The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, November 28, 1854, Image 1

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BY JAMES.GARDNER. ©rncral iUmcrtiacmcnts. STOVES, ORATES AND HOUSE FUR NISHINO GOODS. under.igned desire again to cal! thoatten- L tion of purchasers to their stock of Stoves, Grates and House Furnishing Goods, generally, which is now known and universally admitted to ho much the most extensive in the city. We ave now in Store a large and general assortment of— Good Stoves; Office do.; Hall and Parlor do.; Parlor Urate* 40 different patterns ; Ranges and Coal Stoves j Plated and Britannia Ware; Plain and Bright Tin Ware ; Fine Table Cutlery; Wood and Willow Ware; Furnishing Hard Ware; Japanned Ware; Lifting and Force Pumps, <te., Ac.; Together with a lull and complete stock of Tin ners’ Goods, such .us Tin Plate, all kinds; Sheet Iron; Wire; Block Tjn; Pig Lead; Backet Ears; Rivets; Sheet Copper ; Sheet Zloc; Press’d Cov ers, Ac , all of which we offer at wholesale or re tail, on the most favorable terms. L. HANCOCK A CO., novlO 210 Broad Strec v . FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, OF the vory latest styles and importations, are now offered for sale by the subscriber at the very lowest market price, to wit:' Plain and Fancy Colored Si’ks ; ✓ Extra rich and low priced Plaid Silk ; Rich Colored aod Black Brocade Silks ; 3-4 and 4-4 real French Black Silks, very glossy ; OperagFrench Flannels, all colors; All wool Muslin DeLaines; Persian Twills; Pure Lain* or all wool Plaidt, for Children’s wear; Fancy Colored and Black Shallys ; Domestic and English Prints ; French low priced and super. Prints ; Plaid and Sprigged Oil Do.; Jaconet, Lawn and Swiss Embroidered Sleeves ; Rich Embroidered Chemisette; Black Alpaca and Canton Cloth*, all prices ; Ladies’ Silk and Merino Vests ; French Cremeline and Embroidered Skirts ; Ladies’ Silk and Wool Sleeves ; Brown, Blue and Green Barege, for Veils; 6-4 French Merinos, all colors; 4 4 and 5 4 Fancy Plaid Ginghams; Mourning and Secound Mourning Ginghams ; Plain, Black and Colored DeLaines; Ladies’ Mourning Collars and Handkerchiefs ; Ladies' White ancPlLack Silk Hose;’ Ladies’ do. Do.; Ladios’ Cotton Hosiery, all colors and prices; Misses’ do. D>, do. do. do.; Plain, Hemst tclied, Revicro and Embroidered Handkerchiefs; Linen, Cambric and Lawn Handkerchiefs; Real Welsh and other Flannels; Green, Blue, Rod and Yellow Twilled Flannels ; English and Domestic C tton Do.; Bleached aud Brown Linen Table Diaper; Rich Damask Table Diaper, all widths; Huckaback, Damask and Bordered Napkins; Scotch and Russia Diapers; Gent's Merino Shirts, a'Sorted sizes; Plain and Embroidered Linen Shirt Bosoms; 12 4 Undressed Irish Linens; Pillow case Linens and Cottons; 4-4 Irish undressed round thread Linens, warranted pure and strong bleached ; 4 4 aad 6-4 Plain and Lined Furniture Oil Cloths; Damask and Colored Doylies; Tlich Damask Table Cloths, 12-4 and 13-4 ; Low priced Brown Table Cloths; Heal French Plano and Table Covers; Rich and Lxfra Rich Marseilles Quilts; Domestic and imported Cotton Fringes. _ “ ov _ 17 J P. SETZK. CAEFE FING3. PRINTED and Plain Baizes, for Crumb Car pets and Fioo. Cloths, just received by J P ’ BKTZE, to wit Low pricod Cotton and Woo! Carpeting; Low priced ail Woo! Do.; Sooth Ingrain Wool Carpeting, at 87$ qts.; “ “ ’* sl.ol> “ *' “ “ 1.12; Three Ply “ 1.26 “ “ “ 1.37 J “ “ # . “ 150 6 4 Green Baize; 6-4 Printed Drugget: 10 4 Printed Drugget; 16-4 do. Do ; 6-8, 3-4, 7 8 and 4-4 Venetian Carpetings, for stairs; Hearth Hugs, binding and thread to suit the same. novl7 NEW AND FASHIONABLE GOODS. WM. O. PRICE fc t 0.. Drapers and Tailors, are now prepared to ext cute any and all or ders in their line o; business, having this Fall re ceived an unusual and choice selection of Cloths, Oassimeres and Vestings, which they will make up to order in the mo.-t modern and approved style. Clothing — Our stock embraces all the modern styles of Garments, got up by the most experienced Mechanics, and at prices that must ploase all that -ca'e appreciate. V v o have also all other articles in our line of Busin ’tes, such as llosieiy, embracing all the latest manufacture; Gloves, do.; Neck Dressing do., and all the ai*t:clos useful for the Gentlemen’s Ward tobe. 258 Broad-st. novlO OHOE FI NDIA'fSS.—A large assortment of ev« O ery article - in the line, comprising, in part, French and American Lining Skins, of all colors; Sheep and Goat Binding Sk ns ; Galloons Lacets < Webbs Cords; Copper, Zinc and Iron Sparables, 1 Shoe Nails and Tacks, flat and round; evory vari ety of French Kit and Tools; Boot Trees, and CrimpS; Lasts: Pegs, Ac., for sale on.accommoda ting terms at the Saddlery Warehouse of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO , i Late Wright, Nichols A Co., No. 239 Broad-st., second door above the Bank of Augusta. dAf3m sept7 SADDLERY. &c , FALL TRADE, 1854.” .SHERMAN, JESSUP & C’O., (LATE WRIGHT, NICHOLS fc CO ,) HAVISC increased their facilities, and perfect ed their arrangements for manufacturing and importing, are now prepared to exhibit an unusu ally varied and extensive assortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Whips, Trunks, Valiees, Carpet . Bags, in every description of Goods in that line. Also, a heavy stock of Saddlery Hardware, € oach Trimmings, Springs, Axles, Castings, Ac, which are offered to dealers and manufacturers at ow prices, and upon their usual liberal terms, for approved credit. dAf3m sept7 CHAS. A. GREINER. SHIPPING fc COMMISSION MERCHANT, Savannah. Ga., will give particular attention to receiving, and forwarding Merchendise, to the n terior, by River and Railroad. jc2 6m 'NEGRO blankets" AND CLOTHS. WILLIAM SHEAR respectfully invites the attention of Planters te his large Supply of Negro Bi * n kets and Negro Cioths, wbicb be is preparing*, sell at very low prices. nov7 AMONTI LOST, and still wo have a large stock of r>H)ODS on band that we are anxious to dispose of rt . ’hglesalc or rotail on terms that can hardlv fail to '•e satisfactory, L. HANCOCK A CO., novl6 210 Broad Street. SILVER PLATED WARE—A choca lot of Castor Frames, Spoons, Candle Sticks, Dessert Forks, Ac., Ac., at L. HANCOCK A CO. novlG 210 Broad-street. T¥7 oOfi WARE.—Buc \et*. Tubs. Churns", VV Wash Boards, Ironing boards, Piggins, Step Ladders, Brass bound Pails Ac., Ac., at wholesale or retail, may be found at L HANCOCK A CO. novlC 210 Broad-street. CAGES. —A general assort introt of Japand and wood Bird Cages, for sale by L HANCOCK A CO. covlff _ 210 Broad-street fpOO MAS V STOVES.