The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, December 07, 1854, Image 3

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Spfftni Notices. Valuable Proj«erty for Sale,— Tho Premises situated near the Angusta Machine Workp. known as the Avgusta Pinning Mills and Sash Factory, ecgristing of i lot of Land 200 by 270 feet: a4O hor ho power .Steam Engine; Woodworth’s, Banrdsleo’g A Darnel* Planing Ma chines; 5 Circular Saws ; largo Turning Latho ; oompiaM acts of Leaven’s A Pay’s Rash aud Blind Machinery, .with al- t o requisite Shafting, Belt iag, Puilies, Ac; bdiug one-ol the most complete establishmeats of the kind iu tho Soutjiern coun try, having the recent improvements in machinery and every facility turning out all kinds of wood work. With a few additions it could bo converted into a KailroaJ Car Factory, and from it - location is admirably adapted to this purpose, being situated between and qui e near to the Georgia, South Car olina and Waynesboro’ Depots. To an approved purchaser the terms would be made accommodating Titles indisputable. For further particulars apply to dec7 W 4 E. J. C. Wood, Aiken, S. C. A Card.—l have removed my rcsi dence to Savannah ; but will attend tho Oourt» of Augus’a and Richmond county, until the causes, in which I have been retained therein, are disposed of Andrew H- H. Dawson* dec! 3 t 500 Over-Coats to suit cold weather.— J. M. Nkwby & Co. have on hand a large stock ot Heavy Over-Coats to suit the season. Also, Business Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Drawers. Ac., Ac. They will be sold low. fif*" —m Office Augusta Ins. and if kg- t'o , rak*. Dec 4. 1854 — The Annual Election for Five Directors, to manage the affairs of this Insti tution, will be held at the office of the Company, on Monday next, between the hours of 10 o’eitek, A. M. and 12 M. Robert Walton, Cashier. decs 6 State of Georsua. Richmond County, Clerk’s Ofmce, Inferior Court. —On Thursday thellihijß.. an Election will be held at tbe City Hall, for a Keeper of the Poor House, lor the year 1855. Candidates are reones ted to hand i i t'ieir applications before that da‘e. By order of she Court, decsdActd Oswell E. Cashin, Clerk. Bomii'ts. —Mrs. Heney has on hand, at her new Store, one door above the Georgia Railroad Bank, and next store above Setae’s Dry Goods Store, a most select Stock of Bonnet 3; Cloaks; Talmas ; Dress and Cloak Trim mings ; Ladies’ Dress Caps; Silk and Merino Un der Vests; Gloves; Gauntlets; Embroideries, of all kinds; Evening and Bridal Dresses; Chenille and Mohair Hoad Dresses; Toilet Powders and Perfumery. N.B. Cloak, Talma and Dress Making dono in the most fashionable styles. doc 3 /;• —'■'g-ap'* The subscriber has for sale the re ' unining portion of last winter’s impor tation of old Irish Whisky, new 6 years old. Those wishing a pure article, possessing ail the requisite quali ics for making Punch of delicious favor, should supply themselves soon. .Apply to Thomas Whyte, At the office of John C. Carmichael, No 3 War ren Bibek. Th&Su nov3o 96 K S. ASSOCIATION! THE 96 K. S. Association of August a, hereby mako known to the public the principles of their Order, which are as follows : Whereas certain persons have organized in cur midst a socret political association, wireh proscribes every citizen who does not belong to their organi : zatlon or approve their principles, or who have not boon born on American soil To these proscrip tive principles they have added odious religious tost, in utter violation of that religious toleration which has ever been our proudest boast, and with out which no genuine liberty can exist. And. whereas, it is the purposs of tfiis secret association to swallow up both those time-honored po'itieal parties under whose rule our country has grown and prospered,and to substitute therolor a secret and irresponsible organisation at war with the rights of Individuals and the peace of the community, we, therefore, the friends ot equal rights and religious liberty, have formed om solves into an Association, to be known as the 96 K. S. A , with the following objects, viz : to defend ’he Constitution of the Uni ted States, maintain the rights of the States, pro tect civil aid religious liberty, and to secure to every citizen, without regard to the place of Lis birth, or his religious creed, the rights conferred upon him by the constitation and laws of the land. To the maintenance ot these principles, wo hereby bind ourselves, and pledge aa unwavering opposi tion to every me, without regard to party, who may ally himself with any Association which pio scribes citizens on a count of their birth-place or religion, or any candidate for oflioo, who, when called upon, shall refuse to declare bis opposition vo suoh proscription. th nov3Q : Architecture. —The subscriber will few re-open his classes, for instruction in Architectural and Mechanical Drawing, including a full course of instruction, in the various orders and stylos of Architeture on Monday, the 11th Inst., at his Gfifoo, 231, Broad street, next to Bank of Augusta. E. W. Brown, Architect, dec2 d!2 Mrs. A. Kice respectfully informs the Ladies of Augusta, and its vicini ty, that she has on hand a soject assortment ol Millinery, which she offers at low price 3,. Also, Bonnets made and trimmed to order in the most fashionable style. All orders from the country will bo carefully atte-ndod to. Store nearly oppo site the Augusta Hotel. 12 nov3o Again Open.—The Augusta Prcini- ; £;urn Daguerrean Gallery.—Thesubseri- 1 bor, grateful for the very liberal patronage hereto fore received, would respoctfu'ly announce *to the public, that his Daguerre an Rooms ae again open, and ho will bo happy to furnish all who wish, with j one or more of his superior pictures, unsurpassed ! lor their depth of tone and life-like expression. Hours for operating, from 9, A. M.. to 4, P. M. j A full stock of Instruments and Materials on j hand, and Artists in the country can be supplied at a small advance on New York prices nov2B Isaac Tucker. t-.- —Removal Dr. Wm. E. Deaking has fcv*. removed his residence and office to the Dwolling north side of Broad street, two doors above Messrs. T. Richards & Store. Entrance from the alley. dim nov26 The Augusta Female lilgh School, jfe*. opposite the Unitea States Hotel, over ! • Mr. hobert Carroll's Boot and Shoe Storo, will bo j re-opened on Monday, 20th of November Terms, for Board and Tu tion, in all the English j branches, will be very moderate. No extra charge for French, Latin, Fuel, Ac. novl7 C. A. Sabab, Principal. , the Ladies— H. H. Parkyn has re- j rW turnod from his visit to the Springs and is ready to supply the Ladies of Augusta with j Visiting Cards which surpass his previous produo- j lions. Orders received by Messrs. McKinnie A Hall, C. Catlin, and at the office of the U. S. Hotel. *eptls ts i Dr. McLaue'i Liver Pills.