The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, November 29, 1854, Image 1

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-« £l)c ti alii) (Canstitiitianiilist null Heptuilk BY JAMES (tARDNKU, (Brncral Alwrliscmfitts. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. WAKU k BI ! KGHARD are now receiving tbeir Fall and Winter supplies ol new and fashionable goods, among which will be found man; novelties in drees goods, as well as a general assortment of household articles. They ask attention to the following: Paris Saeqß* and Opera Flannels, new shade. American Sacque Flannels, Flain and Figued- Lupins superior Meriuoa, all colo;s. Lupins .V us de Lains, Main Figured, and Maids. Lupins Mack and Col d Challies, and Alpaccas. Lupins iilack do Lai s and Bombazines. Rich Color'd Silks in Brocade, Plaids and Stripes. Superior Black Taffeta and Italian Silks. 6 4 Poplins high Colors, Scotch Plaids. American de Lain; and Cashmeres, all the new design, in Plaids, Stripes and Agues. Beautiful French aud English Prints, Highland and ltogal Plaid Ginghams, French Cashmere do’Ecosge. Scotch Wool and Silk Checks for Miss. Saxony Welsh Silk Warp and American Flannels Embroideries, White Crape, Wool Plaid. Black Silk, Merino and Cashmere Shalls. Besides a large stock of House Wife and servants goods. They respectfully ask those making their winter purchases to examine their goods. Orders droiaptly and faithlnlly executed. octls NEW FALL GOODS.—FULL SUPPLIES. WILLIAM SHEAR HAS received from New York bis Full Supplies of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, embracing a large and splendid Assortment, suitable for the Fall and Winter season, among which are— Rich fancy colored Silks of new and beautiful styes; Plain Black Silks, in great variety of styles, and of superior quality ; Rich Paris printed DeLaines and Fancy, alljWool Plaits; Lupin's colored white and black Mcrinoes, and plain colored DeLaines; A very large Supply of small-figured, all-wool printed DeLaines, for children, of new and beautiful styles; English and American Fancy Prints, in a great variety oi styles; Superior Scotch fancy Ginghams, of new and beautiful Winter styles ; * Elegant French Embroideries, embracing Ladies’ Collars, Cheinizeitos, Undersleeves and Hand kerchiefs, of new and splendid styles ; Ladies Black and Colored Cloth Cloaks and Tal masof the latest styles ; Ladies’ Rich Embroidered and Plain Paris Silk Velvet Cloaks; m A large supply of Ladies,’ Misses”and Children’s Hosiery ol the best make; Ladies and Gentlemen’s Superior Gauntlet Gloves ; Ladies’ and Misses’ Meaino and Silk Vests; Gentlemen's and Youth’s Silk aud Merino Shirts and Drawers ; Superior Welch, Gauze, Saxony and Silx Warp and Heavy Shaker Flannels; Superior English Colored Flannels, for Ladies Sacks; English and American Canton Flannels, of extra quality ; A very large Supply of Mourning Goods, for Ladies' use, of Superior quality; Superior 12-4 Linen Sheetings aud Pillow Case Linens; Superior 8 4 and 10 4 Table and Damask Diapers, some of extra quality ; Rich Damask Table Cloths and Napkins, some of extra size; Scotch and Bird s Eye Diapers, extra fine, f<sr childrens wear; Heavy Scotch Diapers, and Huckabacks, for Toweling ; Superior W hitney and Merino Blankets of extra size and quality ; Superior Crib BtanScts. Also, a great variety ot other A»asonable articles suitable for Family and Plantation u.e. The pubUc are respectfully invited to call and examine the assortment. W S. especially solicits 9 call from his long continued friends and patrons, and assures them that no exertion on his part will he wanting to supp'} T them with the latest and most desirable styles of Goods, at the lowest prices. novß RICH DRY GOODS. " Cheaper than the. vary Cheapest." GRAY BROTHER’S- Beg to inform the public, that their Fall purchases this season have been units ham. Y large, having been in the Northern markets over three months this Summer, where so many large auction sales took place, offeriug de cided advantage to close purchases. We can con fidently say that our stock is much cheaper than the like quality of Goods could be obtained a few weeks later, when the great body of Merchants went to market, our desire, owing to the very short season that we will now necessarily have, is to dis pose of this large stock independent of profits, and we may venture to say that we can offer as strong inducements as any of our neighbors, ifnot stronger. In our Dress Goods Room, will be found the richest varieties of the Reason, such as— Elegant Moriantigue Silks: Rich Satin, Striped do. Very Elegant Black Plaid do Small Stripe Plaids and figured. Rich Brocade Plain Striped and Plaid, 50 cents per yard, worth 75 cents; Plain Black Silks all widths, very cheap; Black Plaid Watered and Brocade, new styles; White Silks and Satins; Figured, all Wool, French muslin Delaine, 12i cts. worth 50. French Merinos, very cheap; Lupins best Bombazine exceedingly low; Black Jamiese, a new and very desirable, all Woel Goods, for mourning; Black Alapacas all qualities, some very fine and low priced; Mantillas, Cloaks aDd Talmas of the very latest French styles, exceedingly cheap; Crape, Cashmere and Woollen Shawls; Embroideries of all kinds of the most elegant description; Ribbons for the Million, fine bonntt and neck, cents a yard, worth 20 cents. Calicoes and Ginghams, best styles eheap, Domestic Goods < f ell kinds; Blankets and Kersey’s unusually low, and a great variety of other articles to which we would res pectfully invite the attention of the public. nov2 GRAY BROTHER’S. NEW CASH STORE. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the of Georgia and South Carolina, that he is now in receipt of his supply of Fall and Winter DRY GOODS, all of which have been pur chased for Cash, in the various Northern Markets; and as regards the prices at which they will be sold, it is unnecessary to say a word, as the reputa tion of GREEN’S Store, for being the cheapest in Augusta, is now firmly established. —ALWAYS ON HAND — Bleached and Brown SHEETING Sand SHIRT INGS, of various manufactories; French, English and American CALICOES, from 6$ to 25 cents. GINGHAMS; MOUSLIN DkLAINES; CASHMERES; MERINOES: ALPACAS; BOMBAZINES ; CANTON CLOTHS; Plain and Plaid White Cambric Jaconet, Nain sook and Mull MUSLIN : Plain, Plaid and Dottr d Swiss MUSLINS ; LACES; EMBROIDERIES; EDGINGS; Cambric and Muslin TRIMMINGS ; HOSIERY, of all kinds, Jkc. Ac. —ALSO — Particular a' tontion paid to all kinds of Negro GOODS and BLANKETS, such as white and . brown KERSEYS and PLAINS; heavy brown SHIRTINGS, at fijc ; London Dnffil and Macinau BLANKETS; colored do,; SATTINKTS; KEN TUCKY JEANS, Ac , all of which will be sold for cash, as low as in any Southern market. E GREEN, Next door below Bones A Browns’ Hardware Store. sept 8 RICH CARPETS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS. WILLIAM SHEAR HAS just received from New York a Large Supply of— English Brussels Carpets, of the best quality and of new and elegant style*. English Velvet Carpets, of new and splendid styles. Extra Three Ply, Ingrain and Venetian Carpets Rich Chenille Rugs, to match the Carpets. Printed Ciumb Cloths, in patterns and by the yard. Rich colored Damasks and DeLaines, for Cur tains, with Gimps and Tassels to match. Rich embroidered Lace and Muslin Curtains, and some at very low prices. Embroidered Muslin, for Curtains, by the yard Window Shades of beautiful styles. ! uperior Furniture Dimities and Fine Cotton • Fringes. Gilt Cornices, Curtain Bands, and Brass and Plated Stair Rods. The Public are respectful’y invited to call and examine the assortment. nov7 flJwral Jtiorrtiarmrnta. STOVES, GRATES AND HOUSE FUR NISHING GOODS. THE undersigned desire again to call the atten tion of purchasers to their stock of Stoves, Grates and House Furnishing Goods, generally, which is now known and universally admitted to be much the most extensive in the city. We ave now in Store a large and general assortment of— Good Stoves; Office do.; Hall and Parlor do.; Parlor Grates, 40 different patterns ; Ranges and Coal Stoves; Plated and Britannia Ware; Plain and Bright Tin Ware ; Fine Table Cutlery; Wood and Willow Ware; Furnishing Hard Ware; Japanned Ware; Lifting and Force Pumps, Ac., Ac.; Together with a lull and complete stock of Tin ners’ Goods, such as Tin Plate, all kinds; Sheet Iron; Wire; Block Tin; Pig Lead ; Bucket Ears; Rivets; Sheet Copper; Sheet Zinc; Press’d Cov ers, Ac , all of which we offer at wholesale or re tail, on the most favorable terms. L. HANCOCK A CO., novlG 210 Broad Street. FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, OF the very latest styles and importations, are now offered for sale by the subscriber at the very lowest market price, to wit: Plain and Fancy Colored Silks ; Extra rich and low priced Plaid Silk ; Rich Colored and Black Brocade Silks ; - 3-4 and 4-4 real French Black Silks, very glossy ; OperajFrench Flannels, all colors; All wool Muslin DeLaines; Persian Twills; Pure Laine or all wool Plaids, for Children’s wear; Fancy Colored and Black Shallys ; Domestic and English Prints ; French low priced and super. Prints; Plaid and Sprigged Oil Do.; Jaconet, Lawn and Swiss Embroidered Sleeves; Rich Embroidered Chemisetts; Black Alpaca and Canton Cloths, all prices; Ladies’ Silk and Merino Vests; French Cremeline and Embroidered Skirts ; Ladies’ Silk and Wool Sleeves; Brown, Blue and Green Barege, for Veils ; 6-4 French Merinos, all colors ; 4 4 and 5 4 Fancy Plaid Ginghams; Mourning and Secound Mourning Ginghams ; Plain, Black and Colored DeLaines ; Ladies’ Mourning Collars and Handkerchiefs ; Ladies’ White and Black Silk Hose; Ladies’ Black Spun do. Do.; Ladies’ Cotton Hosiery, all colors and prices ; Misses’ do. Do, do. do. do.; Plain, Hemstitched, Reviere and Embroidered Handkerchiefs; Linen, Cambric and Lawn Handkerchiefs ; Real Welsh and other Flannels; Green, Blue, Red and Yellow Twilled Flannels ; English and Domestic Cotton Do ; Bleached and Brown Linen Table Diaper; Rich Damask Table Diaper, all widths; Huckaback, Damask and Bordered Napkins; Scotch and Russia Diapers; Gent’s Merino Shirts, assorted sizes; Plain and Embroidered Linen Shirt Bosoms; 12 4 Undressed Irish Linens; Pillow case Linens and Cottons; 4 4 Irish undressed round thread Linens, warranted pure and strong bleached ; 4 4 ani ti 4 Plain and Lined Furniture Oil Cloths; Damask and Colored Doylies; Rich Damask Table Cloths, 12-4 and 13-4 ; Low priced Brown Table Cloths; Real French Piano and Table Covers; Rich aud Extra Rich Marseilles Quilts ; Domestic and imported Cotton Fringes. nov!7 J. P. SETZE. CARPETINGS. PRINTED and Plain Baizes, for Crumb Car pets and Floor Cloths, just received by J. P. SETZE, to wit: Low prieod Cotton and Wool Carpeting; Low priced all Wool Do ; Booth Ingrain W Carpeting, at 87j et«-, $1 00 “ “ “ 1.12 J Three Ply “ 1.25 “ “ “ 1.37 J “ “ “ 1 50 6-4 Green Baize; 6-4 Printed Drugget; 10 4 Printed Drugget; 16-4 do. Do; 5-8, 3-4, 7 8 and 4 4 Venetian Carpetings, for stairs; Hearth Rugs, binding and thread to suit the same. novl7 NEW AND FASHIONABLE GOODS. T T/ r M. O. PRICE sc CO-, Drapers and Tailors, \ \ are now prepared to execute any and all or ders in their line of business, having this Fall re ceived an unusual and choice selection of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, which they will make up to order in the most modern and approved stylo. Clothing.—Our stock embraces all the modern styles of Garments, got up by the most experienced mechanics, and at prices that must please all that can appreciate. We have also all other articles in our line of business, such as Hosiery, embracing all the latest manufacture; Gloves, do.; Neck Dressing do , and all the articles useful for the Gentlemen’s Ward robe. 258 Broad-st. novlO SHOE FINDINGS.—A large assortment of ev« ery article in the line, comprising, in part, French and American Lining Skins, of all colors; Sheep and Goat Binding Sk ns ; Galloohs Lacets Webbs Cords; Copper, Zinc and Iron Sparables, Shoe Nails and Tacks, fiat and round; every vari ety of French Kit and Tools; Boot Trees, and Crimps; Lasts; Pegs, Ac., for sale on accommoda,- ting terms at the Saddlery Warehouse of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO., Late Wright, Nichols A Co., No. 239 Broad-st., second door above the Bank of Augusta. dAt3m sept7 SADDLERY, &C , FALL TRADE,IBS47~ SIIEUMAN, JESSUP & CO., (LATE WRIGHT, NICHOLS te CO ,) HAVING increased their facilities, and perfect ed thoir arrangements for manufacturing and importing, are now prepared to exhibit an unusu ally varied and extensive assortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Whips. Trunks, Valices, Carpet Bags, in every description of Goods in that line. Also, a heavy stock of Saddlery Hardware, Coach Trimmings, Springs, Axles, Castings, Ac, which are offered to dealers and manufacturers at low prices, and upon their usual liberal terms, for approved credit. dA|3m sopt? CHAg A GREINER. SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANT, Savannah. Ga., will give particular attention to receiving, and forwarding Merehendise, to the nterior, by River and Railroad. jc2 6m NEGRO BLANKETS AND CLOTHS. WILLIAM SHEAR respectfully invites the attention of Planters te his large Supply of Negro Blankets and Negro Cloths, which he is preparing,to sell at very low prices. nov7 A MO NTH LOST, and still we have a largo stock of GOODS on hand that we are anxious to dispose of t wholesale or retail on terms that can hardly tail to be satisfactory. L. HANCOCK A CO., novl6 210 Broad Street. SILVER PLATED WARE—A choice lot of Castor Frames, SpooDs, Candle Sticks, Dessert Forks, Ac., Ac., at L. HANCOCK A CO. novlO 210 Broad-street. WOOD WARE.