The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, December 17, 1854, Image 1

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11l I:UIHS (JAKONER, Cflitfal iUiDittisniirnls. something new in augusta. A 11IKT STORE, O’' E luor N-.rth of the Mechanic.-*’ Rank, and a few doors below the Augusta Hotel, where Gentlemen, by leaving their measure, can have Shirts made up to order of the best materials, in the latest fashion, and Danskin’s celebrated pat tern. Wash. A. Danskin is the original inventor of the system of cutting Shirts by measurement. Danskin s pattern has received the unqualified comaie :d*».tion of Gentlemen in all parts of the baited States, and has been pronounced perfect. The superiority of Danskin s Pattern over all the late imitations of it, is universally acknoyl edgel, the buttons are faithfully sewed on, and the yvke is really fitted to the neck and shoulders without seams, and consequently does not chafe or annoy the wearer. —a !,so, for sals — A superb stock of Furnishing Goods, of the new est styles, such as— Under-shirts and Drawers, of Silk, Cotton and Wool; Shou'd* r Braces; Dressing Gowns; Smoking Coats; Russia Bolts; Suspenders: Traveling Blanket? and Shawls : Si’k,Cotton and Woollen Half Hose: Gloves; Fur Top Gauntlets ; Cravats a r.d Handkerchiof-*, ready hemmed; Napoleon Ties. Opera Ties; Stocks; Cance; Umbrellas; Soap, and Perfumery ; And a groat variety of other Goode suitable for Gentlermn. Shirts sold for Cash only. novU dSm CHAS W. HERBSY. HOWARD HOUSE. THE subscriber takes this method of informing his friends, and the travelling public general ly, that his house is again open for the reception of private and trar scient boarders : hoping by strict attention to the want- - and comforts of those around him to receive a liberal share of the public patronage Charges moderate. novS dm WM. 11. HOWARD, Proprietor. JOSEPH A. BEALS, HOI'SF, SIGN A- ORNAMENTAL PAINTEI . t Office in Old State Bank Alley , 3d door. Having superior workmen, is now prepared to execute work in the best style. novJB carriage establishment. REMOVAL. LI TIIE I? It OL L w ould respectfully -.1 inform his friends ar.d the public that he is sull alive and carrying on his old busi ness, of manufacturing and tolling ready made CARRIAGES. BAR'>U CUES, BIGGIES, Ac He also keeps on hand a large and well selected stock of Findings and other articles in his line of business, wlii< h he is willing to dispose of at mod erate profits. lie would, also, inform tho public and his friends that ho has RE Ml) VjtD BACK to his old stand, on tho corner of Reynold and Washington streets. He has given Broad street a fair trim l , but finds that Store Rent takes away the best part, of his profits, and that ho can, by removing, sell cheaper co his customers. All he asks of them is to give look at hi;- assortment, and prices, and if they do better by going further, he has no ol\jeotion3. nov!s CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, StC. STOCKTON & CAREY, 1 T the stand long occupied by James Halbert, I\ on the corner of Ellis ard Mclntosh streets, will keep constantly on hand a good assortment of Home-mad: und Northern manufactured CAR RIAGE S,b 00KA WA Y S and BUGGIES, whioh they wiil .-ell at Sow prices andon reasonable terms. They are now prepared to buiid to order all ar ticles in their line in a superior style. Repairing done at short notice in the best workmanlike man tier. They solicit patronage. nov26 SAVANNAir-MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. \ S W. WhbUllUT, Agent for this long end AI fivorably known Company, would reapect tully announce to the public generally, that he is prepared to take FIRE RISKS on as favorable term? as any Agency in the city. AugnstA, Nov. 18, 1854. ’ nov!9 2f OTICE — r pHE subscriber begs leave to inform the oiti -1 zens of Augu-ta and it? vicinity, that he will give instruction on the Piano Porte, and Hatters himself that by prompt, attention he will merit the approbation et all who favor him with their pat ronage. Refers to Messrs. J. P. Satze and P. Brenner. Orders Jett at Mr Hotze’s Store wiil be promptly attended to. nov2-'t dJm A. BRENNER. CARPETINGS. PRINTED and 1 lain Baizes, for Crumb Car pets and Floor Cloths, just received by J. P. SETZE, to wit :* how priced Cotton and Wool Carpeting . Low priced all Wool Do.; Seoth Ingrain Wool Carpeting, atß7|ct?.: SI.OO “ “ “ “ 1.1 2 i Three Ply * “ 1.25 ;* • “ * “ • “ 1.50 0-4 Green Baize; 0-4 Printed Drugget; 10 4 Printed Drugget; 16-4 do. Do.; 5-8, 3-4, 7 8 and 4-4 Venetian Carpeting?, for stain; Hearth Rug?, binding and thread to suit the same novl? WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, 1 \7.M. K KITCHEN isassociated with us as a V V partner in all our concerns from this date. HAVILAND, HAERAL & RISLEY, New York. HAVILAND IIARRAL & CO., Charleston, S. C. HAVILAND RISLEY A CO., January 1, 1854. Augusta, Ga. j RISLEY A CO., arc my duly au iborizr** Agent* to transact any business in which ' i am interested during my absence from the State. j Mv notes and accounts wilib' <oundat their store. I \A x.. T £. KITCHEN. I Augusta, Feb. 12,1554. ts V MCK'S SPECIFIC, for the permanent cure X of Gonnerhoea, Gleet, Pain in the Loins, Gravel, Locchorrhoea, Female Irregularities, Ac, This preparation contains no meecury ; is not un pleasant to take, and imparts a healthy tone and % igor to the whole urinary apparatus. Price $1 per bottle.' or six bottles fcr $5. It is for sale by WM. 11. TUTT, nov2‘2 dAc Sole Agent in Augusta. [a c a p. d | - ~ POULLAIN, JENNINGS St CO, AUGUSTA, GA. Grocers & Commission Merchants Antoine Pouli.ain, | Thomas J. Jennings, Isaiah Purse. "AT HOME AGAIN A WRIGHT, DENTISTB, have re- VV turned, and can be found at their Office over Carmichael A Bean’s Ilardwaro Store, Broad at., at all hours of the day. novlS ts rptHE Illiad of Homer, translated into English i blanck ver c e, by William Cooper, edited by Kobt. Southey, I L L , with notes, by M. A Dwight. Also, another supply ot tho following popular works Famous Persona and Places, by N. P. Wib iis, Notts's Fifty Years in both Hemispheres; Barrington's Sketches of his Own Times ;• Dana’s System of Miueraisgy. For sale by dec9 TtiOS. RICHARDS A SON. BARNUM 3 AUTOSIOGRAPH Y. t I'AIIE Life of P. T. Barnum, written by himself. A Price $1.25 Copiously illustrated by Parley lied field, Publisher In this book 1 have given the only true and the only correct account of my enterprises — Preface. Just published and tor sale at ,n p t> G] E O f5 TES * BRO. S, 3 x.