The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, December 12, 1854, Image 3

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llftu JUwrriiarmfntts. FUN! WONDER!! AND DELIGHT!!! TT7YMAN. THE MAGICIAN AND YEN \V TRILOQUIST, has the honor of announc lng four of his Popular Entertainments, in CON CERT HALL, on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, Dec 12th, 13th,’ and 14th. Grand Midday Performance on Wednesday at 3 o'clock. He will introduce a variety of new Experiments, unrivalled lor wonder and amaze lient. Laughable Scenes in Ventriloquism, and the Life moving and Speaking Automatons. For lull particulars, She small bills, dec 12 3 Du. K. DENMAN, Agent. BANK OF AUGUSTA STOCK A FEW SHARES for sale. Apply at this of fice ts dec 12 TO HIRE, A SMART BOY, about twelve years of age. Apply at this office. ts deal 2 WANTED, BV an experienced Book Keeper, a situation for the next year. Apply to box 31, Augusta Post Office, immediately. 5 decl2 O ALT. —SOO sacks, in good order. For sale by kj dec 12 3* J A W HARPER. WAflftN FOR BALE. A SI) PER toil light Two-Horse WAGON, ex hibited at the late Fair; manufactured by a resident of Richmond county. Apply to dec 12 DYE A BARNES. DR J. M. BHOWNi OFFICE near White Hall, at W- W. White’s, will attend to the diseases of women and chil dren. Atlanta. Die. 12. cly FOR RENT AND HIRE. riIHE LANDS AND NEGROES belonging to I George and Anna Louisa Eve, minors, will be rented and hire ! ler the ensuing year, on the first Monday in JANUARY next, at the Lower Market H ojse, in the city of Augusta. Terms mado known on day of hire. G. W L. A JOHN D. TWIGGS, decl2 dlcl Executors. GREAT BARGAINS IN SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. THE subscriber having bought more of these Goods than he will be able to sell, offers his entire stock of MERINOS, DRESS GOODS and SILKS, without reserve, at New York cost. J. K. BANCROFT, decl2 5 next to Bank of Augusta. J. N. FREEMAN & CO , WATCHES. JEWELRY, anu SILVER WARE. f»o Thf. subscribers (having the Store, *«o for many years occupied by T. W. st-aSi* Frkeman) continue the WATCH and JEWELRY BESINESS, in all its branches, and invite the public and patrons of the late T. W. Freeman to their entire new stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, which they offer for cash, as low, or lower, than can be purchased elsewhere. Particular attention given to Repairing Watches and Jewelry. decl2 3m J. N. FREEMAN A CO. REMOVAL. —The office ol the Gas Light Co., of Auguita, has been removed to the second story over DUNHAM A BLEAKLEY’S store, office hours from 10 to 12 o’clock, A. M. docl2 12 LADIES MOURNING CLOAKS. WILLIAM MILAR has just received from j New York, Ladies Mourning Cloaks (some ! of extra size) of beautiful styles. Also Ladies Cloth, Sat.n and Velvet Cloaks oi rich and elegant stylos, j to which he respectfully invites tho attention of thepublic. decl2 BURNING~ FLUID —IOO gallons, j Railroad this day, and for sale by , decl2 WM. HAINES, Druggist. 1,000,000 COPIES TO BE SOLD! ' BARNUM’S AUTOBIOGRPHY. JS. REDFIELD, 110 and 112 Nassau Street, will publish, on Thursday, December 14th, THE LIFE OF P. T. BARNUM, Written by himself, in which he narrates his early history as Clerk. Merchant and Euitor, and his later career as a Showmaa—with a portrait on steel and numerous Illustrations, by Darley. In one volume 12mo. Price One Dollar and Twenty five Conts. “ In this work I have given, in every particular, the true and the only full account of my enter prises.-'—Preface The Publisher only repeats the public sentiment in announcing that this Book will be one of extra ordinary interest. Mr. Barnum’s unparalleled tact and talent as a business man, the grand and liber al scale on which his prominent enterprises have been conducted, together with a happy tempera ment which can both give and take a hit of humor, have made his name a world-known ‘ nouseho'.d word.” Adopting “ nothing extenuato” as his motto, he presents the authentic history of “ Joice lleth,’ the “ Fejee Mermaid,” the “ VY r oo!ly Horse,” tho * Herd of Buffaloes, ’ and other Showman inci dents, generally denounced as “ Humbugs.” while larger space is devoted to his connection with Gen. Tom Thumb, and the triumphal Musical Campaign of Jenny Lind, incidents of travel, and interviews with the crowned heals Jand nobility of the Old World, and sketches and anecdotes in our own land; the entire history of the engagement of the Swedish N ightingal •, and the exact receipts of each concert; the purcha-e and management of the American Museum ; life beiore and bohind the j scenes; the travelling Circus of earlier times, and J its adventures; the travelling Menagerie of later ! date; agricultural experiments; experience in! banking; rules for Business, and making a For- j tuno; aud innumerable additional enterprises and ! operations, afford the author an indefinite range of j subjects, and he will abundantly prove by his pen I that he is something more than a Showman. We > know indeed, of no subject which affords greater scope for deeply interested narrative than the Au tobiography of P. T. Barnitm. For sale by all Booksellers. dficl dec!2 JUST RECEIVED — 6 boxes Old Otard Brandy; 6 “ Port Wine; 6 “ “ Madeira Do.; 10 “ “ Bourbon and Eagle Whisky. Sold by Q. K. BOULINEAU. Also, a fine lot of Currants, Citrons, Ac. decl2 NEW BOOKS. — Arrabel, a Family History, by Mary Elizabeth Wormeley; The Liie of Phil ip Melanehtbon, by Charles Frederick Ledderhose, translated from the German, by the Rev. 11. F. Krotels, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, Lan caster Pa.; Love in Idleness, a beautiful Story; Way Down East, or Portraiture of Yankee Life by Seba Smith, the original Major Jack Downing. For sale at GKO. A. OATES & BRO. S, Broad Street. N. B. A new supply of the Lamplighter. dec 12 Magazine* for deceubek—lnustra ted Magazine ot Art, Knickerbocker Maga zine. and Putnam's Magazine, have just been re ceived, and tor sale at GEO. A. OATES A BRG.’S, dec 12 Booksellers and Stationers, Broad-st. A Warning.