—this j great Medicine has supplanted ail oth- j era for (he cure of diseases of the Liver. Its es- i sects are so and speedy, and at the sarno j time so perfectly safe, that it is not surprising it : should supercede all others. Invented by a very distinguished physician of Virginia, who practiced j in a region of country in which II patis. or Liver ; Complaint, is peculiarly formidable and common, and who had spent years in discovering the ingre dients and proportioning their quantities, theso Pills are peculiarly adapted to every form of the disease, and never fail to alloviatc the most obsti nato cases of that terrible complaint. Thev have justly become celebrated; and the researches of Dr. MeLane have placed his name among the ben efactors of mankind. No one baviug symptoms of this formidable complaint, should be without these invaluablo Pills. Have you a pain in the right side- under the edge of the ribs, which in creases with pressure—unable to lie with ease on the left side—with occasional, sometimes constant, pain Under the shcuHer-hkide, frequently extend ing to the top of the shoulder ? Rt!y upon it, that although the latter pains aro sometimes taken for Rheumatio, they all arise from disease of tbe Liv er ; and if you would have relief, go instantly and buy a box of Dr. McLane’s Liver Pills will be careful to ask for Dr. M’L&ne's Celebrated Liver Pills, and take none else. There are other Pills, purporting to be Liv er Pills, now before the public. D . M'Lane s Liv er Pills, also his Celebrated Vermifuge, can now be had at all respectable Lrug Stores in the United States and Canada. Sold by Haviland, Rislev A Co„Wm 11. Tutt, I>. B Plumb ACo.,and W. 11. & J, Turpin, Augus- ! ta, Qa.; P. M. Cohen A Co., Charleston, S. J Hill A Smith, Athens, Ga.; K. C. Jones, Madison; ! A. A. Solomons; Savannah; and by all Drug gilts and Dealers in Medicine throughout tne South. 12 dec3 Au ounce of Fact is worth a pound of Theory ; and the swarm of conclu-! give facta that cluster around that incomparable ' preparation, Hooflands German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, Philadelphia, establishing ita value as a tonic and restorative, are such as would \ prevent incredulity itself from questioning its effi cacy. In all cases of disease of the stomach, j whether acute or chronic, it may bo rocomrrended for its soothing, oordial, and renovating influence. Dyspepsia, heartburn, loss of oppetite, nausea, ner vous tremors, relaxation and debility, Ac., aro re lieved by the Bitters in a very short space ol time; i and a perseverance in their use never tails to work a thorough cure. 12 doc 3 UCitcXi'a .—IOO down Boston Bucketts by ncrSS 0. A. WILLIAMf. Uftß yUIUCftiSfUIEHttS. Fourth Night of tbe re-engagement of Mr. J. B. ROBERTS, THURSDAY EVENING. DEC. 7, The Performance will commence with the Play of I.ADY OF LYONS, Variety of Popular Music by the Orchestra. To conclude with the Farce of the SPECTRE BRIDEGROOM. NOTICE. f HE public are respectfully informed that the a PEWS in the Episcopal Chur*, h, belonging to the Vestry, will be offered for Rent on Monday Morning next, tho 11th bust., at 12 o’clock, for one year from the first of November last. Delinquent Pew ronters are particularly inform ed, that they cannot retain their seats next year, except their accounts are settled before the day of renting. Call on G. McLAUGHLIN, Sec. dec 7 td ““penmanship . "IT/" K * SADLER will open his Classes ihe first V V .of next woek. All who wish to write an elegant hand, with a trifling expense, rhould make hemselves interested Call and examine speci mens, Ac., at the Howard House. 5 dec7 NOTICE. * RR persons owing the late firm of J. Taylor. H. Jr., A Co , are requested to call and settle. All notes and accounts not paid immediately, will bo placed in the hands of an Attorney lor eolletion dec? tJal J. TAYLOR, Jr., A CO. H. O’NEILL & C 0... HAVE received on consignment, this day— -50,000 Scgars, various brands and prices; 20 bbls. new Leaf Lard, a superior ar article; 50 bags good Country Flour, doc? 3 ON CONSIGNMENT. 1 pit \ PIECES heavy Gunny Cloth, old impor -- tation. For sale by dec? t« D’ANTIGNAC, EVANS A CO. 1/\ / iaa STRAWBERRY PLANTS for x. VjiyVygale.—From this period until 15th of February is a suitable time to sot out Strawber ry Plants. I have a fine lot for sale, and recom mend those desiring this luscious fruit to com mcnce in time, in order to procure a stand. For sale at $2.50 per hundred, by dec7 WM. HAINES, Druggist. THE Pride of Lifo, a Novel, by Lady Scott; Bea trice, or the Unknown Relatives, by Cath erine Sinclair; Martin Morrivalo, hia X mark, by- Paul Creyton; High Life in New York, by Jona than Slick. F»sq., of Wcathersfield, Conn. Forsale by dec7 THUS. RICHARDS A SON. BURNING fluid.—lOO gallons, received by Railroad this day, and for sale by dec7 WM. HAINES, Drugg’st. /r / V LBS. BEST DRY SAGE, received and for ts\J sale low for cash, by dec? WM. HAINES, Druggust. ON CONSIGNMENT— -12 kegs prime new Lard ; 25 *• Maryland Glades Butter. Forsale by J- A. ANSLEY, dec7 1m Commission and Produce Merchant. Georgia, burke county —Whereas, Anderson McDonald, Administrator on the estate of Elbert Lambert, late of said county, de ceased, applies for Letters Dismissory— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish,all and singu'ar, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, and all other persons interested, to be and ap pear before the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday in July next, and show cause, if any they have, why sa.d letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Waynesboro’, this 4th day of Decembor, 1854. deo7 EDWARD GARLICK, Ordinary. GH EORGIA, BURKE COUNTY Whereas, John Attawav, Guardian of James Attaway, applies for Let .era Dismissory from said Guardian ship— These arc, therefore, to oite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred, and all other persor s interest ed, to he and appear before Court of Orlinary of said county, on the first Monday in February next, and show cause, if any they have, why said Let ters should not bo granted. Given under my hand, at office ia Waynesboro, this 4th day of December, 1854. 