* bo, Book and Music Depot, Broad-st. jV E ' v BOOKS—The Young Husband by Mrs. 1 > Grey, au bor of the Gambler's Wife and Bo som Friend; Later Years, by the author of The Old House by the River, and the Owl Creek Let ters; Caroline, a Franconian Story, by the author of Ralio Books ;• Lite of P. T- Barnum, written hv himself ; You Have Heard of them, by Q; South ward Ho. a Spell of Sunshine, by Win. Gilmore Simms. Just received and f r'sale by dec 13 McKINNE A HALL. G1 RENVILLE S ALMANAC, 1555, foTs tales ■ of Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama and Tennessee; contains Government (Executive and Judiciary) of each State ; time for holding Courts and Elections; List of Post Offices; Tax Digest, etc., etc. For sale by doe If McKINNHA HALL, Publishers. BAGGING NOTICE. ~ ~ IHAVE now in store, and for sale, 50 bales ven , iperior GUNNY BAGGING, old importation M. W. WOODRUFF. novlW Forwarding and Gen’l Corn’s Mc’ht. The Daily Constituionalist and Republic. (S.nrral Abiicrtiatitirnts. H. 0 NEILL & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Dealers in Produce , Groceries, far., Augusta, Ga. riTUIE I’XDEtI.*IG.\'ED having formed a l COPARTNERSHIP, under the style of H O’NEILL A CO.,as GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTSand Dealers in Produce, Groceries, Ac , inform their friends and the pnblie, that they have taken commodious stores, next to M. P. Sto vall’s Waro House, for the storage and sale of Grain, Flour. Bacon, and other Produce, on Jack son street, which runs directly from tho Railroad Depot via the Globe Hotel, to the River. Liberal advances made on consignments, and they hope, by strict persona) attention to business, and the interest of their friends, to share their pat ronage. IIUGH O'NEILL, N. C. TROWBRIDGE. N. B.—Orders fur Goods promptly attended to. nov23 CITIZENS’ MILL? TO those of my friends who now, and are dis posed to patronize the Citizens’ Mill, let me earnestly request you to send your Grits to the Mill from daylight till 12 o'clock. You will at once see the great importance to mo of this request. It is a very great inconvenience to be raising and shutting down on *, £ or bushel, as often comes to Mill. I have been driven to close calculation, and as I have but one power ; either the Saw Mill or Machinery must occupy this power after 12 o’clock. Hence it is, 1 respectfully make the request, and solicit your generous support. Those who prefer to come in the evening, can do so, and call for tho Meal next morning, which I should greatly prefer, as it gives closer quarters to work in at night than at the Saw. Orders can be filled for Post Oak, Red Gak and Hickory, of all sizes ; WAGON TONGUE, DRAY SHAFT, Ac-, of very superior quality. A quan tity of cheep PINE LUMBER can be had from 5 to $8 —$8 if selected. npv 18 J. L. COLEMAN. Fras. G. Dnva. | Hv. K. Washburn. DANA & WASHBURN, (SUCCESSORS TO WASHBURN, WILDER k CO.) FACTORS A\D COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. T T7ILL continue the above business at 114 Bay VV street, East of the Exchange. Orders for Bagging and Rope, and other supplies, filled promptly at lowest cash prices. Refer to Maj. W. Sanford and Gen 8. P. Myrick, Baldwin county; M. Dennis, S. B. Marshall, and Messrs, Carter A Harvey, Putnam co.; A. MoAllum and Ira Peck, Twiggs co.; Maj. John S. Rowland, Cass co.; Black A Cobb and Sloan A Hawkins, Rome. 6m aug4 • JACKSON STREET HOSPITAL, AND SURGICAL INFIRMARY FOR NEGROES THE UNDERSIGNED have deemed it advis able to add the term “Hospital” to their Sur gical Infirmary, for though the institution is intend ed principally for cases requiring Surgical Opera tions and Surgical Treatment, its accommodation is not entirely restricted to these; —wo receive cases of any nature occurring in the Negro, provided they are not of an infections character. H F. CAMPBELL, M. D. Operating Surgeon. ROBERT CAMPBELL M. D. jy26 ts Attending Physician. REMOVED. V . ic M . GALLA II E R Have removed a few doors below their old stand, and opposite the Augusta Hotel, they are now opening a full supply FALL AND WINTER DRV GOODS, Embracing every article in the trade, which will be sold at unusually low prices. They would respectfully oalj the attention of the Ladies and the publii to their stock of DRESS GOODS and TRIM YUNGS,-an<F invite them to < call and examine them. novl4 COFFINS AND UNDERTAKING. THE UNDERSIGNED having connected the Coffin and Undertaking business with his es- ( tablisbment, calls the attention of the public to his arrangements for supplying all orders in that line. The strictest attention will be paid, and all orders | executed with promptness. j On Sundays, or nights, by leaving orders at Mr J. B. Platt’s residence, in the rear of the Store j they will be punctually attended to. « apr3o ts C. A. PLATT. ; 1/W||W \ SIKAVVBERRY PLANTS for X sale.—From this period until 15th of February i 3 a suitable time to set out Strawber ry Plants- I have a fine lot for sale, and recom mend those desiring this luscious fruit to com mence in time, in order to procure a stand. For sale at $2.50 per hundred, by dec7 WM. HAINES, Druggist. ON CONSIGNMENT— One Hundred Thousand ■ Pounds Bacon. dec2 T. W. FLEMING. E\V JiOOKS. —A System at icTrcatise, Histor i A iea! Etiological and Practical, on the Princi pal Diseases of the Interior Valley ot North Amer ica, as they appear in the Caucasian, African, In dian and Esquimaux variety of its Population, by Daniel Drake, M. D.; Notes of M. Bernard on the Blood, with an appendix, by Walter F. Atleo, M. M.; What Not, by Mrs. Mary A. Denison, illustra ted ; Cumming s Lectures on Seven Churches of Asia Minor, by Rev. John Camming, D. D.; Anew and beautifully illustrated edition of History of Crusades, their rise progress and results, by Major Proctor, of the Royal Military Academy. Receiy d and for sale by dec2 McKINNE A HALL. ‘Vj'EW HOOKS. —The Young Husband by Mrs l.