—Delay not; harbor not > n your mind that sentence of fool’s philosophy, that a disease will get well of itself,or that you can cure it with certain medicines for a few dollars. Beware how you tamper with your general welfare. Ye wild and vicious youths, why wiil ye persist in dosing with, the filthy, nauseating compounds daily proffered, thereby impairing your appetite and digestion, and destroying you mentally as well as physically, when you can be cured with a few doses of pleasant medicines ' Ye rakes of every age aud condition, why will ye sutler and repine and drag out a miserable ex istence, unfitted for the enjoyment and even ordi nary pursuits of life? You who are thus annoyed, and wish to he restored to health and vigor by a treatment at once pleasant and effectual, should consult Dr. Morris. Ilia success in chronic dis eases has been greater than that of any other phy sician of his day. Many who have been for years afflicted with disease or consequences resulting from excess have bees restored to health and vigor under his really scientific treatment. Should a personal interview he objestionahle. state your disease in writing—enclose five dollars —address Dr. W. li. Morris, through the Posts Office, Nashville, Term., and a package ol Medi cines, securely put up, will be seat privately, and with dispatch, lull directions therewith, and no questions asked. Persons living at a distance, and afflicted with Scrofula, Old Ulcers, Tetter Cancers, Piles, Fistula In Ano, Gravel, Strictures, Gleets, or any disease iwhatever of an aggravated or malignant character, can be cured at home by consulting Dr. Morris, by letter, post paid, enclosing a fee. These Medi cines, pleasant and safe, can be sent per mail to anv part of the United States. Particular attention given to the treatment of female complaints. Ladies who may be afflicted with irregularities, Flour Aibus or Whites, Pro lapsus Uteri or Falling of the Womb, would do well to lay aside all false delicacy, and promptly consult the Doctor. Cures Warranted. Office over Mutual Protection Insurance Office, Cedar Street, near Post Office. Room, No. 14, up airs. dly dec 25 Dr. Morse’s Invigorating Cordial ~ —The only sure and safe Remedy, yet discovered, for General Debility, Physical Prostra tion, Irratability, and all the various train of Ner vous Affections; it will also remove Depression, Excitement, Dislike of Society, Incapacity for Study or Business, Loss of Memory, Mental De biiity, 4* —[See Advertisement. ©rnrral Jl&Dfrtisfinftrta. BIRDS ! BIRDS 17 BIRDSTTT THE undersigned has just arrived with a very tiae and select lot of BIRDS, viz: \-/£ CANARY; GOLDFINCH; BULLFINCH : BLACKBIRDS; STARLING and DROSSEL, of which he invites the public generally to call and see them at Mr. Harbers’ Store, three doors above Centre Street, near the Lower Market, where he may bo found for one week. N. B. He also has on hand a lot of fine Bird CAGES and Eird Seed. HUN REICIIE. deelO g* EXPRESS LINE, WFrom Augusta to 96, via Edgefield. ILL leave Augusta every .. r Tuesday, Thursday find Sat urday. Returning, will leave 90 t==*==3=3£» every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. By this arrangement passengers can como through from Greenville, S. C., to Augusta in tnc day. Fare through, $5. To Edgefield, $2. Seats can be secured at Eagle A Phoenix Hotel, Augusta; Nichol’s Hotel, Edgefield, doc 10 lm. W. CRAWFORD. ON CONSIGNMENT. J SHALL have To-Morrow, a fresh lot of Ribs, Backbones and Sausage Meat, far superior to those received and sold, dec 10 T. W. FLEMING. FRESH SUPPLIES. ]I'ST RECEIVED per steamer from N. York by DAWSON A SKINNER— -100 bb!s. A, B and C Sugars ; 50 do. choice Mercer Potatoes. 50 boxes Raisins, new crop. 50 drums fresh Figs. 10 bbls. Buckwheat. 10 do. Boston Crackers. 10 dozen assorted Preserves. 3 dec9 GARTRELL & GLENN ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Atlanta, Geo., will attend the Courts in !he counties of Fulton, DeKalb, Campbell, Forsyth, Henry, Troup, Cow eta, Meriwether, Heard, Carroll, Cobb and Spald ing. Lucins J. Gartrell. | Luther J. Glenn. dec-9 iy SILVERWARE. SILVER Tea Sets, Pitchors, Goblets, Tumblers, Cups, Forks, Spoons, Ladles, Ac. For sale by J«cs CLARK A CO. WATCHES. WATCHES in Gold and Silver Cases, of all the best makers—Cooper, Jurgcnsen, (of Co penhagen,) Johnson, and Tobias, Also Watches bearing our name, made to order, which having proved perfectly satisfactory, are sold by us with perfect confidence. For sale by. CLARK A CO. Dealers in Waches, Jewlry and Silver Ware. decs LAND AGENCY! THE subscriber offers himself as Agent to ex amine Lands in any county in the State. Full and complete information in relation to location, quality' of soil. aDd appearance for minerals, riven. Will also buy and sell Lands for parties wanting to buy or sell. Terms for examining lots $5 each. Five per cent, on the amount bought or sold. Some 50 or 60 Lots on hand for sale. U. L. LEONARD. _ n ? v Opposite the Planters Hotel. BAGGING NOTICE. I HAVE now in store, and for sale, 50 halos very superior GUNNY BAGGING, old importation. M. W. WOODRUFF, nov!9 Forwarding and Gen’l Corn’s Mc'ht. THE Illiad of Homer, translated into English bianck ver E e, by William Cooper, edited by Robt. Southey, LL.D., with notes, by M. A. Dwight. Also, another supply of the following popular works: Famous Persons and Places, by N. P. Wil lis : Notte's Fifty Years in both Hemispheres; Barrington's Sketches of his Own Times; Dana's System of Mineralogy. For sale by dec9 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. ON CONSIGNMENT —Tobacco, of all qualities and prices. deo2 T. W. FLEMING. JUST RECEIVED. — A few superior Watches, at OSBORNE A WHITLOCK’S, dec3 Under the U. S. Hotel. GUITARS. —With Tilton’s Improvement—Su perior Instruments. doc 3 OSBORNE A WHITLOCK NOTICE. THE subscriber has moved to his New Brick Stores, Reynold Street, nearly opposite the Episcopal Church, where he will be pleased to see his old customers. dec2 T. W. FLEMING. ON CONSIGNMENT -Lard, new and old, in barrels, kegs and stands. dec2 T. W. FLEMING. ON CONSIGNMENT—An excellent lot of Fea thcrs. doc 2 T. W. FLEMING. CONGRESS WATER —A supplyof Pints and Quarts, iust received and for sale by dee2 * WM. HAINES, Druggist. FURNxTURE RAFFLE DURING THE ~ WEEK OF THE FAIR. SIX SPLENDID PRIZES, valued at sl2oo— l2OO Chances at $1 eaeh. Ist Prize—l sett of elegant Rosewood Satin Damask Parlor Furniture, comprising 1 Sofa, 1 M. T. Centre Table, 1 What-Not, 4 Sitting Chairs, 3 Easy Chairs. 1 large Gilt Mirror. Valued at $550. 2d Prize—l sett of elegant Mahogany Velvet Plush Parlor Furniture, viz: 1 Sofa, 1 pair Divans, 1 pair Ottomans, 12 Chairs, 2 Rocking Chairs, 1 Marble-top Centre Table, 1 Gilt Mirror. Valued at S4OO. 3d Prize—l sett Mahogany Chamber Furniture, viz: 1 elegant Bedstead, (a new pattern.) 1 Toilet Bureau, l Washstand, 6 Cane Maple Chairs. Valued at $145. 