— The season is far ad vaneed and we have a very heavy stock of Stoves and Grates that we are most particularly -vjioua to sell. L HANCOCK A CO. a ‘ nc' Vlfi •» — V - " EZRA r. MOSES, C. fM! \S , OS and Forwarding Merchant, Si * ani h Ua , will pay strict attention to all “wS D L Iw* I.keV^Bl -R NSi de, | Charleston “'James AdoerACo, ' Messrs. Hall A Muses, j New. York. ••, Levitt A Cm, » n Messrs. Purvis, Gludden A C«>*^ ew Orleans. •« . A. A. Solomons A Co., ■ Messrs. Hall A Moses, Columbus Savannah, Oct. 25. f TlßA>r SMITH FLOUR 30 Bb>- [ r ® sh IJ. ground Hiram Smith Fleur, of New A heat, received oer steamer, this day landing. DO v6 THAYER A BUTT BLUE STUN E.— 2000 hi*, just received by novl WM II TUTT, Druggist The Daily Constitutionalist and Republic 'NEW DRY GOODS HOUSE. OPENING MONDAY, 6TH NOV THE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully invite the attention of the Ladies of Augusta and vicinity to the STOCK OF GOODS nowoffarei for their inspection, of which the following aro some of the J Leading Articles. BLACK AN D C OLORED SILKS, ; In Brocade, Gros d’Rhine, Grosd’ Afrique. Satin Duchine, Plain Chameleon. •Very Rich Satin Plaiisand Brocade in great varie tv- Alse, Gros d'Naps. Marcelines Florence and Taffeta Silks, Black, White and Colored Satins. _ DRESS GOODS. Lupins, Casamers, Merinos and Plain DeLaines, beautiful assortment ot colors, American and I reach Fijuroi and Plaid DeLaines, Plaid Alpaccas,? aid Poplins,Plaid Raw Silks, Wool Plaids. EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. Chemizetts, Habits Puff and Mandarin Sleeves. Cambric and Muslin Collars of new and elegant pattern. Cambric, Muslin, and Mull Bands and Flouncing in great variety. Embroidered, Plain and Tape bordered Linen C- Handkerchiefs. Cambric and Muslin Trimmings. Real Thread, Maltese, Gimpcure, Mocklin, and Valenciene Laces, some beautiful patterns for trimming Collars. Linen and Lisle Edgings, Imitation. Mecklin and Valoncieno and other styles, compris ing the largest Assortment over offerer! in Au gusta. CLOAKS, MANTILLAS AND TALMAS of the latest style, Ladies Cloths for Cloaks, beautiful Shades; Long and Sqr. Plaid Shawls, Plain and Embroidorded Canton Crape Shawls; Cloak and Dress Trimmings, Bonnet Ribbons, Satin and Taffeta do, and a full assortment of Haberdashery. The attention of Planters and others is called to the large Stock of Plantation Goods and Blankets, always on hand, such as Georgia Plains and Kerseys, Kentucky Jeans, Satinets, Osnaburgs, Linseys, London Duffil Macinaw and Colored Blaakrts. all prices, which will be sold very low. Terms cash. J. K. BANCROFT. novj Three doors above Mclntosh-st, next to Bank of Augusta. DEALERS IN rnmrn HUM)! ©Liraimgc,* HATS, CAPS,'TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, &c , &c. * BOYS’ AND CHILDREN’S CLOTHING, SHIRTS, COLLARS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, STOCKS, &c., &c, &c. Which will be sold on reasonable terms. SO 197 BROAD STREET, UNDER THE AUGUSTA HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA. J. J. CLAYTON. Dnayl9L A. P. BIGNON. J. A. VAN WINKLE, Next door to Georgia Railroad Bank, and one doer below the Hotel, Augusta, Ga. HAS ALWAYS ON HAND A CHOICE SELECTION OF Cloths; Cassimeres ; V estings; Linens; Drap d’Etes, Ac., Which will be made to order in the very best style, and as good as can be obtained in any establishment in the Southern Country. All Goods sold at the above apr!B NEW GUNS, PISTOLS, &C Broad steet, just above the August Hotel THE subscriber has just received a large addi tion to his former stock of GUNS and GUN NING APPARATUS, which makes his assort* rnent decidedly the best in the city—consisting of: Double and Single Barreled GUNS, all sizes and prices. Colt’s. Allen’s, and other REVOLVERS; also, the Single Barreled Self-cocking ana RIFLE PIS TOL, steel barrels. A great variety of Powder Flasks and Shot Bags, and Game Bags, of the finest patterns. Also, Percussion Caps, all varieties, from the commonG.D. to the finest Westley Richard’s wa- j tor proof. Cleaning Rods, Drinking Flasks, Dog Collars, Hunting Horns, Nipple Wrenches, Ac. Ac. Pocket and Pen Knives, Razors, Bowie Knives, Dirks. Powder, by keg or In canisters, all varieties Shot, by the bag or retail. RIFLES and Double GUNS, of my own make, one barrel Rifle and the other Shot, a splendid shooting article. N. B.—RIFLES made to order, and all kinds of RESTOCKING and REPAIRING done in the best manner, and warranted. Also, Keys fitted and Door Locks repaired, short notice. E. H. ROGERS, june 16 FALL AND WINTER READY-MADE CLOTHING AND HATS. CLAYTON & BIGNON, under the Augusta Hotol, have now in Store, (and are receiving weekly supplies) a large and splendid stock of Ready-made CLOTING and HATS, finoandcom- j mon. Also, Bov's and Children’s Clothing. Also, i a 'good lot of Furnishing Goods, to which they I respectfully call the attention of citizens and stran- ! gers. N. B. Country Merchants visiting our city, will find, at our establishment, a largo and varied stock j to select from, at low prices. sept 13 ! NEW BOOKS— Hermits Dell, from the diary j of a Pencillor; and Poems and Ballads by j Gerald Massey, containing the ballad of Babe j printed from the third London editor, t with several new poems never before publishod, re vised and corrected by the author, for sale by octl3 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. . —.... i DRUGS AND MEDICINES.—A full and am ple supply of Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, Giass, Ac., Ac. Orders from the coun try solicited. For sale low for cash by WM. HAINES, oct 31 line 217 Broad Street. SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS. THE subscriber has just received a large supply of Sash, (glazed,Gilinds and Doors, of the first quality, made of Northern pine. All orders for odd sizes filled at short notice. may 14 6m J DANF€»RTH. * AUGUSTA STEAM CABINET MANUFAC TORY. CHARLES A. PLATT respectfully ca’Js the attention of citizens and others w'siting the city, to his large and handsome assorticeut of FURNITURE, Comprising every article usually found in a Cabi net Warehouse. Being connected with one of the largest manufactories at the North together with my own Steam Manufactory at this place, I can supply orders equally low as any establishment in the country, as all articles are received trom first hands, and warranted of the best quality. Con nected with the above, I have also on hand a splen did assortment of CARPETS, Vh : English Velvet Tapestry—Cotton ; English Brussels “ Hemp, Extra Three Ply Venetian. Extra Ingrain. RUGS and DOUR MATS, a beautiful assortment; CURTAINS; CORNICES; CURTAIN LOOPS; PINS, Ac. Table and Floor OIL CLOTH, of all