The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, November 29, 1854, Image 3

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I he Exercises of Mrs. Ring’s School ! ©■-, will b? resumed on Monday. Nov. 20. ! novl6 dlO*' i ,f> -Tjr^a Tll S*** La<li> >—-H. H. Parkyn has re- turned from hip visit to the. Springs and is ready to supply the Ladies of Augusta with \ isiting Cards which surpass his previous produc tions. Orders received by Messrs. McKinnie k Hali, C. Catlin, and at the offioeof the U. S. Hotel. septls ts *i Private scalp, without reserve, the Ifuire stopk of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, now opened and ready for inspection, a! the Store ofoCosgrove And Brennan, above the lobe oorner. \ The undersigned offer/ for sale, at New York cost, ttyr entire stock of Dry Goods, amounting to about Seventy-Gee Thousand Dollars worth, and embracing almost every /article in the Dry Goods line. The terms will bi> Cash, or for amounts of One Hundred Dollars, And over, approved paper at three months, with interest from date of sale. Country Merchants, and the Trade in general, are invited to call and examine the Goods and prices. All orders promptly attended to. T. Brennan, Surviving partner of the firm of Cosgrove & Brennan. dtf novl6 fjj? Female School.—The Misses Sedu wick propose to open a School for Young Ladies, on Monday, the 20th inst. Their aim will,be to combine with a thorough, intellectual eiucaiton such moral and religious culture as will lead their pupils to the formation oi those traits of character without which the highest mental endow ments are worse than useless. The course of instruction will include the Latin and French Languages. Terms from 10 to S2O, according to the ages and requirements of the pupils. School Rooms on Broad-street, over the oiflce of the Augusta Manufacturing Company. Applica tions may be left with Dr. T. W.Battey. References— Col. H. If. Cumming, Dr. "Y W. Battey, Goo. Schley, Esq.. Geo. W. Lamar, iSsq., Hon. Wm.T. Gould. Edward Thomas, Esq. novls * 10 Plurnix Hotel —J. R. Pres car, Proprietor.—ls now open for the reception of Transient or Permanent Boar ders. The proprietor solicits a continuance of patronage, and can only assure those who may make a selection of his house, that no pains will be spared to render them comfortable, novls ts Removed.— Cosgrove A Brennan have removed their stock of Dry Goods from, the old store ofT. J.Cosgrove &Co-, known as their lower store. Having no further connection with that home, they would invite their friends to call at th|ir upper store above the Globe corner, where ttfey arc now opening an extensive stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, which they will sell at coat to wind up the business of the firm and , satisfy the heirs of T. .1. Cosgrove, deceased. novl4 ts For Sale, or to Rent, a House and Box, on Telfair street, opposito the res idence of Charles Dugas, with ten large rooms, and all necessary out buildings; haviDg a front ol six ty feet or (Telfair street, and running back to Wal ker stree *. Terms easy. Possession given imme diately. Apply to Cosgrove & Brennan. nov 14 * ts Dr- H. Spear’*, Laving had an am mo. pie opportunity, being resident Physi cian in a hospital for several months. Resflfetfully offers his professional services to the citizens of Augusta. Office opposite Planters Hotel. I °ct3 ' ts Dr. A. 11. Montgomery offers his Professional services to the citizens of Augusta and vicinity. He may be found at the otiioe of Dr. For.l, when not professionally engaged inavif ts To Country Merchants wishing ;to un 1 a tine stock of good Clothing, at ■wholesale or retail, will vdeasecall in at J. M. Newby A Co.’s Store, septl-1 Under the United States Hotel. NEW DRUG STORE IN HAMBURG. THE undersigned begs leave to announce » I to the citizens of Hamburg and vicinity upr that he will open, oti Monday next, the 27th M3* inst, a well selected stock of choice MEDICINES and CHEMICALS, to which he respectfully so licits their attention. Among his assortment will be found— Toilet Articles and l erfumery; Drugs and Chemicals; Painst, Oils and Dye Stuffs ; Brushes of ail descriptions; ♦Glass, Putty and Varnishes In compounding Medicine and in supplying Plan tations, the strictest attention will be given to the requirements of his patrons Being a graduate of the London College of Phar macy, and having had an experience of eighteen years in his business, he feels confident of being able to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronagft. A. RAVENSCROFT. nov2s dim TO KENT’ \ STORE with dwelling attached, opposite iV the lower market, on South side of Broad j£diL street. Apply to GEO. G. McW IIORTER. nov2S d 8 Law Range. WANTED. AM Tl ATIO v as Salesman in a Boot and Shoe House, or Dry Goods, by a young man of some experience. Can give good reference. Ap ply at this office. ts nov2B WANTED^ \C ARABLE <JIKL, as House Servant, ora good Cook and Washer. Wages paid month ly and taken by year. Apply at this office. nov2B 3 GUNNY SACKS. 10,000 VV C j S b f °G¥iEr 7 nov2s dfi General Commission Merehant. . KNOW THYSELF. DR. J. HAYNES, Professor of Anthropology, author of Threads of Philosophy, M»,ral Mir ror, Manipulations on various Heads, etc., is pre pared to give correct Charts of characters, de scribing the business or profession suitable for per sons; hereditary diseases and their remedies. Terms —Yerbal IB Examination,| $1 ; Charts $2; Written Composition on Matrimony, Business Tal ent, D ; «iwmtion. Ac., $5. Rooms, at the Howard House, (formerly the Franklin House) opposite the Planters Hotel. nov26 d3* A VERY SUPERIOR LOT OF HORSES, JUST arrived, and on sale at McCONNELLS STABLES. I would respectfully in urm the triends andpatronsof Mr. Benj. Robertson, (who is confined to his bed) that the stock above men tioned, is equal, if not superior, te any lot of stock that he has ever handled—in his judgment the lat- Those wishing to purchase the best descrip tive of pairs and single harness Horses, arc invited to call and examine for themselves. This oppor tunity will be continued until the close of the en suing Fair. R- R- HUNT, Agent for nov26 2* BENJ. ROBERTSON. NEW CIDER. r\l \ BIiLS. choice New Cider, just received and &\J for sale by nov 26 3f JOHN NELSON^ CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &.C. STOCKTON & CAREY, AT the stand long occupied by James Halbert, on