The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, December 01, 1854, Image 3

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""Hftß JUirrriisswnG. PIANO FORTE AGENCY. THE undersigned respectfully informs the pub lic that he has the Agency for A Siodard and J. B. Dunham’s r Kow York) celebrated PIANO FORTES. Every instrument is warranted, and can be purchased at the Manufacturers’ prices, decl d7 CHAS. ZOGBAUM. Aagmto. NOTICE THE following CHECKS on the Banks of the City, were stolen from the Georgia Railroad Depot, at Augusta, ton ft.e night of the 29th ult, the payment of which are stopped Baker A Carswell, $88.50:' M.Jcb Wilkinson, $227 8?; <1 W. Lewis, $330; M. P. Stovall, $060.15; T. W. Fleming. —, J. A. Ansley, $311.83; Doughty A Beall. $1,528.24; M. W. Woodruff, $302.89; Whit lock A Cjskery, $308.64; T. W Miller, —; a grant Check on State Bank, Athens, $615.75. Also, about $3,000 in Bank Bills, a large proportion of which was St>uth Carolina money; and a Bond for SSOO oft .e Atlanta A LaGrange Railroad Compa ny, guarantied by the Georgia Railroad Company, da'ed l*t August, 1854—N0. 206. A liberal reward will be paid for the apprehen sion of the thief, or for restoration of the property. GEO. YONGE. Geu'l. Sup’t. Georgia Railroad, Ahgu-ta. deal BBALDING & ROGERS’ TWO CIRCUSES. Consolidating their Celebrated . . FLOATING PALACE CIRCUS ! From their Palatial Aquatic Am- HjSW. phithoatre. on the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, apd their North American Circus! V So favorably known in the. North and East, into USE Moli»rS»mWEß M 1 f With the Two Companies, com prising respoctivc-iy the most dis- | tingnuhed Northern an 1 South ern Performers, f, . 5 in friendly stripe! 11™yii|yref5 Daily, in the same Bing, in pf# t senco of the audierx^frith Two Sets of Performers, JfW TWO SETS OF CLOWNS ! TWO SETS OF RINQ HORSES. Jr Pantomime Every Afternoon. Spectacle Keei y Night. Ned Km Jail, the liugter. :) - Xn KENDALL’S BRASS BAND, “ t-H(UTE 1 » STIRNG HAND, And everything elec upon the same elaborate and magnificent -- ] scale, with .— hit h BILL LAKE, The Great New Orleans Clown; —--- H. MAGILLON, The Wonderful Man-Monkey: M’llk AGNES, The Celebrated Creole Gymnast; i|! tit, WALTER AY MAR, ! , ;l !i# The Peerless Bareback Rider; The distinguished Scenic Eques- Master CL ARENCE, The Youcg Equestrian Hero; Mrs. ORMOND. The beautiful scenic Equestrienne: Mrs LAKE, ■ The intrepid Horsewoman ; Tho famous Motley Brothi rs ; —MR* _ E. Magintt, the renovvned Vol tigeur ; Monsieur LaTuorne, the Modern Hercules; Prof. Bald- win’, the English' Wizard; \V., the Versatile Equcstri- jjF* an; 11. Durand, the Skilful Gym- jjjfrw nast; Robert White, the ac complished Maitre; W. J. Paul, y' the famous Jehu : C. Brown, J. £><Zi Rvan, W. Connor, Ac , will be exhibited at 2. p m., and 74, p v, AFTERNO JN AND NIGHT l’ At Augusta, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, December 4th, sth, 6th, 7th. Bth and 9th, at 2 j and 7 o’clock, p. m. Admission, 50 cents. Children and servants 25 ceaU - _ decl PREPARATORY MILITARY SCHOOL. ON the first of January, 1855, the subscribers, graduates of the Citadel Academy, design opening at Yorkville, South Carolina, a School of preparation lor the Military Institutions of the State. They will endeavor to afford also, a good, plain education, to such pupils as are not desirous °s entering upon an advanced scientific and liter ary oourso. Ibe following will be the course of Instruction : * - LAf-S At: f-imc* . ;- *1 flrainm^y, rap by, History of the United States. 2d Class—Algebra, Plane Geometry, Universal * History, History of England, French. Ist Class —Geometry and Trigonometry, Sur ging, Histcrv of Greece, and of Rome, Mythol ogy, French, Natural Philosophy, Drawing. Exercises in Defining, Composition, Elocution aul the Drill cf Squad and Company, wi 1 be con ducted throughout the Course. Pupils from other D striots will board in certain lamilie- of the town, under the immediate super vision of the Principals. Terms—For each Session, of five months, $25, in advance, or s3l) at the chd of the Session. iftßoard, per month, including washing, fuel and lights $lO. No Pupil will bo received who is under twelve or over eighteen y ars of age, or who oannot read and write with facility. M. JENKINS, Yorkville, S. C , A. COWARD, until first of January, at Colum bia, S.C. References —Gen James Jones, Graniteville, S. C.; Gen. D. F. Jamison, Orangeburg C. H , S. C.; Ex-Governor J. 11. Means, Buckhead, S. C.; Gen D. Wallace, Jonesville, Union, S. C.; Col. J. D. Wilson, Society Hill, Earlington, S. C.; Gen R. G. M. Dunovant, Ninetjrsix Depot, Abbeville, S. C. decl Fri 3 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. AGREEABLE to an order of the Ordinary of Richmond county, will bo sold, on Monday, 11th iost., at the Store formerly occupied by L. Cohn, opposite the Eagle A Phoenix Hotel, at 11 o’clock, A. M., the Stock in Trade of Leopold Cohn, deceased, consisting of Segars; Tobacco; Snuff; Pipes; Walking Canes, andmher articles too numerous to mention- Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said Leopo d Cohn, de ceased. ABRAHAM COHN, decl td Temporary Administrator. TO RENT. THE HOUSE and spacious LOT- fronting on Telfair-st., between Elbert and Lincoln Mila streets, at present occupied by the subscribe- to whom apply on the premises. L. C. DUGAS ALSO FOR SALE. OR TO RENT, A neat family RESIDENCE, in the lower part of the city, with oat houses, such as Kitchen, Sta ble, Ac., and a front on street of 80 feet. Apply, as above to decl ftf L. C. DUGAS. THE Book an<jitß Story, a Narrative for the Young on occasion of tho Jubilee of the Brit ish and Foreign Bible Society, by L. A. R., with nil introductory preface, by the Rev. T. Phillips, Jubi lee Secretary ; Lectures on thj Seven Churches of Asia Minor, by P.ev. JohnCumming, D. D.; Narrative of a Journey Round the Dead Sea, and in the Bible Lands in 1850 and 1851, including an account of the disoovery of the Sites of Sodom and Gomorrah, by F. De Saulcy; Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the time of George 3d, together with Remarks oh the French Revolution, by Henry Lord Broug ham ; The Rose of the Parsonage, au Idyll of our own times, from the German of Robert Giseke. For sale by THOS. RICHARDS A SON. decl WAGONS, Horses, Mules, and Hogs and Cattle, for sale at all times, at the Wagon Yard, .decl WM. 1L PRITCHARD. NEW BOOKS— The Y'oung Husbands by Mrs. Grey, author of the Gambler’s Wife, Bosom Friend, Ac.; Fred Vernon, or the Victim of Avarice, sequel to Woman and her Master, by the author of Min nie Grey, Ac.; The Maid of the Saranac, by Newton M. Cur