patterns and widths. The above are all purchased at the lowest price, and the legitimate business ol this establishment has been go well known for the last fifteen years, makeefurther comments unnecessary, janl2 _ j y c. a. l7lamae, Y'l ENERAL .COMMISSION MERCHANT- Sa VJ vannah, Ga., will give strict attention to the forwarding of Goods for the interior of Georgia, Alabama jand Tennessee. i v mayl6 TENNESSEE 8AC0N. — 25,000 lbs Tennessee Baoon, chiefly Clear Sides, receiving this day. ( nd for sale by a. STEVENS got 13 lm •- FLANNELS. Plain and Twil’d, Red, all prices. Ditto in White, Red and White Domestic Welsh, English and American, all Wool and unshrink ing. Silk and Wool do , Colored Opera and Salisbury Flannels, assorted Colors MOURNING GOODS. Black Bombasins, Merinos, Muslin DeLaines and , ChaFeys, all of Lupin s make and warrant l ed. Real English Bombasine, warranted. I Black Alpaccas, Paramittas, Canton Cloths, Gin ghams, Prints, Ac. LINENS AND LINEN GOODS. Irish Linens of different makes. Scotch and Irish Table Damask. Iluckerbuck and Diaper Towels. ; Damask Table Cloths and Napkins, Crash Dowlas, Ac-, % &c. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. Ladies English and German Hosiery. Misses ditto White, Slate, Brown and mixed, all sizes Gents and Boys half Hose, Merino Hose and half Hose. Children’s Worst’d and Cotton Fancy Hose, l and and i d 6, Elastic Tops. Ladies Cashmere, Philoselle, Beaver and Kid Glo ves, Gents Kid Gloves, Children’s Gloves. READY-MADE CLOTHING, j comprising, in part, Black Dress and Frock Coats; Blue, Brown, Olive, Green and Dahlia Frocks and Sacks; Black and Fancy Cass. Pants; Black and Fig’d. Drap d’Ete do.; Plain and fancy linen do.; a large assortment of Linen, Frock and Sack Coats; and a large stock of Vests, re Establishment are of the best qua) JACKSON STREET .HOSPITAL, AND SURGICAL INFIR MARY FOR NEGROES THE UNDERSIGNED have deemed it advis able to add the term “HospitaJ” to their Sur gical Infirmary, for though the institution is intend ed principally for cases requiring Surgical Opera tions and Surgical Treatment, is accommodation is not entirely restricted to these; —we receive cases of any nature occurring in the Negro, provided they are not of an infection s character. H F. CAMPBELL, M. D. Operating Surgeon. ROBERT CAMPBELL M. D. jy26 ts Attending Physician- WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, WM. K JtETCHEN isassooiated with us i's a partner in all our concerns from HAVILAND, HARRAL A RISLEY, New York. HAVILAND IIARRAL A CO., Charleston, S. C. HAVILAND RISLEY A CO., January 1, 1854. Augusta, Ga. HAVILAND, RISLEY A CO., are my duly au thorized Agents to transact any business in which I am interested during my absence trom the State. My notes and accounts willb' toundat their store. W. .. 3. KITCHEN. Augusta, Feb. 12,1854. ts NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE IN dURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated January , 1849 . Central Oefice, Raleigh, N. C. HAVING established an Agency in this city, are prepared to take LIFE RISKS on the most favorable terms. The table of Rates are those made by Joshua Millar, and known as “ The Carlisle Table,” uni versally conceded to be the most correct in use. The advantages offered by this Company, are such as merit the attention of the public, and will bo pointed out and explained at any time by the Agent. Insurances are taken on single lives, for on* year, seven years, or for life. On joint lives, for life. On slaves at 2-3 value, one or five years. The undersigned can, at all times, be found at the Law office of G. J. A W. Schley, Esqs. Letters, post-paid, directed to the Agent hare, will be promptly attended to apr 11 S. 11. OLIVER. Ag’t., Augusta, Ga. IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. THE ATHENS STEAM COMPANY are pre pared to fill orders for a:l kinds of Iron and Brass Castings, such as Mill Irons, of improve pat terns and every description : steam Engines; Gold Mining, Forcing or Fire Pumps, and all other kinds of Machinery, cast and finished. They are casting and keep constantly on hand, Gin Gearing and Iron Fencing of various patterns, Firo Dogs, Plough Castings, Wagon Boxing, Ac. They are also prepared to fill orders for Boilers, Tanks' Ac. Repairing of all kinds of Machinery promptly oxecuted. Their portable iron Saw Mills are surpassed by none. Whilst they are grateful to former patrons, their experionco and facilities, with their work furnished in as cheap, substantial and workman-like man ner, as can be had any where South, enables them to anticipate a large share of public patronage. ROSS CRANE, Agent. R. NICKERSON, Super’t. N. B. Cash paid for old copper, brass, and heavy iron castings. dAc6m jel7 HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. THE subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Augusta that they have commenc eJ business, in the above line, at their shop, on the South side of Broad Street, three doors above Centre. They are prepared to execute all styles, in imitation of different woods, marbles. Ac.— They solicit a share of patronage ; and all orders left at their shop, will meet with prompt attention, and executed in a manner, they feel assured, will gire satisfaction. They would refer to Messrs W. 11. Goodrich, John Bones, J. W. Davies, Robert F. Poe, 11. H. Gumming, Isaac Henry, James Harper, George Young, George H. Crump, D. B. Dr. I P. Garvin, F. Lamback, J. Davison, A Swarp, and Drs. H. A R. Campbell. E. BAKER A CO. may 23 6m SALT OF LEMONS. fIIHIS SALT is infinitely preferable to any other J. preparation for immediately tnkinglronMoulds ink spots, red white, and stains of any kind, out of lace, mU3lin, lawn, cambric, and linnen, without trouble, and winhout doing the least injury to them It also whitens them to admiration, if they are grown yellow, so as to render them as beautiful as whon quite new. Price 25 cts, per vial, and for ale by WM, HAINES, Druggist, Nov 4 Augusta. AUGUSTA, GA.. TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 28, 1854 FURNISHING GOODS. White and Colored Shirts; .Silk, Merino and Cotton Uiider Garments ; Cravats ; all kinds of Gloves ; Half Hose; Stocks ; Uollara ; Suspenders; and everything useful for a Gentleman’s Outfit. dities, and will be sold cheap. J. A. VAN WINKLE. BY AUTHORITY. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. (Public No. 72 ) AN ACT to establish certain post roads. [IK CONTINUATIOX.] MICHIGAN. Prom Abscota to Pine Creek. From Adrian to Parkers Corners in Lenawee county. From Adrian by Fairfield and Lyons to Ottakee Ohio. From Adrian by Rome, Mendon, Addison, Wheatland, Centre, Adams and Nortn Adams to Joiee-ville. From Adrian by Rome, Centre, Syringville, Cam bridge and Brooklyn to Napoleon. From Adrian by Tecnmseh, Clinton. Maucnester and Napoleon to Jackson. From Ada by Smyrna, Alton and Vergennes to Otisco. From Albion to Homer. From Ailegan by Holland to Grand Haven. From Allegan by Trowbridge, Cheshire, Blooming dale and Waverly to Pawpaw. From Allegan by Pine Plain and M,*nlius to Sauga tuck. From Allegan to Pawpaw. From Almont by Dryden, Amboy and Etna to Farm ers Creek. From Ann Arbor by Webster. NorthSeld, Hamburgh and North Hamburgh to Howell. From Battle Creek by Climax Prairie. West Climax Pavilion, Brady, Schoolcraft, Prairie Konde, Decatur, Little Prairie Ronde and Picketts Corners to La Grange. From Battle Creek by Bedford, Johnstown, Bristol ville, Baltimore, Hastings, Irving, Middievi.lle, Caledo nia and Whitneysville to Grand Rapids. From Battle Creek by Abscota and Union City to Coldwater. ™ From Battle Creek by YorkviUe, Richland. Prairie ville, Fulton. Yankee Springs, Middlevllle, Caledonia and Whitnevsville to "Grand Rapids. From Bellevue by Kalamo and Vermontville to South Cass., -v, < • Fromßlissville by East Ogden and West Ogden to Fair field. From Bridgeport by Frankenmuth and Worth to Yassar. From Brighton by North Brighton. Hartland and Tyrone to Fentonville. From Bronsons Prairie to Orlanda, la. From Brooklyn by Columbia,Liberty,South Jackson and Bennetts Corners to Spring Arbor. From Brownstown by Woodville, Huron, Romulus, Belleville and Rawsonville to Ypsilanti. From Camden by Morganville, Bird. Attica, Morenchi Chesterfield, Lyons, Metamera and Riga to White ford. From Cassapolis by Edwardsburg and Aiiamsville to Elkhart, la. From Charlotte by Chester and South Cass to Bos ton. From Charlotte by Carlisle, Bellevue, Verona and Penfield. to Battle Creek. From Charlotte by Chester, Roxana and Danby, to Portland. From Clayton by Canandaigua and Medina to Mo renci. From Clayton by Dover to Seneca. From Clinton by Benton, Salem and Pittsfield to Ypsilanti. From Columbus by Memphis, East Berlin and West Berlin to Almont. From Constantine by White Pigeon to Three Rivers. From Corunna by Humphrey Wheelers iu New Ha ven to Chesanning. From Corunna by Owasso, Chesanning and St- Charles to Saganaw. From Croton by Grand Taverse and Mackinaw to Sault St. Marie From Dexter by Ingraham Centre to Masou in Ingra ham County. From Dexter by Unadiila, Stoekbridge and Ingham to Mason. From Dexter by Base Lake, Pinckney, East Marion and Marion to Howell. • From Decatur Station by Little Prairie Ronde, Mar eellus, Union and Flowerfield Centre to Three Rivera. From Detroit by Ecoree, Trenton, Gibraltar, Browns town. Newport, Brest, Meuroe, La Sal le,Erie and Man hattan to Toledo. From Detroit to Cleveland. From Detroit on the Plymouth Plauk Road, through the townships of Greenfield, Red ford, Livonia and Ply mouth to Northville, From Detroit to Sault St. Marie. From Detroit by Dearbornville, Wa>ae, South Ply mouth, Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor, Scio, Dexter, Chelsea, Franciscoville, Grass Lake, Leoui, Michigan Centre, Jackson. Barry, Gidley's Station, Albion, Marengo. Marshall, Ceresco. Battle Creek, Charleston, Galesburg, Comstock, Kalamayno, Paw Paw, Mat taw at), Lawtou, Decatur, Dowagiac, Niles, Buchanan. Dayton, New Buf falo and Michigan City la. to Chrg&go, 111. From Detroit by Roseville, Mount Clemens, New Ha ven. fjlair and Macks Place to Port Huron. From Detroit by the Plank Road, Mount Clemens and Almont to Lapeer. From Detroit by Royal Oak and Birmingham to Pontiac. From Detroit by Greenfield, Bedford, Plank Road, Farmington, Novi, Ilicksvilte, New Hudson,.Kensing ton, Brighton. Genoa, Ilowell, Fleming, FowTersville, Phelpstown, Williamstown and Sanford to Lansing. From Dewitt by Binguam and Greenbush to Duplain. From Dewitt by Riley and Westphalia to Maple. From Dowagiac by La Grange, Ca9sopolis, Vandalia, Newburg and Three Rivers, to Oeutreville. From Dundee by Suminerfield and Lambertsville to Toledo, Ohio. From Dundee to Summer-field. From Eagle River by Beasley’s Torch Lake, Portage Lake and Houghton to Portage Entry. Grom Elkhart to Goshen. From Farmington by North Farmington, West 8100m .,5e1d and Pine Lake to Pontiac. i’rora Flint by Genesee, Thetford, Pine Run, Bridge port Bridgeport Centre and East Saganaw to Saganaw. FrojTa Fredonia by Limo and Chelsea to Sylvan. From Goodrich by Davisonville, Davison Centre, Richfield. Forrest, Vassar, Fraokonhielf and Bloomfield to Lower Saginaw. From Haven by Muskegon, White Lake, Pent water, Perie and Point Sauble to Manisteen. From Grand Haven to Milwaukie. From Grand itapids by Austerlitz, North Carmon, Courtland ond Oa to Greenville. From Grand Rap ids to Croton in Newago County. From Grand RapLls by Indian Creek, Pleasant, Pint lers Corners, Casnovfa and Newoga to Croton. From Grand Rapids by Grand ville, Tallmadge, Steeles Landing, Polkton. Ottawa Centre, Crockery Cieek, Nortonville and Mill Point to Grand Haven. From Grand Rapids by Grandville, Georgetown, Al lendale and Ottawa to Grand Haven. From Grand Rapids by Loomisville, Berlin, Wright and Ravenna to Muskegon. From Grand Bapids by Grandville to Holland. From Grand Rapids by Austerlitz, Cannonsburg, Bostwick. Lake, Grattan and Otisco to Greenville. From Green Bay by Little Bay, No Queh. Esconabee River, Carp River, Keeßenan Bay, Eagle River, Eagle Harbor and Copper Harbor to Lake Superior. From Groveland by Holly Mills, Holly Rose, White - Lake and Highland to Kensington. From Groveland by Holly Rose, Highland and Mil ford to New Hudson. From Hastings by Alto to Flat River. From Hastings to Woodland. From Hastings to Galesburg. • From Hillsdale by Ransom, Wood's Corners, and Cass to Medina. From Howell by Oak Grove, Deer Creek, Tuscola. Burns and Fremont to Siawassee. From Howell by Marion, Josco, Middletown and W nite Oak to Ingham, From Hudson by Cass and Domestick, Ohio, to West .Unity. * From lonia by Wheatland and Otisco to Greenville. From lonia by Boston South Boston and Carlton to Hastings. From lonia by Avon, Rix, Flat River and Ada to Grand Rapids. From Jackson by Spring Arbor, Concord. Pulaski and Scipio Centre to Jonesviile, From Jackson by Tompkins, Otter Creek, Eaton Rapids and Eaton to Ch irlotte. From Jackson by West Rivers, Aurelius, Leslie, Eden Mason and Delhi Centre toLansing. From Jackson by SouthJackson, Liberty Mills, Somer set. Aeddison and Rollin to Hudson. From Jackson by South Henrietta, HensietU, Bunker Hill and Felts, to Mason. From Jenesville by Litchfield, Litchfield, Homer and Eckford to Marshall. From Kalamazao by Ynouski to Yankee