the corner of Ellis ard Mclntosh-streets, will keep constantly on hand a good assortment of Home-made and Northern manufactured CAR RIAGES, ROCKAWAYSand BUGGIES, which they will sell at low prices and on reasonable terms. They are now prepared to build to order all ar ticles in their lino in a superior styled Repairing done at short notice In the best workmanlike man ner. They solicit patronage. nov26 Y TO RENT THE HOUSE and spacious LOT fronting £s> on Telfair-st., between Elbert and Lincoln Kiiii streets, at present occupied by the subscriber, to whom apply on the premises. L C. DUGAS ALSO FOR SALE. OR TO RENT. A neat family RESIDENCE, in the lower part of the city, with out houses, such as Kitchen, Sia ble, Ac., and a front on street of 80 feet. Apply, as above, to „ no v2s d-> h. C. DUGAS. Georgia sckiven count* — Whereas: John L. Bolton applies to me lor Letters of Guardianship for Benjamin J Herrington. a minor. These are, therefore, to cito and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and all other persons in terested, to be and appoar before the Court of Or dinary, to be held >n and for said ccunty, on the second Monday in January next, and show cause, it aay they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Sylvania, this 22dday of November, 1854. nov26 ALEXANDER KEMP, Ordinary. BECKETTS. — 100 dozen Boston by C A WILLIAMS. Stuarts sugar, candles, &c. 100 bbls Stuarts A.jß i C.Sugar. 100 boxes Adamantine Candles. 100 boxes Tobacco, various qualities. 500 dozen Blacking, different sizes, for sale l OW by C. A. WILLIAMS. 1 S7%L SODA FOR WASHING.— IO bbls. prime Sal Soda, just received and for sale by nov 20 C. WILLIAMS. _ i /y \ WHOLE and halt bbls. Mackerel No lUU 1, 2 and 3. SCRANTON, SEYMOUR A CO botl No. 2 Warren Block. J. M. NEWBY & CO., /WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FINE READY MADE CLOTHING, UNDER THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, AUGUSTA, (JA. T M. SEWBViIo., would respectiully inform their customers, and persons visiting Augusta, J . who may want Ready Made CLOTHING, that their Stock is large and well selected, and that they believe they can suit all who call on them. They also have a large lot of SHIRTS; DRAWERS ; GLOVES ; SUSPENDERS, Ac. Call and seojJhcm. dlc2 no *29 MfU) sLinjfrttsrracnt3. THEATRE. Third Night of the eminent Tragedian, Mr. J. B. ROBERTS. Wednesday Evening. Nov. 29, The Performance will commence with the Play of A NEW WAY TO PAY OLD DEBTS. Variety of Popular Music by the Orchestra. To coftclude with the New Farce TO OBLIGE BENSON. ORA ND MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT ' AT THE MASONIC HALL. FOR THREE NIGHTS. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, December 4th, sth and Oth. SWISS BELL-RINGERS, RESPECTFULLY announce three of their chaste and novel Musical Entertainments, as above. Assisted by the popular Vocalist, Mr. Geo. Brewis, and Signor Fattinni, the inimitable per former on the Wood and Straw Instrument, or TRONDUENMIPHINESIAMENTO. Tickets 60 cents. Doors open at 6J o’clock. Concert to commence at 7£ o’clock, precisely. N. B. Tickets to be had at the principal Hotels, and at the door. nov29 COURT OF ORDINARY, RICHMOND CO. hi Chambers, Saturday, 25 th November, 1854. Present, Leon P. Dtjeas, Ordinary. ABRAHAM COHN, Temporary Administrator of the Estate of Leopold Cohn, late of Rich mond county, deceased, presented an l'nvoince and Approisment of the Personal Effects of the said decoasod, requesting that leave may be granted him to sell the said Property, as the same is lia ble to waste and loss. And it appearing that such is the case, and that it will be to the interest of the Estate, heirs and creditors, that such sale should take place— Therefore, leave is hereby granted to the said Abraham Cohn, Temporary Administrator of th estate of Leopold Cohn, deceased, to soli the said Personal Property, by advertising the same ten days, as the law requires. LEON P. DUGAS, Ordinary. GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY—I. Leon P. Dugas, Ordinary in and <or said county, in said State, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of leave granted to Abraham Cohn, Temporary Administrator of the Estate of Leo pold Cohn, deceased. Witness my hand and seal of office, this twenty eighth day ot November, eighteen hundred and fifry-lour. LEON P. DUGAS, Ordinary. nov29 dlO THE NEW WRITING ACADEMY IS NOW OPEN, for the reception of Ladies an J Gentlemen, who desire to obtain a correct knowledge of < ARSTARIAN PENMANSHIP, which is universally admired for ire elegance and utility. Terms—For Sir Lessons, including all theprin ciples of the system, fully explained $2 00 Twenty Lessons, with continued practice,.. $5 00 To prepare young men for teaching, $25 00 One half invariably in advance. Private Instruction given, if desired, in any part of the City, at 60 cents per hour. For furnishing and marking Visiting Cards, $3 per hundred. N. B Tuition given on the Ffute or Violin. For further information, testimonials, Ac., call at the Howard House, opposite the 1 lanters Hotel. no\29 1* W. K. SADLER, Chirographist. NOTICE. —All creditors ot the Estate of Wil liam Utley, late of Burke county, decoased, are horeby required to render an account of their demands upon said estate to either of the subscri bers, within the time prescribed by law; and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. HENRY UTLEY, Adrn’r, nov29 SARAH UTLEY, Adm’x. JUST RECEIVED BY G. E. BOUI INEAU— -20 bbls. Crushed Sugar ; 20 “ Brown Coffee Sugar; 5 “ Irish Whisky; 12 boxes Goshen Cheese ; 5 kegs Goshen Butter, first quality; 25 boxes Pearl Starch. nov29 JUST RECEIVED BY G. E. BOUI.INEAU — casks fine Port Wine ; “ “ Madeira Wine; And a superfine article of French Brandy, in bot tles i nov29 fZi it j SACKS SALT for sale, to arrive by the Waynesboro’ Railroad, this day by nov29 _ M. W. WOODRUFF. BANK STOCK FOR SALE. A FEW SHARES, Bank of Augusta Stock for sale. Apply at this office. nov29d3 JUST RECEIVED.