4th Prize —1 Painted Chamber Sett, viz: 1 Toilet Bureau, 1 Bedstead, 4 Chairs, 1 Washstand, (sink); 1 Tea Table and Towel Rack. Valued at S6O. sth P»ize —1 Lady s Rosewood Work Table. Valued at S3O. 6th Prize—l Toilet Looking Glass—a neat and complete affair. Valued at sl4. The Raffle will take place during the week of the Fair, if a sufficient number of Tickets are sold to warrant it. If not, it will be postponed : in either case, due notice will be given through the news papers of the time and place, when all persons hav ing chances are requested to attend The Prizes will be awarded in their order to the six highest throws. The Chances will be thrown in numerical order by a boy, not to exceed in age 14 years, and under the superinttndance of three responsible citizens The Furniture is now ready for inspection at Messrs. HENRY & SKINNERS Furniture Ware- Rooms, where Tickets can be procuied. Tickets can also be obtained at the following places: F. C. BARBER, Washington-street, one door from Broad ; J. A. MILLEN, Jackson-street, next Globe Hotel; at the Augusta, Planters’ Uni ted States and Globe Hotels. Augusta, Nov. 28, 1854. nov3otf Dr. Me La lie’s Liver Pills This groat Medicine has supplanted all oth ers for the cure of diseases of the Liver. Its ef fects are so salutary and speedy, and at the same time so perfectly safe, that it is not surprising it should supercede ail others. Invented by a very distinguished physician of Virginia, who practiced in a region of country in which H patis, or Liver Complaint, is peculiarly formidable and common, and who had spent years in discovering the ingre dients and proportioning their quantities; these Pills are peculiarly adapted to every form of the disease, and never fail to alleviate the most obsti nate cases of that terrible complaint. Thev have justly become celebrated; and the researches of Dr. McLane have placed his name among the ben efactors of mankind. No one haviug symptoms of this formidable complaint, should be without these invaluable Pills. Have you a pain in the right side, under the edge of the rib 3, which in creases with pressure—unable to lie with ease on the left side—with occasional, sometimes constant, pain under the shculder-blade. frequently extend ing to the top of the shoulder? Rtly upon it, that although the latter pains are sometimes taken for Rheumatic, they all arise from disease of the Liv er ; and if you would have relief, go instantly and buy a box of Dr. McLane’s Liver Pills. O^ - Purchasers will be careful to ask for Dr. M Lane s Celebrated Liver Pills, and take none else. There are other Pills, purporting to be Liv er Pills, uow before the public. D . M'Lane s Liv er Pills, also his Celebrated Vermifuge, can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores in the United States and Canada. Sold by Haviland, Risley A Co., Wm H. Tutt, D. B Plumb A Co.,and W. 11. AJ. Turpin, Augus ta, Ga.; P. M. Cohen A Co., Charleston, S. Cq Hill A Smith, Athens, Ga.; E.C. Jones, Madison; A. A. Solomons; Savannah; and by all Drug gists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the South. 12 dec3 Dr. Black nas removed his office to Campbell Street, iu the building known as the Baptist Parsonage. His residence is on Broad Street, three doors below Campbell Street, immediately over the Shoe Store of Mr. Martin. nov2K dim Paid tor WOOLLEN. LINEN, COTTON and SILK RAGS, by E. CAMPFIELD, an 20 ts Oorner River and Jackson-st COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE THE Undersigned has this day assoei Ted with THOMAS J. JENNINGS and ISAIAH PI RSE in the Grocery and Commission Business under the name and style of Pouai-ain, Jxnnjngs A Co. Nov. 6. 1854. ANTOINE POULLAIN. ©rncrul JUwfftisfmrnls. PROF. TICHENOR S GRAND DRAWING ROOM ENTERTAINMENT! PROF. T. has tho pleasure of announcing to the citizens of this place and vicinity, that he will give a GRAND MAGICAL SOIREE. AT MASONIC HALL, Monday Tuesday Evenings , Dec. lit// \ Vlth, Assisted by the following Artistes, Miss KATE WILSON, the populor Ballad Singer. Miss LOUISE STARKEY , the beautiful Song stress, who will appear each evening in a choice se lection of the most popular Songs, Duetts, Ballads, Ac., of the day, together with Master T. J. PEEL, the worid-renowned Bur lesque Fancy Dancer, late of the Campbell Min strels, who will appear in a variety of his celebrated Dances. Tickets, 50 cents; Children, half-price. Doors open at 7, to commence at 74 o’clock. James Norris, Manager. <iec9 T. SHELDON SKIDMORE, Ag’t. THREE GREAT CURIOSITIES. At Alasouic Hall, Room No. 4. THE SMALLEST AND TALLEST LADIES IN THE WORLD. THIS wonderful Exhibition of Human Curios ities is now open The ever Volatile and Fas cinating Little Lady, Mr£>. ELLEN BRIGGS, Who is 33 years old, and 35 inches high, will give her Levees Every Day. This small specimen is exhibited in connection with the Nebraska Giantess, Miss S. M MOREHOUSE, Who is the tallest Lady in the world—seven feet in height. Gen. GIFFORD, The smallest Gentleman now living. 25 years old, and only 40 inches in height. He is of beautiful form and a perfect gentleman,—a great favorite of the Ladies. All will be pleased on seeing the little gentleman. Admission 50 cents. Children half price. Doors open from 10 to 1, from 2 to 6, and from 7 to 10 o’clock. J 9 MONEY STOLEN. THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS will be given to any person who will deliver to Cha s. J. .Jenkins, of Augusta, or to the under signed in Charleston, tho undermentioned Bills, which were stolen from him on the Georgia Rail Road cars, on the night of tho seventh instant, be tween Carnaek and Berzelia, and the further amount of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars, will be given lor the detection and conviction of the thief. Twenty Bank Notes of one hundred dollars each, chiefly on the Banks of Charleston and Columbia, South Carolina. Several Bank Notoa of fifty dollars each, on the above Banks, to the extent of about fifteen hun- I dred dollars. The remainder, in Notes of various Banks of feouth Carolina, consisting of twenty’s and ten’s, in all five thousand one hundred and sixty dollars. J. W. M. BERRIEN, Agent for Farmer’s A Exchange Bank of Jec9 d6cl Charleston, SouthCarolfh'a. We Publish this day, December 11, 1@54. FANNY FERN’S NOVEL, KUTIi H ALL, A TALE OF DOMESTIC LIFE. 400 pp. 12 mo. Cloth. Price, $1.25. Every body knows fanny fern ; every body has laughed and cried over her sparkling, dashing, truthful,gonial writings; every j body will wish to read this, her first novel, and eve- \ ry one who does road it will pronounce it her great- ! est work. Says an able critic who has read the proof sheets, ‘‘Ruth Hall is a work which not only exceeds any thing which Fanny Fern has before written, but which in many respects surpasses any other work, whatever. For intense and sustained interest ol narrative, for originality of conception and treatment, for scorching sarcasm and wither ing rebuke ol pretensions and hipocrisy, for eleva tion of moral tone and winsouieness of religious inculcations, for vigor, freshness, simplicity, di rectness and fascination of style, we have never seen its equal. * * * Thestory takes possession of our heart at once; we follow ‘Ruth’ through her trials with