Springs. From Kalamozoo by Waverly, Breedsville, Hunter, South Haven, Ganges and Johnson's to Newark. From Kalmazoo to Richland. From Kalmazoo by Martin, Bradley, Wayland, Cuba, and Paris to Grand Rapids. From Kalamazoo by Vicksburg, Park Reserve and Centreville to Sturgis. From Kalamazoo by Portage, Schoolcraft and Flow erfield to Three Rivers. From Kalamazoo by Cooper, Pl&inwell, and Otsego to Allegan. From Lakeville by Oxford, Brandon and Eagle Lake to Groveland. From Lakeville by Fillmore to Almont. From Laneville by Mount Pleasant, Romeo, Ray, Ar media and Richmond to Columbus From L'Anse by Ontonagon and Points to Fond du Lac in MinuesotafTerritory. From Lansing by Windsor, Eaton Rapids,Springport Clarence ane Rice Creekte Marshall. From Lansing by Alverson, Woodhull, Ferry and Antrsm toßyron. From Lansing by Delta. Grand Ledge, Mad Creek, Danby and Sibewa to South Casa. From Lansing by Eagle, Portland, Maple and Lyons to lowa. Erom Lansing bv Oneida. Chester, Vermontviile. Merritt, Hastings. Glass Creek, Gun Lake, Bradley, Fogo and Proctor to Allegan. From Lansing by West Windsor, Charlotte, Walton, and Olivet to Marshall. From Lansing by Dewitt, Laiusburg, Enterprise and Hartwellville to Byron. From Lapeer by Lathrop’s Mills, Oregon, Neven's Mills, Marathon, Hay's Mills and Fourt to Pine Run. From Lawton to Paw Paw. From Lexington by Bark Shanty, Cherry Creek, Forestville, Chase's Mills, Elm Creek, Whitcomb's Mills and Brakeman's Mills to Point Aux Barques. From Locks Station by Burr Oak and Oporto to Centre ville. From Lyons by Fair Plains, Ronald Centre and North Plains to Greenville. From Manchester to Chelsea. __ From Manchester to Grass Lake From Marquette* by L’Anc# to Bagla Riv*r. | From Marquette by tittle Bayde Noquet to Greea Bay. , Frem Marshall by North Marshall, Bellrue, South Assyria, Assyria, Maple Grove, Castleton and Hastings i to Middleville. , From Marshall by Teconsha, Burlington, Union City, Sherwood, Leonidas, Nottaway, Centreville and Florence to Constantine. From Marshall by Teconsha and Girard to Gold Water. j From Marshall by Cedar Lake, Newton and Culver to Abscota. From Menominee River to Keewenaw Point. Lake Superior. From Milford by Williamsville, Rridgeville Horse, Cross Roads—Federalsburg and East New Market, Md., to Cambridge. From Minnesota Mine to mouih of Ontanagon River. From Minnesota Mine along the Mineral Range by the Forest and Norwack Mines to Lake Agoyiber. From Monroe by Grafton, Exeter, Oakville, and Point Creek to Ypsilanti. From Monroe by Dunkirk, to Buffalo. From Monroe by Flat Rock, Taylor, Brownstown and Dearbonvitle to Detroit, From Monroe by East Raisinsville, North Raisins ville, London, Milan, York, Saline, and Lodi, to Ann Arbor. From Monroe by Ida, Summerfield, and Deerfield to Adrian. From Moreuci by Gorham, Mill Creek, Domestic, West Unity and Lockport to Evansport. From Moscow by Somerset, Wheatland and Pittsford, to Hudson. From Mount Clements by Vienna, Rry and Ray Centre to Romeo. .Frone+SJount Clemens to Romeo in Macomb County via the Plank Road. From Mount Clements by Littles and Ira to Algonac. From Niles by Berrien Springs to St. Joseph. From Ontonagon to the South-east quarter of section eleven—township Forty-nine, range forty-one in the County of Ontonagon. From Otsego by Watson, Dorr and Bryant to Grand Rapids. _ From Owasso by Rush to Chesaning. i'rom Owasso by Bennington, Middleburg, Victor, Bengal, Dallas and Stogy Creek to Lyons. From Owasso by Hall, Duplin, Greenbush, Essex and Matherton to Lyons. I'rom Paw Paw by Lawrence, Arlington, Breedsville and Hunter to South Haven. From Paw l’aw by Prospect Lake, Hamilton, Keelers ville, Bainbridge and Millbury to St. Joseph. From Pine Run in Genessee County to Arbela Centre in Tuscola County. From Pinckney by Plainfield. White Oak and Wheat field to Williamstown. F’rom Plymouth by Brodina and Superior to Ann Arbor. From Portage Lake to La Anse Bay. From Pontiac by Waterford Centre, White Lake Rose, Fentonville, Tyrone. Linden, Argentine, Byron Vernon, Shiawassee and Corunna to Owasso. F’rom Pontiac by Ball Mountain, New Canadaigua, Oxford, Metamoro and Farmer's Creek to Lapeer. F’rom Pontiac by Water!ordCentre. Commerce. Mil ford, Highlaud, Ilartland and Occola Centre to Howell. F’rom Pontiac by Waterford, Austin, Clarkson, Springfield, Grovelaud, Stony Run and Grand Blanc to Flint. From Pontiac by Mahopack, Jersey, Brandon, Camp bell’s Corners, Rural Vale to Farmer’s Creek. From Pontiac by Clarkston, Eagle Lake, Goodrich. Davidsonville, Davidson Centre. Rushfield, Forest and Vassar to Lake Saginaw. From Pontiac by Auburn, Troy, Plumb Brook, Utica, and Sackets to Mount Clemens. F’rom Pontiac by Straits Lake, Walled Lake. South Lyons and Gravel Run to Ann Arbor. From Port Huron by Burchville to Lexington. From Quincy to Alleghaney. From Quincy by Butler and Clarendon to Huron. From Reading by Edinburg, Clear Lake, Indiana, to Mets. From Rochester by Mount Vernon and Mere to Romeo.- From Romeo by Pinery* Scottvile, Albertsonville, Brockway, Lynn and Merrillsville to Port Huron. From Royal Oak by Troy, Rochester, and Oakland to Lakeville. F’rom Royal Oak by Big Beaver, Utica, Shelby, Washington and Romeo to Almont. From Saganaw by the Eastern Side of the lower Pen insula aud Duncan on Sbeboygan Bay to Mackinac. From Saginaw to Grand Traverse Bay. F’rom Saginaw by Duncan and Mackinaw to Sault Ste Marie. ’ * F’rom Saline by Union District, Bridgewater, Silver Lake and Sharon to Grass Lake. From Saugatuck to South Haven. From Sault St Marie by Mackinaw and Duncan to Saginaw. F’rom Sault St Marie to Ontonagon. F'rom Sault St Marie to Fort Wilkinson Lake Superior From Sault St Mane by Grand Island to Marquette From Shiawano. Wisconsin, by Mouth of the On tanogon River, Michigan, Forks of Ontanogon, Minnes ota, Adventure, Aztic, Douglass, Houghton and Algon quin Mines, Houghton on Portage Lake, Eagle River and Eagle Harbor to Copper Harbor. From Shiawassee by North Vernon, Swarz, Creek, Crockersville, F’lint aud Kearsley’s to Lapeer. F’rom St Clair by China, Belle River and Cottrellville to Algonac. From Stoney Run by Goodrich, Davidsonville and Hadley to Farmer’s Creek. From Southfield by Franklin to Birmingham. F’rom South Haven to Saugatuck at the month of Kalamazoo in Allegan County. From Swartz Creek in Genessee County by Gaines to Byron. From Tecumseh by Tipton, Springville, Cambridge, Woodstock, Somerset and Moscow to Jonesville. From Tecumseh by Ridgeway Ridge and York to Yp silantia. F’rom Toledo, Ohio, by Whitfield, Ottawa Lake, Riga Blissfield, Michigan. Palmyra, Adrian, Clayton, Hud son, Florida, Hillsdale, Jonesville, Sylvanus, Quincy, Coldwater