—SOO boxes Golden Pack FIRE CRACKERS. Supply yourselves while they are going cheap, at nov29 12 _C. E. GIIIARDEY A CO.’S.jj PARTY LEADERS, Sketches of Thomas Jef ferson, Alexander Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, John riandolph, of Roanoke, inclu ding Notices of many other distinguished States men, by John G. Baldwin, author of Flush Times of Alabama and Mississippi; price $1; Emanuel Philibert, or the European Wars of tho Sixteenth Century, by Alox. Dumas; price $1.25; Midsummer Flowers for the Young, illustrated, by Mary Howitt; Tho Youth of Mod. de Longueville, or New Rev elations of Court and Convent, in the Seventeenth Century, from rhe French of Victor Cousin, by F. Ricard ; sl. For sale ot GEO. A. OATES & BRO.'S, nov29 Booksellers and Stationers, Broad-st. CITY SHERIFF S SALE. Oa MONDAY, the 4th of December next, will be sold, by order of the honorable the Court of Com mon Picas, under an attachment in favor of Hen-, ry W. M. Irby vs. William M. Dow, at the store lately occupied by the said Dow, nearly opposite the Planters' Hotel, in tho city of Augusta, the stock in trade of said W. M. Dow, consisting of following articles, to wit: 46 Grindstones; 40 bottles assorted Cordials; 43 bottles assorted Syrup ; II “ Lime Juice; 73 ** Preserved Fruit, in glass; “ ** “ “ cans; ~3 *' Pepper Sauca; 10 bottles Olives; 5 “ Olive Oil; 36 do. Tomatoe Catsup; 2 boxes Tomato Cataup ; 8 bottles Capers; 2 mixed Pickles : 4 bottles Rose Water ; 20 bottles Mustard ; 40 pkgs. CornStaroh ; 21 Bakers Bromcr; y 8 papers half lb. Tea ; 257 do quar. do. do.; 8 chests Tea; 32 packs grounds Coffee; 48 packs Saleratus; 6 boxes Gum Drops ; 2 boxes Flavoring ; 3 boxes Macaroni; 1 box Wine; 28 boxes Tiain Oil; Indigo; Arrow Root; Isinglass; Cooking Soda; Cayenne Pepper; ground Cassia; Gelatine; Sale ratus; Liquorice; Sup. Mace; lot’Mai. Cassia and Sugar, in drawers ; 42 papers ground Cloves ; 10 do. do Ginger ; 13 half doz.ground Tobaceo; lot of Snuff; l box Fancy Soap ; 2 boxes fig Blue; 51 Cocoa Dippers ; lot of Baskets; Lot of Buckets; lot of Wooden Ware; 3 heavy Chains; lot of Brooms and Brushes; 23 glass Jars and Candies; 23 do. plain do ; 1 bag of Nuts; lot of Cocoa Nuts; Lot of Bath Bricks; 1 box of Pipes; 3 complete Counter Scales ; 1 Truck; 2 Step Ladders ; Lot of Crackt rs; 2 Tin Covers; 2 Marble Slabs; 4 bbls- Cooking Soda and Saleratus ; Lot of Wrapping Paper; 1 Violin and Case; Soda Water Pipe and Slab; 1 Safe; Lot of Brimstone; lot of Sundries ; Wet and Dry Measures; 4 Empty Tea Cases ; *l6 casks Liquor on draught; Fly Brush ; - Lot of empty Sacks, Barrels and Boxes ; Shelves, Drawers, Counters, Ac; Counting Room Desk; Dressing Table; Bedstead and Bedding; Washstand; 1 Desk; small Table; half dox. Chairs ; Carpet and Rug; Fender and Andirons ; Window Curtains ; Crockery and Cooking Utensils. nov2B WILLIAM V. KER, City Shff- ©rnrrol Atuifrtisrmnits TO RENT i f 11HKEE commodious Dry Good and Gro- A eery Stores, and one Dwelling attached MUI I to the Dry Good Store. • In my absence apply to Beall A Stovall. PLEASANT STOVALL. nov22 e TO RENT. UHIIE commodious dwelling recently occupi by J- S. Wilcox, two doors below the tli-H ! U nion Bank. For particulars apply to Baker, I W ll. cox A Co., or to D. 11. Wilcox. oct27 TO RENT, FROM the first of October next, a Store and Dwelling on Broad Street, above the wilii Upper Market, occupied at present by B. Henry. Apply to aug!7 ts THOS. DUNEGAN. TO RENT, TWO two-story HOUSES on Calhoun-st., 02* containing 7 rooms. Elijii Two double tenement, on the same street, single story. One double tenement on Taylpr street. Two two-story Houses, 7 rooms, on Fenwick-st. Four 1J story, on Fenwick-st., fronting So. Ca. Depot. Apply to , JAS. L. COLEMAN. _jj2B TO RENT. FROM tho first of October next, the long g£& Room in the rear of my store at presont oc-Miil cupied by the Oglethorpe Infantry as a drill room. jylß E. H. ROGER'S. TO RENT. THE STORE, at present occupied by Mr. H. T. Peay, at the Lower Market. Apply to WM. H. PRITCHARD. FOR SALE. A DELIGHTFUL Summer Residence, fsiiihsju with an abundance of wood, and fine Spring of Water, IJ miles from Hamburg, S.C. Possession given immediately. ts septl6 THE SHADES. OPEN FOR THE SEASON. WE are again posted up, and from , r~ n this out shill be prepared to L/ serve up to our numerous customers all that the market affords. Oystefs, Game, Ac., in endless quantitiy—and with the celebrated Archy at the head of our cooking department, wo hope to merit a share of that liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon us. GEO. PLUMB, Proprietor. N. B. Lunch, as usual, served up at 11 o’clook of Steak, Mutton Chop, Hash, Tripe, Liver, Baked Beans, Soup, Ac. The Augusta, Savannah, Charleston and North ern papers on file. novl4 CARRIAGE ESTABLISHMENT. ” REMOVAL. LUTHER ROLL would respectfully. 8 inform his friends and tho public - that he is sti/l alivejbxxO carrying on his old busi ness, of manufacturing and selling ready made CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, BUGGIES, Ac. He also keeps on hand a large and well selected stock of Findings and other articles in his line of business, which he is willing to dispose of at mod erafce profits. He would, also, inform the public and his friends that he has REMOVED BACK to his old stand, on the oorner of Reynold and Washington streets. He has given Broad street a fair trial, but finds that Store Rent takes away the best part of his profits, and that he can, by removing, sell oheaper to his customers. Ail he asks of them is to give a leok at his assortment, and prices, and if they can do better by going further, he has no objections.. novls E L. SYMMONS, Near the Loioer Market, HAS received, and is receiving, a com - plete assortment of Gentlemen's Fall J and Winter BOOTS. Most of these Goods have been made for, and selected by, my self, from the best of Manufacturers And I can confidently assert, that they cannot bo surpassed for stock work or fashion, in this city. To my stout Swamp BOOTS, 1 politely solicit the atten tion of country gentlemen. I also desire it to be understood, that these heavy Goods must be sold for cash only. Also, a complete assortment of ia dies’, Misses’ and Children's SHOES and GAI TERS. 3m nov 11 AUGUSTA SADDLE AND HARNESS MANUFACTORY, 193 Broad Street, under the Augusta Hotel, AT the above Establishment can be found a large and well selected as sortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, Ac., which will be sold on accommodating terms. Work of all kinds made to order, with neatness and despatch. HATCH A BEGBIE. Augusta, Aug. 29 1854. aug3o SOMETHING NEW IN AUGUSTA. A UHIRT STORE, ONE door North of tho Mechanics’ Bank, and a few doors below the Augusta Hotel, where Gentlemen, by leaving their measure, can have Shirts made up to