\ Grey, author of the Gambler’s Wife, Bosom Friend, Ac.; Fred Vernon, or tho Victim of Avarice, sequel to Woman and her Master, by the author of Min nie Grey, Ac.; The Maid of the Saranac, by Newton M. Cflr lis: The Pride of Life, a Novel, by Lady Scott, au thor of- the Hen-Peeked Husband; Jn Doors and Out, or views from the Chimney Corner, by Oliver Optic; Illustrated Magazine of Art, for November; Graham’s Magazine and National Magazine, for December; Martyn Merrivale, Hie X Mark, by Paul Crey ton, complete; Poems and Ballads, by Gerald Massey, contain ing the ballad of Babe Arristable, printed from tho third London edition.-with several new poems never before published. For salo at GEO. A. OxVI’ES A BRO.’S, dec 1 Booksellers and Stationers, Broad-st. AUGUSTA STEAM CABINET MANUFAC TORY. / t&IARLES A. PLATT respectfully calls the attention of citizens and others ri «itiug the city, to his large and handsome assortmeut of FURNITURE, Comprising every article usual.y found in a Cabi net Warehouse. Being connected with one of the largest manufactories at the North together with my own Steam Manufactory at this place, I can supply orders equally low ss any establishment in the country, as all articles are received Horn first hands, and warranted of the best quality Con nected with the above, I have also on hand aspTen did assortment of CARPETS, Vit • English Velvet Tapestry—Cotton ; English Brussels “ Hemp, Extra Three Ply Venetian, Extra Ingrain. RUGS and DOOR MATS, a beautiful assortment; CURTAINS; CORNICES: CURTAIN L00P8; PINS, Ac. Table and Floor OIL CLOTH, of all patterns and “ widths. The above are all purchased at the lowest price and the legitimate business ol this establishment has been so well known for the last fifteen years, makes further comments unnecessary. janl2 * ly CHAB. a7 GREINER. SHIPPING A COMMISSION MERCHANT, Savannah. Ga., will give particular attention to receiving, and forwarding Merchandise, to the nterior, by River and Railroad. jc2 6m ■L C. RUPERT. MARTIN S. CASSETTY. J. T, HaKDIK JOHN T. HAHDIE & CO , C OVIWISSION MERCHAS TS . No. 85 Gravier-st., New Orleans. References —Hon J. 11. Lumpkin, Gen. W. L. C. Gerdine, Athens, Ga.; Col. John Banks, Samuel Rutherford, Columbus Ga ; John A James Mann. Madison, Ga.; James A.Nesbit, Macon, Ga.; L.J. Deuproe, Dr. W. Willingham, Lexington, Ga. James Gardner and Judge Starnes, Augusta, Ga. jy*» ly n LD BRANDY and PORT WINE, of the v 7 u- mO / 1 su P e I r ‘ < ? r quality. These we recommend I highly tor medicinal purposes. | nov22 WM. H TUTT, Druggist. AUGUSTA. U.Y. SUNDAY M,MINING,DECEMBRK 17,1-04 ©fiifret AbiirriisniuiHs FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, OF the very latest styles and importations, are now offered for sale by the. subscriber at the very lowest market price, io wit: • Plain and Fancy Colored Silks : f Extra rich and low priced Plaid Silk ; Rich Colored and Black Brocade Silks ; i 3 4 and 4-4 real French Black Silks, very glossy ; ’ Opera French Flannels, all colors; All wool Muslin DoLainee: ■ Persian Twills; Pure Lain* or all wool Plaidr, for Children’s wear; Fancy Colored and Black Shallys ; Domestic and English Prints ; French low priced and super. Prints ; Plaid and Sprigged Oil Do.; Jaconet, Lawn and Swiss Embroidered Sleeves; Rich Embroidered Chemisetts; Black Alpaca and Canton Cloths, all prices ; Ladies’ Silk and Merino Vests; French Cremeline and Embroidered Skirts ; Ladies’ Silk and Wool Sloeves ; Brown, Blue and Green Barcgr, for Veils ; 6-4 French Merinos, all colors ; 4 4 and 5 4 Fancy Plaid Ginghams; Mourning and Secound Mourning Ginghams ; Plain, Black and Colored DeLaines : Ladies’ Mourning Collars and Handkerchiefs - Ladies' White and Black Silk Hose; Ladies’ Black Spun do. Do.; Ladies’ Cotton Hosiery, a’l colors and prices ; Misses' do. Do, do. do. do.; Plain, Hemst'tched, Roviero and Embroidered Handkerchiefs; Linen, Cambric and Lawn Handkerchiefs; Real Welsh and other Flannels; Llreen, Blue, Red and Yellow Twilled Flannels; English and Domestic Cotton Do ; Bleached and Brown Linen Table Diaper; Rich Damask Table Diaper, all widths; Huckaback, Damask ami Bordered Napkins; Scotch and Russia Diapers; Gent’s Merino Shirts, a-sorted sizes; Plain and Embroidered Linen Shirt Bosom-; 12 4 Undressed Irish Linens; Pillow case Linens and Cottons; 4-4 Irish undressed round thread Linens, warranted pure and strong bleached ; 4 4 and 6 4 Plain and Lined Furniture Oil Cloths; Damask and Colored Doylies; Rich Damask Table Cloths, 12-4 and 1,3-4 ; Low priced Brown Table Cloths; Real French Piano and Table Covers; Rich and Extra Rich Marseilles Quilts; Domestic and imported Cotton Fringes. novl7 j. P, SETZE. A MONTH LOST, and still we have a largo stock of GOODS on hand that we are anxious to dispose of rt wholesale or retail on terms that can hardly fail to be satisfactory. L. HANCOCK A CO., novlfi 210 Bioad Street, j ~ SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL ! PAINTING. CIHE subscribers would respectfully inform tho X citizens of Augusta that they have aommenc ed business, in the above line, at their shop, on the South Broad Street, three doors above Centre. They are prepared to execute all stylos, in imitation of different woods, marbles, Ac They solicit a share of patronage; and all orders, left at their shop, will meet with prompt attention, and executed in a manner, they feel assured, will give satisfaction. They would refer to Messrs W. 11. Goodrich, John Bones, J. W. Davis Robert F. Poe,|'H. 11. Camming, Isaac Henry, James Harper, George Young, George 11. Crump, D. B. Plumb, Dr. I. P