tis; , • The Pride of Life, a Novel, by Lady Scott, au thor of the Hen-Peeked Husband; In Doors and Out, or views from tho Chimney Corner, by Oliver Optic; Illustrated Magaiine of Art, for November; Graham’s Magazine and National Magazine, for December; / Martyn Merrivale, His X Mark, by Paul Crey ton. complete; Poem 9 and Ballads, by Gerald Massey, contain ing the ballad of Babe Arristable, printed from the third London edition, with several new poems never before published. For sale at GEO. A. OATES A BRO.’S, decl Booksellers and Stationers, Broad st. Mar — ~ Southern Animal Fair at Augusta. —The Georgia Railroad Company will furnish Cars froe for the conveyance of Live Stock, and all articles which are for Exhibition (and not for sale) if offered at their Depots between the 28th November and sth December, inclusive, and to be. returned on or before the 12th day of December. Visitors purchasing Tickets from Ist to 7th De cember, inclusive, will be furnished with return Tickets available to 12th December, inclusive. Geo. Y'onge, Gen’l. Sup t. Georgia Railroad, Augusta, Nov. 20, 1854. nov2) d&etd BUCK nzi.—100 do«eu Boston Buckett* by nov26 C, A WILLIAM* ©fttrral THHATKE. * L*>t Night but one of the Engagement of the Eminent Tragedian, Mr. J. B. ROBERTS. FRIDAY EVkBIK«. HEt . I, The Performance will commence with Culnisn’i 1 Play, in 3 nets, entitled the IRON CHEST, OR THE MYSTERIOUS MURDER. \ ariety of Popular Music by tbo Orchestra. To conclude with the highly popular Farce called _____ SIMPSON & CO. . grand musical entertainment. AT TIIE MASONIC HALL. FOR THREE NIGHTS. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, December Atk, sth and 6tk. SWISS BELL-RINGERS, RESPECTFULLY announce three of their chaste and novel Musical Entertainments, as above. Assisted by the popular Vocalist, Mr. Geo. Brewis, and Signor Fattinni, the inimitable per former on the Wood and Straw Ins'rument, or TRONDUENMIPHINESIAMENTO. 03?* Ticket* 60 cents. Doors open at o’clock. J Concert to commence at 7j o’clock, precisely. I N. B. Tickets to be had at the principal Hotel.®, J had at the door. nov29 F U RN*TU K E RAFFLE DURING THU ~ WEEK OF THE FAIR. SIX SPLENDID PRIZES, valued at sl2oo— l2OO Chances at $1 each. Ist Prize—l sett of elegant Rosewood Satin Damask Parlor Furniture, comprising 1 Sofa, 1 M. T. Centre Table, 1 What-Not, 4 Sitting Chairs, 3 Easy Chairs. 1 large Gilt Mirror V alued at $550. 2d Prize—l sett of elegant Mahogany Velvet Plush Parlor Furniture, viz: 1 Sofa, 1 pair Divans, 1 pair Ottomans, 12 Chairs, 2 Rocking Chairs, 1 Marble-top Centre Table, 1 Gilt Mirror. Valued at S4OO. 3d Prize—l sett Mahogany Chamber Furniture, viz: 1 elegant Bedstead, (a new pattern,) 1 Toilet Bureau, lWashstand, 6 Cane Maple Chairs. Valued at $145. 4th Prize—l Painted Chamber Sett, viz; 1 Toilet j Bureau, 1 Bedstead, 4 Chairs, 1 Washstand, (sink); I l Tea Table and Towel Rack. Valued at S6O. | sth Prize—l Lady s'Rosewood Work Table.; Valued at S3O. 6th Prize —1 Toilet Looking Glass—a neat and complete affair. Valued at sl4. The Raffle will take-place during the week of the Fair, if a sufficient number of TicKets are sold to warrant it. Ifnot, it will be postponed : in either case, due notice will be given through the news papers of the time and place, when all persons hav ing chances are requested to attend The Prizes will be awarded in their order to the six highest ! throws. The Chances will be thrown in numerical j order by a boy, not to exceed in age 14 years, and ; under the superintendance of three responsible citizens. The Furniture is now ready for inspection at [ Messrs.HENRY & SKINNERS Furniture Wan- ; Rooms, where Tickets can be procuied. Tickets can also be obtained at the following ! places: F. C. BARBER, Washington-street, one door from Broad ; J. A. MILLEN, Jackson-street, j next Globe Hotel; at the Augusta, Planters’ Uni- ! ted States and Globe Hotels. Augusta, Nov. 28,-1854. nov3otf CROCKERY, - CHINA AND GLASSWARE. If HOLMAN & CO., near the Planters Hotel, • are now opening a large s f ock of Fancy Sta ple and Common GOODS, just -eeeived from Eng land and France, among which may be "found— Gilt and White China Toilet and Tea Setts; Gilt and White China Dinner "Do.: • Decorated Gilt and Fancy Cups and Saucers; Bohemian and Gilt Toilet Goblets ; Fine Plated and Britannia Castors and Cake lit • Fihii „n.-i 8 Ttr.xaio. Table and T'aFpO"**- do. do. Dessert and Table Forks ; Cut and Pressed Goblets; Champagnes; Tum blers and Wines ; Fine White Granite Dinner and Tea Sotts, of the latest patterns, which is offered at wholesale and retail, at their usual low prices- dtf nov3o LAND AGENCY. THE subscriber offers himself as Agent to ex amine Lands in any county in the State. Fun and complete information in relation to location, quality of soil, and appearance for minerals, fciven. Will also buy and sell Lands for parties wanting to buy or sell. Terms for examining lots*ss each. Five per cent, on the amount bought or sold. Some 50 or 60 Lots on hand for sale. U. L. LEONARD. nov3o Opposite the Planters Hotel. JUST RECEIVED^SOFboxM~GoIden Pack FIRE CRACKERS. Supply yourselves while they are going cheap, at nov29 _l2 C. E. GIRARDEY & CO.’S. of —A Warning.—Delay not; harbor not in your mind that sentence of fool’s philosophy, that a disease will get well of itself,or 1 that you can cure it with certain medicines for a few dollars. Beware how you tamper with your general welfare. Ye wild and vicious youths, why will ye persist in dosing with the filthy, nauseating compounds daily proffered, thereby impairing your appetite and digestion, and destroying you mentally as well as physically, when you can be cured with a few doses of pleasant medicines } Y r e rakes of every age and condition, why will ye suffer and repine and drag out a miserable ex istence, unfitted for the enjoyment and even ordi nary pursuits of life ? You who are thus annoyed, and wish to be restored to health and vigor by a treatment at once pleasant and offoetual, should consult Dr. Morris. His success in chronic dis- been greater than that of any other phy sician of his day. Many who have been for years afflicted with disease or consequonecs resuiting from excess have been restored to health and vigor under his really scientific treatmwft. Should a personal interview Be objectionable, state your disease in writing—enolose five dollars —address Dr. W. H. Morris, through the Posts Office, Nashville, Tenn., and a package of Medi cines, securely put up,’ will be sent privately, and with dispatch, full directions therewith, and no questions asked. Porsons living at a distance, and afflicted with Scrofula, Old Ulcers, Tetter Cancers, Piles, Fistula tn Ano, Gravel, Strictures, Gleets, or any disease {whatever of an aggravated or malignant character, can be cared at home by consulting Dr. Morris, by letter, post paid, enclosing a fee. These Medi cines, pleasant and safe, can be sent per mail to any part of the United States. . Particular attention given to the treatment of female complaints. Ladies who may be afflicted with irregularities, Flour Albus or Whites, Pro lapsus Uteri or Falling of tho Womb, would do well to lay aside all falso delicacy,lfcid promptly consult the Doctor. Cures Warranted. Office over Mutual Protection Insurance Office, Cedar Street, near Post Office. Room, No. 14, up airs. dly dec 25 Medical Testimony cannot be Con troverted.