order of the best materials, in the latest fashion, and Danskin’s celebrated pat tern. Wash. A. Danskin is the original inventor of the system of cutting Shirts by measurement. Danskin’s pattern has received the unqualified commendation of (Jontlemen in all parts of the United States, and has been pronounced perfect. The superiority of Danskin’s Pattern over all the late imitations of it, is universally acknowl edged, the buttons aro faithfully sewed on, and the yoke is neatly fitted to tho nock and shoulders without seams, and consequently does not chafe or annoy the wearer. —also, For sale — A superb stock of Furnishing Goods, of the new est styles, such as— Under-shirts and Drawers, of Silk, Cqtton and Wool; Shoulder Braces; Dressing Gown«; Smoking Coats ; Russia Belts; Suspenders: Traveling Blankets and Shawls : Silk, Cotton and Woollen Half Hose ; Gloves ; Fur Top Gauntlets; Cravats and Handkerchiefs, ready hemmed; Napoleon Ties; Opera Ties ; Stocks; Canes; Umbrellas; Soap, and Perfumery ; And a great variety of other Goods suitable for Gentlemen. Shirts sold for Cash only. novl4 d3m CHAS. W. HERSEY. COW HIDES FOR SALE.—I,OOO Cow Hides for sale. Apply to novlO _ WM. H. PRITCHARD. BONN, NEIMYER & CO., Wholesale Dealers in LEAF AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC SUGARS. Baltimore. 02?” All orders promptly filled. B. W. Vick. ly jyl2 BOARDING. YOUNG IA DIES from the country, wishing to attend the Select School of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Griffin, can obtain beard with them, at M. W. Woodruff's, on Reynold street, if they desire. novl2 WANTED TO HIRE A NEAT active Mulatto girl, from 12 to 15 years old, for which liberal wages will be paid. Ap ply to novls WARD & BURCHARD. NOTICE rilO passengers on the Augusta & W aynesboro’ X Railroad.—On and after Thursday, the 16th inst., the Trains will leave Augusta at 7 30, A. M., and 8, P M. Returning, will arrive, respectively, at 5.30, P. M., and 2. A. M. Cn Sundays the Morning Trains will leave at 9, A. M. ' ANDREW YONGE. Act’g. Agent. OAK SOLE LEATHER.—Extra trimmed, NL York inspected slaughter Hides, a superior ar ticle, just received and worthy the attention of City Boot Makers. Also, a large stock of Balti more Spanish Oak Sole, for sale at the Saddlery Warehouse of SHERMAN, JESSUP k CO., Late Whright, Nichols k Co., No. 239 Broad-st., second door above the Bank of Augusta. dA|3m sept7 FIXTURES of A HOUSE.—To Rent until the Ist of October next, that pleasant dwelling on the River Bank, just below the bridge; recently oc cupied by Mr Deoottes. Apply to nov4 S. C. GRENVILLE k CO. R~ ECEIVING this day and for sale— ~ ~ 25 boxe3 Star Candles 25 do Soap. 10 bbls. Beets. 40 do Potatoes. 15* do Onions. 10 do Cider Vinegar. 10 do White Wine Vinegar. 10 boxes Glazed Pipe Heads. 10 do &tone do 20 bbls, C. Y. Sugar, by S. C. GRENVILLE k CO, novl6 Commission Merchants. SALT. —1100 Baeksin store, for sale by nov 25 GSRGE W. LEWIS. (Srurrol jßmcrtisrmfnts. WANTED, A GOOD, practical GARDENER. Apply at this office. ts nov23 LD. LALLERSTEDT has received a large as • of EMBROIDERIES, —Hemstitch- i ed a Sheer Laun Hanah ; also, a new and beauti- I ful lot of SILKS, and Worsted DRESS GOODS, to which he invites attention. 12 nov23 NOTICE. THE subscriber begs leave to inform the citi zens of Augusta and its vicinity, that he will give instruction on the Piano Porte, and flatters himself that by prompt attention he will merit the approbation of all who favor him with their pat ronage. Refers to Messrs. J. P. Setze and P. Brenner. Orders left at Mr. Setze’s Store will be promptly attended to. nov23 d3in A. BRENNER. H. O’NEILL & 00., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Dealers in Produce, Groceries, <s*r., Augusta, Ga. riIHE UNDERSIGNED having formed a X COPARTNERSHIP, under the style of II O'NEILL & CO.,as GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Dealers in Produce, Groceries, Ac , inform their friends and the public, that they have taken commodious stores, next to M. P. Sto valls Ware House, for the storage and sale of Grain, Flour, Bacon, and other-Produce, on Jack son, street, which runs directly from the Railroad Depot via the Globe Hotel, to the River. Liberal advances made on consignments, and they hope, by strict personal attention to business, and the interest of their friends, to share their pat ronage, HUGH O’NEILL, N. C. TROWBRIDGE. N. B.—Orders for Goods promptly attended to. nov23 LUMBER. pkl W W W\/ \ FEET of steam-sawed LUM BER, consisting of Flooring, Weather-boarding, inch Plank, 1$ inch do, lsinch do., 2 inch do., Scantling, all sizes and lengths. A large portion of the above is seasoned. Will be delivered in any part cf Augusta, if desired. Ap ply to H. A. KENRICK, Hnov22 6 Centre Street, Hamburg. OLD UKAND YANH POKT WINE, of the most superior quality. These we recommond highly for medicinal purposes. nov22 WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. LIPPARD’S DANCING ACADEMY. MASONIC HALL, AUGUSTA, GA. MR. LIPPARDbegs to announce, that he will re-open his School, on WEDNESDAY, the 22d Nov. For Ladies, Misses, and Masters Classes, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, at3so’olook P.M. For Gontlemens’ Classes, on Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays, at 7$ o’clock P. M. Private Lessons.—Classes and Schools attend ed to, if desired. Circulars, containing the daj r s, hours and terms of instruction, Ac , can be had at any time, by ap plying to Mr. L. at the Eagle A Phoenix, or at the Hall during hours of teaching, or will be sent by post. nov2l AT HOME AGAIN. CUTLER A WRIGHT, DENTISTS, have re turned, and can be found at their Office over Carmichael A Bean’s Hardware Store, Broad-st., at all hours of the day. novl9 ts SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE ~ COMPANY. MW. WOODRUFF, Agent for this long and • favorably known Company, would respect fully announce to the public generally, that he is prepared to take FIRE RISKS on as favorable terms as any Agency in the city. Augusta, Nov. 18, 1854. novl9 ” BAGGING NOTICE. I HAVE now in store, and for sale, 50 bales very superior GUNNY BAGGING, old importation. M. W. WOODRUFF, novl9 Forwarding and Gen’l Corn’s Me’ht. WANTED 2JOURNEYM AN TAILORS, novl9 WM. 0. PRICE, A CO. ON CONSIGNMENT, 80 boxes “ Bird’s Eye ” LIME, an article of great whiteness, suitable for fine Plastering, from a new quarry in