Branch, Batavia, Bronson’s Prairie, Locks Station, Sturgis. White Pigeon, Bristol, Elkhart. Indiana Mishawka, South Bend, Laporte, Coffee Creek and Calu met to Chicago, Illinois. From Wayne by Nankin, Plymouth and Mead's Mills to Nortliville. F’rom Wayne by Romulus, Centre and Huron to Brownstown. From West Rives by Aurelius to Delhi Centre in Ing ham County. From White Pigeon by Mottviile, UnioD, Adamsville, Edwardsburg, Niles, Cottage Hill, Indiana and Terre Coupe to Hudson. From Warnerville by Oak Plains to Brighton. From Ynouski by Orangeville Mills to Yankee Springs —Barry County. INDIANA. From Albion by Springfield Mills, Northfort, Wal cott's Mills, Marcy, Fly Creek and Ontario to Lima. From Albion to Suann. F’rom Alexandria by Frostsvilie, Independence and Jones’ Mill to Jerome. From Anderson by Prosperity to Alexandria. From Andersonville by Richland Milroy, Moscow and Blue Ridge to Shelby ville. From Attica by Rainsville, Andrew Hixon's and Pine Grove to Milford, Illinois. From Auburn by Fairfield Centre, Turkey Creek and Salem Centre to F’iint. From Aurora by Wilmington, Sparta, Moor’s Hill, Milan and Prattsburg to Delaware. From Aurora by Wilmington, Sparta, Moor’s Hill, Milan and Prattsburg to Delaware. F’rom Aurora by Wilmington, Sparta, Moor’s Hill and Stringtown to Versailles. From Bainbridge by Groveland, New Maysville, North Salem and Jamestewu to Lebanon. From Bedford by Pinhook, Leesville, Woodville to Brownstown. From Bedford by Bryantsville, Trinity Springs aud Dover Hill to Mount Pleasant. From Bethlehem by New Washington and Oregon to Lexington. From Bloomfield by Linton to Carlisle. F'rom Boonsbovough to Lebanon via F’ayette and Thornleysvilie. F’rom Boonville by Crowville. Polk Patch to Uunt ingburg. F'rom Bowling Green by Belle Air, Anguilla, Lewis and Busraen Mills to Carlisle. From Bowling Green by Jourdan Village and Santa Fe to Gosport. From Bowling Green by liausortown to Port Com merce. From Bowling Green by Plunge Creek, Lewis and Siloa to Carlisle. From Bowling Green to Brazil. From Bradford by West Bedford, Buffalo, Pulaiki, Winnamac. North Bend, Yellow River, Sligo, Bliss ville, North Liberty and Sumption Prairie to South Bend. From Bradford (or Monon) by Cathcart to Rons selaer. From Bremen, Ohio, by Fort Recovery, Porttand|and Camden to Hartford. From Brownstown to Seymour. From Brownstown to Rockford. F'rom Brownstown by Houston to Bloomington. From Brownstown by F’reetown, Milo and Christians burg to Nashville. From Brookville by Wynn, Mount Carmel. Philan thropy, Ohio, Tariff and Paddy 's Run to Ross From Brookville by Blue Creek, South Gate, St Leon, Kelso, Logan aud Bright to Laurenceburg. From Brookville by Oak F’orrest Jennings, Olden burg and Rossburg to Wintersville. From Brookville by Blue Creek, St. Peters, Hermau, Milan and Stringtown to Versailles. From Brookville by Oak F’orest, Jenning's,Oldenburg Rossburg to Greensburg. From Bruin’s Cross Roads by Bethany and Russell’s Mills to Covington. From Bloomington by White Hall, Spencer. Van dalia, Bowling Green, Christie’s Prairie and Wauhoo to Terre Haute. F’rom Bloomington by Stamford and Salisbury to Bloomfield. From Bloomington by White Hall to Point Com merce. From Bluffton by Nottingham, Penville, New Mount Pleasentand Deerfield to Winchester. From Burlington by New London to Kokomo. From Cambridge by Jacksonburg, Hegarstown, Dalt on, Blountsville, New Burlington, Muncietown, Anth ony, Wheeling, Trask and Jonesboro to Mariou. From Cambridge to Hagarstown. From Cambridge by Milton, Cormersviile. Everton, and Blooming Grove to Brookville. From Carlisle by Linton to Worthington From Carlisle by Black Creek. Marco, Buck, Newbury Scotland, Pleasant Ridge, Owensburg and Springville to Bedford. From Cartersburgh by White Lick. Danville, New Maysville. Carpentersville Bainbridge, Portland Mills. VOL. 33—NEW SERIES —VOI. 9 -NO. 290 ! Ilollandsburg, Hockrilte, Armiesburg. and Montezuma j to Highland. From Charleston by Sylvan Grove. Blue Lick, Ches nut Hill, South Boston, Salem. Texas. Bono, Lawrence port and Spring Mills to Bedford. From Centreville by Green’s Fork, Fconomy and Trenton to Winchester. j From Centreville by Bloomingport to Lynn. From Charleston by Jeffersonville to Louisville, i Ky. From Charleston by Hubbard, Vienna, Clarksboro, Little York and Tampico to Brownstown. From Cincinnatus by Stilesville to Mount Washing ton. From Clarksburg by New Salem, Rushville, Sraelser’s Mills and Raleigh to Lewisville From Clark's Hill by Lauramie and Concord to Rom ney. From Clinton Lock by Clinton. Indiana, Furnace, Indiana, Baldwinsville, Illinois to Paris. From Coffee Creek bv Valparaiso, Porter Cross Roads ; Boon Grove, Hebron Outlet, West Creek, Cedar Lake, Hickory Point, Winfleld, Deep River and Fillmore back to Coffee Creek. From Colfax by Frankfort to Michigantown. From Columbia by Pampana to Wolf Lake.j From Columbus by Taylorsburg, Nashville and Unionville to Bloomington. From Columbus by Jonesville to Rockford. From Columbus by Moor's Vineyard, Mount Healthy Milo, Mooney and Hettonville to Bedford. From Connersville by Harrisburg to Bentonsville. From Carydon by Sharps Mills to Leavensworth. From Crawford by Independence and Pine Village to Oxford. . From Crawfordsville by Wayneston, Hillsboro and Coles Creek to Covington. From Crawfordsville by Ladoga to New Maysville. From Crawfordville by Pleasant Hill, Newtown, Rob Roy and Attica to Williamsport. From Crawfordsvillle by Darlington. Thornton and Ree’s Mills to Kirk’s Cross Roads. From Crawfordsville by Greencastle, Ladoga and Carpentersville to Brainbridge. From Crown Point by Merrillsville and Hobart to Lake Station. From Deerfield by Ridgeville, Emmettsville, Fai-i View, Albany. Granville and Royton to Wheeling. From Deerfield by Boundary and Salamonia to Fort Recovery, Ohio. From Defiance by Brunersburg, Parmer, Milo, New ville, Mount Hope, f Auburn, Richland Centre, Lisbon, Irving and Albion to Noble Iron Works. From Delaware by Prattsburg, Milan, Moor's Hill. Chesterville and Sparta to Wilmington. From Delphi by Camden, Carroll, Crittenden, Galves ton, Kokomo, Vermont, Greenturn, Jerome and Slash to Marion. From Delphi to Pittsburg. From Dublin by New Lisbon and Davon to New Castle. From Elizabethtown, Ohio, by Harrison, Indiana Dremersburg, Philanthropy, Ohio, Mixervilje, Indiana Contreras. College Corner* Ohio, Goodwin’s Store to Beechy Mire, Indiana. From Elizabethtown—by Burusvillelßock Creek and Sardinia to West Point. From Elkhart by Bango, and Mount Olive to Lock. From Edinburg by Smithland, Shelbyville, Manilla and Swenehart to Rushville. F'rom Edinburgh by Nineveh, Hensley