JOHN BRIDGES. oc t2o ts J. GEORGE ILLIG. Inconsequence of the Epidemic, still prevail ing the undersigned will have to postpone the opening as announced, viz: tho first of November, until further notice. John Bridges. novl J- George Illig. forTsale. A DESIRABLE PLACE, 8 miles from the city, and one and a half mile 3 from tho Waynes boro Railroad, containg 33 Acres The improve ments are good. There’s a fine Orchard on the place, and a plenty of wood and water. A bargain may be had if applied lor soon. Apply to Wat. E. Barnes, Augusta. WM. H.BALDY, nov2 t6t SALT OF LEMONR THIS SALT is infinitely preferable to any other preparation for immediately takinglronMoulds ink spots, red white, and stains of any kind, out of lace, muslin, lawn, cambric, and linnen, without trouble, and winbout doing the least injury to them It also whitens them to admiration, if th-yare \ grown yellow, so as to render them as beautitul as when Quite new. Price 25 ots. per vial, and for sale by WM, HAINES, Druggist, -Nov4 Augusta. NEW’ BUC WHEAT. —New Bucwheat received this day per steamer. novs THAYER A BUTT. HIRAM SMITH FLOUR — 3O Bbls. fresh ground Hiram Smith Fleur, of New Wheat, received per steamer, this day landing novs THAYER A BUTT HARPER’S MAGAZINE FOR NOVEMBER. Just Received and for Sale by _ __ GEORGE A, OATES A BRO. HARPER’S MAGAZINE for November, trim ©d. For sale by novß THOS. RICHARDS A SON. Received this day —A supply of Fresh Bermurda Arrow Root, Gum Camphor, Sied itz Powders and Potash, and for sale to those in want by WM. HAINES, Diuggist. (Stneral ftftnfrtisrmcnts. ~ NOTICE. THE school about to be opened under the direc tion of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Griffin, will com mence its first quarter, Monday November 13th.— I Entrance to the young lad es Department will be on Green street, the boys will enter on Jackson Street. novß HOUGHTON INSTITUTE. fIIHE exercises of this institution will be resum- X ed Monday, the 13ih inst. The male depart ment under the superintendence of Mr. Daniel j M ahon f.y. and the female under the charge of Mrs. i W heeler. Bv order of the Committee. novß * AUGUSTA HIGH SCHOOL. KEV. JOHN NEELY, PRINCIPAL.—Mr. Neely proposes to open, on Monday, 13th November, in the Buildings of the Richmond County Academy, a High School for Boys, in which they can be prepared, cither for business, or for admission to any class in Codege. The Course of Instruction will include all the departments of an English education, with Latin, Greek, Mathematics, French, German and Drawing. The Scholastic Year, x'.i -from the first Monday in October to the second Saturday in August fol lowing, will be divided into four Quarters or Sessions: First Session commencing Oct. 2nd; and ending De.\ 18ih, 18 4. Second Session commencing Dec. 19th, 1854, and ending March6th, i 855. Third Session commencing March 7th, 1855, and ending May 23d, 185a Four.h Session commencing May 24th, and end ing August 9th * Students may enter at aDy time, and will be charged trom tne date of entrance to the end of the Session. Terms —s6o per Scholastic Year. For French or German, S2O additional. Stenography will be taught, if desired, at $lO for that course. OnedoUar will be chargedfor fuel for each of the Winter Sessiors. 12 novs s electschoolT A SELECT English and Classical School will be opened in the School Rooms, opposite the Methodist Church, on the corner of Gr**cn and Jackson Streets at the close of the prevailing epi demic, under the charge of Mr D F Griffin, A M. The course of instruction will be thorough and practical. Young men will be fitted for any stage of their collegiate course Book-keeping, both by Single and Double Entry, will be taught practi* caly. A Female Department will also be opened, by Mrs. D F. Gr.ffin, at the same place. The course oi study in this Department wi 1 embrace all those br inches usually taught in the highest Female Seminaries. RATES OF TUITION PER QUAR” ER OF 12 WEEKS. Primary Cl ss $ 8.00 Common English Branches. 