Casa Co. For sale by J. A. ANSLEY, Commission and Produce Merchant, Opposite Union Bank. 1m nov!9 1 IT' XT ft A FAMILY FLOUR, in quarter and half , •j sacks, fresh ground from the Granite Mills. • For sale by GEORGE W. LEWIS, novl9 "" No. 1 Warren Block. . ~ ■ ' ———« ~ ( NEGROES WAIITED, I WISH to purchase a number of likely young , NEGROES, for which I will pay my usual lib- j eral prices. Any communication left at the Sta bles of Wm. A McConnel, or through the Post Office, at Augusta or Hamburg, will meet with ( prompt attention. novl7 ts A. WILSON. EDEGANT DRESS GOODS- ~ ] WARdH* BIRCHARD would respectfully ask the attention of Ladies to their well se lected assortment of Dress GoodSj consisting of all , tho late styles and designs in Silks, Cotton and ( Wool fabrics. novls j SALT. SACKS Cape do Verde 3 Salt, in 2 j jY/v/v* bushel sacks, a prime article for Plan ters’ use, for sale on consignment. —ALSO 2,000 Gunny Bags. J. B. GUIEU, novlO ftf General Commission Merchant. ‘ A NEW DRY GOODS STORE. An entirely fresh and new Stock of Goods. BROOM St NOR It ELL HAVE opened at the store recently occupied by 1 Broom & Brown, (opposite the Augusta Bank, a varied and complete assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, suitable for the Fall and W r inter seasons, and «ir« « bracing all the newest styles, and most desirable 1 Goc-ds of the season, every article of which is en - f tirely fresh and new, and will be offered at the lowest possible advance on New York costfor cash. r They would respectfully solicit a sdiare cf public f patronage. Additional supplies received weekly. novl7 lmo ' REMOVED. ; P. Sc M. GA LLAHER Have removed a few doors below their old stand, - and opposite the Augusta Hotel, ; WHERE they are now opening a full supply of FALL AND W INTER DRY GOODS, Embracing every article in tho trade, which will be sold at unusually low prices. They would respectfully call tho attention of the Ladies and tho public to thoir stock of DRESS GOODS and TRIMMINGS, and invite them to call and examine them. novl4 ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL, CORNER OF BROAD AND KOLLOCK STREETS. WE RN EN PUTSCH will resume the cxer • cises of his School on Monday, November 13th. Tuition for Term of 12 weeks $lO 00 Payment required in advance. nov9 ' SELECT SCHOOL. A SELECT English and Classical School will bo opened in the School Rooms, opposito the Methodist Church, on the corner of Green and Jackson Streets, at tho close of the prevailing epi demic, under the charge of Mr. D. F. Griffin, A. M. The course ot instruction will be thorough and practical. Young men will bo fitted for any stage of their collegiate course. Book-keeping, both by Single and Double Entry, will be taught praeti caly. A Female Department will also be opened, by Mrs. D. F. Griffin, at the same place. The course of study in this Department will embrace all those branches usually taught in the highest Female Seminaries. RATES OF TUITION PER QUARTER OF 12 WEEKS. Primary Class. $ 8.00 Common English Branches ..10.00 Higher,.... 12.00 Latin and Greek ■» 16.00 References.—Messrs. Thos. Snowden, Josiah Sibley, Gen. G. W. Evans, T. W. Timmerman, J. H. Anderson, Augusta. John Usher, E. J. Buckmaater, M. A. Ransome, A M. Benson, J. A. Houston, Hamburg. d-ts cct24 ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL. MR. T. H. HOLLEYMAN, assisted by Miss Mary F. Holleyman, proposes to open a School|for Boy 9 and Girls on Monday, 13th of No vember, in the School Rooms previously used by Mr. Symn es and Lady Miss Mary Holleyman, a graduate of Barham ville Female College, S. C., will conduct the Female Department. Mr. Holleyman is a graduate of South Carolina College, and has been engaged in tho business of teaching for several years. He proposes to prepare boys for the junior class of any College, or for entering into the active duties of life. Great attention will be paid to the moral culture of the pupil. Mr, Holleyman refers to the following gentlemen, from whom he has testimo nials : S. B. Clark, M. D., Col. E. B. Gresham, Col. A.C. Walker, Judge J. W. Ca9swell, A. H. Anderson, Esq. and John D. Mongin, Brothersville. Edward A Eve, M. D., W. J. Mims, George W. L. Twiggs, Wm H. Baldy and Thomas E. Greenwood, Esqrs., Twiggs Academy. Dr. Joseph A. Eve and Rev. J. E Evans, Augusta, I Kates of Tuition as adopted by Mr Symmes, SB, sl2 and sl6 per quarter. Mr. H. respectfully solicits encouragement. dtJaol 00t24 ©rnrral jttiifrtismfirts , FARE REDUCED. CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK S2O. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. NEW YO R VANN AH . [SEMI-WEKKLY.J The new and splendid side-wheel Steamships : FLORIDA,/... 1,300 tons. Capt. M. S. Woodhui.t., i ALABAMA, . .1,300 tons. Capt. C. R. Schknck, , AUGU5TA,....1,500 tons. Capt. T. Lyon, KNOXVILLE. I,sootons.Capt C. D. Ludlow, Will leave Savannah every Wednesday and Satur a7- These ships are among the largest on the coast, unsurpassed in speed, safety or comfort—making their passages in 50 to 60 hours, and aie command ed by skillful and polite officers. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin passage, S2O ’ Steerage passage, 8 PADELFORD, FAY & CO., Agents in Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCIIILL, 13 Broadway,New York. FARE REDUCED! Cabin Passage from Charleston to N. York, S2O. UNITED STATES BOIL LINE. NEW YORK & CHARLESTON STEAM PACKETS NASHVILLE. ) M. Berry, 1500 tons, j Commander, MARION, 1 W.J. Foster, 1200 tons. | Commander. JAMES ADGER, \S. C. Turner, 1500 tons. J Commander. SOUTHERNER. i Thomas Ewan, 1000 tons, j Commander. These Steamships are built ex pressly for fne line, and for safe ty, comfort and speed are unrivalled on the Coast. Table supplied with every luxury; attentive and courteous Comman ders, will ensure Travellers of this Line every pos sible comfort and accommodations. Cabin Passage S2O Steerage 8 For Freight or Passage, having elegant State Room accommodations, apply to HENRY MISSROON, Agent, doy3 Charleston. S. C., MOBILE AND MONTGOMERY U. S. DAILY MAIL LINE. CONSISTING of the following substantial and fast running Passenger Steamers, viz ; MESSENGER, MAGNOLIA, CUBA, CREMONA and EMPRESS. The above boats, carrying the IJ. S. Mail, will commence their regular trips on the Alabama ri ver on the FIRST OF NOV EMBER next —lea- ving Mobile daily and Montgomery daily, on the arrival of the Trains of