—One of the most startFing cases is narrated of Dr.. McLane’s Vermifuge by Dr. John Butler, of Lowell, Trumbull Co., Ohio. The caso was that of a young lady who had been very sick for eight years, and had consulted a num ber of physicians, who had treated it as one of Prolapsus Uteri. Dr. Butler was then called in, and for a time believed with his predecessors that it was a caso of Prolapsus. Ho was, however, sopn forced to the conclusion that his patient was suffering fronf worms, and after much persuasion, prevailed upon her to take two doses of Dr. M’Lane’s Vermifuge. This medicine had the ef fect of removing from her a countless number of the largest size. As er she passed them, her health immediately returned: Bhe is since mar ried, and continues to enjoy excellent health. will be careful to ask for Dr. M’Lane’s Celebrated Vermifuge, and take non? else. All other Vermifuges, in comparison are worthless. D . M’Lane's genuine Vermifuge, also his §{clebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all the respectable Drug Stores in the United Statos and Canada. Boid by Haviland, Rislev A Co., Wm, ll.Tutt, D. B Plumb A Co.,and W. 11. A J. Turpin, Augus ta, Ga.; P. M. Cohen A Co.; Charleston, S. Oj Hill A Smith, Athens, Ga.; E.C. Jones, Madison; A. A. Solomons; Savannah; and by all Drug gists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the South. J 2 nov!4 Portrait Painting —-Mr. H. A Brooks, Historical Painter, has rooms next to Dr. Vanvoorhes. Mclntosh street, up stairs. Testimonials and specimens of Painting maybe seen at his Studio. Lessons given in Drawing and Painting on the principlee taught in the first Acad- continent Mrs^U rooks superintends the re-gilding and furnishtng of every description of Picture Frames, which she warrants to be equal in quality’, and as J low as they eau be done at the North, lm novl« ®«rrrol Jtbuertisrmrnts TO RENT’ A STORE with dwelling attached, opposite gsi the lower market, on South side of Broad JEIL street. Apply to GEO. G. McWHORTER. nov2B d 8 Law Range. TO RENT, OrTfOR SALE. A COMFORTABLE COTTAGE on Rey- Jp, nold Street, with four square Rooms, and Slit Pantries on the Piaza, a large lot, and the in good repair. Apply at •HENRY DALY’S, nov2s Under the United States Hotel. TO RENT, FROM the first of October next, a Store and Dwelling on Broad Street, above the Hi. Upper Market, occupied at present by B. Henry. Apply to augl7 ts THOS. DUNEGAN. TO RENT, TWO two-story HOUSES on Calhoun st , . k. containing 7 rooms. fcl’i;. Two double tenement, on the same street, single story. One double tenement on Taylor street. Two two-story Houses, 7 rooms, on Fenwiok-st. Four 1$ story, on Fenwiok-st., fronting So. Ca. Depot. Apply to JAS. L. COLEMAN. jy2B TO RENT. the first of Ootober next, the long . Room in the rear of my store at present oc- Mi. oupied by the Oglethorpe Infantry as a drill room. TO RENT. THE STORE, at present oocupied by Mr. H. T. Peay, at the Lower Market. Apply to VVM. H. PRITCHARD. septs FORSALE. a-Ja A DELIGHTFUL Summer Residence, |»aißaßj with an abundance of wood, and a |Hlfe jjsiu fine Spring of Water, 1J miles from Hamburg, S.C. Possession given immediately. ts septl6 Wanted. A SITUATION as Salesman in a Boot and Shoe House, or Dry Goods, by a young man of some experience. Can give good reference. Ap ply at this office. ts nov2B BANK STOCK FOR SALE. A FEW SHARES, Bank of Augusta Stock for sale. Apply at this office. nov29d3 THE SHADES. OPEN FOR THE SEASON. WE are again posted up. and from tbis out sh ill be prepared to *SL f.&gJ serve up to our numerous customers all that the market affords. Oysters, Game, Ac., in endless quantitiy—and with the celebrated Abchy at the head of onr cooking department, we hope to merit a share of that liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon us. GEO. PLUMB, Proprietor. N. B. Lunch, as usual, served up at 11 o’clook l of Steak, Mutton Chop, Hash, Trip", Liver, Baked Beans, Soup, Ac- The Augusta, Savannah, Charleston and North ern papers on file. novl4 Carriage establishment! ~ REMOVAL. LUTHER ROLL would respectfully inform his friends and the public that he is still alive and carrying on his old busi ness, of manufacturing aftd selling ready made CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, BUGGIES, Ac. He also keeps on hand a large and well selected stock of Findings and other articles in his line of business, which he is willing to dispose of at mod eratc profits He would, also, inform the public and hisfriends that he has REMOVED BACK to his old. stand, on the corner of Reynold and Washington streets. He has given Broad street a fair trial, but finds that Store Rent takes away the best part of his profits, and that he can, by removing, sell cheaper to hie customers. All he asks of them is to give a look at his assortment, and prices, and if they can do better by going further, he has no objections. nov!s E. L. SYMMONS, Near the Lower Market , HAS received, and is receiving, a com plete assortment o£ Gentlemen’s Fall ®SBI and Winter BOOTS. Most of these Goods have been made for, and selected by, my self, from the best of Manufacturers. And I can confidently assert, that they cannot be surpassed for stock work or fashion, in this city. To my stout Swamp BOOTS, I politely solioit the atten tion of country gentlemen. I also desire it to be understood, that those heavy Goods must be sold for cash only. Also, a complete assortment of ia dies’, Misses’ and Ohltdron s SHOES and GAI TERS. 3m notll AUGUSTA SADDLE AND HARNESS MANUFACTORY, 193 Broad Street under the Augusta Hotel, AT the above Establishment can b'o i-‘> found a large and well selected as- £ sortmenr of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, Ao., which will be sold on accommodating terms. Work of all kinds made to order, with neatness and despatch. . HATCH A BEGBIE. Augusta, Aug. 29 1854. aug3o , 1 SOMETHING NEW IN AUGUSTA! A t.IIIRT STORE, * ONE door North of tho