10.00 Higher 12.00 Latin and Greek 16.00 References. —Messrs. Thos. Snowden, Josiah Sibley, Gen. G. W. Evans, T. W. Timmerman, J H Anderson, Augusta. John Usher, E J. Buckmaster, M. A. llansome, A. M. Benson, J. A. Houston, Hamburg. d-ts oct24 ENGLISH AND CLASSiCAITsCHOOL. U R. i'. 11. HULLE Vi.Vla.IV, assisted by Miss IVI Mary F. Holleyman. proposos to open a Sohooljfor Boys and Girls on Monday, 13th of No vember, in the S -bool Rooms previously usod by Mr. Symu es and Lady Mias -Viary Holleyman, a graduate q£ Barham villo Female College, will conduot the Female Department Mr Holleyman is a graduate of South Carolina College, and has been engaged in the business of teaching for several years. He proposes io prepare boys ior the junior class of any College, or for entering into the active duties of life. Groat attention will be paid to the moral culturo of ho pupil. Mr Holleyman refers to the following gentlemen, from whom ho has testimo nials : S B. Clark, M D., Col. E. B. Gresham, Col. A. C Walker, Judge J W. Casswell, A. H. Anderson, Esq. and John D Mongiu, Brothersville. Edward A. Evo, M. D„ W. J Mims, George W. L. Twiggs, War H. Baldy and Thomas E Greenwood, E-qrs., Twiggs Academy. Dr. Joseph A. Evo and Rev. J. E. Evans, Augtsta, Rates of Tuition as adopted by Mr Symmcs, SB, sl2 and sl6 per quarter. Mr. H. respectfully solioits encouragement. dtJanl 00t24 CANARY BIRD SEED, * MIXED AND PLAIN, just received and for sale by WM. HAINES, oo t 4 Druggist, Augusta. ~ SODA WATER. “ A SUPPLY OF THIS ARTICLE, fresh every day—for sale by WM. HAINES. oct4 ” Druggist, Augusta. ANOTHER supply.— The Lamplighter; The Master’s House, a tale of Southern Life, by Logan; Fern Leaves, from Faery's Port Folio; Struggles for Life, an autobiography. Just received and for sale by geptß * McKINNE <fc HALL SLOAN & CAL WELL, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in BRANDIES, WINES, GIN, SEGARS, &c. Nos. 17 and 19 Cheap side, Baltimore. Chas. A. Dennis. ly jyl2 AT HOME AGAIN. ' THE highest cash prices will be paid for NE GItOES by the subscriber. Apply at the Globe Hotel, or at J. P. Fleming’s Stable, on Elli treet. feb9 JOHN A. CHRISTIAN. VERY DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscribers offer for sale the PLANTA TION of the late Hon. Goo. McDuffie, situa ted in Abboville District, known as the Flatwood’s Plantation, containing Four Thousand Acres (4000) more or loss, and bounded by lands of Haskell, Norwood, James Calhoun aud Bolser. this pro perty is too well known to notd any particular de scription ; it has on it some of the best Cotton and Grain land in the State, about Throe Thousand (3000) acres vs which are cleared, the balance well wooded —ALSO — About two hundred and thirty (230)strictly prime Negroes, belonging to the same estate, together with the Stock, Provisions, Tools, Ac. The lands may be treated for separately at the op-ion oi the purchaser. For ter jis, which will be made very accommoda ting, apply to Mr. Burt, at Willington P. O , Abbe ville District, or to Col. Singleton, at F at Rook P. U., Henderson co., N. C. idr. Burt will givo any further information that may bo desired, and will exhibit the premises. ARMISTEAD BURT. j y ls f MR SINGLETON. MORE HATS, GENTLEMEN. JCST KECEIVtU, Beebe & Co.’s Fall style fashionable Moleskin HATS. Also, sovoral oases of our own manufacture They are handsome, and no mistake. Call andseo them at G. W. FERRY’S Fashionable Hat Store, Masonio Hall Building, Augusta, Ga. augl2 SILKS AND EMBROIDEKIES received this day by Express— -12 pieces Blaca Silk; 12 do. Oi-l'd Brocade Silk; ft dozen Jaconet Collars, very rich; 10 do. do. Bands, low price; ft do. do. and Swiss Sleeves, very fine; ft do. Chimazefts, extra, rich; together