Railroad Cars, and c rnnect ing daily at Montgomery with the Cars and at Mo bile with the New Orleans Mail Boats. One of the above boats will leave Selma on the downward trip at six o'clock A. M. The above Steamers will be commanded by able aged experienced Officers, who .vill use every exer tion to secure the comfort and safety of passengers. The ratss of freight by the abov'e boats will not exceed Fifty Cents per barrel, and One Dollar per bale of cotton. For freight or passage, having elegant aecom modations, apply on board, or to 00t24 d&c6m COX, BRAINARD A CO. PLANTATION" NEGROES, STOCK AND PROVISIONS FOR SALE. PTIHE undersigned, desirous of leaving the coun 1 try, offers tar sale his entire lands, negroes, horses, mules, cattle, hogs, provisions, Ac. First, his farm at No. 10$, C. R. Road, Jefferson county, Ga., containing five hundred aores, about two-thirds fine hammock lands, the remainder pine. This is a good station for wood and water, and a good place for a boarding house. With this place will be sold, if desired, five negroes : two likely fellows, a negro woman with two children, the woman a good oook, washer and ironer; also, 1000 bushels corn, with 7 head horses and mules, 40 head cattle and 200 head hogs, or thereabouts; also, five hun dred (500) acres of pine lands, heavily timbered, one and a half miles from tho railroad, and two miles from the Ogechee river; also, one tract of land of two hundred two and a half (2025) acres in No one, (1) twelfth (12) district, Montgomery county. Persons desirous of purchasing are requested to come and look for themselves, and as soon as pos sible, as lam determined to sell. Terms lib-ral. Apply to tho undersigned, in person, at Station No. 10$, or by letter, addressed to Holcombe, Burke county, Ga. MICHAEL ORONEN. 00t26 dAo2tn. KUMBELS PATENT MACHINE BELTIN G PERSONS IN WANT OF BELTING for Ma chine purposes, would do well to call and examine our stock, as we have on hand and aro constantly receiving an arlicle superior to any ever brought to this market. This belting is made of Oak Tanned Leather, and stretched by powerful machinery, and is said t<f be much more durable than the Hemlock belting for machinery. We have also on hand a large assortment of Hemlock Bel ting equal to any of tho kind ever sold. Can be found also at the old stand of A. Hatch, now Hatch A Begbie, a large assortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Trunks A everything else belonging to the business, a genuine article of Neat’s Foot Oil, always on hand at the above named place. Work of all kinds made to order with neatness and des patch. HATCH A BEGBIE. nov2 dAclm CARPETS, RUGS, &.C. K. BANCROFT has just received, per steam er • er Marion, a large invoice of CARPETS, MATS, Ac , oonsssting of — Sup. English Three-Ply, handsome patterns;; Tapestry Velvet, elegant styles ; Tapestry Brussels, beautiful patterns and colors; Sup. English Ingrain ; English Brussels; Rich Velvet Rugs ; Tufted do.; Tapestry do. —also— 5-8, 3-4, 7-8 and 4-4 Venetian Stair Carpet; Matting, Drugget; together with Carpet Bindings; Stair Rods ; Tacks, Ac. Those Goods have been bought at the late New Yerk sales, and will be sold astonishingly low— some among them as low as 31c. and 50c. nov2l FAIRBANKS’ PLATFORM SCALES, LONG KNOWN —severely test ed —always right— jT—pL THE ACKNOWLEDGED * STANDARD ! /If General Southern Agents, j Spear, Weston A Co., 141 Pratt Street, Baltimore. oct7 Agent, Augusta, JOHN NELSON. HOWARD HOUSE. riIHE subscriber takes this method of informing X his friends, and the travelling public general ly, that his house is again open for the reception of private and transcient boarders ; hoping by strict attention to the wants and comforts of thoso around him to receive a liberal share of the public patronage. Charaes moderate. novß 3m WM. H. HOWARD, Proprietor. pTcONSiGNMENT.' in~Store, and to Arrive.— 300 bales prime Northeru Hay, which will be sold low, if applied for at once, and delivered to purchasers. —also— -50 bbl 3. Superfine and Extra Family F our in prime order. —A 1.80 bbls. choice Eating Potatoes. Apply to J. A. ANSLEY, and Produce Merchant, oppos te the Union Bank lm nov2s Jsuuflri) (Election. We are authorised to announce Alexaneer Philip as a Candidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Rich mond county at the ensuing election. nov22 are authorized to announce >lid - dleton Skago as a candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election in January next novl4 b lection Notice. —We are authorised to announce John A. as a Candidate for re election to the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Richmond County -5f» —Electiou Notice.—Please announce William V. Keener as Candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election in Janu ary next. novL Election Notice.-—We are requested to announce John B. Coarsey as a con didate for Tax Collector of Richmond County, at the ensuing Election. Many Voter Election Notice.—We are requested to announce Wm. Skinner as a Candi date for Tax Collector of Richmond county at the ensuing Election. cctltl ts the Voters oi Warren County. — ■*< Micajah Rogers is a Candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Warren county, at . the next. novl gf”—E'oction Notice.—We are authorized * to announce Franklin G. Oodbee a f Candidate for Tax Collector of Burke county, at the 1 ensuing election. octl Many Voters. jWction Jnlrs. BY (L E. GIRARDEY &. Co! TO-MORROW (Wednesday) in front of Store, at J<H ° clock, A. M,, will be sold, a general as sortment of Groceries, Ac , consisting of Sugar ; Coflee; Bacon Shoulders; Wines; Li quors; Soap; Candles; Pepper: Crackers; To bacco , Segars, Ac —also — Dry Goods; Clothing; Fancy Articles; Show Cases, Ac. —ALSO— New and Second-hand Furniture. All articles to be removed on day of sale, unless storage will be charged. Terms cash. nov2B BY C E. GIRARDEY & CO. Pure-bred Shanghai and Cochin-China Fowls TO-MORROW (Wednesday) in front of Store, at 10i o’clock, will be sold, to the highest bidder—' .750 pair Shanghai and Cochin-China Fowls, fine, healthy, and from real imported stock. Just re ceived with a lot from New York, for exhibition at the coming Agricultural Fair. Terms cash. nov2B BY C, E. GIRARDEY & CO? Temporary Administratrix's Sale. Oil FRlDA\the 15th day ot December next, in front of the Store opposite the Eagle A Phoenix Hotel, late Store of Pantallion