—Buckets, Tubs, Churns, Wash Boards, Ironing Boards, Piggins, Step Ladders, Brass bound Pails Ac.. Ac., at wholesale or retail, may be found at L HANCOCK A CO. novl6 210 Broad-street. Cl A GEN—A general assortment of Japand and J wood Bird Cages, for sale by L HANCOCK A CO. novlfi 210 Broad-street, rpoo MANY STOVES.—The season is far ad -1 vanced and we have a very heavy stock of Stoves and Grates that we are most particularly anxious to sell. L HANCOCK A CO. novlfi > EZRA I. MOSES, CM MISSION and Forwarding Merchant, Sa vannah, Ga, will pay strict attention to all business entrusted to his care. references: Messrs.L. Tkapman A Co., 1 “ Wardlaw, Walker A Burnside, > Charleston “ James Adger A Co., * Messrs. Hall A Moses ) New York “ Catlin, Levitt A Co., \ Messrs. Purvis, Gludde* A Co , New Orleans. “ A. A. Solomons A Co., Savannah. Messrs. Halt. A Moses, Columbus. Savannah, Oct. 25. HI HA M SMITH FLOUR.—3O Bbls. fresh ground lliram Smith Flour, of New Wheat, rec eived per steamer, this day landing. novs THAYER A BUTT. BLUE STONE—2I)OO bis. just received by novl WM. H TUTT, Druggist. AUGUSTA, G Y., WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 29, 1854 NEW DRY GOODS HOUSE. , OPENING MONDAY, ol’ll NOV. THE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully invite the attention of the Ladies of Augusta and vicinity to the STOCK OF GOODS now offered for their inspection, of which the kdlowi.ig are some of the Leading Articles. BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. In Brocade, Gros d’Rhine, Grosd’ Afrique. Satin Duchine, Plain Chameleon. Very Rich Satin Plaids and Brocade in great varie ty. Also, Grosd’Naps. Maiceline3 Florence and Taffeta Silks, Black, White and Colored Satins. DRESS GOODS. Lupins, Casbuiors, Merinos and Plain DeLaines, beautiful assortment of colors, American and French** i»ured and Plaid DeLaines, Maid Alpaccas,? aid Poplins,Plaid Raw Silks, Wool Plaids. EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. Chwnizetts, Habits Puff and Mandarin Sleeves. Cambric and Muslin Collars of new and elegant patter n. Cambric, Muslin, and Mull Bands and Flouncing in groat variety. Embroidered, Plain and Tape bordered Linen C- Handkerchiefs. Cambric and Muslin Trimmings. Real Thread, Maltese, Gimpeure, Mecklin, and Valenciene Laces, some beautiful patterns for trimming Collars. Linen and Lisle Edgings, Imitation. Mecklin and Valonciene and other styles, compris ing the largest Assortment ever offered in Au gusta. CLOAKS, MAN TILL AS AND TALMAS of tho latest stylo, Ladies Cloths for Cloaks, beautiful Shades; Long and Sqr. Plaid Shawls, Plain and Embroiierded Canton Crape Shawls; Cloak and Dress Trimmings, Bonnet Ribbons, Satin and Taffeta do, and a full assortment of Haberdashery. The attention of Planters and others is called to tho large Stock of Plantation Goods and Blankets, always on hand, such as Georgia Plains and Kerseys, Kentucky Jeans, Satinets, Osnaburgs, Linsoys, London Duffil Macinawand Colored Blank ts, all pricos, which will bo sold very low. Terms cash. J. K. BANCROFT. novs Three doors above Mclntosh-st, next to Bank of Augusta. DUALKItS IN WHAM Hi .UllTjl-Jjj'JH' HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARFET BAGS, &c , &c. BOYS’ AND CHILDREN’S CLOTHING, SHIRTS, COLLARS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, STOCKS, &c., &c., &c. Which will be sold on reasonable terms. NO. 197 BROAD STREET, UNDER THE AUGUSTA HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA. J. J. CLAYTON. |may 191 A. T. BIGNON. ” J. A. VAN WINKLE, 2ME M<2 ■ « /WW J 3K r ''.■TV/m.. HI » SHS <* Next door to Georgia Railroad Bank, and one door below tho U. States Hotel, Augusta, Ga. HAS ALWAYS ON HAND A CHOICE SELECTION OF Cloths; Cassimeres ; Vestings ; Linens; Drap d’, Ac., Which will bo made to order in tho very best style, and as good as can be obtained in any establishment in the Southern Country. rrj“ All Goods sold at the above Establishment are of tho best qualities, and will be sold cheap, apr 18 J. A 0 VAN WINKLE. NEW GUNS, PISTOLS, &C Broad steet, just above the August Hotel THE subscriber has just received a large addi tion to his former stock of GUNS and GUN NING APPARATUS, which makes his assort* rnent decidedly the best in the city-consisting of: Double and Single Barreled G li NS, all sizes and prices. Colt’s, Allen’s, and other REVOLVERS; also, the Single Barreled Self-cocking and RIFLE PIS TOL, steel barrels. A great variety of Powder Flasks and Shot Bags, and Game Bags, of the finest patterns. Also, Percussion Caps, all varieties, from the commonG.D. to the finest Westley Richard’s wa ter proof. Cleaning Rods, Drinking Flasks, Dog Collars, Hunting Horns, Nipple Wrenches, Ac. Ac. Pocket and Pen Knives, Razors, Bowie Knives, Dirks. Powder, by kegor in canisters, all varieties Shot, by the bag or retail. RIFLES and Double GUNS, of my own make, one barrel Rifle and the other Shot, a splendid shooting article. N. B.—RIFLES made to order, and all kinds of RESTOCKING and REPAIRING done in the best manner, and warranted. Also, Keys fitted and Door Locks repaired, shortnotice. E. H. ROGERS, junel6 FALL AND WINTER READY-MADE CLOTHING AND HATS. CLAYTON & BIGNON, under tho Augusta Hotel, have now in Store, (and are receiving J weekly supplies) a large and splendid stock of j Ready-made CLOTING and HATS, line and com mon. Also, Boy’s and Children’s Clothing. Also, | a good lot of Furnishing Goods, to which they respectfully call the attention of citizens and stran gers. N. B. Country Merchants visiting our city, will find, at our establishment, a large and varied stock to select from, at low prices. septl3 NEW ROOKS —Hermits Doll, from the diary j of a Peneiller; and Poems and Ballads by < Gerald Massey, containing the ballad of Babe Christabels, printed from the third London editor, i with several new poems never before published, re- j vised and corrected by the author, for sale by octl3 THOS. RICHARDS & SUN. DRUGS AND MEDICINES.