Mechanics’ Bank, and a few doors below the August Hotel, where Gentlemen, by leaving their measure, can have Shirts made up to order of tho best materials, in the latest fashion, and Danskin’s celobrated pat tern. Wash. A. Danskin is the original inventor of the system of cutting Shirts by measurement. Danskin’s pattern has received the unqualified commendation o£ Gentlemen in all parts of the United States, and ba&becn pronounced perfect. The superiority of Danskin’s Pattern over all the late imitations of it, is universally acknowl edged, the buttons are faithfully sewed on, and ; the yoke is neatly fitted to the nook and shoulders without seams, and consequently does not chafe or 1 annoy the wearer. * 1 —ALSO, FOR SALK— . | A superb stock of Furnishing Goods, of the new est styles, such as— Under-shirts and Drawers, of Silk, Cotton and Wool; Shoulder Braces; Dressing Gowns; Smoking Coats ; Russia Belts; Suspenders : Traveling Blankets and Shawls ; Silk, Cotton and Woollen Half Hose ; Gloves; Fur Top Gauntlets; * Cravats and Handkerchiefs, ready hemmed ; Napoleon Ties; Opera Ties; Stocks; Canes; Umbrellas; Soap, and Perfumery ; And a great variety of other Goods suitable for Gentlemen. Shirts sold for Cash onlj'. novl4 d3m CHAS. W. IIERSEY. COW HIDES FOR SALE.—I,OOO Cow Hides for sale. Apply to novlO WM. PRITCHARD. BONN, NEIMYER & CO., Wholesale Dealers in LEAF AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, - IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC SEQAR3 Baltimore. K?* All orders promptly filled. 'B. W. Vick. ly jyl2 BOARDING. TTOUNG I ADIESfrom the ceuntry, wishing to A attend the Select School of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Griffin, can obtain beard with them, at M. W. Woodruff's, on Reynold street, if they desire. nov!2 WANTED TO HIRE A NEAT active Mulatto girl, from 12 to 15 years old, for which liberal wages will be paid. Ap ply to nov!s ' WARD & BURCIIARD. NOTICE rilO passengers on the Augusta <fc Waynesboro’ X Railroad.—On and after Thursday, the 16th inst., the Trains will leave Augusta at 7 80, A. M., and 8, P. r M. Returning /ill arrive, respectively, at 5.30, P. M., and 2, Al m. Cn Sundays, the Morning Trains will leavo at 9, A. M. ANDREW YONGE. Act’g. Agent. OAK SOLE LEATHER—Extra trimmed,lf. York inspected slaughter Hides, a superior ar ticle, just received and worthy the attention of City Boot Makers. Also, a large stock of Balti more Spanish. Oak Sole, for sale at the Saddlery Warehouse of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO., Late Whright, Nichols & Co., No. 239 Broad-st., second door above tho Bank of Augusta. d<M3m sept7 KUMBELS PATENT MACHINE BELTING PERSONS IN WANT OF BELTING for Ma chine purposes, would do woll to call and examine our stock, & we have on hand and are constantly receiving an article superior to any ever brought to this market. This belting is made of Oak Tanned Leather, and strotched by powerful machinery, and is said to be much more durable than the Hemlock belting for machinery Wehave also on hand a largo assortment of Hemlock Bel ting equal to any of the kind over sold. Can be found also at the old stand of A. Hatch, now Hatch & Bogbie, a large assortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Trucks & everything elso belonging to the business, a genuine article of Neat's Foot Oil, always on hand at the above named place- Work of all kinds made to order with neatness and des patch. HATCH & BEGBIE. nov2 d&clm - « Stuarts sC t gar, candles, «ec. 100 bbls Stuarts A. B. & C.Sugar. 100 boxes Adamantine Candles. 100 boxes Tobacco, various qualities. 500 dozen Blaoking, different sizes, for sale low by C. A. WILLIAMS. Qwiteral Jl&oertiaftnrnts. WANTED, A GOOD, practical GARDENER. Apply at this office. ts nov23 LD. LALLERSTEDT L is received a large as • sortment of EMBROIDERIES, —Hemstitch- ed a Sheer Laun Hanah ; also, a now and beauti ful lot of SILKS, and Worsted DRESS GOODS, to which he invites attention. 12 nov23 NOTICE. THE subscriber begs leave to inform the Citi zens of Augusta and its vicinity, that he will give instructioa on the Piano Porte, and flatters himself that by prompt attention he will merit the approbation of all who favor him with their pat ronage. Refers to Messrs. J. P. Setze and P. Brenner. Orders left at Mr. Setze's Store will be promptly attended to. nov23 d3m A. BRENNER. H O'NEILL & CO., GENERAL COMMISSI N MERCHANTS, AND Dealers in Produce, Groceries, \c., Aususta, Ga‘. miiE UNDERSIGNED having formed a I COPARTNERSHIP, under the style of H O’NEILL A CO.,as GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Dealers in Produce, Groceries, Ac , inform their friends and the public, that they have taken commodious stores, next to M. P. Sto vall’s Ware nouse, for the storage andi sale of Grain, Flour, Bacon, and other Produce, on Jack son street, which runs directly from the Railroad Depot via the Globe Hotel, to the River. Liberal advances made on consignments, and they hope, by strict personal attention to business, and the interest of thoir friends, to share their pat ronage, HUGH O’NEILL, N. C. TROWBRIDGE. N. B.—Orders for Goods promptly attended to. nov23 OLD BRANDY AND PORT WINE, or the most superior quality. These we recommond highly for medicinal purposes. nov22 WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. LIFPARD’S DANCING ACADEMY. MASONIC HALL, AUWJSTA, GA. MR. LIPPARD begs to announce, that he will re-open his School, on WEDNESDAY, the 22d Nov. For Ladies, Misses, and Masters Classes, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 31 o’clock P.M. For Gentlemens’ Classes, on Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays, at 7$ o’clock P. M. Private Lessons. —Classes and Schools attend ed to, if desired. Circulars, containing the days, hours and Serins of instruction, Ac., cau be had at any time, by ap plying to Mr. L. at the Eagle & Phoenix, or it the Hall during hours of teaching, or will be sent by post. nov2l C AT HOME AG Alii. ~ UYLER A WRIGHT, DEN2MSTS, h .ve re turned, and can be found at their Office over Carmichael A Bean’s Hardware Store, Broad-st., at all hours of the day. novl9 ts SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Mw r . WOODRUFF, Agent for this long and • favorably known Company, would respect fully announce to the public generally, that be is prepared to take FIRE RISKS on as favorable terni3 as any Agency in the city. Augusta, Nov. 18, 1854. novl9 BAGGING NOTIriSL" I HAVE now in store, and for sale, 50 baits very superior GUNNY BAGGING, old importation. M. W. WOODRUFF, novl9 Forwarding and Gen ! Corn’s Mc’ht. WANTED.” 