Simon, deceased, will be sold, agreeably to an order from the Hon orable Court of Ordinary of Richmond county the entire Stock in Trade, and Perishable arti cles belonging to said deceased, consisting in part, of— R Sugar; Coffee; Bacon; Lard; Butter; Soap; Candles; Starch; Rice; Pepper; Tea; Salt; Li quors; Wines; Tobacco; Segars; Shoes; Hats; Caps. —— Dry Goods; Cutlery; Hardware; Willow, Glass and Crockery Ware. —A LS O Fancy Goods; Agricultural Implement, Ac. —a lso— Wagon ; Buggy; Horse and Harnoss." —also— Household and Kitchen Furniture, of every ser viceable description. Terms, cash on delivery. nov2s MAHDALENA SIMON, Tern. Adrn’x. BY C. E. GIRAEPEY & CO. No. 3 Mackerel at A net ion. TO MORROW (Wednesday) at 11J o’clock, A M., will be sold— -50 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel, sound and sweet. Terms cash. nov2B BY C. E. GIRARDEY & CO. TO MORROW (Wednesday) at 10J o’clock, AJVt will be sold— Several House, Parlor and Stair Carpets, Rues Oil Cloth, Ac. Terms cash. no? 28 BY C. E. GIRARDEY & CO FOR SALE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in DECEM BER next, at the Lower Market, Eight Building LOTS, in the lower part of the city, bounded by Telfair Street on the North, East by Houston, -and South by Walker Streets ; all hav ing a front on Houston Street of forty-one feet and running back eighty-three teet. The above property can be treated for at private sale Terms made known on the day of sale. nov23 td P. McMAIION. BY C. E GIRARDEY & CO. Tempersry Adm inistrator's and Copart nr rship Sale. ON MONDAY, the 4th day of December ntxt will be sold, at 10 o'clock, A. M. At the workshop of David A Henry Calvin, on Broad street, above the upper Market House The following articles, by an order from the Hon orable Court of Ordinary, as to wit— -2 Sets Blacksmith’s Tools, lot Scrap Iron, Ruder Clamp, lot of Tcols Ac., in wood shop, Work Benches, Paint Mill and Stone, Turning Lathes Circular Saw 3, Wagon Springs, Small Wagon,’ Truck Barrows, Wheels, Winder Frames, lot of j in Pine Lumber, l lot Spokes, 1 Horse Power old , Buggy, Wheel Barrows, Cart, Pine Plank, Scant ling, Sills, lot of Oak, Ash and Hickory Lumber, Shingles, Wheels, Horse Mill, Gray Horse, Ac., Ac. —— At the same place, all the Furniture belonging to the Estate of David Calvin, deceaecd—consis ting of Chairs, tables, Bedsteads, Bedding, Alattrassijs, Wash stands, Sofas, Centre Tables, Crockery, Cut’ lery and lot of Kitchen Utensils. Terms cash. DAVID CALVIN, _n ovl9 Administrator. BY C. E. GIRARDEY fit 00. Executor s Sale of an extensive Stock of Jew elry, Gold and Silver Watches, Materials, Store Fixtures, ifC.. at Auction. WEDNESDAY, the 29th inst, at the store ot C. K. Girardey A Co., will be sold, at 10$ o’elook, A M., agreable to an order trom the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, the entire stock in trade of the late Tkos. W. Freeman, deceased, consisting in pa.t of— ,j Gold and Silver W T atchcs—among them being Levers, detached do., single and hunting cases, and of the best makers. Jewelry—Gold, Fob, Vest and Guard Chains; Chastellaine do.; Medallions; Watch Seals; Ear Drops and Rings; Stud Buttons; Brooches; Cuff Pins; Seal; set and plain Rings ; Locaets, Ac. Silver and Plated Goods, consisting of heavy Table Spoons; Tea do.; Knives; Castors, Ac. A large no <ber of first and second handed 8 and 80 day brass clocks, with weights and Springs. —A LSO— -1 Regulator; 3 Work Benches; 1 chest of Draw ers; 1 upright Desk; 1 Secretary, 1 Iron fire proof Safe; 1 high Glass Case ; 4 handsome Show Cases ; Table; Sofa, Ac. —also— Stock of Materials, consisting of Watch Glasses; Main Springs; and such articles as are usually required in the Jewellers’ business. bhe attention of the public is invited to exam ine these Goods, as they are positively to be sold to close up the business of the late Thomas W. Freeman, deceased. Sale will commence ©n Wed nesday morning, and continue at night, if notcloe out during the day, until all is sold. Every article will be warranted as represented. Terms —Cash before delivery. JOELN. FREEMAN, Execiitor. nov!2 Estate of Thos. W. Freeman, dee’d. ’ Postponed . ‘ CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. ON the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, will be sold, at the Lower Market House m the city of Augusta, within the legal hours ol sale, by virtue of an order from the Honorable the Court of Com mon Pleas of said eiiy, all that lot, or parcel of land, with the improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the city of Augusta, near the-Augusta Factory, on the east corner of Marbury and Fen wick streets, and bounded South bv said Fenwick street, North by a lot of R. D. Carmichael, East by a lot of Sharron, and West by Marbury street, said property having been heretofore levied on as the property of Larnan A. Ford, by virtue of sundry attachments returnable to and carried to judgement in the Court ol Common Pleas of said city, in favor of Hand A Fleming and others, vs. Larnan A. Ford. WM. V. KER, fch'ff. C. A. novlO VERY DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscribers offer for sale the PLANTA TION of the late ilon. Geo. McDuffie, situa ted in Abbeville District, known as the Flatwood’s Plantation, containing Four Thousand Acres (4000) more or less, and bounded by lands of Haskell, Norwood, James Calhoun and Belser This pro perty is too well known to need any particular de scription ; it has on it some of the best Cotton and Grain land in the State, about Three Thousand (3000) acres „f which are cleared, the balance well wooded — also— About two hundred and thirty (230)strictly prime Negroes, belonging to the same estate, together with the Stock, Provisions, Tools, Ac. The lands may be treated for separately at the option of the purchaser. For terms, which will be made very accommoda ting, apply to Mr. Burt, at Willington P. O , Abbe ville District, or to Col. Singleton, at Fiat Rock P. 0., Henderson co., N. C. Mr Burt will give any further information that may be desired, and will exhibit the premises. ARMISTEAD BURT. jy!s f M R. SINGLETON. H. A. BROOKS, HISTORICAL ANTI PORTRAIT PAINTER, Constitutionalist Range, Mclntosh Street novlO AUGUSTA, GA. BALES OF FODDER ASD HAA just received on consign ment For sale by DYE A BARNES, novO LOST OR STOLEN. ’ A black Newfoundland DOG with a little white on his breast, answers