with other now goods, which will be sold cheap. sept 3 __ GRAY BROTHERS. BACON, BACON. —Just received, and for sale by GEORGE W. LEWIS. oots No. 1, Warren Block. FAIRBANKS’ PLATFORM SCALES," ~ LONG KNOWN —severely test- THE A CKNOIV LEDGED /| U ■ STANDARD! /« General Southern Agents, gk. Speak., Weston & Co., 141 Pratt Street, Baltimore. oct7 Agent, Augusta, JOHN NELSON. A. HAMILTON. COTTON IN 1* tOBACCO FACTOR, Forwarding and commission merchant, And Agent for the St. Louis, Memphis arid New Orleans Packets. Nashville, Tenn. —refer to— D. W’eaver, Esq., Cashier Planters’ Bank, Tenn ; Wesley Wneless, Esq , Cashier Bank of Nashville; George W. Lew s, Esq , Augusta. Ga. septs 6m UGAK, COFFEE * 120 bbls ABAC Sugars. 300 Bags Rio Coffee. 40 do Java do 50 bales Gunny Bagging, old importion. 200 ooils Rore 100 bbls Pikes Magnolia Whisky, to arrive. 7ft boxes Adm Candies 20 ds Sperm For sale by BELCHER A HOLLINGSWORTH. oct29 RANITE MILLS FLOUR —Fresh Ground and just received from the Mills this day. For Sale by GEORGE W LEWIS. nov6 - No. 1 Warren Block. NDER-SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, of Me rino, Wool, Silk, Cotton and other kinds, j just received by War O. PRICE A CO. .out 22 ®f»fnil .Atmfrtisfmcnts CHARLESTON TO PHILADELPHIA. Through in 45 to 50 Hours,-Fare S2O, MEALS INCLUDED. AMERICAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LINE. STEAMSHIP QUAKER CITY, Capt. Burthen The above new and magnificient Steam Ship, built expressly for this route, is one of the largest on the American Coast, and is unsurpassed if equall ed for speed, strength, comfort, or accommodations. Sailing days from each port, as follows. From Philadelphia, From Charleston, Saturday, Nov. 11th, Saturday, Nov. 4th, “ Nov. 25th, “ Nov. 18th Agents in Philadelphia, Heron A Martin 37J North Wharves. Agents in Charleston, Holmes AStonky, Boyce Ac.. Wharf, All produce consigned to the Agents in Charleston will be forwarded to Philadelphia, free of commis sion nov7 . f6m fTrE REDUCED!" Cabin Passage from Charleston to N. York, S2O. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. NSW YORK & CHARLESTON STEAM PACKETS NASHVILLE. ) M. Berry, 1500 tons, f Commander. MARION, 1 W.J. Foster, 1200 tons. ) Commander. JAMES ADGER, ) S. C. Turner, l&ootons.* j Commander. SOUTHERNER. ) Thomas Ewan, 1000 tons. J Commander. THESE Steamships are built ex pressly for the line, and for safe ty, comfort and speed are unrivalled on the£oast. Table (supplied with agSWSJfrfeßm every luxury; attentive and courteous Comman ders, will ensure Travellers of this Line every pos sible comfort and accommodations. Cabin Passage S2O Steerage 8 For Freight or Passage, having elegant State Room accommodations, apply to HENRY MISSROON, Agent, nov3 Charleston. S.C., FOR NEW YORK OR PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia and Savannah Steamship Line. Carrying the United States Mail. change of schedule. THE Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad connects at East Point with the Maoon and W estern Rail road. Through from Montgomery to Savannah in 30 hours. Leave Montgomery at 8.30 R. M. Arrive at East Point at 8.20 A. M. Leave East Point at 8 45 A. M. Arrive at Macon at 2 30 P. M. Leave Macon at 4.30 P. M. Arrive at Savannah at 2.30 A. M. Fare from Montgomery to West Point,. .$3 50 “ “ West Point to East Point,.... 3.25 “ “ East Point to Savannah, 800 This Line oonsists of the well known first class Steamships STATE OF GEORGIA, Capt. J j. Garvin. KEYSTONE STATE, Capt. R. Hardie. In strength, speed, and accommodations, these ships are unsurpassed, if equalled, by any on the coast. River navigation, 100 miles. Two nights at sea. Sailing days, every Wednesday, from each port. agents. In Savannah, C. A. L. Lamar, Corner Drayton and Bryan Streets. In Philadelphia, Heron A Martin, 37£ North Wharves. In New York, Scranton A Tallman, 19 Old Slip, near t'oot of Wall Street. STATS OF GEORGIA. KEYSTONE STATE. Will leave Savannah, Will leave Savannah, July 12th and 26th, July 19th, August 9th and 23d, Aug. 2d, 16th and 30th, September 6th and 20th, September 13th A 27th, October 4tn and 18th, October llth and 25th, Nov. Ist, 15th and 29th, November Bth and 22d, December 13th and 27th. December 6th and 20th, j January 3d, 1855. H. C. SCOTT, July 20,1854. Travelling Agent. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH. [semi-weekly.] ON and after March 18th, the new and splendid side-wheel Steamships— FLORIDA,.... 1,300 tons. Capt. M. S. Woodhut.l, ALABAMA, . .1,300 tons. Capt. C. R. Schenck, AUGUSTA 1,500 tons. Capt. T. Lyon, KNOXVILLE. I,sootons.Capt C. D. Ludlow, Willleave New York and Savannah every Wednes day and Saturday. These sh’ps are among the largest on the coast, unsurpassed in speed, safety or comfort—making their passages in 50 to 60 hours, and aie command ed by skillful and polite office!*. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin passage, $25 Steerage passage, 9 PADELFORD, FAY A CO., Agents in Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCHILL, 13 Broadway,New York. FOR PALATKA, EAST FLORIDA. Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Mary's , Jackson ville, Picolata, and Middleburg. THE steamers, WM. GASTON, J-* Captain Thomas E. Shaw, and fegißlißlli, ST. JOHN, Capt. Jas. Freeborn, will leave Sa vannah every Monday and Thursday morning, at 10 o’olock, for the above place. The St. Johns is a new boat, built expressly fortho trade, with large and airy State Room accommodation, and taking tho inland route, offers superior facilities for inva lids and others. For furthor particulars enquire of CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, Agents. Savannah, March 1, 1854. marl 4 MOBILE AND MONTGOMERY U. S. DAILY MAIL LINE. CONSISTING of the following substantial and fast running Passenger Steamers, viz ; MESSENGER, MAGNOLIA, CUBA, CREMONA and EMPRESS. The above boats, carrying the U. S. Mail, will commence their regular trips on the Alabama ri ver on tho FIRST OF NOVEMBER next —lea- ving Mobile daily and Montgomery daily, on the arrival of the Trains of Railroad Cars, andcunneet ing daily at Montgomery with the Cars and at Mo bile with the Now Orleans Mail Boats. One of tho above boats will leave Selma on the downward trip at six o'clock A M. The above Steamers will bo commanded by able aged experienced Officers, who *ill use every exer tion to secure tae comfort and safety of passengers. The rates of freight by the above boats will not exceed Fifty Cents par barrel, and One Dollar per bale of co'ton. For freight or passage, having elegant accom modations, apply on board, or to oct24 d&cfirn COX, BRAINARD & CO. aEMLOCK SOLE LLATHEK, in every va riety of weight and quality. Also, Harness, Skirting, Bridle, Band, Picker, Lacing and Rollor Leather, and every description sis Patent Leather, always on hand and for sale at the Saddlery W are house of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO., Late Wright, Nichols & Co., No. 239 Broad-st., second door above the Bank of Augusta. dAt3m sept7 OAK SOLE LEATHER —Extra trimmed, N. York inspected slaughter Hides, a superior ar ticle, just received and worthy the attention of City Boot Makers. Also, a large stock of Balti .more Spanish Oak Sole, for sale at the Saddlery Warehouse of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO., Late Whright, Nichols A Co., No. 239 Broad-st., second door above the Bank of Augusta dAt3m sept7 BOY’S AND~OHILDREN’S READY-MADE CLOTHING. A LARGE and handsome assortment of Cloth Coats; Jackets; Cassimere Pants; Vests; Dress Suits. Ovor Coats; Talmas, and Clotning, suitable for tf-chool-boys, sizes to fit from 3 years old to 17. Just received this day, and for sale at CLAYTON & BIGNON'S, sept!7 