and Morgan town to Martinsville. F’rom Evansville to. West Franklin. F’rom Evansville bv Sandersville, Warrenton, York, Princeton, Patoka and Docker's Ferry to Vincennes.. From Evansville by Newburg Lee, Boonville aDd Midway to Rockport. F’rom Evansville by Parker's Settlement and Blair ville to New Harmony. From Evansville by West Franklin to Mount Vernon. F’rom Evansville by St. Wendell’s to Cinthiana. From F'airmont to Jerome. From Flint to Orland inStenben County. F'rom Florence to War&w. F’rom Fort Wayne by Ell River, Cberubusco, Green, Wolf Lake, Burr Oak, Noble, Albion, Liganier, Benton, and Goshen to Elkhart. From F’ort Wayne by Rochester, Rensselaer, Lacon, 111., Toulon. New Boston. Toatsboro, Wapello, Wash ington, Oskaloosa, ludianola and Winterset to Council Bluffs, la. From F’ort Wayne by Perry, Butler, Auburn, De Kalb, Hamilton, Steubenville, Angola, Crooked Creek, Kinderhook, (Michigan.) and Ovid to Old Water. From Fort Wayne by Perry. Swan, Avilla, Lisbon, Kendallville, Marseilles, South Milford, Mount Pis g ih, MoutgoquiDuong, Ontario and Lima to Sturge’s, Michigan. From Fort Wayne, by St. Joseph's, Harlan and Halls Corners to Hicksville. F’rom Fort Wayne by Poughkeepsie, Peeble, Decatur, Canoper, Limber Lost, Bear Creek, Joy Court House, Bluff Point and Deerfield to Winchester. From Fort Wayne by Warring and Troy Settlement to L berty Mills, in Wabash county. trout Fort Wayne by Zanesville, Markle, Warren and Green bush to Marion From Fort Wayne by New Haven, Antwerp, Ohio, Junction, Defiance, Milldale, Florida, Napoleon, Du rand, Texas, Providence, Walervelle and Maumee City to Toledo. From F’ort Wayne by Haller's Corners, Churubusco, Merrien, Wolf Lake, Noble, Albion. Legonier and Ben ton to Goshen. From Fort Wayne, Taw Taw and Coesse to Whitly Court House. From Fort Wayne by Cedar, Leo, Spencerville, New ville and Panama, Ohio to St. Joseph’s. F’rom Fort Wayne by Ossean to Bluffton From Frankfort by Berlin and Tetersburg to Tipton. From Frankfort by Rei s Mills, Lebanon and James town to Danville. From Franklin by Trafalgar and Morgantown to Mar tinsville. F’rom F’rankiin by Far West, Mooresville, Monrovia and Stilesville to Springtown. F’rom Free port by Nicholas, Kerns and L. J. Reeves to Pleasant View. F’rom Gentryville to Ferdb and. F’rom Goshen by Middlebury to White Pigeon. From Goshen by New Paris and Locke to Plymouth. F’rom Greencastle by Grubb’s Mills, Portland Mills, Bellinore, Rockwell aiyl Armiesburg to Montizuma. From Greencastle by Eberle, Bainbridge, New Mays ville and North Salem to Jamestown. From Greencastle by Brunnerstown and Mansfield to Rockville. From Greencastle by Russellville, Waveland and Jacksonville to Covington. F’rom Greencastle by Putnamville Cateract and Cuba to Spencer. F’rom Greenfield by Mount Comfort, Germantown, Lawrence, Millersville and Broad Ripple to Augusta. From Greenfield hy Harrington Columbus, Pendleton and Mendon to Eden, in Hancock county. F’rom jreensburg by Millhousen, Napoleon, Delaware, North Hogan, Manchester, Wright’s Corners, Law renceburg, Elizabethtown, Ohio, Cleve’s Dry Ridge and Cheviot to Cincinnati. From Greensburg by Kingston Spring Hill, Williams town and Moscow to Milroy. From Greonsburg by Clifty, Ilartsville, Hope and Newbern to Columbus. From Greensburg to Rushville. From Hagerstown by Dalton, Lorentiville, Hwetts Wind, or, Parker, Fairview and Quincy to Camden. From Hagerstown by Unionsport to Macksville. From Hamilton by Richland, York, Clear Lake, Cam den to Reading, Michigan. F’rom Hartford by the most direct road to Warren. F’rom Harrison by Logan, Keise, New Alsace and Cork to North Hogan. From Huntington by the Plank road to Liberty Mills. From Huntington by Maysville, Warren, Montpelier, Blackford and FVanville to Mannaietowu. F’rom Huntington by Tiacy, Murray, Bluffton, Not tingham, Pennvllle, New Mount Peasant, Deerfield. Mount Holly, Hill Grove, (Ohio) and Mount Heron to Greenville. F’rom Indianapolis by New Bethel, Pleasant View, Brandywine, Shelbyville, St. Omer, Greensburg, Her man, Cook, Guilford and Lawrenceburg to Cincinnati, Ohio. F’rom Indianapolis by Bridgeport, Plainfield, Carters burg, Bellville, Clayton, Pecksburg, Morrisville, Cin cinnatus. Coatsviile, Greencastle, Putnamville, Man hattan, Reelsville, Harmony, Brazil, Stanton, Van Bu ren and Cloverlaad to Haute. From Indianapolis by Castleton, Noblesville, Cicero. Arcadia, Shieldville, Tipton, Sharpsville,Kokomo, Pleas ant Spring, Wawpecong and Palos to Peru. From Indianapolis by Zionsville, Whitestown, Leba non, Thornton Colfax, Clarks Hill and Barker's Corners to Lafayette. From Indianapolis by Southport, Greenwood, Worth ville, F’rankiin, Amity, Ediuburg, Taylorsville, Colum bus, Elizabethtown, Gannonsville, Scipio, Greenville, Vernon, Dupont and North Madison to Madison, F’rom Indianapolis by Broad Ripple Carmel, Eagle town, Boxley, Normanda and Alto to Kokomo From Indianapolis by Augusta, Eagle Village. North field, Kirk’s Cross Roads. Michigantown, Middlefork, Burlington, Carroll and Deer Creek to Logansport. From Indianapolis by Greenfield. Knightstown, Rays ville. Lewisville, Dublin, Cambridge, East Germantown and Eaton, Ohio, to Dayton. F om Indianapolis by Clermont, Brownsburg, Pittsbo ro!, Jamestown, New Ross and Mace to Crawfordsville. F'rom Indianapolis by Mooresville to Monrovia. From Indianapolis by Hampton, Danville, New Win chester, New Maysville, Bainbridge,. Portland Mills, Rockville and Armiesburg to Montezuma. F'rom Indianapolis by Olive,Glen’s Valley, Far West, Martinsville and Bryant’s Creek to Bloomington. From Indianapolis by Sugar Creek, Kinder ,Davisville, Morristown and Beech Grove to Rushville. From Jasper by Ferdinand and F’uldorio Troy. F'rom Jasper by Alferdville to Mount Pleasant. From Jasper by Iluniingbuig, Dale, Gentryville and Oakland to Rockport. From Jerome by West Liberty, Balia and Xebloes to Alexandria. From Jeffersonville by Hamburg. Vienna, Newry, Seymour, Rockford, Jonesville, Wayuesville, Wailes boro and Columbus to Edinburg. From Cannelton to Anderson. From Kirks Cross Roads by F’raukfort, Kilmore Itoss ville and Prince William to Delphi. From Kirk’s Cross Roads byeßoxley and Cicero to Strawton. From Knightstown by Carthage, Morristown and Freeport to Shelbyville. From Knightstown by Spiceland, Greensboro, Cad iz, Mechanicsburg and Ovid to Anderson. From Knox to River. From Laconia by Elizabeth, Coryden. New Salisbury, Bradford Greenville,Mt Eden Church and Martinsbunr to Pekin. From Lafayette by Americas, Delphi and Lockport to Logansport. From Lafayette by Rossville, Steam Mills, Middle Fork, Russiavflie, Richardsvilte. New London aud Alto to Kokomo. [to £S CQSTIKUXD ] Una IJorh JUtorrtisrißrata. Jg /iVnviADE \ AMERICANA Wgutta percha\. 