to the name of Bruno The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at the subscribers. GEO. A. OATES, n9v Broad-street. TO RENT, OR FOR SALE~ C OTTAGE on Rey nold Street , with four square Rooms, and islii Pantries on the Piaza, a large lot, and the Hoive in good repair. Apply at HENRY DALY’S, i Under the United States Hotel. JUST REt'EIVNEB,—2,OOO Tbs- fine Tennessee Bacon. For sale low by bov26 6 G. E. BOULINEAU. Junction Snlri » BY S C. GRENVILLE fit CO. TO-MORROW :10th instT, in front of Store, at 10J o’clock, will be sold, Groceries con sisting of— Candles; Pepper; Matches f °^a- A Urge lot of new and Second hand Furniture. j|| ®’ J ™ aas , ; Wardro^es^Mar^ .7 a; twenty-five; A HATCH | AjisigD®?.! she Assignees, as soon a- P ;•rateable? nov2tf^^jß BY S. C. GRENVILLEX~CO Administrators Sale. FRIDAY, Ist December next, at the Store lately occupied by Michael Mahar, next door to B. Morris, will be sold, the entire contents of a&ld ' Store, consisting of— ’ Sugar; Coffee; Flour; Starch ; Soa(, Canute; i Tobacco; Segars, Calico , Homespun Mackerel Pipes; Liquors, of all kinds. ~-*AI«SO—• % One Mule, Cart and two Cows ; Furniture, Ac. Sold as the proporty of Michael Mahar, deceas I ed. Terms cash. | nov2l RICHARD MAHAR, AdmV; BY S. C. GRENVILLE & CO. 3 Richmond Hotel. TUESDAY, sth December next, at the Lower Market House in this city, will be sold any reserve, that valuable property on thd oor ner o( Broad and Marbury treets, known ksfcEjj Richmond Hotel. *1 The lot has a front of 112 feet on Broad-street, taking in the Richmond Hotel and a double tena- > ment store on that stroet and runs back to Ellis street, taking in on that street a comfortable dwel lipg and stables. Terms, one third cash, balance in one and two years with interest from date, satisfactorily seour od. novlfi • fotlrrifs. 'J& GREENE AND PULASKI M<>NUMENTIS LOTTERIES. .M dtiagej,drawn, and prizaspuid by the well known | 'ahd responsible firm of GREGORY A MAURY. . Saki Close each Day at two o’clock. Drawn Numbers CUsi 282,' at Savannah. Nov. 27. Is 20 53 40 67 41 70 75 28 72 21 13 « Also, of Extra Class M, by Delaware J{, Nov i6>jSM / 03 71 31 19 0 53 75 2 3 67 51 33 4 20 41 J| CLASS 284, at Savannah, THIS DAY, Ncv 2« SPLENDID SCHEME * I <», $7,000. Lv i r l‘,7«o; $1.0,4 , SI,OOO, 5 ptuwof S4OO. Ac Aa, ’ Tickets $2. Shares in pr portion. Risk on a aH package of 25 quarters, $6.6;,. EXTRA CLASS 76 by Delaware 276, on Saturday, Dec. 2. GRAND SCHEME. $40,000. $20,000; $10,112; 4 prizes of $5,000; 6 of $3,000 7 of $2,000; 200 of $500; being lowest 3 No, prizes. Tickets $lO. Shares in proportion JOHN A. MILLER, Agent, On Jackson street, next the Globe Hotel, All orders from the city or country strictly con fidential. nov7 SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMtTIOT TERY. (By Authority of the Slate, of Alabama,) conduct ed on the Havana plan. CLASS G. To be Drawn on the 30tn of November, 1854 One Prize to 20 Tickets—and remember , every Prize Drawn. Capitals $15,000 “ r 5,000 “ 4,000 41 2,000 “ 1,500 “ 1,100 “ 5 of $1,000... 5,000 In all, 501 prizes, amounting to $6«,000 Tickets $10 —Halves and Quarters in proportion. Every prize, drawn at each drawing. Bills on ali solvent Banks taken at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, Sign of the Bronze Lyons. Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 21, 1854. GEORGIA RAILROAD^ mwm .jHl.jOb -gg war- PASSENGER TRAINS Leave AUGUSTA daily at 6, A. M., and at 6, P. M. Arrive at Augusta daily at 5.30, A. M., and at 11.30, P.M. Leave Atlanta daily at 1.30, P. M., and at 7.t0, P.M. , Arrive at Atlanta daily at 4.00, A. Mi, and at 5.00, P. M. Connecting with Athens Branch Trains, Leaving Union Point daily (Sunday sexeepted) at 1.15 and at 11.20 A. M. Arriving at Union Point daily (Sundays except ed) at 6.50 and at 10 50 P. M. " With Washington Branch. Leaving Camming daily (Sundays excepted) at 9.40, P. M. Arriving at Cummiug daily, (Sundays excepted) at 8.00, P. M. With South Carolina Railroad Trains, Leaving Augusta daily at 6 30, A. M. Arriving at Augusta daily at 4, P. M. With Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad Train*, Leaving Atlanta daily at 4.30 A. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 1.00, P. M. With Macon and Western Railroad Trains, Leaving Atlanta daily at 5,P. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 2 10, P. M. Leaving Atlanta on Tuesday, Thursday, and j Saturday at 7.30, A. M. And arriving at Atlanta on Monday, Wednes day, and Friday at 3.00, P. M. ggf With Western and Atlantic Railroad Trains, Leaving Atlanta daily at 4.50 A. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 6.45, P. M. novl4 GEO. YONGE, Sup*i.*?fl| CITIZENS’ MILL. TO those of my friends who now, and are dis posed to patronize the Citizens' Mill, let me earnestly request you to send your Grits to the Mill from daylight till 12 o’clock. You will at onee^ see the great importance to me of this request It !is a very great inconvenience to be Taising and shutting down on 1, } or bushel, as often comes to Mill. I have been driven to close calculation and as I have but one power ; either the Saw Mill or f|| Machinery must occupy this power after 12 o’clock, Hence it is, I respectfully make the request, and ' i solicit your generous support. Those who prefer » to come iu tne evening, can do so, and call for the *4- ? Meal next morning, which I should greatly prefer, £ as it gives closer quarters to work in at night than at the Saw Orders can be filled for Post Oak, Red Oak and Hickory, of all sizes ; WAGON TONGUE, DRAY , SHAFT, Ac ,of very superior quality. A quan tity of cheap PINE LUMBER can be had from 5 to $8 —$8 if selected. _ nov If J. L. COLEMAN. 4 TEACHER WANTED. A MALE TEACHER, unmarried, with proper references as to competency and character, is wanted to take charge of a few small boys in a private family Ho will he paid S3OO per annum* and his board. Apply at thi.- office, ts augllyg GARDELLE & DELAIGLE, FACTORS, FORWARDING AND tOMMIi- gN| SION MERCHANTS, Accommodation Wharf, Charleston S. C. A. UARDKLLE. I LOUIS DELUBLS. JOSEPH A BEALS, ~ zJtfi HOUSE, sign a ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, Office in Old State Bank Alley, ‘id dorr. 1 Having superior workmen, is now prepared to |i|| execute work in the beat style. nov 18 , * 'tiiEESE.—l5O boxes Cheese, instore, and foie « v_y sale by - DAVIS; KOLB A FANNING, M