Garvin, F. Lamback, J. Davison, A Swarp. and Drs. H. A R. Campbell. hi?. BAKE It A CO, may 23 , 6m AUGUSTA & WAYNESBORO' RAILROAD. UNTIL further notice, trains will leave Augusta at 7J, a. m , and 8, p. m.; returning, will i leave Millen at 2j, p. m and 11$, p. m., connect ing with the day and flight Passenger Trains on 1 the Central Railroad, which leave Savannah at 8, ! a. m. and 7, p. m., nd leave Macon at 7f,a. m.. and 4j, p. m. Passengers for Milledgeville, Eatonton, Ogle thorpe, or Coiumbus, should take the night Train, to avoid detention. Freight will becarrie i by tho Day Train, mak ing it an Accommodation Train, except on Sun days, when it will run as a Passenger Train, exelu sively, leaving Augusta at 9 a. m, and Millen at 2j p. m., arriving at Augusta at 5j p. m. je22 ts WM M. WADLEY, Gen, Sup GEORGIA RAILROAD. LEAVE AUGUST a daily at 6. A. M., and at 6, P. M. Arrive at Augusta daily at 5.30, A. M., and at 11.30, P.M. Leave Atlanta daily at 1.30, P. M., and at 7.10, P. M. Arrive at Atlanta daily at 4.00, A. M., and at 5.00, P. M. Connecting with Athens Branch Trains, Leaving Union Point daily (Sundaysexcepted) at 1.15 and at 11.20 A. M. Arriving at Union Point daily (Sundaysexcept ed) at 6.50 and at 10 50 P. M. With Washington Branch. Leaving Camming daily (Sundays excepted) at 9.40, P. M. Arriving at Gumming daily, excepted) at 8.00, P.M. With South Carolina Railroad Trains, Leaving Augusta daily at 6.30, A. M. Arriving at Augusta daily at 4, P. M. j With Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad Trains, Leaving Atlanta daily at 4.30 A. M. Arriving at. Atlanta daily at 1.00, P. M. With Macdh and Western Railroad Trains, Leaving Atlanta daily at 5, P. M. Arriving at Atlanta dally at 210, P. M. Leaving Atlanta on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 7.30, A. M. And arriving at Atlanta on Monday, Wednes day, and Friday at 3.60, P. M. With Western and Atlantic Railroad Trains, Leaving Atlanta daily at 4.50 A. hi. Arriving a t Atlanta daily at 6.45, P. M. novl4 GEO. YONGE, Sup’t. AUGUSTA FRENCH BURR LULL STONE MANUFACTORY. TH E Subscriber thankful for tho T s f kind patronage re oeived.wouldrcspoo’ ' fully inform, hi,, / friends and the pub- f lio, that ho continues j- - to execute orders for his well known War- ‘ ranted French Burr . MILLSTONES, of every desired size, at j the lowest price, and SHORTEST NOTICE. He also furnishes ESOPUS AND COLOGNE ! STONES, SMUT'MACHINES, of various patents, BOLTING CLOTHS, of the best brand, CEMENT for Millstones, and every other article accessary in a Mill. All orders promptly attended to. jar. 3 ly WM. R. SCHERMEB.. IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. THE ATHENS STEAM COMPANY are pre pared to fill orders for a 1 kinds of Iron and Brass Castings, such as Mill Irons, of improve nat terns and every description ; steam Engines; Geld Mining, Forcing or Fire Pumps, and all other kinds of Machinery, caat and finished. They are casting and keep constantly on hand, Gin Gearing and Iron Fencing of various patterns, Fire Dogs, Plough Castings, Wagon Boxing, Ac. They are also prepared te fill orders for Boilers, Tanks, Ac. Repairing of all kinds of Machinery promptly executed Their portable iron Saw Milis are surpassed by none. Whilst they are grateful to former patrons, their experience and facilities, with their work furnished in as cheap, substantial and-workman-like man ner, as can be had any whore South, enables them to anticipate a large share of public patronage. ROSS CRANE, Agent. R. NICKERSON, Super't. N. B. Cash paid for old copper, and h|j|vy iron eastings. dAeflm jolt BONN, NEIMYER & CO., Wholesale Dealers in LEAF AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC SEGARS Baltimore. tE?“ All orders promptly filled. B. W. Vick. ly jyia CHEESE. —150 boxes Cheese, in store, andf' i sale by nov!2 PA VIS, KOLB A FANNING. 1 ©fitmtf -Aboi'rtiafmrnts. NEW FALL GOODS.— FULL SUPPLIES. >4* WILLIAM SHEAR | | A v received from New York his Full Supplies XJI and Staple Dry Goods, embracing a large and splendid Assortment, suitable for the Full and Winter season, among which are— Rich fancy colored Sitks of new and beautiful styes; • Plain Black Silks, in great variety of styles, and of superior quality; Rich Paris printed DeLaines and Fane v, alljW.ool Plaits; Lupin’s colored white and black Merinoes, and plain colored DeLaines; A very large Supply of small-figured, all-wool printed DeLaines, for children, of new and beautiful styles; English and American Fancy Prints, iina great variety ot styles; Superior Scotch fancy Ginghams, of new and beautiful Winter styles; Elegant French Embroideries, embracing Ladies’ Collars. Cheraizettes, Undersleeves and Hand kerchief?, of new and splendid styles; Ladies Black and Colored Cloth Cloaks and Tal mas of the latest styles; Ladies’ Rich Embroidered and Plain Paris Silk Velvet Cloaks^ A largo supply of Ladies,’ Muse*.’ and Children's Hosiery ot the best make; Ladies and Gentlemen’s Superior Gauntlet. Gloves; Ladies’ and Misses’ Meuino and Silk V ests; Gentlemen's and Youth’s Silk Merino Shirts and Drawers ; Superior Welch, Gauze, Saxony and Silx W arp and Heavy Shaker Flannels; Superior English Colored Flannels, for Ladies * Sacks; English and American Canton Flannels, of extra quality ; A very large Supply of Mqurntug Goods, lor Ladies' use, of Superior quality ; Superior 12-4 Linen Sheetings and Pilloj. Case Linens; Superior 8- / and 10-4 Table and Damask Diapers, some of extra quality ; Rich Damask Tabic Cloths and Napkins, some of extra size.; Scotch and Bird’s Eye Diapers, extra fine, for children’s wear; Heavy Scotch Diapers, and Huckabacks, for 1 Toweling; j Superior Whitney and Merino Blankets of extra size and quality; Also, a great, variety o f other seasonable artiole3 suitable for Family and Plantation use. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine the’assortment. ' . W. S. especially solicits a call from his long* eontinuod friends and patrons, and assures them that no exertion on his part will be wanting to supply them with the latest and most desirable sty It s of Goods, at the lowest prices. novß AUGUSTA HOTEL, GE(L W. P, STARK, Proprietar. fjAIIIS MOTEL is now opened for the ro- JL coptionof Travellers, and it will be the Siiu aim of the Proprietor to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. It is centrllay situated on Broad street, and convenient to the different railroad Depots. Passengers by thj Georgia Railroad, will be furnished with breakfast before they leave; those by the South Carolina Railroad, with dinner, and those by the day train on the Waynesboro' road with supper. The Furnituro, Bedding, Ac., in this Hotel is all new, and it will be the endeavor of the Proprietor to render all who may patronize him, comfortable during their stay. mar2l ts The Chronicle A Sentinel, Charleston Courier, Savannah News, Edgefield Advertiser, Chattanooga Gazette, Dalton Times and Montgom ery Advertiser, will insert the above to the amount of five Dollars, and forward bills to W. P. S., with a copy of paper containing first insertion. M ARI NE j’ FIRE AND LIFE INSUR ANCE AGENCY. C1 HARTER Oak Life Insurance Company, Hart > ford, Conn. Capital $300,000. Endorsed by the State. Will insure lives of white persons; also, Negroes, Fire an I Marine. Granite Insurance Company, New York. Capi tal, $300,000. ' J Columbia Insurance Coiupanyf-Oolumbia, S. O. i Capital, $150,000. Farmers’lnsurance Company, Utica, N. York. Capital, $200,000. The undersigned, Agent for the above Compa- ! nies, is prepared to take Marine and River Risks, ! and insure Dwollings, other buildings, household ; Furnituro, Merchandise, and personal pro- i perty.agrlast loss or damage by fire, on the most j favorable terms. J. H. ANDERSON, Ag’t., feb26 ’ Mclntosh-st., Augusta, Ga. DENNIS’ ANTI-SPASMODIC TINCTURE. 17'OR all sudden and dangerous attacks of Dis . easo, such as Fits or Convulsions; Apoplexy \ Lock-Jaw: Cramp Colic; Cholera; Pneumonia Hydrophobia; Bite of Snakes, and other danger- ( ous cases of Poisons, and all other diseases in , which immediate action is necessary. This Tiocturo-producos its effect by equalizing the circulation of the Blood, and by relieving in flammation. Its effect in relieving inflammation, either internal or external, makes it usoful in a great variety of diseases. For Fever and Ague, or Chills, it is almost an infallible remedy. ( Dilated with syrup or honey, it is useful for , Colds and all affections of the Lungs, arising from colds, such as dough, Croup, Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Ac. i As an external remody, in fresh Cuts, Wounds, Bruises. Burns, Scalds, Bite of Snakes, Sting of , Bees, or Bite of poisonous Insects, it prevents in flammation, and greatly relieves the soreness. Used as a wash in eruptive diseases, such as Scald Head, Ringworm, or diseases which cause an itching sensation upon the skin, it soon produces a healthy action. When thus used, the Georgia Sar saparilla should be taken to purify the blood. For Horses, and other animals, this article will "be found invaluable for Bruises, Cuts, Galls, Fistu la, &c. For Colic, and various other dangorous attacks, it rarely fails to cure even the worst cases. This is the most active medicine in use, yet it may be given without danger of injury. It seldom fails, in dangerous cases, to cause an immediate re action in the systoui. After i; has caused a reac tion; it may bo followed by such other medicines as tho situation of the patient tnav indicate. Prepared by J. DENNIS, M. D.. Augusta, Ga. OS'” Price $1 per bottle—Six bottles for $5. jan4 t FREE TRADE AND NO MONOPOLY. Who says Gae—or Lead Pipes ? JROWJE te CO., Plumbers and Gas Fitters, at • tho corner of Jackson and Telfair streets, im > mediately in the rear of the Baptist Church, would | like to know. j Wo take pleasure in stating that we are now j ; prepared to rain Gas and Water Pipes into Stores, ! Dwellings, Churches, Factories, Public Buildings, i Ac., at as low a rate, ot as good material and work | manshipas can bo obtained auddone in any South -1 ern city. 1 In addition to this, wo will keep a constant sup ply and procure at the shortest notice the following articles, viz: Chandeliers; Pendants; Brackets; Hall (turners; Stiff and Flexible Drop Lights; Gas Pipes of all sizes; Lead and Block Tin Pipes; Water Closets; Wash Basins, 6f various patterns; Wood Bathing Tubs, lined with copper or load ; Copper and Brass Showor Baths; Cook ing Ranges with or without water backs ; Copper and galvanized Circulating Boilers; Cast Iron Sinks f r Kitchens or Pantries, of all sizos and pat | terns ; Brass and Iron Lift and Force Pumps, of [ various patterns and sizes j AU orders left at the shop or with the Superin tendent of the Gas Works, will be personally and j punctually attended to. 1 John Rowe. [icpt6ly] G. S. Hookey. EZRAI. MOSES, Ct MMISSIOIV. and Forwarding Merchant, Sa 'vasnah, Ga , will pay strict attention tc ali [ business entrusted to his care. RKFCRFNCES t 1 Messrs. L. Trapman A Co., 1 “ Wardlavv, Walker A BußssroK, /'(Charleston “ James Adoer A Co., ) Messrs. Hall A M ses, ) .. , •• Catmn, Levitt A Co., ( iNe * lork Messrs. Purvis, Gluddkv A Co , New Orleans. “ A A Solomons A Co., Savannah Messrs. Hall A Moses, Columbus. Savannah, Oct. 25. ¥ardelliT&delaigle, i FACTORS, FORWARDING AM) COM .Ml SION MERCHANTS, Accommodation Wharf , Charleston S. ('. A GARDELI.E. | LOUIS OELaIOLE. nov 11 3 m NEGRO BLANKETS AND CLOTHS7 WILLIAM SHEAR respectfully invites the attention of Planters to his large Supply Oi Negro Blankets and Negro Cloths, which he u sell jtt v«v low prioes, cov7 IN E W DR Y GOOP S HO USE. OPENING MON DAY, 6TH NOV. THE 8L BBURIBLR would respectfully invite the attention of the Ladies of Augusta and vicinity tq the STOCK OF GOODS no ,v offered for the’r inspection, of which the foil owi igare some of the Loading Articles. BLACK AN D COLORED SILKS. In Brocade, Gros d Rhine, Grosd’ Afrique. Satin Duchiue, Plaiu Chameleon. \ ery Rich Satin Plaids and