Under the Augusta Hotel. SHOE FINDINGS. — A large assortment of ev« ery article in the line, comprisirg, in part, French and American Lining Skins, of all colors; Sheep and Goat Binding Sk ns; Galloons Lacets Webbs Cords; Copper, Zinc and Iron Sparables, Shoo Nails and Tacks, fiat and round; eyery vari ety of French Kit and Tools; Boot Trees, and Crimps; Lasts; Pegs, Ad., for sale on accommoda ting terms at the Saddlery Warehouse of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO., Late Wright, Nichols A Co., No. 239 Broad-st., second door above tho Bank of Augusta. dA|3m . sept? LAMP OIL. —A supply of the best Winter Strained Lamp Oil, also a good article of Fall Strained Oik for sale at low prices. oot4 WM. HAINES, Druggist* fotttrieg. GREENE AND PULASKI MONUMENT LOTiERIES. Managed, dr awn, and prize? paid by the well known and responsible firm of ° REGo(tY & MAURY. Sales Close each Day at two o'clock. Drawn Numbers, Class 2«6 at Savannah. Nov. Bth. 65 13 11 51 41 43~78 25 30 63 57 28 50 29 CLASS 2fiß, at Savannah, on Fridav Nov 10 EXCELLENT SCHEME $8,206. $2,000; $1,200; 4 prizes of SI,OOO, Ac. Tickets s2—'hares in proportion. Risk on a package of 26 quarters $7 48. ' EXTRA, 71 by Delaware, 259 on Saturday Nov. 11. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME.. $51,554. 2 of $20,000; 2 of $10,000; 2 of $5,000; 25 of $2,000. 50 of SI,OOO. Besides numerous others. Tickets sls. Shares in proportion. Class 270 at Savannah, on Monday, Nov. 13. CAPITAL SCHEME. $9,465. 4 prizes of $2,000 ; 4of SI,OOO, Ac., Ac. Tickets $2 50—Shares in proportion. Risk on a Package of 25 quarters, s9.2t>. EXTRA CLASS 72, by Delaware 261, on Tuesday, Nov. 14. SPLENDID SCHEME. $22,000. .11,000; $5,000; $3,000; $1,500; 10 pri««a oi SI,OOO, Ac. Tickets $5 —Shares in proportion. JOHN A. MILLEN, Agent, 1 On Jackson street, next the Globe Hotel. All orders from the oitv or country strictly con fidential. nov7 SOUTHERN MIL IT ARY ACABEMYLOT. TERY. (By Authority of the State of Alabama,) conduct ed on the Havana plan. CLASS G. To be Drawn on t e 30ui of November, 1854 One Price to 20 Tickets — and remember , every Prize Drawn. Capitals.... $15,000 “ 5,000 “ 4,000 “ 2,000 “ 1,500 “ r: l.ioo “ 5 of $1 000 ' 5,000 In all, 501 prizes, amounting to $60,000 Tickets $10 —Halves and Quarters in proportion Hvery prize drawn at-each drawing. Bills on all solvent Bank-* taken at par. All communication strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, Sign of the Bronze Lyons. Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 21, 1854. TEACHER WANTED^ A MALE TEACHER, unmarried, with proper references as to competency and character, is wanted to take charge of a few small boys in a private-family He will be paid S3OO per annum, and his board. Apply at tin office, ts augil AUGUSTA &. WAYNESBORO’ RAILROAD. UN TIL further notice, trains will leave Augusta at 7J, a. m., and 8, p. m.; returning, will leave Millen at 2j, p. m and 11 p. m., connect ing with the day and night Passenger Trains on the Central Railroad, which leave Savannah at 8, a. rn.and 7, p. m., nd leave Macon at 7£,a. m., and 4}, p. m. Passengers for Milledgeville, Eatonton, Ogle thorpe, or Columbus, should take the night Train, to avoid detention. ' Freight will bo carrie i by the Day Train, mak ing it an Accommodation Train, except on Sun days, when it will run as a Passenger Train, exclu sively, leaving Augusta at 9 a. m, and Millen at 24 p. m., arriving at Augusta at p. in. __ je22 ts WARM. WADLEY, Gen.SupT SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS. THE subscriber has just received a large supply of Sash, (glazed,!Blinds and Doors, of the first quality, made of Northern pine. All orders for odd sizes filled at short notice. may 14 _ 6m J DANFORTH. BONN, NEIMYER & CO.',' ~ Wholesale Dealers In LEAF AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC SEGARS. Baltimore. 