4e07 EDWARD GARLICK, Ordinary. G< EORGIA, BURKE COUNTY. W'hereas, t Ellington Attaway, Executor of the last will and testament of David Attaway, deceased, ap plies for Letters Disrnissory from said estate— Those aro, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said decea>od, to be and appear before the Court of Or dinary, to be held iu and for said county, on the first Monday in July next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Waynesboro’, this 4th day of December, 1854. dec7 EDWARD GARLICK, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR S SALE. WILL bo sold, before tho Court House door in Waynesboro’, Burke county, under an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Tuesday in FEBR.UARY next, between the usual hours of sale, a tract of Pine LAND in said county, containing Five Hundred and Nine acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Pendleton Sapp, estate of Archibald M. Herrington, Anthony B. Lovett ami William Bennett, belonging to the is tate cf Martin Herrington, late of said county, de ceased. Sold for tho benefit of the heirs. Condi tions on the day ot sale. Purchasers to pay for titles ROBERT M. HERRINGTON, dec7 Surviving Administrator. SIXTY DAYS a ter date, application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Burko county, for leave to sell all the Real Estate of Dr. Ferdinand V. Burdeli, deceased. dec7 JOHN J. JONES, Adm’r. A Warning.—Delay not; harbor not in your mind that sentence of fool's philosophy, that a disease will get well of itself,or that you can cure it with certain medicines fora few dollars. Beware how you tamper with your general welfare. Ye wild and vicious youths, why will ye persist in dosing with tho filthy, nauseating compounds daily proffered, thereby impairing your appetite and digestion, and destroying you mentally as well as physically, when you can bo cured with a few doses of pleasant medicines 7 Yo rakes of every ago and condition, why will ye suSfor and repine and drag out a miserable ex istence, unfitted for the enjoyment and even ordi nary pursuits of life ? You who are thus annoyed,« and wish to be restored to health and vigor by a treatment at once pleasant and effectual, should consult Dr. Morris. His success in chronic dis eases has been greater than that of any other phy sician of his day. Many who have been for years afflicted with diseaso or consequences rosuiting from excess have been restored to health and vigor under his really scientific treatment. Should a personal interview be objectionable, state your disease in writing—enclose five dollars —address Dr. W. 11. Morris, through tho Posts Office, Nashville, Tenn., and a package of Medi cinos. securely put up, will be sent privately, and with dispatch, full direotions therewith, and no questions asked. Porsone living at a distance, and afflicted with Scrofula, Old Ulcers, Tetter Cancers, Piles, Fistula In Ano, Gravel, Strictures, Gleets, or any disease iwhatever of an aggravated or malignant character, can be oured at home by consulting Dr. Morris, by letter, post paid, enclosing a fee. These Medi cines. pleasant and safe, can be sent per mail to any ! part of the United States. Particular attention given to tho treatment of | female complaints. Ladies who may be afflicted with irregularities, Flour Albus or Whites, Pro i lapsus Uteri or Falling of the Womb, would do ’ well to lay aside all false dolicacy, and promptly j consult tho Doctor. Cures Warranted. Office over Mutual Protection Insurance Office, j Cedar Street, near Post Office. Room, No. 14, up ! airs. dly doc 2ft Syphilis, Scrofula Sr Diseased Blood. ~~—For these terrific diseases, Cart r's Spanish Mixture is the only specific, i The proprieters have in their possession over oao hundred certificates of the most extraordinary ; cures effected by it.. VVe refer to the certificate of Richard Adams, lato High Sheriff of Richmond, Va ; Edwin Bur ton, Commissioner of the Revenue for Richmond; General Welch, of the Mammoth Circus; Dr. Hend i ly. ot Washington City; Mr. Wm. A. Matthews, andC. B.Luc <, Esq., of Richmond, Va.; Mr. F. | Boyden, Exchange Hotel, Va ; and a host of others i j who have seen cases of the worst description cured [ by Carter's Spanish Mixture. They all certify that i ' it is the greatest purifier of the biood known. See [ j advertisement. Im nov 14 ' : Portrait Painting. Mr. H. A I ■ Bkooks, Historical Painter, has rooms 1 i next to Dr. Vanvoorhes, Mclntosh street, upstairs, i specimens of Painting maybe j seen at his Studio. Lessons given in Drawing and ' Painting on the principloe taught in the first Aoad • J omies of the continent I Mr* Brooks superintends there-gilding and - furnishing of every description of Picture Frames, y ; which ahe warrants to be equal in quality, and as j low as they tan bedone at the North. im novl® ttattwl JHrurctisrmrnls. COTILLON PAKTV. PROFESSOR 11. C. RIPI'AKD takes pleasure to announce, that ho will give his opening CO i TILLON PARTY lor the season, to the public, at t Masonic Hall, on THURSDAY EVENING,;7th inst. The management will be under tho supervi sion of some of the most prominent gentlemen of the city. , Dancing to commence at 8 o’clock. Tiekots, (admitting one gentleman, with one or more ladies $2,) to be had at any of tho Hotels 3 does FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. 1 LST RECEIVED, at J. K. BANCROFT’S— J Gent’s sup. Merino and Lambs Wool Under Vests; Gent’s sup. Morino and Lambs Wool Drawers; “ . “ “ “ “ Half Hose ; Superior Kid Gloves, alicolors and white; Fancy Cravats Black Ital. Cravats; Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs f Colored Bordered Do; Gent’s Travelling Shawls; —also— Lf.dies’ Lamb’S Wool and Merino Undor Vests ; “ , “ Hosiery; Children’s Knit Wool Jackets, Ac. dec3 5 2 doors above Mclntosh Street. ““SUSPENSION. ‘ USIHE UNDERSIGNED begs to intimate to his i pupils, that daring the Fair week, ho will sus pend his dancing Classes, and will resume same on tho following Monday evening, 11th inst. H. C. LIPPARD, dec 3 5 Professor of Dancing. j GEORGIA RAILROAD STOCK FOR SALE'. ! A FEW shares for sate. Apply to BELCHER I A HOLLINGSWORTH, No. 5 Warren block. decs dtf DRY GOODS. Pk M. GARL.iHEK have received a new • supply of DRESS GOODS, which they offer to the public at greatly reduced prices. A Iso, a few bales of lino Red Blankets, togotner with a full stock of Kerseys, Osnaburgsand heavy Negro Blankets dec3 PERFUMERY, Soaps and Fancy Goods at cost Also, a fine lot of Razors at OSBORNE A WHITLOCK’S, _ded3 Under the U. S. Hotel. JUST R ECEIVED, at OSBORNE~A WHIT LOCK’S, beautiful Real Jet Goods, such R 3. Breastpins; Bracelets; Crosses; Necklaces, &o. doc 3 [VTOTfCE- —A fine assortment of Opera Glasses, IN at OSBORNE A WHITLOCK’S, dec3 Under IT. S. Hotel. JUST RECEIVE!* — A few superior Watches, at OSBORNE A WHITLOCK’S, dec3 Ur der the U. S. Hotel. GUITARS.— With i'ilton’s Improvement-s-Su perior Instruments dec3 OSBORNE & WHITLOCK NOTICE. THE subscriber has mofed to his New Briok Stores, Reynold Street, nearly opposite the Episcopal Church, where ho will be pleased to see his old customers. dec2 T. W. FLEMING. ON CONSIGNMENT—Tobacco, of all qualities and price?. dec2 T. W. FLEMING. ON CONSIGNMENT -Lard, new and old, in barrels, kegs and stands. _ dec2 T. W. FLEMING. ON CONSIGNMENT —Fresn Back-Bones. Bibs and Sausage Meat. deo2 T. W. FLEMING. ON CONSIGNMENT— An excellent lot of Fea thers. dec2 T. W. FLEMING. WINDOW GLASS.