Brocade in great varie ty. * Also, Grosd’Naps. Marcelines Floronco and Taffeta Silks, Black, White and Colored Satins. DRESS GOODS. Lupins, Caslamers. Merinos and Plain DeLaines, beautiful assortment ot colors, American and French Ptjurai and Plaid DoLaines, Plaid Alpacaas.iL aid PoplißS,Plaid Raw Silks, Wool Plaids. EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. Chemizetts, Habits Puff and Mandarin Sleeves. Camhrie and Muslin Collars of new and elegant pattern. Cambric, Muslin, and Mull Bands and Flouncing in great variety. Embroidered, Plain and Tape bordered Linen C. Handkerchiefs. Cambric and Muslin Trimmings. Real Thread, Maltese, Gimpeure, Meoklin, and Valenciene Laces, some beautiful patterns lor trimming Collars. Linen and Lisle Edgings, Imitation. Mecklin and Valonciene and other styles, compris ing the largest Assortment ever offered in Au gusta . CLOAKS, MANTILLAS AND TALMAS of the latest style, Ladies Cloths for Cloaks, beautiful Shades; Long and Sqr. Plaid Shawls, Plain and Ernbroi terded Canton Crape Shawls; Cloak and Dress Trimmings, Bonnet Ribbons, Satin and Taffeta do, ami a full assortment of Haberdashery. The attention of Planters and others is called to the large Stock of Plantation Goods and Blankets, always on hand, such as Georgia Plains and Kerseys, Kentucky Jeans, Satinets. Osnaburgs, Linfleys, London Duffil Macinaw and Colored Blank ts, all prices, which will be sold very low. Terms cash! J. K. BANCROFT. noy s Three doors above Molntosh-st, next to Bank of Augusta. DEALERS IK msm mm HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, &o , &c. " BOYS’ ANI) CHILDREN’S CLOTHING, SHIRTS. COLLARS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, STOCKS, 40., Ac., Ac Which will be sold on reasonable terms. XO. 197 BROAD STREET, UNDER THE AUGUSTA HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA. J, J. CLAYTON. [may 19] A. P. BIGNON. J. A. VAN * WINKL E, ' I Next door to Georgia Railroad Bank, and one door below the U. States Hotel, Augusta, Ga. j HAS ALWAYS ON HAND A CHOICE SELECTION OF Cloths; Ca&simeres ; Vestings ; Linens; ! Drap d’Etos, Ac., Which will be made to ordfh- in the very best style, and us good as can be obtained in any establishment in the Southern Country. iry~ All G mis sold at the above Establishment are of the best qualities, and will be sold cheap. aprlS - J- A. VAN WINKLE. Broad stnet, just above the August Hotel THE subscriber has just received a large addi tion to his former stock of GUNS and GUN NING APPARATUS, which makes his assort ment decidedly the best in the city—consisting of: Doubleand Single Barreled GUNS, all sizes and prices. . Colt’s. Alion ; 3, and other REVOLVERS; also, the Single Barreled Self-cocking and RIFLE PIS TOL, steel barrels. A great variety of Powder Flasks and Shot Bags, and Game Bags, of tho finest patterns. Also, Percussion Caps, all varieties, from the j oominonG.D. to-the finest Westloy Richard's wa ter proof. Cleaning Rods, Drinking Flasks, Dog Collars, Hunting Horns, Nipple Wrenches, Ac. Ac. Pocket and Pen Knives, Razors, Bowie Knives, Dirks. Powder, by keg or in canisters, all varieties 6hot, by tho bag or retail. RIFLES and Double GUNS, of my own make, one barrel Rifle and the other Shot, a splendid shooting article. N. B.—RIFLES made to order, and all kinds of RESTOCKING and REPAIRING done in the best manner, and warranted. Also, Keys fitted and Doo Locks repaired, shortnotice. E H. ROGERS, junel6 “FAIRBANKS’ PLATFORM SCALES, LONG KNOWN— severely test- ,j««r ... ed—always right— i UjA THE ACKNOWLEDGED /§J * STANDARD! /B } General Southern Agents, j j JSpear, Weston A Co., j ]4l Pratt Street, Baltimore. oct7 Agent, Augusta, JOHN NELSON. E. L. SYMMONS, Near the Lower Market , HAS received, and is receiving, a com .. • plete assortment of Gentlemen's Fall and Wintor BOOTS. Most of these Goods m/l 1 have been made for, and selected by, my- I self, from tho best of Manufacturers. And I can ■ confidently assort, that they cannot be surpassed for stock work or fashion, in this city. To my stout Swamp BOOTS, I politely solicit the atton- j tion of country gentlemen. I also desire it to be understood, that these heavy Goods mu3t be sold , for cash only. Also, a complete assortment of 1a- i dies’, Misses’ and Children’s SHOES and GAI- I TERS. 3m novll i AUGUSTA SADDLE AND HARNESS *'! MANUFACTORY, 193 Broad Street, under the AAignsta Hotel, | AT the above Establishment can be found a large and well selected as sortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, *§**-*s£. Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, Ac., which will bo sold on accommodating terms. Work of all kinds made to order, with neatness ; and despatch. HATCH A BEGBIF, Augusta, Aug. 29 1854. aug3o RICH OARPET3 AND CURTAIN MATERIALS. WILLIAM SHEAR HAS just received from New York a Large Supply of— English Brussels Carpets, of the best quality and of new and elegant styles. English Velvet Carpets, of new and splendid styl es. Extra Three Ply, Ingrain r>nd)Venetian Carpet?. Rich Chenille Ruga, to match the Carpet? Printed Crumb Cloths, in patterns and by the yard. Rich colored Damask* and BeLaines, for Cur tains, with Gimp? and Tassels to match * Rich Lace and Muslin Curtain?, and some at low prices. Embroidered Muslin, for Curtains, by the yar,L Window Shades of beautiful stales. Superior Furniture Dimities and Fine Cotton Fringes, Gilt Cornices, Curtain Bands, and Brass and Plated Stair Rods. The Public are respectfully invited to call and examine the assortment. nov7 A. HAMILTON. ~ COTTON AND TOBACCO FACTOR, TuRWABDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. And Agent for the St. Loots, Memphis and New Orleans Packets, Nashville, Tetm. REFER TO— -I>. Weaver, Esq., Cashier Planters' Bank, Tenn ; Wesley Wheless. Esq, Cashier Bank of Nashville; George W. Lew’s, Esq , Augusta, Ga. septS 6m SALT— 1 100 sacks in store, for sale bv no? 25 GERGE W. LEWIS. FLANNELS. Plain and Twil’d. Red, all pric&>. Ditto in White, Red and White Domestic Welsh, English and American, all Wool and unshrink ing. Silk and Wool do , Colored Opera and Salisbury Flannel?, assorted Colors. MOURNING GOODS. Black Bombasins. Merinos, Muslin and , Cballeys, all of Lupin s make and warrant t ed. I Real English Bombasine, warranted. I Black Alpaccas, Canton Cloths, Gin ghams, Prints Ac. LINENS AND LINEN GOODS. Irish Linens of different makes. Soot-h and Irish Table Damask. Huckerbuck and Diaper Towels. ; Damask Table Cloths and Napkins, Crash Dowlas, _Ae-, Ac. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. Ladies English and German Hosiery. Misses ditto Whito, Slate, Brown and mixed, all i sizes Gents and Boys half Hose, Merino Hose and half Hose. Children’s Worst’d and Cotton Fancy Hose, j end and £ do , Elastic Tops. Ladies Cashmere, Philosello. Beaver and Kid Glo ves, Gents Kid Gloves, Children’s Gloves. | READY-MADE CLOTHING, j comprising, in part, Black Dress and Frock Coats; Blue. Brown, Olive, Green and j Dahlia Frocks and Sacks; Black; and Fancy Cass Pants; Black and! Fig’d. Drap d’Ete do.; Plain and fancy linen do.; a large assortment! ! of Linen, Frock and Sack Coats; j and a large stock of Vests. j | RICH DRV GOODS. “ Cheaper than the very (jheopest Cl RAV BKOTUEK'ii—Beg to inform the public, T that their Fall purchases this season have been ! unusually laroe, having boon in the Northern markets over three months this Summer, where so many large auction sales took piaoe, offering de cided advantage to close purchases. We ean con- ! Mently say that our stock is much cheaper than • the like quality of Goods could bo obtained a tew | weeks later, when the great body of Merchants went to market, our desire, owing to the very short season that we will now necessarily have, is to dis pose of this large stock independent of pro tits, and we may venture to say that wo ean offeras strong inducements as any of our neighbors, if not stronger.. In our Dress Goods Room, will be found the richest varieties of the Season, such as — Elegant Moriantigue Silks: Rioh Satin, Striped do. Very Elegant Black Plaid do Small Stripe Plaids and figured. Rich Brocade Plain Striped and Plaid, 50 cents , per yard, worth 75 cents; Plain Black Silks all widths, vory cheap; , Black Plaid Watered and Brocade, new stylos; , Whito Silks and Satins; Figured, all Wool, Fronch muslin Delaine, Icts. worth 50. French Morin 03, very oheap; Lupins best Bombazino exceedingly low* Black Jamisse, a new and very desirable, all j j Wool Goods, for mourning; Black Alapacas ail qualities, some very fine and j ; low priced; Mantillas, Cloaks and Talmas ol the very latest j French styles, exceedingly cheap; Crape, Cashmere and Woollen Shawls; Embroideries of all kinds of the most elegant description; Ribbons tor the Million, fine bonnet and nock, 61 [ 1 cents a yard, worth 20 cents. Calicoes and Ginghams, best styles cheap, Domestic Goods < f all kinds; Blankets and Kersey’s unusually low, and a great variety of other articles to which wc would res pectfully invite the attention of the public. nov2 GRAY BROTHER’S. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. j WARD «!t IJURI'IIARU are tow receiving their Fall and Winter supplies ol new and j fashionable goods, among which will be found many novelties in dress goods, as well as agenoral 1 assortment of household articles. They ask attention to the following: Paris Sacque and Opera Flannels, now shade. American Sacque Flannels, Plain and Figued- Lupins superior Merinos, all colo.s. Lupins Mas deLains, Plain Figured, andPlaius. Lupins Black and Col’d Challies, and Alpaccas. i Lupins Black da Lairs and Bombazines. Rich Color’d Silks in Brocade, Plaids and Stripes j Superior Black Taffeta and Italian Silks. 6 4 S lk Poplins high Colors, Scotch Plaids. American do Lains and Cashmeres, all the new t design, in Plaids, Stripes and figues. Beautiful French and English Prints. Highland and Rogal Plaid Ginghams, French Cashmere de’Ecosge. Scotch Wool and Silk Checks for Miss. Saxony Welsh Silk Warp and Amorie&n f lannels Embroideries, White Crape, Wool Plaid. Black Silk, Morino and Cashmere Shalli, * Besides a largo stock of House Wife and servants goods. They respectfully ask those making their winter purchases to examine their goods. Orders dromptly and faithtuliy executed. cot 15 ~~ NEW CASH STORE" j THE subscriber vtould respectfully inform the inhabitants of Georgia and South Carolina, ( I that he is now in receipt of bis supply of Fall and | ; Winter DRY GOODS, all of which have been pur j chased for Cash, in the various Northern Markets; j ; and as regards the prices at which they will be : I sold, it is unnecessary to say a word, as the reputa- j i tion of GREEN’S Store, for being the cheapest in j ; Augusta, is now firmly established. —always on hand— Bleached an«yirown SHEETINGS and SHIRT INGS, of various manufactories; French, English and American CALICOF.S, from 6* to 25 cents. GINGHAMS; MOUSLIN DuLAINES; CASHMERES; MERINOES; ALPACAS BOMBAZINES; CANTON CLOTH?-,; Plain and Plaid White Cambric Jaconet N*in i sook and Mull MUSLIN ; Plain, Plaid and Dotted Swiss MUSLINS : LACES; EMBROIDERIES; EDGINGS Cambric and Muslm TRIMMINGS HOSIERY, of ali kinds, &o &c. —also— ~£^* cular Mention P'«d to ail kinds ol Negro j HOODS and BLANKETS, such tvs white and (brown KEE.SEIS and PLAINS; heavy brown j SHIRTINGS, at djc.; London Duffil and Macinuu BLANKETS; colored do,; SATTIN F.TS ; KFN TUCKY JEANS, Ac., all of which will be sold i*,r ' cash, as low a? in any Southern market. } * ' ' E GREEN, Next door bolow Bones A Browns’ Hardware I Store septa VOL. 33 - NEW SERIES—VOL. 9.