02?“ All orders promptly filled. B. W. Vick. ly jyl2 J. C. Ruse, John H. Davis. W. n. Long. RUSE, DAVIS &. LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, * sepl Savannah. Geo. infl WHOLE and half bbls. Mackerel No. 1 Vf\J 1, 2 and 3. SCRANTON, SEYMOUR A CO. nov 1 No. 2 Warren Block. TENNESSEE 8AC0N.—25,000 lbs Tennessee Bacon, chiefly Clear Side 3, receiving this day, and for sale by A. STEVENS. octl3 lm STOCKTON & CARY. AT the stand Long occupied by James Hulbert corner of Mclntosh and Ellis streets, are pre pared to build all kinds oi Carriages, Buggies, Ac., in the best workmanlike mannor Repairing done at short notice in the best man ner and on reasonable terms. They solicit a share of public patronage. JOHN L. STOCKTON. oct4 ts EBENEZER CARY ■jV^oTICE. —All persons indepted to James M. lM Simpson, are requested to taade immediate payment to the undersigned ; and all persons hav ing claims against Eim will please present the same. JOSEPH S. CLAHK, ALBERT HATCH, soptld Assignees. GODY’S LADY’S BOOK FOR OCTOBER and NOVEMBER, has been received. Also, Arthur’s Magazine for the same months For sale at GEO. A OATES A BRO.’S oct3l Bookstore, Broad-st. NEW BOOKS.-r— Koeppen’s History oftheMiddle I Ages The Virginia, Comedians, or Old Days in the Old Dominion. Memoirs of Napoleon, his Court, and Family, by the Dutchess d’Abrantes. The Meaning of Words; by A. B Johnson. Hand- Book, of Derivation. Hand Book of engrafted words of the Englisa Language. Hand- Book of Anglo-Saxon Root Words Thiers’ French Revolution 4 vols., new edi'ion, illustrated Quack enbuss Course of Composition and Rhetoric. Oil- Bias’ splendid illustcated edition English Cyclo paedia of Natural History. Aleo of (Geography. Wensley, a Story without a Moral. Walden, or Life in the Woods, by 11. D. Thorean Vinet’s Pastoral Theology Vinet’s Homiletics Ten Nights in a Bar-Room. Ma-onary and Anti-Masonry, by Alfred Crcigh. Ministeiing Children .Magdalen Hepburn—a story of the Scottish Reformation Atherton, by Mary Russoi Milford. Tho English Envoy ancT the Court of Niholas I ; by Julia Cor nor. Lcttrs of Luoy Russell. Periseopies ;by W Elder Bertha andLilv; by Elizabeth 0. Smith. Tho Am* rican Cottage Buil or ; by John Buliook. Koltiker’s Microscopical Anotomv. For Sale by Novs TMO3 RICHARDS & SON. JsT RECEIVED—S dizQiarts, do Pints, TA M A RINDS.- For sale by r> et.2B THAYER & BUTT. PtJiXA.U’s TOR NOVEM it EH. has boen received. Subscribers wi.l please call for their numbers at GEO. A. OATES A ERO’S, nor 3 Bookstore, Broad-st. MOLASSES NOTICE* —40 bis prime New Or leans Molasses, on consignment and for sale by ootlO M. W. WOODRUFF. OTICE.—Just received on consignment and I * for sale by the subscriber. 50 bags extra family Flour, from best White Wheat. 25 bushels Corn Meal, from new Corn. 5 hhdi Porto Rico Sugar. 15 hhds Tennessee Bacon, Shoulders and Sides, of the best quality. M W, WOODRUFF. octl4 Forwarding A Gon’l Com. Merchant. NOTICE. —On and after this date the undersign ed may be found at his store, M Hntosh street, next door South of Messrs. Bustin A Walket, every day, from half past 10 o’olock . until one o’clock and will be pleased to serve his friends to the best of his ability. M. W. WOODRUFF. octs Forwarding and Gen’l. Coin’sn Mer cht. O ICE.— Received on consignment and for sale by M W. WOODRUFF, 5000 lbs. very fine Tennessee Bacon Sides, clear and Ribbed. octs • ~ - ■ ON CONSIGNMENT, From the Atlanta mills— -100 Sacks, 98 lbs., Fresh Superfine Flour. 