— A largo supply of Win dow Glass, of all sizes, say from 6 by 8 to 30 by 40, for sale at reduced prices, fir the cash. deo2 \VM. HAINES, Druggist. CONGRESS WATER —A supply of Pints and Quarts. ju3t received and for sale by deo2 WM. HAINES, Druggist. A FINE TOOTH BRUSH.—I have just re ceived a select assortment of the best English, French and American manufacture, hard and soft, for sale at reasonable prices. . dec2 WM. llAlNEStDruggist. * PIANO FORTE AGENCY. THE undersigned respectfully informs the pub lic that ho has the Agency for A. Stodard and J. B. Dunham’s (New York) celebrated PIANO FORTES. Every in trumert .is warranted, and can be purchased at the Manufacturers’ prices, decl d7 CIIAS. ZOGBAUM. Augusta. notice!" THE following CHECKS on the Banks of the City, were stolen from tba Georgia Railroad Depot, at Augusta, on the night of the 29th ult , tho payments of which are stopped : Baker A Carswell, $86.50; M & B. Wilkinson, $227 87; G. W. Lewis, $390; M.P. Stovall, $630.15; T. W.Fleming,—; J. A. Anslev, $311.83; Doughty & Beall, $1,528.24; M. W. Woodruff, $302.89; Whit lock & Coskery, $308.64; T. W r Miller, —; a grant Check on State Bank, Athens, $616.75. Also, about $3,000 iu Bank Bills, a large proportion of which was South Carolina money; and a Bond for SSOO of the Atlanta & LaGrange Railroad Compa ny, guarantied by tho Georgia Railroad Company, dated Ist August, 1854—N0. 206. A liberal reward will bo paid for the apprehen sion of the thief, or for restoration of the property. GEO. YONGE, Gcn’l. Sup’t. Georgia Railroad, Augusta. decl H. O’NEILL & CO., On J crekson-st., opposite the Globs Hotel. HAVE this day received from New York, a choice assortment cf GR.OCERIKS. vix : 50 bags old Government Java Coffee; 50 kegs Goshen Butter; 50 kits Salmon ; 50 “ No. I Mackerel; 50 half kits No. 1 Do ; 25 bbls. Crushed Sugar; 25 “ Powdered Do.; 50 “ White Coffee Sugar, 25 Red Onions; 10 “ White Do.; 100 boxes Candles; 50 “ Starch ; 50 “ No. I Soap; 25 birds. Sugar; 1500 sacks Salt; To which they invite the attention of their friends and the public generally. Also, on consignment, a superior 50 saw Cotton Gin, made by Oglesby & Bro-, that will be sold a great bargain. decs NOTICE. —All persons indebtod to tho estate of Thomas McKavit, late.of Richmond county, deceased, will mako immediate payment; and those having demands against said estate, will present thorn, duly attested, in terms of the law. docs HENRY McKAVIT, Adm'r. SIXTY WAVS after date, application will bo made to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, for leave to sell tho Real and Personal Property of Thomas McKavit, late of said county, deceased. decs HENRY McKAVIT, Adm’r. SILVER WARE SILVER Tea Sets, Pitchers, Goblets. Tumblers, j Cups, Forks, Spoons, Ladles, Ac. For sale by decs CLARK & CO. j GUNS ! GUNS !! DOCBLE-BARKEL Shot Guns, at all prices | and of all qualities. One very fine English ; Double Gun, in case, complete. For sale by decs CLARK & 00. i WATCHES in Gold and Silver Cases, of all the best maker;—Cooper, Jurgensen, (of Co- j penhagen,) Johnson, and Tobias, Also Watohes i bearing our namo, made to order, whio'u having ' proved perfectly satislactory, are sold jsjy us with I perfect confidence. For sale by. CLARK & CO. Dealers in Waehes, Jowlry and Silver Ware, dec 5 CLARK Sc CO.. Dealors in Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Guns, Cutlery and Fancy Goods have dow in store a fine stock just recoived, to which they call the attention of their friends and customers. decs L AND AGENCY^ THE subscriber offers himself a3 Agent to ex amine Lands in any county in the State. Full and complete information in relation to location, quality of soil, and appearance for minerals, f iven. Will also buy and sell Lands tor parties wanting to buy or sell. Terms for examining lots $5 each Five per cent, on the amount bought or sold. Some 50 or 60 Lots on band for sale. U, L. LEONARD, nov3o Opposite tbe Pianters Hotel. FRANCK’S SPECIFIC, for the permanent cure I of Gonnorhoea, Gleet, Pain in the Loins, ! Gravel, Locchorrhoea, Female Irregularities, Ac,, This preparation contains no moecucy ; is not un- j pleasant to take, and imparts a healthy tone and i vigor to the whole urinary apparatus Price $1 per bottle, ot six bottles fer y I It is for sale by WM. H. TUTT, nov22 dAc Sole Agent in Augusta. CHECK. Books of ali the Banks in the city ; Ameiiean Cement, or Furniture Glue, for le pairing Marble, Wood, Glass, China, and Orna mental Ware For sale by deefi McKINNE A HALL. JOSEPH A. BEALS; HOUSE, SIGN Sc ORNAMENTAL PAINTEK, OJ Sr# in Old Stott Bank AiUy, fid door. Having superior workman, i« now prepared to eaesate work la the beat style, nov33 ©farrol TO RENT. TWO HOUSES on Centro street, near the - ' Bridge One of them is Mutable for a tIBL. j Store. Apply to W M. JOSEPH, deed 8 at Finn & Osmond’s Office. TO RENT, OR FOR SALE A COMFORTABLE COTTAGE oh Rey xY ncld Street, with four square Rooms, and Kx: Pantries on the Pinza, a large i«t, and the Hou'-e in good repair. Aprlv at HENRY DALY’S, nov23 Under tho United States Hotel. TO RENT, tpiiOHl the hist of October next, a Store “ and Dwelling on Broad Street, above the ilil j Upper Market, occupied at present by BT Henry. ; Apply to augl? ts XHOB DUNEGAN. ** TO RENT, TWO two-story HOUSES on Caihoun-st., *-- containing 7 rooms. IX it • Two double tenement, on the same street, single j story. One double tenement on Taylor street. Two twe-story Houses, 7 rooms, on Fenwick st. Four story, on Fenwick-st.. fronting So. Ca. Depot. Apply to -TAS. L. COLEMAN. jy2B TO RENT. fj'ROM tho first of October next, the long •• Room in tjbe rear of my store at present cupied by the Oglethorpe Infantry as a drill room, i jy 18 E. II.ROGERS. TO RENT. THE STORE, at present occupied by Mr. H. T. ! Peay, at the Lower Market. Apply to WM. H. PRITCHARD. j septs TO RENT! * THE HOUSE and spacious LOT fronting p~y \ on Tolfair-st., between Elbert and Lincoln | streets, at present occupied by the subscriber, to j whom apply on the promises, L. C. DUGAS ALSO FOR SALE. OR TO RENT. A neat family RESIDENCE, in the lower part of the city, with out-houses, such as Kitohon, S a ble, Ac., and a front on street of 80 feet. Apply, as above to decl ttf L. C. DUGAS. [ for sake! |[ir | V DELIGHTFUL Sommer Residence, ; with an abundance of wood, and a ISijsiil ; fine Spring of Water, 1} milas from Hamburg, S. C. Possesion given immedbtely. ts septlfi ' wanted!! A LIKELY mulatto Boy, about 15 years of . ago Wages paid yearly, or monthly, if do. sired. Apply at this office. d 4 deefi wanted! ~ \ .SITUATION as Book-Keeper, by a man who xY has been aotively engaged in the city for the past six years, being well acquainted with the city and country trade. Apply at this office. deo2 ts w7nted.