2JOURNEYM AN TAILORS, novl9 WM. 0. PRICE, A CO. ON CONSIGNMENT, 80 boxes ‘' Bird’s Eye ” LIME, an article of great whiteness, suitable for fine Plastering, from a new quarry in Cass Co. For sale by J. A. ANSLEY, Commission and Produce Merchant, Opposite Union Bank. lm nov!9 ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOl7~“ Mr. T. H. HOLLEYMAN, assisted by Miss Mary F. Ilolleyman, proposes to open a Schooljfor Boys and Girls on Monday, 13th of No vember, in the School Rooms previously used by Mr. Symn es and Lady Miss Mary Holleyman, a graduate of Barham ville Female College, S. C s will conduct the Female Department. Mr. Ilolleyman is a graduate of South Carolina College, and has been engaged in the business of teaching for several years. He proposes to prepare boys for the junior class of any College, or for entering into the arrive duties of life. Great attention will pads to *. moral culturo of the pupil. Mr. maa, rcfcffc to the following gentlemen, from whom he has testimo nials : S. B. Clark, M. D. t Col. E. B. Gresham, Col. A. C. Walker, Judge J. W. Casswell, A. H. Anderson, Esq. amfpfohn D. Mongin, Brothorsville. Edward A. Eve, M. D„ W. J. Mims, Georgs W. L. Twiggs, Wnr H. Baldy and Thomas E. Greenwood, Esqrs., Twiggs Academy. Dr. Joseph A. Eve and Kev. J. E. Evans, Augusta,. Rates of Tuition as adopted by Mr. Symmes, SB, sl2 and sl6 per quarter. Mr. H. respectfully solicits encouragement. dtJanl oct24 ~ SALT. SACKS Cape de Verdes SaH, in 2 5 v*v/v/ bushel sacks, a prime article for Plan ters' use, for sale on consignment. —ALSO— -2,000 Gunny Bags. J. B. GUIEU, novlO ftf General Commission Merchant. A NEW DRY GOODS STORE. An entirely fresh and new Stock of Goods. BROOM Sc NOKRELL HAVE opened at the store recently occupied by Broom & Brown, (opposite the Augusta Bank, a varied'and complete assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, suitable sos the Fall and Winter seasons, and <ir. bractng all the newest styles, and most desirable Goods of the season, every article of which is en tirely fresh and new, and will be offered at the lowest possible advance on New York costfor cash. They would respectfully solicit a bhare cf public patron ago. Additional supplies received weekly. novl7 - lino " removed' P . Sc M . G A LLAHER Have removed a few doors below their old stand , and opposite the Augusta Hotel, HERE they are now opening a full supply FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS,' Embracing every article in the Irade, which will bo sold at unusually low prices. They would rospeotfully call the attention of the Ladies and the public to their stock of DRESS GOODS and TRIMMINGS, and invite them to call and examine them. nor 14 ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL ¥cHOQL,~ CORNER OK BROAD AND KOLLOCK STREETS. WERSESPITSCH will resume the exer • cises of his School on Monday, November I.lth. Tuition for Term of 12 weeks.... sl6 0(1 Payment required in advance. nov9 SELECT SCHOOL! A SELECT English and Classical School will be opened in the School Rooms, opposite the Methodist Church, on the corner of Green and Jackson Streets, at the dose of the prevailing epi demio.smdes the charge of Mr. D. F. Griffin, A. AI. The course ol instruction will hi thorough and practical. Young men will be fitted for any stage of their collegiate coursm Book keeping, both by Single and Double Enfjp will be.taught practi cal. A Female Department will also be tfpened, by Mrs. D. F. Griffin, at the same place. The oourse of study in this Department will embrace all those branehos usually taught in the highest Female Seminaries. RATES OF TUITION PER tJUAR" BE OF 12 WEEKS. Primary Class $ 8.00 Common English Branches 10.00 Highor 12.00 Latin and Greek .16.00 References. —Messrs. Tbos. Snowden, Josiah Sibley, Gon. G. W. Evans, T. W. Timmerman, J. H. Anderson, Augusta. John Usher, E. J. Buckmaster, M. A. Ransome, A- M. Benson, J. A. Houston, Hamburg. d-ts oct24 CARPETS, RUGS, fcoT JK. BANCROFT has just received, per steam • er Marion, a large invoice of CARPETS, MATS, Ac , consssting of— Sup. English Throe-Ply, handsome patternt; * Tapestry Velvet, elegant styles ; Tapestry Brussels, beautiful patterns and colors ; Sup. English Ingrain ; English Brussels; Rich Velvet Rugs; Tufted do.; Tapestry do. —also— 5-8, 3-4, 7-8 and 4-4 Venetian Stair Carpet; Matting, Drugget; together with Carpet Bindings; Stair Rods ; Tacks, Ac. These Goods have been bought at the late New Yerk sales, and will be sold astonishingly low— some among them as low as 31c. andsoo. nov2l MOLASSES. —100 hhds. Molasses, prime qual ity in extra order, for sale low by nov 26 C. A. WILLIAMS. - GUNNY SACKS. 1 t \ t GUNNY SACKS, for sale by 1 U,UUU J. B. GUIEU. nev2s d 6 General Commission Merchant. oiderT Ql \ #BLS. choice New Cider, just received and & v* for sale by nov 26 3f JOHN NELSON. ’ Fall reduced UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. NEW’ YOft VANN AH . • [SEMI-WEEKLY.] The new and splendid side-wheel Steamships : FLORIDA,.... 1,300 tons. Capt. M. S. Woodhull, i tons. Capt. C. R. Schenck. AUGU5TA,....1,500 tons. Capt. T. Lyon, ' . 1,500 tons. Capt C.D. LiTdlow, 1 Will leave Savannah every W ednesday and Satur •y. . • . These ships are among the largest on the coast, unsurpassed in speed, safety or comfort—making their passages in 50 to 60 hours, and aie command ed by skillful and polite officers. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin passage, ,S2O Steerage passage, g PADELFORD, FAY A CO., Agents in Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCHILL, __ 13 Broadway,New York. FARE REDUCEDT" Cabin Passage from Charleston to N. York, S2O. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. SEW YORK & CHARLESTON STEAM PACKETS NASHVILLE, ] M. Berry, 1500 tons. | Commander. » MARION, i W.J. Foster, 1200 tons. .) Commander. JAMES ADGER, jS. C. Turner, 1500 tons ] Commander. SOUTHERNER. ) Thomas Ewan, 1000 terns. ) Commander. rIiHESE Steamships are built ex- A presaly for the line, and for safe ty, comfort and speed, are u nrivalled on the Coast. Table supplied with every luxury; attentive and courteous Comman ders, will ensure Travellers of this Line every pos sible comfort and accommodations. Cabin Passage S2O Steerage g For Freight or Passage, having elegant State Room accommodations, apply to HENRY MISSROON, Agent, * °°v3 Charleston. S.C., VERY DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscribers offer for sale the PLANTA TION of the late Hon. Geo. McDuffie, situa ted in Abbeville District, known as the Flatwood’s Plantation, containing Four Thousand Acres (4000) more or less, and bounded by lands of Haskell, Norwood, James Calhoun and Belser. 