as much interest as though she were our own sister; she breathes not a sigh, she suffers not a sorrow, which the reader does not feel as acutoly as though the first came froth his own heart, and the second were one of his own sad experiences The characters are such as we are constantly meeting in every day life; and how boldly and skilfully they are drawn, how power fully the story is told, how touching is i*s pathos, how sparkling its wit, how irresistable its humor, how severe its satire, and how true its moral, no adequate idea can be gained except by reading it.” Ruth Hall will be for sale by Booksellers gen erally. To any one sending us the retail price, we will send a copy of the work by mail, post paid. Published by MASON BROTHERS. decß d6el 23 Park Row, New York. CLOAKS AND TALMAS. THE attention ot Ladies is called to an invoice of handsome Cloaks and Talmas, just received. —also — Alexander’s Kid Gloves, Black and Co’ored. J. K. BANCROFT, _deeß _ _ Next to the Bank of Augusta. PENMANSHIP. WK. SADDER will open his Glasses the first • of next week. All who wish to write an elegant hand, with a trifling expense, should make hemselves interested. Call and examine speci mens, Ac., at the Howard House. 5 dec7 NOTICE. ALU persons owing the late firm of J. Taylor, Jr., A Co , are requested to call and settle. All notes and accounts not paid immediately, will be placed in the hands of an Attorney for colletion _dec7 tJal J. TAYLOR, Jr., A CO. ON CONSIGNMENT. 1 E\( I>I ? iCES heavy Gunny Cloth, old irnpor- A tation. For sale by dec7 f 6 D’ANTIGNAC, EVANS A CO. LIIS. BEST DRY SAGE, received and for Gv/ sale low for cash, by dec7 WM. IIAINES, Druggust. ON CONSIGNMENT -12 kegs prime new Lard ; 25 ** Maryland Glades Butter. For sale by J. A. ANSLEY, PIANO FORTE AGENCY. ~ THE undersigned respectfully informs the pub lic that he has tho Agency for A Stodard and J. B. Dunham's (New YRrk) celebrated PIANO FORTES. Every instrument is warranted, and can be purchased at the Manufacturers’ prices, decl d7 CHAS. ZOGBAUM, Augusta. GEORGIA RAIL ROAD STOC K FOR SALE. A FEW shares for sale. Apply to BELCHER A HOLLINGSWORTH, Ne. 5 Warren block, deco dtf WINDOW glass.— A large supply of Win dow Glass, of all sizes, say from 6 by 8 to 30 bv 40, for sale at reduced prices, for the cash. _dec2 WM, HAINES, Druggist. FRANCK’S SPECIFIC, for the permanent cure of Gonnorboea, Gleet, Pain in the Loins, Gravel, Locchorrboea, Female Irregularities, Ac / This preparation contains no meeeurv ; is not un pleasant to take, and imparts a healthy tone and vigor to the whole urinary apparatus. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles fer $5. It is for sale by WM 11. TUTT, nov22 die Sole Agent in Augusta. CtH ECK Books <*' all tho Banks in the oity ; ) Ameiican Cement, or Furniture Glue, for re pairing Marble, Wood, Glass, China, and Orna mental Ware For sale by dec6 McKINNE A HALL. JOSEPH A. BEALS, HOUSE, SIGN & ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. Office in. O/d State Bank Alley , 3 d dour. Having superior workmen, is now prepared to execute work in the best style. novlß ON CONSIGNMKNT, 80 boxes ” Bird’s Eye ” LIME, an article of great whiteness, suitable for fine Plastering, from a new quarry in Cass Co. For sale by J. A. ANSLEY, Commission and Produce Merchant, Op posit Union Bank. lm novl9 DRY GOODS. Pit M. GALLAHER have received a new • supply of DRESS GOODS, which they offer to the public at greatly reduced prices. Also, a few bales of fine Red Blankets, together with a full stock of Kerseys, Osnaburgs and heavy Negro Blankets. dec3 CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. F HOLMAN it CO., near the Planters Hotel, • are now opening a large stock of Fancv, Sta ple and Common GOODS, just received from Eng land and France, among which may be found— Gilt and White China Toilet and Tea Setts; Gilt and White China Dinner Do.: Decorated Gilt and Fancy Cups and Saucers ; Bohemian and Gilt Toilet Goblets ; Fine Plated and Britannia Castors and Cake Baskets: Fine Plated and Britannia Table and Tea Spoons do. do. Dessert and Table Forks ; Cut and Pressed Goblets; Champagnes; Tum blers and Wines; Fine White Granite Dinner and Tea Sett 3, or the latest patterns, which is offered at wholesale and retail, at their usual low prices- dtf dov3o PERFUMERY, Soaps and Fancy Goods at cost Also, a fine lot of Razors at OSBORNE A WHITLOCKS, dec3 Under the U, S. Hotel. ©rarrol JlbinTtisrmrnts TO RENT. THE STORE recently occupied by Wm. M. Dow, nearly opposite the Planters Aik Hotel, and just below the Howard House, dec9 ts WM. CUM MING. TO RENT. TWO HOUSES on Centre street, near the Bridge. One of them is suitable for a Hiili Store. Apply to W M. JOSEPH, dec6 8 at Finn A Osmond's Office. TO RENT, OR FOR SALE. A COM FORT ABLE COTTAGE on Rey- 4* nold Street, with four square Rooms, and Willi Pantries on the Piaza, a large lot, and the House in good repair. Apply at HENRY DALY'S, nov2s Under the United States Hotel. TO RENT, FROM the first of October next, a Store and Dwelling on Broad Street, above the la-il Upper Market, occupied at present by B. Henry. Apply to augl7 ts THOS. DUNEGAN. TO RENT; TWO two-story HOUSES on Calhoun-st., containing 7 rooms. Bllli Two double tenement, on the same street, single story. One double tenement on Taylor street. Two two-story Houses, 7 rooms, on Fenwick-st. Four 1$ story, on Fenwick-st., fronting So. Ca. Depot. Apply to JAS. L. COLEMAN. jy2B TO RENT. FROM the first of October next, the long /jst Room in the rear of my store at present oc- JSLiii cupied by the Oglethorpe Infantry as a drill room. jylß E. fa. ROGERS. TO RENT. THE STORE, at present occupied by Mr. H. T. Poay, at the Lower Market. Apply to WM. H. PRITCHARD. septs TO RENT. THE HOUSE and spacious LOT fronting on Teliair-st., between Elbert and Lincoln ULlil streets, at present occupied by the subscriber, to whom apply on the premises. L. C. DUGAS ALSO FOR SALE, OR TO RENT, A neat family RESIDENCE, in the lower part of the city, with outhouses, such as Kitchen, Sta ble, Ac., and a front on street of 80 feet. Apply, as above to docl ttf L. C. DUGAS. FOR SALE. a-_-j A DELIGHTFUL Summer Evidence, ' A with an abundance of wood, and » fine Spring of Water, 1J miles from Hamburg, S. C. Possession given immediately. ts septl6 WANTED TO HIRE. A NEAT active Mulatto girl, from 12 to 15 years old, for which liberal wageswill be paid. Ap ply to novls WARD A BURCHARD. BOARDING. YOUNG I ADSES from the country, wishing so attend the Select School of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Griffin, can obtain beard with them, at M. W. Woodruff’s, on Reynold street, if they desire. novl2 THE SHADES. OPEN FOR TIIE SEASON. WE are again posted up. and from this out shall