100 do 49 lbs , “ do “ and on to-morrow, a car load, put up in bbls. Dealers wanting a fine article, will do well to call. Store open from 10 a. m. until 2p. m. T. W. FLEMING. N. B. I am also receiving a fine lot of Bacon. oet!2 _____ T. W. F. JUST OPENED by the subscriber, and offered at the lowest market prices, a very fine lot of Imported and Domestic . CARPETINGS, which are well assorted in prices, styles and cua ties. IseplO J.T. SSTZE. Unction Salts.' BY c E. GIRARDEY Sc CO Temporary Administrator's Sale of Provisions, \c. r' • dpj| WEDNESDAY, the 15th innt., at To } o’clock A * M-, w ‘® sold, by order of tho Honorable Court of Ordinary, the en tire Stock in Trade belonging to th® ostat e 0 f Frederick H. Schwarts, ueoeaa- /S --od, a 1 , tilo comer of Broad and Centre Streets. consi stl °B* in part, of- Suga r , Flour, Syrup, Molasses, Bacon, Salt, Lard, Butter, Fish, Soap, Candles, Beef, Pickles, Sardines, Mustard, Nutmegs, Mace, Pep per, Raisins, Dates, Almonds, Nuts, Buckets, I'ubs, Preserves, Cordials, Tobacco, Segars, Prunes. —also— A large lot of Crockery W &TQ, Iron W are, Cook ing utensils. Brooms, Brushes and Wooden Ware. A lot of fine Liquors, Brandy, Gin, sum, Porter, Sooth and Irish Whisky, Madeira, Port and pagno Wine. Monongahela Whisky. Bar Room Fixtures, Furniture of House and hitehon Ac. The Store, which is one of the best stands for a Retail Grocery iu the city, will be rented, if not previously disposed of, until Ist of October. 1855. Sale to continue from day to day until closed out, Terms of sale, cash before de'.ivery. lMj CAMILLE E. GIRARDEY, uov9 Temp. Adm’r. Est. F. HrSehwart* BY C. E GIRARDEY & Uo7 ——-—— Admi/zist/y/f rue’s Sale of Groceries, tfe. On tho 20th inst., by order of tho Court of Ordinal ry, will bo told, the entire Stock in Trade of ? Louis Wiebel, deceased,at the Storo lately oceu- pied by the deceased, on the earner of Twiggs and Walkor streets, consisting, in part, of— Sugar, Cofee, Syrup, Pickles, Bacon. Lard, Candles, Soap, Tobacco, Segars, Wines, Liquors, Hay, Com, Flour, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Ac. ALSO— Furniture, Bar Room and;Fixturts, and Store Fixtures. Terms, cash on delivery. nov9 MAGDALENA SIMON, Adm’*. BY S oTgRENVILLE Sc CO. On account of v nderwriters and all Cancer nca FRIDAY mxt, loth inst, at 10| o’clock, in front of store, will bo sold— ; l bale Blankets. 5000 yards Homespun. 14 box* a Segars, do. Sundries, Ac. Term! cash novS ” BY S. C. GRENVILLE &. CO. % Purnitwe Beds. ifC FRIDAY next, 10 m.-t. at 104 o clock, in front of storo. Will be sold a largo stock of every article of Fur- j| u:iuro ac , used m house keeping. Terms cash novS LY S. C. GRENVILLE & CO. ■s£§ FRIDAY next. 10th inst., at 10$ o’olook, in front ot sto o, ■ "jSfV* Will bo sold our u-uai assortment of Grooerida. consisting i part of Sugar. Coffee, Tobacco, Segars, soap, Candlqs, Stareti, Mustard, Pepptr, Pota.oe#, Rope, Bacon, Ac , Ac. —also— . -.Jjg Dry Goods. Terms cash. ncvS PAY YOUR TAXES THE l ax DiGEST lor the year 1854 has been placed in my hands .or collodion, and I shall not have time to call on persons as heretofore, there fore all person-are requested looal. at my store, whero I can he found every day Saturday's Exempt ed. E. C. TINSLEY, T. 0. R. C. novl dlO EZRA I. MOSES, COMMISSION and Forwarding Merchant, Sa vannah, Ga , will pay strict attention to all business entrusted to hiscaro. P^iifwlliH Messrs. L. Tratman A Co., \ “ Wahdlaw, Walker A Burnside, l Charleston * “ James Adger A Co., J Messrs. Hall AMi ses, ). t „ , fa| “ Gatlin, Levitt A Co., | 8W r %||l Messrs. Purvis, Gludden A Co , New Orleans. “ A. A. Solomons A Co., Savannah. » Messrs. Hall A Moses, Columbus Savannah, Oct. 25. PHILADELPHIA IIAILV/AY AGENCY.' For the purchaso, on oomm'sion, of all required by Rail Road Companies and Machi nists. Oftlco, No. 20 South Fourth Street, near Wal nut, Philadelphia. References: Richard Norris A Son, Looomotivo Builders, Philadelphia; Wm. C. Lewis, Eaq. Presi dent of Catawissa, Williamsport A Erie Rail Road Company, Messrs. Grant A Stone, and Charles Henry Fisher, Esq. «ct 24 3twlm THOMAS M. CASH, Agt. - TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. WE HAVE on hand, and receiving by