1 his pro perty is too well known to need any particular de scription ; it has on it some of the best Cotton and Gram land in the State, about Three Thousand (3000) acres „f which are cleared, the balance well wooded, mm, — also — Aboutwo hundred and thirty (230) strictly prime Negroes, belonging to the same estate, together with the Stock, Provisions, Tools, Ac. The lands may be treated for separately at the option of the purchaser. For terms, which will be made very accommoda ting, apply to Mr. Burt, at Willington P. 0., Abbe ville District, or to Col. Singleton, at F at Rock P. 0., Henderson co., N. C. Mr. Burt will give any further information that may be desired, and will exhibit the premises. - ARMISTEAD BURT. jy!s t M R. SINGLETON. GEORGIA FEMALE COLLEGE,' 1855 ~ fItHIS Institution is organized under four regu l lar departments of instruction, viz: the Col legiate, the Academic, the Department of Lan guage, and the Ornamental Department. In the Collegiate Department is taught every thing that is necessary for the full development of the mental powers, the Common Studies being kopt in constant review. In the Academic Department is taught whatever may bo necessary for preparing the pupil to enter advantageously upon her College career. In the Department of Languages, Latin, Greek and French are taught—French by a Native French Lady. «• The Ornamental Department comprises the two schools of Music and Design. In the former, in struction is given upon all the usual instruments; whilst in the latter, every variety of Drawing, Painting, Ac., is taught. The location (Madison, Morgan county) stan unrivalled for its social and religious privileges and for the salubrity of its climate. The voung Ladies board in private families, where they receive all those offices of maternal care and kindness which are necessary for their The next Term will commence on MONDAY, the Bth of JANUARY. Catalogues may be obtained by applying to either 1 of the officers. R. D. MALLORY, Secretary of the Faculty. Madison, Morgan county. tActJals nov22 1 EXECUTOR’S SALE. Will be sold at the lower Market house in the city of Augusta, on the first Tuesday in DE CEMBER next, the followiug namod tracts of LAND, thtproperty of the Estate of Samuel Haws, late of Columbia county, deceased, in accordance With tho authority vested by the will of the said deseased, to wit: Lot No. 122 9th (list. Telfair 2021 ao’s. “ “ 225 6“ ‘ ’ Chatooga 160 “ “ * ! 249 15“ sect.Lumpkin 40 “ “ “ 24 11“ “ 4th “ Walker, 160 “ “ “ 47 3d “ Appling, 490 “ “ “ 171 4th “ * Pulaski, 2021 “ “ “ 85 12“ “ Lee 2021 “ “ “ 302 5‘- “ Gilmer, 160 “ *’ “ 66 7“ “ Cherokee, (supposed to be a copper mine) 160 “ “ “ 280 7th dist. Irwin, 490 “. “ 855 12“ “ Ist sect-Cherokee, 40 “ “ “ 396 7“ “ Appling, 490 “ “ “ 203 6“ “ Carrol, 2021 “ “ “ 106 3d “ Carrol, 2021 “ •“ “ 1129 3“ “ Walker, 40 “ “ “ 394 3“ “ Paulding, 40 “ “ “ 107, 108, 93 and 94, 17th dist. Lawrence, 50 aeros, Effingham county. 600 acres Land in Columbia oounty, the late resi dence of tho said Samuel Haws, deceoset will be sold altogether or divided, to suit f ji users. Terms at sale. Purchaser to paj* or papers. Sold acoording to tho will of Samuel Haws, late of Columbia county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the said deceased. LEON P. DUGAS, Executor of the will of Samuel Haws, deo’d. Oct. 24th, 1854. td arty luIiADKRS. Skotehes brTkomaaJef ferson, Alexander Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, John Randolph, of Roanoke, inclu ding Notices of many other distinguished States men, by John G. Baldwin, author of Flush Times of Alabama and Mississippi; price $1; Emanuel Philibert, or the European Wars of the Sixteenth Century, by Alex. Dumas; price $1.26 ; Midsummer Flowers for tho Young, illustrated, by Mary Howitt; The Youth of Mad. de Longueville, or New Rev elations of Court and Convent, in tho Seventeenth Century, from the French of Victor Cousin, by F. Ricard ; sl. For sale at GEO. A. OATES & BRO.’S, * nov29 Booksellers and Stationers, Broad-gt. JUST RECEIVED BY L. IE, lIOULINEAU— -20 bbls. Crushed Sugar; 20 “ Brown Coffee Sugar; 5 “ Irish Whisky; 12 boxes Goshen Cheese; 5 kegs Goshen Butter, first quality 26 boxes Pearl Starch. nov29 W \ SACKS SALT for sale, to arrive by the Waynesboro’ Railroad, this day by nov29 M. AV. AA’OODRUFF. Jautiori) (Election. V4 r e are requested to announce J. L. - Q. Cliett as a Candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns of Richmond county, at the ensu ing election. nov3o* We are authorised to announce Alexaneer Philip as a Candidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Rich mond county at the ensuing election. nov22 are authorized to aanoaure Alid di-Eton Skago as a candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election in January next novl4 election Notice.—AA’e are authorised £3k. to announce John A. Bohlkr as a Candidate for ro-olection to the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Richmond County. Election Notice.—Please announce AA’illiam V. Keener 'as Candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election in Janu- ARYjiext. novl Election Notice.—-We are requested to announce John B. Coarsey as a con didate for Tax Collector of Riohmond County, at the ensuing Election. Many Voter. Election Notice.—AYe are requested to i3n<_*2ss announoe Wm. Skinner as a Candi date for Tax Collector of Richmond county at the ensuing Election. cctl9 ts the Voters ot Warren County.— Micajah Rogers is a Candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of AVarren county, at the election in January next. novl Election Notice.—We are authorized to announce Franklin G. Godbek a Candidate for Tax Collector of Burke oounty, at the [engoingeleetion. ootl Many Votwwl Suits. BY C. E. &IRARDEY & CO. Executor's Sate of an estennve Stock of Jew elry, Void and Stiver Watches, Materials, Store Fiat tires, &-r. at Auction. I This sale trill continue every Right f*cm 7 o'clock u mil fHi ther wot ice. THIS NIGHT, Ist December, at the store at C E. ttirardey A Co., will be sold, at 7 o'clock, P. M., agreable to an order lrom tba- Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, the entire stock in trade of the late Thos. W Freeman, deceased, consisting in part of— » Gold and Silver Watches—among them being Levers, detached do., single and hunting cases, and of the best makers. Jewelry—Gold, Fob, Vest and Guard Chains; Chastellaine do.; Medal Hors; Watch Seals; Ear Drops and Stud Buttons; Brooches; Cuff Pins; Seal; set and plain Rings ; Locaets, Ac. Silver and Plated Goods, consisting of heavy Table Spoons; Tea do.; Knives; Castors, Ac. A large nc nber of first and second handed 8 and 30 day brass jlocks, with weights and Springs. ——A