be prepared to wli/ V serve up to our numerous customers all that the market affords. Oysters, Game, Ac., in endless quantitiy—and with the celebrated Auchy at the head of our cooking department, we hope to merit a share of that liberal patronage heretofore bostowed upon us. GEO. PLUMB, Proprietor. N. B. Lunch, as usual, served up at 11 o’clook of Steak, Mutton Chop, Hash, Tripe, Liver, Baked Beans, Soup, Ac. The Augusta, Savannah, Charleston and North ern papers on file. nov!4 ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL. MR. T. H. HOLLEYMAN, assisted by Miss Mary F. Holleyman, proposes to open a Boys and Girls on Monday, 13th of No vember, in the School Rooms previously used by Mr. Symn es and Lady Miss Mary Holleyman, a graduato of Barham villo Female College, S. will conduct the Female Department. Mr. Holleyman is a graduate of South Carolina College, and has been engaged in the business of teaching for several years. lie proposes to prepare boys tor the junior class of any College, or for entering into the active duties of life. Great attention will be paid to the moral culture of the pupil. Mr. Holleyman refers to the following gentlemen, from whom he has testimo nials : S. B. Clark, M. D., Col. E. B. Gresham, Col. A. C. Walker, Judge J. W. Casswoll, A. 11. Anderson, Esq. and John D. Mongin, Brotheruville. Edward A. Eve, M. D., W. J. Mims, George W. L. Twiggs, Wnr H. Baldy and Thomas E._Greenwood, Esqrs., Twiggs Academy. Dr. Joseph A. Eve and Rev. J. E. Evans, Augusta, Rates of Tuition as adopted by Mr. Symmcs, SB, sl2 and sl6 per quarter. Mr. H. respectfully solicits encouragement. dtJanl oct24 SELECT SCHOOL. A SELECT English and Classical School will be opened in the School Rooms, opposite the Methodist Church, on the corner of Green and Jackson Stroets, at the close of the prevailing epi demic, under tho charge of Mr. D. F. Griffin, A. M. The course ot instruction will be thorough and practical. Young men will be fitted for any stage of their collegiate course. Book-keeping, both by Single and Double Entry, will bo taught practi caly. A Female Department will also bo opened, by Mrs. D. F. Griffin, at the same place. The course of study in this Department will embrace all those branches usually taught in the highest Female Seminaries. , , RATES OF TUITION PER QUAR" ER OF 12 WEEKS. Primary Class .$ 8.00 Common English Branches 10.00 Higher 12.00 Latin and Greek 16.00 References.— Messrs. Thos. Snowden, Josiah Sibley, Gen. G. W. Evans, T. W. Timmerman, J. n. Anderson, Augusta. John Usher, E. J. Buckmaster, M. A. Ransome, A. M. Benson, J. A. Houston, Hamburg. d-ts oct24 SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. MW. WOODRUFF, Agent for this long and • favorably known Company, would respect fully announce to the public generally, that be is prepared to take FIRE RISKS on as favorable terms as any Agency in the city. Augusta, Nov. 18, 1854. novl9 NOTICE. THE subscriber begs leave to inform the citi-’ zens of Augusta and its vicinity, that he will give instruction on the Piano Porte, and flatters himself that by prompt attention he will merit the approbation of all who favor him with their pat ronage. Refers to Messrs. J. P. Setzo and P. Brenner. Orders left at Mr. Sotze’s Store will be promptly attended to. nov23 d3m A. BRENNER. VERY DESIRABLE PROPERTY "AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscribers offer for sale the PLANTA TION of the late Hon. Geo. McDuffie, situa ted in Abbeville District, known as the Flatwood’s Plantation, containing Four Thousand Acres (4000) more or less, and bounded by lands of Haskell, Norwood, James Calhoun and Belser. This pro perty is too well known to need any particular de scription ; it has on it some of the best Cotton and Gram land in the State,-about Three Thousand (3000) acres «f which are cleared,-the balance well wooded — also — About two hundred and thirty (230)strictly prime Negroes, belonging to the same estate, together with the Stock, Provisions, Tools, <Sc The lands may be treated for separately at the option of the purchaser. For terms, which will be made very accommoda ting, apply to Mr. Burt, at Willington P. 0., Abbe ville District, or to Col. Singleton, at Fiat Rook P. 0., Henderson co., N. C. Mr. Burt will give any further information that may be desired, and will exhibit the premises. ARMISTEAD BURT jy 15 t M.R. SINGLETON. H. A. BROOKS, HISTORICAL AND PORTRAIT PAINTER, Constitutionalist Range, Mclntosh Street navlO AUGUSTA, GA. La ca r d.| POULLAIN, JENNINGS & CO AUGUSTA, GA. (*rocei\s k Commission Merchants Antoine Pouli.ain, | Thomas J. Jennings, , Isaiah Purse. SALT. 3/ 4/ W j SACKS Cape de Verdes Salt, in 2 )\J\J\J bo3hel sacks, a prime article for Plan ters’ use, for sale on consignment. —A L«SO 2,000 Gunny Bags. J. B. GUIEU, novlO ftf General Commission Merchant. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! ! CLOTHING ! \ MR. W. CL YGETT.of the House of Messrs PIERSON, JENNINGS & CO., who is at the Charleston House, will fill all orders sent to that House, from North Carolina, South Carolina; Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama. oet6 3m PIERSON, JENNINGS & CO. JUST RECEIVED, at OSBORNE * WHIT LOCK’S, beautiful Real Jet Goods, such as Breastpins; Bracelets; Crosses; Necklaces, Ac. deo3 If ©riu'ral Jlirntrliarmritls. FAKE KEDUCIp7~ UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. NEW YO R VANX AH . [SEMI-WEEKLY.J The new and splendid side-wheel Steamships : FLORIDA,... .1,300 tons. Capt. M. S. Wood hui.i., ALABAMA, . .1,300 tons. Capt. C. R. Schenck, AUGUSTA 1,500 tons. Capt. T. Lyon, KNOXVILLE. 1,500 tons.Cinat C. D. Ludlow, Will leave Savannah every Wednesday and Satur ay- These ships are among the largest on the coast, unsurpassed in speed, safety or comfort—making their passages in 50 to 60 hours, and aie command ed by skillful and polite officers. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin passage, S2O Steerage passage, 8 PADELFORD, FAY A CO., Agents in Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCHILL, F ARE REDUCED! (•bin Passage from Charleston to N. York, S2O. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. NEW YORK A CHARLESTON STEAM PACKETS NASHVILLE, ) M. Berry, 1500 tons. ( Commander. MARION, ) W.J. Foster, 1200 tons, j Commander. JAMES ADGER, )S. C. Turner, 1500 tons. ) Commander. SOUTHERNER. 1 Thomas Ewan, T 1000 tons. J Commander. HESE Steamships are built ex pressly for the line, and for safe ty, comfort and speed are unriva!led on the Coast. Table supplied with every luxury; attentive and courteous Comman ders, will ensure Travellers of this Line every pos sible comfort and accommodations. Cabin Passage S2O Steerage 8 For Freight or Passage, having elegant State Room accommodations, apply to HENRY AIISSROON, Agent, pov3 Charleston. S.C., CHARLESTON TO PHILADELPHIA Through in 45 to 50 Hours,-Fare S2O MEALS INCLUDED. AMERICAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LINE. STEAMSHIP QUAKER CITY, Capt. Hodgdon.