—NO. 307 ; FURNISHING GOODS. White and Colored Shirts; Silk, Merino and Cotton | Under Garments; Cravats; i ;j all kinds of Gloves ; Half Hose; Stocks; Collars; Suspenders; I and everything useful for a Gentleman’s I Outfit. of 4&oolpany. b|2 Broadway, and t In great variety, fat , crior to any other Water , not leoum'poto and become sticky'. Are cheaper, J dittotvnt from any other Gutta I‘eroha made in this country or Europe, and warranted to stand all eii* CertificateH from persona who have tested th* Goods, may He .sort, a’ the Store of ths-flompanyl Terms liberal jlj Dealers are invited tl examine these Qooda be- Orders executed to any smiim at 'short notice, fAt rioV*—Base imitation,, made cf varnished' Ir.d'a Rubber, are already being offered in the market. Therefore, purchasers should 1 ,rj ip -iad that all genuine floods are stamp* a w.tb tb» trade mark of the Company. \\ ILLI*M RIDER, Pree’L N. A. O T C/ • REMOVEDTO & 0.757 Joi iW strjeet7~7 % Established 1789. • MOTT BBOTHERB, . Fot merly at No. 2, Nassau Street , Jecccitssoßs Tn 'raaiK FAianii JORDAN MOTT, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS^ IN at;. ’ '■ FtINE WATCHES, JEWEIR.T Os all kinds, and of the latest Patters —ALSO— Diamond* in Kln&s, Pins, silver Ware, ice , &c, AH of which will he warranted. * « P 8. -The lost workmen only employed in Bo 1 nairs. Stanly * may 14 _ ~~p~K DVVARITBISeACKER’S T' STAMPEDE MIXTURE, For the Fever and Ague aint ChagresFever. rpHK PROP It IGTUB of, ' is MedicdntViU stato, 1 without hesitation or fear of contradiction, that the Stampede Mixt rt has cured more per sons, where it has been introduced, than any other medicine in nso for the above d : seases. This med icine has neither Arsenic or quinine in its compo sition, all of the ingredients are of a perfectly healthy character and highly stimulating and in. vigorating in their tendency. Persons while usinf this medicine will not be affected by exposore ta - water or a damp atmosphere no more than when in their usual health. Planters in sections of the country where the Ague prevails, will do well to adopt this medicine, aa the patient is not obliged to lay by while under freatment, and they maybe assured of a speedy ire. The Proprietor could introduce thousands of certificate? from these of the highest respectability, but pr* ers sajingtb the Sick buy one bcttle ami you w have tho infalli ble' proof in yourself. Full A reetiuns for Its use accompany each bottle. For sale at the principal ruggists every where j wholesale orders must be addressed MEAD A BLECKER, 9 Solo Proprietors. 98 Broadway, New York. Agents—Haviland, KB ley & Co., Augusta 3. S Solomon & Co., Savannah ; B. C. Carter, Colum bus; Simons, Buff A Charleston. 3> vyl2 JOHN P. KELLOGO & C 077 IMPORTERS OF BRANDIES. GINS, WINES, Ac, 44 Mater Street, John P. Kellogg, i New York. Hknuy L. Kellogg, > John N. Squires. ) aprilS NEW DRUG STORE. DR. J. M. lIIBL & CO., are offering, at their Store, the freshest and purest Stock of MED ICINES now in Augusta, and at as low prices as the same articles ean be purchased for in fmy es tablishment in tho South. Physicians, Merchants and Families have a pledge that no article shall leave tho store less pure than it came from tho packago .of tho Importer, as every article was in spected and purchased by theSorforpafdncr of the concern, an experienced praetiemg Physician. Paints, Oils, and Dyestuffs of every kind, to gether with a full assortment of fancy articles, con sisting in part of tine extracts of every description soaps|Of every variety and style, brushes for the x teeth, nails, body and clothes, with many other articles too tedious tc mention, Prcreriptkns put up with care and dispatch, everyday and night in 1 the week. Give us a call, one and all, Broad street, J Augusta, upper part .of the city. dec 15 Jji "IVyOTILK.—AII person? ’ndepted to James M.aHjM lx Simpson ar a requested to made immodiat* payment to the a adorsigDed ; and all persons hav ing claims against him will please present the same. ' JOSEPH S. CLARK. ALBERT HATCH, septl4 Assignee. STOVES, GRATES AND HOUSE FUR NISHING GOODS. TH K undersigned desire again t» call the attes- ' don of purchasers to their stock of Stovea, Grates and House Furnishir.g. Goods, generally, | which is now known and nnivcr. ; aliy admitted to 3 be much the qio t extensive in the ,-ity. Wo av* now in Store a large and general assortment ef—"’l flood Stoves; Ofhco do.; Hall and Parlor do ; Parlor Grates. 40 different patterns , Ranges and Coal Stoves; Plated, and Britannia Ware; Plain and Bright Tin Ware , . ”'*'l Fine Table Cutlery; Wooiand Widow Ware; Furnishing Hard V are; Japanned Were; Lifting and Fores Pumps, do., <%0.; Together with a tall and complete stock cf Tin- ™ nera’ floods, such as Tin plate, ail kinds; Sheet Iron; Wire; Block Tin; Pig Lead ; Bucket Bara; A Rivets; Sheet Copper; Sheet Zinc; Preaid Cov- 1 era, Ac , all of which we offer at wholesale or re tail, on the most favorable terms. „ L .‘ft AN COCK & CO, 4 NEW AND FASHIONABLE GOODST"" j WM. O. PRICK a: CO-, Drapers and Tailors, are now prepared to ftfieute any and all or ders in their line of business, having this Foil re ceived an unusual and choice selection of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, which they will make up to order in the raort modern and approved style. Clo thing —-Our stock emb aces all the modern styles of Garments, got up by tho most experienced mechanics, and at prices that must please al! that i cun appreciate. We have also all other article* in our Um o t i business, such as Hosiery, unbracing ail the j manufacture ; Gloves, do.; Neck Dressing cb> , >tnds#W >. all the articles ustfulfor the Oentlemen’s Ward j robe. 258 Broad-st. SADDLERY, fico , FALL TRADE, 1864. SSiEit MA N , J EBSV 1* Sr < tt., (I.ATK WRIGHT. .NICHOLS * 00,1 Kti I \tl increased tbc-ir facilities, and p-met ed their arrangements for manuSacmring and importing, ant now prepared to exhibit an unusaiyl ally varied and extensive assortment of Buddies, Bridles, Harness, Whips, Trunks, Valict a/; Carpet | Bss:?, in every description of flood? in that lise.J|| Al?o, a heavy stock of Saddlery Hardware, o..a;"h Trimmings, Springs, Axles. Castings, <tc. y»hicn are offered to dealers and manufacturers at low prices, and upon tboir usual liberal terms, sot approved credit d.tGbn HP P t * FHINIZY &. CLAYTQN. " \V \IIiIHOUSE AND COMMISSION ML'RCIIANId. Ai srsrA, OA.