every steamer from New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia, a largo and well selected stock of FALL AND WINTER BUY GOODS 1 , / which we wiHsell to Country Merchants, as cheap as they can purchase the same goods in any house in this country. Our stock has beon purchased ’■Y very closely, and in part, expressly for the country : trade. Among our stock oan be found— -5 cases Irish Muslin DcLaines; 3 do. do»Ginghams,4o inches wide; 5 do. French do., do.; 2 do. Lancaster Ginghams, do.; 5 do. Scotch do., de; 15 do. Manchester Muslin ; 3 do. fine French Merino ; 2 do. Plain col’d DeLaines, all wool; 2 do. Coburgs; 5 do. Black Alpaca ; 20 do. Printed Calico, “ Standard brands 10 do. Brown and Bleached Shirtings; *■ 10 bales Blue Stripes, and a full assortmetit of* —\ Cassimores; Cassimeretts; Twcods; Kentucky ' Janes and Sattinetts ; Kerseys ; Blanket; Lind- 4 soys, Ac., Ac, GRAY BROTHERS, se Pt3 200 Broad sUeet. FALL AND WINTER READY-MADE™ | CLOTHING AND HATS. CLAYTON & liIGNON, under the Augusta Hotel, havo how in Store, (and are receiving'll weekly supplies) a largo and splendid stock ofc’ Roady-made CLOTiNG and HATS, fineandcom- * mon. Also, Boy’s and Children’s Clothing. Also, '-fH a good lot of Furnishing Goods, to which they respectlully call the attention of citizens and stran gers. N. B. Country Merchants visiting our city, will find, at our establishment, a large and varied stook i to select from, at low prices. septl.3 NEW ROOKS—Hermits Dell, from - the diary J of a Penciller; and Poems and Ballads by Gorald Massey, containing the ballad of Babe Christabels, printed from the third London editor, with several new poems never before published, re vised and corrected by the author, fcr sale by oct!3 IHOS. RICHARDS A SON. DKOGS AND MEDICINES—A full and am plo supply of Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, >’ Paints Oils, Glass, Ao., Ac. Orders from the coun try solicited. For sale low for ca.-h by 0 WM- HAINES, J JO&EP hTa HOUSE. SIGN and URN AMI NT AL PAINTER, 1 SOLICITS orders in ether of the above branch- 1 os of Business, and hopes, by strict attention, 1 to merit a share of patronage. 1 Augusta, 19,1854. lm sopt2o HIRAM SMITH'S t LOLR, from new Wheat Fresh Smoked Beef; New Codfish; Irish Potatoes; ; j Fresh Boston C.ackers; Pure Cider Vinegar; 1 , White Wine Do., imported. For sale by sept 9 DAWSON A SKINNER. NOTICE * 4 LL PERSONS aro hereby forwarnod not to trade for either of Four Notes, given by us, dated, Augusta, March 27rh, 1854, payable at 3,9, 12 and fifte n months afterdate, with inter*st to Darius Whithead A Co., bearer, for ten hun dred dollari each, as the odhsideratior for which said Notes were given is inte rfored with by counter acts of said Whitheod A Co-, in giving a deed to the same rights to other parties , and unless said parties desist, or we are made safe from interfer ence, the consideration for which said Notes wore given has failed in part, if not altogether, and we will not pay said Notes, unless compelled bv law. HENRY J. OSBORNE. FREDRICK A. WHITLOCK. W By H. J. Osborne, Partner. Octl2 dFsolu cion. ~ THE copartnership hitherto existing under the name of Cowm A Leals is this day aisolved by mutual consent, all persons having claims will please present them and those indebted will inako payment to either of the undersigned. JOSEPH A. BEALS. SHk&V JOHN G. COFFIN. Augusta, Sept. 16th, 1854. - t NOTICE" ~ To Passengers by the Augusta and Waynesboro . %% Rail Road. UNTIL further notice, tho Night Train on this Road will leave Augusta at 6 o’olock, P. M.. anu returning, will arrive at Augusta at 6 o’clock, A M. GEO. READ, Agent. Augusta, Sept. 21, 1854. sept 22 LEAD COFFINS. * - 1' * I f ADE TO ORDER at the shortest notice, by IVI J. ROWE A CO., corner of Telfair A Jackson JKf streets. Orders left at this office will be pr< mrtly attended to. . oc tij '