— A full and am- j pic supply of Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, 1 Paints, Oils, Glass, Ac, Ac. Orders from the coun try solicited. For sale low f*>r cash by WM. HAINES, oct3l lino 217 Broad Street. j SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS. THE subscriber has just received a large supply j of Sash, (glassed,! Blinds and Doors, of the first j quality, made of Northern pine. All orders for odd sizes filled at short notice. mayl4 fines J DANFORTII. AUGUSTA STEAM CABINET MANUFAO TORY. CHARLES A. PLATT respectfully calls tho attention of citizens and others *'*siting the city, to bis large and handsome assortment of FURNITURE, Comprising every article usually found in a Cabi net Warehouse. Being connected with one of the largest manufactories at the North together with my own Steam Manufactory at this place, I can supply orders equally low as any establishment in the country, as all articles are'received trom first hands, and warranted of the best quality. Con nected with the above, I havo also on hand a splen did assortment of ' CARPETS, Viz : English Velvet Tapestry—Cotton ; English Brussels “ Hemp, Extra Three Ply Venetian. Extra Ingrain. RUGS and DOOR MATS, a beautiful assortment; CURTAINS; CORNICES; CURTAIN LOOPS ; PINS, Ac. Table and Floor OIL CLOTH, of all patterns and widths. The above are all purchased at the lowest price, and the legitimate business ol this establishment has been so well known for the last fifteen years, makes further comments unnecessary. janl2 ly C. A. L. LAMAR, General commission merchant, Sa vannah, Ga., will give strict attention to the forwarding of Goods for the interior of Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee. ly may 16 TE NNESSeIe BACON —2S,OOO lbs Tennessee Bacon, chiefly Clear Sides, receiving this day, nd for sale by A. STEVENS. oct!3 ltn FLANNELS. Plain and Twil’d, Red, all prices. Ditto in White, Red and White Domestic Welsh, English and American, all Wool and unshrink ing. Silk and Wool do., Colored Opera and Salisbury Flannels, assorted Colors. MOURNING GOODS. Black Bombasins, Marinos, Muslin DeLaines and Challeys, all of Lupins make and warrant l ed. Real English Bombasine, warranted. ! Black Alpaccas, Paramittas, Canton Cloths, Gin ghams, Prints. Ac. LINENS AND LINEN GOODS. Irish Linens of different makes. Scotch and Irish Table Duinask. Huckerbuek and Diaper Towels. ; Damask Table Cloths and Napkins, Crash Dowlas, Ac-, Ac. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. Ladies English and German Hosiery. Misses ditto White, Slate, Brown and mixed, all sizes Gents and Boys half Hose, Merino Hose and half Hose. Children's Worst’d and Button Fancy Ilose, J and and £ do , Elastic Tops. Ladies Cashmere, Philoselle, Beaver and Kid Glo ves, Gents Kid Gloves, Children’s Gloves. READY-MADE CLOTHING, comprising, in part., Black Dress and Frock Coats; Blue, Brown, Olive, Green and Dahlia Frocks and Sacks; Black and Fancy Cass Pants; Black and Fig’d. Drap d’Ete do.; Plain and fancy linen do ; a large assortment of Linen, Frock and Sack Coats; and a large stock of Vests. JAJKSON STREET HOSPITAL, AND SU RGIOAL TNFIKMA HY FOR NEGROES rVIHE UKD£RSIONIt.I> have deemed it advia -1 able to add the term “Hospital” to their Sur gical Infirmary, for though the institution is intend ed principally for cases requiring Surgical Opera tions and Surgical Treatment, its accommodation is not entirely restricted to these; —we receive cases ol any nature occurring in the Negro, provided they aro not of an infections character. II F. CAMPBELL, M. D. Operating Surgeon. ROBERT CAMPBELL M. D. jy2fi ts Attending Physician. WHOLESALE DKUGG ISTS, TT7JVI. K KITCHEN isassoeiated with us as a V V partner in all our concerns from this date. lIAVILAND, liARRAL A RISLEY, New York. HAVILAND HARR A L & CO., Charleston, S. C. IIAVILAND RISLEY & CO., January 1, 1854. Augusta, Oa. IIAVILAND, RISLEY A CO., aro my duly au thorized Agents to transact any business in which I am interested during my absence from the State. My notes and accounts will b<• tound at their store. M 2£. KITCHEN. Augusta, Feb. 12,1854. ts NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE IN SURANOE COMPANY. Incorporated January , 1849. Central, Oefice, Raleigh, N. C. HAVING established an Agency in this city, are prepared to take LIFE RISKS on the most favorable terms. The tabic of Rates are those made by Joshua Millar, and known as “ The Carlisle Table,” uni versally conceded to be the most correct in use. The advantages offered bv this Company, are such as merit the attention of the public, and will be pointed out and explained at time by the Agent. Insurances are taken on single lives, for on a year, seven years, or for life. On joint lives, for life. On slaves at 2-3 value, one or five years. The undersigned can, at all times, be found at the Law offico of G. J. <fc W. Schley, Esqs. Letters, post-paid, directed to the Agent here, will be promptly attended to apr 11 S. 11. OLIVER, Ag’t., Augusta, Ga. IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY AND MACIJINE SHOP. rn III. ATHENS STEAM COMPANY are pre- JL pared to fill orders for ail kinds of Iron and Brass Castings, such ns Mill Irons, of imprevo pat terns and every description; steam Engines; Gold Mining. Forcing or Fire Pumps, and all other kinds of Machinery, cast and finished. They are casting and keep constantly on hand, Gin Gearing and Iron Fencing of various patterns, Fire Dogs, Plough Castings, Wagon Boxing, Ac. They are also prepared to fill orders for Boilers, Tanks. Ac. Repairing of all kinds of Machinery promptly executed. Their portable iron Saw Mills ; are surpassed by none. . Whilst they are grateful to former patrons, their experience and facilities, with their work furnished in as cheap, substantial and workman-like man ner, as can bo bail any where South, enables them to anticipate a large share of public i<atronage. ROSS CRANE, Agent. It. NICKERSON, Super' t. N. B. Cash paid for old copper, brass, and heavy iron castings. dA;c6m jell HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PALNTING. THE subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Augusta that they have commenc ed business, in the above lino, at their shop, on the Sout h side of Broad Street, three doors above Centre. They are prepared to execute all stylos, in imitation of different woods, marbles, Ac. They solicit a share ol patronage; and all orders left at their shop, will meet with prompt attention, aud executed in a manner, they feel assured, will giro satisfaction. They would refer to Messrs W. 11. Goodrich, John Bones, J. W. Davies, Robert F. Poe, 11. 