0 jl COMPANY Jo \Anew-yorkA/ GUTTA PERCHA WATER-PROOF GOODS. jj HIGHEST Medal of World’s Fair, and Gold «jLjj Medal of American Institute, awarded so„ !l those Goods. Warehouse of Company, 102 Broadway, and ll Pine Street, whero may bo found GUTTA PERCHA GOODS, In great variety, far superior to any pther Wator- it* Proof Goods in the market, comprising many do-9f sirable articles for export and country trade, con-81 sisting, in part, of Coats, Cloaks, Pouehes, Overalls, -il Lcggins, Caps, Souwcsters, Camp Blankets, Horse l- Covors, Carriage Cloths, Piano Covers, Fire Buck- * ots, Travelling Bags, Surgical Articles, Stoam igl Packing and hundreds of other articles. Those Goods aro free from unpleasant odorjß very tenacious, pliable and elastic; net injured hy W fatty substances; and unlike India Rubber, will not decompose and become sticky. Are cheaper, different from any other Gutta Percha made in this country or Europe, and warranted to stand all cli mates. Certificates from persons who have tested the Goods, may be seen at tho Store of the Company]* Terms liberal. Dealers at)e invited to examine these Goods be fore purchasing elsewhere. Orders executed to any amount at short notice. Caution.—Base imitations, made of varnished 18 India Rubber, aro alroady being offered in the markot. Therefore, purchasers should bear Ip uind that all genuine Goods are stamped with tb* trade mark of the Company. WILLIAM RIDER, Pres'L N. A.G P. (’. 1 augl y . Acf m DR. EDWARD BLEECKER’S STAMPEDE MIXTURE, . For the Fever and Ague and C hag res Fever. 8 THE PROPRIETOR of this Medicine will state, % without hesitation or fear of contradiction, J that the Stampede Mixtare has cured more per- i sons, where it has been introduced, than any other medicine in use for the above d seases. This med icine has neither Arsenic or quinine in its eompo. sition, all of the ingredients are of a perfectly he.ilthy character and highly stimulating and in- vigorating in their tendency." Persons while usinji jg this medicine will not be affected by exposore t« water or a damp atmosphere no more than when in their usual health. Planters in sections of the 1 country where the Ague prevails, will do well to adopt this medicine, as the patient is not obliged to lay by while under ireatment, and they may bo, assured of a speedy ire. Tho Proprietor could introduce thousands of certificates from those of the, highest respectability, bi t pr* ers saying to the Sick buy one bottle and you ,v' havo the infalli ble proof in yourself. Full <' rectiens for its use accompany each bottle. For sale at the principal every whero ; wholesale orders must be aadressed MEAD A BLECKER, Sole Proprietors, 98 Broadway, New York. Agknts—Haviland, Risley A Co., Augusta ; S. S Solomon & Co., Savannah ; R. C. Carter. CoJiim bus; Simons, Ruff & Co., Charleston, lj i>l2 REMOVED TO NO. 18, JOHN Established 1789. ' MOTT BROTHERS, Formerly at No. 2, Nassau Street, SUCCESSORS TO THEIR FATHER, JORDAN MOTT, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS u IN F,I N E WATCHES, JEWELRY Os all kinds, and of the latest Patters. « —AI.SO— Diamonds in Rings, Pins, Silver Ware, &c., fcc. All of which will be warranted. P. S.—The best workmen only employed in Re Dairs. dfAcly mayl4 NEW DRUG STOReT DR. J. M. HILL & CO., are offering, at their Store, the freshest and purest Stock of MED ICINES now in Augusta, and at as low prices mi the same articles ean be purchased for in any es tablishment in the South. Physicians, Merchants and Families have a pledge that no article shall leave the store less pure than it came from tho package of the Importer, as every article was in spected and purchased by the Senior partner of tho concern, an experienced practicing Physician. Paints, Oils, and Dyestuffs of every kind, to gether with a full assortment of fancy articles, con sisting in part of fine extracts of every description soaps|of every variety and style, brushes for tho teeth, nails, body and clothes, with many other articles too tedious to mention, Prescriptions put up with care and dispatch, everyday and night in the week. Give us a call, one and all, Broad street, Augusta, upper part of the city. dec 15 JOHN P. KELLOGG & Co., ' IMPORTERS OF BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, Ac. 44 Water Street, John P. Kellogg, ) New York. Henhy L. Kellogg, > John N. Squires. J aprils * BATH TUBS. BATH TUBS, of every description, including the Plunge, Hip and Hat Bath, and a new ar ticle, which combines economy with comfort. It is the plunge or long bath tub to which is attached a small suction and force pump—capable of eleva ting the water to a height of 8 feet, thereby afford ing the luxury of a Shower Bath, without extra expense or trouble—it being so arranged that a person standing in the tub can elevate the water by means of the pump in a f6w seconds; it is so ar ranged as to be easi ! y detached and thrown into the same small compass an ordinary bath tub would occupy, and as easily adjusted again for op eration. For sale by B. F, CHEW. july2s Bagging, rope, &c.—~ 50 bales Gunny Bagging, old importation; 300 coils Rope; 50 bbls Fisk’s Magnolia Whisky; 125 boxes Adamantino Candles; 200 bags Rio Coffee; 6 tierces Rice. Just received and for 3ale by BELCHER A HOLLINGSWORTH. novl7 d6c2 TO MEDICAL STUDENTS. — A ment of Dissecting and other Surgical .a ments, for sale low for cash. Medical are invited to call ani examine. en n ° TlB iff WM ' HAINES . Drt ggist. TACTILE.— AH person#* Adopted to James »f. IN Simpson are requested tornado immediate payment to tho undersigned ; and all persons havl ing claims against him will please present the sau >e- ' JOSEPH S. CLARK, ALBERT HATCH. septl 4 Assigi ees. REMOVED. # m. riIHE FAMILY GROCERY, kept by G. E A Boulineau, has been removed to the Stere lately occupied by Christian Salm, where the un dersigned would be glad to show to hislriends, aud the public generally, a large and well selected stock of GROCERIES, consisting of Sugar*Sff„ ’ Rico, Hour, Crackers, Butter, Lard, Cheese, Tea’ Liquors, ot all kinds, at all prices, Segars and To! B bacco, at ail prices. E^ vl4 GEORGE E. BOULINEAU. 1 BAGS Rio Coffee, just received by o cJU SCRANTON, SEYMOUR ACO DOvl No : 2 Warren Bleck. 1 ( W 1 ®RLS ohoioo Ntw Orleans SvruiK A VjFva 10 bbls Golden Syrup. n «> vl SCRANTON, SEYMOUR A CO. Segars, SEGARS.—2OO,OOO Segars of various qualities, some equal to any ever sold in this f market, for sale by THAYER A BUTT. oct7 - JsL'?;- BKOUMS, TU BS, buckets!-Malto BaskaM Ac., a large supply now landing oot7 THAYER* BUTT