LSO— I Regulator; 3 Work Benches; 1 chest of Draw ers ; 1 upright Desk; 1 Seovetary, 1 Iron fire proof Safe; 1 high Glass Ca?e , 4 handsome Show Cases; Table ; Sofa, Ac. * —ALSO — Stock of Materials, consisting of Watch Glasses; Main Springs; and such articles rs are usually required in the Jewellers' business. The attention of the public is invited to exam ine these Goods, as they are positively to be sold to close up the business of the late Thomas W. Freeman, deceased. Sale will commence on Wed nesday morning, and continue at night, if not olos out during the day, until all is sold. Every article will bo warranted as represented. , Terms —Cash before delivery. JOEL N. FREEMAN, Executor, deel Estate of Thos. W. Freeman, dee d. BY C. EGIRARDEY & CO. TO MORROW, (Saturday,) in front of store, at 10* o’clock, A. M., will be sold, a general assort ment of Groceries, consisting in part of Sugar.Coflee, N. 0. Syrup, Bacon, Soulders.Soap, Lard, Candles, Pepper, Liquors, Wines, Segars, Tobacco, Crackers, Mackerel, Ac.,_ —also— A lot of Blankets, Stripes, Checks, Ticking, Homespuns, Merino Shirts, Madres Hankerchiefs, Silks do-, Jeans, Casimeres, Ac, —also— A lot of ready made Clothing, Ac. Terms cash, decl B y7T~e7lhß ARDE Y £ 00. temporary Administratrix s Sale. On FRIDAY, the 15th day of December noxt. in front of the Store opposite the Eagle A Phoenix Hotel, late Store of Pantallion Simon, deceased, will b* sold, agreeably to an order from the Hon orable Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, the entire Stock in Trade, and Perishable arti cles belonging to said deceased, consisting, in part, of— Sugar; Coffee; Bacon; Lard; Butter; Soap; Candles: Starch; Rice; Pepper; Tea; Salt; Li (juors; Wines; Tobacco; Segars; Shoes; Hats; Caps. —also — Dry Goods: Cutlery; Hardware; Willow, Glass and Crockery Ware. —ALSO — Fancy Goods ; Agricultural Implement®, Ac.- —also— Wagon; Buggy; Horse and Harness —also — Household and Kitchen Furniture, o f every ser viceable description. Terms, cash on delivery. nov2s SIMON, Tom. Adm’x. ~T BY C. E. GIRARDEY & CO. FOB. SALE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in DECEM BER next, at the Lower Market, Eight Building LOTS, in the lower part of the city, bounded by Telfair Street on tho North, East by Houston, and South by Walker Streets ; all hav ing a front on Houston Street of forty-one feet, and running back eighty-three teet. The above property can be troated for at private sale. Terms made known on the day of sale. nov23* td P. McMAHON. BYC.E. GIRARDEY & CO. Temporary Administrator's and Copartnership - Sale . ON MONDAY, the 4th day oi December next, will be sold, at 10 o’clock, A. M. At the work shop of David A Henry Calvin, od Broad-street, above the upper Market House.— The following articles, by an brder from the Hon orable Court of Ordinary, as to wit— -2 Sets Blacksmith’s Tools, lot Scrap Iron, Ruder Clamp, lot of T.,01s Ac., in wood shop, Work Benches, Paint Mill and Stone, Turning Lathes, Circular Saws, Wagon Springs, Small Wagon, Truck Barrows, Wheels, Winder Framos, lot of } in Pine Lmn % er, 1 lot Spokes, 1 Horse Power, old Buggy, WKLi Barrows, Cart, Pine Plank, Scant ling, Sills, lot of Oak, Ash and Hickory Lumber Shingles, Wheels, Horse Mill, Gray Horse, Ac., Ao. *“ALSO~" At the same place, a.t tna Furniture belonging to the Estate of David Calvin, deoeaeed—consis ting of Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Bedding, Mattrasses, Washstands. Sofas, Centre Tables, Crockery. Cut lery and lot of Kitchen Utensils. Terms cash. , DAVID CALVIN, nov!9 Temporary Administrator. CITY SHERIFF’S SALEi7~ On MONDAY, the 4th of December next, will be sold, by order of the honbrable the Court of Com • mon Pieas, under an attachment in favor of Hen ry W. M.lrby vs. William M. Dow, at the store lately occupied by the said Dow, nearly opposite the Planters’ Hotel, in the city of Augusta, the stock in trade of said W. M. Dow, consisting of following articles, to-wit: 46 Grindstones; 40 bottles assorted Cordials; 43 bottles assorted Syrup ; 11 “ Lime Juice; 73 “ Preserved Fruit, in glass; 29 “ “ “ “ cans; 23 “ Pepper Sauoe; 10 bottles Olives; 5 “ Olive Oil; 36 do. Tomatoe Catsup; 2 boxes Tomato Catsup; 8 bottles Capers; 2 mixed Piokles; 4 bottles Rose Water; 20 bottles Mustard ; 40 pkgs. Corn Staroh ; 21 Bakers Bromer; 98 papers half lb, Tea; 257 do quar. do. do ; 8 chests Tea ; 32 packs ground Coffee ; 48 pack? Saleratus; 6 boxes Gum Drops ; 2 boxes Flavoring; 3 boxes Macaroni; 1 box Wine; 28 boxes Train Oil ; Indigo; Arrow Root; Isinglass; Cooking Soda; Cayenne Pepper; ground Cassia; Gelatine; Sale ratus: Liquorice; Sup. Mace; lot Mai. Cassia and Sugar, in drawers; 42 papers ground Cloves; 10 do. do Ginger; l 3 half doz.groujad Tobaooo; lot-of Snuff; 1 box Fancy Soap; 2 boxes fig Blue; 51 Cocoa Dippers; lot of Baskets; Lot of Buckets; lot of Wooden Ware; 3 heavy Chains; .lot of Brooms and Brushes; 23 glass bars and Candies; 28 do. plain do ; 1 bag of Nuts; lot of Cocoa Nuts; Lot of Bath Bricks; 1 box of Pipes ; 3 complete Counter Scales; 1 Truck ; 2 Step Ladder? ; Lot of Crackers; 2 Tin Covers; 2 Marble Slabs; 4 bbls. Cooking Soda and Saleratus ; Lot of Wrapping Paper; 1 Violin and Case ; Soda W ater Pipe and Slab; 1 Safe; Lot of Brimstone; lot of Sundries; Wet and Dry Measures; 4 Empty Tea Cases; 16 casks Liquor on draught; Fly Brush ; Lot of empty Sacks, Barrels and Boxes ; Shelves, Drawers, Counters, Ac ; Counting Room Desk ; Dressing Table; Bedstead and Bedding; Washstand; 1 Desk; small Table; half do*. Chairs ; Carpet and Rug; Fender and Andirons: Window Curtains ; Crockery and Cooking Utensils. WILLIAM V. KER, City Sh ff Postponed ~ CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. ON the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, will be sold, at the Lower Market House in the city of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, by virtue of an order from the Honorable the Court of Com mon Pleas of said city, all that lot, or parcel of land, with the improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the city of Augusta, near the Augusta Factory, on the east corner of Marbury and Fen wick streets, and bounded South by said Fenwick street, North by a lot of R. D. Carmichael, East by a lot of Sharron, and West by Marbury street, said property having been heretofore levied on as the property of Laman A. Ford, by virtue of sundry attachments returnable to and carried to judgement in tbe Court of Common Pleas of said city, in favor of Hand A Fleming and others, vs. Laman A. Ford. WM. V. KER, Sh’ff. C. A. novlO HARPERS’ MAGAZINE, for December, has been received, and is for sale at GEO. A. OATES A BRO.’S, nov3o Piano, Book and Musio Store, Broad-st. AGAZINES FOR DECEMBER GodejFa Lady’s Book, and Arthur’s Home Gazette, has been received at GEO. A. OATES A BRO.’S, nov3o Booksellers and Stationers, Broad-st. HARPERS’ MAGAZINE, for December, just received and for sale by nov3o * McKINNE A HALL. HARPERS’ MAGAZINE, for December, trim med. For sale by nov3o THOS: RICHARDS A SON. jtertitm Sales. BY S. C. ORENVILLE & CO, ~ Stock of Dry Goods at Night Auction , MONDAY NIGH r, 4thinst.,at 7 o’clfick Store and every night after, until all is dispSßrfJJu s;rupS,x k * * l| Prats; Cambric ; Cassimere; Lineu; Muslin • Bombweine; Ginghams; Vesting; Gloves; Silk*’ , Lace; ihread; Ribbon; Merino; Flannels- Sus sa,f5 a,f Hose >- But tons: Jeans; Alpaca «*iß ; kiSKbJJ'OTS;«'“»t fl| .Jr &<*• ""M **}« »)».