^^^^^^^lßo0 Tons Burthen The above new and magnificient Steam Ship, built expressly for this route, is one ot the largest on the American Coast, and is unsurpassed if equall ed for speed, strength, comfort, or accommodations. Sailing days from each jmt, as follows. From Philadelphia, From Charleston, Saturday, Dec. 2d, Saturday, Dec. 9th, “ Dec. 16th, “ Dec. 23d. Dec. 30th, ** Jan. 6th, Agents in Philadelphia, Heron A Martin 37j North Wharves. Agents in Charleston, Holmes A Stone y, Boyce Ac., Wharf, All produco consigned to the Agents in Charleston will bo forwarded to Philadelphia, free of commis sion nov7 -f6m FOR NEW YORK OR PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia and Savannah Steamship Line. Carrying the United States Mail. CHA^^^^m^ULE. THE Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad connects at East Point with the Macon and Western Rail road. Through from Montgomery to Savannah in 30 hours. Leave Montgomery at 8.30 P. M. Arrive at East Point at 8.20 A. M. Leave East Point at 8 45 A. M. Arrive at Macon at 2.30 P. M. Leave Macon at 4.30 P. M. • Arrive at Savannah at 2.30 A. M. Fare from Montgomery to West Point,. .$3.50 “ “ West Point to East Point, 3.25 “ “ East Point to Savannah, 8.00 This Line consists of the well known first class Steamships STATE OF GEORGIA, Capt. J. J. Garvin. KEYSTONE STATE, Capt. R. Hardie. In strength, speed, and accommodations, these ships are unsurpassed, if equalled, by any on the coast. River navigation, 100 miles. Two nights at sea. Sailing days, every Wednesday, from each port. AGENTS. In Savannah, C. A. L. Lamar, Corner Drayton and Bryan Streets. In Philadelphia, Heron A Martin, 37* North Wharves. In New York, Scranton A Tallman, 19 Old Slip, near foot of Wall Street. STATE OP GEORGIA. Will leave Savannah, July 12th a®d 26th, August 9th and 23d, September 6th and 20th, October 4tn and 18th, Nov. Ist, 15th and 29th, December 13th and 27th. H. C. SCOTT, - MOBILE AND MONTGOMERY STATES AIAIL LINE. CONSISTING of the followinl^^^^^^^^ 3 fast running Passenger Steamers, viz : MESSENGER, MAGNOLIA, CUBA, CREMONA and EMPRESS. The above oats, carrying the U. S. Mail, will commence their regular trips on the Alabama ri ver on the FIRST OF NOVEMBER next—lea ving Mobile daily and Montgomery daily, on the arrival of the Trains of Railroad Cars, and connect ing daily at Montgomery with the Cars and at Mo bile with the New Orleans Mail Boats. One of the above boats will leave Selma on the downward trip at six o'clock A. M. The above Steamers will be commanded by able aged experienced Officers, who vill use every exer tion to secure the comfort and safety of passengers. The rat S 3 of freight by the above boats will not exceed Fifty Cents per barrel, and One Dollar per bale of cotton. For freight or passage, having elegant accom modations, apply on board, or to oct24 d«kc6m COX, BRAINARD & CO. FOR PALATKA, EAST FLORIDA. Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Mary's, Jackson ville, Picolata, and Middleburg. THE steamers, WM. GASTON, k Captain Thomas E. Shaw, and ST.JOfIN, Capt. Jas. Freeborn, will leave Sa vannah every Monday and Thursday morning, at 10 o’clock, for the above place. The St. Johns is a new boat, built expressly for the trade, with largo and airy State Room accommodation, and taking the inland route, offers superior facilities for inva lids and others. For further particulars enquire of CLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM, Agents. Savannah, March 1, 1854. mar 14 WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, WM. K KITCHEN isassociated with us as a partner in all our concerns from this date. HAVILAND, HARRAL A RISLEY, New York. HAVILAND HARRAL A CO., Charleston, S. C. HAVILAND RISLEY k CO., January 1, 1854. Augusta, Ga. HAVILAND, RISLEY A CO., are my duly au thorized Agents to transact any business in which I am interested during my absence from the State. My notes and accounts willb' kmndat their store. X. KITCHEN. Augusta, Feb. 12,1854. ts H. O’NEILL & CO , On J acksonst., opposite the Globe Hotel. HAVE this day received from New York, a choice assortment of GROCERIES, viz : 50 bags old Government Java Coffee; 50 kegs Goshen Butter; 50 kits Salmon; 50 “ No. I Mackerel; 50 half kits No. 1 Do ; 25 bbls. Crushed Sugar; 25 “ Powdered Do.; 50 “ White Coffee Sugar; 25 “ Red Onions; 10 “ White Do.; 100 boxes Candles; 50 “ Starch ; 50 “ No. 1 Soap; 25 hhds. Sugar; 1500 sacks Salt; To which they invite the attention of their friends and the public generally. Also, on consignment, a superior 60 saw Colton Gin, made by Oglesby £ Bro-, that will be sold a great bargain. dec 5 GUNS ! GUNS ! » DOUBLE-BARREL Shot Guns, at all prices and of all qualities. One very fine English Double Gun, in case, complete. For gale by decs ' CLARK A CO. KEYSTONE STATE. Will leave Savannah, July 19th, Aug. 2d, 16th and 30th, September 13th & 27th, October ilth and 25th, November Bth and 22d, December 6th and 20th, January 3d, 1855. fottcrifs. GREENE AND PULASKI MONUMENT lotteries. Managed,drawn, and prizespaid by the wellknown and responsible firm of GREGORY it MAURY. Sales Close each Day at two o'clock. Drawn Numbers of Class 2113, at Savannah, Dee 0 51 56 35 21 32 54 12 18 30 53 14 50 EXTRA CLASS 70, by Delaware 284, on Tuesday, Dee. 12. SPLENDID SCHEME. $20,000. 5 prizes oi SIO,OOO ; $3,340: 20 of SI,OOO, Ac., Ac. Tickets $5 —Shares in proportion. Class 296 at Savannah, Wednesday, Dec. 13. ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL SCHEME. $9,000. $3,000’: $1389; SI,OOO, Ac Tickets $2. Shares in proportion. Risk on a package of 25 Qaar ters $7.40. EXTRA CLASS 80 by Delaware 288, oh Satur day, Dee. 16th. BRILLIANT SCHEME. $35, 647. 2 prizes of $15,000 ; 2 of $7,000 ; 2of $3 500 • 2 of $3,000 ; 50 of SI,OOO, Ac , Ac. Tickets $lO. Shares in proportion. JOHN A.MILLEN, Agent, On Jackson street, next the Globe Hotel. All orders from the city or country strictly con fidential. dec2 SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOT TERY. (By Authority of the State of Alabama,) conduct ed on the Havana plan. CLASS H. ’ To be Drawn on the 30th of December, 1854 Capitals $7,500 “ 6,000 “ 1,500 In all, 228 prizes, amounting to $30,000 Tickets $5 —Halves and Quarters in proportion. Every prize drawn at each drawing. Bills on all solvent Banks taken at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, Sign of the Bronze Lyons. Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 1, 1854. H. O’NEILL fit. CO , GENERAL COMMISSION SIERCHANTS, AND Dealers in Produce, Groceries, (s•«’., Augusta, Ga. TIIHE UNDERSIGNED having formed a I COPARTNERSHIP, under the style of II O’NEILL A CO.,as GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Dealers in Produce, Groceries, Ac , inform their friends and the public, tfyat they have taken commodious stores, next to M. P. Sto vall’s Ware House, for the storage and sale of Grain, Flonr, Bacon, and other Produce, on Jack son street, which runs directly from the Railroad Depot via the Globe Hotel, to the River. Liberal advances made on consignments, and they hope, by strict personal attention to business, and the interest of their friends, to share their pat ronage, HUGH O’NEILL, N. C. TROWBRIDGE. N. B.—Orders for Goods promptly attended to. nov23 CARPETS, RUGS, &c. JK. BANCROFT has just received, per steam • er Marion, a large invoice of CARPETS, MATS, Ac., consssting of— Sup. English Three-Ply, handsome patterns ; Tapestry Velvet, elegant styles; Tapestry Brussels, beautiful patterns and colors ; Sup. English Ingrain ; English Brussels ; Rich Velvet Rugs; Tufted do.; Tapestry do. —also— 5-8, 3-4, 7-8 and 4-4 Venetian Stair Carpet; Matting, Drugget; together with Carpet Bindings; Stair Rods ; Tacks, Ac. These Goods have been bought at the late New York sales, and will bo sold astonishingly low— some among them as low a3 31c. and 50c. nov2l SOMETHING NEW IN AUGUSTA. A SHIRT STORE, ONE door North of the Mechanics’ Bank, and a few doors below the Augusta Hotel, where Gentlemen, by leaving their measure, can have Shirts made up to order of the best materials, in the latest fashion, and Danskin's celebrated pat tern. Wash. A. Danskin is the original inventor of the system of cutting Shirts by measurement. Danskin’s pattern has received the unqualified commendation of Gentlemen in all parts of the Unitod States, and has been pronounced perfect. The superiority of Danskin’s Pattern over all the late imitations of it, is universally acknowl edged, the buttons are faithfully sewed on, and the yoke is neatly fitted to the neck and shoulders without seams, and consequently does not chafe or annoy the wearer. —also, for sale— A superb stock of Furnishing Goods, of the new est styles, such as— Under-shirts and Drawers, of Silk, Cotton and Wool; Shoulder Braces, Dressing Gowns; Smoking Coats ; Russia Belts; Suspenders : Traveling Blankets and Shawls ; Siik, Cotton and Woollen Half Hose ; Gloves; Fur Top Gauntlets; Cravats and Handkerchiefs, ready hemmed ; Napoleon Ties; Opera Ties; Stocks; Canes; Umbrellas; Soap, and Perfumery ; And a great variety of other Goods suitable for Gentlemen. Shirts sold for Cash only. novl4 d3m CHAS. W. HERSEV. A NEW DRY GOODS STORE. An entirely fresh and new Stock of Goods. BROOM it MORRELL HAVE opened at the store recently occupied by Broo*l> Brown, (opposite the Augusta Bank, a varied and complete assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, suitable for the Fall and Winter seasons, and < bracing all the newest styles, and most desirable Goods of the season, every article of which is en tirely fresh and new, and will be offered at the lowest possible advance on Now York costfor cash. They would respectfully solicit a .-hare of public patronage. Additional supplies received weekly. novl7 . lmo CARPETINGS. PRINTED and Plain Baizes, for Crumb Car pets and Floor Cloths, just received by J. P. SETZE, to wit: Low priced Cotton and Wool Carpeting ; Low priced all Wool Do.; Scoth Ingrain Wool Carpeting, at 87$ cts.; “ “ “ “ SI.OO “ “ “ “ 1.12} Three Ply “ 1.25 “ “ “ 1.37} “ . “ “ 1.50 6-4 Green Baize; 6-4 Printed Drugget; 10 4 Printed Drugget; 16-4 do. Do; 5-8, 3-4, 7 8 and 4-4 Venetian Carpetings, for stairs; Hearth Rugs, binding and thread to suit the same novl7 CLARK St CO., Dealers in Watches, Jewelry’ Silver Ware. Guns, Cutlery and Fancy Goods have now in store a fine stock just received, to which they call the attention of their friends and customers. decs Jarnwro, (Elrrlian. are requested to announce Sim e on Wallace as a Candidate for Re ceiver of Tax Returns for Burke County, at the election to be held in January next. deC5 BF^Z Wf are authorized to announce PfT ter McMahon, as a Candidate for Coroner of Richmond county, at the ensuing elec tion in January next. dec^ tSjtf Zfgf-cs We are requested to announce J. L. Q Cheti as a Candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns ol Richmond county, at the ensu lug election. nov3o* £*f We are authorised to announce Alexaneer Philip as a Candidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Rich mond county at the ensuing election. nov22 TSF TjSa We are authorized to announce Mid. dleton Skauo as a candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election in January next novl4 Flection Notice—We are authorised t 0 announce John A. Bohler as a Candidate for re election to the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Richmond County. Election Notice Please announce William V. Keener as Candidate lor Tax Collector, at the ensuing election in Janu- ART Sext. novl ‘ Sf*" > Election Notice.—We are requested to announce John B. Coarse y as a con uidatc lor Tax Collector of Richmond County at the ensuing Election. Many Voter Election Notice.—W e are requested to announce Wm. Skinner as a Candi date for Tax Collector of Richmond county at the ensuing Election. cctl9 ts Hie Voters of Warren County. „J^ ,CAJAH Rogers is a Candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Warren county, at the election in January next. novl Election Notice.—We are authorized to announce Franklin G. Godbee a Candidate for Tax Collector of Burke county, at the ensuing election. oebi Many Vote**. jt action Sales. BY S U C GRENVILLE & CO~~~ THIS DAY (Tuesday) at 10} o’clock, the sal. at at Simpson s Stable will be resumed when will be sold— 0^, 1 t N ‘ gro “ : m °° Fis, “" > ■' BY CE. GIRARDEY &CO vSg® TO-MORROW. (Wednesday) will be sold, ir. front disposed ° C, ° Ck ' AM> if not Previously 1 J >har ea Clinch Loan Association Stock. deol2 By C. E GIRARDEY & CO. W ifl , FOR SALES Vpv aold> on the fir?t Tuesday in JANU. ; t ,u. h °,ir' r “*?