11 Camming, Isaac Henry, James Harper, George Young, George H. Crump, I). R. Plumb, Dr. I P. Garvin, F. Lamback, J. Davison, A Swarp, and Drs. H. & R. Campbell. E. BAKER & CO. may 23 6m " salt of lemons. r I MIIS SALT is infinitely preferable to any other I preparation for immediately takinglrouMoulds ink spots, red white, and stains of any kind, out ol lace, muslin, lawn, cambric, and linnen, without trouble, and winhout doing the least injury to them It also whitens them to admiration, if the}’are grown yellow, so as to vender them as bcautilul as when quite new. Price 25 cts. per vial, and for ale by WM, HAINES, Druggist, Nov 4 Augusta. FURNISHING GOODS. White and Colored Shirts; Silk, Merino and Cotton U rider Garments ; Cravats; all kinds ot Gloves ; Half Hose; Stocks; Cqtlars; Suspenders; and :fverything useful lor a Gentleman’s Outfit. llfui IJork JUiocrtisrmrnts. AMERICAN^ Wgutta perghayJ, SI COMPANY jo VAnew-yorkA/ W\ - /A/ V ✓ \£s¥ &IB s?3>' GUTTA PERCHA WATER-PROOF GOODS. HIGHEST Medal of World’s Fair, and Gold Medal of American Institute, awarded so. these Goods. Warehouse of Company, 102 Broadway, and 1 Pine Street, where may be found GUTTA PERCHA GOODS, In great variety, far superior to any other Water- Proof Goods in the market, comprising many de sirable articles for export and country trade, con sisting, in part, of Coats, Cloaks, Pouches, Overalls, Leggins, Caps, Souwesters, Camp Blankets, Horse Covers, Carriage Cloths, Piano Covers, Fire Buck ets, Travelling Bags, Surgical Articles, Steam Packing and hundreds of other articles. These Goods are free from unpleasant odor very lenacious, pliable and elastic ; not injured by fatty substances; and unlike India Rubber, will not decompose and become sticky. Are cheaper, different from any other GuttaPercha made in this country or Europe, and warranted to stand all cli mates. Certificates from persons who have tested the Goods, may bo seen at the Store of the Company* Terms liberal. Dealers are invited to examine these Goods be fore purchasing elsewhere. Orders executed to any amount at short notice. Caution.—Base imitations, made of varnished Ind'a are already being offered in the market. Therefore, purchasers should bear ip uind that all genuine Goods are stamped with tb» trade P’ark of the Company. WILLI * M RIDER, Pres’t. N.A.O P. C. augl AePm DR7EDWARD BLEECKER’S STAMPEDE MIXTURE, For the Fever and Ague and Chagres Fever. rpHE PKOPRIETOK of this Medicine will state, X without hesitation or fear of contradiction, that the Stampede Mixture has cured more per sons, where it has been introduced, than any other medicine in use for the above diseases. This med icine has neither Arsenic or quinine in its compo sition, all of the ingredients are of a perfectly healthy character and highly stimulating and in vigorating in their tendency. Persons while usinj this medicine will not be affected by exposure tc water or a damp atmosphere no more than when in their usual health. Planters iu sections of the country where the Ague prevails, will do well to adopt this medicine, as the patient is not obliged to lay by while under reatment, and they may be assured of a speedy ire. The Proprietor could introduce thousands of certificates Irom those of the highest respectability, but pre ers saying to the Sick buy ono bottle and you w have the infalli ble proof in yourself. Full d lections tor its use accompany each bottle. For sale at the principal ruggists every where; wholesale orders must be addressed MEAD A BLECKER, Sole Proprietors. 98 Broadway, New York. Agents—Haviland, Kisley A Co'., Augusta; S. S Solomon A Co., Savannah ; R. C. Carter. Colum bus; Simons, Ruff A Co., Charleston. ly vyl2 REMOVED TO MO. 13, JOHN BTREET7~ Established 1789. MOTT BROTHERS, Formerly at No. 2, Nassau Street, SUCCESSORS TO THEIR FATHER, JORDAN MOTT, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS _ IN Fjl N E WATCHES, JEWELRY Os all kinds, and of the latest Patters. —ALSO Diamonds iu Rings, Pius, Silver Ware, Sec., See. All of which will be warranted. P. S.—The best workmen only employed in Re pairs. dt&cly may 14 citmmws.** maumt mmm wmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm NEW DRUG STORE. DR. J. IVI. HILL Sc CO., are offering, at theft Store,the freshest and purest Stock of MED ICINES now in Augusta, and at as low prices as the same articles can be purchased for in any es tablishment in the South. Physicians, Merchants and Families have a pledge that no article shall leave the store less pure than it came from the package of the Importer, as every article was in spected and purchased by the Senior partner of the concern, an experienced practicing Physician. Paints, Oils, and Dyestuffs of every kind, to gether with a full assortment of fancy articles, con sisting in part of fine extracts of every description every variety and style, brushes for the tooth, nails, body and clothes, with many other articles too tedious to mention, Prescriptions put up with care and dispatch, everyday and night in the week. Give us a call, one and all, Broad street, Augusta, upper part of the city. dec 15 JOHN P. KELLOGG & Co., IMPORTERS OF BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, Ac. 44 Water Street, John P. Kellogg, 1 New York. Henhy L. Kellogg, > John N. Squires. ) aprils BATH TUBS _ BATH TUBS, of every description, including the Plunge, Hip and Hat Bath, and a new ar ticlo, which combines economy with comfort. It is the plungo or long bath tub to which is attached a small suction and force pump—capable of eleva ting the water to a height of 8 feet, thereby afford ing tho luxury of a Shower Bath, without extra expense cr trouble—it being so at ranged that a person standing in the tub can elevate the water by means of the pump in a few seconds; it is so ar ranged as to be easily detached and thrown intor the same small compass an ordinary bath tub would occupy, and as easily adjusted again for op eration. For sale by B. F. CHEW, july2s _ Bagging", hope, ic.