~ A SITUATION as Salesman in a Boot and Shoe House, or Dry Goods, by a young man of some experience. Can give good reference. Ap ply at tbis office. ts uov2B WANTED TO HIRE! AN* EAT aotive Mulatto girl, from 12 to 15 years old, for which liberal wares will be paid. Ap ply to nov!s WARD & BURCHARD. BOARDING. " YOUNG LA DIES from the country, wishing to attend the Select School of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Griffin, can obtain baard with them, at M. W. Woodruff's, on Reynold street, if they desire, novli THE SH apes. ~~ OPEN FOR THE SEASON. WE are again posted up, and from jft&s this out sh 11 be prepared to serve up to our numerous customers all that the market affords. Oysters, Game, Ac., in endless quantify—and with the celebrated Akcrt at the head of our rooking department, we hope to merit a share of . th it’liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon us. GEO. PLL MB, Proprietor. N B. Lunch, as usual, served up at 11 o'clock of Steak, Mutton Chop, Hash, Trip®, Liver, Bak6d Beans, Soup, Ac. The Augusta, Savannah, Charleston and North- ■ ern papers on file. nov!4 \ CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. F HOLM AN & CO., tha Planters Hotel, • aro now opening a large Stock of Fancy, Sta ple and Common GOODS, just received from Eng land and France, among which mav be found— Gilt and White China Toiler and Tea Hetfs ; Jilt and Wh.te China Dirm*.* Do.: Decorated Gilt and Fancy Cups and Saucers; Bohemian and Gilt Toilet Goblets ; Fine Plated and Britannia Castors and Cake Baskets: Fino Plated and Britanni t Table and Tea Spoons do. do. Dessert and Table Forks; Cut and Pressed Goblets; Champagnes; Tum blers and Wines; Fine White Granite Dinner and Tea Setts, of the latest patterns, which is offered at wholesale and retail, at their usual low prices- dtf nov3o " FURNITURE raffle during the “ WEEK OF THE FAIR. SIX SPLENDID PRIZES, valued at sl2oo— l2OO Chances at $1 eaeh. Ist Prize—l sett of elegant Rosewood Satin Damask Parlor Furniture, comprising! Sofa, 1 M. T. Centre Table, 1 What-Not, 4 Sitting Chairs, 3 Easy Chairs. 1 largo Gilt Mirror \ alued at $550. 2d Prize—l sett of elegant Mahogany Velvet Plush Parlor Furniture, viz; 1 Sofa, 1 pair Divans, 1 pair Ottomans, 12 Chairs, 2 Rocking Cbair3, 1 Marble-top Centre Table, 1 Mirror. Valued at S4OO. 3d Prize—l sett Mahogany Chamber Furniture, viz; l elogant Bedstead, (a new pattern,) 1 Toilet Bureau, 1 Washstand, 6 Cane Maple Chairs. Valued at $145. 4th Prize—l Painted Chamber Sett, viz; 1 Toilet Bureau, 1 Bedstead, 4 Chairs, 1 Washstand, (sink); 1 Tea Table and Towel Rack. Valued at SBO. sth Prize —1 Lady s Rosewood Work Tablo Valued at S3O. 6th Prize—l Toilet Looking Glas3— a neat and complete affair. Valued at sl4. The Raffle will take place during the week of the Fair, if a sufficient number of Tickets are sold to warrant it. If not, it will be postponed : in either case, due notice will be given through the news papers of the time and place, when all persons hav ing chances are requested to attend Tho Prizes will be awarded in their order to' the six highest throws. The Chances will be thrown in numerical order by a boy, not to exceed in age 14 years, and under tho suporintcndance of three responsible citizens. Tbe Furnituro is now ready for inspection at Messrs. HENRY A SKINNERS Furniture Wart- Rooms, where Tickets can be prooured Tiokets can also be obtained at the following places: F.C. BARBER, Washington-street, one door from Broad; J. A. SIILLEN, Jaokson-street, next Globe Hotel; at the Augusta, Planters’ Uni ted States and Globe Hotels. Augusta, Nov. 28, 1854. novSOtf LU. LALLERSTEDT has received a large as • sortment ot EMBROIDERIES, —Hemstitch- ed a Sheer Laun Hanah ; also, a now and beauti ful lot of SILKS, and Worsted DRESS GOODS, to which ho invites attention. 12 nov23 _ NOTICE^ THE subscriber begs leave to inform tho citi zens of Augusta and its vicinity, that he will | give instruction on the Piano Porte, and flatters himself that by prompt attention he will merit the approbation of all who favor him with their pat* ! ronage. Refers to Messrs. J. P. Seise and P. Itrenner. Orders left at Mr. Setze’s Store will be promptly attended to. nov23 d3m A. BRENNER. _ H. O’NEILL & CO., GENERAL COMMISSI N MERCHANTS, AND Dealers in Produce, Groceries, Augusta, Ga. UKDERM6NED having formed a ( 1 COPARTNERSHIP, under the uyle of i H O’NEILL A CO.,as GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTSaad Dealers in Produce, Groceries j Ac , inform their friends and the public, that they j have taken commodious stores, next to M. P. Sto- , vall’s Ware House, for the stonigo and sale of Grain, Flour, Bacon, and other Produce, on Jack son street, which runs directly from the Railroad Depot via the Globe Hotel, to the River. Liberal advanoes made on consignments, and they hope, bystriot personal attention to business, and the interest of their friends, to share their pat ronage, HUGH O’NEILL, N. C. TROWBRIDGE. N. B.—Orders for Goods promptly attended to nov’23 AT HOME AGAIN. CLYLER A WRIGHT, DENTISTS, have re turned, and oan be found at their Office over Carmichael A Boan’s Hardware Store, Broad st., at all hours of the day. novli) ts BAGGING NOTICE. ~ IH IV E now in store, and for sale, 50 bales very superior GUNNY BAGGING old importation. M. W. WOODRUFF, ! novilt Forwarding and Gen’l Cam’s Mo’ht l i ?Vv CONSIGNMENT, 80 boxes '"‘"Bird’s Eye ” 1 v_/ LIME, an article of great whiteness, suitable i tor One Plastering, from a new quarry in Cass Co. . For sale by J. A. ANBLEY, Conmission and Produce Merchant, Opposite I Union Bank. lm nov!9 ON CONSIGNMENT—Ona Hand red Thousand Pounds laaoa. d«o3 T, W- FLEMING- (Sfnfral Jlhurrtiarmcnts. SPALDING & ROGERS’ TWO CIRCUSES. ' Consolidating their Celebrated . | FLOATING PALACE CIRCUS ! From their Palatial Aquatic Am- BLgiy. Shitheatre, on ihe Mississippi and hio Rivers, and their eppg j North American Circus! So favorably known in the North and East, into With the Two Companies, com- uKjwjMfi&l prising respectively the most dis tinguished Northern and South- IN FRIENDLY STRIFE ! Daily, in the same Ring, in pro senco of the audience with Two Sets of Performers, TWO SETS OF CLOWNS ! TWO SETS OF RING HORSES. > Pantomime Every A 'ternoon. A jf . /nb Spectacle Every Night. Ned Kendall, the Bugler. KENDALL’S BRASS BAND, ; CHOATE’S STRING BAND. I And everything elso upon the j same elaborate and magnifiee 1 \ scale, with * '/v T '»iMn~ BILL LAKE, : Tho Great New Orleans Clown; . U. M A GIL LON. y; j Tho Wondoriul Man Monkey: M’jlle AGNES, i Tbo Celebrated Creole Gymnast: to :m, WALTER AY MAR, flijW mv , The Peorb s-Bareback Rider; tih- 1 CV-Ts.. C. J. ROGERS, # j The distinguished Scenic Eaues Master CLARENCE, * The Young Equestrian Hero; Mrs. ORMOND, Tho beautiful scenic Equestriennes .