«; ■p‘l booodoJ b, T.lfcii, Street Houston, and South by Walker Streets“ aU hav mg a front on Houston Street of forty, one feet and running back eighty-three feet. The above property can bo treated for at private sale Terms made known on the day of sale, dec7 . id p, McMAHON BY C. E. GIRARDEY & OOf" Temporary Administrations Sale. '• v On FRIDAY, the 15th day of December next, in front of the Store opposite the Eagle A Phoenix Hotel, late Store of Pantailisft.sKa>o&, deceased wiii be sold, agreeably to an order from the Hon orable Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, | the entire StocK in Trade, and Perishable arti | cles belonging to said deceased, consisting in m part, of— feN Sugar; Coffee; Bacon; Lard; Butter; Soap Candles: Starch; Rice; Pepper; Tea; Salt; hi ■ mors Wines. Tobacco; Segars; Shoes Hats Caps. Dry Goods: Cutlery; Hardware Willow Glass and Crockery Ware Al..so3§Hj FaHey Goods ; Agricultural Implement*, Ac ALSO"— • . Wagon ; Buggy ; Horse and Harness —ALSO— Household and Kitchen Furniture, o’* every ser- M viceable description. Terms, cash on delivery - i nov2s M AQDALENA SIMON, Tern, Adm'x,„ M I posed to patronize the Citizens' Mill*let < ni f earnestly request you to send your Grits to’the M>t! from daylight till 12 o’oloek. You will at on« e see the great importance to me of this request. It IS a very groat inconvenience to be raising and shutting down on }, } or bushel, as often comes to Mill, t have been driven to close calculation and as I have but one power : eithorthe Saw Mill o,• —' Machinery must occupy this power after 12 o'clock Hence it is. I respectfully make the request, and solicit your generous support. Those who prefer to come in the evening, can do so, and cali for the Meal next morning, which I should greatly prefer as it gives closer oiiarters to work in at niirbt than at the Saw. Orders can be filled for Post Oak, Red Oak and Hickory,of all sizes; WAGON TONGUE,DRAY SHAFT, Ac-, of very superior quality. A ouan titv of cheap PINE LEMBBI can be had fiL s to $8 —$8 if select#!. nov 18 J. L. COLEMAN NEW DRUG STORE IN HAMBURG. ” THE undersigned begs leave to announce Jail! to the citizens of Hamburg and vicinity that ho will open, on Monday next, the 27th .SNI inst., a well selected stock of choice MEDICINES and CHEMICALS, to which he respectfully ?„- « licits their attention. Among his assortment will be found— Toilet Articles and I erfumery ; Drugs and Chemicals : Painst, Oils and Dye Stuffs ; Brushes of all descriptions ; Glass, Putty and Varnishes. jk In compounding Medicine and in supplying Plau ,M tations, the strictest attention will be given to ih# requirements of his patrons. Being a graduate of the London College of Ph*r. 4. macy, and having had an experience of eighteen years in his business, he feels confident of sbl6 to give satisfaction to all who m&y favor with their patronago. A. RAVEN3CROFT nov26 dim Fras. G. Dana. | Hv. K. Washbcr n. DANA & WASHBURN, (SUCCESSORS TO WASHBURN, WILDER tc CO.) FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. WILL continue the above business at 114 Bay street, East of the Exchange. Orders for Bagging and Rope, and other supplies, filled promptly at lowest cash prices. Refer to Maj. W. Sanford and Gen. S.P. Myriok Baldwin county; M. Dennis, S. B. Marshall, ani Messrs, Carter A Harvey, Putnam co.; A. McAllum and Ira Peck, Twiggs co.; Maj. John S. Rowland, Cass co.; Black A Cobb and Sloan A Hawkins Rome - aug4 NOTICE. "i THE following CnECKS on the Banks of the City, were stolen from the (Georgia Railroad Depot, at Augusta, on the night of the 29th ult, the payments of which are stopped : Baker A Carswell, $86.50; M A B. Wilkinson. $227 87; G. W. Lewis, $390; M. P. Stovall, $660.15; T.W. Fleming,—; J. A. Ansley, $311.83; Doughty A Beall, $1,528.24; M. W. Woodruff, $302.89: Whit lock A Coskery, $308.64; T. W. Miller, —: a grant Chock on State Bank, Athens, $615.76. Also, about $3,000 in Bank Bills, a large proportion of which was South Csrolina money; and a Bond for SSOO of the Atlanta A LaGrange Railroad Compa ny, guarantied by the Georgia Railroad Company, dated Ist August, 1854—N0. 206. A liberal reward will be paid for the apprehen sion of the thief, or for restoration of the property. . GEO. YONGE, Gen’l. Bup’t/ Georgia Railroad, Augusta. dee 1 CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, 4p. ’ | STOCKTON A CAREY, AT the stand long occupied by Jam« Hulbert on the corner of Ellis ard Mein tosh-street*, will keep constantly on hand a good assortment of Home-made and Northern manufactured CAR RIAGES, ROCK A WAYS and BUGGIES, which they will sell at low prices and on reasonable terms They are now prepared to build to order all ar ticles in their line in a superior style. Repairing done at short notice in the best workmanlike man ® ner. They solicit patronage. aov26 HOWARD HOUSE: ~ THE subscriber takes this method of informing his friends, and the travelling public general ly, that his house is again open for the reception of private and transcient boarders ; hoping by strict attention to the wants and comforts of those around him to receive a liberal share of the public patronage. Charges moderate. novS JSm WM. H. HOWARD, Proprietor. _ WANTED. 2JOURNEYM AN TAILORB, WM. ©. FRI«S, A CO. I NOTH E—A fiuo assortment of Opera (ilames at OSBORNE A WHITLOCK'S deoß Under IT. 8. Hotel. AT HOME AGAIN. M" CUYLER A WRIGHT, DENTISTS, have re li turned, and can be found at their Office over 1 Carmichael A Bean’s Hardware Store, Broad stjiPl at all hours of the day. nov 19 ts OILA KI S SUGAR, C ANDLLS. IkC. "" " H O 100 hhls Stuarts A. B AC. Sugar. 100 boxes Adamantine Candles. 100 boxes Tobacco, various qualities. 500 dozen Blacking, different sizet, for sale low *>y IP O. A. WILLIAMS. BULK FT is.—loo dozen Boston Buckotts fr* O. A. WILLIAM'S. Shi AvH IN E H EI. rI N Patent v,*A Stretched and Cemented, single and double, | all widths, from lto 24 inches. These Belts are made from <vho!e hides of best quality of leather, long used amTapproved by the most extensive man utacturers and machinists in Georgia and adjoining States. A large stock always on hand at the Sad dlery Warehouse of SHERMAN* JESSUP A CO, WM xr n ,*■ R ute Wright, Nichols A Co., - No. 239 Broad at., second door above the Bank of Augusta. dAf3m s *pt7 SHOE FINDINGS — A large assortment ery article in the line, comprisirg, in part, French and American Lining Skins, of all colors; Sheep and Goat Binding Sk ns ; Galloons Laccts Webbs Cords; Copper, Zinc and Iron Sparables Shoe Natls and Tacks, fiat and round' every van- • ety of French Kit and Tools; Boot Trees, and Crimps; Lasts; Pegs, Ac., for sale on accommoda ting terms at the Saddlery Warehouse of SHERMAN, JESSUP A CO, Late Wright, Nichols A Co.. No. 239 Broad-st., second door above the Rank of Augusta. dAf3in septi SLOAN & CAL WELL, Importers ami Wholesale Dealers In BRANDIES, WINES, GIN, SEGARS, Nos. 17 and 19 Cheapside , Baltimore. M Chas. A. Dennis. ly jyl2 | an uoz, French Calf Skins, now arriving of favorite brauds and assorted weights warranted tresh. For sale at the Saddlery Ware house of SHERMAN. JESSL PA CO., Late Wright, N ichols A Co,, No 239 Broad-st., second door above tho Bank of Augusta. dAf3m sept7 OLD BRANDY AND PORT WINK, of th« most superior quality. Those we recouunoad highly for medicinal i urp< ses. uov22 WM. H. TUTT, bruggist,