- 50 bales Gunny Bagging, old importation ; 300 coils Rope; 50 bblsFisk’s Magnolia Whisky; 125 boxes Adamantine Candles; 200 bags Uio Coffee; 6 tierces Rice. Just received and for sale by BELCHER A HOLLINGSWORTH. novl7 d6c2 TO MEDICAL STUDENTS—A select as SO rt ment of Dissecting and other Surgical In s tru ments, for sale low for cash. Medical Students are invited to call and examine. novlß WM. HAINES, Druggist, 'jVJ'OTICE. —All persons 'ndepted to James M ll Simpson, are requested to made immediate payment to tho undersigned ; and all persons hav ing claims against him will please present same. JOSEPH S. CLARK, ALBERT HATCH, sept 14 Assignees. REMOVED riIHE FAMILY GROCERY, kept by G. E. I Boulineau, has been removed to the Store lately occupied by Christian Salm, where the un dersigned would be glad to show to hislriends, and the public generally, a large and well selected stock of GROCERIES, consisting of Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Flour, Crackers, Butter, Lard, Cheese, Tea,' Liquors, of all kinds, at all prbes, Segars and To bacco, at all prices. novl t GEORGE E. BOULINEAU. Q \ BAGS Rio Coffee, just received by Oe* v* SCRANTON, SEYMOUR & CO. novl No' 2 Warren Block. I i BIILS choice New OrleanslSyrup. J. V f 10 bbls Golden Syrup, novl SCRANTON, SEYMOUR A CO. SEGARS, SEGARS 200,000 Segars of various qualities, some equal to any ever sold in this market, for sale by THAYER A BUTT. oct7 BROOMS, TUBS, BUCKETS—MaIto Baskets Ac, a large supply now landing. oct7 THAYER A BUTT VOL. 33 -NEW SKItIKS —VOI . 9. ‘ I i’ ll - - BY Aw "* STATES. LAWS OF THE UNITED w (Public No. 72.) AN ACT to establish certain post roads. [IS COST INC ATI OS.] INDlANA.— Concluded, From Lafayette by Independence, Williamsport, Rainesville and Oxford to Iriquois, (Illinois.) From Lafayette by Poolsville, Independence, Wil liamsport and Rainsville to Oxford. From Lafayette by Covington, Tire Haute, Point Commerce, Bloomfield, Newburg and Petersburg to Evansville. From Lafayette by Attica, Poland, Covington, Lodi ville, Montezuma and Nunns. to Terre Haute. From Lafayette by Monticello, Wilnamack, North Bend and Plymouth to Niles, Michigan. From Lafayette by Dayton, Winship'g Mills and Jefferson to Frankfort. From Lafayette by Rennselaer and Moroco to Mo mence, Illinois. From La Grange by Angola, Metz and Spring Lake to West Unity, (Ohio.) From La Grange to Lima. From La Grange to Goshen. From La Grange by Utah. Pashawn, Middleberry and Forest Grove to Goshen. From La Grange by Fly Creek, Bushy Prairie, Flint, Angola, Sandy Ridge and Metz to Spring Lake. From La Gro by North Manchester, Liberty Mills, Collamer, South Whitley Clear Spring and Farmer’s to Warsaw. From Lagro by New Holland, Mount Etna and War ren to Camden. From Laporte by Kingsburg and Union Mills to Big elo Mills. From Laporte to Plymouth. From Laporte by Doar Village, West Ville, Valparai so, Deep River, Croun, Point, St. John, Endor. Illinois, Crete and Rich to Richville. Frcm Laporte by Kankakee, West York and Blissville to Plymouth. From Laurel by Orange Steel’s Groves and Falmouth to Bentenville. From Laurel by Stip's Hill to Clarksburg. From Lrwrenceburg by Aurora, Rising Sun, Grant’s Creek, Patriot, Florence, Log Lick, Vivay, Moorefleld, Home and Buena Vista to Madison. From Lawrenceburg by Aurora, Wilmington, Moore’s Hill, Otter Village, Butterville, Vernon, Six Mile Val ley Town, Brownstown, Lawrencefort, Washington and Berryville to Vincennes. From Lawrenceburg by Wilmington, Dellsborough, Hart's Mills. Cross Plains, Barbersville, Canaan and Millard to Madison. From Lawrenceburg by Wilmington, Hartford, Coo persville. Aberdeen, Allensville, Jacksonville and Mount Sterling to Vevay. From Lawrenceburg by Guilford, Yorkville, New Al sace, Herman and Way to Aldenburg. From Leavenworth by Fredonia, Nebraska, Leopold. Derby. Rome, Camellton, Troy, Anderson River and New Hope to Rockport. From Leavenworth by Magnolia, Sterling and Worth to Jasper. From Lexington by New Frankfort and Alpha to Paris. From Lebanon by Elizaville to Kirk’s Cross Roads. From Lebanon by Jamesnown to Danville. From Liberty by Clifton, Abiugton, Centreville and Bloomingport to Winchester. From Lima to Sturges, Michigan. From Linden by Locost Grove, New Richmond, Sugar Grove and Shawnee Mound to Shawnee Prairie. From Logansport by Amsterdam, Burnett’s Creek, Monticello, Manen, Cathcart, White Post, Pleasant Grove, Rennslaer and Brook to Iraquois, 111. From Logansport by Metea, Fulton. Rochester. Sid ney, Plymouth. Fairmount, Lakeville, South Bend, Notre Dame and Bertrand to Niles. From Lock’s Station by Bowdishe’s Mills and Bright on to Montgomery. From Logansport by Spring Creek. Twelve Mile, Perrysburgh, Gilead, Nicougaand L&ketou to North Manchester. From Logansport by Lewisburg, Peru, Wabash, Lag ro, Huntington, Mahon, Roanoke and Abaite to Fort Wayne. From Logansport by Blue Grass, Kewana aud Aubla naublee to Yellow River. From Logansport by Cornucopia to Camden. From Logansport by Kerwana, aud Barbel’s to La port. From Logansport by Royal Centre and Two Mile Prairie to Winamace. From Logansport i y Amsterdam, Burnett’s Creek aud Monticello to Reynolds. From Logausport by Perrysburg, Gilead, Laketou, Manchester, Millersburg, Liberty Mills, Springtield, Columbia, Papano Cold Spring, Wolf Lake aud Port Mitchell to Albion From Louisville, Kentucky, by Portland, New Albany Indiana, Floyd, Knobs, Galena, Greenville, Palmyra, Fredericksburg, llardinsburg, Chainbersburg. Paoli, Pleasant Valley, Mount Pleasant, Washington, Zau ville and Berrysville to Vincennes. From Madison by Stony Point, Bryanaburg, New Marion, Versailles, Otter Village, Napoleon and Smyrna to Greensburg. From Madison by Bryan.