«-»; ) I j ec j ’ tor fl Pprovea endorsed noi*#. 1 BY S *C. GhENVILLE A col 1 TTKSDAY, sth irut ~uTt hTL ow ,7 mTrlr pt 1 will be sold— * * The Lot immediately below Tobin’s G«rl«ir ftetfinches; and running bJckSwS W DEC EM BE STABLE l on’ Elits St^ and George. S^ncef,“vi**'EdStSuSd ihe last five named sold subject to mortgages li. fa vor of B. H. Warren, T. Barrett and & Esqs baid property sold tor the benefit of the creditors ot James M. Simpson. J. S. CLARK, l . . All A. HATCH, j All persons having notes or accounts against J 51 bimpsen, will please present them to eitbe/W M" the Assignees, as soon as practicable. nov2fi 4% BY S C. GRENVILLE & do; Administrator's Sale. FRIDAY. Ist December nextT aiTtlmStore lately occupied by Michael MahaUg-noxt door to B Morns, will be sold, the entire contents of said More, consisting of — Sugar: Coffee; Flour; Starch; Soai; Candle* Tobacco; Segars; Calico; Homespun; Mackerel, 1 ipea; Liquors, of all kinds. —also— One Mule, Cart and two Cows ; Furniture Ac Scld as the property of Michael Mahar. deoeaa ed. Terms cash. n °v2l RICHARD MAIIAH, Adm’r. BY S. C. GRENVILLE & CO. tt ichmond Hotel. TUESDAY, 6th December next, at' the Lower Market House in this city, will fee sold without any reserve, that valuable property on the cor nor of Broad and Marbury-trcets, known as the Richmond Hotel. The. lot has a front ol 112 feet on Broad-street, taking in the Richmond Hotel and a double tena* ment store on that slroet and runs back to Ellissi Street, taking in on that street a comfortable dwel lipg and stables. , - Terms, one third cash, balance in one and two -jB with interest from date, satisfactorily secur- S ®U’ novlfi ■ rvi. .-jsb'jil. ■■! ■ ■ I’oltrrirs. GREENS AND PULASKI MONUMENTS w LOT iERIES. Managed,drawn, and prizespnid by the wcllknows and responsible firm of G REG O K V tc MAURY. Sales Close each Day a! two o’clock. Drawn Numbers Class 283 at Savannah. Nov 2Sti 41 27 31 ffi 50 60 35 23 4 19 43 68 40 ' 1 i lass 286 at Savannah. This day, Nov. 30 - ’ PACKAGE SCHEME. *1 $5,000. . $2,000; $1,017 ; Ae., Ac., Tickets sl. Halves 6u w cent. Risk on a package of 26 Quarters $3.96. EXTRA CLASS 78 by Delaware 278, on Saturday. ! Dec. 2. M GRAND SCHEME. $40,000* $20,000; $10,112; 4 prizes of $5,000 j 6of $3 00*- * 7 of $2,000; 200 of 5500; boiug lowest 3 JT r. prizes. Tickets $lO. Shares in proDortion. JOHN A. MILLEN, Agent, On Jackson street, noxt the Globe Hotel. All orders from the oity or country strictlv con fidential. B , WS. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMYI.oT TERY. (By Authority, of the State of Alabama ,) conduct ed on the Havana plan. • "CLASSG. To be Drawn on tne 30tn of November, 1954. One Prime to 20 Tickets—and remember, every • Prime Drawn. Capitals 4.^418,060 4 “5,000 ' •••*,.. 3,000 “ 6of SI,OOO .... 5,000 In ali, 501 prizes, amounting to. $60,000 1 ickets $lO Halves and Quarters in proportion. *' Every prize drawn at each drawing. Bills on all solvent Banks taken at par, ' All oommunioation* strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, „ . . Si «n of the Bronze Lyons. Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 21, 1854. NEW DRUG STORE IN HAMBURgT THE undersigned begs leave to announce » to the citizens of Hamburg and vicinity wy that he will open, on Monday next, the 27th 4Es inelt, a well selected slock of’choice MEDICINES and CHEMICALS, to which he respectfully so licit* their attention. Among his assortment will be found— Toilet Articles and I erfumery, JBfc Drugs and Chemioals: Painst, Oils and Dye Stuff’s ; Brushes of all descriptions j Glass, Putty and Varnishes. In compounding Medicine and in supplying Plan tations, the strictest attention will be given to the requirements of his patrons. Beir-g a graduate of tho London College of Phar* macy, and having had an experience of eighteen yours in his business, he fee’s confident of boiuS side to give satisfaction to all who may favor hhn with their patronage. A. RAVENSOROPT nov 2 * dim jW MILL. mmmm TO those of my friends who now, and are die posed to patronize the Citizens’ Mill, let me earnestly request you to send your Grits to the Mill ' from daylight till 12 o’clock. You will ,at once % see the great importance to me of this reoiiest. Tt is a very great inconvenience to be raising and shutting down on f, 4 or bushel, as often comes to Mill. I have been driven to ologe calculation, and as I have but one power ; cither the Saw Mill or- Machinery must oocupy this power after 12 o’clock. Hence it is, I respeotfully make the request, and solicit your generous support. Those who prefer to corn* in the evening, can do so, and call for tha Meal next morning, which I ?hould greatly prefer as it gives oloser quarters to work in at night than at the Saw. Orders can be filled for Post Oak, Red Oak and of all sizes , WAGON TONGUE, DRAY aHAFI, Ac ,of very superior quality. A quart “‘J ‘ )f PINE LUMBER can be had from 5 to sß— sß if selected. POTIB t. L. COLEMAN. , TEACHER WANTED. A>IALE TEACHER, unmarried, with protec references as to competency and character, U wanted to take charge of a few small boys in a private family. He will be paid S3OO per annum, and his board. Apply at this office, ts augll g GARDELLE & DELAIGLE, FACTORS, FORWARDING AND OOUMI4. ' SION MERCHANTS Accommodation Wharf Charleston S. C. A. GARDKLLE. j LOUIS DSLAIQLK. novll »_ JOSEPH A. BEALS, HOUSE, SIGN K. ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, O/fiif in Old State Dank Alley , 3d door. Having superior workmon. is now prepared to execute work in tho best style. novlß CHEESE.— 15(1 boxes Cheese, in store,”and ftr sale by nov* 2 DAVIS, KOLB A FANNING. SALT. —1100 sacks in store, for sale bv nov 25 GERGE W LEWIS. JUST KE LIVED BY G. E. BoULINEAV— -34 casks fine Port Wine; 34 “ " Madeira Wine; Aad a superfine article of Frenob Brandy, sti hit- ’ ’ Hot - ao?2t