*#«-' Mrs LAKE, ■ Tho intrepid Horsewoman ; The famous Motley Broth, ks; H. Magi'TY, the renowned Vol- tigeur; Monsieur LaThorne. the Modern Hercules; Prof. Bald win, tho Enabsh Wizard j W. Kinrade. the Versatile Kquestri- (s** an; H. Durand, the Skilful Gym- nast; Robert White, tho no comjplished Mattre; W. J. Paul, the famous Jehu; C. Brown, J, a«P Ryan, W Connor, Ac, will bo V oxhibited at 2, pm„ and 7s, p. m " -rgggg'-" AFTERNOON AND NIGHT! At Augusta, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, December 4th, 6th, 6?h, 7th, 8m and 9th. at and 7 o’clock, p. m. Admission, 50 cents. Children and servants 25 cents- deot ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL. Mil. T. H. HOtLEYMAM, assisted by Miss Mary F. Holley man, pi eposes to open a School,for Boys and Girls on Monday, ! 3th of No vember, in tbo S’hool Rooms previoas'y used by Mr. Symu es and Lady Miss Mary 4i oilevman, a graduate of JSarham ville Female Coiiege, C., will conduct the Female Department. Mr Holleyman is a graduate of South Carolina College, and has been engaged in tho business of teaching for several years. Ho proposes to prepare boya for the junior ciass of any College, or for entering into the activo duties of life. Great attention will he paid to the moral culturo of ho pupil. Mr. Holleyman refers to tho following gentlemen, from whom he baa testimo nials : S. B. Clark, M D., Col. E. B. Gresham, Col. A. C. Walker, Judge J W. Casawoll, A. H. Anderson, Esq. and John D. Mongin, Brothergville. Edward A. Eve, M. 8., W. J Mims, George W. L. Twiggs, War 11. Baldy and Thomas E. Greenwood, E-qrs , Twiggs Academy. Dr. Joseph A. Eve and Rev, J. E. Evans, Augusta. Rates of Tuition as adopted by Mr gymmes, SB, sl2 and $lO per quarter. Mr. H. respeotfully solicits encouragement. dtJanl oct24 SELECT SCHOOL. A SELECT g! sh and Classical School will be opened in the School Rooms, opposite the Methodist Cbu cu, on tbe corner of Green and Jackson Streets,’ at the close of the prevailing epi demio, under the charge of Mr. D. F. Griffin, A.M. The course ot instruction will bo thorough and practical. Young men will ho Acted for any stage of their collegiate oourse. Book-keeping, both by Single and Double Entry, will be taught praoti oaly. A Female Department will also be opened, by Mrs D F. Griffin, at the same place. The course of study in tine Department will embrace all those branches usually taught ia tbe highest Female Seminaries. RATES OF TUrTIO V PSB. QUaST SR OF 12 WEEKS. Primary Cl sa $ 8.00 Common English Branches.,.... 10.00 Higher.. 12.00 Latin and Greek 16.00 References. —. Messrs. Thos. Snowden, Josiah Sibley, Gen. G. W Evans, T. W. Timmerman, J. H. Anderson, Augusts. John Usher, E. J. Buckmaster, M. A. Ransoma; A M. Benson, J. A. Houston, Hamburg. d-ts oct24 SOMETHING NEW 114 AUGUSTA. A- KIRT STORE, ONE door North of tho Mechanics’ Bank, and a few doors below the Augusta Hotel, where Gentlemen, by leaving their measure, can have Shirts made up to order of the best materials, in tho latest fashion, and Danskin’s celebrated pat torn. Wash. A. Danskin is the original invontor of the system of cutting Shirts by measurement-, Danskin’s pattern has received the unqualified commendation of Gentlemen in all parts of tho United States, and has been pronounced perfect. The superiority of Danskin's Pattern over all tho late imitations of it, is universally acknowl edged, the buttons are faithfully sewed on, and tho yoke is neatly fitted to the neck and shoulders without seams, and consequently does not chafe or annoy the wearer. ' —also, for sale — A superb stock of Furnishing Goods, of the new est styles, such as— Under-shirts and Drawers, of Silk, Cotton and Wool; Shoulder Braces; Dressing Gov.”; ; Smoking Coats ; Russia Bells: Suspencsors: Traveling Blankets and Shawls; Silk, Cotton add Woollen Half Hose; Gloves ; Fur Top Gauntlets; Cravat 3 and Handkerchiefs, ready hemmed ; Napoleon Ties; Opera Ties; Stocks; Canes; Umbrellas; Soap, and Pcriumery ; And a groat variety ot other Goods suitable for Gentlemen. Shirla sold for Cash only. nov!4 d3ut CHAS W. IIERSEY. BAVA t *Nju3S MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. MW. WOODKU tF, Agent for this long and • favorably known Company, would respect fully announce to the public generally, that be is prepared to take FIRE RISKS on a.3 favorable terms as any Agoncy in the city. Augusts, Nov. 18, 1854. novl9 O" To li?< 'vNjj V ANO i'OKT WINE, of the most superior quality. These we recotnmond highly for medicinal $ urp-'ses. nov22 WM. H. TUTT, Drugglat. . iw n— uui ■ nw -r v wnaujpspma—a Jsauflri) €iritum. Vv 0 are requested to announce Sime oh Wallace as a Candidate for Re ceiver of Tax Retu ns for Burke County, at the election to be held in January next. decs \V*■ are authorised to anneunoe Ps ter McMahon, as a Candidate for Coroner of Richmond county, at the ensuing eleo tion in January next. dooS ' ve aro requested to announce J. L. Q. Clist: as a Candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns of Richmond county, at the enau iag election. nov’3o* '"e are authorised to announce Alexanker, Pair.ip as a Candidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Rich mond county at the ensuing election. nov22 are to announce MiD • dleton Seaoo r.s a candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election in January next novll t lectio a Notice. — vt e are authorised c&k- tt| aim ur ce John A Bohlsr as a Candidate for re election to toe office of Receiver of Tax Returns for County. Election N tice. —Piaaso announce •*&«. William V. Keener as Candl 'ate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election in Janu. ary next. novl nyr— Election Notice. —W q aro requested to announce John E. Coarse y as a con didate for Tax Collector of Richmond County, at. the ensuing Election Many Votes Election Notice.—We are requested to announce Wm Skihner as a Candl date for Tax Collector of Richmond county at the ensuing Election. coti9 . ts the Voters of Warren County — Mica jah Rogers is a Candidate for the office of Tax Rociver of Warren county, at the election in January next. novl Election Noti e.—We are aphorized to announce Franklin G. Godseb a Candidate for Tax Collector of Burke county, at the j tBMUIog aiectio®, owtl HaUX V<fl*BS fottrrifs. i - - - r .. & GREENE AND PULABKI MONUMENT LOTTERIES. Managed,drawn, and prizespaid bythe well known and responsible firm' of (IREB ° HVi MA EK Y . | salss Close each Day at two o'clock. ! Drawn Numbers of Class 289, at Savannah, Deo. 6. 21 6 50 16 26 64 7 18 68 24 25 Class 291 at Savannah, This Day, Deo.B. PACKAGE SCHEME. $4,030. $1,200; $1,000; Ae , Ac. Tickets sl. Halves 50 cents. Risk on a package of 25 Quarters $3,70. CLASS 291, at Savannah, on Thursday, Dec. 7 PACKAGE SCHEME. $4.030! $1,200; SI,OOO, 4c., Ac. Tickets sl. Halvesjio cents. Risk on a paekago of 25 quarters, $3.70. EXTRA CLASS 78 by Delaware 282, on Satnr day, Dec. 9th. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. $50,000. 