-burg, New Marion, Ver sailles, and Otter Village to Napoleon. From Madison by Kent, Lancaster, Neel's Creek and Graham to Paris. From Madison to Cincinnati. From Madison by South Hanover, Swanville, Lexing ton and Oregon to Charleston. From Marion by Oak Woods, Walnut Creek. Jadden, Blackford, Pennville, Jay Court House, Hector, Fort Recovery, Saiut Henry, Maria Stein and Chickasaw to New Bremen. From Marion to Montpelier. From Marion by Mier, Ivy Santa Fe and Leonda to Logausport. From Marion by Price and Mount Etna to Hunting ton. From Marion to America to Lagro. From Marion by San Jacinto. From Marion by Walnut Creek to Blackford. From Martinsville by White River, Gosport, Spencer, Freedom, Paint Commerce, Worthington, Fairplay, Bloomfield, Newberry, Owl Prairrie and Bogard to Washington. From Martinsvitle to Mooresville. From Martinsville by Centreville to Mooresville in Morgan County. From Mauckport by Crisp’s Cross Roads, Coryden, White Cottage and Iluncock to Fredericksburg. B'rom Mauckport, by Laconia, Elizabeth, Caryden, New Salisbury, Bradford, Greenville and Martinsburg to Salem. From Mattemora by Stips Hill to Clarksburg. B'rom Meunt Vernon by Thomas Mills. Marshall’s Landing on the West Bank of the Great Wabash and New Haven, 111. to Raleigh. From Michigan City to Waterford and Laporte to Byron. From Middletown by Rich Woods to Muncietown. From Middletown by Huffton, Yorktown, Harrison and New Corner to Wheeling. B’rom Middleburgto Vistula. From Milton to Cambridge. B'rom Morristown by Minilla and Cynthiana to Middletown. From Monrovia by West Salem, Mill Grove, Cataract and Polai d to BowliDg Green. From Montpe ier to Bluffton. From Montezuma to Highland. From Montezuma by Anapolis, Bethany, Russellville and Parkersburgh to Ladaga. From Monticell by Winnemac, Onondaga and North Liberty to South Bend. B'rom Monticello to Oxford. B’rom Monticello to Lafayette. B'rom Moare’s Hill by Stringtown to Versailles. From Muncietown by Sharon, Albany, Fairview. Half Way, Mount Pleasant, Jay Court House. Bear Creek, New Carydon and Skeel’s Cross Roads to Wiltshire. B’rom Muncietown by Smithfield, Windsor, Macks ville, Winchester, Bartania and Darke to. Granville. From Muncietown by Jery’s Court House and New Coryden to Wilshire, Ohio. From Muncietown by Pleasant Wood, Alexandria and New Lancaster to Tipton. From Muncie by Granville, Blackford, Montpelier, Bluffton. Orienta, to B’ort Wayne. From Nashville by Bean, Blossom and Mouut Moriah to Edinburg. From New Albany by Bennettsville, New Providence Pekin Harristown, Salem. Campbellsburg. Leipsic, Or leans, Woodland, Juliet, Bedford. Harrodsbutg, Bloom ington, Cravfordsvilie, Lafayette, Battle Ground, Brookston, Reynolds and River to Michicau City. From New Albany by Georgetown. New Salisbury, Barren, Milltown, Marengo, Mouut Prordect, Wickliff, Ditney, Hill and Celestine to Ja-perv From New Albany by Knob Creek aud TliomasStrongs Hb Elizabeth. From New Albany by Bridgeport, Elizabeth and Lac j nia to Mauckport. B’rom New Albany by Lanesville to Corydon. From Richmond by Dover, Webster, Williamsburg, Economy, Blountsuille and New' Burlington to Mun sey From New Cattle by Cadiz, Mecbanicsburg, Hunters ville and New Columbus to Pendleton. B’rom New Castle by Dau Webster, Ashland, Rogers ville and Luray to Mnncietowu. B’rom New Castle by Sulphur Springs Middletown to Chesterfield. From Noblesville by Cicerotowu and Sh.eldsville to Tipton. From Norristown by Manilia.and Cintha to Middle town. From New Garden by Whitewater, Bethel, Republi can, Spartansburg, German and Tampico to Granville. B’rom Nenton Prairie, Independence and Pine Village to Oxford. From Ogden bySpiceland to Greensboro. From Orleans to Paoli. B’rom Otteradage by Zcnas and Brewersville to Scipio. B’rom Orwensrille to Mount Carmel. B’rom Oxford by Cvtalpa Grove, Carpenter’s Creek to Rensslaer. B’rom Paoli by Prospect to Natchez. . B’rom Paoli by B’rench Lick, Davis’s Creek, Ludlow, Haysville, Ja*per,lreland, White Oak Grove and Delec table Hill to Petersburg, B’rom Paoli by Vallene, Varengo, Pilot Knob and Fredonia to Leavenworth. From Pendleton by Clarksville, Noblesville, Westfield Eagietown aud Northtieid to Lebanon. B’rom Peru by Santa Fe to Bexar. B’rom Petersburg by Dougola, McCutcheuville and O&kdam to Evansville. From Petersb. g by Winslow, Linnrille and Harts hord to BoonviffW. B’rom Perry by Butler, Anburn, De Kalb, Taylors Cor ners, Hamilton. Pleasant Lake, Angola, B’remont, Crooked Creek, Kinderhook and Ovid t.i Cold water. From Pern by Chili, Paw Paw, Nicanya, Lodi. Clay t< ■ «.*rsaw Manognit, Leesburg. Paris . IHI ami Waterford Mills to Goshen. / JHH from Pleasant View br London to ffl| From Plainfield by Spiing Valley and Mooresville to Jt B Monrovia ' ffl jHg B’rom Plymouth to Knok. . '. 1 fW Point L'oinmeroe by Wright to Sullivan. (K _ ;, »t Commerce by Miatllebarg. to Bow list JL {flj ki-. « WPS From t ..jpJisM I Greon « ‘ to ’ * K from Poland " bv H'liWs.• oins t’rnss ' K From Portland Mi,. -oL, PadfovUiS to * * Wl 1 1 on i Portland Mills -C fH Roads 3a? '‘loSetird to Ronl- E From Prauievilleby Lmvraraie aau SB| uey. v?j g ta ■ From Princeton by Kirks Mills. Union Bue&a fljj and Kinderhook to Washington : Prom Princeton by Marsh Creek, Owensville ogMkf an a Posey ville. New Harmony and Firnimiiin ‘ H Mount Vernon. '* 5 40 WB& Fi om Putuamaville by Catnraet. Spencer Whits Halt i BP and M.mi. rd to Springville. ’ r lSu , BM From Reynolds* by Monticello to Plymouth !81 From Richmond by Washington and *3l B| Newcastle. ® nugwawwa M 'Froßichmond by Dover. WebsVr Williamsm . ‘A 1 and Economy to BlounUville.’ a nspurg , Qpj From Richmond by Abington, thiften Browu-ville Liberty. Duulapsv ille and Fairfield to Brook ville* ’ Hlf From Rising Sun by Hartford. Ouionsville Dillsko- IH rough. Farmers, Retreat, Hart s Mills aud ’ Elrad to H Versailles. HR From Rochester by Oakrau, Meredith Mills Blooming B bu g Beaver Dam and Palestine to Warsaw ’ “ M From Rochester by Green Oak, Perrysburgh MlflmUT H Peru. Reserve, Somerset and Jalapa to Marlon S From Rochester by Indian Field and Monterev to Winaffiac. HR From Rochester by Mill Ark and Akron to Gilead iHi * From Rochester by Mill Ark Trov, Wesley Oilead ' B Nicouzal and Owen to Wabash. 1 « From Rochester by Wesley, Beaver Dam, Palestine I Warsaw. Menoquet, Leesburg, Miliford and Jackson to *? Goshen. H From Rockport b.v F.uterprize, French. Island and < Yauketown to Newburg R| From Rockville by Auuapolie, Delta. Sylvania How- B ai d Lodiville and Headleys Hills to Co. ingtoa. li From Root by Massellon, East Liberty and Tu !v I Ohio to Van Wert. H From Rushville by Orange, Columbia and Neels .’CH-s | to Cornersville H From Rushville by Smelser’s M iis, bleei’s Groves m Falmouth. 