5 prises of $12,000; 5 of $6,000; 50 of SI,OOO. Lowest 3 No. prizes S3OO. Tickets sls. Shares in proportion. JOHN A. MILLEN, Agent, On Jackson street, next the Globe Hotel. All orders from the oitv or country strictly con fldential. dec2 SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOT TERY. (By Authority of the State of Alabama ,) conduct ed on the Havana plan. CLASS H. To be Druwu on tue 20tn of December, 1854 Capitals $7,500 " 5,000 “ 1,500 In all, 228 prizes, amounting to $30,000 Tickets $5 —Halves and Quarters in proportion. iff Every prize drawn at each drawing. Bills on all solvent Banks taken at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, Sign of the Bronze Lyons. Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 1,1854. FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, OF the vory latest styles and importations, are now offered for sale by the subscriber at the very lowest market price, to wit: Plain and Fancy Colored Silks ; Extra rich and low priced Plaid Silk ; Rich Colored and Black Brocade Silks ; 3 4 and 4-4 real French Black Silks, very glossy ; | Opera French Flannels, all colors; All wool Muslin DeLaines; Persian Twills; Pure Laina or all wool Plaids, for Children's wear; Fancy Colored and Black Shallys ; Domestic and English Prints ; Frenoh low priced and super. Prints ; Plaid and Sprigged Oil Do.; Jaconet, Lawn and Swiss Embroidered Sleeves ; Rich Embroidered Chemisetts; Black Alpaca and Canton Cloths, all prices ; Ladies' Silk and Merino Vests ; Frenoh Cremelino and Embroidered Skirts; Ladies’ Silk and Wool Sleeves ; Brown, Blue and Green Baroge, for Veils ; 6-4 French Merinos, all colors; 4 4 and 5 4 Fancy Plaid Ginghams; Mourning and Sooonnct Mourning Ginghams; Piain, Black and Colored DeLaines; Ladies’ Mourning Collars and Handkerohie&; Ladies’ White and Black Silk Hose ; Ladies’ Blaok Spun do. Do.; Ladies’ Cotton Hosiery, all colors and priaes; Misses’ do. Do,, do. do. doq Plain, Hemsttched, Rsviere and Embroidered Handkerchiefs; Linen, Cambrio and Lawn Handkerchiefs, Real Wolsh and other Flannels; Green, Blue, Red and Yellow Twilled Flannels; English and Domestio Cotton Do; bleached and Brown Linen Table Diaper; Rich Damask Table Diaper, all widths; Huckaback, Damask and Bordered Napkins, Scotch and Russia Diapers j Gent’s Merino Shirts, assorted sizes; Plain and Embroidered Linen Shirt Bosoms, 12 4 Undressed Irish Linens; Pillow case Linens and Cottons; 4-4 Irish undressed round thread Linens, warranted pure and strong bleached ; 4 4 and 6-4 Plain and Lined Furniture Oil Cloths; Damask and Colored Doylies; Rich Damask Table Cloths, 12-4 and 13-4; Low prioed Brown Table Cloths; Real French Piano and Table Cover#; Rich and Extra Rich Marseilles Quilts; Domestic and imported Cotton Fringes. novl7 J. P. BKTZE. CARPETING 3. PRINTED and Plain Baizes, for Crumb Car pets and Floor Cloths, just received by J. P. SETZE, to wit: Low priced Cottou and W 00l Carpeting; Low priced all Wool Do.; Sooth Ingrain Wool Careeting, at 87J ots.; “ “ “ “ SI.OO “ “ “ ” 1.12* Three Ply “ 1.25 “ “ “ 1.37* “ " “ 150 6-4 Green Baize; 6-4 Printed Drugget; 10 4 Printed Drugget; 16-4 do. Do.; 5-8, 3-4, 7 8 and 4-4 Venetian Carpetings, for stairs* Hearth Rugs, binding and thread to suit the same novl 7 NEW DRUG STORE IN HAMBURG. THE undersigned begs leave to announce to the citizens of Hamburg and vicinity wjlf that he will open, on Monday next, the 27th JOl inst., a well selected stock of choice MEDICINES and CHEMICALS, to which he respectfully so licits their attention. Among his assortment will i be found — Toilet Articles and I erfumory ; Drugs and Chemicals; Painst, Oils and Dye Stuffs ; Brushes of all descriptions ; Glass, Putty and Varnishes. In compounding Medicine and in supplying Plan tations, the strictest attention will be given to the requirements of hU patrons. Being a graduate of the London College of Phar macy, and having had an experience of eighteen years in his business, he feels confident of being able to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronago. A. RAVENSCROFT. nov2s dim CIT-ZENS’ MILL. TO those of my friends who now, and are djs posod to patronize the Citizens’ Mill, let me earnestly request you to send your Grits to the Mill from daylight till 12 o’clook. You will at onco see the great importance to me of this reouoat. It is a very great inconvenience to be Taising and shutting down on *, * or bnshei, as often oomos to Mill. I have been driven to close calculation, and as I have but one power ; either the Saw Mill or Machinery must oooupy this power after 12 o’clock. Hence it is, I respectfully make the request, and solicit your generous support. Those who prefer to come in the evening, can do so, and call for the Meal next morning, which I should greatly prefer, as it gives closer quarters to work in at night than at the Saw. Orders can be filled for Post Oak, Red Oak and ! Hickory, of all sizes j WAGON TONGUE, DRAY SHAFT, Ac-, of very superior quality. A quan tity of cheap PINE LUMBER can be had from 5 to sß—sß if selected. nov 18 J. L. COLEMAN. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. AGREEABLE to an order of the Ordinary of Riohmoud county, will be zold, on Monday, 11th inst., at the Store formerly ocoupied by L. Cohn, opposite the Eagle & Phoenix Hotel, at 11 o’clook, A. M., the Stock in Trade of Leopold Cohn, deceased, consisting of Segars; Tobacco; Snuff; Pipes; Walking Canes, and other articles too numerous to mention, gold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said Leopo d Cohn, de ceased. ABRAHAM CIJHN, deel td Temporary Administrator. Fuas. G. Dana! j IfyTK:7WASHBi/RN. DANA & WASHBURN, (successors to washbcrn, wilpkr a c®.) FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. VI/ill continue the above business at 114 Bay YY street, East of the Exchange. Order# for Bagging and Rope, and other supplies, filled promptly at lowest cash prises. Refer to Maj , W. Sanford and Gen S.P.Myriok, Baldwin county; M. Dennis, 8. B. Marshall, and Messrs, Carter A Harvey, Putnam co.; A.McAllum 1 and Ira Peck, Twiggs oo.; Maj. John S. Rowland, Cass co; Black A Cobb and Sloan A Hawkins, Rome. 8m a«g4 CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &.O. STOCKTON A CAREY, 4 T the stand long occupied by Jamas Gulbert, x\ on the oomer of Ellis ai d Mclntosh-streers, will keep constantly on hand a good assortment of Home-made and Northern manufactured CAR. RIAGES, ROCKAWAYS and BUGGIES, which they will fell at low prices and on reasonable terms. They are now prepared to build to ord-.r all ar tides in their line in a superior style. Repairipg ' done at short notice in the best workmanlike man ner. They solicit patronage. BcvSfl CST K£U£[ Vt£l> —b Kegs o: fresh Lard"; 4 kegs cf Pickled Cucumbers. Also, fa few doien Jlooreheads Wine Bitters, for sale low by dee# 1? G S. lOUUNf AU AnrtmnJnifs. BY S. C. GRENVILLE*£"~Ca * n ■ Night Auction. * NIGHT (Thursday) at 7 o’clock, the sale of Dry Goods will be continued, when will be sold I every article to be found -n Dry Goods Store* ’ —ALSO— >• : ranoy Articlos; Gans; Watches, Ac. dec7 BY S. C. GRENVILLE & Co! Account °f <*// Concerned. 1 To St“l ut 11 o'clock, in front cf 0 T b ° l° ld ’ tS aecoGnt ff all concerned, ” 1 crate Crockery Ware ; ; j 1 cask Glass-Ware, Terms cash. dtc7 J fi Y 3. Q. GRENyiLLRAt~OG. ' " * 4 i Buggies and Carriage' TO-MORROW (Friday) Bth inst., in front of Store, V at 11 o clock, will bo sold 2 Buggies; 1 Carriage. Terms ca?b. - BY S. C. GREMVILLE A no TO MORROW, (Friday.’ BtiTin»i, in front of Store - will be sold — 20 bbls. Sugar, various qualities, it I 10 boxes Star Candles. 100 Blankets. 10 Bags Coffee. 40 Boxes Matches. . - 20 Coils Ropo -40 Boxes Soap, | Mustard. Pepper, Starch, Tobacco, Segars, Ba con. White Wipe and Cider Vinegar, Ma.treats, Feather Beds aid secondhand Furniture . -r a . ' A large quantity of New Furniture, tmorg which t are— Wardrobes, Centre Tables. Washstands, Lounges. Bedstead#. Ac., Ac. Terms—Cash. deoT BY~PT E GIRARDEY^^rcO. FOR SALE. WILL be sold, on tho firrt Tuesday in JANU ARY next, at tbo Lower Market! Eight Building LOTS, in tho lo#er part of the city, bounded by Teltair Street on the North, East by Houston, and South by Walkor Street*; all hav ing a front on Houston street of sorts-one fret, and running back eighty three feot. The above , property can bo treated for at private sale. : made known on tbo day of sale. I doc7 td P. Me MAHON, BY S. 0 GKENVXLIB fit OO! Assigned Sale. W"JI.L be »oU), on MuNDaY, the 11th of DECEMBER, tho STABLE ou Fllis Street, known aa Simpson’s Stable, together with a lease •fLot andDwcliiDg; raid to expire on the first day of October, 1859. The Stable will be sold subject, to two mortgages, -m owned and represented by Clark A Co , ana Wm. A. Walton, Esq. * At tho same time and place, will beccld, all the Corn; Fodder; Horses; Carriages; Buggie ; Har ness; Saddle.*, Ac , together with the fuilowiag properly, to wit • Ono Negro woman, tamed Affa, about twenty two years old; onebor, named Jerry, about thirty; " Abram, about twenty-five; Koboit, about eighteen; and George, Spencer, Peter. Edward, and Mceea ; the last five named sold subject to mortgnees in ia vor of B. H. Warren, T. Barrett and K Dongle-?, Esqs. Said property roid lor the benefit c; tLo creditors of James M. Simpson. J. S, CLARK, ) a . M A. HATCH ( Aesigr-occ- Ji AH persons having notes cr aeeocnu against J. M Simpsen, will pleaso prs'enc them to either rs the Assignees, as soon as practicable. nov!6 1 BY U. E. GIBARDDY &. CO. *jß Temporary Administ-.ztrix't Solo. On FRIDAY, tho 15th day oi December next. In front of the Store opposite tho Eagle A Phoenix Hotel, late Store ofPantallion Simon, deceased, will be sold, agreeably to an order from tho Hon or able Court of Ordinary of Riohmond oountr, the entire Stook in Trade, and Perishable a, i ol»e belonging to said deoe&scd, consisung, ui parr, of— Sugar; Coffee; Bruion; Lard; Butter; Soa;>; Candles; Starch, Rico; Peppor; Tea; fc-It, 1 1- I quors; Winfes, Tobacco; Segars; Sflowp Bws; Cape —ALSO— Dry Good# ; Cutlery, Hardware; Will-oW, and Crockery Ware. **AL C o—•* Fancy Goods, Agricultural Inipieusenia, Ac - ALSO Wagon ; Buggy ; florso end Harness —also — Household and Kitchen Furniture, o‘* every ser viceable description. Terms, cash on delivery nov2s MAGDALENA SIMON, Tern. Adm x. CARPETS, RUGS, &c. JK. BANCROFT has just received, par f-team • er Marion, a large invoice of CARPETS, MATS, <fcc , consisting of— Sup. English Three-Ply. handsome pattern* ; Tapestry Velvet, elegant styles ; Tapestry Brussels, beautiful patterns and ooiore , Sup. English Ingrain ; English Brussels; 4 , Rioh Velvet Rugs; Tufted do; Tapeatry d>. —AlaSO—*«. 5-8, 3-4, 7-8 and 4-4 VenWan Stair Carpet; Matting, Drugget; together with Caipet Bindings; Stair Rods ; Tacks, Ac. These Goods have been bought at the late New Yerk sales, and will be sold aston’shingly low— some among them as low as 31c. and 500. nov2l OH VK SOLE LEATHER—Extra trimmed, N. York inspected slaughter Hides, a superior ar ticle, just received and worthy the attention of City Boot Makers. Also, a large stock of Balti more Spanish Oak Sole, for sale at the Saddlery Warehouse of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO., Late Wbright, Nichols & Co., No. 239 Broad-st., second door above tho Bank of Augusta. dAt3m sept7 Q1 CARTS SUGAR, CANDLES, &C. O 100 bbls Stuarts A. B & C.Sugar. 100 boxes Adamantine Candles. 100 boxes Tobacco, various qualities. 500 dozen Blacking, different sizes, for sale low by C. A- WILLIAMS. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE! THE Undersigned has ibis day associHed with ■ THOMAS J. JENNINGS and ISAIAH PURSE in tho Grocery and Commission Business under the name and style of Poullaxm, Jenjukos A Co. Nov. 6. 1854. ANTOINE POULLAIN. Mi CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! CLOTHING!! MR. VV. CLAGETT of the House of Mezsra | PIERSON, JENNINGS A CO., who is at !| the Charleston House, will fill all orders *ont to that House, from North Carolina, South Carolina# Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama octs 3m PIERSON, JENNINGS A CO. NOTICE rilO passengers on the Augusta A Waynesboro’ X Railroad.—On and after Thursday, tho 16th inst., the Trains will leave Augusta at 7 30, A. M., and 8, P. M. Returning, will arrive, respectively, at 5.30, P. M., and 2, A. M. Cn Sund&vs, ihe Morning Trains will leave at t, A. m. ’ Andrew yonge. Act’*. Agent. 0. A. L. LAMAR, General commission merchant, Ea J vannah, Ga-, will give strict attention to the forwardiag of Good# for the interior of Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee. iy mayl6 EMLOCK SOLE LEATHER, in every vj! riety of weight and quality. Alao, Harnces, Skirting, Bridle, Band, Picker, Laelng and Roller Loather, and every doacription of Patent Leather, always on hand and for sale at the Saddlery Ware house of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO , Lata Wright, Niehols A Co., j No. 239 Broad-at, zecond door above the Bank j of Augusta. dAt3m septT H. A, BHOOKS, HISTORICAL AND PORTRAIT PAINTER, Constitutionalist Range, Mclntosh Street, j nevlO AUGUSTA, GA. j U CA a D i POULLAIN, JENNINGS A CO, | AUGUSTA, GA. I Grocers & Commission Mepiieots , j Antoine Pocllaiw, | Thomas J. Jenninor, I Isaiah Puxag. | SALT. 3i W W \ SACKS Cape da Verdes ?a t, in 3 ,UUU bushel sacks, a pri me article for Plan ters' use, for sale on consignment . ALS— O-3,000 Gunny Bags- J- B. GUIIU, aovlO |tf General Commission Mar, bant HOWARD HOUSE, \j3IS3BB ; subscriber takes this meihod cf informirg X bis friends, and the travelling phtlfc general ly, that his house ; s again epen for the reoeption es private and transoient boarders . hoping by « r ricl attention to the want? and comforts of tbeea around him to receive a iiberal share cf the publia patronage. Charges moderate. iH to wV H HOWARD, Prcprfctef,