1. mgwo.od, Counersville, Alania Dunlaps- 8 ville aud Bellingvilße to Oxford Ohio i! ’ SB From Rushville bf Smelser’s Mills, Melrose Fal- K mouth, drove Steele's. Lungwood, Counersville AJqui- B na. Duulapsvilie, Hilhugsville and Coatrerasto Oxford f§ Ohio. * B’rom Rushville by New Salem .1 udersonviile, Lauret'v A Metamora. Brookvsile, Cedar ((rove, New Braysville, Harrison, O, Dry Fork. Miami, Dent amt Cheviot to Cincinnati. ‘ ’ l O-'l*8B)B Fiom Rushville by Farmington and Steels to Coif- ’ nersville. From Rushville by Ilannegau, Chartage, Westland W Greenfield, Hervey, Alfont, Woodbury, Walpole and’ 01 o, to Noblesville. From Salem by Canton New Phil.tdelpeia and Vienna to Lexington. From Salem by Kossuth, V/aluut Ridge, Millport, Va laria, Brownstown. Valiev Farm and Cartlajd to Rock lord. ■ ' . From Salem by New Retreat Livonia, Olaysvillo and Lost Rtver to Orleans. B’rom Salem by Texl.eesville Ileltonvilla lMmu-T fax to Bloomingtou From Shelby ville by Franklin to Hensley B’roinScaffold, Prairie by Wright to Sullivan. From Selma by Albany and Niles to Montpelier. # From Shelbyville by Noah. Greenfield, Eden, Menijoni and Pendleton to Huntsville. j Fiom Smithfield by Albany aud Jirno. Ransom’* to' Montpelier f Fiom: oath 1U novel bv Saluds New Wa ,b.ugton and Polk Hun (and McGees) to Charle.-ton. , Fiom St Omer b, Sulplnu H: 11, Winterrowaand Pfot MWi Rock to Columbus. % From Steels by Orange New Salem. Richland berg and Kingston to Greensburg aHHH from Stile.sville by W adesvillc to Gosport “ VHH B'rom Strawtou by Perkinsv He, Pipe Creek, A'.e*C * andria, Summitsville. Craut act Jonesboro to MarionH| 1 B’rom Strawtowu by West K> derhook to Tipton. From Tipton by Windfall, Jerome, Uima and Sum merset to Wabash. w From Tipton by Windfall City to Wabash. From Terre Haute by Roseville, Rockville, Brune’s |f§ Cross Roads, Wavelaud and Burne'a Valley to Craw- "yH, fordsville. From Terre Haute to Lewis. From Terre Haute by Numa, Clinton, Lock, Clinton, Highland, Newport, Eugene, Perryville, Covington, Portland, Rob Roy, Attica, Shawnee, Prairie aud Wait Point te Lafayette. B’lom Terre Haute by Fruit Hill, Bridgetown, Maui field and Medellin to Portland Mills B’rom Terre Haute by Poplar Hill, Maurius, Sullivan Court House and New Lebanon to Carlisle. B’rom Terre Haute by Riley Lewis Coffee, Worthing ton and Point Commerce to HablieriUe. From Troy to Worth. From Union City by Recovery. Macedou anl Celina, Ohio to St. Mary’s. From Valparaiso by Tissiuong Grove to Wequioc. From Vernon by Cherry Valley, Zenas, Westport and Cobb’s Fork to Greensburg. From Vernon by New Centreville Montgomery, Paris State, Cana, Newry, New B’armington and Dudleytown to Brownstown. JIB B’rom Vevay by Mount Sterling, Jacksonville, Ruther- ' 1 ford, Bennington Pleasant, Cross Plains and Olean to / Versailles. j . From Vevay by Creig’s and Indian Kentuck to Madis- ] / »»n. v /J I From Vienna by Lexington,Swanville Southlian- * over to Madison. B’rom Vincennes by West Union, Carlisle, Merom, Greysville, Turman's Creek, Prairie Creek and Psairie town to Terre Haute. B’rom Vincennes by Bruceviile, Muria Creek, Kd- wardsport. Black Creek and Linton to Fairplay. B’rom Wabash by Laketon to Warsaw. From Wabash by La Fontaine, America and Zion to Marion, B’rom Wabash by Somerset, Henia and Jerome to Tipton, From Washington by Petersburg, New State Road and Vanderburg to Evansville. B’rom Washington by Petersburg to Princeton. B’rom Washington by Aysville. Roylesville, Keck’s Church, Mouutain Spring, Silverville and B’ayettesvillo to Bedford. From Warsaw by Oswego. Cromwell, Ligonier, Noble Iron Works, Haw Patch and Ringgold to La Grange. B’rom White Hall by Dean to Point Commerce -n v From White Post by Saltillo, Pleasant Grove. Rens slaer. Brook, Iroquais, Illinois to Kaukakee, Depot on the Illinois Central Railroad From Whitley by Ilecla and Cold Springs to Woif Lake. B’rom Whitley by Summit, Pierceton. Warsaw, Aran, Camp Creek and Bourbon to Plymouth. B’rom Whitey Court House bX Thorncreek to Albion. B’rom Williamsburg to New Garde. B'rom Wiunamac to Medarysvitle. « From Winnamac by Medarysville to Saitille. B’rom Williamsport by West Lebanon and Baltimore to Covington. te | — From Wolf Lake by Wilmot, Boydston's Mills and j Oswego to Leesburg. I [to bb co.ytinu kd ] NEW BOOKS. —The Money-Maker and other Tales, By Jane C. Campbell j|t _ _ Look, then, into thy heart and write, Yes, unto Life’s deep stream — Longfelloio. The Floral Offering : A Token of Affection and Esteem, containing the Language of Flowers, with colored i.lua’rations, from Original Drawings. By Henrietta Dumont. The Lives of Mrs. Ann Judson and Mrs. Barah B. Judson, with a Biographical Sketoh of Mrs. Emily C. Judson, missionaries to Burmah- In three parts. By ArabeHa W. Stuart. (Mrs.Ara be la M. Wilson) Lewie ; or the Bended Twig. By Cousin Cicely, author of tho “ Silver Lake Stories,” Ac. The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope. Edited by the Rev. II F. Gary, M. A. A new Edition, carefully rev Lad. To which is prefixed a Biographi cal Notice. With illustrations by John Gilbert. Political Works of Dryden, with illustrations by John Franklin. The Farie Queen; Disposed into Twelve Books; fashioning XII Moral Virtues, by Edmand Spen ser, to which is added his Epithalamion, a new edition, with a glossary, illustrated by Edward Cor bnuhl.<i^|Hßpr Advance'Courso of Composition and Rhetoric, A Series of Practical Lessons on the Origin, His toiy and peculiarities of the English Language, Punctuation, Taste, the Pleasures of the imagina tion, Figures, Style and its essential proprieties, criticism and the various departments of Prose and Pootical composition; illustrated with copious ex ercises, adapted to self-instruction, and the use of schools and colleges; By G. P. Quackenbos, A. M., Associate Principal of ‘‘The Collegiate School” New York For sale at GEO. A. OATES A BRO S. ' uovl2 B< oksellers; Broad st . AUGUSTA St WAYNESBORO RAILROAD. TTN fIL further notice, trains will leave Augusta U at 7§, a. nv, and 8, p. m.; returning, will leave Millcnat 2j, p. m and 11$, p. m., connect ing with the day and night Passenger Trains on the Central Railroad, which leave Savannah at 3, a. rn.and 7, p. m , nd leave Macon &t 7J, a. and 4J, p- m. Passengers for Milledgeville, Eatonton, Ogle thorpe, or Columbus, should take the night Train, to avoid detention. B’reight will becariie i by the Day Train, mak ing it an Accommodation Train, except on Sun days. when it will run as a Passenger Train, exclu sively, leaving Augusta at 9 a. m, and Millen at N 2k p in . arriving at Augusta at p. m. ie22 ts WM M WADLEY, Gen. tup «